Hybridization and Polyploidization are most common of the phenomenon observed in plants, especially in the genus Nicotiana leading to the duplication of genome. Although genomic changes associated with these events has been studied at various levels but the genome size and GC content variation is less understood because of absence of sufficient genomic data. In this study the flow cytometry technique was used to uncover the genome size and GC contents of 46 Nicotiana species and we compared the genomic changes associated with the hybridization events along evolutionary time scale. The genome size among Nicotiana species varied between 3.28 pg and 11.88 pg whereas GC contents varied between 37.22% and 51.25%. The tetraploid species in genus Nicotiana including section Polydiclae, Repandae, Nicotiana, Rustica and Sauveolentes revealed both up and downsizing in their genome sizes when compared to the sum of genomes of their ancestral species. The genome sizes of three homoploid hybrids were found near their ancestral species. Loss of large genome sequence was observed in the evolutionary more aged species (>10 Myr) as compared to the recently evolved ones (<0.2 Myr). The GC contents were found homogenous with a mean difference of 2.46% among the Nicotiana species. It is concluded that genome size change appeared in either direction whereas the GC contents were found more homogenous in genus Nicotiana.
A hibridização e a poliploidização são os fenômenos mais comuns observados em plantas, principalmente no gênero Nicotiana, levando à duplicação do genoma. Embora as mudanças genômicas associadas a esses eventos tenham sido estudadas em vários níveis, o tamanho do genoma e a variação do conteúdo de GC são menos compreendidos devido à ausência de dados genômicos suficientes. Neste estudo, a técnica de citometria de fluxo foi usada para descobrir o tamanho do genoma e o conteúdo de GC de 46 espécies de Nicotiana, e comparamos as mudanças genômicas associadas aos eventos de hibridização ao longo da escala de tempo evolutiva. O tamanho do genoma entre as espécies de Nicotiana variou entre 3,28 pg e 11,88 pg, enquanto os conteúdos de GC variaramentre 37,22% e 51,25%. As espécies tetraploides do gênero Nicotiana, incluindo as seções Polydiclae, Repandae, Nicotiana, Rustica e Sauveolentes, revelaram aumento e redução do tamanho do genoma quando comparados à soma dos genomas de suas espécies ancestrais. Os tamanhos do genoma de três híbridos homoploides foram encontrados perto de suas espécies ancestrais. A perda da grande sequência do genoma foi observada nas espécies evolutivas mais velhas (> 10 Myr) em comparação com as que evoluíram recentemente (< 0,2 Myr). Os teores de GC foram homogêneos com diferença média de 2,46% entre as espécies de Nicotiana. Conclui-se que a mudança no tamanho do genoma apareceu em ambas as direções, enquanto os conteúdos de GC foram encontrados mais homogêneos no gênero Nicotiana.
Citometria de Fluxo/métodos , Genoma , Separação Celular/métodos , Nicotiana/genética , Tamanho do GenomaResumo
Hybridization and Polyploidization are most common of the phenomenon observed in plants, especially in the genus Nicotiana leading to the duplication of genome. Although genomic changes associated with these events has been studied at various levels but the genome size and GC content variation is less understood because of absence of sufficient genomic data. In this study the flow cytometry technique was used to uncover the genome size and GC contents of 46 Nicotiana species and we compared the genomic changes associated with the hybridization events along evolutionary time scale. The genome size among Nicotiana species varied between 3.28 pg and 11.88 pg whereas GC contents varied between 37.22% and 51.25%. The tetraploid species in genus Nicotiana including section Polydiclae, Repandae, Nicotiana, Rustica and Sauveolentes revealed both up and downsizing in their genome sizes when compared to the sum of genomes of their ancestral species. The genome sizes of three homoploid hybrids were found near their ancestral species. Loss of large genome sequence was observed in the evolutionary more aged species (>10 Myr) as compared to the recently evolved ones (<0.2 Myr). The GC contents were found homogenous with a mean difference of 2.46% among the Nicotiana species. It is concluded that genome size change appeared in either direction whereas the GC contents were found more homogenous in genus Nicotiana.(AU)
A hibridização e a poliploidização são os fenômenos mais comuns observados em plantas, principalmente no gênero Nicotiana, levando à duplicação do genoma. Embora as mudanças genômicas associadas a esses eventos tenham sido estudadas em vários níveis, o tamanho do genoma e a variação do conteúdo de GC são menos compreendidos devido à ausência de dados genômicos suficientes. Neste estudo, a técnica de citometria de fluxo foi usada para descobrir o tamanho do genoma e o conteúdo de GC de 46 espécies de Nicotiana, e comparamos as mudanças genômicas associadas aos eventos de hibridização ao longo da escala de tempo evolutiva. O tamanho do genoma entre as espécies de Nicotiana variou entre 3,28 pg e 11,88 pg, enquanto os conteúdos de GC variaramentre 37,22% e 51,25%. As espécies tetraploides do gênero Nicotiana, incluindo as seções Polydiclae, Repandae, Nicotiana, Rustica e Sauveolentes, revelaram aumento e redução do tamanho do genoma quando comparados à soma dos genomas de suas espécies ancestrais. Os tamanhos do genoma de três híbridos homoploides foram encontrados perto de suas espécies ancestrais. A perda da grande sequência do genoma foi observada nas espécies evolutivas mais velhas (> 10 Myr) em comparação com as que evoluíram recentemente (< 0,2 Myr). Os teores de GC foram homogêneos com diferença média de 2,46% entre as espécies de Nicotiana. Conclui-se que a mudança no tamanho do genoma apareceu em ambas as direções, enquanto os conteúdos de GC foram encontrados mais homogêneos no gênero Nicotiana.(AU)
Nicotiana/genética , Genoma , Tamanho do Genoma , Citometria de Fluxo/métodos , Separação Celular/métodosResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare two chemical preservatives in terms of their sample preservation capabilities, considering the individual bacterial count (IBC) and time and temperature variables. Samples were collected in expansion tanks in three commercial dairy farms located in the northwest of Rio Grande do Sul, characterized as G1: low IBC values, G2: average IBC values, and G3: high IBC values. The tanks were stored at three different temperatures (4, 10, and 25 °C) for 14 d. Samples supplemented with the preservative Azilat in G1 (lower IBC group) exhibited the best results at a temperature of 4 °C, whereas for G2 and G3, the results showed no statistically significant difference between temperatures 4 and 10 °C. The temperature 25 °C exhibited the worst results. For samples preserved with Azidiol, regardless of the studied group (G1, G2, and G3), the temperatures of 4 and 10 °C did not present a significant difference regarding the preservation of the samples, with the temperature of 25 °C exhibiting the worst results. Azilat was effective in keeping the samples conserved when they presented low IBC, being able to fluctuate with the increase in IBC and temperature variation. Azidiol was effective regardless of the initial IBC level.
Leite/efeitos dos fármacos , Leite/microbiologia , Citometria de Fluxo , Conservantes de AlimentosResumo
Abstract Hybridization and Polyploidization are most common of the phenomenon observed in plants, especially in the genus Nicotiana leading to the duplication of genome. Although genomic changes associated with these events has been studied at various levels but the genome size and GC content variation is less understood because of absence of sufficient genomic data. In this study the flow cytometry technique was used to uncover the genome size and GC contents of 46 Nicotiana species and we compared the genomic changes associated with the hybridization events along evolutionary time scale. The genome size among Nicotiana species varied between 3.28 pg and 11.88 pg whereas GC contents varied between 37.22% and 51.25%. The tetraploid species in genus Nicotiana including section Polydiclae, Repandae, Nicotiana, Rustica and Sauveolentes revealed both up and downsizing in their genome sizes when compared to the sum of genomes of their ancestral species. The genome sizes of three homoploid hybrids were found near their ancestral species. Loss of large genome sequence was observed in the evolutionary more aged species (>10 Myr) as compared to the recently evolved ones ( 0.2 Myr). The GC contents were found homogenous with a mean difference of 2.46% among the Nicotiana species. It is concluded that genome size change appeared in either direction whereas the GC contents were found more homogenous in genus Nicotiana.
Resumo A hibridização e a poliploidização são os fenômenos mais comuns observados em plantas, principalmente no gênero Nicotiana, levando à duplicação do genoma. Embora as mudanças genômicas associadas a esses eventos tenham sido estudadas em vários níveis, o tamanho do genoma e a variação do conteúdo de GC são menos compreendidos devido à ausência de dados genômicos suficientes. Neste estudo, a técnica de citometria de fluxo foi usada para descobrir o tamanho do genoma e o conteúdo de GC de 46 espécies de Nicotiana, e comparamos as mudanças genômicas associadas aos eventos de hibridização ao longo da escala de tempo evolutiva. O tamanho do genoma entre as espécies de Nicotiana variou entre 3,28 pg e 11,88 pg, enquanto os conteúdos de GC variaram entre 37,22% e 51,25%. As espécies tetraploides do gênero Nicotiana, incluindo as seções Polydiclae, Repandae, Nicotiana, Rustica e Sauveolentes, revelaram aumento e redução do tamanho do genoma quando comparados à soma dos genomas de suas espécies ancestrais. Os tamanhos do genoma de três híbridos homoploides foram encontrados perto de suas espécies ancestrais. A perda da grande sequência do genoma foi observada nas espécies evolutivas mais velhas (> 10 Myr) em comparação com as que evoluíram recentemente ( 0,2 Myr). Os teores de GC foram homogêneos com diferença média de 2,46% entre as espécies de Nicotiana. Conclui-se que a mudança no tamanho do genoma apareceu em ambas as direções, enquanto os conteúdos de GC foram encontrados mais homogêneos no gênero Nicotiana.
Abstract Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is a malignant tumour of Head and Neck Cancer (HNC). The recent therapeutic approaches used to treat cancer have adverse side effects. The natural agents exhibiting anticancer activities are generally considered to have a robust therapeutic potential. Curcuminoids, one of the major active compounds of the turmeric herb, are used as a therapeutic agent for several diseases including cancer. In this study, the cytotoxicity of curcuminoids was investigated against OSCC cell line HNO97. Our data showed that curcuminoids significantly inhibits the proliferation of HNO97 in a time and dose-dependent manner (IC50=35 M). Cell cycle analysis demonstrated that curcuminoids increased the percentage of G2/M phase cell populations in the treated groups. Treating HNO97 cells with curcuminoids led to cell shrinking and increased detached cells, which are the typical appearance of apoptotic cells. Moreover, flow cytometry analysis revealed that curcuminoids significantly induced apoptosis in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, as a response to curcuminoids treatment, comet tails were formed in cell nuclei due to the induction of DNA damage. Curcuminoids treatment reduced the colony formation capacity of HNO97 cells and induced morphological changes. Overall, these findings demonstrate that curcuminoids can in vitro inhibit HNC proliferation and metastasis and induce apoptosis.
Resumo O carcinoma de células escamosas oral (OSCC) é um tumor maligno do câncer de cabeça e pescoço (HNC). As recentes abordagens terapêuticas usadas para tratar o câncer têm efeitos colaterais adversos. Os agentes naturais que exibem atividades anticâncer são geralmente considerados como tendo um potencial terapêutico robusto. Curcuminoides, um dos principais compostos ativos da erva cúrcuma, são usados como agente terapêutico para várias doenças, incluindo câncer. Neste estudo, a citotoxicidade dos curcuminoides foi investigada contra a linha de células OSCC HNO97. Nossos dados mostraram que os curcuminoides inibem significativamente a proliferação de HNO97 de forma dependente do tempo e da dose (IC50 = 35 M). A análise do ciclo celular demonstrou que os curcuminoides aumentaram a porcentagem de populações de células da fase G2 / M nos grupos tratados. O tratamento das células HNO97 com curcuminoides levou ao encolhimento celular e ao aumento das células destacadas, que são a aparência típica das células apoptóticas. Além disso, a análise de citometria de fluxo revelou que os curcuminoides induziram significativamente a apoptose de uma maneira dependente do tempo. Além disso, em resposta ao tratamento com curcuminoides, caudas de cometa foram formadas nos núcleos das células devido à indução de danos ao DNA. O tratamento com curcuminoides reduziu a capacidade de formação de colônias das células HNO97 e induziu alterações morfológicas. No geral, esses achados demonstram que os curcuminoides podem inibir in vitro a proliferação e metástase de HNC e induzir apoptose.
The present study explored the predictive values of milk leukocyte differentials (MLD) as a basis for improving the diagnosis of intramammary infections (IMIs) and subclinical mastitis. Quarter milk samples were collected for bacteriological analysis, quarter somatic cell count (qSCC), and MLD. The MLD were assessed using the cytospin technique, direct microscopic smears, and flow cytometry. The predictive values of each single leukocyte population and useful potential indices that could better reflect immune complexity were also calculated. Changes in the percentage of any leukocyte alone failed to substantially improve the predictive value of qSCC in diagnosing IMIs. Although certain parameters increased the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC curve) as a result of increased specificity values, a slight reduction in sensitivity was observed. The so-called CD8 complex was a unique parameter which improved both the sensitivity (78.79 %) and the specificity (80.77 %) in IMI diagnosis, resulting in the highest area under the ROC curve (0.87). To diagnose subclinical mastitis, the percentage of macrophages and the sum of the percentage PMNLs and T CD8+ cells divided by the percentage of macrophages showed the highest predictive values (sensitivity = 79.63, specificity = 73.68, and area under the ROC curve = 0.83) in the differentiation of the inflammatory condition status of cows. In conclusion, this study provides further insights into using T CD8+ lymphocytes in diagnosing bovine IMIs, combined with PMNLs and macrophages. The antidromic trend of macrophages vs. PMNLs and T CD8+ lymphocytes due to the increasing qSCCs was crucial to differentiating quarters under both inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions.
Animais , Leite , Inflamação , Glândulas Mamárias Animais , Mastite BovinaResumo
O controle da qualidade seminal produzido por centrais e unidades de disseminação genética permite a maximização da produção de doses inseminantes por ejaculado, bem como organiza o acompanhamento da produtividade de cada macho. Este acompanhamento é crítico tanto quando o reprodutor jovem é introduzido na rotina de coleta de sêmen quanto na determinação do momento do descarte e reposição. Essencialmente, a avaliação do sêmen em suínos é a mesma há décadas, porém novas metodologias de análise individual da célula como a citometria de fluxo e de constituintes de tecidos e fluídos como a proteômica e metabolômica já estão trazendo avanços na andrologia animal. Na presente revisão, são abordados os aspectos técnicos, vantagens e limitações destas três análises avançadas aplicadas ao sêmen suíno, discutindo a sua implementação e impactos no manejo reprodutivo da espécie.(AU)
The quality control of the semen doses produced by artificial insemination centers and allows the maximization of the production of inseminating doses per ejaculate, as well as organizes the monitoring of the productivity of each male. This follow-up is critical when the young male is initiated in routine semen collection and in determining the moment of male replacement. Essentially, semen evaluation in pigs has been the same for decades, but new methodologies for individual cell analysis such as flow cytometry and tissue and fluid constituents such as proteomics and metabolomics are already bringing advances in animal andrology. In this review, the technical aspects, advantages, and limitations of these three advanced analyzes applied to swine semen are addressed, discussing their implementation and impacts on the reproductive management of the species.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Suínos/fisiologia , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Análise do Sêmen/métodos , ProteômicaResumo
ABSTRACT: Spermatozoa experience oxidative, osmotic, chemical, and thermal stresses when cooled, which degrade the quality and fertilizing capacity of the cells. Adding antioxidants to the sperm extender mitigates these alterations. This study evaluated the effect of isoespintanol (ISO) on boar semen subjected to cooling. Fifteen ejaculates from five boars (Susscrofadomestica) were extended in Beltsville thawing solution (BTS) supplemented with 0 µM (control), 5 µM (ISO5), 10 µM (ISO10), 15 µM (ISO15), 20 µM (ISO20), 25 µM (ISO25), and 30 µM (ISO30) of ISO, which were then cooled for five days at 16 °C. Sperm kinetics, total motility (TM), and progressive motility (PM) were evaluated every 24 h using an IVOS computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) system. On day 1 and day 5 of cooling, a hypoosmotic test, spectrofluorometry, and flow cytometry were performed to evaluate the following: membrane functionality, measured as a function of hypoosmotic swelling (HOS); total antioxidant capacity (TAC); reactive oxygen species (ROS); and mitochondrial membrane potential (Δ¥M). Regression analysis and comparison of means using the Duncan test were performed. The ISO added had a slight impact on sperm motility, as evidenced by a reduction in TM at 24 h of cooling (but not prior) with the addition of 20 µM of ISO. Similarly, no effect of the ISO on the kinetics and functional integrity of the sperm membrane was observed at 96 h of cooling; however, the regression coefficients indicated that the ISO lowered the rate of decrease in sperm motility and the proportion of rapid spermatozoa relative to the concentration of ISO used. The ISO did not affect the TAC of the cooled semen; however, different concentrations of ISO lowered ROS production in the semen after 96 h of cooling. ISO also impacted the Δ¥M of the spermatozoa at 0 h of cooling, increasing the proportion of low Δ¥M cells and decreasing the proportion of high Δ¥M cells. In conclusion, ISO can reduce the loss of quality and oxidative stress occurring in boar semen during cooling and can modulate the mitochondrial activity of sperm.
RESUMO: Durante a refrigeração, os espermatozoides sofrem estresse oxidativo, osmótico, químico e térmico, que diminuem sua qualidade e afetam sua capacidade de fertilização. A adição de antioxidantes ao diluente espermático é uma alternativa para mitigar essas alterações. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito do isospintanol (ISO) na refrigeração do sêmen suíno. Quinze ejaculados de cinco varrascos (Sus scrofa domestica) foram diluídos em BTS suplementado com ISO a 0 (controle), 5 (ISO5), 10 (ISO10), 15 (ISO15), 20 (ISO20), 25 (ISO25) e 30 (ISO30) µM e foram refrigerados por cinco dias a 16 °C. A motilidade total (MT), motilidade progressiva (MP) e cinética dos espermatozóides foram avaliadas a cada 24 h com um sistema CASA IVOS. Nos dias um e cinco de refrigeração, foram avaliadas a funcionalidade da membrana, a capacidade antioxidante total (CAT), as espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) e o potencial de membrana mitocondrial (Δ¥M), através do teste hiposmótico (HOS), espectrofluorimetría e citometria de fluxo. Foram realizadas análises de regressão e comparação de médias, pelo teste de Duncan. A adição de ISO teve pouca influência na motilidade espermática, apresentando apenas redução na MT em 24 h de refrigeração, devido à adição de 20 µM. Da mesma forma, não foi observada influência de ISO na cinética e integridade funcional da membrana em 96 horas de refrigeração; porém, os coeficientes de regressão mostraram que ISO produziu menor taxa de diminuição da motilidade e proporção de espermatozoides rápidos dependendo da concentração utilizada. ISO não influenciou significativamente na CAT do sêmen refrigerado; entretanto, diferentes concentrações de ISO reduziram a produção de EROs a partir do sêmen após de 96 h de refrigeração. ISO também influenciou o Δ¥M dos espermatozóides em 0 h de refrigeração, com aumento das células de baixo Δ¥M e diminuição das células de alto Δ¥M. Em conclusão, o isospintanol pode reduzir a perda da qualidade e o estresse oxidativo do sêmen suíno durante a refrigeração e pode modular a atividade mitocondrial do esperma.
Abstract Hybridization and Polyploidization are most common of the phenomenon observed in plants, especially in the genus Nicotiana leading to the duplication of genome. Although genomic changes associated with these events has been studied at various levels but the genome size and GC content variation is less understood because of absence of sufficient genomic data. In this study the flow cytometry technique was used to uncover the genome size and GC contents of 46 Nicotiana species and we compared the genomic changes associated with the hybridization events along evolutionary time scale. The genome size among Nicotiana species varied between 3.28 pg and 11.88 pg whereas GC contents varied between 37.22% and 51.25%. The tetraploid species in genus Nicotiana including section Polydiclae, Repandae, Nicotiana, Rustica and Sauveolentes revealed both up and downsizing in their genome sizes when compared to the sum of genomes of their ancestral species. The genome sizes of three homoploid hybrids were found near their ancestral species. Loss of large genome sequence was observed in the evolutionary more aged species (>10 Myr) as compared to the recently evolved one's (<0.2 Myr). The GC contents were found homogenous with a mean difference of 2.46% among the Nicotiana species. It is concluded that genome size change appeared in either direction whereas the GC contents were found more homogenous in genus Nicotiana.
Resumo A hibridização e a poliploidização são os fenômenos mais comuns observados em plantas, principalmente no gênero Nicotiana, levando à duplicação do genoma. Embora as mudanças genômicas associadas a esses eventos tenham sido estudadas em vários níveis, o tamanho do genoma e a variação do conteúdo de GC são menos compreendidos devido à ausência de dados genômicos suficientes. Neste estudo, a técnica de citometria de fluxo foi usada para descobrir o tamanho do genoma e o conteúdo de GC de 46 espécies de Nicotiana, e comparamos as mudanças genômicas associadas aos eventos de hibridização ao longo da escala de tempo evolutiva. O tamanho do genoma entre as espécies de Nicotiana variou entre 3,28 pg e 11,88 pg, enquanto os conteúdos de GC variaram entre 37,22% e 51,25%. As espécies tetraploides do gênero Nicotiana, incluindo as seções Polydiclae, Repandae, Nicotiana, Rustica e Sauveolentes, revelaram aumento e redução do tamanho do genoma quando comparados à soma dos genomas de suas espécies ancestrais. Os tamanhos do genoma de três híbridos homoploides foram encontrados perto de suas espécies ancestrais. A perda da grande sequência do genoma foi observada nas espécies evolutivas mais velhas (> 10 Myr) em comparação com as que evoluíram recentemente (< 0,2 Myr). Os teores de GC foram homogêneos com diferença média de 2,46% entre as espécies de Nicotiana. Conclui-se que a mudança no tamanho do genoma apareceu em ambas as direções, enquanto os conteúdos de GC foram encontrados mais homogêneos no gênero Nicotiana.
Nicotiana/genética , Genoma de Planta/genética , Filogenia , Composição de Bases , Tamanho do GenomaResumo
Background: Isoliquiritigenin (ISL) presents antitumor effects against melanoma cells. It is known that various circular RNAs (circRNAs) are involved in the development of melanoma. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the molecular mechanisms of ISL and circ_0002860. Methods: Circ_0002860, microRNA-431-5p (miR-431-5p) and member RAS oncogene family (RAB9A) were detected through reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) assay. Cell viability was examined via cell counting kit-8 assay. The proliferation ability was assessed using colony formation assay. Cell apoptosis and cell cycle were determined by flow cytometry. Transwell assay was used for detection of migration and invasion. Western blot was conducted for protein analysis. Target binding was confirmed via dual-luciferase reporter assay and RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) assay. In vivo research was performed through xenograft tumor assay. Results: Circ_0002860 was downregulated by ISL in melanoma cells. ISL-induced inhibitory effects on cell proliferation, cell cycle progression, migration and invasion were alleviated by circ_0002860 overexpression. MiR-431-5p was a target of circ_0002860. Circ_0002860 eliminated the ISL-induced tumor inhibition via sponging miR-431-5p in melanoma cells. Circ_0002860 elevated the RAB9A level by targeting miR-431-5p. The function of ISL was related to miR-431-5p/RAB9A axis in melanoma progression. Tumor growth was reduced by ISL in vivo through downregulating circ_0002860 to regulate miR-431-5p and RAB9A levels. Conclusion: The current data indicates that ISL suppressed cell malignant progression of melanoma via targeting the circ_0002860/miR-431-5p/RAB9A pathway.(AU)
Fenóis/análise , Melanoma/tratamento farmacológico , Antineoplásicos/efeitos adversos , ImunoprecipitaçãoResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate characteristics of the testicular parenchyma and vascular parameters of the pampiniform plexus obtained by ultrasound, semen quality parameters, and sperm freezability in Nellore bulls classified based on residual feed intake (RFI). Twenty-seven bulls (21.82±0.88 months of age) evaluated for feed efficiency were sampled for the study, including 15 with low RFI (−0.592±0.09 kg dry matter/day) and 12 with high RFI (0.792±0.10 kg dry matter/day). In ultrasound and Doppler assessment, the most efficient animals (low RFI) showed higher pulsatility and resistive indexes, as well as a tendency towards greater heterogeneity of the testicular parenchyma (0.625±0.032 vs. 0.508±0.032, 1.012±0.072 vs. 0.802±0.072, and 12.9±0.96 vs. 10.2±0.96, respectively, for low vs. high RFI). However, these animals tended to have lower peak diastolic velocity (5.19±0.50 for low RFI vs. 6.54±0.50 for high RFI). Analysis of fresh semen showed a lower percentage of minor defects in low RFI animals (2.67±1.19%) compared with high RFI animals (8.10±1.19%), without differences in the other parameters in fresh or thawed semen and after thermoresistance testing. Evaluation of flow cytometry parameters showed a higher quality of mitochondrial respiration in semen samples of low RFI animals (22.04±2.50%) compared with high RFI animals (12.29±2.71%). Therefore, although RFI exerts an effect on the Doppler parameters of the pampiniform plexus, it is not sufficient to affect the quality of fresh or thawed semen.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Testículo/fisiologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos , Análise do Sêmen/veterináriaResumo
Searching for improvements in semen cryopreservation, natural substances are commonly studied focusing to improve the sperm quality. The aim of this study were evaluated the effect of adding orange, pineapple, and beet juices in different concentrations and combinations to the ram semen cryopreservation extender. Five ejaculates from five adult rams were used. The semen pool was diluted in egg yolk-based extender and mixed with the following 15 treatments (at a final concentration of 400.106 sptz/mL): orange 10% (O10) and 15% (O15); pineapple 10% (P10) and 15% (P15); beet 10% (B10) and 15% (B15); pineapple + orange 10% (PO10) and 15% (PO15); pineapple + beet 10% (PB10) and 15% (PB15); beet + orange 10% (BO10) and 15% (BO15); pineapple + beet + orange 10% (PBO10) and 15% (PBO15); and the control group (CON). Post-thaw in 0.25 mL straws semen quality analysis of cryopreserved semen was performed by CASA and flow cytometry. Analysis of variance (PROC GLM) was carried out and the averages were compared using the SNK test. Pearson's correlation test was also performed. No effect was noted in the addition of juices to the semen extender prior to cryopreservation. Post-thawed, although, statistically similar to the control group, the total motility of the B10 group reached acceptable standards of total motility. In addition, B10 group showed the highest values (p< 0.05) of progressive motility than control group or other treatments. The addition of 10% beet juice to the ram semen extender can improve the cryopreservation of sperm motility.
Em busca de melhorias na criopreservação do sêmen, substâncias naturais são comumente estudadas com o objetivo de melhorar a qualidade do sêmen. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da adição de sucos de laranja, abacaxi e beterraba em diferentes concentrações e combinações ao diluidor de criopreservação de sêmen ovino. Foram utilizados cinco ejaculados de cinco carneiros adultos. O pool de sêmen foi diluído em diluente à base de gema de ovo e misturado com os seguintes 15 tratamentos (na concentração final de 400x106 sptz/ml): laranja 10% (O10) e 15% (O15); abacaxi 10% (P10) e 15% (P15); beterraba 10% (B10) e 15% (B15); abacaxi + laranja 10% (PO10) e 15% (PO15); abacaxi + beterraba 10% (PB10) e 15% (PB15); beterraba + laranja 10% (BO10) e 15% (BO15); abacaxi + beterraba + laranja 10% (PBO10) e 15% (PBO15); e o grupo controle (CON). Pós-descongelação em palhetas de 0,25 ml a análise da qualidade do sêmen criopreservado foi realizada pelo CASA e citometria de fluxo. A análise de variância foi realizada e as médias comparadas pelo teste SNK. O teste de correlação de Pearson também foi realizado. Nenhum efeito foi observado na adição de sucos ao diluidor de sêmen antes da criopreservação. Após o descongelamento, embora estatisticamente semelhante ao grupo controle, a motilidade total do grupo B10 atingiu padrões aceitáveis de motilidade total. Além disso, o grupo B10 apresentou os maiores valores (p<0,05) de motilidade progressiva que o grupo controle ou os outros tratamentos. A adição de 10% de suco de beterraba ao diluente de sêmen ovino pode melhorar a criopreservação da motilidade espermática.
Animais , Masculino , Preservação do Sêmen/métodos , Diluição , Carneiro Doméstico , Sucos de Frutas e Vegetais/análise , Antioxidantes/administração & dosagem , Criopreservação , Beta vulgaris , Ananas , Citrus sinensisResumo
In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of sulforaphane (SFN) on rabbit semen cryopreservation. Semen collected from animals was divided into 5 equal volumes as Control, SFN 5 µM, SFN 10 µM, SFN 25 µM and SFN 50 µM groups. Afterwards, semen analyzes were performed. According to our results, there was no statistical difference between the groups at 4°C. However after freezing thawing, the highest total motility, progressive motility and rapid spermatozoa rate was seen in the 10 µM SFN group, while the lowest was observed in the 50 µM SFN group (P<0.05). Static sperm ratio was highest in the 50 µM group, while the lowest was observed in the 10 µM SFN group. When flow cytometry results examined the rate of acrosomal damaged and dead sperm was the lowest in the 10 µM SFN group, a statistical difference was observed between the control group (P<0.05). The highest rate of sperm with high mitochondrial membrane potential was seen in the 5 µM SFN and 10 µM SFN groups. Apoptosis and ROS rates were found to be lower in the experimental groups compared to the control groups (P<0.05). As a result, SFN supplementation at a dose of 10 µM increased the quality of sperm in the freezing and thawing processes of rabbit semen. In conclusion, 10 µM SFN improved the quality of cryopreservation of rabbit semen.(AU)
Animais , Coelhos , Preservação do Sêmen/efeitos adversos , Isotiocianatos/efeitos adversos , Criopreservação , Apoptose/fisiologia , Estresse Oxidativo/efeitos dos fármacosResumo
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is a malignant tumour of Head and Neck Cancer (HNC). The recent therapeutic approaches used to treat cancer have adverse side effects. The natural agents exhibiting anticancer activities are generally considered to have a robust therapeutic potential. Curcuminoids, one of the major active compounds of the turmeric herb, are used as a therapeutic agent for several diseases including cancer. In this study, the cytotoxicity of curcuminoids was investigated against OSCC cell line HNO97. Our data showed that curcuminoids significantly inhibits the proliferation of HNO97 in a time and dose-dependent manner (IC50=35 μM). Cell cycle analysis demonstrated that curcuminoids increased the percentage of G2/M phase cell populations in the treated groups. Treating HNO97 cells with curcuminoids led to cell shrinking and increased detached cells, which are the typical appearance of apoptotic cells. Moreover, flow cytometry analysis revealed that curcuminoids significantly induced apoptosis in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, as a response to curcuminoids treatment, comet tails were formed in cell nuclei due to the induction of DNA damage. Curcuminoids treatment reduced the colony formation capacity of HNO97 cells and induced morphological changes. Overall, these findings demonstrate that curcuminoids can in vitro inhibit HNC proliferation and metastasis and induce apoptosis.
O carcinoma de células escamosas oral (OSCC) é um tumor maligno do câncer de cabeça e pescoço (HNC). As recentes abordagens terapêuticas usadas para tratar o câncer têm efeitos colaterais adversos. Os agentes naturais que exibem atividades anticâncer são geralmente considerados como tendo um potencial terapêutico robusto. Curcuminoides, um dos principais compostos ativos da erva cúrcuma, são usados como agente terapêutico para várias doenças, incluindo câncer. Neste estudo, a citotoxicidade dos curcuminoides foi investigada contra a linha de células OSCC HNO97. Nossos dados mostraram que os curcuminoides inibem significativamente a proliferação de HNO97 de forma dependente do tempo e da dose (IC50 = 35 μM). A análise do ciclo celular demonstrou que os curcuminoides aumentaram a porcentagem de populações de células da fase G2 / M nos grupos tratados. O tratamento das células HNO97 com curcuminoides levou ao encolhimento celular e ao aumento das células destacadas, que são a aparência típica das células apoptóticas. Além disso, a análise de citometria de fluxo revelou que os curcuminoides induziram significativamente a apoptose de uma maneira dependente do tempo. Além disso, em resposta ao tratamento com curcuminoides, caudas de cometa foram formadas nos núcleos das células devido à indução de danos ao DNA. O tratamento com curcuminoides reduziu a capacidade de formação de colônias das células HNO97 e induziu alterações morfológicas. No geral, esses achados demonstram que os curcuminoides podem inibir in vitro a proliferação e metástase de HNC e induzir apoptose.
Humanos , Apoptose/efeitos dos fármacos , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas de Cabeça e Pescoço/tratamento farmacológico , Curcuma/citologia , Curcuma/toxicidade , Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço/prevenção & controleResumo
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is a malignant tumour of Head and Neck Cancer (HNC). The recent therapeutic approaches used to treat cancer have adverse side effects. The natural agents exhibiting anticancer activities are generally considered to have a robust therapeutic potential. Curcuminoids, one of the major active compounds of the turmeric herb, are used as a therapeutic agent for several diseases including cancer. In this study, the cytotoxicity of curcuminoids was investigated against OSCC cell line HNO97. Our data showed that curcuminoids significantly inhibits the proliferation of HNO97 in a time and dose-dependent manner (IC50=35 μM). Cell cycle analysis demonstrated that curcuminoids increased the percentage of G2/M phase cell populations in the treated groups. Treating HNO97 cells with curcuminoids led to cell shrinking and increased detached cells, which are the typical appearance of apoptotic cells. Moreover, flow cytometry analysis revealed that curcuminoids significantly induced apoptosis in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, as a response to curcuminoids treatment, comet tails were formed in cell nuclei due to the induction of DNA damage. Curcuminoids treatment reduced the colony formation capacity of HNO97 cells and induced morphological changes. Overall, these findings demonstrate that curcuminoids can in vitro inhibit HNC proliferation and metastasis and induce apoptosis.(AU)
O carcinoma de células escamosas oral (OSCC) é um tumor maligno do câncer de cabeça e pescoço (HNC). As recentes abordagens terapêuticas usadas para tratar o câncer têm efeitos colaterais adversos. Os agentes naturais que exibem atividades anticâncer são geralmente considerados como tendo um potencial terapêutico robusto. Curcuminoides, um dos principais compostos ativos da erva cúrcuma, são usados como agente terapêutico para várias doenças, incluindo câncer. Neste estudo, a citotoxicidade dos curcuminoides foi investigada contra a linha de células OSCC HNO97. Nossos dados mostraram que os curcuminoides inibem significativamente a proliferação de HNO97 de forma dependente do tempo e da dose (IC50 = 35 μM). A análise do ciclo celular demonstrou que os curcuminoides aumentaram a porcentagem de populações de células da fase G2 / M nos grupos tratados. O tratamento das células HNO97 com curcuminoides levou ao encolhimento celular e ao aumento das células destacadas, que são a aparência típica das células apoptóticas. Além disso, a análise de citometria de fluxo revelou que os curcuminoides induziram significativamente a apoptose de uma maneira dependente do tempo. Além disso, em resposta ao tratamento com curcuminoides, caudas de cometa foram formadas nos núcleos das células devido à indução de danos ao DNA. O tratamento com curcuminoides reduziu a capacidade de formação de colônias das células HNO97 e induziu alterações morfológicas. No geral, esses achados demonstram que os curcuminoides podem inibir in vitro a proliferação e metástase de HNC e induzir apoptose.(AU)
Humanos , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas de Cabeça e Pescoço/tratamento farmacológico , Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço/prevenção & controle , Curcuma/citologia , Curcuma/toxicidade , Apoptose/efeitos dos fármacosResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes counts and CD4+: CD8+ ratio in a colony of cats with chronic gingivostomatitis (CGS). We used forty domestic short-haired cats inhabiting the same colony. Ten cats with CGS were immunodeficiency virus-positive (group IV), and ten with CGS were immunodeficiency virus-negative (group III). As a control, twenty cats without CGS were used: ten cats were immunodeficiency virus-positive (group II) and ten cats were immunodeficiency virus-negative (group I). We employed flow cytometry to count CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes. In cats infected with the immunodeficiency virus, the presence of CD4+ lymphocytes were lower both for animals with and without CGS. Conversely, not immunodeficiency virus-infected cats with CGS had a higher amount of CD4+ when compared to seronegative animals without CGS. The counts of CD8+ T lymphocytes showed no significant difference among cats with CGS, whether infected with immunodeficiency virus or not. The CD4+: CD8+ ratio was only different for group III, which was higher than any other group. No difference was observed for total lymphocyte number and CD8+ among groups. By contrast, mean CD4+ levels were different, with cats from groups III and IV showing higher levels than those from groups I and II. The flow cytometry could be a useful tool for the diagnosis and prognosis of cats with CGS infected by the immunodeficiency virus.
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a contagem e a razão de linfócitos T CD4+ e CD8+ em uma colônia de gatos com gengivoestomatite crônica (CGS). Foram analisados quarenta gatos domésticos que habitavam a mesma colônia. Dez gatos com CGS foram positivos para o vírus da imunodeficiência (grupo IV), e dez com CGS foram negativos para o vírus da imunodeficiência (grupo III). Como controle, vinte gatos sem CGS foram usados: dez gatos foram positivos para o vírus da imunodeficiência (grupo II) e dez gatos foram negativos para o vírus da imunodeficiência (grupo I). Empregou-se a citometria de fluxo para contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ e CD8+. Nos gatos infectados pelo vírus da imunodeficiência, a presença de linfócitos CD4+ foi menor tanto para os animais com e sem CGS. Por outro lado, gatos não infectados e com CGS apresentaram maior quantidade de linfócitos CD4+ quando comparados a animais soronegativos sem CGS. A contagem de linfócito T CD8+ não mostrou diferença significativa entre gatos com CGS, infectados ou não com o vírus da imunodeficiência. A razão CD4+:CD8+ foi diferente apenas para o grupo III, que foi maior do que qualquer outro grupo. Não foi observada diferença para o número total de linfócitos e CD8+ entre os grupos. Em contraste, os níveis médios de CD4+ foram diferentes, com os gatos dos grupos III e IV apresentando níveis mais elevados do que os dos grupos I e II. A citometria de fluxo pode ser uma ferramenta útil para o diagnóstico e prognóstico de gatos com CGS infectados pelo vírus da imunodeficiência.
Animais , Gatos , Estomatite/veterinária , Vírus da Imunodeficiência Felina/isolamento & purificação , Contagem de Linfócitos/veterinária , Linfócitos T CD8-Positivos , Contagem de Linfócito CD4/veterinária , Gengivite/veterinária , Citometria de Fluxo/veterinária , Tolerância Imunológica/imunologiaResumo
As an alternative to the use of cytochalasin B(CB), 6-dimethylamino-purine (6-DMAP) and thermal shock (heat shock by increasing the temperature from 25 to 36ºC) could be used to induce tetraploidy in Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) diploids. Induction was performed by applying shocks after elimination of the first polar corpuscle at the end of meiosis I. Ploidy rates were verified using flow cytometry. Tetraploid larvae were obtained using all inductor (6-DMAP, thermal shock and CB) treatments. No difference in the efficiency of tetraploidy induction was noted among 6-DMAP, thermal shock and CB. The number of D-larvae and their yield, determined by calculating the percentage of well-formed D-larvae in relation to the total number of larvae, was similar (p>0.05) among the evaluated induction methods. We suggest that 6-DMAP and thermal shock should be used in tetraploidy induction protocols, thereby avoiding the use of CB, which is a harmful agent for both humans and the environment.(AU)
Animais , Purinas , Citocalasina B , Crassostrea , TetraploidiaResumo
Purpose: To analyze the cytotoxicity and cell in porcine-derived decellularized skin matrix. Methods: We analyzed the effect of multiple decellularization processes by histological analysis, DNA quantification, and flow cytometry. Subsequently, we analyzed the most appropriate hydrogel concentration to minimize cytotoxicity on fibroblast culture and to maximize cell proliferation. Results: After the fourth decellularization, the DNA quantification showed the lowest DNA concentration (< 50 ng/mg). Histological analysis showed no cell components in the hydrogel. Moreover, hematoxylin and eosin showed a heterogeneous structure of collagen fibers. The best hydrogel concentration ranged from 3 to 25%, and there was no significant difference between the 24 hours and seven days. Conclusions: The process of hydrogel production was effective for removing cells and DNA elements. The best hydrogel concentration ranged from 3 to 25%.
Regeneração , Pele Artificial , Hidrogéis , Medicina RegenerativaResumo
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) derived from stem cells (SCs) have regenerative potential and the possibility of being used in treating chronic diseases. EVs present lower risk of tumorigenicity and easily to isolation and storage. Therefore, this research aims to compare the morphological characteristics of the EVs (up to 150nm) derived from stem cells obtained from canine amniotic membranes in different passages during the in vitro culture. For this, cells from the amniotic membranes were isolated, cultured, and characterized. In order to answer our aim, the number of cells was normalized at each passage to generate conditioned media for EVs separation. The cells were differentiated into adipogenic, chondrogenic, and osteogenic tissue, to characterize these cells as mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). Moreover, flow cytometry analysis was performed and showed that the MSC were positive for CD90, CD105 and negative for CD34, CD45, mesenchymal and hematopoietic markers, respectively. For EVs analysis, MSC in different passages (P0-P2) were culture until 80% of confluence, then the medium was replaced by EVs depleted medium. After 48h, culture medium was collected and centrifuged to separate EVs, followed by nanoparticle tracking analysis. The EVs were also characterized by western blot and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). EVs were positive for Alix and negative for Cytochrome C as well as presented the traditional cup-shape by transmission electronic microscopy. Our results demonstrated that the concentration in the different passages was increased in P0 compared to P1 and P2 (p<0.05). No differences were found in EVs size (P0=132nm, P1=130nm and P2=120nm). Together, these results demonstrate that P0 of MSC is enriched of EVs when compared to later passages, suggesting that this passage would be the best to be applied in pre-clinical tests. Despite that, more studies are necessary to identify the EVs content and how the cells will respond to treatment with them.(AU)
Animais , Células-Tronco Fetais/fisiologia , Vesículas Extracelulares , Taxa SecretóriaResumo
Background: Endogenous phospholipases A2 (PLA2 ) play a fundamental role in inflammation, neurodegenerative diseases, apoptosis and cellular senescence. Neurotoxins with PLA2 activity are found in snake venoms from the Elapidae and Viperidae families. The mechanism of action of these neurotoxins have been studied using hippocampal and cerebellar neuronal cultures showing [Ca2+]i increase, mitochondrial depolarization and cell death. Astrocytes are rarely used as a model, despite being modulators at the synapses and responsible for homeostasis and defense in the central nervous system. Preserving the cell division ability, they can be utilized to study the cell proliferation process. In the present work cultured astrocytes and glioblastoma cells were employed to characterize the action of ß-micrustoxin (previously named Mlx-9), a PLA2 isolated from Micrurus lemniscatus snake venom. The ß-micrustoxin structure was determined and the cell proliferation, cell cycle phases and the regulatory proteins p53, p21 and p27 were investigated. Methods: ß-micrustoxin was characterized biochemically by a proteomic approach. Astrocytes were obtained by dissociation of pineal glands from Wistar rats; glioblastoma tumor cells were purchased from ATCC and Sigma and cultured in DMEM médium. Cell viability was evaluated by MTT assay; cell proliferation and cell cycle phases were analyzed by flow cytometry; p53, p21 and p27 proteins were studied by western blotting and immunocytochemistry. Results: Proteomic analysis revealed fragments on ß-micrustoxin that aligned with a PLA2 from Micrurus lemniscatus lemniscatus previously identified as transcript ID DN112835_C3_g9_i1/m.9019. ß-micrustoxin impaired the viability of astrocytes and glioblastoma tumor cells. There was a reduction in cell proliferation, an increase in G2/M phase and activation of p53, p21 and p27 proteins in astrocytes. Conclusion: These findings indicate that ß-micrustoxin from Micrurus lemniscatus venom could inhibit cell proliferation through p53, p21 and p27 activation thus imposing cell cycle arrest at the checkpoint G2/M.(AU)