Abstract Oral diseases caused by various microorganisms are common around the world. Scientific research has now been focusing on novel medicines to overcome bacterial resistance and antibiotics side effects; therefore, the current study was designed to assess the efficacy of certain antibiotics, toothpaste, and medicinal plant extracts (Ajuga bracteosa and Curcuma longa) versus the bacterial pathogens isolated from the human oral cavity. A total of 130 samples were collected from Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar, Pakistan, among those 27 species isolated, and eight bacterial species were identified from the samples. Among all the bacterial species, Staphylococcus aureus (29.62%) and Proteus mirabilis (22.2%) were found to be more prevalent oral pathogens. In comparison, the least pervasive microbes were Proteus vulgaris, Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli and Aeromonas hydrophila. The study also suggested that dental problems were more prevalent in males (41-50 years of age) than females. Among the eight antibiotics used in the study, the most promising results were shown by Foxicillin against A. hydrophila. The survey of TP1 revealed that it showed more potent antagonist activity against Proteus vulgaris as compared TP2 and TP3 that might be due to the high content of fluoride. The Curcuma longa showed more significant activity than Ajuga bracteosa (Stem, leaves and root) extracts. The data obtained through this study revealed that antibiotics were more effective for oral bacterial pathogens than toothpaste and plant extracts which showed moderate and low activity, respectively. Therefore, it is suggested that the active compounds in individual medicinal plants like Curcuma longa and Ajuga bracteosa could replace the antibiotics when used in daily routine as tooth cleansers or mouth rinses.
Resumo As doenças bucais causadas por vários microrganismos são comuns em todo o mundo. A pesquisa científica agora tem se concentrado em novos medicamentos para superar a resistência bacteriana e os efeitos colaterais dos antibióticos; portanto, o presente estudo foi desenhado para avaliar a eficácia de certos antibióticos, pasta de dente e extratos de plantas medicinais (Ajuga bracteosa e Curcuma longa) contra os patógenos bacterianos isolados da cavidade oral humana. No total, 130 amostras foram coletadas do Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar, Paquistão, entre essas, 27 espécies foram isoladas e oito espécies bacterianas foram identificadas a partir das amostras. Entre todas as espécies bacterianas, Staphylococcus aureus (29.62%) e Proteus mirabilis (22.2%) foram os patógenos orais mais prevalentes. Em comparação, os micróbios menos difundidos foram Proteus vulgaris, Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli e Aeromonas hydrophila. O estudo também sugeriu que os problemas dentários eram mais prevalentes em homens (41-50 anos de idade) do que em mulheres. Entre os oito antibióticos usados no estudo, os resultados mais promissores foram mostrados pelo Foxicillin contra A. hydrophila. A pesquisa de TP1 revelou que ele mostrou atividade antagonista mais potente contra Proteus vulgaris em comparação a TP2 e TP3, o que pode ser devido ao alto teor de flúor. A Curcuma longa apresentou atividade mais significativa em relação aos extratos de Ajuga bracteosa (caule, folhas e raiz). Os dados obtidos neste estudo revelaram que os antibióticos foram mais eficazes para os patógenos bacterianos orais do que os dentifrícios e os extratos vegetais que apresentaram atividade moderada e baixa, respectivamente. Portanto, sugere-se que os compostos ativos em plantas medicinais individuais como Curcuma longa e Ajuga bracteosa possam substituir os antibióticos quando usados na rotina diária como limpadores de dentes ou enxaguatórios bucais.
Abstract Oral diseases caused by various microorganisms are common around the world. Scientific research has now been focusing on novel medicines to overcome bacterial resistance and antibiotics side effects; therefore, the current study was designed to assess the efficacy of certain antibiotics, toothpaste, and medicinal plant extracts (Ajuga bracteosa and Curcuma longa) versus the bacterial pathogens isolated from the human oral cavity. A total of 130 samples were collected from Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar, Pakistan, among those 27 species isolated, and eight bacterial species were identified from the samples. Among all the bacterial species, Staphylococcus aureus (29.62%) and Proteus mirabilis (22.2%) were found to be more prevalent oral pathogens. In comparison, the least pervasive microbes were Proteus vulgaris, Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli and Aeromonas hydrophila. The study also suggested that dental problems were more prevalent in males (41-50 years of age) than females. Among the eight antibiotics used in the study, the most promising results were shown by Foxicillin against A. hydrophila. The survey of TP1 revealed that it showed more potent antagonist activity against Proteus vulgaris as compared TP2 and TP3 that might be due to the high content of fluoride. The Curcuma longa showed more significant activity than Ajuga bracteosa (Stem, leaves and root) extracts. The data obtained through this study revealed that antibiotics were more effective for oral bacterial pathogens than toothpaste and plant extracts which showed moderate and low activity, respectively. Therefore, it is suggested that the active compounds in individual medicinal plants like Curcuma longa and Ajuga bracteosa could replace the antibiotics when used in daily routine as tooth cleansers or mouth rinses.
Resumo As doenças bucais causadas por vários microrganismos são comuns em todo o mundo. A pesquisa científica agora tem se concentrado em novos medicamentos para superar a resistência bacteriana e os efeitos colaterais dos antibióticos; portanto, o presente estudo foi desenhado para avaliar a eficácia de certos antibióticos, pasta de dente e extratos de plantas medicinais (Ajuga bracteosa e Curcuma longa) contra os patógenos bacterianos isolados da cavidade oral humana. No total, 130 amostras foram coletadas do Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar, Paquistão, entre essas, 27 espécies foram isoladas e oito espécies bacterianas foram identificadas a partir das amostras. Entre todas as espécies bacterianas, Staphylococcus aureus (29.62%) e Proteus mirabilis (22.2%) foram os patógenos orais mais prevalentes. Em comparação, os micróbios menos difundidos foram Proteus vulgaris, Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli e Aeromonas hydrophila. O estudo também sugeriu que os problemas dentários eram mais prevalentes em homens (41-50 anos de idade) do que em mulheres. Entre os oito antibióticos usados no estudo, os resultados mais promissores foram mostrados pelo Foxicillin contra A. hydrophila. A pesquisa de TP1 revelou que ele mostrou atividade antagonista mais potente contra Proteus vulgaris em comparação a TP2 e TP3, o que pode ser devido ao alto teor de flúor. A Curcuma longa apresentou atividade mais significativa em relação aos extratos de Ajuga bracteosa (caule, folhas e raiz). Os dados obtidos neste estudo revelaram que os antibióticos foram mais eficazes para os patógenos bacterianos orais do que os dentifrícios e os extratos vegetais que apresentaram atividade moderada e baixa, respectivamente. Portanto, sugere-se que os compostos ativos em plantas medicinais individuais como Curcuma longa e Ajuga bracteosa possam substituir os antibióticos quando usados na rotina diária como limpadores de dentes ou enxaguatórios bucais.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Cremes Dentais , Fluoretos , Paquistão , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , AntibacterianosResumo
Oral diseases caused by various microorganisms are common around the world. Scientific research has now been focusing on novel medicines to overcome bacterial resistance and antibiotics side effects; therefore, the current study was designed to assess the efficacy of certain antibiotics, toothpaste, and medicinal plant extracts (Ajuga bracteosa and Curcuma longa) versus the bacterial pathogens isolated from the human oral cavity. A total of 130 samples were collected from Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar, Pakistan, among those 27 species isolated, and eight bacterial species were identified from the samples. Among all the bacterial species, Staphylococcus aureus (29.62%) and Proteus mirabilis (22.2%) were found to be more prevalent oral pathogens. In comparison, the least pervasive microbes were Proteus vulgaris, Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli and Aeromonas hydrophila. The study also suggested that dental problems were more prevalent in males (41-50 years of age) than females. Among the eight antibiotics used in the study, the most promising results were shown by Foxicillin against A. hydrophila. The survey of TP1 revealed that it showed more potent antagonist activity against Proteus vulgaris as compared TP2 and TP3 that might be due to the high content of fluoride. The Curcuma longa showed more significant activity than Ajuga bracteosa (Stem, leaves and root) extracts. The data obtained through this study revealed that antibiotics were more effective for oral bacterial pathogens than toothpaste and plant extracts which showed moderate and low activity, respectively. Therefore, it is suggested that the active compounds in individual medicinal plants like Curcuma longa and Ajuga bracteosa could replace the antibiotics when used in daily routine as tooth cleansers or mouth rinses.
As doenças bucais causadas por vários microrganismos são comuns em todo o mundo. A pesquisa científica agora tem se concentrado em novos medicamentos para superar a resistência bacteriana e os efeitos colaterais dos antibióticos; portanto, o presente estudo foi desenhado para avaliar a eficácia de certos antibióticos, pasta de dente e extratos de plantas medicinais (Ajuga bracteosa e Curcuma longa) contra os patógenos bacterianos isolados da cavidade oral humana. No total, 130 amostras foram coletadas do Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar, Paquistão, entre essas, 27 espécies foram isoladas e oito espécies bacterianas foram identificadas a partir das amostras. Entre todas as espécies bacterianas, Staphylococcus aureus (29.62%) e Proteus mirabilis (22.2%) foram os patógenos orais mais prevalentes. Em comparação, os micróbios menos difundidos foram Proteus vulgaris, Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli e Aeromonas hydrophila. O estudo também sugeriu que os problemas dentários eram mais prevalentes em homens (41-50 anos de idade) do que em mulheres. Entre os oito antibióticos usados no estudo, os resultados mais promissores foram mostrados pelo Foxicillin contra A. hydrophila. A pesquisa de TP1 revelou que ele mostrou atividade antagonista mais potente contra Proteus vulgaris em comparação a TP2 e TP3, o que pode ser devido ao alto teor de flúor. A Curcuma longa apresentou atividade mais significativa em relação aos extratos de Ajuga bracteosa (caule, folhas e raiz). Os dados obtidos neste estudo revelaram que os antibióticos foram mais eficazes para os patógenos bacterianos orais do que os dentifrícios e os extratos vegetais que apresentaram atividade moderada e baixa, respectivamente. Portanto, sugere-se que os compostos ativos em plantas medicinais individuais como Curcuma longa e Ajuga bracteosa possam substituir os antibióticos quando usados na rotina diária como limpadores de dentes ou enxaguatórios bucais.
Masculino , Feminino , Humanos , Adulto , Ajuga , Antibacterianos/análise , Curcuma , Doenças da Gengiva/patologia , Doenças da Gengiva/tratamento farmacológicoResumo
Oral diseases caused by various microorganisms are common around the world. Scientific research has now been focusing on novel medicines to overcome bacterial resistance and antibiotics side effects; therefore, the current study was designed to assess the efficacy of certain antibiotics, toothpaste, and medicinal plant extracts (Ajuga bracteosa and Curcuma longa) versus the bacterial pathogens isolated from the human oral cavity. A total of 130 samples were collected from Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar, Pakistan, among those 27 species isolated, and eight bacterial species were identified from the samples. Among all the bacterial species, Staphylococcus aureus (29.62%) and Proteus mirabilis (22.2%) were found to be more prevalent oral pathogens. In comparison, the least pervasive microbes were Proteus vulgaris, Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli and Aeromonas hydrophila. The study also suggested that dental problems were more prevalent in males (41-50 years of age) than females. Among the eight antibiotics used in the study, the most promising results were shown by Foxicillin against A. hydrophila. The survey of TP1 revealed that it showed more potent antagonist activity against Proteus vulgaris as compared TP2 and TP3 that might be due to the high content of fluoride. The Curcuma longa showed more significant activity than Ajuga bracteosa (Stem, leaves and root) extracts. The data obtained through this study revealed that antibiotics were more effective for oral bacterial pathogens than toothpaste and plant extracts which showed moderate and low activity, respectively. Therefore, it is suggested that the active compounds in individual medicinal plants like Curcuma longa and Ajuga bracteosa could replace the antibiotics when used in daily routine as tooth cleansers or mouth rinses.(AU)
As doenças bucais causadas por vários microrganismos são comuns em todo o mundo. A pesquisa científica agora tem se concentrado em novos medicamentos para superar a resistência bacteriana e os efeitos colaterais dos antibióticos; portanto, o presente estudo foi desenhado para avaliar a eficácia de certos antibióticos, pasta de dente e extratos de plantas medicinais (Ajuga bracteosa e Curcuma longa) contra os patógenos bacterianos isolados da cavidade oral humana. No total, 130 amostras foram coletadas do Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar, Paquistão, entre essas, 27 espécies foram isoladas e oito espécies bacterianas foram identificadas a partir das amostras. Entre todas as espécies bacterianas, Staphylococcus aureus (29.62%) e Proteus mirabilis (22.2%) foram os patógenos orais mais prevalentes. Em comparação, os micróbios menos difundidos foram Proteus vulgaris, Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli e Aeromonas hydrophila. O estudo também sugeriu que os problemas dentários eram mais prevalentes em homens (41-50 anos de idade) do que em mulheres. Entre os oito antibióticos usados no estudo, os resultados mais promissores foram mostrados pelo Foxicillin contra A. hydrophila. A pesquisa de TP1 revelou que ele mostrou atividade antagonista mais potente contra Proteus vulgaris em comparação a TP2 e TP3, o que pode ser devido ao alto teor de flúor. A Curcuma longa apresentou atividade mais significativa em relação aos extratos de Ajuga bracteosa (caule, folhas e raiz). Os dados obtidos neste estudo revelaram que os antibióticos foram mais eficazes para os patógenos bacterianos orais do que os dentifrícios e os extratos vegetais que apresentaram atividade moderada e baixa, respectivamente. Portanto, sugere-se que os compostos ativos em plantas medicinais individuais como Curcuma longa e Ajuga bracteosa possam substituir os antibióticos quando usados na rotina diária como limpadores de dentes ou enxaguatórios bucais.(AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Doenças da Gengiva/tratamento farmacológico , Doenças da Gengiva/patologia , Antibacterianos/análise , Ajuga , CurcumaResumo
Water is the indispensable natural resource for all living beings. For human consumption, it must be potable, so as not to pose a risk to health, and can be used for ingestion, food preparation and personal hygiene. Knowing this importance, this study aimed to carry out physical-chemical, microbiological and parasitological analyzes of water for human consumption in a quilombola community of Santa Luzia do Norte in Alagoas. A cross-sectional, experimental and quantitative study was carried out between January and December 2019. The physical-chemical parameters of residual chlorine, turbidity, fluoride, fluoridation, color and pH were analyzed, microbiological analyses were based on the research of total and thermotolerant coliforms (E. coli) and parasitological analyses were performed based on the research of protozoa and intestinal helminths. Some physical-chemical parameters (turbidity and pH) were observed outside the limits required by the Ministry of Health, and the presence of total coliforms in some of the analyzed samples (17.85%), characterizing this community at risk related to waterborne diseases. The samples analyzed did not present infecting forms of parasitic species. Regarding the variables evaluated, the results found showed that the lack of adequate basic sanitation affects the quality of water used for human consumption by the quilombola population of Santa Luzia do Norte-AL.(AU)
A água é o recurso natural indispensável a todos os seres vivos. Para consumo humano, deve ser potável, de modo a não oferecer risco à saúde, podendo ser usada para ingestão, preparação de alimentos e higiene pessoal. Sabendo dessa importância, este estudo teve como objetivo realizar análises físico-químicas, microbiológicas e parasitológicas da água para consumo humano em uma comunidade quilombola de Alagoas. Foi realizado um estudo transversal, do tipo experimental e quantitativo, realizado na comunidade quilombola de Santa Luzia do Norte-AL, entre janeiro a dezembro de 2019. Foram analisados os parâmetros físico-químico de cloro residual, turbidez, fluoreto, fluoretação, cor e pH, as análises microbiológicas foram baseadas na pesquisa de coliformes totais e termotolerantes (E. coli) e as análise parasitológicas foram realizadas com base na pesquisa de protozoários e helmintos intestinais. E a pesquisa de protozoários oportunistas pelo método de Ziehl-Neelsen modificado. Foi observado alguns parâmetros físico-químicos (turbidez e pH) fora dos limites exigidos pelo Ministério da Saúde, e a presença de coliformes totais em algumas das amostras analisadas (17,85%), caracterizando esta comunidade em situação de risco relacionado às doenças de veiculação hídrica. As amostras analisadas não apresentaram formas infectantes das espécies parasitárias. Em relação às variáveis avaliadas, os resultados encontrados demonstraram que a falta de saneamento básico adequado afeta a qualidade da água utilizada para consumo humano pela população quilombola de Santa Luzia do Norte-AL.(AU)
Humanos , Parasitologia , Água Potável , Qualidade da Água , Saúde Pública , Escherichia coli , Doenças Transmitidas pela Água , Coliformes , Quilombolas , BrasilResumo
Understanding the relation between the environmental stress factors and the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis efficiency can reduce the susceptibility to thyroid diseases. In our study, thyroid dysfunction was induced in female rats by administration of 40 mg Na F/ for a month. Co-administration of the water extract of Arca noae (300 mg/kg. bw) was tested as a treatment for Na F induced thyroid dysfunction. A group of rats injected Arca noae extract only (300 mg/ was performed to observe the impact of the extract on the (HPT) axis in addition to the normal control group. Results showed that there was a significant decrease in serum triglycerides, total protein and albumin levels in the fluoride supplemented group in addition to abnormal levels of TSH, (T4) and (T3) compared to the control group. In the treated group there was an improvement in the proteins level and lipid profile but pseudo-corrected serum (T4) and (T3) levels were observed in addition to a continuous increase in TSH level. Histological findings confirmed the harmful effect of fluoride on both the non treated and the treated groups. Consequently, fluoride supplementation must be considered as a harmful stress that may affect permanently the HPT axis.(AU)
Compreender a relação entre os fatores de estresse ambiental e o eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-tireoide (HPT) pode reduzir a suscetibilidade a doenças da tireoide. Em nosso estudo, a disfunção tireoidiana foi induzida em ratos fêmeas pela administração de 40 mg Na F/ durante um mês. A administração concomitante do extrato aquoso de Arca noae (300 mg/kg.Pc) foi testada como tratamento para a disfunção tireoidiana induzida por Na F. Um grupo de ratos injetados apenas com extrato de Arca noae (300 mg/kg. Pc) foi pré-formado com o intuito de observar o impacto do extrato no eixo (HPT), além do grupo controle normal. Os resultados mostraram que houve uma diminuição significativa nos níveis séricos de triglicerídeos, proteína total e albumina no grupo suplementado com fluoreto, além de níveis anormais de TSH, (T4) e (T3) em comparação ao grupo controle. No grupo tratado, houve uma melhora no nível de proteínas e perfil lipídico. Os níveis séricos pseudocorrigidos (T4) e (T3) foram observados, além de um aumento contínuo no nível de TSH. Os achados histológicos confirmaram o efeito prejudicial do flúor nos grupos não tratado e tratado. Consequentemente, a suplementação de flúor é considerada um estresse prejudicial que pode afetar permanentemente o eixo HPT.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Glândula Tireoide/anormalidades , Extratos de Tecidos/uso terapêutico , BivalvesResumo
Abstract Understanding the relation between the environmental stress factors and the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis efficiency can reduce the susceptibility to thyroid diseases. In our study, thyroid dysfunction was induced in female rats by administration of 40 mg Na F/ for a month. Co-administration of the water extract of Arca noae (300 mg/kg. bw) was tested as a treatment for Na F induced thyroid dysfunction. A group of rats injected Arca noae extract only (300 mg/ was performed to observe the impact of the extract on the (HPT) axis in addition to the normal control group. Results showed that there was a significant decrease in serum triglycerides, total protein and albumin levels in the fluoride supplemented group in addition to abnormal levels of TSH, (T4) and (T3) compared to the control group. In the treated group there was an improvement in the proteins level and lipid profile but pseudo-corrected serum (T4) and (T3) levels were observed in addition to a continuous increase in TSH level. Histological findings confirmed the harmful effect of fluoride on both the non treated and the treated groups. Consequently, fluoride supplementation must be considered as a harmful stress that may affect permanently the HPT axis.
Resumo Compreender a relação entre os fatores de estresse ambiental e o eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-tireoide (HPT) pode reduzir a suscetibilidade a doenças da tireoide. Em nosso estudo, a disfunção tireoidiana foi induzida em ratos fêmeas pela administração de 40 mg Na F/ durante um mês. A administração concomitante do extrato aquoso de Arca noae (300 mg/kg.Pc) foi testada como tratamento para a disfunção tireoidiana induzida por Na F. Um grupo de ratos injetados apenas com extrato de Arca noae (300 mg/kg. Pc) foi pré-formado com o intuito de observar o impacto do extrato no eixo (HPT), além do grupo controle normal. Os resultados mostraram que houve uma diminuição significativa nos níveis séricos de triglicerídeos, proteína total e albumina no grupo suplementado com fluoreto, além de níveis anormais de TSH, (T4) e (T3) em comparação ao grupo controle. No grupo tratado, houve uma melhora no nível de proteínas e perfil lipídico. Os níveis séricos pseudocorrigidos (T4) e (T3) foram observados, além de um aumento contínuo no nível de TSH. Os achados histológicos confirmaram o efeito prejudicial do flúor nos grupos não tratado e tratado. Consequentemente, a suplementação de flúor é considerada um estresse prejudicial que pode afetar permanentemente o eixo HPT.
Here, we described the presence of a neurotoxin with phospholipase A2 activity isolated from Micrurus lemniscatus venom (Mlx-8) with affinity for muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs). Methods: The purification, molecular mass determination, partial amino acid sequencing, phospholipase A2 activity determination, inhibition of the binding of the selective muscarinic ligand [3H]QNB and inhibition of the total [3H]inositol phosphate accumulation in rat hippocampus of the Mlx-8 were determined. Results: Thirty-one fractions were collected from HPLC chromatography, and the Mlx-8 toxin was used in this work. The molecular mass of Mlx-8 is 13.628 Da. Edman degradation yielded the following sequence: NLYQFKNMIQCTNTRSWL-DFADYG-CYCGRGGSGT. The Mlx-8 had phospholipase A2 enzymatic activity. The pKi values were determined for Mlx-8 toxin and the M1 selective muscarinic antagonist pirenzepine in hippocampus membranes via [3H]QNB competition binding assays. The pKi values obtained from the analysis of Mlx-8 and pirenzepine displacement curves were 7.32 ± 0.15, n = 4 and 5.84 ± 0.18, n = 4, respectively. These results indicate that Mlx-8 has affinity for mAChRs. There was no effect on the inhibition ability of the [3H]QNB binding in hippocampus membranes when 1 µM Mlx-8 was incubated with 200 µM DEDA, an inhibitor of phospholipase A2. This suggests that the inhibition of the phospholipase A2 activity of the venom did not alter its ability to bind to displace [3H]QNB binding. In addition, the Mlx-8 toxin caused a blockade of 43.31 ± 8.86%, n = 3 and 97.42 ± 2.02%, n = 3 for 0.1 and 1 µM Mlx-8, respectively, on the total [3H]inositol phosphate content induced by 10 µM carbachol. This suggests that Mlx-8 inhibits the intracellular signaling pathway linked to activation of mAChRs in hippocampus. Conclusion: The results of the present work show, for the first time, that muscarinic receptors are also affected by the Mlx-8 toxin, a muscarinic ligand with phospholipase A2 characteristics, obtained from the venom of the Elapidae snake Micrurus lemniscatus, since this toxin was able to compete with muscarinic ligand [3H]QNB in hippocampus of rats. In addition, Mlx-8 also blocked the accumulation of total [3H]inositol phosphate induced by muscarinic agonist carbachol. Thus, Mlx-8 may be a new pharmacological tool for examining muscarinic cholinergic function.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Serpentes , Venenos Elapídicos/efeitos adversos , Fosfolipases A2 , Fosfatos de Inositol , Acetilcolina , Receptores Muscarínicos/análise , Análise de Sequência de ProteínaResumo
Water quality requirements for hemodialysis are crucial for preventing health risks for renal patients. The objective of this study was to assess the quality of the water used for hemodialysis treatments in the state of Minas Gerais. The analytical results for 25 parameters in 1056 hemodialysis water samples from 89 renal dialysis units were analyzed. Data were obtained through the Minas Gerais Hemodialysis Unit Quality Monitoring Programme between July 2008 and December 2016. The effects of the Programme on patient health protection were assessed by evaluating compliance with legal limits and the efficacy of implementing inspections from 2012. Considering the 1056 samples analyzed, 264 (25%) presented at least one parameter in disagreement with current legislation. Conductivity (9.8%), endotoxin (6.9%), fluoride (4.2%) and heterotrophic bacteria (2.2%) were the most critical parameters. Nevertheless, the concentrations of all these parameters (except fluoride) decreased after implementing inspections. The average levels of 15 parameters decreased throughout the study period. The annual percentage of non-compliance decreased from 44% in 2008 to 23% in 2016. It was verified the relevance of the implementation of the Program in the prevention of possible disorders to the patients health, indicating the importance of its continuity.
Os requisitos de qualidade da água para a hemodiálise são cruciais para prevenir riscos à saúde de pacientes renais. O objetivo foi avaliar a qualidade da água utilizada nos tratamentos de hemodiálise em Minas Gerais. Os dados foram obtidos por meio do Programa de Monitoramento da Qualidade dos Serviços de Hemodiálise do Estado entre julho de 2008 e dezembro de 2016. Os resultados analíticos para 25 parâmetros em 1056 amostras de água em hemodiálise de 89 unidades renais foram analisados. Os efeitos do Programa na saúde dos pacientes foram avaliados através da conformidade dos limites legais e da eficácia da implementação de inspeções a partir de 2012. Considerando-se as 1056 amostras analisadas, 264 (25%) apresentaram pelo menos um parâmetro em desacordo com a legislação vigente. Condutividade, endotoxina, fluoreto e bactérias heterotróficas foram os parâmetros mais críticos. No entanto, as concentrações de todos esses parâmetros (exceto flúor) diminuíram após a implementação das inspeções. Os níveis médios de 15 parâmetros diminuíram ao longo do período do estudo. O percentual anual de não conformidade diminuiu de 44% (2008) para 23% (2016). Verificou-se a relevância da implantação do Programa na prevenção de possíveis transtornos à saúde dos pacientes, indicando a importância de sua continuidade.
Diálise Renal/normas , Microbiologia da Água , Qualidade da Água , Brasil , Insuficiência Renal Crônica , Saúde Pública , Vigilância SanitáriaResumo
Background: Changes in glycemic levels can negatively affect the body. Several techniques for the measurement of bloodglucose have been described, but the enzymatic method is considered standard and more accurate in both humans andanimals. The College of American Pathologists recommends the use of portable glucometers (PGs), which are routinelyused in human medicine because this is an easy, relatively inexpensive method that delivers results quickly. The aim ofthis study was to compare the results of the measurement of blood glucose in cattle obtained using portable Accu-Check®glucometer with the enzymatic method (EM), which is still considered standard.Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty crossbred cattle (Bos taurus), male and female, of different ages were evaluated.Through a puncture of the jugular vein, 10 mL of blood was collected, and one drop was immediately used in an AccuChek® PG; the remaining blood was stored in tubes containing sodium fluoride and tubes containing EDTA. The sampleswere packaged and sent to the laboratory for processing. Blood glucose was measured in the sodium fluoride samples using the enzymatic-colorimetric method (EM) employing Labtest® glucose kits with automatic ELISA spectrophotometerreadings. The glycemic values obtained in this study with PG and EM ranged from 62 to 163.3 mg/dL. Mean glucoseconcentrations for the PG and EM methods were 93.53 mg/dL and 94.84 mg/dL, respectively, with no statistical difference(P > 0.05). The glycemia measurement results generated by both tests were normally distributed by the ShapiroWilk test(P > 0.05) and equal variances by the Levene test (P > 0.05).
Animais , Bovinos , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Bovinos/sangue , Glicemia , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterináriaResumo
Water quality requirements for hemodialysis are crucial for preventing health risks for renal patients. The objective of this study was to assess the quality of the water used for hemodialysis treatments in the state of Minas Gerais. The analytical results for 25 parameters in 1056 hemodialysis water samples from 89 renal dialysis units were analyzed. Data were obtained through the Minas Gerais Hemodialysis Unit Quality Monitoring Programme between July 2008 and December 2016. The effects of the Programme on patient health protection were assessed by evaluating compliance with legal limits and the efficacy of implementing inspections from 2012. Considering the 1056 samples analyzed, 264 (25%) presented at least one parameter in disagreement with current legislation. Conductivity (9.8%), endotoxin (6.9%), fluoride (4.2%) and heterotrophic bacteria (2.2%) were the most critical parameters. Nevertheless, the concentrations of all these parameters (except fluoride) decreased after implementing inspections. The average levels of 15 parameters decreased throughout the study period. The annual percentage of non-compliance decreased from 44% in 2008 to 23% in 2016. It was verified the relevance of the implementation of the Program in the prevention of possible disorders to the patients health, indicating the importance of its continuity.(AU)
Os requisitos de qualidade da água para a hemodiálise são cruciais para prevenir riscos à saúde de pacientes renais. O objetivo foi avaliar a qualidade da água utilizada nos tratamentos de hemodiálise em Minas Gerais. Os dados foram obtidos por meio do Programa de Monitoramento da Qualidade dos Serviços de Hemodiálise do Estado entre julho de 2008 e dezembro de 2016. Os resultados analíticos para 25 parâmetros em 1056 amostras de água em hemodiálise de 89 unidades renais foram analisados. Os efeitos do Programa na saúde dos pacientes foram avaliados através da conformidade dos limites legais e da eficácia da implementação de inspeções a partir de 2012. Considerando-se as 1056 amostras analisadas, 264 (25%) apresentaram pelo menos um parâmetro em desacordo com a legislação vigente. Condutividade, endotoxina, fluoreto e bactérias heterotróficas foram os parâmetros mais críticos. No entanto, as concentrações de todos esses parâmetros (exceto flúor) diminuíram após a implementação das inspeções. Os níveis médios de 15 parâmetros diminuíram ao longo do período do estudo. O percentual anual de não conformidade diminuiu de 44% (2008) para 23% (2016). Verificou-se a relevância da implantação do Programa na prevenção de possíveis transtornos à saúde dos pacientes, indicando a importância de sua continuidade.(AU)
Qualidade da Água , Microbiologia da Água , Diálise Renal/normas , Insuficiência Renal Crônica , Saúde Pública , Vigilância Sanitária , BrasilResumo
Background: Changes in glycemic levels can negatively affect the body. Several techniques for the measurement of bloodglucose have been described, but the enzymatic method is considered standard and more accurate in both humans andanimals. The College of American Pathologists recommends the use of portable glucometers (PGs), which are routinelyused in human medicine because this is an easy, relatively inexpensive method that delivers results quickly. The aim ofthis study was to compare the results of the measurement of blood glucose in cattle obtained using portable Accu-Check®glucometer with the enzymatic method (EM), which is still considered standard.Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty crossbred cattle (Bos taurus), male and female, of different ages were evaluated.Through a puncture of the jugular vein, 10 mL of blood was collected, and one drop was immediately used in an AccuChek® PG; the remaining blood was stored in tubes containing sodium fluoride and tubes containing EDTA. The sampleswere packaged and sent to the laboratory for processing. Blood glucose was measured in the sodium fluoride samples using the enzymatic-colorimetric method (EM) employing Labtest® glucose kits with automatic ELISA spectrophotometerreadings. The glycemic values obtained in this study with PG and EM ranged from 62 to 163.3 mg/dL. Mean glucoseconcentrations for the PG and EM methods were 93.53 mg/dL and 94.84 mg/dL, respectively, with no statistical difference(P > 0.05). The glycemia measurement results generated by both tests were normally distributed by the ShapiroWilk test(P > 0.05) and equal variances by the Levene test (P > 0.05). (AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Glicemia , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Bovinos/sangue , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Poisoning of animals due to toxic plants is found in Brazil and other countries. One of the known toxic plantsin Brazil, with the active ingredient sodium fluoroacetate (SF), is Palicourea marcgravii. Dehalogenases that inactivatethe fluor-carbon bonds are enzymes found in microorganisms and may prevent intoxication. This study evaluated the occurrence of rumen microorganisms naturally resistant to SF.Materials, Methods & Results: Two samples of rumen fluid of cattle from the Experimental Farm of Federal University ofMato Grosso fed with Brachiaria sp. were obtained via fistula in flasks. An aliquot of 2 mL was placed in a microtube andcentrifuged at 9000 g for 1 min. Then, the sample was inoculated into 2 tubes, one containing 100 µL of clarified rumenfluid in 2 mL of modified liquid culture medium (0.1% ammonium sulfate, 0.1% potassium phosphate monobasic, 0.05%sodium phosphate dibasic, 0.01% magnesium sulfate, 0.01% yeast extract, pH 7.0) and 0.4% of SF and the other samplecontaining 2 mL of liquid culture medium and 100 µL of clarified rumen fluid. The 2 samples were incubated at 40°C for24 h. Dilutions were performed under the same conditions every 24 h until the attainment of microorganisms resistant toSF, and the finaldilution containing 50 µL of each sample was plated in the middle containing SF (0.4%) and incubated at40°C for 24 h for the isolation of bacteria. The bacterial colonies resistant to SF were identified by morphological methods, stained, and subjected to DNA extraction sequencing using the universal primers 27f and 1492r (16S rDNA) for theidentification of the bacterial genus using Blast DNA identity analysis. These bacteria were cultured with and without SF(0.4%), and the presence of fluoride ions was detected by an ion-selective electrode (fluoride) during incubation for 0, 30,60, 90, and 120 min. Two resistant microorganisms were isolated, one was a Gram-positive coccus and the other was aGram-positive rod...
Animais , Bovinos , Fluoracetatos , Intoxicação por Plantas/imunologia , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Plantas Tóxicas/imunologia , Rubiaceae , Rúmen/microbiologiaResumo
Background: Poisoning of animals due to toxic plants is found in Brazil and other countries. One of the known toxic plantsin Brazil, with the active ingredient sodium fluoroacetate (SF), is Palicourea marcgravii. Dehalogenases that inactivatethe fluor-carbon bonds are enzymes found in microorganisms and may prevent intoxication. This study evaluated the occurrence of rumen microorganisms naturally resistant to SF.Materials, Methods & Results: Two samples of rumen fluid of cattle from the Experimental Farm of Federal University ofMato Grosso fed with Brachiaria sp. were obtained via fistula in flasks. An aliquot of 2 mL was placed in a microtube andcentrifuged at 9000 g for 1 min. Then, the sample was inoculated into 2 tubes, one containing 100 µL of clarified rumenfluid in 2 mL of modified liquid culture medium (0.1% ammonium sulfate, 0.1% potassium phosphate monobasic, 0.05%sodium phosphate dibasic, 0.01% magnesium sulfate, 0.01% yeast extract, pH 7.0) and 0.4% of SF and the other samplecontaining 2 mL of liquid culture medium and 100 µL of clarified rumen fluid. The 2 samples were incubated at 40°C for24 h. Dilutions were performed under the same conditions every 24 h until the attainment of microorganisms resistant toSF, and the finaldilution containing 50 µL of each sample was plated in the middle containing SF (0.4%) and incubated at40°C for 24 h for the isolation of bacteria. The bacterial colonies resistant to SF were identified by morphological methods, stained, and subjected to DNA extraction sequencing using the universal primers 27f and 1492r (16S rDNA) for theidentification of the bacterial genus using Blast DNA identity analysis. These bacteria were cultured with and without SF(0.4%), and the presence of fluoride ions was detected by an ion-selective electrode (fluoride) during incubation for 0, 30,60, 90, and 120 min. Two resistant microorganisms were isolated, one was a Gram-positive coccus and the other was aGram-positive rod...(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Rúmen/microbiologia , Fluoracetatos , Rubiaceae , Plantas Tóxicas/imunologia , Intoxicação por Plantas/imunologia , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterináriaResumo
Fish and shrimp industries generate a significant amount of by-products. These by-products can be used for the extraction of enzymes of biomedical interest, such as fibrinolytic and collagenolytic. Thus, this work aimed to perform a screening of fish and shrimp byproducts as sources of enzymes with fibrinolytic and collagenolytic activities and to characterize the biochemical properties of crude extracts with collagenolytic activity from Cichla ocellaris residues. Fibrinolytic enzymes were recovered with activities between 5.51 ± 0.02 U.mL-1 (Caranx crysos) and 56.16 ± 0.42 U.mL-1 (Litopenaeus vannamei), while collagenolytic enzymes were detected in a range between 6.79 ± 0.00 (Trachurus lathami) and 94.35 ± 0.02 (C. ocellaris). After collagenolytic screening, the selected species was C. ocellaris, being subjected to a preheating, which culminated with an increase of enzymatic activity of 35.07% (up to 127.44 ± 0.09 The optimal collagenolytic activity recovered from C. ocellaris byproducts was 55 °C (thermostable between 25 and 60 °C) and 7.5 (stable between 6.5 and 11.5) for temperature and pH evaluations, respectively. The kinetic parameters were determined, obtaining Km of 5.92 mM and Vmax of 294.40 The recovered enzyme was sensitive to the Cu2+, Hg2 and Pb2+ ions, being partially inhibited by phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride (PMSF), N-p-tosyl-L-lysin chloromethyl ketone (TLCK) and Benzamidine. Furthermore, it was able to cleave native type I collagen, the most important type for industry. Thus, the recovery of biomolecules, besides offering to the industry an alternative source of active molecules, contributes to the reduction of the environmental impact, adding value to the fish product and providing a new source of income.
As indústrias de peixe e camarão geram uma quantidade significativa de subprodutos. Estes subprodutos podem ser utilizados para a extração de enzimas de interesse biomédico, como fibrinolítica e o colagenolítica. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma triagem de subprodutos de peixes e camarões como fontes de enzimas com atividade fibrinolítica e colagenolítica e caracterizar as propriedades bioquímicas do extrato bruto com atividade colagenolítica a partir de resíduos de Cichla ocellaris. Enzimas fibrinolíticas foram recuperadas com atividades entre 5,51 ± 0,02 U.mL-1 (Caranx crysos) e 56,16 ± 0,42 U.mL-1 (Litopenaeus vannamei), enquanto enzimas colagenolitícas foram detectadas numa variação entre 6,79 ± 0,00 (Trachurus lathami) e 94,35 ± 0,02 (C. ocellaris). Após a triagem colagenolítica, a espécie selecionada foi a C. ocellaris, sendo submetida a um pré-aquecimento, o que culminou com um aumento de atividade enzimática de 35.07% (127.44 ± 0.09 A atividade colagenolítica ótima recuperada de resíduos de C. ocellaris foi a 55°C (termoestável entre 25 a 60°) e 7,5 (estável entre 6,5 a 11,5) para avaliações de temperatura e de pH, respectivamente. Os parâmetros cinéticos foram determinados, obtendo-se Km de 5,92 mM e Vmax de 294,40 A enzima recuperada foi sensível aos íons de Cu2+, Hg2+ e Pb2+, sendo parcialmente inibida por Fluoreto de Fenilmetilsulfonil (PMSF), N-α-tosil-L-lisina clorometil cetona (TLCK) e Benzamidina. Ainda, foi capaz de clivar o colágeno nativo tipo I, o tipo mais desejável pela indústria. Assim, a recuperação de biomoléculas, além de oferecer à indústria uma fonte alternativa de moléculas ativas, contribui para a redução do impacto ambiental, agregando valor ao produto pesqueiro e proporcionando nova fonte de renda.
Animais , Ciclídeos/fisiologia , Colagenases/química , Fibrinolíticos/química , Produtos Pesqueiros , Resíduos de AlimentosResumo
Este trabalho apresenta as concentrações de nitrato e suas correlações com as demais variáveis obtidas da análise de 21 parâmetros físico-químicos em 4.347 amostras de águas de abastecimento público de 88 municípios da região nordeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Os parâmetros analisados foram temperatura, pH, cloro residual livre, cor aparente, turbidez, condutividade e concentrações de lítio, sódio, amônio, potássio, cálcio, magnésio, fluoreto, clorito, bromato, cloreto, brometo, clorato, nitrato, fosfato e sulfato. Análises de componentes principais, incluindo-se as variáveis condutividade e concentrações de nitrato, cloreto, cálcio e magnésio na água, indicaram um grupo de 15 municípios com concentrações relevantes de nitrato. Foi realizada a análise univariada, e foi sugerido o estabelecimento de estratégias no gerenciamento inicial de contaminações de águas subterrâneas. No planejamento de ações entre os diversos atores envolvidos com a gestão da água subterrânea destinada ao consumo humano da região e no monitoramento de sua qualidade, devem ser considerados os níveis de nitrato, assim como os perfis físico-químicos das águas e a complexidade dos sistemas de abastecimento. Estas ações incluem procedimentos para investigar e mitigar contaminações, para garantir a potabilidade da água consumida pela população.
This paper presents the nitrate concentrations and their correlations with other variables obtained by analyzing 21 physical-chemical parameters in 4,347 samples from public water supply of 88 municipalities in the northeast region of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The analyzed parameters were temperature, pH, free residual chlorine, apparent color, turbidity, conductivity, and concentrations of lithium, sodium, ammonium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, fluoride, chlorite, bromate, chloride, bromide, chlorate, nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate. The principal component analysis, involving the conductivity and the concentrations of nitrate, chloride, calcium, and magnesium, showed a group of 15 municipalities with relevant concentrations of nitrate. As for the univariate analysis it is suggested to apply strategies in the initial management of groundwater contaminations. It has been suggested to plan the actions among the various actors involved in the management of groundwater, which is intended for human consumption in the region, and for its quality monitoring. It has to consider not only the nitrate levels but also the water physical-chemical profiles and the complexity of the supply systems. These actions include the contaminants investigation and mitigation for ensuring the potability of the water consumed by the population.
Abastecimento de Água , Microbiologia da Água , Nitratos/análise , Água Potável/análise , Brasil , Vigilância SanitáriaResumo
Fish and shrimp industries generate a significant amount of by-products. These by-products can be used for the extraction of enzymes of biomedical interest, such as fibrinolytic and collagenolytic. Thus, this work aimed to perform a screening of fish and shrimp byproducts as sources of enzymes with fibrinolytic and collagenolytic activities and to characterize the biochemical properties of crude extracts with collagenolytic activity from Cichla ocellaris residues. Fibrinolytic enzymes were recovered with activities between 5.51 ± 0.02 U.mL-1 (Caranx crysos) and 56.16 ± 0.42 U.mL-1 (Litopenaeus vannamei), while collagenolytic enzymes were detected in a range between 6.79 ± 0.00 (Trachurus lathami) and 94.35 ± 0.02 (C. ocellaris). After collagenolytic screening, the selected species was C. ocellaris, being subjected to a preheating, which culminated with an increase of enzymatic activity of 35.07% (up to 127.44 ± 0.09 The optimal collagenolytic activity recovered from C. ocellaris byproducts was 55 °C (thermostable between 25 and 60 °C) and 7.5 (stable between 6.5 and 11.5) for temperature and pH evaluations, respectively. The kinetic parameters were determined, obtaining Km of 5.92 mM and Vmax of 294.40 The recovered enzyme was sensitive to the Cu2+, Hg2 and Pb2+ ions, being partially inhibited by phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride (PMSF), N-p-tosyl-L-lysin chloromethyl ketone (TLCK) and Benzamidine. Furthermore, it was able to cleave native type I collagen, the most important type for industry. Thus, the recovery of biomolecules, besides offering to the industry an alternative source of active molecules, contributes to the reduction of the environmental impact, adding value to the fish product and providing a new source of income.(AU)
As indústrias de peixe e camarão geram uma quantidade significativa de subprodutos. Estes subprodutos podem ser utilizados para a extração de enzimas de interesse biomédico, como fibrinolítica e o colagenolítica. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma triagem de subprodutos de peixes e camarões como fontes de enzimas com atividade fibrinolítica e colagenolítica e caracterizar as propriedades bioquímicas do extrato bruto com atividade colagenolítica a partir de resíduos de Cichla ocellaris. Enzimas fibrinolíticas foram recuperadas com atividades entre 5,51 ± 0,02 U.mL-1 (Caranx crysos) e 56,16 ± 0,42 U.mL-1 (Litopenaeus vannamei), enquanto enzimas colagenolitícas foram detectadas numa variação entre 6,79 ± 0,00 (Trachurus lathami) e 94,35 ± 0,02 (C. ocellaris). Após a triagem colagenolítica, a espécie selecionada foi a C. ocellaris, sendo submetida a um pré-aquecimento, o que culminou com um aumento de atividade enzimática de 35.07% (127.44 ± 0.09 A atividade colagenolítica ótima recuperada de resíduos de C. ocellaris foi a 55°C (termoestável entre 25 a 60°) e 7,5 (estável entre 6,5 a 11,5) para avaliações de temperatura e de pH, respectivamente. Os parâmetros cinéticos foram determinados, obtendo-se Km de 5,92 mM e Vmax de 294,40 A enzima recuperada foi sensível aos íons de Cu2+, Hg2+ e Pb2+, sendo parcialmente inibida por Fluoreto de Fenilmetilsulfonil (PMSF), N-α-tosil-L-lisina clorometil cetona (TLCK) e Benzamidina. Ainda, foi capaz de clivar o colágeno nativo tipo I, o tipo mais desejável pela indústria. Assim, a recuperação de biomoléculas, além de oferecer à indústria uma fonte alternativa de moléculas ativas, contribui para a redução do impacto ambiental, agregando valor ao produto pesqueiro e proporcionando nova fonte de renda.(AU)
Animais , Fibrinolíticos/química , Colagenases/química , Ciclídeos/fisiologia , Resíduos de Alimentos , Produtos PesqueirosResumo
Este trabalho apresenta as concentrações de nitrato e suas correlações com as demais variáveis obtidas da análise de 21 parâmetros físico-químicos em 4.347 amostras de águas de abastecimento público de 88 municípios da região nordeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Os parâmetros analisados foram temperatura, pH, cloro residual livre, cor aparente, turbidez, condutividade e concentrações de lítio, sódio, amônio, potássio, cálcio, magnésio, fluoreto, clorito, bromato, cloreto, brometo, clorato, nitrato, fosfato e sulfato. Análises de componentes principais, incluindo-se as variáveis condutividade e concentrações de nitrato, cloreto, cálcio e magnésio na água, indicaram um grupo de 15 municípios com concentrações relevantes de nitrato. Foi realizada a análise univariada, e foi sugerido o estabelecimento de estratégias no gerenciamento inicial de contaminações de águas subterrâneas. No planejamento de ações entre os diversos atores envolvidos com a gestão da água subterrânea destinada ao consumo humano da região e no monitoramento de sua qualidade, devem ser considerados os níveis de nitrato, assim como os perfis físico-químicos das águas e a complexidade dos sistemas de abastecimento. Estas ações incluem procedimentos para investigar e mitigar contaminações, para garantir a potabilidade da água consumida pela população. (AU)
This paper presents the nitrate concentrations and their correlations with other variables obtained by analyzing 21 physical-chemical parameters in 4,347 samples from public water supply of 88 municipalities in the northeast region of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The analyzed parameters were temperature, pH, free residual chlorine, apparent color, turbidity, conductivity, and concentrations of lithium, sodium, ammonium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, fluoride, chlorite, bromate, chloride, bromide, chlorate, nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate. The principal component analysis, involving the conductivity and the concentrations of nitrate, chloride, calcium, and magnesium, showed a group of 15 municipalities with relevant concentrations of nitrate. As for the univariate analysis it is suggested to apply strategies in the initial management of groundwater contaminations. It has been suggested to plan the actions among the various actors involved in the management of groundwater, which is intended for human consumption in the region, and for its quality monitoring. It has to consider not only the nitrate levels but also the water physical-chemical profiles and the complexity of the supply systems. These actions include the contaminants investigation and mitigation for ensuring the potability of the water consumed by the population.(AU)
Nitratos/análise , Água Potável/análise , Abastecimento de Água , Microbiologia da Água , Vigilância Sanitária , BrasilResumo
Background: Fluorine is a ubiquitous environmental element and fluoride poisoning in cattle is usually related to the ingestion of contaminated pastures or water, especially near industries, or mineral supplements with excessive amounts of this element. Cattle poisoning can be acute or chronic and is directly associated with the ingested dose and with the duration of exposure. The objective of this study is to report the epidemiological, clinical and anatomopathological aspects of an outbreak of acute sodium fluorosilicate intoxication in cattle.Case: Six 1-year-old, castrated male, mixed breed beef calves from a lot of 60 were found dead without previous clinical signs being observed. The calves died after ingesting a white, odorless, finely granular substance found by the owner near a road that intersected the property. The product was in an open package and identified as sodium fluorosilicate. Of the six dead calves, three were necropsied. Gross lesions were restricted to the digestive system and included varying degrees of hyperemia, hemorrhage, edema, and erosions in the pre-stomach and abomasum mucosae. The histological lesions observed in the three calves were characterized mainly by variable degenerative, necrotic and ulcerative changes in the epithelial lining of the forestomachs and abomasum. Partially (erosion) or totally (ulceration) bare lamina propria of forestomach papillae was covered by cellular debris and neutrophils. Multifocal lymphoid necrosis was seen in lymph nodes and spleen. Fluoride levels measured in the ruminal content of two necropsied calves were 55.2 and 9.17 mgF/kg of dry matter. After the diagnosis and discontinued exposure of the calves to the fluoride product, deaths ceased.Discussion: The diagnosis of acute sodium fluorosilicate intoxication in cattle in this study was based on epidemiological, clinical, and anatomopathological findings, and in the determination of fluoride levels in ruminal content.[...]
Masculino , Animais , Bovinos , Intoxicação por Flúor/diagnóstico , Intoxicação por Flúor/epidemiologia , Intoxicação por Flúor/fisiopatologia , Intoxicação por Flúor/veterinária , Silicato de Sódio/efeitos adversos , Doença AgudaResumo
Background: Fluorine is a ubiquitous environmental element and fluoride poisoning in cattle is usually related to the ingestion of contaminated pastures or water, especially near industries, or mineral supplements with excessive amounts of this element. Cattle poisoning can be acute or chronic and is directly associated with the ingested dose and with the duration of exposure. The objective of this study is to report the epidemiological, clinical and anatomopathological aspects of an outbreak of acute sodium fluorosilicate intoxication in cattle.Case: Six 1-year-old, castrated male, mixed breed beef calves from a lot of 60 were found dead without previous clinical signs being observed. The calves died after ingesting a white, odorless, finely granular substance found by the owner near a road that intersected the property. The product was in an open package and identified as sodium fluorosilicate. Of the six dead calves, three were necropsied. Gross lesions were restricted to the digestive system and included varying degrees of hyperemia, hemorrhage, edema, and erosions in the pre-stomach and abomasum mucosae. The histological lesions observed in the three calves were characterized mainly by variable degenerative, necrotic and ulcerative changes in the epithelial lining of the forestomachs and abomasum. Partially (erosion) or totally (ulceration) bare lamina propria of forestomach papillae was covered by cellular debris and neutrophils. Multifocal lymphoid necrosis was seen in lymph nodes and spleen. Fluoride levels measured in the ruminal content of two necropsied calves were 55.2 and 9.17 mgF/kg of dry matter. After the diagnosis and discontinued exposure of the calves to the fluoride product, deaths ceased.Discussion: The diagnosis of acute sodium fluorosilicate intoxication in cattle in this study was based on epidemiological, clinical, and anatomopathological findings, and in the determination of fluoride levels in ruminal content.[...](AU)