Background: Chemodectomas, better known as tumors of the base of the heart, arise from aortic bodies, respiratory chemoreceptors located near or inside the aortic arch or originate from receptors located in the carotid arteries. Relatively rare, they affect dogs and, to a lesser extent, cats. They gain great importance when they influence the function of the cardiovascular system, with animals showing clinical signs related to congestive heart failure. Clinical diagnosis is based on symptomatology and complementary tests such as radiography, electrocardiography and echocardiography, while the definitive diagnosis is obtained by cytological and histopathological exams. This study aims to reports a case of malignant chemodectoma in a bitch, whose main symptomatology was neurological and not cardiovascular. Case: A 1-year-old Rottweiler bitch was attended with neurological alterations compatible with vestibular syndrome, hyporexia, dysphagia, apathy, melena, emesis, and purulent nasal discharge on the right nostril. On physical examination, the animal showed depressed level of consciousness, poor body condition, bilateral quemosis, paralysis of the right eye, inspiratory dyspnea and muffling of cardiac auscultation, besides a subcutaneous nodule between the scapulae. On neurological evaluation, horizontal nystagmus, head tilt to the right side, ventromedial strabismus and facial nerve paralysis on the right side were observed so that the localization of the lesion was set in peripheral vestibular system. During anesthesia for esophageal tube placement, a mass from the hard palate to the oropharynx was noted, making endotracheal intubation impossible to perform. Biopsy of this nodule was performed, and tracheostomy was indicated, but the owner opted for euthanasia before the procedure. Necropsy revealed white soft masses in the bilateral retromandibular region, on the subcutaneous tissue near the scapulae, in the right ear and since nasopharynx to the soft palate, in addition to sparse white nodules in the heart, lung, carotid artery, kidneys, right ovary, mesentery near to the spleen, and axillary lymph node. Histologically, the nodules were characterized by neoplastic cells population organized in short bundles or cords, arranged around small blood vessels surrounded by delicate connective tissue. Neoplastic cells infiltrated muscles and blood and lymphatic vessels were filled by multiple neoplastic emboli. The histological pattern of the cells allowed the diagnosis of chemodectoma. Discussion: The bitch from this case had 1-year-old when diagnosed with chemodectoma, differently from most cases from literature, that are between 7 to 15 years old. Furthermore, primarily cardiac tumors are considered rare, being chemodectoma the most common, often reported in Boxer and Boston Terrier dogs, but unusual in Rottweilers. Despites some articles mentioning seizure and Horner's Syndrome secondary to a carotid body chemodectoma, neurological signs are not commonly observed in these cases. The presence of the tumor in the middle ear region of the right side supports the occurrence of peripheral vestibular syndrome and facial nerve paralysis on the same side. Because it is a neoplasm that is usually detected late during the course of the disorder, most patients either cannot obtain diagnosis in vivo, as in this reported animal, which was in such a critical condition that underwent euthanasia, or there are no more possible therapeutic choices. In the patient described, there were numerous metastatic masses and nodules spread throughout the body. Although the typical clinical signs in animals with chemodectomas are often related to heart disease, neurological signs may also be present. This report emphasizes the importance of chemodectoma being included as a differential diagnosis in young dogs and even in breeds such as Rottweiler.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Síndromes do Arco Aórtico/veterinária , Doenças Vestibulares/veterinária , Paraganglioma Extrassuprarrenal/veterinária , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/veterináriaResumo
Background: The most common primary brain neoplasm is meningioma. Dolichocephalic breeds are predisposed and there is no sexual predilection. Clinical signs depend on the location and size of the tumor and have a progressive course. Primary treatement includes surgery, radiotherapy or both. This study aimed to describe the treatment of a dog with suspected intracranial meningioma with definitive radiotherapy, which resulted in significant clinical improvement and prolonged survival. Case: A 9-year-old Shetland Shepherd bitch was diagnosed with a head tilt to the left side that progressed over a few weeks. She previously received corticosteroid therapy, which resulted a clinical improvement that worsened after treatment was discontinued. Computed tomography revealed an extra-axial brain mass in the caudal fossa, lateralized to the right, welldelimited, and measuring approximately 1.5 × 1.4 × 1.7 cm, suggestive of intracranial meningioma. The patient was treated with radiotherapy using Cobalt-60 equipment, with 18 daily fractions of 2.5 Gy at a total dose of 45 Gy using parallel and opposite technique fields. A new tomography performed 30 days after treatment showed a remission of 85% of the initial brain mass measuring approximately 0.9 × 1.0 × 0.5 cm, as well as complete resolution of the clinical signs initially presented. After 14 months, the patient presented with signs of lethargy and ataxia and was medicated with hydroxyurea at a dose of 50 mg/kg 3 times a week and corticosteroid therapy. However, the patient's neurological condition deteriorated, and she was subjected to reirradiation using the same protocol used previously, which resulted in clinical improvement and a 54% reduction in tumor volume on magnetic resonance. As a late side effect, only permanent alopecia in the irradiated region was observed. The patient died of disease 330 days after the second course of radiotherapy, with a total survival time of 1087 days. Discussion: Meningiomas are extra-axial neoplasms of the central nervous system that grow inside the dura mater. The literature shows that meningiomas are more common in dolichocephalic races with a mean age of 9 years, which supports our findings. Meningiomas most commonly affect the cortical thalamus and cerebellopontine region in dogs, which are normally associated with vestibular symptoms, as seen in this case. Diencephalic damage can result in vestibular signals since the thalamus functions as a relay station for vestibular afferent stimuli that are relayed to the cerebral cortex. In addition to the vestibular syndrome, common clinical signs associated with meningiomas in dogs include seizures, behavioral changes, and walking in circles, which are frequently misinterpreted due to tumor-induced side effects, such as cerebral edema, obstructive hydrocephalus, and cerebral hernia. Advanced imaging techniques should be used to diagnose intracranial neoplasms. In this case, computed tomography was critical for diagnosis and treatment planning. Meningioma treatment may comprise palliative measures, surgery, and radiotherapy. Radiotherapy as a single treatment can improve the quality of life with a decrease in clinical signs and a median survival time of approximately 250-536 days, as reported in the literature. Hydroxyurea can be a therapeutic option in inoperable cases and for patients with clinical limitations to undergo successive anesthesia during radiotherapy. Its most serious side effect is progressive myelosuppression. It can cause temporary partial tumor remission and improvement in clinical signs. As previously stated, radiotherapy can be an effective primary treatment option for treating intracranial meningiomas in dogs, with significant improvement in neurological clinical signs and mild side effects.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Meninges/patologia , Meningioma/tratamento farmacológico , Meningioma/veterinária , Radioterapia/veterinária , Sistema Nervoso Central/patologia , Reirradiação/veterinária , Neoplasias Meníngeas/tratamento farmacológico , Neoplasias Meníngeas/veterináriaResumo
Videolaparoscopic procedures have gained prominence due to their low invasiveness, causing less surgical trauma and better post-surgical recovery. However, the increase in intra-abdominal pressure due to the institution of pneumoperitoneum can alter the patient's homeostasis. Therefore, volume-controlled ventilation, associated with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), improves arterial oxygenation and prevents pulmonary collapse, but it can lead to important hemodynamic changes. The aim of this study was to evaluate, comparatively, the effects of positive end expiratorypressure (PEEP) on hemodynamic variables of pigs submitted to volume-controlled ventilation, during pneumoperitoneum and maintained in head-down tilt and determine which PEEP value promotes greater stability on hemodynamic variables. Twenty-four pigs were used, between 55 and 65-day-old, weighing between 15 and 25 kg, randomly divided into 3 distinct groups differentiated by positive end-expiratory pressure: PEEP 0 (volume-controlled ventilation and PEEP of 0 cmH2O), PEEP 5 (volume-controlled ventilation and PEEP of 5 cmH2O) and PEEP 10 (volume-controlled ventilation and PEEP of 10 cmH2O). Volume-controlled ventilation was adjusted to 8 mL/kg of tidal volume and a respiratory rate of 25 movements per min. Anesthesia was maintained with continuous infusion of propofol (0.2 mg/kg/min) and midazolam (1 mg/kg/h). Pneumoperitoneum was performed with carbon dioxide (CO2), keeping the intraabdominal pressure at 15 mmHg and the animals were positioned on a 30° head-down tilt. The evaluations of hemodynamic variables started 30 min after induction of anesthesia (M0), followed by measurements at 15-min intervals (from M15 to M90), completing a total of 7 evaluations. The variables of interest were collected over 90 min and submitted to analysis of variance followed by Tukey's post-hoc test, with P < 0.05. The PEEP 10 group had higher values of CVP and mCPP, while the PEEP 5 group, mPAP and PVR were higher. The PEEP 0 group, on the other hand, had higher means of CI. Regarding the moments, there were differences in HR, SAP, DAP, MAP, CO, IC and TPR. According to the literature, important hemodynamic effects due to pneumoperitoneum are reported, which can be caused by the pressure used in abdominal insufflation, CO2 accumulation, duration of the surgical procedure, hydration status and patient positioning. Mechanical ventilation associated with PEEP can also cause an increase in intrathoracic pressure and, therefore, reduce cardiac output. Cardiovascular changes are proportional to the PEEP used. Central venous pressure (PVC) measure the patient's preload, and intrathoracic pressure can interfere with this parameter. The peak pressure values in the PEEP 10 group were higher than the other groups, demonstrating that the increase in intrathoracic pressure results in higher PVC values. Regarding PAPm and PCPm, these variables can be influenced according to the PEEP values and the patient's position. In relation to CI, the increase in PEEP may reflect on intrathoracic pressure, resulting in greater compression of the heart, with a consequent reduction in cardiac output and cardiac index. Therefore, it is concluded that the PEEP effects of 0 cmH2O and 5 cmH2O on hemodynamics are discrete, under the proposed conditions.(AU)
Animais , Pneumoperitônio , Respiração Artificial , Volume de Ventilação Pulmonar , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Decúbito Inclinado com Rebaixamento da Cabeça/efeitos adversos , SuínosResumo
ABSTRACT: Equine leukoencephalomalacia (LEM) is a disease caused by the ingestion of food, especially corn, contaminated by fumonisin, a Fusarium verticillioides (synonymous with F. moniliforme) metabolite. The clinical signs of brain injuries have an acute onset and rapid evolution. This study aimed to describe the clinical findings in 11 animals diagnosed with LEM, including cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis. Of these animals, 91% (10/11) were horses, and only 9% (1/11) were asinine. The clinical localization of the lesions was 64% (7/10) cerebral, manifested mainly by altered mental state and behavioral disturbance, and 36% (4/11) were brainstem lesions, manifested by incoordination, head tilt, nystagmus, facial hypoalgesia, difficulty in apprehension, chewing, and swallowing food. Postmortem findings revealed that 82% (9/11) of the lesions were in the cerebrum and 18% (2/11) in the brainstem. CSF findings, such as xanthochromia (43%, 3/7), hyperproteinorrachia (50%, 3/6), and pleocytosis (43%, 3/7) were observed. The affected animals showed neurological signs that were compatible with cerebral and/or brainstem injuries. The CSF from animals with LEM may present with xanthochromia, hyperproteinorrachia, and pleocytosis, reinforcing the fact that this disease should be included in the differential diagnosis of encephalomyelopathies.
RESUMO: A leucoencefalomalácia (LEM) é uma enfermidade que acomete equídeos causada pela ingestão de milho e seus derivados e feno contaminados pela micotoxina fumonisina, um metabólito do fungo Fusarium verticillioides (sinônimo para F. moniliforme). Os sinais clínicos apresentam início agudo e evolução rápida e são decorrentes de lesões encefálicas. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever os achados clínicos de 11 equídeos diagnosticados com LEM, incluindo a análise do líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR). 91% dos animais afetados eram equinos e somente 9% (1/11) era asinino. A localização clínica das lesões era 64% (7/10) cerebrais, manifestadas por alterações no estado mental e comportamento e 36% (4/10) no tronco encefálico, manifestadas por incoordenação, desvio lateral de cabeça, nistagmo, hipoalgesia da face e dificuldade de apreensão, mastigação e deglutição de alimentos. Comparativamente, os achados post mortem revelaram que 82% (9/11) das lesões eram no cérebro e 18% (2/11) no tronco encefálico. Alterações no LCR, tais como xantocromia (43%, 3/7), hiperproteinorraquia (50%, 3/6) e pleocitose (43%, 3/7), foram observadas. Os animais afetados apresentaram sinais clínicos compatíveis com lesões encefálicas e/ou de tronco cerebral. O LCR de animais com LEM pode apresentar xantocromia, hiperproteinorraquia, e pleocitose, reforçando que esta doença deve ser incluída como diagnóstico diferencial de encefalomielites.
Background: Temporohyoid osteoarthropathy (THO) is a progressive disease that causes acute onset of peripheral vestibular signs with or without facial paralysis. Ankylosis of temporhyoid joint occurs which predispose to fractures of theinvolved bones and consequently causes the commonly neurological signs observed. Clinical signs vary depending on thestage of the disease and the nerves affected. Surgical treatment is advised to improve survival rates in which the ceratohyoidectomy is currently known as the most advantageous. The aim of the present study is to report a case and outcome ofa ceratohyoidectomy procedure in a Criollo mare presenting THO of the right temporohyoid joint.Case: A 17-year-old Criollo mare was referred to the Equine Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Pelotas witha 5-day history of facial paralysis on the right side, head tilt and difficulty to chew and swallow. Auricular, palpebraland labial ptosis along with deviation of the lip and nostril to the left were observed. A corneal ulcer was also identifiedin the right eye. Complementary imaging exams (endoscopy of the guttural pouches and radiography of the head) wereperformed and showed thickening of the right stylohyoid bone confirming a diagnosis of THO. Anti-inflammatory andantibiotic therapy were administered and the corneal ulcer was treated with topical antibiotics and autologous serum. Dueto rapid deterioration of clinical signs, the mare was referred to surgery. A ceratohyoidectomty procedure was performedunder general anesthesia. In this procedure, the ceratohyoid bone was disarticulated from the ceratohyoid-basihyoid jointand removed. During the procedure, a branch of the linguofacial vein was accidentally incised causing hemorrhage, thebranch was identified and successfully ligated. Recovery was uneventful. Supportive treatment with anti-inflammatory andantibiotics was continued after surgery and ...
Feminino , Animais , Doenças dos Cavalos , Osteoartropatia Hipertrófica Primária/veterinária , Osso Hioide/cirurgia , Paralisia Facial/veterinária , Radiografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Temporohyoid osteoarthropathy (THO) is a progressive disease that causes acute onset of peripheral vestibular signs with or without facial paralysis. Ankylosis of temporhyoid joint occurs which predispose to fractures of theinvolved bones and consequently causes the commonly neurological signs observed. Clinical signs vary depending on thestage of the disease and the nerves affected. Surgical treatment is advised to improve survival rates in which the ceratohyoidectomy is currently known as the most advantageous. The aim of the present study is to report a case and outcome ofa ceratohyoidectomy procedure in a Criollo mare presenting THO of the right temporohyoid joint.Case: A 17-year-old Criollo mare was referred to the Equine Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Pelotas witha 5-day history of facial paralysis on the right side, head tilt and difficulty to chew and swallow. Auricular, palpebraland labial ptosis along with deviation of the lip and nostril to the left were observed. A corneal ulcer was also identifiedin the right eye. Complementary imaging exams (endoscopy of the guttural pouches and radiography of the head) wereperformed and showed thickening of the right stylohyoid bone confirming a diagnosis of THO. Anti-inflammatory andantibiotic therapy were administered and the corneal ulcer was treated with topical antibiotics and autologous serum. Dueto rapid deterioration of clinical signs, the mare was referred to surgery. A ceratohyoidectomty procedure was performedunder general anesthesia. In this procedure, the ceratohyoid bone was disarticulated from the ceratohyoid-basihyoid jointand removed. During the procedure, a branch of the linguofacial vein was accidentally incised causing hemorrhage, thebranch was identified and successfully ligated. Recovery was uneventful. Supportive treatment with anti-inflammatory andantibiotics was continued after surgery and ...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Osteoartropatia Hipertrófica Primária/veterinária , Doenças dos Cavalos , Paralisia Facial/veterinária , Radiografia/veterinária , Osso Hioide/cirurgiaResumo
Equine leukoencephalomalacia (LEM) is a disease caused by the ingestion of food, especially corn, contaminated by fumonisin, a Fusarium verticillioides (synonymous with F. moniliforme) metabolite. The clinical signs of brain injuries have an acute onset and rapid evolution. This study aimed to describe the clinical findings in 11 animals diagnosed with LEM, including cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis. Of these animals, 91% (10/11) were horses, and only 9% (1/11) were asinine. The clinical localization of the lesions was 64% (7/10) cerebral, manifested mainly by altered mental state and behavioral disturbance, and 36% (4/11) were brainstem lesions, manifested by incoordination, head tilt, nystagmus, facial hypoalgesia, difficulty in apprehension, chewing, and swallowing food. Postmortem findings revealed that 82% (9/11) of the lesions were in the cerebrum and 18% (2/11) in the brainstem. CSF findings, such as xanthochromia (43%, 3/7), hyperproteinorrachia (50%, 3/6), and pleocytosis (43%, 3/7) were observed. The affected animals showed neurological signs that were compatible with cerebral and/or brainstem injuries. The CSF from animals with LEM may present with xanthochromia, hyperproteinorrachia, and pleocytosis, reinforcing the fact that this disease should be included in the differential diagnosis of encephalomyelopathies.(AU)
A leucoencefalomalácia (LEM) é uma enfermidade que acomete equídeos causada pela ingestão de milho e seus derivados e feno contaminados pela micotoxina fumonisina, um metabólito do fungo Fusarium verticillioides (sinônimo para F. moniliforme). Os sinais clínicos apresentam início agudo e evolução rápida e são decorrentes de lesões encefálicas. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever os achados clínicos de 11 equídeos diagnosticados com LEM, incluindo a análise do líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR). 91% dos animais afetados eram equinos e somente 9% (1/11) era asinino. A localização clínica das lesões era 64% (7/10) cerebrais, manifestadas por alterações no estado mental e comportamento e 36% (4/10) no tronco encefálico, manifestadas por incoordenação, desvio lateral de cabeça, nistagmo, hipoalgesia da face e dificuldade de apreensão, mastigação e deglutição de alimentos. Comparativamente, os achados post mortem revelaram que 82% (9/11) das lesões eram no cérebro e 18% (2/11) no tronco encefálico. Alterações no LCR, tais como xantocromia (43%, 3/7), hiperproteinorraquia (50%, 3/6) e pleocitose (43%, 3/7), foram observadas. Os animais afetados apresentaram sinais clínicos compatíveis com lesões encefálicas e/ou de tronco cerebral. O LCR de animais com LEM pode apresentar xantocromia, hiperproteinorraquia, e pleocitose, reforçando que esta doença deve ser incluída como diagnóstico diferencial de encefalomielites.(AU)
Animais , Lesões Encefálicas , Líquido Cefalorraquidiano , Leucoencefalopatias/microbiologia , Fusarium , Cavalos , Leucocitose , Micotoxinas , Ingestão de AlimentosResumo
Background: Encephalitozoonosis is caused by the protozoan Encephalitozoon cuniculi, in rabbits, and can affect humans. The disease can be fatal and difficult to diagnose. It can be asymptomatic or cause vestibular neurological disease, paralysis, uveitis in addition to chronic kidney disease in rabbits. The transmission of the microorganism's spores occurs by ingestion, inhalation, or by the transplacental route. The aim of this work is to report a case of encephalitozoonosis in a pet rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Case: An Oryctolagus cuniculus with a history of paraparesis of the thoracic and pelvic limbs was referred for necropsy, the evolution of the clinical picture happened in one day. After death, a necropsy was performed. Organ fragments were collected, fixed, and processed routinely for histology. Macroscopically, there was evidence of hepatic lobes, without injury to the other organs. Microscopically it was observed in the white and gray substance of the telencephalon multiple circumscribed granulomas composed of a necrotic center surrounded by macrophages, giant multinucleated cells in addition to lymphocytes and plasmocytes in the periphery, delimited by fibrous connective tissue. Around the vessels, perivascular cuffs with 2 to 4 layers of lymphocytic infiltrate were observed. Besides, special staining of Schiff's Periodic Acid (PAS) and Ziehl-Neelsen was performed, in which numerous cylindrical, eosinophilic structures of approximately 2.5 x 1.0 µm were observed, compatible with E. cuniculi spores. Besides, histiocytic lymphoblasts pericoronitis was noted in the liver. There were no relevant changes in the kidney. Discussion: The diagnosis of encephalitozoonosis in rabbits was based on clinical and anatomopathological findings. Tetraparesis was the predominant sign in the present case and was justified by telencephalic lesions. This clinical sign is included in the literature but is less common than the syndrome such as head tilt and paralysis. The diagnosis of the disease is usually made by post mortem examination when it is possible to identify the spores in the lesions. Multifocal granulomatous encephalitis was the most significant finding in this case, which is also consistent with other studies. The pathogenesis of granulomatous lesions is still controversial. It is known that spores allow phagocytosis by macrophages, which induce the production of interleukins and other cytokines by TCD4 + lymphocytes, thereby activating the action of TCD8 + (cytotoxic) lymphocytes. Natural killer cells, granulocytes, other macrophages, and B lymphocytes are also recruited. Although there is such an inflammatory response, the antibodies produced are not efficient to eliminate the agent from the host organism, however, they contribute to the process of opsonization and consequent phagocytosis, facilitating the destruction of the microsporidium by macrophages. The neurological form was predominant in this case, with no chronic or ocular renal forms, possibly due to the rapid clinical evolution. Special stains were useful for visualizing intralesional spores. Although PAS staining is considered to be of little use, it was relevant in this case. The visualization of the agent made it possible to distinguish differential diagnoses, among them vestibular syndrome secondary to otitis due to pasteurellosis, toxoplasmosis, neoplasms, traumas, or diseases of the spine. Thus, a diagnosis of encephalitozoonosis was made in a rabbit through clinical and anatomopathological correlation using Ziehl-Neelsen and PAS stains.
Animais , Coelhos , Encefalitozoonose/patologia , Encefalitozoonose/veterinária , Encephalitozoon cuniculi/isolamento & purificação , Reação do Ácido Periódico de Schiff/veterináriaResumo
Background: Nasopharyngeal polyps are benign and inflammatory masses assumed to arise from the middle ear or the eustachian tube with extension into the pharynx. The most common clinical signs associated with nasopharyngeal polyps include respiratory stertor, dyspnea, and otic discharge. Neurological signs, including head tilt, facial nerve paralysis, and ataxia, might indicate concurrent involvement of the middle or inner ear. The objective of the current report is to describe a case of a feline nasopharyngeal polyp with a concurrent hiatal hernia and megaesophagus, both spontaneously resolved after removal of the polyp. Case: A 6-month-old female intact domestic shorthair cat was presented for evaluation of lethargy, anorexia, and upper respiratory signs, such as stridor, stertor, and dyspnea. A thoracic radiography revealed esophageal dilation caudal to the cardiac silhouette, suggestive of megaesophagus with gaseous filtration. An esophagram confirmed a hiatal hernia and megaesophagus. Computed tomography revealed a nasopharyngeal mass adjacent to the soft palate and a soft-tissue density in the right tympanic bulla. A tentative diagnosis of a nasopharyngeal polyp was made. After the ventral bulla osteotomy, the nasopharyngeal mass was removed by a gentle traction avulsion technique. Six days after the surgery, hiatal hernia and megaesophagus were spontaneously resolved. Based on histopathologic exam, the mass was found to be an inflammatory nasopharyngeal polyp. Two months after surgery, the owner reported that the patient's condition had returned to baseline with a good appetite, and the thoracic radiography was within normal limit. Discussion: For successful treatment of a nasopharyngeal polyp, traction avulsion of the polyp with or without a ventral bulla osteotomy is recommended. However, in patients with otitis media, a ventral bulla osteotomy followed by traction avulsion of the polyp is recommended in order to reduce the rate of polyp recurrence. Common clinical signs of a nasopharyngeal polyp are stertor, stridor, dyspnea, dysphagia, and open-mouth breathing, which are identified in a chronic upper airway obstruction. A hiatal hernia secondary to a nasopharyngeal polyp has not been reported so far. However, a relationship between chronic upper airway obstruction and hiatal hernias has been proposed previously. Moreover, hiatal hernia resolved spontaneously after removal of the nasopharyngeal polyp suggests that the occurrence of the hiatal hernia was secondary to the nasopharyngeal polyp. In addition to the hiatal hernia, megaesophagus was also identified in the present case. Megaesophagus secondary to a chronic upper airway obstruction from a nasopharyngeal obstruction has been reported. However, megaesophagus is also thought to occur secondary to hiatal hernias. Therefore, in the current study, it is unclear whether the megaesophagus was solely a result of the obstructive nature of the nasopharyngeal polyp or a combination of the hiatal hernia and the nasopharyngeal polyp. In conclusion, any cat with clinical signs of an upper airway obstruction and a concurrent hiatal hernia and megaesophagus should be thoroughly investigated for a nasopharyngeal polyp, as well as other gastrointestinal and systemic causes. Furthermore, this case suggests that the prognosis for a concurrent hiatal hernia and megaesophagus is good in cats if the nasopharyngeal polyp is properly removed.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Osteotomia/veterinária , Acalasia Esofágica/veterinária , Pólipos Nasais/veterinária , Orelha Média/cirurgia , Hérnia Hiatal/veterinária , Doenças Nasofaríngeas/veterináriaResumo
Equine leukoencephalomalacia (LEM) is a disease caused by the ingestion of food, especially corn, contaminated by fumonisin, a Fusarium verticillioides (synonymous with F. moniliforme) metabolite. The clinical signs of brain injuries have an acute onset and rapid evolution. This study aimed to describe the clinical findings in 11 animals diagnosed with LEM, including cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis. Of these animals, 91% (10/11) were horses, and only 9% (1/11) were asinine. The clinical localization of the lesions was 64% (7/10) cerebral, manifested mainly by altered mental state and behavioral disturbance, and 36% (4/11) were brainstem lesions, manifested by incoordination, head tilt, nystagmus, facial hypoalgesia, difficulty in apprehension, chewing, and swallowing food. Postmortem findings revealed that 82% (9/11) of the lesions were in the cerebrum and 18% (2/11) in the brainstem. CSF findings, such as xanthochromia (43%, 3/7), hyperproteinorrachia (50%, 3/6), and pleocytosis (43%, 3/7) were observed. The affected animals showed neurological signs that were compatible with cerebral and/or brainstem injuries. The CSF from animals with LEM may present with xanthochromia, hyperproteinorrachia, and pleocytosis, reinforcing the fact that this disease should be included in the differential diagnosis of encephalomyelopathies.(AU)
A leucoencefalomalácia (LEM) é uma enfermidade que acomete equídeos causada pela ingestão de milho e seus derivados e feno contaminados pela micotoxina fumonisina, um metabólito do fungo Fusarium verticillioides (sinônimo para F. moniliforme). Os sinais clínicos apresentam início agudo e evolução rápida e são decorrentes de lesões encefálicas. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever os achados clínicos de 11 equídeos diagnosticados com LEM, incluindo a análise do líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR). 91% dos animais afetados eram equinos e somente 9% (1/11) era asinino. A localização clínica das lesões era 64% (7/10) cerebrais, manifestadas por alterações no estado mental e comportamento e 36% (4/10) no tronco encefálico, manifestadas por incoordenação, desvio lateral de cabeça, nistagmo, hipoalgesia da face e dificuldade de apreensão, mastigação e deglutição de alimentos. Comparativamente, os achados post mortem revelaram que 82% (9/11) das lesões eram no cérebro e 18% (2/11) no tronco encefálico. Alterações no LCR, tais como xantocromia (43%, 3/7), hiperproteinorraquia (50%, 3/6) e pleocitose (43%, 3/7), foram observadas. Os animais afetados apresentaram sinais clínicos compatíveis com lesões encefálicas e/ou de tronco cerebral. O LCR de animais com LEM pode apresentar xantocromia, hiperproteinorraquia, e pleocitose, reforçando que esta doença deve ser incluída como diagnóstico diferencial de encefalomielites.(AU)
Animais , Lesões Encefálicas , Líquido Cefalorraquidiano , Leucoencefalopatias/microbiologia , Fusarium , Cavalos , Leucocitose , Micotoxinas , Ingestão de AlimentosResumo
O objetivo desse trabalho foi descrever um caso de pólipo inflamatório em ouvido médio de um felino e sua resolução cirúrgica através da avulsão e tração da massa após abordagem lateral. Um felino, fêmea, de 2 anos de idade, foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário Professor Sylvio Barbosa Cardoso, apresentando prurido intenso, dor e secreção fétida em região auricular. Pelo exame físico foi possível observar um nódulo em região de ouvido médio esquerdo. Associado a isso, o animal apresentava headtilt (inclinação da cabeça para o lado afetado). Foram solicitados exames hematológicos, radiografia de crânio e citologia da massa. O animal foi encaminhado para cirurgia de extirpação da massa. Foi feita uma incisão na pele sob o canal auditivo vertical palpável. A cartilagem foi liberada até o nível da junção entre as cartilagens auricular e anular. Com o auxílio de um fórceps, o pólipo foi agarrado e delicadamente girado até ser completamente extirpado de sua origem. A cartilagem e o subcutâneo foram fechados com material de sutura monofilamentar 4-0 e a pele foi fechada em um padrão de sutura subdérmica usando o mesmo material. A peça foi encaminhada para exame histopatológico, pelo qual confirmou-se a suspeita de pólipo inflamatório, através da observação de epitélio colunar ciliado. Utilizando a técnica cirúrgica TALA (avulsão e tração após abordagem lateral) foi possível obter melhora do quadro clínico do animal referido, rápida recuperação pós-cirúrgica e sem nenhuma complicação decorrente da técnica. Essa técnica, portanto, se mostrou satisfatória, melhorando significativamente a qualidade de vida do animal.(AU)
The aim of this study was to describe a case of inflammatory polyp in the middle ear of a cat and its surgical resolution through avulsion and mass traction after lateral approach. A female feline, two year old, was admitted at the Hospital Veterinário Professor Sylvio Barbosa Cardoso, presenting intense itching, pain and fetid discharge in the ear region. Physical examination revealed a nodule in the left middle ear region. Associated with this, the animal presented head tilt (inclination of the head to the affected side). Hematological examinations, skull radiography and mass cytology were requested. The animal was referred for polyp removal surgery. A skin incision was made under the palpable vertical ear canal. The cartilage was released to the level of the junction between the auricular and annular cartilages. With the help of a forceps, the polyp was grasped and gently rotated until completely removed from its origin. The cartilage and subcutaneous tissue were closed with 4-0 monofilament suture material and the skin was closed in a subdermal suture pattern using the same material. The piece was referred for histopathological examination, which confirmed the suspicion of inflammatory polyp by observing ciliated columnar epithelium. Using the TALA surgical technique (avulsion and traction after lateral approach) it was possible to obtain improvement of the clinical 3 picture of the referred animal, rapid postoperative recovery and without any complications resulting from the technique. This technique therefore proves satisfying, significantly improving the quality of life of the animal(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Gatos/anatomia & histologia , Gatos/microbiologia , Gatos/cirurgia , Pólipos/cirurgiaResumo
O objetivo desse trabalho foi descrever um caso de pólipo inflamatório em ouvido médio de um felino e sua resolução cirúrgica através da avulsão e tração da massa após abordagem lateral. Um felino, fêmea, de 2 anos de idade, foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário Professor Sylvio Barbosa Cardoso, apresentando prurido intenso, dor e secreção fétida em região auricular. Pelo exame físico foi possível observar um nódulo em região de ouvido médio esquerdo. Associado a isso, o animal apresentava headtilt (inclinação da cabeça para o lado afetado). Foram solicitados exames hematológicos, radiografia de crânio e citologia da massa. O animal foi encaminhado para cirurgia de extirpação da massa. Foi feita uma incisão na pele sob o canal auditivo vertical palpável. A cartilagem foi liberada até o nível da junção entre as cartilagens auricular e anular. Com o auxílio de um fórceps, o pólipo foi agarrado e delicadamente girado até ser completamente extirpado de sua origem. A cartilagem e o subcutâneo foram fechados com material de sutura monofilamentar 4-0 e a pele foi fechada em um padrão de sutura subdérmica usando o mesmo material. A peça foi encaminhada para exame histopatológico, pelo qual confirmou-se a suspeita de pólipo inflamatório, através da observação de epitélio colunar ciliado. Utilizando a técnica cirúrgica TALA (avulsão e tração após abordagem lateral) foi possível obter melhora do quadro clínico do animal referido, rápida recuperação pós-cirúrgica e sem nenhuma complicação decorrente da técnica. Essa técnica, portanto, se mostrou satisfatória, melhorando significativamente a qualidade de vida do animal.
The aim of this study was to describe a case of inflammatory polyp in the middle ear of a cat and its surgical resolution through avulsion and mass traction after lateral approach. A female feline, two year old, was admitted at the Hospital Veterinário Professor Sylvio Barbosa Cardoso, presenting intense itching, pain and fetid discharge in the ear region. Physical examination revealed a nodule in the left middle ear region. Associated with this, the animal presented head tilt (inclination of the head to the affected side). Hematological examinations, skull radiography and mass cytology were requested. The animal was referred for polyp removal surgery. A skin incision was made under the palpable vertical ear canal. The cartilage was released to the level of the junction between the auricular and annular cartilages. With the help of a forceps, the polyp was grasped and gently rotated until completely removed from its origin. The cartilage and subcutaneous tissue were closed with 4-0 monofilament suture material and the skin was closed in a subdermal suture pattern using the same material. The piece was referred for histopathological examination, which confirmed the suspicion of inflammatory polyp by observing ciliated columnar epithelium. Using the TALA surgical technique (avulsion and traction after lateral approach) it was possible to obtain improvement of the clinical 3 picture of the referred animal, rapid postoperative recovery and without any complications resulting from the technique. This technique therefore proves satisfying, significantly improving the quality of life of the animal
Animais , Gatos , Gatos/anatomia & histologia , Gatos/cirurgia , Gatos/microbiologia , Pólipos/cirurgiaResumo
O objetivo desse trabalho foi descrever um caso de pólipo inflamatório em ouvido médio de um felino e sua resolução cirúrgica através da avulsão e tração da massa após abordagem lateral. Um felino, fêmea, de 2 anos de idade, foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário Professor Sylvio Barbosa Cardoso, apresentando prurido intenso, dor e secreção fétida em região auricular. Pelo exame físico foi possível observar um nódulo em região de ouvido médio esquerdo. Associado a isso, o animal apresentava "headtilt" (inclinação da cabeça para o lado afetado). Foram solicitados exames hematológicos, radiografia de crânio e citologia da massa. O animal foi encaminhado para cirurgia de extirpação da massa. Foi feita uma incisão na pele sob o canal auditivo vertical palpável. A cartilagem foi liberada até o nível da junção entre as cartilagens auricular e anular. Com o auxílio de um fórceps, o pólipo foi agarrado e delicadamente girado até ser completamente extirpado de sua origem. A cartilagem e o subcutâneo foram fechados com material de sutura monofilamentar 4-0 e a pele foi fechada em um padrão de sutura subdérmica usando o mesmo material. A peça foi encaminhada para exame histopatológico, pelo qual confirmou-se a suspeita de pólipo inflamatório, através da observação de epitélio colunar ciliado. Utilizando a técnica cirúrgica TALA (avulsão e tração após abordagem lateral) foi possível obter melhora do quadro clínico do animal referido, rápida recuperação pós-cirúrgica e sem nenhuma complicação decorrente da técnica. Essa técnica, portanto, se mostrou satisfatória, melhorando significativamente a qualidade de vida do animal.
The aim of this study was to describe a case of inflammatory polyp in the middle ear of a cat and its surgical resolution through avulsion and mass traction after lateral approach. A female feline, two year old, was admitted at the Hospital Veterinário Professor Sylvio Barbosa Cardoso, presenting intense itching, pain and fetid discharge in the ear region. Physical examination revealed a nodule in the left middle ear region. Associated with this, the animal presented head tilt (inclination of the head to the affected side). Hematological examinations, skull radiography and mass cytology were requested. The animal was referred for polyp removal surgery. A skin incision was made under the palpable vertical ear canal. The cartilage was released to the level of the junction between the auricular and annular cartilages. With the help of a forceps, the polyp was grasped and gently rotated until completely removed from its origin. The cartilage and subcutaneous tissue were closed with 4-0 monofilament suture material and the skin was closed in a subdermal suture pattern using the same material. The piece was referred for histopathological examination, which confirmed the suspicion of inflammatory polyp by observing ciliated columnar epithelium. Using the TALA surgical technique (avulsion and traction after lateral approach) it was possible to obtain improvement of the clinical 3 picture of the referred animal, rapid postoperative recovery and without any complications resulting from the technique. This technique therefore proves satisfying, significantly improving the quality of life of the animal.
Animais , Gatos , Pólipos/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Otorrinolaringológicos/veterinária , Gatos/cirurgia , Meato Acústico Externo/cirurgia , Orelha Média/cirurgia , Cirurgia Veterinária/métodos , Tração/veterináriaResumo
Colesteatoma é uma doença otológica caracterizada por um cisto epidermoide aural benigno. As manifestações clínicas apresentadas por essa doença podem ser: otalgia, dor ou inabilidade ao abrir a boca, head tilt, paralisia facial, ataxia e dor à palpação da articulação temporomandibular. O diagnóstico se baseia em exames como tomografia, ressonância magnética, vídeo-otoscopia, sendo fundamental realizar o histopatológico para confirmação do diagnóstico. A cirurgia é o tratamento mais eficaz, podendo não ser curativo. A cirurgia consiste em remover os restos de queratina e epitélio escamoso da orelha média, e na Medicina Veterinária tem alto índice de recidiva.
Cholesteatoma is an otologic disease, characterized as a benign aural epidermoid cyst. Clinical manifestations of this disease can be: otalgia, pain or inability to open the mouth, head tilt, facial paralysis, ataxia, and pain under temporomandibular joint palpation. Diagnosis is based on exams such as tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and video-otoscopy; and histopathological examination is essential to confirm the diagnosis. Surgery is the most effective treatment, albeit it may not be curative, consisting of removing the remains of keratin and squamous epithelium of the middle ear. In Veterinary Medicine, this has a high rate of recurrence.
Animais , Cães , Colesteatoma/diagnóstico , Colesteatoma/história , Colesteatoma/veterinária , Cães/anormalidades , Diagnóstico por Imagem/veterinária , Articulação TemporomandibularResumo
Colesteatoma é uma doença otológica caracterizada por um cisto epidermoide aural benigno. As manifestações clínicas apresentadas por essa doença podem ser: otalgia, dor ou inabilidade ao abrir a boca, head tilt, paralisia facial, ataxia e dor à palpação da articulação temporomandibular. O diagnóstico se baseia em exames como tomografia, ressonância magnética, vídeo-otoscopia, sendo fundamental realizar o histopatológico para confirmação do diagnóstico. A cirurgia é o tratamento mais eficaz, podendo não ser curativo. A cirurgia consiste em remover os restos de queratina e epitélio escamoso da orelha média, e na Medicina Veterinária tem alto índice de recidiva.(AU)
Cholesteatoma is an otologic disease, characterized as a benign aural epidermoid cyst. Clinical manifestations of this disease can be: otalgia, pain or inability to open the mouth, head tilt, facial paralysis, ataxia, and pain under temporomandibular joint palpation. Diagnosis is based on exams such as tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and video-otoscopy; and histopathological examination is essential to confirm the diagnosis. Surgery is the most effective treatment, albeit it may not be curative, consisting of removing the remains of keratin and squamous epithelium of the middle ear. In Veterinary Medicine, this has a high rate of recurrence.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Colesteatoma/diagnóstico , Colesteatoma/história , Colesteatoma/veterinária , Cães/anormalidades , Diagnóstico por Imagem/veterinária , Articulação TemporomandibularResumo
The present study had as an aim to evaluate a right lateral access as an alternative method to laparoscopic ovum pick-up (LOPU) in sheep. Twenty-four Santa Ines ewes were randomly assigned in two groups with twelve animals each: RLD - positioned in right lateral decubitus, with 10º head-down tilt; and DD - positioned in dorsal decubitus with 35º head-down tilt. The following parameters were evaluated every 10 minutes during the procedure: total surgical time (ST), visualized follicles (VF), aspirated follicles (AF), recovered oocytes (RO), mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (fR) and end tidal CO2 pressure (EtCO2). Pre and postoperative arterial hemogasometry parameters (PaO2, PaCO2, pH, CHCO3 and BE) were also evaluated; and serum fibrinogen levels (SFL) on postoperative period. The values of VF, AF, RO, fR, PaO2, pH, CHCO3, BE and SFL were similar between groups, although ST, HR, MAP, EtCO2 and PaCO2 were higher in LG. Regarding operative periods, PaO2 and pH were lower after surgery (PaO2: 79.1±16.4; 79.2±11.7mmHg; pH: 7.30±0.09; 7.32±0.08) in both groups when compared to preoperative (PaO2: 80.1±14.3; 83.4±10.5 mmHg; pH: 7.38±0.05; 7.39±0.05) while PaCO2 (43.6±4.6; 41.9±5.4mmHg) and CHCO3 (22.8±1.5; 22.7±3.0mmol/L) increased (PaCO2: 54.3±10.9; 46.9±6.3mmHg; CHCO3: 24.8±3.4; 24.4±2.7mmol/L) postoperative. This alternative decubitus presented is a viable procedure and did not differ in oocyte recovery rates in ewes. However, entails cardiorespiratory major alterations compared to conventional procedure, making its practical applicability limited.(AU)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o acesso lateral direito como um método alternativo para a recuperação de oócitos por laparoscopia (LOPU) em ovelha. Vinte e quatro ovelhas Santa Inês foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos com 12 animais: grupo RLD - posicionado em decúbito lateral direito, cefalodeclive com 10º de inclinação; grupo DD - posicionado em decúbito dorsal em cefalodeclive, inclinação de 35º. Foram avaliados, a cada 10 minutos, durante o procedimento cirúrgico: tempo total da cirurgia (ST), folículos visualizados (VF), folículos aspirados (AF), oócitos recuperados (RO), pressão arterial média (MAP), frequência cardíaca (FC), frequência respiratória (fR) e pressão final de CO2 (EtCO2). Também foram avaliados os parâmetros de hemogasometria arterial pré-operatória e pós-operatória (PaO2, PaCO2, pH, CHCO3 e BE), bem como os níveis séricos de fibrinogênio (SFL) no período pós-operatório. Os valores de VF, AF, RO, fR, PaO2, pH, CHCO3, BE e SFL foram semelhantes entre os grupos, embora ST, FC, MAP, EtCO2 e PaCO2 tenham sido maiores em RLD. Os parâmetros PaO2 e pH foram menores após a cirurgia (PaO2: 79,1±16,4; 79,2±11,7mmHg; pH: 7,30±0,09; 7,32±0,08) em ambos os grupos em relação ao momento pré-cirúrgico (PaO2: 80,1±14,3; 83,4±10,5mmHg; pH: 7,38±0,05; 7,39±0,05), enquanto PaCO2 (43,6±4.6; 41,9±5,4mmHg) e CHCO3 (22,8±1,5; 22,7±3.0mmol/L) aumentaram (PaCO2: 54,3±10,9; 46,9±6,3mmHg; CHCO3: 24,8±3,4; 24,4±2,7mmol/L) após a cirurgia. O decúbito lateral é uma alternativa viável para LOPU e não apresenta diferença para a taxa de recuperação oocitária em ovelhas. No entanto, promove alterações cardiorrespiratórias em comparação com o decúbito dorsal, tornando a sua aplicabilidade prática limitada.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Carneiro Doméstico/cirurgia , Recuperação de Oócitos/métodos , Recuperação de Oócitos/veterinária , Laparoscopia/métodos , Laparoscopia/veterináriaResumo
The present study had as an aim to evaluate a right lateral access as an alternative method to laparoscopic ovum pick-up (LOPU) in sheep. Twenty-four Santa Ines ewes were randomly assigned in two groups with twelve animals each: RLD - positioned in right lateral decubitus, with 10º head-down tilt; and DD - positioned in dorsal decubitus with 35º head-down tilt. The following parameters were evaluated every 10 minutes during the procedure: total surgical time (ST), visualized follicles (VF), aspirated follicles (AF), recovered oocytes (RO), mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (fR) and end tidal CO2 pressure (EtCO2). Pre and postoperative arterial hemogasometry parameters (PaO2, PaCO2, pH, CHCO3 and BE) were also evaluated; and serum fibrinogen levels (SFL) on postoperative period. The values of VF, AF, RO, fR, PaO2, pH, CHCO3, BE and SFL were similar between groups, although ST, HR, MAP, EtCO2 and PaCO2 were higher in LG. Regarding operative periods, PaO2 and pH were lower after surgery (PaO2: 79.1±16.4; 79.2±11.7mmHg; pH: 7.30±0.09; 7.32±0.08) in both groups when compared to preoperative (PaO2: 80.1±14.3; 83.4±10.5 mmHg; pH: 7.38±0.05; 7.39±0.05) while PaCO2 (43.6±4.6; 41.9±5.4mmHg) and CHCO3 (22.8±1.5; 22.7±3.0mmol/L) increased (PaCO2: 54.3±10.9; 46.9±6.3mmHg; CHCO3: 24.8±3.4; 24.4±2.7mmol/L) postoperative. This alternative decubitus presented is a viable procedure and did not differ in oocyte recovery rates in ewes. However, entails cardiorespiratory major alterations compared to conventional procedure, making its practical applicability limited.(AU)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o acesso lateral direito como um método alternativo para a recuperação de oócitos por laparoscopia (LOPU) em ovelha. Vinte e quatro ovelhas Santa Inês foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos com 12 animais: grupo RLD - posicionado em decúbito lateral direito, cefalodeclive com 10º de inclinação; grupo DD - posicionado em decúbito dorsal em cefalodeclive, inclinação de 35º. Foram avaliados, a cada 10 minutos, durante o procedimento cirúrgico: tempo total da cirurgia (ST), folículos visualizados (VF), folículos aspirados (AF), oócitos recuperados (RO), pressão arterial média (MAP), frequência cardíaca (FC), frequência respiratória (fR) e pressão final de CO2 (EtCO2). Também foram avaliados os parâmetros de hemogasometria arterial pré-operatória e pós-operatória (PaO2, PaCO2, pH, CHCO3 e BE), bem como os níveis séricos de fibrinogênio (SFL) no período pós-operatório. Os valores de VF, AF, RO, fR, PaO2, pH, CHCO3, BE e SFL foram semelhantes entre os grupos, embora ST, FC, MAP, EtCO2 e PaCO2 tenham sido maiores em RLD. Os parâmetros PaO2 e pH foram menores após a cirurgia (PaO2: 79,1±16,4; 79,2±11,7mmHg; pH: 7,30±0,09; 7,32±0,08) em ambos os grupos em relação ao momento pré-cirúrgico (PaO2: 80,1±14,3; 83,4±10,5mmHg; pH: 7,38±0,05; 7,39±0,05), enquanto PaCO2 (43,6±4.6; 41,9±5,4mmHg) e CHCO3 (22,8±1,5; 22,7±3.0mmol/L) aumentaram (PaCO2: 54,3±10,9; 46,9±6,3mmHg; CHCO3: 24,8±3,4; 24,4±2,7mmol/L) após a cirurgia. O decúbito lateral é uma alternativa viável para LOPU e não apresenta diferença para a taxa de recuperação oocitária em ovelhas. No entanto, promove alterações cardiorrespiratórias em comparação com o decúbito dorsal, tornando a sua aplicabilidade prática limitada.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Carneiro Doméstico/cirurgia , Recuperação de Oócitos/métodos , Recuperação de Oócitos/veterinária , Laparoscopia/métodos , Laparoscopia/veterináriaResumo
The present study reports two outbreaks of salt poisoning in goats on a property in the state of Pará, Brazil. The outbreaks occurred in July and August 2011 when young and adult goats received a mineral mixture after approximately three days of restriction from the supplement. The animals were kept in barns with a high stocking density and had an inadequate supply of water. In the second outbreak, the goats were supplemented too with brewery residue added to 3.3% of the mixture mineral. From a flock of 191 goats, 12 animals (nine crossbreeds, two Anglo-Nubians and one Boer) showed nervous symptomatology, and the morbidity rate was 6.28%. The most frequent clinical signs were head lowering, head tilt, muscle weakness, mydriasis and ataxia. Three goats died, four recovered spontaneously from the first outbreak, and five recovered from the second outbreak over three days after treatment with dexamethasone, thiamine and gradual water supply. The lethality rate was 25%. In two animals, necropsy was performed, and no macro- or microscopic alterations in the nervous system or other organs were observed. These negative pathological findings indicate that the neurological clinical signs were initiated by functional disturbances in the central nervous system. In the brain, a high sodium concentration (3703 and 3675 ppm), compared with the reference values for cattle was detected...(AU)
Este trabalho relata dois surtos de intoxicação por sal em caprinos em uma propriedade no estado do Pará, Brasil. Os surtos ocorreram em julho e agosto de 2011 quando caprinos jovens e adultos receberam mistura mineral, após cerca de três dias de restrição do suplemento. Os animais estavam estabulados em baias com lotação acima do recomendado e os bebedouros não atendiam um adequado fornecimento de água. No segundo surto, os caprinos foram suplementados adicionalmente com resíduos de cervejaria acrescido de 3,3% de mistura mineral. De um total de 191 caprinos, nove mestiços, dois Anglonubianos e um Boer, apresentaram sintomatologia nervosa observando-se taxa de morbidade de 6,28%. Os sinais clínicos mais frequentes foram fraqueza muscular, relutância ao movimento, rotação lateral da cabeça com o pescoço estendido e cabeça baixa. Três caprinos morreram, quatro do primeiro surto recuperaram-se espontaneamente, e cinco recuperarm-se após três dias de tratamento com dexametasona, tiamina e fornecimento gradual de água. A taxa de letalidade foi de 25%. Em dois animais necropsiados, não foram observadas alterações macro e microscópicas no sistema nervoso e em outros órgãos. Estes resultados negativos apontaram que os sinais clínicos neurológicos foram desencadeados por distúrbios funcionais no sistema nervoso central. No cérebro destes dois, havia altas concentrações de sódio...(AU)
Animais , Ruminantes , Cloreto de Sódio/toxicidade , Surtos de Doenças/veterinária , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/veterináriaResumo
This paper describes the epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of an avian encephalomyelitis (AE) outbreak in commercial laying hens in Northeastern Brazil. The disease affected 23,409 layers (from day one until 100 weeks) leading to mortality of 16.5% (5,049/30,600) of the flock. Twenty laying hens were clinically examined, and blood samples were collected and tested by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Five laying hens with neurological signs were necropsied and samples of the brain, cerebellum, spinal cord, sciatic nerve, heart, ceca tonsils, proventriculus and liver were collected, fixed in formalin buffered solution and processed according to routine methods for histological examination. Clinical signs were observed in approximately 60% of the chicken flock and included depression, ataxia, head and neck tremors, head tilt, motor incoordination and corneal opacity and of lens. All laying hens presented seroconversion for AE, with a geometric mean titer (GMT) of 6,854 and CV of 9.6%. At necropsy, there were bilateral opacity of the cornea and lens and the blood vessels of the cerebral cortex were hyperemic. The main microscopic lesions in the central nervous system consisted of red and shrunken neurons in the cerebral cortex, cerebellum and spinal cord. Significant areas of gliosis were observed in the cerebral cortex and in the molecular layer of the cerebellum. Hyperplasia of the proventricular lymphoid tissue and the ceca tonsils were observed with different degrees of intensity. In Northeastern Brazil, there havent been previous reports of AE in commercial laying hens and this outbreak possibly occurred by inefficient immunization of laying breeders at the genetic supply company.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Galinhas/microbiologia , Encefalomielite/diagnóstico , Encefalomielite/epidemiologia , Encefalomielite/microbiologia , Encefalomielite/patologia , Encefalomielite/veterinária , Vírus da Encefalomielite AviáriaResumo
This paper describes the epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of an avian encephalomyelitis (AE) outbreak in commercial laying hens in Northeastern Brazil. The disease affected 23,409 layers (from day one until 100 weeks) leading to mortality of 16.5% (5,049/30,600) of the flock. Twenty laying hens were clinically examined, and blood samples were collected and tested by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Five laying hens with neurological signs were necropsied and samples of the brain, cerebellum, spinal cord, sciatic nerve, heart, ceca tonsils, proventriculus and liver were collected, fixed in formalin buffered solution and processed according to routine methods for histological examination. Clinical signs were observed in approximately 60% of the chicken flock and included depression, ataxia, head and neck tremors, head tilt, motor incoordination and corneal opacity and of lens. All laying hens presented seroconversion for AE, with a geometric mean titer (GMT) of 6,854 and CV of 9.6%. At necropsy, there were bilateral opacity of the cornea and lens and the blood vessels of the cerebral cortex were hyperemic. The main microscopic lesions in the central nervous system consisted of red and shrunken neurons in the cerebral cortex, cerebellum and spinal cord. Significant areas of gliosis were observed in the cerebral cortex and in the molecular layer of the cerebellum. Hyperplasia of the proventricular lymphoid tissue and the ceca tonsils were observed with different degrees of intensity. In Northeastern Brazil, there havent been previous reports of AE in commercial laying hens and this outbreak possibly occurred by inefficient immunization of laying breeders at the genetic supply company.