A cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate seroprevalence and virus prevalence of the H9 subtype of avian influenza virus in non-vaccinated broiler farms of dense poultry-populated districts, Lahore and Sheikhupura of Punjab-Pakistan. A convenient sampling method was adopted for collection of blood (n=500) and oropharyngeal swab (n=500) samples from 25 broiler farms of each district for hemagglutination inhibition assay and RT-PCR test, respectively. Proportional estimates were calculated using R software and overall seroprevalence of H9 was estimated at 36.3% (95% CI 33.3-39), with no significant difference (p>0.05) between Lahore (37.2 %, 95% CI=31.2-39.59) and Sheikhupura (35.4%, 95% CI= 29.64-39.76). RT-PCR identified 2% (4/200) pool level viral prevalence. None of the farms from Lahore districts were RT-PCR positive for H9. Simple logistic regression followed by multivariable analysis, identified the presence of foot bath/dipping area at the entrance (OR=0.7, 95% CI=0.52-0.93) and availability of rubber shoes for visitors (OR=0.36, 95% CI 0.26-0.48) as protective factors. History of respiratory signs (OR=1.51, 95%=CI 1.12-2.04), history of sudden death in past flocks (OR=3.26, 95% CI=2.41-4.41), and birds previously infected with avian influenza virus (OR=1.33, 95% CI=1-1.76) were significant risk factors. Negligence in preventive measures at farms level was associated with the spread of H9 infection between the farms. To control future outbreaks, biosecurity and continuous monitoring of non-vaccinated flocks are suggested.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/imunologia , Galinhas/virologia , Influenza Aviária/classificação , Reação em Cadeia da PolimeraseResumo
A cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate seroprevalence and virus prevalence of the H9 subtype of avian influenza virus in non-vaccinated broiler farms of dense poultry-populated districts, Lahore and Sheikhupura of Punjab-Pakistan. A convenient sampling method was adopted for collection of blood (n=500) and oropharyngeal swab (n=500) samples from 25 broiler farms of each district for hemagglutination inhibition assay and RT-PCR test, respectively. Proportional estimates were calculated using R software and overall seroprevalence of H9 was estimated at 36.3% (95% CI 33.3-39), with no significant difference (p>0.05) between Lahore (37.2 %, 95% CI=31.2-39.59) and Sheikhupura (35.4%, 95% CI= 29.64-39.76). RT-PCR identified 2% (4/200) pool level viral prevalence. None of the farms from Lahore districts were RT-PCR positive for H9. Simple logistic regression followed by multivariable analysis, identified the presence of foot bath/dipping area at the entrance (OR=0.7, 95% CI=0.52-0.93) and availability of rubber shoes for visitors (OR=0.36, 95% CI 0.26-0.48) as protective factors. History of respiratory signs (OR=1.51, 95%=CI 1.12-2.04), history of sudden death in past flocks (OR=3.26, 95% CI=2.41-4.41), and birds previously infected with avian influenza virus (OR=1.33, 95% CI=1-1.76) were significant risk factors. Negligence in preventive measures at farms level was associated with the spread of H9 infection between the farms. To control future outbreaks, biosecurity and continuous monitoring of non-vaccinated flocks are suggested.
Animais , Galinhas/imunologia , Galinhas/virologia , Influenza Aviária/classificação , Reação em Cadeia da PolimeraseResumo
A vaquejada é um esporte ascendente no cenário nacional, principalmente, na região nordeste brasileira. O programa nacional e estadual de sanidade equina rege as regras e normativas que protege o plantel equino do país. Com o aumento dos investimentos nesse seguimento, aumenta também o trabalho com o manejo sanitário desse setor. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se caracterizar o perfil sanitário e epidemiológico das vaquejadas realizadas na região Tocantina Maranhense, nos anos de 2018 e 2019. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo observacional descritivo por meio da análise dos mapas de fiscalização das vaquejadas do serviço veterinário oficial do Estado do Maranhão, acrescida de informações obtidas nas observações de campo. No período analisado aconteceram 14 vaquejadas, em 8 recintos diferentes, com um total de 4.502 animais participantes, sendo 3.174 bovinos e 1.328 equinos, com proporção de 3,5 bovinos para cada equino. A maioria dos equinos e bovinos tiveram origem em propriedades do Estado do Maranhão, 60% e 99%, respectivamente. Os demais equinos tiveram como origem os estados de Tocantins, Pará e Piauí. Após o evento a maioria dos animais retornaram às propriedades de origem, 79% dos bovinos e 83% dos equinos. Ao avaliar as estruturas dos recintos onde foram realizadas as vaquejadas verificou-se que 100 % dos estabelecimentos cumpriam os requisitos estruturais mínimos para a liberação do evento pelo serviço veterinário oficial (local de recepção, local de isolamento, currais e brete para os bovinos), entretanto nenhum estabelecimento possuía rodolúvio e somente dois (25%) apresentavam pedilúvio. Observou-se, ainda, que os responsáveis técnicos pelos eventos não corroboram com as ações de defesa sanitária durante o evento, estando tão somente à disposição dos animais em casos clínicos. Os resultados mostram grande movimentação de animais, déficit nas estruturas sanitizantes, assim como acompanhamento sanitário deficiente durante os eventos, fatores que podem propiciar a disseminação de doenças, tanto pela alta densidade de animais, quanto pela circulação de indivíduos em curtos períodos de tempo.
Vaquejada is an ascending sport on the national scene, mainly in the Northeastern region, Brazil. The national and state equine health programs establish the rules and regulations that protect the country's equine herd. With the increase in investments in this segment, the work with sanitary management in this sector also increases. In this context, the objective was to characterize the sanitary and epidemiological profile of the vaquejadas carried out in the Tocantina Maranhense region, in the years 2018 and 2019. For that, a descriptive observational study was carried out by analyzing the inspection maps of the vaquejadas by the official veterinary service of the state of Maranhão, plus information obtained from the field observations. In the analyzed period, 14 vaquejadas took place, in 8 different enclosures, with a total of 4,502 animals participating, being 3,174 cattle and 1,328 horses, with a proportion of 3.5 cattle for each horse. Most horses and cattle originated from properties in the state of Maranhão, 60% and 99%, respectively. The other horses originated in the states of Tocantins, Pará and Piauí. After the event, most animals returned to their original properties or other events, 79% of cattle and 83 of horses. When evaluating the structures of the enclosures where the vaquejadas were carried out, it was found that 100% of the establishments met the minimum structural requirements for the event to be released by the official veterinary service (reception location, isolation location, corrals and trunk), however no establishment had rodolúvio and only two (25%) had foot bath. It was also observed that the technician responsible for the event does not corroborate the health defense actions during the event, being only available to the animals in clinical cases. The results show great movement of animals, deficit in sanitation structures, as well as deficient health monitoring during events, factors that can promote the spread of diseases, both due to the high density of animals and the circulation of individuals in short periods of time.
A claudicação é uma crescente preocupação na bovinocultura leiteira e geralmente está atrelada ao tipo de criação dos animais e aos fatores de risco, principalmente aqueles de origem ambiental, nutricional e genético. Como consequência, há a ocorrência de lesões podais, causada pela má distribuição de peso em vacas claudicantes, provocando dor, o que diminui o bem estar e resulta em grandes perdas de produtividade no rebanho. O objetivo deste estudo é estimar a prevalência de claudicação e a ocorrência e distribuição de lesões de casco em rebanhos leiteiros criados em sistema de free stall, assim como avaliar sua correlação com os principais fatores de risco. Os fatores foram avaliados em questionário mediante questões como se é realizado o casqueamento preventivo na propriedade, uso de pedilúvio, dimensões e tipo de cama utilizada, o tipo de piso e a frequência de limpeza, o tempo de permanência dos animais em sala de espera, bem como qual o principal problema sanitário e qual a maior causa de descarte involuntário. Foram incluídas no estudo 10 propriedades, distribuídas em 7 municípios do Rio Grande do Sul. As vacas foram examinadas quanto ao seu escore de condição corporal (ECC) e escore de locomoção (EL). Foram realizados o exame de casco, a classificação de lesão e o casqueamento dos animais. Dos 491 animais examinados, 37,2% apresentaram claudicação e 36% destes apresentaram lesões podais, totalizando 465 lesões, independente do número destas por animal, sendo 81,4% delas observadas nos membros posteriores e 18,6% nos membros torácicos. Das lesões nos membros, 47,1% foram de origem infecciosa e 52,9% não infecciosa. As principais lesões foram úlcera de sola (31,6%), dermatite digital (30,3%), sola delgada (12%) e dermatite interdigital (11,2%). Vacas com idade entre 4 a 6 anos apresentaram maior concentração de lesões e grau de EL. Apenas a questão referente ao uso de pedilúvio não apresentou associação com as lesões podais, já as demais questões confirmam que a ocorrência de lesão está associada aos fatores predisponentes questionados. As propriedades que realizam casqueamento preventivo reduziram em 55% as chances de claudicação em seu rebanho. Os resultados obtidos revelam que vacas leiteiras criadas em sistema free stall apresentam uma alta prevalência de claudicação e de afecções podais. Esses dados devem ser levados em consideração quando da alteração do manejo de criação destes animais, visando reduzir as expressivas perdas econômicas no rebanho.
The prevalence of lameness is a growing concern in dairy cattle and is usually related to the type of animal rearing and to risk factors, especially those of environmental, nutritional and genetic origin. As a consequence, there is the occurrence of foot lesions, caused by poor weight distribution in lame cows, causing pain, which decreases welfare and results in large losses of productivity in the herd. The objective of this study is to estimate the prevalence of lameness and the occurrence and distribution of foot lesions in dairy herds kept in a free stall system, as well as to evaluate their correlation with the main risk factors. The factors were evaluated in a questionnaire through questions such as whether preventive casing is carried out on the property, use of foot bath, dimensions and type of bed used, type of floor and cleaning frequency, length of stay in the waiting room, as well as which is the main health problem and which is the greatest cause of involuntary discard. The study included 10 farms distributed in 7 cities of Rio Grande do Sul. The Cows were examined for their body condition score (BCS) and locomotion score (LS). The foot examination, lesion classification and the hoof trimming of the animals were performed. Of the 491 animals, 37.2% presented lameness and 465 foot lesions, 81.4% of which were observed in the hind limbs and 18.6% in the thoracic limbs. Of the lesions in the limbs, 47.1% were of infectious origin and 52.9% were noninfectious. The main lesions were sole ulcer (31.6%), digital dermatitis (30.3%), thin soles (12%) and interdigital dermatitis (11.2%). Cows aged 4 to 6 years had a higher concentration of lesions and degree of LS. Only the question regarding the use of foot bath was not associated with the foot injuries, since the other questions confirm that the occurrence of injury is associated with the predisposing factors questioned. The properties that perform preventive hoof trimming reduced in 55% the chances of lameness in their herd. The results show that dairy cows raised in a free stall system have a high prevalence of lameness and of foot lesions. These data should be taken into account when altering the livestock management of these animals, in order to reduce the significant economic losses in the herd.
Pedilúvios são recipientes instalados em corredores de entrada ou saída de ungulados, objetivando o tratamento massal ou a prevenção de doenças podais através da aplicação de substâncias como formaldeído, CuSO4 ou antibióticos, à superfície dos dígitos. Frente aos custos elevados no uso de pedilúvios com as soluções teste, bem como a questões relacionadas ao bem-estar animal e contaminação ambiental, novas metodologias de pesquisa são necessárias. Objetivou-se criar um modelo para o desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos capazes de serem aplicados a campo para substituir o uso atual de compostos potencialmente nocivos. Para tanto foi desenvolvido um modelo de pedilúvio de bancada de pequena escala (VacaPed®). Realizamos análises no modelo de bancada do comportamento das soluções frente à matéria orgânica, desenvolvimento microbiológico (no líquido e na formação de biofilmes sobre o estojo córneo) e possíveis reações adversas locais nos dígitos, dos óleos essenciais de Melaleuca alternifolia, Eucalyptus globolus, Thymus vulgaris e taninos derivados da Acacia mearnsii. Os tratamentos foram aplicados em doses economicamente semelhantes ao tratamento controle positivo (CP) a base de formaldeído e CuSO4. O modelo foi capaz de simular a passagem dos animais pela solução de banho bem como a deposição de material orgânico em condições controladas e reduziu o tempo de busca e triagem de substâncias reproduzindo de maneira satisfatória as condições encontradas a campo. Os óleos essenciais de Melaleuca alternifolia (0,17%v/v) e Eucalyptus globolus (0,41%v/v) e os taninos de Acacia mearnsii (15% m/v) não foram efetivos em controlar o crescimento bacteriano. O óleo essencial de Thymus vulgaris (0,13% v/v) se mostrou efetivo em controlar a proliferação de micro-organismos aeróbios mesófilos no líquido e na superfície dos cascos expostos ao tratamento. Quanto ao estojo córneo a capacidade de redução da aderência de biofilmes foi perdida quando da adição de matéria orgânica, sendo que nenhum dos tratamentos, nem mesmo o CP, foram superiores ao controle negativo (água). Tanto o CP, quanto o óleo de Thymus vulgaris afetam as células plânctonicas e não os biofilmes. Em vacas não foram observadas reações adversas locais quanto ao uso de Thymus vulgaris e Acacia mearnsii em pedilúvios de campo.
Footbaths are basins installed in passageways of animals aiming treatment or prevention of foot diseases applying substances such as formalin, copper sulfate, or antibiotics to the digits surfaces. Facing high costs to fill foot baths with test-solutions, as well issues related to animal welfare and environmental contamination, the search for new methods of research is necessary for maximize the search process for new active ingredients able to reduce or eliminate use of potentially harmful compounds. The objective was to create a model for the development of new treatments to replace the current potentially harmful compounds. With this purpose, we developed a small-scale bench footbath model, VacaPed®. The model was used for the analysis of different solutions mixed to organic matter, the microbiologic development in the liquid and of biofilms upon the claw horn and possible local adverse reactions of the interdigital skin challenged with solution containing essential oils of Melaleuca alternifolia, Eucalyptus globolus, Thymus vulgaris and tannins from Acacia mearnsii. The solutions were applied in economically viable doses compared to formaldehyde and copper sulphate as positive control treatment (CP). The model is able to simulate the crossing of cattle in the bath solution as well as the deposition of organic matter under controlled conditions, reducing the time to search and screen substances reproducing in a satisfactory way the conditions found in the field. The essential oils Melaleuca alternifolia (0,17%v/v), Eucalyptus globolus (0,41%v/v) and tannins from Acacia mearnsii (15% w / v) failed in bacterial growth control. Thymus vulgaris essential oil (0.13% v / v) was effective in aerobic mesophilic proliferation control in the liquid and the surface of the claw horn exposed to the treatments. Considering the claw horn, the biofilm adhesion reduction capacity was lost when organic matter was added, and none of the treatments, not even the CP, were superior than the negative control (water). Both, CP and Thymus vulgaris essential oil, affect planktonic cells and not biofilms. In cows local adverse reactions with the use of Thymus vulgaris and Acacia mearnsii were not observed in a field footbath.
Campylobacter was investigated in cecal droppings, feces, and cloacal swabs of 22 flocks of 3 to 5 week-old broilers. Risk factors and the likelihood of the presence of this agent in these flocks were determined. Management practices, such as cleaning and disinfection, feeding, drinkers, and litter treatments, were assessed. Results were evaluated using Odds Ratio (OR) test, and their significance was tested by Fisher's test (p 0.05). A Campylobacter prevalence of 81.8% was found in the broiler flocks (18/22), and within positive flocks, it varied between 85 and 100%. Campylobacter incidence among sample types was homogenous, being 81.8% in cecal droppings, 80.9% in feces, and 80.4% in cloacal swabs (230). Flocks fed by automatic feeding systems presented higher incidence of Campylobacter as compared to those fed by tube feeders. Litter was reused in 63.6% of the farm, and, despite the lack of statistical significance, there was higher likelihood of Campylobacter incidence when litter was reused. Foot bath was not used in 45.5% of the flocks, whereas the use of foot bath associated to deficient lime management increased the number of positive flocks, although with no statiscal significance. The evaluated parameters were not significantly associated with Campylobacter colonization in the assessed broiler flocks.
Campylobacter was investigated in cecal droppings, feces, and cloacal swabs of 22 flocks of 3 to 5 week-old broilers. Risk factors and the likelihood of the presence of this agent in these flocks were determined. Management practices, such as cleaning and disinfection, feeding, drinkers, and litter treatments, were assessed. Results were evaluated using Odds Ratio (OR) test, and their significance was tested by Fisher's test (p 0.05). A Campylobacter prevalence of 81.8% was found in the broiler flocks (18/22), and within positive flocks, it varied between 85 and 100%. Campylobacter incidence among sample types was homogenous, being 81.8% in cecal droppings, 80.9% in feces, and 80.4% in cloacal swabs (230). Flocks fed by automatic feeding systems presented higher incidence of Campylobacter as compared to those fed by tube feeders. Litter was reused in 63.6% of the farm, and, despite the lack of statistical significance, there was higher likelihood of Campylobacter incidence when litter was reused. Foot bath was not used in 45.5% of the flocks, whereas the use of foot bath associated to deficient lime management increased the number of positive flocks, although with no statiscal significance. The evaluated parameters were not significantly associated with Campylobacter colonization in the assessed broiler flocks.
This study aimed to evaluate the antiseptic effect of 2% and 4% sodium hypochloride solutions in footbath for bovines, considering parameters as stability during storage and use, action on mesophilic aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms and direct effects on tissue. Healthy bovines passed by a footbath, once a day, during five days. At the end of passages, samples of each solution were harvested for physiochemical and microbiological analysis. The first samples were obtained immediately after the solution deposition in footbath. Student t Test (p= 0,05%) was applied for data analysis. It was observed that 2% and 4% solutions didnt show significant differences on aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms counting, suggesting that solutions have the same antiseptic effect. In both solutions, the pH remained steady. Free chlorine concentrations showed levels equivalent to zero from the third day. Clinical signs of injury werent observed in interdigital skin and others digital regions. Thus, these results allow us to conclude that sodium hypochloride solution in 2% and 4% dilutions, when they are used in footbath, have antiseptic effect in bovine digits, however, the renewal must be after 48 hours.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito sanitizante do hipoclorito de sódio em soluções a 2% e 4% em pedilúvio para bovinos, empregando como parâmetros sua estabilidade durante estocagem e uso, ação sobre microrganismos aeróbios mesófilos e anaeróbios e o efeito direto sobre o tecido animal. Durante cinco dias, bovinos saudáveis passaram em um pedilúvio, em intervalos de 24 horas. Ao final da passagem eram colhidas amostras de cada solução para análises físico-químicas e microbiológica sendo a primeira colheita realizada imediatamente após a deposição no pedilúvio. Aplicou-se o teste t de Student (p=0,05%) para análise dos resultados. As soluções a 2% e a 4% não apresentaram diferença significativa, quanto à contagem de microorganismos aeróbios e anaeróbios, inferindo-se que as soluções apresentam o mesmo efeito sanitizante. Com relação ao pH, em ambas as soluções esse parâmetro manteve- se estável. As concentrações de cloro livre apresentaram níveis equivalentes a zero a partir do 3º dia. Não se observou irritação da pele interdigital ou em outras regiões dos dígitos que pudesse ser atribuída à ação do produto. Conclui-se que o hipoclorito de sódio, em soluções a 2% e a 4%, possui efeito sanitizante em dígitos de bovinos quando utilizado em pedilúvio, porém a renovação deve ocorrer a cada 48 horas.