It can be assumed that the natural processes of selection and developmental condition in the animal provide the best prerequisites for embryogenesis resulting in pregnancy and subsequent birth of a healthy neonate. In contrast, circumventing the natural selection mechanisms and all developmental conditions in a healthy animal harbors the risk of counteracting, preventing or reducing the formation of embryos or substantially restricting their genesis. Considering these facts, it seems to be obvious that assisted reproductive techniques focusing on early embryonic stages serve an expanded and unselected germ cell pool of oocytes and sperm cells, and include the culture of embryos outside their natural habitat during and after fertilization for manipulation and diagnostic purposes, and for storage. A significant influence on the early embryonic development is seen in the extracorporeal culture of bovine embryos (in vitro) or stress on the animal organism (in vivo). The in vitro production per se and metabolic as well as endocrine changes in the natural environment of embryos represent adequate models and serve for a better understanding. The purpose of this review is to give a brief presentation of recent techniques aimed at focusing more on the complex processes in the Fallopian tube to contrast in vivo and in vitro prerequisites and abnormalities in early embryonic development and serve to identify potential new ways to make the use of ARTs more feasible.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/embriologia , Técnicas Reprodutivas/veterinária , Interação Gene-Ambiente , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Meio AmbienteResumo
This study estimated the lengthweight relationships of 16 fish species occurring close to the shores of sandy beaches along the lower Negro River basin, Brazilian Amazon. The specimens were captured for one day each month, in October to November 2016, early in the morning and early evening, using trawl net (20 m length and 3.5 m height, 5 mm mesh between opposite knots). Measurements were taken for standard length (SL 0.1 cm precision) and total weight (TW 0.01 g precision). The parameters a and b of the equation WT = a.LTb were estimated. The a values ranged from 0.0018 to 0.0226 and b values ranged from 2.5271 to 3.3244. This study also provides new data on of maximum lengths for six species, Amazonsprattus scintilla, Brycon pesu, Moenkhausia megalops, Pachyurus paucirastrus, Reganella depressa and Trachydoras microstomus, and new reports of the LWRs parameters of 15 fish species.
Este estudo estimou as relações comprimento-peso de 16 espécies de peixes que ocorrem às margens de praias arenosas ao longo da bacia do baixo Rio Negro, Amazônia brasileira. As espécies foram capturadas durante um dia de cada mês, de outubro a novembro de 2016, no início da manhã e no início da noite, usando rede de cerco (20 m de comprimento e 3,5 m de altura, 5 malha mm entre nós opostos). As medidas foram feitas para comprimento padrão (SL - precisão de 0,1 cm) e peso total (TW - precisão de 0,01 g). Os parâmetros a e b da equação WT = a.LTb foram estimados. Os valores de a variaram de 0,0018 a 0,0226 e os valores de b variaram de 2,5271 a 3,3244. Este estudo também fornece novos dados sobre comprimentos máximos para seis espécies, Amazonsprattus scintilla, Brycon pesu, Moenkhausia megalops, Pachyurus paucirastrus, Reganella depressa e Trachydoras microstomus, e novos reportes dos parâmetros da LWRs de 15 espécies de peixes.
Animais , Peixes/anatomia & histologia , Peixes/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
This study estimated the lengthweight relationships of 16 fish species occurring close to the shores of sandy beaches along the lower Negro River basin, Brazilian Amazon. The specimens were captured for one day each month, in October to November 2016, early in the morning and early evening, using trawl net (20 m length and 3.5 m height, 5 mm mesh between opposite knots). Measurements were taken for standard length (SL 0.1 cm precision) and total weight (TW 0.01 g precision). The parameters a and b of the equation WT = a.LTb were estimated. The a values ranged from 0.0018 to 0.0226 and b values ranged from 2.5271 to 3.3244. This study also provides new data on of maximum lengths for six species, Amazonsprattus scintilla, Brycon pesu, Moenkhausia megalops, Pachyurus paucirastrus, Reganella depressa and Trachydoras microstomus, and new reports of the LWRs parameters of 15 fish species.(AU)
Este estudo estimou as relações comprimento-peso de 16 espécies de peixes que ocorrem às margens de praias arenosas ao longo da bacia do baixo Rio Negro, Amazônia brasileira. As espécies foram capturadas durante um dia de cada mês, de outubro a novembro de 2016, no início da manhã e no início da noite, usando rede de cerco (20 m de comprimento e 3,5 m de altura, 5 malha mm entre nós opostos). As medidas foram feitas para comprimento padrão (SL - precisão de 0,1 cm) e peso total (TW - precisão de 0,01 g). Os parâmetros a e b da equação WT = a.LTb foram estimados. Os valores de a variaram de 0,0018 a 0,0226 e os valores de b variaram de 2,5271 a 3,3244. Este estudo também fornece novos dados sobre comprimentos máximos para seis espécies, Amazonsprattus scintilla, Brycon pesu, Moenkhausia megalops, Pachyurus paucirastrus, Reganella depressa e Trachydoras microstomus, e novos reportes dos parâmetros da LWRs de 15 espécies de peixes.(AU)
Animais , Peixes/anatomia & histologia , Peixes/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
The early ontogeny of Triportheus albus and T. angulatus, two fish species of Triportheidae, is described using morphological, meristic, and morphometric characters. These species are exploited by subsistence fisheries and have potential as an alternative source of fish, given the decline in the natural stocks of other commercially important fish species in the Amazon. The specimens were collected in the open water limnetic zone, under of the macrophyte stands, and in subsurface areas near sandbars in the Amazon basin. Intra and interspecific morphometric analyzes were performed to evaluate growth models between species. The combination of color pattern, body morphology, morphometric proportions and myomeres number distinguishes the species from each other and from other congeners. Some morphometric relationships related to head as snout length and eye diameter as well as length from the snout to the origins of anal and length from the snout to the origins of pelvic, related with standard length were different between the two species of Triportheus, reflecting different growth models between them. An identification key for larvae and juveniles of some species of Triportheus from the Eastern Amazon is presented.(AU)
A ontogenia inicial de Triportheus albus e T. angulatus, duas espécies de peixes pertencentes a Triportheidae, é descrita usando caracteres morfológicos, merísticos e morfométricos. Essas espécies são exploradas pela pesca de subsistência e têm potencial como fonte alternativa de pescado, dado o declínio nos estoques naturais de outras espécies de peixes comercialmente importantes na Amazônia. Os espécimes foram coletados na zona limnética de águas abertas, sob bancos de macrófitas e em áreas subsuperficiais próximas a bancos de areia na bacia amazônica. Análises morfométricas, intra e interespecíficas, foram realizadas para avaliar modelos de crescimento entre as espécies. A combinação do padrão de coloração, morfologia corporal, proporções morfométricas e número de miômeros distingue as espécies entre si e de outras congêneres. Algumas relações morfométricas relacionadas à cabeça, como comprimento do focinho e diâmetro do olho, assim como o comprimento do focinho à origem da nadadeira anal e o comprimento do focinho à origem da nadadeira pélvica, relacionadas ao comprimento padrão foram diferentes entre as duas espécies de Triportheus, refletindo modelos distintos de crescimento entre elas. Uma chave de identificação para larvas e juvenis de algumas espécies de Triportheus da Amazônia Oriental é apresentada.(AU)
Animais , Caraciformes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Características de História de Vida , Achados Morfológicos e MicroscópicosResumo
We assessed the extent to which CO2 levels altered different hatching and chick parameters. In Experiments 1 and 2, a total of 16,184 eggs from Cobb 500 breeders were incubated in single stage incubators under three different conditions: (a) standard ventilated incubator (CON, Exp.1 and 2); (b) increasing CO2 levels during the first 10 days of incubation until 0.7% (V7000, Exp. 1) and (c) until 0.8% (V8000, Exp. 2). High levels of CO2 improved hatchability, possibly due to lower embryo mortality from ED18 to ED21. Internal and external pipping in experiment V8000 started later than in CON; nevertheless, the hatch still occurred before in V8000 as a result of the shorter durations of external pipping and hatch. In Experiment 3, a total of 12,138 eggs from Cobb 500 were incubated in single stage incubators under three different conditions: (a) standard ventilated incubator (CON); (b) increasing CO2 levels until 1.0% with ventilation (V10000); and (c) increasing CO2 levels until 1.0% without ventilation (NV10000). Hypercapnic conditions led to better hatchability and lower embryo mortality from ED18 to ED21. Internal pipping started earlier in NV10000, but only V10000 differed from CON in terms of the average time for hatch. Hypercapnic groups also showed shorter durations of external pipping and hatch when compared to CON. Post-hatch analysis revealed no differences among incubation conditions in terms of body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, mortality by sudden death syndrome, and production factor. Nevertheless, V10000 showed a lower mortality by ascites and a better viability when compared to CON, while NV10000 presented a higher mortality by other causes. Altogether, our findings indicate that in addition to not being detrimental to embryo survival, high CO2 levels reduce embryonic mortality at 18-21 days of incubation and increase hatchability.(AU)
Animais , Embrião de Galinha/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Mortalidade Fetal , Desenvolvimento EmbrionárioResumo
Sows do not produce enough milk to sustain optimal growth of their litters. This is particularly important when considering the current hyperprolific sow genetic lines. Mammary development needs to be considered to improve potential milk yield. One can only attempt to stimulate mammogenesis during periods when rapid mammary development is already ongoing. There are two such periods before lactation starts, namely, from three months of age until puberty, and from 90 days of gestation until farrowing. Early studies showed that a 20% feed restriction from 90 days of age until puberty drastically reduces mammary parenchymal tissue mass. Yet, in a more recent study, sow milk yield was not altered following a 10% or 20% feed restriction, or a 25% dietary fibre addition from 90 days of age to breeding. This absence of effect was likely due to the greater feed intake of control gilts in that recent study compared with the older studies, and suggested that feed intake of growing gilts can be reduced to 2.7 kg/d (but not 2.1 kg/d) without detrimental effects on future milk yield. During prepuberty, inclusion of the phytoestrogen genistein in the diet increases the number of mammary parenchymal cells. During late gestation, feeding very high energy levels may have detrimental effects on mammary development and subsequent milk production. Feed intake throughout gestation is also important because of its effect on body condition, with gilts that are too thin (< 16 mm backfat thickness) in late gestation showing less mammary development. A 40% increase in lysine intake via inclusion of additional soybean meal to the diet of gilts from days 90 to 110 of gestation increased mammary parenchymal mass by 44%. Increasing circulating concentrations of the growth factor IGF-1 during late gestation also increased mammary parenchymal mass by 22%. Current data clearly demonstrate that feeding management before lactation can be used to enhance mammary development, hence future milk yield.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Suínos/fisiologia , Glândulas Mamárias Animais/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Otimização de ProcessosResumo
Logistic and economical limitations are often the causes of dog owners not accurately monitoring the estrous cycle and the optimal insemination time. The aim of this study was to evaluate in vivo early embryonic development in bitches, after the analysis of sequential vaginal cytologies associated to single progesterone measurement and single laparoscopic insemination with high quality semen (fresh and with high spermatozoa concentration) or low-quality semen (frozen/thawed and with low spermatozoa concentration) at 48 h post- ovulation time predicted on a single progesterone measurement. Ten bitches were inseminated with 250 x 106 fresh spermatozoa (80% motility), and ten with 80 x 106 frozen/thawed spermatozoa (60% motility) in the cranial part of each uterine horn. Seven days later, ovariohysterectomy was performed and the oviducts and uterine horns and body were flushed to recover embryos and unfertilized oocytes. In 80% of the bitches inseminated with fresh and 50% of bitches inseminated with frozen/thawed semen, embryos at 2 to 8 cells stage were recovered mostly from the, oviducts. This study indicates that pregnancies can be obtained with a single laparoscopic intrauterine insemination after single serum progesterone measurement, although with a low number of embryos. This result should be taken into account in case economic or logistic restrictions that affect the possibility of owners to plan an accurate monitoring of the optimal breeding time using fresh and frozen semen.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Progesterona/administração & dosagem , Laparoscopia/métodos , Cães/embriologia , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , InseminaçãoResumo
Inoculation and co-inoculation of upland rice with multifunctional rhizobacteria can promote plant growth, especially the root system. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of inoculation and co-inoculation with Azospirillum sp. and Bacillus sp. in the early development of upland rice. The experiment was conducted using a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 10 replications, totaling 40 plots. The treatments were: 1) Ab-V5 (Azospirillum brasilense), 2) BRM 63573 (Bacillus sp.), 3) co-inoculation of Ab-V5 + BRM 63573, and 4) control (without rhizobacteria). Inoculation and co-inoculation with the multifunctional rhizobacteria Ab-V5 and BRM 63573 provided positive effects on the initial development of upland rice. Inoculation with isolate BRM 63573 had significant effects on root length, shoot, and total biomass, while inoculation with isolate Ab-V5 had significant effects on root length and production of root and total biomass. Co-inoculation treatment had significant effects on variables such as diameter, volume, total surface, root biomass, and total biomass. The control treatment (without multifunctional rhizobacteria) had the worst results for most of the analyzed variables.
A inoculação e coinoculação do arroz de terras altas com rizobactérias multifuncionais pode promover o crescimento das plantas, especialmente do sistema radicular. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da inoculação e coinoculação com Azospirillum sp. e Bacillus sp. no desenvolvimento inicial do arroz de terras altas. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 4 tratamentos e 10 repetições, totalizando 40 parcelas. Os tratamentos foram: 1) Ab-V5 (Azospirillum brasilense), 2) BRM 63573 (Bacillus sp.), 3) coinoculação de Ab-V5 + BRM 63573 e 4) controle (sem rizobactérias). A inoculação e coinoculação com as rizobactérias multifuncionais Ab-V5 e BRM 63573 proporcionaram efeitos positivos no desenvolvimento inicial do arroz de terras altas. A inoculação com o isolado BRM 63573 teve efeitos significativos no comprimento da raiz, parte aérea e biomassa total, enquanto a inoculação com o isolado Ab-V5 teve efeitos significativos no comprimento da raiz e produção de raiz e biomassa total. O tratamento com coinoculação teve efeitos significativos em variáveis como diâmetro, volume e superfície total de raiz e biomassa de raiz e total. O tratamento controle (sem rizobactérias multifuncionais) apresentou os piores resultados para a maioria das variáveis analisadas.
Oryza/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Bacillus , Azospirillum brasilenseResumo
As perdas de produtividade e fertilidade animal associadas ao estresse térmico durante os meses mais quentes do ano é um dos maiores desafios do setor pecuário. Na indústria de leite as perdas econômicas causadas pelo estresse térmico foram estimadas em mais de 1,5 bilhões de dólares por ano. No que tange a reprodução, já foi demonstrado que o estresse térmico exerce múltiplos efeitos deletérios, causando disfunções endócrinas e alterando a sequência orquestrada de eventos importantes para a gametogênese e para o desenvolvimento embrionário inicial. Estudos recentes têm esclarecido o padrão temporal no qual os danos são estabelecidos e carreados dependendo da intensidade do estresse. Enquanto os efeitos imediatos do estresse térmico nos gametas já são bem caracterizados, existem evidências de que alguns danos podem ser carreados de forma tardia e possivelmente entre gerações. Além disso, dados emergentes indicam que o estresse térmico compromete a reprogramação da metilação do DNA que ocorre durante a gametogênese e a programação do desenvolvimento in utero. Dessa forma, esse artigo visa explorar os efeitos imediatos, tardios e transgeracionais do estresse térmico nos gametas.(AU)
The drop on animal productivity and fertility associated with heat stress during the hot months of the year is one of the biggest challenges for the livestock sector. For the dairy industry the economic losses caused by heat stress have been estimated over 1.5 billion dollars per year. It has already been demonstrated that heat stress exerts multiple deleterious effects on reproductive function, causing endocrine dysfunctions as well as changes in the sequence of events required for gametogenesis and early embryonic development. Recent studies have shed a light in the temporal pattern in which heat-induced damage is established and carried forward depending on the intensity of stress. While the immediate effects of heat stress on gametes are well characterized, there is evidence that some damage can be carried over for longer periods and even across generations. Furthermore, emerging data indicate that heat stress compromises DNA methylation reprogramming that occurs during gametogenesis and developmental programming in utero. Thus, this paper aims to explore the immediate, late and transgenerational effects of heat stress on gametes.(AU)
Animais , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Desenvolvimento Embrionário/fisiologia , Células GerminativasResumo
Studies on the germination and establishment of plants are key pieces to understanding the reproductive success of plants. This work aimed to describe in vitro germination and reserve mobilization in the bromeliad Vriesea friburgensis through morphological, histochemical, and biochemical analysis. The conditions used in this study for the in vitro germination are adequate. From the third day of in vitro inoculation, a uniform germination of 98% was obtained, exhibiting a high physiological quality of the seeds and a high potential to produce seedlings (94%). There is early reserve mobilization, which began in the imbibition phase. The accumulated reserves in the endosperm cytoplasm are degraded by hydrolytic enzymes provided by the aleurone layer. It is possible that compounds in the cell walls of the endosperm contribute to a lesser extent in mobilization. Additionally, it was observed that starch accumulation in the cotyledon increases when the seedling has formed. Results from this study provide insights for future studies on ecology, seed technology, and conservation in this species. This study contributes to the limited knowledge of the dynamics of reserves during germination and seedling establishment in Bromeliaceae. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study with this approach in the genus Vriesea.
Estudos sobre germinação e estabelecimento de plantas são peças-chave para entender o sucesso reprodutivo das plantas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever a germinação in vitro e a mobilização de reservas na bromélia Vriesea friburgensis por meio de análises morfológicas, histoquímicas e bioquímicas. As condições utilizadas neste estudo para a germinação in vitro são adequadas. A partir do terceiro dia de inoculação in vitro, obteve-se germinação uniforme de 98%, apresentando alta qualidade fisiológica das sementes e alto potencial de produção de plântulas (94%). Há uma mobilização precoce de reservas, iniciada na fase de embebição. As reservas acumuladas no citoplasma do endosperma são degradadas por enzimas hidrolíticas fornecidas pela camada de aleurona. É possível que compostos nas paredes celulares do endosperma contribuam em menor grau na mobilização. Além disso, observou-se que o acúmulo de amido no cotilédone aumenta com a formação da plântula. Os resultados deste estudo fornecem informações para estudos futuros sobre ecologia, tecnologia de sementes e conservação desta espécie. Este estudo contribui para o conhecimento limitado da dinâmica das reservas durante a germinação e estabelecimento de plântulas em Bromeliaceae. Até onde sabemos, este é o primeiro estudo com esta abordagem no gênero Vriesea.
Técnicas In Vitro , Germinação , Bromeliaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
Traditional methods of gamete handling, fertilization, and embryo culture often face limitations in efficiency, consistency, and the ability to closely mimic in vivo conditions. This review explores the opportunities presented by microfluidic and 3D culture systems in overcoming these challenges and enhancing in vitro embryo production. We discuss the basic principles of microfluidics, emphasizing their inherent advantages such as precise control of fluid flow, reduced reagent consumption, and high-throughput capabilities. Furthermore, we delve into microfluidic devices designed for gamete manipulation, in vitro fertilization, and embryo culture, highlighting innovations such as droplet-based microfluidics and on-chip monitoring. Next, we explore the integration of 3D culture systems, including the use of biomimetic scaffolds and organ-on-a-chip platforms, with a particular focus on the oviduct-on-a-chip. Finally, we discuss the potential of these advanced systems to improve embryo production outcomes and advance our understanding of early embryo development. By leveraging the unique capabilities of microfluidics and 3D culture systems, we foresee significant advancements in the efficiency, effectiveness, and clinical success of in vitro embryo production.(AU)
Animais , Microfluídica/tendências , Técnicas de Cultura de Células em Três Dimensões/veterinária , Técnicas In Vitro/veterinária , Biotecnologia , Desenvolvimento EmbrionárioResumo
The establishment of epigenetic marks during the reprogramming window is susceptible to environmental influences, and stimuli during this critical stage can cause altered DNA methylation in offspring. In a previous study, we found that low levels of sulphur and cobalt (low S/Co) in the diet offered to oocyte donors altered the DNA methylome of bovine embryos. However, due to the extensive epigenetic reprogramming that occurs during embryogenesis, we hypothesized that the different methylation regions (DMRs) identified in the blastocysts may not maintain in adulthood. Here, we aimed to characterize DMRs previously identified in embryos, in the blood and sperm of adult progenies of two groups of heifers (low S/Co and control). We used six bulls and characterized the DNA methylation levels of KDM2A, KDM5A, KMT2D, and DOT1L genes. Our results showed that all DMRs analysed in both groups and tissues were hypermethylated unlike that noticed in the embryonic methylome profiles. These results suggest that embryo DMRs were reprogrammed during the final stages of de novo methylation during embryogenesis or later in development. Therefore, due to the highly dynamic epigenetic state during early embryonic development, we suggest that is essential to validate the DMRs found in embryos in adult individuals.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos/embriologia , EpigenômicaResumo
Background: Prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 α) binds to the specific receptor (PTGFR) on the corpus luteum (CL) in mammals, inducing regression of the CL structure (luteolysis) and initiating a new cycle. While PGF2 α is effective only on mature CL, the immature CL structure (early luteal phase) resists PGF2 α. In this study, sildenafil citrate, which is used to increase blood flow in the genital organs for treating specific pregnancy issues in women, was administered during the early luteal phase in a rabbit model to test the hypothesis of enhancing blood flow to the CL, thereby promoting earlier maturation and enabling a response to PGF2 α. Materials, Methods & Results: The study was conducted in 2 sub-studies: clinical and molecular. A large number of rabbits were initially included in the sub-studies to ensure a sufficient number of pseudo-pregnant rabbits. Ovulation in rabbits was induced with buserelin acetate and was considered as day 0 of the study. The sub-studies were continued with rabbits whose pseudo-pregnancies were confirmed according to progesterone (P4 ) results. As a result, the studies were continued with a total of 41 pseudo-pregnant New Zealand female rabbits, 21 of which were included in the clinical sub-study and 20 in the molecular sub-study. In both sub-studies, on day 3 of the luteal period, rabbits in the treatment group received 5 mg/kg sildenafil citrate and all rabbits received a single dose of exogenous PGF2 α on day 4 to induce luteolysis. In the clinical sub-study, echotexture and intraovarian blood flow changes in the ovaries were determined by ultrasonography (USG) examination. In the molecular sub-study, the expression changes of Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1 Alpha (HIF1A) and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) related to angiogenesis, Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Protein (StAR) related to P4 metabolism, Prostaglandin-Endoperoxide Synthase 2 (PTGS2) related to prostaglandin (PG) mechanism and 15-Hydroxyprostaglandin Dehydrogenase (HPGD) genes at mRNA level were determined using Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) in CL tissues obtained with ovariohysterectomy (OVH) at 1 and 12 h after PGF2 α injection. In addition, blood samples were collected for determine P4 levels from all rabbits. In the clinical sub-study; there was no difference between the groups in mean gray values (MGV), whereas there was a significant decrease in both pulsatile index (PI) and resistance index (RI) values at 40 min after PGF2 α injection (P < 0.05). In the molecular sub-study, it was determined that sildenafil citrate had no significant effect (P > 0.05) on the expression levels 1 and 12 h after PGF2 α injection. According to the results of the molecular sub-study, no significant effect of sildenafil citrate on the mRNA expression levels in the investigated genes was detected (P > 0.05). However, within each group, differences were found according to OVH time after PGF2 α injection. It was observed that PTGS2 and HPGD mRNA expressions decreased at the 12th h compared to the 1st h, while HIF1A expression increased (P < 0.05). Discussion: According to the results obtained from clinical and molecular sub-studies, it was determined that a single dose of sildenafil citrate (5 mg/kg) applied on the 3rd day of the luteal period did not contribute to the maturation process of the CL, did not increase blood flow, and was insufficient to break the resistance of the CL against PGF2 α applied on the 4th day of the luteal period. However, a significant decrease in the PI value at the 40th min after PGF2 α injection suggests that sildenafil citrate has a supportive effect, and that this decrease is also seen in the RI value, suggesting that its effect is insufficient against the vasoconstrictive effect of PGF2 α.
Animais , Feminino , Coelhos , Dinoprosta/administração & dosagem , Corpo Lúteo/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Citrato de Sildenafila/administração & dosagem , Luteolíticos/análiseResumo
ABSTRACT: The development process of a new wheat cultivar requires time between obtaining the base population and selecting the most promising line. Estimating genetic parameters more accurately in early generations with a view to anticipating selection means important advances for wheat breeding programs. Thus, the present study estimated the genetic parameters of F2 populations of tropical wheat and the genetic gain from selection via the Bayesian approach. To this end, the authors assessed the grain yield per plot of 34 F2 populations of tropical wheat. The Bayesian approach provided an adequate fit to the model, estimating genetic parameters within the parametric space. Heritability (h2) was 0.51. Among those selected, 11 F2 populations performed better than the control cultivars, with genetic gain of 7.80%. The following populations were the most promising: TbioSossego/CD 1303, CD 1303/TbioPonteiro, BRS 254/CD 1303, Tbio Duque/Tbio Aton, and Tbio Aton/CD 1303. Bayesian inference can be used to significantly improve tropical wheat breeding programs.
RESUMO: O processo de desenvolvimento de uma nova cultivar de trigo requer tempo entre a obtenção da população base e a seleção da linhagem mais promissora. Estimar parâmetros genéticos com mais precisão nas primeiras gerações com vistas a antecipar a seleção significa avanços importantes para os programas de melhoramento de trigo. Assim, o presente estudo estima os parâmetros genéticos de populações F2 de trigo tropical e o ganho genético da seleção via abordagem Bayesiana. Para tanto, os autores avaliaram a produtividade de grãos por parcela de 34 populações F2 de trigo tropical. A abordagem Bayesiana proporcionou um ajuste adequado ao modelo, estimando parâmetros genéticos dentro do espaço paramétrico. A herdabilidade (h2) foi de 0,51. Dentre as selecionadas, 11 populações F2 obtiveram desempenho superior às cultivares controle, com ganho genético de seleção de 7,80%. As seguintes populações foram as mais promissoras: Tbio Sossego/CD 1303, CD 1303/Tbio Ponteiro, BRS 254/CD 1303, Tbio Duque/Tbio Aton e Tbio Aton/CD 1303. A inferência Bayesiana pode ser usada para melhorar significativamente programas de melhoramento de trigo tropical.
The early development of Markiana nigripinnis is described by morphological characters, pigmentation, and morphometry. Larvae were obtained through semi-natural breeding, collected, fixed, and identified according to their development. Eighty individuals with standard lengths ranging from 3.1 to 24.3 mm were analyzed. Larvae are poorly developed at hatching, with a relatively large yolk sac and finfold. At the preflexion stage, the eyes are pigmented, the mouth and anus are functional, the yolk is completely absorbed, and the pectoral fin bud emerges. At flexion, the first rays of the caudal, anal, and dorsal fins become evident. The pelvic fin bud emerges only at the postflexion stage, in addition to the complete absorption of the finfold. Pigmentation is distributed throughout the body, with a greater concentration on the top of the head, around the mouth, and at the base of the caudal fin. The myomere total number ranged from 34 to 49 (16-23 preanal, and 18-27 postanal). Juveniles show morphological characteristics like adults. The fins ray number are pectoral: 11-13, pelvic: 5-7, dorsal: 8-11, caudal: 16-27, and anal 30-47. The morphometric relationships reveal variations in growth along the early ontogeny of the species.
O desenvolvimento inicial de Markiana nigripinnis foi descrito considerando os caracteres morfológicos, a pigmentação e a morfometria. Indivíduos foram obtidos por meio de reprodução seminatural, coletados, acondicionados, fixados e identificados conforme seu período e estágio de desenvolvimento. Foram analisados 80 indivíduos com comprimento padrão variando de 3,1 a 24,3 mm. As larvas são pouco desenvolvidas à eclosão, com saco vitelino relativamente grande e presença de membrana embrionária. Em pré-flexão, os olhos estão pigmentados, a boca e o ânus são funcionais, o vitelo é completamente absorvido e surge o botão da nadadeira peitoral. Em flexão, os primeiros raios das nadadeiras caudal, anal e dorsal tornam-se evidentes. O botão da nadadeira pélvica aparece somente em pós-flexão, além da completa absorção da nadadeira embrionária. A pigmentação se distribui pelo corpo todo, com maior concentração no topo da cabeça, ao redor da boca e na base da nadadeira caudal. O número total de miômeros variou de 34 a 49 (16-23 pré e 18-27 pós-anal). Os juvenis apresentaram características morfológicas semelhantes ao adulto. O número de raios das nadadeiras é peitoral: 11-13, pélvica: 5-7, dorsal: 8-11, caudal: 16-27 e anal 30-47. As relações morfométricas revelam variações no crescimento ao longo da ontogenia inicial da espécie.
Animais , Characidae/anatomia & histologia , Characidae/fisiologia , Estágios do Ciclo de VidaResumo
Pyrrhulina brevis is an endemic fish from the Amazon basin that is valued in the ornamental fish market. In larviculture, fish are very sensitive to stressors and have a high mortality rate. Salinized water may provide more energy to overcome stress and feeding frequency is an important strategy to improve productive performance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the best feeding frequency and the best level of water salinization for larval development of P. brevis. A total of 360 post-larvae of P. brevis (5.26 ± 1.65 mg, 5.57 ± 0.68 mm) were randomly distributed in 36 aquariums (1 L) in a 3x4 factorial scheme, to evaluate three concentrations of salt in water (0, 1 and 2 g L-1) and four feeding frequencies (once, twice, three and four times a day). We offered 150 Artemia nauplii per day and per post-larvae during 15 days. The fish kept at 1 g L-1 salinized water, and those fed 3 and 4 times a day presented significantly greater final length and weight, weight gain, and specific growth rate for length and weight. An interaction between salinized water and feeding frequency was observed for survival rate. We conclude that, during the initial rearing phase of P. brevis, feeding frequency of three times a day and salinized water at 1 g L-1 is recommended.(AU)
Pyrrhulina brevis é um peixe endêmico da bacia amazônica que apresenta bons valores no mercado de peixes ornamentais. Na larvicultura, os peixes são muito sensíveis aos estressores e apresentam alta taxa de mortalidade. A água salinizada pode fornecer mais energia para superar o estresse e a frequência alimentar é uma estratégia importante para melhorar o desempenho produtivo. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a melhor frequência alimentar e o melhor nível de salinização da água para o desenvolvimento larval de P. brevis. Um total de 360 pós-larvas de P. brevis (5,26 ± 1,65 mg, 5,57 ± 0,68 mm) foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em 36 aquários (1 L) em esquema fatorial 3x4, para avaliar três concentrações de sal na água (0, 1 e 2 g L-1) e quatro frequências de alimentação (uma, duas, três e quatro vezes ao dia). Foram oferecidas 150 náuplios de Artemia por dia e por pós-larva, durante 15 dias. Os peixes mantidos com 1 g L-1 de água salinizada e os alimentados 3 e 4 vezes ao dia apresentaram comprimento e peso finais, ganho de peso e taxa de crescimento específico para comprimento e peso significativamente maiores. Uma interação entre água salinizada e frequência alimentar foi observada para a taxa de sobrevivência. Concluímos que, durante a fase inicial de criação de P. brevis, recomenda-se uma frequência alimentar de três vezes ao dia e água salinizada a 1 g L-1.(AU)
Animais , Comportamento Alimentar , Characidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Águas Salinas , Valor NutritivoResumo
Mathematical models that simulate crop development are important tools to help growers plan management practices and harvest time for cut flowers such as gladiolus. This study aimed to validate the gladiolus phenology model, named PhenoGlad for the State of Paraná and determine the planting date for marketing flowers for the All Souls' Day and the quality of the floral stems. The validation of the PhenoGlad model was conducted in 2019 through field tests with different cultivars in five towns in the State of Paraná: Cascavel and Santa Helena (cultivar T704), Dois Vizinhos (cultivar White Goddes), Marechal Cândido Rondon (cultivars White Goddes and T704), and Palotina (cultivars T704 and Red Beauty). To estimate planting dates, the PhenoGlad model was run for 20 towns in different regions of the state, based on the periods of weather data available at each weather station, and for early, intermediate II, and late development cycles. The planting date was determined based on the average of the dates (Julian days) in each simulated year. The variables analyzed were the stages of development according to the phenological scale of the culture, number of leaves, average number of florets, and classification of floral stems according to the quality standards of Veiling Holambra. The PhenoGlad model was accurate in simulating the stages of development of gladiolus culture in the state of Paraná and suitable for predicting the damage caused by extreme temperatures in floral stems, which was confirmed by the damage caused to sepals and petals of gladiolus, cultivar T704, in field experiments in the towns of Cascavel, Palotina, and Santa Helena, and cultivar White Goddess for Dois Vizinhos. The best model performance was observed when simulating the vegetative period of the crop, with a low error of 0.54 leaf. In the state of Paraná, for the production of floral stems for the All Soul's Day, the PhenoGlad model simulated the planting dates for the 20 towns, from August 1 to August 23 for early cycle, July 18 to August 14 for intermediate II cycle, and July 7 to August 6 for late cycle. The towns of Cascavel and Marechal Cândido Rondon presented a higher number of florets and higher quality floral stems than the other towns evaluated.
Modelos matemáticos que simulam o desenvolvimento das culturas são ferramentas importantes para ajudar produtores no planejamento das práticas de manejo e épocas de colheita de flores de corte, como o gladíolo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi validar o modelo fenológico gladiolus, denominado PhenoGlad para o Estado do Paraná, determinar a data de plantio para comercialização de flores para o dia de Finados, e a qualidade das hastes florais. A validação do modelo PhenoGlad foi através de ensaios de campo durante o ano de 2019, com diferentes cultivares em cinco municípios do Estado do Paraná: Cascavel e Santa Helena (cultivar T704), Dois Vizinhos (cultivar White Goddes), Marechal Cândido Rondon (cultivares White Goddes e T704), e Palotina (cultivares T704 e Red Beauty). Para estimar as datas de plantio o modelo PhenoGlad foi rodado para 20 municípios das diferentes regiões do estado, com base nos períodos de dados meteorológicos disponíveis em cada estação meteorológica, e para os ciclos de desenvolvimento precoce, intermediário II e tardio. A data de plantio do gladíolo foi determinada por meio da média das datas (dias julianos) para cada ano simulado. As variáveis analisadas foram os estádios de desenvolvimento de acordo com a escala fenológica da cultura, número de folhas, número médio de floretes e classificação das hastes florais de acordo com os padrões de qualidade de Veiling Holambra. O modelo PhenoGlad apresentou acurácia ao simular os estádios de desenvolvimento da cultura do gladíolo no Estado do Paraná e também é apropriado para predizer os danos por temperaturas extremas nas hastes florais, o que se confirmou com os danos causados nas sépalas e pétalas do gladíolo, cultivar T704, nos experimentos de campo nas cidades de Cascavel, Palotina e Santa Helena, e para cultivar White Goddess em Dois Vizinhos. O melhor desempenho do modelo foi observado ao simular o período vegetativo da cultura, apresentando baixo erro de 0,54 folha. No Estado do Paraná, para produção de hastes na data de Finados, o modelo PhenoGlad simulou as datas de plantio, para as 20 cidades estudadas, de 1 a 23 de agosto para ciclo precoce, 18 de julho a 14 de agosto para o ciclo intermediário II, e 7 de julho a 6 de agosto para o ciclo tardio. As cidades de Cascavel e Marechal Cândido Rondon apresentaram maior número de floretes e qualidade de hastes superior aos demais municípios avaliados.
Flores/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Desenvolvimento VegetalResumo
O aumento da taxa de sobrevivência neonatal está diretamente relacionada a medidas de prevenção de fatores que levem a morte do filhote. A viabilidade do neonato é otimizada por meio de cuidados realizados antes mesmo do acasalamento, cuidados com a gestante e o acompanhamento do desenvolvimento do feto durante a gestação. É de suma importância o reconhecimento precoce do parto distócico, e da fisiologia neonatal para a aplicação de condutas adequadas afim de se otimizar a viabilidade do recém-nascido.(AU)
The increase in the neonatal survival rate is directly related to measures to prevent factors that lead to the death of the puppy and kitten. The viability of the newborn is optimized through care provided even before mating, care for the pregnant woman and monitoring the development of the fetus during pregnancy. Early recognition of dystocia and neonatal physiology is of paramount importance for the application of appropriate conducts in order to optimize the viability of the newborn.(AU)
Animais , Mortalidade , Animais Recém-Nascidos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Análise de SobrevidaResumo
The aim of study was to determine the relationship between metabolic parameters, body weight and body growth of piglets at birth and weaning. The experiment included 80 piglets obtained from F1 generation sows. Body weight was measured at birth (BW0), 24h (BW1) after birth and on day 25 (at weaning, BW2). Blood sampling was performed at the beginning of life (3rd day after birth) and at weaning (21st day after birth). BW0 and BW1 positively correlated with cholesterol and negatively with urea values at the beginning of life and RBC values at weaning. BW2 positively correlates with albumin and cortisol values at the beginning of life, total proteins, and globulins at weaning, and negatively correlates with erythrocyte values at weaning. Piglet growth from birth to weaning (BWG2-0) correlates positively with total proteins, albumin, and cortisol at the beginning of life and total proteins at weaning. ROC analysis shows that MCHC, TPROT, GLOB, CHOL and AST at the beginning of life can distinguish fast-growing from slow-growing piglets from birth to weaning period. The use of blood parameters enables early recognition of growth rate in piglets, which can help to optimize all further steps to achieve the best possible growth.
O objetivo do estudo foi determinar a relação entre parâmetros metabólicos, peso corporal e crescimento corporal de leitões ao nascimento e desmame. A experiência incluiu 80 leitões obtidos de porcas da geração F1. O peso corporal foi medido ao nascimento (BW0), 24h (BW1) após o nascimento e no dia 25 (no desmame, BW2). A amostragem de sangue foi realizada no início da vida (3º dia após o nascimento) e no desmame (21º dia após o nascimento). BW0 e BW1 correlacionaram-se positivamente com o colesterol e negativamente com os valores de uréia no início da vida e com os valores de hemácias no desmame. BW2 correlaciona-se positivamente com os valores de albumina e cortisol no início da vida, proteínas totais e globulinas no desmame, e negativamente com os valores de eritrócitos no desmame. O crescimento do leitão desde o nascimento até o desmame (BWG2-0) se correlaciona positivamente com as proteínas totais, albumina e cortisol no início da vida e com as proteínas totais no desmame. A análise ROC mostra que MCHC, TPROT, GLOB, CHOL e AST no início da vida pode distinguir leitões de crescimento rápido de leitões de crescimento lento desde o nascimento até o desmame. O uso de parâmetros sanguíneos permite o reconhecimento precoce da taxa de crescimento em leitões, o que pode ajudar a otimizar todas as etapas posteriores para alcançar o melhor crescimento possível.
Animais , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Suínos/sangue , Peso Corporal , Aumento de PesoResumo
Genomic selection has transformed the livestock industry, enabling early-life selection of animals. Biopsy sampling of pre-implantation embryos has been described since 1968. However, it was only after 2010, with the advancement of molecular biology techniques such as whole genomic amplification and SNP Chips, that next-generation sequencing became commercially available for bovine embryos. It is now possible to make decisions about which embryos to transfer not only based on recipients' availability or embryo morphology but also on genomic estimates. This technology can be implemented for a wide spectrum of applications in livestock. In this review, we discuss the use of embryo biopsy for genomic selection and share our experience with Gir and Girolando Brazilian breeding programs, as well as future goals for implementing it in Brazilian bovine in vitro embryo production practices.(AU)