This study evaluated forage-free diets supplemented with sodium bicarbonate (SB) based on ground flint corn on intake, apparent nutrient digestibility, ruminal parameters, and N balance. Four rumen-cannulatedDorper × Santa Inês lambs, with a body weight of 43.4 ± 0.85 kg (mean ± standard deviation) were used. The experimental design was a 4×4 Latin square. Each experimental period lasted 21 days. Experimental diets were: positive control, a diet without SB containing 400 g/kg DM of soybean hulls (CONT), and three diets based on ground flint corn, containing 10 (10SB), 20 (20SB) or 30 (30SB) g/kg DM of SB. Intake of neutral and acid detergent fiber was greater for CONT (P < 0.01) when compared to SB. Intake and apparent nutrient digestibility of dry and organic matter, ether extract, and crude protein did not differ. Intake (P = 0.01) and digestibility (P < 0.01) of non-fiber carbohydrates were greater for SB diets and neutral detergent fiber digestibility was greater (P = 0.03) for CONT. The total digestible nutrients and metabolizable energy were greater for SB (P = 0.04). Rumen concentrations of acetate (P < 0.01), isobutyrate (P < 0.01), butyrate (P < 0.01), isovalerate (P < 0.01), and total short-chain fatty acids (P < 0.01) were greater for CONT. Ruminal pH showed a quadratic (P = 0.05) response to SB levels, with greater values for 20SB. Sodium bicarbonate was efficient in increasing ruminal pH at the level of 20 g/kg DM without interfering with the intake and apparent nutrient digestibility characteristics.
O presente estudo avaliou a suplementação de bicarbonato de sódio (BS) em dietas sem forragem à base de milho moído sobre o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes, os parâmetros ruminais e o balanço de N. Foram utilizados quatro cordeiros Dorper × Santa Inês, com um peso corporal inicial de 43,4 ± 0,85 kg (média ± desvio padrão). O delineamento experimental foi quadrado latino 4×4. Cada período experimental durou 21 dias. As dietas experimentais foram: controle positivo, sem BS, contendo 400 g/kg de MS de casca de soja (CONT) e três dietas à base de milho moído, sem casca de soja, contendo 10 (10BS), 20 (20BS) ou 30 (30BS) g/kg de MS de BS. O consumo de fibra em detergente neutro e ácido foi maior (P < 0,01)para o CONT quando comparado com BS. O consumo e a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, extrato etéreo e proteína bruta não diferiram entre os tratamentos. O consumo (P = 0,01) e digestibilidade (P < 0,01) dos carboidratos não fibrosos foram superiores para as dietas contendo BS e a digestibilidade da fibra em detergente neutro foi maior para o CONT. Os teores de nutrientes digestivos totais e energia metabolizável foram superiores para as dietas contendo BS (P = 0,04). A concentração ruminal de acetato (P < 0,01), isobutirato (P < 0,01), butirato (P < 0,01), isovalerato (P < 0,01) e ácidos graxos totais de cadeia curta (P < 0,01) foram mais elevadas para o CONT. O pHruminal apresentou resposta quadrática (P = 0,05) em relação aos níveis de BS, sendo observado maior pH para os animais alimentados com a dieta 20BS. O BS foi eficiente em aumentar o pHruminal no teor de 20 g/kg MS sem interferir no consumo e na digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes. Portanto, 20 g/kg de MS é a dose indicada de BS em dietas sem forragem para terminação de cordeiros em confinamento.
Animais , Ovinos , Bicarbonato de Sódio , Zea mays , Dieta/veterinária , Ração AnimalResumo
Falha da fertilidade nas espécies canina e felina é uma das principais preocupações entre criadores e a busca por tratamentos específicos é uma constante. Assim, o uso de substâncias com poder antioxidante como vitaminas, minerais, flavonoides, ácidos graxos, etc. são requeridos em tratamentos para melhorar índices reprodutivos, tais substâncias são classificadas como nutracêuticos. Ação antioxidante se faz pertinente ao combate do estresse oxidativo proveniente dos radicais livre e peroxidação lipídica produzidos durante a espermatogênese e em casos de sub ou infertilidade. O desequilíbrio entre as ações oxidativas e antioxidativas acarreta diminuição dos parâmetros seminais.(AU)
Fertility failure in canine and feline species is one of the main concerns among breeders and the search for specific treatments is a constant. Thus, the use of substances with antioxidant power such as vitamins, flavonoids, fatty minerals, etc. are necessary in treatments to improve reproductive indices, such substances are classified as nutraceuticals. The antioxidant action is relevant to combat oxidative stress from free radicals and lipid peroxidide during spermatogenesis and in cases of sub or infertility and antioxidative as oxidative activities in seminal tissues.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Peroxidação de Lipídeos/fisiologia , Estresse Oxidativo/fisiologia , Suplementos Nutricionais/efeitos adversos , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Fármacos para a Fertilidade Masculina/química , Antioxidantes/efeitos adversos , Espermatogênese/fisiologia , Vitaminas/efeitos adversos , Flavonoides/química , Ácidos Graxos/química , Minerais/químicaResumo
The objective of this study was to determine and compare the chemical composition; oxidation indicators; ether extract (EE) digestibility; and digestible, metabolizable, and net energy (DE, ME, and NE, respectively) content of distillers corn oil (DCO) from Brazil (CBR) and the United States (CUS), with refined (RSB) and degummed soybean oil (DSB) from Brazil offered to pigs. Fifty crossbred barrows (23.1±3.4 kg body weight) were fed a corn-soybean meal basal diet, or diets composed of 90% basal diet and 10% of one of the four oil sources (CBR, CUS, RSB, or DSB). Pigs were fed an amount of their respective experimental diets equivalent to 2.8 times the maintenance DE requirement for 9 d (sequentially 7 d for adaptation and 2 d for partial collection of feces). Distillers corn oil from Brazil contained lower linoleic acid (47.4%) than CUS (53.9%), RSB (54.2%), and DSB (51.5%), but greater contents of oleic (32.1%) and palmitic (14.6%) acids compared to CUS (27.0 and 12.9%), RSB (22.9 and 11.2%), and DSB (23.5 and 11.2%). The moisture and unsaponifiable contents of CBR (0.17 and 1.64%) and CUS (0.20 and 1.64%) were similar, but greater than the values found for RSB (0.05 and 1.20%) and DSB (0.12 and 1.02%). The anisidine value, free fatty acid content, and acidity of DCO samples were higher than soybean oils. The peroxide value and thiobarbituric reactive substances content increased in the oil samples over time. The apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of gross energy and the DE, ME and NE values of the oils did not differ among oil sources and ranged from 87.8 to 91.5%, and from 8280 to 8630, 8139 to 8459, and 7162 to 7444 kcal/kg, respectively. The ATTD of EE was greater in RSB and DSB than for CBR, but similar to CUS. The DCO produced in Brazil is an excellent energy source for pigs, with DE, ME, and NE values similar to those of DCO from the US and soybean oils.(AU)
Animais , Suínos/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise , Óleo de Milho/química , Óleo de Soja/química , Destilação/métodosResumo
The problem of free radical pathologies in high temperatures in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine is extremely important scientific and practical. In the process of hyperthermia, the structure of cell membranes, the permeability of membranes, and membrane transport systems change, which cause the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and the accumulation of toxic products of a radical nature. This plays an important role in the development of many pathological conditions. The review article describes the problem of the influence of heat stress (HS) on a living organism and the problem of hyperthermia in animal husbandry. Emphasis is placed on the role of the body's antioxidant system in a state of HS and the use of antioxidant drugs as additives into feed for farm animals, aimed at mitigating the course and harmful effects in HS. On the one hand, our goal was to describe in an accessible form the main complex biochemical disorders in the body under HS conditions, which lead to a deterioration in the welfare and loss of productivity of animals. On the other hand, we tried to show the special role of the antioxidant defense system in preventing the development of oxidative stress in its classical representation. Also, we substantiated the choice in favor of using natural and synthetic antioxidants as one of the strategies for the prevention of HS in modern animal husbandry.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Estresse Fisiológico , Bovinos/fisiologia , Reações Bioquímicas , Antioxidantes/fisiologiaResumo
Arsenic exposure is a global health concern. This toxic metalloid is ubiquitous in the environment and contaminates food and drinking water. Once ingested, it undergoes a complex metabolic process within the body, which contributes to its accumulation and reactivity. Arsenic toxicity stems from the induction of oxidative stress, inhibition of thiol-containing proteins, and mimicry of inorganic phosphates. Arsenic poisoning is associated with the development of reproductive disorders. In males, arsenic causes a reduction in testicular weight and alterations in steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis. Moreover, it reduces the number and quality of spermatozoa harvested from the cauda epididymis. The mitochondria are targets of arsenic toxicity because of the production of free radicals and their high content of cysteine-rich proteins and fatty acids. Mitochondrial dysfunction may contribute to reproductive disorders because this organelle is crucial for controlling testicular and epididymal events related to sperm production and maturation. All of these alterations mediated by arsenic exposure contribute to the failure of male reproductive competence by reducing gamete viability. This review describes the potential mechanisms of arsenic toxicity, its detrimental effects on male reproductive organs, and consequences on sperm fertility.(AU)
Humanos , Animais , Masculino , Intoxicação por Arsênico/diagnóstico , Fármacos para a Fertilidade Masculina/análise , Mitocôndrias/química , Estresse Oxidativo/fisiologia , Epididimo/químicaResumo
The problem of free radical pathologies in high temperatures in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine is extremely important scientific and practical. In the process of hyperthermia, the structure of cell membranes, the permeability of membranes, and membrane transport systems change, which cause the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and the accumulation of toxic products of a radical nature. This plays an important role in the development of many pathological conditions. The review article describes the problem of the influence of heat stress (HS) on a living organism and the problem of hyperthermia in animal husbandry. Emphasis is placed on the role of the body's antioxidant system in a state of HS and the use of antioxidant drugs as additives into feed for farm animals, aimed at mitigating the course and harmful effects in HS. On the one hand, our goal was to describe in an accessible form the main complex biochemical disorders in the body under HS conditions, which lead to a deterioration in the welfare and loss of productivity of animals. On the other hand, we tried to show the special role of the antioxidant defense system in preventing the development of oxidative stress in its classical representation. Also, we substantiated the choice in favor of using natural and synthetic antioxidants as one of the strategies for the prevention of HS in modern animal husbandry.
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos , Estresse Oxidativo/efeitos dos fármacos , Fenômenos Bioquímicos/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque TérmicoResumo
Background: Summer Pasture Associated Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (SPAOPD), or Equine Pasture Asthma (EPA),has been described as an environmentally-induced respiratory disease that occurs during the warmer and more humidmonths, leading to reversible airway obstruction, persistent and non-specific airway hyper-responsiveness, and chronicneutrophilic airway inflammation. Exacerbation of clinical signs vary according to warm seasons and range from mildto severe episodes of wheezing, coughing, and laboured breathing, being highly debilitating to the equine. This reportdescribed two cases of Equine Pasture Asthma that showed clinical and environmental similarities with Summer PastureAssociated Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.Cases: The patients were crossbreed geldings that have never been stabled and were used for cattle management in a farmin southeastern Brazil. They presented poor performance and a persistent cough for over 3 years. Initially, the respiratorysigns were only observed after exercise but, over the years, it gradually progressed to being observed when the horses wereat rest. Both animals had a history of regular deworming and were previously treated by other veterinarians with antibiotics,clenbuterol, and mucokinetics. Little improvement was noticed by the owner and the signs returned over time as treatmentwas often discontinued. Clinical findings were compatible with the grade 3 mucus classification as well as with score 2for Severe Asthma. BALF cytology was done according to routine procedure. Animal 1 presented slides with free yeast,macrophages, and mucus with Curschmanns spiral and counting of 29.7% of neutrophils (NE), 43.7% of lymphocytes(LP), 25.3% of macrophages (MC) and 1.3% of eosinophils (EO). Animal 2 presented slides with phagocytized yeast,mucus and counting of 27% of NE, 38.5% of LP, 33% of MC and 1.5% of EO...(AU)
Animais , Doenças dos Cavalos , Asma/veterinária , Triancinolona Acetonida/uso terapêutico , Ácidos Graxos Ômega-3/uso terapêuticoResumo
The objective of the present study was to investigate the different plasma metabolites between anestrus and estrus postpartum dairy cows and to provide a theoretical basis for prevention of anestrus in dairy farm cows. In the experiment, one hundred and sixty-seven Holstein dairy cows were selected with similar age and parity. According to the concentration of ß-hydroxybutyric acid, non-esterified fatty acids and glucose in plasma during 14 to 21 days in milk, all dairy cows were determined as having a status of energy balance. According to the results of clinical symptom, rectal and B ultrasound examination at 60 to 90 days postpartum, these cows were divided into twenty estrus and twenty-four anestrus group, other dairy cows were removed. 1H nuclear magnetic resonance technology was utilized to detect the plasma metabolites changes and screen different plasma metabolites between anestrus and estrus cows. Ten different metabolites including alanine, glutamic acid, asparagine, creatine, choline, phosphocholine, glycerophosphocholine, low-density lipoprotein, and very-low-density lipoprotein were significantly decreased in anestrous cows compared with estrous cows. Metabolic pathway analyses indicated that differential metabolites were primarily involved in amino acid and glycerophospholipid metabolism. These metabolites and their enrichment pathways indicate that reduced steroid hormone synthesis precursors result in lower levels of estradiol and progesterone and cause anestrus in negative energy balance. These data provide a better understanding of the changes that may affect estrus of postpartum dairy cows at NEB status and lay the ground for further research.(AU)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar os diferentes metabolitos do plasma entre o cio e o cio pós-parto de vacas leiteiras e fornecer uma base teórica para a prevenção do cio de vacas em fazendas de leite. No experimento, foram selecionadas 127 vacas leiteiras Holstein com idade e paridade similares. De acordo com a concentração de ß- ácido hidroxibutírico, ácidos graxos não esterificados e glicose no plasma entre 14 e 21 dias no leite, todas as vacas leiteiras foram determinadas em estado de equilíbrio energético. De acordo com os resultados dos sintomas clínicos, do exame de ultra-som retal e B aos 60 a 90 dias pós-parto, estas vacas foram divididas em vinte cios e vinte e quatro grupos de cio, outras vacas leiteiras foram removidas. A tecnologia de ressonância magnética nuclear 1H foi utilizada para detectar as alterações dos metabólitos plasmáticos e para triar diferentes metabólitos plasmáticos entre as vacas do cio e do cio. Dez diferentes metabólitos incluindo alanina, ácido glutâmico, asparagina, creatina, colina, fosfocholina, glicerofosfocolina, lipoproteína de baixa densidade e lipoproteína de muito baixa densidade foram significativamente diminuídos nas vacas antróficas em comparação com as vacas estro. As análises da via metabólica indicaram que os metabólitos diferenciais estavam principalmente envolvidos no metabolismo de aminoácidos e glicerofosfolipídios. Estes metabólitos e suas vias de enriquecimento indicam que a redução dos precursores da síntese de hormônios esteróides resulta em níveis mais baixos de estradiol e progesterona e causa anestros no balanço energético negativo. Estes dados fornecem uma melhor compreensão das mudanças que podem afetar o cio das vacas leiteiras pós-parto no estado de NEB e preparam o terreno para mais pesquisas.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Progesterona/análise , Anestro/sangue , Estro/sangue , Período Pós-Parto/sangue , Estradiol/análise , Glicerofosfolipídeos , Ácidos Graxos não Esterificados , Aminoácidos , Glucose , Testes Hematológicos/veterináriaResumo
The study aimed to evaluate the potential use of dried or ensiled paulownia (Paulownia spp.) leaves as roughage source for ruminants. Paulownia tree leaves were collected from one-year-old hybrid (C-125, CAR, and TF-33 clones) trees. Dried paulownia leaves of the clones were different in dry matter (DM), crude ash (CA), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), crude fiber (CF), and nitrogen-free extract (NfE) and similar in neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and acid detergent lignin (ADL); however, these values (except EE and ADL) of ensiled leaves were significantly different among the clones. Mean CP, CA, and condensed tannin contents in dried leaves were 15.36, 9.21, and 1.75%, respectively; NDF, ADF, and ADL contents were 38.35, 35.49, and 12.08%, respectively. Mean total volatile fatty acids, in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD), and metabolizable energy (ME) value in dried leaves were 95.26 mmol/L, 76.34%, and 10.77 MJ/kg, respectively, whereas, CO2 and CH4 production were 54.66 and 29.78 mmol/L, respectively. Buffering capacity and water-soluble carbohydrates varied among the pre-ensiled paulownia leaves, although their means were 395.66 mEq/kg DM and 86.63 g/kg DM, respectively. In ensiled leaves, the pH, lactic acid ratio, and acetic acid ratio were 4.98, 11.23, and 2.56%, respectively, and butyric acid was not detected in any of the silages. Mean values of IVOMD and ME in ensiled leaves were 72.30% and 9.93 MJ/kg, respectively. Dried paulownia leaves are a high-quality alternative forage and the ensiled form is of medium quality. Therefore, paulownia leaves could be used as an alternative roughage source for ruminants.
Silagem , Lamiales/química , Ruminação Digestiva , Valor Nutritivo , TurquiaResumo
The present study determined some biological compounds, radical scavenging activity and antimicrobial capacity in seeds of Satureja hortensis L. and Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata. Alpha-linolenic acid (C18:3 n3) has been found to be the major polyunsaturated fatty acid of Satureja hortensis L. (66.24 ± 1.24%) and Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata (48.17 ± 1.01%). Linoleic acid (C18:2 n6) is identified as the second major polyunsaturated fatty acid in the present study and oleic acid (C18:1 n9) is determined as the major monounsaturated fatty acid. Current study showed that Satureja hortensis L. and Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata have low levels of saturated fatty acids. It has been demonstrated that ergosterol (263.1 ± 2.14 µg/g), stigmasterol (39.07 ± 0.91 µg/g) and beta-sitosterol (14.64 ± 0.49 µg/g) have been found in Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata, while ergosterol (69.41 ± 1.75 µg/g) and beta-sitosterol (19.81 ± 1.14 µg/g) have been determined in Satureja hortensis L. Also, this study determined that Satureja hortensis L. and Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata have low lipide-soluble vitamin content. Furthermore, it has been found that Satureja hortensis L. contains naringenin (612.57 ± 2.57 µg/g), morin (86.97 ± 1.12 µg/g), quercetin (22.87 ± 0.75 µg/g), and kaempferol (20.11 ± 0.94 µg/g) while naringenin (135.91 ± 1.91 µg/g), naringin (61.23 ± 2.15 µg/g) and quercetin (47.51 ± 1.17 µg/g) have been detected as major flavonoids in the seeds of Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata. The results of the present study suggest that methanol extracts of Satureja hortensis L. and Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata have significant free radical scavenging activity. The present results revealed that Satureja hortensis L. and Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata showed major activity against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, fungi and yeast.(AU)
O presente estudo determinou alguns compostos biológicos, atividade de eliminação de radicais e capacidade antimicrobiana em sementes de Satureja hortensis L. e Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata. O ácido alfa-linolênico (C18: 3 n3) foi o principal ácido graxo poliinsaturado de Satureja hortensis L. (66,24 ± 1,24%) e Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata (48,17 ± 1,01%). O ácido linoléico (C18: 2 n6) é identificado como o segundo principal ácido graxo poliinsaturado no presente estudo e o ácido oleico (C18: 1 n9) é determinado como o principal ácido graxo monoinsaturado. O estudo atual mostrou que Satureja hortensis L. e Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata tem baixos níveis de ácidos graxos saturados. Foi demonstrado que ergosterol (263,1 ± 2,14 µg/g), estigmasterol (39,07 ± 0,91 µg/g) e beta-sitosterol (14,64 ± 0,49 µg/g) foram encontrados em Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata, enquanto o ergosterol (69,41 ± 1,75 µg/g) e beta-sitosterol (19,81 ± 1,14 µg/g) também foram determinados em Satureja hortensis L., este estudo determinou que Satureja hortensis L. e Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata tem baixo teor de vitaminas lipossolúveis. Além disso, verificou-se que S. hortensis L. contém naringenina (612,57 ± 2,57 µg/g), morina (86,97 ± 1,12 µg/g), quercetina (22,87 ± 0,75 µg/g) e kaempferol (20,11 ± 0,94 µg/g) enquanto a naringenina (135,91 ± 1,91 µg/g), a naringina (61,23 ± 2,15 µg/g) e a quercetina (47,51 ± 1,17 µg/g) foram detectadas como flavonóides importantes nas sementes de Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata. Os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que os extratos metanólicos de S. hortensis L. e Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata tem significativa atividade de eliminação de radicais livres. Os presentes resultados revelaram que Satureja hortensis L. e Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata mostrou atividade importante contra microrganismos gram-positivos e gram-negativos, fungos e leveduras.(AU)
Satureja/química , Mentha spicata/química , Sementes/química , Anti-Infecciosos , TurquiaResumo
The effect of sunflower oil (SO), sunflower oil-pomegranate sauce (PS1) and sunflower oil-plum sauce (PS2) on shelf life of marinated carp fillets was investigated in terms of sensory evaluation, chemical (peroxide value (POV), thiobarbituric acid (TBA), free fatty acids (FFA), total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) and pH), and microbiological properties (Total viable count (TVC), Escherichia coli, Total coliform, Staphylococci/Micrococci, Salmonella spp.) during 30 days of storage. Proximate composition, which includes total crude protein%, fat%, moisture% and ash% of fresh carp fillets before marination process was analyzed and found 18.69±0.86, 4.08±0.19, 74.33±0.63 and 2.17±0.45, respectively. Sensory evaluation analysis showed that total appearance, odor-taste and texture scores decreased during storage. TVB-N significantly increased in all group after 1 month of storage (P 0.05). At the end of storage, the lowest TBA value (1.38 mg MA/kg carp fillet) was determined in the PS1 group. During storage, the highest POV value was observed in the control group (8.49 mEq O2/kg) compared to other groups. Initial TVC of 1.5 log CFU/g, 1.7 log CFU/g and 1.8 log CFU/g increased to 3.7 log CFU/g, 2.9 log CFU/g and 3.2 log CFU/g in SO, PS1 and PS2 groups, respectively. Results showed that the shelf life of marinated carp fillets treated with sunflower oil and in combination with pomegranate and plum sauce was more than 1 month.(AU)
O efeito do óleo de girassol (SO), molho de óleo de girassol-romã (PS1) e molho de óleo de girassol-ameixa (PS2) na vida útil de filetes de carpa marinados foi investigado em termos sensorial, químico (valor de peróxido (PV), ácido tiobarbitúrico) (TBA), ácidos graxos livres (AGL), nitrogênio básico volátil total (TVB-N) e pH) e propriedades microbiológicas (contagem viável total (TVC), Escherichia coli, coliforme total, estafilococos/Micrococos, Salmonella spp.). Durante 30 dias de armazenamento. A composição aproximada, que inclui % de proteína bruta total, % de gordura, % de umidade e % de cinzas de filés de carpa frescos antes do processo de marinação foi analisada e encontrada 18,69 ± 0,86, 4,08 ± 0,19, 74,33 ± 0,63 e 2,17 ± 0,45, respectivamente. A análise sensorial mostrou que os escores totais de aparência, odor e sabor diminuíram durante o armazenamento. TVB-N aumentou significativamente (P 0,05) em todos os grupos após 1 mês de armazenamento. No final do armazenamento, o menor valor de TBA (1,38 mg MA / kg de filé de carpa) foi determinado no grupo PS1. Durante o armazenamento, o maior valor de POV foi observado no grupo controle (8,49 mEq O2/kg) em comparação com outros grupos. O TVC inicial de 1,5 log CFU/g, 1,7 log UFC/g, 1,8 log CFU/g aumentou para 3,7 log CFU/g, 2,9 log CFU/g, 3,2 log CFU/g nos grupos SO, PS1 e PS2, respectivamente. Os resultados mostraram que a vida útil dos filés de carpa marinados tratados com óleo de girassol e em combinação com molho de romã e ameixa era superior a um mês.(AU)
Carpas , Alimentos em Conserva/análise , Alimentos em Conserva/microbiologia , Conservação de Alimentos/métodos , Conservantes de Alimentos/administração & dosagemResumo
Background: The incidence of metabolic disorders in dairy cows has increased as a result of intensive production practicesand genetic selection for milk yield. Among such disorders, liver lipidosis is very frequently observed and has significantnegative effects on cow health and milk yield. Severe energy supply deficit causes high fat mobilization, resulting in rapidbody condition loss and liver lipid infiltration, which cannot always be detected by known blood biochemical indicators.The main objective of the study was to determine possible associations of blood biochemical parameters with liver lipidinfiltration severity in high-yield multiparous Holstein cows along prepartum and postpartum periods.Materials, Methods & Results: Fifty-four high-yield Holstein cows from a herd managed in a free-stall system in thenorthwest region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil were evaluated. Cows were divided in two groups accordingto their physiological status. Group 1 included 19 prepartum cows, with an average milk yield of 44.7 L/d in the previouslactation, and 2.8 average parity, and Group 2 included 35 postpartum cows, with an average milk yield of 46.8 L/d in theprevious lactation, and 2.5 average parity. The farm produced 10,000 kg milk per year, containing 3.5% of fat, 3.2% ofprotein and 4.7% of lactose. Total cholesterol (CH), plasma triglycerides (TGp), beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), albumin(ALB), non-esterified free fatty acids (NEFA) levels, and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and creatine kinase (CK) activities were analyzed in the plasma and liver triglycerides (TGl) levels were determined in liver tissue samples. The SPSSstatistical software was used for the statistical analyses. The obtained data were analyzed for normality by the Shapiro-Wilktest and for homoscedasticity by Bartlett test. Data were submitted to analysis of variance, and means were compared bythe...
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Fígado Gorduroso/diagnóstico , Fígado Gorduroso/veterinária , Plasma/química , Transtornos do Metabolismo dos Lipídeos/veterinária , Triglicerídeos , Ácidos Graxos não EsterificadosResumo
Background: The incidence of metabolic disorders in dairy cows has increased as a result of intensive production practicesand genetic selection for milk yield. Among such disorders, liver lipidosis is very frequently observed and has significantnegative effects on cow health and milk yield. Severe energy supply deficit causes high fat mobilization, resulting in rapidbody condition loss and liver lipid infiltration, which cannot always be detected by known blood biochemical indicators.The main objective of the study was to determine possible associations of blood biochemical parameters with liver lipidinfiltration severity in high-yield multiparous Holstein cows along prepartum and postpartum periods.Materials, Methods & Results: Fifty-four high-yield Holstein cows from a herd managed in a free-stall system in thenorthwest region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil were evaluated. Cows were divided in two groups accordingto their physiological status. Group 1 included 19 prepartum cows, with an average milk yield of 44.7 L/d in the previouslactation, and 2.8 average parity, and Group 2 included 35 postpartum cows, with an average milk yield of 46.8 L/d in theprevious lactation, and 2.5 average parity. The farm produced 10,000 kg milk per year, containing 3.5% of fat, 3.2% ofprotein and 4.7% of lactose. Total cholesterol (CH), plasma triglycerides (TGp), beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), albumin(ALB), non-esterified free fatty acids (NEFA) levels, and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and creatine kinase (CK) activities were analyzed in the plasma and liver triglycerides (TGl) levels were determined in liver tissue samples. The SPSSstatistical software was used for the statistical analyses. The obtained data were analyzed for normality by the Shapiro-Wilktest and for homoscedasticity by Bartlett test. Data were submitted to analysis of variance, and means were compared bythe...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Fígado Gorduroso/diagnóstico , Fígado Gorduroso/veterinária , Plasma/química , Transtornos do Metabolismo dos Lipídeos/veterinária , Ácidos Graxos não Esterificados , TriglicerídeosResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different nutritional plans on the productive, physiological and metabolic parameters of F1 ½ Holstein x ½ Zebu cows in different stages of lactation. Sixty lactating cows were allotted to a completely randomized 5 x 3 factorial design with five feed allowances and three lactation periods. The dry matter intake, milk yield and heart rate were reduced by 5.69kg, 2.41kg and 10.36 beats/min (morning) and 10.25 beats/min (afternoon) for each 1% feed restriction, respectively. There was no difference in the concentration of glucose, total protein, albumin, cholesterol and non-esterified fatty acids for cows subjected to different feed allowances, with means of 95.25, 7.98, 2.95, 121.68 and 0.45mg/dL, respectively. Feed restriction of up to 2.50% BW is a cost reduction strategy that does not alter milk yield, regardless of the stage of lactation.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos de diferentes planos nutricionais sobre as características produtivas, fisiológicas e metabólicas de vacas F1 ½ Holandês x ½ Zebu. Foram utilizadas 60 vacas em lactação, seguindo-se o delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 5 x 3, com cinco níveis de oferta de dieta e três períodos de lactação. À medida que se aumentou 1% na restrição da oferta da dieta, houve redução linear de 5,69kg no consumo de matéria seca pelos animais, 2,41kg na produção de leite, bem como de 10,36bat/min (manhã) e 10,25 bat/min (tarde) na frequência cardíaca dos animais. Não houve diferença para a concentração de glicose, proteínas totais, albumina, colesterol e NEFA com a restrição na oferta da dieta dos animais, sendo a média de 95,25, 7,98, 2,95, 121,68 e 0,45mg/dL, respectivamente. Recomenda-se a restrição de até 2,50% de peso corporal como estratégia de redução dos custos em todos os estágios em lactação, visando não alterar, economicamente, a produção de leite.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Lactação , Colesterol/análise , Dietoterapia/veterinária , Glucose/análise , Ácidos Graxos não Esterificados , Taxa RespiratóriaResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different nutritional plans on the productive, physiological and metabolic parameters of F1 ½ Holstein x ½ Zebu cows in different stages of lactation. Sixty lactating cows were allotted to a completely randomized 5 x 3 factorial design with five feed allowances and three lactation periods. The dry matter intake, milk yield and heart rate were reduced by 5.69kg, 2.41kg and 10.36 beats/min (morning) and 10.25 beats/min (afternoon) for each 1% feed restriction, respectively. There was no difference in the concentration of glucose, total protein, albumin, cholesterol and non-esterified fatty acids for cows subjected to different feed allowances, with means of 95.25, 7.98, 2.95, 121.68 and 0.45mg/dL, respectively. Feed restriction of up to 2.50% BW is a cost reduction strategy that does not alter milk yield, regardless of the stage of lactation.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos de diferentes planos nutricionais sobre as características produtivas, fisiológicas e metabólicas de vacas F1 ½ Holandês x ½ Zebu. Foram utilizadas 60 vacas em lactação, seguindo-se o delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 5 x 3, com cinco níveis de oferta de dieta e três períodos de lactação. À medida que se aumentou 1% na restrição da oferta da dieta, houve redução linear de 5,69kg no consumo de matéria seca pelos animais, 2,41kg na produção de leite, bem como de 10,36bat/min (manhã) e 10,25 bat/min (tarde) na frequência cardíaca dos animais. Não houve diferença para a concentração de glicose, proteínas totais, albumina, colesterol e NEFA com a restrição na oferta da dieta dos animais, sendo a média de 95,25, 7,98, 2,95, 121,68 e 0,45mg/dL, respectivamente. Recomenda-se a restrição de até 2,50% de peso corporal como estratégia de redução dos custos em todos os estágios em lactação, visando não alterar, economicamente, a produção de leite.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Lactação , Colesterol/análise , Dietoterapia/veterinária , Glucose/análise , Ácidos Graxos não Esterificados , Taxa RespiratóriaResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the metabolic, inflammatory, and hepatic aspects, as well as the milk yield in heifers submitted to protocol for induction of lactation compared to primiparous cows. Sixty Holstein heifers were selected and enrolled into two groups: Control (n= 30), pregnant heifers and Induction heifers (n= 30), non-pregnant femeales, submitted to a lactation induction protocol. Blood samples were collected at: pre-lactation period (weeks -3, -2 and -1) and post-lactation period (weeks 1, 2 and 3), aiming to evaluate glucose, non-esterified fatty acids, paraoxonase-1, albumin, ALT, GGT and cortisol. The protocol efficiently induced lactation in all the heifers, which produced 74.54% of the total production of milk from primiparous cows. In the pre-lactation period, induced animals presented higher concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids than the Control heifers, and the opposite was observed in the post lactation period. In both moments albumin and ALT were lower in the Induction group, and paraoxonase-1 activity and GGT concentrations were higher, compared to the Control. Thus, lactation induction protocol is efficient to initiate milk production in dairy heifers with no considerable changes in energetic, metabolic and hepatic profile when compared to heifers in physiological lactation.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os perfis metabólico, inflamatório, hepático e a produção de leite de novilhas induzidas à lactação comparadas a primíparas. Sessenta novilhas da raça Holandês foram selecionadas e alocadas em grupos: controle (n=30), novilhas prenhas, e indução (n=30), novilhas vazias submetidas a um protocolo de indução de lactação. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas nas semanas -3, -2 e -1 (pré-lactação) e nas semanas 1, 2 e 3 (pós-início de lactação) para avaliação de glicose, ácidos graxos não esterificados, paraoxonase-1, albumina, ALT, GGT e cortisol. O protocolo induziu eficientemente a lactação em todas as novilhas, que produziram 74,54% da produção total de leite do controle. No período pré-lactação, o grupo indução apresentou maiores concentrações de ácidos graxos não esterificados que o controle, e o oposto foi observado pós-lactação. Em ambos os momentos, albumina e ALT foram menores no grupo indução, e a atividade da paraoxonase-1 e as concentrações de GGT foram maiores, em comparação ao controle. Assim, o protocolo de indução de lactação foi eficiente para iniciar a produção de leite em novilhas induzidas, além de terem sido observadas alterações nos perfis energético, metabólico e hepático em comparação a novilhas em lactação fisiológica.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Lactação/fisiologia , Hidrocortisona/análise , Alanina Transaminase/análise , Albuminas/análise , Ácidos Graxos não Esterificados/análise , gama-Glutamiltransferase/análise , LeiteResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the metabolic, inflammatory, and hepatic aspects, as well as the milk yield in heifers submitted to protocol for induction of lactation compared to primiparous cows. Sixty Holstein heifers were selected and enrolled into two groups: Control (n= 30), pregnant heifers and Induction heifers (n= 30), non-pregnant femeales, submitted to a lactation induction protocol. Blood samples were collected at: pre-lactation period (weeks -3, -2 and -1) and post-lactation period (weeks 1, 2 and 3), aiming to evaluate glucose, non-esterified fatty acids, paraoxonase-1, albumin, ALT, GGT and cortisol. The protocol efficiently induced lactation in all the heifers, which produced 74.54% of the total production of milk from primiparous cows. In the pre-lactation period, induced animals presented higher concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids than the Control heifers, and the opposite was observed in the post lactation period. In both moments albumin and ALT were lower in the Induction group, and paraoxonase-1 activity and GGT concentrations were higher, compared to the Control. Thus, lactation induction protocol is efficient to initiate milk production in dairy heifers with no considerable changes in energetic, metabolic and hepatic profile when compared to heifers in physiological lactation.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os perfis metabólico, inflamatório, hepático e a produção de leite de novilhas induzidas à lactação comparadas a primíparas. Sessenta novilhas da raça Holandês foram selecionadas e alocadas em grupos: controle (n=30), novilhas prenhas, e indução (n=30), novilhas vazias submetidas a um protocolo de indução de lactação. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas nas semanas -3, -2 e -1 (pré-lactação) e nas semanas 1, 2 e 3 (pós-início de lactação) para avaliação de glicose, ácidos graxos não esterificados, paraoxonase-1, albumina, ALT, GGT e cortisol. O protocolo induziu eficientemente a lactação em todas as novilhas, que produziram 74,54% da produção total de leite do controle. No período pré-lactação, o grupo indução apresentou maiores concentrações de ácidos graxos não esterificados que o controle, e o oposto foi observado pós-lactação. Em ambos os momentos, albumina e ALT foram menores no grupo indução, e a atividade da paraoxonase-1 e as concentrações de GGT foram maiores, em comparação ao controle. Assim, o protocolo de indução de lactação foi eficiente para iniciar a produção de leite em novilhas induzidas, além de terem sido observadas alterações nos perfis energético, metabólico e hepático em comparação a novilhas em lactação fisiológica.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Lactação/fisiologia , Hidrocortisona/análise , Alanina Transaminase/análise , Albuminas/análise , Ácidos Graxos não Esterificados/análise , gama-Glutamiltransferase/análise , LeiteResumo
Durante o periparto, as vacas leiteiras são submetidas a uma grande demanda de energia, ao mesmo tempo em que reduzem sua ingestão de matéria seca. O balanço energético negativo, resultante dessa equação, acarreta severos transtornos metabólicos, à produção e, principalmente, à reprodução. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da colina protegida sobre os parâmetros metabólicos, o intervalo entre parto e concepção e a produção de leite em vacas no período de transição. Cinquenta e quatro vacas leiteiras foram divididas em três grupos: controle, suplementação com colina por 10 dias pré-parto (T10) e suplementação com colina por 20 dias pré-parto (T20). Após o parto, foram mensurados os teores de frutosamina, colesterol, ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNE), beta-hidroxibutirato (BHB), aspartato aminotransferase (AST), gamaglutamiltransferase (GGT) e total de oxidantes (TOS), nos dias 10, 20 e 30. Ainda foram avaliadas produção de leite e intervalo entre parto e concepção. Não houve efeito da suplementação com colina sobre os parâmetros sanguíneos e a produção. O intervalo entre parto e concepção foi menor no grupo T20. A colina suplementada por 20 dias durante o pré-parto melhorou a performance reprodutiva de vacas leiteiras(AU)
During the periparturient dairy cows undergo a large energy demand, at the same time reducing their intake of dry matter. The negative energy balance resulting from this equation leads to severe metabolic disorders in production, and mainly in reproduction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of protected choline on metabolic parameters, reproductive performance, and milk production in cows during the transition period. Fifty-four dairy cows were divided into three groups: control, supplementation with choline for 10 days prepartum (T10) and supplementation with choline for 20 days prepartum (T20). After delivery we measured fructosamine levels, cholesterol, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT), and total oxidant (TOS) on days 10, 20 and 30. We also evaluated milk production and interval between calving and conception. There was no effect of supplementation with choline on blood and production parameters. The interval between calving and conception was lower in the T20 group. Choline supplemented by 20 during the antepartum improved reproductive performance of dairy cows, although it did not change the metabolic profile.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Colina/administração & dosagem , Período Periparto/fisiologia , Metabolismo , Aspartato Aminotransferases , Colesterol , Ácido 3-Hidroxibutírico , Ácidos Graxos não Esterificados , gama-GlutamiltransferaseResumo
Durante o periparto, as vacas leiteiras são submetidas a uma grande demanda de energia, ao mesmo tempo em que reduzem sua ingestão de matéria seca. O balanço energético negativo, resultante dessa equação, acarreta severos transtornos metabólicos, à produção e, principalmente, à reprodução. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da colina protegida sobre os parâmetros metabólicos, o intervalo entre parto e concepção e a produção de leite em vacas no período de transição. Cinquenta e quatro vacas leiteiras foram divididas em três grupos: controle, suplementação com colina por 10 dias pré-parto (T10) e suplementação com colina por 20 dias pré-parto (T20). Após o parto, foram mensurados os teores de frutosamina, colesterol, ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNE), beta-hidroxibutirato (BHB), aspartato aminotransferase (AST), gamaglutamiltransferase (GGT) e total de oxidantes (TOS), nos dias 10, 20 e 30. Ainda foram avaliadas produção de leite e intervalo entre parto e concepção. Não houve efeito da suplementação com colina sobre os parâmetros sanguíneos e a produção. O intervalo entre parto e concepção foi menor no grupo T20. A colina suplementada por 20 dias durante o pré-parto melhorou a performance reprodutiva de vacas leiteiras(AU)
During the periparturient dairy cows undergo a large energy demand, at the same time reducing their intake of dry matter. The negative energy balance resulting from this equation leads to severe metabolic disorders in production, and mainly in reproduction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of protected choline on metabolic parameters, reproductive performance, and milk production in cows during the transition period. Fifty-four dairy cows were divided into three groups: control, supplementation with choline for 10 days prepartum (T10) and supplementation with choline for 20 days prepartum (T20). After delivery we measured fructosamine levels, cholesterol, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT), and total oxidant (TOS) on days 10, 20 and 30. We also evaluated milk production and interval between calving and conception. There was no effect of supplementation with choline on blood and production parameters. The interval between calving and conception was lower in the T20 group. Choline supplemented by 20 during the antepartum improved reproductive performance of dairy cows, although it did not change the metabolic profile.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Colina/administração & dosagem , Período Periparto/fisiologia , Metabolismo , Aspartato Aminotransferases , Colesterol , Ácido 3-Hidroxibutírico , Ácidos Graxos não Esterificados , gama-GlutamiltransferaseResumo
Abstract The present study determined some biological compounds, radical scavenging activity and antimicrobial capacity in seeds of Satureja hortensis L. and Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata. Alpha-linolenic acid (C18:3 n3) has been found to be the major polyunsaturated fatty acid of Satureja hortensis L. (66.24 ± 1.24%) and Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata (48.17 ± 1.01%). Linoleic acid (C18:2 n6) is identified as the second major polyunsaturated fatty acid in the present study and oleic acid (C18:1 n9) is determined as the major monounsaturated fatty acid. Current study showed that Satureja hortensis L. and Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata have low levels of saturated fatty acids. It has been demonstrated that ergosterol (263.1 ± 2.14 µg/g), stigmasterol (39.07 ± 0.91 µg/g) and beta-sitosterol (14.64 ± 0.49 µg/g) have been found in Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata, while ergosterol (69.41 ± 1.75 µg/g) and beta-sitosterol (19.81 ± 1.14 µg/g) have been determined in Satureja hortensis L. Also, this study determined that Satureja hortensis L. and Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata have low lipide-soluble vitamin content. Furthermore, it has been found that Satureja hortensis L. contains naringenin (612.57 ± 2.57 µg/g), morin (86.97 ± 1.12 µg/g), quercetin (22.87 ± 0.75 µg/g), and kaempferol (20.11 ± 0.94 µg/g) while naringenin (135.91 ± 1.91 µg/g), naringin (61.23 ± 2.15 µg/g) and quercetin (47.51 ± 1.17 µg/g) have been detected as major flavonoids in the seeds of Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata. The results of the present study suggest that methanol extracts of Satureja hortensis L. and Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata have significant free radical scavenging activity. The present results revealed that Satureja hortensis L. and Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata showed major activity against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, fungi and yeast.
Resumo O presente estudo determinou alguns compostos biológicos, atividade de eliminação de radicais e capacidade antimicrobiana em sementes de Satureja hortensis L. e Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata. O ácido alfa-linolênico (C18: 3 n3) foi o principal ácido graxo poliinsaturado de Satureja hortensis L. (66,24 ± 1,24%) e Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata (48,17 ± 1,01%). O ácido linoléico (C18: 2 n6) é identificado como o segundo principal ácido graxo poliinsaturado no presente estudo e o ácido oleico (C18: 1 n9) é determinado como o principal ácido graxo monoinsaturado. O estudo atual mostrou que Satureja hortensis L. e Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata tem baixos níveis de ácidos graxos saturados. Foi demonstrado que ergosterol (263,1 ± 2,14 µg/g), estigmasterol (39,07 ± 0,91 µg/g) e beta-sitosterol (14,64 ± 0,49 µg/g) foram encontrados em Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata, enquanto o ergosterol (69,41 ± 1,75 µg/g) e beta-sitosterol (19,81 ± 1,14 µg/g) também foram determinados em Satureja hortensis L., este estudo determinou que Satureja hortensis L. e Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata tem baixo teor de vitaminas lipossolúveis. Além disso, verificou-se que S. hortensis L. contém naringenina (612,57 ± 2,57 µg/g), morina (86,97 ± 1,12 µg/g), quercetina (22,87 ± 0,75 µg/g) e kaempferol (20,11 ± 0,94 µg/g) enquanto a naringenina (135,91 ± 1,91 µg/g), a naringina (61,23 ± 2,15 µg/g) e a quercetina (47,51 ± 1,17 µg/g) foram detectadas como flavonóides importantes nas sementes de Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata. Os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que os extratos metanólicos de S. hortensis L. e Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata tem significativa atividade de eliminação de radicais livres. Os presentes resultados revelaram que Satureja hortensis L. e Mentha spicata L. subsp. spicata mostrou atividade importante contra microrganismos gram-positivos e gram-negativos, fungos e leveduras.