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Braz. j. biol ; 82: e265135, 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1394102


To investigate the best carbon source for mixotrophic growth of Cyanothece sp. This cyanobacterium is also used as a source of biogenic silver nanoparticles. The study also investigates the antimicrobial activity of nanoparticles (both gold and silver) biosynthesized by this cyanobacterium. Those particles are tested solely and in combination as antimicrobial agents against two farm bacteria commonly found in Al Ahsa. Soil extract was prepared from pesticide-free soil whereas dextrose was prepared in 6 mM concentration and the cyanobacterial culture cell density was determined after two weeks. Cultures of Cyanothece sp. were incubated with silver nitrate until turning brown. The external solution of culture was analyzed using chemical analyses including UV- visible and FTIR to confirm nano silver formation. Previously-biosynthesized nano gold particles by Cyanothece sp. were used solely and in combination with newly biosynthesized nano silver particles for antimicrobial bioassay against the two farm bacterial pathogens. The best mixotrophic cyanobacterial growth was obtained for soil extract followed by dextrose which were significantly different from control. The synthesis of nanoparticles using this cyanobacterium was confirmed using UV-visible light spectrophotometry which detected the characteristic surface plasmon resonance peak in the range of 410-450 nm and the FTIR spectroscopy which showed the characteristic silver nanoparticles peak at 3.297 cm-1 which overlaps with -OH- in addition to the other functional groups associated with nano silver particles detected at 2,927, 1,631 and 1,383 cm−1. Silver nanoparticles showed the strong antimicrobial effect against both pathogens Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Staphylococcus warneri with inhibition zone diameter 1.3 cm for both followed by the combination of silver and gold nanoparticles. Soil extract is a natural medium rich in all types of organic and inorganic nutrients which enhance algal mixotrophic growth. Biosynthesized silver nanoparticles showed the strongest antibacterial action against both pathogens most likely due to its ease of penetration, interaction with cellular components, generation of reactive oxygen species and induction of oxidative stress leading to bacterial death.

Investigar a melhor fonte de carbono para o crescimento mixotrófico de Cyanothece sp. Esta cianobactéria também é utilizada como fonte de nanopartículas de prata biogênicas. O estudo também investiga a atividade antimicrobiana de nanopartículas (ouro e prata) biossintetizadas por essa cianobactéria. Essas partículas são testadas isoladamente e em combinação como agentes antimicrobianos contra duas bactérias agrícolas comumente encontradas em Al Ahsa. O extrato do solo foi preparado a partir de solo livre de pesticidas, enquanto a dextrose foi preparada na concentração de 6 mM e a densidade celular da cultura de cianobactérias foi determinada após duas semanas. Culturas de Cyanothece sp. foram incubadas com nitrato de prata até ficarem marrons. A solução externa de cultura foi analisada usando análises químicas incluindo UV-visível e FTIR para confirmar a formação de nano prata. Nano partículas de ouro previamente biossintetizadas por Cyanothece sp. foram usados ​​apenas e em combinação com nano partículas de prata recém-biossintetizadas para bioensaio antimicrobiano contra os dois patógenos bacterianos da fazenda. O melhor crescimento de cianobactérias mixotrópicas foi obtido para o extrato de solo seguido pela dextrose que foram significativamente diferentes do controle. A síntese de nanopartículas usando esta cianobactéria foi confirmada por espectrofotometria de luz UV-visível que detectou o pico característico de ressonância plasmônica de superfície na faixa de 410-450 nm e a espectroscopia FTIR que mostrou as nanopartículas de prata características - pico em 3.297 cm-1 que se sobrepõe com -OH- além dos outros grupos funcionais associados a nanopartículas de prata detectadas em 2.927, 1.631 e 1.383 cm−1. As nanopartículas de prata mostraram forte efeito antimicrobiano contra ambos os patógenos (Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) e Staphylococcus warneri com diâmetro de zona de inibição de 1,3 cm para ambos, seguido pela combinação de nanopartículas de prata e ouro. O extrato do solo é um meio natural rico em todos os tipos de nutrientes orgânicos e inorgânicos que favorecem o crescimento mixotrófico de algas. As nanopartículas de prata biossintetizadas mostraram a ação antibacteriana mais forte contra ambos os patógenos, provavelmente devido à sua facilidade de penetração, interação com componentes celulares, geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio e indução de estresse oxidativo levando à morte bacteriana.

Animais , Nitrato de Prata , Cianobactérias , Cyanothece , Nanopartículas , Comportamento Multitarefa , Anti-Infecciosos , Nitrogênio
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 41(05, supl. 01): 2015-2028, 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501615


The combined inoculation of Rhizobium (R. tropici+R. freirei), Azospirillum brasilense, and Anabaena cylindrica, a diazotrophic cyanobacterium, is a technology that has not yet been tested and established in the production of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). The inoculation may be a promising strategy for increasing crop productivity by combining the benefits of biological nitrogen fixation with the production of plant growth phytohormones. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the co-inoculation of Rhizobium, Azospirillum brasilense, and Anabaena cylindrica as an alternative method for optimizing the symbiotic performance and development of the common bean at greenhouse conditions. The treatments were as follows: (T1) control without N and inoculation, (T2) N addition (100kg N ha-¹), (T3) Riz (addition of R. tropici+R. freirei), (T4) Azo (Azospirillum brasilense addition), (T5)Ana (Anabaena cylindrical addition), (T6) Riz+Azo, (T7) Riz+Ana, (T8) Azo+Ana, (T9) Riz+Azo+Ana. We used a completely randomized experimental design with four replications. The co-inoculation of Riz+Azo+Ana promoted plant height, root length and volume, shoot dry matter, accumulated shoot N, number and dry matter of nodules at flowering, number of grains per pod, hundred seed weight, andgrain production of the common bean, contributing to increased yield per plant. We observed an increase in common bean grain yield ranging from 62 to 84% after double and triple co-inoculation of rhizobia with azospirilla and/or cyanobacteria, with the highest yield observed in the plants inoculated with Riz+Azo+Ana (84%), similar to those observed in plants after N addition. However, field experiments are necessary to elucidate the performances of the inoculated beneficial microorganisms.

A inoculação associada de Rhizobium, Azospirillum e uma cianobactéria diazotrófica Anabaena cylindrica é uma tecnologia que ainda não foi testada e estabelecida para o feijão comum (Phaseolus vulgaris) e pode ser uma estratégia promissora para aumentar a produtividade das culturas, combinando os benefícios da fixação biológica de nitrogênio com a produção de fitohormônios de crescimento vegetal. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a co-inoculação de Rizobium, Azospirilum brasilense e Anabaena cylindrica, como uma alternativa para otimizar o desempenho simbiótico e o desenvolvimento do feijoeiro, em casa de vegetação. Os tratamentos foram: T1-control, T2-N-mineral (100 kg N ha-¹), T3- Rhizobium (R. tropici+R. freirei), T4- A. brasilense, T5- A. cylindrica, T6- Rhizobium + A. brasilense, T7- Riz + Ana, T8- Azo + Ana, T9- Riz + Azo + Ana. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. A co-inoculação de Rhizobium (R.tropici+R. freirei) + Azo + Ana promoveu aumento do feijão (IPR Campos Gerais) em altura das plantas, comprimento e volume de raiz, massa seca da parte aérea, N acumulado da parte aérea, número e matéria seca dos nódulos no florescimento, número de grãos por vagem, peso de cem grãos e de grãos por planta, o que contribuiu para incremento da produção. Houve um aumento na produção de grãos de feijão com co-inoculação dupla e tripla de rizobia com azospirila e / ou cianobactérias, variando de 62a 84%, com o maior aumento de produção observado no tratamento inoculado com Riz + Azo + Ana(84%), semelhante ao tratamento com nitrogênio mineral. No entanto, experimentos de campo podem contribuir para elucidar o desempenho de microrganismos benéficos inoculados.

Anabaena , Azospirillum , Phaseolus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Phaseolus/efeitos dos fármacos , Rhizobium
Semina Ci. agr. ; 41(05, supl. 01): 2015-2028, 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764781


The combined inoculation of Rhizobium (R. tropici+R. freirei), Azospirillum brasilense, and Anabaena cylindrica, a diazotrophic cyanobacterium, is a technology that has not yet been tested and established in the production of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). The inoculation may be a promising strategy for increasing crop productivity by combining the benefits of biological nitrogen fixation with the production of plant growth phytohormones. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the co-inoculation of Rhizobium, Azospirillum brasilense, and Anabaena cylindrica as an alternative method for optimizing the symbiotic performance and development of the common bean at greenhouse conditions. The treatments were as follows: (T1) control without N and inoculation, (T2) N addition (100kg N ha-¹), (T3) Riz (addition of R. tropici+R. freirei), (T4) Azo (Azospirillum brasilense addition), (T5)Ana (Anabaena cylindrical addition), (T6) Riz+Azo, (T7) Riz+Ana, (T8) Azo+Ana, (T9) Riz+Azo+Ana. We used a completely randomized experimental design with four replications. The co-inoculation of Riz+Azo+Ana promoted plant height, root length and volume, shoot dry matter, accumulated shoot N, number and dry matter of nodules at flowering, number of grains per pod, hundred seed weight, andgrain production of the common bean, contributing to increased yield per plant. We observed an increase in common bean grain yield ranging from 62 to 84% after double and triple co-inoculation of rhizobia with azospirilla and/or cyanobacteria, with the highest yield observed in the plants inoculated with Riz+Azo+Ana (84%), similar to those observed in plants after N addition. However, field experiments are necessary to elucidate the performances of the inoculated beneficial microorganisms.(AU)

A inoculação associada de Rhizobium, Azospirillum e uma cianobactéria diazotrófica Anabaena cylindrica é uma tecnologia que ainda não foi testada e estabelecida para o feijão comum (Phaseolus vulgaris) e pode ser uma estratégia promissora para aumentar a produtividade das culturas, combinando os benefícios da fixação biológica de nitrogênio com a produção de fitohormônios de crescimento vegetal. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a co-inoculação de Rizobium, Azospirilum brasilense e Anabaena cylindrica, como uma alternativa para otimizar o desempenho simbiótico e o desenvolvimento do feijoeiro, em casa de vegetação. Os tratamentos foram: T1-control, T2-N-mineral (100 kg N ha-¹), T3- Rhizobium (R. tropici+R. freirei), T4- A. brasilense, T5- A. cylindrica, T6- Rhizobium + A. brasilense, T7- Riz + Ana, T8- Azo + Ana, T9- Riz + Azo + Ana. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. A co-inoculação de Rhizobium (R.tropici+R. freirei) + Azo + Ana promoveu aumento do feijão (IPR Campos Gerais) em altura das plantas, comprimento e volume de raiz, massa seca da parte aérea, N acumulado da parte aérea, número e matéria seca dos nódulos no florescimento, número de grãos por vagem, peso de cem grãos e de grãos por planta, o que contribuiu para incremento da produção. Houve um aumento na produção de grãos de feijão com co-inoculação dupla e tripla de rizobia com azospirila e / ou cianobactérias, variando de 62a 84%, com o maior aumento de produção observado no tratamento inoculado com Riz + Azo + Ana(84%), semelhante ao tratamento com nitrogênio mineral. No entanto, experimentos de campo podem contribuir para elucidar o desempenho de microrganismos benéficos inoculados.(AU)

Phaseolus/efeitos dos fármacos , Phaseolus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Rhizobium , Azospirillum , Anabaena
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-954794


Background: Blooms of the saxitoxin-producing cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii have been contaminating drinking water reservoirs in Brazil for many years. Although acute effects of saxitoxin intoxication are well known, chronic deleterious outcomes caused by repeated saxitoxin exposure still require further investigation. The aim of the present work is to investigate the effects of consumption of drinking water contaminated with C. raciborskii for 30 days on learning and memory processes in rats. Methods: The effects of saxitoxin (3 or 9 µg/L STX equivalents) or cyanobacteria on behavior was determined using the open field habituation task, elevated plus maze anxiety model task, inhibitory avoidance task, and referential Morris water maze task. Results: No effects of saxitoxin consumption was observed on anxiety and motor exploratory parameters in the elevated plus maze and open field habituation tasks, respectively. However, groups treated with 9 µg/L STX equivalents displayed a decreased memory performance in the inhibitory avoidance and Morris water maze tasks. Conclusions: These results suggest an amnesic effect of saxitoxin on aversive and spatial memories.(AU)

Saxitoxina , Água Potável , Reservatórios de Água , Cianobactérias , Cylindrospermopsis
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 22: [1-10], Junho 14, 2016. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-15800


Blooms of the saxitoxin-producing cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii have been contaminating drinking water reservoirs in Brazil for many years. Although acute effects of saxitoxin intoxication are well known, chronic deleterious outcomes caused by repeated saxitoxin exposure still require further investigation. The aim of the present work is to investigate the effects of consumption of drinking water contaminated with C. raciborskii for 30 days on learning and memory processes in rats. Methods The effects of saxitoxin (3 or 9 g/L STX equivalents) or cyanobacteria on behavior was determined using the open field habituation task, elevated plus maze anxiety model task, inhibitory avoidance task, and referential Morris water maze task. Results No effects of saxitoxin consumption was observed on anxiety and motor exploratory parameters in the elevated plus maze and open field habituation tasks, respectively. However, groups treated with 9 g/L STX equivalents displayed a decreased memory performance in the inhibitory avoidance and Morris water maze tasks. Conclusions These results suggest an amnesic effect of saxitoxin on aversive and spatial memories.(AU)

Água Potável/análise , Água Potável/microbiologia , Cylindrospermopsis , Saxitoxina , Ratos/anormalidades
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484674


Blooms of the saxitoxin-producing cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii have been contaminating drinking water reservoirs in Brazil for many years. Although acute effects of saxitoxin intoxication are well known, chronic deleterious outcomes caused by repeated saxitoxin exposure still require further investigation. The aim of the present work is to investigate the effects of consumption of drinking water contaminated with C. raciborskii for 30 days on learning and memory processes in rats. Methods The effects of saxitoxin (3 or 9 g/L STX equivalents) or cyanobacteria on behavior was determined using the open field habituation task, elevated plus maze anxiety model task, inhibitory avoidance task, and referential Morris water maze task. Results No effects of saxitoxin consumption was observed on anxiety and motor exploratory parameters in the elevated plus maze and open field habituation tasks, respectively. However, groups treated with 9 g/L STX equivalents displayed a decreased memory performance in the inhibitory avoidance and Morris water maze tasks. Conclusions These results suggest an amnesic effect of saxitoxin on aversive and spatial memories.

Água Potável/análise , Água Potável/microbiologia , Cylindrospermopsis , Ratos/anormalidades , Saxitoxina
Braz. j. biol ; 74(3)8/2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468186


Antimicrobials are among the most commonly used drugs and have become a class of contaminants with great environmental importance. Metronidazole is an antimicrobial used for the therapeutic management of several human diseases. The toxicity of antimicrobials on aquatic species may affect sensitive microorganisms and reduce metabolic processes. Cyanobacteria is a group of organisms that are of great ecological importance in aquatic environments. Studies indicate that cyanobacteria are very sensitive to some antimicrobials. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the effects of metronidazole contamination on phytoplankton. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of metronidazole on the growth of the cyanobacterium Microcystis protocystis and to evaluate the stability of this antimicrobial agent in the culture medium over a period of 96 hours. M. protocystis was resistant to growth inhibition by metronidazole. The EC50 of this antimicrobial for M. protocystis was 117.3 mg L1. Under the growth inhibition test conditions, neither a significant change in the MNZ concentration nor the presence of drug metabolites or degradation products was observed. These results indicate low cellular uptake of the antimicrobial agent and its persistence in the culture medium.

Antimicrobianos estão entre os fármacos mais usados e tem se tornado uma classe emergente de contaminantes com grande importância ambiental. A toxicidade dos antimicrobianos sobre as espécies aquáticas podem afetar microrganismos sensíveis e reduzir seus processos metabólicos. O Metronidazol é um antimicrobiano usado para o manejo terapêutico de várias doenças humanas. Cyanobacteria é um grupo de organismos de grande importância ecológica no ambiente aquático. O estudo visou investigar os efeitos do metronidazol- MNZ sobre o crescimento da cianobactéria Microcystis protocystis e avaliar a persistência do antimicrobiano no meio de cultivo durante 96h. A M. protocystis mostrou-se resistente à inibição de crescimento pelo MNZ. A EC50% do MNZ para a espécie foi 117,3 mg L1. Nas condições do teste de inibição de crescimento não foi observada variação significativa da concentração de MNZ nem a presença de metabólitos ou produtos de degradação do fármaco, indicando baixa captação celular do antimicrobiano e sua persistência no meio de cultivo.

Braz. J. Biol. ; 74(3, supl.1): S120-S124, 8/2014. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-13315


Antimicrobials are among the most commonly used drugs and have become a class of contaminants with great environmental importance. Metronidazole is an antimicrobial used for the therapeutic management of several human diseases. The toxicity of antimicrobials on aquatic species may affect sensitive microorganisms and reduce metabolic processes. Cyanobacteria is a group of organisms that are of great ecological importance in aquatic environments. Studies indicate that cyanobacteria are very sensitive to some antimicrobials. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the effects of metronidazole contamination on phytoplankton. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of metronidazole on the growth of the cyanobacterium Microcystis protocystis and to evaluate the stability of this antimicrobial agent in the culture medium over a period of 96 hours. M. protocystis was resistant to growth inhibition by metronidazole. The EC50 of this antimicrobial for M. protocystis was 117.3 mg L–1. Under the growth inhibition test conditions, neither a significant change in the MNZ concentration nor the presence of drug metabolites or degradation products was observed. These results indicate low cellular uptake of the antimicrobial agent and its persistence in the culture medium.(AU)

Antimicrobianos estão entre os fármacos mais usados e tem se tornado uma classe emergente de contaminantes com grande importância ambiental. A toxicidade dos antimicrobianos sobre as espécies aquáticas podem afetar microrganismos sensíveis e reduzir seus processos metabólicos. O Metronidazol é um antimicrobiano usado para o manejo terapêutico de várias doenças humanas. Cyanobacteria é um grupo de organismos de grande importância ecológica no ambiente aquático. O estudo visou investigar os efeitos do metronidazol- MNZ sobre o crescimento da cianobactéria Microcystis protocystis e avaliar a persistência do antimicrobiano no meio de cultivo durante 96h. A M. protocystis mostrou-se resistente à inibição de crescimento pelo MNZ. A EC50% do MNZ para a espécie foi 117,3 mg L–1. Nas condições do teste de inibição de crescimento não foi observada variação significativa da concentração de MNZ nem a presença de metabólitos ou produtos de degradação do fármaco, indicando baixa captação celular do antimicrobiano e sua persistência no meio de cultivo.(AU)

Metronidazol/toxicidade , Microcystis , Poluentes Químicos da Água/toxicidade , Microcystis/classificação , Fatores de Tempo
Braz. J. Biol. ; 74(1): 23-31, 2/2014. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-9723


Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii is a cyanobacterium distributed worldwide that is known to produce cyanotoxins. Some of the Brazilian strains can produce saxitoxins (STXs), which are classified as neurotoxins and can paralyze cladocerans .Daphnia laevis is a cladoceran with a wide distribution in the Americas and has been studied as a possible test-organism in toxicity bioassays. The present work tested the acute effect on D laevis mobility when fed a saxitoxin-producing (STX and neoSTX) C. raciborskii strain, CYRF-01, and compared the results with the effects of a non-toxic strain (NPCS-1). Neonates (6-24 hours after birth) were exposed to concentrations of C. raciborskii varying from 102 to 106 cells·mL–1 of each strain for up to three hours. The cladocerans were then transferred to a medium without toxic filaments for 24 hours. Only the organisms exposed to the STX-producing strain showed signs of the immobilization of swimming movements, confirming the effects of the toxins. There was a linear correlation between the time required to induce stopping the swimming movement, with a shorter time to needed to induce immobilization at a higher the concentration; this correlation was inverse to the time required to recover the swimming movements (longer at higher concentrations, p < 0.1). D. laevis is a tropical and subtropical species with great potential for use in toxicity tests for the detection of STXs, despite being native to and found in a great array of freshwater bodies. This is the first assay testing STX-producing and non-producing C. raciborskii strains on D. laevis, species that are both found in Brazilian ecosystems.(AU)

Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii é uma espécie de cianobactéria, difundida mundialmente, conhecida como produtora de cianotoxinas. Algumas linhagens brasileiras são conhecidas como produtoras de saxitoxinas (STXs), as quais são classificadas como neurotoxinas e podem induzir a paralização dos movimentos natatórios em cladóceros. Daphnia laevis é um cladócero de ampla distribuição nas Américas e tem sido estudado como um organismo teste para uso em ensaios de toxicidade. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho avaliou os efeitos agudos de C. raciborskii, de uma cepa produtora de STXs (STX e neoSTX) - CYRF-01 e outra não produtora de cianotoxinas (NPCS-1) sobre a mobilidade de D. laevis. Para tanto, neonatas entre 6-24 horas de idade foram submetidas a concentrações de C. raciborskii variando de 102 a 106 céls.mL–1 de ambas as cepas, por um período de 3 horas, e transferidos posteriormente para um meio isento de filamentos tóxicos por 24horas. Apenas os organismos expostos à cepa produtora de STXs apresentaram paralisia dos movimentos natatórios, confirmando o efeito da cianotoxina. Houve uma correlação linear entre o tempo de paralização e as concentrações, isto é, nas concentrações mais altas, os organismos paralisaram num curto período de tempo, e conseqüentemente, levaram mais tempo para se recuperar (p < 0,1). D.laevis é uma espécie de região tropical e subtropical com potencial uso em bioensaios para detecção de STXs. Trata-se dos primeiros relatos acerca da resposta de D.laevis quando submetida às cepas de C. raciborskii produtora e não produtora de STXs, ambas isoladas de ecossistemas brasileiros.(AU)

Animais , Cylindrospermopsis/química , Daphnia , Movimento , Neurotoxinas/toxicidade , Saxitoxina/toxicidade , Bioensaio , Relação Dose-Resposta a Droga , Neurotoxinas/isolamento & purificação , Saxitoxina/isolamento & purificação , Fatores de Tempo , Testes de Toxicidade Aguda
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 41: 01-05, 2013.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457087


Background: The canine demodicosis (CD) is a parasitic skin disease of inflammatory, non-contagious, caused by excessive proliferation in hair follicles and sebaceous glands of a specific skin mite, Demodex canis. It is often seen in purebred dogs and short hair, and there was no gender bias. It is multifactorial, however, the juvenile form arises due to immunosuppression of cellular immunity and a hereditary predisposition, one of the most common skin disease in the veterinary clinic, especially in tropical and subtropical regions, where it tends to follow a more aggressive course. The cyanobacterium Spirulina is an aquatic microorganism that contains a huge amount of essential nutrients and bioavailable to the body, widely used in the world because of its nutritional richness and character immunostimulant, revealed in research. Thus, the aim of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of adding the cyanobacterium Spirulina in the treatment of young dogs suffering from generalized demodicosis. Material, Methods & Results: We used ten dogs with canine demodiciosis widespread youth, confirmed by the distributive pattern of injuries and the parasitologic cutaneos scraping (EPRC). The animals were divided into two experimental groups denominated GS (group spirulina) and CG (control group) of equal number (n = 5), where the first (GS) received daily oral spirulina and ba

A demodiciose canina (DC) é uma dermatose parasitária inflamatória, não contagiosa, causada pela proliferação excessiva nos folículos pilosos e nas glândulas sebáceas de um ácaro específico da pele, Demodex canis. É frequentemente observada em cães de raça pura e pelagem curta, não sendo verificada predisposição por gênero. A demodiciose canina generalizada (DCG) juvenil surge devido à imunodepressão da imunidade celular e de uma predisposição hereditária. No tratamento da DCG é preconizada a terapia tópica, através de banhos a base de amitraz e antisépticos, terapia sistêmica com antimicrobianos e antiparasitários do grupo das avermectinas, bem como manejo sanitário. A cianobactéria spirulina é um microorganismo aquático que contém quantidades enormes de minerais (Fe, Cu, Zn e Se), de vitaminas, de pigmentos, de ácidos graxos essenciais raros (omega-3 e omega-6), aminoácidos essenciais e proteínas, podendo chegar até 70% (mínimo de 50%), todos biodisponíveis e não apresenta toxicidade. Muitos estudos científicos revelaram que a spirulina possui ação terapêutica na cegueira noturna, potencial de cicatrização, ganho de peso em animais, possui ação antimicrobiana e imunoestimulante e como possível inibidor do vírus do HIV. Desta forma, objetivou-se com esta pesquisa avaliar eficácia da adição da cianobactéria spirulina no tratamento no de cães jovens acometidos por demodiciose ge

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 41: Pub. 1124, 2013. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1372459


Background: The canine demodicosis (CD) is a parasitic skin disease of inflammatory, non-contagious, caused by excessive proliferation in hair follicles and sebaceous glands of a specific skin mite, Demodex canis. It is often seen in purebred dogs and short hair, and there was no gender bias. It is multifactorial, however, the juvenile form arises due to immunosuppression of cellular immunity and a hereditary predisposition, one of the most common skin disease in the veterinary clinic, especially in tropical and subtropical regions, where it tends to follow a more aggressive course. The cyanobacterium Spirulina is an aquatic microorganism that contains a huge amount of essential nutrients and bioavailable to the body, widely used in the world because of its nutritional richness and character immunostimulant, revealed in research. Thus, the aim of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of adding the cyanobacterium Spirulina in the treatment of young dogs suffering from generalized demodicosis. Material, Methods & Results: We used ten dogs with canine demodiciosis widespread youth, confirmed by the distributive pattern of injuries and the parasitologic cutaneos scraping (EPRC). The animals were divided into two experimental groups denominated GS (group spirulina) and CG (control group) of equal number (n = 5), where the fi rst (GS) received daily oral spirulina and baths weekly with amitraz for 90 days. For the animals of GC was adopted the same protocol for GS, but without the addition of spirulina. Hematologic evaluations were performed and serum biochemistry in three stages, the first before the application of design (M0) and the other every 45 days (M1 and M2). The animals were submitted to clinical and parasite every 15 days, the cure parasitic determined by obtaining three negative EPRC at intervals of 15 days between them. After discharge, the animals were followed for one year for any finding of recurrence. The dogs of the GS group (100%) had complete remission of clinical signs in an average of 52 days and parasitological cure obtained at 70 ± 5 days, with no history of relapses over a year. In the control group dogs had only three parasitologic cure within described in method (80 ± 5 days) while healing was clinically observed in 80% of the dogs at an average time of 64 days. As regards the hematology indices were observed changes in the hematocrit (Ht) CG and VCM (mean corpuscular volume) in both groups. In total leukocyte count was observed a demonstration of leukocytosis in isolade M0/GS. There was no change on the biochemical variables studied. Discussion: From the data obtained can be seen that the group that received Spirulina (GS) showed a high clinical and parasitological recovery (EPRC) earlier and more effective (52 days and 70 ± 5 days), respectively, when compared to dogs in the control group (GC). However, no observation of persistence of low hematimetric GS group, as well as the rapid recovery clinical and parasitological may have been determined by the addition of spirulina therapy control on the DCG juvenile animals studied, since it has large amount of nutrients available to the organism itself and its immunostimulating properties. However, it is necessary to adopt more organic indicators for reasons of greater benefi ts, especially as regards the immunological entities. Thus we can conclude that spirulina determined earlier recovery of affected patients DCG youth, and there was no any change clinical undesirable organic and commitment resulting from its chemical composition, revealing benefits as adjuvant therapy for the treatment of canine demodiciosis.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Cães , Dermatopatias/parasitologia , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/tratamento farmacológico , Doenças do Cão/sangue , Spirulina , Acaricidas/administração & dosagem , Cães
Braz. J. Biol. ; 73(2): 291-298, May 2013. mapas, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30974


This study aims to analyse the influence of a cascade of reservoirs on the density, richness and functional groups of phytoplankton in the Contas River, a tropical river of Brazil. This river has two dams along its course, forming the Pedra and Funil reservoirs. Samples were collected over three consecutive years (Dec., 2007 to Dec., 2010) at 28 sampling stations along the river. We identified 198 species and the stretches downstream from the reservoirs showed greater richness. Chlorophyceae, followed by Bacillariophyceae and Cyanophyceae were the dominant groups and highest density was recorded during the rainy season. Overall, a longitudinal pattern in algal densities was found for both seasons, with the lowest values recorded in sections of the Pedra and Funil reservoirs and the highest densities in the downstream sections. Nine functional groups were identified (C, F, J, MP, S1, Sn, Td, Y, Ws); of these, F and J grouped the species with the highest relative abundance during the dry season, while the S1 group, represented by the cyanobacterium Planktothrix agardhii, was dominant in the rainy season. The present study showed a high longitudinal variation in the phytoplankton richness and density, attributed to the hydrological change between the lotic and lentic stretches. Furthermore, the effects of the cascade of reservoirs on phytoplankton, such as reduced density, increased richness and changes in algal associations, were strongly influenced by habitat heterogeneity found in this environment, as well as the rainfall in the region.(AU)

Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a influência da cascata de reservatórios sobre a riqueza, a densidade e os grupos funcionais do fitoplâncton em um rio tropical, o Rio de Contas, Bahia, Brasil. Este rio apresenta dois barramentos ao longo do seu curso, os Reservatórios de Pedra e Funil. As coletas foram realizadas durante três anos consecutivos (2007 a 2010), compreendendo os períodos seco (dezembro e março) e chuvoso (junho e setembro), em 28 estações. Foram identificadas 198 espécies fitoplanctônicas, sendo observada maior riqueza nos trechos a jusante dos reservatórios. Chlorophyceae, seguida pelas Bacillariophyceae e Cyanophyceae, foram os grupos dominantes. Maior densidade foi registrada durante o período chuvoso, com 630.388 org.L1, enquanto, no período seco, foi de 233.121 org.L1. De maneira geral, foi verificado que houve um padrão longitudinal nas densidades das algas em ambos os períodos sazonais, tendo os menores valores sido registrados nos trechos que correspondem aos Reservatórios de Pedra e Funil e as maiores densidades, nos trechos a jusante. Nove grupos funcionais foram identificados (C, F, J, MP, S1, Sn, Td, Y, Ws); destes, os grupos F e J agruparam as espécies com maiores abundâncias relativas durante o período seco, enquanto o grupo S1, representado pela cianobactéria Planktothrix agardhii (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek, foi dominante no período chuvoso. O presente estudo mostrou elevada variação longitudinal da riqueza e da densidade, variação esta atribuída à mudança hidrológica entre os trechos lóticos e lênticos. Além disso, os efeitos da cascata de reservatórios sobre o fitoplâncton como a redução da densidade, o aumento da riqueza e a mudança das associações algais foram fortemente influenciados pela heterogeneidade de habitats encontrada neste ambiente, assim como pelo regime pluviométrico da região.(AU)

Fitoplâncton/classificação , Biodiversidade , Estações do Ano , Reservatórios de Água , Brasil
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-215129


A utilização de ingredientes alternativos na aquicultura é um campo de estudo da nutrição, onde seus objetivos são a melhoria nos parâmetros zootécnicos, por estimulação dos sistemas imunológico e antioxidante de peixes. A cianobactéria Spirulina (= Arthrospira platensis) é reconhecida pelo seu alto teor proteico (60-70%) e também pelos amplos benefícios que proporciona à saúde, razão pela qual é utilizada na nutrição animal e humana. Para analizar seu uso na alimentação de juvenis de tainha (Mugil liza), três experimentos foram planejados; 1) cinco dietas experimentais foram elaboradas para se avaliar a substituição parcial e total da farinha de peixe por Spirulina (0, 30, 50, 70 e 100%). As dietas foram ofertadas por 80 dias, quando foi avaliado o efeito dessa inclusão no sistema imunológico inespecífico. 2) Baseado nos resultados do primeiro ensaio foi realizada a substituição concomitante parcial e total da farinha e óleo de peixe por Spirulina e óleo de linhaça (0, 30, 50, 70 e 100%). Além disso, foi incluída lisina para melhorar a qualidade proteica da Spirulina. O experimento teve duração de 75 dias. Os efeitos dessa substituição foram avaliados no sistema antioxidante e na qualidade do filé. 3) Foi comparado o efeito da inclusão de Spirulina (0, 5 e 10%) contra a inclusão de - caroteno (50mg kg-1 ). As dietas experimentais foram oferecidas por 75 dias e, após o período experimental foram avaliados os seus efeitos no sistema antioxidante e na qualidade do filé. 4) Neste último capítulo foi realizado uma revisão sobre a substituição e inclusão de Spirulina em dietas para a aquicultura, compilando grande parte da pesquisa nesta área e avaliando o porque o uso de Spirulina a nível comercial ainda não é uma realidade. Nossos primeiros resultados mostraram que até 50% da farinha de peixe pode ser substituída com benefícios no crescimento e na estimulação para a produção de linfócitos T e na estimulação para a apoptose. O segundo ensaio demonstrou que com dupla substituição e inclusão de lisina podese substituir até 70% da farinha de peixe sem prejudicar o crescimento da tainha. Também foi evidenciado que atributos como cor e carotenoides no músculo não aportam benefícios além dos 30% de inclusão em Spirulina, e que este suplemento aumenta as capacidades do sistema antioxidante. Por fim, neste expeirmento se concluiu que as tainhas acumulam ácidos graxos essenciais e que em grande parte refletem o perfil das dietas. No terceiro experimento verificou-se que a Spirulina e o -caroteno trazem benefícios ao crescimento e na qualidade do filé. A Spirulina aporta mais benefícios do que o -caroteno no sistema antioxidante da tainha. ii Finalmente se avaliou que a produção da Spirulina tem custo elevado quando considerada a volatilidade do preço da farinha de peixe, assim mais alternativas são propostas no sentido de reduzir os custos em um futuro próximo. Como conclusão geral da tese acreditamos que a inclusão da Spirulina em dietas comerciais poderia se tornar uma realidade, pois ainda que em pouca quantidade, agrega beneficios à saúde dos organismos, o que de maneira geral, protege a produção de riscos inerentes à aquicultura.

The use of alternative ingredients in aquaculture is a field of study of nutrition, the objectives of this research are beyond the search for improvements in growth, also are the stimulation of the fish immune system and the antioxidant system. The cyanobacterium Spirulina (A. platensis) has been recognized for its high protein content (60-70%) and also for its multiple health benefits, the reason for why it is so used in animal and human nutrition. To evaluate its benefits in the cultivation of mullet juveniles, three experiments were planned; 1) A total of 5 experimental diets were prepared in which the total and partial replacement of the fish meal by Spirulina meal 0, 30, 50, 70 and 100% were made, the diets were offered for 80 days, after the experimental period the effect of this inclusion was evaluated on growth and the immune system. 2) Based on the previous results, a total and partial replacement of fish meal and oil was made by Spirulina and linseed oil 0, 30, 50, 70 and 100%, lysine was also included to improve the protein quality of Spirulina. Experimental diets were offered for 75 days. The effects of this substitution were evaluated in the antioxidant system and in the quality of the fillet. 3) The effect of the inclusion of Spirulina (0, 5 and 10%) against the inclusion of -carotene (50mg kg-1) was made. The experimental diets were offered for 75 days and, after the experimental period their effects were evaluated antioxidant system and fillet quality. 4) In this last chapter, a review on the replacement and inclusion of Spirulina in aquaculture diets was compiled, compiling much of the research in this area and evaluating why the commercial use of Spirulina is not yet a reality. Our first results showed that up to 50% of fishmeal can be replaced with Spirulina and have benefits in growth and stimulation for T-lymphocyte production and stimulation for apoptosis. The other results showed that with double substitution and addition of lysine we can substitute up to 70% of fish meal without prejudicing the growth of mullet. Also was found that attributes such as color and carotenoids in the muscle have no benefits beyond 30% inclusion of Spirulina, and that this suplement increas the capabilities of the antioxidant system. In our last experiment results was verify that Spirulina and -carotene may have the same benefits in growth and fillet quality, but Spirulina overcomes the benefits of -carotene in the antioxidant system of mullet. And finally assess that the production of Spirulina is high costs compared with even the volatility of the price of fishmeal, more alternatives are proposals that could reduce costs in the near future. As a iv general conclusion of the thesis, we believe that the inclusion of Spirulina in commercial diets could become a reality since even in a small amount it adds many benefits to the health of the organisms, which in general could protect the production of many of inerent risks from aquaculture.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-444759


In order to find out optimum culture condition for algal growth, the effect of light irradiance and temperature on growth rate, biomass composition and pigment production of Spirulina platensis were studied in axenic batch cultures. Growth kinetics of cultures showed a wide range of temperature tolerance from 20 ºC to 40 ºC. Maximum growth rate, cell production with maximum accumulation of chlorophyll and phycobilliproteins were found at temperature 35 ºC and 2,000 lux light intensity. But with further increase in temperature and light intensity, reduction in growth rate was observed. Carotenoid content was found maximum at 3,500 lux. Improvement in the carotenoid content with increase in light intensity is an adaptive mechanism of cyanobacterium S.platensis for photoprotection, could be a good basis for the exploitation of microalgae as a source of biopigments.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-444817


Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Woloszynska) Seenaya & Subba Raju is a freshwater cyanobacterium of worldwide distribution. In the North-eastern region of Brazil many eutrophic water reservoirs are characterized by the dominance of C. raciborskii, with recurrent occurrence of blooms. These water bodies have high conductivity due to a high ionic concentration, and are defined as hard (with high values of CaCO3). In this study, we investigated the long-term effect (12 days) of high calcium concentration (8 mM Ca2+) on C. raciborskii (T3 strain) growth, morphology, toxin content, and metabolism. Changes in protein expression profiles were investigated by proteomic analysis using 2D gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. A continued exposure to calcium had a pronounced effect on C. raciborskii (T3): it limited growth, decreased thricome length, increased chlorophyll-a content, altered toxin profile (although did not affect PST content, saxitoxin + neosaxitoxin), and inhibited the expression of proteins related to primary metabolism.

Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-204935


Com o incremento da aquicultura, os impactos negativos sobre o meio ambiente tendem a se intensificar. O maior problema ambiental da aquicultura está relacionado aos efluentes com grande potencial de poluição das águas naturais. Uma das metas da aquicultura deve ser produzir mais produtos sem aumentar significativamente o uso de recursos de água e de solo. O sistema de aquicultura com bioflocos (Biofloc Technology - BTF) atende a essa expectativa, porém ainda existe liberação de efluentes com altas taxas de nutrientes e matéria orgânica, especialmente durante a despesca. Diversos estudos demonstram a eficiência da utilização de microalgas na remoção de nutrientes de efluentes de cultivo, porém, para uma microalga atender aos requisitos para ser utilizada em sistemas de tratamento de efluentes, ela precisa apresentar algumas características como possuir células facilmente removíveis por simples filtração, fácil realização do cultivo massivo, tolerância a uma ampla faixa de salinidade e geração de subproduto de valor agregado. A cianobactéria Arthrospira sp. é uma espécie promissora para o tratamento de efluentes da carcinocultura marinha. Com isso, o presente trabalho tem como objetivos avaliar a eficiência de um meio de cultivo de baixo custo, composto de fertilizantes agrícolas e bicarbonato de sódio, para produção em larga escala de Arthrospira sp., além de avaliar os custos para produção desse novo meio de cultivo, bem como determinar a viabilidade do tratamento de efluentes de produção de camarões marinhos em meio com bioflocos (Sistema BFT), usando esta microalga. Quatro experimentos foram realizados e apresentados aqui em dois capítulos desta Dissertação. No primeiro capítulo a cianobactéria foi cultivada em meio f/2 e meio Fertilizante, onde apresentou um maior rendimento celular neste último meio de cultivo. Um segundo experimento visou incrementar o meio Fertilizante testando a adição de diferentes concentrações de bicarbonato de sódio. O tratamento onde foi acrescentado 15 gL-1 de bicarbonato de sódio apresentou crescimento celular semelhante ao meio Zarrouk padrão para cultivo de Arthrospira sp. No segundo capítulo, dois experimentos foram realizados. Um experimento objetivou avaliar qual a concentração de efluente do sistema BFT seria melhor para o crescimento de Arthrospira sp. A cianobactéria apresentou maior crescimento celular em 100% do efluente do sistema BFT decantado, quando comparado com o crescimento em meio Fertilizante (Controle). vii Um segundo experimento teve como objetivo determinar a possibilidade do crescimento da cianobactéria no efluente do sistema BFT sem nenhum tratamento prévio, bem como mensurar a absorção dos nutrientes desse efluente por parte da microalga. O crescimento celular foi igual nos dois tratamentos EFLU (efluente sem tratamento prévio) e EFLU DEC (efluente decantado), e houve uma importante remediação do fosfato no efluente, constatando assim que é possível o cultivo de Arthrospira sp. no efluente de cultivo de camarões marinhos em sistema BFT, bem como a remoção de grande parte do fosfato desse sistema.

With the increase of aquaculture, the negative impacts on the environment tend to intensify. The largest aquaculture environmental problem is related to effluents with high potential for pollution of natural waters. One of the goals of aquaculture should be to produce more products without significantly increasing the use of water resources and soil. The aquaculture biofloc system (Biofloc Technology - BTF) meet that expectation, but there is still release of effluents with high rates of nutrients and organic matter, especially during harvesting. Several studies demonstrate the effectiveness of using microalgae cultivation in removing effluent nutriente. However for a microalgae meet the requirements for use in wastewater treatment systems, it needs to present some features like owning easily removable cells by simple filtration, easy realization of the massive cultivation, tolerance to a wide range of salinity and generation of value-added by-product. The cyanobacterium Arthrospira sp. is a promising species for the treatment of marine shrimp farming effluent. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the efficiency of a low cost means of cultivation, consisting of agricultural fertilizers and sodium bicarbonate, for large-scale production of Arthrospira sp., and to evaluate the costs for production of this new medium cultivation and to determine the feasibility of the treatment of marine shrimp farming effluent in medium with bioflocs (BFT System), using this microalgae. Four experiments were performed and presented here in two chapters of this dissertation. In the first chapter the cyanobacterium was cultivated in f/2 and a Fertilizers medium, which showed a higher cell yield in the latter culture medium. A second experiment aimed to increase the testing fertilizer through addition of different concentrations of sodium bicarbonate. The treatment which was added 15 g L-1 sodium bicarbonate had similar cell growth in standard Zarrouks medium for growing Arthrospira sp. In the second chapter, two experiments were performed. An experiment aimed to evaluate which the effluent concentration of the BFT system would be best for the growth of Arthrospira sp. Cyanobacteria showed higher cell growth in 100% of decanted effluent BFT system when compared with growth in Fertilizers medium (Control). A second objective was to determine the possibility of the growth of cyanobacteria in the effluent of the BFT system without any prior treatment, as well as ix measure the absorption of nutrients of the effluent by the microalgae. Cell growth was similar in both treatments EFLU (untreated effluent) and EFLU DEC (decanted effluent), and there was a significant remediation of phosphate in the effluent, noting as well that the Arthrospira sp. cultivation is possible in the effluent from marine shrimp farming in BFT system, as well as removal of most of the phosphate system

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-443299


Blooms of the cyanobacterium Trichodesmium occur in massive colored patches over large areas of tropical and subtropical oceans. Recently, the interest in such events has increased given their role in major nitrogen and carbon dioxide oceanic fluxes. Trichodesmium occurs all along the Brazilian coast and patches frequently migrate towards the coast. In this paper we screen the toxicity and toxin content of Trichodesmium blooms off the coast of Bahia state. Four samples, collected from February to April 2007, were analyzed. Organisms were identified and assessed for toxicity by means of several methods. Analogues of microcystins, cylindrospermopsins and saxitoxins were analyzed using HPLC. Microcystins were also assayed through ELISA. Results showed dominance of T. erythraeum, which makes up as much as 99% of cell counts. Other organisms found in smaller quantities include the dinoflagellates Prorocentrum minimum and P. rhathymum. Extracts from all samples delayed or interrupted sea urchin larval development, but presented no acute toxicity during a mouse bioassay. Saxitoxin congeners and microcystins were present at low concentrations in all samples, occurrences that had not previously been reported in the literature. Despite our finding of saxitoxin analogues and microcystins in Trichodesmium blooms, these toxins do not represent a potential harm to human health by primary contact. We conclude, based on our results and those reported in the recent literature, which differ from results published in 1963, that although toxins are present, there is no evidence that T. erythraeum blooms represent a threat to humans.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484494


Blooms of the cyanobacterium Trichodesmium occur in massive colored patches over large areas of tropical and subtropical oceans. Recently, the interest in such events has increased given their role in major nitrogen and carbon dioxide oceanic fluxes. Trichodesmium occurs all along the Brazilian coast and patches frequently migrate towards the coast. In this paper we screen the toxicity and toxin content of Trichodesmium blooms off the coast of Bahia state. Four samples, collected from February to April 2007, were analyzed. Organisms were identified and assessed for toxicity by means of several methods. Analogues of microcystins, cylindrospermopsins and saxitoxins were analyzed using HPLC. Microcystins were also assayed through ELISA. Results showed dominance of T. erythraeum, which makes up as much as 99% of cell counts. Other organisms found in smaller quantities include the dinoflagellates Prorocentrum minimum and P. rhathymum. Extracts from all samples delayed or interrupted sea urchin larval development, but presented no acute toxicity during a mouse bioassay. Saxitoxin congeners and microcystins were present at low concentrations in all samples, occurrences that had not previously been reported in the literature. Despite our finding of saxitoxin analogues and microcystins in Trichodesmium blooms, these toxins do not represent a potential harm to human health by primary contact. We conclude, based on our results and those reported in the recent literature, which differ from results published in 1963, that although toxins are present, there is no evidence that T. erythraeum blooms represent a threat to humans.

Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 41: 01-05, 2013.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-475567


Background: The canine demodicosis (CD) is a parasitic skin disease of inflammatory, non-contagious, caused by excessive proliferation in hair follicles and sebaceous glands of a specific skin mite, Demodex canis. It is often seen in purebred dogs and short hair, and there was no gender bias. It is multifactorial, however, the juvenile form arises due to immunosuppression of cellular immunity and a hereditary predisposition, one of the most common skin disease in the veterinary clinic, especially in tropical and subtropical regions, where it tends to follow a more aggressive course. The cyanobacterium Spirulina is an aquatic microorganism that contains a huge amount of essential nutrients and bioavailable to the body, widely used in the world because of its nutritional richness and character immunostimulant, revealed in research. Thus, the aim of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of adding the cyanobacterium Spirulina in the treatment of young dogs suffering from generalized demodicosis. Material, Methods & Results: We used ten dogs with canine demodiciosis widespread youth, confirmed by the distributive pattern of injuries and the parasitologic cutaneos scraping (EPRC). The animals were divided into two experimental groups denominated GS (group spirulina) and CG (control group) of equal number (n = 5), where the first (GS) received daily oral spirulina and ba

A demodiciose canina (DC) é uma dermatose parasitária inflamatória, não contagiosa, causada pela proliferação excessiva nos folículos pilosos e nas glândulas sebáceas de um ácaro específico da pele, Demodex canis. É frequentemente observada em cães de raça pura e pelagem curta, não sendo verificada predisposição por gênero. A demodiciose canina generalizada (DCG) juvenil surge devido à imunodepressão da imunidade celular e de uma predisposição hereditária. No tratamento da DCG é preconizada a terapia tópica, através de banhos a base de amitraz e antisépticos, terapia sistêmica com antimicrobianos e antiparasitários do grupo das avermectinas, bem como manejo sanitário. A cianobactéria spirulina é um microorganismo aquático que contém quantidades enormes de minerais (Fe, Cu, Zn e Se), de vitaminas, de pigmentos, de ácidos graxos essenciais raros (omega-3 e omega-6), aminoácidos essenciais e proteínas, podendo chegar até 70% (mínimo de 50%), todos biodisponíveis e não apresenta toxicidade. Muitos estudos científicos revelaram que a spirulina possui ação terapêutica na cegueira noturna, potencial de cicatrização, ganho de peso em animais, possui ação antimicrobiana e imunoestimulante e como possível inibidor do vírus do HIV. Desta forma, objetivou-se com esta pesquisa avaliar eficácia da adição da cianobactéria spirulina no tratamento no de cães jovens acometidos por demodiciose ge

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 27(2): 153-162, 1990.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-710654


Biomass of photosyntethesizing microorganisms has a tremendous potential for both human and animal feeding due to their over 50% protein content on a dry matter basis. Cultures kept in laboratory require an artificial source of light for their satisfactory growth whereas the large scale production systems take advantage of solar light. Thus, these systems are also afected by environmental conditions such as ambiental temperature, culture temperature, relative humidity of air and rainfall.The effect of these factors in winter season on production of Spirulina maxima biomass were evaluated. Also protein content as well as amino acids profile were determined. A biomass production graph plotted againstperiod of day (morning, afternoon and evening) indicated that the best production period was from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. while a growth curve showed maximum yield of 8:08 g/square meter/day. Lack of rainfall and water losses due to evaporation required reposition of water equivalent to 72.14 mm of rain.

Era função da necessidade de produção de proteína para alimentação humana e animal, a biomassa de microrganismos fotossintetizantes vem sendo utilizada devido a teores protéicos superiores a 50%. Culturasmantidas em laboratório exigem uma fonte de luz artificial para o seu crescimento. Na produção de espirulina em escala industrial utiliza-se luz solar, estando seu crescimento influenciado por fatores tais como: temperatura ambiente; temperatura da cultura; umidade relativa do ar e pluviosidade. Neste trabalho foram estudados os principais fatores supra descritos que influenciam na produção de biomassa de Spirulinamaxima em um aquário de vidro, mantido ao ar livre, durante o inverno de Pirassununga - SP. Teores de proteína, bem como perfil de aminoácidos da espirulina foram determinados. Um gráfico de ganho de biomassa nos diferentes períodos experimentais (matutino, vespertinoe noturno) indicaram que o melhor período de produção de biomassa durante o dia foi das 8 - 13 h e a produtividade atingiu valor máximo de 8,08 g/metro quadrado/dia. Durante todo o experimento foi necessário adicionar água ao sistema, devido à ausência de chuvas; e o total acrescentado equivaleu a 72,14 mm de chuva.