Coenosiinae is an important component of the Neotropical Muscidae diversity due to the high diversity of species and high population numbers. Based on the examination of type-specimens of some species of Coenosiini, the following taxonomic changes are proposed: Neodexiopsis medinai Snyder, 1957 stat. rev., Pilispina xanthogaster (Albuquerque, 1958) comb. nov., Pilispina differa Couri & Carvalho, 1999 is a junior synonym of Pilispina pilitibia Albuquerque, 1954, Neodexiopsis barbiventris Couri & Albuquerque, 1979 is a junior synonym of Neodexiopsis flavipalpis Albuquerque, 1956 and a neotype is proposed for Coenosia latitibia Albuquerque 1957. In all cases, remarks include reevaluation of relevant characters.
Coenosiinae is an important component of the Neotropical Muscidae diversity due to the high diversity of species and high population numbers. Based on the examination of type-specimens of some species of Coenosiini, the following taxonomic changes are proposed: Neodexiopsis medinai Snyder, 1957 stat. rev., Pilispina xanthogaster (Albuquerque, 1958) comb. nov., Pilispina differa Couri & Carvalho, 1999 is a junior synonym of Pilispina pilitibia Albuquerque, 1954, Neodexiopsis barbiventris Couri & Albuquerque, 1979 is a junior synonym of Neodexiopsis flavipalpis Albuquerque, 1956 and a neotype is proposed for Coenosia latitibia Albuquerque 1957. In all cases, remarks include reevaluation of relevant characters.
Coenosiinae is an important component of the Neotropical Muscidae diversity due to the high diversity of species and high population numbers. Based on the examination of type-specimens of some species of Coenosiini, the following taxonomic changes are proposed: Neodexiopsis medinai Snyder, 1957 stat. rev., Pilispina xanthogaster (Albuquerque, 1958) comb. nov., Pilispina differa Couri & Carvalho, 1999 is a junior synonym of Pilispina pilitibia Albuquerque, 1954, Neodexiopsis barbiventris Couri & Albuquerque, 1979 is a junior synonym of Neodexiopsis flavipalpis Albuquerque, 1956 and a neotype is proposed for Coenosia latitibia Albuquerque 1957. In all cases, remarks include reevaluation of relevant characters.
Syllimnophora Speiser belongs to the Limnophorini tribe of the Coenosiinae subfamily. The genus can be distinguished from the others by the presence of cilia on the apical half of the dorsal surface of vein R1, combined with a strongly projected gena. In he Neotropical Region 28 species are known, three of them recorded from Ecuador - S. atrovittata (Stein), S. browni (Snyder) and S. suavis (Stein). The study of material from South America deposited at Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (Paris) enabled the description of one species new to science - S. argentifrontata sp. nov. from San Miguel de Ibarra (Ecuador). A key to the identification of the four species is given.
Syllimnophora Speiser belongs to the Limnophorini tribe of the Coenosiinae subfamily. The genus can be distinguished from the others by the presence of cilia on the apical half of the dorsal surface of vein R1, combined with a strongly projected gena. In he Neotropical Region 28 species are known, three of them recorded from Ecuador - S. atrovittata (Stein), S. browni (Snyder) and S. suavis (Stein). The study of material from South America deposited at Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (Paris) enabled the description of one species new to science - S. argentifrontata sp. nov. from San Miguel de Ibarra (Ecuador). A key to the identification of the four species is given.
Syllimnophora Speiser belongs to the Limnophorini tribe of the Coenosiinae subfamily. The genus can be distinguished from the others by the presence of cilia on the apical half of the dorsal surface of vein R1, combined with a strongly projected gena. In he Neotropical Region 28 species are known, three of them recorded from Ecuador - S. atrovittata (Stein), S. browni (Snyder) and S. suavis (Stein). The study of material from South America deposited at Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (Paris) enabled the description of one species new to science - S. argentifrontata sp. nov. from San Miguel de Ibarra (Ecuador). A key to the identification of the four species is given.
Bithoracochaeta Stein is a Neotropical genus of Muscidae, Coenosiinae, known from ten species recorded from Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Surinam, Uruguay and Venezuela. The genus is recorded for the first time from Colombia, with the occurrence of the following species: B. annulata Stein, 1911; B. calopus (Bigot, 1885); B. flavicoxa Malloch, 1934; B. leucoprocta (Wiedemann, 1830); B. maricaensis Couri & Motta, 1995 and B. varicornis (Coquilett, 1900). B. nigricoxa, spec. nov. is described from Mexico and Brazil. A brief diagnosis of the known species and a complete description of the new species are given.
Bithoracochaeta Stein é um gênero Neotropical de Muscidae, Coenosiinae, com 10 espécies descritas da Argentina, Brasil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Equador, Guiana, Jamaica, México, Panamá, Paraguai, Peru, Porto Rico, Suriname, Uruguai e Venezuela. O gênero é registrado pela primeira vez na Colômbia, com a ocorrência das seguintes espécies: B. annulata Stein, 1911; B. calopus (Bigot, 1885); B. flavicoxa Malloch, 1934; B. leucoprocta (Wiedemann, 1830); B. maricaensis Couri & Motta, 1995 e B. varicornis (Coquilett, 1900). B. nigricoxa spec. nov. é descrita do México e do Brasil. Uma breve diagnose das espécies conhecidas e a descrição completa da nova espécie são apresentadas.
Bithoracochaeta Stein is a Neotropical genus of Muscidae, Coenosiinae, known from ten species recorded from Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Surinam, Uruguay and Venezuela. The genus is recorded for the first time from Colombia, with the occurrence of the following species: B. annulata Stein, 1911; B. calopus (Bigot, 1885); B. flavicoxa Malloch, 1934; B. leucoprocta (Wiedemann, 1830); B. maricaensis Couri & Motta, 1995 and B. varicornis (Coquilett, 1900). B. nigricoxa, spec. nov. is described from Mexico and Brazil. A brief diagnosis of the known species and a complete description of the new species are given.
Bithoracochaeta Stein é um gênero Neotropical de Muscidae, Coenosiinae, com 10 espécies descritas da Argentina, Brasil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Equador, Guiana, Jamaica, México, Panamá, Paraguai, Peru, Porto Rico, Suriname, Uruguai e Venezuela. O gênero é registrado pela primeira vez na Colômbia, com a ocorrência das seguintes espécies: B. annulata Stein, 1911; B. calopus (Bigot, 1885); B. flavicoxa Malloch, 1934; B. leucoprocta (Wiedemann, 1830); B. maricaensis Couri & Motta, 1995 e B. varicornis (Coquilett, 1900). B. nigricoxa spec. nov. é descrita do México e do Brasil. Uma breve diagnose das espécies conhecidas e a descrição completa da nova espécie são apresentadas.
A new species of Notoschoenomyza Malloch, N. diminuta sp. nov. from Chile, is described and the male and female terminalia are illustrated. A key to the identification of all Notoschoenomyza species is presented.
Nova espécie de Notoschoenomyza Malloch, N. diminuta sp. nov. do Chile, é descrita, as terminálias de macho e fêmea são ilustradas e uma chave para identificação de todas as espécies de Notoschoenomyza é apresentada.
Passeromyia Rodhain & Villeneuve and Philornis Meinert are the only known Muscidae whose larvae are parasites of birds. Passeromyia is known from the Old World and Philornis from the New World. Opinions on the relations between these two genera and their systematic positions among the Muscidae have varied. This survey aims to clear the discussion on the relations of Passeromyia, Philornis, and of some allied genera and give an overview of the classification of the Muscidae based on cladistic methodology. Thirty-two terminal taxa (2 of them outgroups) were analysed based on 54 characters. The cladistic analysis, carried out using Hennig86, resulted in 1 minimal tree (length 373), with a consistency index of 71 and a retention index of 85. Philornis and Passeromyia belong to a monophyletic group, supported by a synapomorphy, the presence of a cocoon, enclosing the pupa. The phylogenetic relationships found in this group are: (Muscina (Philornis (Phaonina ((Fraserella, Passeromyia) (Synthesiomyia (Calliphoroides, Reinwardtia)))))). Other probable monophyletic muscid groups, like Muscinae (with Stomoxyini and Muscini) and Coenosiinae (with Limnophorini and Coenosiini) are also discussed. Phylogenetic patterns within Reinwardtinae and Dichaetomyiinae could be explained by a Gondwana distribution.
Passeromyia Rodhain & Villeneuve e Philornis Meinert são os únicos gêneros de Muscidae cujas larvas são parasitas de aves. Passeromyia é conhecido do Velho Mundo e Philornis, do Novo Mundo. Opiniões sobre as relações entre esses dois gêneros e suas posições sistemáticas entre os Muscidade têm variado. Este trabalho tem por objetivo esclarecer as relações de Passeromyia, Philornis e de alguns gêneros relacionados com eles e dar uma visão da classificação de Muscidae com base na metodologia cladística. Foram analisados 32 táxons terminais (2 deles como grupos externos), com base em 54 caracteres. Na análise cladística foi utilizada o Hennig86. A análise resultou em uma árvore de menor comprimento (373), com índice de consistência 71 e índice de retenção 85. Philornis e Passeromyia pertencem ao mesmo grupo monofilético, suportado por uma sinapomorfia - presença de um casulo envolvendo a pupa. As relações filogenéticas encontradas neste grupo são: (Muscina (Philornis (Phaonina ((Fraserella, Passeromyia) (Synthesiomyia (Calliphoroides, Reinwardtia)))))). Outros prováveis grupos monofiléticos de muscídeos, como Muscinae (com Stomoxyini e Muscini) e Coenosiinae (com Limnophorini e Coenosiini), também são discutidos. Os padrões filogenéticos dentro de Reinwardtinae e Dichaetomyiinae podem ser explicados por uma distribuição Gondwana.