Abstract Fertilization with dehydrated sewage sludge can speed up the recovery process of degraded areas due to nutrients concentration, favoring the development of pioneer plants such as Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Beth (Fabales: Fabaceae) and the emergence of insects. This study aimed the evaluation of chewing, pollinating insects, predators, their ecological indices and relationships on A. auriculiformis plants fertilized with dehydrated sewage sludge. The experimental design was completely randomized with two treatments (with and without dehydrated sewage sludge) and 24 repetitions. The prevalence of chewing insects Parasyphraea sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Nasutitermes sp. (Blattodea: Termitidae), and Tropidacris collaris (Stoll, 1813) (Orthoptera: Romaleidae), defoliation, and ecological indices of abundance of Coleoptera and Orthoptera were observed on fertilized A. auriculiformis. Acacia auriculiformis plants, with a superior number of branches/tree, revealed greater abundance of Coleoptera and Orthoptera, species richness of pollinating insects, defoliation, numbers of Parasyphraea sp. and T. collaris. The ones with larger leaves/branches displayed greater abundance of species richness of Coleoptera and Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Therefore, the use of A. auriculiformis plants, fertilized with dehydrated sewage sludge, is promising in the recovery of degraded areas due to the ecological indices increase of chewing and pollinators insects and spiders in the analyzed area.
Resumo A fertilização com lodo de esgoto desidratado pode acelerar o processo de recuperação de áreas degradadas devido à concentração de nutrientes, favorecendo o desenvolvimento de plantas pioneiras tais como Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Beth (Fabales: Fabaceae) e de seus insetos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os insetos mastigadores, polinizadores e predadores e seus índices e relações ecológicas em plantas de A. auriculiformis fertilizadas com lodo de esgoto desidratado, em área degradada, durante 24 meses. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizados com dois tratamentos (com e sem adubação com lodo de esgoto desidratado) e 24 repetições (uma repetição = uma planta). O maior número de insetos mastigadores Parasyphraea sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Nasutitermes sp. (Blattodea: Termitidae) e Tropidacris collaris (Stoll, 1813) (Orthoptera: Romaleidae), de desfolha, e do índice ecológico abundância de Coleoptera e de Orthoptera foram maiores em plantas de A. auriculiformis fertilizadas do que nas não fertilizadas com lodo de esgoto desidratado. Plantas de A. auriculiformis, com maior quantidade de galhos/árvore, apresentaram maiores abundâncias de Coleoptera e Orthoptera, riqueza de espécies de insetos polinizadores, desfolha e números de Parasyphraea sp. e T. collaris, e as com maior folhas/galho os de riqueza de espécies de Coleoptera e Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Por tanto, a utilização de A. auriculiformis, adubada com lodo de esgoto desidratado, é promissora na recuperação de áreas degradadas devido ao aumento dos índices ecológicos de insetos mastigadores, polinizadores e aranhas na área.
We present records of chewing lice collected from bird skins of the families Anhimidae, Threskiornithidae, and Aramidae deposited at the Museum of Zoology of University of São Paulo (MZUSP). Twenty-one chewing lice species from the suborders Amblycera and Ischnocera were identified, seven of which are new records for Brazil. These species belong to the genera Ardeicola (1), Colpocephalum (3), Ibidoecus (1), and Plegadiphilus (2). Furthermore, ten species were recorded from new localities in Brazil, and Colpocephalum cayennensisPrice & Emerson, 1967 is for the first time recorded with precise locality in the country. Lastly, the bird host subspecies Phimosus infuscatus nudifrons (Spix, 1825) (Threskiornithidae) was for the first time found to harbor lice species.
Animais , Aves/parasitologia , Biodiversidade , Ftirápteros/classificaçãoResumo
Abstract Fertilization with dehydrated sewage sludge can speed up the recovery process of degraded areas due to nutrients concentration, favoring the development of pioneer plants such as Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Beth (Fabales: Fabaceae) and the emergence of insects. This study aimed the evaluation of chewing, pollinating insects, predators, their ecological indices and relationships on A. auriculiformis plants fertilized with dehydrated sewage sludge. The experimental design was completely randomized with two treatments (with and without dehydrated sewage sludge) and 24 repetitions. The prevalence of chewing insects Parasyphraea sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Nasutitermes sp. (Blattodea: Termitidae), and Tropidacris collaris (Stoll, 1813) (Orthoptera: Romaleidae), defoliation, and ecological indices of abundance of Coleoptera and Orthoptera were observed on fertilized A. auriculiformis. Acacia auriculiformis plants, with a superior number of branches/tree, revealed greater abundance of Coleoptera and Orthoptera, species richness of pollinating insects, defoliation, numbers of Parasyphraea sp. and T. collaris. The ones with larger leaves/branches displayed greater abundance of species richness of Coleoptera and Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Therefore, the use of A. auriculiformis plants, fertilized with dehydrated sewage sludge, is promising in the recovery of degraded areas due to the ecological indices increase of chewing and pollinators insects and spiders in the analyzed area.
Resumo A fertilização com lodo de esgoto desidratado pode acelerar o processo de recuperação de áreas degradadas devido à concentração de nutrientes, favorecendo o desenvolvimento de plantas pioneiras tais como Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Beth (Fabales: Fabaceae) e de seus insetos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os insetos mastigadores, polinizadores e predadores e seus índices e relações ecológicas em plantas de A. auriculiformis fertilizadas com lodo de esgoto desidratado, em área degradada, durante 24 meses. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizados com dois tratamentos (com e sem adubação com lodo de esgoto desidratado) e 24 repetições (uma repetição = uma planta). O maior número de insetos mastigadores Parasyphraea sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Nasutitermes sp. (Blattodea: Termitidae) e Tropidacris collaris (Stoll, 1813) (Orthoptera: Romaleidae), de desfolha, e do índice ecológico abundância de Coleoptera e de Orthoptera foram maiores em plantas de A. auriculiformis fertilizadas do que nas não fertilizadas com lodo de esgoto desidratado. Plantas de A. auriculiformis, com maior quantidade de galhos/árvore, apresentaram maiores abundâncias de Coleoptera e Orthoptera, riqueza de espécies de insetos polinizadores, desfolha e números de Parasyphraea sp. e T. collaris, e as com maior folhas/galho os de riqueza de espécies de Coleoptera e Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Por tanto, a utilização de A. auriculiformis, adubada com lodo de esgoto desidratado, é promissora na recuperação de áreas degradadas devido ao aumento dos índices ecológicos de insetos mastigadores, polinizadores e aranhas na área.
Animais , Acacia , Fabaceae , Esgotos , Fertilização , InsetosResumo
Management programs and efficient techniques are necessary to recover degraded ecosystems. The sewage sludge is rich in nitrogen (N) and with the potential to fertilize Sapindus saponaria L. (Sapinales: Sapindaceae), used in the recovery of degraded areas; this can affect the insect fauna. The study's objective was to evaluate, for 24 months, the abundance of chewing insects, dipterans, pollinators, and predators on S. saponaria plants fertilized with or without dehydrated sewage sludge in a degraded area. The experimental design was completely randomized (with the same characteristics) with two treatments (with or without dehydrated sewage sludge) and 24 replicates, each with one plant. The abundance of Anastrepha sp. (Tephritidae), Cerotoma sp. (Chrysomelidae), Curculionidae, Musca domestica L. (Muscidae), Mantis religiosa L. (Mantodea: Mantidae), Oxyopidae, Salticidae, Tettigoniidae (Orthoptera), and Teudis sp. (Anyphaenidae) was higher on fertilized plants. The abundances of Teudis sp. and Tmarus sp. (Thomisidae) and M. religiosa and Teudis sp. were positively correlated with chewing insects and Diptera, respectively. The population increase of insects and spiders on S. saponaria plants fertilized with dehydrated sewage sludge (bigger crowns) has shown to be suitable for recovering degraded areas with a higher number of niches and better food quality, improving the ecological indices of the area.
A degradação de ecossistemas torna necessário programas de manejo e técnicas eficientes para recuperá-los. O lodo de esgoto é rico em nitrogênio e com potencial para adubar Sapindus saponaria L. (Sapinales: Sapindaceae), utilizada na recuperação de áreas degradadas, mas isto pode afetar a fauna de insetos. O objetivo foi avaliar, durante 24 meses, abundância de insetos mastigadores, dípteros, polinizadores e predadores em plantas de S. saponaria fertilizadas ou não com lodo de esgoto desidratado, em área degradada. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualisado com dois tratamentos (com ou sem lodo desidratado de esgoto) e 24 repetições, cada uma com uma planta. A abundância de Anastrepha sp. (Tephritidae), Cerotoma sp. (Chrysomelidae), Curculionidae, Musca domestica L. (Muscidae), Mantis religiosa L. (Mantodea: Mantidae), Oxyopidae, Salticidae, Tettigoniidae (Orthoptera) e Teudis sp. (Anyphaenidae) foi maior em plantas adubadas. A abundância de Teudis sp. e Tmarus sp. (Thomisidae) e M. religiosa e Teudis sp. foi, positivamente, correlacionada com as de insetos mastigadores e Diptera, respectivamente. O aumento populacional de insetos e aranhas em plantas de S. saponaria, adubada com lodo desidratado de esgoto (maiores copas), mostra ser adequado para a recuperação de áreas degradadas, tendo essas plantas um maior número de nichos e com alimento de melhor qualidade, melhorando os índices ecológicos na área.
Esgotos , Pragas da Agricultura , Sapindus/parasitologia , Insetos/classificaçãoResumo
Fertilization with dehydrated sewage sludge can speed up the recovery process of degraded areas due to nutrients concentration, favoring the development of pioneer plants such as Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Beth (Fabales: Fabaceae) and the emergence of insects. This study aimed the evaluation of chewing, pollinating insects, predators, their ecological indices and relationships on A. auriculiformis plants fertilized with dehydrated sewage sludge. The experimental design was completely randomized with two treatments (with and without dehydrated sewage sludge) and 24 repetitions. The prevalence of chewing insects Parasyphraea sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Nasutitermes sp. (Blattodea: Termitidae), and Tropidacris collaris (Stoll, 1813) (Orthoptera: Romaleidae), defoliation, and ecological indices of abundance of Coleoptera and Orthoptera were observed on fertilized A. auriculiformis. Acacia auriculiformis plants, with a superior number of branches/tree, revealed greater abundance of Coleoptera and Orthoptera, species richness of pollinating insects, defoliation, numbers of Parasyphraea sp. and T. collaris. The ones with larger leaves/branches displayed greater abundance of species richness of Coleoptera and Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Therefore, the use of A. auriculiformis plants, fertilized with dehydrated sewage sludge, is promising in the recovery of degraded areas due to the ecological indices increase of chewing and pollinators insects and spiders in the analyzed area.
A fertilização com lodo de esgoto desidratado pode acelerar o processo de recuperação de áreas degradadas devido à concentração de nutrientes, favorecendo o desenvolvimento de plantas pioneiras tais como Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Beth (Fabales: Fabaceae) e de seus insetos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os insetos mastigadores, polinizadores e predadores e seus índices e relações ecológicas em plantas de A. auriculiformis fertilizadas com lodo de esgoto desidratado, em área degradada, durante 24 meses. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizados com dois tratamentos (com e sem adubação com lodo de esgoto desidratado) e 24 repetições (uma repetição = uma planta). O maior número de insetos mastigadores Parasyphraea sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Nasutitermes sp. (Blattodea: Termitidae) e Tropidacris collaris (Stoll, 1813) (Orthoptera: Romaleidae), de desfolha, e do índice ecológico abundância de Coleoptera e de Orthoptera foram maiores em plantas de A. auriculiformis fertilizadas do que nas não fertilizadas com lodo de esgoto desidratado. Plantas de A. auriculiformis, com maior quantidade de galhos/árvore, apresentaram maiores abundâncias de Coleoptera e Orthoptera, riqueza de espécies de insetos polinizadores, desfolha e números de Parasyphraea sp. e T. collaris, e as com maior folhas/galho os de riqueza de espécies de Coleoptera e Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Por tanto, a utilização de A. auriculiformis, adubada com lodo de esgoto desidratado, é promissora na recuperação de áreas degradadas devido ao aumento dos índices ecológicos de insetos mastigadores, polinizadores e aranhas na área.
Animais , Acacia/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Acacia/fisiologia , Baratas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Besouros/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Gafanhotos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Lodos Ativados/análiseResumo
Fertilization with dehydrated sewage sludge can speed up the recovery process of degraded areas due to nutrients concentration, favoring the development of pioneer plants such as Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Beth (Fabales: Fabaceae) and the emergence of insects. This study aimed the evaluation of chewing, pollinating insects, predators, their ecological indices and relationships on A. auriculiformis plants fertilized with dehydrated sewage sludge. The experimental design was completely randomized with two treatments (with and without dehydrated sewage sludge) and 24 repetitions. The prevalence of chewing insects Parasyphraea sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Nasutitermes sp. (Blattodea: Termitidae), and Tropidacris collaris (Stoll, 1813) (Orthoptera: Romaleidae), defoliation, and ecological indices of abundance of Coleoptera and Orthoptera were observed on fertilized A. auriculiformis. Acacia auriculiformis plants, with a superior number of branches/tree, revealed greater abundance of Coleoptera and Orthoptera, species richness of pollinating insects, defoliation, numbers of Parasyphraea sp. and T. collaris. The ones with larger leaves/branches displayed greater abundance of species richness of Coleoptera and Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Therefore, the use of A. auriculiformis plants, fertilized with dehydrated sewage sludge, is promising in the recovery of degraded areas due to the ecological indices increase of chewing and pollinators insects and spiders in the analyzed area.(AU)
A fertilização com lodo de esgoto desidratado pode acelerar o processo de recuperação de áreas degradadas devido à concentração de nutrientes, favorecendo o desenvolvimento de plantas pioneiras tais como Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Beth (Fabales: Fabaceae) e de seus insetos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os insetos mastigadores, polinizadores e predadores e seus índices e relações ecológicas em plantas de A. auriculiformis fertilizadas com lodo de esgoto desidratado, em área degradada, durante 24 meses. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizados com dois tratamentos (com e sem adubação com lodo de esgoto desidratado) e 24 repetições (uma repetição = uma planta). O maior número de insetos mastigadores Parasyphraea sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Nasutitermes sp. (Blattodea: Termitidae) e Tropidacris collaris (Stoll, 1813) (Orthoptera: Romaleidae), de desfolha, e do índice ecológico abundância de Coleoptera e de Orthoptera foram maiores em plantas de A. auriculiformis fertilizadas do que nas não fertilizadas com lodo de esgoto desidratado. Plantas de A. auriculiformis, com maior quantidade de galhos/árvore, apresentaram maiores abundâncias de Coleoptera e Orthoptera, riqueza de espécies de insetos polinizadores, desfolha e números de Parasyphraea sp. e T. collaris, e as com maior folhas/galho os de riqueza de espécies de Coleoptera e Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Por tanto, a utilização de A. auriculiformis, adubada com lodo de esgoto desidratado, é promissora na recuperação de áreas degradadas devido ao aumento dos índices ecológicos de insetos mastigadores, polinizadores e aranhas na área.
Animais , Acacia/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Acacia/fisiologia , Gafanhotos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Besouros/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Baratas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Lodos Ativados/análiseResumo
The objective was to evaluate levels of replacement of corn silage with extruded forage (Foragge®) in sheep feeding. Twenty adult Santa Inês ewes in maintenance, and 55.8 kg average weight were housed in metabolic cages, and the treatments consisted of 20, 40, 60 and 80% replacement of corn silage with Foragge®extruded forage with 60% Uruchloa brizanthain the diet. The design was completely randomized, with regression analysis and non-parametric analysis at 5% probability. The supply of up to 80% extruded roughage to replace corn silage increased dry matter intake and digestibility, and fecal output in dry matter (p < 0.05). Also, it increased the efficiency of ingestion, rumination and chewing activities of sheep, but did not alter urinary parameters and energy metabolites (p > 0.05). However, it reduced the concentration of uric acid (p < 0.05). Foragge®extruded roughage can replace corn silage by up to 80% with changes in intake, digestibility, fecal parameters, ingestive behavior and concentration of uric acid and urea, with no modifications in urinary parameters and energy metabolites.(AU)
Animais , Silagem/análise , Ovinos/fisiologia , Zea mays/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição AnimalResumo
The objective of this study was to examine the effects of emulsifying agents on processing and texture characteristics of kibbles in the pet food industry. For each treatment, four runs were performed (four replications/treatment) and four samples were collected over time. Two commercial emulsifiers, added on top of the formulation, were used in an economical extruded dry food for adult dogs, forming three treatments, namely, CON: control; EMUA: CON + 0.06% emulsifier A; and EMUB: CON + 0.06% emulsifier B. The foods were extruded in a single-screw extruder with a throughput of 6,000 kg/h, and the same set of equipment, mixing, drying, and coating conditions were adopted for all treatments. Emulsifier A contains partially saturated mono- and diglycerides, sodium stearoyl lactylate, and diacetyl tartaric acid esters of monoglycerides in its composition; whereas emulsifier B includes mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, diacetyl tartaric acid esters of monoglycerides, and stearoyl sodium lactate. Canonical correlation analysis was performed for process correlation and kibble texture characteristics data. The multivariate lambda Wilks test was used to assess the significance of the canonical roots together. Canonical function 1 was found to be significant. There was control in the process, due to the clustering of treatments. The use of emulsifiers influenced the hardness of the kibbles, with lower resistance found in EMUA (54.731 ± 1.124) than in EMUB (121.898 ± 5.158). The EMUB treatment showed lower amperage, power, and energy consumption values than the other treatments (P<0.05). Compared with the control treatment, the EMUA and EMUB treatments showed 1.43% and 3.15% lower amperage values, respectively. In conclusion, EMUB contributes more significantly to texture characteristics and to the extrusion process.(AU)
Objetivou-se com essa pesquisa avaliar os efeitos de aditivos emulsificantes em características de processo e textura dos kibbles na indústria pet food. Para cada tratamento, foram realizadas quatro batidas (4 repetições/tratamento) e coletadas quatro amostras no tempo. Dois emulsificantes comerciais, adicionados on top, foram utilizados em um alimento seco extrusado, indicado para cães adultos, formando 3 tratamentos ((CON; Controle), (EMUA; CON + 0,06% emulsificante A), (EMUB; CON + 0,06% emulsificante B)). Foi utilizada dieta comercial econômica para cães adultos. Os alimentos foram extrusados em uma extrusora de rosca simples, com capacidade de processamento de 6.000 kg/h, sendo que o mesmo conjunto de equipamentos, condições de mistura, secagem e revestimento foram utilizados para todos os tratamentos. O emulsificante A possui em sua composição mono-diglicerídeo parcialmente saturado, estearoil lactato de sódio e mono éster de ácido tartárico di-acetilado, enquanto o emulsificante B possui em sua composição mono e diglicerídeos de ácidos graxos, ésteres de monoglicerídeos com ácido diacetiltartárico e estearoil lactato de sódio. Foi realizada uma análise de correlação canônica para os dados de correlação de processos e características de textura de kibble. O teste multivariado lambda Wilks foi usado para avaliar a significância das raízes canônicas juntas. Observou-se que a função canônica 1 mostrou-se significante. Percebeu-se que houve controle no processo, devido ao agrupamento dos tratamentos. A utilização de emulsificantes influenciou a característica de dureza dos kibbles, com menor resistência de EMUA (54,731 ±1,124), quando comparado a EMUB (121,898± 5,158). O tratamento EMUB obteve valores de amperagem, potência e consumo de energia inferiores aos demais tratamentos (P<0,05). Houve uma redução no valor da Amperagem, em relação ao tratamento CON de 1,43% e 3,15%, respectivamente, para os tratamentos EMUA e EMUB. Conclui-se que EMUB contribui mais significativamente para obtenção de características de textura e para o processo de extrusão.(AU)
Animais , Emulsificantes/efeitos adversos , Cães/fisiologia , Análise de Alimentos/métodos , Mastigação/fisiologiaResumo
The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of corn processing and protein level on the feeding, lying, and post milking standing (PMS) behavior in high producing cows. Eight Holstein cows were randomly assigned to diets containing either finely ground (FGC) or steam flaked (SFC) corn based on either low (LP) or high (HP) protein content. Cows receivingLP had lower milk yield than cows receiving HP with similar DMI. Moreover, FGC-fed cows had higher DMI than SFC-fed cows with similar milk yields. Eating and rumination time tended to be lower and chewing time was lower in HP-fed cows than LP-fed cows. Cows fed SFC tended to have higher laying rumination interval and lower lying rumination bouts than cows fed FGC. Total and average PMS were lower in cows fed HP than LP. Cows fed LP had higher chewing activity in the daytime than cows fed HP. Our results suggested that the protein level and corn processing affect the standing and lying behavior of high producing dairy cows, although, this effect is marginal. Results also indicated that probably any change in the diet that increases the rumination and eating times couldalso improve the PMS.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Comportamento Animal , Zea mays , Ingestão de AlimentosResumo
We evaluated the maternal behavior, physiology, and reproductive performance of both Damin (Min-pig × Large White) and Large White gilts to identify the advantages hybrid sows offer with regard to stress relieve and improvement of the welfare level of sows during late lactation. First-parity Damin gilts (n = 40) and firstparity Large White gilts (n = 40) were farrowed in individual pens. Video surveillance was used to monitor the occurrence of lateral recumbency and compare it to other postures, such as ventral recumbency, defecation, urination, tail posture, sham-chewing, and bar-biting behaviors. Monitoring was conducted from 07:00 to 09:00 h and from 13:00 to 15:00 h on days 3 and 6 of each week from the third to the fifth week postparturition. In addition, the concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6, and salivary α-amylase were assessed. During the fourth week postpartum, Damin gilts showed a higher frequency of postural changes from lateral recumbency to other postures and less ventral recumbency, sham-chewing, and bar-biting behavior compared with Large White gilts. However, no significant differences were found between Damin and Large White gilts with regard to urination, defecation, tail wagging, and "tail low" behaviors. The concentrations of serum interleukin-6, salivary α-amylase, and serum tumor necrosis factor-α were higher in Damin gilts than in Large White gilts during the fifth week postpartum. Damin gilts partly achieve lower stress levels during late lactation and better animal welfare than purebred Large White gilts.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Suínos/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Lactação/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do AnimalResumo
Occlusal ridges of equines appeared in the evolutionary process of the species to increase its capacity of grazing and trituration. The difference in hardness of dental tissues (cementum, dentin, and enamel) and masticatory pressure on the occlusal surface of the hypsodont tooth promote the appearance of sharp occlusal ridges. The aim of this study was to measure and compare the height of the occlusal ridges (HOR) of the fourth premolar (Triadan 408) before and after odontoplasty. Ten Mangalarga Marchador mares aged 5 to 12 years, under extensive management, were evaluated by measuring the HOR in Triadan 408, using plaster models before, immediately after (D0), 15 days (D15) and 50 days (D50) after odontoplasty. Immediately after the procedure the HOR was only 21.9% of the HOR before the occlusal equilibration; however, in 15 days after odontoplasty, 65.9% of HOR was already reestablished and 80.3% after 50 days of the procedure. HOR in the buccal side resurfaced before the lingual HOR, suggesting a higher masticatory pressure of these buccal points. Results of the present study indicate that 15 days after the dental treatment, equines already have food trituration capacity, since HOR is apparent on the occlusal surface of the premolars that underwent odontoplasty.
Cristas oclusais de equinos surgiram no processo evolutivo da espécie para aumentar sua capacidade de pastejo e trituração. A diferença na dureza dos tecidos dentários (cemento, dentina e esmalte) e a pressão mastigatória na superfície oclusal do dente hipsodonte promovem o aparecimento de cristas oclusais afiadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi medir e comparar a altura das cristas oclusais (HOR) do quarto pré-molar (Triadan 408) antes e após a odontoplastia. Dez éguas Mangalarga Marchador de cinco a 12 anos, sob manejo extensivo, foram avaliadas pela mensuração da HOR no Triadan 408, utilizando-se modelos de gesso antes, imediatamente após (D0), 15 dias (D15) e 50 dias (D50) após a odontoplastia. Imediatamente após o procedimento, a HOR era de apenas 21,9% da HOR antes do equilíbrio oclusal; entretanto, em 15 dias após a odontoplastia, 65,9% da HOR já estava restabelecida e 80,3% após 50 dias do procedimento. HOR na face vestibular ressurgiu antes da HOR lingual, sugerindo maior pressão mastigatória nestes pontos vestibulares. Os resultados do presente estudo indicam que 15 dias após o tratamento odontológico, os equinos já apresentam capacidade de trituração dos alimentos, uma vez que a HOR é aparente na superfície oclusal do pré-molar que foi submetido à odontoplastia.
Animais , Feminino , Ajuste Oclusal/veterinária , Cavalos , Má Oclusão/terapia , Má Oclusão/veterinária , Dente Pré-Molar , MastigaçãoResumo
O piolho da espécie Felicola subrostratus é um inseto mastigador responsável por causar a pediculose em felinos e, apesar de ser cosmopolita, tem sua ocorrência pouco descrita na rotina clínica. A transmissão ocorre através do contato direto entre os animais ou por fômites contaminados. Os gatos parasitados podem ser assintomáticos quando em baixa parasitemia, porém em altas infestações podem apresentar prurido, alopecia, dermatites e possibilitar a ocorrência de infecções secundárias. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar a infestação por piolhos da espécie Felicola subrostratus em um felino domiciliado no município de Parnaíba, Piauí. O animal era um macho castrado, de dois anos de idade, sem raça definida (SRD), que foi atendido em uma clínica veterinária da cidade, apresentando como queixa principal uma dermatite por lambedura no membro posterior direito, além de prurido, alopecia, apatia, diminuição de apetite e perda de peso. No exame físico, observou-se a dermatite no membro, sendo realizado raspado cutâneo e coleta de pelos da região, verificando a presença de ectoparasitos. Os insetos foram colocados em recipientes com álcool 70ºGL e enviados ao Laboratório de Parasitologia da Universidade Federal do Piauí, que por meio da morfologia revelou ser piolhos da espécie Felicola subrostratus, confirmando o diagnóstico primário de pediculose felina, sendo essencial um diagnóstico precoce para direcionar a um tratamento adequado.(AU)
The lice from the Felicola subrostratus species is a chewing insect responsible for causing pediculosis in felines and, despite being cosmopolitan, its occurrence has been little described in the clinical routine. Transmission occurs through direct contact between animals or through contaminated fomites. The parasitized cats can be asymptomatic when in low parasitemia, but in high infestations, they can present pruritus, alopecia, dermatitis and allow the occurrence of secondary infections. The purpose of this study was to report the infestation by lice of the Felicola subrostratus species in a feline domiciled in the municipality of Parnaíba, in the state of Piauí, Brazil. The animal was a neutered male, two years old, of mixed breed, which was treated at a veterinary clinic in the city, presenting as main complaint a lick dermatitis on the right hind limb, in addition to pruritus, alopecia, apathy, decreased appetite and weight loss. On physical examination, dermatitis was observed on the limb. Skin scraping was performed and fur was collected from the region, verifying the presence of ectoparasites. The insects were placed in recipients with 70ºGL alcohol and sent to the Parasitology Laboratory at the Federal University of Piauí, which through morphology revealed to be lice of the Felicola subrostratus species, confirming the primary diagnosis of feline pediculosis, being essential an early diagnosis to guide the appropriate treatment.(AU)
El piojo de la especie Felicola subrostratus es un insecto masticador responsable de causar pediculosis en felinos y, a pesar de ser cosmopolita, su ocurrencia ha sido poco descrita en la rutina clínica. La transmisión ocurre a través del contacto directo entre animales o por fómites contaminados. Los gatos parasitados pueden ser asintomáticos cuando están en baja parasitemía, pero en altas infestaciones pueden presentar prurito, alopecia, dermatitis y permitir la aparición de infecciones secundarias. El objetivo de este trabajo fue relatar la infestación por piojos de la especie Felicola subrostratus en un felino domiciliado en el municipio de Parnaíba, Piauí. El animal era un macho castrado, de dos años de edad, sin raza definida (SRD), que fue atendido en una clínica veterinaria de la ciudad, presentando como principal síntoma una dermatitis por lamido en el miembro posterior derecho, además de prurito, alopecia, apatía. disminución del apetito y pérdida de peso. En el examen físico se observó dermatitis en la extremidad, se realizó raspado de piel y se recolectó cabello de la región, verificando la presencia de ectoparásitos. Los insectos fueron colocados en recipientes con alcohol 70ºGL y enviados al Laboratorio de Parasitología de la Universidad Federal de Piauí, que por morfología reveló ser piojos de la especie Felicola subrostratus, confirmando el diagnóstico primario de pediculosis felina, siendo fundamental un diagnóstico precoz para orientar el tratamiento adecuado.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Infestações por Piolhos/diagnóstico , Gatos/parasitologia , Dermatite/parasitologia , Iscnóceros , BrasilResumo
Background: Malignant tumors are the main cause of death or euthanasia in animals. The oral cavity ranking fourth in number of occurrences. Epidemiological studies with dogs suggest that canine cancer kills 40-50% of individuals aged over 10 years. In view of the interest of academics and professionals in the healthcare of dogs and cats, this paper reports the case of a 10-month-old bitch, which, despite being a young animal, was affected alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma of abrupt evolution. Case: A 10-month-old French Bulldog bitch, weighing 10 kg, was referred to a veterinary hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro for care. It had a history of mouth bleeding, after chewing a solid mineral material, edema in the region of the right maxilla, and protusion of the gland of the third eyelid. As the clinical examination also revealed a fracture of the maxillary canine, anti-inflammatory and antibiotics were prescribed, to be administered by the owner once a day for 7 days. During the next clinical examination, carried out one week later, an edema was found in the right region of the mouth, which proved difficult to examine. As the patient had already eaten, an appointment was made for the following day for an intervention in the operating room, where the animal could be anesthetized for better observation of the effected region. Blood was collected for hemogram, urea, creatinine, alkaline phosphatase, ALT, and GGT, and an 8 h food fasting and a 4 h water fasting were recommended. On that date, once the dog had been taken to the operating room, was administered the pre anesthesia, in addition to anesthetic induction and manutention. Upon examining the oral cavity, several loose molars were found on the right side, in addition to a tumoral aspect of the gum; thus, it was decided to collect a small sample of the tumoral mass for histopathology. The surgical specimen was placed in a formalin solution and sent to the laboratory for histopathological processing and diagnosis. One week later, the tumor mass was larger and the edema in the right region of the mouth was much larger than on the day of the procedure. Thus, a computerized tomography was requested to further investigate the alterations that had occurred in such a short time. Due to the results of the histopathology and the CT, an immunohistochemical test was suggested which determined the cell profile and morphology and confirmed the diagnosis of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma according to clinical suspicion. The animal remained in the veterinary hospital for a further 48 h, during which the clinical condition worsened, with the animal suffering heavy bleeding. As the patient was no longer capable of oral intake of food or water, the decision was made with the consent of the owners to induce a painless death to alleviate the suffering of the animal. However, the owners did not authorize a necropsy. Discussion: Veterinary physicians should be conscious of the treatment of serious illnesses that will not result in a benefit for the patient. They should know when to stop the treatment to not cause further pain and suffering to the animals and their owners. Many of the interventions which aim to treat severe malignant neoplasia will not promote an improvement in quality of life or significantly extend the patient's survival, and do not justify the suffering they entail. A painless death remains the best alternative in such cases.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Alvéolos Pulmonares/patologia , Rabdomiossarcoma Alveolar/diagnóstico , Rabdomiossarcoma Alveolar/veterinária , Neoplasias Bucais/veterináriaResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of adding exogenous enzymes to the diet on nutrient intake and digestibility, nitrogen balance, ingestive behavior and rumen movement of ewe lambs. Five ewe lambs, Dorper x Santa Inês crossbred, with an average age of 7 ± 1 months, average weight of 36.40 ± 2.36 kg were assigned in a 5x5 Latin square design. The treatments consisted of adding exogenous enzymes to the concentrate: Allzyme, Fibrozyme®, Amaize®, Mix and Control. Analyses of variance were applied and means were compared by the SNK test, and non-parametric Kruskal Wallis test at 5% significance. The dry matter intake in relation to body weight, crude protein intake and nitrogen intake were higher with the use of amylolytic enzyme compared to the other treatments (p <0.05). Nitrogen balance was higher with the use of amylolytic enzymes and the Allzyme® enzyme complex (p <0.05). A longer time spent in total chewing was observed with the inclusion of fibrolytic and amylolytic enzymes without changes in rumen movement. The use of exogenous enzymes promotes better use of nutrients, with high digestibility of dry matter, neutral detergent fiber and crude protein.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/fisiologia , Alimentos Fortificados , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Ruminação Digestiva/fisiologia , Valor NutritivoResumo
Background: Wounds that occur with tissue necrosis and that result from the application of medications through the most diverse accesses are described as drug skin medical embolism or Nicholas syndrome in human medicine, with wide description. In veterinary medicine, this subject has not yet been described extensively and specifically in veterinary medicine, especially regarding to wounds that occurred after the application of non-intravenous medications in horses, even though these lesions are recurrent in the clinical routine. This report aims to describe a case of skin necrosis in a horse, due to phenylbutazone infection. Case: A 7 year-old Mangalarga Marchador horse, weighing 400 kg, was admitted to the Veterinary Hospital for Large Animals of the Universiade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), with a history of phenylbutazone injection to the left side of the neck. The animal had an extensive wound on the neck and face on the left side and was characterized by the presence of cold and devitalized skin, with a hardened and parched appearance and that easily detached. During the anamnesis, a single administration of 10 mL of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug based on phenylbutazone was reported intramuscularly for about 10 days to control the pain resulting from the claudication present for 14 days. The medication was administered in the region of the lateral border of the neck, on the left side. After drug administration, the animal presented an increase in volume at the application site. After 24 h, the lesion spread from the inoculation region, extending to the head and chest of the animal. During debridement, it was found that the lesion did not reach the underlying muscle tissue. In addition to the wound, the animal had upper eyelid palsy, lower lip, and auricular ptosis. Treatment with surgical debridement of devitalized tissue, topical application of ozonated sunflower oil, ketanserin, and a free skin graft was instituted. During hospitalization, the animal had a corneal ulcer in the left eye with an unfavorable prognosis due to paralysis of the upper eyelid, with enucleation of the affected eyeball. The animal was under veterinary care for 180 days and was discharged when his wound was already in an advanced stage of healing. Discussion: The history of the application of phenylbutazone intramuscularly and the location and characteristics of the lesion presented by the patient in the present report suggest that this animal presented aseptic tissue necrosis resulting from the administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, phenylbutazone. Although aseptic tissue necrosis, better known as Nicolau's syndrome or drug embolism cutis, is widely characterized and described in this species, there are studies in the literature that reproduce the syndrome in pigs and rabbits. Phenylbutazone was able to cause arterial damage, mainly in the tunica intima of the artery in which the medication was administered, with perivascular inflammatory infiltrate and subsequent skin necrosis at the site of administration. In addition to the skin lesion, the animal started to show signs compatible with the left facial nerve lesion, evidenced by the immobility of the upper eyelid and labial and ear ptosis. This resulted in corneal ulceration and subsequent enucleation. The animal also developed chewing difficulty in the first months of hospitalization. This dysfunction may be due to a lesion of the mandibular nerve, responsible for innervating the masticatory muscles and the oral mucosa. However, the animal showed improvement in this aspect, no longer showing this condition after 90 days of hospitalization. The treatment used was successful in healing the wound.
Animais , Fenilbutazona/efeitos adversos , Gangrena/veterinária , Cavalos/lesões , Síndrome de Nicolau/veterinária , Doença Iatrogênica/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of increasing levels of guava agro-industrial waste (GAW) on the ingestive behavior of Santa Inês lambs. Forty non-castrated sheep of the Santa Inês breed were used, at an initial weight of 21.33 ± 2.62 kg, and at the age of 120 days, distributed in a completely randomized design, with five treatments and fed with increasing GAW levels (0.0, 7.5, 15.0, 22.5 and 30.0%). The average daily gain (ADG) showed orthogonal contrast (P 0.05), in which the animals that ingested the control diet had lower performances. The animals with GAW added to the diet obtained more significant weight gains reflected by a better feed conversion. Among the variables, idleness, feeding, and total chewing time had a significant effect (P 0.05); animals spent more time idle at the 30.0% inclusion level and less time in the control group. However, the means of the 7.5, 15.0, and 22.5% GAW inclusion levels were statistically similar to the control group and the 30.0% level. There was a significant effect (P 0.05) on feed efficiency, with the lowest values being presented for the control group and the highest values at the 30% inclusion level of GAW. The 30.0% GAW feed for lambs in confinement reduces feed time, and total chewing prolongs idleness and increases feed efficiency without compromising dry matter intake, neutral detergent fiber intake, and ADG.
RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da inclusão de níveis crescentes de resíduo agroindustrial de goiabeira (RAG) no comportamento ingestivo de cordeiros Santa Inês. Foram utilizados 40 cordeiros não castradas da raça Santa Inês, com peso inicial de 21,33 ± 2,62 kg e idade de 120 dias, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 5 tratamentos e alimentados com níveis crescentes de GAW (0,0; 7,5, 15,0, 22,5 e 30,0%). O ganho médio diário (GMD) apresentou contraste ortogonal (P 0,05), no qual os animais que ingeriram a dieta controle tiveram desempenho inferior. Os animais com GAW adicionado à dieta obtiveram maiores ganhos de peso refletidos em uma melhor conversão alimentar. Entre as variáveis, ociosidade, alimentação e tempo total de mastigação tiveram efeito significativo (P 0,05); os animais passaram mais tempo ociosos no nível de inclusão de 30,0% e menos tempo no grupo controle. No entanto, as médias dos níveis de inclusão de 7,5, 15,0 e 22,5% no GAW foram estatisticamente semelhantes às do grupo controle e ao nível de 30,0%. Houve efeito significativo (P 0,05) na eficiência alimentar, com os menores valores sendo apresentados para o grupo controle e os maiores valores no nível de inclusão de 30% do GAW. A alimentação de 30,0% GAW para cordeiros em confinamento reduz o tempo de alimentação e mastigação total, prolonga a ociosidade e aumenta a eficiência alimentar sem comprometer o consumo de matéria seca e de fibra em detergente neutron e GMD.
ABSTRACT: Equine leukoencephalomalacia (LEM) is a disease caused by the ingestion of food, especially corn, contaminated by fumonisin, a Fusarium verticillioides (synonymous with F. moniliforme) metabolite. The clinical signs of brain injuries have an acute onset and rapid evolution. This study aimed to describe the clinical findings in 11 animals diagnosed with LEM, including cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis. Of these animals, 91% (10/11) were horses, and only 9% (1/11) were asinine. The clinical localization of the lesions was 64% (7/10) cerebral, manifested mainly by altered mental state and behavioral disturbance, and 36% (4/11) were brainstem lesions, manifested by incoordination, head tilt, nystagmus, facial hypoalgesia, difficulty in apprehension, chewing, and swallowing food. Postmortem findings revealed that 82% (9/11) of the lesions were in the cerebrum and 18% (2/11) in the brainstem. CSF findings, such as xanthochromia (43%, 3/7), hyperproteinorrachia (50%, 3/6), and pleocytosis (43%, 3/7) were observed. The affected animals showed neurological signs that were compatible with cerebral and/or brainstem injuries. The CSF from animals with LEM may present with xanthochromia, hyperproteinorrachia, and pleocytosis, reinforcing the fact that this disease should be included in the differential diagnosis of encephalomyelopathies.
RESUMO: A leucoencefalomalácia (LEM) é uma enfermidade que acomete equídeos causada pela ingestão de milho e seus derivados e feno contaminados pela micotoxina fumonisina, um metabólito do fungo Fusarium verticillioides (sinônimo para F. moniliforme). Os sinais clínicos apresentam início agudo e evolução rápida e são decorrentes de lesões encefálicas. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever os achados clínicos de 11 equídeos diagnosticados com LEM, incluindo a análise do líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR). 91% dos animais afetados eram equinos e somente 9% (1/11) era asinino. A localização clínica das lesões era 64% (7/10) cerebrais, manifestadas por alterações no estado mental e comportamento e 36% (4/10) no tronco encefálico, manifestadas por incoordenação, desvio lateral de cabeça, nistagmo, hipoalgesia da face e dificuldade de apreensão, mastigação e deglutição de alimentos. Comparativamente, os achados post mortem revelaram que 82% (9/11) das lesões eram no cérebro e 18% (2/11) no tronco encefálico. Alterações no LCR, tais como xantocromia (43%, 3/7), hiperproteinorraquia (50%, 3/6) e pleocitose (43%, 3/7), foram observadas. Os animais afetados apresentaram sinais clínicos compatíveis com lesões encefálicas e/ou de tronco cerebral. O LCR de animais com LEM pode apresentar xantocromia, hiperproteinorraquia, e pleocitose, reforçando que esta doença deve ser incluída como diagnóstico diferencial de encefalomielites.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of increasing levels of guava agro-industrial waste (GAW) on the ingestive behavior of Santa Inês lambs. Forty non-castrated sheep of the Santa Inês breed were used, at an initial weight of 21.33 ± 2.62 kg, and at the age of 120 days, distributed in a completely randomized design, with five treatments and fed with increasing GAW levels (0.0, 7.5, 15.0, 22.5 and 30.0%). The average daily gain (ADG) showed orthogonal contrast (P <0.05), in which the animals that ingested the control diet had lower performances. The animals with GAW added to the diet obtained more significant weight gains reflected by a better feed conversion. Among the variables, idleness, feeding, and total chewing time had a significant effect (P<0.05); animals spent more time idle at the 30.0% inclusion level and less time in the control group. However, the means of the 7.5, 15.0, and 22.5% GAW inclusion levels were statistically similar to the control group and the 30.0% level. There was a significant effect (P<0.05) on feed efficiency, with the lowest values being presented for the control group and the highest values at the 30% inclusion level of GAW. The 30.0% GAW feed for lambs in confinement reduces feed time, and total chewing prolongs idleness and increases feed efficiency without compromising dry matter intake, neutral detergent fiber intake, and ADG.(AU)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da inclusão de níveis crescentes de resíduo agroindustrial de goiabeira (RAG) no comportamento ingestivo de cordeiros Santa Inês. Foram utilizados 40 cordeiros não castradas da raça Santa Inês, com peso inicial de 21,33 ± 2,62 kg e idade de 120 dias, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 5 tratamentos e alimentados com níveis crescentes de GAW (0,0; 7,5, 15,0, 22,5 e 30,0%). O ganho médio diário (GMD) apresentou contraste ortogonal (P <0,05), no qual os animais que ingeriram a dieta controle tiveram desempenho inferior. Os animais com GAW adicionado à dieta obtiveram maiores ganhos de peso refletidos em uma melhor conversão alimentar. Entre as variáveis, ociosidade, alimentação e tempo total de mastigação tiveram efeito significativo (P <0,05); os animais passaram mais tempo ociosos no nível de inclusão de 30,0% e menos tempo no grupo controle. No entanto, as médias dos níveis de inclusão de 7,5, 15,0 e 22,5% no GAW foram estatisticamente semelhantes às do grupo controle e ao nível de 30,0%. Houve efeito significativo (P <0,05) na eficiência alimentar, com os menores valores sendo apresentados para o grupo controle e os maiores valores no nível de inclusão de 30% do GAW. A alimentação de 30,0% GAW para cordeiros em confinamento reduz o tempo de alimentação e mastigação total, prolonga a ociosidade e aumenta a eficiência alimentar sem comprometer o consumo de matéria seca e de fibra em detergente neutron e GMD.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/fisiologia , Psidium/química , Agroindústria/análise , Aumento de Peso , Etologia , Confinamento Controlado , EficiênciaResumo
The objective was to evaluate the intake and digestibility of nutrients, ingestive behavior, and performance of goats fed with spineless cactus genotypes resistant to carmine cochineal (Miúda or Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (OEM). Thirty castrated male goats, without defined breed, aged 12 to 14 months, with an average body weight of 19.0±2.8kg, were distributed in a completely randomized design among three treatments (Control - Tifton hay, Miúda, and OEM) and ten replicates; the initial weight was considered as the covariate. The intake of organic matter (OM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) was highest in the control treatment, while the intake of NFC was higher in the OEM diet. Treatments containing forage cactus showed the highest digestibility of DM, OM, and NFC. The animals fed the control diet spent more time on rumination and total chewing, but the time spent feeding or feeding efficiency, and performance did not differ. The use of spineless cactus genotypes resistant to carmine cochineal (Miúda and Orelha de Elefante Mexicana) in a diet for goats, in the amount of 450g/kg of DM does not interfere with the performance of the animals and improves the digestibility of OM and NFC.(AU)
Objetivou-se com o presente estudo avaliar o consumo e a digestibilidade de nutrientes, o comportamento ingestivo e o desempenho de caprinos alimentados com genótipos de palma forrageira resistentes à cochonilha-carmim (miúda ou orelha-de-elefante-mexicana (OEM). Trinta cabritos machos, castrados, sem raça definida, com idades entre 12 e 14 meses e peso corporal médio de 19,0±2,8kg, foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em três tratamentos (controle - feno de tifton; miúda e OEM) e 10 repetições; o peso inicial foi considerado a covariável. O consumo de matéria orgânica (MO) e de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) foi maior no tratamento controle; enquanto a ingestão de CNF foi maior na dieta OEM. Tratamentos contendo palma forrageira apresentaram as maiores digestibilidades de MS, MO e CNF. Os animais alimentados com a dieta controle gastaram mais tempo em ruminação e em mastigação total, mas o tempo gasto com alimentação ou a eficiência alimentar e o desempenho não diferiram. A utilização de genótipos de palma forrageira resistentes à cochonilha-carmim (miúda e orelha-de-elefante-mexicana) na dieta de caprinos, na quantidade de 450g/kg de MS, não interfere no desempenho dos animais e melhora a digestibilidade de MO e CNF.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cabras , Cactaceae , Dieta , Ração Animal , Ruminação Digestiva , HemípterosResumo
In the last decades in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil, the reduction in the preservation of areas due to the degradation of the biome and destruction of the natural environment has caused animals, mainly in the order of non-human primates, to come closer to towns and highways, increasing the number of accidents and in some cases, deaths. New surgical techniques have been developed that favor these species as explained in this report. The howler monkey patient was traumatized in the facial region damaging important vital structures such as facial muscle groups responsible for swallowing food, chewing, breathing, defense, and communication (vocalization and mimicry), in addition to the cartilaginous nasal structures. However, reconstructive facial surgical techniques, used on humans, showed satisfactory results from an anatomical, functional, and aesthetic point of view in howler monkey, with acceptance of the animal with a safe postoperative period for a full recovery of the primate patient.(AU)
Nas últimas décadas, no estado do Mato Grosso do Sul - Brasil, a redução de áreas preservadas pela degradação de biomas e pela destruição de habitat naturais tem favorecido a aproximação de animais - muitos desses, primatas não humanos - em cidades e rodovias, aumentando o número de acidentes e, em alguns casos, de mortes. Novas técnicas cirúrgicas têm sido desenvolvidas, favorecendo essas espécies, como reportado neste trabalho. O paciente macaco bugio foi traumatizado em região facial, envolvendo importantes estruturas vitais, como grupos musculares faciais responsáveis pela apreensão alimentar, mastigação, respiração, defesa e comunicação (vocalização e mímicas), além das estruturas cartilaginosas nasais. No entanto, técnicas cirúrgicas reconstrutivas em face aplicadas e descritas em humanos apresentaram resultados satisfatórios dos pontos de vista anatômico, fisiológico e visual nos macacos bugio, com aceitação deles diante do estresse, com pós-operatório seguro, resultando na reabilitação do paciente primata.(AU)