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Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469112


Abstract Previous studies have suggested that arsenic crosses the placenta and affects the fetus development. The study under consideration aims to show comparative ameliorative effect of Moringa oleifera leaf and flower extracts against sodium arsenate induced fetus toxicity of mice. Pregnant mice (N=44) were kept in lab and divided into eleven group from (A to K) and were orally administered the doses 6 mg/kg, 12 mg/kg for sodium arsenate, 150 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg for Moringa oleifera leaf extracts (MOLE) and 150 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg for Moringa oleifera flower extracts (MOFE) comparing with control. The investigation revealed evident reduction in the fetuses weight, hind limb, fore limb, tail and snout length, crown rump and head circumferences well as malformations in tail, feet, arms, legs, skin and eyes in the negative control group (only administered with sodium arsenate). Co-administration of sodium arsenate with MOLE and MOFE ameliorate the reversed effect of sodium arsenate on the shape, length, body weight and DNA damage of fetus significantly at 95% confidence interval. However, Moringa oleifera leaf extract showed more significant results in comparison to Moringa oleifera flower extract. Hence concluded that Moringa oleifera leaf extract ameliorated the embryo toxic effects of sodium arsenate and can be used against environmental teratogens.

Resumo Estudos anteriores sugeriram que o arsênio atravessa a placenta e afeta o desenvolvimento do feto. O estudo em consideração visa mostrar o efeito melhorador comparativo de extratos de folhas e flores de Moringa oleifera contra a toxicidade fetal induzida por arseniato de sódio em camundongos. Camundongos grávidas (N = 44) foram mantidos em laboratório e divididos em 11 grupos (de A a K) e foram administrados por via oral nas doses de 6 mg/kg, 12 mg/kg para arseniato de sódio, 150 mg/kg e 300 mg/kg para extratos de folhas de Moringa oleifera (MOLE) e 150 mg/kg e 300 mg/kg para extratos de flores de Moringa oleifera (MOFE) em comparação com o controle. A investigação revelou redução evidente no peso do feto, membro posterior, membro anterior, comprimento da cauda e focinho, coroa, nádega e circunferência da cabeça, bem como malformações na cauda, pés, braços, pernas, pele e olhos no grupo de controle negativo (apenas administrado com arseniato de sódio). A coadministração de arseniato de sódio com MOLE e MOFE melhora significativamente o efeito reverso do arseniato de sódio na forma, comprimento, peso corporal e dano ao DNA do feto, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. No entanto, o extrato da folha da Moringa oleifera apresentou resultados mais significativos em comparação ao extrato da flor da Moringa oleifera. Portanto, concluiu que o extrato da folha de Moringa oleifera melhorou os efeitos tóxicos do arseniato de sódio para o embrião e pode ser usado contra teratógenos ambientais.

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 876, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434879


Background: Caudal vena cava thrombosis (CVCT) is a serious disease that affects cattle. Due to being commonly a fatal pathology, it causes economic losses for producers and national livestock. Thus, the present study describes the epidemiological, clinical, ultrasonographic imaging and pathological findings in 4 cattle with CVCT attended at the Veterinary Hospital (HV) of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine (IMV) of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). Cases: The animals were crossbreds of the Gir x Holstein and Jersey x Holstein breeds, aged between 4 and 8 years old, raised in semi-extensive and intensive systems. The main clinical signs were pale mucous membranes, reluctance to move, markedly positive venous pulse, engorged jugular with positive stasis test, and serous to mucopurulent nasal exudation. The auscultation of the lung fields revealed tachypnea, silent areas, wheezing, and pleural friction, in addition to coughing, expiratory dyspnea, mouth breathing, and expiratory grunts. One animal had severe hemoptysis. The ultrasound examination performed on a bovine revealed a circular and dilated caudal vena cava in cross-section. Laboratory tests in 3 cattle revealed anemia, leukocytosis with neutrophil left shift, and increased liver enzymes. At necropsy, all cattle had thrombi in the hepatic segment of the caudal vena cava. In the lung, multiple abscesses and areas of parenchymal consolidation, crateriform areas, as well as thrombi in the arteries were observed. Pleural effusion and ascites were seen in all cattle. Clotted blood was seen in the trachea, bronchi, and on rumen contents of an animal. Histopathological alterations seen in the liver were centrilobular hepatocytes with frequent intensely eosinophilic cytoplasm, and pyknotic, karyorrhexic, or absent nuclei and cell borders barely distinguishable. In the lung were nodular and random formations, with a thick wall of mature connective tissue and a central area full of cellular debris, necrotic cells, and intact and degenerated neutrophils (abscesses). Discussion: The set of diagnostic tools that include epidemiology, clinical signs and clinical examinations, ultrasound, necropsy, and histopathology were efficient in the diagnosis of CVCT. The possible causes that led the animals to develop CVCT were diffuse septic pododermatitis in the medial nail of the right pelvic limb associated with traumatic reticuloabomasitis and liver abscesses. In 1 cow, it was not possible to establish the probable cause of CVCT, but for the other cattle in the present study, the probable causes are in agreement with studies that have shown that this disease can occur as a sequel to several septic conditions such as jugular phlebitis, mastitis, hoof rot, enteritis, pneumonia, traumatic reticulopericarditis, acidosis and rumen laminitis, as well as omphalophlebitis in calves. The tachypnea, serous to purulent nasal exudation, pulmonary wheezing, pleural friction, coughing, and expiratory dyspnea, usually with open mouth breathing and expiratory grunts evidenced in the animals of this study, occurred as a result of embolic abscess pneumonia. The presence of multiple lung abscesses, areas of parenchymal consolidation, crateriform foci, and thrombi in the pulmonary arteries and chronic suppurative pneumonia, found at necropsy of the animals in the present study, are related to the development of a thrombus in the caudal vena cava that detaches and embolizes and lodges in the pulmonary arteries. The histopathological findings in 1 cow are compatible with lesions found at necropsy and draw attention to embolic pneumonia and liver lesions, which, are related to thrombi in pulmonary arteries and abscesses formed from CVCT, as well as venous stasis exerted in the return circulation.

Animais , Bovinos , Cauda/patologia , Vasos Sanguíneos/diagnóstico por imagem , Trombose Venosa/veterinária
Pap. avulsos zool ; 63: e202363014, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434549


Santana et al. (2022) described a new genus and species of fossil crab, Chronocancer camilosantanai, from carbonate concretions of the Romualdo Formation of the Araripe Sedimentary Basin. The journal in which the description appeared was published online only and the new name did not include a ZooBank registration number (LSID), as required for validation of new names in electronic-only publications. The present note serves to validate the name Chronocancer camilosantanai by fulfilling the ICZN conditions for nomenclatural availability. The date and authorship of the specific name, accordingly, are those of this note, not Santana et al. (2022).(AU)

Animais , Braquiúros/anatomia & histologia , Braquiúros/classificação , Brasil , Fósseis
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469080


Abstract The current study was carried out to estimate the prevalence and diversity of ectoparasites in rock pigeons in different regions of Punjab, Pakistan. A total of 120 birds were captured from March 2017 to February 2019. The ectoparasites were collected by standard procedures and preserved in 70% ethanol containing one drop of glycerin. Data related to age, health status, sex, type of area, sampling location and season were collected using a standardized form. Ectoparasites were identified based on morphological characteristics by using identification keys. Ninety-six (80%) birds were infested with ectoparasites. A total of seven families and thirteen species of different ectoparasites were observed. Mainly, seven species of lice, two species of flies, one species of tick and three species of mites were recovered from infested birds. The female pigeons were more often infested (89.02%) than male pigeons (60.52%). The prevalence was found higher during summer (100%) as compared to other seasons. The infestation rate was higher in Industrial area (97.50%) as compared to other regions. The highest prevalence of ectoparasites (100%) was recorded from Sargodha district. There was significant (P 0.05) variation among number of ectoparasites on wing, chest, tail and neck within age groups, seasons and ecological zones. The occurrence of parasites in relation to area, age, health status, sex and season were significant. The infestation rate of parasites in rock pigeon is high in different districts of Punjab. It is recommended that these wild birds infested with multiple species of ectoparasites could be the potential source of infestations in domesticated birds if they come in contact with them. The contact of domesticated birds should be prevented from wild birds to minimize the chance of cross species transmission of ectoparasites.

Resumo O presente estudo foi realizado para estimar a prevalência e diversidade de ectoparasitas em pombos-das-rochas em diferentes regiões de Punjab, Paquistão. Um total de 120 aves foram capturadas de março de 2017 a fevereiro de 2019. Os ectoparasitas foram coletados por procedimentos padrão e preservados em etanol 70% contendo uma gota de glicerina. Os dados relativos à idade, estado de saúde, sexo, tipo de área, local de amostragem e época do ano foram coletados em formulário padronizado. Os ectoparasitas foram identificados com base nas características morfológicas por meio de chaves de identificação. Noventa e seis (80%) aves estavam infestadas com ectoparasitas. Um total de sete famílias e treze espécies de diferentes ectoparasitas foram observados. Principalmente, sete espécies de piolhos, duas espécies de moscas, uma espécie de carrapato e três espécies de ácaros foram recuperadas de aves infestadas. Os pombos fêmeas foram infestados mais frequentemente (89,02%) do que os pombos machos (60,52%). A prevalência encontrada foi maior no verão (100%) em comparação com as outras estações. A taxa de infestação foi maior na área Industrial (97,50%) em relação às demais regiões. A maior prevalência de ectoparasitas (100%) foi registrada no distrito de Sargodha. Houve variação significativa (P 0,05) entre o número de ectoparasitas na asa, tórax, cauda e pescoço dentro das faixas etárias, estações do ano e zonas ecológicas. A ocorrência de parasitas em relação à área, idade, estado de saúde, sexo e estação do ano foi significativa. A taxa de infestação de parasitas em pombo-correio é alta em diferentes distritos de Punjab. Recomenda-se que essas aves selvagens infestadas com várias espécies de ectoparasitas possam ser a fonte potencial de infestações em aves domesticadas se entrarem em contato com elas. O contato de aves domesticadas deve ser evitado com aves selvagens para minimizar a chance de transmissão cruzada de ectoparasitas.

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 884, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437121


Background: Several neoplasms can affect the perianal region, being the hepatic adenoma and the anal sac adenocarcinoma (ASAC), which is considered the most frequent. The ASAC is a malignant neoplasm originating from the secretory epithelium of the perianal apocrine glands and is rarely seen in veterinary medicine. The ASAC occurs mainly in adult to elderly canines with high metastasis rates. Patients may be asymptomatic or manifest discomfort and behavioral changes. In the presence of metastasis, the most frequent clinical signs are inappetence, coughing, dyspnea, and colorectal obstruction. Given this scenario, this paper aims to describe the clinical presentation, diagnostic examination, and necropsy findings of a Cocker Spaniel with ASAC and metastasis in the vertebral body, spinal cord, and cauda equina. Case: A 8-year-old neutered male Cocker Spaniel (12 kg of body mass) with a clinical history of non-ambulatory paraparesis was evaluated. The patient also presented tenesmus, difficulty to defecate, and the presence of nodules in the anal sac area. On the neurological examination, asymmetrical changes compatible with injury between L4-S3 were found. A complete blood count, serum biochemistry, and imaging exams such as plain radiography, abdominal ultrasonography (US), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were requested. Blood count revealed anemia and neutrophilic leukocytosis and hypercalcemia. The liver showed increased echogenicity and thickened pancreas in the abdominal US scan. A slightly heterogeneous, vascularized mass with irregular borders was identified in the topographic region of the sublumbar lymph nodes; MRI images demonstrated an expansile formation in the ventral region of the lumbosacral spine, corresponding to the sublumbar lymph nodes and interruption of the cerebrospinal fluid at L5, suggestive of compression of the spinal cord and cauda equina. A presumptive diagnosis of perianal neoplasm with metastasis was made based on the complementary exams. The dog was referred to necropsy, which revealed a 4 cm tumor in the perianal region that invaded the pelvic canal. Multifocal nodules were present on the lung surface, liver, and kidneys, suggesting metastasis. On the cross-section of the spine, one could note the presence of the tumor in the vertebral bodies, spinal cord, and cauda equina from L5 to S3. Even with histopathological evaluation of the tumor, only the immunohistochemical analysis allowed us to confirm the anal sac adenocarcinoma. Discussion: Adenomas and carcinomas are perianal gland neoplasms common in adult and elderly male dogs; the Cocker Spaniel breed is among the most affected. The clinical signs presented by the patient, such as tenesmus and difficulty in adopting the posture of defecation, are common, although neurological changes are rare. As for metastasis, carcinomas of the perianal region present high chances of metastasis to organs including the liver, kidneys, and lungs, both lymphatically and hematogenously, but few studies have related these factors to neurological alterations due to metastasis. We concluded that metastases from carcinomas to the spine must be considered a possible differential diagnosis in cases of patients presenting clinical signs that are compatible with spinal cord compression and a history of previous neoplasm.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Períneo/patologia , Neoplasias da Medula Espinal/veterinária , Adenocarcinoma/veterinária , Sacos Anais/patologia , Metástase Neoplásica
Pap. avulsos zool ; 63: e202363001, 2023. mapas, tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1424818


Plastic pollution represents a threat to marine ecosystems and has therefore been gaining space in the realm of public interest. In this study, we investigated the ingestion of food and non-food items (i.e., plastic particles) by fish and crabs. These animals are commonly collected by trawling with a double-ring net along the coast of Cananéia, state of São Paulo, Brazil; some of them are consumed as food by the local population. Fish and crab stomachs were removed and dissected, and their contents were examined under a stereoscopic microscope with an image-capturing system. The presence or absence of plastic was also registered. We examined 139 specimens of 16 fish species and 143 specimens of four crab species. The most frequent food items found in fish were unidentified food, followed by crustaceans, molluscs, polychaetes, and other fish; in crabs, the items were unidentified food, followed by crustaceans, molluscs and fish. Plastic particles were found in all fish species, representing 47.5% of the individuals analysed. In crabs, the incidence of plastic was lower, occurring in only two species (5% in Callinectes danae and 3% in C. ornatus). Only four fish species analysed had previous records of plastic ingestion in the scientific literature. The high incidence of microplastics in our study is worrying because they negatively affect the animals' lives and can be transferred through the tropic web to top predators, including humans, through the ingestion of contaminated animals.(AU)

Plásticos/análise , Braquiúros/fisiologia , Absorção Gástrica/fisiologia , Brasil
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 16(1): 85-88, mar. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1425403


Clinical History: A euthanized, 14-year-old, Warmblood gelding that had participated in an equine show was presented for necropsy and diagnostic workup to the San Bernardino laboratory of the California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory System. The animal had a 4-day history of mildly swollen limbs and hyperthermia, and developed neurologic signs shortly before euthanasia. Necropsy Findings: The urinary bladder had multifocal to coalescing hemorrhages in the mucosa and approximately 5 ml of turbid urine with sandy sludge (Figure 1). The entire spinal cord was removed and cross-sectioned serially after fixation in 10% neutral-buffered formalin during 48h. Multifocally, in multiple sections of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar segments, there were uni- or bilateral and asymmetrical, wedge-shaped areas of gray discoloration and hemorrhage (Figures 2-4). In addition, there were extensive hemorrhages around the nerve roots of the cauda equina. Follow-up questions: Five differential diagnoses for the gross lesions in the spinal cord (Fig. 1B-1D) Microscopic description for the lesions in the spinal cord (Fig. 2A-2D) Most likely cause based on clinical history and gross and microscopic findings.

Animais , Masculino , Infecções por Herpesviridae/diagnóstico , Doenças dos Cavalos/virologia , Cavalos/virologia , Herpesvirus Equídeo 1
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(3): e2023025, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509955


Human disturbances affect the macroinvertebrate populations in coastal regions. They respond to disturbances by altering their density and behaviour. Therefore, many of them are used as bioindicator species of human disturbance. Here, we pioneer the use of fiddler crabs to examine whether they alter their behaviour under human disturbance. Male fiddler crabs possess one large claw used for courting (waving) and fighting, and one small feeding claw, whereas females have two feeding claws. They show several surface activities. This study investigates (1) the effects of human disturbance on density and sex-ratio, and (2) the effects of human disturbance, and sex on behavioural time allocations in Austruca annulipes. Their density, sex-ratio, and time allocations were investigated in human-disturbed area (DA) and nondisturbed area (NDA). They showed feeding, feeding and walking, walking, running, standing/vigilance, inside burrows, burrowing, grooming, fighting, and waving. The results showed that crab density was higher and the sex ratio was more male biased in NDA than in DA. Human disturbance and sex affected time allocations but their interaction had no effect. Crabs in DA spent more time running, standing, and inside burrows but less time walking, burrowing, fighting, and waving than crabs in NDA. Between sexes, males spent more time standing, burrowing, grooming, and fighting but less time feeding, and walking than females. This indicates that human disturbances force the crabs to spend more time on anti-predator and escape behavior (standing/vigilance, running, inside burrows) rather than courting (waving) and constructing burrows (mating/breeding sites), which are important for breeding.(AU)

Humanos , Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Transtornos do Comportamento Social , Braquiúros/fisiologia , Interação Humano-Animal , Tailândia
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-8, 2023. map, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468864


The current study was carried out to estimate the prevalence and diversity of ectoparasites in rock pigeons in different regions of Punjab, Pakistan. A total of 120 birds were captured from March 2017 to February 2019. The ectoparasites were collected by standard procedures and preserved in 70% ethanol containing one drop of glycerin. Data related to age, health status, sex, type of area, sampling location and season were collected using a standardized form. Ectoparasites were identified based on morphological characteristics by using identification keys. Ninety-six (80%) birds were infested with ectoparasites. A total of seven families and thirteen species of different ectoparasites were observed. Mainly, seven species of lice, two species of flies, one species of tick and three species of mites were recovered from infested birds. The female pigeons were more often infested (89.02%) than male pigeons (60.52%). The prevalence was found higher during summer (100%) as compared to other seasons. The infestation rate was higher in Industrial area (97.50%) as compared to other regions. The highest prevalence of ectoparasites (100%) was recorded from Sargodha district. There was significant (P < 0.05) variation among number of ectoparasites on wing, chest, tail and neck within age groups, seasons and ecological zones. The occurrence of parasites in relation to area, age, health status, sex and season were significant. The infestation rate of parasites in rock pigeon is high in different districts of Punjab. It is recommended that these wild birds infested with multiple species of ectoparasites could be the potential source of infestations in domesticated birds if they come in contact with them. The contact of domesticated birds should be prevented from wild birds to minimize the chance of cross species transmission of ectoparasites.

O presente estudo foi realizado para estimar a prevalência e diversidade de ectoparasitas em pombos-das-rochas em diferentes regiões de Punjab, Paquistão. Um total de 120 aves foram capturadas de março de 2017 a fevereiro de 2019. Os ectoparasitas foram coletados por procedimentos padrão e preservados em etanol 70% contendo uma gota de glicerina. Os dados relativos à idade, estado de saúde, sexo, tipo de área, local de amostragem e época do ano foram coletados em formulário padronizado. Os ectoparasitas foram identificados com base nas características morfológicas por meio de chaves de identificação. Noventa e seis (80%) aves estavam infestadas com ectoparasitas. Um total de sete famílias e treze espécies de diferentes ectoparasitas foram observados. Principalmente, sete espécies de piolhos, duas espécies de moscas, uma espécie de carrapato e três espécies de ácaros foram recuperadas de aves infestadas. Os pombos fêmeas foram infestados mais frequentemente (89,02%) do que os pombos machos (60,52%). A prevalência encontrada foi maior no verão (100%) em comparação com as outras estações. A taxa de infestação foi maior na área Industrial (97,50%) em relação às demais regiões. A maior prevalência de ectoparasitas (100%) foi registrada no distrito de Sargodha. Houve variação significativa (P <0,05) entre o número de ectoparasitas na asa, tórax, cauda e pescoço dentro das faixas etárias, estações do ano e zonas ecológicas. A ocorrência de parasitas em relação à área, idade, estado de saúde, sexo e estação do ano foi significativa. A taxa de infestação de parasitas em pombo-correio é alta em diferentes distritos de Punjab. Recomenda-se que essas aves selvagens infestadas com várias espécies de ectoparasitas possam ser a fonte potencial de infestações em aves domesticadas se entrarem em contato com elas. O contato de aves domesticadas deve ser evitado com aves selvagens para minimizar a chance de transmissão cruzada de ectoparasitas.

Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Carrapatos , Columbidae/parasitologia , Dípteros , Ftirápteros , Ácaros , Prevalência
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(3): eRBCA-2022-1723, 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1452172


The growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) gene plays a vital role in the growth and maturation of ovarian follicles in laying hens. However, its messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expression levels in preovulatory ovarian follicles of indigenous chickens remain poorly understood. The study aimed to identify the association between egg weight and egg quality traits, ovarian follicles morphology, and mRNA expression levels of the GDF9 gene in pre-ovulatory ovarian follicles of the South African Potchefstroom Koekoek chicken breed. The correlation results showed that egg weight (EW) had a positively high significant correlation (p<0.01) with egg width (EWD), yolk weight (YW), shell surface area (SSA), albumen weight (AW), albumen ratio (AR) and egg volume (EV), and a positive significant correlation (p<0.05) with egg length (EL). The Student's T-test results revealed that the numbers of large yellow follicles were significantly lower (p<0.05) than those of small yellow follicles. ANOVA findings showed that there was a significant difference (p<0.05) in the average weight of the large yellow follicles. The quantitative Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR) findings indicated that there were significant differences (p<0.05) in the mRNA expression levels of the GDF9 gene in preovulatory ovarian follicles of the Potchefstroom Koekoek chicken breed. The mRNA expression was more abundant in F1 and F4 than in other ovarian follicles.(AU)

Animais , Ovos/análise , Folículo Ovariano/anatomia & histologia , RNA Mensageiro/genética , Fator 9 de Diferenciação de Crescimento
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e57882, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413204


Edible brachyurans are recognized as a popular source of food due to their delicious taste and nutritional quality. This study investigated the nutrient compositional variation and interrelationship in the muscle of wild and plastic-reared Cardisoma armatum. The plastic-reared crab had 27.81 ± 2.29 g 100 g-1protein while crab from the wild contained 22.45 ± 2.65 g 100 g-1protein. The difference in protein content of plastic-reared and its counterpart from the mangrove swamp was not significantly different(p > 0.05). This is also true of other proximate composition except that wild crabs were slightly higher in both crude fat (2.68 ± 0.35 g 100 g-1) and carbohydrate (5.89 ± 3.05 g 100 g-1). Generally, the total energy contributed due to protein, carbohydrate and fat in the tissues of both wild and plastic-reared C. armatumare similar. In the wild crab, contents of calcium (16083.27 ± 2127.90 mg 100 g-1) and phosphorus (1191.42 ± 199.21) were relatively higher, while contents of magnesium (368.69 ± 111.05 mg 100 g-1), sodium (125.30 ± 11.18 mg 100 g-1) and potassium (87.36 ± 7.27 mg 100 g-1) were relatively higher inplastic-reared crabs. All significant mineral ratios in wild and plastic-reared C. amartumfall within acceptable range. The positive relationship in the nutritional quality indicates that changes in proximate composition are associated with changes in mineral contents of the crab tissue.(AU)

Animais , Composição Corporal/fisiologia , Braquiúros/fisiologia , Valor Nutritivo
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-8, 2023. mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765441


The current study was carried out to estimate the prevalence and diversity of ectoparasites in rock pigeons in different regions of Punjab, Pakistan. A total of 120 birds were captured from March 2017 to February 2019. The ectoparasites were collected by standard procedures and preserved in 70% ethanol containing one drop of glycerin. Data related to age, health status, sex, type of area, sampling location and season were collected using a standardized form. Ectoparasites were identified based on morphological characteristics by using identification keys. Ninety-six (80%) birds were infested with ectoparasites. A total of seven families and thirteen species of different ectoparasites were observed. Mainly, seven species of lice, two species of flies, one species of tick and three species of mites were recovered from infested birds. The female pigeons were more often infested (89.02%) than male pigeons (60.52%). The prevalence was found higher during summer (100%) as compared to other seasons. The infestation rate was higher in Industrial area (97.50%) as compared to other regions. The highest prevalence of ectoparasites (100%) was recorded from Sargodha district. There was significant (P < 0.05) variation among number of ectoparasites on wing, chest, tail and neck within age groups, seasons and ecological zones. The occurrence of parasites in relation to area, age, health status, sex and season were significant. The infestation rate of parasites in rock pigeon is high in different districts of Punjab. It is recommended that these wild birds infested with multiple species of ectoparasites could be the potential source of infestations in domesticated birds if they come in contact with them. The contact of domesticated birds should be prevented from wild birds to minimize the chance of cross species transmission of ectoparasites.(AU)

O presente estudo foi realizado para estimar a prevalência e diversidade de ectoparasitas em pombos-das-rochas em diferentes regiões de Punjab, Paquistão. Um total de 120 aves foram capturadas de março de 2017 a fevereiro de 2019. Os ectoparasitas foram coletados por procedimentos padrão e preservados em etanol 70% contendo uma gota de glicerina. Os dados relativos à idade, estado de saúde, sexo, tipo de área, local de amostragem e época do ano foram coletados em formulário padronizado. Os ectoparasitas foram identificados com base nas características morfológicas por meio de chaves de identificação. Noventa e seis (80%) aves estavam infestadas com ectoparasitas. Um total de sete famílias e treze espécies de diferentes ectoparasitas foram observados. Principalmente, sete espécies de piolhos, duas espécies de moscas, uma espécie de carrapato e três espécies de ácaros foram recuperadas de aves infestadas. Os pombos fêmeas foram infestados mais frequentemente (89,02%) do que os pombos machos (60,52%). A prevalência encontrada foi maior no verão (100%) em comparação com as outras estações. A taxa de infestação foi maior na área Industrial (97,50%) em relação às demais regiões. A maior prevalência de ectoparasitas (100%) foi registrada no distrito de Sargodha. Houve variação significativa (P <0,05) entre o número de ectoparasitas na asa, tórax, cauda e pescoço dentro das faixas etárias, estações do ano e zonas ecológicas. A ocorrência de parasitas em relação à área, idade, estado de saúde, sexo e estação do ano foi significativa. A taxa de infestação de parasitas em pombo-correio é alta em diferentes distritos de Punjab. Recomenda-se que essas aves selvagens infestadas com várias espécies de ectoparasitas possam ser a fonte potencial de infestações em aves domesticadas se entrarem em contato com elas. O contato de aves domesticadas deve ser evitado com aves selvagens para minimizar a chance de transmissão cruzada de ectoparasitas.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Columbidae/parasitologia , Ftirápteros , Dípteros , Carrapatos , Ácaros , Prevalência
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-9, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468896


Previous studies have suggested that arsenic crosses the placenta and affects the fetus development. The study under consideration aims to show comparative ameliorative effect of Moringa oleifera leaf and flower extracts against sodium arsenate induced fetus toxicity of mice. Pregnant mice (N=44) were kept in lab and divided into eleven group from (A to K) and were orally administered the doses 6 mg/kg, 12 mg/kg for sodium arsenate, 150 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg for Moringa oleifera leaf extracts (MOLE) and 150 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg for Moringa oleifera flower extracts (MOFE) comparing with control. The investigation revealed evident reduction in the fetuses weight, hind limb, fore limb, tail and snout length, crown rump and head circumferences well as malformations in tail, feet, arms, legs, skin and eyes in the negative control group (only administered with sodium arsenate). Co-administration of sodium arsenate with MOLE and MOFE ameliorate the reversed effect of sodium arsenate on the shape, length, body weight and DNA damage of fetus significantly at 95% confidence interval. However, Moringa oleifera leaf extract showed more significant results in comparison to Moringa oleifera flower extract. Hence concluded that Moringa oleifera leaf extract ameliorated the embryo toxic effects of sodium arsenate and can be used against environmental teratogens.

Estudos anteriores sugeriram que o arsênio atravessa a placenta e afeta o desenvolvimento do feto. O estudo em consideração visa mostrar o efeito melhorador comparativo de extratos de folhas e flores de Moringa oleifera contra a toxicidade fetal induzida por arseniato de sódio em camundongos. Camundongos grávidas (N = 44) foram mantidos em laboratório e divididos em 11 grupos (de A a K) e foram administrados por via oral nas doses de 6 mg/kg, 12 mg/kg para arseniato de sódio, 150 mg/kg e 300 mg/kg para extratos de folhas de Moringa oleifera (MOLE) e 150 mg/kg e 300 mg/kg para extratos de flores de Moringa oleifera (MOFE) em comparação com o controle. A investigação revelou redução evidente no peso do feto, membro posterior, membro anterior, comprimento da cauda e focinho, coroa, nádega e circunferência da cabeça, bem como malformações na cauda, pés, braços, pernas, pele e olhos no grupo de controle negativo (apenas administrado com arseniato de sódio). A coadministração de arseniato de sódio com MOLE e MOFE melhora significativamente o efeito reverso do arseniato de sódio na forma, comprimento, peso corporal e dano ao DNA do feto, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. No entanto, o extrato da folha da Moringa oleifera apresentou resultados mais significativos em comparação ao extrato da flor da Moringa oleifera. Portanto, concluiu que o extrato da folha de Moringa oleifera melhorou os efeitos tóxicos do arseniato de sódio para o embrião e pode ser usado contra teratógenos ambientais.

Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Camundongos , Arseniatos/toxicidade , Ensaio Cometa/veterinária , Feto/anormalidades , Feto/efeitos dos fármacos , Lesões Pré-Natais/veterinária , Moringa oleifera/embriologia
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-9, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765473


Previous studies have suggested that arsenic crosses the placenta and affects the fetus development. The study under consideration aims to show comparative ameliorative effect of Moringa oleifera leaf and flower extracts against sodium arsenate induced fetus toxicity of mice. Pregnant mice (N=44) were kept in lab and divided into eleven group from (A to K) and were orally administered the doses 6 mg/kg, 12 mg/kg for sodium arsenate, 150 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg for Moringa oleifera leaf extracts (MOLE) and 150 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg for Moringa oleifera flower extracts (MOFE) comparing with control. The investigation revealed evident reduction in the fetuses weight, hind limb, fore limb, tail and snout length, crown rump and head circumferences well as malformations in tail, feet, arms, legs, skin and eyes in the negative control group (only administered with sodium arsenate). Co-administration of sodium arsenate with MOLE and MOFE ameliorate the reversed effect of sodium arsenate on the shape, length, body weight and DNA damage of fetus significantly at 95% confidence interval. However, Moringa oleifera leaf extract showed more significant results in comparison to Moringa oleifera flower extract. Hence concluded that Moringa oleifera leaf extract ameliorated the embryo toxic effects of sodium arsenate and can be used against environmental teratogens.(AU)

Estudos anteriores sugeriram que o arsênio atravessa a placenta e afeta o desenvolvimento do feto. O estudo em consideração visa mostrar o efeito melhorador comparativo de extratos de folhas e flores de Moringa oleifera contra a toxicidade fetal induzida por arseniato de sódio em camundongos. Camundongos grávidas (N = 44) foram mantidos em laboratório e divididos em 11 grupos (de A a K) e foram administrados por via oral nas doses de 6 mg/kg, 12 mg/kg para arseniato de sódio, 150 mg/kg e 300 mg/kg para extratos de folhas de Moringa oleifera (MOLE) e 150 mg/kg e 300 mg/kg para extratos de flores de Moringa oleifera (MOFE) em comparação com o controle. A investigação revelou redução evidente no peso do feto, membro posterior, membro anterior, comprimento da cauda e focinho, coroa, nádega e circunferência da cabeça, bem como malformações na cauda, pés, braços, pernas, pele e olhos no grupo de controle negativo (apenas administrado com arseniato de sódio). A coadministração de arseniato de sódio com MOLE e MOFE melhora significativamente o efeito reverso do arseniato de sódio na forma, comprimento, peso corporal e dano ao DNA do feto, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. No entanto, o extrato da folha da Moringa oleifera apresentou resultados mais significativos em comparação ao extrato da flor da Moringa oleifera. Portanto, concluiu que o extrato da folha de Moringa oleifera melhorou os efeitos tóxicos do arseniato de sódio para o embrião e pode ser usado contra teratógenos ambientais.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Camundongos , Moringa oleifera/embriologia , Ensaio Cometa/veterinária , Feto/anormalidades , Feto/efeitos dos fármacos , Lesões Pré-Natais/veterinária , Arseniatos/toxicidade
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e246887, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285630


Abstract The current study was carried out to estimate the prevalence and diversity of ectoparasites in rock pigeons in different regions of Punjab, Pakistan. A total of 120 birds were captured from March 2017 to February 2019. The ectoparasites were collected by standard procedures and preserved in 70% ethanol containing one drop of glycerin. Data related to age, health status, sex, type of area, sampling location and season were collected using a standardized form. Ectoparasites were identified based on morphological characteristics by using identification keys. Ninety-six (80%) birds were infested with ectoparasites. A total of seven families and thirteen species of different ectoparasites were observed. Mainly, seven species of lice, two species of flies, one species of tick and three species of mites were recovered from infested birds. The female pigeons were more often infested (89.02%) than male pigeons (60.52%). The prevalence was found higher during summer (100%) as compared to other seasons. The infestation rate was higher in Industrial area (97.50%) as compared to other regions. The highest prevalence of ectoparasites (100%) was recorded from Sargodha district. There was significant (P < 0.05) variation among number of ectoparasites on wing, chest, tail and neck within age groups, seasons and ecological zones. The occurrence of parasites in relation to area, age, health status, sex and season were significant. The infestation rate of parasites in rock pigeon is high in different districts of Punjab. It is recommended that these wild birds infested with multiple species of ectoparasites could be the potential source of infestations in domesticated birds if they come in contact with them. The contact of domesticated birds should be prevented from wild birds to minimize the chance of cross species transmission of ectoparasites.

Resumo O presente estudo foi realizado para estimar a prevalência e diversidade de ectoparasitas em pombos-das-rochas em diferentes regiões de Punjab, Paquistão. Um total de 120 aves foram capturadas de março de 2017 a fevereiro de 2019. Os ectoparasitas foram coletados por procedimentos padrão e preservados em etanol 70% contendo uma gota de glicerina. Os dados relativos à idade, estado de saúde, sexo, tipo de área, local de amostragem e época do ano foram coletados em formulário padronizado. Os ectoparasitas foram identificados com base nas características morfológicas por meio de chaves de identificação. Noventa e seis (80%) aves estavam infestadas com ectoparasitas. Um total de sete famílias e treze espécies de diferentes ectoparasitas foram observados. Principalmente, sete espécies de piolhos, duas espécies de moscas, uma espécie de carrapato e três espécies de ácaros foram recuperadas de aves infestadas. Os pombos fêmeas foram infestados mais frequentemente (89,02%) do que os pombos machos (60,52%). A prevalência encontrada foi maior no verão (100%) em comparação com as outras estações. A taxa de infestação foi maior na área Industrial (97,50%) em relação às demais regiões. A maior prevalência de ectoparasitas (100%) foi registrada no distrito de Sargodha. Houve variação significativa (P <0,05) entre o número de ectoparasitas na asa, tórax, cauda e pescoço dentro das faixas etárias, estações do ano e zonas ecológicas. A ocorrência de parasitas em relação à área, idade, estado de saúde, sexo e estação do ano foi significativa. A taxa de infestação de parasitas em pombo-correio é alta em diferentes distritos de Punjab. Recomenda-se que essas aves selvagens infestadas com várias espécies de ectoparasitas possam ser a fonte potencial de infestações em aves domesticadas se entrarem em contato com elas. O contato de aves domesticadas deve ser evitado com aves selvagens para minimizar a chance de transmissão cruzada de ectoparasitas.

Humanos , Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Parasitos , Columbidae , Paquistão/epidemiologia , Prevalência , Animais Selvagens
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e248911, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339362


Abstract The telencephalon refers to the most highly developed and anterior part of the forebrain, consisting mainly of the cerebral hemispheres. The study determined Neuroglobin (Ngb) and Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF-1α) expression in the telencephalon of yak and cattle, and compare the expression and distribution pattern of Ngb and HIF-1α in the two animals. Immunohistochemistry (IHC), quantitative real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR), and Western blot (WB) were employed to investigate Ngb and Hif-1α expression in the telencephalon of yak and cattle. mRNA and protein expressions of Ngb and HIF-1α showed positive in different tissues of the yak and cattle telencephalon. Ngb expression in tissues of the yak recorded higher as compare to cattle while HIF-1α expression was found higher in cattle than yak. The HIF-1α expression in some tissues of yak telencephalon was consistent with the cattle. The results documented that HIF-1α may have a direct or indirect synergistic effect on Ngb expression in the yak telencephalon to improve hypoxia adaptation. It is suggested that yak may need more Ngb expression for adaptation, but the expression of HIF-1α seems to be down-regulated during long-term adaptation, and the specific causes of this phenomenon needs to be further verified.

Resumo O telencéfalo refere-se à parte anterior e mais desenvolvida do prosencéfalo, consistindo principalmente dos hemisférios cerebrais. O estudo determinou a expressão de neuroglobina (Ngb) e fator indutível por hipóxia (HIF-1α) no telencéfalo de iaques e bovinos e comparou a expressão e o padrão de distribuição de Ngb e HIF-1α nos dois animais. Imuno-histoquímica (IHC), reação em cadeia da polimerase quantitativa em tempo real (qRT-PCR) e Western blot (WB) foram empregados para investigar a expressão de Ngb e Hif-1α no telencéfalo de iaques e bovinos. As expressões de mRNA e proteínas de Ngb e HIF-1α mostraram-se positivas em diferentes tecidos do telencéfalo de iaque e bovino. A expressão de Ngb nos tecidos do iaque foi registrada mais alta em comparação com o gado, enquanto a expressão do HIF-1α foi encontrada mais alta no gado do que no iaque. A expressão de HIF-1α em alguns tecidos do telencéfalo de iaque foi consistente com o gado. Os resultados documentaram que o HIF-1α pode ter um efeito sinérgico direto ou indireto na expressão de Ngb no telencéfalo de iaque para melhorar a adaptação à hipóxia. É sugerido que o iaque pode precisar de mais expressão de Ngb para adaptação, mas a expressão de HIF-1α parece ser regulada para baixo durante a adaptação de longo prazo, e as causas específicas desse fenômeno precisam ser verificadas.

Animais , Telencéfalo , Subunidade alfa do Fator 1 Induzível por Hipóxia/genética , RNA Mensageiro/genética , Bovinos , Adaptação Fisiológica , Neuroglobina
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e245330, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339394


Abstract Background The brain is an organ that serves as the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals. Aim The study examined the expression of Neuroglobin (Ngb) and Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (Hif-1α) in adult and young yak brain tissues, and provided researchers with meaningful insight into the anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry of this mammal. Method The study employed immunohistochemistry (IHC), quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR), and Western blot (WB) to obtain the results. Results Ngb and Hif-1α were significantly (P<0.05) expressed in the cerebellar cortex, piriform lobe, medulla, and corpus callosum of the adult yak while in the young yak brain tissues, the protein expressions were significantly found in the white matter of the cerebellum, pineal gland, corpus callosum, and cerebellar cortex. The Ngb and Hif-1α expression showed similarities and differences. This may have resulted from similar animal species, source of nutrition, age factors, brain size, emotional activities, and communication. The findings documented that Ngb and Hif-1α are commonly expressed in various adult and young yak brain tissues. Multiple roles in the brain tissues of the adult and young yaks are involved in the expression and distribution and are proposed to play a significant role in the adaptation of the yak to the high altitude environment. Conclusion This study provides meaningful data to understand the adaptive mechanism to hypoxia and recommended researchers to expand on the adaptive mechanism and brain tissues that are not recorded.

Resumo Contexto O cérebro é um órgão que funciona como o centro do sistema nervoso em todos os animais vertebrados e na maioria dos invertebrados. Objetivo O estudo examinou a expressão de neuroglobina (Ngb) e fator-1α indutível por hipóxia (Hif-1α) em tecidos cerebrais de iaques adultos e jovens e forneceu aos pesquisadores uma visão significativa da anatomia, fisiologia e bioquímica desse mamífero. Método O estudo utilizou imuno-histoquímica (IHC), PCR quantitativo em tempo real (qRT-PCR) e western blot (WB) para a obtenção dos resultados. Resultados Ngb e Hif-1α foram significativamente (P < 0,05) expressos no córtex cerebelar, lobo piriforme, medula e corpo caloso do iaque adulto, enquanto nos tecidos cerebrais do iaque jovem as expressões proteicas foram encontradas significativamente na substância branca do cerebelo, glândula pineal, corpo caloso e córtex cerebelar. A expressão de Ngb e Hif-1α apresentou semelhanças e diferenças. Isso pode ter resultado de espécies animais semelhantes, fonte de nutrição, fatores de idade, tamanho do cérebro, atividades emocionais e comunicação. Os resultados documentaram que o Ngb e o Hif-1α são comumente expressos em vários tecidos cerebrais de iaques adultos e jovens. Múltiplos papéis nos tecidos cerebrais de iaques adultos e jovens estão envolvidos na expressão e distribuição e são propostos para desempenhar um papel significativo na adaptação do iaque ao ambiente de alta altitude. Conclusão Este estudo fornece dados significativos para compreender o mecanismo adaptativo à hipóxia e recomendou que os pesquisadores expandissem o mecanismo adaptativo e os tecidos cerebrais que não foram registrados.

Animais , Subunidade alfa do Fator 1 Induzível por Hipóxia/genética , Hipóxia , Encéfalo , RNA Mensageiro , Bovinos , Neuroglobina
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: e-73825E, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1417699


Tetanus is a serious and rare disease in small animals, of an acute nature and mediated by the action of the neurotoxin tetanospasmin, from the bacillus Clostridium tetani. This report describes a case of tetanus in a canine, with emphasis on its clinical and therapeutic aspects, in addition to its clinical recovery. A canine, female, Pitbull breed, five months old, in status epilepticus, was attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Passo Fundo. After stabilizing the patient, the animal was found in a trestle position, with generalized spastic paralysis, risus sardonicus, trismus, erect tail and ears, and difficulty in expanding the thorax. The presumptive diagnosis of tetanus was established based on the anamnesis, clinical signs, and laboratory findings. The established supportive treatment included hydro electrolytic replacement, antitetanus serum, antibiotic therapy, analgesia, myorelaxant and anticonvulsant drugs. The patient's intensive management was carried out with urethral and gastroesophageal probing, changes of position every two hours, and reduction of environmental stimuli. Physiotherapy and acupuncture were also used to complement the treatment and accelerate recovery. The patient was discharged one month after the beginning of the treatment, presenting satisfactory evolution. In the present case, the clinical examination in association with the characteristic clinical signs of the disease, added to the detailed anamnesis, was essential for the presumptive diagnosis of tetanus. In addition, intensive management, drug treatment, physiotherapy, and acupuncture enabled the evolution of the clinical condition to cure.

O tétano é uma doença grave e rara em pequenos animais, de caráter agudo e mediada pela ação da neurotoxina tetanospasmina, proveniente do bacilo Clostridium tetani. Neste relato descreve-se um caso de tétano em um canino, com ênfase em seus aspectos clínicos e terapêuticos, além da sua recuperação clínica. Foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade de Passo Fundo, um canino, fêmea, da raça Pitbull, com cinco meses, em status epilepticus. Após a estabilização da paciente, constataram-se animal em posição de cavalete, com paralisia espástica generalizada, risus sardonicus, trismo, cauda e orelhas eretas e dificuldade em expandir o tórax. O diagnóstico presuntivo de tétano foi firmado a partir da anamnese, sinais clínicos e achados laboratoriais. O tratamento suporte estabelecido incluiu reposição hidroeletrolítica, soro antitetânico, antibioticoterapia, analgesia, fármacos miorrelaxantes e anticonvulsivantes. O manejo intensivo da paciente foi realizado com sondagem uretral e nasoesofágica, trocas de decúbito a cada duas horas e diminuição de estímulos ambientais. A fisioterapia e a acupuntura também foram utilizadas para complementar o tratamento e acelerar a recuperação. A paciente recebeu alta médica um mês após o início do tratamento, apresentando evolução satisfatória. No presente caso, o exame clínico em associação aos sinais clínicos característicos da doença, acrescidos da anamnese minuciosa foram fundamentais ao diagnóstico presuntivo de tétano. Além disso, o manejo intensivo, o tratamento medicamentoso, assim como a realização de fisioterapia e acupuntura, possibilitaram a evolução do quadro clínico à cura.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Estado Epiléptico/veterinária , Tétano/fisiopatologia , Tétano/veterinária , Mioclonia/veterinária , Clostridium tetani/isolamento & purificação
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e264933, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1403823


The objective of this study was to describe the histology and histochemistry of the integument covering the back and stinger of the freshwater stingray Potamotrygon rex, endemic to the Middle Upper Tocantins River. The species has a dark back and yellowish circular spots that extend to the tail, which has one to two stings located in the median portion of the tail. Through histological study it was observed that the epithelia of the back and stinger are composed of non-keratinized stratified pavement epithelial tissue, and are organized in three layers: basal, intermediate and superficial. The differences between the tissues are related to the cell types that compose them. The back is organized with epithelial cells, mucus cells, granulocyte cells and chromatophores. The mucus cells are distributed in different layers along the animal's back, influencing the thickness of the tissue. The tissue that covers the stinger is composed of epithelial cells, chromatophores and specialized cells in protein synthesis. In the histochemistry, the stinger epithelial cells were stained with Bromophenol Blue, especially those of the intermediate layer, which were called specialized cells. In the back the epithelial cells were stained with Bromophenol Blue, Alcian Blue and PAS, and the mucous cells with PAS. In both tissues the presence of protein reserves was detected, areas so called because they are stained strongly with Bromophenol Blue. The results show that the stinger presents activity directed to the production of proteins, and that the back is organized to produce different components, which constitute the cuticle that covers the animal's body.

O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a histologia e histoquímica do tegumento que reveste o dorso e o ferrão da arraia de água doce Potamotrygon rex, endêmica do Médio Alto Tocantins. A espécie possui o dorso escuro e manchas circulares amareladas que se estendem até a cauda, que possui de um a dois ferrões localizados na porção mediana da cauda. Através do estudo histológico observou-se que os epitélios do dorso e do ferrão são compostos por tecido epitelial pavimentoso estratificado não queratinizado, e estão organizados em três camadas: basal, intermediária e superficial. As diferenças entre os tecidos estão relacionadas aos tipos de células que os compõem. O dorso é organizado com células epiteliais, células mucosas, células de granulócitos e cromatóforos. As células mucosas estão distribuídas em diferentes camadas ao longo do dorso do animal, influenciando na espessura do tecido. O tecido que reveste o ferrão é composto por células epiteliais, cromatóforos e células proteicas. Na histoquímica, as células epiteliais do ferrão foram coradas com Azul de Bromofenol, principalmente as da camada intermediária, que foram denominadas células proteicas. No dorso as células epiteliais foram coradas com Azul de Bromofenol, Azul Alcian e PAS, e as células mucosas com PAS. Em ambos os tecidos também foi detectada a presença de reservatórios de proteínas, áreas assim denominadas por estarem fortemente coradas com Azul de Bromofenol. Os resultados mostram que o ferrão apresenta atividade direcionada à produção de proteínas, e que o dorso se organiza para produzir diferentes componentes que constituem a cutícula que reveste o corpo do animal.

Rajidae/fisiologia , Tegumento Comum/fisiologia
Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468638


Abstract Extensive field surveys were carried out to explore the distribution of Leislers Bat Nyctalus leisleri (Kuhl, 1819) in selected area of FATA regions, Pakistan. Specimens of Leislers Bat Nyctalus leisleri (Kuhl, 1819) (n5) were collected from Kurram Agency (Shublan) (N33.8229788 E70.1634414) at elevation 1427m and Khyber Agency (Landi Kotel) (N34.0909899 E71.1457517) at elevation 1091m for two years survey extending from May 2013 through August 2015. The mean head and body length, hind foot length, ear length and tail length the Nyctalus leisleri specimens captured from the study area was 65.08 ± 1.58 mm, 44.06 ± 0.52 mm, 8.38 ± 0.60 mm, 13.20 ± 0.99 mm and 39.46 ± 1.46 mm, respectively. For molecular analysis the sequences of COI gene were obtained and analyzed. The mean intraspecific divergences of Nyctalus leisleri was 0.04%. The mean interspecific divergences of Nyctalus noctula and Nyctalus leisleri was 0.2%. The mean concentration of each nucleotides was A = (26.3%), T = (32.8%), G = (15.9%) and C = (25.0%). The mean A+T contents were 59.2%and C+G were 40.9%. In the phylogenetic tree Nyctalus leisleri and Nyctalus noctula clustered with significant bootstrap support value.

Resumo Extensas pesquisas de campo foram realizadas para explorar a distribuição do morcego de Leisler Nyctalus leisleri (Kuhl, 1819), em uma área selecionada das regiões das FATA, Paquistão. Espécimes do morcego de Leisler Nyctalus leisleri (Kuhl, 1819) (n = 5) foram coletados na Agência Kurram (Shublan) (N33.8229788 E70.1634414), na elevação 1.427 m, e na Agência Khyber (Landi Kotel) (N34.0909899 E71.1457517), na elevação 1.091 m, por dois anos de pesquisa, estendendo-se de maio de 2013 a agosto de 2015. Os comprimentos médios da cabeça, do corpo, do pé traseiro, da orelha e da cauda dos espécimes de Nyctalus leisleri capturados na área de estudo foram de 65,08 ± 1,58 mm, 44,06 ± 0,52 mm, 8,38 ± 0,60 mm, 13,20 ± 0,99 mm e 39,46 ± 1,46 mm, respectivamente. Para análise molecular, foram obtidas e analisadas as sequências do gene COI. A média das divergências intraespecíficas de Nyctalus leisleri foi de 0,04%. As divergências interespecíficas médias de Nyctalus noctula e Nyctalus leisleri foram de 0,2%. A concentração média de cada nucleotídeos foi A = 26,3%, T = 32,8%, G = 15,9% e C = 25%. Os conteúdos médios de A + T foram de 59,2% e de C + G foram de 40,9%. Na árvore filogenética, Nyctalus leisleri e Nyctalus noctula agruparam-se com um valor significativo de suporte de bootstrap.