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Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07210, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1431058


Anal sac neoplasms are common in companion animals, and the epidemiological profile has been extensively described in international studies; however, national data are still lacking. Data on the Brazilian reality of anal sac carcinoma cases' diagnosis and treatment are also scarce. The purpose of this study was to retrospectively evaluate cases of canine anal sac carcinoma and assess the profile of involvement, tumor size, and lymphatic invasion at the time of diagnosis. Information was obtained from Vetpat laboratory database, from 260 cases spanning a 12-year period (2010-2021). In histopathological evaluation at the time of diagnosis, data on sex, age, and race were described, as well as tumor size and lymphatic invasion. The presence of metastasis was also assessed in cases where lymph nodes were sampled. Simple descriptive statistical analysis was used to evaluate the data. Adult and elderly, female, and mixed-breed animals were more involved, indicating differences from international studies that can be attributed to sociocultural factors. In terms of tumor size, it was observed that 93% of the cases had the largest diameter above 2.5cm. Only 7% of the cases had the largest diameter below 2.5cm, demonstrating the often late diagnosis and the importance of rectal palpation examination during the general physical assessment of canine patients, particularly at an advanced age. Regarding lymphatic invasion and affected lymph nodes, 50% of the cases had lymphatic invasion described in the histopathological examination. However, only 5% of the lymph nodes were sent along with the primary tumor, indicating the disease's aggressive behavior but with possible metastases underdiagnosed.

As neoplasias de saco anal possuem incidência importante nos animais de companhia, tendo o seu perfil epidemiológico de acometimento amplamente descrito em estudos internacionais, entretanto dados nacionais ainda são escassos. De modo semelhante, dados acerca da realidade brasileira, associados ao diagnóstico e conduta desses casos, são inexistentes. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar, de forma retrospectiva, os casos de carcinoma de saco anal canino, avaliando o perfil de acometimento, o tamanho tumoral e a invasão linfática no momento do diagnóstico. Foi obtido informações de 260 casos, respectivo a um período de 12 anos (2010-2021), proveniente do banco de dados do laboratório Vetpat. Foram descritos os dados acerca do sexo, idade e raça, bem como o tamanho tumoral e presença de invasão linfática em avaliação histopatológica no momento do diagnóstico. Os casos que cursavam com envio dos linfonodos também foram avaliados quanto a presença de metástase. Os dados foram avaliados mediante análise estatística descritiva simples. Foi encontrado um maior acometimento em animais adultos a idosos, do sexo feminino e sem raça definida, evidenciando diferenças em relação a estudos internacionais, que podem ser atribuídas a fatores socioculturais. Em relação ao tamanho tumoral, observou-se que 93% dos casos apresentavam o maior diâmetro acima de 2,5cm e apenas 7% dos casos apresentavam o maior diâmetro abaixo de 2,5cm, evidenciando o diagnostico frequentemente tardio, bem como a importância do exame de palpação retal durante a avaliação física geral de pacientes caninos, principalmente em idade avançada. Quanto a avaliação da invasão linfática e linfonodos acometidos, 50% dos casos cursavam com invasão linfática descrita em exame histopatológico, entretanto em apenas 5% dos casos os linfonodos foram enviados junto ao tumor primário, evidenciando o comportamento agressivo da doença, porém com metástases possivelmente subdiagnosticadas.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Cães , Adenocarcinoma/veterinária , Doenças do Cão , Neoplasias das Glândulas Anais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias das Glândulas Anais/epidemiologia , Sacos Anais/patologia , Linfonodos
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 45: e63722, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427131


The family Potamotrygonidae are the only species of stingrays restricted to fresh water and located exclusively in South America. The objective of this research was to analyze the morphological aspects and germ cells of the male reproductive tract of Potamotrygon amandae. The samples were fixed in 10% formalin, and then dehydrated in an ascending ethanol series (70 to 100%). To carry out light microscopy analyses, they were embedded in paraffin, cut and stained; as for scanning electron microscopy analyses, the samples were dried, glued in metallic bases and metalized. The gross morphology consisted of the following paired organs: testis, epididymis, deferent duct, Leydig gland, seminal vesicle, clasper, and the clasper gland. Microscopically, several stages of spermatogenesis were observed in the testis, occurring in spherical follicles, similar to other stingrays. The epididymis was formed by one duct subdivided in various tubules. The deferent ducts were continuous with the epididymis, and the lumen was full of spermatozoa. The Leydig glands consisted of glandular units with eosinophilic content in the lumen of some, and the deferent ducts ran parallel to the ventral portion. The seminal vesicles possessed numerous compartments to store the sperm, with a wall similar to a hive, and the lumen was full of spermatozoa. Alcian Blue (AB) and Periodic Schiff-Acid (PAS) performed in the Leydig Gland, deferens ducts and seminal vesicle was positive only in the connective tissue, the cilia were PAS+ and the nuclei stained weakly for AB. The clasper gland was composed of unit glands and was covered with striated muscle externally. It stained very well with Periodic Schiff-Acid. The morphological aspects of the male reproductive tract of Potamotrygon amandae were similar to other stingrays.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Rajidae/fisiologia , Achados Morfológicos e Microscópicos , Células Germinativas
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e271913, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1439634


Rhodnius neglectus is a wild triatomine, vector of the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes Chagas' disease, and feeds on the blood of small mammals, being essential for its growth and reproduction. Accessory glands of the female reproductive tract are important in insect reproduction, but their anatomy and histology in R. neglectus are poorly studied. The aim of this work was to describe the histology and histochemistry of the accessory gland of the female reproductive tract of R. neglectus. The reproductive tract of five females of R. neglectus was dissected and the accessory glands transferred to Zamboni's fixative solution, dehydrated in a crescent series of ethanol, embedded in historesin, sectioned at 2 µm thick, stained with toluidine blue for histological analysis or mercury bromophenol blue for detection of total proteins. The accessory gland R. neglectus is tubular, without branches, opening in the dorsal region of the vagina and differing along its length in proximal and distal regions. In the proximal region, the gland is lined by the cuticle with a layer of columnar cells associated with muscle fibers. In the distal region of the gland, the epithelium has spherical secretory cells with terminal apparatus and conducting canaliculi opening in the lumen through pores in the cuticle. Proteins were identified in the gland lumen, terminal apparatus, nucleus and cytoplasm of secretory cells. The histology of the R. neglectus gland is similar to that found in other species of this genus, but with variations in the shape and size of its distal region.

Rhodnius neglectus é um triatomíneo silvestre, vetor do protozoário Trypanosoma cruzi, causador da doença de Chagas. Este inseto se alimenta do sangue de pequenos mamíferos, que é essencial para o seu crescimento e reprodução. As glândulas acessórias do sistema reprodutor feminino são importantes na reprodução de insetos, mas sua anatomia e histologia em R. neglectus são pouco conhecidas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever a histologia e histoquímica da glândula acessória do aparelho reprodutor feminino de R. neglectus. O sistema reprodutor de cinco fêmeas de R. neglectus foi dissecado e as glândulas acessórias transferidas para solução fixadora de Zamboni, desidratadas em série crescente de etanol, embebidas em historesina, seccionadas com 2 µm de espessura, coradas com azul de toluidina para análise histológica ou submetidas ao teste de mercúrio-bromofenol para detecção de proteínas totais. O sistema reprodutor de R. neglectus tem uma glândula acessória tubular, sem ramificações, abrindo-se na região dorsal da vagina, sendo diferenciada em regiões proximal e distal. Na região proximal, a glândula é revestida internamente pela cutícula com uma camada de células colunares associadas a fibras musculares. Na região distal ocorrem células secretoras esféricas com aparato terminal e canalículos condutores que se abrem no lúmen da glândula através de poros na cutícula. O teste histoquímico revelou a presença de proteínas no lúmen da glândula e no aparato terminal, núcleo e citoplasma das células secretoras. A histologia da glândula de R. neglectus é semelhante à das espécies desse gênero, mas com variações na forma e no tamanho de sua região distal.

Reprodução , Rhodnius/anatomia & histologia , Doença de Chagas , Genitália Feminina
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07117, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1422300


The clinical syndrome of the pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) is the most common endocrinopathy of older horses. This syndrome is characterized by several clinical and pathological changes, which are usually associated with adenomas of the pars intermedia (PI) of the pituitary gland. The aim of this work is to describe five cases of pituitary adenoma of the PI associated with PPID in horses, addressing its clinical and pathological aspects. The horses had a mean of 22 years of age. The main clinical signs were hirsutism and paresis of hind limbs, and at post mortem examination all horses had hirsutism, and a nodule in the pituitary gland, which was histologically characterized as an adenoma of PI (5/5). Furthermore, two horses had gross lesions suggestive of chronic laminitis. Moreover, there was intense parasitism of Sarcocystis neurona (2/5), Strongylus vulgaris (1/5), Parascaris equorum (1/5), Draschia megastoma (1/5), and Klossiella equi (1/5).

A síndrome clínica da disfunção da pars intermedia da hipófise (PPID) é a endocrinopatia mais comum em cavalos idosos. Essa síndrome é caracterizada por várias alterações clínicas e patológicas, geralmente associadas a adenomas da pars intermedia (PI) da hipófise. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever cinco casos de adenoma hipofisário de PI associado a PPID em equinos, abordando seus aspectos clínicos e patológicos. Os cavalos apresentaram média de 22 anos de idade. Os principais sinais clínicos incluíam hirsutismo e paresia dos membros pélvicos, e no exame post mortem todos os equinos apresentavam hirsutismo e um nódulo na glândula pituitária, que foi histologicamente caracterizada como um adenoma de PI (5/5). Além disso, dois cavalos tinham lesões macroscópicas sugestivas de laminite crônica. Ainda, havia intenso parasitismo de Sarcocystis neurona (2/5), Strongylus vulgaris (1/5), Parascaris equorum (1/5), Draschia megastoma (1/5) e Klossiella equi (1/5).

Animais , Doenças da Hipófise/veterinária , Neoplasias Hipofisárias/veterinária , Adeno-Hipófise Parte Intermédia/fisiopatologia , Doenças dos Cavalos , Doenças Parasitárias , Hirsutismo/veterinária , Cavalos
Vet. zootec ; 30: [001-007], 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434232


A ordem Rodentiarepresenta 40% de todos os mamíferos vivos do planeta e está adaptada a todos os ambientes. O rato twister (Rattus novegicus) pertence à família Muridae. Historicamente, os roedores estão próximos de seres humanos há séculos e onde há presença de seres humanos, possivelmente há roedores. A população de roedores e lagomorfos estácrescendo nas residências de tutores, na condição de animais petsnão convencionais O objetivo do presente trabalho científico é descrever a ocorrência de uma neoplasia benigna em glândula sudorípara em rato, assim como, discorrer sobre a técnica cirúrgica e o protocolo anestésico utilizado com sucesso no paciente.(AU)

The Rodentia order represents 40% of all living mammals on the planet and are adapted to all environments. The twister rat (Rattus novegicus) belongs to the Muridae Family. Historically rodents have been close to humans for centuries and where humans are present, there are possibly rodents. Nowdays rodents and lagomorphs are commons in the owners homes, as animals pets because of their graciousness and docility. The objective of the present scientific work is to describe the occurrence of a benign neoplasm reported in rat, as well as to discuss the surgical technique and anesthetic protocol used successfullyin the patient.(AU)

El orden Rodentia representa el 40% de todos los mamíferos vivos del planeta y se adaptan a todoslos ambientes. El Rattus novegicuspertenece al la familia Muridae. Históricamente, los roedores han estado cerca de los humanos durante siglos y donde hay humanos, posiblemente haya roedores. Los roedores y lagomorfas son animales comunes en las casas delos tutores, como mascotas poco convencionales por su gracia y docilidad. El objetivo de este trabajo científico es describir la ocurrencia de una neoplasia benigna raramente reportada en ratas, así como discutir la técnica quirúrgica y el protocolo anestésico exitosamente utilizado en el paciente.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Ratos , Neoplasias das Glândulas Sudoríparas/veterinária , Acrospiroma/diagnóstico
Zoologia (Curitiba, Impr.) ; 40: e22056, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1450616


We describe a gland in the arthrodial membrane of the coxa-trochanter articulation in the fourth pair of legs in the Neotropical harvester Mischonyx squalidus Bertkau, 1880. Externally the glandular area has a rough appearance with pores on its surface, with folds of the arthrodial membrane. Internally, its secretory cells have spherical secretory vesicles, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and ducts that exit from the cells and cross the arthrodial membrane. Histochemical tests indicate the presence of proteins and neutral glycoproteins. The function of the gland might be to produce lubricating products that allow better movement of the coxa-trochanter region.

Humanos , Aracnídeos/anatomia & histologia , Lubrificação , Membranas/anatomia & histologia
Sci. agric ; 80: e20220086, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1450490


The present study explored the predictive values of milk leukocyte differentials (MLD) as a basis for improving the diagnosis of intramammary infections (IMIs) and subclinical mastitis. Quarter milk samples were collected for bacteriological analysis, quarter somatic cell count (qSCC), and MLD. The MLD were assessed using the cytospin technique, direct microscopic smears, and flow cytometry. The predictive values of each single leukocyte population and useful potential indices that could better reflect immune complexity were also calculated. Changes in the percentage of any leukocyte alone failed to substantially improve the predictive value of qSCC in diagnosing IMIs. Although certain parameters increased the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC curve) as a result of increased specificity values, a slight reduction in sensitivity was observed. The so-called CD8 complex was a unique parameter which improved both the sensitivity (78.79 %) and the specificity (80.77 %) in IMI diagnosis, resulting in the highest area under the ROC curve (0.87). To diagnose subclinical mastitis, the percentage of macrophages and the sum of the percentage PMNLs and T CD8+ cells divided by the percentage of macrophages showed the highest predictive values (sensitivity = 79.63, specificity = 73.68, and area under the ROC curve = 0.83) in the differentiation of the inflammatory condition status of cows. In conclusion, this study provides further insights into using T CD8+ lymphocytes in diagnosing bovine IMIs, combined with PMNLs and macrophages. The antidromic trend of macrophages vs. PMNLs and T CD8+ lymphocytes due to the increasing qSCCs was crucial to differentiating quarters under both inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions.

Animais , Leite , Inflamação , Glândulas Mamárias Animais , Mastite Bovina
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 882, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437109


Background: Distichiasis is a disease that is rare in cats, but very common in dogs. The term distichiasis may be controversial when used in the feline species, given that they do not possess true cilia, but rudimentary hair along the superior palpebra. The patients may be asymptomatic, though some show signs of ocular discomfort and ulcerative keratitis. The diagnosis is reached through an ophthalmological exam, and the treatment consists of the removal of the cilium with or without its hair follicle. With this work, we aim to report a series of cases of distichiasis in cats, as it is an uncommon anomaly, and has the potential to cause ocular discomfort in cats. Cases: Two mobile services of veterinary ophthalmology, one in the federal district of Brasília (DF) and the other in the municipality of Valinhos (SP), attended to 9 cats over a period of 5 years (2018 to 2022). The cats (n = 9) attended are of an undefined breed with ages varying from 10 months to 9 years, with an average of 3.9-year-old. The number of distichiasis presented by the animals was classified according to their quantity, being categorized as a mild grade when there was a single cilium, moderate grade when there were 2 to 4 cilia, and severe grade when there were more than 5 cilia. The highest incidence of distichiasis in this study was in males (78%) while females accounted for (22%) of the cases. The clinical changes reported by the owners consisted of signs of ocular discomfort (photophobia, blepharospasm, and periocular itching), ocular discharge and ocular redness. In the ophthalmological evaluations, blepharospasm (22%), serous to mucosal secretion (56%), chemosis (22%), mild (44%) to moderate (11%) conjunctival hyperemia, and ulcerative keratitis (22%) were observed. Distichiasis was more frequent affecting both eyes (56%), while in only (44%) of cases it affected the left eye only. The highest occurrence of cilia was identified in the upper palpebra (78%). Distichiasis was found more often in the temporal palpebral portion (78%), and in 2 patients the identification was more challenging since these cilia lack pigmentation. Single cilium affected (44%) of patients, while 5 cats had multiple distichiasis (56%). A total of 29% of the cats had a mild grade, whereas 14% had a moderated grade, and 57% had a severe grade. The treatments performed consisted of manual epilation (ME) and electroepilation (EE). ME was carried out in 56% of the cats, with relapses occurring in 80% of the patients, while 44% of the cats submitted to EE had a relapse in 20% of the cases. Discussion: Distichiasis is an inherited disorder very frequent in dogs, but considered uncommon in cats. Its causative factor is still unknown, as is its mode of inheritance. In distichiasis therapy, epilation, electroepilation, electrolysis, diode laser, cryotherapy and surgical palpebral resection techniques are referred to as procedures. Among the treatments used in this study, we observed a lower incidence of relapse with the electroepilation technique, which proved to be a viable and successful therapeutic modality. This series of cases shows that perhaps this disorder is much more frequent than what has been reported in the literature, being sometimes underdiagnosed and consequently underreported. Therefore, distichiasis in cats should be considered as a differential diagnosis in patients with clinical signs of ocular discomfort and ulcerative keratitis.

Animais , Gatos , Pestanas/anormalidades , Pálpebras/anormalidades , Remoção de Cabelo/veterinária , Glândulas Tarsais/anormalidades
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 16(2): 100-102, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509589


Apocrine neoplasms are rare in goats. This report describes an apocrine adenocarcinoma in a 5-year-old female Boer goat with an ulcerated, exophytic, multilobulated mass on the left dorsolateral cervical area. Histologically, the dermis was effaced and expanded by a poorly demarcated epithelial neoplasm with desmoplasia. Neoplastic cells were arranged in acini with papillary projections into the lumen and had cuboidal or columnar, eosinophilic, occasionally vacuolated cytoplasm. Nuclei were round and had finely stippled chromatin with one nucleolus. Neoplastic cells contained periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)­positive and diastase­resistant, alcian blue­positive cytoplasmic granules. There were 6 mitoses in 2.37 mm2 (equivalent to 10 FN22/40X fields). Histologic and histochemical features in the current case were consistent with a cutaneous apocrine gland adenocarcinoma.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cabras/anatomia & histologia , Adenocarcinoma/diagnóstico , Neoplasias/veterinária , Glândulas Apócrinas/patologia
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(1): 42-48, jan.-mar. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434884


As neoplasias mamárias representam a terceira neoplasia mais comum em gatas, enquanto nos machos a incidência é rara. Esse trabalho relata o caso de um gato macho, não castrado, atendido no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Estadual do Ceará, com uma neoformação mamária. O diagnóstico inicial, obtido por meio de punção aspirativa por agulha fina, sugeriu a presença de carcinoma mamário. Exames de imagem como a radiografia torácica e a ultrassonografia abdominal não evidenciaram a presença de metástase no parênquima pulmonar e nos órgãos abdominais, respectivamente. O tratamento instituído foi a remoção cirúrgica da neoformação, pela técnica de mastectomia parcial bilateral. O exame histopatológico da massa evidenciou uma hiperplasia fibroepitelial. Diante disso, conclui-se que, apesar de raras, as neoformações mamárias em gatos do sexo masculino podem ocorrer, devendo, dessa forma, compor parte da lista de diagnósticos diferenciais para aumentos de volume na região ventral desses animais.(AU)

Mammary neoplasms represent the third most common neoplasm in queens, while in tomcats the incidence is rare. This study reports the case of a tomcat, not neutered, treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the State University of Ceará, with a mammary neoformation. The initial diagnosis, obtained through aspiration cytology, suggested the presence of mammary carcinoma. Imaging tests such as thoracic radiography and abdominal ultrasound, did not show the presence of metastasis in the lung parenchyma and abdominal organs, respectively. The chosen treatment was the surgical removal of the neoformation, using the bilateral partial mastectomy technique. Histopathological examination of the mass showed a mammary fibroepithelial hyperplasia. Therefore, it is concluded that, although rare, mammary neoformations in male cats can occur, thus, it should be part of the list of differential diagnoses for increases in volume in the ventral region of these animals.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Fibroepiteliais/diagnóstico , Glândulas Mamárias Animais/patologia , Hiperplasia/veterinária
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 81-85, abr.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434995


Sows do not produce enough milk to sustain optimal growth of their litters. This is particularly important when considering the current hyperprolific sow genetic lines. Mammary development needs to be considered to improve potential milk yield. One can only attempt to stimulate mammogenesis during periods when rapid mammary development is already ongoing. There are two such periods before lactation starts, namely, from three months of age until puberty, and from 90 days of gestation until farrowing. Early studies showed that a 20% feed restriction from 90 days of age until puberty drastically reduces mammary parenchymal tissue mass. Yet, in a more recent study, sow milk yield was not altered following a 10% or 20% feed restriction, or a 25% dietary fibre addition from 90 days of age to breeding. This absence of effect was likely due to the greater feed intake of control gilts in that recent study compared with the older studies, and suggested that feed intake of growing gilts can be reduced to 2.7 kg/d (but not 2.1 kg/d) without detrimental effects on future milk yield. During prepuberty, inclusion of the phytoestrogen genistein in the diet increases the number of mammary parenchymal cells. During late gestation, feeding very high energy levels may have detrimental effects on mammary development and subsequent milk production. Feed intake throughout gestation is also important because of its effect on body condition, with gilts that are too thin (< 16 mm backfat thickness) in late gestation showing less mammary development. A 40% increase in lysine intake via inclusion of additional soybean meal to the diet of gilts from days 90 to 110 of gestation increased mammary parenchymal mass by 44%. Increasing circulating concentrations of the growth factor IGF-1 during late gestation also increased mammary parenchymal mass by 22%. Current data clearly demonstrate that feeding management before lactation can be used to enhance mammary development, hence future milk yield.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Suínos/fisiologia , Glândulas Mamárias Animais/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Otimização de Processos
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(2): e2023011, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434790


The current research investigated triiodothyronine concentrations in Karagouniko and Chios rams in a temperate climate zone, considering the periods January-June and July-November, characterized by a gradual increase and decrease of daylight length, respectively. The animals raised in the farm of the Artificial Insemination Center of Karditsa (39021΄18΄΄N, 21054΄19΄΄E), Greece, and the meteorological variables air temperature, relative humidity, and sunshine, as well as photoperiod, were considered for a more detailed analysis. T-tests were used to detect possible changes in the concentration of triiodothyronine in both sheep breeds and in the abovementioned meteorological variables. January-June coincided with significantly higher (P < 0.05) triiodothyronine concentrations in Karagouniko and Chios rams (0.82 ng/ml and 0.77 ng/ml, respectively) compared to July-November (0.72 ng/ml in Karagouniko and 0.67 ng/ml in Chios rams). Air temperature and sunshine followed the opposite pattern (P < 0.05). Karagouniko rams showed higher triiodothyronine concentrations than Chios rams, irrespective of the season. Our findings shed light on an important aspect of the thyroid gland function in Karagouniko and Chios sheep under temperate environmental conditions.

Animais , Doenças dos Ovinos , Hormônios Tireóideos , Tri-Iodotironina , Clima Temperado , Efeitos do Clima
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07146, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1422298


ABSTRACT: This study discusses the epidemiological, clinical, and pathological characteristics of two outbreaks of ocular infection in ostriches (Struthio camelus) caused by the trematode Philophthalmus sp. The outbreaks occurred in the states of Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte in Northeast Brazil. Ostrich farming was categorized as semi-intensive farming with free access to the weir and river. The clinical symptoms for infection included nictitating membrane inflammation, epiphora (tearing), eyelid edema, ocular congestion, eyeball destruction, emaciation, and death, and the infection period ranged from 8 to 16 months. Macroscopically, thickening of the eyelids and conjunctiva were observed, with orange parasites infestation. Histologically, the lesions were characterized as lymphoplasmacytic and heterophilic, multifocal to coalescing, moderate, chronic conjunctivitis associated with hyperplasia and ectasia of the Harderian gland, and numerous parasites. The parasites were oval and flattened with an oral suction cup, acetabulum, and thick cuticle containing spicules. The diagnosis of philophthalmiasis was based on epidemiological, clinical, and pathological findings associated with the morphological characteristics of the parasites present in the conjunctival sacs which were similar to the trematode Philophthalmus sp. Philophthalmiasis can occur in ostriches raised on urban and rural properties in Northeastern Brazil, probably associated with the contact of birds with contaminated water, and is characterized by severe conjunctivitis that can result in the loss of the eyeball and death of the animals.

RESUMO: Descrevem-se as características epidemiológicas, clínicas e patológicas de dois surtos de infecção ocular pelo trematódeo Philophthalmus sp. em avestruzes ocorridos nos estados do Ceará e Rio Grande do Norte no Nordeste do Brasil. As propriedades tinham em comum, a criação semi-intensiva e livre acesso a açude e rio. Os sinais clínicos incluíam protrusão da membrana nictante, lacrimejamento, edema palpebral, congestão ocular, destruição do globo ocular, emagrecimento e morte. A evolução clínica variou de oito a 16 meses. Macroscopicamente, observou-se espessamento das pálpebras e conjuntivas associado a numerosas estruturas parasitárias alaranjadas. No segundo surto, as lesões eram mais graves e consistiam em perda do globo ocular direito e anexos. Histologicamente, as lesões caracterizavam-se por conjuntivite linfoplasmocítica e heterofílica, multifocal a coalescente, moderada, crônica associada a hiperplasia e ectasia da glândula de Harderian e numerosas estruturas parasitárias. Os parasitas eram ovalados, achatados com ventosa oral e acetábulo e cutícula espessa contendo espículas. O diagnóstico de filoftalmíase foi realizado com base nos achados epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos associadas as características morfológicas dos parasitas presentes nos sacos conjuntivais compatíveis com o trematódeo Philophthalmus sp. A filoftalmíase pode ocorrer em avestruzes criados em propriedades urbanas e rurais no Nordeste do Brasil, provavelmente associado ao contato das aves com água contaminada e caracteriza-se por quadros de conjuntivite grave que pode resultar com a perda do globo ocular e morte dos animais.

Rev. bras. zootec ; 52: e20220064, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436789


This study integrated four microarray datasets by Robust Rank Aggregation (RRA) method to identify the differentially expressed genes (DEG) in bovine mammary epithelial (BME) cells in response to Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus infection. Furthermore, the GO function and KEGG pathway enrichment analysis of the integrated DEG were performed. Finally, the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network was constructed. A total of 72 integrated DEG were identified from the four datasets. The most significantly enriched terms within the integrated DEG were mainly involved in the immune response. The PPI network of DEG was constructed with 53 nodes. Seventeen genes, which constitute a significant module, were identified as hub genes. Among them, CD40, CXCL6, and NFKBIZ were further screened as the key genes and have the potential to become biomarkers of E. coli and S. aureus mastitis, considering the specificity of biomarkers for diseases. The identified key genes and pathways in this study can assist in the search for biomarkers for mastitis diagnosis and disease resistance breeding.

Animais , Bovinos , Staphylococcus aureus , Doenças dos Bovinos , Células Epiteliais , Escherichia coli , Glândulas Mamárias Animais
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(9): e20210902, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418775


This study evaluated the feasibility of abdominal liftfor laparoscopic adrenalectomy and compared it with the conventional laparoscopic technique using pneumoperitoneum with medicinal CO2 in dog cadavers. The total surgical time (TST), adrenalectomy time (AT), and gland integrity after removal were evaluated. Thirty-eight adrenalectomies were performed in 19 cadavers. Regardless of the antimere, the TST was significantly lower in the CO2 procedures than in the lift laparoscopy procedures (P=0.001). When comparing the techniques between antimeres, the TST was significantly higher on the left side with lift laparoscopy than with CO2 (P=0.015) and similar between the techniques on the right side of the animals (P=0.086). In the comparison of AT, regardless of the execution side, no differences were observed between the techniques (P=0.05). The same was observed when AT was evaluated separately using antimeres (P=0.902). Of the 38 adrenals evaluated, 92.1% were removed in a single block, and 32.29% had a superficial lesion in the capsule. There was no difference between the groups in the removal capacity in a single block (P=0.340) and capsule integrity (P=0.287). Abdominal lift for laparoscopic adrenalectomy is a feasible technique in dog cadavers; however, it requires a longer surgical time than the conventional technique. The traction force used to elevate the abdominal wall must be evaluated.

O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a exequibilidade da adrenalectomia laparoscópica utilizando dispositivo de elevação da parede abdominal via liftlaparoscopy e comparar com a técnica laparoscópica convencional utilizando pneumoperitônio com CO2 medicinal em cadáveres de cães. Para isso, avaliou-se tempo cirúrgico total (TCT), tempo de adrenalectomia (TA) e integridade das glândulas após remoção. Foram realizadas 38 adrenalectomias em 19 cadáveres. Independentemente do antímero, o TCT foi significativamente menor nos procedimentos com CO2 do que com liftlaparoscopy (P=0,001). Na comparação das técnicas entre antímeros, o TCT foi significativamente maior no lado esquerdo com liftlaparoscopy do que com CO2 (P = 0,015) e semelhante entre as técnicas no lado direito dos animais (P=0,086). Já na comparação do TA, independente do lado de execução, não foram observadas diferenças entre os métodos (P=0,05). O mesmo foi observado quando o TA foi avaliado separadamente por antímero (P=0,902). Das 38 adrenais avaliadas, 92,1% foram removidas em um único bloco e destas, 32,29% apresentaram lesão superficial na cápsula. Não houve diferença entre grupos para capacidade de remoção em um único bloco (P=0,340) e da integridade da cápsula (P=0,287). A adrenalectomia laparoscópica por elevação da parede abdominal é factível de ser realizada em cadáveres de cães, entretanto, demanda maior tempo cirúrgico quando comparada à técnica convencional. Além disso, a força de tração empregada para elevar a parede abdominal necessita ser avaliada.

Animais , Cães , Pneumoperitônio/veterinária , Cadáver , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Adrenalectomia/veterinária , Doenças do Cão
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469120


Abstract Background The brain is an organ that serves as the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals. Aim The study examined the expression of Neuroglobin (Ngb) and Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (Hif-1) in adult and young yak brain tissues, and provided researchers with meaningful insight into the anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry of this mammal. Method The study employed immunohistochemistry (IHC), quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR), and Western blot (WB) to obtain the results. Results Ngb and Hif-1 were significantly (P 0.05) expressed in the cerebellar cortex, piriform lobe, medulla, and corpus callosum of the adult yak while in the young yak brain tissues, the protein expressions were significantly found in the white matter of the cerebellum, pineal gland, corpus callosum, and cerebellar cortex. The Ngb and Hif-1 expression showed similarities and differences. This may have resulted from similar animal species, source of nutrition, age factors, brain size, emotional activities, and communication. The findings documented that Ngb and Hif-1 are commonly expressed in various adult and young yak brain tissues. Multiple roles in the brain tissues of the adult and young yaks are involved in the expression and distribution and are proposed to play a significant role in the adaptation of the yak to the high altitude environment. Conclusion This study provides meaningful data to understand the adaptive mechanism to hypoxia and recommended researchers to expand on the adaptive mechanism and brain tissues that are not recorded.

Resumo Contexto O cérebro é um órgão que funciona como o centro do sistema nervoso em todos os animais vertebrados e na maioria dos invertebrados. Objetivo O estudo examinou a expressão de neuroglobina (Ngb) e fator-1 indutível por hipóxia (Hif-1) em tecidos cerebrais de iaques adultos e jovens e forneceu aos pesquisadores uma visão significativa da anatomia, fisiologia e bioquímica desse mamífero. Método O estudo utilizou imuno-histoquímica (IHC), PCR quantitativo em tempo real (qRT-PCR) e western blot (WB) para a obtenção dos resultados. Resultados Ngb e Hif-1 foram significativamente (P 0,05) expressos no córtex cerebelar, lobo piriforme, medula e corpo caloso do iaque adulto, enquanto nos tecidos cerebrais do iaque jovem as expressões proteicas foram encontradas significativamente na substância branca do cerebelo, glândula pineal, corpo caloso e córtex cerebelar. A expressão de Ngb e Hif-1 apresentou semelhanças e diferenças. Isso pode ter resultado de espécies animais semelhantes, fonte de nutrição, fatores de idade, tamanho do cérebro, atividades emocionais e comunicação. Os resultados documentaram que o Ngb e o Hif-1 são comumente expressos em vários tecidos cerebrais de iaques adultos e jovens. Múltiplos papéis nos tecidos cerebrais de iaques adultos e jovens estão envolvidos na expressão e distribuição e são propostos para desempenhar um papel significativo na adaptação do iaque ao ambiente de alta altitude. Conclusão Este estudo fornece dados significativos para compreender o mecanismo adaptativo à hipóxia e recomendou que os pesquisadores expandissem o mecanismo adaptativo e os tecidos cerebrais que não foram registrados.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(6): e20220124, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1404256


ABSTRACT: Eurytrema coelomaticum are trematodes that parasitize cattle, buffaloes, goats, sheep, and camelids, and, accidentally, humans and cats. The affected animal usually has a subclinical pancreatic disease, but the damage caused to health and animal production is underestimated. Currently, praziquantel is the unique drug proven effective against this parasite, but no formulations containing this drug are available for ruminants in Brazilian market. The objective of the present study was to separately evaluate in vitro anthelmintic activity of praziquantel (PZQ) and nitazoxanide (NTZ) against E. coelomaticum by assessing motility after 3, 12, and, 15 hours of incubation and subsequent histopathological examination of the parasites. E. coelomaticum specimens were obtained from the pancreas of naturally infected cattle, collected from animals slaughtered in the city of Concordia-SC, Brazil. The specimens were incubated in plates with a culture medium (n = 60 per group), with 80µg/ml of PZQ (positive control group), or 61,5µg/ml of NTZ (treated group), or UNT (untreated control). After 12 hours of incubation all parasites of the NTZ and PZQ groups were motionless or dead, while in the negative control group, 91.67% (55/60) presented normal motility after 15 hours of incubation (P < 0.001). Histopathological examination showed severe damage in vitellogenic gland, intestine, parenchyma, integument, and testicle in both treated and positive control groups. It was concluded that PZQ and NTZ showed in vitro anthelmintic action against the parasite Eurytrema coelomaticum, as they caused significant lesions in the evaluated organs and reduced the parasite's motility.

RESUMO: Eurytrema coelomaticum são trematódeos que parasitam bovinos, bubalinos, caprinos, ovinos e camelídeos, e de forma acidental, humanos e felinos. O animal acometido geralmente apresenta doença pancreática subclínica, mas os danos causados à saúde e produção animal são subestimados. Atualmente, o praziquantel é o único medicamento comprovadamente eficaz contra este parasita, mas não há formulações contendo esse medicamento disponíveis para ruminantes no mercado brasileiro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar separadamente a atividade anti-helmíntica in vitro de praziquantel (PZQ) e nitazoxanida (NTZ) frente ao E. coelomaticum pela avaliação de motilidade após três, 12 e 15 horas de incubação e posterior exame histopatológico dos parasitos. Exemplares de E. coelomaticum foram obtidos do pâncreas de bovinos naturalmente infectados, coletados em animais abatidos na cidade de Concórdia, SC, Brasil. Incubados em placas com meio de cultura (n = 60 por grupo), adicionados de 80µg/ml de PZQ (grupo controle positivo) ou 61,5µg/ml de NTZ (grupo tratado) ou UNT (grupo controle sem tratamento). Em 12h de incubação todos os parasitos dos grupos NTZ e PZQ estavam imóveis ou mortos, enquanto no grupo controle negativo 91,67% (55/60) apresentaram motilidade normal após 15h de incubação (P < 0.001). Por exame histopatológico observou-se danos graves em glândula vitelogênica, intestino, parênquima, tegumento e testículo em ambos os grupos tratado e controle positivo. Concluiu-se que PZQ e NTZ apresentaram ação anti-helmíntica in vitro contra o parasito Eurytrema coelomaticum, pois causaram lesões significativas nos órgãos avaliados e diminuíram a motilidade do parasito.

Vet. zootec ; 30: [001-005], 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434189


Allergy to milk is the only auto-allergic disease in cattle. It is characterized by the retention and absorption of milk itself, making milk proteins, especially alpha casein, have access to the bloodstream, resulting in a type I hypersensitivity. The purpose of this report is to describe a case of auto-allergic disease in cattle. Here we report the case of a four-year-old Jersey female bovine, which was pregnant and weighing 400Kg. The animal was being treated at (hidden for revision)and had a history of an acute allergic reaction. Its owner reported sudden onset of skin lesions, salivation, and difficulty breathing. As the animal was participating in an agricultural exhibition, it was not being milked to generate mammary gland engorgement (milk retention). Inphysical examination findings wherein there is presence of multifocal urticarial papules and plaques, mainly on the sides and right and left flanks, besides the absence of pruritus, edema in mucocutaneous regions of the upper and lower eyelids of the right and left eyes, submandibular edema, excessive salivation, inspiratory dyspnea with half-open mouth breathing, respiratory distress, apathy, cough, tachycardia tachypnea, ruminal hypomotility and increased volume of the mammary gland, characterizing milk retention. Clinical suspicion was milk allergy with anaphylactic reaction (type I hypersensitivity). Treatment was based on promethazine administration (1mg/kg; IV) and immediate full milking of the mammary gland. After 12 h of treatment, clinical respiratory signs resolved, and after 24 h, skin changes resolved completely. Based on clinical signs and treatment success, the clinical suspicion of milk allergy causing anaphylactic reaction (type I hypersensitivity) was confirmed.(AU)

A alergia ao leite é a única doença auto-alérgica em bovinos. Caracteriza-se pela retenção e absorção do próprio leite, fazendo com que as proteínas do leite, principalmente a alfa caseína, tenham acesso à corrente sanguínea, resultando em uma hipersensibilidade do tipo I. O objetivo deste relato é descrever um caso de doença autoalérgica em bovinos. Relatamos o caso de uma fêmea bovina da raça Jersey, com quatro anos de idade, prenhe e pesando 400Kg. O animal estava em tratamento (oculto para revisão)e tinha histórico de reação alérgica aguda. Proprietário relatou aparecimento súbito de lesões na pele, salivação e dificuldade respiratória. Oanimal estava participando de uma exposição agrícola, e não estava sendo ordenhado para gerar ingurgitamento da glândula mamária (retenção de leite). No exame físico identificou-sepápulas e placas urticariformes multifocais, principalmente nas laterais e flancos direito e esquerdo, ausência de prurido, edema em regiões mucocutâneas das pálpebras superior e inferior dos olhos direito e esquerdo, edema submandibular, salivação excessiva, dispneia inspiratória com respiração de boca entreaberta, desconforto respiratório, apatia, tosse, taquicardia, taquipneia, hipomotilidade ruminal e aumento do volume da glândula mamária, caracterizando retenção de leite. A suspeita clínica foi alergia ao leite com reação anafilática (hipersensibilidade tipo I). O tratamento baseou-se na administração de prometazina (1mg/kg; IV) e ordenha completa imediata da glândula mamária. Após 12 h de tratamento, os sinais clínicos respiratórios foram resolvidos e, após 24 h, as alterações cutâneas desapareceram completamente. Com base nos sinais clínicos e no sucesso do tratamento, confirmou-sea suspeita de alergia ao leite causando reação anafilática (hipersensibilidade tipo I).(AU)

La alergia a la leche es la única enfermedad autoalérgica en el ganado bovino. Se caracteriza por la retención y absorción de la propia leche, provocando que las proteínas de la leche, especialmente la alfa caseína, tengan acceso al torrente sanguíneo, dando lugar a una hipersensibilidad tipo I. El objetivo de este reporte es describir un caso de enfermedad autoalérgica en bovinos. Presentamos el caso de una vaca Jersey hembra de cuatro años, gestante y de 400 kg de peso. El animal estaba siendo atendido en el (oculto para revision)y tenía antecedentes de reacción alérgica aguda. Propietario refirió aparición repentina de lesiones en la piel, salivación y dificultad respiratoria. Como el animal participaba en una exhibición agrícola, no estaba siendo ordeñado para generar congestión de la glándula mamaria (retención de leche). En examen físico en los que se observan pápulas y placas urticariales multifocales, principalmente en costados y flancos derecho e izquierdo, además de ausencia de prurito, edema en las regiones mucocutáneas de los párpados superior e inferior del lado derecho e ojos izquierdos, edema submandibular, salivación excesiva, disnea inspiratoria con respiración con la boca abierta, dificultad respiratoria, apatía, tos, taquicardia (frecuencia cardíaca 88 latidos/minuto), taquipnea (100 movimientos/minuto), normotermia (39,0°C), hipomotilidad ruminal (2 movimientos ruminales/5 minutos) y aumento de volumen de la glándula mamaria, caracterizando la retención de leche. La sospecha clínica fue alergia a la leche con reacción anafiláctica (hipersensibilidad tipo I). El tratamiento se basó en la administración de prometazina (1 mg/kg; IV) y ordeño completo inmediato de la glándula mamaria. Después de 12 h de tratamiento, los signos clínicos respiratorios se resolvieron y, después de 24 h, los cambios en la piel desaparecieron por completo. Sobre la base de los signos clínicos y el éxito del tratamiento, se confirmó la sospecha clínica de alergia a la leche que causaba una reacción anafiláctica (hipersensibilidad tipo I).(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Leite/efeitos adversos , Prometazina/uso terapêutico , Brasil , Prenhez
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 862, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434621


Background: Thyroid tumor is a common endocrine tumor that accounts for up to 3.8% of all tumors in dogs. Most of them are malignant and usually nonfunctional in dogs. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) is an imaging modality that detects intracellular accumulation of radioactive deoxyglucose administered in the body and is used in combination with computed tomography to provide functional information with exact anatomical localization. It is used in human medicine to detect residual or recurrent head and neck neoplasm after treatments, such as surgical resection. This report describes the first case of diagnosing recurrent thyroid carcinoma (TC) through FDG-PET in a dog. Case: A 9-year-old castrated male Maltese dog presented with a palpable mobile mass in the right ventral cervical region. Radiography and ultrasonography (US) showed a radiopaque mass adjacent to the trachea, and the right thyroid gland was enlarged on computed tomography. The surgically excised mass was encapsulated and measured to be 2.3 × 1.0 × 3.4 cm (width x length x height) in size. Histopathologically, the mass was diagnosed as differentiated follicular TC, and gross and vascular invasions were observed. To prevent recurrence, postoperative carboplatin chemotherapy was performed for 5 months. Two months after completion of chemotherapy, a nodule of approximately 7 mm in diameter was detected in the thyroidectomy bed by US. FDG-PET scanning was performed as an effective means of evaluating the malignancy, local recurrence, and metastasis of differentiated follicular TC. The nodule had the dimensions of 2.8 × 5.9 × 8.6 mm, a maximum standardized uptake value (SUV) of 8.49, and a mean SUV of 5.6. The results of FDG-PET suggested the recurrence of TC; therefore, the second chemotherapy protocol using toceranib was applied for 16 months. After initiation of the 2nd chemotherapy, follow-up examinations were conducted approximately every 4 months. On the 134th day, although the nodule was not palpated, its size was observed to have increased to 5.0 × 3.8 × 13.6 mm on cervical US on the 232nd day, showing heterogeneous and hypoechoic parenchyma. On the 405th day, the tumor was enlarged to a size of 13.4 × 12.9 × 22 mm and identified as a lobular, amorphous shape, and its heterogeneity was increased. Moreover, 2 pulmonary nodules with well-defined margins were found on radiography in the left caudal lung lobe (9 × 10 mm and 12 × 12 mm [width × length]); thus, lung metastasis was suspected. On the 536th day, anorexia and lethargy occurred, and the dog was lost to follow-up. Discussion: In the present case, local recurrence of TC was suspected based on cervical US. Although US was useful as a screening tool, additional examinations were necessary for evaluating local invasiveness, malignancy, and nodal/distant metastasis. FDG-PET can detect recurrence at an early stage because it can sense increased tumor metabolism through physiologic absorption of FDG, even before the beginning of anatomic change in the lesion. Therefore, FDG-PET can assist in treatment planning and provide better prognosis. In humans, focal FDG uptake and a high maximum SUV in the thyroid gland on FDG-PET were associated with a higher risk of cancer. Because there was no evidence of neoplasia except the thyroid lesion during the FDG-PET examination, the tumor showed an increasingly malignant pattern of the thyroid gland on US during the follow-up period, and the metastatic pulmonary nodules were identified on the 650th day after the thyroidectomy, the present case was diagnosed as recurrent TC. This report describes the use of FDG-PET for diagnosing local recurrence of TC, pointing to FDG-PET as a potential strategy to evaluate loco-regional recurrence and distant metastasis of TC.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/diagnóstico por imagem , Carboplatina/uso terapêutico , Tomografia por Emissão de Pósitrons combinada à Tomografia Computadorizada/veterinária , Tireoidectomia/veterinária
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(1): e20220086, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418538


The identification of putative prognostic factors in canine mammary neoplasms (CMNs) has been focused on tissue-specific biomarkers, but the serum biomarkers, including cancer antigen 15-3 (CA 15-3), c-reactive protein (CRP), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) have been demonstrated to display clinical application in cases of CMNs. The aim of the study was to evaluate the levels of these serum biomarkers and their association with well-established prognostic factors in CMNs. Samples from 15 female canines with CMNs and 15 clinically healthy ones were collected. The results were evaluated using the Tukey's, Pearson, or Spearman tests. The cut-off point, sensitivity, specificity, and area under curve (AUC) were evaluated using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis in a logistic regression model (P<0.05). The levels of CA 15-3, CRP and LDH were significantly higher in the serum of female dogs with CMNs compared to the healthy ones. Moreover, these factors were positively correlated with ulceration, tumor size, histopathological grade, metastatic lymph node, and clinical staging. Female dogs with CMNs were found to exhibit highest serum levels of CA 15-3, CRP, and LDH. Therefore, they can be applied to improve the efficacy of the diagnosis and prognostic evaluation in casas of CMNs.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/diagnóstico , Cães , Glândulas Mamárias Animais/anatomia & histologia , Proteína C-Reativa/efeitos adversos , Biomarcadores , Mucina-1/efeitos adversos , L-Lactato Desidrogenase/efeitos adversos