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Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 76-80, abr.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434952


The follicular growth waves are directly linked to the fluctuations in plasma gonadotrophins, which are controlled by the hypothalamic GnRH release pattern. Therefore, if the actions of the GnRH are inhibited or blocked, the final stages of the antral follicle growth are suppressed, resulting in an induced anestrus (a.k.a. waveless model). In the human medicine, GnRH agonists or antagonists are broadly used in the control of ovarian disfunctions, as well as in the preparation of women for assisted reproductive cycles. In cattle, a similar effect can be obtained by active immunization against GnRH. This was shown to be a viable strategy, for example, for the control of chronic cases of cystic ovarian disease in oocyte donors. However, on shall take into account the substantial individual variation on the immune response and, consequently, the lack of control of the duration of the anestrus induced. The waveless model is also very useful as a research model, once it controls the potential interference of the endogenous FSH and LH, improving the sensitivity of essays with exogenous hormones and consequently reducing the required number of replicas within studies.(AU)

O padrão de crescimento folicular em ondas está diretamente associado às flutuações nas concentrações plasmáticas de gonadotrofinas, controladas por sua vez pelo padrão de liberação de GnRH hipotalâmico. Desta forma, a inibição ou bloqueio da ação do GnRH suprime as etapas finais do crescimento folicular, resultando em anestro induzido (também chamado modelo waveless). Na medicina humana, agonistas ou antagonistas de GnRH são utilizados tanto no controle de disfunções ovarianas quanto na preparação de pacientes para procedimentos de reprodução assistida. Em bovinos, este efeito pode ser obtido pela imunização ativa contra GnRH, e mostrou-se estratégia viável, por exemplo, no controle de casos crônicos de doença ovariana cística em doadoras de oócitos. Contudo, é importante considerar a grande variação individual na resposta à imunização e consequente impossibilidade de controlar a duração do anestro induzido. O modelo waveless também é de grande utilidade na pesquisa, uma vez que elimina a potencial interferência do FSH e LH endógenos, aumentando a sensibilidade nos ensaios com hormônios exógenos e consequentemente reduzindo o número de réplicas necessárias nos estudos.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos/embriologia , Estruturas Embrionárias/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fase Folicular , Gonadotropinas/análise
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(2): e20230092, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1452378


Currently, gonadotropin products (follicle stimulating hormone, FSH, and luteinizing hormone, LH) used in animal reproduction are produced by extraction and purification from abattoir-derived pituitary glands. This method, relying on animal-derived materials, carries the potential risk of hormone contamination and pathogen transmission. Additionally, chorionic gonadotropins are extracted from the blood of pregnant mares (equine chorionic gonadotropin; eCG) or the urine of pregnant women (human chorionic gonadotropin; hCG). However, recent advancements have introduced recombinant gonadotropins for assisted animal reproduction therapies. The traditional use of FSH for superovulation has limitations, including labor requirements and variability in superovulation response, affecting the success of in vivo (SOV) and in vitro (OPU/IVEP) embryo production. FSH treatment for superstimulation before OPU can promote the growth of a homogenous follicular population and the recovery of competent oocytes suitable for IVEP procedures. At present, a single injection of a preparation of long-acting bovine recombinant FSH (rFSH) produced similar superovulation responses resulting in the production of good-quality in vivo and in vitro embryos. Furthermore, the treatment with eCG at FTAI protocol has demonstrated its efficacy in promoting follicular growth, ovulation, and P/AI, mainly in heifers and anestrous cows. Currently, treatment with recombinant glycoproteins with eCG-like activity (r-eCG) have shown promising results in increasing follicular growth, ovulation, and P/AI in cows submitted to P4/E2 -based protocols. Bovine somatotropin (bST) is a naturally occurring hormone found in cows. Recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST), produced through genetic engineering techniques, has shown potential in enhancing reproductive outcomes in ruminants. Treatment with rbST has been found to improve P/IA, increase donor embryo production, and enhance P/ET in recipients. The use of recombinant hormones allows to produce non-animal-derived products, offering several advantages in assisted reproductive technologies for ruminants. This advancement opens up new possibilities for improving reproductive efficiency and success rates in the field of animal reproduction.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Indução da Ovulação/métodos , Ruminantes/embriologia , Proteínas Recombinantes/farmacologia
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 129-133, abr.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435079


Nos últimos anos, observou-se um aumento no tamanho do rebanho ovino no país, indicando uma retomada na ovinocultura. Para melhorar a eficiência reprodutiva desses animais, a utilização de biotécnicas tem se mostrado uma ferramenta importante. Dentre essas biotécnicas, destacam-se os protocolos de sincronização do ciclo estral, os quais frequentemente utilizam progesterona associada a gonadotrofinas ou análogos da prostaglandina em duas aplicações. Este artigo tem como objetivo revisar os protocolos de sincronização utilizados em ovinos e apresentar atualizações relevantes sobre os mesmos.(AU)

In recent years, there has been an increase in the size of the sheep herd in the country, indicating a recovery in sheep farming. To improve the reproductive efficiency of these animals, the use of biotechniques has been shown to be an important tool. Among these biotechniques, estrous cycle synchronization protocols stand out, which frequently use progesterone associated with gonadotropins or prostaglandin analogues in two applications. This article aims to review the synchronization protocols used in sheep and present relevant updates about them.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ciclo Estral/fisiologia , Sincronização do Estro/métodos , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 140-143, abr.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435094


A onça-pintada encontra-se classificada como "quase ameaçada" na lista vermelha de animais ameaçados da União Internacional para Conservação da Natureza (IUCN), com tendência ao declínio na América Latina, o que pode afetar o fluxo gênico elevando o risco de endogamia. Técnicas de reprodução assistida (TRAs) como colheita de sêmen e inseminação artificial (IA), são ferramentas que podem se tornar essenciais a manutenção da diversidade genética desses animais. A colheita de sêmen pode ser realizada por eletroejaculação (EEJ) ou colheita farmacológica (CF), sendo que podem ser aplicadas individualmente ou associadas, embora EEJ tenha se mostrado mais eficiente em inseminação artificial (IA) com sêmen a fresco. Para realização de IA a utilização de progestina oral (altrenogest), seguida da aplicação de gonadotropinas exógenas (Gonadotropina Coriônica equina-eCG e Hormônio Luteinizante suíno-pLH), tem se mostrado eficiente, promovendo ovulações consistentes. IA intratubárica (IA-IT) mostrou-se eficiente, tendo a vantagem de utilizar sêmen com baixo número de espermatozoides. O sucesso alcançado com o nascimento do primeiro filhote de Panthera onca utilizando TRAs se deve a vários fatores, dentre eles, a utilização de um novo protocolo hormonal ajustado à espécie; e a utilização da IA-IT, que possibilitou a utilização de sêmen com reduzido número de espermatozoides viáveis por inseminação.(AU)

The jaguar is classified as "near threatened" according International Union for Conservation of Nature red list, with a decreasing trend in the population of Latin America, increasing the risk of inbreeding. Assisted reproduction techniques (ARTs), such as semen collection and artificial insemination (AI), are tools that can become essential to maintain the genetic diversity of jaguars. Semen collection can be performed by electroejaculation (EEJ) or pharmacological collection (PC); and can be applied individually or associated, however EEJ was more efficient for artificial insemination (AI) with fresh semen. To perform Artificial Insemination (AI), oral progestin (altrenogest) followed exogenous gonadotropins (Gonadotropin Chorionic equine-eCG e Hormone Luteinizing porcine-pLH) application was efficient, promoting consistent ovulations. Similarly, laparoscopic oviductal insemination (IA-IT) was efficient, with the advantage to use low viable spermatozoa number by insemination. The success of jaguar cub birth using ARTs is due to several factors, among than, a new hormonal protocol adjusted to the species; and the use of IA-IT, which allowed the reduction in the number of sperm by insemination.(AU)

Animais , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Panthera , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Laparoscopia/métodos , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/instrumentação
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(2): e20210041, mai. 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374253


This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of immunocastration in lambs using testicular morphometry. Thirty lambs were randomly divided into two treatments (subcutaneous administration of 1.0 mL and 0.5 mL of an anti-GnRH vaccine) and a control group (1.0 mL saline solution). The animals were vaccinated at four months of age, received a second dose 30 days later, and were slaughtered 90 days after the first vaccine dose. After slaughter, testicles were collected, and samples were removed for histological processing and evaluation of testicular morphometric parameters. Analysis of variance, Tukey's test, and Kruskal-Wallis test were performed, with a 5% level of significance. There was a reduction in testicular weight, gonadosomatic index, seminiferous tubule diameter, germinal epithelium height, leydigosomatic index, and total tubule length. The total length per testicular gram increased in the immunocastrated group. Intrinsic spermatogenesis yield, Sertoli cell indices, and estimates of sperm and Sertoli cell production were reduced in the immunized groups (P < 0.05). The anti-GnRH vaccine in lambs at doses of 1.0 mL and 0.5 mL is sufficient to promote immunocastration, verified through severe changes in testicular morphometry from animals.(AU)

Testículo/cirurgia , Ovinos , Orquiectomia/instrumentação , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Gonadotropinas/imunologia , Análise Multivariada , Análise de Variância , Estatísticas não Paramétricas
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(6): 2731-2742, nov.-dez. 2022. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1425841


The aim of this study was to examine the effect of replacing the use of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) with equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) on the in vitro maturation (IVM) of sheep oocytes. After sheep ovaries were collected (n=300), the cumulus-oocyte complexes were aspirated, selected, and divided into four groups according to the IVM medium: CON group, in which the basic IVM medium was used; and eCG, hCG, and FSH groups, in which the oocytes were immersed in basic IVM medium with 10 IU/mL eCG, 10 IU/mL hCG, and 10 µg/mL FSH-p, respectively. In vitro maturation of the oocytes was performed at 38.5 °C, in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 in air, for 24 h. Subsequently, the oocytes were evaluated for the degree of cumulus-cell expansion, chromatin configuration, GSH levels, and active mitochondria. There were no significant differences for the rate of cumulus cell expansion. The percentage of oocytes in MII was higher in the eCG group than in the CON and hCG groups (P<0.05) and similar to that of the FSH group. In conclusion, eCG can be used as a substitute for FSH in IVM of sheep oocytes.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da gonadotrofina coriônica equina (eCG) e da gonadotrofina coriônica humana (hCG), em substituição ao uso de hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH) na maturação in vitro (MIV) de oócitos ovinos. Após a coleta de ovários (n=300) ovinos, os complexos cúmulus-oócitos (CCOs) foram aspirados, selecionados e divididos em quatro grupos de acordo com o meio de MIV: grupo CON, em que foi utilizado o meio MIV base; e grupos ECG, HCG e FSH, em que os oócitos foram imersos em meio MIV base adicionado de 10 UI/mL de eCG, 10 UI/mL de hCG e 10 µg/mL de FSH-p, respectivamente. A MIV dos oócitos foi realizada a 38,5°C, em atmosfera umidificada de 5% de CO2 em ar, durante 24 horas. Posteriormente, os oócitos foram avaliados, quanto grau de expansão das células do cumulus, configuração da cromatina, níveis de GSH e mitocôndrias ativas. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas com relação à taxa de expansão de células do cumulus. A percentagem de oócitos em MII foi maior no grupo ECG do que no grupo CON e HCG (P<0,05) e semelhante ao grupo FSH. Em conclusão, a eCG pode ser utilizada em substituição ao FSH na MIV de oócitos ovinos.

Animais , Ovinos , Técnicas de Maturação in Vitro de Oócitos/veterinária , Hormônio Foliculoestimulante , Gonadotropina Coriônica
Anim. Reprod. ; 18(2): e20210036, 2021. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31895


The mechanisms by which GnIH regulates the steroid synthesis pathway in duck granulosa cells remain poorly understood. In this study, we measured steroid hormone secretion by ELISA and reproduction-associated gene expression by quantitative real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) in duck granulosa cells treated with different concentrations of GnIH (0, 0.1, 1, 10, and 100 ng/mL) for 24 h. The genome-wide expression profiles of GnIH-treated cells (0 and 10 ng/mL) were evaluated by high-throughput RNA sequencing. Compared with untreated cells, the secretion of the steroid hormones E2, E1, P4, and T was downregulated, with that of E1 and P4 reaching statistical significance (P<0.05); in contrast, the secretion of ACV and INH was significantly upregulated (P<0.05) after treatment with 10 and 100 ng/mL GnIH. The expression of encoding steroidogenic proteins and enzymes genes (STAR, CYP11A1, CYP17A1, CYP19A1, and 3-β-HSD) and encoding gonadotropin receptors genes (FSHR, LHR) were significantly declined (P<0.05) in the 10 and 100 ng/mL GnIH treatments. Transcriptome sequencing identified 348 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), including 253 upregulated and 95 downregulated genes. The DEGs were mainly involved in cell growth and death, immune response, and steroid biosynthesis pathways. We identified four novel DEGs (MROH5, LOC113840576, SDR42E1, and LOC113841457) with key roles in the regulation of steroid hormone biosynthesis. Our study revealed changes in gonadal steroid hormone secretion and steroid biosynthesis pathway-related gene expression in duck granulosa cells under the inhibitory effect of GnIH. These data contribute to our understanding of the molecular and genetic mechanisms underlying reproduction in ducks.(AU)

Animais , Patos/genética , Gonadotropinas/genética , Expressão Gênica , Células da Granulosa
Vet. Not. ; 27(1): 85-115, 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31087


Female dogs neutering is a routine surgery that aims to prevent diseases as well as to help populational control. Urinary incontinence is one of the most significant unwanted consequences following the procedure. Pharmacological treatment is recommended for such case, and alpha-adrenergic and estrogenic drugs have been the most frequent choices reported in literature. Besides, tricyclic antidepressants are also able to control clinical signs. The exact mechanism involved with this condition is not yet fully understood. Estrogen deficiency with a subsequent loss of urethral tonus is believed to trigger clinical signs. However, it is possible that other factors such as gonadotropins and gonadotropin-releasing hormone levels may play a part on this complex mechanism of the post-neutering urinary incontinence.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Cães/anatomia & histologia , Uretra , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Gonadotropinas , Estrogênios , Incontinência Urinária , Esterilização
Vet. Not. (Online) ; 27(1): 85-115, 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1502533


Female dogs neutering is a routine surgery that aims to prevent diseases as well as to help populational control. Urinary incontinence is one of the most significant unwanted consequences following the procedure. Pharmacological treatment is recommended for such case, and alpha-adrenergic and estrogenic drugs have been the most frequent choices reported in literature. Besides, tricyclic antidepressants are also able to control clinical signs. The exact mechanism involved with this condition is not yet fully understood. Estrogen deficiency with a subsequent loss of urethral tonus is believed to trigger clinical signs. However, it is possible that other factors such as gonadotropins and gonadotropin-releasing hormone levels may play a part on this complex mechanism of the post-neutering urinary incontinence.

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Cães/anatomia & histologia , Estrogênios , Gonadotropinas , Incontinência Urinária , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Uretra , Esterilização
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 18(3): e20210053, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345162


Abstract The conventional method of ovarian superstimulation requires multiple injections of gonadotropins which is time-consuming and may be stressful for the cows. This study was designed to determine whether a single epidural injection of FSH (EI group) would induce the superovulatory response in the Thai-Holstein crossbreed and evaluate FSH plasma hormone concentrations. Eight cows (replication = 3; n=24) were assigned to one of 2 treatments in switch back design. Control group (n=12): cows were received 400 mg FSH twice daily by intramuscularly for 4 days (80, 80, 60, 60, 40, 40, 20 and 20 mg), EI group (n=12): cows were received 400 mg FSH by single epidural injection. Data were collected in term of ovarian follicle responses, superovulatory responses, ova/embryo collection. FSH concentrations were examined using ELISA. The total follicular responses during oestrus were not different between treatments; however, the large follicles were less frequent (P < 0.01) while the medium follicle sizes were higher (P < 0.05) in the EI group. The plasma concentration of FSH in EI was dramatically increased within 2 hours before decreasing sharply thereafter (P < 0.01) and did not remain above baseline after 10 hours of administration. The embryo quality was better in the control than the EI groups (P < 0.05). Interestingly, the number of ovulation cysts in the EI group was 50%. The ovarian responses and embryo quality in the cows with cysts were worse compared with the non-cyst groups (P < 0.05). In conclusion, alternative protocols decreased the superovulatory response and increased poor embryo quality in Thai-Holstein crossbred. Also, the incidence of ovarian follicular cysts is higher in the EI group.

Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 18(4): e20200255, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1349958


Abstract Here, we aimed to discriminate between the spectral profiles of spent culture media after oocyte in vitro maturation (IVM) and culture (IVC) from goats of different ages subjected to repeated hormonal treatments. The profiles were discriminated using near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy combined with multivariate methods. A total of 19 goats (young = 10; old = 9) were subjected to serial hormonal stimulation (HS) with gonadotropins. Cumulus oophorus complexes (COCs) were collected using laparoscopic ovum pick-up (LOPU) and subjected to IVM and parthenogenetic activation. The initial embryos were subjected to IVC. Spent culture media were collected after oocyte IVM and on day 2 of IVC and analyzed using NIR spectroscopy. NIR spectral data were interpreted through chemometric methods, such as principle component analysis (PCA) and partial least square discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). The results of PCA analysis clearly showed a separation in the spectral profiles between the experimental groups (HS sessions; young and old animals) both after IVM and IVC. Overall, the main absorption bands were attributed to the C-H group second overtone, first overtone of O-H and N-H, and C-H combinations and may serve as molecular markers. On the other hand, the spectral data obtained using PLS-DA models provided a better classification of the groups. The results showed the possibility of discriminating young and old groups as well as the three HS sessions with high specificity, sensitivity, and accuracy using NIR spectra. Thus, the culture medium analysis using NIR spectroscopy combined with multivariate methods indicated the dissimilarities between the groups and provided an insight into the in vitro development of goat oocytes. This technique serves as an efficient, objective, rapid, and non-invasive method to discriminate spectral profiles.

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49: Pub. 1823, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363830


Following the induction of oestrus out of season in small ruminants, low fertility and variations in fertility rates are associated with embryonic losses. One of the main causes of embryonic loss is luteal dysfunction. Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) supports the luteal structure, and increasing progesterone levels may be beneficial in terms of promoting embryonic life. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of GnRH administration following an oestrus induction protocol in the anoestrus season for preventing embryonic loss in goats having failure to conceive during the season. In the study, 106 Damascus goats aged 3-5 years and weighing 45-60 kg were used. The oestrus of 106 goats in the anoestrous group was stimulated with progesterone and pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) treatment. Out of breeding season, goats were divided into the 4 following groups: GnRH0 (n = 27), GnRH7 (n = 26), GnRH0+7 (n = 27) and control (n = 26). In each goat, an intravaginal sponge (IS) containing 20 mg of fluorogestone acetate (FGA) was placed into the vagina and left for 9 days. With the withdrawal of the sponge, 550IU PMSG and 125 µg of d-cloprostenol were injected intramuscularly. Oestrus detection was made via teaser bucks for 3 days starting 24 h after withdrawal of the IS. Eighteen bucks known to be fertile were used for breeding. Goats in the oestrus period were mated via natural breeding. The GnRH analogue lecirelin was injected intramuscularly at breeding in the GnRH0 group, on day 7 post-breeding in the GnRH7 group, and both at breeding and on day 7 post-breeding in the GnRH0+7 group. No injections were given to the control group. Blood samples for progesterone measurement were taken by jugular vena puncturing on days 3, 6, 7, 10, 13, 16, and 19 after breeding from 10 randomly chosen goats in all groups. The goats with a level of > 3.5 ng/mL of progesterone on day 21 post-breeding were evaluated as pregnant. Pregnancy was also viewed on day 50 after breeding by real-time ultrasonography (USG) with a 5-7.5 MHz convex probe. The oestrus rate was 96.23% (102/106) in the goats. The rates of onset of oestrus between 36-48 h, 48-60 h and 60 h and beyond were 38.7% (41/106), 21.7% (23/106) and 35.8% (38/106), respectively. The total pregnancy rate was 35.8% (38/106). There were no statistically significant differences (P > 0.05) found for the pregnancy rate, embryonic death rate or progesterone concentration of the groups. However, serum progesterone levels were statistically different in the GnRH7 group compared with the control group (P < 0.05). After synchronisation, various anti-luteolytic strategies can be used to support corpus luteum development and elevate progesterone concentration in the luteal phase to decrease embryonic loss and increase reproductive performance. Therefore, application of GnRH to support the luteal structure and to increase progesterone levels may be beneficial in terms of supporting embryonic life. The results showed that GnRH treatment on the day 7 post-breeding following oestrus induction, including FGA and PMSG, can increase serum progesterone levels in Damascus goats in the anoestrus period. However, following oestrus induction in the anoestrus period, it was seen that GnRH treatment at breeding or on day 7 after breeding did not have any positive effect on embryonic loss or reproductive performance. In conclusion, it was considered that this protocol could be implemented successfully, yielding a 35% pregnancy rate in Damascus goats in the anoestrus period, but embryonic loss must be deeply studied in detail.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Anestro , Estro/efeitos dos fármacos , Doenças das Cabras/embriologia , Perda do Embrião/veterinária , Gonadotropinas/administração & dosagem , Cabras
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 45(4): 309-317, out.-dez. 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1492674


A identificação das ondas foliculares ovarianas e de seu padrão hormonal revelou que os folículos ovarianos dominantes da onda ovulatória (FDOO) crescem em ambiente hormonal com predominância crescente de estradiol, diferentemente daqueles da primeira (FDPO) e das ondas foliculares intermediárias (FDOI), que crescem sob forte impacto da progesterona (P4). O hormônio luteinizante (LH) é considerado o hormônio gonadotrófico decisivo para direcionar se um folículo dominante ovulará (↑ LH) ou não (↓ LH). Estratégias foram desenvolvidas para aumentar o LH endógeno (administração de GnRH) ou fornecer LH exógeno de origem suína (pLH) ou, ainda, gonadotrofinas semelhantes ao LH, como gonadotrofina coriônica humana (hCG). Estas medidas são capazes de disponibilizar LH para maturação final, ovulação e/ou luteinização de FDPO ou FDOI, formando corpos lúteos acessórios (CLa). Como consequência, a P4 aumenta e favorece o estabelecimento da gestação, sobretudo em condições em que a P4 for o fator limitante para a implantação e manutenção embrionária. Em ovelhas e cabras, em diferentes estudos, a hCG foi administrada de cinco a sete dias após o início do estro e revelou que o FDPO responde positivamente à administração de hCG, formando CLa e/ou promovendo a hipertrofia do CL formado originalmente, aumentando a área luteal. O incremento da P4 normalmente acompanha o aumento de área do tecido luteal. Como efeito final e mais desejável, a gestação e o nascimento de cordeiros/cabritos também aumentam. Esses conceitos serão discutidos na presente revisão sobre indução de CLa em ovinos e caprinos.

The identification of ovarian follicular waves and associated hormonal milieux has revealed that dominant follicles of the ovulatory wave (OWDF) grow in a hormonal environment where there is an increasing predominance of estradiol, unlike first-wave dominant follicles (FWDF) and intermediatewave dominant follicles (IWDF), which grow under increasing progesterone (P4) concentrations. The luteinizing hormone (LH) is considered the decisive gonadotropic hormone to direct whether a dominant follicle will (↑ LH) or will not (↓ LH) ovulate. Based on this, strategies have been developed to either increase endogenous LH (GnRH administration) or provide exogenous LH of porcine origin (pLH) or LH-like gonadotropins, such as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Such strategies are able to provide LH for final maturation, ovulation, and/or luteinization of the FWDF or IWDF, forming accessory corpora lutea (aCL). As a consequence, P4 increases and favors the establishment of pregnancy, particularly when P4 is the limiting factor for the success of the conceptus implantation and maintenance. In sheep and goats, previous studies have administered hCG five to seven days after the onset of estrus and revealed that FWDF positively respond to hCG administration by either forming aCLs and/or promoting hypertrofia of the original CL which, in turn, increases its luteal tissue area. Normally, P4 synthesis increases along with the increase in luteal tissue area. As a final and most desirable outcome, pregnancy and the birth of lambs/kids also increase. These concepts will be discussed in this review, focusing on aCL induction in sheep and goats.

Feminino , Animais , Corpo Lúteo/fisiologia , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ruminantes/fisiologia
Anim. Reprod. ; 18(4): e20200255, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32761


Here, we aimed to discriminate between the spectral profiles of spent culture media after oocyte in vitro maturation (IVM) and culture (IVC) from goats of different ages subjected to repeated hormonal treatments. The profiles were discriminated using near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy combined with multivariate methods. A total of 19 goats (young = 10; old = 9) were subjected to serial hormonal stimulation (HS) with gonadotropins. Cumulus oophorus complexes (COCs) were collected using laparoscopic ovum pick-up (LOPU) and subjected to IVM and parthenogenetic activation. The initial embryos were subjected to IVC. Spent culture media were collected after oocyte IVM and on day 2 of IVC and analyzed using NIR spectroscopy. NIR spectral data were interpreted through chemometric methods, such as principle component analysis (PCA) and partial least square discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). The results of PCA analysis clearly showed a separation in the spectral profiles between the experimental groups (HS sessions; young and old animals) both after IVM and IVC. Overall, the main absorption bands were attributed to the C-H group second overtone, first overtone of O-H and N-H, and C-H combinations and may serve as molecular markers. On the other hand, the spectral data obtained using PLS-DA models provided a better classification of the groups. The results showed the possibility of discriminating young and old groups as well as the three HS sessions with high specificity, sensitivity, and accuracy using NIR spectra. Thus, the culture medium analysis using NIR spectroscopy combined with multivariate methods indicated the dissimilarities between the groups and provided an insight into the in vitro development of goat oocytes. This technique serves as an efficient, objective, rapid, and non-invasive method to discriminate spectral profiles.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cabras/embriologia , Cabras/fisiologia , Análise Espectral , Técnicas de Maturação in Vitro de Oócitos
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 23(1): eRBCA-2020-1314, 2021. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30467


This study investigated SNP mutation sites of Gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) gene in China yellow quail, Beijing white quail and Korean quail through PCR amplification and DNA sequencing technologies. Moreover, polymorphism of GnRH gene and its association with growth traits of quail were analyzed, aiming to get molecular markers associated to growth traits of quail, which could provide references for breeding of new quail species. According to research results, a total of 14 SNP mutation sites of GnRH were detected in China yellow quail, Beijing white quail and Korean quail, which were C71T, C108T, C168T, C178T, A184G, C206T, A209C, C215T, A252G, A279T, C281T, C293G, C339T and C458T. Except that only 2 genotypes were detected for A209C and C281T in China yellow quail and Beijing white quail, 3 genotypes were detected for all of the remaining 12 SNP mutation sites in three quail species. Of the 14 SNP sites, C71T, A209C, C215T, C281T, C293G, C339T and C458T were significantly associated with body weight (p 0.05), C71T, C108T, C168T, C178T, A184G, C206T, C215T, A252G, C293G, C339T and C458T were significantly associated with shank length (p 0.05), C71T, C215T, C293G and C458T were significantly associated with breastbone length (p 0.05), A209C and C281T were significantly associated with shank circumference (p 0.05).(AU)

Animais , Coturnix/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Coturnix/fisiologia , Gonadotropinas , Polimorfismo Genético , Peso Corporal
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 23(1): eRBCA, fev. 2021. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490841


This study investigated SNP mutation sites of Gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) gene in China yellow quail, Beijing white quail and Korean quail through PCR amplification and DNA sequencing technologies. Moreover, polymorphism of GnRH gene and its association with growth traits of quail were analyzed, aiming to get molecular markers associated to growth traits of quail, which could provide references for breeding of new quail species. According to research results, a total of 14 SNP mutation sites of GnRH were detected in China yellow quail, Beijing white quail and Korean quail, which were C71T, C108T, C168T, C178T, A184G, C206T, A209C, C215T, A252G, A279T, C281T, C293G, C339T and C458T. Except that only 2 genotypes were detected for A209C and C281T in China yellow quail and Beijing white quail, 3 genotypes were detected for all of the remaining 12 SNP mutation sites in three quail species. Of the 14 SNP sites, C71T, A209C, C215T, C281T, C293G, C339T and C458T were significantly associated with body weight (p 0.05), C71T, C108T, C168T, C178T, A184G, C206T, C215T, A252G, C293G, C339T and C458T were significantly associated with shank length (p 0.05), C71T, C215T, C293G and C458T were significantly associated with breastbone length (p 0.05), A209C and C281T were significantly associated with shank circumference (p 0.05).

Animais , Coturnix/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Coturnix/fisiologia , Gonadotropinas , Peso Corporal , Polimorfismo Genético
Anim. Reprod. ; 18(3): e20210053, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765798


The conventional method of ovarian superstimulation requires multiple injections of gonadotropins which is time-consuming and may be stressful for the cows. This study was designed to determine whether a single epidural injection of FSH (EI group) would induce the superovulatory response in the Thai-Holstein crossbreed and evaluate FSH plasma hormone concentrations. Eight cows (replication = 3; n=24) were assigned to one of 2 treatments in switch back design. Control group (n=12): cows were received 400 mg FSH twice daily by intramuscularly for 4 days (80, 80, 60, 60, 40, 40, 20 and 20 mg), EI group (n=12): cows were received 400 mg FSH by single epidural injection. Data were collected in term of ovarian follicle responses, superovulatory responses, ova/embryo collection. FSH concentrations were examined using ELISA. The total follicular responses during oestrus were not different between treatments; however, the large follicles were less frequent (P < 0.01) while the medium follicle sizes were higher (P < 0.05) in the EI group. The plasma concentration of FSH in EI was dramatically increased within 2 hours before decreasing sharply thereafter (P < 0.01) and did not remain above baseline after 10 hours of administration. The embryo quality was better in the control than the EI groups (P < 0.05). Interestingly, the number of ovulation cysts in the EI group was 50%. The ovarian responses and embryo quality in the cows with cysts were worse compared with the non-cyst groups (P < 0.05). In conclusion, alternative protocols decreased the superovulatory response and increased poor embryo quality in Thai-Holstein crossbred. Also, the incidence of ovarian follicular cysts is higher in the EI group.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Bovinos/anatomia & histologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Cistos Ovarianos , Transferência Embrionária , Hormônio Foliculoestimulante
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 45(4): 583-589, out.-dez. 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1492712


O estresse por calor (ET) ocorre quando a temperatura ambiente excede a zona de conforto térmico animal. Várias respostas corporais inespecíficas, capitaneadas pelos sistemas nervoso, neuroendócrino e imunológico são acionadas para manter a homeostase e resfriar o animal. O ET afeta o eixo hipotálamo-hipofisário-gonadal, comprometendo a liberação de gonadotrofinas, e promove o acúmulo de espécies reativas de oxigênio e proteínas anormais nas células ovarianas. Em resposta, as células ativam mecanismos antioxidantes e de reparação do DNA, que reduzem o metabolismo celular e aumentam as chances de sobrevivência; quando a reparação não é possível, acontece a apoptose. O ET impacta negativamente a produção de estradiol ovariano, o comportamento do estro, o desenvolvimento folicular, a competência dos oócitos e do embrião, as taxas de concepção, o estabelecimento e a manutenção da gravidez e até mesmo a eficiência reprodutiva da progênie. O combate ao ET inclui estratégias de combate ao aquecimento global progressivo e de manejo para resfriar os animais, e diminuir a produção de calor metabólico. O uso de biotecnologia reprodutiva e estratégias genéticas para gerar animais termotolerantes são também essenciais

Heat stress (HS), a harmful condition affecting animal production, reproduction, and welfare, occurs when an animal is exposed to temperatures that exceed its thermal comfort zone. Several nonspecific body responses involving neural, neuroendocrine, and immune systems are triggered to keep homeostasis in such conditions. These responses, primarily directed to cooling the body, also impact the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, compromising the bovine female’s release of gonadotropins. Heat stress also promotes reactive oxygen species accumulation in ovarian cells, impairing protein folding and refolding, triggering antioxidant and DNA protection mechanisms. These mechanisms, directed to reduce cell metabolism and increase survival chances, are not always sufficient to protect the cell and result in apoptosis. Heat stress’s systemic and cellular consequences impact ovarian estradiol production, estrous behaviors, follicular development, oocytes and embryo competence, conception rates, pregnancy establishment and maintenance, and even the future reproductive efficiency of the progenies of cows exposed to HS during pregnancy. The combat of heat stress includes strategies to alleviate the effect of progressive global warming, management strategies to cool the animals, reduced metabolic heat, and methane production dietary approaches. The use of reproductive biotechs and genetic strategies to increase thermotolerant animals are also critical to overcoming the harmful effect of HS.

Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/fisiologia , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor , Eficiência
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48: Pub.1751-Jan. 30, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458274


Background: Lacaune is an important sheep breed and shows reproductive seasonality which affects dairy product supply. The most common hormonal protocols are based on progesterone-releasing devices in order to reach reproductive activity. Due to international consumer demand for natural, green, and clean methods, such issues encourage the minimal or absent use of synthetic hormones in livestock. In this sense, the present study tested the efficiency of induction and estrus synchronization protocols in lacaune ewes, considering: application interval of synthetic prostaglandin at the breeding season; length of synthetic progesterone exposure; and eCG dose at the outbreeding season. Materials, Methods & Results: In study 1: 52 ewes were submitted to estrus synchronization protocol using two doses of d-cloprostenol 7 or 9 days apart. In study 2: 47 ewes were submitted to estrus induction protocol using an intravaginal device containing 60 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate maintained for 6, 9, or 12 days. In study 3: 46 ewes were submitted to synchronized estrus induction protocol using intravaginal progesterone device for six days. On the fifth day, d-cloprostenol and 300 IU or 400 IU of eCG were administered. For all studies, signs of estrus beginning/ending were recorded and natural mating was performed. After 30 days, transrectal ultrasound was performed for pregnancy diagnosis. In study 1, groups presented similar rate of estrus behavior (78.8%) and pregnancy (average 75.6%). Meanwhile, compared to G9days (37.8 ± 7.2 h), interval between the second dose of prostaglandin and beginning of estrus was smaller in G7days (31.5 ± 7.8 h). No difference was found among variables studied in study 2 (P > 0.05), nevertheless the SD for the estrus duration was shorter (P < 0.05) in G6days and G12 days when compared with the G9days . Equally, the SD...

Feminino , Animais , Gonadotropinas Equinas/administração & dosagem , Ovinos/fisiologia , Progesterona/administração & dosagem , Prostaglandinas Sintéticas/administração & dosagem , Sincronização do Estro/métodos , Endogamia , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48: Pub. 1727, May 2, 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-26186


Background: Recent evidence shows that the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) participates in important reproductiveprocesses, such as steroidogenesis, folliculogenesis, oocyte maturation and ovulation. Several studies have proposed touse an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) as a RAS modulator, aiming to improve reproductive efficiency, however,the presence of the main components of this system in reproductive tissues still need to be further investigated, since thephysiological functions seem to be species-specific. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of enalapril-maleate,an ACE inhibitor, during repeated gonadotropins treatment on ovarian blood flow and follicular development in goats.Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty Anglo-Nubian cross-bred goats were equally grouped according to parity (n= 10/group): nulliparous and multiparous parity. In each group, five animals were randomly selected to receive 0.4 ofenalapril-maleate during 11 days of estrus synchronization and gonadotropins treatments. The other animals received thesame volume of saline solution. Estrus synchronization of all goats was made by intramuscular ad-ministration of PGF2αanalog, followed 48 h later by intravaginal insertion of a controlled internal drug release device. Forty-eight h after devicewithdrawal, a single dose of 60 mg of FSH plus 300 UI of eCG was administered and repeated every 4 days to complete 3treatments. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed using pulsed and color Doppler to evaluate Doppler velocimetricsparameters of the ovarian artery and intraovarian blood flow, respec-tively, and B-mode real-time ultrasound scanner toevaluate the follicular development. In the females treated with enalapril-maleate was observed a significant reduction ofsystolic and diastolic peak, without difference according to parity. In addition, in the third session of hor-monal stimulation,only the groups (nulliparous and multiparous) not treated with...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Inibidores da Enzima Conversora de Angiotensina/sangue , Cabras , Ovário/irrigação sanguínea , Folículo Ovariano/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Hormônio Foliculoestimulante , Ecocardiografia Doppler/veterinária