Compost barn (CB), although recent in Brazil, is increasingly gaining popularity among the intensive breeding systems in the dairy sector. This system promises to offer several advantages to producers and animals: such as providing an environment in which milk production is increased and the physical integrity of cattle is improved, reducing mastitis episodes, and promoting thermal comfort for animals. Another factor that highlights CB concerning other intensive systems is the composting process, generated by the deposition of carbon-rich materials (bedding) with nitrogen sources (urine and feces) from animals. For the full benefits of this composting to be achieved, management, especially of bedding, must be carried out correctly, considering the development requirements of the compost, the use of quality organic material, adequate ventilation, and an ideal rate of animal capacity, so that the generation of heat occurs efficiently. However, there is a general lack of information about the CB system. Hence, there is an increasing need for data surveys of Brazilian regions to compare the diversity of materials used in bedding, assessing energy efficiency and performance over time. Therefore, this bibliographical review addressed the main points of the CB system approach, considering that studies such as this are consistently relevant for rural producers, facilitating decisions regarding the implementation and management of the CB system on their farms.
Animais , Bovinos , Reprodução , Bem-Estar do Animal , Bovinos , LeiteResumo
This study aimed to perform a strategic diagnosis on a property specialized in breeding, rearing and finishing beef cattle in the southern region of Piauí. It was conducted at Agropecuária Alvorada, located in the countryside, municipality of Bom Jesus, PI, Brazil. The farm develops the full cycle of beef cattle production, which is divided into breeding, rearing and finishing. A SWOT analysis (which stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) was carried out, consisting of an assessment of the property's internal and external environments. To evaluate the internal environment, an interview was held for data collection by means of questionnaires. The evaluation included: breeding management, sanitary management, nutritional management, infrastructure, workforce, technologies used in pasture formation, conservation and recovery, pasture management and zootechnical indices. To analyze the external environment, a group of people (experts) with deep knowledge of the subject addressed during the study was used as source of information. A matrix was generated with all the information from the SWOT analysis, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, culminating with the establishment of strategies to increase the productive efficiency of the cattle raising activity.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos/fisiologia , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , Brasil , PastagensResumo
The environment is vital to the agricultural sector since it can cause adversities throughout the entire productive chain. This study evaluated the geographical distribution of zebu breeds in Brazil and correlated their occurrence with environmental variables and the human development index. Herds of purebred zebu cattle (Bos indicus) in Brazil were classified as beef, dairy, and dual-purpose breeds, and all breeds were spatialized in the ArcGIS program. Environmental (precipitation, temperature, relative humidity index) and the human development index (HDI) were examined. We conducted regression and logistic analyses. Zebu cattle showed a lower distribution in the Northeastern states compared to other locations, possibly due to harsh weather conditions, namely long periods of high temperatures and lower precipitation, directly affecting local livestock. Beef breeds were evenly spread throughout the country in regions influenced by environmental variables of higher precipitation, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), temperature, relative humidity (RH), and temperature humidity index (THI), as well as properties without smallholder farmers and rivers and streams with riparian vegetation. The regions for dual-purpose and dairy breeds were predominantly cultivated with cutting forages (e.g., sugarcane - Saccharum officinarum), with the integration of crops, livestock and/or forestry (i.e., combining different activities in the same area) and areas with a rotational grazing system (i.e., grazing management), indicating a higher occupation in fertile lands. The Gir breed, the only dairy breed evaluated in this study, was seen in establishments with smallholder farmers, characterized by small to medium farms, and in regions at higher altitudes.
Animais , Bovinos , Estatística , Gado , Desenvolvimento HumanoResumo
Depth dimensions are a fundamental linear type trait in the animal body included in dairy cattle science. Unfortunately, the prominent body depth dimension to milk yield is unspecified in lucidity. Thus, the objective of the current research was to identify the excellent body depth dimension of dairy cattle for milk yield as a selection precedence trait. The experiment employed 121 lactation Holstein cows aged specifyas 26, raised on an Indonesian smallholder commercial dairy farm. R version 4.2.1 with RStudio software simultaneously worked as a statistical analysis tool. The principal component analysis (PCA), correlation, and regression analyses were executed sequentially. The product of the PCA revealed that the chest depth (CHD), body depth (BDD), and udder depth (UDD) traits are the essential body depth dimensions in dairy cattle. A crowning envoy associated with the milk yield capacity was delegated to the UDD trait. However, the UDD is the finest trait for the lactation cow selection program. Presumably, the BDD trait is the prime characteristic for calves and heifer selection schemes.(AU)
As dimensões de profundidade são uma característica fundamental do tipo linear no corpo animal incluída na ciência do gado leiteiro. Infelizmente, a dimensão proeminente da profundidade do corpo para a produção de leite não é especificada na lucidez. Assim, o objetivo da presente pesquisa foi identificar a dimensão de profundidade corporal excelente de bovinos leiteiros para produção de leite como característica deprecedência de seleção. O experimento empregou 121 vacas da raça Holandesa em lactação, com idades entre 2 e 6 anos, criadas em uma fazenda leiteira comercial de pequeno porte na Indonésia. R versão 4.2.1 com software RStudio funcionou simultaneamente como uma ferramenta de análise estatística. As análises de componentes principais (PCA), correlação e regressão foram executadas sequencialmente. O produto da PCA revelou que as características de profundidade do peito (CHD), profundidade do corpo (BDD) e profundidade do úbere (UDD) são as dimensões essenciais da profundidade do corpo em bovinos leiteiros. Um enviado de coroação associado à capacidade de produção de leite foi delegado ao traço UDD. No entanto, o UDD é a melhor característica para o programa deseleção de vacas em lactação. Presumivelmente, a característica BDD é a principal característica para esquemas de seleção de bezerras e novilhas.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Peso Corporal/fisiologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Leite/fisiologia , Indústria de Laticínios/métodosResumo
Clinical History: A 5-year-old, Holstein-Friesian dairy cow was evaluated by a veterinary practitioner for a 30-day history of unilateral exophthalmos (Fig. 1). After 15 days, the cow presented lameness followed by progressive weight loss and pelvic limbs paresis, culminating in persistent sternal recumbency (Fig. 2). The superficial inguinal lymph nodes were enlarged. Due to the poor prognosis, the cow was euthanized and submitted to a postmortem examination. Gross Findings: The cow was in poor body condition with mild amounts of subcutaneous and visceral fat stores. The oral and conjunctival mucous membranes were pale. There was severe exophthalmos in the right eye, caused by a soft, homogenous, white to yellow mass (6 cm in diameter) (Fig. 3) in the retrobulbar space. Similar irregular masses were seen in the left renal pelvis, partially effacing the renal parenchyma, and in the epidural space, circumferentially surrounding the pachymeninges (extradural location) (Fig. 4) of the lumbar segment of the spinal cord. The superficial inguinal lymph nodes (supramammary) were markedly enlarged and, on the cut surface, had homogenous white to yellow discoloration and loss of the corticomedullary junction. Multifocal areas of the abomasum wall were moderately thickened and expanded by a soft, homogenous, white to yellow masses. No significant alterations were observed in other organs. Follow-up questions: Morphologic diagnosis? Etiological agent? Name of the condition? Probable pathogenesis pathways?
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Leucose Enzoótica Bovina/diagnóstico , Bovinos/virologia , Vírus da Leucemia Bovina/patogenicidadeResumo
The objective of this research was to estimate genetic parameters and genetic trends (GT) for 305-day milk yield (MY305) and 305-day fat yield (FY305) of purebred Dairy Gir animals of the National Dairy Gir Breeding Program. The restricted maximum likelihood method was used in an animal model. GT were obtained via linear regression and divided into two periods (1935-1992 and 1993-2013 for PL305; 1935-1992 and 1993-2010 for MY305). The estimated heritabilities were 0.23 (MY305) and 0.10 (FY305). The GT (kg/year) values for MY305 in the 2nd period for measured females (25.49), females (26.11), and males (35.13) were higher than those found in the 1st period (2.52; 2.06, and 1.00, respectively). The heritability estimated for MY305 confirmed the possibility of genetic improvement by selection and indicated a lower additive genetic effect on FY305 of purebred animals. The genetic progress for MY305 in all purebred population is denoted by the more expressive gains found from 1990's, when the first bull catalogs were published.
Objetivou-se estimar os parâmetros genéticos e tendências genéticas (GT) para produção de leite (MY305) e produção de gordura (FY305), ambas em 305 dias, de animais puros Gir Leiteiro, integrantes do Programa Nacional de Melhoramento do Gir Leiteiro. Foi utilizada a metodologia da máxima verossimilhança restrita em modelo animal. As GT foram obtidas via regressão linear e divididas em dois períodos (1935-1992 e 1993-2013 para PL305; 1935-1992 e 1993-2010 para MY305). As herdabilidades foram de 0,23 (MY305) e 0,10 (FY305). Para PL305, as GT (kg/ano) do 2º período para fêmeas mensuradas (25,49), fêmeas (26,11) e, machos (35,13) foram claramente superiores às do 1º período (2,52; 2,06 e 1,00; respectivamente). A estimativa de herdabilidade para MY305 reafirma ser possível melhoramento genético por meio de seleção, enquanto para FY305 sugere uma menor influência genética aditiva em animais puros. O progresso genético para MY305 em toda a população pura está evidenciado pelos ganhos mais expressivos, observados a partir da década de 90, quando foram divulgados os primeiros sumários de touros.
Animais , Bovinos , Seleção Genética , Bovinos/genética , Melhoramento GenéticoResumo
The establishment of epigenetic marks during the reprogramming window is susceptible to environmental influences, and stimuli during this critical stage can cause altered DNA methylation in offspring. In a previous study, we found that low levels of sulphur and cobalt (low S/Co) in the diet offered to oocyte donors altered the DNA methylome of bovine embryos. However, due to the extensive epigenetic reprogramming that occurs during embryogenesis, we hypothesized that the different methylation regions (DMRs) identified in the blastocysts may not maintain in adulthood. Here, we aimed to characterize DMRs previously identified in embryos, in the blood and sperm of adult progenies of two groups of heifers (low S/Co and control). We used six bulls and characterized the DNA methylation levels of KDM2A, KDM5A, KMT2D, and DOT1L genes. Our results showed that all DMRs analysed in both groups and tissues were hypermethylated unlike that noticed in the embryonic methylome profiles. These results suggest that embryo DMRs were reprogrammed during the final stages of de novo methylation during embryogenesis or later in development. Therefore, due to the highly dynamic epigenetic state during early embryonic development, we suggest that is essential to validate the DMRs found in embryos in adult individuals.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos/embriologia , EpigenômicaResumo
The aim was to estimate the genetic correlations between residual feed intake (RFI) and dry matter intake (DMI) with carcass finish (CF), rib eye area (REA), and marbling (MAR) of Nellore cattle. Data from 7,808 animals were considered. In addition, data from 2,261 females included in the complete database were also considered. Estimates of variance and covariance components, as well as heritabilities and genetic correlations were obtained by means of two-character analysis under animal model. Heritability estimates were found to be moderate for the RFI (0.22) and DMI (0.29) traits. It was observed that genetic correlation was close to zero for all traits, except between RFI and REA (-0.11). However, considering the female population, there was an increase in the estimated genetic correlation between RFI and DMI, although still a favorable genetic association of low magnitude (-0.30). There was also an increase in the genetic association of REA with RFI (-0.21). It can be concluded that the direct selection for RFI and DMI will not influence the CF, MAR, or REA of Nellore cattle. However, this selection may generate some favorable responses in MAR and REA in Nellore females.
Objetivou-se estimar as correlações genéticas entre consumo alimentar residual (CAR) e ingestão de matéria seca com acabamento de carcaça (ACAB), área de olho de lombo (AOL) e marmoreio (MAR) para bovinos da raça Nelore. Foram consideradas informações de 7.808 animais. Além disso foram consideradas informações de 2.261 animais fêmeas que compunham o banco de dados completo. As estimativas dos componentes de variâncias e covariâncias, bem como das herdabilidades e correlações genéticas foram obtidas por meio de análises bicaracterísticas sob modelo animal. Verificou-se que as estimativas de herdabilidade foram moderadas para as características de CAR (0,22) e IMS (0,29). Observou-se que as estimativas de correlação genética foram próximos a zero para todas as Características, exceto entre CAR e AOL (-0,11). No entanto, considerando a população de fêmeas, houve um aumento na estimativa de correlação genética com CAR e IMS, apesar de ainda ser uma associação genética favorável de baixa magnitude (-0,30). Também houve um aumento na associação genética da AOL com o CAR (-0,21). Conclui-se, assim, que a seleção direta para o CAR e IMS não influenciará no ACAB, MAR e AOL de bovinos da raça Nelore. No entanto, essa seleção poderá gerar alguma resposta favorável em MAR e AOL em fêmeas Nelore.
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/genética , Ingestão de AlimentosResumo
A criação de bezerras é uma das atividades mais complexas em uma propriedade leiteira. Desde o nascimento, o desempenho máximo deve ser priorizado, pois o sucesso no aleitamento leva ao aumento do peso vivo ao desmame e à futura produção de leite. Existem diferentes formas de fornecer leite aos bezerros, e uma delas é o aleitamento artificial, onde os animais recebem a dieta líquida em baldes, mamadeiras ou recipientes semelhantes. Neste tipo de aleitamento, diferentes fontes de dieta líquida podem ser utilizadas como o leite integral, os sucedâneos lácteos e o leite não comercializável ou leite de descarte. Independentemente do método de aleitamento, a quantidade de leite a ser oferecida deverá atender às exigências do animal para melhor desempenho futuro. A presente revisão de literatura avaliou as diferentes fontes de dieta líquida empregadas no aleitamento artificial de bezerras e o seu impacto no desenvolvimento ponderal desses animais na fase de cria.(AU)
Raising calves is one of the most complex activities on a dairy farm. From birth, maximum performance should be prioritized, since successful breastfeeding leads to an increase in live weight at weaning and the future milk production. There are different ways for providing milk to calves, one of them is artificial feeding, where animals are fed the liquid diet in buckets, bottles, or similar. In this type of breastfeeding, there are several sources of liquid diet that could be applied as whole milk, dairy substitutes, and non-marketable milk or waste milk. Regardless of the breastfeeding method, the amount of milk to be offered must meet the requirements of the animal, for the best future performance. This literature review evaluated different sources of liquid diet in artificial feeding and its impact on the weight development of dairy calves in this rearing phase.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Apoio NutricionalResumo
The objective was to assess the physiological and behavioral variables of pasture-raised Holstein heifers on the basis of their coat color. Eight heifers were used, four with black coat, and four with white coat. In the morning and afternoon periods, their physiological variables were measured, namely respiratory rate (RR, mov min. -1), rectal temperature (TR, ºC), and coat surface temperature (TS, ºC). The behavior analysis considered the site (sun or shade), position (standing or lying down), and activities (idleness, rumination, grazing, and others). The data of the physiological variables were assessed through analysis of variance, and significance, through Tukey's test at 5%, while behavioral data were assessed using the Chi-squared test (SAS Software). There was a difference for all of the heifers' physiological variables as a function of coat color (p < 0.0001) and period (p < 0.0001), with black ones showing greater results than white ones as to all physiological variables in the afternoon period (p < 0.0001). Grazing behavior is reduced during the hottest hours of the day. We conclude that solar radiation changes the physiological variables and grazing behavior of pasture-raised Holstein heifers.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Pastagens , Radiação Solar , Comportamento Animal , Modalidades FisiológicasResumo
The objectives were to analyze the genealogical information of Gyr (GY) and Nelore (NL) cattle from Costa Rica. Analyzed: pedigree integrity (GY, 13272; NL, 18153); number of complete, maximum traced and equivalent complete generations; inbreeding (FI); generation interval (GI) through four selection routes; average additive genetic ratio (AGR); effective number of founders (fe); effective number of ancestors (fa); effective population size (Ne). The analysis was performed with the ENDOG software. The maximum proportion of unknown parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents was 18.6%, 39.9%, and 59.3%, respectively. The average FI for NL was 8.87% and 2.85% in GY. The average consanguineous population (%) and FI was 53.9 and 16.5% in NL, 28.9 and 9.9% in GY. The average and maximum values of AGR for NL were 3.5 and 12.8, 1.4 and 5.6 in GY. The fe and fa for NL were 65.0 and 38.0, in GY 145.7 and 59.0. The Ne indicated increases in FI in the range of 1 to 2% in GY, for NL greater than 2%, with a status of care to monitor the evolution of F and AGR and their possible implications in genetic improvement. The GI ranged from 6.3 to 7.9 years with a general average of 6.9 years. These results show a summary of the genetic and reproductive management those breeders have carried out.
Os objetivos foram analisar as informações genealógicas de bovinos Gir (GY) e Nelore (NL) da Costa Rica. Foram considerados: integridade do pedigree (GY, 13272; NL, 18153); número de gerações completas, máximas traçadas e equivalentes completas; endogamia (FI); intervalo de geração (GI) por meio de quatro rotas de seleção; razão genética aditiva média (AGR); número efetivo de fundadores (fe); número efetivo de ancestrais (fa); tamanho efetivo da população (Ne). A análise foi realizada com o software ENDOG. A proporção máxima de pais, avós e bisavós desconhecidos foi de 18,6%, 39,9% e 59,3%, respectivamente. O FI médio para NL foi de 8,87% e 2,85% no GY. A média da população consanguínea (%) e FI foi de 53,9 e 16,5% em NL, 28,9 e 9,9% em GY. Os valores médios e máximos de AGR para NL foram 3,5 e 12,8, 1,4 e 5,6 no GY. Os fe e fa para NL foram 65,0 e 38,0, no GY 145,7 e 59,0. O Ne indicou aumentos de FI na faixa de 1 a 2% no GY, para NL superiores a 2%, com status de cuidado para acompanhar a evolução de F e AGR e suas possíveis implicações no melhoramento genético. O IG variou de 6,3 a 7,9 anos com média geral de 6,9 anos. Esses resultados mostram um resumo do manejo genético e reprodutivo realizado por esses criadores.
Animais , Bovinos , Linhagem , Bovinos/classificação , Costa RicaResumo
This article presents the results of the culling of cows of the Simmental and Holstein breeds in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the research was to study the actual number of culled cows of dairy productivity in the farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan to determine its norm. The object of research were cows of Simmental (18,462 heads) and Holstein (17,862 heads) breeds in various regions of the republic. The research was carried out according to generally accepted zootechnical methods using statistical data processing using RStudio. The results of the studies showed that the percentage of culling increases in cows of the Simmental and Holstein breeds and amounts to 19.7 and 22.9%, respectively. The analysis of the retirement of full-aged cows of the Simmental breed showed that the main causes are hoof diseases (up to 26%), low reproductive function (up to 21%), low productivity (up to 18%). Holstein cows had an increase in disposals in all categories except for disposals for various reasons, for problems with reproduction, the disposal is up to 21%. The determination of the relationship between productivity and retirement in the Simmental breed cows showed that with age and increased lactation, the proportion of retired cows also increases, in the Holstein breed, with increased productivity, the percentage of culled animals also increases.
Este artigo apresenta os resultados do abate de vacas Simental e Holstein na República do Cazaquistão. O objetivo do estudo foi estudar o número real de vacas abatidas na direção da produtividade leiteira nas fazendas da República do Cazaquistão para determinar sua norma. O estudo incluiu vacas Simental (18.462 cabeças) e Holstein (17.862 cabeças) em diferentes regiões da República. A pesquisa foi conduzida de acordo com métodos zootécnicos geralmente aceitos, adotando o processamento estatístico de dados, usando o RStudio. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram que as vacas Simental e Holstein aumentaram a taxa de abate para 19,7% e 22,9%, respectivamente. A análise da alienação de vacas Simental de meia-idade mostrou que as principais causas são doenças dos cascos (até 26%), baixa função reprodutiva (até 21%) e baixa produtividade (até 18%). As vacas Holstein tiveram um aumento na alienação em todas as categorias, exceto a alienação por várias razões; devido a problemas reprodutivos, a alienação é de até 21%. A determinação da relação entre a produtividade e a alienação em vacas Simental mostrou que a proporção de vacas eliminadas aumenta com a idade e o aumento da lactação, enquanto a porcentagem de animais eliminados aumenta com a produtividade na raça Holstein.
Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos , Abate de Animais , CazaquistãoResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the ingestive behavior of F1 Holstein × Zebu cows grazing on deferred pasture receiving different supplementation strategies. The experimental design was completely randomized, in a 3×4 factorial, with three supplementation strategies and four evaluation periods. The ingestive behavior of 24 cows divided into three groups of supplementation provided at milking was observed, and two of these groups received protein in the pasture. Ingestive behavior was monitored every 10 minutes for 24 hours and analyzed in the form of periods (morning, afternoon, night, and dawn) and total time. The animals remained longer grazing during the afternoon when the BGHI presented values of 83.8. Protein consumption did not influence grazing time but interfered with forage consumption. For the total grazing time, the animals in group 2 spent less time grazing. The groups of animals presented no difference concerning the time spent on rumination and idleness. During night and dawn, when the climate was characterized as thermal comfort, the animals spent more time ruminating. The climatic conditions did not influence the ingestive behavior, as the grazing peak was observed at times of higher BGHI. However, supplementation of the animals in group 2 modified the ingestive behavior of F1 H × Z cows.
Animais , Bovinos , Comportamento Animal , Bovinos/fisiologia , Suplementos Nutricionais , Ingestão de AlimentosResumo
This study aimed to investigate the effects of animal type, on-farm handling, and transport conditions on temperament of beef cattle pre-slaughter. The study evaluated 4,061 cattle batches, averaging 49 animals, with a total of 199,026 cattle. Temperament was evaluated through a behavioral assessment carried out based on the temperament shown by cattle when approached by humans. One of three different temperament scores were assigned to each batch: calm, anxious, or excitable. Excitable temperament was reported in animals subjected to long transport time and distance and high loading density. The degree of carcass fatness was higher in calm animals, followed by anxious animals, with the excited temperament animals having the lowest carcass fatness degree. Older animals showed more excitable temperament, while younger animals showed calmer temperament. The excitable temperament was more evident in horned animals in relation to polled animals. Animal temperament was more reactive in batches with older cattle, low carcass fatness degree, and with more than 20% horned animals. Good handling and loading facilities and procedures at the farm contributed to adequate cattle temperament expression prior to slaughter.
O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a influência de variáveis relacionadas às condições de manejo e de transporte na expressão do temperamento pré-abate de bovinos de corte. Foram avaliados 4.061 lotes, com média de 49 animais, totalizando 199.026 bovinos. O temperamento foi avaliado por meio da expressão comportamental dos lotes diante da aproximação humana. Foram atribuídas três diferentes classificações de temperamento: "calmo", "ansioso" ou "excitável". Verificou-se temperamento excitável em animais submetidos a longos tempos de transporte, a grandes distâncias e à alta densidade de carga. O grau de gordura na carcaça foi mais elevado em animais "calmos", seguidos dos animais "ansiosos", e menor em animais de temperamento "excitado". Os animais com temperamento excitável eram mais velhos, e aqueles com temperamento calmo eram mais jovem. O temperamento excitável foi mais evidente em animais com a presença de chifres. O temperamento animal foi mais reativo em lotes de bovinos mais velhos, com baixo grau de gordura de carcaça e com mais de 20% de animais com presença de chifres. Boas instalações e condições apropriadas de manejo e de carregamento dos animais contribuem para a expressão adequada do temperamento dos bovinos no pré-abate.
Animais , Bovinos , Comportamento Animal , Bem-Estar do Animal , Abate de AnimaisResumo
We evaluated some indicators of innate and humoral immune response in persistently infected (PI) Holstein calves and cows from 1 to 36 months of age matched with controls from the same herd. The effects were cataloged by grouping animals into the following age groups: <12 months, 13 to 24 months, and 25 to 36 months of age. Blood samples were collected once from each animal to measure total serum protein, haptoglobin, and neutralizing antibodies titers induced by respiratory virus vaccination. Total serum protein (g/dL) was lowest in PI calves younger until 24 months old, while haptoglobin concentration was higher in PI cattle. The serum neutralizing titers against BVDV and BRSV were lower in all PI calves and cattle than in controls. PI cattle have a high serum concentration of haptoglobin, and its possible dysregulated innate immune response appears to impact the efficacy of their adaptative immune responses, resulting in poor vaccine responsiveness.
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar alguns indicadores da resposta imune inata e humoral em bezerros a vacas persistentemente infectadas, entre um a 36 meses de idade, pareados com controles oriundos de um mesmo rebanho. As variáveis respostas foram avaliadas agrupando-se os animais nos seguintes grupos etários: < 12 meses, 13 a 24 meses, 25 a 36 meses de idade. Amostras sanguíneas foram coletadas para mensurar as concentrações séricas de proteína, haptoglobina e anticorpos neutralizantes induzidos pela vacinação contra as viroses respiratórias. Os teores de proteína sérica total (g/dL) foram menores nos animais persistentemente infectados (PI) jovens até 24 meses de idade, enquanto que a concentração de haptoglobina foi maior nos animais PI mais velhos (25 a 36 meses). Os títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes contra o BVDV e BRSV foi menor nos animais PIs independentemente da idade, comparado com o grupo controle. Os valores reduzidos ou nulos de anticorpos contra as viroses respiratórias, combinado com a evidência de resposta imune inata desregulada, contribui com a susceptibilidade dos animais PIs para as infecções secundárias.
Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos , Vírus da Diarreia Viral Bovina , Anticorpos Neutralizantes , ImunidadeResumo
In tropical developing regions, such as Brazil, animal welfare (AW) has been gaining increasing attention, while stockperson job satisfaction, which is intimately related to AW, is often neglected. This research evaluated the effects of AW training on stockpersons' attitudes and behaviour towards dairy cows and the impact on cows' fear of humans. Ten dairy farms with pasture-based systems where animal handlers are farm owners or employees were selected from three regions of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The experiment consisted of four stages: 1) Selection of pasture-based dairy farms; 2) First assessment of attitudes, human behaviour, and cows' flight distance (day one D1); 3) Pre-assessment of owners' and employees' AW knowledge, and training (day two D2); and 4) Final assessment of attitudes, human behaviour, cows' flight distance, and owners' and employees' AW knowledge (day three D3), focusing on the training's effects on human attitudes and behaviour, and cows' fear of humans. Among owners and employees, positive attitudes were more often expressed, and negative attitudes were less frequent on day three (D3) after training. Nevertheless, the expression of positive attitudes by farm owners was less common compared to employees. Stockpersons manifested positive behaviour more frequently at D3 than on day one (D1), before training, in contrast to negative behaviour at D1. Taking all cow handling observations together, including those before and after training, the greatest percentage of negative behaviour was at the time of moving the cows from the holding area to the milking stalls (18% of all observed human behaviour), followed by moving cows out of the milking parlour (17%), positioning cows for milking (15%) and placing/removing the milking suction devices (1%). Positive human behaviour usually occurred when moving cows from the holding area to the milking stalls (21%) and during the positioning of cows for milking (19%). After training, cows' flight distances decreased. In conclusion, the training may have promoted positive human behaviour and reduced the number of fearful cows. Therefore, AW training may positively influence human behaviour, technical expertise, the reduction of fear in cows, and stockpersons' attitudes.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Bovinos/fisiologia , Fazendeiros , BrasilResumo
Genomic selection has transformed the livestock industry, enabling early-life selection of animals. Biopsy sampling of pre-implantation embryos has been described since 1968. However, it was only after 2010, with the advancement of molecular biology techniques such as whole genomic amplification and SNP Chips, that next-generation sequencing became commercially available for bovine embryos. It is now possible to make decisions about which embryos to transfer not only based on recipients' availability or embryo morphology but also on genomic estimates. This technology can be implemented for a wide spectrum of applications in livestock. In this review, we discuss the use of embryo biopsy for genomic selection and share our experience with Gir and Girolando Brazilian breeding programs, as well as future goals for implementing it in Brazilian bovine in vitro embryo production practices.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Biópsia/veterinária , Bovinos/embriologia , Seleção Genética , Melhoramento Genético/métodosResumo
Monitoring the movements of ruminant animals is one of the most challenging tasks. In animals that act according to their habits, it is difficult to label such movements and transfer them to farmers. Monitoring and recording the movement and behavior of animals on a farm is an adopted method for successfully determining the duration of the estrus cycle in ruminant animals. The Internet is a technology that offers remarkable solutions for such applications. The aim of this study is to determine the hourly step counts and to find the estrus period in the most accurate way with a circuit design applied to the ankles of animals using an IoT-supported microcontroller. The data is transferred to the web environment wirelessly and monitored via wi-fi communication signals. This wireless wearable and network equipment determines the step count and monitors the animal's abnormal body temperature. An IoT-supported microcontroller provides wireless communication, high-speed data transmission, and low power consumption. Insemination was ensured by testing different animals on the application farm. The data is monitored in real-time, and the system gives an alert. Low cost, high reliability, and being able to be watched over the internet are the advantages of the system. This study helped develop new techniques and provided a low-cost proposition for testing wearable technologies on animals.
A monitorização dos movimentos dos animais ruminantes é uma das tarefas mais difíceis. Em animais que agem de acordo com os seus hábitos, é difícil rotular esses movimentos e transferi-los para os agricultores. A monitorização e o registo dos movimentos e do comportamento dos animais numa exploração é um método adoptado para determinar com êxito a duração do ciclo de cio em animais ruminantes. A Internet é uma tecnologia que oferece soluções notáveis para tais aplicações. O objectivo deste estudo é determinar as contagens horárias de passos e encontrar o período de cio da forma mais precisa possível com um design de circuito aplicado aos tornozelos dos animais utilizando um microcontrolador suportado pela IoT. Os dados são transferidos para o ambiente Web sem fios e monitorizados através de sinais de comunicação wi-fi. Este equipamento vestível e de rede sem fios determina a contagem de passos e monitoriza a temperatura corporal anormal do animal. Um microcontrolador suportado pela IoT fornece comunicação sem fios, transmissão de dados a alta velocidade e baixo consumo de energia. A inseminação foi assegurada através de testes com diferentes animais na quinta de aplicação. Os dados são monitorizados em tempo real e o sistema emite um alerta. O baixo custo, a elevada fiabilidade e a possibilidade de ser observado através da Internet são as vantagens do sistema. Este estudo ajudou a desenvolver novas técnicas e forneceu uma proposta de baixo custo para testar tecnologias vestíveis em animais.
Animais , Bovinos , Reprodução , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Bovinos/fisiologia , InternetResumo
Brain is the most vulnerable organ in the body to the ageing processes which operates at variable levels between organs and species. In this study we examine brains histopathologically for architectural changes in four Nigerian cattle breeds. Brains from 246 cattle (Bunaji=80, Muturu=78, Rahaji=62 and Sokoto Gudali=26), aged 1≥12years were examined at 8 different neuroanatomical locations. All the cattle used were obtained from Abattoir in Ibadan, Nigeria. They were examined at ante-mortem and those without clinical signs suggestive of neurological disease were sampled. Major changes observed were intracellular accumulation of substances (61.4%), neuronal and or axonal degenerations and loss (51.6%), perivascular cuffing (50.0%), extracellular accumulation of substances (29.7%), hypercellularity (19.1%) and spongy state (0.4%), malacia (0.0%), demyelination (0.0%) in 233 cattle. Intraneuronal vacuolations (35%), lipofuscin accumulation (42%), axonal spheroids (50%), inflammatory changes (50%), and brain sand (22%). Although perivascular cuffing was high, there was low incidence of lymphocytic infiltration in the pineal gland in both sexes. Intracellular accumulation of substances, neuronal and or axonal degenerations and loss, and extracellular accumulation of substances display levels of significant changes with age (p<0.0001). Changes starts at the age of 2 years in life in these breeds of cattle due probably to the adverse stress exerted by the tropical climate. The description of histological findings in the brain of symptomless cattle in the present study provides a useful background for diagnostic bovine neuropathology in the tropics.(AU)
Bovinos , Cérebro/fisiologia , Fatores Etários , NigériaResumo
Bacillus cereus is a Gram-positive bacterium commonly reported in soils and plants that occupy various ecological habitats, and the main source of contamination for cattle is silage. This report described a case of fetal loss associated with B. cereus infection in a cow. An 8-month-old, Nelore female bovine fetus from a beef farm was submitted for necropsy. A gross examination revealed fibrinous pleuropneumonia and fibrin exudation on the liver surface. The morphological diagnosis was restricted to the lungs and liver. In the lungs there was fibrinosuppurative pleuropneumonia associated with numerous aggregates of rod-shaped bacteria. In the liver there was moderate focally extensive fibrinous peri hepatitis.The lungs, liver, thoracic, and abomasal fluid cultures yielded pure cultures of B. cereus, indicating that these bacteria should be recognized as a cause of bovine abortion in fetuses that macroscopically present fibrin in the abdominal and thoracic cavity.
Bacillus cereus é uma bactéria Gram-positiva, comumente encontrada em solos e plantas que ocupam diversos habitats ecológicos sendo a silagem a principal fonte de contaminação para bovinos. Este relato descreve um caso de perda fetal associada à infecção por B. cereus em uma vaca. Um feto bovino fêmea da raça Nelore, de oito meses de idade, procedente de uma fazenda de corte, foi submetido à necropsia. Ao exame macroscópico observou-se pleuropneumonia fibrinosa e exsudação de fibrina na superfície do fígado. Histologicamente, as lesões estavam restritas aos pulmões e fígado. Nos pulmões havia pleuropneumonia fibrinosupurativa associado a numerosos agregados de bactérias em forma de bastonete. No fígado haviaperi hepatitefibrinosa focalmente extensa moderada. As culturas de pulmão, fígado, líquido torácico e abomasal produziram cultura pura de B. cereus indicando que esta bactéria deve ser reconhecida como causa de aborto bovino em fetos que apresentem macroscopicamente fibrina nas cavidades abdominal e torácica.