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Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 33(1): 10-18, jan.-mar. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434408


Emergências obstétricas são comuns na rotina clínica de cães e gatos. Dentre as emergências obstétricas uma das mais importantes é a distocia. De modo geral, a distocia ocorre quando há falha no momento do parto ou na expulsão do feto, sendo que a causa mais comum de distocia nas duas espécies é a inércia uterina primária. Outra emergência obstétrica de ocorrência frequente em cadelas e gatas é a piometra. Esta doença é uma infecção que ocorre no útero, causada por alterações hormonais na fase do diestro dos animais. As duas enfermidades (distocia e piometra) podem ter o envolvimento de anticoncepcionais, tanto nas cadelas como nas gatas. Em relação ao tratamento, na maioria das vezes, as distocias em cadelas e gatas são abordadas por meio da realização de cesarianas. Em piometra, a terapêutica mais efetiva é a realização de ovariohisterectomia. Neste estudo, 43 cadelas e 20 gatas com emergências obstétricas foram monitoradas durante 90 dias. Entre as cadelas, 29 (67,44%; 29/43) apresentaram piometra e 13 (30,23%; 13/43) distocia. Além disso, uma cadela apresentou prolapso vaginal. Entre as gatas, 13 apresentaram distocia (65%; 13/20) e sete (35%; 7/20) piometra. Algumas dessas emergências obstétricas foram relacionadas ao uso de anticoncepcional. Assim, os clínicos veterinários devem desencorajar esta prática e incentivar a castração das fêmeas.

Obstetric emergencies are common in the clinical routine of dogs and cats. One of the most important obstetric emergencies is dystocia. In general, dystocia occurs when there is a failure at the parturition time or expulsion of the fetus, and the most common cause of dystocia in both species is primary uterine inertia. Another frequently occurring obstetric emergency in bitches and cats is piometra. This disease is an infection that occurs in the uterus caused by hormonal changes in the diestrus phase of animals. In both diseases (dystocia and pyometra), contraceptives can be involved in female dogs and cats. Regarding the treatment, most of the time, dystocias in bitches and cats are addressed through cesarean sections. In pyometra, the most effective therapy is to perform ovariohysterectomy. In the present study, 43 female dogs and 20 female cats with emergency obstetric were monitored during 90 days. Among bitches, 29 (67.44%; 29/43) had pyometra, and 13 (30.23%; 13/43) showed dystocia. In addition, one female dog presented vaginal prolapse. Among the cats, 13 had dystocia (65%; 13/20) and seven (35%; 7/20) pyometra. Some of these obstetric emergencies were related to contraceptive use. Thus, veterinary clinicians must discourage this practice and encourage the neutering of females.

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Doenças do Gato , Doenças do Cão , Distocia/veterinária , Emergências/veterinária , Hospitais Veterinários , Complicações do Trabalho de Parto/veterinária
Clín. Vet. (São Paulo, Ed. Port.) ; 28(163): 36-45, mar.-abr. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427026


O hipoadrenocorticismo primário ou doença de Addison é uma endocrinopatia que envolve a deficiência de glicocorticoides, comumente associada a deficiência mineralocorticoide. O tratamento mais utilizado para reposição hormonal envolve a associação de fludrocortisona e prednisona. O pivalato de desoxicorticosterona (DOCP) tem sido demonstrado na literatura como superior no controle eletrolítico no paciente com hipoadrenocorticismo, e sempre deve ser associado a prednisona/prednisolona. Neste trabalho, relatamos o benefício do DOCP e o protocolo de ajuste de dose desse fármaco em duas etapas em dois casos distintos. Houve uma eficácia superior no controle eletrolítico e redução dos efeitos colaterais com o protocolo de DOCP e prednisolona em relação ao uso de fludrocortisona em ambos os pacientes.(AU)

Primary hypoadrenocorticism or Addison's disease is an endocrinopathy involving glucocorticoid deficiency, commonly associated with mineralocorticoid deficiency. The most commonly used treatment for hormone replacement involves the combination of fludrocortisone and prednisone. Deoxycorticosterone pivalate (DOCP) has been shown in the literature to be superior in electrolyte control in patients with hypoadrenocorticism, and should always be associated with prednisone/prednisolona. In this study, we report the benefit of DOCP and the two-stage dose adjustment protocol for this drug in 2 different cases. There was superior efficacy in electrolyte control and reduction of side effects with the DOCP and prednisolone protocol compared to the use of fludrocortisone in both patients.(AU)

El hipoadrenocorticismo primario o enfermedad de Addison es una endocrinopatía que cursa con deficiencia de glucocorticoides, comúnmente asociada con deficiencia de mineralocorticoides. El tratamiento más utilizado para el reemplazo hormonal consiste en la combinación de fludrocortisona y prednisona. El pivalato de desoxicorticosterona (DOCP) ha demostrado en la literatura ser superior en el control de electrolitos en pacientes con hipoadrenocorticismo, y siempre debe asociarse con prednisona/prednisolona. En este trabajo, reportamos el beneficio de DOCP y el protocolo de ajuste de dosis en dos etapas para este fármaco en 2 casos diferentes. Hubo una eficacia superior en el control de electrolitos y la reducción de los efectos secundarios con el protocolo DOCP y prednisolona en comparación con el uso de fludrocortisona en ambos pacientes.(AU)

Animais , Doença de Addison/prevenção & controle , Doença de Addison/veterinária , Desoxicorticosterona/efeitos adversos , Cães/genética
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: e-74619E, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447901


Polishing is an important procedure which takes part in the periodontal disease treatment, being commonly performed with the help of prophylactic paste and provides smoothing of the tooth surface, hindering the adhesion of new plaque. With this study we aimed to evaluate by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the effects of dental polishing observing, qualitatively, the effectiveness and the damage, in three distinct treatments after calculus removal. Twenty (20) teeth were used (four of each dog), from which were obtained three samples each. The sixty samples were distributed into three groups (G0= tooth segmentation submitted to prophylaxis without polishing; G1= vestibular surface prophylaxis followed by polishing with the use of Defengy OC® and G2= vestibular surface prophylaxis followed by polishing with the use of pumice and fluorine gel). The samples were prepared and sent to images execution via SEM. These images, with enlargement of 100x and 500x, were evaluated and the classification averages were obtained. The statistical analysis of these averages was made through the Friedman nonparametric test using the software R. Statistical differences were observed (P<0,05) between groups 0 and 1 in the 100x magnification, whereas in the 500x magnification there was no difference (P>0,05) between the groups. The evaluation based on SEM images at two magnifications was essential, as it allowed the visualization of grooves and remaining calculi in a comprehensive way at 100x magnification and in more detail at 500x.

O polimento é um procedimento importante que faz parte do tratamento da doença periodontal, sendo comumente realizado com auxílio de pasta profilática e, propicia o alisamento da superfície dental, dificultando a adesão de nova placa bacteriana. Com esse estudo, objetivou-se avaliar por meio da microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) os efeitos do polimento dental, avaliando qualitativamente, a eficácia e o dano, em três tratamentos distintos, após a remoção dos cálculos dentários. Foram utilizados 20 dentes (quatro de cada cão), de onde se obtiveram três amostras de cada. As 60 amostras foram distribuídas em três grupos (G0= segmentos dentários submetidos à profilaxia sem polimento; G1= profilaxia da face vestibular seguida de polimento com utilização de Defengy OC® e G2= profilaxia da face vestibular seguida de polimento com utilização de pedra pomes e flúor gel). As amostras foram preparadas e enviadas para realização das imagens por MEV. Estas imagens, com ampliação de 100x e de 500x, foram avaliadas e as médias de classificação obtidas. A análise estatística dessas médias foi feita por meio do teste não paramétrico de Friedman, utilizando o software R. Observou-se diferença estatística (P<0,05) entre os grupos 1 e 0 na magnificação de 100x, já na magnificação de 500x não houve diferença estatística (P>0,05) entre os grupos. O polimento foi eficaz ao tornar a superfície do esmalte dental lisa e regular reduzindo as ranhuras provocadas pela limpeza e retirou as granulações de cálculo remanescentes. A avaliação a partir das imagens de MEV em duas ampliações foi fundamental, por ter propiciado a visualização de ranhuras e cálculos remanescentes de forma abrangente na magnificação de 100x e mais detalhadamente na de 500x.

Animais , Cães , Doenças Periodontais/veterinária , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura/veterinária , Esmalte Dentário , Polimento Dentário/veterinária , Doenças do Cão
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07140, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1431053


The molecular background of canine mast cell tumors (MCT) has been extensively investigated; however, the dynamic molecular changes that occur during carcinogenesis and metastasis are not fully understood. This study aimed to evaluate the incidence of mutations in the c-KIT proto-oncogene in canine MCTs and relative draining regional lymph nodes. Suspected or confirmed lymph node metastasis was classified accordingly to the HN Weishaar classification. The study included 34 dogs diagnosed with MCT; 19 patients were enrolled prospectively. These dogs had the primary MCT and regional lymph node resected and analyzed simultaneously. The second group was evaluated retrospectively and included fifteen patients resectioning the primary MCT without evaluation of regional lymph node. Analyzes of c-KIT mutation were performed for all primary MCTs and, in the first group, compared between primary MCT and HN-classified metastasis. Internal tandem duplications (ITD) in exon 11 of the c-KIT gene were detected in 20% of patients. Ten of the nineteen patients (52%) in the first group presented mast cell infiltration in the regional lymph node, and ITD in exon 11 of the c-KIT gene was detected in five and two dogs from Groups 1 and 2, respectively. ITD c-KIT mutations are common in canine MCT and may be found in the draining lymph node metastases/mast cell infiltrates in the absence of mutation of the primary tumor. Evaluation of c-KIT mutation in the primary tumor and metastases may be informative for defining both prognosis and therapeutic options in MCT cases.

O perfil molecular do mastocitoma (MCT) tem sido bastante investigado, no entanto as dinâmicas moleculares que ocorrem durante a carcinogênese e metástase desta neoplasia não estão bem esclarecidas. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a incidência de mutações no proto-oncogene c-KIT em MCTs caninos e respectivos linfonodos regionais. Os casos suspeitos ou confirmados de metástase para os linfonodos, foram classificados de acordo com a classificação HN de Weishaar. O estudo incluiu 34 cães diagnosticados com MCT e, desses, 19 pacientes foram avaliados de maneira prospectiva, em que o tumor primário e o linfonodo regional foram ressecados e analisados simultaneamente. O segundo grupo foi avaliado retrospectivamente e incluiu quinze pacientes que tiveram ressecção do MCT primário sem avaliação de linfonodo regional. A análise da mutação c-KIT foi realizada para todos os MCTs primários e, no primeiro grupo, comparados entre MCT primário e metástase classificada pelo sistema HN. Duplicações internas em tandem (DIT), no exon 11 do gene c-KIT, foram detectadas em um total de 20% dos pacientes. Dez dos dezenove pacientes (52%) do primeiro grupo apresentavam infiltração de mastócitos no linfonodo regional, e DIT no exon 11 do gene c-KIT foram identificadas em cinco e dois cães dos Grupos 1 e 2, respectivamente. Mutações do tipo DIT no gene c-KIT são comuns no MCT canino e podem estar presentes nas metástases/infiltrados de mastócitos na ausência de mutação do tumor primário. A avaliação da mutação no gene c-KIT no tumor primário e metástases pode ser informativa para definir tanto o prognóstico quanto as opções terapêuticas em casos de MCT.

Animais , Cães , Mastocitoma/genética , Mastocitoma/veterinária , Doenças do Cão , Carcinogênese/genética , Metástase Linfática
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 33(1): 79-85, jan.-mar. 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434512


O objetivo deste estudo retrospectivo foi identificar a ocorrência de fraturas apendiculares em cães e gatos, os métodos de tratamento e os resultados obtidos com os mesmos, no Hospital Veterinário (HV) da Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Unijuí), no município de Ijuí - RS, no período de abril de 2013 a abril de 2022. De um total de 370 procedimentos cirúrgicos para tratamento de fraturas do esqueleto apendicular, 117 foram em fêmur (31,6%), 77 em tíbia e fíbula (20,8%), 62 em rádio e ulna (16,8%), 49 em úmero (13,2%), 45 em pelve (12,2%), 7 em metatarso e metacarpo (1,9%), 7 em tarso e carpo (1,9%), 4 em escápula (1,1%) e 2 em falanges (0,5%). O número de procedimentos foi superior ao número de animais, pois alguns apresentavam mais de uma fratura em diferentes ossos. Entre os 329 animais reportados neste estudo, concluiu-se que a principal causa de fraturas em cães e gatos foi atropelamento, sendo os filhotes os mais acometidos e as fraturas femorais as mais frequentes. Os fixadores esqueléticos externos destacaram-se como o método mais utilizado e o desfecho das osteossínteses foi satisfatório, sendo que a maior casuística correspondeu a fraturas cicatrizadas.

This retrospective study aimed to identify the occurrence of appendicular fractures in dogs and cats, treatment methods, and results obtained with them, at the Veterinary Hospital (VH) of the Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Unijuí), in the city of Ijuí/RS, from April 2013 to April 2022. A total of 370 surgical procedures for the treatment of fractures of the appendicular skeleton was performed: 117 were in the fêmur (31,6%), 77 in the tíbia and fíbula (20,8%), 62 in the radius and ulna (16,8%), 49 in the humerus (13,2%), 45 in pélvis (12,2%), 7 in metatarsus and metacarpus (1,9%), 7 in tarsus and carpus (1,9%), 4 in the scapula (1,1%), and 2 in phalanges (0,5%). The number of procedures was higher than the number of animals, as some had more than one fracture in different bones. Among the 329 animals reported in this study, it was concluded that the main cause of fractures in dogs and cats was being run over, puppies were the most affected, and femoral fractures were the most frequent. External skeletal fixators stood out as the most used method and the outcome of osteosynthesis was satisfactory, with the largest number of cases corresponding to healed fractures.

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Próteses e Implantes/veterinária , Doenças do Gato , Doenças do Cão , Fraturas Ósseas/veterinária , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1914, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443882


Background: Canine hypercortisolism (HC) is the most prevalent endocrinopathy in dogs in southern Brazil. The prognosis depends on several factors including the general health status, owners´ commitment, and the development of disease complications and comorbidities occurrence, such as cardiovascular complications including mitral valve disease (MVD), systemic arterial hypertension, and left ventricular hypertrophy. The main objective of the present study was to assess cardiovascular parameters in canine HC, based on investigating survival-related variables. The study also aimed to evaluate the influence of concurrent preclinical (MVD) on dogs` survival and the impact of HC on MVD progression. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 25 dogs with spontaneous HC were enrolled and divided into 2 subgroups accordingly to their echocardiographic findings: group HC (normal echocardiography at first evaluation, n = 16); and group HC + MVD (concurrent presence of stages B1 and B2 MVD diagnosed at the first evaluation, n = 9). The patients were evaluated at diagnosis (T0); 6 months after treatment begging (T1); and after 12 months of treatment (T2). The owners were further contacted by phone or e-mail for 1 more year after T2 regarding survival information. A control group (CG, n = 20) was also evaluated at T0 and T1. At each evaluation, dogs were submitted to a complete clinical evaluation and physical exam, associated with a minimum database (CBC, serum biochemistry, and urine analysis) and cardiovascular evaluation composed of systolic blood pressure determination, electrocardiogram (ECG), and echodopplercardiography. In the HC group, 11/16 dogs underwent the evaluation at T2, while 4/9 dogs from the HC + MVD group and 17/20 dogs from the CG underwent the evaluation at T2. Five dogs (31.25%) from the HC group and 4 dogs (44.44%) from the HC + MVD group died before the end of the follow-up period. In the control group, only 1 dog (5.26%) died before the end of the study. Despite the higher mortality in the HC + MVD group during the follow-up period, there was no significant difference (P = 0.632) in survival when compared with the HC group. The MVD of 4 dogs included in the HC + MVD group was classified as stage B1, while the other 5 dogs were classified as stage B2. Only 1 dog from the CG developed stage B1 MVD in the period studied; however, progression of the MVD stage was documented in 1/4 of dogs in the HC + MVD group and MVD development was documented in 3/11 of dogs from the HC group from T0 to T2. The odds ratio (OR) and respective 95% confidence interval (95%CI) for HC as a risk factor for MVD progression were 4.267 (0.4268 - 42.65; P = 0.342). Exercise intolerance (12/16 dogs) and dyspnea (6/16 dogs) were the cardiorespiratory clinical signs with the highest incidence in the HC group at T0. When compared to the control group, both exercise intolerance (P < 0.001) and dyspnea (P = 0.03) occurrence were significantly higher in the HC group. The age (P = 0.001) and the occurrence of dyspnea (P = 0.036) at diagnosis were significantly higher in dogs with HC that died during the follow-up than those that remained alive. Regarding the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmias verified by ECG, no statistically significant differences were observed among groups. Discussion: The study suggests that systemic hypertension and altered echocardiographic measurements did not interfere with dogs' survival; however, dyspnea was associated with a worse prognosis. Finally, it is possible to conclude that mitral valve degeneration is a common comorbidity in dogs with HC, however, it was not evidenced their interference in the survival of dogs with this endocrine disease or even a role of the HC in the progression of the MVD.

Animais , Cães , Fenômenos Fisiológicos Cardiovasculares , Síndrome de Cushing , Dispneia , Hipertensão/veterinária , Valva Mitral/patologia , Estudos Prospectivos
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 32(2): e013722, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1441359


Leishmaniasis is an anthropozoonosis with vector transmission, and knowledge regarding the occurrence of this parasitosis in sentinels can contribute to infection and disease control measures in humans. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the occurrence of Leishmania exposure and infection in dogs from urban and rural areas in the North Pioneer Mesoregion of the state of Paraná, to evaluate possible risk factors, and to analyze the statistical agreement between the serological techniques that were used. Using a convenience sampling, serum and whole blood samples were collected to perform serological and molecular assays, respectively. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) identified 29/204 (14.2%) and 20/204 (9.8%) seropositive dogs, respectively. Five dogs (2.4%) were seropositive for both serological tests, and four dogs presented high titers in the IFAT. None of the samples tested positive for Leishmania spp. DNA according to polymerase chain reaction analysis. No factors were significantly associated with infection. Leishmania parasites circulate in urban and rural dogs in the North Pioneer Mesoregion of the state of Paraná. Despite the absence of clinical cases, seropositive animals with high antibody titers should serve as a warning to the local population that should be properly informed regarding the prevention.(AU)

A Leishmaniose é uma antropozoonose e sua transmissão ocorre através da picada de flebotomíneos de diferentes gêneros, dependendo da localização geográfica. O conhecimento sobre a ocorrência desta parasitose nos reservatórios pode colaborar com medidas de controle da infecção e doença nos humanos. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: avaliar a ocorrência da infecção por Leishmania, em cães de áreas urbanas e rurais, na região da mesorregião Norte Pioneiro do Paraná; avaliar possíveis fatores de risco à infecção e analisar a concordância estatística entre as técnicas sorológicas utilizadas. Para tanto, foram colhidas 204 amostras de soro e sangue total de cães escolhidos aleatoriamente de municípios da mesorregião Norte Pioneiro do Paraná para a detecção de anticorpos anti-Leishmania spp., pelo ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA) e reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI), e para a detecção de DNA de Leishmania spp. pela reação em cadeia pela polimerase (PCR). Dos 204 cães testados, 29 (14,2%) e 20 (9,8%) foram soropositivos pelo ELISA e RIFI, respectivamente. Cinco cães (2,4%) foram soropositivos em ambos os testes sorológicos. Não foram observados fatores abióticos e bióticos associados à infecção. A concordância entre as técnicas diagnósticas calculada por Kappa foi de 0,34. Conclui-se que, apesar da baixa ocorrência de positividade para leishmaniose e da ausência de casos sintomáticos, os resultados deste estudo devem ser um alerta para a população local por se tratar de uma importante zoonose e, portanto, medidas de prevenção e controle não devem ser negligenciadas.(AU)

Animais , Leishmaniose/imunologia , Cães/imunologia , Leishmania/imunologia , Brasil , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/métodos
Vet. zootec ; 30: 1-9, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1451097


A doença periodontal é a afecção mais comum em cães e gatos. Atualmente, a substância mais eficaz para realizar a limpeza oral em animais de companhia é a Clorexidina muito eficiente no controle das placas bacterianas, mas seu uso prolongado causa muitos efeitos colaterais. O uso de plantas medicinais vem ganhando espaço na veterinária. Curcuma longa L., por exemplo, apresenta grande potencial terapêutico. A cúrcuma despertou interesse no campo da periodontia, pois atinge tanto as bactérias, com sua ação antimicrobiana, como as células inflamatórias do hospedeiro por sua ação anti-inflamatória. Buscando uma alternativa com menos efeito colateral, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a ação antibacteriana de Curcuma longa L. e do digluconato de clorexidina sobre alguns micro-organismos causadores dessa doença. O extrato seco de Curcuma longa L. e o digluconato de clorexidina foram adquiridos comercialmente de uma farmácia de manipulação, onde, posteriormente, obteve-se os extratos aquosos nas concentrações 1%; 2,5%; 5%; 10% e 20% e solução de clorexidina 2%. Realizou-se o preparo do inóculo, na escala de 0,5 de MacFarland, das cepas de E. coli e S. aureus. Todas as concentrações foram testadas em triplicata. Utilizou-se digluconato de clorexidina 2% como controle positivo e solução de água destilada com polissorbato 20 como controle negativo. Staphylococcus aureus mostrou-se sensível ao extrato aquoso de Curcuma longa L. em contrapartida Escherichia coli apresentou resistência. Por este estudo ter como objetivo o tratamento de doenças periodontais, não descarta-se a eficácia do extrato aquoso de curcuma longa sobre a bactéria Gram positiva que está presente na fase inicial dessa doença em cães e gatos, já que demonstrou sensibilidade, tornando necessário novas pesquisas para corroborar este estudo.

Periodontal disease is the most common condition in dogs and cats. Currently, the most effective substance in the control of bacterial plaques to carry out oral cleaning in pets is Chlorhexidine, but its prolonged use causes many side effects. As an alternative, the use of medicinal plants has been gaining ground in veterinary medicine, Curcuma longa L., for example, has great therapeutic potential. Curcumin has aroused interest in the field of periodontics due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action. Seeking an alternative with fewer or no side effects, the present study aimed to evaluate the antibacterial action of Curcuma longa L. on some microorganisms that cause this disease. The dry extract of turmeric and the chlorhexidine digluconate were purchased commercially from a compounding pharmacy, where, subsequently, the aqueous extracts were obtained in concentrations of 1%; 2.5%; 5%; 10% and 20% and 2% chlorhexidine solution. The inoculum was prepared, on a MacFarland scale of 0.5, for the strains of E. coli and S. aureus. All concentrations were tested in triplicate. 2% chlorhexidine digluconate was used as a positive control and a solution of distilled water with polysorbate 20 as a negative control. Staphylococcus aureus was sensitive to the aqueous extract of Curcuma longa, while Escherichia coli showed resistance. Because this study aims to prevent periodontal diseases, the effectiveness of the aqueous extract of curcuma longa on the Gram positive bacteria that is present in the initial phase of this disease in dogs and cats it demonstrate sensitivity, and further research is necessary to corroborate this study.

La enfermedad periodontal es la condición más común en perros y gatos. Actualmente, la sustancia más eficazes en el control de las placas bacterianas para realizar la limpieza bucal en las mascotas es la Clorhexidina, pero su uso prolongado provoca muchos efectos secundarios. Como alternativa, en la medicina veterinaria ha ido ganando terreno el uso de plantas medicinales, por ejemplo, la Curcuma longa L. tiene un gran potencial terapéutico. La curcumina ha despertado interés en el campo de la periodoncia debido a su acción antimicrobiana y antiinflamatoria. Buscando una alternativa con menos o ningún efecto secundario, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la acción antibacteriana de Curcuma longa L. sobre algunos microorganismos que causan esta enfermedad. El extracto seco de Curcuma longa L. y el digluconato de clorhexidina fueron adquiridos comercialmente en una farmacia de compuestos, donde posteriormente se obtuvieron los extractos acuosos a concentraciones del 1%; 2,5%; 5%; al 10% y al 20% Solución de clorhexidina y al 2%. El inóculo se preparó, en una escala de MacFarland de 0,5, para las cepas de Escherichia coli y Staphylococcus aureus. Todas las concentraciones se ensayaron por triplicado. Se utilizó digluconato de clorhexidina al 2% como control positivo y como control negativo una solución de agua destilada con polisorbato 20. Staphylococcus aureus fue sensible al extracto acuoso de Curcuma longa, mientras que Escherichia coli mostró resistencia. Debido a que este estudio tiene como objetivo prevenir las enfermedades periodontales, no se puede descartar la efectividad del extracto acuoso de Curcuma longa sobre la bacteria Gram positiva que está presente en la fase inicial de esta enfermedad en perros y gatos, ya que demostró sensibilidad, lo que hace que se realicen más investigaciones necesario para corroborar este estúdio.

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Doenças Periodontais/terapia , Doenças Periodontais/veterinária , Clorexidina/administração & dosagem , Curcuma/química , Extratos Vegetais , Anti-Infecciosos/análise
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 879, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434950


Background: Multilobular tumor of bone (MTB) is an unusual neoplasm with variable biologic behavior which originates primarily in bone tissues. Radiographs computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are useful in diagnoses and surgical planning. Tumor removal with wide surgical margins is the treatment of choice. Immunohistochemistry has been shown as an important tool in veterinary oncology to define therapeutic and prognostic decisions. The goal of this study was to report 2 distinct cases of multilobular tumor of bone, their Cox-2 and Mib-1 immunohistochemical profile and its impact on overall survival. Case: Two bitches were presented at the Oncology Department of the Veterinary Hospital in the Veterinary School of Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Both had a history of a progressive, painless, circumscribed, and firm facial mass. The 1st patient was a 8-year-old intact bitch mixed breed, weighing 50 kg, that presented a fast growing right infraorbital 3-cm mass, causing eye displacement. The 2nd patient was a 7-year-old spayed bitch Labrador retriever, weighing 28 kg, that presented a left temporal 8-cm mass. Neurologic examination of both bitches was normal. Skin over the nodules was strained, but with no ulceration. Radiographic exams of the head revealed lytic and proliferative bone reaction, with loss of cortical definition in both cases. These alterations were seen on the left zygomatic arch of the retrobulbar region, involving part of the mandible and of the nasal sinus lateral frontal bone in 1st patient, and on the right temporal process of the zygomatic bone in 2nd patient. The last one, also showed a granular solid mass with little contact with skull bones. Complete blood count, biochemistry profile, electrocardiogram, and 3-view thoracic radiographs were performed. Results were within normal ranges for the species and no signs of metastasis was seen on the radiographs. Location, size, and density of the mass, adjacent tissue compression, absence of cranial invasion, and lymph node size were rigorously evaluated with CT, allowing an individualized surgical planning to achieve complete mass removal and maintenance of the function of adjacent structures. Both animals were submitted to surgery. Both tumors were fixed on 10% neutral buffered formalin and sent to the Animal Pathology Department of UFMG for histopathological examination and margin assessment. Both tumors were diagnosed as grade I MTB. Tumor immunohistochemistry was performed to identify prognostic factors that could be used to better define therapeutic treatments and to try to clarify the discrepancy in disease progression between both tumors. The 1st patient expressed 20% of Mib-1 and was considered score 2 of Cox-2. The 2nd one expressed 5% of Mib-1 and was considered score 1 of Cox-2. Considering the diagnoses and histological characteristics of the tumors, it was decided for clinical follow-up of patients without additional therapeutic complementation. Even considering incomplete surgical margins in 2nd patient, adjuvant chemotherapy was not performed, due to low mitotic index and low histological grade. The 1st patient had an overall survival of 240 days, and death was due to recurrence and disease progression; and the 2nd did not show recurrence nor metastasis after 1200 days. Discussion: Proper and individualized surgical planning and histopathological evaluation are extremely important to guide treatment decisions. However, immunohistochemistry can be important in MTB cases, to help define which patients should be submitted to surgery alone and which patients could be benefited from adjuvant chemotherapy.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias de Tecido Ósseo/veterinária , Antígeno Ki-67/análise , Ciclo-Oxigenase 2/análise , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1904, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416676


Background: Hydrodissection is a minimally invasive procedure that consists of injecting fluid into an anatomical space to facilitate dissection during surgery. Although this procedure is employed in several areas of veterinary medicine, including ophthalmology, there are no reports of the use of this maneuver in conjunctival procedures in dogs. The use of this technique can facilitate the construction of conjunctival pedicle flaps, thereby improving the results. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the use of hydrodissection in the construction of conjunctival pedicle flaps in dogs. Materials, Methods & Results: The sample consisted of 20 eyes from 10 healthy dogs that had been subjected to elective surgical procedures of ovariohysterectomy and orchiectomy. The dogs were divided into 2 groups; the 1st group of 10 eyes underwent hydrodissection and the 2nd group of 10 eyes did not. All the patients underwent a complete ophthalmic examination and assessment of their systemic conditions. The patients were then anesthetized and the procedures were performed under a surgical microscope. In the group subjected to hydrodissection, the conjunctival flap was prepared by means of a previous subconjunctival injection of 0.7 mL of 0.9% sodium chloride, followed by preparation of the flap. In the group without hydrodissection, the flap was prepared by means of conventional divulsion using iris scissors. After producing the conjunctival flaps, a conjunctival fragment was collected from both groups for histological analysis and evaluation of the presence of the Tenon capsule. The operating time, degree of hemorrhage and ease of handling the conjunctiva in the intraoperative period were evaluated. Postoperative evaluations were performed at 1, 7 and 14 days after surgery and included: blepharospasm, conjunctival hyperemia and edema, which were classified as absent, mild, moderate or severe; tear production was evaluated using the Schirmer test, and the appearance of the conjunctival scar was assessed based on photographs taken in the postoperative period, and by a visual analogue scale, with healing classified as fair, good or excellent. The 2 groups showed no statistical difference in terms of operating time, bleeding, ease of handling and conjunctival divulsion. A volume of 0.48 ± 0.12 mL of 0.9% sodium chloride was administered to the conjunctiva. Postoperative assessments of hyperemia, blepharospasm, conjunctival edema, and tear production also did not differ statistically. Conjunctival scarring was considered optimal until the 14th postoperative day, with no statistically significant difference between the 2 groups. These results demonstrate that both maneuvers are effective in creating conjunctival flaps. The Tenon capsule could not be identified in histological stains. Discussion: The literature offers numerous descriptions of the use of hydrodissection in surgical procedures in humans in order to facilitate dissection and reduce surgical duration and handling, thereby improving the clinical recovery of patients. Conversely, this technique has not been described frequently in veterinary medicine, notably with respect to conjunctival procedures. In this study, we demonstrated that conjunctival hydrodissection was perfectly feasible, contributing to the divulsion and preparation of conjunctival flaps, thus proving to be a viable option for this type of procedure. The absence of the Tenon capsule in the evaluated samples demonstrates that, in both groups, the techniques were effective in separating them from the conjunctiva. It was therefore concluded that the hydrodissection technique is a feasible maneuver in the construction of conjunctival flaps, providing a new option for surgeons, especially for novice ophthalmologists.

Animais , Cães , Retalhos Cirúrgicos/veterinária , Úlcera da Córnea/cirurgia , Dissecação/métodos , Dissecação/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/métodos
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(1): 51-55, Jan.-Feb. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374405


Rabies is a critical zoonotic high-risk disease, which has emerged as an important public-health problem. There are limited investigations that explore maternally derived antibody (MDA) in puppies and kittens from around the world. Furthermore, there is no such research in any province of Iran. This study measured the serum level of MDA in 10 puppies and their vaccinated bitches (n=20), 10 puppies and their unvaccinated bitches (n=20), 10 kittens with vaccinated queens and 10 kittens with unvaccinated queens. Antibodies against rabies were measured using quantitative, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Our results showed that 90% (9 out of 10) of puppies from vaccinated bitches were positive for anti-rabies antibodies, while test results for all puppies from non-vaccinated bitches were negative (P=0.001). Moreover, puppies' titers were significantly higher in the vaccinated group than the non-vaccinated group (P=0.003). There was a similar condition between vaccinated and non-vaccinated bitches (P=0.008). Although kittens' titers were significantly higher in the vaccinated group than the non-vaccinated group (P=0.03), only 20 percent of the kittens with vaccinated queens showed positive results, while all kittens from non-vaccinated queens were negative for anti-rabies antibodies (P=0.137).

A raiva é uma doença zoonótica crítica de alto risco, que surgiu como um importante problema de saúde pública. Há investigações limitadas que exploram anticorpos derivados da maternidade (MDA) em filhotes e gatos de todo o mundo. Além disso, não existe tal pesquisa em nenhuma província do Irã. Este estudo mediu o nível sérico do MDA em 10 filhotes e suas cadelas vacinadas (n=20), 10 filhotes e suas cadelas não vacinadas (n=20), 10 filhotes com rainhas vacinadas e 10 filhotes com rainhas não vacinadas. Os anticorpos contra a raiva foram medidos usando o ensaio quantitativo de imunoabsorção enzimática (ELISA). Nossos resultados mostraram que 90% (9 em cada 10) dos filhotes de cadelas vacinadas foram positivos para anticorpos anti-rábicos, enquanto os resultados dos testes para todos os filhotes de cadelas não vacinadas foram negativos (P=0,001). Além disso, os títulos dos filhotes foram significativamente mais altos no grupo vacinado do que no grupo não vacinado (P=0,003). Havia uma condição similar entre cadelas vacinadas e não vacinadas (P=0,008). Embora os títulos dos filhotes fossem significativamente mais altos no grupo vacinado do que no grupo não vacinado (P=0,03), apenas 20% dos filhotes com rainhas vacinadas apresentaram resultados positivos, enquanto todos os filhotes de rainhas não vacinadas foram negativos para anticorpos anti-rábicos (P=0,137).

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Raiva/imunologia , Vírus da Raiva/imunologia , Anticorpos , Anticorpos Antivirais/genética , Raiva/veterinária , Vacina Antirrábica , Gatos , Cães
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20210131, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442763


This study aimed to introduce R package pedSimulate, which was built to simulate pedigree, genetic merit, phenotype, and genotype data. These are amongst the most important data types that animal breeders and quantitative geneticists deal with. Twenty pedigrees with ten generations were simulated applying different combinations of three parameters: genetic variance (10 vs. 20), proportion of males selected (10 vs. 20%), and the pattern for selecting females (random, positively, or negatively based on own phenotype or parent average). Males were selected positively based on parent average. Consequently, assortative mating was applied to the pedigrees in which females were positively selected based on their own phenotype or parent average. Disassortative mating was applied to the pedigrees in which females were selected negatively based on phenotype or parent averages. Genetic gain and response to selection over generations were positive for all the pedigrees due to high selection intensity on males, mating each male with multiple females, and moderate to high heritability (0.25 and 0.40 for genetic variances 10 and 20, and the residual variance of 30). Genetic variance showed a slightly increasing trend over generations by assortative mating and lower selection intensity on males. Selection intensity on females was the same in all the pedigrees. This study provided examples of how R package pedSimulate can be adopted for pedigree, genetic merit, phenotype, and genotype data simulation in animal breeding studies. By using different functions and combining different parameters for their arguments, many scenarios can be simulated by R package pedSimulate.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Simulação por Computador , Cães/genética , Variação Genética
Ars vet ; 38(1): 13-17, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1371049


Gastrointestinal parasites are frequently found in domestic animals, with important role in animal and public health. Among gastrointestinal parasites of dogs and cats Toxocara spp. and Ancylostoma spp. are reported as the most common parasites found in dogs and cats in the world caunsing digestive damage, including death, and with great importance in public health causing visceral larva migrans and cutaneous larva migrans respectively. This study aimed verify the occurrence of gastroenteric parasites in dogs and cats from Mineiros, Goiás, in association with epidemiological aspects. In total, 103 fecal samples (93 from dogs and 10 from cats) from April 2017 to July 2018 were collected by spontaneous defecation and processed for search of eggs and oocysts by the Willis (adapted) technique. Toxocara spp. was the most frequent parasite identified in dogs, with 34.41% frequency (32/93 samples), followed by Ancylostoma spp. (11.83%, 11/93 samples) and Cystoisospora spp. (1.07%, 1/93 samples). Fecal samples from cats, showed a similar result, being Toxocara spp. the most frequent parasite (40%, 4/10 samples), followed by Ancylostoma spp. (20%, 2/10 samples) and Cystoisospora spp. (20%, 2/10 samples). Young animals were 10% more positive for parasites comparing to elderly and adult animals (odds ratio=1.1), as well as animals with access outdoors 20% more parasitized (odds ratio=1.2). The study showed the most common gastrintesinal parasites of dogs and acts from Mineiros, Goiás.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Doenças do Gato/parasitologia , Doenças do Cão/parasitologia , Fezes/parasitologia , Helmintíase Animal/diagnóstico , Ancylostoma/isolamento & purificação , Toxocara/isolamento & purificação , Zoonoses , Gatos , Toxocara canis/isolamento & purificação , Cães
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 32(2): 17-27, abr.-jun. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1402051


A orquiectomia consiste na remoção dos testículos e, em animais, pode ser realizada por motivo eletivo ou terapêutico. A cirurgia eletiva faz parte da guarda responsável de cães e gatos e é um dos procedimentos mais realizados na medicina veterinária, incluindo mutirões de castração onde a redução de custos é importante. A auto-hemoterapia (AHT) vem sendo aplicada em animais, inclusive em acupontos, com o intuito de produzir efeitos imunoestimulantes. Neste contexto, este estudo utilizou AHT, durante o período pós-operatório imediato, em acupontos de cães submetidos à orquiectomia eletiva sem a aplicação de antibióticos. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com dados referentes a outro grupo de animais, os quais foram orquiectomizados e previamente tratados com antibiótico sistêmico. Todos os animais foram acompanhados clinicamente e foram feitos hemogramas nos períodos pré e pós-operatório, assim como o registro de infecções e outras intercorrências relacionadas ao procedimento cirúrgico. Considerando os 20 cães usados no estudo, não houve ocorrência de infecção ou processo inflamatório nos animais após o procedimento cirúrgico. Além disso, alterações hematológicas significativas não foram observadas entre os grupos e entre os períodos pré e pós-operatório de ambos os grupos. Desta forma, conclui-se que a auto-hemoterapia associada à acupuntura pode representar uma alternativa para um protocolo cirúrgico sem antibióticos em cirurgia eletiva de orquiectomia em animais hígidos.

The orchiectomy is the removal of the testicles and, in animals, can be performed due to by elective or therapeutic reasons. Elective surgery is part of the responsible ownership of dogs and cats and is one of the most performed procedures in veterinary medicine, including castration efforts where cost reduction is important. Autohemotherapy (AHT) has been applied in animals, including acupoints, to produce immunostimulatory effects. In this context, this study used AHT, during the immediate postoperative period, in acupoints of dogs submitted to elective orchiectomy without the use of antibiotics. The results obtained were compared to data from another group of animals, which were orchiectomized and previously treated with a systemic antibiotic. All animals were clinically monitored and hemograms were performed during the pre and post-operatory period, as well as the registration of infections and other complications related to the surgical procedure. Regarding the 20 dogs used in the study, there was no occurrence of infection or inflammation in the animals after the surgical procedure. In addition, significant hematologic alterations were not observed between groups and between pre- and post-operatory periods in both groups. Therefore, it is concluded that autohemotherapy associated with acupuncture may represent an alternative for a surgical protocol without antibiotics in elective orchiectomy surgery in healthy animals.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Orquiectomia/veterinária , Pontos de Acupuntura , Auto-Hemoterapia/veterinária , Analgesia por Acupuntura/veterinária
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 46(4): 373-376, out.-dez. 2022.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415076


As cadelas possuem características especiais da fisiologia da reprodução que as diferenciam das outras espécies domésticas. Elas são monoéstricas não sazonais com ovulação espontânea. A puberdade ocorre com variação entre 6 e 24 meses de idade conforme raça, tamanho individual e predisposições individuais. O interestro ocorre com intervalos de 5 a 12 meses sendo em média com 6 meses. O ciclo reprodutivo das cadelas é composto de 4 fases distintas: proestro (duração de 5 a 20 dias), estro (duração de 5 a 15 dias), diestro (duração de 50 a 80 dias) e anestro (duração de 80 a 240 dias). O diagnóstico e acompanhamento das fases do ciclo estral é feito com observação de comportamento reprodutivo, sintomas e sinais anatômicos e fisiológicos, citologia vaginal, dosagem do nível sérico de progesterona, vaginoscopia e utrassonografia dos órgãos do sistema reprodutivo, em especial dos ovários em cada fase do ciclo estral.(AU)

Female dogs have special features of reproduction physiology that differentiate them from other domestic species. Theu are non-seasonal monoestrus with spontaneous ovulation. Puberty occurs with a variation between 6 and 24 months of age according to breed, individual size, and individual predispositions. The inter-estrus occurs at intervals of 5 to 12 months, with an average of 6 months. The reproductive cycle of bitches is composed of 4 distinct phases: proestrus (duration from 5 to 20 days), estrus (duration from 5 to 15 days), diestrus (duration from 50 to 80 days) and anestrus (duration from 80 to 240 days). The diagnosis and monitoring of the phases of the estrous cycle is made with observation of reproductive behavior, symptoms and anatomical and physiological signs, vaginal cytology, measurement of serum progesterone levels, vaginoscopy and ultrasound of the organs of the reproductive system, especially the ovaries in each phase of the estrus cycle.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Ciclo Estral/fisiologia , Cães/fisiologia
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 32(2): 9-16, abr.-jun. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1402049


Emergências reprodutivas, como as piometras e distocias, são frequentes na rotina clínica de cadelas e gatas. A distocia ocorre quando há falha no momento do parto ou na expulsão do feto e sua causa mais comum, nas duas espécies, é a inércia uterina primária. A piometra é uma infecção que ocorre no útero, causada por alterações hormonais na fase do diestro dos animais. As duas enfermidades (distocia e piometra) podem ter o envolvimento de anticoncepcionais, tanto nas cadelas como nas gatas. Na maioria das vezes, as distocias, em cadelas e gatas, é abordada por meio da realização de cesarianas, enquanto para a piometra, a terapêutica mais efetiva é a realização de ovariohisterectomia. Desta forma, tendo em vista a deficiência na quantificação de emergências reprodutivas obstétricas em cadelas e gatas diagnosticadas em serviços veterinários do Brasil, este trabalho teve como objetivo relatar os achados obtidos através do monitoramento, durante 90 dias, de 43 cadelas e 20 gatas com emergências reprodutivas. Dentre as cadelas, 29 (67,44%; 29/43) apresentaram piometra, 13 (30,23%; 13/43) distocia e 1 prolápso vaginal. Dentre as gatas, 13 (65%; 13/20) apresentaram distocia e sete (35%; 7/20) piometra. Algumas das emergências reprodutivas foram relacionadas ao uso de anticoncepcional. Assim, os clínicos veterinários devem desencorajar esta prática e incentivar a castração das fêmeas.

Reproductive emergencies, such as pyometras and dystocias, are frequent in the clinical routine of female dogs and cats. Dystocia occurs when there is a failure during delivery or expulsion of the fetus, and its most common cause, in both species, is primary uterine inertia. Pyometra is an infection that occurs in the uterus caused by hormonal changes in the diestrous phase of animals. In both diseases (dystocia and pyometra), contraceptives can be involved in both female dogs and cats. Most of the time, dystocias, in female dogs and cats, is addressed through cesarean sections, while in pyometra, the most effective therapy is to perform ovariohysterectomy. Thus, given the deficiency in the quantification of obstetric reproductive emergencies in female dogs and cats diagnosed in veterinary services in Brazil, this study aimed to report the findings obtained by monitoring 43 female dogs and 20 female cats with reproductive emergencies for 90 days. Among bitches, 29 (67.44%; 29/43) presented pyometra, 13 (30.23%; 13/43) showed dystocia, and 1 had vaginal prolapse. Among the cats, 13 presented dystocia (65%; 13/20), and 7 (35%; 7/20) showed pyometra. Some reproductive emergencies were related to contraceptive use. Thus, veterinary clinicians must discourage this practice and encourage the castration of females

Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Cães , Distocia/veterinária , Piometra/veterinária , Infecções do Sistema Genital/veterinária , Estudos Retrospectivos
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(1): e20210092, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360103


The use of dogs in military work environments has always aroused great interest in the general population and determining the stress levels they go through is extremely important to maintain their welfare. The aim of this research was to evaluate if the work shifts in military working dogs leads to stress conditions and if this working influences on the reproductive performance and life quality. The study was conducted at the Military Police Kennel located at Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Eight male dogs of four different breeds (German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois Shepherd, Doberman, and Rottweiler) were evaluated during two different shifts: Working Shifts: animals working 12 hours a day with 2 hour-interval; and Control Shifts: animals that were on their day off (36 hours). Saliva samples were collected for cortisol analysis at the control and working shifts. The study was carried out over 60 days and analyzed behavior, physiology, and reproduction quality. Saliva samples, behavior observation of stereotyping, resting and moving activities and semen analysis were collected by digital stimulation (for combined second and third fractions). The salivary cortisol levels during the control and working shifts were between 0.361-0.438 and 0.312-0.592 µg/dL, respectively; the highest values were found at the end of working shifts. The animals were resting during most of the observation period, but few showed stereotypic behaviors. The testicular consistency was firm and semen parameters were within the normal values in German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois Shepherd, and Doberman dogs. However, Rottweiler dogs had a higher rate of sperm abnormalities, higher salivary cortisol levels, and more stereotypic behaviors. Nevertheless this work highlights the importance of further research relating reproduction and cortisol levels in military dogs.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Bem-Estar do Animal , Hidrocortisona , Análise do Sêmen , Técnicas de Observação do Comportamento , Comportamento Sexual Animal
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 16(1): 53-57, jan. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437520


Neurological disorders are frequent in small animal veterinary clinics and studies giving regional justification for such disorders are essential so that veterinarians can be better prepared. The objective of this retrospective study was to describe the clinical and epidemiological aspects of dogs with neurological disorders treated at the Veterinary Hospital of Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, between August 2017 and April 2018. The study describes the location of the lesions and their etiology according to the acronym VITAMIN-D, as well as the distribution of cases according to sex, breed and age. One hundred and twenty-two (122) dogs were included, of which 58% (n=71) were males and 42% (n=51) females. The age distribution ranged from two months to 18 years old; 16% were less than two years old, 50% between two and seven years old and 34% were more than seven years old. The most affected breeds were Mixed Breed dogs (43%), Poodles (9%) and Dachshunds (7%). The diagnoses were confirmed in 54 animals (44%) and in 68 (56%) remained presumptive. The most common location was the spinal cord (61%), where the T3-L3 region was the most affected (35%), followed by multifocal (20%) and forebrain (10%). The most frequent categories were degenerative (24%), inflammatory/infectious (23%) and traumatic (20%) diseases. Intervertebral disc disease was the most observed, corresponding to 21.3% of all cases. The results showed that the neurological diseases in this Veterinary Hospital were more prevalent in young male adults with spinal cord diseases of degenerative nature.(AU)

Desordens neurológicas são frequentes na clínica de pequenos animais. Estudos caracterizando a casuística regio-nal são fundamentais para melhor instrução e preparo técnico do médico veterinário. O objetivo deste trabalho retrospectivo foi descrever os aspectos clínicos e epidemiológicos de cães com distúrbios neurológicos atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, entre agosto de 2017 e abril de 2018, caracterizando a localização da lesão e etiologia de acordo com o acrônimo VITAMINA-D, bem como a distribuição dos casos em relação ao sexo, raça e faixa etária. Foram incluídos 122 cães, com 58% (n=71) dos casos em machos e 42% (n=51) em fêmeas. A distribuição etária variou de dois meses a 18 anos, sendo 16% dos animais menores de dois anos, 50% entre dois e sete anos e 34% maiores de sete anos. As raças mais observadas foram SRD (43%), Poodle (9%) e Dachshund (7%). O diagnóstico etiológico foi confirmado em 54 animais (44%) e em 68 (56%) permaneceu como presuntivo. A localização mais comum foi na medula espinhal (61%), sendo a região entre T3-L3 a mais acometida (35%), seguida por multifocal (20%) e prosencéfalo (10%). As categorias mais frequentes foram de doenças degenerativas (24%), inflamatórias/infecciosas (23%) e traumáticas (20%). Dos cães com doenças degenerativas, a doença do disco intervertebral foi mais observada (21,3% do total dos casos). Com base nos resultados obti-dos, pode-se concluir que, na casuística regional deste Hospital, as doenças neurológicas foram mais prevalentes em machos, adultos jovens e com localização medular de origem degenerativa.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/diagnóstico , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/epidemiologia
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(4): 175-181, out./dez. 2022. il.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427109


In research and academic activities, guidelines are essential and imperative especially on the use of animals. Alternative methods that do not bring academic or scientific harm should also be sought. This study aimed to develop a training model for the collection of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and myelography in the cervical and lumbar regions in cadavers of embalmed dogs, using an alcoholic solution and curing salts for fixation and conservation. The dogs were divided into 4 grups of 8 animal each and stored between 2ºC and 6ºC, for 30, 60, 90, or 120 days. Durotomy was performed to implant two urethral catheters (one in the cranial direction and another in the caudal direction to the spinal cord access site), in the subduraracnoid space. This space was fixed via manual infusion of saline solution with a 20-mL syringe to simulate the presence of the CSF and the positive pressure, while the puncture was made. Four cadavers of each group were randomly selected for the CSF puncture from the atlantooccipital joint and in the lumbar region between L5 and L6, respectively, and four were used for CSF puncture training, in which radiographic contrast (myelography) was injected in the same locations. This model was cost-effective, did not utilize toxic products, and can preserve cadavers for up to 120 days. In this novel anatomical model, a maximum of 15 students can be trained on CSF puncture, allowing cervical and lumbar myelography and at least 30 perforations per cadaver.

É essencial e imperioso ter critério quanto ao uso de animais em pesquisa e atividades de ensino e, consequentemente, buscar métodos alternativos que não causem prejuízo acadêmico ou científico. Para que não ocorra deterioração dos tecidos, a fixação e conservação de peças anatômicas e cadáveres devem ser realizadas. Objetivou-se, com este estudo, desenvolver um modelo anatômico para treinamento de colheita de líquido cerebroespinhal (LCE) e mielografia, nas regiões cervical e lombar. Os cães foram divididos em quatro grupos contendo oito animais cada e armazenados entre 2ºC e 6ºC, por 30, 60, 90 ou 120 dias. Foi realizada durotomia para implantação de duas sondas uretrais, no espaço subaracnóide. A infusão manual de solução fisiológica com seringa de 20 mL foi utilizada para simular a presença do LCE e a pressão positiva, enquanto era feita a punção. Quatro cadáveres de cada grupo foram selecionados para a punção de LCE na articulação atlantooccipital e na região lombar entre L5 e L6, e quatro foram utilizados para o treinamento da punção de LCE e injeção de contraste radiográfico (mielografia). A técnica anatômica empregada possibilitou o desenvolvimento de um modelo visando ao ensino e pesquisa da radiologia em cadáveres de cães quimicamente preparados, a custo baixo e sem utilização de produtos tóxicos, mantidos sob refrigeração por 120 dias. Com isso, um máximo de 15 alunos podem ser treinados em punção do LCR, permitindo mielografia cervical e lombar com 30 perfurações por cadáver.

Animais , Cães , Punção Espinal/veterinária , Cadáver , Mielografia/veterinária , Radiografia/veterinária , Líquido Cefalorraquidiano , Cães/anatomia & histologia , Modelos Anatômicos
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(4): 185-188, out./dez. 2022. il.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427126


We conducted aseroepidemiological study on the occurrence of anti-Sarcocystisspp. and anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in dogs from family farming properties in the municipality of Ji-Paraná, Rondônia.Blood samples were collected from apparently healthy dogs between September 2012 and November 2013. In total, 181 blood serum samples were analyzed using an indirect immunofluorescence assay, among which 57 (31.49%) and 20 (11.04%) were positive for anti-T. gondii and anti-Sarcocystis spp., respectively. Statistical analyses showed that the type of food fed to the dogs was associated with the occurrence of anti-Sarcocystisspp. antibodies. In contrast, age and access to bovine carcasses were the risk factors for anti-T. gondii.The high occurrence of seropositive dogs for Sarcocystis spp. and T. gondii evidences the wide distribution of these agents in the studied area, possibly due to human and animal exposure to these protozoan species. In addition, anti-T. gondii antibodies were directly proportional to dog age. The increase in the number of positive animals with age was statistically significant. Furthermore, high antibody titers (up to 800) against Sarcocystis spp. in dogs suggest the possibility of recent exposure, in addition to environmental contamination by oocysts/sporocysts eliminated by the feces of these animals.

Conduzimos um estudo soroepidemiológico sobre a ocorrência de anticorpos anti- Sarcocystis spp. e anti-Toxoplasma gondiiem cães de propriedades de agricultura familiar no município de Ji-Paraná, Rondônia. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas de cães aparentemente saudáveis, entre setembro de 2012 e novembro de 2013. Ao todo, foram analisados 181 soros sanguíneos por meio do ensaio de imunofluorescência indireta, sendo positivas 57 (31,49%) e 20 (11,04%) amostras para anticorpos anti-T. gondii e anti-Sarcocystis spp., respectivamente. As análises estatísticas demonstraram que o tipo de alimentação fornecida aos cães esteve associado à ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Sarcocystis spp. Em contraste a idade e o acesso à carcaça bovina foram fatores de risco para a presença de anticorpos anti-T. gondii. A alta ocorrência de cães soropositivos para Sarcocystis spp. e T. gondii evidencia a ampla distribuição desses agentes na área estudada, possivelmente devido à exposição humana e animal a essas espécies de protozoários. Além disso, o resultado dos anticorpos anti-T. gondii relacionados a idade do cão mostraram diferença estatística, com aumento significativo no número de animais positivos com a idade. Além disso, altos títulos de anticorpos (até 800) contra Sarcocystis spp. em cães sugerem a possibilidade de exposição recente, além da contaminação ambiental por oocistos/esporocistos eliminados pelas fezes desses animais.

Animais , Cães , Toxoplasma , Zoonoses/transmissão , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Toxoplasmose Animal/transmissão , Sarcocystis , Sarcocistose/veterinária , Técnica Indireta de Fluorescência para Anticorpo/veterinária , Oocistos , Cães/parasitologia , Anticorpos/análise