The aim of this study was to present a novel surgical method for correction of medial patellar luxation in small-breed dogs with trochlear dysplasia and marked hypoplasia of the medial femoral condyle. The "Watermelon" approach was applied together with trochlear wedge recession or trochlear block recession and consisted in increasing the height of the medial condyle with an osteochondral autograft resembling a watermelon slice, placed into an additional slot in the medial femoral condyle to prevent the postoperative reluxation of the patella. The study cohort included 19 dogs (25 joints) from small breeds (Pinscher, Pomeranian, and Chihuahua) with second-grade medial patellar luxation. Fourteen joints were submitted to wedge recession surgery combined with "Watermelon" grafting, and 11 joints: to block recession surgery with "Watermelon" grafting. The sulcus-deepening trochleoplasty combined with "Watermelon" grafting was clinically successful and with low percentage of minor postoperative complications. The mean duration of anesthesia was significantly longer for block recession combined with "Watermelon" (P<0.001), but the recovery period was shorter (P<0.05).
O objetivo deste estudo foi apresentar um novo método cirúrgico para correção da luxação patelar medial em cães de raça pequena com displasia troquelar e hipoplasia marcada do côndilo femoral medial. A abordagem "Melancia" foi aplicada juntamente com a recessão da cunha trocolear ou recessão do bloco trocolear e consistiu em aumentar a altura do côndilo medial com um auto-enxerto osteocondral parecido com uma fatia de melancia, colocado em uma fenda adicional no côndilo femoral medial para evitar o relaxamento pós-operatório da patela. A coorte do estudo incluiu 19 cães (25 juntas) de raças pequenas (Pinscher, Pomeranian, e Chihuahua) com luxação patelar medial de segundo grau. Catorze juntas foram submetidas à cirurgia de recessão em cunha combinada com enxerto de "melancia", e 11 juntas: para bloquear a cirurgia de recessão com enxerto de "melancia". A trocleoplastia de "melancia" combinada com o enxerto de "melancia" foi clinicamente bem sucedida e com baixo percentual de pequenas complicações pós-operatórias. A duração média da anestesia foi significativamente maior para a recessão em bloco combinada com "Melancia" (P<0,001), mas o período de recuperação foi mais curto (P<0,05).
Animais , Cães , Transplantes , Luxação Patelar/cirurgia , Luxação Patelar/veterinária , Doenças do CãoResumo
A displasia coxofemoral (DCF) é uma alteração ortopédica muito comum nos cães, caracterizada por frouxidão da articulação coxofemoral, com consequente osteoartrose. A osteotomia tripla da pelve (TPO) é um dos procedimentos ortopédicos elegíveis como tratamento da DCF. Por necessitar de três abordagens cirúrgicas, a TPO é considerada uma técnica complexa, não isenta de complicações na abordagem do isquio. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo relatar e avaliar a realização da TPO através de apenas dois acessos cirúrgicos, possibilitando executar a osteotomia isquiática através do acesso púbico ventral. Foram operados 10 cães com diagnóstico clinico e radiológico de DCF. Para a secção da mesa isquiática utilizou-se um cinzel de rinotomia com a extremidade apoiada na borda isquiática da face caudal do forame obturador. Ante os bons resultados radiológicos e clínicos pós-operatórios, conclui- se que é possivel a realização da osteotomia do isquio na TPO, através do acesso púbico ventral, oferecendo proventos cirúrgicos. (AU)
Hip dysplasia (HD) is an ordinary dog orthopedic disorder concerning osteoarthritis following hip joint laxity. Among eligible procedures to treat this condition, triple pelvic osteotomy (TPO) is a complex technique involving three surgical interventions. This paper reports and evaluates TPO execution using only two surgical accesses to perform a sciatic osteotomy through the pelvic ventral area. Ten suitable for TPO surgery dogs, clinically and radiologically diagnosed were the subject of this study. For the section of the ischial surface, a rhinotome was used with the tip resting on the ischial edge of the caudal surface of the obturator foramen. The experience revealed pelvic ventral area access availability regarding TPO ischial ostectomy with good clinical and radiological outcomes.(AU)
La displasia de cadera (CHD) es un trastorno ortopédico muy común en perros, caracterizado por laxitud de esa articulación con la consiguiente osteoartrosis. La ostectomia pélvica triple (TPO) es uno de los procedimientos ortopédicos elegibles como tratamiento para la CHD. Al requerir tres abordajes quirúrgicos, la TPO se considera una técnica compleja, no exenta de complicaciones en el abordaje del isquion. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo informar y evaluar la realización de la TPO a través de sólo dos accesos quirúrgicos, posibilitando la realización de la osteotomia isquiática a través del acceso ventral del pubis. Se operaron diez perros con diagnóstico clínico y radiológico de CHD. Para la sección de la mesa isquiática se utilizó un rinotomo con la punta apoyada en el borde isquiático de la superficie caudal del agujero obturador. En vista de los buenos resultados postoperatorios clínicos y radiológicos, se concluye que es posible realizar una osteotomia isquiática en la TPO, a través del acceso ventral púbico, ofreciendo beneficios quirúrgicos.(AU)
Animais , Osteoartrite/veterinária , Cães , Displasia Pélvica Canina/cirurgiaResumo
Background: Coxofemoral dysplasia (CFD) is the abnormal development of the hip joint, mostly affecting large breeds, and is characterized by subluxation or complete luxation of the femoral head. Among the conservative therapeutic options, cell therapies with stem cells for CFD provides potential by the countless possibilities of therapeutic application, especially those related to the chronic and/or degenerative diseases treatment, which could be a key point for the bone and joint repair. The objective was to report a bilateral CFD case in a dog, treated with intra-articular application of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), with 0, 30, 60 and 90 days, and further evaluations. Case: A 2-year-old male Akita dog was referred to the Veterinary Hospital Harmonia (HVH) located in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, presenting clinical signs of hip pain, lameness and pelvic limbs hopping. By orthopedic examination, pain was observed at the cranial and caudal extension of the pelvic limb, and at flexion, abduction and adduction of the limb, as well as moderate muscle atrophy and presence of joint crackling. By coxofemoral radiography performed in ventrodorsal projection, it were detected bilateral femoral head subluxation, thickening of the femoral neck and the presence of intraarticular osteophytes. These findings are compatible with the degeneration caused by the presence of CFD. Laboratory tests performed such as hemogram and biochemical had no changes. Thus, the patient had intra-articular application of allogeneic MSC, derived from adipose tissue, obtained by private company. For stem cell applications, arthrocentesis of the hip joints was performed one at a time, using a 5 mL syringe and 16G needle for aspiration of 2 mL synovial fluid, for discard and application of stem cells. After aspiration, the syringe containing the MSC were fitted to the 16G needle for the implant. After the...
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Displasia Pélvica Canina/terapia , Transplante de Células-Tronco Mesenquimais/métodos , Transplante de Células-Tronco Mesenquimais/veterinária , Fraturas Intra-Articulares/cirurgia , Fraturas Intra-Articulares/veterináriaResumo
This study aimed to determine the psychometric properties and clinical use of the Brazilian version of the Canine Brief Pain Inventory (CBPI) in dogs with hip dysplasia (HD). Forty-three dogs with HD and 16 clinically normal dogs were enrolled. The HD dogs were treated daily with 4.4mg/kg carprofen (GT = 21) or placebo (GP = 19), for four weeks. Owners completed the CBPI at two weeks (W-2) and immediately before the start of the treatment (W0), two (W2) and four (W4) weeks during treatment, and two weeks (W6) after the end of treatment. The internal structure was accessed, and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.97, indicating the high internal consistency of the instrument. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) suggested the retention of one component, which accounted for 78% of the variability. The ROC curve analysis concluded that the score 3 has an excellent performance to discriminate between normal and possible HD dogs (AUC of 0.973). There was no difference between dogs treated with carprofen versus placebo. The instrument in Portuguese showed construct and criterion validity and reliability to be used in dogs with HD.
Objetivou-se determinar as propriedades psicométricas e a utilidade clínica do Breve Inventário de Dor Canina na língua portuguesa, em cães com displasia coxofemoral (DCF). O inventário foi preenchido por tutores de 43 animais com DCF e por 16 tutores de cães saudáveis. Os animais com DCF foram tratados com carprofeno 4,4mg/kg (GT = 21) ou placebo (GP =19), administrados uma vez ao dia durante quatro semanas. As avaliações foram realizadas duas semanas e imediatamente antes do tratamento, duas e quatro semanas durante o tratamento e após duas semanas do término do tratamento. A estrutura interna calculada pelo alfa de Cronbach = 0,97 indicou alta consistência dos dados. A análise dos componentes principais identificou a retenção de apenas um componente responsável por 78% da variabilidade dos dados. A análise da curva ROC indicou que o escore 3 discrimina cães saudáveis de cães com possível DCF (ASC de 0,973). Não houve diferença entre os cães tratados com carprofeno daqueles que receberam placebo. O questionário apresentou validade de constructo e critério e confiabilidade e pode-se empregá-lo para avaliar a dor crônica em cães com osteoartrite em países de língua portuguesa.
Animais , Cães , Osteoartrite , Dor , Curva ROC , Cães , Luxação do QuadrilResumo
Background: Coxofemoral dislocation is uncommon in large animals, due to anatomical particularities that provide greater stability to this joint. The most common causes of hip dislocation in large animals are related to hypocalcemia, mount trauma, sudden falls on hard surfaces or dystocia. Treatment can be performed by closed reduction, but the reported results are not satisfactory with complications. Several surgical techniques have already been described and successfully used in small animals in the treatment of hip dislocation. The present work aims to describe the technique and the result of the iliofemoral suture in the treatment of hip dislocation in a Girolando heifer. Case: A heifer was attended with a history of difficulty in getting up. According to the owner, the clinical manifestation was sudden, after remaining in a paddock with other animals of different age groups. The calf had reduced skin sensitivity on the croup, and it was impossible to remain in the quadrupedal position, often remaining in sternal recumbency with the left pelvic limb in extension. From the clinical examination, spinal cord injury was suspected and clinical treatment was instituted with dexamethasone, vitamins B1, B12 and dimethylsulfoxide. At the end of the clinical treatment, the animal did not show a favorable evolution, so radiographic examination of the coxofemoral region was performed, revealing dislocation of the left femoral head, indicating surgical correction. Xylazine was administered as pre-anesthetic medication, followed by anesthetic induction with midazolam associated with ketamine, followed by orotracheal intubation. Anesthetic maintenance was instituted with isoflurane and monitoring was performed with a multiparameter monitor. An epidural block was performed with bupivacaine and morphine. A craniolateral approach to the left hip joint was performed. After the dislocation was reduced, sutures were used to better stabilize the joint in question. Following the evolution of the surgical procedure, it was possible to confirm that the femoral head remained in place. After 15 days, the skin stitches were removed and the animal was discharged from the hospital and returned to its original property. The calf was asked to remain in the stall for at least 60 days, gradually releasing it into larger spaces and only after 120 days could it remain in the paddock with other animals. During three months, the tutor was consulted about the evolution of the condition, reporting that the animal was clinically well, being able to get up and walk without difficulty and with a mild degree of lameness, thus suggesting the success of the surgical procedure. Discussion: There are few studies of successful surgical treatments of hip dislocation in large animals, and that number is even smaller when considering cattle alone. It is believed that this is due to difficulties related to the surgical technique and to postoperative handling, given the animal's weight. The iliofemoral suture technique performed on the animal in the present study is commonly employed in small animals, and excellent results have been observed. However, reports on the use of this technique in large animals have not been found. The iliofemoral suture technique has advantages over other reported surgical techniques in cattle. When compared to the femoral head and neck resection, the iliofemoral suture has several advantages, as it allows preservation of the joint and achievement of superior biomechanical results. When compared to the technique of reinforcement of the joint capsule with synthetic material, also reported in cattle, the iliofemoral suture appears to be faster, simpler and more economic, and provides similar stability. We conclude that the iliofemoral suture proved to be a satisfactory alternative for the treatment of hip dislocations in young cattle.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Dispositivos de Fixação Ortopédica/veterinária , Luxação do Quadril/veterinária , Ílio/patologiaResumo
The Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) consists of a group of diseases characterized by defective collagen production or failure in its organization, resulting in changes in the strength and extensibility of connective tissue. This report describes the dermatological and histological findings observed in a 3-month-old crossbreed cat with rupture and detachment of skin in the thoracic limb and rupture of the skin in the cervical region. Upon dermatological examination, the cat presented fragile and hyperextensible skin in the cervical region and a skin extensibility index of 21%. Histopathological evaluation of the skin specimens revealed evident disorganization of collagen bundles in dermis and in the Masson's trichrome staining, follicular dysplasia was found. The presumptive diagnosis of EDS was made based on the clinical and histopathological findings. Sanger sequencing did not detect any mutated alleles for the c.3420delG mutation in COL5A1 gene, which was an autosomal dominant mutation previously been associated with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome in cats. The absence of this mutation in the reported cat suggests that other mutation may also be responsible for the development of cutaneous asthenia in this or maybe other genes related to collagen metabolism.
A síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos (EDS) consiste em um conjunto de doenças caracterizadas pela produção deficiente de colágeno ou falha em sua organização, resultando em alterações na resistência e extensibilidade do tecido conjuntivo. Este relato descreve os achados dermatológicos e histológicos observados em um gato mestiço de três meses de idade com ruptura e descolamento de pele do membro torácico e ruptura da pele na região cervical. Ao exame dermatológico, o gato apresentava pele hiper-extensível, fragilizada na região cervical e índice de extensibilidade cutânea de 21%. A avaliação histopatológica das amostras de pele revelou desorganização evidente dos feixes de colágeno na derme e pela coloração com tricrômico de Masson foi encontrada displasia folicular. O diagnóstico presuntivo de EDS foi realizado com base nos achados clínicos e histopatológicos. O sequenciamento de Sanger não detectou nenhum alelo mutado para a mutação c.3420delG no gene COL5A1, que é uma mutação autossômica dominante previamente associada à síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos em gatos. A ausência dessa mutação no gato relatado sugere que outra mutação também pode ser responsável pelo desenvolvimento de astenia cutânea neste gene ou em outro associado ao metabolismo de colágeno.
Animais , Gatos , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Colágeno/análise , Síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos/veterinária , Astenia/veterinária , Análise de Sequência/veterinária , MutaçãoResumo
Background: Hip dysplasia (HD) is the most common non-traumatic orthopedic disease in large breed dogs. Treatment is chosen according to the severity of the condition, the age of the dog and the involvement of osteoarthritis (OA). For puppies up to 20-weeks-old, surgical treatment by the juvenile pubic symphysiodesis (JPS) technique can be performed. This procedure promotes the ventrolateral rotation of the acetabulum over the femoral head, which improves hip joint congruence and stability. The objective of this study is to report the case of a young dog with HD treated with JPS and pectineus myectomy. Clinical and radiographic outcomes were assessed for up to one year after surgery. Case: A 17-week-old Saint Bernard puppy was attended at the University Veterinary Hospital showing abnormal weight bearing and lameness in pelvic limbs, without history of previous trauma. On orthopedic examination, there was a marked hypotrophy of the pelvic limb muscles, severe pain and laxity in the hip joints, and positive feature in the Ortolani test. The hip joint subluxation angle (SA) and reduction angle (RA) were measured. A radiographic study was carried out to evaluate the hip joints and measure the Norberg angle (NA), distraction index (DI), acetabular angle (AA) and dorsal acetabular rim angle (DARA). The 20-week-old dog underwent surgical treatment by JPS technique. A ventral surgical approach to the pubis was performed and the pubic symphysis was cauterized with electrocautery. Partial pectineus myectomy technique was also performed. Drug therapy and restriction of physical activities were indicated in the early postoperative. The dog was evaluated by clinical and radiographic examinations at 4 months and 1 year after the surgical procedure. In the reassessment after 4 months of surgical treatment, the patient showed improvement in clinical signs, with mild lameness and absence of painful sensitivity in the movement of the hip joints. Radiographically, hip joint incongruity was observed, but with progressive improvement in the values of the measured variables. In the clinical examination 1 year after the procedure, the dog showed satisfactory weight bearing with slight lameness in pelvic limbs in the running gait. There was improvement in the thigh muscles and no painful signs were observed in the hip joints, but a positive result was detected in the Ortolani test. In the radiographic examination, bilateral articular incongruity was still observed, however, there was a mild improvement in the coverage of the acetabulum over the femoral head. The measured angles and indices showed favorable results regarding the recovery of hip joint stability and proper development. Discussion: Studies evaluating the JPS technique for the treatment of HD have shown to be a relatively simple and effective procedure, which allows altering the acetabular coverage, reducing the development of HD and the progression of OA. The need for an early diagnosis of this condition is essential, so that the JPS technique can be used in young dogs and offer effective results. In the present report, in the late postoperative period, the dog showed improvement in clinical signs, with favorable weight bearing and ambulation in pelvic limbs, recovery of limb muscles, absence of pain in the hip joints and decrease in RA and SA. Radiographically, the reduction in joint subluxation, improvement in acetabular coverage over femoral heads, increase in NA and AA, reduction in DI and DARA are evidence of the favorable outcome of ventrolateral rotation of the acetabulum after surgical treatment. The surgical technique used was effective, which enabled the dog to recover the functional use of the pelvic limbs and improve the quality of life.
Animais , Cães , Sínfise Pubiana/cirurgia , Osteoartrite do Quadril/veterinária , Displasia Pélvica Canina/cirurgia , Mioma/cirurgia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterináriaResumo
This experiment was conducted to examine the effects of 1-α(OH)D3 alone or in combination with different levels of cholecalciferol on performance, and tibia parameters of one-dold male broilers fed a tibial dyschondroplasia (TD)-inducing diet. A total of three hundred male broilers were randomly allocated to 5 treatment groups with 4 replicates. The dietary treatments consisted of TD inducing diet, TD inducing dietsupplemented with 5μg per kg of 1-α(OH)D3; TD inducing dietsupplemented with 5 μg per kg of 1-α(OH)D3and 1,500; 3,000 or 5,000 IU cholecalciferol kg-1of diet. At 42 d of age, broiler chickens fed diets containing 1-α(OH)D3 and 1,500 IU cholecalciferol kg-1of diet had higher body weight (p < 0.05).In the complete experimental period the best FCR and the highest daily weight gain were obtained in broilers supplemented with1-α(OH)D3 and 1,500 IU cholecalciferol kg-1of diet. Broilers supplemented with 1-α(OH)D3 and 1,500 IU cholecalciferol kg-1of diet had significantly lower incidence and severity of TD in comparison with other groups. In conclusion, the results indicated that the supplementation of 1-α(OH)D3 in combination of 1,500 IU cholecalciferol kg-1of diet could maximize tibia bone ash, performance and prevent TD in broilers fed TD inducing diet.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Osteocondrodisplasias , Colecalciferol/análise , Cálcio , FósforoResumo
This experiment was conducted to examine the effects of 1-α(OH)D3 alone or in combination with different levels of cholecalciferol on performance, and tibia parameters of one-dold male broilers fed a tibial dyschondroplasia (TD)-inducing diet. A total of three hundred male broilers were randomly allocated to 5 treatment groups with 4 replicates. The dietary treatments consisted of TD inducing diet, TD inducing dietsupplemented with 5μg per kg of 1-α(OH)D3; TD inducing dietsupplemented with 5 μg per kg of 1-α(OH)D3and 1,500; 3,000 or 5,000 IU cholecalciferol kg-1of diet. At 42 d of age, broiler chickens fed diets containing 1-α(OH)D3 and 1,500 IU cholecalciferol kg-1of diet had higher body weight (p < 0.05).In the complete experimental period the best FCR and the highest daily weight gain were obtained in broilers supplemented with1-α(OH)D3 and 1,500 IU cholecalciferol kg-1of diet. Broilers supplemented with 1-α(OH)D3 and 1,500 IU cholecalciferol kg-1of diet had significantly lower incidence and severity of TD in comparison with other groups. In conclusion, the results indicated that the supplementation of 1-α(OH)D3 in combination of 1,500 IU cholecalciferol kg-1of diet could maximize tibia bone ash, performance and prevent TD in broilers fed TD inducing diet.
Animais , Colecalciferol/análise , Galinhas/fisiologia , Osteocondrodisplasias , Cálcio , FósforoResumo
ABSTRACT: Like canids, crab-eating foxes may probably be predisposed to similar orthopedic diseases of domestic dogs, such as hip dysplasia. However, for the adequate hip dysplasia diagnosis in wild animals, the normality characteristics of each species must be determined. This study aimed to estimate radiographic and computed tomographic (CT) values of hip joint laxity in healthy crab-eating foxes. Fifteen intact crab-eating foxes, eight males and seven females, ages 1 to 5 and mean body mass of 6.66kg were used. Norberg angle (NA) was calculated from ventrodorsal hip-extended radiographs. To calculate the dorsolateral subluxation (DLS) score, the center distance (CD) index, the lateral center edge angle (LCEA), and the dorsal acetabular rim angle (DARA), measurements obtained from transverse CT images were used. No statistically significant differences were observed between the right and left sides in the radiographic and tomographic parameters. The mean NA was 107.57°. The mean DLS score, the CD index, the LCEA, and the DARA were 60.79%, 0.16, 98.25° and 13.47°, respectively. The data obtained are helpful in characterizing mean values of the hip joint in healthy crab-eating foxes, and can contribute to the knowledge of the species.
RESUMO: Como canídeos, os cachorros-do-mato podem estar predispostos a doenças ortopédicas semelhantes aquelas de cães domésticos, tais como a displasia coxofemoral. No entanto, para o diagnóstico adequado da displasia coxofemoral em animais selvagens, os padrões de normalidade de cada espécie precisam ser determinados. Sendo assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo estimar os valores radiográficos e tomográficos (TC) da lassitude da articulação coxofemoral em cachorros-do-mato hígidos. Foram utilizados quinze cachorros-do-mato não castrados, oito machos e sete fêmeas, com idades entre 1 e 5 anos e massa corporal média de 6,66kg. O ângulo de Norberg (NA) foi calculado a partir de radiografias na projeção ventrodorsal com os membros estendidos. Para calcular o escore de subluxação dorsolateral (DLS), o índice de distância central (CD), o ângulo da margem central lateral (LCEA) e o ângulo da borda dorsal acetabular (DARA), foram utilizadas as mensurações obtidas a partir de imagens transversais da TC. Não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas entre os lados direito e esquerdo nos parâmetros radiográficos e tomográficos. A média do NA foi de 107,57°. As médias do escore do DLS, do índice de CD, e dos ângulos LCEA e DARA foram, respectivamente, 60,79%, 0,16, 98,25° e 13,47°. Os dados obtidos são úteis para a caracterização dos valores médios referentes à articulação coxofemoral de cachorros-do-mato e podem contribuir para o conhecimento da espécie.
Like canids, crab-eating foxes may probably be predisposed to similar orthopedic diseases of domestic dogs, such as hip dysplasia. However, for the adequate hip dysplasia diagnosis in wild animals, the normality characteristics of each species must be determined. This study aimed to estimate radiographic and computed tomographic (CT) values of hip joint laxity in healthy crab-eating foxes. Fifteen intact crab-eating foxes, eight males and seven females, ages 1 to 5 and mean body mass of 6.66kg were used. Norberg angle (NA) was calculated from ventrodorsal hip-extended radiographs. To calculate the dorsolateral subluxation (DLS) score, the center distance (CD) index, the lateral center edge angle (LCEA), and the dorsal acetabular rim angle (DARA), measurements obtained from transverse CT images were used. No statistically significant differences were observed between the right and left sides in the radiographic and tomographic parameters. The mean NA was 107.57°. The mean DLS score, the CD index, the LCEA, and the DARA were 60.79%, 0.16, 98.25° and 13.47°, respectively. The data obtained are helpful in characterizing mean values of the hip joint in healthy crab-eating foxes, and can contribute to the knowledge of the species.(AU)
Como canídeos, os cachorros-do-mato podem estar predispostos a doenças ortopédicas semelhantes aquelas de cães domésticos, tais como a displasia coxofemoral. No entanto, para o diagnóstico adequado da displasia coxofemoral em animais selvagens, os padrões de normalidade de cada espécie precisam ser determinados. Sendo assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo estimar os valores radiográficos e tomográficos (TC) da lassitude da articulação coxofemoral em cachorros-do-mato hígidos. Foram utilizados quinze cachorros-do-mato não castrados, oito machos e sete fêmeas, com idades entre 1 e 5 anos e massa corporal média de 6,66kg. O ângulo de Norberg (NA) foi calculado a partir de radiografias na projeção ventrodorsal com os membros estendidos. Para calcular o escore de subluxação dorsolateral (DLS), o índice de distância central (CD), o ângulo da margem central lateral (LCEA) e o ângulo da borda dorsal acetabular (DARA), foram utilizadas as mensurações obtidas a partir de imagens transversais da TC. Não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas entre os lados direito e esquerdo nos parâmetros radiográficos e tomográficos. A média do NA foi de 107,57°. As médias do escore do DLS, do índice de CD, e dos ângulos LCEA e DARA foram, respectivamente, 60,79%, 0,16, 98,25° e 13,47°. Os dados obtidos são úteis para a caracterização dos valores médios referentes à articulação coxofemoral de cachorros-do-mato e podem contribuir para o conhecimento da espécie.(AU)
Animais , Articulação do Quadril , Articulações , Animais Selvagens , CanidaeResumo
Like canids, crab-eating foxes may probably be predisposed to similar orthopedic diseases of domestic dogs, such as hip dysplasia. However, for the adequate hip dysplasia diagnosis in wild animals, the normality characteristics of each species must be determined. This study aimed to estimate radiographic and computed tomographic (CT) values of hip joint laxity in healthy crab-eating foxes. Fifteen intact crab-eating foxes, eight males and seven females, ages 1 to 5 and mean body mass of 6.66kg were used. Norberg angle (NA) was calculated from ventrodorsal hip-extended radiographs. To calculate the dorsolateral subluxation (DLS) score, the center distance (CD) index, the lateral center edge angle (LCEA), and the dorsal acetabular rim angle (DARA), measurements obtained from transverse CT images were used. No statistically significant differences were observed between the right and left sides in the radiographic and tomographic parameters. The mean NA was 107.57°. The mean DLS score, the CD index, the LCEA, and the DARA were 60.79%, 0.16, 98.25° and 13.47°, respectively. The data obtained are helpful in characterizing mean values of the hip joint in healthy crab-eating foxes, and can contribute to the knowledge of the species.(AU)
Como canídeos, os cachorros-do-mato podem estar predispostos a doenças ortopédicas semelhantes aquelas de cães domésticos, tais como a displasia coxofemoral. No entanto, para o diagnóstico adequado da displasia coxofemoral em animais selvagens, os padrões de normalidade de cada espécie precisam ser determinados. Sendo assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo estimar os valores radiográficos e tomográficos (TC) da lassitude da articulação coxofemoral em cachorros-do-mato hígidos. Foram utilizados quinze cachorros-do-mato não castrados, oito machos e sete fêmeas, com idades entre 1 e 5 anos e massa corporal média de 6,66kg. O ângulo de Norberg (NA) foi calculado a partir de radiografias na projeção ventrodorsal com os membros estendidos. Para calcular o escore de subluxação dorsolateral (DLS), o índice de distância central (CD), o ângulo da margem central lateral (LCEA) e o ângulo da borda dorsal acetabular (DARA), foram utilizadas as mensurações obtidas a partir de imagens transversais da TC. Não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas entre os lados direito e esquerdo nos parâmetros radiográficos e tomográficos. A média do NA foi de 107,57°. As médias do escore do DLS, do índice de CD, e dos ângulos LCEA e DARA foram, respectivamente, 60,79%, 0,16, 98,25° e 13,47°. Os dados obtidos são úteis para a caracterização dos valores médios referentes à articulação coxofemoral de cachorros-do-mato e podem contribuir para o conhecimento da espécie.(AU)
Animais , Articulação do Quadril , Articulações , Animais Selvagens , CanidaeResumo
This report described pathological fracture of the femoral head (physeal dysplasia) in four male cats (three mixed breed and one Bengal), with an average age of 16 months, treated by an ostectomy of the femoral head and neck. Three cats were neutered and one entire. All presented with mild intermittent lameness in the pelvic limbs. Displacement of the femoral epiphysis and resorption of the femoral neck were present and excision of the femoral head and remaining neck was performed in all cases. Hstological examination showed mild foci of compaction and trabecular fibrosis with deposition of fibrous connective tissue, permeated by granulation tissues, consistent with the original diagosis. Limb function improved in all patients from 2 to 4 weeks postoperatively. Diagnosis of physeal dysplasia is challenging and treatment is different from acute traumatic fractures. Femoral head and neck excision was considered a good alternative in these patients.(AU)
Este trabalho descreve a fratura patológica da cabeça do femur (displasia fiseal) em quatro machos (três raças mistas e um Bengal), com idade média de 16 meses, que foram tratados com ostectomia da cabeça e colo femorais. Três gatos eram castrados e um inteiro. Todos apresentaram leve claudicação intermitente nos membros pélvicos. O deslocamento da epífise femoral e a reabsorção do colo femoral estavam presentes, a excisão da cabeça e colo femoral foi realizada em todos os casos. O exame histológico mostrou focos de compacteção e fibrose trabecular com deposição de tecido conjuntivo fibroso, permeado por tecidos de granulação, consistentes com o suposto diagnóstico. A função dos membros melhorou em todos os paciente entre dois a quatro semanas pós-operatório. O diagnóstico da displasia fiseal pe desafiador e o tratamento é diferente das fraturas traumáticas agudas. A excisão de cabeça e colo femoral é considerada uma boa alternativa nesses pacientes.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Doenças do Gato/diagnóstico , Doenças do Gato/fisiopatologia , Doenças do Gato/cirurgia , Fraturas do Fêmur/patologia , Fraturas do Fêmur/cirurgia , Fraturas do Fêmur/veterinária , Gatos/anormalidadesResumo
Background: Renal dysplasia is a congenital disorder that occurs during differentiation of the renal parenchyma or as aconsequence of a functional and/or structural obstruction of the lower urinary tract. In wild animals, this pathology has beenreported in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) and African elephants(Loxodanta africana). However, there are no reports of the disease in the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla). Thus,this paper describes a case of renal dysplasia in a free-living giant anteater cub, which was sent to the wild animal clinicof the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) in Cuiabá, MT, Brazil.Case: The rescued animal had a good body condition score and clinical parameters within the normal range for the species.After a routine clinical evaluation, the anteater cub was subjected to radiography and ultrasound tests. Blood tests, serumtests for hepatic and renal profiles, urinalysis, urinary protein creatinine ratio, and chest X-rays did not reveal significantchanges. However, the abdominal ultrasound examination revealed a volumetric loss of about 1.17 cm in length in theleft kidney, and a renal length to aortic artery diameter ratio of approximately 2.8. This kidney showed irregular contours,loss of corticomedullary demarcation, with preserved echogenicity and cortical echotexture. The right kidney showedthe standard size of the species, with a length of approximately 3.08 cm. In view of the suspicion of renal dysplasia, acontrast-enhanced CT scan was performed in order to assess the dynamics of uptake and excretion of the contrast mediumin the affected kidney and in the ipsilateral collecting system. An examination of the tomographic images indicated thatthe volume of the left kidney was reduced, isodense in relation to the right kidney, with discrete and homogeneous uptakein all phases after administration of the contrast medium, no occurrence of nephrogram...
Animais , Nefropatias/veterinária , Xenarthra/anormalidades , Tomografia/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Renal dysplasia is a congenital disorder that occurs during differentiation of the renal parenchyma or as aconsequence of a functional and/or structural obstruction of the lower urinary tract. In wild animals, this pathology has beenreported in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) and African elephants(Loxodanta africana). However, there are no reports of the disease in the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla). Thus,this paper describes a case of renal dysplasia in a free-living giant anteater cub, which was sent to the wild animal clinicof the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) in Cuiabá, MT, Brazil.Case: The rescued animal had a good body condition score and clinical parameters within the normal range for the species.After a routine clinical evaluation, the anteater cub was subjected to radiography and ultrasound tests. Blood tests, serumtests for hepatic and renal profiles, urinalysis, urinary protein creatinine ratio, and chest X-rays did not reveal significantchanges. However, the abdominal ultrasound examination revealed a volumetric loss of about 1.17 cm in length in theleft kidney, and a renal length to aortic artery diameter ratio of approximately 2.8. This kidney showed irregular contours,loss of corticomedullary demarcation, with preserved echogenicity and cortical echotexture. The right kidney showedthe standard size of the species, with a length of approximately 3.08 cm. In view of the suspicion of renal dysplasia, acontrast-enhanced CT scan was performed in order to assess the dynamics of uptake and excretion of the contrast mediumin the affected kidney and in the ipsilateral collecting system. An examination of the tomographic images indicated thatthe volume of the left kidney was reduced, isodense in relation to the right kidney, with discrete and homogeneous uptakein all phases after administration of the contrast medium, no occurrence of nephrogram...(AU)
Animais , Xenarthra/anormalidades , Nefropatias/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Tomografia/veterináriaResumo
This study determined the canal flare index (CFI) of four dog breeds using two distinct femoral regions as a reference. Thirty-five radiographs of the hip joints of Golden Retrievers (GRG), German Shepherds (GSG), Labrador Retrievers (LRG), and Rottweilers (RG) of both sexes were used. Seventy experimental units were submitted to CFI calculation. Objective (CFIob) and subjective (CFIsub) values of the CFI of each experimental unit were determined according to the anatomical reference used for the calculation. A significant difference in the CFIob between the Golden Retriever and German Shepherd breeds (1.68 ± 0.16 and 1.49 ± 0.08), and in the CFIsub between Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, and Rottweiler breeds (2.09 ± 0.31, 1.86 ± 0.11, and 1.84 ± 0.18) was reported. The subjective form of measurement showed higher values than the objective form (GRG: 2.09 ± 0.31; GSG: 1.86 ± 0.11; LRG: 2.07 ± 0.12; RG: 1.84 ± 0.18). The CFI values of each breed were similar, suggesting a certain racial pattern. A significant difference in the interobserver assessment for both CFIsub and CFIob, in all races was observed. The CFI analysis identified morphological patterns of the proximal femur in the different races. Results indicated the need for standardization of the anatomical references used to calculate the CFI because there were statistical differences among the measurements among the observers.(AU)
Objetivou-se determinar o canal flare index (CFI) de quatro raças específicas de cães, utilizando-se duas regiões femorais distintas como referência. Foram analisadas 35 radiografias de articulações coxofemorais de cães das raças Golden Retriever (GGR), Pastor Alemão (GPA), Labrador Retriever (GLR) e Rottweiler (GR), de ambos os sexos, configurando 70 unidades experimentais submetidas ao cálculo do CFI. Determinaram-se os valores objetivo (CFIob) e subjetivo (CFIsub) do CFI de cada unidade experimental de acordo com a referência anatômica utilizada para o cálculo. Houve diferença significativa do CFIob entre as raças Golden Retriever e Pastor Alemão (1,68 ± 0,16 e 1,49 ± 0,08), e do CFIsub entre as raças Golden Retriever, Pastor Alemão e Rottweiler (2,09 ± 0,31, 1,86 ± 0,11 e 1,84 ± 0,18). A forma subjetiva de mensuração apresentou valores maiores que a forma objetiva (GGR: 2,09 ± 0,31; GPA: 1,86 ± 0,11; GLR: 2,07 ± 0,12; GR: 1,84 ± 0,18). Os valores de CFI de cada raça se apresentaram similares, sugerindo haver determinado padrão racial. Houve diferença significativa na avaliação interobservadores, tanto do CFIsub quanto CFIob, em todas as raças. A análise do CFI identificou padrões morfológicos do fêmur proximal nas diferentes raças. Os resultados indicaram a necessidade de padronização dos referenciais anatômicos utilizados para o cálculo do CFI, uma vez que houve relevância estatística entre as diferentes mensurações entre os observadores.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Artroplastia/instrumentação , Artroplastia/normas , Prótese de Quadril/estatística & dados numéricos , Prótese de Quadril/veterináriaResumo
A displasia coxofemoral (DCF) é uma afecção de cães e gatos definida como uma doença hereditária biomecânica ou adquirida, representada pela disparidade entre a massa muscular primária e o rápido crescimento ósseo, que pode levar à doença articular degenerativa (DAD). Com a evolução do quadro, os animais apresentarão perda da cartilagem, evoluindo para um desgaste, deformação da cabeça do fêmur e do acetábulo, levando a um quadro de dor e dificuldade de locomoção. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi relatar uma abordagem cirúrgica como tratamento de DCF e DAD de uma cadela da raça labrador. O diagnóstico foi obtido através do histórico, exame físico e exame radiológico. Na radiografia verificouse diminuição de espaço articular em ambos os membros posteriores, artrose do quadril e sub-luxação. O tratamento definitivo instituído para a correção da DCF foi a intervenção cirúrgica usando a técnica de denervação coxofemoral com abordagem aberta, com principal objetivo de amenizar a dor, prevenir a progressão da enfermidade articular degenerativa e restaurar a função normal da articulação. O tratamento se mostrou eficiente, garantindo conforto ao paciente e retorno da função articular e dos membros.
Hip dysplasia (DCF) is a condition of dogs and cats defined as a hereditary biomechanical or acquired disease, represented by the disparity between primary muscle mass and rapid bone growth, which can lead to degenerative joint disease (DAD). With the development of the condition, these animals will present loss of cartilage, evolving to a wear and tear, and deformation of the head of the femur and acetabulum, leading to a picture of pain and difficulty in locomotion. The aim of the present study was to report a surgical approach as treatment of DCF and DAD of a Labrador bitch. The diagnosis is obtained through history, physical examination and radiological examination. Radiography revealed decreased joint space in both hind limbs, hip arthrosis and sub-dislocation. The definitive treatment instituted for the correction of FDD was surgical intervention using the hip denervation technique with open approach, with the main objective of alleviating pain, preventing the progression of degenerative joint disease and restoring normal joint function. The treatment proved to be efficient, ensuring patient comfort and return of joint and limb function.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Denervação/veterinária , Displasia Pélvica Canina/diagnóstico , Displasia Pélvica Canina/terapia , Doenças do CãoResumo
A displasia coxofemoral (DCF) é uma afecção de cães e gatos definida como uma doença hereditária biomecânica ou adquirida, representada pela disparidade entre a massa muscular primária e o rápido crescimento ósseo, que pode levar à doença articular degenerativa (DAD). Com a evolução do quadro, os animais apresentarão perda da cartilagem, evoluindo para um desgaste, deformação da cabeça do fêmur e do acetábulo, levando a um quadro de dor e dificuldade de locomoção. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi relatar uma abordagem cirúrgica como tratamento de DCF e DAD de uma cadela da raça labrador. O diagnóstico foi obtido através do histórico, exame físico e exame radiológico. Na radiografia verificouse diminuição de espaço articular em ambos os membros posteriores, artrose do quadril e sub-luxação. O tratamento definitivo instituído para a correção da DCF foi a intervenção cirúrgica usando a técnica de denervação coxofemoral com abordagem aberta, com principal objetivo de amenizar a dor, prevenir a progressão da enfermidade articular degenerativa e restaurar a função normal da articulação. O tratamento se mostrou eficiente, garantindo conforto ao paciente e retorno da função articular e dos membros.(AU)
Hip dysplasia (DCF) is a condition of dogs and cats defined as a hereditary biomechanical or acquired disease, represented by the disparity between primary muscle mass and rapid bone growth, which can lead to degenerative joint disease (DAD). With the development of the condition, these animals will present loss of cartilage, evolving to a wear and tear, and deformation of the head of the femur and acetabulum, leading to a picture of pain and difficulty in locomotion. The aim of the present study was to report a surgical approach as treatment of DCF and DAD of a Labrador bitch. The diagnosis is obtained through history, physical examination and radiological examination. Radiography revealed decreased joint space in both hind limbs, hip arthrosis and sub-dislocation. The definitive treatment instituted for the correction of FDD was surgical intervention using the hip denervation technique with open approach, with the main objective of alleviating pain, preventing the progression of degenerative joint disease and restoring normal joint function. The treatment proved to be efficient, ensuring patient comfort and return of joint and limb function.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Doenças do Cão , Denervação/veterinária , Displasia Pélvica Canina/diagnóstico , Displasia Pélvica Canina/terapiaResumo
A articulação coxofemoral é composta por duas estruturas osteoarticulares: a cavidade acetabular e o fêmur. A displasia é uma das doenças ortopédicas mais frequentes desta região e acomete, principalmente, cães de grande porte. A displasia é uma das doenças ortopédicas mais frequentes dessa região e acomete, principalmente, animais de grande porte. É caracterizada por frouxidão articular, formação anormal do quadril e doença articular degenerativa. Apresenta alta herdabilidade e os fatores ambientais contribuem para a expressão fenotípica e a gravidade do distúrbio. Claudicação, dor e redução na amplitude do movimento da articulação são os principais sinais clínicos, no entanto, a apresentação clínica pode ser variável. A radiografia pélvica e a avaliação clínica são os principais métodos para se diagnosticar a doença. Inúmeras técnicas radiográficas podem ser utilizadas no diagnóstico. A projeção ventrodorsal do quadril com os membros posteriores estendidos é usada pela Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA), Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) e British Veterinary Association/Kennel Club (BVA/KC). Contudo, os métodos Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program (PennHIP), Dorsolateral Subluxation Score (DLS), Flückiger Subluxation Index e Dorsal Acetabular Rim utilizam outras projeções e avaliam a frouxidão articular com intuito de diagnóstico precoce desta afecção. Objetivou-se com este artigo descrever as principais metodologias radiográficas utilizadas para avaliação e diagnóstico da displasia coxofemoral em cães, bem como suas vantagens, desvantagens e limitações de cada técnica.
The hip joint is composed of two osteoarticular structures: the acetabular cavity and the femur. Dysplasia is one of the most frequent orthopedic diseases in this region and mainly affects large dogs. It is characterized by joint laxity, abnormal hip formation and degenerative joint disease. It presents high heritability and environmental factors contribute to phenotypic expression and the severity of the disorder. Claudication, pain, and reduced range of motion of the joint are the main clinical signs, however, the clinical presentation can be variable. Pelvic radiography and clinical evaluation are the main methods to diagnose the disease. Countless radiographic techniques can be used in the diagnosis. The ventrodorsal projection of the hip with extended hind limbs is used by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA), Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and British Veterinary Association/Kennel Club (BVA/KC). However, the Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program (PennHIP), Dorsolateral Subluxation Score (DLS), Flückiger Subluxation Index and Dorsal Acetabular Kidney methods use other projections and evaluate joint laxity in order to diagnose this condition early. The aim of this work is to describe the main radiographic methodologies used for the evaluation and diagnosis of hip dysplasia in dogs, as well as their advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of each technique.
Animais , Cães , Displasia Pélvica Canina/diagnóstico por imagem , Doenças Musculoesqueléticas/veterinária , Doenças do Cão , Radiografia/veterináriaResumo
A articulação coxofemoral é composta por duas estruturas osteoarticulares: a cavidade acetabular e o fêmur. A displasia é uma das doenças ortopédicas mais frequentes desta região e acomete, principalmente, cães de grande porte. A displasia é uma das doenças ortopédicas mais frequentes dessa região e acomete, principalmente, animais de grande porte. É caracterizada por frouxidão articular, formação anormal do quadril e doença articular degenerativa. Apresenta alta herdabilidade e os fatores ambientais contribuem para a expressão fenotípica e a gravidade do distúrbio. Claudicação, dor e redução na amplitude do movimento da articulação são os principais sinais clínicos, no entanto, a apresentação clínica pode ser variável. A radiografia pélvica e a avaliação clínica são os principais métodos para se diagnosticar a doença. Inúmeras técnicas radiográficas podem ser utilizadas no diagnóstico. A projeção ventrodorsal do quadril com os membros posteriores estendidos é usada pela Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA), Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) e British Veterinary Association/Kennel Club (BVA/KC). Contudo, os métodos Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program (PennHIP), Dorsolateral Subluxation Score (DLS), Flückiger Subluxation Index e Dorsal Acetabular Rim utilizam outras projeções e avaliam a frouxidão articular com intuito de diagnóstico precoce desta afecção. Objetivou-se com este artigo descrever as principais metodologias radiográficas utilizadas para avaliação e diagnóstico da displasia coxofemoral em cães, bem como suas vantagens, desvantagens e limitações de cada técnica.(AU)
The hip joint is composed of two osteoarticular structures: the acetabular cavity and the femur. Dysplasia is one of the most frequent orthopedic diseases in this region and mainly affects large dogs. It is characterized by joint laxity, abnormal hip formation and degenerative joint disease. It presents high heritability and environmental factors contribute to phenotypic expression and the severity of the disorder. Claudication, pain, and reduced range of motion of the joint are the main clinical signs, however, the clinical presentation can be variable. Pelvic radiography and clinical evaluation are the main methods to diagnose the disease. Countless radiographic techniques can be used in the diagnosis. The ventrodorsal projection of the hip with extended hind limbs is used by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA), Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and British Veterinary Association/Kennel Club (BVA/KC). However, the Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program (PennHIP), Dorsolateral Subluxation Score (DLS), Flückiger Subluxation Index and Dorsal Acetabular Kidney methods use other projections and evaluate joint laxity in order to diagnose this condition early. The aim of this work is to describe the main radiographic methodologies used for the evaluation and diagnosis of hip dysplasia in dogs, as well as their advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of each technique.(AU)