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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 866, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434686


Background: Ovarian enlargement in mares can either be a physiological or pathological condition associated with neoplastic or non-neoplastic causes. Neoplasia is more prominent in elderly than young horses. Granulosa cell tumors are the most common neoplastic cause of ovarian enlargement, and thecoma is the rarest. Thecoma is a benign ovarian stromal neoplasia originating from the sexual cords of the embryonic gonad and can affect the production of steroid hormones, leading to changes in behavior and the estrous cycle. If only one ovary is affected, after unilateral ovariectomy, usually the mare can still be used for reproductive purposes. Herein, we report a case of ovarian thecoma in an elderly Crioulo mare. Case: A 15-year-old Crioulo mare was evaluated due to progressive weight loss. The mare presented a low body score, and on physical examination, all parameters were within reference limits. Hematological examination revealed anemia, hyperfibrinogenemia, and neutrophilia. Serum biochemistry examination were within the physiological limits. Rectal palpation revealed an increase in volume in the left ovary (4.3 × 2.9 × 3 cm), smooth consistency and no associated pain in either of the ovaries. Rectal ultrasonography revealed a heterogeneous pattern, suggesting a neoplasm. As a treatment modality and for definitive diagnosis, the mare underwent a unilateral flank ovariectomy laparoscopically in the quadrupedal position. On histopathological evaluation of the left ovary, the sample showed cysts associated with proliferating spindle cells arranged in a solid arrangement, occasionally forming eddies, in addition to hemosiderosis, with clear cytoplasm and lipid vacuoles. Macroscopically, the ovary presented with a regular surface, smooth to firm consistency, a homogeneous brownish appearance with blackened foci, and brownish fluid-filled cysts. These findings confirmed thecoma of the left ovary in the mare. Discussion: Ovarian enlargement in mares can be associated to the presence of neoplasia. Clinical signs of ovarian neoplasms can be nonspecific; therefore, to achieve a definitive diagnosis, it is imperative to evaluate and compare the patient's history, physical examination, and results of complementary examinations. Excessive production of hormones lead to behavioral changes in mares with ovarian tumors, such as masculinized or aggressive behavior, and anestrus persistence. Thecomas may or may not interfere with steroid production and levels. On ultrasound examination, ovarian neoplasms may present similar echogenicity patterns. Histopathological evaluation is the best diagnostic approach after an ovariectomy. The prognosis of ovariectomy is considerably successful with the mare regaining reproductive health, although some mares may become infertile, with a small, inactive contralateral ovary. Thecoma is a rare neoplasm in horses; however, owing to its potential to cause altered reproductive functions, it should be considered as a differential diagnosis in mares with increased ovarian volume.

Animais , Feminino , Tumor da Célula Tecal/patologia , Células Tecais/citologia , Cavalos
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(3): e20210156, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339672


Brazilian Association of Crioulo Horse Breeders (ABCCC) establishes minimal and maximal body biometrics evaluation; although, nothing is mentioned about testicular measurements. Body and testicular growth are associated and related to age. We described data regarding body and testicular biometry of Crioulo stallions, with a comparative study between young and adult categories. Evaluation was performed in 56 stallions, Crioulo breed, split in: youngsters (3 and 4 years-old, n=16) and adults (above 5 years-old, n=40). Body biometry included weight, height, cannon bone and chest circumference, body score condition and neck fat accumulation. Testicular biometry included height, length, width, volume, combined volume and daily sperm output (DSO). Statistical analyses included descriptive statistic, Pearson correlation, comparison between means by Kruskal Wallis, being P < 0.05 considered significant. There was no significant difference between the parameters of body and testicular biometrics between categories young and adult. In relation to height, the average was very close to the lower limit established, while chest and cannon bone circumference were above the minimum recommended by ABCCC. Cannon bone circumference presented a positive correlation with height. Most of stallions presented excessive body fat, with a body score condition above 8 (scale 1-9). Neck fat accumulation presented a positive correlation with body score condition. Testicular height, length, width and volume presented a positive correlation between the ipsi and contralateral testicle, total testicular volume and DSO. In conclusion, no difference in the body and testicular biometric evaluation was observed between young and adult Crioulo stallions. Testicular and body growth are associated and also related to age, so our finding suggested that after 3-4 years-old most of Crioulo stallions have already reached maximum growth.

A Associação Brasileira de Criadores de Cavalos Crioulos (ABCCC) define parâmetros mínimos e máximos para algumas aferições biométricas no corpo do animal, embora nada seja mencionado sobre medidas testiculares. O crescimento corporal e testicular estão associados e relacionados a idade do animal. Objetivamos descrever parâmetros relacionados a biometria corporal e testicular de garanhões Crioulos, comparando o grupo de jovens e adultos. Foi realizada avaliação em 56 garanhões Crioulos, divididos em: jovens (três e quatro anos, n=16) e adultos (acima de cinco anos, n=40). A biometria corporal incluiu peso, altura, circunferência de canela, perímetro torácico, escore corporal e acúmulo de gordura no pescoço. A biometria testicular incluiu altura, comprimento, largura, volume de cada testículo, volume combinado dos testículos e estimativa de produção diária de espermatozoides (DSO). Com os dados, foi realizada estatística descritiva, correlação de Pearson, comparação entre médias com Kruskal Wallis, sendo considerado significativo quando P < 0,05. Não foi observada diferença significativa entre as avaliações biométricas e testiculares de garanhões das categorias jovens e adultos. Em relação à altura, a média foi muito próxima ao limite inferior estabelecido, enquanto a circunferência torácica e de canela estavam acima do limite mínimo recomendado pela ABCCC. A circunferência de canela apresentou correlação positiva com altura. A maioria dos garanhões apresentou alta deposição de gordura, com condição corporal acima de 8 (escala 1-9). O acúmulo de gordura no pescoço apresentou correlação positiva com escore corporal. A altura, largura, comprimento e volume testicular apresentaram correlação positiva com testículo ipsi e contralateral, volume testicular total e DSO. Em conclusão, não houve diferença entre dados de biometria corporal e testicular de garanhões Crioulos adultos e jovens. O crescimento corporal e testicular estão associados e relacionados a idade, sendo assim, nossos resultados sugerem que após 3-4 anos de idade, a maioria dos garanhões Crioulos já atingiu seu pico de desenvolvimento.

Animais , Masculino , Testículo/anatomia & histologia , Biometria , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(5): e20210009, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345797


Respiratory problems due to tracheobronchial foreign bodies (FBs) are unusual in horses; although equines kept in pastures eventually inhale FBs, as conifer twigs of Araucaria angustifolia. A 1,5-year-old Criolle foal was presented with hemoptysis, dyspnea, restlessness and fever (40.9 ºC rectal temperature). Complete blood count showed intense neutropenia, monocytosis, thrombocytopenia and hypoproteinemia. Treatment was carried out but no clinical improvement was observed. At the post-mortem examination, marked amount of dark red liquid was observed in the thoracic cavity (hemothorax). The lung parenchyma was diffusely consolidated, predominantly in the cranioventral area, associated with mild pleural fibrin deposition. The right primary bronchus was obliterated by a Araucaria angustifolia pine branch measuring 18 cm in length, with adjacent darkened areas (lung consolidation). Microscopically, there was diffuse necrosis with severe hemorrhage in the lungs, associated with marked neutrophilic inflammatory infiltrate, numerous coccoid bacterial aggregates, and fibrinous pleuritis. Additionally, there was diffuse alveolar edema and multifocal thrombosis. Lung fragments were submitted for bacterial culture and mixed bacterial growth was observed with a predominance of Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus. Inhalation of branches is not commonly reported in horses, but it must be included in the differential diagnoses of pneumonia, and attention should be taken when allowing horses to graze in areas where the plant occurs.

Problemas respiratórios devido a corpos estranhos (CEs) traqueobrônquicos são incomuns em equinos, embora cavalos em pastagem possam eventualmente aspirar CEs, como galhos de Araucaria angustifolia. Um potro Crioulo, 1,5 anos, apresentou hemoptise, dispneia, inquietação e temperatura retal de 40,9 ºC. O hemograma revelou intensa neutropenia, monocitose, trombocitopenia e hipoproteinemia. O tratamento foi realizado, mas sem sucesso. Na cavidade torácica, foi observada grande quantidade de líquido avermelhado livre (hemotórax). Os pulmões estavam difusamente consolidados, predominantemente cranioventral e com discreta deposição de fibrina sobre a superfície pleural. O brônquio principal direito estava obliterado por um ramo de pinheiro de Araucaria angustifolia com 18 cm de comprimento. Microscopicamente, notou-se necrose de coagulação pulmonar difusa com hemorragia severa, infiltrado inflamatório neutrofílico marcado, numerosos agregados bacterianos cocoides e pleurite fibrinosa. Fragmentos de pulmão foram submetidos ao isolamento bacteriológico e abundante crescimento misto com predominância de Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus foi observado. A inalação de grimpas de pinheiro não é comumente relatada em equinos, mas deve ser incluída nos diagnósticos diferenciais de pneumonia e deve-se ter atenção ao introduzir cavalos no campo com a presença da planta.

Animais , Masculino , Broncopneumonia/veterinária , Streptococcus equi , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária , Araucaria , Doenças dos Cavalos/sangue , Pulmão , Cavalos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub.1848-2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458523


Background: The navicular syndrome may be associated with alterations in other podotrochlear apparatus components,such as the deep digital flexor tendon, collareral sesamoid and distal sesamoid ligaments, podotrochlear bursa and distalsesamoid bone. However, the clinical significance and nature of these changes are not well understood, many of descriptive reports about distal sesamoid bone lesions are rarely accompanied by a complete and comprehensive comparisonwith animals of the control group. The aim of this study was to described histologically findings of the podrotrochlearapparatus components, allowing the understanding of the inserts and their microscopic appearance, thus providing thefuture recognize of their alterations.Materials, Methods & Results: Fourteen samples of the podotrochlear apparatus were taken out of 44 equine thoracic limbsspecimens, separated at the radiocarpal joint of Crioulo and Thoroughbred horses, with an average age of 6.0-year-old,coming from a private clinic in southern Brazil. The thoracic limbs specimens were refrigerated at 4ºC at the clinic and thenthey were sent to the University Federal of Santa Maria (UFSM). Once at the University laboratory, the specimens weredissected to isolate the podotrochlear apparatus from each one. Subsequently, transversal and longitudinal samples fromthe distal sesamoid bone, deep digital flexor tendo, distal sesamoid ligament, colateral sesamoid ligament, were collectedand podotrochlear bursa which were processed at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the UFSM and University Federalof Santa Catarina (UFSC). The tissues samples were fixed in a 10% formaldehyde solution for 14 days and routinely processed for histology. The samples were sectioned at 3 µm and stained using the hematoxylin-eosin (H-E) routine method.The bone samples, after fixation, underwent a decalcified process in a formic acid-sodium citrate aqueous...

Animais , Articulação do Punho , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Ossos Sesamoides/anatomia & histologia , Ossos Sesamoides/patologia , Tendões/anatomia & histologia , Radiografia/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 50: Pub. 1848, Jan. 12, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32466


Background: The navicular syndrome may be associated with alterations in other podotrochlear apparatus components,such as the deep digital flexor tendon, collareral sesamoid and distal sesamoid ligaments, podotrochlear bursa and distalsesamoid bone. However, the clinical significance and nature of these changes are not well understood, many of descriptive reports about distal sesamoid bone lesions are rarely accompanied by a complete and comprehensive comparisonwith animals of the control group. The aim of this study was to described histologically findings of the podrotrochlearapparatus components, allowing the understanding of the inserts and their microscopic appearance, thus providing thefuture recognize of their alterations.Materials, Methods & Results: Fourteen samples of the podotrochlear apparatus were taken out of 44 equine thoracic limbsspecimens, separated at the radiocarpal joint of Crioulo and Thoroughbred horses, with an average age of 6.0-year-old,coming from a private clinic in southern Brazil. The thoracic limbs specimens were refrigerated at 4ºC at the clinic and thenthey were sent to the University Federal of Santa Maria (UFSM). Once at the University laboratory, the specimens weredissected to isolate the podotrochlear apparatus from each one. Subsequently, transversal and longitudinal samples fromthe distal sesamoid bone, deep digital flexor tendo, distal sesamoid ligament, colateral sesamoid ligament, were collectedand podotrochlear bursa which were processed at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the UFSM and University Federalof Santa Catarina (UFSC). The tissues samples were fixed in a 10% formaldehyde solution for 14 days and routinely processed for histology. The samples were sectioned at 3 µm and stained using the hematoxylin-eosin (H-E) routine method.The bone samples, after fixation, underwent a decalcified process in a formic acid-sodium citrate aqueous...(AU)

Animais , Ossos Sesamoides/anatomia & histologia , Ossos Sesamoides/patologia , Articulação do Punho , Tendões/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Radiografia/veterinária
R. bras. Ci. Vet. ; 28(1): 61-66, mai. 2021. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31175


Com o propósito de estabelecer valores de hematócrito, proteínas plasmáticas totais, fibrinogênio, creatina quinase , aspartato transferase e lactato em potros da raça Crioula, do nascimento até os dois anos, utilizaram-se amostras sanguíneas de 85 animais, divididos pela estratificação etária: Grupo 1 (G1) Até 15 dias de vida (n=70); grupo 2 (G2), entre 16 dias até um mês (n=67); grupo 3 (G3), entre 1 e 3 meses (n=75); grupo 4 (G4), entre 3 e 6 meses (n=64); grupo 5 (G5), entre 6 e 9 meses (n=59); grupo 6 (G6), entre 9 e 18 meses (n=39); e grupo 7 (G7), entre 18 meses até 2 anos (n=17). Foi realizado estudo estatístico entre os grupos pela análise de variância unidirecional (one-wayANOVA), complementada pelo teste de Tukey. Para comparação das médias entre os sexos utilizou-se o teste t de Student. O hematócrito foi significativamente mais elevado até os 90 dias e nas fêmeas do G7. Para proteínas plasmáticas totais, notou-se aumento significativo nos grupos 3, 4, 6 e 7. Os valores de fibrinogênio foram maiores no G1. A CK apresentou maior concentração no G5 e a AST no G7. A AST assumiu valores semelhantes dos 30 dias até os 2 anos. A concentração de lactato foi mais elevada no G3. Conclui-se que na interpretação dos exames laboratoriais de potros da raça crioula, o gênero não interfere significativamente nos resultados, porém a idade deve ser considerada devido à ocorrência de variações relevantes. Recomenda-se que para interpretação sejam consultadas tabelas específicas para cada análise.(AU)

Plasma levels of hematocrit, total plasma protein, fibrinogen, creatine phosphokinase, aspartate transferase, and lactate were analyzed in blood samples of 85 Crioula breed foals, from birth to two years of age. The animals were divided into age groups: G1 (up to 15 days of age; n=70), G2 (from 16 days to one month of age; n=67), G3 (between one and three months of age; n=75), G4 (between three and six months of age; n=64), G5 (between six and nine months of age; n=59), G6 (between nine and 18 months of age; n=39), and G7 (between 18 months and two years of age; n=17). These groups were statistically analyzed by one-way variance analysis (ANOVA) and Tukeys test. Male and female means were compared by Students t-test. Hematocrit levels were significantly higher up to 90 days of age and in G7 females. Total plasma proteins increased significantly in groups 3, 4, 6, and 7. The highest fibrinogen levels were found in G1. Yet for creatine phosphokinase, the highest concentrations were detected in G5, whereas those of aspartate aminotransferase in G7. The levels of this enzyme remained similar from 30 days to two years of age. Lactate concentrations were higher in G3. We concluded that the sex of the animal had no significant effect on laboratory test interpretations. By contrast, the age of the animal should be considered since relevant variations were observed with time. Nevertheless, specific tables for each analysis should be consulted for interpretation of results.(AU)

Animais , Cavalos/sangue , Cavalos/fisiologia , Fenômenos Bioquímicos , Creatina Quinase/análise , Fibrinogênio/análise , Hematócrito
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(1): 61-66, jan./mar. 2021. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491703


Com o propósito de estabelecer valores de hematócrito, proteínas plasmáticas totais, fibrinogênio, creatina quinase , aspartato transferase e lactato em potros da raça Crioula, do nascimento até os dois anos, utilizaram-se amostras sanguíneas de 85 animais, divididos pela estratificação etária: Grupo 1 (G1) Até 15 dias de vida (n=70); grupo 2 (G2), entre 16 dias até um mês (n=67); grupo 3 (G3), entre 1 e 3 meses (n=75); grupo 4 (G4), entre 3 e 6 meses (n=64); grupo 5 (G5), entre 6 e 9 meses (n=59); grupo 6 (G6), entre 9 e 18 meses (n=39); e grupo 7 (G7), entre 18 meses até 2 anos (n=17). Foi realizado estudo estatístico entre os grupos pela análise de variância unidirecional (one-wayANOVA), complementada pelo teste de Tukey. Para comparação das médias entre os sexos utilizou-se o teste t de Student. O hematócrito foi significativamente mais elevado até os 90 dias e nas fêmeas do G7. Para proteínas plasmáticas totais, notou-se aumento significativo nos grupos 3, 4, 6 e 7. Os valores de fibrinogênio foram maiores no G1. A CK apresentou maior concentração no G5 e a AST no G7. A AST assumiu valores semelhantes dos 30 dias até os 2 anos. A concentração de lactato foi mais elevada no G3. Conclui-se que na interpretação dos exames laboratoriais de potros da raça crioula, o gênero não interfere significativamente nos resultados, porém a idade deve ser considerada devido à ocorrência de variações relevantes. Recomenda-se que para interpretação sejam consultadas tabelas específicas para cada análise.

Plasma levels of hematocrit, total plasma protein, fibrinogen, creatine phosphokinase, aspartate transferase, and lactate were analyzed in blood samples of 85 Crioula breed foals, from birth to two years of age. The animals were divided into age groups: G1 (up to 15 days of age; n=70), G2 (from 16 days to one month of age; n=67), G3 (between one and three months of age; n=75), G4 (between three and six months of age; n=64), G5 (between six and nine months of age; n=59), G6 (between nine and 18 months of age; n=39), and G7 (between 18 months and two years of age; n=17). These groups were statistically analyzed by one-way variance analysis (ANOVA) and Tukey’s test. Male and female means were compared by Student’s t-test. Hematocrit levels were significantly higher up to 90 days of age and in G7 females. Total plasma proteins increased significantly in groups 3, 4, 6, and 7. The highest fibrinogen levels were found in G1. Yet for creatine phosphokinase, the highest concentrations were detected in G5, whereas those of aspartate aminotransferase in G7. The levels of this enzyme remained similar from 30 days to two years of age. Lactate concentrations were higher in G3. We concluded that the sex of the animal had no significant effect on laboratory test interpretations. By contrast, the age of the animal should be considered since relevant variations were observed with time. Nevertheless, specific tables for each analysis should be consulted for interpretation of results.

Animais , Cavalos/fisiologia , Cavalos/sangue , Creatina Quinase/análise , Fenômenos Bioquímicos , Fibrinogênio/análise , Hematócrito
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub.598-Jan 4, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458461


Background: Equine pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction, also known as equine Cushing’s syndrome, is a neurodegenerative disease. An important risk factor for Cushing’s is advanced aging and it is the most common endocrine disorder inolder horses. The prevalence in horses aged over 10 and 15 years is reported as 9.3% and 21%, respectively. Due to the slowprogressive nature of the disease, seasonal variation in hormone output and overlapping endocrine response to other events,accurate diagnosis is challenging. The diagnosis requires the combination of anamnesis, clinical signs, in addition to laboratory tests results. This study aimed to report Cushing’s syndrome in a Crioulo breed horse focusing on diagnostic methods.Case: A 13-year-old male Crioulo breed, orchiectomized, was attended at the Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF), in PassoFundo, RS, Brazil. The owner reported that the animal had progressive weight loss and coat abnormal growth, with curlyappearance. From visual inspection, body condition score was 4 (1-9) bulging abdomen was noticed, hirsutism, depressionand lethargy. Also, there was a large neoplastic mass on the left side of gluteal region. Later, this mass was classified inhistopathological examination as a fibroblastic sarcoid and was treated. The animal presented physical parameters withinthe physiological limits of the specie. Normochromic normocytic anemia and neutrophilic leukocytosis were reported in thehematologic evaluation. In coproparasitological examination, there were 300 eggs per gram of feaces. Hyperadrenocorticismwas suspected in the clinical examination and dexamethasone suppression test was performed to confirm the fact. Basal serumwas collected at 17 h (M0) and subsequently 40 µg/kg of dexamethasone was administered intramuscular...

Masculino , Animais , Doenças dos Cavalos , Síndrome de Cushing/diagnóstico , Síndrome de Cushing/veterinária , Anemia/veterinária , Eosinofilia/veterinária , Hipertricose/veterinária , Leucocitose/veterinária , Neoplasias Pélvicas/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub. 598, 25 jan. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30792


Background: Equine pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction, also known as equine Cushings syndrome, is a neurodegenerative disease. An important risk factor for Cushings is advanced aging and it is the most common endocrine disorder inolder horses. The prevalence in horses aged over 10 and 15 years is reported as 9.3% and 21%, respectively. Due to the slowprogressive nature of the disease, seasonal variation in hormone output and overlapping endocrine response to other events,accurate diagnosis is challenging. The diagnosis requires the combination of anamnesis, clinical signs, in addition to laboratory tests results. This study aimed to report Cushings syndrome in a Crioulo breed horse focusing on diagnostic methods.Case: A 13-year-old male Crioulo breed, orchiectomized, was attended at the Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF), in PassoFundo, RS, Brazil. The owner reported that the animal had progressive weight loss and coat abnormal growth, with curlyappearance. From visual inspection, body condition score was 4 (1-9) bulging abdomen was noticed, hirsutism, depressionand lethargy. Also, there was a large neoplastic mass on the left side of gluteal region. Later, this mass was classified inhistopathological examination as a fibroblastic sarcoid and was treated. The animal presented physical parameters withinthe physiological limits of the specie. Normochromic normocytic anemia and neutrophilic leukocytosis were reported in thehematologic evaluation. In coproparasitological examination, there were 300 eggs per gram of feaces. Hyperadrenocorticismwas suspected in the clinical examination and dexamethasone suppression test was performed to confirm the fact. Basal serumwas collected at 17 h (M0) and subsequently 40 µg/kg of dexamethasone was administered intramuscular...(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Doenças dos Cavalos , Síndrome de Cushing/veterinária , Síndrome de Cushing/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Pélvicas/veterinária , Hipertricose/veterinária , Anemia/veterinária , Leucocitose/veterinária , Eosinofilia/veterinária
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(1): 61-66, jan./mar. 2021. il.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1368827


Plasma levels of hematocrit, total plasma protein, fibrinogen, creatine phosphokinase, aspartate transferase, and lactate were analyzed in blood samples of 85 Crioula breed foals, from birth to two years of age. The animals were divided into age groups: G1 (up to 15 days of age; n=70), G2 (from 16 days to one month of age; n=67), G3 (between one and three months of age; n=75), G4 (between three and six months of age; n=64), G5 (between six and nine months of age; n=59), G6 (between nine and 18 months of age; n=39), and G7 (between 18 months and two years of age; n=17). These groups were statistically analyzed by one-way variance analysis (ANOVA) and Tukey's test. Male and female means were compared by Student's t-test. Hematocrit levels were significantly higher up to 90 days of age and in G7 females. Total plasma proteins increased significantly in groups 3, 4, 6, and 7. The highest fibrinogen levels were found in G1. Yet for creatine phosphokinase, the highest concentrations were detected in G5, whereas those of aspartate aminotransferase in G7. The levels of this enzyme remained similar from 30 days to two years of age. Lactate concentrations were higher in G3. We concluded that the sex of the animal had no significant effect on laboratory test interpretations. By contrast, the age of the animal should be considered since relevant variations were observed with time. Nevertheless, specific tables for each analysis should be consulted for interpretation of results.

Com o propósito de estabelecer valores de hematócrito, proteínas plasmáticas totais, fibrinogênio, creatina quinase , aspartato transferase e lactato em potros da raça Crioula, do nascimento até os dois anos, utilizaram-se amostras sanguíneas de 85 animais, divididos pela estratificação etária: Grupo 1 (G1) Até 15 dias de vida (n=70); grupo 2 (G2), entre 16 dias até um mês (n=67); grupo 3 (G3), entre 1 e 3 meses (n=75); grupo 4 (G4), entre 3 e 6 meses (n=64); grupo 5 (G5), entre 6 e 9 meses (n=59); grupo 6 (G6), entre 9 e 18 meses (n=39); e grupo 7 (G7), entre 18 meses até 2 anos (n=17). Foi realizado estudo estatístico entre os grupos pela análise de variância unidirecional (one-wayANOVA), complementada pelo teste de Tukey. Para comparação das médias entre os sexos utilizou-se o teste t de Student. O hematócrito foi significativamente mais elevado até os 90 dias e nas fêmeas do G7. Para proteínas plasmáticas totais, notou-se aumento significativo nos grupos 3, 4, 6 e 7. Os valores de fibrinogênio foram maiores no G1. A CK apresentou maior concentração no G5 e a AST no G7. A AST assumiu valores semelhantes dos 30 dias até os 2 anos. A concentração de lactato foi mais elevada no G3. Conclui-se que na interpretação dos exames laboratoriais de potros da raça crioula, o gênero não interfere significativamente nos resultados, porém a idade deve ser considerada devido à ocorrência de variações relevantes. Recomenda-se que para interpretação sejam consultadas tabelas específicas para cada análise.

Animais , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Coleta de Amostras Sanguíneas/veterinária , /métodos , Cavalos/sangue , Fibrinogênio/análise , Proteínas Sanguíneas/análise , Creatina Quinase/análise , Testes Laboratoriais/análise , Hematócrito/veterinária , Testes Hematológicos/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(5): 1631-1638, Sept.-Oct. 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1131547


Avaliações com o intuito de mensurar marcadores de eficiência na performance esportiva do cavalo Crioulo são escassas e de fundamental importância no que tange às possíveis especificidades da raça. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar e determinar os padrões de frequência cardíaca, velocidade, concentração de lactato e gasto energético de equinos da raça Crioula durante provas credenciadoras ao Freio de Ouro. Tais variáveis foram avaliadas durante a realização das etapas funcionais da competição. Observaram-se flutuações superiores da variável frequência cardíaca (FC) durante a realização das etapas de Andadura, Figura, Volta sobre Patas e Esbarradas (And/fig/VSP) (203bpm) e menores valores na etapa Paleteada II (185bpm) (P<0,05). Em relação à velocidade, o maior valor atingido foi registrado na etapa de Paleteada II (39,7km/h). A concentração de lactato sanguíneo aferida se mostrou elevada em todas as fases da competição, sendo o maior valor observado na etapa de Paleteada II (14,5mmol/L) (P<0,05) e o menor durante a etapa de Mangueira I (9,3mmol/L). Superior gasto energético foi atribuído à etapa de And/Fig/VSP (853,28kcal/kgPV/min). Portanto, todas as etapas funcionais podem ser classificadas como anaeróbias, por apresentarem concentrações de lactato sanguíneo acima de 4mmol/L, e demandam alto gasto energético pelos competidores.(AU)

Evaluations of athletic performance markers of Crioulo breed horses are scarce yet fundamentally important regarding possible unique characteristics of this breed. This study aimed to evaluate and determine heart rate, speed, blood lactate and energy expenditure patterns of Crioulo breed horses during qualifying tests in the functional phases of the "Freio de Ouro" championship. Higher values of heart rate during the phases "andadura, figura, voltas sobre patas, esbarradas" (And/Fig/VSP) (203bpm) and lower values at "Paleteada II" (185bpm) (P<0.05) were noticed. Regarding speed variable, the maximum value was registered at "Paleteada II" (39.7km/h). During all the phases, blood lactate concentration was high, with the highest value found at "Paleteada II" (14.5mm/L) and the lowest during "Mangueira I" (9.3mm/L) (P<0.05). Superior energy expenditure was noticed in the "And/Fig/VSP" phase (853.28Kcal/kgPV/min). Thus, all functional phases can be classified as anaerobic, as blood lactate concentrations remained above 4mmol/L, with high energy demand of the horses.(AU)

Animais , Condicionamento Físico Animal/fisiologia , Ácido Láctico/sangue , Metabolismo Energético , Frequência Cardíaca/fisiologia , Cavalos/fisiologia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(4): 1145-1153, July-Aug. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1131471


O presente estudo avaliou o perfil mineral de Cálcio (Ca), Cobre (Cu) e Zinco (Zn) no estojo córneo pré e pós-desmame e sua associação com pigmentação, gênero e idade de potros da raça Crioula criados em pastagens nativas no Rio Grande do Sul. Foram coletadas amostras do casco de potros da raça Crioula 41 dias pré e 28 dias pós-desmame. Os teores de Ca, Cu e Zn variaram no casco fetal (571,0±39,4; 14,5±7,6 e 130,0±30,5mg/kg, respectivamente; P<0,05) e no definitivo (653,0±169,2; 33,8±11,5 e 69,3±36,8mg/kg, respectivamente; P<0,05), no pré (620,0±184; 17,2±21,2 e 103,0±75,5mg/kg, respectivamente; P<0,05) e no pós-desmame (517,5±181; 0 e 79,0±41,7mg/kg, respectivamente; P<0,05). Houve associação positiva (P<0,05) com a faixa etária no pré-desmame para Ca (r=0,5) e Cu (r=0,57), e negativa para Zn (r=-0,69; P<0,05). No pós-desmame, houve associação positiva (P<0,05) para Ca (r=0,36) e Zn (r=0,64) e negativa para Cu (r=-0,39; P<0,05). Tanto a pigmentação quanto o gênero não afetaram o perfil mineral. Conclui-se que há diferenças nas concentrações de Ca, Cu e Zn na epiderme do casco de potros da raça Crioula no pré e pós-desmame, independentemente da pigmentação e do gênero, onde as concentrações de Ca e Cu aumentam com a idade, enquanto as de Zn diminuem.(AU)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the mineral profile of Ca, Cu and Zn in the hoof horny capsule at pre and post-weaning and its association with pigmentation, gender and age range of Crioulo foals raised in native pastures in RS. Samples were collected from the epidermis of the Crioulo foal's hoof at two times, 41 pre and 28 post-weaning. The contents of Ca, Cu, Zn Varied in the fetal hoof ( 571.0±139.4, 14.5±7.6 and 130.0±30.5mg/kg, respectively, P<0.05) and definitive (653.0±169.2, 33.8±11.5 and 69.3±36.8mg/kg, respectively, P<0.05), in the pre (620.0±184, 17.2±21.2 and103.0±75.5mg/kg, respectively, P<0.05) and post-weaning (517.5±181, 0.1 and 79.0±41.7mg/kg, respectively, P<0.05).There was a positive association (P<0.05) with a preweaning age for Ca (r=0.5) and Cu (r=0.57) and negative for Zn (r=-0.69, P<0.05). In the post weaning there was a positive association (P<0.05) for Ca (r=0.36) and Zn (r=0.64) and negative for Cu (r=-0.39; P<0.05). Neither pigmentation nor gender affected the mineral profile. It is concluded that there are differences in Ca, Cu, Zn concentrations in the epidermis of foals of the crioulo breed at the pre and post weaning, regardless of pigmentation and sex, where Ca and Cu concentrations increase with age, while Zn concentrations decrease.(AU)

Animais , Pigmentação da Pele/fisiologia , Casco e Garras/citologia , Cavalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Minerais , Zinco , Cálcio , Cobre , Queratinas
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(4): 1145-1153, July-Aug. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30205


O presente estudo avaliou o perfil mineral de Cálcio (Ca), Cobre (Cu) e Zinco (Zn) no estojo córneo pré e pós-desmame e sua associação com pigmentação, gênero e idade de potros da raça Crioula criados em pastagens nativas no Rio Grande do Sul. Foram coletadas amostras do casco de potros da raça Crioula 41 dias pré e 28 dias pós-desmame. Os teores de Ca, Cu e Zn variaram no casco fetal (571,0±39,4; 14,5±7,6 e 130,0±30,5mg/kg, respectivamente; P<0,05) e no definitivo (653,0±169,2; 33,8±11,5 e 69,3±36,8mg/kg, respectivamente; P<0,05), no pré (620,0±184; 17,2±21,2 e 103,0±75,5mg/kg, respectivamente; P<0,05) e no pós-desmame (517,5±181; 0 e 79,0±41,7mg/kg, respectivamente; P<0,05). Houve associação positiva (P<0,05) com a faixa etária no pré-desmame para Ca (r=0,5) e Cu (r=0,57), e negativa para Zn (r=-0,69; P<0,05). No pós-desmame, houve associação positiva (P<0,05) para Ca (r=0,36) e Zn (r=0,64) e negativa para Cu (r=-0,39; P<0,05). Tanto a pigmentação quanto o gênero não afetaram o perfil mineral. Conclui-se que há diferenças nas concentrações de Ca, Cu e Zn na epiderme do casco de potros da raça Crioula no pré e pós-desmame, independentemente da pigmentação e do gênero, onde as concentrações de Ca e Cu aumentam com a idade, enquanto as de Zn diminuem.(AU)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the mineral profile of Ca, Cu and Zn in the hoof horny capsule at pre and post-weaning and its association with pigmentation, gender and age range of Crioulo foals raised in native pastures in RS. Samples were collected from the epidermis of the Crioulo foal's hoof at two times, 41 pre and 28 post-weaning. The contents of Ca, Cu, Zn Varied in the fetal hoof ( 571.0±139.4, 14.5±7.6 and 130.0±30.5mg/kg, respectively, P<0.05) and definitive (653.0±169.2, 33.8±11.5 and 69.3±36.8mg/kg, respectively, P<0.05), in the pre (620.0±184, 17.2±21.2 and103.0±75.5mg/kg, respectively, P<0.05) and post-weaning (517.5±181, 0.1 and 79.0±41.7mg/kg, respectively, P<0.05).There was a positive association (P<0.05) with a preweaning age for Ca (r=0.5) and Cu (r=0.57) and negative for Zn (r=-0.69, P<0.05). In the post weaning there was a positive association (P<0.05) for Ca (r=0.36) and Zn (r=0.64) and negative for Cu (r=-0.39; P<0.05). Neither pigmentation nor gender affected the mineral profile. It is concluded that there are differences in Ca, Cu, Zn concentrations in the epidermis of foals of the crioulo breed at the pre and post weaning, regardless of pigmentation and sex, where Ca and Cu concentrations increase with age, while Zn concentrations decrease.(AU)

Animais , Pigmentação da Pele/fisiologia , Casco e Garras/citologia , Cavalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Minerais , Zinco , Cálcio , Cobre , Queratinas
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(2): 411-418, Mar./Apr. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1128328


Este trabalho investigou a influência da adiposidade em éguas Crioulas gestantes sobre o peso e o acúmulo de gordura de seus potros do nascimento aos quatro meses de vida. Foram avaliadas 28 éguas Crioulas no terço final de gestação, divididas em dois grupos (normais e obesas) quanto ao peso, à circunferência de pescoço, à altura da crista do pescoço e à gordura subcutânea na base da cauda, bem como quanto à relação dessas medidas com as de seus potros, do parto aos 120 dias de idade. Os filhos de éguas obesas apresentaram maior deposição de gordura na base da cauda, no segundo mês (P<0,05), e na crista do pescoço (P=0,0022), no quarto mês de idade. Houve correlação positiva da altura da crista do pescoço da égua com o peso dos potros ao nascer (P=0,01; r= 0,54) e do peso corporal das éguas com gordura na base da cauda dos potros ao nascimento (P=0,03; r=0,49), além de forte associação entre gordura na base da cauda das éguas obesas com essa medida nos seus potros aos quatro meses (P=0,01; r=0,71). Essa diferença entre os grupos de potros quanto à adiposidade sugere que filhos de éguas obesas são mais propensos a acumular mais gordura já nos primeiros meses de vida.(AU)

This work investigated the influence of adiposity on pregnant Crioulo mares on the weight and fat deposition of their foals from birth to four months of life. Twenty-eight Crioulo mares were evaluated during the final third of gestation, divided into two groups (normal and obese) regarding weight, neck circumference, neck crest height and fat at the tail base, and the relation of these measurements with those of their foals from birth to 120 days old. The obese mares presented higher fat deposition at the tail base in the 2nd month (P< 0.05) and crest of the neck (P= 0.0022) in the 4th month of age. There was positive correlation between height of mare's neck crest and foal weight at birth (P= 0.01, r= 0.54) and body weight of mares between the fat at tail base of foals at birth (P= 0.03, r= 0.49), as well as strong association between fat at the tail base in obese mares with this measurement in their foals at 4 months (P= 0.01, r= 0.71). This difference of adiposity between groups suggests that obese mare's offspring are more likely to accumulate more fat in the first months of life.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Peso Corporal , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Gordura Subcutânea , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Animais Recém-Nascidos/anatomia & histologia , Tecido Adiposo , Hereditariedade , Obesidade Materna/genética
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(2): 411-418, Mar./Apr. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29640


Este trabalho investigou a influência da adiposidade em éguas Crioulas gestantes sobre o peso e o acúmulo de gordura de seus potros do nascimento aos quatro meses de vida. Foram avaliadas 28 éguas Crioulas no terço final de gestação, divididas em dois grupos (normais e obesas) quanto ao peso, à circunferência de pescoço, à altura da crista do pescoço e à gordura subcutânea na base da cauda, bem como quanto à relação dessas medidas com as de seus potros, do parto aos 120 dias de idade. Os filhos de éguas obesas apresentaram maior deposição de gordura na base da cauda, no segundo mês (P<0,05), e na crista do pescoço (P=0,0022), no quarto mês de idade. Houve correlação positiva da altura da crista do pescoço da égua com o peso dos potros ao nascer (P=0,01; r= 0,54) e do peso corporal das éguas com gordura na base da cauda dos potros ao nascimento (P=0,03; r=0,49), além de forte associação entre gordura na base da cauda das éguas obesas com essa medida nos seus potros aos quatro meses (P=0,01; r=0,71). Essa diferença entre os grupos de potros quanto à adiposidade sugere que filhos de éguas obesas são mais propensos a acumular mais gordura já nos primeiros meses de vida.(AU)

This work investigated the influence of adiposity on pregnant Crioulo mares on the weight and fat deposition of their foals from birth to four months of life. Twenty-eight Crioulo mares were evaluated during the final third of gestation, divided into two groups (normal and obese) regarding weight, neck circumference, neck crest height and fat at the tail base, and the relation of these measurements with those of their foals from birth to 120 days old. The obese mares presented higher fat deposition at the tail base in the 2nd month (P< 0.05) and crest of the neck (P= 0.0022) in the 4th month of age. There was positive correlation between height of mare's neck crest and foal weight at birth (P= 0.01, r= 0.54) and body weight of mares between the fat at tail base of foals at birth (P= 0.03, r= 0.49), as well as strong association between fat at the tail base in obese mares with this measurement in their foals at 4 months (P= 0.01, r= 0.71). This difference of adiposity between groups suggests that obese mare's offspring are more likely to accumulate more fat in the first months of life.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Peso Corporal , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Gordura Subcutânea , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Animais Recém-Nascidos/anatomia & histologia , Tecido Adiposo , Hereditariedade , Obesidade Materna/genética
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.523-4 jan. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458350


Background: The equine sarcoid corresponds to one third of equine tumors, and may present as single or multiple and insix different shapes. The etiology is still unknown, but it brings with it some predisposing factors. Confirmatory diagnosisis made based on histopathology evaluation. There are several treatments described in the literature, therefore, it variesaccording to the choice of the veterinarian, the conditions and interests of the owner and the characteristics of the sarcoidtumor. The present case report describe of a Crioulo horse that presented of a multiple sarcoids in different shapes of thebody and, testing the efficacy and response to the chosen treatment.Case: The Crioulo gateado coat stallion, aged six years and seven months, weigh 360 kg. In the physical evaluation observed alert behavior, body score (ECC) three (1-5), 36 bpm and 20 mpm. The pelvic right limb (PRL) presented a mobilefibroblastic nodule was found on the proximal dorsal face of the third metatarsal bone (MTIII), pendular and broad-based,ulcerated, with a diameter of approximately 10 cm x 7 cm associated of a dark pink color. Likewise, on the caudal surface ofthe ear observed verrucous sessile flat lesion with a diameter of 5 cm and, in the right corner of the mouth, a non-ulcerated,pendular, mobile dark red color nodule evidenced with a diameter approximately 3 cm. Similarly, there were multipleulcerated pendulous dark pink color mobiles nodules in the region of the left and right groin, as well in the pectoral region.Histopathological evaluation of the 0,5 cm specimen tumor observed a proliferation of connective tissue and thickening ofthe epidermis with pseudocarcinomatous projections suggestive of sarcoid lesion tumor...

Animais , Cavalos , Infecções por Papillomavirus/veterinária , Neoplasias Cutâneas/terapia , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Crioterapia/veterinária , Vincristina/uso terapêutico
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 523, 9 ago. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31704


Background: The equine sarcoid corresponds to one third of equine tumors, and may present as single or multiple and insix different shapes. The etiology is still unknown, but it brings with it some predisposing factors. Confirmatory diagnosisis made based on histopathology evaluation. There are several treatments described in the literature, therefore, it variesaccording to the choice of the veterinarian, the conditions and interests of the owner and the characteristics of the sarcoidtumor. The present case report describe of a Crioulo horse that presented of a multiple sarcoids in different shapes of thebody and, testing the efficacy and response to the chosen treatment.Case: The Crioulo gateado coat stallion, aged six years and seven months, weigh 360 kg. In the physical evaluation observed alert behavior, body score (ECC) three (1-5), 36 bpm and 20 mpm. The pelvic right limb (PRL) presented a mobilefibroblastic nodule was found on the proximal dorsal face of the third metatarsal bone (MTIII), pendular and broad-based,ulcerated, with a diameter of approximately 10 cm x 7 cm associated of a dark pink color. Likewise, on the caudal surface ofthe ear observed verrucous sessile flat lesion with a diameter of 5 cm and, in the right corner of the mouth, a non-ulcerated,pendular, mobile dark red color nodule evidenced with a diameter approximately 3 cm. Similarly, there were multipleulcerated pendulous dark pink color mobiles nodules in the region of the left and right groin, as well in the pectoral region.Histopathological evaluation of the 0,5 cm specimen tumor observed a proliferation of connective tissue and thickening ofthe epidermis with pseudocarcinomatous projections suggestive of sarcoid lesion tumor...(AU)

Animais , Cavalos , Neoplasias Cutâneas/terapia , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Infecções por Papillomavirus/veterinária , Crioterapia/veterinária , Vincristina/uso terapêutico
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48: Pub.1758-Jan. 30, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458281


Background: Musculoskeletal changes in growing foals can be linked to metabolic disorders which affect the cartilage metabolism associated of obesity during the late gestation of the mares, negatively affecting the athletic performance of the otherwise prospective foals. High basal insulin levels can be associated with increased weight and obesity of the mares, altering the supply of the glucose to the fetus and the production of IGF-1, which plays an important role in the endochondral cartilage metabolism. The present study aims to describe the association of metabolic and biometric alterations in overweight Criollo mares with IGF-1 levels and the presence of articular and physeal lesions in their foals. Materials, Methods & Results: A prospective and observational cohort study was conducted using the foals and the overweight mares at field conditions. Twenty-eight foals and their overweight mothers were utilized. The foals’ biometric and metabolic features as weight and height; glucose, total cholesterol, cholesterol HDL, triglycerides, basal insulin, leptin, glucose, total T4 and IGF-1 were analyzed, from the birth until the weaning period around sixth month of life of it. All the foals, at the weaning period, were submitted to the radiograph examination of the tarsal joints and the metacarpal-phalangeal joints to evaluate signs of lesions and the possible distal metacarpal physeal changes, respectively. The mares’ biometric and metabolic features as weight, height and fat tail-head deposition; basal insulin, leptin, glucose, total cholesterol, cholesterol HDL and triglycerides were analyzed at the final period of gestation. The basal insulin levels of the foals at the second, fourth and sixth month of life were 9.87 ± 1.82 µUI/mL, 9.13 ± 1.94 µUI/mL, 9.39 ± 2.54 µUI/mL. The IGF-1 levels of the foals at the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth...

Feminino , Animais , Animais Recém-Nascidos/anatomia & histologia , Biometria , Cavalos , Doenças Musculoesqueléticas/veterinária , Prenhez , Sobrepeso/veterinária , Fator de Crescimento Insulin-Like I , Insulina/análise
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(1): 21-27, jan.-fev. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-989376


The present study aimed to identify and quantify dental diseases in Crioulo horses reared exclusively under extensive farming conditions. In total, 254 Crioulo horses were evaluated, that were reared exclusively in native pastures with predominantly Eragrostis plana (Annoni grass). The animals were divided into three groups according to age: three to five years (G1), six to 12 years (G2), and 13 to 26 years (G3). In total, 46.1% of the animals in G1, 63.8% in G2, and 82.3% in G3 had two or more incisor disorders; 37.5% in G1, 52.5% in G2 and 45.5% in G3 had two or more disease findings in the canines; and 28.9% in G1, 35.4% in G2, and 64.7% in G3 had four or more disease findings in the second, third, and fourth premolars and molars. However, dental calculus was observed in 90.5% of G2 animals, whereas in G3, the occurrence rate of excessive enamel points and calculus was 82.4%. Although all of the horses studied were reared in an extensive farming system, dental changes were very common in the Crioulo breed reared under these management conditions.(AU)

O presente estudo teve por objetivo identificar e quantificar as afecções odontológicas de equinos da raça Crioula criados exclusivamente em regime extensivo. No total, foram avaliados 254 cavalos Crioulos, criados em pastagens nativas com predominância de Eragrostis plana (capim-annoni). Os animais foram divididos em três grupos, de acordo com a idade: de três a cinco anos (G1), seis a 12 anos (G2 ) e 13 a 26 anos (G3). No total, 46,1% dos animais do G1, 63,8% do G2 e 82,3% do G3 apresentaram dois ou mais transtornos incisivos; 37,5% do G1, 52,5% do G2 e 45,5% do G3 tiveram duas ou mais alterações nos caninos; 28,9% do G1, 35,4% do G2 e 64,7% do G3 mostraram quatro ou mais distúrbios no segundo, terceiro e quarto pré-molares e molares. Contudo, cálculo dentário foi observado em 90,5% dos animais do G2, enquanto no G3, a taxa de ocorrência de pontas excessivas de esmalte dentário e cálculo foi de 82,4%. Concluiu-se que, apesar de todos os equinos estudados serem mantidos em sistema extensivo, as afecções dentárias mostraram-se muito comuns na raça Crioula sob estas condições de manejo.(AU)

Animais , Anormalidades Dentárias/diagnóstico , Doenças Estomatognáticas/diagnóstico , Cavalos/anormalidades
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(1): 21-27, jan.-fev. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21378


The present study aimed to identify and quantify dental diseases in Crioulo horses reared exclusively under extensive farming conditions. In total, 254 Crioulo horses were evaluated, that were reared exclusively in native pastures with predominantly Eragrostis plana (Annoni grass). The animals were divided into three groups according to age: three to five years (G1), six to 12 years (G2), and 13 to 26 years (G3). In total, 46.1% of the animals in G1, 63.8% in G2, and 82.3% in G3 had two or more incisor disorders; 37.5% in G1, 52.5% in G2 and 45.5% in G3 had two or more disease findings in the canines; and 28.9% in G1, 35.4% in G2, and 64.7% in G3 had four or more disease findings in the second, third, and fourth premolars and molars. However, dental calculus was observed in 90.5% of G2 animals, whereas in G3, the occurrence rate of excessive enamel points and calculus was 82.4%. Although all of the horses studied were reared in an extensive farming system, dental changes were very common in the Crioulo breed reared under these management conditions.(AU)

O presente estudo teve por objetivo identificar e quantificar as afecções odontológicas de equinos da raça Crioula criados exclusivamente em regime extensivo. No total, foram avaliados 254 cavalos Crioulos, criados em pastagens nativas com predominância de Eragrostis plana (capim-annoni). Os animais foram divididos em três grupos, de acordo com a idade: de três a cinco anos (G1), seis a 12 anos (G2 ) e 13 a 26 anos (G3). No total, 46,1% dos animais do G1, 63,8% do G2 e 82,3% do G3 apresentaram dois ou mais transtornos incisivos; 37,5% do G1, 52,5% do G2 e 45,5% do G3 tiveram duas ou mais alterações nos caninos; 28,9% do G1, 35,4% do G2 e 64,7% do G3 mostraram quatro ou mais distúrbios no segundo, terceiro e quarto pré-molares e molares. Contudo, cálculo dentário foi observado em 90,5% dos animais do G2, enquanto no G3, a taxa de ocorrência de pontas excessivas de esmalte dentário e cálculo foi de 82,4%. Concluiu-se que, apesar de todos os equinos estudados serem mantidos em sistema extensivo, as afecções dentárias mostraram-se muito comuns na raça Crioula sob estas condições de manejo.(AU)

Animais , Anormalidades Dentárias/diagnóstico , Doenças Estomatognáticas/diagnóstico , Cavalos/anormalidades