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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 873, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434864


Background: Spinocerebellar degenerations and neuronal vacuolations are alterations characterized by the formation of vacuoles in the nervous tissue, commonly called status spongiosus. This condition occurs in young Rottweiler dogs causing a disease called Neuronal Vacuolation and Spinocerebellar Degeneration. Clinically, it presents with ataxia of the pelvic limbs, which evolves to generalized ataxia, tetraparesis, and laryngeal paralysis. Histologically, spongiform and vacuolar alterations of the neuropil and neurons are highlighted. This reports a case of neuronal vacuolation and spinocerebellar degeneration in a Rottweiler puppy. Case: Necropsy was performed on the cadaver of a 5-month-old Rottweiler bitch that had been presenting with ataxia for approximately 1 month, in addition to dyspnea, pulmonary crepitations, and microphthalmia. Macroscopic evaluation revealed pale ocular and oral mucosae; marked gastric dilatation and abdominal distension; pulmonary hemorrhage and edema; hepatosplenomegaly; fatty degeneration of the liver; and congestion of meningeal blood vessels. Microscopically, histological evaluation of the spinal cord showed an increase in gray matter cellularity with marked presence of oligodendrocytes and microglia cells; moderate to severe multifocal intracytoplasmic micro- and macrovacuoles with displacement of the neurons' nuclei to the periphery of the cell; central chromatolysis of the neurons adjacent to neurons affected by vacuolation; and mild multifocal necrosis associated with mild multifocal neuronophagia. The white matter exhibited discrete digestion chambers, in addition to marked diffuse congestion of the leptomeninges. In the cerebellum, neurons in the nerve nuclei (emboliform, globose, and fastigial) showed moderate multifocal vacuoles in the cytoplasm, whereas adjacent neurons showed central chromatolysis, necrosis, and mild neuronophagia. Additional histological findings included lymphoid hyperplasia, fatty degeneration of the liver, pulmonary edema, and pulmonary hemorrhage. Discussion: Spongiform and degenerative encephalopathies are diseases recognized worldwide, mainly in cattle and sheep. However, the identification of these changes in new species has led to the need for further investigations. In dogs, the first reports occurred in 1995 and 1997 in Rottweiler animals. This disease affects young dogs, and although its pathogenesis is not completely known, it is believed to be associated with a genetic mutation in the RAB3GAP1 gene. Clinically, it is associated with clinical neurological manifestations, including progressive ataxia of the pelvic limbs, changes in spinal reflex, disordered proprioceptive reactions, laryngeal paralysis, as well as behavioral and gait alterations. In the clinical evaluation, leukoencephalomyelopathy and neuroaxonal dystrophy should be diseases considered as possible differential diagnoses, as they present with similar alterations. However, in histological evaluation, the exclusion of both is basically due to the absence of neuronal vacuolization. Unfortunately, the definitive diagnosis is only made post mortem, through a histopathological evaluation of the nervous tissue. Because it is a disease whose pathogenesis is little known and which shows signs of having a genetic character, histopathological examination for diagnostic purposes in young animals with neurological signs is of great importance.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Vacúolos/patologia , Encefalopatias/veterinária , Degenerações Espinocerebelares/veterinária , Neurônios/patologia , Autopsia/veterinária
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: e-74091E, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1417809


Reptiles have a key role in understanding amniotes' reproductive independence of water. Many adaptations arose, including in locomotor patterns and behaviours, and the nervous system adapted to those new habits.We have described the macroscopic anatomy and cytoarchitecture of the Amazon Lava Lizard brain (Tropidurus torquatus), an abundant lizard in South America. Fifteen specimens were captured, euthanized and their brains were dissected, eight of these were processed and stained in haematoxylineosin. Their main areas of the brain are the telencephalon and diencephalon, in the forebrain, tectum and tegmentum, in the midbrain and bulbota and cerebellum, in the hindbrain. The main and accessory olfactory bulbs are the most rostral structure of the brain and are composed of six layers. Brain hemispheres compose the telencephalon and are divided in pallium and subpallium. Medial, dorsomedial, lateral and dorsal cortices are part of the pallium. Striatum, pallidum and septum compose the subpallium. The diencephalon is composed of thalamus, epithalamus and hypothalamus. The midbrain has a ventral tegmentum, composed of torus semicircularis and a dorsal 14 layered optic tectum. Most part of the hindbrain is composed of the bulbo, and the cerebellum arises from it, forming a three-layered plate like structure. In general, the brain of Tropidurus torquatusresembles those of other lizards, with its own adaptations

Os répteis têm um papel fundamental para a compreensão da independência reprodutiva da água que surgiu nos amniotas. Várias adaptações ocorreram, inclusive em padrões e comportamentos locomotores, e o sistema nervoso se adaptou a esses novos hábitos. Descrevemos a anatomia macroscópica e a citoarquitetura do encéfalo do calango (Tropidurus torquatus), um lagarto abundante na América do Sul. Quinze espécimes foram capturados, eutanasiados e seus encéfalos dissecados, oito destes foram processados e corados em hematoxilina-eosina. As principais áreas do cérebro são o telencéfalo e o diencéfalo, na parte anterior do encéfalo, teto e tegmento, no mesencéfalo e bulbo e cerebelo, na parte posterior do encéfalo. Os bulbos olfatórios principais e acessórios são as estruturas mais rostrais do cérebro e são compostos por seis camadas. Os hemisférios cerebrais compõem o telencéfalo e são divididos em pálio e subpálio. Os córtices medial, dorsomedial, lateral e dorsal fazem parte do pálio. Estriado, pálido e septo compõem o subpálio. O diencéfalo é composto pelo tálamo, epitálamo e hipotálamo. O mesencéfalo possui um tegmento ventral, composto de torus semicircularis e um tecto óptico dorsal com 14 camadas. A maior parte da parte posterior do encéfalo é composta pelo bulbo, e o cerebelo surge como uma projeção dessa estrutura, em formato plano, com três camadas. Em geral, o encéfalo de Tropidurus torquatusse assemelha ao de outros lagartos, com suas próprias adaptações.

Animais , Encéfalo/anatomia & histologia , Iguanas/anatomia & histologia , Sistema Nervoso/anatomia & histologia , Répteis/anatomia & histologia
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e245330, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339394


Abstract Background The brain is an organ that serves as the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals. Aim The study examined the expression of Neuroglobin (Ngb) and Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (Hif-1α) in adult and young yak brain tissues, and provided researchers with meaningful insight into the anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry of this mammal. Method The study employed immunohistochemistry (IHC), quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR), and Western blot (WB) to obtain the results. Results Ngb and Hif-1α were significantly (P<0.05) expressed in the cerebellar cortex, piriform lobe, medulla, and corpus callosum of the adult yak while in the young yak brain tissues, the protein expressions were significantly found in the white matter of the cerebellum, pineal gland, corpus callosum, and cerebellar cortex. The Ngb and Hif-1α expression showed similarities and differences. This may have resulted from similar animal species, source of nutrition, age factors, brain size, emotional activities, and communication. The findings documented that Ngb and Hif-1α are commonly expressed in various adult and young yak brain tissues. Multiple roles in the brain tissues of the adult and young yaks are involved in the expression and distribution and are proposed to play a significant role in the adaptation of the yak to the high altitude environment. Conclusion This study provides meaningful data to understand the adaptive mechanism to hypoxia and recommended researchers to expand on the adaptive mechanism and brain tissues that are not recorded.

Resumo Contexto O cérebro é um órgão que funciona como o centro do sistema nervoso em todos os animais vertebrados e na maioria dos invertebrados. Objetivo O estudo examinou a expressão de neuroglobina (Ngb) e fator-1α indutível por hipóxia (Hif-1α) em tecidos cerebrais de iaques adultos e jovens e forneceu aos pesquisadores uma visão significativa da anatomia, fisiologia e bioquímica desse mamífero. Método O estudo utilizou imuno-histoquímica (IHC), PCR quantitativo em tempo real (qRT-PCR) e western blot (WB) para a obtenção dos resultados. Resultados Ngb e Hif-1α foram significativamente (P < 0,05) expressos no córtex cerebelar, lobo piriforme, medula e corpo caloso do iaque adulto, enquanto nos tecidos cerebrais do iaque jovem as expressões proteicas foram encontradas significativamente na substância branca do cerebelo, glândula pineal, corpo caloso e córtex cerebelar. A expressão de Ngb e Hif-1α apresentou semelhanças e diferenças. Isso pode ter resultado de espécies animais semelhantes, fonte de nutrição, fatores de idade, tamanho do cérebro, atividades emocionais e comunicação. Os resultados documentaram que o Ngb e o Hif-1α são comumente expressos em vários tecidos cerebrais de iaques adultos e jovens. Múltiplos papéis nos tecidos cerebrais de iaques adultos e jovens estão envolvidos na expressão e distribuição e são propostos para desempenhar um papel significativo na adaptação do iaque ao ambiente de alta altitude. Conclusão Este estudo fornece dados significativos para compreender o mecanismo adaptativo à hipóxia e recomendou que os pesquisadores expandissem o mecanismo adaptativo e os tecidos cerebrais que não foram registrados.

Animais , Subunidade alfa do Fator 1 Induzível por Hipóxia/genética , Hipóxia , Encéfalo , RNA Mensageiro , Bovinos , Neuroglobina
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e247190, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345532


Abstract The present study was aimed to evaluate the antioxidant potential and inhibitory effect ofCannabis sativa and Morus nigra against lipid peroxidation in goat brain and liver homogenates. The formation of free radicals, highly reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) is a normal metabolic process for cellular signaling and countering the antigens. However, they may cause serious damage if they produced at amplified tolls. In addition, metabolic disorders also serve as sources of these reactive species. Although the issue can be addressed through supplements and other phytochemicals. In this study, two plant species were evaluated for their biological potential by employing a spectrum of antioxidant assays. The antioxidant activity was performed by lipid peroxidation assay. The water extract prepared from leaves of Cannabis sativa and Morus nigra showed significant (P<0.05) inhibition as compared to control i.e., 522.6±0.06 and 659.97±0.03 µg/mL against iron-induced lipid peroxidation in goat brain homogenate while the inhibitions were 273.54±0.04 and 309.18±0.05 µg/mL against nitroprusside induced lipid peroxidation of the brain. The iron and nitroprusside induced lipid peroxidation was also significantly inhibited by leaf extracts of Cannabis sativa and Morus nigra in liver homogenates such as 230.63±0.52 and 326.91±0.01 µg/mL (iron-induced) while 300.47±0.07 and 300.47±0.07 µg/mL (nitroprusside induced), respectively. The extracts of Cannabis sativa extract showed promising activity (96.04±0.060%) against DPPH radicals while Morus nigra showed a moderate activity (34.11±0.120%). The results suggest that different accessions ofCannabis sativa and Morus nigra are a potential source of antioxidants and have a therapeutic effect against disease induced by oxidative stress and hence can be used for novel drug discovery and development.

Resumo O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial antioxidante e o efeito inibitório de Cannabis sativa e Morus nigra contra a peroxidação lipídica em homogenatos de cérebro e fígado de cabras. A formação de radicais livres, espécies altamente reativas de oxigênio (ROS) e espécies reativas de nitrogênio (RNS), é um processo metabólico normal para sinalização celular e combate aos antígenos. No entanto, eles podem causar sérios danos se forem produzidos em portagens ampliadas. Além disso, distúrbios metabólicos também servem como fontes dessas espécies reativas, embora o problema possa ser resolvido por meio de suplementos e outros fitoquímicos. Neste estudo, duas espécies de plantas foram avaliadas quanto ao seu potencial biológico, empregando um espectro de ensaios antioxidantes. A atividade antioxidante foi realizada por ensaio de peroxidação lipídica. O extrato de água preparado a partir de folhas de Cannabis sativa e Morus nigra mostrou inibição significativa (P < 0,05) em comparação com o controle, ou seja, 522,6 ± 0,06 e 659,97 ± 0,03 µg / mL contra peroxidação lipídica induzida por ferro em homogenato de cérebro de cabra, enquanto as inibições foram 273,54 ± 0,04 e 309,18 ± 0,05 µg / mL contra a peroxidação lipídica do cérebro induzida por nitroprussiato. A peroxidação lipídica induzida por ferro e nitroprussiato também foi significativamente inibida por extratos de folhas de Cannabis sativa e Morus nigra em homogenatos de fígado, como 230,63 ± 0,52 e 326,91 ± 0,01 µg / mL (induzida por ferro), enquanto 300,47 ± 0,07 e 300,47 ± 0,07 µg / mL (induzida por nitroprussiato), respectivamente. Os extratos do extrato de Cannabis sativa apresentaram atividade promissora (96,04 ± 0,060%) contra os radicais DPPH enquanto Morus nigra apresentou atividade moderada (34,11 ± 0,120%). Os resultados sugerem que diferentes acessos de Cannabis sativa e Morus nigra são uma fonte potencial de antioxidantes e têm efeito terapêutico contra doenças induzidas por estresse oxidativo e, portanto, podem ser usados ​​para a descoberta e desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos.

Animais , Cannabis , Morus , Encéfalo , Cabras , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Peroxidação de Lipídeos , Fígado , Antioxidantes/metabolismo , Antioxidantes/farmacologia
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e242897, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1350299


Cyprinus carpio is the member of family cyprinidae commonly called common carp. This study was aimed to find out the comparison of brain of wild (river system) and captive (hatchery reared) population of common carp. A total of thirty samples (15 from hatchery and 15 from river Swat) were collected. All the specimens were examined in Laboratory of Parasitoloy, Zoology Department, University of Malakand. Findings indicated that wild population were greater in brain size and weight as compared to hatchery reared population. The fish samples collected from captive environment (hatchery) were showing more weight and length as compared to wild population of common carps. The mean value of total weight of hatchery fishes 345±48.68 and the mean value of brain weight of hatchery reared fishes 0.28±0.047. The mean value of wild fish's total body weight 195.16±52.58 and the mean value of brain weight of wild fishes are 0.45±0.14. Present research calls for the fact that fish in dependent environmental conditions possess brain larger in size as compared to its captive population, it is due to use and disuse of brain in their environmental requirements.

Cyprinus carpio é o membro da família cyprinidae comumente chamada de carpa comum. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a população de cérebros de carpa comum selvagem (sistema fluvial) e em cativeiro (criação em incubatório). Um total de trinta amostras (15 do incubatório e 15 do rio Swat) foram coletadas. Todos os espécimes foram examinados no Laboratório de Parasitoloy, Departamento de Zoologia da Universidade de Malakand. Os resultados indicaram que a população selvagem era maior em tamanho e peso do cérebro em comparação com a população criada em incubatório. As amostras de peixes coletadas em ambiente de cativeiro (incubatório) estavam apresentando mais peso e comprimento em comparação com a população selvagem de carpas comuns. O valor médio do peso total dos peixes de incubação 345 ± 48,68 e o valor médio do peso do cérebro de peixes criados em incubadoras 0,28 ± 0,047. O valor médio do peso corporal total dos peixes selvagens 195,16 ± 52,58 e o valor médio do peso do cérebro dos peixes selvagens são 0,45 ± 0,14. A presente pesquisa apela para o fato de que peixes em condições ambientais dependentes possuem cérebros maiores em tamanho em comparação com sua população em cativeiro, isso se deve ao uso e desuso do cérebro em suas necessidades ambientais.

Animais , Carpas , Cyprinidae , Encéfalo , Rios
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 23: e70584, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1364712


The basal nuclei are well-defined bodies of neurons with specific functions, located inside the white medullary center of the brain, directly involved with the motor system, participating greatly in the planning and control processes of movements. Studies on these nuclei in non-human primates are small and in the Alouatta belzebul species, nonexistent. The aim of the present study was to describe the morphology of the nuclei at the base of the brain of Alouatta belzebul. Ten male and female Alouatta belzebul brains were used, where after removal and coronal cut of the brain, the Mayland technique was performed to show the basal nuclei. There was the presence of the caudate nucleus, lentiform nucleus (this formed by the putamen, medial globus pallidus and lateral globus pallidus), claustrum and substantia nigra, which, functionally, are related to motor control. The substantia nigra is part of the midbrain and is also related to learning resulting from the effects of dopamine, responsible for activating the reward and addiction system in the telbrain and is also related to the red nucleus, which is also a midbrain nucleus. In Alouatta belzebul the red nucleus is present. It was found in the literature that degeneration of substantia nigra cells can cause Parkinson's disease in Macaca fasciculares, and because Alouatta belzebul has the same anatomical structures in the basal nuclei of the base of Macaca fasciculares, it is suggested that studies of functional evaluation of these structures should be carried out to verify whether Alouatta belzebul can be used as an experimental model for Parkinson's disease.

Os núcleos da base são corpos de neurônios, bem delimitados e com funções específicas, localizados no interior do centro medular branco do cérebro, envolvidos diretamente com o sistema motor, através de uma função moduladora dos movimentos, participando sobremaneira nos processos de planejamento e controle dos movimentos. Os estudos sobre estes núcleos em primatas são reduzidos e na espécie Alouatta belzebul, inexistente. O objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever a morfologia dos núcleos da base do encéfalo de Alouatta belzebul. Para tanto, foram utilizados dez encéfalos de Alouatta belzebul, machos e fêmeas, onde após a remoção e corte coronal do cérebro, realizou-se à técnica de Mayland para evidenciar os núcleos da base. Verificou-se a presença do núcleo caudado, núcleo lentiforme (este formado pelo putâmen, globo pálido medial e globo pálido lateral), claustro e substância negra, que, funcionalmente, estão relacionados com o controle motor. A substância negra faz parte do mesencéfalo e está ainda relacionada com a aprendizagem decorrentes dos efeitos da dopamina, responsável por ativar o sistema de recompensa e vício no telencéfalo e tem ainda, relação com o núcleo rubro que também é um núcleo do mesencéfalo. Em Alouatta belzebul o núcleo rubro está presente. Verificou-se na literatura que a degeneração de células da substância negra pode ocasionar a doença de Parkinson em Macaca fasciculares, e pelo fato do Alouatta belzebul apresentar as mesmas estruturas anatômicas dos núcleos da base do mesencéfalo de Macaca fasciculares, poderia ser utilizado como modelo experimental em estudos clínicos para a doença de Parkinson.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Encéfalo/anatomia & histologia , Alouatta
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e231509, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1249242


The present study was aimed at comparing the brain size of mahseer (Tor putitora) in relation to their body weight and standard length, to investigate the potential impact of rearing environment on brain development in fish. The weight of the brain and three of its subdivisions cerebellum (CB), optic tectum (OT), and telencephalon (TC) were measured for both wild and hatchery-reared fish. The data was analysed using multiple analysis of covariance (MANCOVA), analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), and discriminate function analysis (DFA). We found the fish reared under hatchery conditions exhibit smaller brain size related to body weight, when compared to the wild ones. A significant (p<0.5) difference was observed in the length of CB and OT concerning the standard body length while no significant difference was found in TC of the fish from both the origins. The results of the current study highlight a logical assumption that neural deficiency affects the behaviour of fish, that's why the captive-reared fish show maladaptive response and face fitness decline when released to the natural environment for wild stock enhancement. The current study concluded that hatchery-reared fish exhibit variations in gross brain morphology as compared to their wild counterpart.

O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar o tamanho do cérebro de mahseer (Tor putitora) em relação ao seu peso corporal e comprimento padrão, para investigar o impacto potencial do ambiente de criação no desenvolvimento do cérebro em peixes. O peso do cérebro e três de suas subdivisões ­ cerebelo (CB), tectum óptico (OT) e telencéfalo (TC) ­ foram medidos para peixes selvagens e criados em incubadoras. Os dados foram analisados usando análise múltipla de covariância (MANCOVA), análise de covariância (ANCOVA) e análise de função discriminante (DFA). Descobrimos que os peixes criados em condições de incubação apresentam menor tamanho do cérebro em relação ao peso corporal quando comparados aos selvagens. Uma diferença significativa (p <0,5) foi observada no comprimento do CB e OT em relação ao comprimento corporal padrão, enquanto nenhuma diferença significativa foi encontrada no CT dos peixes de ambas as origens. Os resultados do estudo atual destacam uma suposição lógica de que a deficiência neural afeta o comportamento dos peixes. É por isso que os peixes criados em cativeiro mostram uma resposta mal adaptativa e enfrentam declínio de aptidão quando liberados no ambiente natural para o aprimoramento do estoque selvagem. O estudo atual concluiu que os peixes criados em incubadoras exibem variações na morfologia cerebral bruta em comparação com suas contrapartes selvagens.

Animais , Cyprinidae , Peso Corporal , Encéfalo , Meio Ambiente
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 31(2): e021421, mar. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1376798


Abstract Austrodiplostomum spp. (Platyhelminthes: Digenea) are endoparasites with a broad geographic distribution in South America. During the larval stage, they parasitize the eyes, brains, muscles, gill, kidneys and swim bladder of a wide variety of fishes. The metacercariae of Austrodiplostomum spp. have several morphological characteristics during development, but are very similar among species, which makes it necessary to use molecular tools to contribute to the elucidation during the larval stage. The objective of this study was to perform morphological and molecular analyses of Austrodiplostomum sp. found in specimens of Hypostomus sourced from the Ivaí River in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Of the 93 analyzed specimens (H. hermanni [n = 50], H. albopunctatus [n = 9], Hypostomus sp. 1 [n = 24], and Hypostomus sp. 2 [n = 10]), 60 were parasitized. A total of 577 Austrodiplostomum sp. metacercariae was collected from the infected hosts; DNA from seven of these samples was extracted, amplified, and sequenced. The morphological data associated with the genetic distance values and the relationships observed in the COI gene tree, indicate that all metacercariae were A. compactum. This is the first record of A. compactum parasitizing H. hermanni, H. albopunctatus, Hypostomus sp. 1, and Hypostomus sp. 2 in the Ivaí River.

Resumo Austrodiplostomum spp. (Platyhelminthes: Digenea) são endoparasitos com uma ampla distribuição geográfica na América do Sul. Durante a fase larval, parasitam os olhos, cérebros, músculos, brânquias, rins e bexiga natatória de uma grande variedade de peixes. As metacercárias de Austrodiplostomum spp. apresentam várias características morfológicas durante o desenvolvimento, as quais são muito semelhantes entre as espécies, o que torna necessário o uso de ferramentas moleculares para contribuir para a elucidação durante a fase larval. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar análises morfológicas e moleculares de Austrodiplostomum sp. encontradas em espécimes de Hypostomus provenientes do rio Ivaí, no Paraná, Brasil. Dos 93 espécimes analisados (H. hermanni [n = 50], H. albopunctatus [n = 9], Hypostomus sp. 1 [n = 24], e Hypostomus sp. 2 [n = 10]), 60 foram parasitados. Um total de 577 metacercárias de Austrodiplostomum foram coletadas dos hospedeiros infectados; o DNA de sete dessas amostras foi extraído, amplificado e sequenciado. Os dados morfológicos, associados aos valores de distância genética e as relações observadas na árvore gênica do COI, indicam que todas as metacercárias são A. compactum. Este é o primeiro registo de A. compactum parasitando H. hermanni, H. albopunctatus, Hypostomus sp. 1, e Hypostomus sp. 2 no rio Ivaí.

Animais , Trematódeos/anatomia & histologia , Trematódeos/genética , Peixes-Gato , Doenças dos Peixes/parasitologia , Encéfalo/parasitologia , Brasil , Rios , Metacercárias/genética
Braz. J. Vet. Pathol. ; 14(2): 111-116, jul. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31223


Plant poisoning is an important cause of death in horses and cattle in Brazil. Crotalaria spp. has stood out in this scenario due to its toxic potential caused by monocrotaline, a pyrrolizidine alkaloid found throughout the plant, mainly in seeds. Here is reported a case of Crotalaria spectabilis poisoning a horse. A horse consumed oats contaminated with Crotalaria spectabilis seed and presented clinical signs of toxicosis characterized by jaundice, progressive weight loss, hemoglobinuria, subcutaneous edema in the pectoral region and neurological symptoms typical of hepatic encephalopathy. In the serum evaluation, there was an increase in the activity of the enzymes alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) and aspartate transaminase (AST), urea, creatinine and creatine phosphokinase (CPK). At necropsy, the main macroscopic findings were opaque and congested liver with capsular irregularity and accentuated the lobular pattern, trachea with foamy and pinkish fluid and congested and edematous pulmonary lobes. The main histopathological findings were hepatic fibrosis, periportal ductal hyperplasia, centrilobular necrosis, megalocytosis and binucleated hepatocytes. The brain parenchyma showed perivascular edema and Alzheimer type II astrocytes. Crotalaria spp. is among the main plants that cause acute or chronic mortality after exposure to the toxic compound in horses and farm animals.(AU)

Animais , Cavalos , Crotalaria/toxicidade , Intoxicação por Plantas , Monocrotalina , Encefalopatias
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 14(2): 111-116, jul. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469796


Plant poisoning is an important cause of death in horses and cattle in Brazil. Crotalaria spp. has stood out in this scenario due to its toxic potential caused by monocrotaline, a pyrrolizidine alkaloid found throughout the plant, mainly in seeds. Here is reported a case of Crotalaria spectabilis poisoning a horse. A horse consumed oats contaminated with Crotalaria spectabilis seed and presented clinical signs of toxicosis characterized by jaundice, progressive weight loss, hemoglobinuria, subcutaneous edema in the pectoral region and neurological symptoms typical of hepatic encephalopathy. In the serum evaluation, there was an increase in the activity of the enzymes alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) and aspartate transaminase (AST), urea, creatinine and creatine phosphokinase (CPK). At necropsy, the main macroscopic findings were opaque and congested liver with capsular irregularity and accentuated the lobular pattern, trachea with foamy and pinkish fluid and congested and edematous pulmonary lobes. The main histopathological findings were hepatic fibrosis, periportal ductal hyperplasia, centrilobular necrosis, megalocytosis and binucleated hepatocytes. The brain parenchyma showed perivascular edema and Alzheimer type II astrocytes. Crotalaria spp. is among the main plants that cause acute or chronic mortality after exposure to the toxic compound in horses and farm animals.

Animais , Cavalos , Crotalaria/toxicidade , Intoxicação por Plantas , Monocrotalina , Encefalopatias
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 45(4): 413-417, out.-dez. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1492689


O processo de transição do feto para a vida extra-uterina é considerado um período crítico que requer complexas adaptações fisiológicas do potro neonato. Eventos estressores de origem hipóxicoisquêmicas no periparto podem desencadear um quadro de encefalopatia neonatal equina, também conhecida como síndrome do mau ajustamento neonatal. O diagnóstico é feito baseado na avaliação clínica e na anamnese e avaliação do histórico da gestação. Casos leves a moderados tem prognóstico favorável. É imprescindível o entendimento da endocrinologia da gestação, do papel dos neuroesteróides no desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso fetal para que o estabelecimento precoce da terapia adequada seja realizado de maneira bem sucedida. Assim, o objetivo do presente é abordar os principais aspectos clínicos e fisiopatológicos da Síndrome do Mau Ajustamento Neonatal em neonatos equinos, com foco especial no papel dos neuroesteróides durante a maturação cerebral do feto no terço final da gestação e na transição para a vida extra-uterina.

The transition from fetus to extrauterine life is considered a critical period that requires complex physiological adaptations on the part of the newborn foal. Peripartum hypoxic-ischemic stressors can result in equine neonatal encephalopathy, also known to as neonatal maladjustment syndrome. The diagnosis is made based on clinical examination, anamnesis, and a review of the mare’s pregnancy history. Cases that are mild to moderate in severity have a favorable prognosis. It is critical to understand the endocrinology of pregnancy and the role of neurosteroids in the development of the fetal nervous system in order to successfully initiate appropriate therapy early. Thus, the purpose of this article is to discuss the major clinical and pathophysiological aspects of neonatal maladjustment syndrome in equine neonates, with a particular emphasis on the role of neurosteroids during fetal brain maturation in the final third of pregnancy and during the transition to extrauterine life.

Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Cavalos/fisiologia , Encefalopatias , Neurotransmissores/análise , Prenhez
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 31(02): 164-172, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472710


O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o primeiro caso de tuberculose miliar em bovino no estado de Sergipe, seus achados clínicos e patológicos. Um bovino, fêmea, com histórico de que há dez dias apresentava emagrecimento progressivo e no oitavo dia de evolução clínica começou a apresentar incoordenação e anorexia. No exame clínico do sistema nervoso foi observado desvio lateral da cabeça, déficit proprioceptivo com dismetria, ataxia, redução do tônus lingual, flacidez de mandíbula, ausência do reflexo de deglutição e compressão da cabeça contra objeto. Macroscopicamente foram observados múltiplos nódulos nos pulmões, diafragma, linfonodos mediastínicos, glândula mamária, encéfalo e medula espinhal, amarelados, de tamanhos variados e consistência firme que, ao corte, apresentavam conteúdo amarelado pastoso com aspecto arenoso. O coração continha abundante líquido serosanguinolento no saco pericárdico, com presença de fibrina livre no líquido e aderida ao epicárdio. Histologicamente, as lesões nodulares caracterizavam-se pela formação de lesão granulomatosa caracterizada por uma área central de necrose, rodeada por macrófagos epitelióides, poucos linfócitos e abundantes células gigantes multinucleadas do tipo Langhans, exibindo áreas multifocais de calcificação caracterizando o quadro de tuberculose miliar, confirmado com a coloração de Ziehl Neelsen. A tuberculose miliar deve ser considerada no diagnóstico diferencial de enfermidades que acometem o sistema nervoso em bovinos oriundos de rebanhos com elevados índices de animais positivos para tuberculose, reforçando a importância do inquérito a respeito da prevalência desta enfermidade.

The objective of this work is to report the first case of miliary tuberculosis in cattle in the state of Sergipe, Brazil, with its clinical and pathological findings. A female bovine with a ten-day history had progressive weight loss and on the eighth day of clinical evolution showed incoordination and anorexia. The clinical examination of the nervous system indicated lateral deviation of the head, proprioceptive deficit with dysmetria, ataxia, reduced lingual tone, flaccidity of the jaw, absence of the swallowing reflex and compression of the head against an object. After euthanasia, multiple nodules were observed in the lungs, diaphragm, mediastinal lymph nodes, mammary glands, brain and spinal cord. Yellowish of varying sizes and firm consistency were observed at the macroscopic level and when cut, had a pasty yellowish content with a sandy aspect. The heart contained abundant serosanguinous fluid in the pericardial sac, with the presence of free fibrin in the liquid and adhered to the epicardium. In the histological analysis, the nodular lesions were characterized by the formation of granulomatous lesions with a distinctive central area of necrosis, surrounded by epithelioid macrophages, few lymphocytes and abundant giant multinucleated cells of the Langhans type, showing multifocal areas of calcification characterizing miliary tuberculosis, confirmed with the Ziehl Neelsen stain. Miliary tuberculosis must be considered in the differential diagnosis of diseases that affect the nervous system in cattle from herds with high levels of animals positive for tuberculosis, reinforcing the importance of the investigation regarding the prevalence of this disease.

Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Encéfalo/fisiopatologia , Mycobacterium bovis/patogenicidade
Acta cir. bras ; 36(7): e360707, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339005


ABSTRACT Purpose To clarify the best protocol for performing remote ischemic conditioning and to minimize the consequences of ischemia and reperfusion syndrome in brain, the present study aimed to evaluate different time protocols and the relation of the organs and the antioxidant effects of this technique. Methods The rat's left femoral artery was clamped with a microvascular clamp in times that ranged from 1 to 5 minutes, according to the corresponding group. After the cycles of remote ischemic conditioning and a reperfusion of 20 minutes, the brain and the left gastrocnemius were collected. The samples were used to measure glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase and catalase levels. Results In the gastrocnemius, the 4-minute protocol increased the catalase concentration compared to the 1-minute protocol, but the latter increased both glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase compared to the former. On the other hand, the brain demonstrated higher catalase and glutathione peroxidase in 5-minute group, and the 3-minute group reached higher values of glutathione reductase. Conclusions Remote ischemic conditioning increases brain antioxidant capacity in a time-dependent way, while muscle presents higher protection on 1-minute cycles and tends to decrease its defence with longer cycles of intermittent occlusions of the femoral artery.

Animais , Ratos , Traumatismo por Reperfusão/prevenção & controle , Antioxidantes , Encéfalo , Glutationa Peroxidase , Isquemia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 699, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363550


Background: In birds, neoplasms are more frequently observed in Psittaciformes and Galliformes and rarely seen in Columbiformes and Anseriformes, with few reports of the occurrence of mesenchymal neoplasms such as leiomyosarcoma affecting birds. Therefore, the objective of this study was to describe a case of metastatic leiomyosarcoma in an African goose (Anser cygnoides), analyzing the epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects. Case: A 10-month-old male African goose, was referred to the Veterinary Hospital, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, Paraiba, Brazil, whit ataxia, tremors of intention in the head, and nystagmus about one month ago, progressing to lateral decubitus. Due to the unfavorable prognosis, animal was euthanized. Samples of the organs of the coelomic cavity and central nervous system were collected for histologic examination. The samples were fixed in 10% buffered formalin. After fixation, the organs were embedded in paraffin, cut into 4-5 µm sections, and then stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Paraffin blocks with liver, kidney and encephalon fragments were selected and sent for immunohistochemical analysis. The primary antibodies used were: alpha-smooth muscle actin (monoclonal 1A4), anti-vimentin (monoclonal, V9), CD57 (monoclonal, NK1) and cytokeratin (monoclonal, AE1/AE3) and incubated for 18 h at 4Cº. As an amplification and detection system polymer and labeled by addition of the liquid diaminobenzidine+substratechromogen system and counterstained with Harris hematoxylin. Macroscopically were observed in the liver nodular multifocal areas yellowish, sometimes coalescing, firm, and elevated to the surface that at the cut deepened to the parenchyma. In the left kidney there was a similar tumor mass. In the left frontal lobe, there was nodular focal area, well circumscribed, yellowish and protruding. To cutting surface it compressed the parietal and temporal lobe and showed surface yellowish and smooth. Microscopically, the liver was diffusely infiltrated by mesenchymal neoplasia, expansive, infiltrative, poorly circumscribed and not encapsulated, constituted by spindle cells arranged in interlaced bundles. The cells were elongated with sparse cytoplasm, slightly eosinophilic and indistinct borders with rounded to elongated nuclei, with coarse chromatin and evident nucleoli. In fragments of kidney and brain, neoplastic infiltration similar to that described in the liver was observed. In immunohistochemistry, neoplastic cells were positive with antibodies anti-vimentin and alpha-smooth muscle actin. Discussion: The diagnosis of metastatic leiomyosarcoma in an African goose was based on epidemiological, clinical and pathological findings and confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Reports of neoplasms in birds are relatively rare, however the occurrence of metastatic leiomyosarcoma affecting goose in the most varied locations has been described, from skin to organs of the coelomic cavity like kidney, ovary and intestinal wall. In this case, there is the unusual occurrence of dissemination in the liver, kidney and cerebral cortex, progressing to a neurological clinic condition. There are rare cases of metastatic leiomyosarcoma in geese African goose (Anser cygnoides). The main differential diagnoses include fibrosarcomas, neurofibrosarcomas and histiocytic sarcomas, which are similar macroscopically and histologically.

Animais , Masculino , Gansos , Leiomiossarcoma/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Ci. Anim. ; 31(02): 164-172, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764678


O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o primeiro caso de tuberculose miliar em bovino no estado de Sergipe, seus achados clínicos e patológicos. Um bovino, fêmea, com histórico de que há dez dias apresentava emagrecimento progressivo e no oitavo dia de evolução clínica começou a apresentar incoordenação e anorexia. No exame clínico do sistema nervoso foi observado desvio lateral da cabeça, déficit proprioceptivo com dismetria, ataxia, redução do tônus lingual, flacidez de mandíbula, ausência do reflexo de deglutição e compressão da cabeça contra objeto. Macroscopicamente foram observados múltiplos nódulos nos pulmões, diafragma, linfonodos mediastínicos, glândula mamária, encéfalo e medula espinhal, amarelados, de tamanhos variados e consistência firme que, ao corte, apresentavam conteúdo amarelado pastoso com aspecto arenoso. O coração continha abundante líquido serosanguinolento no saco pericárdico, com presença de fibrina livre no líquido e aderida ao epicárdio. Histologicamente, as lesões nodulares caracterizavam-se pela formação de lesão granulomatosa caracterizada por uma área central de necrose, rodeada por macrófagos epitelióides, poucos linfócitos e abundantes células gigantes multinucleadas do tipo Langhans, exibindo áreas multifocais de calcificação caracterizando o quadro de tuberculose miliar, confirmado com a coloração de Ziehl Neelsen. A tuberculose miliar deve ser considerada no diagnóstico diferencial de enfermidades que acometem o sistema nervoso em bovinos oriundos de rebanhos com elevados índices de animais positivos para tuberculose, reforçando a importância do inquérito a respeito da prevalência desta enfermidade.(AU)

The objective of this work is to report the first case of miliary tuberculosis in cattle in the state of Sergipe, Brazil, with its clinical and pathological findings. A female bovine with a ten-day history had progressive weight loss and on the eighth day of clinical evolution showed incoordination and anorexia. The clinical examination of the nervous system indicated lateral deviation of the head, proprioceptive deficit with dysmetria, ataxia, reduced lingual tone, flaccidity of the jaw, absence of the swallowing reflex and compression of the head against an object. After euthanasia, multiple nodules were observed in the lungs, diaphragm, mediastinal lymph nodes, mammary glands, brain and spinal cord. Yellowish of varying sizes and firm consistency were observed at the macroscopic level and when cut, had a pasty yellowish content with a sandy aspect. The heart contained abundant serosanguinous fluid in the pericardial sac, with the presence of free fibrin in the liquid and adhered to the epicardium. In the histological analysis, the nodular lesions were characterized by the formation of granulomatous lesions with a distinctive central area of necrosis, surrounded by epithelioid macrophages, few lymphocytes and abundant giant multinucleated cells of the Langhans type, showing multifocal areas of calcification characterizing miliary tuberculosis, confirmed with the Ziehl Neelsen stain. Miliary tuberculosis must be considered in the differential diagnosis of diseases that affect the nervous system in cattle from herds with high levels of animals positive for tuberculosis, reinforcing the importance of the investigation regarding the prevalence of this disease.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Mycobacterium bovis/patogenicidade , Encéfalo/fisiopatologia
Vet. Not. (Online) ; 27(3): 24-33, 1 out. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1502544


Osteosarcoma is the most common bone cancer in dogs. It has a high invasion capacity and commonly metastasizes. This neoplasia ensues mainly in the medullary canal of long bones of the appendicular and axial skeleton, rarely affecting primarily extra-skeletal sites. Primary meningeal osteosarcomas are extremely rare both in human and veterinary medicine. A male, mixed breed dog was admitted at the Veterinary Hospital with a history of over excitement, decreased neurological reflexes, and seizures. The worsening of its clinical condition led to its euthanasia and anatomopathological examination at the Veterinary Pathology Service. This report describes a primary extra-skeletal osteosarcoma of a dog’s meninges. Its clinical signs were indicative of a central nervous system disease later diagnosed by histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis.

O osteossarcoma é considerado a neoplasia óssea mais frequente em cães. Tem elevada capacidade invasiva e comumente gera metástase. Essa neoplasia é mais frequentemente observada no canal medular de ossos longos do esqueleto apendicular e axial. É raro que acometa primariamente sítios extraesqueléticos. O osteossarcoma primário meningeal é considerado extremamente raro em medicinas humana e veterinária. Um cão macho e sem raça definida foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário com histórico de excitação, diminuição dos reflexos neurológicos e desenvolvimento de quadro convulsivo. O agravamento do quadro clínico levou à eutanásia do animal e a um exame anatomopatológico pelo Serviço de Patologia Veterinária. O objetivo deste relato é descrever um caso de osteossarcoma extra-esquelético primário de meninge em um cão que apresentou quadro clínico compatível com doença originária do sistema nervoso central e que foi diagnosticado por meio das análises histopatológica e imunohistoquímica.

Masculino , Animais , Cães , Encéfalo/patologia , Meninges/patologia , Osteossarcoma/diagnóstico , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Neoplasias Meníngeas/veterinária , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 727, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1366351


Background: Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular protozoan that belongs to the Apicomplexa phylum, coccidian subclass, and affects all warm-blooded animals. The role of opossums in the epidemiology of toxoplasmosis in Brazil is not fully understood, and there are very few descriptions of toxoplasmosis lesions in these animals. This report describes the anatomopathological, molecular and immunohistochemical findings of a case of encephalic toxoplasmosis in free-living white-eared possum (Didelphis albiventris). Case: A young male opossum (D. albiventris), was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of Wild Animals of the University of Brasília, Federal District. The animal was apathetic, uncoordinated, reluctant to move, and had an exposed proximal fracture in the left radius and ulna with laceration of muscles and adjacent tendinous structures. Amputation on the left thoracic limb was performed followed by analgesia and antibiotic therapy. The environment is frequented by other wild animals, and stray cats have access to the patio of the building. Twenty-five days after arriving at the hospital, the animal was found dead in its cage. After death, a necropsy was performed. Organ fragments from the abdominal cavity, thoracic and central nervous system were collected, processed routinely for histology and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Macroscopic lesions in the central nervous system were not observed. On microscopy, the brain showed moderate random glial nodules throughout the neuropil associated with the presence of spherical to elongated parasitic cysts of about 20 µm, with a thin wall and with its interior full of bradyzoites, consistent with Toxoplasma gondii. There was also moderate fibrinoid necrosis and moderate multifocal lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate surrounding the blood vessels (perivascular cuffs) To investigate the etiology of the brain injury, brain sections were subjected to immunohistochemistry (IHC) and real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technique for detection of T. gondii and Neospora caninum. Immunostaining for T. gondii in the cyst wall and in bradyzoites and negative immunostaining for N. caninum. qPCR was positive for T. gondii and negative for N. caninum. Discussion: Diagnosis of encephalic toxoplasmosis in a Didelphis albiventris was possible based on histopathological, immunohistochemical and molecular findings. The morphological classification of the brain lesion was important for the diagnosis. Brain toxoplasmosis in opossums usually results in focal areas of malacia on macroscopy and focally extensive necrosis on microscopy, neutrophil infiltrate, calcified necrotic material, and perivascular cuffs of lymphocytes and plasma cells. In the present case, similar histopathological lesions were noted, but no significant macroscopic changes were observed. The etiology here was defined by immunohistochemistry and qPCR, techniques proven to be useful and with good specificity for diagnosing toxoplasmosis in mammals. It is believed that the positive immunohistochemical and molecular result for Toxoplasma gondii together with the negative result for Neospora caninum were conclusive for the diagnosis. Thus, we demonstrate here a post mortem diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in a free-living synanthropic opossum and the use of anatomopathology, immunohistochemistry and real-time polymerase chain reaction as a diagnostic option for this disease in opossums.

Animais , Masculino , Encéfalo/patologia , Toxoplasmose Animal , Toxoplasmose Cerebral/veterinária , Didelphis/parasitologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/veterinária
Vet. Not. ; 27(3): 24-33, 1 out. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32244


Osteosarcoma is the most common bone cancer in dogs. It has a high invasion capacity and commonly metastasizes. This neoplasia ensues mainly in the medullary canal of long bones of the appendicular and axial skeleton, rarely affecting primarily extra-skeletal sites. Primary meningeal osteosarcomas are extremely rare both in human and veterinary medicine. A male, mixed breed dog was admitted at the Veterinary Hospital with a history of over excitement, decreased neurological reflexes, and seizures. The worsening of its clinical condition led to its euthanasia and anatomopathological examination at the Veterinary Pathology Service. This report describes a primary extra-skeletal osteosarcoma of a dogs meninges. Its clinical signs were indicative of a central nervous system disease later diagnosed by histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis.(AU)

O osteossarcoma é considerado a neoplasia óssea mais frequente em cães. Tem elevada capacidade invasiva e comumente gera metástase. Essa neoplasia é mais frequentemente observada no canal medular de ossos longos do esqueleto apendicular e axial. É raro que acometa primariamente sítios extraesqueléticos. O osteossarcoma primário meningeal é considerado extremamente raro em medicinas humana e veterinária. Um cão macho e sem raça definida foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário com histórico de excitação, diminuição dos reflexos neurológicos e desenvolvimento de quadro convulsivo. O agravamento do quadro clínico levou à eutanásia do animal e a um exame anatomopatológico pelo Serviço de Patologia Veterinária. O objetivo deste relato é descrever um caso de osteossarcoma extra-esquelético primário de meninge em um cão que apresentou quadro clínico compatível com doença originária do sistema nervoso central e que foi diagnosticado por meio das análises histopatológica e imunohistoquímica.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Osteossarcoma/diagnóstico , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Meninges/patologia , Encéfalo/patologia , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Neoplasias Meníngeas/veterinária
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 31(02): 120-129, 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472706


Infecções no sistema nervoso central (SNC) são menos prevalentes do que em outros órgãos e o tratamento é desafiador. Entre os fatores que tornam o tratamento de infecções bacterianas complicado nesse tecido, destacam se o fato do mesmo ser envolto pela barreira hematoencefálica, além da dificuldade de obter resultados positivos ao tentar isolar o agente causador por meio de punção de líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR). Objetiva-se, nesse trabalho, documentar documentar os principais antibióticos utilizados para tratar infecções bacterianas no sistema nervoso central e a interação com a barreira hematoencefálica (BHE). Os antibióticos com ótima penetração na BHE são: trimetoprim, sulfonamidas, metronidazol e cloranfenicol com penetração penetração intermediária são: oxacilinas, penicilinas, ceftriaxone, moxalactam, tetraciclinas e carbenicilina; e com pequena penetração são: aminoglicosídeos, cefalosporinas de primeira geração e clindamicina. É fundamental para a escolha do antibiótico mais adequado para cada caso conhecer características da barreira hematoencefálica, além de determinar a farmacocinética e farmacodinâmica dos antibióticos e seus principais agentes etiológicos. Percebe-se que na literatura veterinária há escassos relatos descrevendo aspectos de farmacocinética e farmacodinâmica nas espécies felina e canina, sendo necessária maior maior quantidade de estudos nesta área.

Although infections in the central nervous system are less common than infections in other organics systems, they can cause life-threatening consequences and are a challenge for small animal practitioners. Among the factors that make these infections difficult to treat are the fact that it is surrounded by the blood-brain barrier, that hinders penetration of many substances, and the difficulty of obtaining positive results when trying to isolate the causative agent through spinal tap. This article aims to describe the blood-brain barrier, the most common antimicrobials used to treat bacterial infections in the central nervous system and their main applications in small animal practice. In the veterinary literature, trimethoprim, sulfonamides, chloramphenicol, and metronidazole are cited as antimicrobials with excellent penetration on the blood-brain barrier; oxacillin, penicillin's, ceftriaxone, moxalactam, tetracyclines and carbenicillin with intermediate penetration; and aminoglycosides, first-generation cephalosporins, and clindamycin with little penetration. It was concluded that knowing the blood-brain barrier characteristics, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of antimicrobial agents, along with the main etiological agents, are the key to choose the most appropriate antibiotic to be applied in each individual case. It is noticed that in the veterinary literature there are few reports describing aspects of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in feline and canine species, requiring more studies in this area.

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Antibacterianos/farmacocinética , Antibacterianos/farmacologia , Encéfalo/efeitos dos fármacos
Acta cir. bras ; 36(8): e360804, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339007


ABSTRACT Purpose: Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a common complication of cerebral vascular disease. Hydrogen has been reported to alleviate early brain injury (EBI) through oxidative stress injury, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and autophagy. Autophagy is a programmed cell death mechanism that plays a vital role in neuronal cell death after SAH. However, the precise role of autophagy in hydrogen-mediated neuroprotection following SAH has not been confirmed. Methods: In the present study, the objective was to investigate the neuroprotective effects and potential molecular mechanisms of hydrogen-rich saline in SAH-induced EBI by regulating neural autophagy in the C57BL/6 mice model. Mortality, neurological score, brain water content, ROS, malondialdehyde (MDA), and neuronal death were evaluated. Results: The results show that hydrogen-rich saline treatment markedly increased the survival rate and neurological score, increased neuron survival, downregulated the autophagy protein expression of Beclin-1 and LC3, and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. That indicates that hydrogen-rich saline-mediated inhibition of autophagy and ER stress ameliorate neuronal death after SAH. The neuroprotective capacity of hydrogen-rich saline is partly dependent on the ROS/Nrf2/heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) signaling pathway. Conclusions: The results of this study demonstrate that hydrogen-rich saline improves neurological outcomes in mice and reduces neuronal death by protecting against neural autophagy and ER stress.

Animais , Camundongos , Ratos , Hemorragia Subaracnóidea/tratamento farmacológico , Lesões Encefálicas , Fármacos Neuroprotetores/farmacologia , Autofagia , Encéfalo , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , Apoptose , Estresse Oxidativo , Hidrogênio/farmacologia , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BL