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J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(3): e2023025, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509955


Human disturbances affect the macroinvertebrate populations in coastal regions. They respond to disturbances by altering their density and behaviour. Therefore, many of them are used as bioindicator species of human disturbance. Here, we pioneer the use of fiddler crabs to examine whether they alter their behaviour under human disturbance. Male fiddler crabs possess one large claw used for courting (waving) and fighting, and one small feeding claw, whereas females have two feeding claws. They show several surface activities. This study investigates (1) the effects of human disturbance on density and sex-ratio, and (2) the effects of human disturbance, and sex on behavioural time allocations in Austruca annulipes. Their density, sex-ratio, and time allocations were investigated in human-disturbed area (DA) and nondisturbed area (NDA). They showed feeding, feeding and walking, walking, running, standing/vigilance, inside burrows, burrowing, grooming, fighting, and waving. The results showed that crab density was higher and the sex ratio was more male biased in NDA than in DA. Human disturbance and sex affected time allocations but their interaction had no effect. Crabs in DA spent more time running, standing, and inside burrows but less time walking, burrowing, fighting, and waving than crabs in NDA. Between sexes, males spent more time standing, burrowing, grooming, and fighting but less time feeding, and walking than females. This indicates that human disturbances force the crabs to spend more time on anti-predator and escape behavior (standing/vigilance, running, inside burrows) rather than courting (waving) and constructing burrows (mating/breeding sites), which are important for breeding.(AU)

Humanos , Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Transtornos do Comportamento Social , Braquiúros/fisiologia , Interação Humano-Animal , Tailândia
Iheringia, Sér. zool ; 112: e2022021, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1405119


In this study, we observed that burrows of Rhinella dorbignyi (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) are distributed in a non-random manner in the habitat, suggesting a microhabitat selection for digging. This conclusion was based on a characterization of 36 burrows and surrounding micro-habitat. We established a 1 m x 1 m quadrat with the burrow in its central point (n=36) to measure the percentage (density) and the average heights of grasses, herbs, and shrubs. All measurements were repeated in two unused quadrats (without burrows) to evaluate the available microhabitat (n=72). The burrows are built in specific areas of the habitat with a higher percentage of grass, taller herbs, lower density of shrubs and low shaded sites than the founded at control sites. Based on three-dimensional models of the interior of the burrow (n=15), we observed that all of them were constructed with an elliptical opening that opens into a narrow channel perpendicular to the ground. Channels had a mean maximum diameter of 38 mm and a mean minimum diameter of 18 mm. The mean length of the burrows is 182 mm, and the mean volume is 95 mL.

Neste estudo, observamos que tocas de Rhinella dorbignyi (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) são distribuídas de uma forma não-aleatória no habitat, sugerindo que esta espécie seleciona sítios para cavá-las. Esta conclusão foi baseada em uma caracterização de 36 tocas e do micro-habitat que as cerca. Estabelecemos um quadrante de 1 m x 1 m com a toca como seu ponto central (n=36) para medir a porcentagem (densidade) e a altura média de gramíneas, plantas herbáceas e arbustos. Todas as medidas foram repetidas em dois quadrantes não utilizados (sem tocas), para avaliar o micro-habitat disponível ao anfíbio (n=72). As tocas são construídas em áreas específicas do habitat com maior porcentagem de gramíneas, ervas mais altas, menos arbustos presentes e pouca área sombreada. Baseado em modelos tridimensionais do interior das tocas (n=15), observamos que todas elas são construídas com uma abertura elíptica que se abre para um canal estreito, perpendicular ao chão. Os canais têm diâmetro máximo médio de 38 mm e diâmetro mínimo médio de 18 mm. O comprimento médio das tocas é de 182 mm, e o volume médio é de 95 mL.

Animais , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal , Bufonidae , Abrigo , Comportamento Animal , Brasil
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 09(01): 1-6, Jan. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765634


Fiddler crabs live in an intertidal habitat and face several environmental constraints. Extreme environmental conditions, especially temperature affects their growth and reproduction. They use several strategies to deal with extreme temperatures. Among these, constructing burrows is important. Burrows act as a refuge during very high or low temperatures. This study investigates the temporal variations in air temperature, burrow temperature of large-sized male and female Austruca perplexa crabs, and the soil temperature near their burrows in Nakhon Si Thammarat province, southern Thailand (tropical climate). Air, burrow and soil temperatures were measured every 30 min in a day using temperature sensors. We observed that from 8:00 up to and including 17:30, burrow temperature was lower than soil temperature, but other times, burrow temperature was higher than soil temperature. In the case of air temperature, it was lower than soil or burrow temperatures most of the time in a day. When we compared temperatures among air, soil, and burrows at day (6:00 up to 17:30) and night (18:00 up to 5:30), burrow temperature was lower than soil temperature during the day but was higher at night. The air temperature was lower than soil or burrow temperatures on both day and night. This study shows that A. perplexa crab burrows can modulate the inside temperature and maintain a suitable temperature for the crabs.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Braquiúros , Temperatura , Temperatura Alta/efeitos adversos , Temperatura Baixa/efeitos adversos
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 9(1): 1-6, Jan. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484339


Fiddler crabs live in an intertidal habitat and face several environmental constraints. Extreme environmental conditions, especially temperature affects their growth and reproduction. They use several strategies to deal with extreme temperatures. Among these, constructing burrows is important. Burrows act as a refuge during very high or low temperatures. This study investigates the temporal variations in air temperature, burrow temperature of large-sized male and female Austruca perplexa crabs, and the soil temperature near their burrows in Nakhon Si Thammarat province, southern Thailand (tropical climate). Air, burrow and soil temperatures were measured every 30 min in a day using temperature sensors. We observed that from 8:00 up to and including 17:30, burrow temperature was lower than soil temperature, but other times, burrow temperature was higher than soil temperature. In the case of air temperature, it was lower than soil or burrow temperatures most of the time in a day. When we compared temperatures among air, soil, and burrows at day (6:00 up to 17:30) and night (18:00 up to 5:30), burrow temperature was lower than soil temperature during the day but was higher at night. The air temperature was lower than soil or burrow temperatures on both day and night. This study shows that A. perplexa crab burrows can modulate the inside temperature and maintain a suitable temperature for the crabs.

Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Braquiúros , Temperatura , Temperatura Alta/efeitos adversos , Temperatura Baixa/efeitos adversos
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1483306


RESUMEN La mortalidad por pesca ha sido pocas veces estudiada aislando el efecto causado por las capturas. En este estudio se analizó este aspecto usando como modelo biológico al camarón fantasma Callichirus major (Say, 1818), el cual es colectado intensamente en varias regiones de la costa de Brasil. Para ello, la densidad de las galerías y la demografía poblacional de C. major fue analizada en las playas de Gonzaga e Itararé, dos playas contiguas del Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. La playa de Gonzaga fue considerada como control debido a que desde 1992 una ley municipal impide las capturas de C. major, mientras que Itararé fue considerada como tratamiento ya que en este lugar este camarón es recolectado durante todo el año. Los resultados mostraron que la densidad de las galerías y el tamaño de las hembras fueron significativamente mayores en la playa de Gonzaga que en Itararé. En Itararé, la proporción sexual no mostró diferencias significativas de la relación 1:1, lo cual no se ajustó a lo observado en el área sin mortalidad por pesca y al patrón general reportado en otras especies de camarones fantasma del mundo en donde las hembras predominan sobre los machos. El potencial reproductivo fue significativamente menor en Itararé, como efecto del menor número de hembras presentes en esta área sometida a la pesca intensiva de camarones. De acuerdo con una estimativa inicial, un 71% de los individuos murieron por efecto de la pesca en Itararé. Esto hace inviable el sostenimiento ambiental de C. major en esta área dada la actual presión de extracción. La presencia de C. major en la playa de Itararé y probablemente en otras áreas próximas donde es capturada, estaría favorecida por el permanente suministro de larvas procedentes de la playa de Gonzaga, en Santos, que está protegida por ley y fiscalización municipal.

ABSTRACT Studies on mortality due to fishing based on isolating the effect caused by catches are scarce. The present study analyzed this aspect using the ghost shrimp Callichirus major (Say, 1818) as a biological model, which is heavily harvested along the Brazilian coast. For that purpose, density of burrows and population structure of C. major was examined at two adjacent beaches, Gonzaga and Itararé, from the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Gonzaga beach was considered as control because since 1992 a municipal law prevents the capture of C. major, whereas Itararé as treatment since in this place the species is harvested throughout the year. Burrow density and female CL size were significantly higher in Gonzaga than that Itararé. Sex-ratio did not differ significantly from 1:1 in Itararé, differing from the observed in the area without fishing mortality and also to the general pattern reported in other species of ghost shrimps in which females outnumbered than males. Reproductive potential was significantly smaller in Itararé than Gonzaga, as result of the reduced number of females present in this area relative to Gonzaga. A preliminary estimation indicates that 71 % of shrimps in Itararé died as result of fishing. This information suggests non-viability of C. major in this area given the current pressure of fishing. Presence of C. major in the beach of Itararé and probably in other nearby areas where exploitation occurs would be favored by the permanent supply of larvae from Gonzaga beach where the species is protected by and municipal surveillance.

J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 7(2): 60-65, Apr. 2019. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19345


Investigating the time activity budgets of fiddler crabs is very important to determine the effects of sex and body size on allocating time for different activities. Few previous studies investigated the effects of sex and body size on time allocations in underground mating species. This study determines the effects of sex, size and their interaction on time allocations in a surface mating species (Tubuca rosea (Tweedie, 1937)). The surface activities of large and small, male and female crabs were video recorded. Afterwards time allocations for various activities (e.g., feeding, standing (vigilance), walking, inside burrows, grooming, burrowing, mating, and for males only, fighting and claw-waving) were calculated. All crabs spent most of their time on feeding than on other activities. Smaller crabs spent more time being vigilant, whereas larger crabs spent more time on courtship displays (grooming, and waving), and fighting. Between sexes, females spent more time standing, but less time on walking and grooming than males. Predation risk, reproductive maturation, breeding/non-breeding season, and energy conservation could be important factors for shaping time allocations in T. rosea.(AU)

Animais , Braquiúros , Comportamento Animal , Fatores Sexuais , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Comportamento Alimentar
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 7(2): 60-65, Apr. 2019. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484267


Investigating the time activity budgets of fiddler crabs is very important to determine the effects of sex and body size on allocating time for different activities. Few previous studies investigated the effects of sex and body size on time allocations in underground mating species. This study determines the effects of sex, size and their interaction on time allocations in a surface mating species (Tubuca rosea (Tweedie, 1937)). The surface activities of large and small, male and female crabs were video recorded. Afterwards time allocations for various activities (e.g., feeding, standing (vigilance), walking, inside burrows, grooming, burrowing, mating, and for males only, fighting and claw-waving) were calculated. All crabs spent most of their time on feeding than on other activities. Smaller crabs spent more time being vigilant, whereas larger crabs spent more time on courtship displays (grooming, and waving), and fighting. Between sexes, females spent more time standing, but less time on walking and grooming than males. Predation risk, reproductive maturation, breeding/non-breeding season, and energy conservation could be important factors for shaping time allocations in T. rosea.

Animais , Braquiúros , Comportamento Alimentar , Comportamento Animal , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Fatores Sexuais
Iheringia. Sér. Zool. ; 109: e2019001, 20190114. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762690


La mortalidad por pesca ha sido pocas veces estudiada aislando el efecto causado por las capturas. En este estudio se analizó este aspecto usando como modelo biológico al camarón fantasma Callichirus major (Say, 1818), el cual es colectado intensamente en varias regiones de la costa de Brasil. Para ello, la densidad de las galerías y la demografía poblacional de C. major fue analizada en las playas de Gonzaga e Itararé, dos playas contiguas del Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. La playa de Gonzaga fue considerada como control debido a que desde 1992 una ley municipal impide las capturas de C. major, mientras que Itararé fue considerada como tratamiento ya que en este lugar este camarón es recolectado durante todo el año. Los resultados mostraron que la densidad de las galerías y el tamaño de las hembras fueron significativamente mayores en la playa de Gonzaga que en Itararé. En Itararé, la proporción sexual no mostró diferencias significativas de la relación 1:1, lo cual no se ajustó a lo observado en el área sin mortalidad por pesca y al patrón general reportado en otras especies de camarones fantasma del mundo en donde las hembras predominan sobre los machos. El potencial reproductivo fue significativamente menor en Itararé, como efecto del menor número de hembras presentes en esta área sometida a la pesca intensiva de camarones. De acuerdo con una estimativa inicial, un 71% de los individuos murieron por efecto de la pesca en Itararé. Esto hace inviable el sostenimiento ambiental de C. major en esta área dada la actual presión de extracción. La presencia de C. major en la playa de Itararé y probablemente en otras áreas próximas donde es capturada, estaría favorecida por el permanente suministro de larvas procedentes de la playa de Gonzaga, en Santos, que está protegida por ley y fiscalización municipal.(AU)

Studies on mortality due to fishing based on isolating the effect caused by catches are scarce. The present study analyzed this aspect using the ghost shrimp Callichirus major (Say, 1818) as a biological model, which is heavily harvested along the Brazilian coast. For that purpose, density of burrows and population structure of C. major was examined at two adjacent beaches, Gonzaga and Itararé, from the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Gonzaga beach was considered as control because since 1992 a municipal law prevents the capture of C. major, whereas Itararé as treatment since in this place the species is harvested throughout the year. Burrow density and female CL size were significantly higher in Gonzaga than that Itararé. Sex-ratio did not differ significantly from 1:1 in Itararé, differing from the observed in the area without fishing mortality and also to the general pattern reported in other species of ghost shrimps in which females outnumbered than males. Reproductive potential was significantly smaller in Itararé than Gonzaga, as result of the reduced number of females present in this area relative to Gonzaga. A preliminary estimation indicates that 71 % of shrimps in Itararé died as result of fishing. This information suggests non-viability of C. major in this area given the current pressure of fishing. Presence of C. major in the beach of Itararé and probably in other nearby areas where exploitation occurs would be favored by the permanent supply of larvae from Gonzaga beach where the species is protected by and municipal surveillance.(AU)

Animais , Artemia , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/legislação & jurisprudência , Mortalidade
Iheringia, Sér. zool ; 109: e2019001, 20190328. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1483278


La mortalidad por pesca ha sido pocas veces estudiada aislando el efecto causado por las capturas. En este estudio se analizó este aspecto usando como modelo biológico al camarón fantasma Callichirus major (Say, 1818), el cual es colectado intensamente en varias regiones de la costa de Brasil. Para ello, la densidad de las galerías y la demografía poblacional de C. major fue analizada en las playas de Gonzaga e Itararé, dos playas contiguas del Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. La playa de Gonzaga fue considerada como control debido a que desde 1992 una ley municipal impide las capturas de C. major, mientras que Itararé fue considerada como tratamiento ya que en este lugar este camarón es recolectado durante todo el año. Los resultados mostraron que la densidad de las galerías y el tamaño de las hembras fueron significativamente mayores en la playa de Gonzaga que en Itararé. En Itararé, la proporción sexual no mostró diferencias significativas de la relación 1:1, lo cual no se ajustó a lo observado en el área sin mortalidad por pesca y al patrón general reportado en otras especies de camarones fantasma del mundo en donde las hembras predominan sobre los machos. El potencial reproductivo fue significativamente menor en Itararé, como efecto del menor número de hembras presentes en esta área sometida a la pesca intensiva de camarones. De acuerdo con una estimativa inicial, un 71% de los individuos murieron por efecto de la pesca en Itararé. Esto hace inviable el sostenimiento ambiental de C. major en esta área dada la actual presión de extracción. La presencia de C. major en la playa de Itararé y probablemente en otras áreas próximas donde es capturada, estaría favorecida por el permanente suministro de larvas procedentes de la playa de Gonzaga, en Santos, que está protegida por ley y fiscalización municipal.

Studies on mortality due to fishing based on isolating the effect caused by catches are scarce. The present study analyzed this aspect using the ghost shrimp Callichirus major (Say, 1818) as a biological model, which is heavily harvested along the Brazilian coast. For that purpose, density of burrows and population structure of C. major was examined at two adjacent beaches, Gonzaga and Itararé, from the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Gonzaga beach was considered as control because since 1992 a municipal law prevents the capture of C. major, whereas Itararé as treatment since in this place the species is harvested throughout the year. Burrow density and female CL size were significantly higher in Gonzaga than that Itararé. Sex-ratio did not differ significantly from 1:1 in Itararé, differing from the observed in the area without fishing mortality and also to the general pattern reported in other species of ghost shrimps in which females outnumbered than males. Reproductive potential was significantly smaller in Itararé than Gonzaga, as result of the reduced number of females present in this area relative to Gonzaga. A preliminary estimation indicates that 71 % of shrimps in Itararé died as result of fishing. This information suggests non-viability of C. major in this area given the current pressure of fishing. Presence of C. major in the beach of Itararé and probably in other nearby areas where exploitation occurs would be favored by the permanent supply of larvae from Gonzaga beach where the species is protected by and municipal surveillance.

Animais , Artemia , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/legislação & jurisprudência , Mortalidade
Zoologia (Curitiba, Impr.) ; 35: 1-6, 2018. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504506


The non-random occupation of habitats is termed habitat selection. Some species of whip spiders select trees with burrows at their base, while others use substrates such as rocks. Here, we investigated the habitat use by Charinus asturius Pinto-da-Rocha, Machado & Weygoldt, 2002, an endemic species of Ilhabela Island in Brazil. We found that C. asturius is more likely to be found under rocks that cover larger areas of substrate. Our results also suggest the existence of territorialism in C. asturius and show that C. asturius adults may be found again on the same rock a week later. Additionally, our data show that C. asturius is present in a greater area of Ilhabela than previously documented.

Animais , Aranhas , Comportamento Animal , Características de História de Vida , Territorialidade
Zoologia (Curitiba) ; 35: 1-6, 2018. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-18818


The non-random occupation of habitats is termed habitat selection. Some species of whip spiders select trees with burrows at their base, while others use substrates such as rocks. Here, we investigated the habitat use by Charinus asturius Pinto-da-Rocha, Machado & Weygoldt, 2002, an endemic species of Ilhabela Island in Brazil. We found that C. asturius is more likely to be found under rocks that cover larger areas of substrate. Our results also suggest the existence of territorialism in C. asturius and show that C. asturius adults may be found again on the same rock a week later. Additionally, our data show that C. asturius is present in a greater area of Ilhabela than previously documented.(AU)

Animais , Aranhas , Comportamento Animal , Características de História de Vida , Territorialidade
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 6(1): 9-13, Jan. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-726488


Two years after Super Typhoon Haiyan, six different species of tree-climbing sesarmid crabs were identified in Anibong Bay. In the three-week surveillance from April to June 2015, crabs were observed climbing the upperpremises of the mangrove trees during high tide and moving down to mangal floors (mud) during low tide. Foraging on senescent and decayed leaves occurred both daytime and nighttime. Some crabs were observed bringing food to their mud mounds and burrows. This paper depicts behavioral patterns of sesarmid crabs in reference to its climbing, feeding and burrowing after a large scale disturbance.(AU)

Animais , Braquiúros , Áreas Alagadas , Comportamento Animal , Maré , Filipinas
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 6(1): 9-13, Jan. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484236


Two years after Super Typhoon Haiyan, six different species of tree-climbing sesarmid crabs were identified in Anibong Bay. In the three-week surveillance from April to June 2015, crabs were observed climbing the upperpremises of the mangrove trees during high tide and moving down to mangal floors (mud) during low tide. Foraging on senescent and decayed leaves occurred both daytime and nighttime. Some crabs were observed bringing food to their mud mounds and burrows. This paper depicts behavioral patterns of sesarmid crabs in reference to its climbing, feeding and burrowing after a large scale disturbance.

Animais , Braquiúros , Comportamento Animal , Maré , Áreas Alagadas , Filipinas
Revista Brasileira de Zoociências (Online) ; 18(3): 61-70, set. 2017. graf, ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1494684


O objetivo do estudo foi identificar e caracterizar tocas de tatu encontradas em remanescente de floresta semidecidual empregando os métodos de caminhamento, análise de micro-habitat e armadilhas fotográficas. A maioria das tocas foi escavada sob rochas ou raízes de árvores e estão associadas a diferentes níveis de cobertura vegetal. Foram registradas ao menos quatro espécies de mamíferos, indicando que tatus podem ser engenheiros de ecossistemas.

The aim of this study was to identify and characterize armadillo burrows found in a semideciduous forest remnant employing methods of random-walks, micro-habitat analysis and camera-traps. Most burrows (60,6%) were excavated under rocks or tree roots and are associated to different levels of vegetation cover. Three medium and large sized mammals were registered besides small wild rodents, indicating that armadillos may be ecosystem engineers.

Animais , Comportamento Animal , Ecossistema Tropical , Equilíbrio Ecológico , Tatus
R. bras. Zoo. ; 18(3): 61-70, set. 2017. graf, ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-728747


O objetivo do estudo foi identificar e caracterizar tocas de tatu encontradas em remanescente de floresta semidecidual empregando os métodos de caminhamento, análise de micro-habitat e armadilhas fotográficas. A maioria das tocas foi escavada sob rochas ou raízes de árvores e estão associadas a diferentes níveis de cobertura vegetal. Foram registradas ao menos quatro espécies de mamíferos, indicando que tatus podem ser engenheiros de ecossistemas.(AU)

The aim of this study was to identify and characterize armadillo burrows found in a semideciduous forest remnant employing methods of random-walks, micro-habitat analysis and camera-traps. Most burrows (60,6%) were excavated under rocks or tree roots and are associated to different levels of vegetation cover. Three medium and large sized mammals were registered besides small wild rodents, indicating that armadillos may be ecosystem engineers.(AU)

Animais , Tatus , Comportamento Animal , Ecossistema Tropical , Equilíbrio Ecológico
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1473573


O objetivo da proposta foi caracterizar a dieta alimentar da Athene cunicularia pela análise dos egagrópilos (regurgitos) em 15 tocas mapeadas em 10 hectares do campus da UFRB em Cruz das Almas, Bahia. Os regurgitos foram submetidos a tratamentos para a identificação da lista de cada item (vertebrados, invertebrados, material vegetal e pedras). Em seguida, foram submetidas a tratamentos para a identificação dos itens presentes. As análises revelaram que a alimentação das corujas foi composta de folhas, gravetos, sementes e muitos coleópteros scarabaeidae e ossículos do lagarto Ameiva ameiva, bem como a presença de sapos (Bufo sp.) sem cabeça e fragmentos ósseos de roedores (Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus e Rattus rattus). Esta alimentação variou em virtude da influência de maior ou menor presença de pessoas nas áreas das tocas. Pela observação das atitudes comportamentais, é possível notar que os pais tenham demostrado ações de proteção em relação aos filhos e às tocas, através da emissão de sons e sobrevoos próximos aos invasores.

The aim of the proposal was to characterize the diet of Athene cunicularia by analysis of bezoars (regurgitation) in 15 burrows mapped in 10 acres campus UFRB in Cruz das Almas, Bahia. The regurgitations were subjected to treatments for identifying the percentage of each list item (vertebrates, invertebrates, plant material and stones). They were then subjected to treatments for identifying of items present. The analysis revealed that the feeding owls were composed of leaves, twigs, seeds, and many beetles and scarabaeidae lizard ameiva ossicles, and the presence of frogs (Bufo sp.) Without head and bone fragments rodents (Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus and Rattus rattus). This power is varied under the influence of greater or lesser presence of people in the areas of the holes. By observation of behavioral attitudes, you can see that the parents have demonstrated protective action in relation to cub and burrows through the emission of sounds and overflights near the invaders.

Animais , Comportamento Alimentar , Estrigiformes , Preferências Alimentares , Aves Predatórias
Ci. Anim. bras. ; 18: e-24506, 2017. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20129


O objetivo da proposta foi caracterizar a dieta alimentar da Athene cunicularia pela análise dos egagrópilos (regurgitos) em 15 tocas mapeadas em 10 hectares do campus da UFRB em Cruz das Almas, Bahia. Os regurgitos foram submetidos a tratamentos para a identificação da lista de cada item (vertebrados, invertebrados, material vegetal e pedras). Em seguida, foram submetidas a tratamentos para a identificação dos itens presentes. As análises revelaram que a alimentação das corujas foi composta de folhas, gravetos, sementes e muitos coleópteros scarabaeidae e ossículos do lagarto Ameiva ameiva, bem como a presença de sapos (Bufo sp.) sem cabeça e fragmentos ósseos de roedores (Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus e Rattus rattus). Esta alimentação variou em virtude da influência de maior ou menor presença de pessoas nas áreas das tocas. Pela observação das atitudes comportamentais, é possível notar que os pais tenham demostrado ações de proteção em relação aos filhos e às tocas, através da emissão de sons e sobrevoos próximos aos invasores.(AU)

The aim of the proposal was to characterize the diet of Athene cunicularia by analysis of bezoars (regurgitation) in 15 burrows mapped in 10 acres campus UFRB in Cruz das Almas, Bahia. The regurgitations were subjected to treatments for identifying the percentage of each list item (vertebrates, invertebrates, plant material and stones). They were then subjected to treatments for identifying of items present. The analysis revealed that the feeding owls were composed of leaves, twigs, seeds, and many beetles and scarabaeidae lizard ameiva ossicles, and the presence of frogs (Bufo sp.) Without head and bone fragments rodents (Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus and Rattus rattus). This power is varied under the influence of greater or lesser presence of people in the areas of the holes. By observation of behavioral attitudes, you can see that the parents have demonstrated protective action in relation to cub and burrows through the emission of sounds and overflights near the invaders.(AU)

Animais , Estrigiformes , Comportamento Alimentar , Preferências Alimentares , Aves Predatórias
R. bras. Parasitol. Vet. ; 26(1): 74-80, jan.-mar. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-732629


Leptodactylus syphax is distributed in central, southeastern and northeastern Brazil, eastern Bolivia and southern Paraguay, occupying open areas and rock outcrops, in rock cavities and termite burrows. We collected 21 frogs from the Caatinga region of the state of Ceará, northeastern Brazil, and 7,021 helminths were recovered from 18 of these hosts (overall prevalence = 85.7%). Six helminth taxa were recovered, as follows: Aplectana membranosa (n = 3,756); Schrankiana formosula (n = 3,176); larvae of Physaloptera sp. (n = 43); unidentified nematode larvae (n = 7); digenean metacercariae of Lophosicyadiplostomum sp. (n = 2); and cystacanths of Acanthocephala (n = 37). The similarity of helminth composition between L. syphax from the Caatinga and other species of the L. fuscus group showed that some anurans were clustered according to parasite species and others according to geographic locality. This study presents new helminth records for the Neotropical region, thus helping in understanding the pattern of species distribution, and it increases the knowledge of parasites associated with amphibians.(AU)

Leptodactylus syphax está distribuída na região central, Sudeste e Nordeste do Brasil, Leste da Bolívia e Sul do Paraguai, ocupando áreas abertas e afloramentos rochosos, cavidades rochosas ou de cupins. Foram coletadas 21 rãs oriundas da região de Caatinga do Ceará, nordeste brasileiro, e 7.021 helmintos foram recuperados em 18 hospedeiros (prevalência geral = 85,7%). Seis taxa de helmintos foram recuperados, como segue: Aplectana membranosa (n = 3.756), Schrankiana formosula (n = 3.176), larvas de Physaloptera sp. (n = 43), larvas de nematódeos não identificado (n = 7), metacercárias de Lophosicyadiplostomum sp. (n = 2), e cistacantos de Acantocéfalos (n = 37). A similaridade da composição de helmintos entre L. syphax da Caatinga e outras espécies do grupo L. fuscus mostrou que alguns anuros foram agrupados de acordo com a espécie do parasita e outros de acordo com a localidade geográfica. Este estudo apresenta novos registros de helmintos para a região Neotropical, ajudando na compreensão do padrão de distribuição das espécies e aumenta o conhecimento sobre os parasitas associados a anfíbios.(AU)

Animais , Anfíbios/parasitologia , Helmintíase/classificação , Helmintíase/parasitologia , Anuros/parasitologia , Ecossistema , Brasil , Bolívia , Paraguai
Zoologia (Curitiba, Impr.) ; 33(4): e20160035, Sept. 2016. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504404


It is believed that the two species of Tolypeutes Illiger, 1811are the only armadillos that do not dig their own burrows, and that these species simply re-use burrows dug by other species. Here, we show that Tolypeutes matacus (Desmarest, 1804) and Tolypeutes tricinctus (Linnaeus, 1758) dig their own burrows. We describe the burrows and three other types of shelters used by them, and provide measurements and frequency of use of the different types of shelter. We have studied free-ranging individuals of T. matacus in two locations in Central Brazil and individuals of T. tricinctus in semi-captivity in the Northeast of Brazil. Individuals of T. matacus were found primarily in small burrows (76%), straw nests (13%), shallow depressions covered with leaf-litter (7%) or in straw nests made on shallow depressions (4%). Adult males and females of T. matacus did not differ in frequency of use of different types of shelter. Sub-adults T. matacus used shallow depressions and nests more often (40%) than adults (22%) and nurslings (10%). Nurslings of T. matacus reused the shelters more frequently (66%), than sub-adults (46%) and adults (35%). Adult females reused burrows and other types of shelter more frequently than adult males. Tolypeutes tricinctus rested mainly in burrows and under leaf-litter, but did not dig depressions or build nests. Tolypeutes tricinctus occasionally used burrows dug by Euphractus sexcinctus (Linnaeus, 1758), but T. matacus never used burrows dug by other species. Nursling T. matacus always shared shelter with an adult female therefore, both used shelters with similar frequency. Adult females and nurslings of T. matacus reused shelters in higher frequency. That can be explained by the fact that adult females with offspring tend to remain for consecutive nights in the same burrow when cubs are recently born. Due to their smaller body size, sub-adult T. matacus used shelter strategies that require less energetic effort more frequently than...

Animais , Comportamento Animal , Comportamento de Nidação , Refúgio de Vida Selvagem , Xenarthra , Tatus
Zoologia (Curitiba) ; 33(4): e20160035, Sept. 2016. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21165


It is believed that the two species of Tolypeutes Illiger, 1811are the only armadillos that do not dig their own burrows, and that these species simply re-use burrows dug by other species. Here, we show that Tolypeutes matacus (Desmarest, 1804) and Tolypeutes tricinctus (Linnaeus, 1758) dig their own burrows. We describe the burrows and three other types of shelters used by them, and provide measurements and frequency of use of the different types of shelter. We have studied free-ranging individuals of T. matacus in two locations in Central Brazil and individuals of T. tricinctus in semi-captivity in the Northeast of Brazil. Individuals of T. matacus were found primarily in small burrows (76%), straw nests (13%), shallow depressions covered with leaf-litter (7%) or in straw nests made on shallow depressions (4%). Adult males and females of T. matacus did not differ in frequency of use of different types of shelter. Sub-adults T. matacus used shallow depressions and nests more often (40%) than adults (22%) and nurslings (10%). Nurslings of T. matacus reused the shelters more frequently (66%), than sub-adults (46%) and adults (35%). Adult females reused burrows and other types of shelter more frequently than adult males. Tolypeutes tricinctus rested mainly in burrows and under leaf-litter, but did not dig depressions or build nests. Tolypeutes tricinctus occasionally used burrows dug by Euphractus sexcinctus (Linnaeus, 1758), but T. matacus never used burrows dug by other species. Nursling T. matacus always shared shelter with an adult female therefore, both used shelters with similar frequency. Adult females and nurslings of T. matacus reused shelters in higher frequency. That can be explained by the fact that adult females with offspring tend to remain for consecutive nights in the same burrow when cubs are recently born. Due to their smaller body size, sub-adult T. matacus used shelter strategies that require less energetic effort more frequently than...(AU)

Animais , Xenarthra , Comportamento Animal , Comportamento de Nidação , Refúgio de Vida Selvagem , Tatus