Abstract Tiliroside is a glycosidic flavonoid present in many plants species including Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), commonly known in Brazil as pitó. This molecule has been shown to have many biological activities, however no study has been carried out to investigate the toxicity of this substance. The present work aimed to evaluate the possible cellular toxicity in silico, in vitro and ex-vivo of the kaempferol-3-O--D-(6-E-p-coumaroyl) glucopyranoside (tiliroside), through chemical structure analysis, toxicity assessment and predictive bioactive properties, using human samples for in vitro and ex-vivo tests. The in silico analysis suggests that tiliroside exhibited great absorption index when penetrating biological membranes. In addition, it also displayed considerable potential for cellular protection against free radicals, and anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, antineoplastic, anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhagic and antithrombotic activities. The assessment of the hemolytic and genotoxic effects of tiliroside showed low hemolysis rates in red blood cells and absence of cellular toxicity in the oral mucosa cells. The data obtained indicate that this molecule could be a promising therapeutic approach as a possible new drug with biotechnological potential.
Resumo O tilirosídeo é um flavonóide glicosídico presente em muitas espécies de plantas, incluindo Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), conhecida no Brasil como pitó. Esta molécula mostrou ter muitas atividades biológicas, porém nenhum estudo foi realizado para investigar a toxicidade dessa substância. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a possível toxicidade celular in silico, in vitro e ex-vivo do kaempferol-3-O--D- (6 -Ep-coumaroil) glucopiranosídeo (tilirosídeo), por meio de análises de estrutura química, toxicidade avaliação e propriedades bioativas preditivas, utilizando amostras humanas para testes in vitro e ex-vivo. A análise in silico sugere que o tilirosídeo exibe bom índice de absorção para penetrar nas membranas biológicas. Além disso, apresentou considerável potencial de proteção celular contra os radicais livres e com atividades anticarcinogênica, antioxidante, antineoplásica, antiinflamatória, anti-hemorrágica e antitrombótica. A avaliação dos efeitos hemolíticos e genotóxicos do tilirosídeo mostrou baixas taxas de hemólise nas hemácias e ausência de toxicidade em células da mucosa oral. Os dados obtidos indicam que esta molécula pode possuir uma abordagem terapêutica promissora como uma possível nova droga com potencial biotecnológico.
Abstract A group of inherited blood defects is known as Thalassemia is among the worlds most prevalent hemoglobinopathies. Thalassemias are of two types such as Alpha and Beta Thalassemia. The cause of these defects is gene mutations leading to low levels and/or malfunctioning and globin proteins, respectively. In some cases, one of these proteins may be completely absent. and globin chains form a globin fold or pocket for heme (Fe++) attachment to carry oxygen. Genes for alpha and beta-globin proteins are present in the form of a cluster on chromosome 16 and 11, respectively. Different globin genes are used at different stages in the life course. During embryonic and fetal developmental stages, globin proteins partner with globin and are later replaced by globin protein. Globin chain imbalances result in hemolysis and impede erythropoiesis. Individuals showing mild symptoms include carriers of alpha thalassemia or the people bearing alpha or beta-thalassemia trait. Alpha thalassemia causes conditions like hemolytic anemia or fatal hydrops fetalis depending upon the severity of the disease. Beta thalassemia major results in hemolytic anemia, growth retardation, and skeletal aberrations in early childhood. Children affected by this disorder need regular blood transfusions throughout their lives. Patients that depend on blood transfusion usually develop iron overload that causes other complications in the body systems like renal or hepatic impairment therefore, thalassemias are now categorized as a syndrome. The only cure for Thalassemias would be a bone marrow transplant, or gene therapy with currently no significant success rate. A thorough understanding of the molecular basis of this syndrome may provide novel insights and ideas for its treatment, as scientists have still been unable to find a permanent cure for this deadly disease after more than 87 years since it is first described in 1925.
Resumo Um grupo de defeitos sanguíneos hereditários é conhecido como talassemia e está entre as hemoglobinopatias mais prevalentes do mundo. As talassemias são de dois tipos, como talassemia alfa e beta. As causas desses defeitos são as mutações genéticas que levam a níveis baixos e/ou proteínas de globina com mau funcionamento, respectivamente. Em alguns casos, uma dessas proteínas pode estar completamente ausente. As cadeias de globina e formam uma dobra ou bolsa de globina para a fixação de heme (Fe ++) para transportar oxigênio. Os genes das proteínas alfa e beta globina estão presentes na forma de um cluster nos cromossomos 16 e 11, respectivamente. Diferentes genes de globina são usados em diferentes estágios do curso de vida. Durante os estágios de desenvolvimento embrionário e fetal, as proteínas globina se associam à globina e, posteriormente, são substituídas pela proteína globina. Os desequilíbrios da cadeia de globina resultam em hemólise e impedem a eritropoiese. Indivíduos que apresentam sintomas leves incluem portadores de talassemia alfa ou as pessoas com traços de talassemia alfa ou beta. A talassemia alfa causa condições como anemia hemolítica ou hidropsia fetal fatal, dependendo da gravidade da doença. A beta talassemia principal resulta em anemia hemolítica, retardo de crescimento e aberrações esqueléticas na primeira infância. As crianças afetadas por esse distúrbio precisam de transfusões de sangue regulares ao longo da vida. Os pacientes que dependem de transfusão de sangue geralmente desenvolvem sobrecarga de ferro que causa outras complicações nos sistemas do corpo, como insuficiência renal ou hepática, portanto as talassemias agora são classificadas como uma síndrome. A única cura para as talassemias seria um transplante de medula óssea ou terapia genética sem atualmente uma taxa de sucesso significativa. Uma compreensão completa da base molecular dessa síndrome pode fornecer novos insights e ideias para seu tratamento, já que os cientistas ainda não conseguiram encontrar uma cura permanente para essa doença mortal depois de mais de 87 anos desde que foi descrita pela primeira vez em 1925.
Abstract Tiliroside is a glycosidic flavonoid present in many plants species including Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), commonly known in Brazil as "pitó". This molecule has been shown to have many biological activities, however no study has been carried out to investigate the toxicity of this substance. The present work aimed to evaluate the possible cellular toxicity in silico, in vitro and ex-vivo of the kaempferol-3-O-β-D-(6"-E-p-coumaroyl) glucopyranoside (tiliroside), through chemical structure analysis, toxicity assessment and predictive bioactive properties, using human samples for in vitro and ex-vivo tests. The in silico analysis suggests that tiliroside exhibited great absorption index when penetrating biological membranes. In addition, it also displayed considerable potential for cellular protection against free radicals, and anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, antineoplastic, anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhagic and antithrombotic activities. The assessment of the hemolytic and genotoxic effects of tiliroside showed low hemolysis rates in red blood cells and absence of cellular toxicity in the oral mucosa cells. The data obtained indicate that this molecule could be a promising therapeutic approach as a possible new drug with biotechnological potential.
Resumo O tilirosídeo é um flavonóide glicosídico presente em muitas espécies de plantas, incluindo Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), conhecida no Brasil como "pitó". Esta molécula mostrou ter muitas atividades biológicas, porém nenhum estudo foi realizado para investigar a toxicidade dessa substância. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a possível toxicidade celular in silico, in vitro e ex-vivo do kaempferol-3-O-β-D- (6 "-Ep-coumaroil) glucopiranosídeo (tilirosídeo), por meio de análises de estrutura química, toxicidade avaliação e propriedades bioativas preditivas, utilizando amostras humanas para testes in vitro e ex-vivo. A análise in silico sugere que o tilirosídeo exibe bom índice de absorção para penetrar nas membranas biológicas. Além disso, apresentou considerável potencial de proteção celular contra os radicais livres e com atividades anticarcinogênica, antioxidante, antineoplásica, antiinflamatória, anti-hemorrágica e antitrombótica. A avaliação dos efeitos hemolíticos e genotóxicos do tilirosídeo mostrou baixas taxas de hemólise nas hemácias e ausência de toxicidade em células da mucosa oral. Os dados obtidos indicam que esta molécula pode possuir uma abordagem terapêutica promissora como uma possível nova droga com potencial biotecnológico.
Humanos , Extratos Vegetais , Quempferóis/toxicidade , Flavonoides , Simulação por Computador , BrasilResumo
Tiliroside is a glycosidic flavonoid present in many plants species including Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), commonly known in Brazil as "pitó". This molecule has been shown to have many biological activities, however no study has been carried out to investigate the toxicity of this substance. The present work aimed to evaluate the possible cellular toxicity in silico, in vitro and ex-vivo of the kaempferol-3-O-β-D-(6-E-p-coumaroyl) glucopyranoside (tiliroside), through chemical structure analysis, toxicity assessment and predictive bioactive properties, using human samples for in vitro and ex-vivo tests. The in silico analysis suggests that tiliroside exhibited great absorption index when penetrating biological membranes. In addition, it also displayed considerable potential for cellular protection against free radicals, and anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, antineoplastic, anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhagic and antithrombotic activities. The assessment of the hemolytic and genotoxic effects of tiliroside showed low hemolysis rates in red blood cells and absence of cellular toxicity in the oral mucosa cells. The data obtained indicate that this molecule could be a promising therapeutic approach as a possible new drug with biotechnological potential.
O tilirosídeo é um flavonóide glicosídico presente em muitas espécies de plantas, incluindo Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), conhecida no Brasil como pitó. Esta molécula mostrou ter muitas atividades biológicas, porém nenhum estudo foi realizado para investigar a toxicidade dessa substância. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a possível toxicidade celular in silico, in vitro e ex-vivo do kaempferol-3-O-β-D- (6 -Ep-coumaroil) glucopiranosídeo (tilirosídeo), por meio de análises de estrutura química, toxicidade avaliação e propriedades bioativas preditivas, utilizando amostras humanas para testes in vitro e ex-vivo. A análise in silico sugere que o tilirosídeo exibe bom índice de absorção para penetrar nas membranas biológicas. Além disso, apresentou considerável potencial de proteção celular contra os radicais livres e com atividades anticarcinogênica, antioxidante, antineoplásica, antiinflamatória, anti-hemorrágica e antitrombótica. A avaliação dos efeitos hemolíticos e genotóxicos do tilirosídeo mostrou baixas taxas de hemólise nas hemácias e ausência de toxicidade em células da mucosa oral. Os dados obtidos indicam que esta molécula pode possuir uma abordagem terapêutica promissora como uma possível nova droga com potencial biotecnológico.
Flavonoides/farmacocinética , Flavonoides/toxicidade , Malvaceae , Técnicas In VitroResumo
Tiliroside is a glycosidic flavonoid present in many plants species including Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), commonly known in Brazil as "pitó". This molecule has been shown to have many biological activities, however no study has been carried out to investigate the toxicity of this substance. The present work aimed to evaluate the possible cellular toxicity in silico, in vitro and ex-vivo of the kaempferol-3-O-β-D-(6-E-p-coumaroyl) glucopyranoside (tiliroside), through chemical structure analysis, toxicity assessment and predictive bioactive properties, using human samples for in vitro and ex-vivo tests. The in silico analysis suggests that tiliroside exhibited great absorption index when penetrating biological membranes. In addition, it also displayed considerable potential for cellular protection against free radicals, and anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, antineoplastic, anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhagic and antithrombotic activities. The assessment of the hemolytic and genotoxic effects of tiliroside showed low hemolysis rates in red blood cells and absence of cellular toxicity in the oral mucosa cells. The data obtained indicate that this molecule could be a promising therapeutic approach as a possible new drug with biotechnological potential.(AU)
O tilirosídeo é um flavonóide glicosídico presente em muitas espécies de plantas, incluindo Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), conhecida no Brasil como pitó. Esta molécula mostrou ter muitas atividades biológicas, porém nenhum estudo foi realizado para investigar a toxicidade dessa substância. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a possível toxicidade celular in silico, in vitro e ex-vivo do kaempferol-3-O-β-D- (6 -Ep-coumaroil) glucopiranosídeo (tilirosídeo), por meio de análises de estrutura química, toxicidade avaliação e propriedades bioativas preditivas, utilizando amostras humanas para testes in vitro e ex-vivo. A análise in silico sugere que o tilirosídeo exibe bom índice de absorção para penetrar nas membranas biológicas. Além disso, apresentou considerável potencial de proteção celular contra os radicais livres e com atividades anticarcinogênica, antioxidante, antineoplásica, antiinflamatória, anti-hemorrágica e antitrombótica. A avaliação dos efeitos hemolíticos e genotóxicos do tilirosídeo mostrou baixas taxas de hemólise nas hemácias e ausência de toxicidade em células da mucosa oral. Os dados obtidos indicam que esta molécula pode possuir uma abordagem terapêutica promissora como uma possível nova droga com potencial biotecnológico.(AU)
Flavonoides/farmacocinética , Flavonoides/toxicidade , Malvaceae , Técnicas In VitroResumo
A group of inherited blood defects is known as Thalassemia is among the world's most prevalent hemoglobinopathies. Thalassemias are of two types such as Alpha and Beta Thalassemia. The cause of these defects is gene mutations leading to low levels and/or malfunctioning α and β globin proteins, respectively. In some cases, one of these proteins may be completely absent. α and β globin chains form a globin fold or pocket for heme (Fe++) attachment to carry oxygen. Genes for alpha and beta-globin proteins are present in the form of a cluster on chromosome 16 and 11, respectively. Different globin genes are used at different stages in the life course. During embryonic and fetal developmental stages, γ globin proteins partner with α globin and are later replaced by β globin protein. Globin chain imbalances result in hemolysis and impede erythropoiesis. Individuals showing mild symptoms include carriers of alpha thalassemia or the people bearing alpha or beta-thalassemia trait. Alpha thalassemia causes conditions like hemolytic anemia or fatal hydrops fetalis depending upon the severity of the disease. Beta thalassemia major results in hemolytic anemia, growth retardation, and skeletal aberrations in early childhood. Children affected by this disorder need regular blood transfusions throughout their lives. Patients that depend on blood transfusion usually develop iron overload that causes other complications in the body systems like renal or hepatic impairment therefore, thalassemias are now categorized as a syndrome. The only cure for Thalassemias would be a bone marrow transplant, or gene therapy with currently no significant success rate. A thorough understanding of the molecular basis of this syndrome may provide novel insights and ideas for its treatment, as scientists have still been unable to find a permanent cure for this deadly disease after more than 87 years since it is first described in 1925.
Um grupo de defeitos sanguíneos hereditários é conhecido como talassemia e está entre as hemoglobinopatias mais prevalentes do mundo. As talassemias são de dois tipos, como talassemia alfa e beta. As causas desses defeitos são as mutações genéticas que levam a níveis baixos e/ou proteínas de globina com mau funcionamento, respectivamente. Em alguns casos, uma dessas proteínas pode estar completamente ausente. As cadeias de globina α e β formam uma dobra ou bolsa de globina para a fixação de heme (Fe ++) para transportar oxigênio. Os genes das proteínas alfa e beta globina estão presentes na forma de um cluster nos cromossomos 16 e 11, respectivamente. Diferentes genes de globina são usados em diferentes estágios do curso de vida. Durante os estágios de desenvolvimento embrionário e fetal, as proteínas γ globina se associam à α globina e, posteriormente, são substituídas pela proteína β globina. Os desequilíbrios da cadeia de globina resultam em hemólise e impedem a eritropoiese. Indivíduos que apresentam sintomas leves incluem portadores de talassemia alfa ou as pessoas com traços de talassemia alfa ou beta. A talassemia alfa causa condições como anemia hemolítica ou hidropsia fetal fatal, dependendo da gravidade da doença. A beta talassemia principal resulta em anemia hemolítica, retardo de crescimento e aberrações esqueléticas na primeira infância. As crianças afetadas por esse distúrbio precisam de transfusões de sangue regulares ao longo da vida. Os pacientes que dependem de transfusão de sangue geralmente desenvolvem sobrecarga de ferro que causa outras complicações nos sistemas do corpo, como insuficiência renal ou hepática, portanto as talassemias agora são classificadas como uma síndrome. A única cura para as talassemias seria um transplante de medula óssea ou terapia genética sem atualmente uma taxa de sucesso significativa. Uma compreensão completa da base molecular dessa síndrome pode fornecer novos insights e ideias para seu tratamento, [...].
Humanos , Talassemia alfa , Talassemia beta , Talassemia/complicações , Talassemia/genéticaResumo
Abstract A group of inherited blood defects is known as Thalassemia is among the world's most prevalent hemoglobinopathies. Thalassemias are of two types such as Alpha and Beta Thalassemia. The cause of these defects is gene mutations leading to low levels and/or malfunctioning α and β globin proteins, respectively. In some cases, one of these proteins may be completely absent. α and β globin chains form a globin fold or pocket for heme (Fe++) attachment to carry oxygen. Genes for alpha and beta-globin proteins are present in the form of a cluster on chromosome 16 and 11, respectively. Different globin genes are used at different stages in the life course. During embryonic and fetal developmental stages, γ globin proteins partner with α globin and are later replaced by β globin protein. Globin chain imbalances result in hemolysis and impede erythropoiesis. Individuals showing mild symptoms include carriers of alpha thalassemia or the people bearing alpha or beta-thalassemia trait. Alpha thalassemia causes conditions like hemolytic anemia or fatal hydrops fetalis depending upon the severity of the disease. Beta thalassemia major results in hemolytic anemia, growth retardation, and skeletal aberrations in early childhood. Children affected by this disorder need regular blood transfusions throughout their lives. Patients that depend on blood transfusion usually develop iron overload that causes other complications in the body systems like renal or hepatic impairment therefore, thalassemias are now categorized as a syndrome. The only cure for Thalassemias would be a bone marrow transplant, or gene therapy with currently no significant success rate. A thorough understanding of the molecular basis of this syndrome may provide novel insights and ideas for its treatment, as scientists have still been unable to find a permanent cure for this deadly disease after more than 87 years since it is first described in 1925.
Resumo Um grupo de defeitos sanguíneos hereditários é conhecido como talassemia e está entre as hemoglobinopatias mais prevalentes do mundo. As talassemias são de dois tipos, como talassemia alfa e beta. As causas desses defeitos são as mutações genéticas que levam a níveis baixos e/ou proteínas de globina com mau funcionamento, respectivamente. Em alguns casos, uma dessas proteínas pode estar completamente ausente. As cadeias de globina α e β formam uma dobra ou bolsa de globina para a fixação de heme (Fe ++) para transportar oxigênio. Os genes das proteínas alfa e beta globina estão presentes na forma de um cluster nos cromossomos 16 e 11, respectivamente. Diferentes genes de globina são usados em diferentes estágios do curso de vida. Durante os estágios de desenvolvimento embrionário e fetal, as proteínas γ globina se associam à α globina e, posteriormente, são substituídas pela proteína β globina. Os desequilíbrios da cadeia de globina resultam em hemólise e impedem a eritropoiese. Indivíduos que apresentam sintomas leves incluem portadores de talassemia alfa ou as pessoas com traços de talassemia alfa ou beta. A talassemia alfa causa condições como anemia hemolítica ou hidropsia fetal fatal, dependendo da gravidade da doença. A beta talassemia principal resulta em anemia hemolítica, retardo de crescimento e aberrações esqueléticas na primeira infância. As crianças afetadas por esse distúrbio precisam de transfusões de sangue regulares ao longo da vida. Os pacientes que dependem de transfusão de sangue geralmente desenvolvem sobrecarga de ferro que causa outras complicações nos sistemas do corpo, como insuficiência renal ou hepática, portanto as talassemias agora são classificadas como uma síndrome. A única cura para as talassemias seria um transplante de medula óssea ou terapia genética sem atualmente uma taxa de sucesso significativa. Uma compreensão completa da base molecular dessa síndrome pode fornecer novos insights e ideias para seu tratamento, já que os cientistas ainda não conseguiram encontrar uma cura permanente para essa doença mortal depois de mais de 87 anos desde que foi descrita pela primeira vez em 1925.
Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Talassemia/genética , Talassemia beta/genética , HemoglobinasResumo
Background: Thermography is a noninvasive, non-contact, painless, and non-ionizing imaging technique that records cutaneous thermal patterns generated by infrared emission of the surface. The surface heat is closely related to dermal microcirculation. Thromboembolism is responsible for important changes in the thermal pattern of the body surface due to physical obstruction of blood flow, being the main complication in immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. The aim of this paper is to report a dog with thrombus in his left forelimb secondary to idiopathic hemolytic anemia, whose diagnostic screening was performed through infrared thermography. Case: A 9-year-old mixed breed bitch was referred to a veterinary hospital with a history of emesis, diarrhea and dark-colored urine for 2 days. The complete blood count showed hypochromic macrocytic anemia (hematocrit [HTC] 28%, reference: 37 to 55%) with the presence of nucleated erythrocyte (14/100 leukocytes, reference: 0 to 5/100 leukocytes), polychromasia and spherocytes. Leukocytosis (28,300 mm³, reference: 6,000 to 17,000 mm³) by neutrophilia with left deviation and toxic granulations was also present, in addition to hemoglobinuria at urine exam. Therefore, treatment for immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) was instituted. After 2 days, the animal returned with acute functional impairment of the left forelimb. Physical examination revealed that the limb was cold, without pulse, proprioception, reflexes, and deep pain. New blood analyses revealed decreased hematocrit (HTC 17%, reference: 37 to 55%), and increased total leukocyte number (57,000 mm3, reference: 6,000 to 17,000 mm³). Infrared thermography revealed an important temperature difference between the limbs, with the affected limb temperature considerably lower (31.3ºC) when compared to the contralateral limb (35.0ºC). Thermography showed the site of the thrombus in the medial portion of the limb (cephalic vein), where the catheter had been placed for fluid therapy. Due to the severity of the condition, the bitch was submitted to amputation surgery, which occurred without complications. The patient had a good response to treatment, with decreased signs of hemolysis and hypercoagulability. The medications were slowly withdrawn, and the clinical discharge occurred after 4 weeks. Discussion: In humans, thermography has been widely used in the assessment of thrombotic diseases, contributing to diagnosis, localization, and prognosis. In veterinary medicine, however, the use of this tool in the diagnosis of thromboembolism is still rare. The difference of 3.7°C between the affected and contralateral limb was objectively verified using thermography. A minimum difference of 2.4°C between limbs has high sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing thromboembolism and occurs due to the reduction in local blood flow. In the present case this tool was essential for the anatomical location of the thrombus, which was in the middle third of the forearm, and allowed an adequate surgical planning. It is known that the main complication of IMHA is thromboembolism. Its predisposing factors include venous stasis, endothelial damage, and hypercoagulability, being exacerbated by cage confinement, decubitus and presence of a peripheral venous catheter. The reported case corroborates at least one of these factors since it had a peripheral venous catheter in the left forelimb, which later showed absence of pulse, spinal reflexes, pain and proprioception. The thermography showed to be an objective, rapid and non-invasive tool to diagnose and precisely locate the thrombus, which allowed for adequate treatment and surgical planning for the case. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report about use of thermography to diagnose thromboembolism secondary to immune-mediated hemolytic anemia in a dog.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Tromboembolia/diagnóstico por imagem , Termografia/veterinária , Trombofilia/veterinária , Anemia Hemolítica/veterinária , Terapia de Imunossupressão/veterináriaResumo
A group of inherited blood defects is known as Thalassemia is among the world's most prevalent hemoglobinopathies. Thalassemias are of two types such as Alpha and Beta Thalassemia. The cause of these defects is gene mutations leading to low levels and/or malfunctioning α and β globin proteins, respectively. In some cases, one of these proteins may be completely absent. α and β globin chains form a globin fold or pocket for heme (Fe++) attachment to carry oxygen. Genes for alpha and beta-globin proteins are present in the form of a cluster on chromosome 16 and 11, respectively. Different globin genes are used at different stages in the life course. During embryonic and fetal developmental stages, γ globin proteins partner with α globin and are later replaced by β globin protein. Globin chain imbalances result in hemolysis and impede erythropoiesis. Individuals showing mild symptoms include carriers of alpha thalassemia or the people bearing alpha or beta-thalassemia trait. Alpha thalassemia causes conditions like hemolytic anemia or fatal hydrops fetalis depending upon the severity of the disease. Beta thalassemia major results in hemolytic anemia, growth retardation, and skeletal aberrations in early childhood. Children affected by this disorder need regular blood transfusions throughout their lives. Patients that depend on blood transfusion usually develop iron overload that causes other complications in the body systems like renal or hepatic impairment therefore, thalassemias are now categorized as a syndrome. The only cure for Thalassemias would be a bone marrow transplant, or gene therapy with currently no significant success rate. A thorough understanding of the molecular basis of this syndrome may provide novel insights and ideas for its treatment, as scientists have still been unable to find a permanent cure for this deadly disease after more than 87 years since it is first described in 1925.(AU)
Um grupo de defeitos sanguíneos hereditários é conhecido como talassemia e está entre as hemoglobinopatias mais prevalentes do mundo. As talassemias são de dois tipos, como talassemia alfa e beta. As causas desses defeitos são as mutações genéticas que levam a níveis baixos e/ou proteínas de globina com mau funcionamento, respectivamente. Em alguns casos, uma dessas proteínas pode estar completamente ausente. As cadeias de globina α e β formam uma dobra ou bolsa de globina para a fixação de heme (Fe ++) para transportar oxigênio. Os genes das proteínas alfa e beta globina estão presentes na forma de um cluster nos cromossomos 16 e 11, respectivamente. Diferentes genes de globina são usados em diferentes estágios do curso de vida. Durante os estágios de desenvolvimento embrionário e fetal, as proteínas γ globina se associam à α globina e, posteriormente, são substituídas pela proteína β globina. Os desequilíbrios da cadeia de globina resultam em hemólise e impedem a eritropoiese. Indivíduos que apresentam sintomas leves incluem portadores de talassemia alfa ou as pessoas com traços de talassemia alfa ou beta. A talassemia alfa causa condições como anemia hemolítica ou hidropsia fetal fatal, dependendo da gravidade da doença. A beta talassemia principal resulta em anemia hemolítica, retardo de crescimento e aberrações esqueléticas na primeira infância. As crianças afetadas por esse distúrbio precisam de transfusões de sangue regulares ao longo da vida. Os pacientes que dependem de transfusão de sangue geralmente desenvolvem sobrecarga de ferro que causa outras complicações nos sistemas do corpo, como insuficiência renal ou hepática, portanto as talassemias agora são classificadas como uma síndrome. A única cura para as talassemias seria um transplante de medula óssea ou terapia genética sem atualmente uma taxa de sucesso significativa. Uma compreensão completa da base molecular dessa síndrome pode fornecer novos insights e ideias para seu tratamento, [...].(AU)
Humanos , Talassemia/complicações , Talassemia/genética , Talassemia beta , Talassemia alfaResumo
Abstract Background: Acylpolyamines are one of the main non-peptide compounds present in spider venom and represent a promising alternative in the search for new molecules with antimicrobial action. Methods: The venom of Acanthoscurria natalensis spider was fractionated by reverse-phase liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and the antimicrobial activity of the fractions was tested using a liquid growth inhibition assay. The main antimicrobial fraction containing acylpolyamines (ApAn) was submitted to two additional chromatographic steps and analyzed by MALDI-TOF. Fractions of interest were accumulated for ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy and ESI-MS/MS analysis and for minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and hemolytic activity determination. Results: Five acylpolyamines were isolated from the venom with molecular masses between 614 Da and 756 Da, being named ApAn728, ApAn614a, ApAn614b, ApAn742 and ApAn756. The analysis of UV absorption profile of each ApAn and the fragmentation pattern obtained by ESI-MS/MS suggested the presence of a tyrosyl unit as chromophore and a terminal polyamine chain consistent with structural units PA43 or PA53. ApAn presented MIC between 128 µM and 256 µM against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, without causing hemolysis against mouse erythrocytes. Conclusion: The antimicrobial and non-hemolytic properties of the analyzed ApAn may be relevant for their application as possible therapeutic agents and the identification of an unconventional chromophore for spider acylpolyamines suggests an even greater chemical diversity.
A babesiose canina é uma doença transmitida pela picada de carrapatos, como o Rhipicephalus sanguineus, vetor de Babesia vogeli, um hemoprotozoário de extrema importância na Medicina Veterinária. Esse protozoário parasita os eritrócitos, levando a uma hemólise. O animal infectado pode apresentar febre, letargia, anorexia, anemia, mucosas pálidas ou ictéricas, hematúria e hepatoesplenomegalia. O diagnóstico presuntivo da babesiose canina pode se basear em histórico, anamnese ou exame físico, porém a confirmação é obtida por meio do exame parasitológico. Durante o atendimento, um cão, macho, cinco anos, boxer, apresentou apatia, hiporexia, hematúria, hipertermia. Para confirmação de diagnóstico foram solicitados os exames complementares: hemograma, alanina aminotransferase e creatinina. A única alteração encontrada foi diminuição de plaquetas, porém no esfregaço sanguíneo foram observadas estruturas de Babesia sp. livres e parasitando hemácias.(AU)
Canine babesiosis is a disease transmitted through tick bites, such as Rhipicephalus sanguineus, vector of Babesia vogeli, a hemoprotozoan of extreme importance in Veterinary Medicine. This protozoan parasites erythrocytes leading to hemolysis. The infected animal may have fever, lethargy, anorexia, anemia, pale or jaundiced mucous membranes, hematuria and hepatosplenomegaly. The presumptive diagnosis of babesiosis can be based on history, anamnesis or physical examination, but the confirmation is obtained through parasitological examination. During the service, a male dog, five years old, boxer, presented apathy, hyporexia, hematuria, hyperthermia. To confirm the diagnosis, a complete blood count, alanine aminotransferase and creatinine were requested. The only alteration found was a decrease in platelets, however, in the blood smear, Babesia sp. were detected free and parasitizing red blood cells.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Babesia , Babesiose , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas , Rhipicephalus sanguineus , Picadas de CarrapatosResumo
Background: Acylpolyamines are one of the main non-peptide compounds present in spider venom and represent a promising alternative in the search for new molecules with antimicrobial action. Methods: The venom of Acanthoscurria natalensis spider was fractionated by reverse-phase liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and the antimicrobial activity of the fractions was tested using a liquid growth inhibition assay. The main antimicrobial fraction containing acylpolyamines (ApAn) was submitted to two additional chromatographic steps and analyzed by MALDI-TOF. Fractions of interest were accumulated for ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy and ESI-MS/MS analysis and for minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and hemolytic activity determination. Results: Five acylpolyamines were isolated from the venom with molecular masses between 614 Da and 756 Da, being named ApAn728, ApAn614a, ApAn614b, ApAn742 and ApAn756. The analysis of UV absorption profile of each ApAn and the fragmentation pattern obtained by ESI-MS/MS suggested the presence of a tyrosyl unit as chromophore and a terminal polyamine chain consistent with structural units PA43 or PA53. ApAn presented MIC between 128 µM and 256 µM against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, without causing hemolysis against mouse erythrocytes. Conclusion: The antimicrobial and non-hemolytic properties of the analyzed ApAn may be relevant for their application as possible therapeutic agents and the identification of an unconventional chromophore for spider acylpolyamines suggests an even greater chemical diversity.(AU)
Animais , Venenos de Aranha/toxicidade , Staphylococcus aureus , Espectrometria de Massas por Ionização e Dessorção a Laser Assistida por Matriz , Escherichia coli , Anti-InfecciososResumo
Background: Bee sting poisonings are common in dogs, and toxic systemic presentation may represent a life-threatening condition. Apis mellifera venom is a complex mixture of melitin, apamine, phospholipase, hyaluronidase and degranulating peptides, that causes local injury at the site of inoculation and multiple organ complications, including hemolysis, kidney injury, muscular damage, cardiovascular and respiratory complications. The present work reports a complete and detailed description of a dog's systemic toxic reaction to bee stings, including history, clinical signs, laboratory findings, emergency care and development, as well as possible association with later immunomediated arthritis. Case: A 6-year-old female German Shepperd suffered multiple bee stings. First care was conducted by a veterinary at the site, where he only received promethazine, meloxicam and dexamethasone. After 24 h and significant progression of symptoms, the animal was forwarded to a specialized veterinary hospital. The patient was evaluated throughout 9 days, and presented intense edema, respiratory distress, tongue necrosis and grade II of acute kidney injury. Extensive laboratory exams were conducted throughout the hospitalization. Main laboratory findings included polycythemia, leukocytosis by neutrophilia and monocytosis, thrombocytopenia and azotemia. Urinalysis evidenced turbid aspect, dark yellow color and intense proteinuria, reinforcing kidney damage. Abdominal ultrasound examination identified blood clots in the bladder, and liver with reduced echogenicity and echotexture, suggesting acute inflammation. Therapy aimed to stabilize the patient, control kidney damage and avoid anaphylaxis. Treatment included intensive care support, promethazine, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, dipyrone, methadone, metronidazole, ampicillin, clindamycin and tramadol. Following successful treatment, the animal presented immunomediated polyarthritis, possibly associated to both the poisoning and later diagnosed hemoparasitosis (both Erlichia and Babesia). Discussion: Massive bee attacks can cause severe complications, however, data regarding emergency care records are scarce. Based on clinical signs and laboratory findings, the patient presented toxic systemic reaction, including grade II of acute kidney injury and significant cardiorespiratory distress. Another important complication was tongue necrosis, that demanded attention and special supportive care, including feeding tube and specific feed. Treatment also focused in reducing edema and control possible anaphylaxis, providing analgesia and antibiotic therapy. Laboratory findings have been previously described, with evidence of immune-mediated reaction. Follow-up consultations revealed normal parameters, and an unusual presentation of claudication. Investigation concluded that polyarthritis could be responsible for such finding and may be a result of the deposition of immunomediated complexes in the joints, due in this case to the bee poisoning and later positive diagnosis for both Erlichia and Babesia. Systemic reactions to bee stings are complex, and full clinical and laboratory profile aid in both the prognosis and treatment options. Special attention must be given to tongue damage and supportive care is essential for maintaining feeding conditions. Arthritis should be considered as possible complication, reinforcing the importance of follow-up consultations.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Língua/lesões , Venenos de Abelha/toxicidade , Mordeduras e Picadas/complicações , Hipersensibilidade Imediata/veterinária , Fosfolipases A2/análise , Meliteno/toxicidadeResumo
Abstract Either bites or stings of venomous animals comprise relevant public health problems in tropical countries. Acute kidney injury (AKI) induced by animal toxins is related to worse prognostic and outcomes. Being one the most important pathways to induce AKI following envenoming due to animal toxins, inflammation is an essential biological response that eliminates pathogenic bacteria and repairs tissue after injury. However, direct nephrotoxicity (i.e. apoptotic and necrotic mechanisms of toxins), pigmenturia (i.e. rhabdomyolysis and hemolysis), anaphylactic reactions, and coagulopathies could contribute to the renal injury. All these mechanisms are closely integrated, but inflammation is a distinct process. Hence, it is important to improve our understanding on inflammation mechanisms of these syndromes to provide a promising outlook to reduce morbidity and mortality. This literature review highlights the main scientific evidence of acute kidney injury induced by bites or stings from venomous animals and their inflammatory mechanisms. It included observational, cross-sectional, case-control and cohort human studies available up to December 2019. Descriptors were used according to Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), namely: Acute kidney injury or Venom and Inflammation on Medline/Pubmed and Google Scholar; Kidney disease or Acute kidney injury on Lilacs and SciELO. The present review evidenced that, among the described forms of renal inflammation, it can occur either directly or indirectly on renal cells by means of intravascular, systemic and endothelial hemolysis, activation of inflammatory pathway, as well as direct action of venom cytotoxic components on kidney structures.
Measuring metabolic parameters in the blood has been an indispensable tool for assessing the productive and health status of dairy cows for more than 100 years. The values of laboratory parameters depend on various preanalytical, analytical and postanalytical factors. The most important preanalytical factors are sample transport time and temperature, hemolysis, anticoagulant type, and sample volume. Preanalytical factors can lead to reduced stability of the analyte in the sample, which changes their concentration. Loss of stability changes the time of storage and manipulation of the sample, which determines the criteria for its acceptance or rejection. The two stability indicators are stability limit and maximum permissible instability. A stability limit (SL) is defined as the period of time in which a property variation does not exceed a maximum permissible instability (MPI). The aim of this study was to determine the SL and MPI for each analyte in the blood serum of cows and to determine whether SL differs in the function of the presence of preanalytical errors in the blood sample. Three hundred samples of dairy cow origin in different periods of lactation participated in this research. They were classified into 6 groups of 50 samples: according to the time from sampling to processing in the laboratory (0-4 h, 4-8 h and over 8 h; all transported on dry ice, protected from environmental factors, without preanalytical errors) and according to the presence of preanalytical errors (group with hemolysis, a group transported at ambient temperature and a group with a small sample volume). Each sample was aliquoted in two portions. One portion was left at +4°C and tested once a day for 6 days of sample storage, and the second portion, placed at -20°C, was tested once a month for 6 months. The MPI had a value ranging from 1.51 to 8.4. Metabolic profile analytes with lower MPI values (1.51-3.22) were albumin (ALB), total protein (TPROT), UREA, glucose (GLU), calcium (Ca), and phosphorus (P). Higher MPI values (5.1-8.4) were found for nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta-hydroxybutirate (BHB), cholesterol (CHOL), triglycerides (TGC), total bilirubin (TBIL) and aspartat aminotransferase (AST). For most parameters, we can conclude that their PD% changed faster in storage conditions at +4°C compared to the regime of -20°C. The largest number of biochemical analytes in bovine blood serum shows preserved stability in the first 6 days at +4°C or 6 months at -20°C if transported to the laboratory within 8 h after sampling in ideal conditions and without the action of preanalytical errors. Prolonged transport under ideal conditions or the existence of preanalytical errors such as transport at room temperature, hemolysis or small sample volume shorten the stability of the ALB, NEFA, GLU, UREA and P. Concentration of all analytes decreases during the stability test except for UREA, NEFA, BHB and for CHOL and TGC in some groups. Variations in parameters such as BHB, NEFA, TBIL, AST, and Ca have shown potential clinical significance. At storage conditions at +4°C, clinically significant variations at at least one measurement point were found for AST (7.5% of samples), BHB (6.1% of samples), NEFA (9.9% of samples) and for TBIL (in 7% of samples). This study can help define acceptable delay times and storage conditions for bovine blood samples, which is of great importance because in working with farm animals it is often not possible to take samples in a short time and deliver them to the laboratory, and samples are often burdened with certain preanalytical errors with limited possibilities of re-sampling.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Preservação de Sangue/veterinária , Coleta de Amostras Sanguíneas/veterinária , Soro , Indicadores e ReagentesResumo
Accidents caused by the bites of brown spiders (Loxosceles) generate a clinical condition that often includes a threatening necrotic skin lesion near the bite site along with a remarkable inflammatory response. Systemic disorders such as hemolysis, thrombocytopenia, and acute renal failure may occur, but are much less frequent than the local damage. It is already known that phospholipases D, highly expressed toxins in Loxosceles venom, can induce most of these injuries. However, this spider venom has a great range of toxins that probably act synergistically to enhance toxicity. The other protein classes remain poorly explored due to the difficulty in obtaining sufficient amounts of them for a thorough investigation. They include astacins (metalloproteases), serine proteases, knottins, translationally controlled tumor proteins (TCTP), hyaluronidases, allergens and serpins. It has already been shown that some of them, according to their characteristics, may participate to some extent in the development of loxoscelism. In addition, all of these toxins present potential application in several areas. The present review article summarizes information regarding some functional aspects of the protein classes listed above, discusses the directions that could be taken to materialize a comprehensive investigation on each of these toxins as well as highlights the importance of exploring the full venom repertoire.(AU)
Animais , Venenos de Aranha/toxicidade , Aranhas , Serpinas , Serina Proteases , Mordeduras e PicadasResumo
Accidents caused by the bites of brown spiders (Loxosceles) generate a clinical condition that often includes a threatening necrotic skin lesion near the bite site along with a remarkable inflammatory response. Systemic disorders such as hemolysis, thrombocytopenia, and acute renal failure may occur, but are much less frequent than the local damage. It is already known that phospholipases D, highly expressed toxins in Loxosceles venom, can induce most of these injuries. However, this spider venom has a great range of toxins that probably act synergistically to enhance toxicity. The other protein classes remain poorly explored due to the difficulty in obtaining sufficient amounts of them for a thorough investigation. They include astacins (metalloproteases), serine proteases, knottins, translationally controlled tumor proteins (TCTP), hyaluronidases, allergens and serpins. It has already been shown that some of them, according to their characteristics, may participate to some extent in the development of loxoscelism. In addition, all of these toxins present potential application in several areas. The present review article summarizes information regarding some functional aspects of the protein classes listed above, discusses the directions that could be taken to materialize a comprehensive investigation on each of these toxins as well as highlights the importance of exploring the full venom repertoire.(AU)
Animais , Venenos de Aranha/toxicidade , Aranhas , Serpinas , Serina Proteases , Mordeduras e PicadasResumo
Either bites or stings of venomous animals comprise relevant public health problems in tropical countries. Acute kidney injury (AKI) induced by animal toxins is related to worse prognostic and outcomes. Being one the most important pathways to induce AKI following envenoming due to animal toxins, inflammation is an essential biological response that eliminates pathogenic bacteria and repairs tissue after injury. However, direct nephrotoxicity (i.e. apoptotic and necrotic mechanisms of toxins), pigmenturia (i.e. rhabdomyolysis and hemolysis), anaphylactic reactions, and coagulopathies could contribute to the renal injury. All these mechanisms are closely integrated, but inflammation is a distinct process. Hence, it is important to improve our understanding on inflammation mechanisms of these syndromes to provide a promising outlook to reduce morbidity and mortality. This literature review highlights the main scientific evidence of acute kidney injury induced by bites or stings from venomous animals and their inflammatory mechanisms. It included observational, cross-sectional, casecontrol and cohort human studies available up to December 2019. Descriptors were used according to Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), namely: "Acute kidney injury" or "Venom" and "Inflammation" on Medline/Pubmed and Google Scholar; "Kidney disease" or "Acute kidney injury" on Lilacs and SciELO. The present review evidenced that, among the described forms of renal inflammation, it can occur either directly or indirectly on renal cells by means of intravascular, systemic and endothelial hemolysis, activation of inflammatory pathway, as well as direct action of venom cytotoxic components on kidney structures.(AU)
Animais , Mordeduras de Serpentes/diagnóstico , Injúria Renal Aguda/diagnóstico , Picadas de Escorpião/diagnóstico , Inflamação/diagnóstico , Mordeduras e Picadas/diagnósticoResumo
Background: Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) is characterized by an autoimmune response with production of auto-antibodies and destruction of erythrocytes resulting in anemia. Primary IMHA is referred to a condition when the cause is unknown (idiopathic), whereas secondary IMHA involves changes in red blood cells caused by the action of drugs, neoplasms, or infectious diseases. The diagnosis can be made through changes in the blood count, usually of a regenerative character, Coombs test, and autoagglutination test. The present study aimed to report a case of drug-induced hemolytic anemia, with emphasis on the clinical signs, diagnostic methods, and treatment, in a female dog. Case: A 9-year-old mixed-breed bitch weighing 29.6 kg was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (HCVUFRGS) with a previous diagnosis of gallbladder mucocele that was unresponsive to clinical treatment. After laboratory tests, cholecystectomy was performed, and the procedure required conversion from laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy. Therapy included administration of amoxicillin, dipyrone, tramadol hydrochloride, and meloxicam. Three days after surgery, the dog presented with apathy, lethargy, hyporexia, and a pale and subicteric mucosa. The patient developed hypochromic macrocytic anemia with reticulocytosis, spherocytosis, anisocytosis, and leukocytosis with neutrophilia. The result of the autoagglutination test was positive, confirming the diagnosis. All medications were suspended, and immunosuppressive treatment with dexamethasone was included, with a subsequent switch to prednisolone. After 10 days of treatment, the patient experienced significant improvement, and therapy was discontinued. Discussion: Based on the patient's history, the cause of the IMHA was secondary to drug administration, and it is not possible to distinguish if it was due to one or a combination of drugs, as they were all started and stopped simultaneously. The patient had hypothyroidism, which may have contributed to the production of antibodies against TSH receptors, blocking the hormone's action, thereby causing tissue damage due to T cell-mediated cytotoxicity and the effect of cytokines. The pale and subicteric mucosa, apathy, weakness, lethargy, exercise intolerance, and dyspnea resulted from extravascular hemolysis and bilirubin released from erythrocyte rupture with a subsequent decrease in the number of red blood cells, leading to oxygen transport deficiency. The diagnosis is based on the blood count and results of autoagglutination supported by the response to immunosuppressive therapy. Anemia results in increased production and release of precursor cells from the bone marrow, accompanied by reticulocytosis and increased mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). The treatment of IMHA consists of supportive care and immunosuppressive therapy with corticosteroids to ensure suppression of the immune system, preventing response against erythrocytes. Initially, tramadol hydrochloride, dipyrone, and amoxicillin with potassium clavulanate were suspended to interrupt the cause of IMHA, and administration of dexamethasone in an immunosuppressive dose was started. Therefore, it is important to include drug-induced IMHA in the differential diagnosis of patients who present with anemia after using medications. Early diagnosis, initiation of therapy, and adequate care were important factors for the recovery of the animal.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Dexametasona/administração & dosagem , Prednisolona/administração & dosagem , Anemia Hemolítica Autoimune/terapia , Anemia Hemolítica Autoimune/veterinária , Testes de Aglutinação/veterináriaResumo
Background: Staphylococcus pseudintermedius is an opportunistic pathogen, belonging to the genus Staphylococcus.The methicillin-resistant Staphylococci have the mecA-gene, which confers them with the ability of becoming resistant tomethicillin and multiple classes of antimicrobials, which makes the treatment of the affections caused by these specimensdifficult. This work describes a case of systemic infection and death by methicillin-resistant S. pseudintermedius, in a canine.Case: A crossbred bitch (Canis lupus familiaris), was admitted to the University Veterinary Hospital of the Federal Universityof Western Bahia (HVU-UFOB). The main complaint reported by the owner was the presence of mammary nodules andconstant nasal secretion. During the clinical examination was observed reactivity in the popliteal and left submandibularlymph nodes, pale mucous membranes, stomatitis, bilateral mucopurulent nasal secretion, abdominal pustules, serous secretion in the inguinal mammary gland and focal alopecia on the dorsum. On auscultation, was identified only arrhythmiaand the other physiological parameters of the animal were within normality for the species. Samples of the nasal secretionand of the secretion from the abdominal pustules were collected, and sent to the Veterinary Microbiology Laboratory ofthe same institution. The samples collected were sown in 5% Blood Agar (BA), Sabouraud Agar (SAB) and MacConkeyAgar (MCK), after 24 h was observed in BA the growth of macroscopically white colonies, with a humid aspect, creamyconsistency, with presence of catalase and α-hemolysis. Microscopically, was observed the presence of Gram-positivecocci, suggestive of Staphylococcus sp. Microscopically, was observed the presence of Gram-positive cocci, suggestiveof Staphylococcus sp. In the MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, was identified S. pseudintermedius. Enrofloxacin [Enrotrat...