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Rev. bras. zootec ; 52: e20220088, 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436811


This study investigated oxidative damage and exocrine dysfunction of fetal pancreas caused by maternal nutritional restriction. Eighteen ewes carrying singleton fetus were randomly divided into control group (CG, ad libitum, 0.67 MJ ME/BW0.75/d, n = 6), restricted group 1 (RG1, 0.33 MJ ME/BW0.75/d, n = 6), and restricted group 2 (RG2, 0.18 MJ ME/BW0.75/d, n = 6) at d 90 of pregnancy. Maternal undernutrition was imposed from d 90 to 140 of pregnancy. At 140 d of gestation, fetal blood and pancreas tissue were collected to determine fetal pancreatic extracellular matrix, antioxidant capacity, and indicators of exocrine dysfunction. With the decrease of maternal nutrition, the fetal body weight, pancreatic weight, and DNA content were reduced in RG2 compared with CG, and increased and thickened collagen fibers were observed in RG2. Fetuses in RG2 exhibited increased collagen 3 (COL3) and fibronectin (FN) levels relative to CG, and the COL1:COL3 ratio was lower than that of the CG. For RG1, we found increased COL3 compared with CG. Malondialdehyde, serum amylase, and serum lipase in fetal pancreas in RG2 increased, but the total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) decreased compared with the CG. The impaired ovine fetal pancreas growth, antioxidant imbalance, and pancreatic exocrine dysfunction are induced by maternal undernutrition during late pregnancy.

Animais , Doenças dos Ovinos , Estresse Oxidativo , Desnutrição/veterinária , Pâncreas Exócrino/anormalidades , Feto/anormalidades
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1923, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444000


Background: Anaplasmosis, also called gall sickness or tropical bovine ehrlichiosis, is an infectious disease caused by species belonging to the genus Anaplasma in domestic and wild animals in tropical and subtropical regions. Anaplasma ovis and A. phagocytophilum are important pathogens of sheep. A. ovis is considered the most common species affecting sheep. The infection is usually subclinical and progresses with high fever, anaemia, icterus, weight loss and abortions. This study aimed to investigate changes in cardiac damage markers, oxidative stress and antioxidant status, cytokines, and acute phase proteins in sheep naturally infected with A. ovis. Materials, Methods & Results: For this purpose, a total of 40 animals, including 20 healthy sheep and 20 sheep infected with anaplasmosis, were used. A. ovis was diagnosed based on clinical findings and peripheral blood smear. Blood smears were prepared from the ear vein. The smears were stained with Giemsa and examined for the presence of Anaplasma spp. Infection was also confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. The genomic DNA was isolated from blood, and the MSP-4 gene region was amplified as A. ovis specific target gene. Twenty clinically healthy sheep of the same age group, reared under the same conditions and testing negative in the molecular assessment were used as controls. Blood samples were collected from the cephalic vein and and centrifuged to obtain serum. The serum stored at -20°C until the analysis stage. Serum samples were used for the analysis of cardiac damage markers [troponin I (cTnI), creatine kinase MB (CK-MB), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and aspartate transaminase (AST)], oxidative stress parameters [malondialdehyde (MDA), total antioxidant status (TAS), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx)], cytokines [interleukins IL-6, IL-1ß and IL-10, tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α), and interferon-γ (IFN-γ)] and acute phase proteins [C-reactive protein (CRP), serum amyloid A (SAA) and haptoglobin (Hp)]. cTnI and CK-MB levels were measured using a chemiluminescent immunoassay. MDA, TAS, SOD, CAT, GPx, TNF-α, IL-1ß, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-γ, SAA and Hp levels were measured by an ELISA reader. LDH, AST and CRP levels were measured in an autoanalyzer. cTnI and LDH levels were significantly increased in the infected animals compared to the healthy ones (P < 0.05). The concentration of AST was decreased in infected animals. MDA, TAS, SOD, CAT and GPx levels were significantly increased in the infected animals compared to the healthy ones (P < 0.05). The levels of the inflammatory parameters such as TNF-α, IL-1ß, IL-10 and IFN-γ were significantly increased in the infected animals compared to the healthy ones (P < 0.05). Hp level were significantly increased in the infected group compared with the control group (P < 0.05). However, there was no significant change in CK-MB, SAA and CRP concentrations in the infected animals (P > 0.05). Discussion: Ovine anaplasmosis is an obligate intracellular arthropod disease that causes widespread changes in haematobiochemical, immune response and oxidative stress parameters. Cardiac damage is often overlooked in field conditions due to the lack of adequate knowledge about the pathophysiology of the disease. Our results showed that A. ovis infection leads to significant changes in cardiac biomarkers and that the parasite can cause cardiac dysfunction. This is the first report on cardiac damage markers in Anaplasma-infected sheep. Additionally, the levels of proinflammatory and oxidative stress markers that may cause functional disorders were also found to be increased. Thus, measuring markers of cardiac function, oxidative stress and inflammation can be a useful tool in the early diagnosis of ovine anaplasmosis.

Animais , Ovinos , Citocinas/análise , Estresse Oxidativo , Anaplasma ovis/isolamento & purificação , Testes de Função Cardíaca/veterinária , Anaplasmose/diagnóstico , Proteínas de Fase Aguda/análise
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1919, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443970


Background: Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infections in cattle result in significant economic losses due to reproductive performance deficiencies caused by gastrointestinal, respiratory system infections, and transplacental infections. BVDV is one of the most important and widespread pathogens in cattle worldwide, including Turkey. Methods such as virus neutralization, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), reverse transcriptase and polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) are used for the detection of the disease. The diagnosis of the disease in its subclinical form is challenging due to the lengthy and costly procedures involved. Investigating oxidative stress parameters in ruminants with various diseases contributes significantly to diagnosis and prognosis. This study aimed to investigate some oxidative stress and biochemical parameters in cattle infected with BVDV. Materials, Methods & Results: In the study, blood samples were collected from 80 Simmental breed cows aged between approximately 4 and 8 years to determine the presence of BVDV antibodies using the ELISA method. Based on the results obtained, study groups were organized. The study included a group of 10 animals with positive antibody levels as the infected group, and a group of 10 animals with negative antibody levels as the healthy group. Blood samples were taken from the animals, and serum separation was ensured. In the obtained serum samples, levels of vitamin E, vitamin A, ß-Carotene, catalase, GSH-Px, and MDA were determined using spectrophotometric methods. In addition, serum total protein, albumin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), glucose, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), calcium (Ca), and phosphorus (P) were measured using commercial test kits and an autoanalyzer. In the study, it was observed that the differences in serum MDA, vitamin E, vitamin A, ß-carotene, and catalase levels were statistically significant between the healthy and BVDV-infected groups (P < 0.001). The activity of GSH-Px was also found to be statistically different between the groups (P < 0.01). Among the biochemical parameters, HDL, LDL, and AST levels were found to be statistically significant between the healthy and BVDV-infected groups (P < 0.001). Additionally, ALP and glucose levels were found to be statistically significant (P < 0.01). However, although there were differences in the levels of total protein, albumin, Ca, and P between the groups, these results were not statistically significant. Discussion: Although the diagnosis of the disease was partially made based on clinical observations in BVDV infections, the ELISA method was used for accurate diagnosis. Furthermore, it was found that there was a significant difference in MDA concentration between the healthy and infected groups, indicating oxidative damage caused by the virus. Similarly, significant differences in vitamin E, vitamin A, ß-carotene, GSH-Px, and catalase levels were observed between the groups, indicating a decrease in antioxidant values due to the infection. In addition, differences in ALP, AST, glucose, LDL, and HDL levels were found between the groups. This difference is thought to be related to the effects of the disease agent on the liver and systemically. This study demonstrates that, in addition to the viral pathogen, antioxidant and biochemical values are important criteria in the detection of the disease.

Animais , Bovinos , Doença das Mucosas por Vírus da Diarreia Viral Bovina/fisiopatologia , Vírus da Diarreia Viral Bovina/isolamento & purificação , Estresse Oxidativo , Malondialdeído/administração & dosagem , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária
Acta cir. bras ; 38: e381323, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1439117


Purpose: Acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI) is a condition in pediatric surgery that ranges from intestine necrosis to death. Ischemic postconditioning (IPoC) methods were developed to reduce the damage caused by revascularization. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of these methods in an experimental weaning rat model. Methods: Thirty-two 21-day-old Wistar rats were allocated into four groups according to the surgical procedure performed: control, ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI), local (LIPoC) and remote IPoC (RIPoC). At euthanasia, fragments of the intestine, liver, lungs, and kidneys were submitted to histological, histomorphometric, and molecular analyses. Results: In the duodenum, intestines, and kidneys histological alterations promoted by IRI were reversed by remote postconditioning method. In the distal ileum, the histomorphometric alterations could be reversed by the postconditioning methods with more evident effects promoted by the remote method. The molecular analysis found that the levels of expression of Bax (proapoptotic) and Bcl-XL (antiapoptotic) genes in the intestine were increased by IRI. These alterations were equally reversed by the postconditioning methods, with more evident effects of the remote method. Conclusions: IPoC methods positively reduced the damage caused by IRI in weaning rats.

Animais , Ratos , Traumatismo por Reperfusão , Ratos Wistar , Pós-Condicionamento Isquêmico/veterinária , Isquemia Mesentérica/veterinária , Antioxidantes
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(6): e20220124, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1404256


ABSTRACT: Eurytrema coelomaticum are trematodes that parasitize cattle, buffaloes, goats, sheep, and camelids, and, accidentally, humans and cats. The affected animal usually has a subclinical pancreatic disease, but the damage caused to health and animal production is underestimated. Currently, praziquantel is the unique drug proven effective against this parasite, but no formulations containing this drug are available for ruminants in Brazilian market. The objective of the present study was to separately evaluate in vitro anthelmintic activity of praziquantel (PZQ) and nitazoxanide (NTZ) against E. coelomaticum by assessing motility after 3, 12, and, 15 hours of incubation and subsequent histopathological examination of the parasites. E. coelomaticum specimens were obtained from the pancreas of naturally infected cattle, collected from animals slaughtered in the city of Concordia-SC, Brazil. The specimens were incubated in plates with a culture medium (n = 60 per group), with 80µg/ml of PZQ (positive control group), or 61,5µg/ml of NTZ (treated group), or UNT (untreated control). After 12 hours of incubation all parasites of the NTZ and PZQ groups were motionless or dead, while in the negative control group, 91.67% (55/60) presented normal motility after 15 hours of incubation (P < 0.001). Histopathological examination showed severe damage in vitellogenic gland, intestine, parenchyma, integument, and testicle in both treated and positive control groups. It was concluded that PZQ and NTZ showed in vitro anthelmintic action against the parasite Eurytrema coelomaticum, as they caused significant lesions in the evaluated organs and reduced the parasite's motility.

RESUMO: Eurytrema coelomaticum são trematódeos que parasitam bovinos, bubalinos, caprinos, ovinos e camelídeos, e de forma acidental, humanos e felinos. O animal acometido geralmente apresenta doença pancreática subclínica, mas os danos causados à saúde e produção animal são subestimados. Atualmente, o praziquantel é o único medicamento comprovadamente eficaz contra este parasita, mas não há formulações contendo esse medicamento disponíveis para ruminantes no mercado brasileiro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar separadamente a atividade anti-helmíntica in vitro de praziquantel (PZQ) e nitazoxanida (NTZ) frente ao E. coelomaticum pela avaliação de motilidade após três, 12 e 15 horas de incubação e posterior exame histopatológico dos parasitos. Exemplares de E. coelomaticum foram obtidos do pâncreas de bovinos naturalmente infectados, coletados em animais abatidos na cidade de Concórdia, SC, Brasil. Incubados em placas com meio de cultura (n = 60 por grupo), adicionados de 80µg/ml de PZQ (grupo controle positivo) ou 61,5µg/ml de NTZ (grupo tratado) ou UNT (grupo controle sem tratamento). Em 12h de incubação todos os parasitos dos grupos NTZ e PZQ estavam imóveis ou mortos, enquanto no grupo controle negativo 91,67% (55/60) apresentaram motilidade normal após 15h de incubação (P < 0.001). Por exame histopatológico observou-se danos graves em glândula vitelogênica, intestino, parênquima, tegumento e testículo em ambos os grupos tratado e controle positivo. Concluiu-se que PZQ e NTZ apresentaram ação anti-helmíntica in vitro contra o parasito Eurytrema coelomaticum, pois causaram lesões significativas nos órgãos avaliados e diminuíram a motilidade do parasito.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e247360, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1350301


Abstract Excessive intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as, diclofenac sodium (DS) may lead to toxicity in the rats. In this work, we aimed to examine the protective impact of lentil extract (LE) and folic acid (FA) on the hematological markers, the kidney tissue oxidative stress and the renal function against diclofenac sodium (DS) in male albino rats. The rats (120-150 g) were divided into four equal groups randomly, the first group kept as the untreated control. The second group was administrated with DS (11.6 mg/kg b.wt. orally once/day). The third group was received DS+FA (11.6 mg/kg b.wt.+76.9 microgram/kg b.wt.) orally once/day. The fourth group was treated with DS+LE (11.6 mg/kg b.wt.+500 mg/kg b.wt.) orally once/day. After four weeks, the results revealed that DS produced a significant decrease in the values of red blood cells (RBCs), hemoglobin concentration (Hb), hematocrit (HCT) and white blood cells (WBCs). On the other hand, there was a significant increase in the platelets count. Also, DS induced a renal deterioration; this was evidenced by the significant increase in the serum levels of urea, creatinine, uric acid, Na, Ca, Mg as well as the nitric oxide (NO) level in the kidney tissue. Also, there were a significant reduction in the serum levels of potassium (K) and reduced glutathione (GSH) in the kidney homogenates. Moreover, the findings in the rats treated by DS+LE or DS+FA showed a potential protection on the hematological markers, oxidative stress in the kidney tissue and the renal function disturbed by DS. LE and FA could play a potent role for the prevention the adverse hematological, the kidney tissue oxidative stress and the renal dysfunction caused by DS via their anti-oxidative and bioactive phytochemicals.

Resumo A ingestão excessiva de anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais, como o diclofenaco de sódio (DS), pode causar toxicidade em ratos. Neste trabalho, objetivamos examinar o impacto protetor do extrato de lentilha (LE) e ácido fólico (AF) em marcadores hematológicos, no estresse oxidativo do tecido renal e na função renal contra o diclofenaco de sódio (DS) em ratos albinos machos. Os ratos (120-150 g) foram divididos em quatro grupos iguais aleatoriamente, sendo o primeiro grupo mantido como controle não tratado. O segundo grupo foi administrado com DS (11,6 mg / kg de peso corporal por via oral uma vez / dia). O terceiro grupo recebeu DS + FA (76,9 mg / kg de peso corporal por via oral uma vez / dia). O quarto grupo foi tratado com DS + LE (500 mg / kg de peso corporal por via oral uma vez / dia). Após quatro semanas, os resultados revelaram que o DS produziu uma diminuição significativa nos valores de glóbulos vermelhos (RBCs), concentração de hemoglobina (Hb), hematócrito (HCT) e glóbulos brancos (WBCs). Por outro lado, houve um aumento significativo na contagem de plaquetas. Além disso, o DS induziu uma deterioração renal; isso foi evidenciado pelo aumento significativo dos níveis séricos de ureia, creatinina, ácido úrico, Na, Ca, Mg e também do nível de óxido nítrico no tecido renal. Além disso, houve uma redução significativa nos níveis séricos de potássio (K) e glutationa reduzida (GSH) nos homogenatos renais. Além disso, os achados nos ratos tratados com DS + LE ou DS + FA mostraram uma proteção potencial sobre os marcadores hematológicos, estresse oxidativo no tecido renal e função renal perturbada pelo DS. LE e AF podem desempenhar um papel potente na prevenção do estresse hematológico adverso, do estresse oxidativo do tecido renal e da disfunção renal causada pelo DS por meio de seus fitoquímicos antioxidantes e bioativos.

Animais , Ratos , Diclofenaco/toxicidade , Lens (Planta) , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Estresse Oxidativo , Ácido Fólico , Antioxidantes
Acta cir. bras ; 38: e380223, 2023. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1439114


Purpose: To explore the role and mechanism of curcumin (Cur) in reducing oxidative stress damage in rats with nephrolithiasis induced by ethylene glycol (EG). Methods: Thirty male rats were divided into normal control, model, positive (10% potassium citrate), Cur-10 (10 mg/kg curcumin) and Cur-20 (20 mg/kg curcumin) groups. Results: The results of kidney tissue section stained by hematoxylin-eosin and von Kossa showed that curcumin treatment can inhibit the formation of kidney stones. The biochemical test results showed that the urea (Ur), creatinine (Cr), uric acid (UA), inorganic phosphorus and Ca2+ concentrations in urine decreased after being treated with curcumin. There were significant differences between different doses of curcumin (P < 0.05). Compared with the Cur-10 group, Cur-20 had a more significant inhibitory effect on malondialdehyde (MDA) (P < 0.05). In addition, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection and immunohistochemical results indicated that the osteopontin (OPN) in the kidney was significantly reduced after curcumin treatment. Conclusion: Curcumin could reduce the oxidative stress damage caused by EG-induced kidney stones.

Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Estresse Oxidativo/efeitos dos fármacos , Etilenoglicol/análise , Curcumina/administração & dosagem , Osteopontina/análise , Nefrolitíase/veterinária
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-15, 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468821


Nucleotide excision repair (NER) acts repairing damages in DNA, such as lesions caused by cisplatin. Xeroderma Pigmentosum complementation group C (XPC) protein is involved in recognition of global genome DNA damages during NER (GG-NER) and it has been studied in different organisms due to its importance in other cellular processes. In this work, we studied NER proteins in Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma evansi, parasites of humans and animals respectively. We performed three-dimensional models of XPC proteins from T. cruzi and T. evansi and observed few structural differences between these proteins. In our tests, insertion of XPC gene from T. evansi (TevXPC) in T. cruzi resulted in slower cell growth under normal conditions. After cisplatin treatment, T. cruzi overexpressing its own XPC gene (TcXPC) was able to recover cell division rates faster than T. cruzi expressing TevXPC gene. Based on these tests, it is suggested that TevXPC (being an exogenous protein in T. cruzi) interferes negatively in cellular processes where TcXPC (the endogenous protein) is involved. This probably occurred due interaction of TevXPC with some endogenous molecules or proteins from T. cruzi but incapacity of interaction with others. This reinforces the importance of correctly XPC functioning within the cell.

O reparo por excisão de nucleotídeos (NER) atua reparando danos no DNA, como lesões causadas por cisplatina. A proteína Xeroderma Pigmentosum complementation group C (XPC) está envolvida no reconhecimento de danos pela via de reparação global do genoma pelo NER (GG-NER) e tem sido estudada em diferentes organismos devido à sua importância em outros processos celulares. Neste trabalho, estudamos proteínas do NER em Trypanosoma cruzi e Trypanosoma evansi, parasitos de humanos e animais, respectivamente. Modelos tridimensionais das proteínas XPC de T. cruzi e T. evansi foram feitos e observou-se poucas diferenças estruturais entre estas proteínas. Durante testes, a inserção do gene XPC de T. evansi (TevXPC) em T. cruzi resultou em crescimento celular mais lento em condições normais. Após o tratamento com cisplatina, T. cruzi superexpressando seu próprio gene XPC (TcXPC) foi capaz de recuperar as taxas de divisão celular mais rapidamente do que T. cruzi expressando o gene TevXPC. Com base nesses testes, sugere-se que TevXPC (sendo uma proteína exógena em T. cruzi) interfere negativamente nos processos celulares em que TcXPC (a proteína endógena) está envolvida. Isso provavelmente ocorreu pois TevXPC é capaz de interagir com algumas moléculas ou proteínas endógenas de T. cruzi, mas é incapaz de interagir com outras. Isso reforça a importância do correto funcionamento de XPC dentro da célula.

Animais , Cruzamentos Genéticos , Dano ao DNA , Expressão Gênica , Trypanosoma cruzi/genética
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-15, 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765398


Nucleotide excision repair (NER) acts repairing damages in DNA, such as lesions caused by cisplatin. Xeroderma Pigmentosum complementation group C (XPC) protein is involved in recognition of global genome DNA damages during NER (GG-NER) and it has been studied in different organisms due to its importance in other cellular processes. In this work, we studied NER proteins in Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma evansi, parasites of humans and animals respectively. We performed three-dimensional models of XPC proteins from T. cruzi and T. evansi and observed few structural differences between these proteins. In our tests, insertion of XPC gene from T. evansi (TevXPC) in T. cruzi resulted in slower cell growth under normal conditions. After cisplatin treatment, T. cruzi overexpressing its own XPC gene (TcXPC) was able to recover cell division rates faster than T. cruzi expressing TevXPC gene. Based on these tests, it is suggested that TevXPC (being an exogenous protein in T. cruzi) interferes negatively in cellular processes where TcXPC (the endogenous protein) is involved. This probably occurred due interaction of TevXPC with some endogenous molecules or proteins from T. cruzi but incapacity of interaction with others. This reinforces the importance of correctly XPC functioning within the cell.(AU)

O reparo por excisão de nucleotídeos (NER) atua reparando danos no DNA, como lesões causadas por cisplatina. A proteína Xeroderma Pigmentosum complementation group C (XPC) está envolvida no reconhecimento de danos pela via de reparação global do genoma pelo NER (GG-NER) e tem sido estudada em diferentes organismos devido à sua importância em outros processos celulares. Neste trabalho, estudamos proteínas do NER em Trypanosoma cruzi e Trypanosoma evansi, parasitos de humanos e animais, respectivamente. Modelos tridimensionais das proteínas XPC de T. cruzi e T. evansi foram feitos e observou-se poucas diferenças estruturais entre estas proteínas. Durante testes, a inserção do gene XPC de T. evansi (TevXPC) em T. cruzi resultou em crescimento celular mais lento em condições normais. Após o tratamento com cisplatina, T. cruzi superexpressando seu próprio gene XPC (TcXPC) foi capaz de recuperar as taxas de divisão celular mais rapidamente do que T. cruzi expressando o gene TevXPC. Com base nesses testes, sugere-se que TevXPC (sendo uma proteína exógena em T. cruzi) interfere negativamente nos processos celulares em que TcXPC (a proteína endógena) está envolvida. Isso provavelmente ocorreu pois TevXPC é capaz de interagir com algumas moléculas ou proteínas endógenas de T. cruzi, mas é incapaz de interagir com outras. Isso reforça a importância do correto funcionamento de XPC dentro da célula.(AU)

Animais , Dano ao DNA , Trypanosoma cruzi/genética , Cruzamentos Genéticos , Expressão Gênica
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e249847, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339414


Abstract The Indian crested porcupine (Hystrix indica) is a vertebrate pest of agricultural lands and forest. The study was aimed to report the damage to local crops by the Indian crested porcupine (Hystrix indica) in the Muzaffarabad District. A survey was conducted to identify the porcupine-affected areas and assess the crop damage to the local farmers in district Muzaffarabad Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) from May 2017 to October 2017. Around 19 villages were surveyed, and a sum of 191 semi-structured questionnaires was distributed among farmers. Crop damage was found highest in village Dhanni where a porcupine destroyed 175 Kg/Kanal of the crops. Regarding the total magnitude of crop loss, village Danna and Koomi kot were the most affected areas. More than half (51.8%) of the respondents in the study area suffered the economic loss within the range of 101-200$, and (29.8%) of the people suffered losses in the range of 201-300$ annually. Among all crops, maize (Zea mays) was found to be the most damaged crop ranging between 1-300 Kg annually. In the study area, porcupine also inflicted a lot of damages to some important vegetables, including spinach (Spinacia oleracea), potato (Solanum tuberosum) and onion (Allium cepa). It was estimated that, on average, 511Kg of vegetables are destroyed by porcupine every year in the agricultural land of Muzaffarabad. It was concluded that the Indian crested porcupine has a devastating effect on agriculture which is an important source of income and food for the local community. Developing an effective pest control strategy with the help of the local government and the Wildlife department could help the farmers to overcome this problem.

Resumo O porco-espinho de crista indiano (Hystrix indica) é uma praga vertebrada de terras agrícolas e florestais. No estudo atual, o dano às plantações locais pelo porco-espinho de crista indiano (Hystrix indica) foi relatado pela primeira vez no distrito de Muzaffarabad. O estudo foi projetado para investigar a perda econômica causada pelo porco-espinho de crista indiano (Hystrix indica) nos distritos de Muzaffarabad, Azad Jammu e Caxemira (AJK) de maio de 2017 a outubro de 2017. Um estudo baseado em pesquisa foi conduzido para identificar as áreas afetadas por porcos-espinhos e avaliar os danos às colheitas para os agricultores locais. Cerca de 19 aldeias foram pesquisadas e um total de 191 questionários semiestruturados foi distribuído entre os agricultores. Os danos às colheitas foram encontrados mais intensamente na aldeia Dhanni, onde um porco-espinho destruiu 175 kg / Kanal das colheitas. Em relação à magnitude total da perda de safra, as aldeias Danna e Koomi Kot foram as áreas mais afetadas. Mais da metade (51,8%) dos entrevistados na área de estudo sofreu perdas econômicas na faixa de 101-200 $, e 29,8% das pessoas sofreram perdas na faixa de 201-300 $ anualmente. Entre todas as culturas, o milho (Zea mays) foi considerado a cultura mais danificada, variando entre 1-300 kg anualmente. Na área de estudo, o porco-espinho também causou muitos danos a alguns vegetais importantes, incluindo espinafre (Spinacia oleracea), batata (Solanum tuberosum) e cebola (Allium cepa). Estimou-se que, em média, 511 kg de vegetais são destruídos pelo porco-espinho todos os anos nas terras agrícolas de Muzaffarabad. Concluiu-se que o porco-espinho de crista indiano tem um efeito devastador na agricultura, que é importante fonte de renda e alimento para a comunidade local. O desenvolvimento de uma estratégia eficaz de controle de pragas com a ajuda do governo local e do Departamento de Vida Selvagem pode ajudar os agricultores a superar esse problema.

Humanos , Animais , Porcos-Espinhos , Paquistão , Produtos Agrícolas , Agricultura , Animais Selvagens
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(6): 1-8, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413093


Eurytrema coelomaticum are trematodes that parasitize cattle, buffaloes, goats, sheep, and camelids, and, accidentally, humans and cats. The affected animal usually has a subclinical pancreatic disease, but the damage caused to health and animal production is underestimated. Currently, praziquantel is the unique drug proven effective against this parasite, but no formulations containing this drug are available for ruminants in Brazilian market. The objective of the present study was to separately evaluate in vitro anthelmintic activity of praziquantel (PZQ) and nitazoxanide (NTZ) against E. coelomaticum by assessing motility after 3, 12, and, 15 hours of incubation and subsequent histopathological examination of the parasites. E. coelomaticum specimens were obtained from the pancreas of naturally infected cattle, collected from animals slaughtered in the city of Concordia-SC, Brazil. The specimens were incubated in plates with a culture medium (n = 60 per group), with 80µg/ml of PZQ (positive control group), or 61,5µg/ml of NTZ (treated group), or UNT (untreated control). After 12 hours of incubation all parasites of the NTZ and PZQ groups were motionless or dead, while in the negative control group, 91.67% (55/60) presented normal motility after 15 hours of incubation (P < 0.001). Histopathological examination showed severe damage in vitellogenic gland, intestine, parenchyma, integument, and testicle in both treated and positive control groups. It was concluded that PZQ and NTZ showed in vitro anthelmintic action against the parasite Eurytrema coelomaticum, as they caused significant lesions in the evaluated organs and reduced the parasite's motility.

Eurytrema coelomaticum são trematódeos que parasitam bovinos, bubalinos, caprinos, ovinos e camelídeos, e de forma acidental, humanos e felinos. O animal acometido geralmente apresenta doença pancreática subclínica, mas os danos causados à saúde e produção animal são subestimados. Atualmente, o praziquantel é o único medicamento comprovadamente eficaz contra este parasita, mas não há formulações contendo esse medicamento disponíveis para ruminantes no mercado brasileiro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar separadamente a atividade anti-helmíntica in vitro de praziquantel (PZQ) e nitazoxanida (NTZ) frente ao E. coelomaticum pela avaliação de motilidade após três, 12 e 15 horas de incubação e posterior exame histopatológico dos parasitos. Exemplares de E. coelomaticum foram obtidos do pâncreas de bovinos naturalmente infectados, coletados em animais abatidos na cidade de Concórdia, SC, Brasil. Incubados em placas com meio de cultura (n = 60 por grupo), adicionados de 80µg/ml de PZQ (grupo controle positivo) ou 61,5µg/ml de NTZ (grupo tratado) ou UNT (grupo controle sem tratamento). Em 12h de incubação todos os parasitos dos grupos NTZ e PZQ estavam imóveis ou mortos, enquanto no grupo controle negativo 91,67% (55/60) apresentaram motilidade normal após 15h de incubação (P < 0.001). Por exame histopatológico observou-se danos graves em glândula vitelogênica, intestino, parênquima, tegumento e testículo em ambos os grupos tratado e controle positivo. Concluiu-se que PZQ e NTZ apresentaram ação anti-helmíntica in vitro contra o parasito Eurytrema coelomaticum, pois causaram lesões significativas nos órgãos avaliados e diminuíram a motilidade do parasito.

Praziquantel/administração & dosagem , Trematódeos , Anti-Helmínticos/administração & dosagem
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-8, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469005


Excessive intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as, diclofenac sodium (DS) may lead to toxicity in the rats. In this work, we aimed to examine the protective impact of lentil extract (LE) and folic acid (FA) on the hematological markers, the kidney tissue oxidative stress and the renal function against diclofenac sodium (DS) in male albino rats. The rats (120-150 g) were divided into four equal groups randomly, the first group kept as the untreated control. The second group was administrated with DS (11.6 mg/kg b.wt. orally once/day). The third group was received DS+FA (11.6 mg/kg b.wt.+76.9 microgram/kg b.wt.) orally once/day. The fourth group was treated with DS+LE (11.6 mg/kg b.wt.+500 mg/kg b.wt.) orally once/day. After four weeks, the results revealed that DS produced a significant decrease in the values of red blood cells (RBCs), hemoglobin concentration (Hb), hematocrit (HCT) and white blood cells (WBCs). On the other hand, there was a significant increase in the platelets count. Also, DS induced a renal deterioration; this was evidenced by the significant increase in the serum levels of urea, creatinine, uric acid, Na, Ca, Mg as well as the nitric oxide (NO) level in the kidney tissue. Also, there were a significant reduction in the serum levels of potassium (K) and reduced glutathione (GSH) in the kidney homogenates. Moreover, the findings in the rats treated by DS+LE or DS+FA showed a potential protection on the hematological markers, oxidative stress in the kidney tissue and the renal function disturbed by DS. LE and FA could play a potent role for the prevention the adverse hematological, the kidney tissue oxidative stress and the renal dysfunction caused by DS via their anti-oxidative and bioactive phytochemicals.

A ingestão excessiva de anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais, como o diclofenaco de sódio (DS), pode causar toxicidade em ratos. Neste trabalho, objetivamos examinar o impacto protetor do extrato de lentilha (LE) e ácido fólico (AF) em marcadores hematológicos, no estresse oxidativo do tecido renal e na função renal contra o diclofenaco de sódio (DS) em ratos albinos machos. Os ratos (120-150 g) foram divididos em quatro grupos iguais aleatoriamente, sendo o primeiro grupo mantido como controle não tratado. O segundo grupo foi administrado com DS (11,6 mg / kg de peso corporal por via oral uma vez / dia). O terceiro grupo recebeu DS + FA (76,9 mg / kg de peso corporal por via oral uma vez / dia). O quarto grupo foi tratado com DS + LE (500 mg / kg de peso corporal por via oral uma vez / dia). Após quatro semanas, os resultados revelaram que o DS produziu uma diminuição significativa nos valores de glóbulos vermelhos (RBCs), concentração de hemoglobina (Hb), hematócrito (HCT) e glóbulos brancos (WBCs). Por outro lado, houve um aumento significativo na contagem de plaquetas. Além disso, o DS induziu uma deterioração renal; isso foi evidenciado pelo aumento significativo dos níveis séricos de ureia, creatinina, ácido úrico, Na, Ca, Mg e também do nível de óxido nítrico no tecido renal. Além disso, houve uma redução significativa nos níveis séricos de potássio (K) e glutationa reduzida (GSH) nos homogenatos renais. Além disso, os achados nos ratos tratados com DS + LE ou DS + FA mostraram uma proteção potencial sobre os marcadores hematológicos, estresse oxidativo no tecido renal e função renal perturbada pelo DS. LE e AF podem desempenhar um papel potente na prevenção do estresse hematológico adverso, do estresse oxidativo do tecido renal e da disfunção renal causada pelo DS por meio de seus fitoquímicos antioxidantes e bioativos.

Masculino , Animais , Ratos , Diclofenaco/toxicidade , Estresse Oxidativo , Lens (Planta) , Rim/efeitos dos fármacos , Testes Hematológicos , Ácido Fólico/farmacologia
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-8, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765582


Excessive intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as, diclofenac sodium (DS) may lead to toxicity in the rats. In this work, we aimed to examine the protective impact of lentil extract (LE) and folic acid (FA) on the hematological markers, the kidney tissue oxidative stress and the renal function against diclofenac sodium (DS) in male albino rats. The rats (120-150 g) were divided into four equal groups randomly, the first group kept as the untreated control. The second group was administrated with DS (11.6 mg/kg b.wt. orally once/day). The third group was received DS+FA (11.6 mg/kg b.wt.+76.9 microgram/kg b.wt.) orally once/day. The fourth group was treated with DS+LE (11.6 mg/kg b.wt.+500 mg/kg b.wt.) orally once/day. After four weeks, the results revealed that DS produced a significant decrease in the values of red blood cells (RBCs), hemoglobin concentration (Hb), hematocrit (HCT) and white blood cells (WBCs). On the other hand, there was a significant increase in the platelets count. Also, DS induced a renal deterioration; this was evidenced by the significant increase in the serum levels of urea, creatinine, uric acid, Na, Ca, Mg as well as the nitric oxide (NO) level in the kidney tissue. Also, there were a significant reduction in the serum levels of potassium (K) and reduced glutathione (GSH) in the kidney homogenates. Moreover, the findings in the rats treated by DS+LE or DS+FA showed a potential protection on the hematological markers, oxidative stress in the kidney tissue and the renal function disturbed by DS. LE and FA could play a potent role for the prevention the adverse hematological, the kidney tissue oxidative stress and the renal dysfunction caused by DS via their anti-oxidative and bioactive phytochemicals.(AU)

A ingestão excessiva de anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais, como o diclofenaco de sódio (DS), pode causar toxicidade em ratos. Neste trabalho, objetivamos examinar o impacto protetor do extrato de lentilha (LE) e ácido fólico (AF) em marcadores hematológicos, no estresse oxidativo do tecido renal e na função renal contra o diclofenaco de sódio (DS) em ratos albinos machos. Os ratos (120-150 g) foram divididos em quatro grupos iguais aleatoriamente, sendo o primeiro grupo mantido como controle não tratado. O segundo grupo foi administrado com DS (11,6 mg / kg de peso corporal por via oral uma vez / dia). O terceiro grupo recebeu DS + FA (76,9 mg / kg de peso corporal por via oral uma vez / dia). O quarto grupo foi tratado com DS + LE (500 mg / kg de peso corporal por via oral uma vez / dia). Após quatro semanas, os resultados revelaram que o DS produziu uma diminuição significativa nos valores de glóbulos vermelhos (RBCs), concentração de hemoglobina (Hb), hematócrito (HCT) e glóbulos brancos (WBCs). Por outro lado, houve um aumento significativo na contagem de plaquetas. Além disso, o DS induziu uma deterioração renal; isso foi evidenciado pelo aumento significativo dos níveis séricos de ureia, creatinina, ácido úrico, Na, Ca, Mg e também do nível de óxido nítrico no tecido renal. Além disso, houve uma redução significativa nos níveis séricos de potássio (K) e glutationa reduzida (GSH) nos homogenatos renais. Além disso, os achados nos ratos tratados com DS + LE ou DS + FA mostraram uma proteção potencial sobre os marcadores hematológicos, estresse oxidativo no tecido renal e função renal perturbada pelo DS. LE e AF podem desempenhar um papel potente na prevenção do estresse hematológico adverso, do estresse oxidativo do tecido renal e da disfunção renal causada pelo DS por meio de seus fitoquímicos antioxidantes e bioativos.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Rim/efeitos dos fármacos , Diclofenaco/toxicidade , Ácido Fólico/farmacologia , Lens (Planta) , Testes Hematológicos , Estresse Oxidativo
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 311-326, abr.-jun. 2023. graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435425


As perdas de produtividade e fertilidade animal associadas ao estresse térmico durante os meses mais quentes do ano é um dos maiores desafios do setor pecuário. Na indústria de leite as perdas econômicas causadas pelo estresse térmico foram estimadas em mais de 1,5 bilhões de dólares por ano. No que tange a reprodução, já foi demonstrado que o estresse térmico exerce múltiplos efeitos deletérios, causando disfunções endócrinas e alterando a sequência orquestrada de eventos importantes para a gametogênese e para o desenvolvimento embrionário inicial. Estudos recentes têm esclarecido o padrão temporal no qual os danos são estabelecidos e carreados dependendo da intensidade do estresse. Enquanto os efeitos imediatos do estresse térmico nos gametas já são bem caracterizados, existem evidências de que alguns danos podem ser carreados de forma tardia e possivelmente entre gerações. Além disso, dados emergentes indicam que o estresse térmico compromete a reprogramação da metilação do DNA que ocorre durante a gametogênese e a programação do desenvolvimento in utero. Dessa forma, esse artigo visa explorar os efeitos imediatos, tardios e transgeracionais do estresse térmico nos gametas.(AU)

The drop on animal productivity and fertility associated with heat stress during the hot months of the year is one of the biggest challenges for the livestock sector. For the dairy industry the economic losses caused by heat stress have been estimated over 1.5 billion dollars per year. It has already been demonstrated that heat stress exerts multiple deleterious effects on reproductive function, causing endocrine dysfunctions as well as changes in the sequence of events required for gametogenesis and early embryonic development. Recent studies have shed a light in the temporal pattern in which heat-induced damage is established and carried forward depending on the intensity of stress. While the immediate effects of heat stress on gametes are well characterized, there is evidence that some damage can be carried over for longer periods and even across generations. Furthermore, emerging data indicate that heat stress compromises DNA methylation reprogramming that occurs during gametogenesis and developmental programming in utero. Thus, this paper aims to explore the immediate, late and transgenerational effects of heat stress on gametes.(AU)

Animais , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Desenvolvimento Embrionário/fisiologia , Células Germinativas
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(1): 48-60, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416490


This study aimed to evaluate the effects of partial replacement (750g/kg) of Tifton hay by two cactus cladodes (Nopalea or Opuntia) on the metabolic profile of lambs. Thirty-six uncastrated male Santa Inês lambs (22.0±2.9kg initial body weight) were distributed in a completely randomized design, with three treatments and 12 repetitions. The animals were fed a control diet (Tifton hay as exclusive roughage), Miúda cactus cladodes-based diet or Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (O.E.M.) cactus cladodes-based diet. Blood samples were collected one day before (baseline) and 45 days after the introduction of the tested diets. The Miúda cactus cladodes caused an increase (P=0.055) in the serum activity of the gamma-glutamyl transferase enzyme (53.66U/L) and in the blood content of glucose and fructosamine. The O.E.M. cactus cladodes caused lower (P=0.038) serum cholesterol content (41.33mg/dL). Regardless of the variety, there was a decrease (P=0.001) in the serum content of indirect bilirubin, urea, and sodium, and increase in the serum magnesium concentration. The partial replacement of the Tifton hay by Miúda or O.E.M. cactus cladodes in lamb feeding increases the enzyme activity, indicating liver and/or kidney changes, but does not cause relevant damage to energy, protein, and mineral metabolism.

Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da substituição parcial (750g/kg) do feno de Tifton por duas variedades de palma forrageira (Nopalea ou Opuntia) no perfil metabólico de cordeiros. Trinta e seis cordeiros Santa Inês, machos, não castrados (22,0 ± 2,9kg de peso corporal inicial), foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com três tratamentos e 12 repetições. Os animais foram alimentados com dieta controle (feno de Tifton como volumoso exclusivo), dieta à base de palma forrageira Miúda ou dieta à base de palma forrageira Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (OEM). Amostras de sangue foram coletadas um dia antes (baseline) e 45 dias após a introdução das dietas testadas. A palma Miúda causou aumento (P=0,055) na atividade sérica da enzima gamaglutamiltransferase (53,66U/L) e no teor sanguíneo de glicose e frutosamina. A palma OEM causou menor teor (P=0,038) de colesterol sérico (41,33mg/dL). Independentemente da variedade, houve diminuição (P=0,001) do teor sérico de bilirrubina indireta, ureia e sódio, e aumento na concentração sérica de magnésio. A substituição parcial do feno de Tifton por palma Miúda ou por OEM na alimentação de cordeiros aumenta a atividade enzimática, o que indica alterações hepáticas e/ou renais, mas não causa danos relevantes nos metabolismos energético, proteico e mineral.

Animais , Masculino , Ovinos/metabolismo , Cactaceae/química , Ração Animal/análise , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Zona Semiárida
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e243910, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278525


Abstract Nucleotide excision repair (NER) acts repairing damages in DNA, such as lesions caused by cisplatin. Xeroderma Pigmentosum complementation group C (XPC) protein is involved in recognition of global genome DNA damages during NER (GG-NER) and it has been studied in different organisms due to its importance in other cellular processes. In this work, we studied NER proteins in Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma evansi, parasites of humans and animals respectively. We performed three-dimensional models of XPC proteins from T. cruzi and T. evansi and observed few structural differences between these proteins. In our tests, insertion of XPC gene from T. evansi (TevXPC) in T. cruzi resulted in slower cell growth under normal conditions. After cisplatin treatment, T. cruzi overexpressing its own XPC gene (TcXPC) was able to recover cell division rates faster than T. cruzi expressing TevXPC gene. Based on these tests, it is suggested that TevXPC (being an exogenous protein in T. cruzi) interferes negatively in cellular processes where TcXPC (the endogenous protein) is involved. This probably occurred due interaction of TevXPC with some endogenous molecules or proteins from T.cruzi but incapacity of interaction with others. This reinforces the importance of correctly XPC functioning within the cell.

Resumo O reparo por excisão de nucleotídeos (NER) atua reparando danos no DNA, como lesões causadas por cisplatina. A proteína Xeroderma Pigmentosum complementation group C (XPC) está envolvida no reconhecimento de danos pela via de reparação global do genoma pelo NER (GG-NER) e tem sido estudada em diferentes organismos devido à sua importância em outros processos celulares. Neste trabalho, estudamos proteínas do NER em Trypanosoma cruzi e Trypanosoma evansi, parasitos de humanos e animais, respectivamente. Modelos tridimensionais das proteínas XPC de T. cruzi e T. evansi foram feitos e observou-se poucas diferenças estruturais entre estas proteínas. Durante testes, a inserção do gene XPC de T. evansi (TevXPC) em T. cruzi resultou em crescimento celular mais lento em condições normais. Após o tratamento com cisplatina, T. cruzi superexpressando seu próprio gene XPC (TcXPC) foi capaz de recuperar as taxas de divisão celular mais rapidamente do que T. cruzi expressando o gene TevXPC. Com base nesses testes, sugere-se que TevXPC (sendo uma proteína exógena em T. cruzi) interfere negativamente nos processos celulares em que TcXPC (a proteína endógena) está envolvida. Isso provavelmente ocorreu pois TevXPC é capaz de interagir com algumas moléculas ou proteínas endógenas de T.cruzi, mas é incapaz de interagir com outras. Isso reforça a importância do correto funcionamento de XPC dentro da célula.

Humanos , Animais , Trypanosoma cruzi/genética , Xeroderma Pigmentoso , Dano ao DNA/genética , Biologia Computacional , Proteínas de Ligação a DNA/genética , Proteínas de Ligação a DNA/metabolismo , Reparo do DNA/genética
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(1): e20220048, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1425290


The objective of this study was to reduce the effects of cryoinjury caused in bovine semen by cryopreservation. Ejaculates were collected from Nellore bulls and subjected to freezing in C (control), ozone (15, 30, and 60 µg mL-1 of ozone), quercetin (25, 50, and 100 µg mL-1 of quercetin), and carnosine groups (100, 200, and 300 ng mL-1 of carnosine). Samples were evaluated post-thaw (M0) and post-rapid thermoresistance test (M30) for sperm kinetics (total motility, progressive motility, curvilinear speed, linearity and amplitude of lateral head displacement) and cell structure viability (plasma membrane integrity, acrosomal integrity, mitochondrial potential, membrane fluidity, and lipid peroxidation). There were no differences (P > 0.05) between the control, quercetin, and carnosine-treated groups for the parameters evaluated at M0 and M30. In turn, supplementation with ozone resulted in lower values for sperm kinetics (P < 0.05) and lower mitochondrial potential at M30 (P < 0.05). Quercetin and carnosine at the concentrations used did not promote significant gains in frozen semen, nor did they demonstrate cytotoxicity. We expected to obtain positive results with the use of ozone. Nonetheless, the addition was harmful to the parameters of sperm kinetics, and its effect was not observed as a possible pro-antioxidant. We believe that the fact that the gas did not harm the sperm structure opens avenues for tests with lower dosages, since, by reducing its concentration, we could minimize the damage to sperm kinetics.(AU0

Animais , Masculino , Ozônio/efeitos adversos , Quercetina/efeitos adversos , Preservação do Sêmen , Carnosina/efeitos adversos , Bovinos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 897, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444655


Background: Gout, a metabolic disease affecting multiple species, is frequent in birds which are uricotelic animals. It is primarily caused by hyperuricemia originating from birds' renal disorders with subsequent deposition of urate crystals into tissue. The location of the crystals determines the type of disease. Joint disease occurs with deposition inside and around joints, joint capsules, and tandine hems, while visceral disease occurs when the serous surface of visceral organs (mainly pericardium, liver, kidneys, air sacs, peritoneum, and spleen) are affected. This report describes a case of visceral uric gout in a Muscovy duck, which is rare. Case: An adult, male, Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata), kept under human care in a zoo, was referred to a veterinary clinic. The animal presented suddenly with prostration, ataxia, and anorexia, and died the following day. The body was sent to the Pathology Sector of Ritter dos Reis University Center (UniRitter) for a necropsy. During the necropsy, it was observed that white membranes, presenting a "chalk dust" appearance, were deposited under the serous layer of organs including the liver, kidneys, and pericardium. Following the necropsy and macroscopic evaluations, fragments of multiple organs were fixed in 10% formalin and processed routinely with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining for histopathological evaluation in an analysis laboratory in Porto Alegre city. A deposition of amorphous eosinophilic material was identified in the intestine, liver (serous), kidneys, lungs, and heart (epicardium) with findings of serositis, nephritis, and fibrinous epicarditis. The liver parenchyma and lungs had areas of congestion. There was both moderate and intense hepatocellular degeneration as well as degeneration in the renal tubular cells. These macro and microscopic changes were compatible with urate crystal deposition which represents visceral uric gout. Discussion: As opposed to free-living birds, birds in captivity have easy access to food and are sedentary. These factors, together with inadequate food management, make nutritional disorders the main predisposing cause of uric gout in these animals. Since it was not possible to determine the causative factors of this individual animal's disease due to the absence of examinations while alive, a nutritional origin of this animal's demise was considered. According to prior reports, an important cause of avian disease can be attributed directly or indirectly to kidney dysfunction. In addition to a deposition of amorphous material in the renal cortex, this Muscovy duck had areas of tubular cell degeneration and proliferation of fibrous connective tissue. However, it was not possible to establish a cause and effect relationship between the renal damage and the uric gout. Despite being common in birds under human care, the disease still is challenging for veterinarians, since the diagnosis is often late and treatment is often ineffective. The absence of documentation of this disease in the Muscovy duck contributes to the difficulty in establishing predisposing factors and a distinct disease etiology. This highlights the importance of the present report and the need for new studies. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of visceral uric gout in a Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata). This highlights the importance of necroscopic examinations and the impact they can have in the clinical arena, especially in wild animals.

Animais , Ácido Úrico/análise , Vísceras/lesões , Patos , Gota/patologia , Animais Selvagens , Doenças Metabólicas/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 889, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444385


Background: Nonambulatory flaccid tetraparesis can be the result of diseases of the peripheral nervous system and it is characterized by generalized lower motor neuron (LMN) signs, as weakness, tetraparesis/tetraplegia, decreased muscle tone and reflexes. The term polyneuropathy is used for dysfunction of multiple peripheral nerves. In Brazil, there are several etiologies for polyneuropathy in dogs, such as acute idiopathic polyradiculoneuritis, botulism and myasthenia gravis. Toxoplasma gondii is an uncommon cause of LMN diseases in dogs. The aim of this report was to describe a case of flaccid tetraplegia toxoplasmosis in an adult dog with a Toxoplasma gondii serology with a markedly elevated IgG titer of 1:4096. Case: A 4-year-old intact mongrel male dog, weighing 19.6 kg, was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) with a 5-day history of weakness that progressed to tetraparesis. Physical examination revealed no significant changes other than the dull and unkempt coat. Neurologic examination revealed severe tetraparesis that was worse in the pelvic limbs, with decreased muscle tone in all four limbs. Postural reactions and the interdigital reflex were absent in all four limbs, as was the patellar reflex, but pain perception was present. There were no clinical signs of dysfunction on examination of the cranial nerves. Laboratory tests were performed, and creatine kinase was elevated (819 U/L). Blood was drawn to look for antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum class IgG using the indirect immunofluorescence technique. The antibody titer for Toxoplasma gondii (IgG) was 1:4096. A chest radiograph was performed to look for megaesophagus, and a pulmonary pattern suggestive of mild diffuse pneumonia was observed. Treatment was performed with sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, and the dog's condition improved slightly. Discussion: Based on lower motor neuron findings, the neurologic lesion was localized in the nerve roots, peripheral nerves, neuromuscular junctions, or muscles. The most important diseases in the list of differential diagnoses were immune-mediated or infectious polyradiculoneuritis (toxoplasmosis, neosporosis), myasthenia gravis, toxic polyneuropathy (botulism, chronic organophosphate poisoning), and paraneoplastic polyneuropathy. Among these differential diagnoses, polyradiculoneuritis is one of the most common. It is an idiopathic inflammatory disease. Exposure to raccoon saliva (in the U.S.), vaccination, or infection have been proposed as precipitating causes, but the triggers of this disease remain unknown. Serology for neosporosis was negative, while IgG titers for toxoplasmosis were 1:4096. In a previous study, dogs with acute polyradiculoneuritis were more likely to have T. gondii IgG serum antibody titers than dogs without neurologic signs. Infection with the protozoa T. gondii and N. caninum can cause intense polyradiculoneuritis in dogs accompanied by myositis, especially in puppies. One treatment trial was based on the administration of sulfonamide-trimethoprim with pyrimethamine, whose efficacy in the treatment of toxoplasmosis in dogs has also been reported in the literature. Neurologic deficits improved slightly, and there is a possibility that certain signs may not disappear completely because of the permanent damage caused by inflammation of the nervous system, as observed in the present case. The case had the limitation that it was not possible to perform other laboratory tests to demonstrate histopathologically the presence of Toxoplasma gondii organisms in muscles or nerves. Recovery of normal function is less likely in protozoan polyradiculoneuritis than in noninfectious polyradiculoneuritis. Thus, in the present case, the main suspicion was polyradiculoneuritis secondary to toxoplasmosis. Although it is a rare condition, it is important to consider toxoplasmosis in dogs with LMN-type tetraparesis or tetraplegia.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Paresia/veterinária , Polineuropatias/veterinária , Polirradiculoneuropatia/veterinária , Sistema Nervoso Periférico/patologia
Acta cir. bras ; 38: e381523, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1439109


Purpose: It was aimed to investigate the biochemical and immunohistochemical effects of ephedrine (EPH) in bilateral ovariectomized rats. Methods: Twenty-four Sprague Dawley female rats were divided into three groups: control group: The abdomen was opened and closed without any treatment; ischemia-reperfusion (IR) group: 2 h of ischemia followed by 2 h of reperfusion were allowed to cause IR injury; IR+EPH group: oral EPH solution (5 mg/kg) was administered for 28 days. Results: Biochemical parameters were statistically significant in group comparisons. Increased interleukin-6 (IL-6) expression, degenerative preantral and antral follicle cells and inflammatory cells around blood vessels were seen in IR group. Negative IL-6 expression was observed in seminal epithelial cells, preantral and antral follicle cells in IR+EPH group. While caspase-3 activity increased in granulosa cells and stromal cells in IR group, caspase-3 expression was negative in preantral and antral follicle cells in the germinal epithelium and cortex in IR+EPH group. Conclusion: The effect of apoptosis, which occurs with the signaling that starts in the cell nucleus, caused the cessation of the stimulating effect at the nuclear level after EPH administration, and a decrease in the antioxidative effect in IR damage and inflammation in the apoptotic process.

Animais , Feminino , Ratos , Ovário/citologia , Interleucina-6/fisiologia , Efedrina/análise , Caspase 3/fisiologia , Imuno-Histoquímica , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , Apoptose