The justification for this review article is to understand the position of vegans and those individuals who consume food of animal origin from an unbiased perspective but with a grounding in scientific evidence. This will provide people who eat meat with scientific and ethical arguments to defend their alimentary autonomy in the context of the moral conflict that has emerged in societies regarding the consumption of meat and animal products, which is criticized sometimes even attacked by activists, ovolactovegetarians, or vegetarians with alimentary habits that stress ethical and moral respect for animals. These individuals refuse to eat meat and animal products but sometimes show disrespect for those who do. In recent decades, veganism and vegetarianism have reached an apogee in some western societies where they are often considered a healthy option for humans that simultaneously fosters animal and environmental welfare. While those diets may provide numerous benefits, they can also entail health risks by failing to provide balance and necessary dietary supplements. Various researchers concur that they are not appropriate for pregnant women, children, or carnivorous or omnivorous pets. Our review of scientific articles in favor and against dietary regimens that lack protein of animal origin leads to the conclusion that these dietary changes, on their own, do not reduce animal suffering or the contamination generated by the meat, dairy, and poultry industries. Finally, it is important to consider that, despite the popular opinion that vegetarianism and veganism are healthy diet alternatives, the diet must be individualized and well-balanced according to each stage of their life cycle.
Bem-Estar do Animal , Dieta Vegana , Vegetarianos , Veganos , Dieta Saudável , Proteínas Animais da DietaResumo
ABSTRACT: Allergic dogs are commonly sensitized to food allergens. We evaluated the use of the prick test to diagnose food allergies in dogs with pruritus and the efficacy of an exclusion diet based on the test. The prick test was performed in 10 healthy dogs and 34 dogs with pruritus, of which 25 received an exclusion diet for 60 days and was challenged with positive food on the test. pVAS and CADESI-4 were assessed on days 0, 30, and 60 after re-exposure. As a result, two control group dogs reacted to a single food allergen, milk and wheat. Of the 25 dogs with pruritus that reacted to food allergens, 24 (96%) reacted to more than one food allergen, and only one (4%) reacted to a single food protein: pork. In the test group (n=25), there was a significant improvement of pVAS and CADESI-4 after 30 and 60 days of dietary exclusion, with significant worsening of the scores with food allergen challenge. In conclusion, the prick test can be used for screening food allergens to make an exclusion diet.
RESUMO: Cães alérgicos são comumente sensibilizados a alérgenos alimentares. Nós avaliamos o uso do teste de puntura para o diagnóstico de alergias alimentares em cães com prurido e a eficácia de uma dieta de exclusão baseada no teste. O teste de puntura foi realizado em 10 cães saudáveis e em 34 cães com prurido, dos quais 25 receberam uma dieta de exclusão por 60 dias e depois desafiados com o alimento que foi positivo no teste. pVAS e CADESI-4 foram realizados nos dias 0, 30, 60 e depois da reexposição. Como resultados, dois cães do grupo controle reagiram a um único alérgeno alimentar, leite e trigo. Dos 25 cães com prurido que reagiram aos alérgenos alimentares, 24 (96%) reagiram a mais de um alérgeno alimentar e apenas um (4%) reagiu a uma única proteína, que foi porco. No grupo teste (n=25), houve uma significativa melhora do pVAS e CADESI-4 depois de 30 e 60 dias de dieta de exclusão, com significante piora dos scores com o desafio alimentar. Como conclusão, o teste de puntura pode ser usado para selecionar alérgenos alimentares para fazer uma dieta de exclusão.
Para auxiliar na mudança de vida e melhorar os hábitos alimentares, a população vem buscando integrar no seu cotidiano uma alimentação prática, saudável e nutritiva. Nesse contexto, a salada de frutas se torna um aliado por fornecer vitaminas e minerais importantes para a função básica do organismo, porém para tornar esse alimento seguro faz-se necessário um controle de sua qualidade. Por ser um alimento que contém um alto teor de água, sendo propício ao desenvolvimento de bactérias pode apresentar risco para a saúde do consumidor, caso não obtenham cuidados higiênicos-sanitários durante o seu processo produtivo. O presente estudo objetivou-se verificar a qualidade microbiológica das saladas de frutas prontas para consumo comercializadas na cidade do Recife-PE. Foram analisadas presença ou ausência de Salmonella sp. e a enumeração de coliformes termotolerantes a 45° C em vinte amostras do alimento coletado. A metodologia utilizada foi a descrita por Silva et al. (2017) e os resultados comparados com os parâmetros contidos na RDC nº 331 de 2019 e na Instrução Normativa nº 60 de 2019. Todas as amostras apresentaram ausência para Salmonella sp. em 25 g, mas para Coliformes termotolerantes foi detectada presença em 100% das amostras embora os valores estão dentro do que foi determinado na legislação. Conforme os resultados obtidos neste trabalho, as saladas de frutas estão aptas para consumo segundo as normas vigentes.(AU)
To help change their lives and improve eating habits, the population has been seeking to integrate into their daily lives a practical, healthy and nutritious diet. In this context, fruit salad becomes an ally for providing important vitamins and minerals for the basic function of the body, but to make this food safe it is necessary to control its quality. Because it is a food that presents a high water content, being prone to the development of bacteria and presenting a risk to the consumer's health, if hygienic-sanitary care is not taken during its production process. The present study aimed to verify the microbiological quality of ready-to-eat fruit salads sold in the city of Recife-PE. The presence or absence of Salmonella sp. and the enumeration of thermotolerant coliforms at 45°C in twenty samples of the food collected were analyzed. The methodology used was the one described by Silva et al. (2017) and the results were compared with the parameters contained in the RDC Nº 12 of 2001 and in the Normative Instruction Nº60 of 2019. All samples showed absence for Salmonella sp. in 25g, as for thermotolerant Coliforms was detected presence in 100% of products, but both values are within what was determined in the legislation. According to the results obtained in this study, the fruit salads are fit for consumption according to the current regulations.(AU)
Técnicas Microbiológicas , Frutas/microbiologia , Brasil , Qualidade dos Alimentos , Comportamento AlimentarResumo
Ultra-refined yerba mate (URYM), with a final particle size of 5 to 12 microns, is an innovation in the market that aims to diversify and increase the consumption of yerba mate ( Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil) through its practicality and versatility of preparation. The present work seeks to evaluate the potential for applying naturally colored URYM in food products. The nature of this study was exploratory, adopting a chemical approach (analysis of the antioxidant potential); physical approach (color stability) and sensory perception. URYM is a suitable naturally colored food ingredient with natural antioxidant appeal. Methanolic extraction of URYM (MEUR) was more efficient in scavenging DPPH radicals compared with aqueous extract of URYM (AEUR) (959.5 vs . 638.1 µmol Trolox g-1). No differences were found between AEUR and MEUR for total phenolic content in mg GAE g-1 (266.4 and 339.0, respectively) and scavenging of ABTS radicals in µmol Trolox g-1 (1008.9 and 1053.8, respectively). Water was able to extract phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity. Ice cream, juice, cake, and cookies emerged as the food products in which consumers used URYM in their homemade foods. With good color stability (no difference between L*, a* and b* parameters during the six-day) and good acceptance, cake with URYM added has a profile described as tasty, sweet, soft, and mate flavor. The results also demonstrated consumer interest in food products and ingredients with a healthy appeal.(AU)
Ilex paraguariensis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Corantes/química , Ingredientes de Alimentos/análise , Comportamento do Consumidor , AntioxidantesResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary supplementation with different levels of nano-selenium (NS) on growth performance, antioxidant activity, biochemical parameters, and selenium content in Landes geese. A total of 120 80-week-old healthy Landes geese (4.44±0.03 kg) were randomly assigned to three groups, each with four replicates of 10 birds. The control birds were fed a basal diet without further dietary supplementation (0.0 mg/kg of NS) and the two experimental groups were fed the basal diet supplemented with dietary NS at 0.2 or 0.4 mg/kg of feed. The results demonstrated that NS dietary supplementation had no significant effect on growth performance. Increased total superoxide dismutase activity in serum, breast muscle and liver, glutathione peroxidase level in serum and liver, and catalase in breast muscle and liver were observed for both NS supplemented groups. Additionally, reduced malondialdehyde in serum, breast muscle, and liver was detected in both NS-supplemented groups. Compared with the control, the birds fed diets supplemented with NS had lower concentrations of alanine aminotransferase, triglyceride, aspartate aminotransferase, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in serum, while high-density lipoprotein cholesterol was increased. Furthermore, increased selenium, especially in the liver, was found in groups with dietary supplementation of NS. These findings suggest the supplementation of NS in diets can improve antioxidant status, biochemical parameters, and tissue selenium content, although it has no significant effect on growth performance of Landes geese.
Animais , Selênio/administração & dosagem , Suplementos Nutricionais , Dieta/veterinária , Gansos , AntioxidantesResumo
Abstract The present study was carried out to determine incidence of overweight and obesity in Pakistani servicemen with reference to their area of duty, feeding habits and also to identify risk factors. Accordingly, 2,501 servicemen selected from all over Pakistan using multiple stage stratified sampling protocol. Nutrition assessment performed using body mass index (BMI), waist to hip ratio (WHR) and dietary assessment using food frequency questionnaire. Collected data was analyzed using the SPSS version 25. Regression was used to find risk factors of obesity and WHR. Results indicated that about 1/4th of servicemen were smokers. Approximately, 1/5th of them were overweight and about one quarter were eating fruits and vegetables for 3 days/ week and 4 days/week, respectively. Only 1/3rd of them were physically active for at least 40 minutes per day. Age and fruits intake were significantly predicting BMI with a direct relation and vegetable intake was negatively correlated to BMI of the servicemen. Age and rank were significant predictors of WHR while, physical activity was negatively correlated to WHR. It is concluded and suggested from our study that there is a need to modify eating patterns and habits as well as improving physical activity on daily basis for healthy and long life of the servicemen.
The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations include a strong emphasis on ending hunger worldwide. According to the 2019 Global Food Security Index, while 88% of countries claim there is sufficient food supply in their country, the sad reality is that 1 in 3 countries is facing insufficient availability of food supply, which means that in those countries, more than 10% of the population is malnourished. Since nutrition is crucial to leading a healthy life and satisfying food security needs, several governments have turned to national nutrition surveys to gauge the extent of malnutrition in their populations. Plants are able to grow, develop, and store nutrients by photosynthesis, which convert light into chemical energy through cell redox regulatory networks. A photosynthesis system's electron flow may be adjusted to accommodate varying light and environmental circumstances. Many techniques exist for controlling the flow of electrons emitted during light processes in order to save or waste energy. The two protein molecules TROL and flavoenzyme ferredoxin (oxidoreductase+NADP) (FNR) interact dynamically to form an excellent molecular switch capable of splitting electrons from the photosystem. The TROL-FNR bifurcation may be limited by either generating NADPH or preventing reactive oxygen species from propagating. TROL-based genome editing is an experimental method for enhancing plant stress and defensive responses, efficiency, and ultimately agricultural production.
Os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável de 2030 da Organização das Nações Unidas incluem uma forte ênfase em acabar com a fome em todo o mundo. De acordo com o Índice Global de Segurança Alimentar de 2019, enquanto 88% dos países afirmam que há abastecimento alimentar suficiente em seu país, a triste realidade é que 1 em cada 3 países enfrenta disponibilidade insuficiente de alimentos, o que significa que, nesses países, mais de 10% da população está desnutrida. Uma vez que a nutrição é crucial para levar uma vida saudável e satisfazer as necessidades de segurança alimentar, vários governos recorreram a pesquisas nacionais de nutrição para avaliar a extensão da desnutrição em suas populações. As plantas são capazes de crescer, desenvolver e armazenar nutrientes pela fotossíntese, que converte luz em energia química por meio de redes reguladoras redox celulares. O fluxo de elétrons de um sistema de fotossíntese pode ser ajustado para acomodar luz variável e circunstâncias ambientais. Existem muitas técnicas para controlar o fluxo de elétrons emitidos durante os processos de luz, a fim de economizar ou desperdiçar energia. As duas moléculas de proteína TROL e a flavoenzima ferredoxina (oxidorredutase+NADP) (FNR) interagem dinamicamente para formar um excelente interruptor molecular capaz de separar elétrons do fotossistema. A bifurcação TROL-FNR pode ser limitada, gerando NADPH ou impedindo a propagação de espécies reativas de oxigênio. A edição do genoma baseada em TROL é um método experimental para aumentar o estresse da planta, as respostas defensivas, a eficiência e, finalmente, a produção agrícola.
Fotossíntese , Tecnologia , Produtos AgrícolasResumo
The present study was carried out to determine incidence of overweight and obesity in Pakistani servicemen with reference to their area of duty, feeding habits and also to identify risk factors. Accordingly, 2,501 servicemen selected from all over Pakistan using multiple stage stratified sampling protocol. Nutrition assessment performed using body mass index (BMI), waist to hip ratio (WHR) and dietary assessment using food frequency questionnaire. Collected data was analyzed using the SPSS version 25. Regression was used to find risk factors of obesity and WHR. Results indicated that about 1/4th of servicemen were smokers. Approximately, 1/5th of them were overweight and about one quarter were eating fruits and vegetables for <3 days/ week and <4 days/week, respectively. Only 1/3rd of them were physically active for at least <40 minutes per day. Age and fruits intake were significantly predicting BMI with a direct relation and vegetable intake was negatively correlated to BMI of the servicemen. Age and rank were significant predictors of WHR while, physical activity was negatively correlated to WHR. It is concluded and suggested from our study that there is a need to modify eating patterns and habits as well as improving physical activity on daily basis for healthy and long life of the servicemen.
O presente estudo foi realizado para determinar a incidência de sobrepeso e obesidade em militares paquistaneses com referência à sua área de serviço, hábitos alimentares e também para identificar fatores de risco. Assim, 2.501 militares selecionados de todo o Paquistão usando protocolo de amostragem estratificada de múltiplos estágios. Avaliação nutricional realizada por meio do índice de massa corporal (IMC), relação cintura-quadril (RCQ) e avaliação alimentar por meio de questionário de frequência alimentar. Os dados coletados foram analisados por meio do SPSS versão 25. A regressão foi usada para encontrar fatores de risco para obesidade e RCQ. Os resultados indicaram que cerca de 1/4 dos militares eram fumantes. Aproximadamente, 1/5 deles estava com sobrepeso e cerca de um quarto comia frutas e vegetais por <3 dias / semana e <4 dias / semana, respectivamente. Apenas 1/3 deles era fisicamente ativo por pelo menos <40 minutos por dia. Idade e ingestão de frutas foram preditores significativos do IMC com uma relação direta e ingestão de vegetais foi negativamente correlacionada com o IMC dos militares. Idade e posição foram preditores significativos de RCQ, enquanto a atividade física foi negativamente correlacionada com RCQ. Conclui-se e sugere-se a partir de nosso estudo que há necessidade de modificar os padrões e hábitos alimentares, bem como melhorar a atividade física no dia a dia para uma vida longa e saudável dos militares.
Humanos , Adulto , Comportamento Alimentar , Fatores de Risco , Militares , Obesidade/complicações , Obesidade/diagnóstico , Sobrepeso/complicações , Sobrepeso/diagnósticoResumo
The present study was carried out to determine incidence of overweight and obesity in Pakistani servicemen with reference to their area of duty, feeding habits and also to identify risk factors. Accordingly, 2,501 servicemen selected from all over Pakistan using multiple stage stratified sampling protocol. Nutrition assessment performed using body mass index (BMI), waist to hip ratio (WHR) and dietary assessment using food frequency questionnaire. Collected data was analyzed using the SPSS version 25. Regression was used to find risk factors of obesity and WHR. Results indicated that about 1/4th of servicemen were smokers. Approximately, 1/5th of them were overweight and about one quarter were eating fruits and vegetables for <3 days/ week and <4 days/week, respectively. Only 1/3rd of them were physically active for at least <40 minutes per day. Age and fruits intake were significantly predicting BMI with a direct relation and vegetable intake was negatively correlated to BMI of the servicemen. Age and rank were significant predictors of WHR while, physical activity was negatively correlated to WHR. It is concluded and suggested from our study that there is a need to modify eating patterns and habits as well as improving physical activity on daily basis for healthy and long life of the servicemen.(AU)
O presente estudo foi realizado para determinar a incidência de sobrepeso e obesidade em militares paquistaneses com referência à sua área de serviço, hábitos alimentares e também para identificar fatores de risco. Assim, 2.501 militares selecionados de todo o Paquistão usando protocolo de amostragem estratificada de múltiplos estágios. Avaliação nutricional realizada por meio do índice de massa corporal (IMC), relação cintura-quadril (RCQ) e avaliação alimentar por meio de questionário de frequência alimentar. Os dados coletados foram analisados por meio do SPSS versão 25. A regressão foi usada para encontrar fatores de risco para obesidade e RCQ. Os resultados indicaram que cerca de 1/4 dos militares eram fumantes. Aproximadamente, 1/5 deles estava com sobrepeso e cerca de um quarto comia frutas e vegetais por <3 dias / semana e <4 dias / semana, respectivamente. Apenas 1/3 deles era fisicamente ativo por pelo menos <40 minutos por dia. Idade e ingestão de frutas foram preditores significativos do IMC com uma relação direta e ingestão de vegetais foi negativamente correlacionada com o IMC dos militares. Idade e posição foram preditores significativos de RCQ, enquanto a atividade física foi negativamente correlacionada com RCQ. Conclui-se e sugere-se a partir de nosso estudo que há necessidade de modificar os padrões e hábitos alimentares, bem como melhorar a atividade física no dia a dia para uma vida longa e saudável dos militares.(AU)
Humanos , Adulto , Militares , Obesidade/complicações , Obesidade/diagnóstico , Sobrepeso/complicações , Sobrepeso/diagnóstico , Comportamento Alimentar , Fatores de RiscoResumo
Increased interaction between wild and urban environments owing to human population growth, increased anthropization of biomes, and habitat loss for wild animals increases the spread of infectious and parasitic agents. The present study reports on the occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in carnivorous mammals at two conservation institutions in the state of Goiás, Brazil. Fecal samples from 39 adult carnivores were collected after spontaneous defecation and analyzed by flotation and sedimentation. The structure and management data of each institution were recorded. Parasitism prevalence, binomial confidence intervals (CI) at 95%, variables associated with the presence of contact animals, size of the enclosure and type of food were recorded. The overall prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in the samples analyzed was 71.8% (CI 55.183.0; 28/39). Ancylostomatidae, Toxocara spp., Toxascaris leonina, Strongyloides spp., Calodium hepaticum, and Trematoda eggs, and Cystoisospora spp. oocysts were detected. Environmental conditions were not correlated with parasitism prevalence; however, the parasites found could be managed, considering their biology, such as controlling synanthropic and domestic animals in captivity, feeding with healthy feed.(AU)
A crescente urbanização e a perda de hábitat para animais selvagens tem levado a uma maior interação entre ambientes selvagens e humanos, o que pode favorecer a disseminação de agentes infecciosos e parasitários. O presente estudo relata a ocorrência de parasitas gastrointestinais em mamíferos carnívoros em duas instituições de conservação no estado de Goiás, Brasil. Amostras fecais de 39 carnívoros adultos foram coletadas após a defecação espontânea e analisadas por flotação e sedimentação. Foram registrados os dados de estrutura e gestão de cada instituição. Prevalência de parasitismo, intervalo de confiança binomial (IC) a 95% e variáveis associadas a presença de animais de contato, tamanho do recinto e tipo de alimento foram registrados. A prevalência geral de parasitas gastrointestinais nas amostras analisadas foi de 71,8% (IC 55,183,0; 28/39). Foram detectados ovos de Ancylostomatidae, Toxocara spp., Toxascaris leonina, Strongyloides spp., Calodium hepaticum e de Trematoda e oocistos de Cystoisospora spp.. As condições ambientais não apresentaram correlação com a prevalência de parasitismo; entretanto, os parasitos encontrados podem ser manejados, considerando-se sua biologia, como controlar animais sinantrópicos e domésticos em cativeiro, e uso de alimentos livres de contaminantes.(AU)
Animais , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais , Gastroenteropatias/parasitologia , Animais Selvagens/parasitologia , BrasilResumo
Background: Aspergillosis is a defiance in avian medicine, however between of Aspergillus species, 3 are the most frequently observed (A. flavus, A. fumigatus and A. niger). Psittaciformes present medical conditions related to the 3 species, however A. fumigatus is the most observed. The defiance of the diagnosis is related to fungus characteristics (they are saprophytic in healthy birds), the clinical signs and lesions, which are common to various respiratory diseases, and the difficulty to access specific diagnostic methods. Thus, we report a case of aspergillosis in a cockatiel, whose clinical diagnosis was confirmed by fungal culture of cloacal swab, and treatment with a fungistatic drug. Case: A female cockatiel, 2-month-old, not dewormed, presented diarrhea, sneezing and difficulty to gain weight, although eating well (extruded feed and supplementation with fruits and vegetables). At a clinical examination revealed body score (BCS) of 3 (scale 1 at 5), cloacal temperature (CT) of 40 ºC, dilated nostrils and edema in the left eye region associated to evident hyperemia. Due to it has lived with another animal, was inferred that was hypovitaminosis A, by food dispute and/ or dominance, or endoparasitosis, being prescribed vitamin A supplementation and deworming with ivermectin. The bird returned 15 days later, showing maintenance of weight loss, BCS 2, ruffled feathers and areas suggestive of apteriolysis in both forelimbs, respiratory difficulty and pulmonary and cranial air sacs rales, in addition presented wound in the pygostyle region and ventus, occasioned by attempted attack of a dog, and aggravated by self-mutilation. Due the worsening of the clinical condition, an oral cavity and cloacal swabs were collected to bacteriological and fungal culture. As treatment was prescribed: a natural tranquilizer, seeking to control the self-mutilation; doxycycline oral suspension, to treat a probable bacterial respiratory infection; and oral itraconazole suspension, manipulated and with a dose calculated by allometric scaling, being placed an elizabethan collar in order to prevent biting the pygostyle and ventus. With a positive result of the cloacal swab fungal culture for A. fumigatus, the doxycycline was discontinued. After the first 30 days of treatment with itraconazole, the patient returns to alert, weighing 95 g, BCS 3, with absence of respiratory signs and with signs of recent molting process. New swabs (oral and cloacal) were collected for repetition of bacterial and fungal cultures, being maintained the treatment with itraconazole. The results of both bacterial and fungal cultures were negative. At the end of the treatment with itraconazole, the patient returns demonstrating weight gain, EEC 3, CT of 42ºC, uniform feather coverage and absence of any respiratory sign, being released by the clinician. Discussion: A preponderant factor in the treatment of various respiratory diseases in birds is the diagnosis, since many of diseases present the same clinical signs. Thus, the use of fungal culture was essential to determine the origin of the signs. Still, even with an accurate diagnosis, the clinician often comes up against the difficulty of treatment, especially in cases of mycotic infections. The knowledge about the best drug, considering the pharmacology, as well as the availability of concentrations and dosages marketed, in addition to the long period of treatment, can difficult or make impossible the case resolution. In fact, this is confirmed by the literature, where the most of aspergillosis diagnosis are post mortem, resulting from the delay in seeking veterinary care or in the administration of ineffective drugs. Thus, with this report, we sought to present a diagnostic tool, sometimes neglected, and a compilation with the main drugs and their effectiveness in the treatment of aspergillosis in Psittaciformes.
Animais , Feminino , Aspergilose/diagnóstico , Aspergilose/terapia , Cacatuas/microbiologia , Antifúngicos/administração & dosagemResumo
The essence of food security centers on ensuring availability and accessibility of foods in adequate amounts and quality for all populations at all times for an active and healthy life. Microorganisms are tiny bioreactors, which represent sustainable resources and promising approaches to bridging the gap between food production and consumption globally via various biotechnological applications. This review focuses on plant-growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) which exert their potential impacts on increasing soil fertility, plant growth, and productivity through a variety of processes, including direct, indirect, and synergistic mechanisms. PGPB plays a substantial role in accelerating nutrients' availability such as (N, P), producing phytohormones such as gibberellins, IAA, and bioactive compounds against biotic and abiotic stressors. Recent advances in PGPB will be addressed as a sustainable approach to satisfy global food demand.
A essência da segurança alimentar centra-se em garantir a disponibilidade e acessibilidade de alimentos em quantidade e qualidade adequadas para todas as populações e em todos os momentos, visando a qualidade de vida ativa e saudável. Os microrganismos são biorreatores minúsculos, que por meio de diversas aplicações biotecnológicas, representam recursos sustentáveis e possuem abordagens promissoras para preencher a lacuna entre a produção e o consumo de alimentos globalmente. Esta revisão concentra-se em bactérias promotoras de crescimento de plantas (BPCP) que exercem seus impactos potenciais no aumento da fertilidade do solo, crescimento de plantas e produtividade por intermédio de uma variedade de processos, incluindo mecanismos diretos, indiretos e sinérgicos. As BPCP desempenham um papel substancial na aceleração da disponibilidade de nutrientes como (N, P), produzindo fitormônios como giberelinas, IAA e compostos bioativos contra estressores bióticos e abióticos. Os avanços recentes das BPCP serão analisados a partir de uma abordagem sustentável para satisfazer a demanda global de alimentos.
Rhizobium , Bacillus megaterium , Azospirillum lipoferum , Desenvolvimento Vegetal , Inocuidade dos AlimentosResumo
Background: Nephrolithiasis is a condition frequently observed in felines, with or without concomitant chronic kidneydisease, constituting the major cause of ureteral obstruction and causing progressive damage to the renal parenchyma. About90% of nephrolites are composed of calcium oxalate, which cannot dissolve, and its incidence has increased substantiallyin recent years, along with its recurrence. There are functional foods known as nutraceuticals provides health benefits suchas renoprotection. Due to these benefits and the high prevalence of nephrolithiasis in feline species, the present study aimedto evaluate the efficacy of the association of some nutraceuticals in the dissolution of nephrolites.Materials, Methods & Results: The included cats had an ultrasound diagnosis of nephrolithiasis that, on clinical examination, showed: (i) the absence of previous or concomitant treatment for urinary infections and/or vesical and renal lithiasis;(ii) absence of genitourinary clinical manifestations; (iii) absence of obstructive processes; and (iv) absence of concomitantureterolithiasis. We separated 51 cats with nephrolithiasis into 2 groups: control (n = 12) and study (n = 39). The controlgroup received a placebo and the study group, nutraceuticals (magnesium chelate, resveratrol, vitamin K2, docosahexaenoicacid, and eicosapentaenoic acid). Laboratory tests (blood and urine) and abdominal imaging (ultrasound) were performedat day 0 and 30 days after enrollment. Monitoring the therapeutic efficacy in both groups was performed on day 30 for theCG and on days 30, 60, and 90 for the EG. The CG cats, after this step, were referred to surgery or to the EG, with priorauthorization from their tutors. The diameter of nephrolites was significantly different before and after treatment, indicating a reduction in nephroliths over time. During the use of the nutraceutical formulation by the EG and use of placebo...
Animais , Gatos , Alimento Funcional/análise , Nefrolitíase/dietoterapia , Nefrolitíase/veterinária , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise , Alimentos IntegraisResumo
O presente artigo teve como objetivo traçar o perfil do consumidor do leite de cabra e seus derivados, especialmente quanto à frequência e razão do consumo desses produtos. Foi realiada uma survey utilizando um questionário, com perguntas abertas e fechadas, enviado por meio eletrônico no sistema bola de neve. O questionário foi respondido por 372 pessoas, sendo 212 (57%) destas já consumiram algum derivado de leite caprino. A maioria dos respondentes era do sexo feminino (68,5%) e idade até 24 anos (68,5%). A escolaridade variou de ensino fundamental à pós-graduação, sendo que o ensino superior incompleto ou completo e pós-graduação representam cerca de 80% dos respondentes e cerca de 54% possuem renda até 3 salários-mínimos. Queijos (>60%) e leite em pó (16%) são os produtos com maior e menor consumo, respectivamente, sendo a aquisição dos produtos é realizada, preferencialmente, em super e hipermercados. Entre os motivos para consumo dos produtos estão o sabor, curiosidade, ser saudável, possuir mais vitaminas, fatores nutricionais e funcionais, qualidade e indicação médica. O consumo diário de produtos de origem caprina ainda é baixo, sendo necessária a desmistificação quanto ao sabor destes produtos e a divulgação de suas características nutricionais.(AU)
This article aims to outline the consumer's profile of goat's milk and its derivatives, especially regarding the frequency and reason for the consumption of these products. A survey was carried out using a questionnaire, with open and closed questions, sent electronically in the snowball system. The questionnaire was answered by 372 people, 212 (57%) of whom have already consumed some goat's milk derivative. Most respondents were female (68.5%) and age (68.5%) up to 24 years old. Education ranged from elementary to post-graduate, with incomplete or complete higher education and post-graduate education accounting for about 80% of respondents and about 54% earning up to 3 minimum wages. Cheese (> 60%) and powdered milk (16%) are the products with the highest and lowest consumption, respectively, with the products being purchased, preferably, in super and hypermarkets. Among the reasons for consuming the products are the taste, curiosity, being healthy, having more vitamins, nutritional and functional factors, quality, and medical indication. The daily consumption of goat's products is still low, and it is necessary to demystify the flavor of these products and publicize their nutritional characteristics.(AU)
Humanos , Comportamento do Consumidor/estatística & dados numéricos , Substitutos do Leite Humano , Comportamento Alimentar , Preferências AlimentaresResumo
Recentemente, com a pandemia de coronavírus, os hábitos alimentares da população foram modificados, observando-se a busca por uma alimentação saudável. Neste sentido, o consumo de frutas e hortaliças tem aumentado, e a higienização é uma etapa fundamental no controle de qualidade, visto que frutas e hortaliças podem ser consumidas in natura. O objetivo do trabalho foi elaborar uma revisão a respeito dos principais saneantes químicos utilizados na sanitização de frutas e hortaliças. O estudo se trata de uma revisão elaborada a partir de publicações científicas, utilizando a combinação dos seguintes descritores: higienização, frutas e hortaliças, saneantes e sanitizantes. Foi possível verificar que o saneante mais utilizado na sanitização de frutas e hortaliças é o cloro e seus derivados, em concentrações que variam de 100 a 200 ppm, normalmente por um tempo de 15 minutos. O ozônio, tem a capacidade de destruir inúmeros microrganismos e para seu efeito saneante é necessário a utilização de um tempo maior de exposição, em média de até 30 minutos. Na utilização de ácidos orgânicos (ácido acético, cítrico, lático e peracético), as concentrações variam até 2% e o tempo de exposição em média é de poucos minutos, os quais podem ser utilizados combinados ou não. No entanto, sua utilização nem sempre é efetiva. Conclui-se que a aplicação de cada tipo de saneante varia de acordo com suas concentrações, pH, tempo de exposição ao tratamento e o tipo de fruta ou hortaliça a ser sanitizado.(AU)
Recently, with the coronavirus pandemic, the eating habits of the population have been modified, observing the search for healthy diet. In this sense, the consumption of fruits and vegetables has increased, and the hygiene is a fundamental step in quality control, since fruits and vegetables can be consumed in natura. The objective of the work was to elaborate a review about the main chemical sanitizers used in the sanitization of fruits and vegetables. The study is a review based on scientific publications, using the combination of the following descriptors: hygiene, fruits and vegetables, sanitizers and sanitizing. It was possible to verify that the most used sanitizer in the sanitization of fruits and vegetables is chlorine and its derivatives, in concentrations from 100 to 200 ppm, normally for 15 minutes. Ozone could destroy numerous microorganisms and for its sanitizing effect it is necessary to have a longer exposure time, on average up to 30 minutes. When using organic acids (acetic, citric, lactic and peracetic acid), the concentrations vary up to 2% and the average exposure time is a few minutes, which can be used in combination or not. However, its use is not always effective. It is concluded that the application of each type of sanitizer varies according to its concentrations, pH, exposure time to the treatment and the type of fruit or vegetable to be sanitized.(AU)
Higiene dos Alimentos/métodos , Saneantes , Verduras , FrutasResumo
A falta de tempo para o preparo das refeições, devido ao ritmo de vida acelerado, incentiva a procura por serviços de alimentação fora de casa, em busca de alimentos práticos, de rápido consumo e nutritivos. Com o propósito de fazer uma alimentação mais saudável, cresceu a busca por restaurantes self-service, sendo a salada uma das opções usualmente mais consumida nesses estabelecimentos. Neste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de 20 amostras de hortaliças cruas servidas em restaurantes self-service da cidade do Recife-PE. As coletas foram realizadas no mês de fevereiro de 2021. As amostras foram submetidas às análises microbiológicas de coliformes totais, termotolerantes, Escherichia coli e Salmonella spp. Para coliformes totais os resultados variaram entre <3 a >1100 NMP/g. A presença de coliformes termotolerantes foi observada em 16 amostras, destas, uma apresentou contagem acima do estabelecido pela RDC 12/2001 se mostrando imprópria para o consumo. Não foi detectada a presença de Escherichia coli e Salmonella spp. nas amostras analisadas, estando estas de acordo com a RDC 331/2019. Estes resultados sugerem que, como houve a presença de coliformes nas amostras, mesmo estando a maioria dos valores em conformidade, é importante que haja maiores cuidados quanto à higienização e manipulação das hortaliças pelos estabelecimentos. Visando diminuir a carga microbiana presente nesses alimentos, portanto, é necessário que as boas práticas de manipulação sejam adotadas pelos restaurantes, para que se evite o aparecimento de doenças transmitidas por alimentos (DTAs).(AU)
The lack of time to prepare meals, due to a fast-paced contemporary lifestyle, encourages people to seek for alternative food services that are fast, practical, and nutritious. With the purpose of maintaining a healthy diet, the search for self-service restaurants has increased, being salad one of the usual options consumed in these restaurants. In this scenario, the purpose of the study was to investigate the microbiological quality of 20 raw vegetables samples served in restaurants in Recife PE. The tests were carried out in February 2021. The samples were submitted to microbiological analysis of Total Coliform, thermotolerant Coliforms, Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. For Total Coliform the results ranged from <3 to >1100 MPN/g. The presence of thermotolerant coliforms were observed in 16 samples, and 1 of them had a count above the established for the RDC 12/2001, proving to be unsuitable for consumption. The presence of Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. were detected in none of the analyzed samples, being in accordance with the RDC 331/2019. These results suggest that, because of the presence of coliforms in the samples, even though most of values are in compliance, it is important to be more careful about hygiene and manipulation of vegetables by restaurants. Therefore, aiming to decrease the microbial load present in these foods, it is necessary that the good handling practices should be adopted in restaurants, to avoid the appearance of foodborne diseases.(AU)
Verduras/microbiologia , Técnicas Microbiológicas , Restaurantes , Brasil , Higiene dos AlimentosResumo
The maintenance of pumas under human care imposes different conditions from those found in the natural environment, which may result in stress and impaired welfare. The objective was to evaluate the effects of environmental enrichment on the welfare of four jaguar specimens (Puma concolor), kept under human care. The enrichment techniques addressed were food, sensory, and mixed (physical-cognitive) enrichment. The research was divided into three phases: Phase 1, pre-enrichment; Phase 2, application of enrichment; and Phase 3, post-enrichment. The observation of the activities was performed using the focal animal method, and the behaviors were recorded to compose an ethogram. The sampling effort totaled 96 hours, with a 24-hour observation time for each specimen. During phases 2 and 3, the animals showed increased expression of natural behaviors, increased exploration and interaction with the enclosure, as well as, with other individuals. In addition, the applied activities provided cognitive challenges and reduced the animals' idle time. Although puma 4 showed stereotyped behavior, during the three phases of this study, this individual was healthy and active. Thus, the results demonstrate the beneficial effects of environmental enrichment on the well-being of pumas held in captivity.(AU)
A manutenção de onças-pardas mantidas sob cuidados humanos impõe condições diferentes daquelas encon-tradas no ambiente natural, o que pode resultar em estresse e prejuízo ao bem-estar. Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos do enriquecimento ambiental no bem-estar de quatro espécimes de Onça-parda (Puma concolor), mantidos sob cuidados humanos. As técnicas de enriquecimento abordadas foram o enriquecimento alimentar, sensorial e misto (físico-cogni-tivo). A pesquisa foi dividida em três fases: Fase 1; Pré-enriquecimento, Fase 2; Aplicação dos enriquecimentos e Fase 3; Pós-enriquecimento. A observação das atividades foi realizada através do método animal focal, sendo registrados os comportamentos para composição de um etograma. O esforço amostral totalizou 96 horas, com o tempo de observação de 24 horas para cada espécime. Durante as fases 2 e 3, os animais apresentaram aumento da expressão de comporta-mentos naturais, aumento da exploração e interação com o recinto, assim como, com os outros indivíduos. Além disso, as atividades aplicadas proporcionaram desafios cognitivos e reduziram o tempo ocioso dos animais. Embora a Onça-parda 4 tenha apresentado comportamento estereotipado, durante as três fases deste estudo, este indivíduo mostrou-se saudável e ativo. Dessa forma, os resultados demonstram os efeitos benéficos do enriquecimento ambiental no bem-estar de onças-pardas mantidas em cativeiro.(AU)
Animais , Estresse Fisiológico/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Puma/fisiologia , Alimentos Fortificados , EcossistemaResumo
O objetivo desse trabalho foi realizar revisão bibliográfica de caráter exploratório sobre tratamento de efluentes na piscicultura com ênfase nos tratamentos sustentáveis e seu impacto ecológico. A importância deste tema envolve pesquisar métodos de tratamentos alternativos aos dejetos da piscicultura, visto sua importância referente à sustentabilidade. Além disso, há tendência mundial da população buscar hábitos alimentares saudáveis, que gerem menor impacto ao meio ambiente, influenciando diretamente no desenvolvimento agropecuário. A proposta de tratamento de efluentes na piscicultura por métodos alternativos visa a diminuição de poluentes na água, considerando técnicas já utilizadas em saneamento básico, aplicadas com os efluentes da aquicultura. No Brasil, utiliza-se o método de processos oxidativos avançados POA por cloro, que ao reagir com outros compostos, libera substâncias contaminantes ao meio ambiente. De um modo geral, a piscicultura produz baixo impacto ambiental e à saúde humana, mas é importante enfatizar a relação única de saúde na produção de alimentos.(AU)
The objective of this work was to carry out an exploratory literature review on effluent treatment in fish farming with an emphasis on sustainable treatments and their ecological impact. The importance of this theme involves researching alternative treatment methods to fish farming waste, given its importance in terms of sustainability. In addition, there is a global tendency of the population to seek healthy eating habits, which generate less impact on the environment, directly influencing agricultural development. The proposed treatment of effluents in fish farming by alternative methods aims to reduce pollutants in the water, considering techniques already used in basic sanitation, applied with effluents from aquaculture. In Brazil, advanced oxidative processes are used POA's by chlorine, which when reacting with other compounds, releases contaminant substances into the environment. In general, fish farming has a low impact on the environment and human health, but it is important to emphasize the unique relationship of health in food production.(AU)
Animais , Tratamento de Efluentes Industriais , Saneamento Básico , Estações de Tratamento de Água , Brasil , PesqueirosResumo
Chelonians are considered good bioindicators of environmental quality. The assessment of the health status of chelonian populations in the Amazon is important because they are traditionally consumed in large numbers in riverine communities and sustainable use reserves. The present study aimed to evaluate the health of Podocnemis unifilis (Testudines, Podocnemididae) in an environmental protection area in the Amazon region in Brazil. We analyzed the biomarkers lipoperoxidation, carbonylation of proteins, occurrence of micronuclei and erythrocytic nuclear abnormalities, quantified metallothioneins, and evaluated mercury bioaccumulation. We generated pioneering data regarding biomarkers in wild Amazonian freshwater turtles. All biomarker responses did not vary significantly between the sexes. The occurrence of oxidative and genotoxic damage, as well as concentrations of metallothioneins was low compared to other studies. In addition, the bioaccumulation of mercury in the muscle of the animals was below the limit recommended for human consumption by the World Health Organization. Our results provide baseline data on mercury bioaccumulation and biomarker responses that can be useful for future comparisons with other freshwater turtles. The data also provide evidence that the sustainable exploitation of these turtles in the study area (Piagaçu-Purus Sustainable Development Reserve) does not pose a risk to local riverine communities, as the detected mercury concentrations are safe for human consumption. In this sense, our results highlight the importance of protected areas for the conservation of healthy turtle populations, at the same time ensuring the health of the human populations that use them as a food resource.(AU)
Quelônios são considerados bons bioindicadores da qualidade ambiental. A avaliação do estado de saúde de populações de quelônios na Amazônia também é importante porque estes animais são tradicionalmente consumidos em grandes quantidades em comunidades ribeirinhas e em reservas de uso sustentável. O presente estudo avaliou a saúde de Podocnemis unifilis (Testudines, Podocnemididae) em uma área de proteção ambiental da Amazônia no Brasil. Analisamos lipoperoxidação, carbonilação de proteínas, ocorrência de micronúcleos e anormalidades nucleares eritrocíticas, quantificamos metalotioneínas, e avaliamos a bioacumulação de mercúrio. Geramos dados pioneiros sobre biomarcadores em quelônios de água doce amazônicos silvestres. Todas as respostas aos biomarcadores não variaram significativamente entre os sexos. A ocorrência de danos oxidativos e genotóxicos, bem como as concentrações de metalotioneínas foram baixas em comparação a outros estudos. Adicionalmente, a bioacumulação de mercúrio no músculo dos animais ficou abaixo dos limites recomendados para consumo humano pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. Nossos resultados constituem um conjunto de dados de referência para bioacumulação de mercúrio e respostas de biomarcadores que podem ser úteis para futuras comparações com outros quelônios de água doce. Os dados também fornecem evidências de que a exploração sustentável desses quelônios na área de estudo (Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Piagaçu-Purus) não apresenta risco às comunidades ribeirinhas locais, já que as concentrações de mercúrio detectadas são seguras para o consumo humano. Nesse sentido, nossos resultados evidenciam a importância das áreas protegidas para a conservação de populações saudáveis de quelônios, concomitantemente assegurando a saúde das populações humanas que os utilizam como fonte alimentar.(AU)
Animais , Tartarugas/fisiologia , Tartarugas/genética , Biomarcadores/análise , Bioacumulação/fisiologia , Brasil , Ecossistema Amazônico , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecotoxicologia , Mercúrio/efeitos adversosResumo
Background: Photoplethysmography is widely used in human medicine, with few studies on its use in veterinary medicine. Its sensor detects fluctuations in blood volume at the site, providing direct readings of cardiac pulse and peripheral oxygen saturation, as well as estimating cardiac output, respiratory rate and blood pressure. This study aimed to evaluate the use of photoplethysmography and compare it to vascular Doppler ultrasound as an indirect method of measuring systolic blood pressure in bitches undergoing elective ovariohysterectomy, using the invasive assessment of systolic blood pressure as a reference. Materials, Methods and Results: After clinical and laboratory evaluation, 34 healthy bitches were selected to undergo elective ovariohysterectomy. After food and water fasting, patients received pethidine hydrochloride intramuscularly as pre-anesthetic medication, followed by anesthetic induction with fentanyl citrate and propofol intravenously. General anesthesia was maintained by inhalation with isoflurane diluted in 100% oxygen. Intraoperative analgesia consisted of continuous infusion of fentanyl citrate intravenously. The animals were randomly divided into 2 groups, the thoracic limb group (TLG) and the pelvic limb group (PLG). In each patient, non-invasive blood pressure measurement was obtained simultaneously with Doppler (DOP) and photoplethysmography (PPG). The sensors of both devices were placed on the end of the same limb. The PPG sensor was positioned in the interdigital region. In patients belonging to the TLG, the Doppler sensor was placed in the ventral region of the thoracic limb, under the ulnar artery. In PLG patients, the Doppler sensor was placed in the dorsal region of the pelvic limb, over the dorsal artery of the foot. The sphygmomanometer was positioned close to the sensors. For systolic blood pressure (SBP) measurement, the cuff was inflated until the Doppler sound signal and the plethysmographic wave were lost. The cuff was then deflated until the Doppler pulse sound resumed and the photoplethysmography showed at least 2 continuous waves on a regular basis. The corresponding pressure value observed on the manometer consisted of the SBP. The same 2 evaluators performed all SBP measurements: 1 responsible for the DOP method and the other for the PPG method; both were blind to the other's findings, thus minimizing potential bias in the results. All animals underwent cannulation of the auricular artery for invasive measurement of systolic blood pressure, using a multiparameter monitor. All blood pressure measurements were performed at 5-min intervals, as well as obtaining additional parameters (heart and respiratory rate, esophageal temperature, partial tissue oxygen saturation, carbon dioxide concentration) and electrocardiographic monitoring. All parameters were documented for further statistical analysis. A strong correlation (r² = 0.95) was obtained between the DOP and PPG methods regardless of the limb on which the sensors were placed. There was a low correlation between the invasive method of measuring systolic blood pressure and the other methods. There was better agreement between the DOP and PPG methods (r2 = -0.0061; P = 0.85) when systolic blood pressure was measured in the TLG. Discussion: In the PLG, the values obtained with the DOP and PPG methods were significantly higher than those obtained with the invasive method, while the values obtained in the TLG differed slightly. It was found that the best measurement site by non-invasive methods was the thoracic limb. It was concluded that the non-invasive methods showed a low correlation with the invasive method; however, both methods had similar characteristics and photoplethysmography can be used to replace the vascular Doppler method.