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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49: Pub.1799-2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458438


Background: Gastropexy is used to correct gastric dilatation volvulus, a disease that usually affects large and giant dogsand leads to death in 23.4 - 43% of patients. This study aimed to evaluate the biomechanical traction of 2 gastropexytechniques, incisional gastropexy and scarified gastropexy, in 10 dog cadavers. Incisional gastropexy comprises a singleincision in the abdominal wall and another incision in the stomach wall in the pyloric region followed by simple continuous sutures. The scarification technique creates scarification along the stomach borders of the pexy. Thereby, knowing thatboth techniques are successful, the biomechanical traction of each technique was compared.Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 10 animals without defined breed weighing from 6.4 - 43.0 kg were allocatedinto 2 equal groups (GE [scarified gastropexy] and GI [incisional gastropexy]). Incisional gastropexy was performed witha simple continuous suture pattern in the GI group and scarified gastropexy with an interrupted simple suture pattern wasperformed in the GE group. Absorbable 2-0 monofilament yarn (polygllecaprone 25) was used for sutures in both groups.Rectangular segments of the gastric antrum were collected from the right abdominal wall and from the bottom of thestomach at the left abdominal wall, which were subjected to a traction test. The scarification technique was easier, faster,and used less surgical sutures than the incisional technique. Both techniques were effective regardless of the site applied,with no significant differences. There was a difference in stretching depending on location.Discussion: The pathogenesis of gastric dilatation volvulus (GDV) is unknown. However, gas accumulation inside thegastric chamber may lead to organ dilation and consequently cause torsion of the cardia region and pyloric antrum, resulting in strangulation of blood vessels and nerves. This torsion could cause stomach ischemia followed by organ necrosis if...

Animais , Cães , Cães/cirurgia , Gastropexia/veterinária , Dilatação Gástrica/veterinária , Resistência à Tração
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49: Pub. 1799, Apr. 8, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30251


Background: Gastropexy is used to correct gastric dilatation volvulus, a disease that usually affects large and giant dogsand leads to death in 23.4 - 43% of patients. This study aimed to evaluate the biomechanical traction of 2 gastropexytechniques, incisional gastropexy and scarified gastropexy, in 10 dog cadavers. Incisional gastropexy comprises a singleincision in the abdominal wall and another incision in the stomach wall in the pyloric region followed by simple continuous sutures. The scarification technique creates scarification along the stomach borders of the pexy. Thereby, knowing thatboth techniques are successful, the biomechanical traction of each technique was compared.Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 10 animals without defined breed weighing from 6.4 - 43.0 kg were allocatedinto 2 equal groups (GE [scarified gastropexy] and GI [incisional gastropexy]). Incisional gastropexy was performed witha simple continuous suture pattern in the GI group and scarified gastropexy with an interrupted simple suture pattern wasperformed in the GE group. Absorbable 2-0 monofilament yarn (polygllecaprone 25) was used for sutures in both groups.Rectangular segments of the gastric antrum were collected from the right abdominal wall and from the bottom of thestomach at the left abdominal wall, which were subjected to a traction test. The scarification technique was easier, faster,and used less surgical sutures than the incisional technique. Both techniques were effective regardless of the site applied,with no significant differences. There was a difference in stretching depending on location.Discussion: The pathogenesis of gastric dilatation volvulus (GDV) is unknown. However, gas accumulation inside thegastric chamber may lead to organ dilation and consequently cause torsion of the cardia region and pyloric antrum, resulting in strangulation of blood vessels and nerves. This torsion could cause stomach ischemia followed by organ necrosis if...(AU)

Animais , Cães , Gastropexia/veterinária , Cães/cirurgia , Resistência à Tração , Dilatação Gástrica/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(4): 242-253, Apr. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29473


Equine colic is one of the most common cause of death in horses, but few studies have investigated specifically the conditions at the necropsy. This study aimed to describe the epidemiological and pathological features of noninfectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in horses. A retrospective study was conducted in search of cases of these diseases affecting horses from 2005 to 2017. During this period, 114 horses died of noninfectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and the main causes were: primary gastric dilation (27/114), volvulus (27/114), enterolithiasis (20/114), rectal (colonic) perforation (15/114), gastric or cecocolonic impaction (10/114), incarcerations (6/114), intussusception (4/114), and others (5/114). Mixed breeds horses (56/114) and males (69/114) were mostly affected. The horses had a median and mean age of 10 and 10.9-years old, respectively. Primary gastric dilation was characterized by distension of the stomach by moderate to large amounts of content, which in 21 cases caused tearing of the stomach wall at the greater curvature (peritonitis), and the main predisposing factor was alimentary overload (17/27). Intestinal volvulus occurred within the small intestine (14 cases) and within the large intestines (13 cases). Grossly, there was intestinal ischemia with reddened to deep-black serosa and diffusely red mucosae. Enterolithiasis caused partial or complete obstruction of the right dorsal colon (9/20), transverse colon (4/20), small colon and right dorsal colon (3/20), rectum and right dorsal colon (2/20), and small colon (2/20). Viscera perforation and peritonitis occurred in 11 cases. Rectal (colonic) perforation involved the rectum (10/15), rectum/small colon (4/15), and the small colon (1/15). It was characterized by a focally extensive transmural tearing, associated with reddened borders, and retroperitoneal to diffuse peritonitis. Palpation related iatrogenic injuries (11/15) were the main cause...(AU)

A cólica em equinos é considerada como a principal causa de morte de cavalos, porém poucos estudos têm investigado especificamente as condições envolvidas através da necropsia. O objetivo desse estudo foi descrever os aspectos epidemiológicos e patológicos de doenças não infecciosas do trato gastrointestinal de equinos. Foi conduzido um estudo retrospectivo em busca de casos dessas doenças envolvendo cavalos de 2005 a 2017. Durante esse período, 114 equinos morreram devido a doenças não infecciosas do trato gastrointestinal, e as principais causas foram: dilatação gástrica (27/114), vólvulos (27/114), enterolitíase (20/114), ruptura retal (colônica) (15/114), compactação gástrica ou cecocolônica (10/114), encarceramentos (6/114), intussuscepções (4/114), e outros (5/114). Animais sem raça definida (56/114) e machos (69/114) foram mais afetados. Os equinos apresentavam uma média e mediana de idade de 10 e 10,9 anos, respectivamente. A dilatação gástrica primária era caracterizada por distensão do estômago por moderada a grande quantidade de conteúdo, que em 21 casos provocava ruptura da parede gástrica na curvatura maior (peritonite), e o principal fator predisponente foi sobrecarga alimentar (17/27). Vólvulo intestinal ocorreu no intestino delgado e no intestino grosso (14 e 13 casos, respectivamente). Macroscopicamente, havia isquemia intestinal com serosa avermelhada a enegrecida e mucosa difusamente avermelhada. A enterolitíase causou obstrução parcial ou completa do cólon dorsal direito (9/20), cólon transverso (4/20), cólon menor e cólon dorsal direito (3/20), cólon menor (2/20), e reto e cólon maior direito (2/20). Perfuração de vísceras e peritonite foram observadas em 11 casos. A ruptura retal (colônica) envolveu o reto (10/15), reto/cólon menor (4/15) e cólon menor (1/15). Essa era caracterizada por ruptura transmural focalmente extensa, com bordos avermelhados e peritonite retroperitoneal a difusa...(AU)

Animais , Dilatação Gástrica , Cólica , Trato Gastrointestinal/patologia , Volvo Intestinal , Doenças dos Cavalos/patologia , Doenças dos Cavalos/epidemiologia , Intussuscepção , Cavalos
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(4): 242-253, Apr. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135616


Equine colic is one of the most common cause of death in horses, but few studies have investigated specifically the conditions at the necropsy. This study aimed to describe the epidemiological and pathological features of noninfectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in horses. A retrospective study was conducted in search of cases of these diseases affecting horses from 2005 to 2017. During this period, 114 horses died of noninfectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and the main causes were: primary gastric dilation (27/114), volvulus (27/114), enterolithiasis (20/114), rectal (colonic) perforation (15/114), gastric or cecocolonic impaction (10/114), incarcerations (6/114), intussusception (4/114), and others (5/114). Mixed breeds horses (56/114) and males (69/114) were mostly affected. The horses had a median and mean age of 10 and 10.9-years old, respectively. Primary gastric dilation was characterized by distension of the stomach by moderate to large amounts of content, which in 21 cases caused tearing of the stomach wall at the greater curvature (peritonitis), and the main predisposing factor was alimentary overload (17/27). Intestinal volvulus occurred within the small intestine (14 cases) and within the large intestines (13 cases). Grossly, there was intestinal ischemia with reddened to deep-black serosa and diffusely red mucosae. Enterolithiasis caused partial or complete obstruction of the right dorsal colon (9/20), transverse colon (4/20), small colon and right dorsal colon (3/20), rectum and right dorsal colon (2/20), and small colon (2/20). Viscera perforation and peritonitis occurred in 11 cases. Rectal (colonic) perforation involved the rectum (10/15), rectum/small colon (4/15), and the small colon (1/15). It was characterized by a focally extensive transmural tearing, associated with reddened borders, and retroperitoneal to diffuse peritonitis. Palpation related iatrogenic injuries (11/15) were the main cause. Impactions affected the large colon (7/10), the cecum (2/10), and the stomach (1/10). Incarcerations consisted of inguinoscrotal hernias (2/6), small intestine entrapment by a mesenteric failure (2/6), diaphragmatic hernia, and umbilical eventration. Grossly, the organs were constricted by a hernial ring, with intestinal ischemia and reddened to dark-red serosa. Predisposing factors included previous surgeries (2/6) and patent inguinal ring (1/6). Intussusception involved the small intestine (3/4) and ileocecum (1/4). Foals with lack of colostrum intake and concomitant pneumonia was a characteristic presentation (3/4). Grossly, the intussusceptum slipped into intussuscipiens, with diffuse deep black-red discoloration. Other causes included large colon displacement (2/5), extrinsic and intrinsic obstruction of the small intestine (2/5), and an intestinal adenocarcinoma. Noninfectious gastrointestinal diseases are major causes of death in horses. Epidemiological and gross features of the conditions should be accounted to obtain a final diagnosis of the cause of the colic.(AU)

A cólica em equinos é considerada como a principal causa de morte de cavalos, porém poucos estudos têm investigado especificamente as condições envolvidas através da necropsia. O objetivo desse estudo foi descrever os aspectos epidemiológicos e patológicos de doenças não infecciosas do trato gastrointestinal de equinos. Foi conduzido um estudo retrospectivo em busca de casos dessas doenças envolvendo cavalos de 2005 a 2017. Durante esse período, 114 equinos morreram devido a doenças não infecciosas do trato gastrointestinal, e as principais causas foram: dilatação gástrica (27/114), vólvulos (27/114), enterolitíase (20/114), ruptura retal (colônica) (15/114), compactação gástrica ou cecocolônica (10/114), encarceramentos (6/114), intussuscepções (4/114), e outros (5/114). Animais sem raça definida (56/114) e machos (69/114) foram mais afetados. Os equinos apresentavam uma média e mediana de idade de 10 e 10,9 anos, respectivamente. A dilatação gástrica primária era caracterizada por distensão do estômago por moderada a grande quantidade de conteúdo, que em 21 casos provocava ruptura da parede gástrica na curvatura maior (peritonite), e o principal fator predisponente foi sobrecarga alimentar (17/27). Vólvulo intestinal ocorreu no intestino delgado e no intestino grosso (14 e 13 casos, respectivamente). Macroscopicamente, havia isquemia intestinal com serosa avermelhada a enegrecida e mucosa difusamente avermelhada. A enterolitíase causou obstrução parcial ou completa do cólon dorsal direito (9/20), cólon transverso (4/20), cólon menor e cólon dorsal direito (3/20), cólon menor (2/20), e reto e cólon maior direito (2/20). Perfuração de vísceras e peritonite foram observadas em 11 casos. A ruptura retal (colônica) envolveu o reto (10/15), reto/cólon menor (4/15) e cólon menor (1/15). Essa era caracterizada por ruptura transmural focalmente extensa, com bordos avermelhados e peritonite retroperitoneal a difusa. Traumas relacionados à palpação (11/15) foram a principal causa. Compactações afetaram o cólon maior (7/10), ceco (2/10) e estômago (1/10). Encarceramentos consistiram em hérnias inguinoescrotais (2/6), encarceramento de alças intestinais por falha no mesentério (2/6), hérnia diafragmática e eventração umbilical. Macroscopicamente, os órgãos estavam constritos por um anel hernial, com isquemia intestinal e serosa avermelhada a vermelho-escura. Fatores predisponentes incluíram cirurgias prévias (2/6) e anel inguinal patente (1/6). Intussuscepções envolveram o intestino delgado (3/4) e íleoceco (1/4). A apresentação característica foi em potros com falta de colostro e concomitante pneumonia. Macroscopicamente, o intussuscepto deslizava em direção ao intussuscepiente, exibindo coloração vermelho-enegrecida difusa. Outras causas incluíram deslocamento de cólon maior (2/5), obstrução extrínseca e intrínseca do intestino delgado (2/5), e um caso de adenocarcinoma intestinal. Doenças não infecciosas são importantes causas de morte em equinos. Os aspectos epidemiológicos e macroscópicos das condições devem ser considerados para o que o diagnóstico final da causa da cólica seja obtido.(AU)

Animais , Dilatação Gástrica , Cólica , Trato Gastrointestinal/patologia , Volvo Intestinal , Doenças dos Cavalos/patologia , Doenças dos Cavalos/epidemiologia , Intussuscepção , Cavalos
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 28(2,supl.2): 13-15, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19569


Gastric dilatation-volvulus is an acute and life-threatening condition characterized by rapid accumulation of air and malposition of the stomach that requires veterinary intervention. Dirofilariasis is a disease caused by the nematode Dirofilaria immitis which can cause chronic and severe injuries in the animals cardiovascular system. In this study, a case of gastric dilatation volvulus syndrome and splenic rupture in a dog with incidental finding of dirofilariasis in its necropsy will be reported.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Dilatação Gástrica/complicações , Dilatação Gástrica/mortalidade , Dilatação Gástrica/veterinária , Dirofilariose , Volvo Gástrico/veterinária , Ruptura Esplênica/veterinária , Autopsia/veterinária , Dirofilaria immitis
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 28(2,supl.2): 13-15, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472386


Gastric dilatation-volvulus is an acute and life-threatening condition characterized by rapid accumulation of air and malposition of the stomach that requires veterinary intervention. Dirofilariasis is a disease caused by the nematode Dirofilaria immitis which can cause chronic and severe injuries in the animal’s cardiovascular system. In this study, a case of gastric dilatation volvulus syndrome and splenic rupture in a dog with incidental finding of dirofilariasis in its necropsy will be reported.

Animais , Cães , Dilatação Gástrica/complicações , Dilatação Gástrica/mortalidade , Dilatação Gástrica/veterinária , Dirofilariose , Ruptura Esplênica/veterinária , Volvo Gástrico/veterinária , Autopsia/veterinária , Dirofilaria immitis
Ci. Rural ; 45(2): 280-283, 02/2015. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-12328


Gastropexy techniques are performed aiming to adhere permanently the stomach to the abdomen, being this one of the most common indications for prevention and treatment of gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV). The only accepted method for the prevention of GDV is the prophylactic gastropexy, and the laparoscopic-assisted procedure is quick and easy to perform. It is aimed to report the association of laparoscopic-assisted prophylactic gastropexyand elective ovariohysterectomy (OVH) in a two years old Great dane bitch using the two-portals access, when it was observed rapid and complete recovery. It is concluded that the two portals laparoscopic-assisted prophylactic gastropexy is feasible and safe in dogs, when combined with elective OVH. It makes the technique a suitable option for prevention of GDV in predisposed breeds.(AU)

As técnicas de gastropexia são realizadas objetivando aderir o estômago permanentemente ao abdômen, sendo comumente indicadas na prevenção e tratamento da dilatação vólvulo-gástrico (DVG). O único método aceito para a prevenção da GDV é a gastropexia profilática, a qual pode ser realizada pelo acesso videoassistido de forma rápida e fácil. Objetiva-se relatar a associação de gastropexia profilática videoassistida e ovariohisterectomia (OVH) eletiva em uma cadela Dogue alemão, com dois anos de idade, pela técnica de dois portais, na qual se observou rápida e completa recuperação da paciente. Conclui-se que a gastropexiavideoassistida profilática associada à OVH videoassistida com dois portais, durante única intervenção, é factível e segura para cães, tornando-se uma opção adequada na prevenção da DVG em raças predispostas.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Gastropexia/veterinária , Cirurgia Vídeoassistida/veterinária , Dilatação Gástrica/veterinária
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-213729


Doenças relacionadas ao sistema alimentar são tidas como a principal causa de morte de equinos, enquanto doenças respiratórias são a quarta a quinta maior causa de morte na espécie. Todavia, os aspectos patológicos de ambas são pobremente descritos na literatura. Dessa forma, nessa tese estão incluídos quatro manuscritos abordando esse tema. O primeiro manuscrito teve o objetivo de descrever os aspectos patológicos e microbiológicos de lesões pulmonares de equinos abatidos em matadouro-frigorífico. Um total de 84 amostras foi analisada, e um diagnóstico final conclusivo foi obtido em 74. Broncopneumonia supurativa foi o principal diagnóstico (50/74), seguido por pneumonia eosinofílica granulomatosa (9/74), obstrução aérea recorrente (7/74), fibrose pulmonar (4/74), hemorragia pulmonar (3/74) e pitiose pulmonar (1/74). As broncopneumonias foram causadas principalmente por Streptococcus equi subsp. equi (21/50). O segundo manuscrito teve o objetivo de descrever os aspectos macroscópicos, microscópicos e etiológicos relacionados a pneumonias e pleurites diagnosticadas em 50 equinos necropsiados de 2005 a 2017 no Sul do Brasil. Pneumonias supurativas foram as principais condições diagnosticadas (17/50), e foram subdivididas em agudas (8/17), subagudas (6/17) e crônicas (3/17) baseadas nos padrões morfológicos das lesões. Streptococcus sp. foi identificado em 11 desses casos através de cultivo bacteriano ou exame imuno-histoquímico. As outras lesões foram classificadas em pneumonias piogranulomatosas por Rhodococcus equi (14/50), pneumonias aspirativas (5/50), pneumonias micóticas por Aspergillus spp. (4/50), pneumonias broncointersticiais por Influenza A (3/50), pleurites (3/50) e pneumonias embólicas (3/50). Pneumonias são causas significativas de morte em equinos no Sul do Brasil, sendo as pneumonias supurativas e piogranulomatosas as principais condições. Os aspectos epidemiológicos, patológicos, bacteriológicos e imuno-histoquímicos são essenciais para a obtenção do diagnóstico final. O terceiro manuscrito teve o objetivo de descrever os achados patológicos de enterites e tiflocolites parasitárias fatais em equinos. Dez cavalos apresentavam enterite e/ou tiflocolite parasitária fatal, e as principais causas foram: tiflocolite por ciatostomíneos (6/10), enterite por Eimeria leuckarti (1/10), enterite por Strongyloides westeri (1/10), colite por Balantidium coli (1/10) e infecção por múltiplos agentes (1/10). A tiflocolite por ciatostomíneos exibia acentuado espessamento de mucosa, com nódulos multifocais elevadas contendo parasitas filiformes. Microscopicamente, a mucosa e submucosa exibiam estruturas parasitárias encistadas envoltas por inflamação eosinofílica e granulomatosa. A enterite por E. leuckarti exibia macrogamontes, microgamontes e oocistos no interior de células do hospedeiro. A enterite por S. westeri exibia atrofia de vilosidades com numerosas estruturas parasitárias encistadas na mucosa. O quarto manuscrito teve o objetivo de descrever os aspectos epidemiológicos e patológicos de doenças não infecciosas do trato gastrointestinal de equinos necropsiados entre 2005 e 2017 no Sul do Brasil. Durante esse período, 114 equinos morreram devido a doenças não infecciosas do trato gastrointestinal, e as principais causas foram: dilatação gástrica primária (27/114), vólvulos (27/114), enterolitíase (20/114), ruptura (colônica) retal (15/114), compactação gástrica ou cecocolônica (10/114), encarceramentos (6/114), intussuscepções (4/114) e outros (5/114). Doenças não infecciosas do trato gastrointestinal, assim como enterites e tiflocolites parasitárias, são importantes causas de morte em equinos. Os aspectos epidemiológicos, macroscópicos e microscópicos das condições devem ser considerados para que um diagnóstico conclusivo da causa da cólica seja obtido.

Diseases related to the alimentary system are the main cause of death in horses, while respiratory diseases are fourth to fifth most common causes of death. Yet, the pathological features of both are poorly described. Thus, four manuscripts on this subject are included on this thesis. The first manuscript aimed to describe the pathological and microbiological features of lung lesions in slaughtered horses. A total of 84 samples were analyzed, and a final diagnosis was obtained in 74. Suppurative bronchopneumonia was the main diagnosis (50/74), followed by granulomatous eosinophilic pneumonia (9/74), recurrent airway obstruction (7/74), lung fibrosis (4/74), lung hemorrhage (3/74), and pythiosis (1/74). Bronchopneumonia was caused mainly by Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus (21/50). The second manuscript aimed to describe the gross, microscopic and etiologic findings related to pneumonia and pleuritis in 50 horses necropsied between 2005 and 2017 in Southern Brazil. Suppurative pneumonia was the main condition diagnosed (17/50), and was further divided into acute (8/17), subacute (6/17), and chronic (3/17) based on the morphological pattern of lesions. Streptococcus sp. was identified through bacterial culture or immunohistochemistry in eleven cases of these cases. The following lesions were pyogranulomatous pneumonia by Rhodococcus equi (14/50), aspiration pneumonia (5/50), mycotic pneumonia by Aspergillus spp. (4/50), bronchointerstitial pneumonia by Influenza A (3/50), pleuritis (3/50), and embolic pneumonia (3/50). Pneumonia is a significant cause of death in horses in Southern Brazil, with suppurative and pyogranulomatous pneumonia as the main conditions. Epidemiological, pathological, bacteriological, and immunohistochemical features are essential to obtain a final diagnosis. The third manuscript aimed to describe the pathological findings of fatal parasite-induced enteritis and typhlocolitis in horses. Ten horses had fatal parasitic enteritis and/or typhlocolitis, and the main causes were: cyathostominae typhlocolitis (6/10), Eimeria leuckarti enteritis (1/10), Strongyloides westeri enteritis (1/10), Balantidium coli colitis related to cyathostominae (1/10), and infection by multiple agents (1/10). Cyathostominae typhlocolitis showed marked mucosal thickening, with multifocal elevated nodules containing tangled filiform parasites. Microscopic examination revealed that the mucosa and submucosa had encysted parasitic structures surrounded by eosinophilic and granulomatous inflammation. E. leuckarti enteritis had macrogamonts, microgamonts, and oocysts inside the host cells. S. westeri enteritis had atrophy of the villi with numerous mucosal encysted parasitic structures. B. coli typhlocolitis showed severe diffuse mucosal reddening, with microscopic superficial mucosal necrosis associated with multiple protozoan trophozoites. The fourth manuscript aimed to to describe the epidemiological and pathological features of noninfectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in horses necropsied between 2005 and 2017 in Southern Brazil. During this period, 114 horses died due to noninfectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and the main causes were: primary gastric dilation (27/114), volvulus (27/114), enterolithiasis (20/114), rectal (colonic) perforation (15/114), gastric or cecocolonic impaction (10/114), incarcerations (6/114), intussusception (4/114), and others (5/114). Noninfectious gastrointestinal diseases, as well as parasite-induced enteritis and typhlocolitis, are important causes of death in horses. Epidemiological, gross and microscopical features of the conditions should be accounted to obtain a final diagnosis of the cause of the colic.

Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 39(4): 1-5, 20110000. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-12359


Background: Gastric-dilation volvulus complex (GDV) is an acute condition characterized by dilation of the stomach associated with rotation around its mesenteric axis. Cardiac arrhythmias, especially of ventricular origin are frequently found in animals with GDV. Ventricular tachycardia is characterized by three or more ventricular premature complexes in sequence. Atrial flutter is a supraventricular arrhythmia uncommon in dogs, characterized by rapid atrial rate and altered atrial depolarization resulting in bidirectional saw-toothed atrial complexes. The aim of this work is describe the cardiac arrhythmias and electrocardiographic patterns observed in a postoperative period of seven days in a dog with GDV syndrome. Case: A 2-year-old female dog of Fila Brasileiro breed was presented to veterinary hospital due to an acute onset of abdominal distension. Clinical findings included hyperemic mucous membranes, capillary refill time of less than two seconds, normal sounds in cardiac auscultation, heart rate of 160 beats per min, tachypnea, normal femoral pulses and an increased abdominal volume compatible with accumulation of gas. The surgical procedure was the treatment of choice for correction of GDV syndrome. The stomach was dilated, rotated 180 degrees clockwise and possibly with a necrotic area. The spleen was congested and infarcted. During surgery, the patient had a period of low oximetry and two isolated ventricular premature complexes, treated with lidocaine in bolus. In the postoperative period, the electrocardiographic monitoring revealed the presence of two types of arrhythmia. Ventricular tachycardia occurred one day after surgery, being treated with lidocaine in bolus and constant rate infusion. On the third day, the dog developed atrial fl utter, treated with digoxin. On the fourth day, cardiac rhythm returned to normal and showed no further changes up to 7 days after surgery, when the dog was discharged. Discussion: The presence of cardiac arrhythmias in the postoperative period is one of the factors that makes the prognosis worse in dogs with GDV. The etiological mechanism of cardiac arrhythmias in this syndrome has not been elucidated. Among the possibilities are myocardial ischemia, release of myocardial depressant factors, release of catecholamines, electrolyte imbalances and acidosis. Ventricular tachycardia is a relatively common arrhythmia in cases of GDV, which can progress to ventricular fibrillation, the leading cause of deaths from cardiac arrhythmia in dogs with the disease. Among supraventricular arrhythmias, atrial premature complexes were reported, however atrial flutter was not described before in this syndrome. Moreover, the dog developed cardiac arrhythmia until about 72 h after surgery, unlike another reports. An electrocardiographic pattern changed was the size of the P wave, suggesting left atrial enlargement, but thoracic radiography showed a normal-sized cardiac silhouette. Moreover, the animal showed T wave amplitude greater than 25% of the R wave amplitude, which may be related to low oximetry observed at the start of surgery, possible electrolyte imbalances or be physiological. The present case reinforces the importance of electrocardiographic monitoring in the postoperative GDV, including a period of up to 72 h after surgery. Moreover, it is concluded that atrial flutter may be another type of arrhythmia caused by secondary changes of GDV syndrome and confirms the effectiveness of antiarrhythmic therapy with lidocaine in cases of ventricular tachycardia.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Flutter Atrial/veterinária , Taquicardia/veterinária , Lidocaína/metabolismo
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 39(4): 1-5, 20110000. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1456894


Background: Gastric-dilation volvulus complex (GDV) is an acute condition characterized by dilation of the stomach associated with rotation around its mesenteric axis. Cardiac arrhythmias, especially of ventricular origin are frequently found in animals with GDV. Ventricular tachycardia is characterized by three or more ventricular premature complexes in sequence. Atrial flutter is a supraventricular arrhythmia uncommon in dogs, characterized by rapid atrial rate and altered atrial depolarization resulting in bidirectional saw-toothed atrial complexes. The aim of this work is describe the cardiac arrhythmias and electrocardiographic patterns observed in a postoperative period of seven days in a dog with GDV syndrome. Case: A 2-year-old female dog of Fila Brasileiro breed was presented to veterinary hospital due to an acute onset of abdominal distension. Clinical findings included hyperemic mucous membranes, capillary refill time of less than two seconds, normal sounds in cardiac auscultation, heart rate of 160 beats per min, tachypnea, normal femoral pulses and an increased abdominal volume compatible with accumulation of gas. The surgical procedure was the treatment of choice for correction of GDV syndrome. The stomach was dilated, rotated 180 degrees clockwise and possibly with a necrotic area. The spleen was congested and infarcted. During surgery, the patient had a period of low oximetry and two isolated ventricular premature complexes, treated with lidocaine in bolus. In the postoperative period, the electrocardiographic monitoring revealed the presence of two types of arrhythmia. Ventricular tachycardia occurred one day after surgery, being treated with lidocaine in bolus and constant rate infusion. On the third day, the dog developed atrial fl utter, treated with digoxin. On the fourth day, cardiac rhythm returned to normal and showed no further changes up to 7 days after surgery, when the dog was discharged. Discussion: The presence of cardiac arrhythmias in the postoperative period is one of the factors that makes the prognosis worse in dogs with GDV. The etiological mechanism of cardiac arrhythmias in this syndrome has not been elucidated. Among the possibilities are myocardial ischemia, release of myocardial depressant factors, release of catecholamines, electrolyte imbalances and acidosis. Ventricular tachycardia is a relatively common arrhythmia in cases of GDV, which can progress to ventricular fibrillation, the leading cause of deaths from cardiac arrhythmia in dogs with the disease. Among supraventricular arrhythmias, atrial premature complexes were reported, however atrial flutter was not described before in this syndrome. Moreover, the dog developed cardiac arrhythmia until about 72 h after surgery, unlike another reports. An electrocardiographic pattern changed was the size of the P wave, suggesting left atrial enlargement, but thoracic radiography showed a normal-sized cardiac silhouette. Moreover, the animal showed T wave amplitude greater than 25% of the R wave amplitude, which may be related to low oximetry observed at the start of surgery, possible electrolyte imbalances or be physiological. The present case reinforces the importance of electrocardiographic monitoring in the postoperative GDV, including a period of up to 72 h after surgery. Moreover, it is concluded that atrial flutter may be another type of arrhythmia caused by secondary changes of GDV syndrome and confirms the effectiveness of antiarrhythmic therapy with lidocaine in cases of ventricular tachycardia.

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Flutter Atrial/veterinária , Taquicardia/veterinária , Lidocaína/metabolismo
Nosso Clín. ; 17(100): 40-48, jul.-ago. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20252


Um aumento de tamanho do estômago associado com rotação em seu eixo mesentérico define a síndrome da dilatação volvo gástrica (OVG). A síndrome OVG é uma condição associada a altas taxas de mortalidade, principalmente quando não ocorre a rápida intervenção clínica e cirúrgica. O sinal clínico típico é a distensão abdominal por acumulo de gás. Os tumores estromais do trato gastrointestinal (GIST) são diagnosticados através do exame anatomopatológico e imunoistoquimico, estas neoplasias não respondem bem a radioterapias e quimioterapias necessitando de remoção cirúrgica. O perfil imunoistoquimico para um diagnostico mais preciso envolve os marcadores C034, desmina, C0117, proteína 00G1, C045RB, vimentina e proteína S-100. O objetivo desse relato é, através de sua apresentação, fazer uma breve revisão de literatura sobre a síndrome OVG e o perfil imunoistoquimico para GISTs.(AU)

An increase in the size of the stomach associated with mesenteric rotation on its axis define the syndrome of gastric dilation volvulus (OVG). OVG syndrome is a condition associated with high mortality condition, especially when there is no rapid clinical and surgical has intervened. The typical clinical sign is abdominal distension by accumulation of gas. The gastrointestinal tract stromal tumors (GIST) are diagnosed by histopathologic and immunohistochemical examination, these tumors do not respond well to radiotherapy and chemotherapy requiring surgical removal. Immunohistochemical profile for a more accurate diagnosis involves the markers C034, desmin, C0117, 00G1 protein, C045RB, vimentin and S-1 00 protein. The objective of this report is, through its aprensetation, make a brief review of literature on the OVG syndrome and immunohistochemical profile for GISTs.(AU)

Un aumento en el tamano del estómago asociada a la rotación sobre su eje mesentérico definir el síndrome de vólvulo dilatación gástrica (OVG). Síndrome de OVG es una condición asociada con condiciones de alta mortalidad, especialmente cuando no hay una rápida intervención clínica y quirúrgica. El signo clínico típico es la distensión abdominal por acumulación de gas. Los tumores del estroma del tracto gastrointestinal (GIST) son diagnosticados por histopatológico y examen inmunohistoquímico, estos tumores no responden bien a la radioterapia y la quimioterapia que requiere la extirpación quirúrgica. Perfil inmunohistoquímica para un diagnóstico más preciso implica la marcadores C034, desmina, C0117, 00G1, C045RB, vimentina y proteína de la proteína S-1 00. El objetivo de este informe es, a través de su aprensetação, hacer una breve revisión de la literatura sobre el síndrome de OVG y el perfil inmunohistoquímico de los GISTs.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Volvo Gástrico/complicações , Volvo Gástrico/veterinária , Dilatação Gástrica/veterinária , Piloro/patologia , Neoplasias Gástricas/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Nosso clínico ; 17(100): 40-48, jul.-ago. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1485803


Um aumento de tamanho do estômago associado com rotação em seu eixo mesentérico define a síndrome da dilatação volvo gástrica (OVG). A síndrome OVG é uma condição associada a altas taxas de mortalidade, principalmente quando não ocorre a rápida intervenção clínica e cirúrgica. O sinal clínico típico é a distensão abdominal por acumulo de gás. Os tumores estromais do trato gastrointestinal (GIST) são diagnosticados através do exame anatomopatológico e imunoistoquimico, estas neoplasias não respondem bem a radioterapias e quimioterapias necessitando de remoção cirúrgica. O perfil imunoistoquimico para um diagnostico mais preciso envolve os marcadores C034, desmina, C0117, proteína 00G1, C045RB, vimentina e proteína S-100. O objetivo desse relato é, através de sua apresentação, fazer uma breve revisão de literatura sobre a síndrome OVG e o perfil imunoistoquimico para GISTs.

An increase in the size of the stomach associated with mesenteric rotation on its axis define the syndrome of gastric dilation volvulus (OVG). OVG syndrome is a condition associated with high mortality condition, especially when there is no rapid clinical and surgical has intervened. The typical clinical sign is abdominal distension by accumulation of gas. The gastrointestinal tract stromal tumors (GIST) are diagnosed by histopathologic and immunohistochemical examination, these tumors do not respond well to radiotherapy and chemotherapy requiring surgical removal. Immunohistochemical profile for a more accurate diagnosis involves the markers C034, desmin, C0117, 00G1 protein, C045RB, vimentin and S-1 00 protein. The objective of this report is, through its aprensetation, make a brief review of literature on the OVG syndrome and immunohistochemical profile for GISTs.

Un aumento en el tamano del estómago asociada a la rotación sobre su eje mesentérico definir el síndrome de vólvulo dilatación gástrica (OVG). Síndrome de OVG es una condición asociada con condiciones de alta mortalidad, especialmente cuando no hay una rápida intervención clínica y quirúrgica. El signo clínico típico es la distensión abdominal por acumulación de gas. Los tumores del estroma del tracto gastrointestinal (GIST) son diagnosticados por histopatológico y examen inmunohistoquímico, estos tumores no responden bien a la radioterapia y la quimioterapia que requiere la extirpación quirúrgica. Perfil inmunohistoquímica para un diagnóstico más preciso implica la marcadores C034, desmina, C0117, 00G1, C045RB, vimentina y proteína de la proteína S-1 00. El objetivo de este informe es, a través de su aprensetação, hacer una breve revisión de la literatura sobre el síndrome de OVG y el perfil inmunohistoquímico de los GISTs.

Animais , Cães , Dilatação Gástrica/veterinária , Neoplasias Gástricas/veterinária , Piloro/patologia , Volvo Gástrico/complicações , Volvo Gástrico/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1488878


A retrospective study of 34 dogs with gastric dilation-volvulus (GDV) was conducted. Age, breed, surgical treatment, and mortality were analyzed. Brazilian Fila was the most prevalent breed and 8.4 years was the mean age. Ali animals were submitted to laparotomy with stomach repositioning and decompression. Gastrotomy was performed in 38.2% of the dogs. Seven of the 8 dogs with gross evidence of gastric necrosis underwent gastric resection (20.6% of cases). Gastropexy was performed in 21 of the 34 dogs (61.8%); splenectomy in 8 (23.4%). Overall mortality was 44.1 %, and 75% of these had gross signs of gastric necrosis. A large number of dogs died on the first day after surgery. Mortality was further increased when splenectomy, gastrotomy and gastric resection were performed. Age did not influence the mortality in dogs with surgically managed GVD.

Um estudo retrospectivo de 34 cães com síndrome de dilatação vólvulo-gástrica foi realizado. A  idade, raça, procedimentos cirúrgicos e as taxas de mortalidade foram analisados. A raça mais acometida  foi o Fila Brasileiro (47,1%) e a idade média dos cães, 8,4 anos. Todos os animais foram  submetidos à laparotomia com reposicionamento e descompressão do estômago. A gastrotomia foi  realizada em 38,2% dos animais. Dos oito casos com evidência macroscópica de necrose gástrica,  sete sofreram ressecção (20,6% dos casos). A gastropexia foi realizada em 61,8%; a esplenectomia,  em 23,5% dos cães. A taxa geral de mortalidade verificada foi de 44, I%, sendo 75% nos animais  com evidências macroscópicas de necrose gástrica. A grande maioria dos óbitos ocorreu nos dois  primeiros dias do pós-operatório. Nos casos em que a gastrotomia e, especialmente, a gastrectomia  parcial e esplenectomia foram realizadas, houve um aumento na taxa de mortalidade. A idade não  influenciou a taxa de mortalidade.

Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-454749


A retrospective study of 34 dogs with gastric dilation-volvulus (GDV) was conducted. Age, breed, surgical treatment, and mortality were analyzed. Brazilian Fila was the most prevalent breed and 8.4 years was the mean age. Ali animals were submitted to laparotomy with stomach repositioning and decompression. Gastrotomy was performed in 38.2% of the dogs. Seven of the 8 dogs with gross evidence of gastric necrosis underwent gastric resection (20.6% of cases). Gastropexy was performed in 21 of the 34 dogs (61.8%); splenectomy in 8 (23.4%). Overall mortality was 44.1 %, and 75% of these had gross signs of gastric necrosis. A large number of dogs died on the first day after surgery. Mortality was further increased when splenectomy, gastrotomy and gastric resection were performed. Age did not influence the mortality in dogs with surgically managed GVD.

Um estudo retrospectivo de 34 cães com síndrome de dilatação vólvulo-gástrica foi realizado. A  idade, raça, procedimentos cirúrgicos e as taxas de mortalidade foram analisados. A raça mais acometida  foi o Fila Brasileiro (47,1%) e a idade média dos cães, 8,4 anos. Todos os animais foram  submetidos à laparotomia com reposicionamento e descompressão do estômago. A gastrotomia foi  realizada em 38,2% dos animais. Dos oito casos com evidência macroscópica de necrose gástrica,  sete sofreram ressecção (20,6% dos casos). A gastropexia foi realizada em 61,8%; a esplenectomia,  em 23,5% dos cães. A taxa geral de mortalidade verificada foi de 44, I%, sendo 75% nos animais  com evidências macroscópicas de necrose gástrica. A grande maioria dos óbitos ocorreu nos dois  primeiros dias do pós-operatório. Nos casos em que a gastrotomia e, especialmente, a gastrectomia  parcial e esplenectomia foram realizadas, houve um aumento na taxa de mortalidade. A idade não  influenciou a taxa de mortalidade.

MEDVEP. Rev. cient. Med. Vet. ; 6(17): 8-22, jan.-mar. 2008. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-14374


A Síndrome da Dilatação Gástrica-Vólvulo (DGV) é uma emergência clínica e cirúrgica em pequenos animais. Essa condição está relacionada com vários efeitos fisiopatológicos que ocorrem devido a distensão e ao mal posicionamento do estômago. A DGV requer tratamento imediato e precisa de um protocolo adequado para que os riscos dessa infecção sejam calculados e controlados. A patologia está associada a um alto índice de mortalidade que varia de 30 a 45% dos animais tratados. É mais comumente descrita em cães de grande porte e de tórax profundo, e com prevalência em cães mais idosos. Fatores como superalimentação, exercício pós-prandial, aerofagia, fermentação bacteriana, produção de gás e retardo no esvaziamento gástrico são fatores predisponentes ao aparecimento da DGV. Neste trabalho são revisados os aspectos da fisiopatologia, diagnóstico e tratamento dessa síndrome(AU)

The gastric-volvulus dilatations (GVD) is a clinical and surgical emergency of small animal. This condition is related with many physiopatological effects resulting from distension and malpositioning of the stomach. The GVD demands immediate treatment and needs a proper procedure to minimize and control the risks of this affection. The pathology is associated with a high rate of mortality that varies from 30 to 45% of the treated animals. It is more prevalent in big size, deep chest and old dogs. Factors like overfeeding, postpradial activity, aerophagia, bacterial fermentation, gas production and emptying gastric retarded are considered to be predispose factors for the appearance of GVD. In this work the aspects of physiopatology, diagnostic and treatment of this syndrome is reviewed(AU)

Cães , Dilatação Gástrica , Cães , Gastropatias/veterinária , Volvo Gástrico/veterinária , Volvo Gástrico/fisiopatologia , Gastrectomia/veterinária , Dilatação Gástrica/cirurgia
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1485173


A Síndrome da Dilatação Gástrica-Vólvulo (DGV) é uma emergência clínica e cirúrgica em pequenos animais. Essa condição está relacionada com vários efeitos fisiopatológicos que ocorrem devido a distensão e ao mal posicionamento do estômago. A DGV requer tratamento imediato e precisa de um protocolo adequado para que os riscos dessa infecção sejam calculados e controlados. A patologia está associada a um alto índice de mortalidade que varia de 30 a 45% dos animais tratados. É mais comumente descrita em cães de grande porte e de tórax profundo, e com prevalência em cães mais idosos. Fatores como superalimentação, exercício pós-prandial, aerofagia, fermentação bacteriana, produção de gás e retardo no esvaziamento gástrico são fatores predisponentes ao aparecimento da DGV. Neste trabalho são revisados os aspectos da fisiopatologia, diagnóstico e tratamento dessa síndrome

The gastric-volvulus dilatations (GVD) is a clinical and surgical emergency of small animal. This condition is related with many physiopatological effects resulting from distension and malpositioning of the stomach. The GVD demands immediate treatment and needs a proper procedure to minimize and control the risks of this affection. The pathology is associated with a high rate of mortality that varies from 30 to 45% of the treated animals. It is more prevalent in big size, deep chest and old dogs. Factors like overfeeding, postpradial activity, aerophagia, bacterial fermentation, gas production and emptying gastric retarded are considered to be predispose factors for the appearance of GVD. In this work the aspects of physiopatology, diagnostic and treatment of this syndrome is reviewed

Cães , Cães , Dilatação Gástrica , Dilatação Gástrica/cirurgia , Gastrectomia/veterinária , Gastropatias/veterinária , Volvo Gástrico/fisiopatologia , Volvo Gástrico/veterinária