The knowledge and characterization of aggregate stability are relevant to select adequate management and to avoidits degradation. Thus, this studyaimed to characterize the spatial variability of aggregate stability in cohesive soilsunder crop conservation systems. The experiment was performed intwo different areas of soybean production: no-tillage System (NTS) and livestock farming integration system (LFI), In each production area, a sampling mesh composed of 50 collection points, with a regular spacing of 40 m, at 0.00-0.20 mdepth, wascarried out. The results were expressed as a percentage of aggregates retained in sieves 2; 1; 0.5 and 0.25 mm, the values obtained were used to calculate the Mean Geometric Diameter (MGD) and Mean Weight Diameter (MWD). In the LFI system, which had a strong degree of spatial dependence (DSD), the attributes showed a moderate DSD, except for MWD. Generally, the reachedvalues of the attributes in the LFI system were lower than those found in the NTS system, showing less variability in the management system with no-tillage. Spatial distribution of the kriging maps demonstrated the LFI system leading to the formation of larger aggregates in the soil when compared to ones to the same attributes in the NTS. All attributes showed a strong to moderatespatial dependence. The soil managed with the LFI system revealed greater aggregate stability when compared to the NTS, which in turn presented less spatial variability than the LFI system and shows a more homogeneous soil.(AU)
O conhecimento e a caracterização da estabilidade dos agregados são relevantes para selecionar um manejo adequado e evitar sua degradação. Portanto, este estudoteve como objetivo caracterizar a variabilidade espacial da estabilidade de agregados em solos coesos sob sistemas de conservação de culturas. O experimento foi conduzido em duas áreas distintas de produção de soja: sistema de plantio direto (NTS) e sistema de integração pecuária (LFI). Foi realizada uma amostragem de 50 pontos de coleta, com espaçamento regular de 40 m, na profundidade de 0,00-0,20 m, em cada área de produção.Os resultados foram expressos como porcentagem de agregados retidos nas peneiras 2; 1; 0,5 e 0,25 mm, os valores obtidos foram utilizados para calcular o Diâmetro Médio Geométrico (DMM) e o Diâmetro Peso Médio (DMM). No sistema LFI, que possuía alto grau de dependência espacial (DDS), os atributos apresentaram um DSD moderado, exceto para MWD. De maneira geral, os valores de escopo dos atributos no sistema LFI foram inferiores aos encontrados no sistema NTS, apresentando menor variabilidade no sistema de manejo do plantio direto. A distribuição espacial dos mapas de krigagem mostrou que o sistema LFI leva à formação de agregados maiores no solo em comparação com outros com os mesmos atributos no NTS. Todos os atributos apresentaram dependência espacial de forte a moderada. O solo manejado com o sistema LFI revelou maior estabilidade dos agregados em relação ao NTS, que por sua vez apresentou menor variabilidade espacial do que o sistema LFI e apresenta um solo mais homogêneo.(AU)
Solo , Análise Espacial , 24444Resumo
Integrated agricultural production systems have the potential to increase organic matter content, which is reflected in the soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) concentrations. Here, we evaluated the C and N stocks and its compartments in a typical distro cohesive yellow Ultisol under the no-till (NT) and crop-livestock integration (CLI) systems, in eastern Maranhão. Five areas with different management strategies were evaluated, more specifically, one area was managed under the NT system in succession for 14 years (soybean/millet), three areas had different CLI system adoption histories (i.e., CLI was adopted 2, 4, or 8 years prior to sample collection); and finally, one area consisted of native Cerrado (savannah) vegetation. Soil samples were collected at depths of 0-0.10, 0.10-0.20, 0.20-0.30, and 0.30-0.50 m,to analyze the content and total stocks of carbon (C) and its compartments (physical and chemical), N content, soil microbial biomass, and basal respiration. Results revealed higher content and stock of C and N in areas with CLI. The principal humic substance reported was humin, and higher concentrations of C associated with minerals were present in areas under more recent CLI adoption (2 and 4 years). We demonstrated that the adoption of CLI, even if recent, leads to immediate increases in the concentrations of C and its fractions as a result of using forage crops. NT for 14 years and CLI for 8 years exhibited higher levels of C management and higher soil biological activity due to the greater stability of these systems.
Os sistemas integrados de produção agropecuária possuem potencial de incrementar a matéria orgânica, com reflexos nas concentrações de carbono e de nitrogênio no solo. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar estoques de carbono e nitrogênio e seus compartimentos em um Argissolo Amarelo Distrocoeso típico sob plantio direto e integração lavoura-pecuária no Leste maranhense. Os manejos avaliados foram: sistema de plantio direto em sucessão há 14 anos (soja/milheto), três áreas com diferentes históricos de sucessão com a adoção do sistema integração lavoura-pecuária (ILP), sendo dois, quatro e oito anos, além de uma área de Cerrado nativo. Foram coletadas amostras de solo nas profundidades de 0,00-0,10; 0,10-0,20; 0,20-0,30; 0,30-0,50 metros para análise de teores e estoques totais de carbono (C) e de seus compartimentos (físico e químico), nitrogênio (N) e da biomassa microbiana do solo e respiração basal. Os resultados revelam maior teor e estoque de C e N nas áreas com ILP. A substância húmica predominante foi a humina e maiores concentrações do carbono associado a minerais estiveram presentes na área sob ILP mais recente (dois e quatro anos). A adoção da ILP, mesmo que recente, proporciona incrementos imediatos nas concentrações de C e suas frações em função do emprego de forrageiras. O plantio direto há 14anos e ILP há oito anos são sistemas com maior índice de manejo do C, como, também, apresentam maior atividade biológica do solo, devido à maiores estabilidade destes sistemas.
Carbono/análise , 24444 , Análise do Solo , Química do Solo , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodosResumo
In the last decades, population growth worldwide boosts agricultural demand for food production. This huge driver rendered global food production more and more specialized, so agricultural landscapes became uniform and monotonic. The loss of diversity is a strong evidence of how modern agricultural landscapes have been disconnecting from nature. Evidence of environmental side-effects from this pathway are abundant in literature. Now, society is pressing towards changing practices aiming for healthy diets and sustainable food production systems. This raises the question: how to reconnect nature and agriculture in the context of future food production? In this review we propose a reconnection process based on the principles of ecological intensification or sustainable intensification. The integrated crop-livestock systems (ICLS) are the most consolidated technological pathway to reconcile crop production with natural processes. These systems are diverse and can partially mimic natural ecosystems exploring the synergies of natural biological processes, while achieving high levels of food production. ICLS promote soil improvements and mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, reducing the agricultural share of global warming and climate change. Besides, these systems are more efficient in the use of nutrients and can optimize the use of other inputs such as pesticides. We present evidence of soil health and biogeochemical cycle restoration in addition to system stability improvement, and assume those symptoms as evidence of mixing crops and livestock fostering reconnection with natural processes.
Agroindústria/métodos , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , Indicadores de Desenvolvimento Sustentável , Integração de Sistemas , Desenvolvimento EcológicoResumo
In the last decades, population growth worldwide boosts agricultural demand for food production. This huge driver rendered global food production more and more specialized, so agricultural landscapes became uniform and monotonic. The loss of diversity is a strong evidence of how modern agricultural landscapes have been disconnecting from nature. Evidence of environmental side-effects from this pathway are abundant in literature. Now, society is pressing towards changing practices aiming for healthy diets and sustainable food production systems. This raises the question: how to reconnect nature and agriculture in the context of future food production? In this review we propose a reconnection process based on the principles of ecological intensification or sustainable intensification. The integrated crop-livestock systems (ICLS) are the most consolidated technological pathway to reconcile crop production with natural processes. These systems are diverse and can partially mimic natural ecosystems exploring the synergies of natural biological processes, while achieving high levels of food production. ICLS promote soil improvements and mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, reducing the agricultural share of global warming and climate change. Besides, these systems are more efficient in the use of nutrients and can optimize the use of other inputs such as pesticides. We present evidence of soil health and biogeochemical cycle restoration in addition to system stability improvement, and assume those symptoms as evidence of mixing crops and livestock fostering reconnection with natural processes.(AU)
Agroindústria/métodos , Integração de Sistemas , Indicadores de Desenvolvimento Sustentável , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , Desenvolvimento EcológicoResumo
Crop monoculture and single conventional cattle raising were designed for a rapid increase in productivity and food supply. However, some of these production systems have shown signs of saturation and negative environmental impacts. Crop-livestock integration systems have been developed as an alternative that delivers increased productivity and greater environmental sustainability. This article presents an evaluation of the economic viability and the financial risk associated with an investment in crop-livestock integration with a focus on the production of beef cattle in São Carlos, SP, Brazil. Results showed that the investment is economically viable and has an Internal Rate of Return higher than that of a conventional system. Monte Carlo simulations showed that the integrated system presents lower market risks when compared to the conventional system.(AU)
A produção agrícola em monocultivo e a pecuária convencional não integrada com culturas foram desenhadas para um aumento rápido da produtividade e da oferta de alimentos. Entretanto, alguns destes sistemas de produção têm mostrado sinais de saturação e impactos ambientais negativos. Sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária têm sido desenvolvidos como uma alternativa que oferece aumento de produtividade e maior sustentabilidade ambiental. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo estimar a viabilidade econômica e o risco financeiro associado a um projeto de investimento em integração lavoura-pecuária com foco para a produção de animais de corte em São Carlos, SP. Os resultados mostraram que o investimento é economicamente viável e apresenta Taxa Interna de Retorno superior à de um sistema convencional. Por meio da simulação de Monte Carlo constatou-se o sistema integrado apresenta menores riscos de mercado quando comparado com o sistema convencional.(AU)
Agroindústria/economia , Agroindústria/estatística & dados numéricos , Criação de Animais Domésticos/economia , Método de Monte CarloResumo
Grazing intensity on palisade grass as a function of grazing height in a crop-livestock integration (CLI) system alters the structural soil quality and water infiltration. This study aimed to verify the magnitude of the stocking rate and shoot and root dry matter of palisade grass at the end of the fifth cattle grazing period of an experiment in the CLI system on the visual evaluation of soil structure (VESS), soil-water infiltration rate, and basic infiltration rate (BIR) as a function of grazing heights on Urochloa brizantha cv. MG 5 Vitória in the northwestern Paraná State, Brazil. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks with three replications and 1-ha experimental plots on an Oxisol. Four treatments with grazing heights of 10, 20, 30, and 40 cm were used in the CLI system, controlled with variable stocking rates of Purunã cattle in the autumn/winter season on Urochloa brizantha cv. MG 5 Vitória in succession to soybean in the summer. The maximum soil water infiltration was stabilized at 30 cm of grazing height of the palisade grass under continuous grazing in the CLI system. The increase in the stocking rate decreased the shoot dry matter of palisade grass, soil water infiltration, and structural soil quality.(AU)
A intensidade de pastejo da braquiária em função da altura de pastejo em sistema de integração lavourapecuária (ILP) altera a qualidade estrutural do solo e a infiltração da água. Com este trabalho teve-se por objetivo verificar ao final do quinto período de pastejo bovino de um experimento em sistema de ILP, qual a magnitude da carga animal, matéria seca da parte aérea e de raízes de braquiária, sobre a avaliação visual da estrutura do solo (VESS), a taxa de infiltração de água no solo e a velocidade básica de infiltração (VIB) em função da alturas de pastejos em braquiária Urochloa brizantha cv. MG 5 Vitória, na Região Noroeste do Estado do Paraná, Brasil. O delineamento experimental é de blocos casualizados, com três repetições, em parcelas experimentais de 1 ha, em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico. Foram utilizados quatro tratamentos com alturas de pastejo de 10, 20, 30 e 40 cm em sistema de ILP controlados com carga animal variável de bovinos da raça Purunã no período de outono/inverno, em braquiária Urochloa brizantha cv. MG 5 Vitória em sucessão a soja no verão. A máxima infiltração da água no solo se estabiliza em 30 cm de altura de pastejo da braquiária em pastejo contínuo em sistema ILP. O aumento da carga animal diminuiu a matéria seca da parte aérea de braquiária, infiltração de água e a qualidade estrutural do solo.(AU)
Microbiologia da Água , Análise do Solo , Poaceae/microbiologia , Pastagens/análiseResumo
Grazing intensity on palisade grass as a function of grazing height in a crop-livestock integration (CLI) system alters the structural soil quality and water infiltration. This study aimed to verify the magnitude of the stocking rate and shoot and root dry matter of palisade grass at the end of the fifth cattle grazing period of an experiment in the CLI system on the visual evaluation of soil structure (VESS), soil-water infiltration rate, and basic infiltration rate (BIR) as a function of grazing heights on Urochloa brizantha cv. MG 5 Vitória in the northwestern Paraná State, Brazil. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks with three replications and 1-ha experimental plots on an Oxisol. Four treatments with grazing heights of 10, 20, 30, and 40 cm were used in the CLI system, controlled with variable stocking rates of Purunã cattle in the autumn/winter season on Urochloa brizantha cv. MG 5 Vitória in succession to soybean in the summer. The maximum soil water infiltration was stabilized at 30 cm of grazing height of the palisade grass under continuous grazing in the CLI system. The increase in the stocking rate decreased the shoot dry matter of palisade grass, soil water infiltration, and structural soil quality.
A intensidade de pastejo da braquiária em função da altura de pastejo em sistema de integração lavourapecuária (ILP) altera a qualidade estrutural do solo e a infiltração da água. Com este trabalho teve-se por objetivo verificar ao final do quinto período de pastejo bovino de um experimento em sistema de ILP, qual a magnitude da carga animal, matéria seca da parte aérea e de raízes de braquiária, sobre a avaliação visual da estrutura do solo (VESS), a taxa de infiltração de água no solo e a velocidade básica de infiltração (VIB) em função da alturas de pastejos em braquiária Urochloa brizantha cv. MG 5 Vitória, na Região Noroeste do Estado do Paraná, Brasil. O delineamento experimental é de blocos casualizados, com três repetições, em parcelas experimentais de 1 ha, em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico. Foram utilizados quatro tratamentos com alturas de pastejo de 10, 20, 30 e 40 cm em sistema de ILP controlados com carga animal variável de bovinos da raça Purunã no período de outono/inverno, em braquiária Urochloa brizantha cv. MG 5 Vitória em sucessão a soja no verão. A máxima infiltração da água no solo se estabiliza em 30 cm de altura de pastejo da braquiária em pastejo contínuo em sistema ILP. O aumento da carga animal diminuiu a matéria seca da parte aérea de braquiária, infiltração de água e a qualidade estrutural do solo.
Análise do Solo , Microbiologia da Água , Pastagens/análise , Poaceae/microbiologiaResumo
To evaluate the bromatological composition and ruminal degradability of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) of Xaraés palisade grass (Urochloa brizantha Xaraes syn Brachiaria brizantha) under grazing in integrated crop, livestock (ICL), and forest (ICLF) systems, we conducted an in situ degradability trial in randomized blocks with three non-lactating 3/4 Gyr × 1/4 Holstein cows, provided with ruminal cannula. The management of Xaraés palisade grass was similar in both systems, differing only regarding shading in the ICLF system provided by eucalyptus trees (average 65% crown cover). Grass samples were incubated for 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, and 96 hours. Considering the passage rate 2% h-1, the Xaraés palisade grass of ICL system had greater NDF effective degradability in relation to ICLF (46.38% vs 44.98%). However, the palisade grass CP potential degradability was greater in the ICLF than in the ICL system (68.92% vs. 65.40%). The presence of trees in the pasture has effect on nutritional traits of the Xaraés palisade grass, increasing its protein content and degradability and reducing its fiber degradability.(AU)
Pastagens/análise , Análise de Alimentos , PoaceaeResumo
To evaluate the bromatological composition and ruminal degradability of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) of Xaraés palisade grass (Urochloa brizantha Xaraes syn Brachiaria brizantha) under grazing in integrated crop, livestock (ICL), and forest (ICLF) systems, we conducted an in situ degradability trial in randomized blocks with three non-lactating 3/4 Gyr × 1/4 Holstein cows, provided with ruminal cannula. The management of Xaraés palisade grass was similar in both systems, differing only regarding shading in the ICLF system provided by eucalyptus trees (average 65% crown cover). Grass samples were incubated for 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, and 96 hours. Considering the passage rate 2% h-1, the Xaraés palisade grass of ICL system had greater NDF effective degradability in relation to ICLF (46.38% vs 44.98%). However, the palisade grass CP potential degradability was greater in the ICLF than in the ICL system (68.92% vs. 65.40%). The presence of trees in the pasture has effect on nutritional traits of the Xaraés palisade grass, increasing its protein content and degradability and reducing its fiber degradability.
Análise de Alimentos , Pastagens/análise , PoaceaeResumo
Soils provide a broad set of vital ecosystem services and sustains the production of food and fibers, balancing the ecosystem. Thus, from the perspective of soil quality, it is defined as an ability to balance within the ecosystem to sustain biological productivity, promoting the health of plants and animals, being evaluated by traditional indicators as physical, chemical and biological indicators, so the present work aims to estimate the soil quality index using multivariate models using soil biological attributes and validation with growth variables of the bioindicator plant. The study was developed in the agricultural area in P. Prudente, SP, the points collected were georeferenced, collections in depth of 0 -20 cm, microbiological analysis, microbial carbon and nitrogen biomass, dehydrogenase, respiration and microbial coefficient, having a bioindicator plant curly lettuce (Lucy Brown) as a validator of the soil. The results were discovered using the PCA model for the identification of autos vectors and autos values, grouping and identifying their collinearities, linear regression, r-pearson validation and cluster heuristic analysis. The microbial attributes and the bioindicator plant discriminated the agricultural areas evaluated with establishment and validation of SQI. The metabolic coefficient and N of the microbial biomass dissipation of the highest covariance values by multivariate analysis. The reforestation area with native species (SQI0.782%) and the livestock crop integration system (SQI0.765%) were evaluated as areas with better soil quality.
O solo fornece o conjunto de serviços ambientais vitaise dinâmico que condiciona e sustenta a produção de alimentos e fibras, balanceando o ecossistema, dessa forma, sob a ótica da qualidade do solo é definida como a capacidade de se equilibrar dentro do ecossistema para sustentar a produtividade biológica, promovendo a saúde das plantas e animais, sendo avaliada pelos indicadores tradicionais como indicadores físicos, químicos e biológicos, assim o presente trabalho tem como objetivo estimar índice qualidade do solo com uso de modelos multivariados utilizando-se de atributos biológicos do solo e validação com variáveis de crescimento da planta bioindicadora. O estudo foi desenvolvido na área agrícola da universidade do Oeste Paulista, campus II, os pontos coletados foram georreferenciados, coletatos em profundidade de 0 20 cm, realizado as análises microbiológicas, biomassa microbiana do carbono e nitrogênio, desidrogenase, respiração e coeficiente microbiano, tendo a planta bioindicadora alface crespa (Lucy Brown) como validador do solo. Os resultados foram submetidos ao modelo de PCA para a identificação dos autos vetores e autos valores agrupando e identificando suas colinearidades, regressão linear, validação r-pearson e análise heurística de cluster. Os atributos microbianos e a planta bioindicadora discriminaram as áreas agrícolas avaliadas com atribuição e validação de SQI. O coeficiente metabólico e N da biomassa microbiana apresentaram os maiores valores de covariância pela análise multivariada. A área de reflorestamentocom espécies nativas (SQI0,782%) e o sistema de integração lavoura pecuária (SQI0,765%) foram consideradas as áreas com melhor qualidade de solo.
Análise do Solo , Biomarcadores Ambientais/fisiologia , Microbiologia do Solo , PastagensResumo
Soils provide a broad set of vital ecosystem services and sustains the production of food and fibers, balancing the ecosystem. Thus, from the perspective of soil quality, it is defined as an ability to balance within the ecosystem to sustain biological productivity, promoting the health of plants and animals, being evaluated by traditional indicators as physical, chemical and biological indicators, so the present work aims to estimate the soil quality index using multivariate models using soil biological attributes and validation with growth variables of the bioindicator plant. The study was developed in the agricultural area in P. Prudente, SP, the points collected were georeferenced, collections in depth of 0 -20 cm, microbiological analysis, microbial carbon and nitrogen biomass, dehydrogenase, respiration and microbial coefficient, having a bioindicator plant curly lettuce (Lucy Brown) as a validator of the soil. The results were discovered using the PCA model for the identification of autos vectors and autos values, grouping and identifying their collinearities, linear regression, r-pearson validation and cluster heuristic analysis. The microbial attributes and the bioindicator plant discriminated the agricultural areas evaluated with establishment and validation of SQI. The metabolic coefficient and N of the microbial biomass dissipation of the highest covariance values by multivariate analysis. The reforestation area with native species (SQI0.782%) and the livestock crop integration system (SQI0.765%) were evaluated as areas with better soil quality.(AU)
O solo fornece o conjunto de serviços ambientais vitaise dinâmico que condiciona e sustenta a produção de alimentos e fibras, balanceando o ecossistema, dessa forma, sob a ótica da qualidade do solo é definida como a capacidade de se equilibrar dentro do ecossistema para sustentar a produtividade biológica, promovendo a saúde das plantas e animais, sendo avaliada pelos indicadores tradicionais como indicadores físicos, químicos e biológicos, assim o presente trabalho tem como objetivo estimar índice qualidade do solo com uso de modelos multivariados utilizando-se de atributos biológicos do solo e validação com variáveis de crescimento da planta bioindicadora. O estudo foi desenvolvido na área agrícola da universidade do Oeste Paulista, campus II, os pontos coletados foram georreferenciados, coletatos em profundidade de 0 20 cm, realizado as análises microbiológicas, biomassa microbiana do carbono e nitrogênio, desidrogenase, respiração e coeficiente microbiano, tendo a planta bioindicadora alface crespa (Lucy Brown) como validador do solo. Os resultados foram submetidos ao modelo de PCA para a identificação dos autos vetores e autos valores agrupando e identificando suas colinearidades, regressão linear, validação r-pearson e análise heurística de cluster. Os atributos microbianos e a planta bioindicadora discriminaram as áreas agrícolas avaliadas com atribuição e validação de SQI. O coeficiente metabólico e N da biomassa microbiana apresentaram os maiores valores de covariância pela análise multivariada. A área de reflorestamentocom espécies nativas (SQI0,782%) e o sistema de integração lavoura pecuária (SQI0,765%) foram consideradas as áreas com melhor qualidade de solo.(AU)
Biomarcadores Ambientais/fisiologia , Análise do Solo , Pastagens , Microbiologia do SoloResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of phosphate fertilization on morphogenic and structural characteristics of Mombasa grass under conditions of implantation of silvopastoral system with eucalyptus and monoculture in the Amazon/Cerrado ecotone. The experiment was conducted at UFT-EMVZ during the rainy seasons of the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 agricultural years. The experimental area was subdivided into two cultivation systems, Mombaça grass monoculture, with 0.25 hectare and silvopastoral system, intercropping eucalyptus with Mombaça grass, with 0.75 hectare area. The design used was a 4 x 2 factorial IHD with four doses of phosphorus (0; 50; 100; 200 kg.ha -1 P2O5 year-1) and two cultivation systems (monoculture and silvopastoral) with three repetitions. Three cycles were evaluated for an average rest period of 21 days. Weekly measurements were taken to evaluate structural and morphogenic characteristics of plants. In general, factors tested such as phosphorus fertilization, cultivation system and year (implantation and following year) showed influence, altering the development of Mombaça grass, reflecting on the morphogenic and structural characteristics. Tiller population density, crop growth rate, leaf area index showed interactions between phosphorus fertilization and the cultivation systems analyzed (P <0.05). Phosphorus fertilization used in the implantation, moment of greatest requirement of the plant, influenced forage development by increasing the crop growth rate, leaf appearance, as well as leaf and stem elongation in the two evaluated systems.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da adubação fosfatada nas características morfogênicas e estruturais do capim Mombaça sob condições de implantação de sistema silvipastoril com eucaliptos e monocultivo no ecótono Amazônia/Cerrado. O experimento foi conduzido na UFT-EMVZ, nas estações chuvosas dos anos agrícolas de 2016/2017 e 2017/2018. Área experimental foi subdividida em dois sistemas de cultivo, Monocultivo de capim Mombaça, com 0,25 hectare e Silvipastoril com consórcio de eucalipto e capim Mombaça com área de 0,75 hectare. O delineamento utilizado foi um Delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4 a 2 sendo quatro doses de fósforo (0; 50; 100; 200 kg. ha-1 de P2O5. ano-1) e dois sistemas de cultivo (monocultivo e silvipastoril), com três repetições. Foram avaliados três ciclos por período de descanso médio de 21 dias. Semanalmente foram realizadas as medições para avaliação das características estruturais e morfogênicas das plantas. De forma geral, fatores testados como adubação fosfatada, sistema de cultivo e ano de condução (implantação e ano seguinte) apresentaram influência, alterando o desenvolvimento do capim Mombaça, refletindo nas características morfogênicas e estruturais. As variáveis: densidade populacional de perfilhos, taxa de crescimento cultural, índice de área foliar, obtiveram interações entre a adubação fosfatada e os sistemas de cultivos analisados (P<0,05). A adubação fosfatada utilizada na implantação momento este de a de maior requerimento da planta, refletiu no desenvolvimento da forrageira aumentando a taxa de crescimento cultural, aparecimento foliar, bem como alongamento de folhas e colmo nos dois sistemas avaliados.(AU)
Fósforo/efeitos adversos , Compostagem , Poaceae/fisiologia , PastagensResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of phosphate fertilization on morphogenic and structural characteristics of Mombasa grass under conditions of implantation of silvopastoral system with eucalyptus and monoculture in the Amazon/Cerrado ecotone. The experiment was conducted at UFT-EMVZ during the rainy seasons of the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 agricultural years. The experimental area was subdivided into two cultivation systems, Mombaça grass monoculture, with 0.25 hectare and silvopastoral system, intercropping eucalyptus with Mombaça grass, with 0.75 hectare area. The design used was a 4 x 2 factorial IHD with four doses of phosphorus (0; 50; 100; 200 kg.ha -1 P2O5 year-1) and two cultivation systems (monoculture and silvopastoral) with three repetitions. Three cycles were evaluated for an average rest period of 21 days. Weekly measurements were taken to evaluate structural and morphogenic characteristics of plants. In general, factors tested such as phosphorus fertilization, cultivation system and year (implantation and following year) showed influence, altering the development of Mombaça grass, reflecting on the morphogenic and structural characteristics. Tiller population density, crop growth rate, leaf area index showed interactions between phosphorus fertilization and the cultivation systems analyzed (P 0.05). Phosphorus fertilization used in the implantation, moment of greatest requirement of the plant, influenced forage development by increasing the crop growth rate, leaf appearance, as well as leaf and stem elongation in the two evaluated systems.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da adubação fosfatada nas características morfogênicas e estruturais do capim Mombaça sob condições de implantação de sistema silvipastoril com eucaliptos e monocultivo no ecótono Amazônia/Cerrado. O experimento foi conduzido na UFT-EMVZ, nas estações chuvosas dos anos agrícolas de 2016/2017 e 2017/2018. Área experimental foi subdividida em dois sistemas de cultivo, Monocultivo de capim Mombaça, com 0,25 hectare e Silvipastoril com consórcio de eucalipto e capim Mombaça com área de 0,75 hectare. O delineamento utilizado foi um Delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4 a 2 sendo quatro doses de fósforo (0; 50; 100; 200 kg. ha-1 de P2O5. ano-1) e dois sistemas de cultivo (monocultivo e silvipastoril), com três repetições. Foram avaliados três ciclos por período de descanso médio de 21 dias. Semanalmente foram realizadas as medições para avaliação das características estruturais e morfogênicas das plantas. De forma geral, fatores testados como adubação fosfatada, sistema de cultivo e ano de condução (implantação e ano seguinte) apresentaram influência, alterando o desenvolvimento do capim Mombaça, refletindo nas características morfogênicas e estruturais. As variáveis: densidade populacional de perfilhos, taxa de crescimento cultural, índice de área foliar, obtiveram interações entre a adubação fosfatada e os sistemas de cultivos analisados (P 0,05). A adubação fosfatada utilizada na implantação momento este de a de maior requerimento da planta, refletiu no desenvolvimento da forrageira aumentando a taxa de crescimento cultural, aparecimento foliar, bem como alongamento de folhas e colmo nos dois sistemas avaliados.(AU)
Panicum/química , Panicum/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Eucalyptus/química , Eucalyptus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fosfatos/administração & dosagem , CompostagemResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the production characteristics of pastures in integrated livestock production systems. For that, an experiment was carried out in São Carlos, SP, Brazil, from 2013 to 2015. Forage development, production and nutritive value were evaluated in five beef cattle production systems: extensive continuous stocking (Urochloa decumbens) = EXT; intensive = INT; crop-livestock = iCL; livestock-forest = iLF and crop-livestock-forest = iCLF. Rotational stocking pastures in INT, iCL, iLF and iCLF systems were established with Urochloa brizantha cv. BRS Piatã. In iCL and iCLF, pastures were renovated by resowing the grass simultaneously with corn. In iLF and iCLF, eucalyptus (Eucalyptus urograndis clone GG100) was planted in Apr 2011 in single rows with 15 × 2 m spacing. In the 2013/2014 crop season, INT, iCL, and iCLF pastures were more productive than in iLF and EXT. Shading increase in the 2014/2015 season reduced pasture production in iLF and iCLF, compared with INT and iCL, but increased crude protein content and digestibility. In the shaded systems, pasture production was affected by proximity to trees, mainly due to reductions in solar radiation transmission. The principal component analyses showed that forage accumulation and leaf area index were associated with the position in the middle of the inter-row, and nutritive value was associated with the position at 1.5 m from the trees. In iCLF, solar radiation transmission greater than 60 % maintained forage accumulation similar to iCL, while in iLF, it reduced forage accumulation, evidencing that pasture renovation minimized shading effects in these systems.
Masculino , Bovinos , Agricultura Florestal/métodos , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , Eucalyptus , Luz Solar , Pastagens/métodos , Árvores , Integração de SistemasResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the production characteristics of pastures in integrated livestock production systems. For that, an experiment was carried out in São Carlos, SP, Brazil, from 2013 to 2015. Forage development, production and nutritive value were evaluated in five beef cattle production systems: extensive continuous stocking (Urochloa decumbens) = EXT; intensive = INT; crop-livestock = iCL; livestock-forest = iLF and crop-livestock-forest = iCLF. Rotational stocking pastures in INT, iCL, iLF and iCLF systems were established with Urochloa brizantha cv. BRS Piatã. In iCL and iCLF, pastures were renovated by resowing the grass simultaneously with corn. In iLF and iCLF, eucalyptus (Eucalyptus urograndis clone GG100) was planted in Apr 2011 in single rows with 15 × 2 m spacing. In the 2013/2014 crop season, INT, iCL, and iCLF pastures were more productive than in iLF and EXT. Shading increase in the 2014/2015 season reduced pasture production in iLF and iCLF, compared with INT and iCL, but increased crude protein content and digestibility. In the shaded systems, pasture production was affected by proximity to trees, mainly due to reductions in solar radiation transmission. The principal component analyses showed that forage accumulation and leaf area index were associated with the position in the middle of the inter-row, and nutritive value was associated with the position at 1.5 m from the trees. In iCLF, solar radiation transmission greater than 60 % maintained forage accumulation similar to iCL, while in iLF, it reduced forage accumulation, evidencing that pasture renovation minimized shading effects in these systems.(AU)
Masculino , Bovinos , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , Árvores , Pastagens/métodos , Luz Solar , Eucalyptus , Agricultura Florestal/métodos , Integração de SistemasResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate dry mass production, fermentative parameters and chemical and bromatological composition of sunflower silage and Paiaguas palisadegrass silage in monocropped and intercropping in different forage systems. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks, with four replicates. The treatments consisted of silage forage systems: sunflower monocropped; Paiaguas palisadegrass monocropped; sunflower row-intercropped with Paiaguas palisadegrass; sunflower inter-row intercropped with Paiaguas palisadegrass; and sunflower oversown and intercropped with Paiaguas palisadegrass, totalizing 20 experimental silos. Sunflower and Paiaguas palisadegrass were harvested at 110 days after planting at 20 cm from the soil for silage, using brush cutter. The silos were opened after 53 days of fermentation. The rows and inter-row intercropped systems contributed to increase the mass production of the ensiled material. The monocropped sunflower silage had higher values of pH, ethereal extract and acid detergent fiber and lower values of titratable acidity and dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber and in vitro dry matter digestibility values. The silages of the sunflower intercropped with Paiaguas palisadegrass in forage systems of crop-livestock integration presented better fermentative and bromatological characteristics, guaranteeing an adequate fermentative process and nutritional quality. In this way, the intercropping of these two forages potentiates the production of silage for feeding of ruminants during the period of forage shortage.(AU)
Brachiaria/anatomia & histologia , Brachiaria/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Silagem/análise , HelianthusResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate dry mass production, fermentative parameters and chemical and bromatological composition of sunflower silage and Paiaguas palisadegrass silage in monocropped and intercropping in different forage systems. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks, with four replicates. The treatments consisted of silage forage systems: sunflower monocropped; Paiaguas palisadegrass monocropped; sunflower row-intercropped with Paiaguas palisadegrass; sunflower inter-row intercropped with Paiaguas palisadegrass; and sunflower oversown and intercropped with Paiaguas palisadegrass, totalizing 20 experimental silos. Sunflower and Paiaguas palisadegrass were harvested at 110 days after planting at 20 cm from the soil for silage, using brush cutter. The silos were opened after 53 days of fermentation. The rows and inter-row intercropped systems contributed to increase the mass production of the ensiled material. The monocropped sunflower silage had higher values of pH, ethereal extract and acid detergent fiber and lower values of titratable acidity and dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber and in vitro dry matter digestibility values. The silages of the sunflower intercropped with Paiaguas palisadegrass in forage systems of crop-livestock integration presented better fermentative and bromatological characteristics, guaranteeing an adequate fermentative process and nutritional quality. In this way, the intercropping of these two forages potentiates the production of silage for feeding of ruminants during the period of forage shortage.
Brachiaria/anatomia & histologia , Brachiaria/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Silagem/análise , HelianthusResumo
The objective with this study was to calculate the total cost of maize production and beef cattle in permanent pasture activities in separate production systems (conventional) and integrated systems (maize production plus beef cattle), as well as to verify economic gains explained by the economy of scope. The first step for the development of the research was to obtain field experimental data. Six experimental treatments were studied: corn grain production, beef cattle in permanent pasture, and four integrated systems based on different crop and pasture sowings. The second step consisted in the collection, calculation, and allocation of variable and fixed costs to estimate costs of production in the systems. The crop-livestock integration showed economic gains in relation to conventional systems, which can be explained by the dilution of fixed costs and the presence of shareable inputs, resulting in economy of scope. It was also possible to demonstrate that total unit costs of both crop and livestock were lower in crop-livestock integration, showing that integrated systems resulted in economic benefits as compared with conventional ones.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Análise Custo-Benefício , Zea mays/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Agricultura/economia , Criação de Animais Domésticos/economiaResumo
Objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar a produtividade de massa seca de milho no consórcio com forrageiras ou em cultivo solteiro, aveia+azevém em sucessão e os atributos físicos em um Nitossolo Vermelho. O experimento foi conduzido em Concórdia SCnos anos agrícolas de 2016/2017 e 2017/2018.O delineamento foi de blocos ao acaso com 5 repetições, composto pelos tratamentos: T1 -Milho solteiro; T2 Milho + F.Guandu (Cajanus cajan); T3 Milho + U.ruziziensis; T4 -Milho + F. Guandu + U. ruziziensis, T5 F. Guandu solteiro e T6 U. ruziziensissolteira. Foi determinada a produtividade de massa seca (PMS) do milho, das forrageiras e da aveia+azevém em sucessão. Realizou-se também o Diagnóstico Rápido de Estrutura do Solo (DRES) e a Resistência mecânica do Solo a Penetração (RSP)após dois anos de cultivo. A presença da U. ruziziensise/ou do F. Guandu não interferiramna produtividade de massa seca do milhoem ambas as safras. As maiores PMS da aveia foram encontradas nas parcelas em sequência ao milho solteiro e, as menores para a segunda safra onde sucedeu-se à tratamentos com presença de U. ruziziensis. Para RSP não foram obtidas diferenças significativas nos consórcios e nos cultivos solteiros. Os tratamentos com U. ruziziensis obtiveram melhores índices de qualidade estrutural. O consórcio milho com Urochloa ruziziensis além de não reduzir a produtividade da silagem, propicia disponibilidade de forragem no período de vazio outonal, bem como melhoria nos atributos do solo.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the productivity of maizedry matter in the consortium with forage or in single cultivation, oats + ryegrass in succession and the physical attributes in a Red Nitosol. The experiment was conducted in Concórdia -SC in the agricultural years 2016/2017 and 2017/2018. The design wasa randomized block with 5 replications, consisting of the treatments: T1 -Single maize; T2 -Maize + Pigeon pea forage (Cajanus cajan); T3 -Maize + Urochloa ruziziensis; T4 -Maize + Pigeon peaforage + U. ruziziensis, T5 Pigeon peaforage and T6 -U. ruziziensis single. The dry mass productivity (PMS) of maize, forage and oats + ryegrass in succession was determined. Also, the Rapid Diagnosis of Soil Structure (DRES) and the Mechanical Resistance of Soil to Penetration (RSP) were carried out after two years of cultivation. The presence of U. ruziziensis and / or Pigeon peadid not affect the dry matter yield of maizein both harvests. The highest PMS of oats were found in the plots following single maize and the smallest for the second crop, where treatments with U. ruziziensis followed. For RSP, no significant differences were found in consortia and single crops. The treatments with U. ruziziensis obtained better indexes of structural quality. The corn consortium with Urochloa ruziziensis, in addition to not reducing silage productivity, provides forage availability in the autumn empty period, as well as improving soil attributes.
Zea mays/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
Objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar a produtividade de massa seca de milho no consórcio com forrageiras ou em cultivo solteiro, aveia+azevém em sucessão e os atributos físicos em um Nitossolo Vermelho. O experimento foi conduzido em Concórdia SCnos anos agrícolas de 2016/2017 e 2017/2018.O delineamento foi de blocos ao acaso com 5 repetições, composto pelos tratamentos: T1 -Milho solteiro; T2 Milho + F.Guandu (Cajanus cajan); T3 Milho + U.ruziziensis; T4 -Milho + F. Guandu + U. ruziziensis, T5 F. Guandu solteiro e T6 U. ruziziensissolteira. Foi determinada a produtividade de massa seca (PMS) do milho, das forrageiras e da aveia+azevém em sucessão. Realizou-se também o Diagnóstico Rápido de Estrutura do Solo (DRES) e a Resistência mecânica do Solo a Penetração (RSP)após dois anos de cultivo. A presença da U. ruziziensise/ou do F. Guandu não interferiramna produtividade de massa seca do milhoem ambas as safras. As maiores PMS da aveia foram encontradas nas parcelas em sequência ao milho solteiro e, as menores para a segunda safra onde sucedeu-se à tratamentos com presença de U. ruziziensis. Para RSP não foram obtidas diferenças significativas nos consórcios e nos cultivos solteiros. Os tratamentos com U. ruziziensis obtiveram melhores índices de qualidade estrutural. O consórcio milho com Urochloa ruziziensis além de não reduzir a produtividade da silagem, propicia disponibilidade de forragem no período de vazio outonal, bem como melhoria nos atributos do solo.(AU)
The objective of this work was to evaluate the productivity of maizedry matter in the consortium with forage or in single cultivation, oats + ryegrass in succession and the physical attributes in a Red Nitosol. The experiment was conducted in Concórdia -SC in the agricultural years 2016/2017 and 2017/2018. The design wasa randomized block with 5 replications, consisting of the treatments: T1 -Single maize; T2 -Maize + Pigeon pea forage (Cajanus cajan); T3 -Maize + Urochloa ruziziensis; T4 -Maize + Pigeon peaforage + U. ruziziensis, T5 Pigeon peaforage and T6 -U. ruziziensis single. The dry mass productivity (PMS) of maize, forage and oats + ryegrass in succession was determined. Also, the Rapid Diagnosis of Soil Structure (DRES) and the Mechanical Resistance of Soil to Penetration (RSP) were carried out after two years of cultivation. The presence of U. ruziziensis and / or Pigeon peadid not affect the dry matter yield of maizein both harvests. The highest PMS of oats were found in the plots following single maize and the smallest for the second crop, where treatments with U. ruziziensis followed. For RSP, no significant differences were found in consortia and single crops. The treatments with U. ruziziensis obtained better indexes of structural quality. The corn consortium with Urochloa ruziziensis, in addition to not reducing silage productivity, provides forage availability in the autumn empty period, as well as improving soil attributes.(AU)