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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 871, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434772


Background: Thermography is a noninvasive, non-contact, painless, and non-ionizing imaging technique that records cutaneous thermal patterns generated by infrared emission of the surface. The surface heat is closely related to dermal microcirculation. Thromboembolism is responsible for important changes in the thermal pattern of the body surface due to physical obstruction of blood flow, being the main complication in immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. The aim of this paper is to report a dog with thrombus in his left forelimb secondary to idiopathic hemolytic anemia, whose diagnostic screening was performed through infrared thermography. Case: A 9-year-old mixed breed bitch was referred to a veterinary hospital with a history of emesis, diarrhea and dark-colored urine for 2 days. The complete blood count showed hypochromic macrocytic anemia (hematocrit [HTC] 28%, reference: 37 to 55%) with the presence of nucleated erythrocyte (14/100 leukocytes, reference: 0 to 5/100 leukocytes), polychromasia and spherocytes. Leukocytosis (28,300 mm³, reference: 6,000 to 17,000 mm³) by neutrophilia with left deviation and toxic granulations was also present, in addition to hemoglobinuria at urine exam. Therefore, treatment for immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) was instituted. After 2 days, the animal returned with acute functional impairment of the left forelimb. Physical examination revealed that the limb was cold, without pulse, proprioception, reflexes, and deep pain. New blood analyses revealed decreased hematocrit (HTC 17%, reference: 37 to 55%), and increased total leukocyte number (57,000 mm3, reference: 6,000 to 17,000 mm³). Infrared thermography revealed an important temperature difference between the limbs, with the affected limb temperature considerably lower (31.3ºC) when compared to the contralateral limb (35.0ºC). Thermography showed the site of the thrombus in the medial portion of the limb (cephalic vein), where the catheter had been placed for fluid therapy. Due to the severity of the condition, the bitch was submitted to amputation surgery, which occurred without complications. The patient had a good response to treatment, with decreased signs of hemolysis and hypercoagulability. The medications were slowly withdrawn, and the clinical discharge occurred after 4 weeks. Discussion: In humans, thermography has been widely used in the assessment of thrombotic diseases, contributing to diagnosis, localization, and prognosis. In veterinary medicine, however, the use of this tool in the diagnosis of thromboembolism is still rare. The difference of 3.7°C between the affected and contralateral limb was objectively verified using thermography. A minimum difference of 2.4°C between limbs has high sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing thromboembolism and occurs due to the reduction in local blood flow. In the present case this tool was essential for the anatomical location of the thrombus, which was in the middle third of the forearm, and allowed an adequate surgical planning. It is known that the main complication of IMHA is thromboembolism. Its predisposing factors include venous stasis, endothelial damage, and hypercoagulability, being exacerbated by cage confinement, decubitus and presence of a peripheral venous catheter. The reported case corroborates at least one of these factors since it had a peripheral venous catheter in the left forelimb, which later showed absence of pulse, spinal reflexes, pain and proprioception. The thermography showed to be an objective, rapid and non-invasive tool to diagnose and precisely locate the thrombus, which allowed for adequate treatment and surgical planning for the case. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report about use of thermography to diagnose thromboembolism secondary to immune-mediated hemolytic anemia in a dog.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Tromboembolia/diagnóstico por imagem , Termografia/veterinária , Trombofilia/veterinária , Anemia Hemolítica/veterinária , Terapia de Imunossupressão/veterinária
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469031


Abstract Tiliroside is a glycosidic flavonoid present in many plants species including Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), commonly known in Brazil as pitó. This molecule has been shown to have many biological activities, however no study has been carried out to investigate the toxicity of this substance. The present work aimed to evaluate the possible cellular toxicity in silico, in vitro and ex-vivo of the kaempferol-3-O--D-(6-E-p-coumaroyl) glucopyranoside (tiliroside), through chemical structure analysis, toxicity assessment and predictive bioactive properties, using human samples for in vitro and ex-vivo tests. The in silico analysis suggests that tiliroside exhibited great absorption index when penetrating biological membranes. In addition, it also displayed considerable potential for cellular protection against free radicals, and anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, antineoplastic, anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhagic and antithrombotic activities. The assessment of the hemolytic and genotoxic effects of tiliroside showed low hemolysis rates in red blood cells and absence of cellular toxicity in the oral mucosa cells. The data obtained indicate that this molecule could be a promising therapeutic approach as a possible new drug with biotechnological potential.

Resumo O tilirosídeo é um flavonóide glicosídico presente em muitas espécies de plantas, incluindo Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), conhecida no Brasil como pitó. Esta molécula mostrou ter muitas atividades biológicas, porém nenhum estudo foi realizado para investigar a toxicidade dessa substância. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a possível toxicidade celular in silico, in vitro e ex-vivo do kaempferol-3-O--D- (6 -Ep-coumaroil) glucopiranosídeo (tilirosídeo), por meio de análises de estrutura química, toxicidade avaliação e propriedades bioativas preditivas, utilizando amostras humanas para testes in vitro e ex-vivo. A análise in silico sugere que o tilirosídeo exibe bom índice de absorção para penetrar nas membranas biológicas. Além disso, apresentou considerável potencial de proteção celular contra os radicais livres e com atividades anticarcinogênica, antioxidante, antineoplásica, antiinflamatória, anti-hemorrágica e antitrombótica. A avaliação dos efeitos hemolíticos e genotóxicos do tilirosídeo mostrou baixas taxas de hemólise nas hemácias e ausência de toxicidade em células da mucosa oral. Os dados obtidos indicam que esta molécula pode possuir uma abordagem terapêutica promissora como uma possível nova droga com potencial biotecnológico.

Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469125


Abstract A group of inherited blood defects is known as Thalassemia is among the worlds most prevalent hemoglobinopathies. Thalassemias are of two types such as Alpha and Beta Thalassemia. The cause of these defects is gene mutations leading to low levels and/or malfunctioning and globin proteins, respectively. In some cases, one of these proteins may be completely absent. and globin chains form a globin fold or pocket for heme (Fe++) attachment to carry oxygen. Genes for alpha and beta-globin proteins are present in the form of a cluster on chromosome 16 and 11, respectively. Different globin genes are used at different stages in the life course. During embryonic and fetal developmental stages, globin proteins partner with globin and are later replaced by globin protein. Globin chain imbalances result in hemolysis and impede erythropoiesis. Individuals showing mild symptoms include carriers of alpha thalassemia or the people bearing alpha or beta-thalassemia trait. Alpha thalassemia causes conditions like hemolytic anemia or fatal hydrops fetalis depending upon the severity of the disease. Beta thalassemia major results in hemolytic anemia, growth retardation, and skeletal aberrations in early childhood. Children affected by this disorder need regular blood transfusions throughout their lives. Patients that depend on blood transfusion usually develop iron overload that causes other complications in the body systems like renal or hepatic impairment therefore, thalassemias are now categorized as a syndrome. The only cure for Thalassemias would be a bone marrow transplant, or gene therapy with currently no significant success rate. A thorough understanding of the molecular basis of this syndrome may provide novel insights and ideas for its treatment, as scientists have still been unable to find a permanent cure for this deadly disease after more than 87 years since it is first described in 1925.

Resumo Um grupo de defeitos sanguíneos hereditários é conhecido como talassemia e está entre as hemoglobinopatias mais prevalentes do mundo. As talassemias são de dois tipos, como talassemia alfa e beta. As causas desses defeitos são as mutações genéticas que levam a níveis baixos e/ou proteínas de globina com mau funcionamento, respectivamente. Em alguns casos, uma dessas proteínas pode estar completamente ausente. As cadeias de globina e formam uma dobra ou bolsa de globina para a fixação de heme (Fe ++) para transportar oxigênio. Os genes das proteínas alfa e beta globina estão presentes na forma de um cluster nos cromossomos 16 e 11, respectivamente. Diferentes genes de globina são usados em diferentes estágios do curso de vida. Durante os estágios de desenvolvimento embrionário e fetal, as proteínas globina se associam à globina e, posteriormente, são substituídas pela proteína globina. Os desequilíbrios da cadeia de globina resultam em hemólise e impedem a eritropoiese. Indivíduos que apresentam sintomas leves incluem portadores de talassemia alfa ou as pessoas com traços de talassemia alfa ou beta. A talassemia alfa causa condições como anemia hemolítica ou hidropsia fetal fatal, dependendo da gravidade da doença. A beta talassemia principal resulta em anemia hemolítica, retardo de crescimento e aberrações esqueléticas na primeira infância. As crianças afetadas por esse distúrbio precisam de transfusões de sangue regulares ao longo da vida. Os pacientes que dependem de transfusão de sangue geralmente desenvolvem sobrecarga de ferro que causa outras complicações nos sistemas do corpo, como insuficiência renal ou hepática, portanto as talassemias agora são classificadas como uma síndrome. A única cura para as talassemias seria um transplante de medula óssea ou terapia genética sem atualmente uma taxa de sucesso significativa. Uma compreensão completa da base molecular dessa síndrome pode fornecer novos insights e ideias para seu tratamento, já que os cientistas ainda não conseguiram encontrar uma cura permanente para essa doença mortal depois de mais de 87 anos desde que foi descrita pela primeira vez em 1925.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e244127, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278526


Abstract Tiliroside is a glycosidic flavonoid present in many plants species including Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), commonly known in Brazil as "pitó". This molecule has been shown to have many biological activities, however no study has been carried out to investigate the toxicity of this substance. The present work aimed to evaluate the possible cellular toxicity in silico, in vitro and ex-vivo of the kaempferol-3-O-β-D-(6"-E-p-coumaroyl) glucopyranoside (tiliroside), through chemical structure analysis, toxicity assessment and predictive bioactive properties, using human samples for in vitro and ex-vivo tests. The in silico analysis suggests that tiliroside exhibited great absorption index when penetrating biological membranes. In addition, it also displayed considerable potential for cellular protection against free radicals, and anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, antineoplastic, anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhagic and antithrombotic activities. The assessment of the hemolytic and genotoxic effects of tiliroside showed low hemolysis rates in red blood cells and absence of cellular toxicity in the oral mucosa cells. The data obtained indicate that this molecule could be a promising therapeutic approach as a possible new drug with biotechnological potential.

Resumo O tilirosídeo é um flavonóide glicosídico presente em muitas espécies de plantas, incluindo Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), conhecida no Brasil como "pitó". Esta molécula mostrou ter muitas atividades biológicas, porém nenhum estudo foi realizado para investigar a toxicidade dessa substância. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a possível toxicidade celular in silico, in vitro e ex-vivo do kaempferol-3-O-β-D- (6 "-Ep-coumaroil) glucopiranosídeo (tilirosídeo), por meio de análises de estrutura química, toxicidade avaliação e propriedades bioativas preditivas, utilizando amostras humanas para testes in vitro e ex-vivo. A análise in silico sugere que o tilirosídeo exibe bom índice de absorção para penetrar nas membranas biológicas. Além disso, apresentou considerável potencial de proteção celular contra os radicais livres e com atividades anticarcinogênica, antioxidante, antineoplásica, antiinflamatória, anti-hemorrágica e antitrombótica. A avaliação dos efeitos hemolíticos e genotóxicos do tilirosídeo mostrou baixas taxas de hemólise nas hemácias e ausência de toxicidade em células da mucosa oral. Os dados obtidos indicam que esta molécula pode possuir uma abordagem terapêutica promissora como uma possível nova droga com potencial biotecnológico.

Humanos , Extratos Vegetais , Quempferóis/toxicidade , Flavonoides , Simulação por Computador , Brasil
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-8, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468815


Tiliroside is a glycosidic flavonoid present in many plants species including Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), commonly known in Brazil as "pitó". This molecule has been shown to have many biological activities, however no study has been carried out to investigate the toxicity of this substance. The present work aimed to evaluate the possible cellular toxicity in silico, in vitro and ex-vivo of the kaempferol-3-O-β-D-(6”-E-p-coumaroyl) glucopyranoside (tiliroside), through chemical structure analysis, toxicity assessment and predictive bioactive properties, using human samples for in vitro and ex-vivo tests. The in silico analysis suggests that tiliroside exhibited great absorption index when penetrating biological membranes. In addition, it also displayed considerable potential for cellular protection against free radicals, and anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, antineoplastic, anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhagic and antithrombotic activities. The assessment of the hemolytic and genotoxic effects of tiliroside showed low hemolysis rates in red blood cells and absence of cellular toxicity in the oral mucosa cells. The data obtained indicate that this molecule could be a promising therapeutic approach as a possible new drug with biotechnological potential.

O tilirosídeo é um flavonóide glicosídico presente em muitas espécies de plantas, incluindo Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), conhecida no Brasil como “pitó”. Esta molécula mostrou ter muitas atividades biológicas, porém nenhum estudo foi realizado para investigar a toxicidade dessa substância. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a possível toxicidade celular in silico, in vitro e ex-vivo do kaempferol-3-O-β-D- (6 ”-Ep-coumaroil) glucopiranosídeo (tilirosídeo), por meio de análises de estrutura química, toxicidade avaliação e propriedades bioativas preditivas, utilizando amostras humanas para testes in vitro e ex-vivo. A análise in silico sugere que o tilirosídeo exibe bom índice de absorção para penetrar nas membranas biológicas. Além disso, apresentou considerável potencial de proteção celular contra os radicais livres e com atividades anticarcinogênica, antioxidante, antineoplásica, antiinflamatória, anti-hemorrágica e antitrombótica. A avaliação dos efeitos hemolíticos e genotóxicos do tilirosídeo mostrou baixas taxas de hemólise nas hemácias e ausência de toxicidade em células da mucosa oral. Os dados obtidos indicam que esta molécula pode possuir uma abordagem terapêutica promissora como uma possível nova droga com potencial biotecnológico.

Flavonoides/farmacocinética , Flavonoides/toxicidade , Malvaceae , Técnicas In Vitro
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-8, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765392


Tiliroside is a glycosidic flavonoid present in many plants species including Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), commonly known in Brazil as "pitó". This molecule has been shown to have many biological activities, however no study has been carried out to investigate the toxicity of this substance. The present work aimed to evaluate the possible cellular toxicity in silico, in vitro and ex-vivo of the kaempferol-3-O-β-D-(6”-E-p-coumaroyl) glucopyranoside (tiliroside), through chemical structure analysis, toxicity assessment and predictive bioactive properties, using human samples for in vitro and ex-vivo tests. The in silico analysis suggests that tiliroside exhibited great absorption index when penetrating biological membranes. In addition, it also displayed considerable potential for cellular protection against free radicals, and anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, antineoplastic, anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhagic and antithrombotic activities. The assessment of the hemolytic and genotoxic effects of tiliroside showed low hemolysis rates in red blood cells and absence of cellular toxicity in the oral mucosa cells. The data obtained indicate that this molecule could be a promising therapeutic approach as a possible new drug with biotechnological potential.(AU)

O tilirosídeo é um flavonóide glicosídico presente em muitas espécies de plantas, incluindo Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), conhecida no Brasil como “pitó”. Esta molécula mostrou ter muitas atividades biológicas, porém nenhum estudo foi realizado para investigar a toxicidade dessa substância. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a possível toxicidade celular in silico, in vitro e ex-vivo do kaempferol-3-O-β-D- (6 ”-Ep-coumaroil) glucopiranosídeo (tilirosídeo), por meio de análises de estrutura química, toxicidade avaliação e propriedades bioativas preditivas, utilizando amostras humanas para testes in vitro e ex-vivo. A análise in silico sugere que o tilirosídeo exibe bom índice de absorção para penetrar nas membranas biológicas. Além disso, apresentou considerável potencial de proteção celular contra os radicais livres e com atividades anticarcinogênica, antioxidante, antineoplásica, antiinflamatória, anti-hemorrágica e antitrombótica. A avaliação dos efeitos hemolíticos e genotóxicos do tilirosídeo mostrou baixas taxas de hemólise nas hemácias e ausência de toxicidade em células da mucosa oral. Os dados obtidos indicam que esta molécula pode possuir uma abordagem terapêutica promissora como uma possível nova droga com potencial biotecnológico.(AU)

Flavonoides/farmacocinética , Flavonoides/toxicidade , Malvaceae , Técnicas In Vitro
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 894, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444632


Background: The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is the largest canid in South America and the only representative of its genus. The scientific literature presents studies referring to the management and anaesthesia of the species but is scarce in case of emergency procedures, and to date, there are no reports of anaesthesia for emergency procedures in a neonatal maned wolf. Thus, this study aimed to report xenotransfusion and emergency anaesthesia for thoracic limb amputation in an approximately 8-days-old maned wolf pup. Case: A maned wolf pup, approximately 8-day-old, with a history of an accident with an agricultural machine, was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Paraná - Palotina Sector (HVP - UFPR) with a grade III open fracture of left radius and ulna. At the physical evaluation, bullous rales were observed in the right caudal lobe on pulmonary auscultation, hypoglycemia and severe dehydration, the latter being determined by the occurrence of enophthalmos, increased capillary refill time and skin turgor (3 s). The hemogram revealed regenerative hypochromic macrocytic anaemia, thrombocytopenia and leukopenia, and the chest radiograph showed alveolar pattern opacification, associated with the presence of air bronchograms in the caudal lobes, more evident on the right side, suggestive of pulmonary contusion. Considering the laboratory alterations and the need for amputation of the thoracic limb, xenotransfusion was chosen before the anaesthetic procedure. The animal was pre-medicated with methadone 0.2 mg/kg and anaesthetic induction was performed with propofol titrated to effect, requiring 10 mg/kg. This was followed by endotracheal intubation and anaesthetic maintenance using the partial intravenous technique with an infusion of 5 µg/kg/h of remifentanil and Isoflurane vaporised through a non-rebreathing system in oxygen at 0.6. Anaesthetic monitoring included heart rate and electrocardiogram tracing, respiratory rate, oxyhemoglobin saturation, end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide, systemic blood pressure by the oscillometric method, and oesophageal body temperature. Although the blood tests after the transfusion showed an increase in hematocrit, changes suggestive of a delayed hemolytic reaction because of the transfusion were also noticed. Discussion: Preanesthetic stabilisation is critical, as anaesthesia of unstable patients may result in a higher risk of anaesthetic complications. Critically ill patients may present systemic imbalances that can trigger pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes of anaesthetics and analgesics. Neonates have several marked physiological differences, since some organs are still immature, have a high body volume of water, and present a reduced amount of total fat and concentrations of circulating proteins, making it necessary to adjust protocols and doses used for these patients. Blood transfusion between the same species is always the best option, though xenotransfusion becomes an option when there is no homologous donor available. However, it can present a great risk to life, as there is a lack of studies regarding the blood typing of the species and blood compatibility tests. We concluded that there was an increase in hematocrit after 24 h of xenotransfusion and, even with signs of delayed hemolytic reaction observed in the blood test, the patient did not show specific clinical signs of transfusion reaction. The pup was sensitive to methadone but required a high dose of propofol for anaesthetic induction. The use of methadone as a pre-anaesthetic agent and the infusion of remifentanil provided adequate analgesia based on the parameters evaluated.

Animais , Transfusão de Sangue/veterinária , Canidae/fisiologia , Anestesia Intravenosa/veterinária , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária , Animais Recém-Nascidos/fisiologia
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 16(2): 112-116, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509602


The purpose of this manuscript is to describe the clinical-pathological aspects of cardiac hypertrophy related to the presence of Corynebacterium spp. in three Didelphis albiventris cubs. In necropsy, macroscopically, in the heart, cardiomegaly, concentric hypertrophy of the ventricles and the ventricular septum were observed, with consequent reduction of the chamber. Microscopically, the primary lesions found in the heart were cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and necrosis, myocytolysis, and the presence of myriad basophilic bacteria. Liver fragments and endocardial swabs were sent for bacterial culture, in which pleomorphic Gram-positive rods grew, forming small and hemolytic colonies. Chemical tests demonstrated characteristics compatible with Corynebacterium spp. Thus, this report represents the first description of cardiac hypertrophy associated with Corynebacterium spp. in white-eared opossums cubs, representing an essential contribution to studying diseases in wild animals.(AU)

Animais , Cardiomegalia/veterinária , Infecções por Corynebacterium/diagnóstico , Didelphis/microbiologia , Corynebacterium/patogenicidade
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-8, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468909


A group of inherited blood defects is known as Thalassemia is among the world's most prevalent hemoglobinopathies. Thalassemias are of two types such as Alpha and Beta Thalassemia. The cause of these defects is gene mutations leading to low levels and/or malfunctioning α and β globin proteins, respectively. In some cases, one of these proteins may be completely absent. α and β globin chains form a globin fold or pocket for heme (Fe++) attachment to carry oxygen. Genes for alpha and beta-globin proteins are present in the form of a cluster on chromosome 16 and 11, respectively. Different globin genes are used at different stages in the life course. During embryonic and fetal developmental stages, γ globin proteins partner with α globin and are later replaced by β globin protein. Globin chain imbalances result in hemolysis and impede erythropoiesis. Individuals showing mild symptoms include carriers of alpha thalassemia or the people bearing alpha or beta-thalassemia trait. Alpha thalassemia causes conditions like hemolytic anemia or fatal hydrops fetalis depending upon the severity of the disease. Beta thalassemia major results in hemolytic anemia, growth retardation, and skeletal aberrations in early childhood. Children affected by this disorder need regular blood transfusions throughout their lives. Patients that depend on blood transfusion usually develop iron overload that causes other complications in the body systems like renal or hepatic impairment therefore, thalassemias are now categorized as a syndrome. The only cure for Thalassemias would be a bone marrow transplant, or gene therapy with currently no significant success rate. A thorough understanding of the molecular basis of this syndrome may provide novel insights and ideas for its treatment, as scientists have still been unable to find a permanent cure for this deadly disease after more than 87 years since it is first described in 1925.

Um grupo de defeitos sanguíneos hereditários é conhecido como talassemia e está entre as hemoglobinopatias mais prevalentes do mundo. As talassemias são de dois tipos, como talassemia alfa e beta. As causas desses defeitos são as mutações genéticas que levam a níveis baixos e/ou proteínas de globina com mau funcionamento, respectivamente. Em alguns casos, uma dessas proteínas pode estar completamente ausente. As cadeias de globina α e β formam uma dobra ou bolsa de globina para a fixação de heme (Fe ++) para transportar oxigênio. Os genes das proteínas alfa e beta globina estão presentes na forma de um cluster nos cromossomos 16 e 11, respectivamente. Diferentes genes de globina são usados em diferentes estágios do curso de vida. Durante os estágios de desenvolvimento embrionário e fetal, as proteínas γ globina se associam à α globina e, posteriormente, são substituídas pela proteína β globina. Os desequilíbrios da cadeia de globina resultam em hemólise e impedem a eritropoiese. Indivíduos que apresentam sintomas leves incluem portadores de talassemia alfa ou as pessoas com traços de talassemia alfa ou beta. A talassemia alfa causa condições como anemia hemolítica ou hidropsia fetal fatal, dependendo da gravidade da doença. A beta talassemia principal resulta em anemia hemolítica, retardo de crescimento e aberrações esqueléticas na primeira infância. As crianças afetadas por esse distúrbio precisam de transfusões de sangue regulares ao longo da vida. Os pacientes que dependem de transfusão de sangue geralmente desenvolvem sobrecarga de ferro que causa outras complicações nos sistemas do corpo, como insuficiência renal ou hepática, portanto as talassemias agora são classificadas como uma síndrome. A única cura para as talassemias seria um transplante de medula óssea ou terapia genética sem atualmente uma taxa de sucesso significativa. Uma compreensão completa da base molecular dessa síndrome pode fornecer novos insights e ideias para seu tratamento, [...].

Humanos , Talassemia alfa , Talassemia beta , Talassemia/complicações , Talassemia/genética
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e246062, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339355


Abstract A group of inherited blood defects is known as Thalassemia is among the world's most prevalent hemoglobinopathies. Thalassemias are of two types such as Alpha and Beta Thalassemia. The cause of these defects is gene mutations leading to low levels and/or malfunctioning α and β globin proteins, respectively. In some cases, one of these proteins may be completely absent. α and β globin chains form a globin fold or pocket for heme (Fe++) attachment to carry oxygen. Genes for alpha and beta-globin proteins are present in the form of a cluster on chromosome 16 and 11, respectively. Different globin genes are used at different stages in the life course. During embryonic and fetal developmental stages, γ globin proteins partner with α globin and are later replaced by β globin protein. Globin chain imbalances result in hemolysis and impede erythropoiesis. Individuals showing mild symptoms include carriers of alpha thalassemia or the people bearing alpha or beta-thalassemia trait. Alpha thalassemia causes conditions like hemolytic anemia or fatal hydrops fetalis depending upon the severity of the disease. Beta thalassemia major results in hemolytic anemia, growth retardation, and skeletal aberrations in early childhood. Children affected by this disorder need regular blood transfusions throughout their lives. Patients that depend on blood transfusion usually develop iron overload that causes other complications in the body systems like renal or hepatic impairment therefore, thalassemias are now categorized as a syndrome. The only cure for Thalassemias would be a bone marrow transplant, or gene therapy with currently no significant success rate. A thorough understanding of the molecular basis of this syndrome may provide novel insights and ideas for its treatment, as scientists have still been unable to find a permanent cure for this deadly disease after more than 87 years since it is first described in 1925.

Resumo Um grupo de defeitos sanguíneos hereditários é conhecido como talassemia e está entre as hemoglobinopatias mais prevalentes do mundo. As talassemias são de dois tipos, como talassemia alfa e beta. As causas desses defeitos são as mutações genéticas que levam a níveis baixos e/ou proteínas de globina com mau funcionamento, respectivamente. Em alguns casos, uma dessas proteínas pode estar completamente ausente. As cadeias de globina α e β formam uma dobra ou bolsa de globina para a fixação de heme (Fe ++) para transportar oxigênio. Os genes das proteínas alfa e beta globina estão presentes na forma de um cluster nos cromossomos 16 e 11, respectivamente. Diferentes genes de globina são usados ​​em diferentes estágios do curso de vida. Durante os estágios de desenvolvimento embrionário e fetal, as proteínas γ globina se associam à α globina e, posteriormente, são substituídas pela proteína β globina. Os desequilíbrios da cadeia de globina resultam em hemólise e impedem a eritropoiese. Indivíduos que apresentam sintomas leves incluem portadores de talassemia alfa ou as pessoas com traços de talassemia alfa ou beta. A talassemia alfa causa condições como anemia hemolítica ou hidropsia fetal fatal, dependendo da gravidade da doença. A beta talassemia principal resulta em anemia hemolítica, retardo de crescimento e aberrações esqueléticas na primeira infância. As crianças afetadas por esse distúrbio precisam de transfusões de sangue regulares ao longo da vida. Os pacientes que dependem de transfusão de sangue geralmente desenvolvem sobrecarga de ferro que causa outras complicações nos sistemas do corpo, como insuficiência renal ou hepática, portanto as talassemias agora são classificadas como uma síndrome. A única cura para as talassemias seria um transplante de medula óssea ou terapia genética sem atualmente uma taxa de sucesso significativa. Uma compreensão completa da base molecular dessa síndrome pode fornecer novos insights e ideias para seu tratamento, já que os cientistas ainda não conseguiram encontrar uma cura permanente para essa doença mortal depois de mais de 87 anos desde que foi descrita pela primeira vez em 1925.

Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Talassemia/genética , Talassemia beta/genética , Hemoglobinas
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-8, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765486


A group of inherited blood defects is known as Thalassemia is among the world's most prevalent hemoglobinopathies. Thalassemias are of two types such as Alpha and Beta Thalassemia. The cause of these defects is gene mutations leading to low levels and/or malfunctioning α and β globin proteins, respectively. In some cases, one of these proteins may be completely absent. α and β globin chains form a globin fold or pocket for heme (Fe++) attachment to carry oxygen. Genes for alpha and beta-globin proteins are present in the form of a cluster on chromosome 16 and 11, respectively. Different globin genes are used at different stages in the life course. During embryonic and fetal developmental stages, γ globin proteins partner with α globin and are later replaced by β globin protein. Globin chain imbalances result in hemolysis and impede erythropoiesis. Individuals showing mild symptoms include carriers of alpha thalassemia or the people bearing alpha or beta-thalassemia trait. Alpha thalassemia causes conditions like hemolytic anemia or fatal hydrops fetalis depending upon the severity of the disease. Beta thalassemia major results in hemolytic anemia, growth retardation, and skeletal aberrations in early childhood. Children affected by this disorder need regular blood transfusions throughout their lives. Patients that depend on blood transfusion usually develop iron overload that causes other complications in the body systems like renal or hepatic impairment therefore, thalassemias are now categorized as a syndrome. The only cure for Thalassemias would be a bone marrow transplant, or gene therapy with currently no significant success rate. A thorough understanding of the molecular basis of this syndrome may provide novel insights and ideas for its treatment, as scientists have still been unable to find a permanent cure for this deadly disease after more than 87 years since it is first described in 1925.(AU)

Um grupo de defeitos sanguíneos hereditários é conhecido como talassemia e está entre as hemoglobinopatias mais prevalentes do mundo. As talassemias são de dois tipos, como talassemia alfa e beta. As causas desses defeitos são as mutações genéticas que levam a níveis baixos e/ou proteínas de globina com mau funcionamento, respectivamente. Em alguns casos, uma dessas proteínas pode estar completamente ausente. As cadeias de globina α e β formam uma dobra ou bolsa de globina para a fixação de heme (Fe ++) para transportar oxigênio. Os genes das proteínas alfa e beta globina estão presentes na forma de um cluster nos cromossomos 16 e 11, respectivamente. Diferentes genes de globina são usados em diferentes estágios do curso de vida. Durante os estágios de desenvolvimento embrionário e fetal, as proteínas γ globina se associam à α globina e, posteriormente, são substituídas pela proteína β globina. Os desequilíbrios da cadeia de globina resultam em hemólise e impedem a eritropoiese. Indivíduos que apresentam sintomas leves incluem portadores de talassemia alfa ou as pessoas com traços de talassemia alfa ou beta. A talassemia alfa causa condições como anemia hemolítica ou hidropsia fetal fatal, dependendo da gravidade da doença. A beta talassemia principal resulta em anemia hemolítica, retardo de crescimento e aberrações esqueléticas na primeira infância. As crianças afetadas por esse distúrbio precisam de transfusões de sangue regulares ao longo da vida. Os pacientes que dependem de transfusão de sangue geralmente desenvolvem sobrecarga de ferro que causa outras complicações nos sistemas do corpo, como insuficiência renal ou hepática, portanto as talassemias agora são classificadas como uma síndrome. A única cura para as talassemias seria um transplante de medula óssea ou terapia genética sem atualmente uma taxa de sucesso significativa. Uma compreensão completa da base molecular dessa síndrome pode fornecer novos insights e ideias para seu tratamento, [...].(AU)

Humanos , Talassemia/complicações , Talassemia/genética , Talassemia beta , Talassemia alfa
Vet. zootec ; 29: 1-13, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370601


A icterícia é considerada como a pigmentação amarelada de regiões corpóreas como esclera, pele e mucosas. É uma manifestação presente em variadas doenças e pode ser classificada em icterícia pré-hepática, hepática ou pós-hepática. A categorização dos tipos de icterícia e suas identificações são fundamentais para que haja um maior conhecimento acerca do seu local de ocorrência, da sua gravidade e progressão. A condição pode ser observada em cães e gatos, e cada tipo pode estar associado a doenças distintas como processos hemolíticos, doenças hepatocelulares, obstruções de fluxo biliar, dentre outros. O diagnóstico da manifestação pode ser determinado por meio dos dados coletados na anamnese, exame clínico e/ou complementar, este último mediante necessidade. O tratamento varia e depende da causa base que esteja associada como terapias medicamentosas a intervenções cirúrgicas.

Jaundice is considered the yellowish pigmentation of body regions such as the sclera, skin and mucous membranes. It is a manifestation present in several diseases and can be classified as pre-hepatic, hepatic or post-hepatic jaundice. The categorization of types of jaundice and their identification are essential for greater knowledge about its place of occurrence, its severity and progression. The condition can be observed in dogs and cats, and each type can be associated with different diseases such as hemolytic processes, hepatocellular diseases, bile flow obstructions, among others. The diagnosis of the manifestation can be determined through data collected through anamnesis, clinical and/or complementary examination, the latter as needed. Treatment varies and depends on the underlying cause that is associated with drug therapies and surgical interventions.

La ictericia se considera la pigmentación amarillenta de regiones del cuerpo como la esclerótica, la piel y las membranas mucosas. Es una manifestación presente en varias enfermedades y puede clasificarse en ictericia prehepática, hepática o poshepática. La categorización de los tipos de ictericia y su identificación son fundamentales para un mayor conocimiento sobre su lugar de aparición, su gravedad y progresión. La afección se puede observar en perros y gatos, y cada tipo puede asociarse con diferentes enfermedades como procesos hemolíticos, enfermedades hepatocelulares, obstrucciones del flujo biliar, entre otras. El diagnóstico de la manifestación se puede determinar mediante la recogida de datos mediante anamnesis, exploración clínica y / o complementaria, esta última según sea necesario. El tratamiento varía y depende de la causa subyacente asociada con las terapias farmacológicas y las intervenciones quirúrgicas.

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Icterícia/classificação , Icterícia/terapia , Icterícia/veterinária , Bilirrubina/metabolismo
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 832, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401684


Background: Erythroid leukemia is a myeloproliferative hematopoietic disorder considered acute when there is a predominance of blasts in the bone marrow. It is frequently reported in cats infected with feline leukemia virus, but it is unclear whether this virus is involved in the oncogenesis. The clinical signs in cats are anorexia, apathy, weight loss, with evolution from 2 weeks to 2 months, pale mucous membranes, hemorrhages, ascites, salivation, and dyspnea due to pleural effusion. This affection responds little to chemotherapy with an unfavorable prognosis. The aim of this study is to report a case of a feline leukemia virus infected cat with the onset of severe hemolytic anemia. Case: A 8-year-old male mixed breed cat was attended with a history of anorexia, oligodipsia, apathy, progressive weight loss, and yellowish color of urine for 7 days. Laboratorial exams showed anemia (with metarubricytes, acanthocytes and ghost cells), leukocytosis and FeLV reagent test. The cat underwent treatment with methylprednisolone acetate and supportive care. One day later, the animal returned with icteric mucous membranes, and emesis. A blood count was performed that found worsening anemia, increased leukocytosis, and lymphocytosis. Abdominal ultrasound showed cholangiohepatitis and lymphadenomegaly in mesenteric lymph nodes. Treatment was started with ondansetron, metronidazole, and amoxicilin with potassium clavulanate. The cat returned after 3 days and laboratorial exams revealed worsening of blood parameters, so blood transfusion was performed. After 2 days, the patient started with dyspnea and hypothermia, that evolved to cardiorespiratory arrest. The body was sent to necropsy and histopathology, where blast cells and rubricytes were found in blood vessels of various organs. The bone marrow was markedly cellular with complete disappearance of adipose tissue. Most of the cells were blasts with abundant and eosinophilic cytoplasm, central nucleus with finely dotted chromatin and a large nucleolus. There were rubricytes, which made possible to confirm acute erythroid leukemia as a morphological diagnosis. Discussion: The clinical signs observed in acute erythroid leukemia are lethargy, inappetence, fever, splenomegaly, mild lymphadenomegaly, associated with leukocytosis, severe anemia, and thrombocytopenia. The reported animal presented signs similar to those described in the literature except that there was no change in platelet counts. The diagnosis of leukemia was reached after histopathology, and it is made when is observed more than 30% of myeloblasts and monoblasts together or when the blast cells count including rubriblasts is greater than 30%. Although chemotherapy, the prognosis is usually poor. It is essential to perform the myelogram for the diagnosis of myeloid leukemias in vivo. In this report, we only achieve final diagnosis after the cat's death, due to the aggressive behavior of the disease. Clinicians must be aware of the likely development of acute erythroid leukemia whenever a feline leukemia virus infected cat presents hemolytic anemia to get an early diagnosis, since this is an extremely aggressive disease, to propose prompt chemotherapy and give the patient a longer survival period.

Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Leucemia/veterinária , Vírus da Leucemia Felina/isolamento & purificação , Neoplasias Hematológicas/veterinária , Sistema Hematopoético/patologia , Anemia Hemolítica/veterinária , Mielografia/veterinária
Vet. zootec ; 29: 1-12, 2022. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1400490


Búfalos são animais rústicos que podem ser explorados para a produção de carne ou leite. Estes animais são susceptíveis a enfermidades que também acometem outras espécies de ruminantes, principalmente os bovinos. Entretanto, acredita-se que os bubalinos sejam mais resistentes a algumas doenças, mas ainda há poucos estudos epidemiológicos abrangendo doenças infecciosas como a hemoplasmose em búfalos. A hemoplasmose é causada por micoplasmas hemotrópicos ou hemoplasmas, que são bactérias gram-negativas causadoras de anemia hemolítica em hospedeiros imunocomprometidos. Mycoplasma wenyonii e 'Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobos' são as principais espécies de hemoplasmas que podem infectar búfalos. A transmissão da doença ocorre principalmente por meio de vetores artrópodes hematófagos ou por via iatrogênica. O diagnóstico de animais infectados é realizado por meio da Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR). Medidas de prevenção e controle são essenciais para o controle desta enfermidade nos rebanhos bubalinos.

Buffalo are rustic animals that can be exploited for meat or milk production. These animals are susceptible to diseases that also affect other species of ruminants, especially cattle. However, it is believed that buffalo are more resistant to some diseases, but there are still few epidemiological studies covering infectious diseases such as hemoplasmosis in buffaloes. Hemoplasmosis is caused by hemotropic mycoplasmas or hemoplasmas, which are gram-negative bacteria that cause hemolytic anemia in immunocompromised hosts. Mycoplasma wenyonii and 'Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobos' are the main hemoplasma species that can infect buffaloes. Transmission of the disease occurs mainly via hematophagous arthropod vectors or iatrogenically. The diagnosis of infected animals is made by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Prevention and control measures are essential for the control of this disease in buffalo herds.

Los búfalos son animales rústicos que pueden ser explotados para la producción de carne o leche. Estos animales son susceptibles de contraer enfermedades que también afectan a otras especies de rumiantes, especialmente al ganado vacuno. Sin embargo, se cree que los búfalos son más resistentes a algunas enfermedades, pero todavía hay pocos estudios epidemiológicos sobre enfermedades infecciosas como la hemoplasmosis en búfalos. La hemoplasmosis está causada por micoplasmas hemotrópicos o hemoplasmas, que son bacterias gram negativas que causan anemia hemolítica en huéspedes inmunodeprimidos. Mycoplasma wenyonii y 'Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobos' son las principales especies de hemoplasma que pueden infectar a los búfalos. La transmisión de la enfermedad se produce principalmente a través de vectores artrópodos hematófagos o de forma iatrogénica. El diagnóstico de los animales infectados se realiza mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR). Las medidas de prevención y control son esenciales para controlar esta enfermedad en los rebaños de búfalos.

Animais , Búfalos/microbiologia , Mycoplasma/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Mycoplasma/etiologia , Infecções por Mycoplasma/veterinária , Vetores Artrópodes , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Doença Iatrogênica/veterinária , Anemia Hemolítica Autoimune/veterinária
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484792


Abstract Background: Naja atra is a venomous snake species medically relevant in China. In the current study, we evaluated the composition and toxicological profile of venom collected from farm-raised N. atra. Methods: Venom was collected from third-generation captive bred N. atra on a snake farm in Hunan Province, China. The venom was analyzed using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and nano-liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. In addition, hemolytic activity, median lethal dose, serum biochemical and histopathological parameters were accessed. Results: N. atra venom proteome was dominated by phospholipase A2 (46.5%) and three-finger toxins (41.4 %), and a set of common low relative abundance proteins, including cysteine-rich secretory proteins (4.7%), NGF-beta (2.4%), snake venom metalloproteinase (1.5%), glutathione peroxidase (0.6%), vespryn (0.3%), and 5-nucleotidases (0.2%) were also found. Furthermore, the venom exhibited direct hemolytic activity, neurotoxicity, myotoxicity, and high lethal potency in mice, with a subcutaneous median lethal dose of 1.02 mg/kg. Histopathological analysis and serum biochemical tests revealed that venom caused acute hepatic, pulmonary and renal injury in mice. Conclusion: This study revealed the composition and toxicity of venom collected from farm-raised N. atra, thereby providing a reference for the analysis of venom samples collected from captive-born venomous snakes in the future.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484794


Abstract Background: Acylpolyamines are one of the main non-peptide compounds present in spider venom and represent a promising alternative in the search for new molecules with antimicrobial action. Methods: The venom of Acanthoscurria natalensis spider was fractionated by reverse-phase liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and the antimicrobial activity of the fractions was tested using a liquid growth inhibition assay. The main antimicrobial fraction containing acylpolyamines (ApAn) was submitted to two additional chromatographic steps and analyzed by MALDI-TOF. Fractions of interest were accumulated for ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy and ESI-MS/MS analysis and for minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and hemolytic activity determination. Results: Five acylpolyamines were isolated from the venom with molecular masses between 614 Da and 756 Da, being named ApAn728, ApAn614a, ApAn614b, ApAn742 and ApAn756. The analysis of UV absorption profile of each ApAn and the fragmentation pattern obtained by ESI-MS/MS suggested the presence of a tyrosyl unit as chromophore and a terminal polyamine chain consistent with structural units PA43 or PA53. ApAn presented MIC between 128 µM and 256 µM against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, without causing hemolysis against mouse erythrocytes. Conclusion: The antimicrobial and non-hemolytic properties of the analyzed ApAn may be relevant for their application as possible therapeutic agents and the identification of an unconventional chromophore for spider acylpolyamines suggests an even greater chemical diversity.

Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468607


Abstract The Brazilian Cerrado biome consists of a great variety of endemic species with several bioactive compounds, and Anadenanthera peregrina (L.) Speg is a promising species. In this study, we aimed to perform phytochemical characterization and evaluate the antioxidant and antibacterial activities against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli of the hydroethanolic extract of A. peregrina stem bark. The barks were collected in the Botanical Garden of Goiânia, Brazil. The hydroethanolic extract was obtained by percolation and subjected to physicochemical screening, total phenolic content estimation, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) fingerprinting, and antioxidant (IC50 values were calculated for the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl assay - DPPH) and antibacterial activity determination. The pH of the extract was 5.21 and density was 0.956 g/cm3. The phytochemical screening indicated the presence of cardiac glycosides, organic acids, reducing sugars, hemolytic saponins, phenols, coumarins, condensed tannins, flavonoids, catechins, depsides, and depsidones derived from benzoquinones. The extract showed intense hemolytic activity. The total phenolic content was 6.40 g GAE 100 g-1. The HPLC fingerprinting analysis revealed the presence of gallic acid, catechin, and epicatechin. We confirmed the antioxidant activity of the extract. Furthermore, the extract did not inhibit the growth of E. coli colonies at any volume tested, but there were halos around S. aureus colonies at all three volumes tested. These results contribute to a better understanding of the chemical composition of A. peregrina stem bark and further support the medicinal applications of this species.

Resumo O bioma Cerrado brasileiro apresenta em uma grande variedade de espécies endêmicas com diversos compostos bioativos, e Anadenanthera peregrina (L.) Speg é uma espécie promissora. Neste estudo, objetivamos realizar a caracterização fitoquímica e avaliar as atividades antioxidantes e antibacterianas contra Staphylococcus aureus e Escherichia coli do extrato hidroetanólico de cascas do caule de A. peregrina. As cascas foram coletadas no Jardim Botânico de Goiânia, Brasil. O extrato hidroetanólico foi obtido por percolação e submetido a triagem físico-química, estimativa de conteúdo fenólico total, impressão digital por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) e determinação da atividade antioxidante (valores de IC50 foram calculados para o ensaio 2,2-difenil-1-picril-hidrazil) e antibacteriana. O pH do extrato foi de 5,21 e a densidade foi de 0,956 g/cm3. A triagem fitoquímica indicou a presença de glicosídeos cardíacos, ácidos orgânicos, açúcares redutores, saponinas hemolíticas, fenóis, cumarinas, taninos condensados, flavonóides, catequinas, depsídios e depsidonas derivados de benzoquinonas. O extrato mostrou intensa atividade hemolítica. O conteúdo fenólico total foi de 6,40 g de GAE 100 g-1. A análise por impressão digital por HPLC revelou a presença de ácido gálico, catequina e epicatequina. Confirmamos a atividade antioxidante do extrato. Além disso, o extrato não inibiu o crescimento de colônias de E. coli em nenhum volume testado, mas houve halos em torno das colônias de S. aureus nos três volumes testados. Estes resultados contribuem para uma melhor compreensão da composição química da casca de A. peregrina e apoia ainda mais as aplicações medicinais desta espécie.

J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 28: e20210040, 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1365074


Background: Naja atra is a venomous snake species medically relevant in China. In the current study, we evaluated the composition and toxicological profile of venom collected from farm-raised N. atra. Methods: Venom was collected from third-generation captive bred N. atra on a snake farm in Hunan Province, China. The venom was analyzed using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and nano-liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. In addition, hemolytic activity, median lethal dose, serum biochemical and histopathological parameters were accessed. Results: N. atra venom proteome was dominated by phospholipase A2 (46.5%) and three-finger toxins (41.4 %), and a set of common low relative abundance proteins, including cysteine-rich secretory proteins (4.7%), NGF-beta (2.4%), snake venom metalloproteinase (1.5%), glutathione peroxidase (0.6%), vespryn (0.3%), and 5ʹ-nucleotidases (0.2%) were also found. Furthermore, the venom exhibited direct hemolytic activity, neurotoxicity, myotoxicity, and high lethal potency in mice, with a subcutaneous median lethal dose of 1.02 mg/kg. Histopathological analysis and serum biochemical tests revealed that venom caused acute hepatic, pulmonary and renal injury in mice. Conclusion: This study revealed the composition and toxicity of venom collected from farm-raised N. atra, thereby providing a reference for the analysis of venom samples collected from captive-born venomous snakes in the future.(AU)

Animais , Venenos de Serpentes/toxicidade , Fosfolipases A2 , Naja naja , Miotoxicidade , Nucleotidases
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-12, 2022. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468420


The Brazilian Cerrado biome consists of a great variety of endemic species with several bioactive compounds, and Anadenanthera peregrina (L.) Speg is a promising species. In this study, we aimed to perform phytochemical characterization and evaluate the antioxidant and antibacterial activities against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli of the hydroethanolic extract of A. peregrina stem bark. The barks were collected in the Botanical Garden of Goiânia, Brazil. The hydroethanolic extract was obtained by percolation and subjected to physicochemical screening, total phenolic content estimation, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) fingerprinting, and antioxidant (IC50 values were calculated for the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl assay - DPPH) and antibacterial activity determination. The pH of the extract was 5.21 and density was 0.956 g/cm3. The phytochemical screening indicated the presence of cardiac glycosides, organic acids, reducing sugars, hemolytic saponins, phenols, coumarins, condensed tannins, flavonoids, catechins, depsides, and depsidones derived from benzoquinones. The extract showed intense hemolytic activity. The total phenolic content was 6.40 g GAE 100 g-¹. The HPLC fingerprinting analysis revealed the presence of gallic acid, catechin, and epicatechin. We confirmed the antioxidant activity of the extract. Furthermore, the extract did not inhibit the growth of E. coli colonies at any volume tested, but there were halos around S. aureus colonies at all three volumes tested. These results contribute to a better understanding of the chemical composition of A. peregrina stem bark and further support the medicinal applications of this species.

O bioma Cerrado brasileiro apresenta em uma grande variedade de espécies endêmicas com diversos compostos bioativos, e Anadenanthera peregrina (L.) Speg é uma espécie promissora. Neste estudo, objetivamos realizar a caracterização fitoquímica e avaliar as atividades antioxidantes e antibacterianas contra Staphylococcus aureus e Escherichia coli do extrato hidroetanólico de cascas do caule de A. peregrina. As cascas foram coletadas no Jardim Botânico de Goiânia, Brasil. O extrato hidroetanólico foi obtido por percolação e submetido a triagem físico química, estimativa de conteúdo fenólico total, impressão digital por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência(HPLC) e determinação da atividade antioxidante (valores de IC50 foram calculados para o ensaio 2,2-difenil-1-picril-hidrazil) e antibacteriana. O pH do extrato foi de 5,21 e a densidade foi de 0,956 g/cm3. A triagem fitoquímica indicou a presença de glicosídeos cardíacos, ácidos orgânicos, açúcares redutores, saponinas hemolíticas, fenóis, cumarinas, taninos condensados, flavonóides, catequinas, depsídios e depsidonas derivados de benzoquinonas. O extrato mostrou intensa atividade hemolítica. O conteúdo fenólico total foi de 6,40 g de GAE 100 g-1. A análise por impressão digital por HPLC revelou a presença de ácido gálico, catequina e epicatequina. Confirmamos a atividade antioxidante do extrato. Além disso, o extrato não inibiu o crescimento de colônias de E. coli em nenhum volume testado, mas houve halos em torno das colônias de S. aureus nos três volumes testados. Estes resultados contribuem para uma melhor compreensão da composição química da casca de A. peregrina e apoia ainda mais as aplicações medicinais desta espécie.

Extratos Vegetais/análise , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Fabaceae , Plantas Medicinais/química
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 28: e20210017, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1365075


Background: Acylpolyamines are one of the main non-peptide compounds present in spider venom and represent a promising alternative in the search for new molecules with antimicrobial action. Methods: The venom of Acanthoscurria natalensis spider was fractionated by reverse-phase liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and the antimicrobial activity of the fractions was tested using a liquid growth inhibition assay. The main antimicrobial fraction containing acylpolyamines (ApAn) was submitted to two additional chromatographic steps and analyzed by MALDI-TOF. Fractions of interest were accumulated for ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy and ESI-MS/MS analysis and for minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and hemolytic activity determination. Results: Five acylpolyamines were isolated from the venom with molecular masses between 614 Da and 756 Da, being named ApAn728, ApAn614a, ApAn614b, ApAn742 and ApAn756. The analysis of UV absorption profile of each ApAn and the fragmentation pattern obtained by ESI-MS/MS suggested the presence of a tyrosyl unit as chromophore and a terminal polyamine chain consistent with structural units PA43 or PA53. ApAn presented MIC between 128 µM and 256 µM against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, without causing hemolysis against mouse erythrocytes. Conclusion: The antimicrobial and non-hemolytic properties of the analyzed ApAn may be relevant for their application as possible therapeutic agents and the identification of an unconventional chromophore for spider acylpolyamines suggests an even greater chemical diversity.(AU)

Animais , Venenos de Aranha/toxicidade , Staphylococcus aureus , Espectrometria de Massas por Ionização e Dessorção a Laser Assistida por Matriz , Escherichia coli , Anti-Infecciosos