ABSTRACT: This study determined whether Canopeo and GreenSeeker measurements in Megathyrsus maximus can estimate plant height, dry matter mass, morphological components, and content of crude protein and neutral detergent fiber at different days of growth. Five plots of 5 × 25m M. maximus grass were defined: subplots of 1×1m were evaluated every three days, in which the pasture shows 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, and 30 days of regrowth. The subplot was evaluated for canopy height and mass accumulation. The canopeo index (CI) obtained at a higher height was lower than those obtained at a smaller height. Higher measurement height increased the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) relative to 0.10 m. The highest indexes were observed since 18 d of regrowth. Except for the CI evaluated at 0.10 m of height, the indexes were not correlated to the chemical composition of the forage. The CI and NDVI were positively correlated to plant height, dry matter mass, and leaf index, whereas both were negatively correlated with stalk index. Thus, lower evaluation heights for CI and NDVI can be a good predictor of forage height. Values of 0.83 and 85.8 for NDVI and CI, respectively, indicated an appropriate time to start the grazing of M. maximus.
RESUMO: O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar se os índices obtidos com Canopeo e GreenSeeker (NDVI) em Megathyrsus maximum são capazes de estimar altura de plantas, massa de matéria seca, componentes morfológicos e teor de proteína bruta e fibra em detergente neutro em diferentes dias de crescimento. Cinco parcelas de 5 × 25 m de capim M.maximum foram definidas: sub parcelas de 1 × 1 m foram avaliadas a cada três dias, nas quais a pastagem apresenta 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 e 30 dias de rebrota. A sub parcela foi avaliada quanto à altura do dossel e acúmulo de massa. O índice do Canopeo (IC) obtido em maior altura foi menor do que o obtido em menor altura. A maior altura de medição aumentou o NDVI em relação a 0,10 m. Os maiores índices foram observados desde 18 dias de rebrota. Exceto para o IC avaliado a 0,10 m de altura, os índices não foram correlacionados com a composição química da forragem. IC e NDVI correlacionaram-se positivamente com a altura da planta, massa de MS e índice foliar, e negativamente com o índice de colmos. Assim, menores alturas de avaliação para IC e NDVI podem ser um bom preditor da altura da forragem. Valores de 0,83 e 85,8 para NDVI e IC, respectivamente, indicam um momento adequado para o início do pastejo de Megathyrsus maximum.
This study determined whether Canopeo and GreenSeeker measurements in Megathyrsus maximus can estimate plant height, dry matter mass, morphological components, and content of crude protein and neutral detergent fiber at different days of growth. Five plots of 5 × 25m M. maximus grass were defined: subplots of 1×1m were evaluated every three days, in which the pasture shows 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, and 30 days of regrowth. The subplot was evaluated for canopy height and mass accumulation. The canopeo index (CI) obtained at a higher height was lower than those obtained at a smaller height. Higher measurement height increased the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) relative to 0.10 m. The highest indexes were observed since 18 d of regrowth. Except for the CI evaluated at 0.10 m of height, the indexes were not correlated to the chemical composition of the forage. The CI and NDVI were positively correlated to plant height, dry matter mass, and leaf index, whereas both were negatively correlated with stalk index. Thus, lower evaluation heights for CI and NDVI can be a good predictor of forage height. Values of 0.83 and 85.8 for NDVI and CI, respectively, indicated an appropriate time to start the grazing of M. maximus.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar se os índices obtidos com Canopeo e GreenSeeker (NDVI) em Megathyrsus maximum são capazes de estimar altura de plantas, massa de matéria seca, componentes morfológicos e teor de proteína bruta e fibra em detergente neutro em diferentes dias de crescimento. Cinco parcelas de 5 × 25 m de capim M.maximum foram definidas: sub parcelas de 1 × 1 m foram avaliadas a cada três dias, nas quais a pastagem apresenta 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 e 30 dias de rebrota. A sub parcela foi avaliada quanto à altura do dossel e acúmulo de massa. O índice do Canopeo (IC) obtido em maior altura foi menor do que o obtido em menor altura. A maior altura de medição aumentou o NDVI em relação a 0,10 m. Os maiores índices foram observados desde 18 dias de rebrota. Exceto para o IC avaliado a 0,10 m de altura, os índices não foram correlacionados com a composição química da forragem. IC e NDVI correlacionaram-se positivamente com a altura da planta, massa de MS e índice foliar, e negativamente com o índice de colmos. Assim, menores alturas de avaliação para IC e NDVI podem ser um bom preditor da altura da forragem. Valores de 0,83 e 85,8 para NDVI e IC, respectivamente, indicam um momento adequado para o início do pastejo de Megathyrsus maximum.
Software , PastagensResumo
This work evaluated the initial performance and genetic diversity of Coffea canephora genotypes cultivated in environments at contrasting altitudes. Fourteen morphophysiological traits and seven descriptors of the genus Coffea spp. of coffee trees cultivated at altitudes of 140 m and 700 m were evaluated. The design used was Federer's augmented block in a 2 × 112 factorial scheme with six blocks. The first factor was the two environments, and the second was the 112 genotypes, with eight common treatments, being five conilon coffee clones and three arabica coffee cultivars. The data were analyzed by the method of REML/BLUP and genetic correlation method. Genetic diversity was evaluated by estimating the distance matrix, applying the Gower methodology followed by the clustering method by Tocher and UPGMA. The phenotypic means were higher in the environment at an altitude of 700 m, except for plant height, number of leaves, and canopy height (CH). Genotypic effects were significant for most traits except for leaf width, CH, unit leaf area, and total leaf area. A wide genetic diversity was verified, with distances varying from 0.037 to 0.593 for the pairs of genotypes 26 × 93 and T7 × 76, respectively. Most of the traits studied showed high genotypic correlation with the environment and expressive genetic correlation between the evaluated traits thereby demonstrating the possibility of indirect selection. There is an adaptation of conilon coffee genotypes to high altitudes and the possibility of developing a specific cultivar for the southern state of Espírito Santo.
Variação Genética , Coffea/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Coffea/genética , AltitudeResumo
Logging and agricultural exploitation have led to the degradation of Araucaria Forest remnants and the alteration of its last preserved patches. This forest typology contains many endangered plant species, as is the case of the tree Oreopanax fulvus Marchal. To support conservation of this species and understand how different landscape matrices can influence its populations, we evaluated the demographic structure and spatial distribution of O. fulvus in two Araucaria Forest remnants in Paraná state. We delimited two plots (urban and rural population), each with 1 ha, subdivided them into 100 subplots (10 x 10 m), and recorded diameter at ground level (DGL), height, and coordinates of two post-germinative developmental stage of individuals. In each subplot, we measured slope, luminosity, and canopy height. We used Ripley's K function analysis to describe distribution patterns of the species and the spatial relationship between mature and juvenile trees. We performed correlations between abundance and environmental and structural variables of the O. fulvus populations. Abundance varied between remnants, from 183 individuals/ha (12 mature and 171 juvenile) to 1306 individuals/ha (10 and 1296). The remnants varied in abundance and plant frequency. The species showed an investment in seedling banks. Most juvenile had DGL up to 3.0 cm and height up to 1.0 m and presented aggregated spatial distribution, while adults had random distribution. In the rural population juvenile abundance were correlated with canopy height (positively) and distance to mature trees (negatively). The slope was correlated for both sites, but oppositely, indicating that other factors might have interfered in the regeneration abundance. The urban remnant showed a high abundance of this endangered species, calling attention for potential studies in urban arborization, management and conservation of these remnants.
A exploração madeireira e agrícola levou à degradação dos fragmentos de Floresta com Araucária e à alteração de seus últimos fragmentos preservados. Esta tipologia florestal contém muitas espécies de plantas ameaçadas, como é o caso de Oreopanax fulvus Marchal. Para apoiar a conservação desta espécie e entender como diferentes matrizes da paisagem podem influenciar suas populações, avaliamos a estrutura demográfica e a distribuição espacial de O. fulvus em dois remanescentes de Floresta com Araucária no estado do Paraná. Delimitamos duas parcelas (população urbana e rural), cada uma com 1 ha, subdivididas em 100 subparcelas (10 x 10 m), registrando-se o diâmetro ao nível do solo (DGL), a altura e as coordenadas de dois estágios de desenvolvimento pós-germinativo de indivíduos. Em cada subparcela, medimos declividade, luminosidade e altura do dossel. Utilizamos função K de Ripley para descrever os padrões espaciais da espécie e a relação espacial entre árvores maduras e juvenis. Realizamos análise de correlação entre a abundância e as variáveis ambientais e estruturais das populações de O. fulvus. A abundância variou entre os remanescentes, de 183 indivíduos/ha (12 maduros e 171 juvenis) a 1306 indivíduos/ha (10 e 1296). Os remanescentes apresentaram variações na abundância e frequência de indivíduos. A espécie demonstrou investimento na formação de banco de plântulas. A maioria dos juvenis tinha DGL até 3,0 cm e altura até 1,0 m e apresentaram distribuição espacial agregada, enquanto os adultos tiveram distribuição aleatória. Na população rural a abundância de juvenis foi correlacionada com altura do dossel (positivamente) e com a distância de árvores maduras (negativamente). A declividade foi correlacionada em ambos os locais, mas de forma oposta, indicando que outros fatores podem ter interferido na abundância da regeneração. O remanescente urbano mostrou elevada abundância desta espécie ameaçada, demonstrando um potencial para estudos de arborização urbana, manejo e conservação destes remanescentes.
Características de Residência , Demografia , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , AraucariaResumo
ABSTRACT: Short-term grazing behavior variables are sensitive to the canopy structure and have an impact on daily forage intake. This study evaluated the effect of pre- and post-grazing canopy heights on the forage harvesting process at a patch scale in a mixture of Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf. syn. Urochloa brizantha R.D. Webster cv. Marandu (palisade grass) and Arachis pintoi Krapov. & W.C. Greg. cv. Belomonte (forage peanut). Treatments were allocated to a split-plot arrangement in a completely randomized design. The plots, in their entirety, consisted of two pre-grazing canopy heights: 25 cm (CH25) and 35 cm (CH35); subplots consisted of three levels of defoliation severity: no defoliation (DS0); 20% depletion of pre-grazing canopy height (DS20); and 40% depletion of pre-grazing canopy height (DS40), with eight replications. Heifers were allowed to graze the patches (0.7 × 0.7 m) and their grazing behavior was recorded. Canopy structure measurements were taken both before and after grazing. Patches from CH35 presented greater stem mass for grass (p = 0.001) and legume (p = 0.002) than did patches from CH25. Bite rate, bite mass and instantaneous intake rate were greater for CH25 than for CH35 (p 0.001, p = 0.068, and p = 0.074), and bite mass and instantaneous intake rate were lower for DS20 compared to DS0 (p = 0.032 and p = 0.016). Greater stem mass in the grazing strata negatively influenced the instantaneous intake rate.
This study aimed to evaluate forage yield, tiller population density, canopy height, nutritional value as well as cattle performance in alternate stocking from three tropical forage cultivars. The experiment followed a randomized block design, in a 3 x 3 factorial scheme with three replications. Three forage cultivars (Marandu, Massai and Xaraés) distributed in nine hectares were evaluated in three dry season periods (transition wet/dry, dry, and end of dry season), with repeated measures over time. The following variables were evaluated: canopy height, leaf: stem ratio, forage mass, leaf mass, stem mass and dead material mass. Total digestible nutrients, crude protein and in vitro dry mass digestibility were evaluated regarding forage nutrition. Animal performance, using 36 eleven-month-old animals (half-blood Nelore), was evaluated by the daily average gain and weight gain by area. During pre-grazing, canopy height presented interaction among forage cultivars and the evaluated periods. The average daily gain showed no interaction among cultivars and period of the year the similarity in animal performance among the cultivars Marandu and Massai show that the Massai grass can be used as an alternative for forage diversification under an alternate management system.
This study aimed to evaluate forage yield, tiller population density, canopy height, nutritional value as well as cattle performance in alternate stocking from three tropical forage cultivars. The experiment followed a randomized block design, in a 3 x 3 factorial scheme with three replications. Three forage cultivars (Marandu, Massai and Xaraés) distributed in nine hectares were evaluated in three dry season periods (transition wet/dry, dry, and end of dry season), with repeated measures over time. The following variables were evaluated: canopy height, leaf: stem ratio, forage mass, leaf mass, stem mass and dead material mass. Total digestible nutrients, crude protein and in vitro dry mass digestibility were evaluated regarding forage nutrition. Animal performance, using 36 eleven-month-old animals (half-blood Nelore), was evaluated by the daily average gain and weight gain by area. During pre-grazing, canopy height presented interaction among forage cultivars and the evaluated periods. The average daily gain showed no interaction among cultivars and period of the year the similarity in animal performance among the cultivars Marandu and Massai show that the Massai grass can be used as an alternative for forage diversification under an alternate management system.
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of increasing periods of coexistence of weed plants with Urochloa ruziziensis on the canopy structure and productivity of a pasture already established with this forage species. The experiment was a randomized blocks design with four replications, and treatments consisted of seven increasing periods of coexistence of forage grass with weed plants: 0 (control), 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days after regrowth (DAR). The main morpho-structural and productive characteristics of the forage plants were determined at the end of the experimental period (90 DAR). The ratio of the first green leaf height to the tiller height increases, while the leaf to stem ratio diminishes as the period of interaction with the infesting community increases. The number of green leaves per tiller and the tiller height diminishes as the period of coexistence with weed plants increases. The presence of weed plants interferes negatively with all parameters of the grass canopy structure and productivity of a grazing land already established with Urochloa ruziziensis, suggesting that measures of control of the infesting community should be adopted up to 17 days of regrowth of the forage plant.(AU)
Pastagens , PoaceaeResumo
Short-term grazing behavior variables are sensitive to the canopy structure and have an impact on daily forage intake. This study evaluated the effect of pre- and post-grazing canopy heights on the forage harvesting process at a patch scale in a mixture of Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf. syn. Urochloa brizantha R.D. Webster cv. Marandu (palisade grass) and Arachis pintoi Krapov. & W.C. Greg. cv. Belomonte (forage peanut). Treatments were allocated to a split-plot arrangement in a completely randomized design. The plots, in their entirety, consisted of two pre-grazing canopy heights: 25 cm (CH25) and 35 cm (CH35); subplots consisted of three levels of defoliation severity: no defoliation (DS0); 20% depletion of pre-grazing canopy height (DS20); and 40% depletion of pre-grazing canopy height (DS40), with eight replications. Heifers were allowed to graze the patches (0.7 × 0.7 m) and their grazing behavior was recorded. Canopy structure measurements were taken both before and after grazing. Patches from CH35 presented greater stem mass for grass (p = 0.001) and legume (p = 0.002) than did patches from CH25. Bite rate, bite mass and instantaneous intake rate were greater for CH25 than for CH35 (p < 0.001, p = 0.068, and p = 0.074), and bite mass and instantaneous intake rate were lower for DS20 compared to DS0 (p = 0.032 and p = 0.016). Greater stem mass in the grazing strata negatively influenced the instantaneous intake rate.
Arachis , Pastagens/análise , Brachiaria , Bovinos , FabaceaeResumo
Short-term grazing behavior variables are sensitive to the canopy structure and have an impact on daily forage intake. This study evaluated the effect of pre- and post-grazing canopy heights on the forage harvesting process at a patch scale in a mixture of Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf. syn. Urochloa brizantha R.D. Webster cv. Marandu (palisade grass) and Arachis pintoi Krapov. & W.C. Greg. cv. Belomonte (forage peanut). Treatments were allocated to a split-plot arrangement in a completely randomized design. The plots, in their entirety, consisted of two pre-grazing canopy heights: 25 cm (CH25) and 35 cm (CH35); subplots consisted of three levels of defoliation severity: no defoliation (DS0); 20% depletion of pre-grazing canopy height (DS20); and 40% depletion of pre-grazing canopy height (DS40), with eight replications. Heifers were allowed to graze the patches (0.7 × 0.7 m) and their grazing behavior was recorded. Canopy structure measurements were taken both before and after grazing. Patches from CH35 presented greater stem mass for grass (p = 0.001) and legume (p = 0.002) than did patches from CH25. Bite rate, bite mass and instantaneous intake rate were greater for CH25 than for CH35 (p < 0.001, p = 0.068, and p = 0.074), and bite mass and instantaneous intake rate were lower for DS20 compared to DS0 (p = 0.032 and p = 0.016). Greater stem mass in the grazing strata negatively influenced the instantaneous intake rate.
Arachis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Brachiaria/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Poaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
This study aimed to evaluate forage yield, tiller population density, canopy height, nutritional value as well as cattle performance in alternate stocking from three tropical forage cultivars. The experiment followed a randomized block design, in a 3 x 3 factorial scheme with three replications. Three forage cultivars (Marandu, Massai and Xaraés) distributed in nine hectares were evaluated in three dry season periods (transition wet/dry, dry, and end of dry season), with repeated measures over time. The following variables were evaluated: canopy height, leaf: stem ratio, forage mass, leaf mass, stem mass and dead material mass. Total digestible nutrients, crude protein and in vitro dry mass digestibility were evaluated regarding forage nutrition. Animal performance, using 36 eleven-month-old animals (half-blood Nelore), was evaluated by the daily average gain and weight gain by area. During pre-grazing, canopy height presented interaction among forage cultivars and the evaluated periods. The average daily gain showed no interaction among cultivars and period of the year the similarity in animal performance among the cultivars Marandu and Massai show that the Massai grass can be used as an alternative for forage diversification under an alternate management system.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Pastagens , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Poaceae/fisiologia , Estações do Ano , Brasil , Bovinos/fisiologiaResumo
This study aimed to evaluate forage yield, tiller population density, canopy height, nutritional value as well as cattle performance in alternate stocking from three tropical forage cultivars. The experiment followed a randomized block design, in a 3x3 factorial scheme with three replications. Three forage cultivars (Marandu, Massai and Xaraés) distributed in nine hectares were evaluated in three dry season periods (transition wet/dry, dry,and end of dry season), with repeated measuresover time. The following variables were evaluated: canopyheight, leaf: stem ratio, forage mass, leaf mass, stem mass and dead material mass. Total digestible nutrients, crude protein and in vitrodry mass digestibility were evaluated regarding forage nutrition. Animal performance, using 36 eleven-month-old animals (half-blood Nelore),was evaluated by the daily average gain and weight gain by area. During pre-grazing, canopy height presented interaction among forage cultivars and the evaluated periods. The average daily gain showed no interaction amongcultivarsand period of the year the similarity in animal performance amongthe cultivars Marandu and Massai show that the Massai grass can be used as an alternative for forage diversification under an alternate management system.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Pastagens/análise , Ração Animal/análise , Poaceae , Estações do AnoResumo
This study was developed to examine the growth, yield, chemical composition and in situ degradability of elephant grass cv. Napier (Pennisetum purpureum). Five spraying protocols with biostimulants were tested, namely, Control - no application; 1BR - bioregulator at seven days; 2BR - bioregulator at seven days + bioregulator and foliar fertilization at 20 days; 2BR2 - bioregulator at seven days + bioregulator and foliar fertilization at 20 days + ethylene inhibitor at 30 days; and 3BR - bioregulator at seven days + bioregulator and foliar fertilization at 20 days + ethylene inhibitor and bioregulator at 30 days. The grass was cut evenly at a height of 15 cm and harvested at 70 days of regrowth. The experimental area was divided into two blocks according to the slope. Ninety plots were used, totaling an area of 4,608 m2. Each plot was composed of four 4-m rows spaced 80 cm apart. Chemical composition, morphological traits and forage digestibility data were evaluated. The 3BR protocol, with more bioregulator-based applications, resulted in higher canopy (9.78%) and stem (9.58%) compared with control group. The 2BR and 2BR2 treatments provided a 6.5% higher stem than control treatment. The improvement in the nutritional value of Pennisetum purpureum cv. Napier was due to the 17.55% increase in crude protein (CP) content provided by protocol 3BR relative to control group. Treatments 2BR2 and 3BR improved the effective degradability of dry matter (DM). The application of biostimulant protocols increased the potential degradability of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) (+4.1%), with the greatest response seen in treatment 2BR2 in comparison with control treatment. Biostimulant protocols increase the canopy and stem heights and CP content. The application of a bioregulator associated with foliar fertilization and ethylene inhibitor improves the effective degradability of DM and NDF and the potential degradability of NDF in Pennisetum purpureum cv. Napier harvested at 70 days of regrowth.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar o crescimento, a produtividade, a composição bromatológica e a degradabilidade in situ do capim-elefante cv. Napier (Pennisetum purpureum). Foram efetuados cinco diferentes protocolos de pulverização com bioestimulantes: Controle - nenhuma aplicação, 1BR - biorregulador aos 7 dias; 2BR - biorregulador aos 7 dias, biorregulador e adubação foliar aos 20 dias; 2BR2 - biorregulador aos 7 dias, biorregulador e adubação foliar aos 20 dias, inibidor de etileno aos 30 dias; 3BR - biorregulador aos 7 dias, biorregulador e adubação foliar aos 20 dias, inibidor de etileno e biorregulador aos 30 dias. Foi realizado o corte de uniformização do capim a 15 centímetros de altura, sendo a colheita efetuada aos 70 dias de rebrota. A área experimental foi dividida em dois blocos de acordo com a declividade. Foram utilizadas 90 parcelas, totalizando 4.608 m2 de área. Cada parcela foi composta por quatro linhas de quatro metros cada, com espaço entrelinhas de 80 centímetros. Os dados foram avaliados quanto à composição química, características morfológicas e digestibilidade da forragem. O protocolo 3BR, com mais aplicações à base de biorreguladores, resultou em dossel maior (9,78%) e maior altura de caule (9,58%) em relação ao grupo controle, bem como os tratamentos 2BR e 2BR2 promoveram aumento da altura de caule em 6,5% se comparado com tratamento controle. A melhoria no valor nutricional do Pennisetum purpureum cv. Napier se deu em função da elevação no teor de proteína bruta (PB) de 17,55% em relação ao grupo controle com o protocolo 3BR. Houve aumento da degradabilidade efetiva da matéria seca (MS) para os tratamentos 2BR2 e 3BR. A aplicação dos protocolos de bioestimulantes aumentou a degradabilidade potencial da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) (+4,1%), com maior resposta para o tratamento 2BR2 em relação ao tratamento controle. Os protocolos de bioestimulantes elevam a altura do dossel e do caule e incrementam o teor de PB. A aplicação de biorregulador, associado à adubação foliar e inibidor de etileno melhora a degradabilidade efetiva da MS e FDN e a degradabilidade potencial da FDN do Pennisetum purpureum cv. Napier cortado aos 70 dias de rebrota.(AU)
Micronutrientes , Pennisetum/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Análise de Alimentos , Valor Nutritivo , Produtos AgrícolasResumo
This research evaluated the biomass productivity and nutritional value of the haylage and hay from intercropping between Tamani grass and different legume species. For the productive characteristics of the different intercrops, we adopted a randomized block design, for evaluation of the combination of intercropping and conservation technic we used 5 x 2 factorial scheme (five intercrops and two types of conservation techniques). The treatments were Tamani grass as monoculture, and the intercrops of Tamani grass with crotalaria, soybean, cowpea, or pigeon pea. The conservation techniques were haylage (520 g/kg of DM) and hay (870 g/kg of DM). Plants were sown in alternate rows, with 45 cm of spacing between the rows. The parameters evaluated were grass and legume biomass production, canopy height, and haylage and hay chemical composition, and in vitro dry matter digestibility (ivDMD). There were no differences in the total biomass production between the intercrops and TA grass monoculture. The treatments intercropped with cowpea and soybean had the highest legume participation in the mixture, promoting an increase in crude protein and ivDMD content of haylage and hay. Haylage and hay had the same chemical composition, although haylage had higher ivDMD than hay. We concluded that intercropping Tamani grass with soybeans or cowpea maintained total biomass productivity and improved the nutritional value of haylage and hay.
Esta pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de se avaliar a produtividade da biomassa e valor nutricional da silagem e do feno provenientes do consórcio entre o capim-Tamani e diferentes espécies de leguminosas. Para as características produtivas das diferentes culturas consorciadas, adotamos o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, para avaliação da interação dos consórcios com técnicas de conservação usamos esquema fatorial 5 x 2 (cinco consórcios e duas técnicas de conservação). Os tratamentos foram o capim-Tamani em monocultura, e o consórcio de capim-Tamni associado a crotalária, soja, feijão-caupi ou feijão-guandu. As plantas foram semeadas em fileiras alternadas, com espaçamento de 45 cm. As técnicas de conservação foram silagem pré-secada (520 g / kg de MS) e feno (870 g / kg de MS). Avaliamos a produção de biomassa de gramínea e leguminosa, a altura do dossel, a composição química e a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (ivDMD). Não houve diferenças na produção total de biomassa entre os consórcios e o monocultivo de capim-Tamani. Os tratamentos consorciados com feijão-caupi e soja tiveram maior participação de leguminosas na mistura, promovendo aumento no teor de proteína bruta e ivDMD da silagem pré-secada e feno. A silagem pré-secada e o feno tinham a mesma composição química, embora a silagem pré-secada apresentou maior ivDMD do que o feno. Concluímos que o consórcio de capim-Tamani com soja ou feijão-caupi manteve a produtividade da biomassa total e melhorou o valor nutricional da silagem pré-secada e do feno.
Silagem/análise , Glycine max , Biomassa , Crotalaria , Cajanus , Vigna , PanicumResumo
This work evaluated the productive and structural characteristics of the BRS Zuri and BRS Quênia cultivars under rotational stocking management. The evaluations were divided into five periods according to rainfall regime (high, medium, and low rainfall) during 16 months of the years 2016-2018. Pastures were grazed when canopies intercepted 95% of incident light to stubbles corresponding to 50% of the pre-grazing height. The pre- and post-grazing heights varied as a function of cultivar, with higher values for BRS Zuri (89 and 49 cm) than for BRS Quênia (78 and 45 cm). No differences in canopy lowering percentage, forage mass, and stem and dead material dry masses between cultivars were observed, with averages of 41.3%, 5,856, 1,835, and 841 kg ha−1, respectively. The post-grazing canopy height was lower in the second year, which resulted in higher values of canopy lowering percentage (51%). The highest value for leaf:stem ratio for both cultivars was observed in the high rainfall period of the second year. Higher average tiller population density was observed for BRS Quênia (477 tillers m−2) than for BRS Zuri (260 tillers m−2) for all the rainfall periods. Forage bulk density was similar between cultivars and varied according to the periods evaluated, with the highest value observed during the dry period of the year. Forage mass, as well as its component fractions, did not vary between cultivars, but was influenced by the studied periods. The cultivars showed high leaf mass in the pre-grazing forage mass with an average value of 3,174 kg ha−1. The cultivars are similar in morphological composition and offer high yield potential when managed under a rotational grazing system.
Pastagens , Poaceae , 24444Resumo
ABSTRACT: The animal performance on pasture is directly correlated to canopy structure since this influences the herbage consumption. This study was evaluated the effects of four pre-grazing canopy heights (12, 20, 28 and 36 cm) of Andropogon lateralis Ness on herbage intake and feeding behavior of steers in a natural grassland under intermittent stocking management, using the same proportion of defoliation (40% reduction in pre-grazing height, i.e., post-grazing heights of 7.2, 12.0, 16.8 and 21.6 cm). The experiment was conducted on a total area of 14,000 m2, divided into sixteen paddocks of 875 m2. Thirty-two steers were used, divided into uniform pairs according to the live weight (LW) at the start of the experiment (244 ± 23.0 kg). Each paddock was subdivided into three plots of identical area; the first two plots were used for the adaptation period and the third for the assessment period. A randomized block design was used with four replicates and two assessment periods. Herbage mass and neutral detergent fiber content increased linearly (P < 0,001) with the increase of pre-grazing canopy heights. In contrast, was not affected by treatments, with mean values of 75 g/kg of dry matter (DM) in the upper stratum and 83 g/kg of DM in lower stratum. The herbage intake was similar between treatments (P = 0.255), averaging 1.78% LW. Grazing time increased linearly in the upper stratum and decreased linearly in the lower stratum with increasing pre-grazing canopy heights. Total time spent grazing, ruminating, and idling did not differ between treatments, with means of 52.6%, 23.0%, and 24.2%, respectively. Pre-grazing canopy heights treatments, based on the predominant species A. lateralis, did not affect the daily herbage intake of steers.
RESUMO: O desempenho de animais em pastejo possui direta correlação com a estrutura do dossel forrageiro, uma vez que este influencia o consumo. Objetivou-se mensurar o consumo e o comportamento ingestivo de novilhos em pastagem natural "palha grossa", manejada sob lotação intermitente, com diferentes alturas de pré pastejo (12, 20, 28, 36 cm), aferidas na espécie predominante Andropogon lateralis Ness, com severidade de desfolha de 40%. O experimento foi conduzido em uma área total de 14.000 m2, dividida em dezesseis piquetes de 875 m2. Foram utilizados 32 novilhos, divididos em lotes uniformes conforme o peso vivo no início do experimento (244 ± 23,0 kg). Cada piquete foi subdividido em três parcelas de igual área, sendo utilizadas as duas primeiras para o período de adaptação e a terceira para o período de avaliação. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e dois períodos de avaliação. As metas de altura em pré-pastejo foram alcançadas em todos os tratamentos. A massa de forragem aumentou linearmente (P < 0,001) com o aumento das alturas de pré-pastejo. Os teores de fibra em detergente neutro aumentaram linearmente (P < 0,001) com o aumento das alturas de manejo, enquanto a proteína bruta foi semelhante (P=0,107) entre os tratamentos tendo valores médios de 75 g/kg de matéria seca (MS) no estrato superior e de 83 g/kg MS no estrato inferior. O consumo de forragem foi similar entre tratamentos (P=0,255), com média de 1,78% do peso vivo. A porcentagem de tempo que os animais pastejaram no estrato superior aumentou e a porcentagem no estrato inferior diminuiu linearmente (P < 0,001) com o aumento das alturas de manejo. As porcentagens do tempo total destinado ao pastejo, ruminação ou ócio não diferiram entre tratamentos (P > 0,05), com médias de 52,6%, 23,0% e 24,2%, respectivamente. Alturas de pré pastejo entre 12 e 36 cm, baseadas na espécie predominante Andropogon lateralis Ness, não interferiram no consumo diário de matéria seca de novilhos em pastejo.
In eucalyptus plantations, the presence of understory increases the risk of fires, acts as an obstacle to forest operations, and leads to yield losses due to competition. The objective of this study was to develop an approach to discriminate the presence or absence of understory in eucalyptus plantations based on airborne laser scanning surveys. The bimodal canopy height profile was modeled by two Weibull density functions: one to model the canopy, and other to model the understory. The parameters used as predictor in the logistic model successfully discriminated the presence or absence of understory. The logistic model composed by ℽ canopy, ℽ understory, and ℽ understory showed higher values of accuracy (0.96) and kappa (0.92), which means an adequate classification of presence of understory and absence of understory. Weibull parameters could be used as input in the logistic regression to effectively identify the presence and absence of understory in eucalyptus plantation.
Controle de Plantas Daninhas/métodos , Eucalyptus , Árvores , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento RemotoResumo
In eucalyptus plantations, the presence of understory increases the risk of fires, acts as an obstacle to forest operations, and leads to yield losses due to competition. The objective of this study was to develop an approach to discriminate the presence or absence of understory in eucalyptus plantations based on airborne laser scanning surveys. The bimodal canopy height profile was modeled by two Weibull density functions: one to model the canopy, and other to model the understory. The parameters used as predictor in the logistic model successfully discriminated the presence or absence of understory. The logistic model composed by ℽ canopy, ℽ understory, and ℽ understory showed higher values of accuracy (0.96) and kappa (0.92), which means an adequate classification of presence of understory and absence of understory. Weibull parameters could be used as input in the logistic regression to effectively identify the presence and absence of understory in eucalyptus plantation.(AU)
Eucalyptus , Árvores , Controle de Plantas Daninhas/métodos , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento RemotoResumo
This study was developed to examine the effect of combining nitrogen (N) fertilization strategies and pasture management heights on animal and grain production in an Integrated Crop-Livestock System. The experiment was carried out in the municipality of Abelardo Luz - SC, Brazil, between April 2017 and April 2018. A randomized-block design was adopted, with the treatments arranged in a 2×2 factorial arrangement with three replicates. The first factor was the height of the pasture managed under continuous grazing: high (HH, 20 cm) or low (LH, 12 cm). The second factor corresponded to the N application times: in the winter, in the pasture (NP), and in the summer, in the grain crop (NG), in a single N rate of 200 kg ha-1 as topdressing. The forage species used during the pasture phase was black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb), and the pasture was grazed by Nellore × Charolais crossbred steers with an initial body weight of 260 kg. The summer crop was maize (Zea mays). Average daily gain (ADG) and herbage allowance were higher in HH than in LH, whereas animal load was higher in HH. Between the N application times, the animal load was higher in NP. Pasture management height and N fertilization strategy did not affect the variables of number of rows per ear, number of grains per row, thousand-grain weight, or total grain yield, which overall averaged 14,090 kg ha-1. In conclusion, the inversion of nitrogen fertilization between the periods of winter pasture production and grain crop and the management height of the black oat pasture do not compromise the production of maize grains in the summer, or animal production per area. However, steer performance is greater (higher ADG) when the pasture is managed at 20 cm, whereas a high grazing intensity significantly reduces straw on the soil.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da combinação de estratégias de adubação nitrogenada e de alturas de manejo da pastagem sobre a produção animal e de grãos em um Sistema Integrado de Produção Agropecuária. O experimento foi conduzido no município de Abelardo Luz-SC, entre abril de 2017 a abril de 2018. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi blocos ao acaso e os tratamentos dispostos em arranjo fatorial 2x2 com três repetições. O primeiro fator foi a altura do pasto manejado com lotação contínua: alta altura (AA) (20 cm) e baixa altura (BA) (12 cm). O segundo fator foram as épocas de aplicação do nitrogênio: na pastagem de inverno (NP), e na cultura de grãos, no verão (NG), em dose única de 200 kg N ha-1 em cobertura. A espécie forrageira utilizada durante a fase pastagem foi a aveia preta (Avena strigosa Schreb) e o pastejo foi realizado por novilhos cruza Nelore x Charolês com peso corporal inicial de 260 kg. A cultura de verão foi o milho (Zea mays). O ganho médio diário (GMD) e a oferta de forragem foram maiores em AA comparativamente à BA, enquanto a carga animal foi maior em BA. Para as épocas de aplicação do N, a carga animal foi maior em NP. As variáveis número de fileiras por espiga, número de grãos por fileira e peso de mil grãos não foram afetadas pelo manejo da altura do pasto e nem pela estratégia de adubação nitrogenada, bem como a produção total de grãos, que apresentou média geral de 14.090 kg ha-1. Concluiu-se que a inversão da adubação nitrogenada entre os períodos de produção de pasto de inverno e de cultivo de grãos, e a altura de manejo da pastagem de aveia preta não comprometem a produção de grãos de milho no verão e nem a produção animal por área. Entretanto, o desempenho dos novilhos é maior (maior GMD) quando o pasto é manejado a 20 cm, enquanto a alta intensidade de pastejo reduz significativamente a palhada sobre o solo.(AU)
Compostagem , Pastagens , Avena , Zea mays , NitrogênioResumo
The animal performance on pasture is directly correlated to canopy structure since this influences the herbage consumption. This study was evaluated the effects of four pre-grazing canopy heights (12, 20, 28 and 36 cm) of Andropogon lateralis Ness on herbage intake and feeding behavior of steers in a natural grassland under intermittent stocking management, using the same proportion of defoliation (40% reduction in pre-grazing height, i.e., post-grazing heights of 7.2, 12.0, 16.8 and 21.6 cm). The experiment was conducted on a total area of 14,000 m2, divided into sixteen paddocks of 875 m2. Thirty-two steers were used, divided into uniform pairs according to the live weight (LW) at the start of the experiment (244 ± 23.0 kg). Each paddock was subdivided into three plots of identical area; the first two plots were used for the adaptation period and the third for the assessment period. A randomized block design was used with four replicates and two assessment periods. Herbage mass and neutral detergent fiber content increased linearly (P < 0,001) with the increase of pre-grazing canopy heights. In contrast, was not affected by treatments, with mean values of 75 g/kg of dry matter (DM) in the upper stratum and 83 g/kg of DM in lower stratum. The herbage intake was similar between treatments (P = 0.255), averaging 1.78% LW. Grazing time increased linearly in the upper stratum and decreased linearly in the lower stratum with increasing pre-grazing canopy heights. Total time spent grazing, ruminating, and idling did not differ between treatments, with means of 52.6%, 23.0%, and 24.2%, respectively. Pre-grazing canopy heights treatments, based on the predominant species A. lateralis, did not affect the daily herbage intake of steers.
O desempenho de animais em pastejo possui direta correlação com a estrutura do dossel forrageiro, uma vez que este influencia o consumo. Objetivou-se mensurar o consumo e o comportamento ingestivo de novilhos em pastagem natural palha grossa, manejada sob lotação intermitente, com diferentes alturas de pré pastejo (12, 20, 28, 36 cm), aferidas na espécie predominante Andropogon lateralis Ness, com severidade de desfolha de 40%. O experimento foi conduzido em uma área total de 14.000 m2, dividida em dezesseis piquetes de 875 m2. Foram utilizados 32 novilhos, divididos em lotes uniformes conforme o peso vivo no início do experimento (244 ± 23,0 kg). Cada piquete foi subdividido em três parcelas de igual área, sendo utilizadas as duas primeiras para o período de adaptação e a terceira para o período de avaliação. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e dois períodos de avaliação. As metas de altura em pré-pastejo foram alcançadas em todos os tratamentos. A massa de forragem aumentou linearmente (P < 0,001) com o aumento das alturas de pré-pastejo. Os teores de fibra em detergente neutro aumentaram linearmente (P < 0,001) com o aumento das alturas de manejo, enquanto a proteína bruta foi semelhante (P=0,107) entre os tratamentos tendo valores médios de 75 g/kg de matéria seca (MS) no estrato superior e de 83 g/kg MS no estrato inferior. O consumo de forragem foi similar entre tratamentos (P=0,255), com média de 1,78% do peso vivo. A porcentagem de tempo que os animais pastejaram no estrato superior aumentou e a porcentagem no estrato inferior diminuiu linearmente (P < 0,001) com o aumento das alturas de manejo. As porcentagens do tempo total destinado ao pastejo, ruminação ou ócio não diferiram entre [...].
Animais , Bovinos , Andropogon/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dieta/veterinária , Gado/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Poaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
The animal performance on pasture is directly correlated to canopy structure since this influences the herbage consumption. This study was evaluated the effects of four pre-grazing canopy heights (12, 20, 28 and 36 cm) of Andropogon lateralis Ness on herbage intake and feeding behavior of steers in a natural grassland under intermittent stocking management, using the same proportion of defoliation (40% reduction in pre-grazing height, i.e., post-grazing heights of 7.2, 12.0, 16.8 and 21.6 cm). The experiment was conducted on a total area of 14,000 m2, divided into sixteen paddocks of 875 m2. Thirty-two steers were used, divided into uniform pairs according to the live weight (LW) at the start of the experiment (244 ± 23.0 kg). Each paddock was subdivided into three plots of identical area; the first two plots were used for the adaptation period and the third for the assessment period. A randomized block design was used with four replicates and two assessment periods. Herbage mass and neutral detergent fiber content increased linearly (P < 0,001) with the increase of pre-grazing canopy heights. In contrast, was not affected by treatments, with mean values of 75 g/kg of dry matter (DM) in the upper stratum and 83 g/kg of DM in lower stratum. The herbage intake was similar between treatments (P = 0.255), averaging 1.78% LW. Grazing time increased linearly in the upper stratum and decreased linearly in the lower stratum with increasing pre-grazing canopy heights. Total time spent grazing, ruminating, and idling did not differ between treatments, with means of 52.6%, 23.0%, and 24.2%, respectively. Pre-grazing canopy heights treatments, based on the predominant species A. lateralis, did not affect the daily herbage intake of steers.(AU)
O desempenho de animais em pastejo possui direta correlação com a estrutura do dossel forrageiro, uma vez que este influencia o consumo. Objetivou-se mensurar o consumo e o comportamento ingestivo de novilhos em pastagem natural palha grossa, manejada sob lotação intermitente, com diferentes alturas de pré pastejo (12, 20, 28, 36 cm), aferidas na espécie predominante Andropogon lateralis Ness, com severidade de desfolha de 40%. O experimento foi conduzido em uma área total de 14.000 m2, dividida em dezesseis piquetes de 875 m2. Foram utilizados 32 novilhos, divididos em lotes uniformes conforme o peso vivo no início do experimento (244 ± 23,0 kg). Cada piquete foi subdividido em três parcelas de igual área, sendo utilizadas as duas primeiras para o período de adaptação e a terceira para o período de avaliação. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e dois períodos de avaliação. As metas de altura em pré-pastejo foram alcançadas em todos os tratamentos. A massa de forragem aumentou linearmente (P < 0,001) com o aumento das alturas de pré-pastejo. Os teores de fibra em detergente neutro aumentaram linearmente (P < 0,001) com o aumento das alturas de manejo, enquanto a proteína bruta foi semelhante (P=0,107) entre os tratamentos tendo valores médios de 75 g/kg de matéria seca (MS) no estrato superior e de 83 g/kg MS no estrato inferior. O consumo de forragem foi similar entre tratamentos (P=0,255), com média de 1,78% do peso vivo. A porcentagem de tempo que os animais pastejaram no estrato superior aumentou e a porcentagem no estrato inferior diminuiu linearmente (P < 0,001) com o aumento das alturas de manejo. As porcentagens do tempo total destinado ao pastejo, ruminação ou ócio não diferiram entre [...].(AU)