Background: Nonspecific clinical manifestations such as apathy, anorexia and diarrhea are common in the clinical routine, and therefore may mask the severity of its triggering factor. When patients presenting this symptomatology are referred to the care center, it is essential that a thorough investigation is performed to clarify the primary causes of these manifestations, and for this, complementary imaging exams may be necessary. The objective of this study is to describe the clinical and imaging aspects of a canine with cardiac hemangiosarcoma and to correlate with the pathophysiology of the alterations observed, in order to optimize the clinical care of patients with nonspecific clinical signs and affected by this alteration. Case: A 10-year-old Pitbull dog was treated with a history of vomiting, loss of appetite and diarrhea. Upon clinical examination, the animal presented dehydration level and distended abdomen. On ultrasound examination, hepatomegaly was observed, associated with signs of double layer in the gallbladder wall and the presence of moderate peritoneal effusion. On chest radiography, the cardiac silhouette showed an important increase in size with loss of shape and contours. Dorsal displacement of the trachea, greater contact of the heart with the sternum and displacement of the caudal vena cava were observed. In addition, an amorphous and poorly defined structure with radiopacity of soft tissues was observed in the region of the atrium and right ventricle, causing the obliteration of pulmonary fields. On echocardiographic examination, a significant amount of free anechogenic fluid was observed in the pericardial sac, confirming the suspicion of pericardial effusion, with consequent collapse of the wall of the right heart chambers during systole. Furthermore, an amorphous, poorly defined and heterogeneous structure was observed in the right atrium wall. Due to the location of the neoformation, the patient's general clinical condition, euthanasia was chosen. During the necropsy, the ocular, oral and preputial mucosae were moderately pale. In the abdomen, the presence of hydroperitoneum and hepatomegaly was observed. In the thoracic cavity, hemothorax, enlarged heart were identified and, in the right atrium, a reddish mass was identified. In addition, the lungs were whitish and hypercrepitating at the edges of the cranial lobes; the rest of the organ was moderately hyperemic, hypocrepitating. In histopathological examination of the liver, the centrilobular region showed chronic passive congestion associated with necrosis and multifocal degeneration of hepatocytes. Neoplastic proliferation of mesenchymal cells, moderately cellular, non-encapsulated, of infiltrative growth was observed in the heart. Neoplastic cells formed bundles, with a tendency to organize themselves into small blood vessels filled with red blood cells. The cytoplasm was moderate, elongated, indistinct, eosinophilic and homogeneous. The nucleus was large, unique, elongated, with finely dotted chromatin and sometimes with one or two nucleoli evident. Anisocytosis, anisocariosis and cell pleomorphism were moderate. Interwoven with neoplastic cells, a moderate presence of multifocal lymphohistioplasmocytic inflammatory infiltrate was observed. The definitive diagnosis of cardiac changes was hemangiosarcoma. Discussion: Hemangiosarcoma is a vascular endothelial cell neoplasm with high metastatic power and unfavorable prognosis. When located in the heart, it is commonly found in the auricle and right atrium and the cardiovascular changes caused by this neoplasm as well as the severity of these changes vary according to size and location. Clinical manifestations can be quite nonspecific and are usually associated with hemodynamic impairment, causing signs of right or left congestive heart failure.
Animais , Cães , Tamponamento Cardíaco/veterinária , Neoplasias Cardíacas/veterinária , Hemangiossarcoma/fisiopatologia , Hemangiossarcoma/veterinária , Insuficiência Cardíaca/etiologiaResumo
Background: Pulmonary neoplasia is an abnormal proliferation of cells at the lung tissue, and may be classified as primary, secondary or metastatic, and multisystemic. However, primary neoplasia is rare in canids. Additionally, neoplasms may be classified according to their biological behavior as either malignant or benign. Malignant tumors are more prevalent. The diagnosis can be difficult due to nonspecific symptoms, taking into account that some affected patients do not have symptoms at all; thus, the real incidence of the disease might remain undiagnosed on certain occasions. Therefore, we aimed to report an unprecedented successful case of lung lobectomy surgery in dogs with the aid of infrared video thermometry, which showed real-time images during the surgical procedure. Case: A 10-year-old male dog, crossbreed with Cocker Spaniel, was attended with a history of lethargy, dullness, progressive weight loss, cough, and difficulty breathing. Due to the chronic severity of the clinical signs and the normal physiological clinical examination, complementary exams were requested, such as radiography of the cervical and thoracic regions, cranial and thoracoabdominal computed tomography (TCT). The results of the exams showed the presence of a nodule mass in the right caudal pulmonary lobe which caused a lateral deviation to the left hemithorax of the cardiac silhouette. The patient underwent a surgical procedure with an approach through the thoracic region, at the height of the seventh intercostal space, and a total lobectomy was performed. Throughout the surgical procedure, video thermometry in real-time through the MART station (Metabolic Activity in Real-Time FLIR SC325®) was used to determine the viability of adjacent tissues through temperature differences measured in degrees Celsius. The surgical fragment containing the direct caudal pulmonary lobe and the mass were sent to the pathology sector for anatomopathological evaluation. An abundant papillary epithelial proliferation was visualized through microscopy, presenting areas of necrosis and inflammatory polymorphonuclear infiltrate. The nodule was diagnosed as lung papillary adenocarcinoma. Discussion: Adenocarcinomas consist of papillary, acinar, solid, or mixed glandular structures. They may originate from the airways, bronchial glands, or bronchoalveolar region, and often show invasive growth presenting a rudimentary and irregular shape. The clinical signs are non-specific, including exercise intolerance, non-productive cough, chronic respiratory signs such as tachypnoea or dyspnea, reduced appetite, weight loss, lethargy, chest palpation pain, hemothorax, pneumothorax, and pleural effusion. The diagnosis is concluded through imaging diagnostic tests, of which chest radiography is the most important, followed by magnetic resonance and computed tomography. Also, histopathological examination is essential to determine a definitive diagnosis. The treatment of choice for adenocarcinoma nodules is a surgical excision of the tumor mass. However, the type of surgical approach is determined by different factors such as size, location, and involvement of adjacent structures. The ablation of pulmonary masses may be performed either via partial or total lobectomies. Nevertheless, partial lobectomy is more often performed on non-neoplastic masses or to obtain material for biopsy, whilst total lobectomy is recommended for a malignant neoplasm removal. The prognosis is always guarded, having a more favorable outcome in masses of the smaller diameter without the involvement of adjacent structures.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Termografia/veterinária , Adenocarcinoma de Pulmão/cirurgia , Adenocarcinoma de Pulmão/veterinária , Adenocarcinoma de Pulmão/diagnóstico por imagem , Cirurgia Vídeoassistida/métodosResumo
Background: Nasopharyngeal polyps are benign and inflammatory masses assumed to arise from the middle ear or the eustachian tube with extension into the pharynx. The most common clinical signs associated with nasopharyngeal polyps include respiratory stertor, dyspnea, and otic discharge. Neurological signs, including head tilt, facial nerve paralysis, and ataxia, might indicate concurrent involvement of the middle or inner ear. The objective of the current report is to describe a case of a feline nasopharyngeal polyp with a concurrent hiatal hernia and megaesophagus, both spontaneously resolved after removal of the polyp. Case: A 6-month-old female intact domestic shorthair cat was presented for evaluation of lethargy, anorexia, and upper respiratory signs, such as stridor, stertor, and dyspnea. A thoracic radiography revealed esophageal dilation caudal to the cardiac silhouette, suggestive of megaesophagus with gaseous filtration. An esophagram confirmed a hiatal hernia and megaesophagus. Computed tomography revealed a nasopharyngeal mass adjacent to the soft palate and a soft-tissue density in the right tympanic bulla. A tentative diagnosis of a nasopharyngeal polyp was made. After the ventral bulla osteotomy, the nasopharyngeal mass was removed by a gentle traction avulsion technique. Six days after the surgery, hiatal hernia and megaesophagus were spontaneously resolved. Based on histopathologic exam, the mass was found to be an inflammatory nasopharyngeal polyp. Two months after surgery, the owner reported that the patient's condition had returned to baseline with a good appetite, and the thoracic radiography was within normal limit. Discussion: For successful treatment of a nasopharyngeal polyp, traction avulsion of the polyp with or without a ventral bulla osteotomy is recommended. However, in patients with otitis media, a ventral bulla osteotomy followed by traction avulsion of the polyp is recommended in order to reduce the rate of polyp recurrence. Common clinical signs of a nasopharyngeal polyp are stertor, stridor, dyspnea, dysphagia, and open-mouth breathing, which are identified in a chronic upper airway obstruction. A hiatal hernia secondary to a nasopharyngeal polyp has not been reported so far. However, a relationship between chronic upper airway obstruction and hiatal hernias has been proposed previously. Moreover, hiatal hernia resolved spontaneously after removal of the nasopharyngeal polyp suggests that the occurrence of the hiatal hernia was secondary to the nasopharyngeal polyp. In addition to the hiatal hernia, megaesophagus was also identified in the present case. Megaesophagus secondary to a chronic upper airway obstruction from a nasopharyngeal obstruction has been reported. However, megaesophagus is also thought to occur secondary to hiatal hernias. Therefore, in the current study, it is unclear whether the megaesophagus was solely a result of the obstructive nature of the nasopharyngeal polyp or a combination of the hiatal hernia and the nasopharyngeal polyp. In conclusion, any cat with clinical signs of an upper airway obstruction and a concurrent hiatal hernia and megaesophagus should be thoroughly investigated for a nasopharyngeal polyp, as well as other gastrointestinal and systemic causes. Furthermore, this case suggests that the prognosis for a concurrent hiatal hernia and megaesophagus is good in cats if the nasopharyngeal polyp is properly removed.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Osteotomia/veterinária , Acalasia Esofágica/veterinária , Pólipos Nasais/veterinária , Orelha Média/cirurgia , Hérnia Hiatal/veterinária , Doenças Nasofaríngeas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia is a congenital defect characterized by an anomalous communication between the abdominal cavity and pericardial sac, which can lead to displacement of the abdominal viscera into the thoracic cavity. The occurrence in felines is higher among long-haired breeds, mainly the Persian breed, possibly based onan autosomal recessive inheritance. The diagnosis of PPDH is performed by means of chest radiography with or without contrast, in association with other imaging tests such as ultrasonography and echocardiography. Our objective in this study was to report the occurrence and macroscopic changes in a case of peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia in a Persian feline. Case: A 9-year-old male Persian cat weighing 3.4 kg was referred to the HPET-Private Veterinary Clinic, Salvador, Bahia, with an history of weight loss and chronic intermittent vomiting during the preceding 6 months, with lateral decubitus and breathing difficulties. Ultrasonography revealed findings suggestive of an infiltrative process in the stomach and duodenum, enlarged gastric lymph nodes, and some nodular images indicating slight displacement of the liver. Chest radiography revealed a cardiac silhouette with markedly enlarged dimensions associated with a dorsal deviation of the terminal trachea, and echocardiography revealed a small amount of pericardial effusion. The patient showed initial clinical improvement after blood transfusion; however, after 2 days, he exhibited significant clinical worsening and was therefore euthanized with the owner's consent. Post mortem evaluation revealed partial herniation of the liver and gallbladder into the chest cavity through a diaphragmatic hernia ring. The heart was partially surrounded by the left medial lobe of the liver, which was displaced into the pericardial sac. Herniated hepatic lobes had an irregular capsular surface with evident lobulation and tension lipidosis. In the abdominal cavity, the remainder of the liver (right lateral and medial lobes) was observed to be slightly enlarged, with an irregular surface, diffusely reddish with intense evidence of the lobular pattern and white and firm multifocal areas (fibrosis). In the duodenum, close to the pylorus, there was a nodule measuring 2.8 x 2.5 x 1.0 cm, with a whitish and ulcerated surface. When cut, it was soft and exhibited a homogeneous, whitish compact surface. Histopathological examinationshowed marked proliferation of fibrous connective tissue, which for the most part separated the lobes by septa and surrounded the portal space (fibrosis), a marked diffuse chronic inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphocytes and plasma cells. In addition, marked bile duct hyperplasia and multifocal areas of fatty degeneration (steatosis). Discussion: The diagnosis was based on the association of clinical and pathological findings. Considering the age and clinical signs presented by the patient in this report, as well as the presence of few radiographic signs that were indicative of PPDH, the first differential diagnosis thought was pericardial neoplasia. Peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia in felines is always of congenital origin and may occur asymptomatically depending on the number and involvement of herniated viscera. In this case, the patient's diagnosis of peritoneopericardial hernia was a necropsy finding; the fact that in agreement with previous reports of high rates of incidental diagnoses reinforces the importance of performing necropsy for confirmation or diagnosis of unexpected pathologies. In the present case, peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia in isolation may not have led to severe anemia that culminated in the patient's death. The anatomopathological findings were compatible with biliary cirrhosis and multifocal liver fibrosis, accompanied by the presence of anemia and consequent hypovolemia.
Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Peritônio/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Hérnias Diafragmáticas Congênitas/veterinária , Radiografia Torácica/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
Avaliou-se o potencial de reprodutibilidade e repetibilidade de um sistema semiautomático de mensuração radiográfica. Para isto foram mensurados, por intermédio de um software o vertebral heart score (VHS) e a área cardíaca normalizada (ACN) em imagens radiográficas de cães da raça poodle clinicamente normais e portadores de insuficiência valvar mitral. Dada a subjetividade da análise da silhueta cardíaca por diferentes observadores, acredita-se que mesmo com um sistema semiautomático essa avaliação poderia ser afetada pela experiência prévia do observador em radiodiagnóstico. Foram analisadas cinquenta e sete imagens radiográficas torácicas de cães atendidos em um hospital veterinário. As imagens foram analisadas por dois grupos de observadores com diferentes níveis de experiência em radiologia: (A) sem experiência (n = 2) e (B) com experiência (n = 2). Demonstrou-se boa repetibilidade e reprodutibilidade para o VHS independente da experiência em radiodiagnóstico, e para a ACN em observadores experientes e com familiaridade com o software.
The potential of reproducibility and repeatability of a semi-automatic system of radiographic measurement was evaluated. For this purpose, the vertebral heart score (VHS) and normalized cardiac area (NCA) were evaluated in radiographs of healthy poodles and of patients with mitral regurgitation. Considering the subjective aspect of the cardiac silhouette analysis by different observers, it is believed that even with a semi-automatic system this evaluation could be affected by the previous experience of the observer in radiodiagnosis. Fifty seven thoracic images were analyzed by two groups of observers with different levels of experience in radiology: (A) without experience (n = 2) and (B) with experience (n = 2). Regardless of radiodiagnostic experience it was observed good repeatability and reproducibility for VHS, and also for ACN in observers with experience in radiodiagnostics and previous familiarity with the software.
Animais , Cães , Coração/anatomia & histologia , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/métodos , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Cardiopatias , RadiografiaResumo
Avaliou-se o potencial de reprodutibilidade e repetibilidade de um sistema semiautomático de mensuração radiográfica. Para isto foram mensurados, por intermédio de um software o vertebral heart score (VHS) e a área cardíaca normalizada (ACN) em imagens radiográficas de cães da raça poodle clinicamente normais e portadores de insuficiência valvar mitral. Dada a subjetividade da análise da silhueta cardíaca por diferentes observadores, acredita-se que mesmo com um sistema semiautomático essa avaliação poderia ser afetada pela experiência prévia do observador em radiodiagnóstico. Foram analisadas cinquenta e sete imagens radiográficas torácicas de cães atendidos em um hospital veterinário. As imagens foram analisadas por dois grupos de observadores com diferentes níveis de experiência em radiologia: (A) sem experiência (n = 2) e (B) com experiência (n = 2). Demonstrou-se boa repetibilidade e reprodutibilidade para o VHS independente da experiência em radiodiagnóstico, e para a ACN em observadores experientes e com familiaridade com o software.(AU)
The potential of reproducibility and repeatability of a semi-automatic system of radiographic measurement was evaluated. For this purpose, the vertebral heart score (VHS) and normalized cardiac area (NCA) were evaluated in radiographs of healthy poodles and of patients with mitral regurgitation. Considering the subjective aspect of the cardiac silhouette analysis by different observers, it is believed that even with a semi-automatic system this evaluation could be affected by the previous experience of the observer in radiodiagnosis. Fifty seven thoracic images were analyzed by two groups of observers with different levels of experience in radiology: (A) without experience (n = 2) and (B) with experience (n = 2). Regardless of radiodiagnostic experience it was observed good repeatability and reproducibility for VHS, and also for ACN in observers with experience in radiodiagnostics and previous familiarity with the software.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Coração/anatomia & histologia , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/métodos , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Cardiopatias , RadiografiaResumo
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the accuracy of thoracic radiology as a screening test for congenital heart diseases in dogs, to identify the main contributions and limitations of this modality, and to verify the reproducibility of the evaluations by three observers with different levels of training. An interobserver, observational, retrospective and prospective study was carried out, including ninety dogs: thirty healthy animals, thirty with acquired heart diseases and thirty with congenital heart diseases, which all had thoracic radiographs and a confirmed echocardiographic diagnosis. The cases were separated and randomized by a mediator who did not participate in the reading of the radiographic examinations, and no evaluator had access to the patients' data. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) and accuracy of each observer were calculated in relation to the correct classification of dogs to groups of normal or acquired and congenital heart diseases, as well as identification of enlargement of the cardiac silhouette and large vessels of dogs with congenital heart diseases. Finally, the Kappa coefficient was obtained between the observers to verify the reproducibility of the radiological evaluations performed. In general, sensitivity, PPV and accuracy were unsatisfactory ( 70%), and the agreement ranged from poor to reasonable (between 0 and 0.39). Although greater accuracy was achieved in the differentiation of healthy dogs from those with acquired and congenital heart diseases by thoracic radiography, when compared to the other studies, the modality was able only to identify healthy patients, and could not differentiate the individuals with different forms of heart disease or define the cardiac malformations. In addition, there was low reproducibility between observers, therefore, this technique should not be used as a sole screening method in dogs with suspected congenital heart diseases.(AU)
Os objetivos do estudo foram avaliar a acurácia da técnica radiográfica de tórax como exame de triagem nas cardiopatias congênitas em cães, identificar as principais contribuições e limitações dessa modalidade, e verificar a reprodutibilidade das avaliações realizadas por três observadores com diferentes graus de treinamento. Realizou-se um estudo interobservador, observacional, retrospectivo e prospectivo, o qual foram selecionados 90 cães, sendo 30 saudáveis, 30 com cardiopatias adquiridas e 30 com cardiopatias congênitas, que possuíam radiografia de tórax e diagnóstico ecocardiográfico confirmado. Os casos foram separados e randomizados por um mediador que não participou da leitura dos exames radiográficos, sendo que nenhum avaliador obteve acesso aos dados dos pacientes. Calculou-se os índices de sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo (VPP), valor preditivo negativo (VPN) e acurácia de cada observador em relação a identificação dos pacientes saudáveis, com cardiopatias adquiridas e congênitas, bem como para identificação de aumento da silhueta cardíaca e região de grandes vasos dos cães com cardiopatias congênitas. Por fim, foi obtido o coeficiente de Kappa entre os observadores a fim de verificar a reprodutibilidade das avaliações radiográficas realizadas. De modo geral, a sensibilidade, VPP e acurácia foram insatisfatórios (< 70%), enquanto a especificidade e VPN foram satisfatórios (> 70%), sendo que a concordância variou de ruim a razoável (entre 0 e 0,39). Apesar de ter sido alcançado acurácia maior na identificação de cães saudáveis, com cardiopatias adquiridas e congênitas pela radiografia de tórax quando comparado aos demais estudos, confirma-se que essa modalidade se mostrou capaz apenas de identificar o paciente saudável, não de diferenciar os indivíduos cardiopatas entre si ou de definir com maior detalhe as malformações cardíacas especificamente. Além disso, o exame radiográfico de tórax apresentou baixa reprodutibilidade entre os observadores, portanto, essa técnica não deve ser considerada como método único de triagem na suspeita de cães com cardiopatias congênitas.(AU)
Animais , Radiografia Torácica/métodos , Cães , Coração/diagnóstico por imagem , Cardiopatias Congênitas/veterináriaResumo
Thoracic Radiology is a diagnostic technique used to study several aberrations, including cardiac abnormalities, which can be determined by VHS (vertebral heart size). The heart length and width are measured, and the CTR (cardiothoracic ratio) is calculated, by comparing the heart width to the thoracic diameter. This study aimed at measuring the cardiac silhouette of non-human primates (PNH) belonging to the genus Sapajus sp., and the Alouatta guariba species through VHS and CTR. From among the eight animals assessed, it was evident that in both the Sapajus sp. and the Alouatta guariba, the highest HSV change index was observed, depending upon the age of the animal. However, although the individuals of the Alouatta guariba species are bigger in size and heavier, the animals of the genus Sapajus sp. have a larger heart size in proportion to their body.
O uso da radiologia torácica surge como forma de diagnóstico para inúmeras anormalidades, inclusive cardíacas, as quais podem ser avaliadas por métodos VHS (vertebral heart size), realizado a partir da mensuração do comprimento e largura do coração e CTR (cardiothoracic ratio), o qual compara a largura do coração, pelo diâmetro torácico. Assim, objetivamos mensurar a silhueta cardíaca de primatas não humanos (PNH) do gênero Sapajus sp. e espécie Alouatta guariba por meio do VHS e CTR. Dos oito animais avaliados, percebeu-se que tanto nos Sapajus sp. e nos Alouatta guariba, o índice de maior alteração do VHS foi encontrado pela idade do animal. E que apesar dos animais da espécie Alouatta guariba serem maiores e mais pesados, proporcionalmente ao corpo, os animais do gênero Sapajus sp. possuem um maior tamanho cardíaco.
Animais , Alouatta/anatomia & histologia , Coração/anatomia & histologia , Tórax/anatomia & histologia , Tórax/diagnóstico por imagem , Radiografia Torácica/métodos , Radiografia Torácica/veterináriaResumo
Thoracic Radiology is a diagnostic technique used to study several aberrations, including cardiac abnormalities, which can be determined by VHS (vertebral heart size). The heart length and width are measured, and the CTR (cardiothoracic ratio) is calculated, by comparing the heart width to the thoracic diameter. This study aimed at measuring the cardiac silhouette of non-human primates (PNH) belonging to the genus Sapajus sp., and the Alouatta guariba species through VHS and CTR. From among the eight animals assessed, it was evident that in both the Sapajus sp. and the Alouatta guariba, the highest HSV change index was observed, depending upon the age of the animal. However, although the individuals of the Alouatta guariba species are bigger in size and heavier, the animals of the genus Sapajus sp. have a larger heart size in proportion to their body.(AU)
O uso da radiologia torácica surge como forma de diagnóstico para inúmeras anormalidades, inclusive cardíacas, as quais podem ser avaliadas por métodos VHS (vertebral heart size), realizado a partir da mensuração do comprimento e largura do coração e CTR (cardiothoracic ratio), o qual compara a largura do coração, pelo diâmetro torácico. Assim, objetivamos mensurar a silhueta cardíaca de primatas não humanos (PNH) do gênero Sapajus sp. e espécie Alouatta guariba por meio do VHS e CTR. Dos oito animais avaliados, percebeu-se que tanto nos Sapajus sp. e nos Alouatta guariba, o índice de maior alteração do VHS foi encontrado pela idade do animal. E que apesar dos animais da espécie Alouatta guariba serem maiores e mais pesados, proporcionalmente ao corpo, os animais do gênero Sapajus sp. possuem um maior tamanho cardíaco.(AU)
Animais , Tórax/anatomia & histologia , Tórax/diagnóstico por imagem , Alouatta/anatomia & histologia , Coração/anatomia & histologia , Radiografia Torácica/métodos , Radiografia Torácica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Pectus are congenital sternal deformities considered rare in small animals, and they are divided into twotypes. Pectus excavatum causes a concave aspect in the ventral portion of the animals thorax, which is known as funnelchest, while pectus carinatum produces a convex appearance and is therefore called pigeon chest. The etiology of theseanomalies has not yet been fully elucidated, but it is assumed that there is genetic involvement. The diagnosis is basedon clinical examination and is confirmed by thoracic radiography. This report describes a case of pectus carinatum in aone-month-old domestic cat.Case: An unspayed female domestic cat, about one month old, weighing 0.1 kg, was admitted to the Veterinary Hospital ofthe Federal University of Piauí (UFPI). When her history was taken, her owner reported that he had rescued the animal theprevious day and noticed that showed difficulty breathing, so naturally worming and vaccination were not reported. Uponphysical examination, the patient showed an abdominal breathing pattern, severe dyspnea, pale mucosa, nasal discharge,apathy, poor nutritional status (body score 1), signs of apparent dehydration and a temperature of 38.5ºC. Palpation revealedincreased volume in the thoracic region. X-rays were ordered due to suspicion of diaphragmatic injury. The chest X-rayreport indicated ventral segment displacement of the 4th to the 8th sternebra, with accommodation of the cardiac silhouettein the right lateral, left lateral and dorsoventral projections, suggesting pectus carinatum. Pulmonary radiodensity wasalso augmented, with greater intensity in the right middle lobe, an alveolar pattern, radiographic signs suggestive of aninfectious process (pneumonia), and pulmonary hyperinflation. A qualitative analysis revealed cardiac silhouette whosedimensions showed no radiographic evidence of alterations at the moment of the examination. The diaphragmatic domewas intact...
Animais , Gatos , Pectus Carinatum/diagnóstico por imagem , Pectus Carinatum/patologia , Pectus Carinatum/veterinária , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Pectus are congenital sternal deformities considered rare in small animals, and they are divided into twotypes. Pectus excavatum causes a concave aspect in the ventral portion of the animals thorax, which is known as funnelchest, while pectus carinatum produces a convex appearance and is therefore called pigeon chest. The etiology of theseanomalies has not yet been fully elucidated, but it is assumed that there is genetic involvement. The diagnosis is basedon clinical examination and is confirmed by thoracic radiography. This report describes a case of pectus carinatum in aone-month-old domestic cat.Case: An unspayed female domestic cat, about one month old, weighing 0.1 kg, was admitted to the Veterinary Hospital ofthe Federal University of Piauí (UFPI). When her history was taken, her owner reported that he had rescued the animal theprevious day and noticed that showed difficulty breathing, so naturally worming and vaccination were not reported. Uponphysical examination, the patient showed an abdominal breathing pattern, severe dyspnea, pale mucosa, nasal discharge,apathy, poor nutritional status (body score 1), signs of apparent dehydration and a temperature of 38.5ºC. Palpation revealedincreased volume in the thoracic region. X-rays were ordered due to suspicion of diaphragmatic injury. The chest X-rayreport indicated ventral segment displacement of the 4th to the 8th sternebra, with accommodation of the cardiac silhouettein the right lateral, left lateral and dorsoventral projections, suggesting pectus carinatum. Pulmonary radiodensity wasalso augmented, with greater intensity in the right middle lobe, an alveolar pattern, radiographic signs suggestive of aninfectious process (pneumonia), and pulmonary hyperinflation. A qualitative analysis revealed cardiac silhouette whosedimensions showed no radiographic evidence of alterations at the moment of the examination. The diaphragmatic domewas intact...(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Pectus Carinatum/diagnóstico por imagem , Pectus Carinatum/patologia , Pectus Carinatum/veterinária , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterináriaResumo
Due to cardiac immaturity, newborns have a different morphology and cardiac output when compared with adults. The purpose of this study was to describe the cardiac changes in echocardiographic characteristics and vertebral heart size (VHS) in newborn lambs during the neonatal period. Twenty-eight healthy Ile de France lambs were evaluated from birth to 35 days old. With the assistance of echocardiography, this study evaluated, both in systole and diastole, indexes related to the right and left ventricles, the aorta (Ao), the left atrium (LA), the E point to septal separation (EPSS) and the thickness of the interventricular septum (VSd, VSs). The left atrium-to-aorta ratio (LA:Ao) was analyzed and both the shortening (SF%) and ejection fractions were calculated (EF%). The VHS was obtained by measuring the heart's long and short axes and comparing it to the thoracic vertebrae. Throughout the first 35 days, the results obtained demonstrated an increased LV:RV ratio when compared to adult lambs. The calculated indexes and the LA:Ao ratio did not present statistically significant differences. The VHS values were normally distributed, presenting a mean of 9.67 vertebrae (v) during the entire period. Both radiographic and echocardiographic parameters showed significant differences between the analyzed moments. The VHS values ranged from 8.4v at the minimum end to 11.2v at the maximum. In order to prevent these changes from being misdiagnosed as heart diseases, this study contributed to take note of neonatal physiological anatomy peculiarities and in addition, it describes the parameters for this age in Ilê de France lambs.(AU)
Devido à imaturidade cardíaca, os recém-nascidos apresentam uma morfologia e débito cardíacos diferenciados quando comparado aos adultos. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever as alterações cardíacas ecocardiográficas e silhueta cardíaca ao exame radiográfico a partir do método VHS (vertebral heart size) em cordeiros recém-nascidos durante o período neonatal. Vinte e oito cordeiros saudáveis da raça Ile de France foram avaliados desde o nascimento até os 35 dias de idade. Ao exame ecocardiográfico avaliou-se em sístole e diástole, os índices relacionados aos ventrículos direito (VD) e esquerdo (VE), a parede livre do ventrículo esquerdo, aorta (Ao), átrio esquerdo (Ae), septo e ponto E, e diâmetros finais. Foi feita a relação entre o átrio esquerdo e aorta, além da fração de ejeção e de encurtamento. O VHS foi mensurado a partir do tamanho dos eixos longo e curto do coração em relação às vértebras torácicas. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram aumento do VE em relação ao VD no decorrer dos 35 dias (p<0,05). Os índices calculados e a relação AE:Ao não tiveram diferença. Os valores de VHS tiveram distribuição normal com média de 9,67 vértebras em todo o período. Os parâmetros radiográficos e ecocardiográficos mostraram diferenças significativas entre os momentos analisados. Os valores VHS variaram de 8.4 a 11.2 vertebras. Para evitar que essas alterações sejam erroneamente interpretadas como cardiopatias na espécie, este estudo demonstra às peculiaridades do desenvolvimento cardíaco neonatal em cordeiros, além de descrever parâmetros para esta faixa etária em cordeiros da raça Ilê de France.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ecocardiografia/veterinária , Sistema CardiovascularResumo
Due to cardiac immaturity, newborns have a different morphology and cardiac output when compared with adults. The purpose of this study was to describe the cardiac changes in echocardiographic characteristics and vertebral heart size (VHS) in newborn lambs during the neonatal period. Twenty-eight healthy Ile de France lambs were evaluated from birth to 35 days old. With the assistance of echocardiography, this study evaluated, both in systole and diastole, indexes related to the right and left ventricles, the aorta (Ao), the left atrium (LA), the E point to septal separation (EPSS) and the thickness of the interventricular septum (VSd, VSs). The left atrium-to-aorta ratio (LA:Ao) was analyzed and both the shortening (SF%) and ejection fractions were calculated (EF%). The VHS was obtained by measuring the heart's long and short axes and comparing it to the thoracic vertebrae. Throughout the first 35 days, the results obtained demonstrated an increased LV:RV ratio when compared to adult lambs. The calculated indexes and the LA:Ao ratio did not present statistically significant differences. The VHS values were normally distributed, presenting a mean of 9.67 vertebrae (v) during the entire period. Both radiographic and echocardiographic parameters showed significant differences between the analyzed moments. The VHS values ranged from 8.4v at the minimum end to 11.2v at the maximum. In order to prevent these changes from being misdiagnosed as heart diseases, this study contributed to take note of neonatal physiological anatomy peculiarities and in addition, it describes the parameters for this age in Ilê de France lambs.(AU)
Devido à imaturidade cardíaca, os recém-nascidos apresentam uma morfologia e débito cardíacos diferenciados quando comparado aos adultos. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever as alterações cardíacas ecocardiográficas e silhueta cardíaca ao exame radiográfico a partir do método VHS (vertebral heart size) em cordeiros recém-nascidos durante o período neonatal. Vinte e oito cordeiros saudáveis da raça Ile de France foram avaliados desde o nascimento até os 35 dias de idade. Ao exame ecocardiográfico avaliou-se em sístole e diástole, os índices relacionados aos ventrículos direito (VD) e esquerdo (VE), a parede livre do ventrículo esquerdo, aorta (Ao), átrio esquerdo (Ae), septo e ponto E, e diâmetros finais. Foi feita a relação entre o átrio esquerdo e aorta, além da fração de ejeção e de encurtamento. O VHS foi mensurado a partir do tamanho dos eixos longo e curto do coração em relação às vértebras torácicas. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram aumento do VE em relação ao VD no decorrer dos 35 dias (p<0,05). Os índices calculados e a relação AE:Ao não tiveram diferença. Os valores de VHS tiveram distribuição normal com média de 9,67 vértebras em todo o período. Os parâmetros radiográficos e ecocardiográficos mostraram diferenças significativas entre os momentos analisados. Os valores VHS variaram de 8.4 a 11.2 vertebras. Para evitar que essas alterações sejam erroneamente interpretadas como cardiopatias na espécie, este estudo demonstra às peculiaridades do desenvolvimento cardíaco neonatal em cordeiros, além de descrever parâmetros para esta faixa etária em cordeiros da raça Ilê de France.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ecocardiografia/veterinária , Sistema CardiovascularResumo
Wild species, especially those threatened with extinction, are increasingly being investigated to obtain information that can be useful for their preservation. The objective of the present study was to standardize the vertebral heart scale (VHS) and cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) of the collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu Linnaeus, 1758) sedated with ketamine and midazolam. Fourteen clinically healthy collared peccaries were examined in the two-year age group weighing 15-22kg. The animals were submitted to digital radiography of the thorax in lateral and dorsal ventral projections to calculate the VHS and CTR. The VHS mean values for males and females was 8.88±0.51v for right recumbency and 8.84±0.39v for left decubitus, and there were no significant between-gender differences regarding recumbency (p>0.05). The CTR showed mean values of 0.50±0.05 (males) and 0.45±0.04 (females), but the gender-differences were not significant (p>0.05). A positive correlation was shown between VHS and CTR (r=0.98, right decubitus; r=0.96, left decubitus). Establishing reference values for heart measurements in collared peccaries using digital radiography of the thorax permitted standardization of the VHS and CTR values for this wild species. In the studied wild animal model, the VHS and CTR heart assessment indexes were shown to be essential diagnostic tools for investigations of alterations in the size of the cardiac silhouette.(AU)
Espécies silvestres têm sido cada vez mais exploradas como forma de obter informações que favoreçam sua conservação, especialmente aquelas ameaçadas de extinção. Este trabalho teve por objetivo a padronização dos valores de VHS (vertebral heart scale) e índice cardiotorácico (ICT) de catetos (Tayassu tajacu Linnaeus, 1758) contidos com Cetamina e Midazolam. Foram avaliados 14 catetos clinicamente saudáveis, com faixa etária de 2 anos e variação média de peso entre 15 a 22Kg. Os animais foram submetidos a radiografia digital de tórax em projeções laterolaterais e dorsoventrais para o cálculo do vertebral heart scale (VHS) e Índice Cardiotorácico (ICT). O VHS evidenciou valores médios entre machos e fêmeas de 8,88±0,51v para decúbito direito e 8,84±0,39v para decúbito esquerdo, não ocorrendo diferença estatística entre os decúbitos (p>0,05). O ICT revelou valores médios de 0,50±0,05 (machos) e de 0,45±0,04 (fêmeas), não sendo verificada diferença estatística significativa entre os sexos (p>0,05). Verificou-se correlação positiva entre VHS e o ICT (r=0,98, decúbito direito, r= 0,96, decúbito esquerdo). O estabelecimento dos valores de referência para mensurações cardíacas em catetos, a partir de radiografias digitais do tórax, permitiu a padronização do VHS e ICT para esta espécie silvestre. No modelo animal silvestre estudado, os índices de avaliação cardíaca VHS e ICT mostraram-se como uma ferramenta diagnóstica imprescindível para investigações sobre as alterações do tamanho da silhueta cardíaca.(AU)
Animais , Artiodáctilos/anatomia & histologia , Cardiologia/métodos , Midazolam , Animais Selvagens/classificaçãoResumo
Wild species, especially those threatened with extinction, are increasingly being investigated to obtain information that can be useful for their preservation. The objective of the present study was to standardize the vertebral heart scale (VHS) and cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) of the collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu Linnaeus, 1758) sedated with ketamine and midazolam. Fourteen clinically healthy collared peccaries were examined in the two-year age group weighing 15-22kg. The animals were submitted to digital radiography of the thorax in lateral and dorsal ventral projections to calculate the VHS and CTR. The VHS mean values for males and females was 8.88±0.51v for right recumbency and 8.84±0.39v for left decubitus, and there were no significant between-gender differences regarding recumbency (p>0.05). The CTR showed mean values of 0.50±0.05 (males) and 0.45±0.04 (females), but the gender-differences were not significant (p>0.05). A positive correlation was shown between VHS and CTR (r=0.98, right decubitus; r=0.96, left decubitus). Establishing reference values for heart measurements in collared peccaries using digital radiography of the thorax permitted standardization of the VHS and CTR values for this wild species. In the studied wild animal model, the VHS and CTR heart assessment indexes were shown to be essential diagnostic tools for investigations of alterations in the size of the cardiac silhouette.(AU)
Espécies silvestres têm sido cada vez mais exploradas como forma de obter informações que favoreçam sua conservação, especialmente aquelas ameaçadas de extinção. Este trabalho teve por objetivo a padronização dos valores de VHS (vertebral heart scale) e índice cardiotorácico (ICT) de catetos (Tayassu tajacu Linnaeus, 1758) contidos com Cetamina e Midazolam. Foram avaliados 14 catetos clinicamente saudáveis, com faixa etária de 2 anos e variação média de peso entre 15 a 22Kg. Os animais foram submetidos a radiografia digital de tórax em projeções laterolaterais e dorsoventrais para o cálculo do vertebral heart scale (VHS) e Índice Cardiotorácico (ICT). O VHS evidenciou valores médios entre machos e fêmeas de 8,88±0,51v para decúbito direito e 8,84±0,39v para decúbito esquerdo, não ocorrendo diferença estatística entre os decúbitos (p>0,05). O ICT revelou valores médios de 0,50±0,05 (machos) e de 0,45±0,04 (fêmeas), não sendo verificada diferença estatística significativa entre os sexos (p>0,05). Verificou-se correlação positiva entre VHS e o ICT (r=0,98, decúbito direito, r= 0,96, decúbito esquerdo). O estabelecimento dos valores de referência para mensurações cardíacas em catetos, a partir de radiografias digitais do tórax, permitiu a padronização do VHS e ICT para esta espécie silvestre. No modelo animal silvestre estudado, os índices de avaliação cardíaca VHS e ICT mostraram-se como uma ferramenta diagnóstica imprescindível para investigações sobre as alterações do tamanho da silhueta cardíaca.(AU)
Animais , Artiodáctilos/anatomia & histologia , Cardiologia/métodos , Midazolam , Animais Selvagens/classificaçãoResumo
A 6-month-old female, 1.0kg, uncastrated female Persian cat was brought to the Veterinary Hospital at State University of Ceara, with a history of dyspnea, prostration, hyporexia and progressive weight loss for a month. On physical examination, systolic cardiac murmur, cyanosis and dyspnea were detected. Unfortunately, the cat died during oxygen therapy. Necropsy examination revealed an increase in cardiac silhouette and ventricular septal defect of 2cm in diameter. Macroscopically the lungs were collapsed, with absent and diffusely reddish blackish crepitus, and the liver with blackish red coalescent multifocal areas, interspersed with lighter areas and lobular pattern with irregular brownish multifocal areas intercepted by brownish areas. Thus, the necropsy results together with the history and physical examination of the animal confirmed the diagnosis of Eisenmenger Syndrome, becoming the report of the first case, in a cat, in Brazil.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Gatos/anormalidades , Complexo de Eisenmenger/classificação , Complexo de Eisenmenger/diagnóstico , Comunicação Interventricular/veterináriaResumo
Background: Situs inversus (SI) is a rare congenital malformation characterized by the transposition of the viscera (thoracic and/or abdominal) to the opposite side of its normal topography, as a mirror image. In situs inversus totalis (SIT), all organs are inverted, in addition to the cardiac apex being directed to the right side of the body (dextrocardia). It may not present any clinical signs, and hence, it may be an accidental finding. Because of the rare occurrence of SIT, no epidemiological studies have been conducted in dogs. In 50% of the cases, it may be associated with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), which causes respiratory clinical signs. SIT can be diagnosed using routine examinations such as ultrasonography, radiography, tomography, and echocardiography. The objective of this paper was to describe the radiographic and echocardiographic findings in a dog with SIT.Case: A 4-month-old Yorkshire Terrier bitch was admitted to the veterinary clinic, with a clinical complaint of cough. A physical examination showed that the dogs general conditions were good; it had normal appetite and the mucous membranes had a normal color. Radiographic examination revealed changes in the topographic anatomy of the organs. The cardiac silhouette was inverted, adopting a D form; this suggested that the left-side chambers were positioned on the right side, and the right-side chambers were located in the left topographic region. The aortic arch was visible on the right side of the thorax. A diffuse non-structured pulmonary interstitial pattern was observed on latero-lateral projections, which could be associated with an inflammatory process. The fundic region of the stomach, spleen, and thymus were visible on the right side. The liver was on the left side of the patients abdomen. The stomach contained a foreign body of radiopaque nature that was considered a radiographic finding.[...]
Animais , Cães , Situs Inversus/diagnóstico por imagem , Situs Inversus/veterinária , Ecocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
A 6-month-old female, 1.0kg, uncastrated female Persian cat was brought to the Veterinary Hospital at State University of Ceara, with a history of dyspnea, prostration, hyporexia and progressive weight loss for a month. On physical examination, systolic cardiac murmur, cyanosis and dyspnea were detected. Unfortunately, the cat died during oxygen therapy. Necropsy examination revealed an increase in cardiac silhouette and ventricular septal defect of 2cm in diameter. Macroscopically the lungs were collapsed, with absent and diffusely reddish blackish crepitus, and the liver with blackish red coalescent multifocal areas, interspersed with lighter areas and lobular pattern with irregular brownish multifocal areas intercepted by brownish areas. Thus, the necropsy results together with the history and physical examination of the animal confirmed the diagnosis of Eisenmenger Syndrome, becoming the report of the first case, in a cat, in Brazil.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Complexo de Eisenmenger/classificação , Gatos/anormalidades , Complexo de Eisenmenger/diagnóstico , Comunicação Interventricular/veterináriaResumo
Background: Situs inversus (SI) is a rare congenital malformation characterized by the transposition of the viscera (thoracic and/or abdominal) to the opposite side of its normal topography, as a mirror image. In situs inversus totalis (SIT), all organs are inverted, in addition to the cardiac apex being directed to the right side of the body (dextrocardia). It may not present any clinical signs, and hence, it may be an accidental finding. Because of the rare occurrence of SIT, no epidemiological studies have been conducted in dogs. In 50% of the cases, it may be associated with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), which causes respiratory clinical signs. SIT can be diagnosed using routine examinations such as ultrasonography, radiography, tomography, and echocardiography. The objective of this paper was to describe the radiographic and echocardiographic findings in a dog with SIT.Case: A 4-month-old Yorkshire Terrier bitch was admitted to the veterinary clinic, with a clinical complaint of cough. A physical examination showed that the dogs general conditions were good; it had normal appetite and the mucous membranes had a normal color. Radiographic examination revealed changes in the topographic anatomy of the organs. The cardiac silhouette was inverted, adopting a D form; this suggested that the left-side chambers were positioned on the right side, and the right-side chambers were located in the left topographic region. The aortic arch was visible on the right side of the thorax. A diffuse non-structured pulmonary interstitial pattern was observed on latero-lateral projections, which could be associated with an inflammatory process. The fundic region of the stomach, spleen, and thymus were visible on the right side. The liver was on the left side of the patients abdomen. The stomach contained a foreign body of radiopaque nature that was considered a radiographic finding.[...](AU)
Animais , Cães , Situs Inversus/diagnóstico por imagem , Situs Inversus/veterinária , Ecocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
The objective of this study was to describe the radiographic alterations of 131 cardiopatic dogs treated at the Small Animals Medical Clinic, Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Campina Grande. From January 2007 to December 2012, all clinical records of dogs attended in the routine were selected, by means of selecting animals that had a history, and clinical signs compatible with heart disease. From these, the radiographic examinations were evaluated, describing the alterations found. Cough, fatigue and apathy were the most frequent clinical complaints. Each animal had more than one radiographic alteration, with pulmonary edema (48,1%), HSV greater than 10.5 (42,5%), tracheal dorsal displacement (34,3%), greater contact with the external bone (34,3%) and rounded silhouette (32,8%) the most frequent findings. An extensive knowledge of the radiographic changes related to the cardiological patient should be recognized, in order to aid in the rapid identification of the patients with heart disease.