Three hundred hatching eggs from two layer breeder flocks (Hy-Line Brown and hy-Line W-36; 150 each) were obtained at three different periods of laying cycle (early, middle and late stages). The hatching eggs were randomly taken to assess the impact of chicken strain, age, and hatching time on some eggshell measurements and structures. Results indicate that egg weight, shell percentage and shell thickness were significantly affected by strain, breeder age, and incubation time. Increasing rate of calcium absorption and utilization by the embryos during the embryonic stage clearly reflects the decrease occurred in eggshell strength. The differences of eggshell breaking strength during incubation time periods were 0.41 and 0.55 kg/cm2, the differences due to the incubation time may be due to the higher demand for calcium utilization in the late incubation period (18 days), observed on the10th day of incubation. Brown eggs recorded significant higher calcium percentage in eggshell compared to the white ones. The brown breeder hens recorded significant higher total pores per egg compared to the white egg. Concerning eggshell ultrastructure, total thickness of the brown eggshell was significantly higher than those of the white eggshell by about 3.7%. All parameters, except for total thickness, were significantly affected by the interaction between strain and breeder age. Finally, we conclude that some traits including egg weight, shell percentage, shell thickness, calcium percentages in eggshell, and total pores per egg were significantly affected by strain, breeder age, and incubation time. Eggshell ultrastructure of brown egg was better compared to the white ones.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Galinhas/genética , Casca de Ovo/ultraestruturaResumo
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of amylin, a pancreatic hormone polypeptide, on egg quality traits in laying hens. A total of 40 birds (14 wk of age) were randomly divided into two treatments with two replicates, 10 birds in each replicate. Twenty birds were subcutaneously injected with amylin at 75 µg/kg every other day (treatment 1), and the remaining animals (20 hens) were given only water as the control group (treatment 2). Eggs collected from the two groups (140 eggs per group) were examined for several quality performance traits such as egg weight, specific gravity, shape index, eggshell strength, eggshell thickness, eggshell ash, eggshell weight, Haugh unit (HU), albumen index, yolk index, yolk color, and albumen height. The results indicated that amylin had a positive effect on some egg quality traits in laying hens. Specific gravity, eggshell thickness, eggshell weight, HU, albumen index, yolk index, and albumen height, which are all considered as important quality parameters from the consumer point of view, especially HU, were relatively improved in the amylin treatment group. These results showed that the injection of 75 µg/kg amylin has a significant effect on some egg quality traits. Considering that egg quality characteristics are crucial for the egg industry, this study can be a reference for the detailed investigation of the use of amylin in the different stages of egg production.
Animais , Galinhas , Polipeptídeo Amiloide das Ilhotas PancreáticasResumo
Abstract The life cycle of stink bug, Glyphepomis dubia and the development of two egg parasitoids (Telenomus podisi and Trissolcus basalis) were studied at the Federal University of Maranhão, at 26 ± 2oC, relative humidity (RH) of 60 ± 10% and 12h photophase. Individuals used in the study were collected from seven rice fields located around the municipality of Arari, Maranhão, Brazil, and maintained in greenhouse and laboratory for the life cycle studies. From egg to adult, G. dubia took 35.2 days to complete the life cycle. The oviposition period was 37 days, with egg masses of about 12 eggs each and viability of 93.1%. Longevity was 53 and 65 days for females and males, respectively. The egg parasitoids Te. podisi and Tr. basalis parasitized and developed in G. dubia eggs; however, the biological characteristics of Tr. basalis were affected. Emergence of the parasitoids was higher for Te. podisi (83.5%) compared to the records for Tr. basalis (50.4%). Therefore, G. dubia may potentially achieve a pest status and Te. podisi is a promising biological control agent for G. dubia management in Brazil due to its higher longevity and better reproductive parameters.
Resumo O ciclo de vida do percevejo, Glyphepomis dubia e a biologia de dois parasitoides de ovos (Telenomus podisi e Trissolcus basalis) foram estudados na Universidade Federal do Maranhão, a 26 ± 2oC, umidade relativa (UR) de 60 ± 10% e fotofase de 12h. Sete indivíduos de G. dubia foram coletados em lavoura de arroz localizada no município de Arari, Maranhão, Brasil e mantidos em casa de vegetação e laboratório para estudos de ciclo de vida. Do ovo ao adulto, G. dubia levou 35.2 dias para completar o ciclo de vida. O período de oviposição foi de 37 dias com massas de ovos com cerca de 12 ovos/massa e viabilidade de 93.1%. A longevidade foi de 53 e 65 dias, respectivamente, para fêmeas e machos. Os parasitoides de ovos, Te. podisi e Tr. basalis parasitaram e se desenvolveram em ovos de G. dubia, no entanto as características biológicas de Tr. basalis foi afetada. A emergência dos parasitoides foi maior para Te. podisi (83.5%) em comparação com o registrado para Tr. basalis (50.4%). Portanto, G. dubia poderá apresentar potencial para atingir o status de praga e Te. podisi é um promissor agente de controle biológico para ser utilizado no manejo de G. dubia no Brasil, pois apresentou maior longevidade e os melhores parâmetros reprodutivos.
Humanos , Animais , Oryza , Vespas , Heterópteros , Hemípteros , Himenópteros , Oviposição , Óvulo , BiologiaResumo
Abstract The life cycle of stink bug, Glyphepomis dubia and the development of two egg parasitoids (Telenomus podisi and Trissolcus basalis) were studied at the Federal University of Maranhão, at 26 ± 2oC, relative humidity (RH) of 60 ± 10% and 12h photophase. Individuals used in the study were collected from seven rice fields located around the municipality of Arari, Maranhão, Brazil, and maintained in greenhouse and laboratory for the life cycle studies. From egg to adult, G. dubia took 35.2 days to complete the life cycle. The oviposition period was 37 days, with egg masses of about 12 eggs each and viability of 93.1%. Longevity was 53 and 65 days for females and males, respectively. The egg parasitoids Te. podisi and Tr. basalis parasitized and developed in G. dubia eggs; however, the biological characteristics of Tr. basalis were affected. Emergence of the parasitoids was higher for Te. podisi (83.5%) compared to the records for Tr. basalis (50.4%). Therefore, G. dubia may potentially achieve a pest status and Te. podisi is a promising biological control agent for G. dubia management in Brazil due to its higher longevity and better reproductive parameters.
Resumo O ciclo de vida do percevejo, Glyphepomis dubia e a biologia de dois parasitoides de ovos (Telenomus podisi e Trissolcus basalis) foram estudados na Universidade Federal do Maranhão, a 26 ± 2oC, umidade relativa (UR) de 60 ± 10% e fotofase de 12h. Sete indivíduos de G. dubia foram coletados em lavoura de arroz localizada no município de Arari, Maranhão, Brasil e mantidos em casa de vegetação e laboratório para estudos de ciclo de vida. Do ovo ao adulto, G. dubia levou 35.2 dias para completar o ciclo de vida. O período de oviposição foi de 37 dias com massas de ovos com cerca de 12 ovos/massa e viabilidade de 93.1%. A longevidade foi de 53 e 65 dias, respectivamente, para fêmeas e machos. Os parasitoides de ovos, Te. podisi e Tr. basalis parasitaram e se desenvolveram em ovos de G. dubia, no entanto as características biológicas de Tr. basalis foi afetada. A emergência dos parasitoides foi maior para Te. podisi (83.5%) em comparação com o registrado para Tr. basalis (50.4%). Portanto, G. dubia poderá apresentar potencial para atingir o status de praga e Te. podisi é um promissor agente de controle biológico para ser utilizado no manejo de G. dubia no Brasil, pois apresentou maior longevidade e os melhores parâmetros reprodutivos.
The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of using light-emitting diode (LED) lamps versus incandescent/tungsten (Inc) bulbs on broiler breeder hens' productive performance during the brooding and rearing periods (25 weeks), as well as the first 15 weeks of production. A total of 46600 one-day-old Arbor Acres Plus breeder chicks were placed in eight enclosed houses and randomly/evenly divided into two groups (four houses for each group): birds raised under yellow LED lighting, and birds raised under orange Inc lighting. Several traits have been studied to determine productive performance, including body weight at different ages, body weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, mortality rate, uniformity, age and weight at sexual maturity, egg number, egg production rate, egg number per bird, egg weight, and egg mass. According to the findings, using LED lighting instead of Inc lighting during the rearing period resulted in a significant improvement in all studied traits, and this positive effect continued until the production period, yielding excellent results for all studied production traits. LED lighting proved to be an effective source of lighting in broiler breeders' houses.(AU)
Animais , Iluminação/métodos , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ovos/análise , Bem-Estar do AnimalResumo
This study described changes in the serum biochemistry, morphology of genital organs, long bone, and eggshell during the daily egg formation cycle in Japanese quails. Sixty quails (18-wk) were distributed in 6 groups according to hours post-oviposition (POV): 0 hr POV (16h00), 2 hrs POV (egg in magnum), and 4, 8, 14, and 20 hrs POV (egg in uterus). The magnum had higher relative weight before the next ovulation (20 and 0 hr POV), and its tubular glands showed functional variation through periods: abundant eosinophilic, PAS+, and negative Alcian blue secretion at 0 and 2 hrs, empty glands aspect at 4 hrs, and filled again at 20 hrs POV. Serum albumin and total Ca had the highest value in the 2 hrs group, and the lowest in 8 and 14 hrs groups. Egg-cycle period affected the Ca% of the medullar bone of the femur and tibiotarsus, with the lowest mean at 14 hrs POV (06h00), and the highest mean after oviposition (0 hr POV), showing the recovery of Ca stores in long bones for the next egg cycle. Analysis of the eggshell using scanning electron microscopy evidenced that palisade layer formation starts during the night (814 hrs POV), and most parts are secreted during the day period. In conclusion, eggshell secretion in light periods, high magnum activity and medullary bone Ca deposition during midday and afternoon, as well as the ovulation/oviposition in the afternoon, are the main characteristics of the distinct physiological aspects of the egg cycle in quails.(AU)
Animais , Bioquímica/métodos , Ovos/análise , Coturnix/fisiologia , Tubas Uterinas/químicaResumo
Abstract The possible interference of resistant pests populations to insecticides in natural enemies in the action thas not been clarified yet. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) performance on Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs with resistance frequency to the Metaflumizone over six generations of product exposure. Egg cards (2.0 x 7.0 cm) containing eggs from two populations of S. frugiperda, (resistant to Metaflumizone and the other susceptible), were exposed to T. pretiosum females for 24 hours in free-choice and no-choice testing in three generations (G1, G4, and G6). A completely randomized experimental design was used with 25 replications, each consisting of an egg card (experimental unit) containing 20 eggs. The parameters evaluated were: parasitism (%), emergence (%), sex ratio, number of emerged parasitoids per egg and males/females longevity. ANOVA and Tukey test (P 0.05) were applied on the results. Results showed a reduction in parasitism [41.0% (G1) and 28.4% (G4)], egg emergence (17.5%) and parasitoids/egg [16.2 (G4) and 17.2 (G6)] in eggs originating from the population with resistance frequency. Females emerging from G6 populations eggs without exposure to Metaflumizone had greater longevity (3.5 days more) than the resistant population. The sex ratio and male longevity were not affected. The results indicate a reduction in T. pretiosum activity if S. frugiperda populations have some frequency of resistance to Metaflumizone.
Resumo A possível interferência de populações de pragas resistentes na ação de inimigos naturais ainda não foi esclarecida. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) em ovos de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) com frequência de resistência à Metaflumizona ao longo de seis gerações de exposição ao produto. Cartelas (2,0 x 7,0 cm) com ovos de duas populações de S. frugiperda, (resistente à Metaflumizona e outra suscetível), foram expostas às fêmeas de T. pretiosum por 24 horas em condições de livre escolha e sem chance de escolha por três gerações (G1, G4 e G6). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com 25 repetições, sendo cada repetição composta por uma cartela (unidade experimental) contendo 20 ovos. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: parasitismo (%), emergência (%), razão sexual, número de parasitoides emergidos por ovo e longevidade de machos e fêmeas. ANOVA e teste de Tukey (P 0,05) foram aplicados aos dados coletados. Os resultados mostraram redução do parasitismo [41,0% (G1) e 28,4% (G4)], emergência de ovos (17,5%) e parasitoides/ovo [16,2 (G4) e 17,2 (G6)] em ovos oriundos da população com frequência de resistência. As fêmeas emergidas de ovos da população G6 sem exposição à Metaflumizona, tiveram maior longevidade (3,5 dias a mais) do que a população exposta ao inseticida. A razão sexual e a longevidade de machos não foram afetadas. Os resultados indicam uma redução na atividade de T. pretiosum se as populações de S. frugiperda apresentarem alguma frequência de resistência à Metaflumizona.
Background: Trematode infections are of great importance as they affect the health of many species of mammals as cattle, sheep and goat. Fasciola hepatica represents the main trematode zoonosis and risks to human and cattle and paramphistomosis is one emerging parasitic diseases of ruminants widely distributed in the world. The economic expenses are incurred by the use of ineffective anthelmintics for trematode control. Besides to faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) to determine the anthelmintic efficacy, can be used in vitro assays, by this the aim of the study was to determine the lethal doses (LD) with hatching egg test (EHT) of the main commercial anthelmintics used for the control of trematodes in cattle. Materials, Methods & Results: Liver and rumen were examined from cattle slaughtered in Tabasco, Chiapas and Campeche states from Mexico. F. hepatica eggs were recovered from gallbladder and rumen fluke eggs collected from adult parasites in saline solution. Subsequently, the hatching egg assays were performed placing 100 trematode eggs in distilled water in each one of 96 wells of polystyrene plates. After making the appropriate dilutions, several concentrations of commercial anthelmintics were evaluated, ranging from 0.04 to 80.63 mM for triclabendazole + 0.046 to 96.87 mM febendazole (TC+FBZ), from 0.04 to 91 mM for rafoxanide (RAFOX), from 0.02 to 43.74 mM for closantel (CLOS), from 0.036 to 76.18 mM for clorsulon + 0.002 to 3.31 mM ivermectin (CLORS+ IVM) and from 0.163 to 334.47 mM for nitroxynil (NITROX). A control group (water) was included in each plate. Lethal doses were obtained using the Probit procedure and analysis of the means with a one-way statistical design. Most drugs used against rumen fluke eggs presented a high LD50 and therefore were ineffective to cause egg mortality, such was the case of RAFOX that presented LD50 from 4,580 to 10,790 µg/mL (7 to 17 mM). CLOS presented the lowest LD50 (80 µg/mL or 0.12 mM) on rumen fluke eggs. TC+FBZ was found to be effective drug against the development of F. hepatica eggs in many samples. In the same way NITROX showed a low LD50 (37 to 63 µg/mL or 0.13 to 0.22 mM), but RAFOX presented a highest LD50 (1,450 µg/mL or 2.32 mM). Discussion: The present study focused on screen the ovicidal activity and determining in vitro lethal doses 50 of main commercial anthelmintics used to control F. hepatica and rumen fluke as rapid tests in a tropical region from Mexico. The FECRT is the main method to detect effectiveness of anthelmintic and other method is the coproantigen reduction test (CRT) by ELISA. Both tests require many infected animals depending the number of treatments and by this the egg hatch assay (EHA) represent a complementary diagnosis of effectiveness of anthelmintic products to compare between regions and even between farms, because few animals are required from the farm to collect trematode eggs, and it is possible to know the effectiveness against various anthelmintics at the same time. Efficacy studies on trematodes using egg hatching tests are scarce, although they have the advantage that they can be applied to both F. hepatica and rumen fluke. TC+FBZ was one of the most effective products in inhibiting the development of F. hepatica eggs. However, RAFOX showed low effectiveness against trematode eggs, with very high lethal doses. These results agree with a study that show low efficacy against the development of Paramphistomum cervi eggs and with the FECRT test reductions of 75% and 80.58% were obtained, in times from 7 to 84 days after treatment with RAFOX. NITROX and CLORS were drugs that had good efficacy on the development of F. hepatica eggs. A differential response between liver and rumen fluke was observed. The anthelmintics used against rumen fluke eggs show low ovicidal activity and in Fasciola hepatica TC+FBZ show the best activity
Animais , Bovinos , Trematódeos , Dose Máxima Tolerável , Fasciola hepatica , Anti-Helmínticos/administração & dosagem , Anti-Helmínticos/análise , Contagem de Ovos de Parasitas/veterináriaResumo
The growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) gene plays a vital role in the growth and maturation of ovarian follicles in laying hens. However, its messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expression levels in preovulatory ovarian follicles of indigenous chickens remain poorly understood. The study aimed to identify the association between egg weight and egg quality traits, ovarian follicles morphology, and mRNA expression levels of the GDF9 gene in pre-ovulatory ovarian follicles of the South African Potchefstroom Koekoek chicken breed. The correlation results showed that egg weight (EW) had a positively high significant correlation (p<0.01) with egg width (EWD), yolk weight (YW), shell surface area (SSA), albumen weight (AW), albumen ratio (AR) and egg volume (EV), and a positive significant correlation (p<0.05) with egg length (EL). The Student's T-test results revealed that the numbers of large yellow follicles were significantly lower (p<0.05) than those of small yellow follicles. ANOVA findings showed that there was a significant difference (p<0.05) in the average weight of the large yellow follicles. The quantitative Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR) findings indicated that there were significant differences (p<0.05) in the mRNA expression levels of the GDF9 gene in preovulatory ovarian follicles of the Potchefstroom Koekoek chicken breed. The mRNA expression was more abundant in F1 and F4 than in other ovarian follicles.(AU)
Animais , Ovos/análise , Folículo Ovariano/anatomia & histologia , RNA Mensageiro/genética , Fator 9 de Diferenciação de CrescimentoResumo
This study aims to evaluate the residual effect of different lipid sources in the diet of Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica) in the rearing phase on the performance and egg quality in the initial phase of egg-laying. In the first stage, 400 Japanese quails aged 21 days were used, being distributed in a completely randomized experimental design, with five treatments and ten replicates of eight birds/replicate Treatments consisted of basal ration (BR) with 2.5% soybean oil; BR with 2.5% corn oil; BR with 2.5% cottonseed oil; BR with 2.5% sunflower oil; and BR with 2.5% canola oil.At 42 days, maintaining the initial design, all quails received a basal ration with soybean oil, in order to evaluate the residual effect of the previous phase on the performance and egg quality in the initial phase of egg-laying (43 - 84 days). The different lipid sources did not affect the performance of quails in the initial phase of production. For egg quality, yolk height, yolk diameter, yolk index, gravity, and Haugh unit (HU) showed better results in the treatment using sunflower oil. There was a residual effect of the use of lipid sources of vegetable origin in the rearing phase diet of Japanese quails on egg quality traits. Lipid sources from soybean, corn, cottonseed, canola, and sunflower seeds can be used as energy sources in the rearing diet of egg-laying quails for not being harmful to their initial performance. The longevity in egg production of quails fed with different lipid sources in the rearing phase was similar.
A pesquisa foi conduzida com objetivo de avaliar o efeito residual de diferentes fontes lipídicas na dieta de codornas japonesas (Coturnix japonica) na fase de recria sob o desempenho e a qualidade de ovos na fase inicial de postura. Na primeira etapa foram utilizadas 400 codornas japonesas com idade de 21 dias, as aves foram distribuídas em tratamentos seguindo um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com dez repetições, de oito aves, em cinco tratamentos: ração basal (RB) com 2,5% de óleo de soja, RB com 2,5 % de óleo de milho, RB com 2,5% de óleo algodão, RB com 2,5% de óleo de girassol e RB com 2,5% de óleo de canola. Aos 42 dias mantendo o delineamento inicial, todas aves receberam ração basal com óleo de soja, para que fosse avaliado o efeito residual da fase anterior sobre o desempenho e a qualidade dos ovos na fase inicial de postura (43 - 84 dias). As diferentes fontes lipídicas não afetaram o desempenho das aves na fase inicial de produção. Para a qualidade dos ovos, os parâmetros de altura, diâmetro e índice de gema, gravidade e UH foram melhores no tratamento com utilização de óleo de girassol. Houve efeito residual da utilização de fontes lipídicas de origem vegetal na dieta em fase de recria de codornas japonesas sobre as características da qualidade dos ovos. As fontes lipídicas oriundas das sementes de soja, milho, algodão, canola e girassol podem ser utilizadas como ingredientes energéticos na dieta de recria de codornas poedeiras por não serem prejudiciais ao desempenho inicial das aves. A longevidade na produção dos ovos das aves alimentadas com diferentes fontes lipídicas na fase de recria foi semelhante.
Animais , Oviposição/fisiologia , Óleos de Plantas/administração & dosagem , Coturnix/fisiologia , Ovos/análiseResumo
An experiment was carried out with Japanese quails in the initial laying phase, from 43 to 168 days of age, to determine the nutritional requirement of digestible methionine + cystine for this period. 375 quails were used, being fifteen quails used per experimental unit. A total of 5 treatments (0.60, 0.75, 0.90, 1.05 and 1.20% digestible methionine + cystine) were used in a completely randomized design with 5 replicates each. The performance parameters evaluated were feed intake (g / bird), body weight (g), egg weight (g), laying rate (%), egg mass (g ), feed conversion by mass and dozen eggs (g.g-1 of eggs, of eggs), viability (%) and the body chemical composition (%). The egg quality parameters were: % of component (yolk, albumen and shell relative to egg weight), specific gravity (g mL-1 ), Haugh unit, yolk index, shell weight per surface area and thickness of the shell (mm). Quadratic effect was found on the performance parameters evaluated (P0.05). The nutritional recommendation of digestible methionine + cystine for Japanese quails at laying phase is 0.90% from the maximum point obtained for the egg mass, egg weight and laying rate, corresponding to daily intake of 241.54 mg of digestible methionine + cystine / day, respectively.
Foi desenvolvido um experimento com codornas japonesas na fase inicial de postura, de 43 a 168 dias de idade, com o objetivo de determinar a exigência nutricional de metionina + cistina digestível para este período. Foram utilizadas 375 codornas, sendo 15 aves por unidade experimental. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado (DIC) totalizando 5 tratamentos (0,60; 0,75; 0,90; 1,05 e 1,20 % de metionina + cistina digestível) com 5 repetições cada. As variáveis de desempenho avaliadas foram, consumo de ração (g/ave), peso corporal (g), peso do ovo (g), taxa de postura (%), produção de massa de ovos (g ovos.ave. dia-1), conversão alimentar por massa e dúzia de ovos (g.g-1 de ovos, de ovos), viabilidade (%) e a composição química corporal (%). As variáveis de qualidade dos ovos foram, percentagem do componente (gema, albúmen e casca em relação ao peso do ovo), gravidade específica (g mL.-1), unidade Haugh, índice de gema e peso da casca por superfície de área. Foi encontrado efeito quadrático sobre as variáveis de desempenho avaliadas (P0,05). A recomendação nutricional de metionina + cistina digestível para codornas japonesas na fase de postura é de 0,90% a partir do ponto de máxima obtido para as variáveis massa de ovos, peso de ovos e taxa de postura, correspondendo ao consumo diário de 241,54 mg de metionina + cistina digestível / dia, respectivamente.
Animais , Composição Corporal , Coturnix/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cistina/administração & dosagem , Ovos/análise , Metionina/administração & dosagem , Oviposição/fisiologiaResumo
This purpose of this study was to compare the efficiency of the McMaster and Mini-FLOTAC quantitative techniques in the investigation of helminths in feces of pigs. An analysis was made of 74 fecal samples from pigs raised on family farms located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. These were analyzed by the Mini-FLOTAC and McMaster techniques in a solution of 1,200g/mL NaCl. This investigation revealed a superiority in the frequency of all helminths detected by Mini-FLOTAC, including Ascaris suum, Trichuris suis, strongyles and Strongyloides ransomi. The Kappa index revealed substantial agreement in all comparisons made in relation to the frequency of positive samples. However, significant statistical differences in the comparison of EPGs between McMaster and Mini-FLOTAC were observed for all nematodes (p ≤0.05). Higher values of Pearson's linear correlation coefficient (r), between the techniques in relation to EPG were observed for A. suum and T. suis, differently from what was observed for strongyles and S. ransomi. Mini-FLOTAC proved to be a more satisfactory and reliable technique both for the diagnosis of parasites and for the determination of EPG in pig feces due to the larger size of its counting chambers, thus increasing the helminth egg recovery rates.(AU)
Este estudo objetivou comparar a eficiência das técnicas quantitativas de McMaster e Mini-FLOTAC para a pesquisa de helmintos em fezes de suínos. Foram analisadas 74 amostras fecais de suínos mantidos em propriedades familiares, localizadas no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Estas foram analisadas pelas técnicas de Mini-FLOTAC e McMaster com solução de NaCl 1.200g/mL. Pode-se verificar uma superioridade na frequência de todos os helmintos detectados por meio do Mini-FLOTAC, incluindo-se Ascaris suum, Trichuris suis, estrongilídeos e Strongyloides ransomi. O índice Kappa mostrou uma concordância substancial em todas as comparações realizadas, em relação à frequência de amostras positivas. Entretanto, diferenças estatísticas significativas na comparação do OPG entre McMaster e Mini-FLOTAC foram observadas para todos os nematoides (p ≤0.05). Elevados valores do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson foram observados entre as técnicas, em relação ao OPG para A. suum e T. suis, diferentemente do evidenciado para estrôngilos e S. ransomi. Mini-FLOTAC mostrou-se uma técnica mais satisfatória e confiável, tanto para o diagnóstico de parasitos quanto para a determinação do OPG em fezes de suínos, devido ao maior tamanho das suas câmaras de contagem, situação que acaba aumentando a eficiência da recuperação dos ovos dos helmintos.(AU)
Animais , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/diagnóstico , Suínos/parasitologia , Gastroenteropatias/parasitologia , Contagem de Ovos de Parasitas/veterinária , BrasilResumo
ABSTRACT Aiming to the red mite Oligonychus yothersi control in yerba-mate, the systemic action of an azadirachtin-based product (12 g of azadirachtin.L-1) was evaluated in the laboratory. To assess the activity on oviposition and mortality of the mite (1), three weekly applications of the product in an aqueous solution (30, 48, and 66 mg i.a..L-1) were performed. The applications were carried out in the soil, next to the base of yerba mate seedlings. After seven days of each application, leaves were removed for infestation with 15 adult mite females. To evaluate the activity in the development, survival, and reproduction of the progeny (2), yerba mate seedlings were irrigated with azadirachtin solution of 30 mg i.a..L-1 (recommended concentration). After seven days, leaves were removed and infested with adult females for oviposition and observation of the progeny. Reduction in fecundity (from 23.7 to 44.2%), fertility (27.4 to 48.1%), and an increase in mortality from 14.6 to 47.5% were observed in females fed on azadirachtin-treated plants. Continuous feeding on plants treated with azadirachtin solution significantly reduced oviposition, pre-oviposition period, and longevity of males. In addition, the viability of the egg-adult, and the duration of the egg-adult period increased. The potential of azadirachtin for the control of O. yothersi and its action from the irrigation of yerba mate plants was confirmed.
From 2015 to 2021 the prevalence of parasites was evaluated in fecal samples of dogs from the municipality of Niterói, RJ. The samples were examined at the Laboratory of Diagnostic Support in Parasitic Diseases (LADDP) of the Veterinary School at the Federal Fluminense University (UFF), using centrifugal flotation, sedimentation and mini-FLOTAC techniques. Of the 1,037 samples examined, 30.6% (318/1,037) showed positive results for some parasitic infections, of which 80.5% (256/318) were positive for only one species of parasite and 19.5% (62/318) for multiple infections. Parasitism by Ancylostoma caninum was the most prevalent, with 39% (124/318), followed by Giardia sp., 16% (51/318); Toxocara canis, 14.5% (46/318); Trichuris vulpis, 8.5% (27/318); Cystoisospora canis, 8.5% (27/318); Dipylidium caninum, 7.9% (25/318); and Cryptosporidium sp., 5.6% (18/318). The parasitological diagnosis of dogs in urban areas is the best choice to evaluate the efficacy of control measures adopted for parasitic infections, including those with zoonotic importance.
Durante o período de 2015 a 2021, foi avaliada a prevalência de endoparasitos em amostras fecais de cães provenientes do município de Niterói, RJ. As amostras foram analisadas no Laboratório de Apoio Diagnóstico em Doenças Parasitárias (LADDP) da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), sendo usadas as técnicas de centrifugo-flutuação, sedimentação simples e mini-FLOTAC. Das 1.037 amostras analisadas, 30,6% (318/1.037) apresentaram resultados positivos para alguma infecção parasitária, sendo dessas 80,5% (256/318) positivas para apenas uma espécie de parasito e 19,5% (62/318) para infecções múltiplas. O parasitismo por Ancylostoma caninum foi o mais prevalente, com 39% (124/318), seguido por Giardia sp., 16% (51/318), Toxocara canis, 14,5% (46/318), Trichuris vulpis, 8,5% (27/318), Cystoisospora canis, 8,5% (27/318), Dipylidium caninum, 7,9% (25/318) e Cryptosporidium sp., 5,6% (18/318). O diagnóstico parasitológico de cães em áreas urbanas é a melhor alternativa para a avaliação da eficácia dos programas de controle de infecções parasitárias, incluindo aquelas com importância zoonotica.
Animais , Cães , Contagem de Ovos de Parasitas/veterinária , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/epidemiologia , Fezes/parasitologia , BrasilResumo
The present study intended to identify the effects of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast on production performance and parameters related to the quality of layers' eggs. Effects of yeast on immune titers after routine vaccinations against Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis were also studied. Fayoumi chicken (n=288) were divided in four groups (72 in each), and Black Australorp (n=288) in four groups (72 in each). Both had 12 weeks of age and were kept in 08 groups (3 replicates per treatment). Hens were fed a controlled diet along with the addition of 0.5g, 1.0 g, and 1.5 g of S. cerevisiae per kg of feed, till 25 weeks of age. Feed intake and egg production were measured on a daily basis, while body weight gain and egg weight were measured weekly. Egg quality parameters were evaluated by picking 5 eggs from every group weekly. Birds were vaccinated for Newcastle disease (ND) and infectious bronchitis (IB) at the 18th week. Subsequently, 10 days after vaccination, antibody titers were determined by Hemagglutination Inhibition and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay for both diseases. Results showed no significant effect of S. cerevisiae on layers' weight gain and feed intake. However, egg production was increased in the experimental group. Moreover, yeast supplementation impacted positively on birds' immune system. In conclusion, probiotic supplementation improved birds' egg production and immunity.(AU)
Animais , Alimentos Fortificados/efeitos adversos , Galinhas/imunologia , Ovos/análise , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/fisiologia , Probióticos/efeitos adversosResumo
This study assessed the effect of the cold chain on egg quality in a model simulation of post-washing processing and consumer storage. Post-washed eggs were assigned to 12 groups that simulated the conditions of temporary storage after washing (step 1; 7°C or 25°C for 1 day), transportation (step 2; 7°C or 30°C for 8 h), and selling or storage (step 3; 7°C, 25°C or 30°C for 4 weeks). The freshness and microbial characteristics of the eggs were analyzed for 4 weeks. High-temperature conditions in steps 1 or 2 resulted in reduced quality and more bacteria on eggshells, and this egg quality deterioration worsened after storage for over 2 weeks. In step 3, the quality of the eggs stored at 7°C was maintained during the entire storage, whereas the eggs stored at 25°C had lower quality and broken vitelline membranes in week 4, and the eggs stored at 30°C were spoiled. Eggs should be stored from post-washing until storage by consumers in a cold environment without interruption of temperature control to maintain quality and safety. Consumers must be aware that eggs should be stored at refrigerator temperature.(AU)
Animais , Higiene dos Alimentos/métodos , Galinhas , Ovos/análiseResumo
Abstract The possible interference of resistant pest's populations to insecticides in natural enemies in the action thas not been clarified yet. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) performance on Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs with resistance frequency to the Metaflumizone over six generations of product exposure. Egg cards (2.0 x 7.0 cm) containing eggs from two populations of S. frugiperda, (resistant to Metaflumizone and the other susceptible), were exposed to T. pretiosum females for 24 hours in free-choice and no-choice testing in three generations (G1, G4, and G6). A completely randomized experimental design was used with 25 replications, each consisting of an egg card (experimental unit) containing 20 eggs. The parameters evaluated were: parasitism (%), emergence (%), sex ratio, number of emerged parasitoids per egg and males/females longevity. ANOVA and Tukey test (P≤ 0.05) were applied on the results. Results showed a reduction in parasitism [41.0% (G1) and 28.4% (G4)], egg emergence (17.5%) and parasitoids/egg [16.2 (G4) and 17.2 (G6)] in eggs originating from the population with resistance frequency. Females emerging from G6 populations eggs without exposure to Metaflumizone had greater longevity (3.5 days more) than the resistant population. The sex ratio and male longevity were not affected. The results indicate a reduction in T. pretiosum activity if S. frugiperda populations have some frequency of resistance to Metaflumizone.
Resumo A possível interferência de populações de pragas resistentes na ação de inimigos naturais ainda não foi esclarecida. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) em ovos de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) com frequência de resistência à Metaflumizona ao longo de seis gerações de exposição ao produto. Cartelas (2,0 x 7,0 cm) com ovos de duas populações de S. frugiperda, (resistente à Metaflumizona e outra suscetível), foram expostas às fêmeas de T. pretiosum por 24 horas em condições de livre escolha e sem chance de escolha por três gerações (G1, G4 e G6). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com 25 repetições, sendo cada repetição composta por uma cartela (unidade experimental) contendo 20 ovos. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: parasitismo (%), emergência (%), razão sexual, número de parasitoides emergidos por ovo e longevidade de machos e fêmeas. ANOVA e teste de Tukey (P≤ 0,05) foram aplicados aos dados coletados. Os resultados mostraram redução do parasitismo [41,0% (G1) e 28,4% (G4)], emergência de ovos (17,5%) e parasitoides/ovo [16,2 (G4) e 17,2 (G6)] em ovos oriundos da população com frequência de resistência. As fêmeas emergidas de ovos da população G6 sem exposição à Metaflumizona, tiveram maior longevidade (3,5 dias a mais) do que a população exposta ao inseticida. A razão sexual e a longevidade de machos não foram afetadas. Os resultados indicam uma redução na atividade de T. pretiosum se as populações de S. frugiperda apresentarem alguma frequência de resistência à Metaflumizona.
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Vespas , Himenópteros , Mariposas , Semicarbazonas , Razão de Masculinidade , SpodopteraResumo
Doxiciclinaé um fármaco do grupo das tetraciclinas indicado para tratamento de diferentes doenças, em principal a coriza infecciosa. Entretanto, antimicrobianos do grupo das tetraciclinas tem capacidade de se ligarem e indisponibilizar minerais importantes para a formação dos ovos. O objetivo do projeto foi de avaliar a interferência da doxiciclina na qualidade de ovos comerciais. Realizou-se um estudo com 100 poedeiras Dekalb Brown®onde se avaliou a cor da gema, unidade Haugh, cor da casca, peso e espessura da casca. O delineamento adotado foi o inteiramente casualizadosem um esquema fatorial 2x2, resultando nos tratamentos: sem doxiciclina ao 5° dia; com doxiciclina ao 5° dia; sem doxiciclina ao 10° dia; com doxiciclina ao 10° dia. Coletou-se 4 ovos por repetição,totalizando 48 ovos analisado por tratamento em cada um dos períodos analisados. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos para as variáveis de qualidade interna dos ovos (cor da gema e unidade Haugh). Para as variáveis de qualidade de casca, houve uma redução significativa dos níveis de amarelo com o uso de doxiciclina por 10 dias, além da redução do peso da casca e da espessura apical e equatorial da casca, principalmente no 10º dia e com o uso de doxiciclina. Conclui-se que o uso da doxiciclina não interfere na qualidade interna dos ovos, porém confere tonalidade acinzentada as cascas, e redução de peso e espessura das mesmas.(AU)
Doxycycline is a drug from the tetracycline group indicated for the treatment of different diseases, mainly infectious coryza. However, antimicrobials from the tetracycline group can bind and make minerals important for egg formation unavailable. The aim of this project is evaluated interference of doxycycline in quality of commercial egg. A study had carried out with 100 Dekalb Brown®laying hens where evaluated the yolk color, Haugh unit,color eggshell, weight and thickness eggshell. The delimitation had completely randomized in a 2x2 factorial scheme, resulting in treatments: without doxycycline at day 5; with doxycycline a day 5; without doxycycline at day 10; with doxycycline at day 10. Four eggs had gathered per replicate, totaling 48 eggs analyzed per treatment in each of the analyzed periods. No significant differences were found between treatments for internal egg quality variables (yolk color and Haugh unit). For the shell quality variables, there was a significant reduction in yellow levels with the use of doxycycline for 10 days, in addition to a reduction in shell weight and apical and equatorial shell thickness, mainly on the 10th day and with the use of doxycycline. It is concluded that the use of the doxycycline does not interfere in the internal quality of the eggs, but it gives a greyish tonality to the eggshells, and reduces their weight and thickness.(AU)
La doxiciclina es un fármaco del grupo de las tetraciclinas indicado para el tratamiento de diferentes enfermedades, principalmente el coriza infeccioso. Sin embargo, los antimicrobianos del grupo de las tetraciclinas tienen la capacidad de unirse y hacer que minerales importantes para la formación de huevos no estén disponibles. El objetivo de este proyecto es evaluar la interferencia de la doxiciclina en la calidad del huevo comercial. Se realizó un estudio con 100 gallinas ponedoras Dekalb Brown®donde se evaluó el color de la yema, unidad Haugh, color del cascarón, peso y grosor del cascarón. La delimitación tuvo completamente al azar en un esquema factorial 2x2,resultando tratamientos: sin doxiciclina en el día 5; con doxiciclina al día 5; sin doxiciclina el día 10; con doxiciclina el día 10. Se habían recolectado cuatro huevos por réplica, totalizando 48 huevos analizados por tratamiento en cada uno de los períodos analizados. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos para las variables de calidad interna del huevo (color de la yema y unidad Haugh). Para las variables de calidad de la cáscara, hubo una reducción significativa de los nivelesde amarillo con el uso de doxiciclina durante 10 días, además de una reducción del peso de la cáscara y del espesor apical y ecuatorial de la cáscara, principalmente al décimo día y con el uso de doxiciclina. Se concluye que el uso de la doxiciclina no interfiere en la calidad interna de los huevos, pero da una tonalidad grisácea a las cáscaras, y reduce su peso y grosor.(AU)
Animais , Doxiciclina/efeitos adversos , Ovos/análise , Galinhas , Casca de Ovo/efeitos dos fármacos , Gema de Ovo/efeitos dos fármacos , Anti-Infecciosos/farmacologiaResumo
In this study, the aim was to determine the nutritional content of specially formulated commercial soft/egg foods for canaries, preferred by professional breeders in Türkiye, and the nutritional and raw material content of seed mixtures, thereby providing insights into the general diet compositions and essential feeding regimens for canaries. The study examined 17 different seed types, eight mixed seed feeds, and 11 egg food formulations. Two main groups, "domestic" and "imported," were formed from these mixed seed feed and egg food products. The nutritional content ratios of each feed material were determined through chemical analyses, and the predicted metabolizable energy values were calculated and compared between group averages. According to the results, there were no significant differences (p>0.05) between the data of domestic and imported mixed seed feed groups in terms of parameters other than crude fiber (CF). However, the CF value was found to be statistically significantly lower in the imported group (p<0.05), and a decreasing trend in the crude ash (CA) value was also observed in the same group. It was determined that almost all parameters resulted in similar values between the domestic and imported egg food groups. However, when each feed product was evaluated separately, significant data differences and wide variation ranges were found within the groups, especially in terms of crude fat and starch parameters. As a result, it is understood that domestically produced commercial egg food formulations with basic nutritional content comparable to European imported products are available for use by canary breeders in Türkiye. However, it is apparent that imported products, particularly in mixed seed formulations, had raw materials with lower CF and CA contents.(AU)
Animais , Apoio Nutricional/métodos , Ovos/análise , Ração Animal/análise , Sementes/química , Canários/fisiologiaResumo
Carotenoids are determinants of reproductive fitness and egg quality. Here we studied the accumulation of astaxanthin (AX), canthaxanthin (CA) zeaxanthin (ZX), lutein (LU), retinol (RX) and dehydroretinol (DR) during vitellogenesis comparing previtellogenic and vitellogenic pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) eggs (n = 5 each), as well as selected tissues (liver, fat and muscles) in first süawning females (1176-1450 g). Futhermore, we compared egg batches with high (8899% hatching rate, n = 5) or low (4067% hatching rate, n= 5) egg quality. Vitellogenic follicles revealed higher concentrations of DR, RX, ZX and LU compared to previtellogenic follicles. Neither CA nor AX was detectable. In parallel, DR and RX were mobilized in the liver. In adipose and muscle tissue, comparing previtellogenic and vitellogenic females, no significant differences in carotenoid/retinoid content were observed. In high quality egg batches, both DR and RX were increased. LU was lower in high quality than in low quality eggs. In a conclusion, the amount of retinoids seems suboptimal in low quality egg batches and increased DR and RX are desirable in pikeperch. Since hypervitaminosis of retinoids can be problematic though, supplementation of the food with carotenoids, which can serve as precursors for retinoids, has to be carried out carefully.(AU)