Faunal inventories contribute to our understanding of regional diversity, and are fundamental for policy and de-cision-making regarding the management and conservation of large natural areas. This study aimed to inventory and com-pile information on amphibian species occurring in the North Pantanal region, in the municipal limits of Cáceres, Mato Grosso, Brazil. We used three methods to inventory amphibian species: (1) fieldwork, (2) analysis of specimens deposited in scientif-ic collections, and (3) literature reviews. We registered 49 amphibian species in Cáceres. Of them, 48 species belonged to the Anura order and were distributed across eight families and 20 genera, and one species belonged to the Gymnophiona order (Siphonops paulensis). The families Leptodactylidae (20 spp.) and Hylidae (17 spp.) were dominant in terms of richness, ac-counting for 75.5% of all species found in Cáceres. The remaining families had between four and one species each. The mu-nicipality is strongly influenced by non-forested formations (e.g., the Cerrado and Pantanal) and presents a high species rich-ness for a non-forested location in Brazil. Our findings highlight Cáceres as one of the richest areas in amphibian species in the North Pantanal region, expanding our knowledge regarding frog diversity. This study provides a foundation for future conser-vation strategies and additional assessments of amphibian species in light of potential population declines and other emerg-ing threats.(AU)
Biodiversidade , Anfíbios/anatomia & histologia , Anfíbios/classificação , Brasil , Áreas AlagadasResumo
Anurans vary in body coloration and frequently exhibit color polymorphism, with selection by predation pressure favoring more cryptic animals. Spatial differentiation may also favor color polymorphism in some species, since cryptic morphotypes can use substrates that better match their coloration. Boana pulchella is a polymorphic species with green and brown morphotypes, but its polymorphism remains poorly understood. The aim of the present study was to determine the functionality of color polymorphism in B. pulchella as a defense strategy. Artificial green and brown clay models were placed in environments with green and brown background to determine if the two morphotypes of B. pulchella experience different frequencies of attacks. We expected that more conspicuous morphs are attacked more frequently. The attack rate, which suggests predation intent, on the models was 9.57%. The marks observed in the artificial models were left by both mammals and birds. The number of damaged models did not significantly differ between the different background environments. The results indicate that B. pulchella morphotypes are equally cryptic to predators in the studied environments. In conclusion, probably color polymorphism in B. pulchella is not operating as a defensive strategy, and other selective forces may be acting in the maintenance of color polymorphism in this species.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Anuros/anatomia & histologia , Polimorfismo Genético/fisiologia , Morfogênese , Ecossistema , Modelos AnatômicosResumo
Scinax comprises 129 species of treefrogs divided between the S. ruber and the S. catharinae clades. The S. rostratus group belongs to the S. ruber clade, and comprises ten species characterized by having a dark interorbital triangular mark, tubercle on the heel and by vocalizing in a head-down position. Within this group, S. kennedyi and S. rostratus are similar in that they are the only species that do not possess a row of tubercles on the lower jaw. In spite of their morphological similarity, they can be distinguished from each other by male size and advertisement call traits. Scinax kennedyi was described from eastern Colombia, and occurs from central Colombia to western Venezuela, whereas S. rostratus was described from northern Venezuela, and is thought to occur from Panama to eastern Venezuela, and in the Brazilian state of Pará. A recent study reported a population identified as S. rostratus from the state of Roraima, in northern Brazil. However, this population presented substantial differences in male size and advertisement call in comparison to the described for this species, and apparently it best fits the diagnosis of S. kennedyi instead. In view of this, the present study aimed to clarify the identity of this Brazilian population through a reassessment of its specimens and call recordings, together with the examination of data of S. kennedyi from its type locality, and of S. rostratus from northern Venezuela. Acoustic and morphological analyses revealed that specimens from northern Brazil were indeed misidentified as S. rostratus, and hence they were herein reassigned to S. kennedyi. The study therefore demonstrates the occurrence of S. kennedyi in Brazil, extending its distribution ca. 1,120 km east by south from its type locality, and ca. 844 km east-southeast from its easternmost previous record. With this reassessment, a clearer acoustic diagnosis between S. kennedyi and S. rostratus was provided, as well as further data on fine-scale temporal traits of their calls.(AU)
Animais , Anuros/classificação , Acústica da Fala , Distribuição Animal , Especificidade da Espécie , BrasilResumo
The importance of amphibian bioacoustics is widely documented in ecological, taxonomical and evolutionary studies, as calls might act as a primary mechanism of reproductive isolation. The influence of air temperature and male size on the variation of the advertisement calls in anurans is widely recognized but still insufficiently analyzed in Brazilian species. Our goals were to (1) describe the advertisement call of Aplastodiscus albosignatus (Lutz & Lutz, 1938), (2) test the influence of temperature and body size on its acoustic signals and (3) evaluate the variation of within and between-male acoustic signals. Advertisement calls of A. albosignatus consist of an unpulsed note with four harmonics. In most cases, the dominant frequency is the third harmonic but, in some calls, it was the minimum frequency (first harmonic). The average duration of calls was 0.191 s, the interval between calls was 2.08 s and the repetition rate was 33 calls per minute. On average, the minimum frequency was 550.15 Hz, the maximum frequency was 3531.70 Hz and the third harmonic was 2498.9 Hz. To evaluate the effect of air temperature, and body size on the variation of call parameters, we performed generalized linear models. The most explanatory model for spectral parameters was temperature plus body size. Concerning temporal variables, the best model that explains the variation in call duration was body size, while for the interval between calls was air temperature. The maximum frequency and the frequency of the third harmonic had little variation in the calls of both the same male and different males. Thus, these parameters were considered important in species recognition.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Anuros/anatomia & histologia , Temperatura , Vocalização Animal/fisiologia , Tamanho Corporal/fisiologiaResumo
Abstract Scinax comprises more than 120 species which are split in two clades, the S. ruber and the S. catharinae clades. A few species within the S. catharinae clade occur in gallery forests of the Brazilian Cerrado. We here extend the distribution of S. centralis southwards based on new populations sampled in the banks of the Rio Paranaíba, in the borders of Minas Gerais (MG) and Goiás (GO) states, southeastern Brazil. We also provide further data on the species vocalization. Variation was seen among our population and topotypes regarding SVL and call dominant frequency, both likely representing a clinal variation. Our new population of S. centralis represents the first record of the species for the state of Minas Gerais.
Abstract Scinax comprises more than 120 species which are split in two clades, the S. ruber and the S. catharinae clades. A few species within the S. catharinae clade occur in gallery forests of the Brazilian Cerrado. We here extend the distribution of S. centralis southwards based on new populations sampled in the banks of the Rio Paranaíba, in the borders of Minas Gerais (MG) and Goiás (GO) states, southeastern Brazil. We also provide further data on the species vocalization. Variation was seen among our population and topotypes regarding SVL and call dominant frequency, both likely representing a clinal variation. Our new population of S. centralis represents the first record of the species for the state of Minas Gerais.
ABSTRACT Anuran males and females adopt different reproductive and behavioral strategies in different contexts. We investigated the reproductive ecology and territorial behavior of the treefrog Boana goiana (B. Lutz, 1968) from the Brazilian Cerrado. We hypothesized that competitor density/proximity would increase the behavioral responses of B. goiana males, and that mating would be assortative. We also tested if the number of eggs correlates with female size and if there is a trade-off between clutch size and egg size. We conducted two territoriality experiments to test the effects of male size, competitor proximity and competitor density. Larger males called more in the presence of a second male. In the second experiment, the largest males emitted more calls and the distance to the nearest male increased as resident males called more. In both experiments, the number of calls was influenced by either male size or spacing between males. Some males behaved as satellites, probably to avoid fights. Our analyses indicate that females choose males with similar sizes to their own, corroborating our hypothesis of size-assortative mating. We found no relationships between female size and clutch size/volume, and between egg size and number of eggs per clutch. We also report multiple spawning for this species. The low incidence of physical combats and the spacing pattern indicate that this species relies almost solely on calls to resolve contests, which could be explained by low motivation, or simply because males avoid combats to decrease injury risks. Thus, acoustic or even multimodal communication seems crucial for social interactions of B. goiana.
Trachycephalus cunauaru is an Amazonian hylid that uses phytotelmata to reproduce. There is relatively little information about the species, mainly due to the difficulty of accessing their reproductive sites. In this study, we gathered data on the ecology and natural history of T. cunauaru in the southern Amazon, in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. In addition to natural phytotelmata, we used buckets installed at a height of 10 m as artificial phytotelmata. We compared physical and chemical characteristics, as well as the presence of tadpoles between natural and artificial phytotelmata. We also collected data on the reproductive behavior of the species through the use of camera traps. We recorded a density of 14.1 reproductive sites per km². Environmental parameters differed significantly between artificial and natural phytotelmata. In artificial sites, the presence of tadpoles was directly related to trees with a larger diameter. We registered oophagy for the first time for the species and observed that males can use more than one phytotelm. We also recorded the presence of snakes within the reproductive sites. We determined that artificial sites and digital camera traps are a satisfactory alternative for behavioral observations of T. cunauaru and possibly for other species with a similar habit.(AU)
Trachycephalus cunauaru é um hilídeo amazônico que utiliza fitotelmatas para se reproduzir. Existem relativamente poucas informações sobre a espécie, principalmente devido à dificuldade de acesso aos seus sítios reprodutivos. Nesse trabalho, reunimos dados de ecologia e história natural de T. cunauaru em uma área da Amazônia meridional, no estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Além de fitotelmatas naturais, utilizamos baldes instalados a uma altura de 10 m como fitotelmatas artificiais. Comparamos características físicas e químicas, bem como a presença e ausência de girinos, entre fitotelmatas naturais e artificiais. Também coletamos dados sobre o comportamento reprodutivo da espécie por meio de armadilhas fotográficas. Registramos uma densidade de 14,1 sítios reprodutivos por km2. Os parâmetros ambientais diferiram significativamente entre fitotelmatas artificiais e naturais. Em sítios artificiais a presença de girinos esteve diretamente relacionada à árvores com maior diâmetro. Registramos, pela primeira vez, oofagia para a espécie e observamos que machos podem utilizar mais de um fitotelmata. Também registramos a presença de cobras nos sítios reprodutivos. Constatamos que sítios artificiais e armadilhas fotográficas representam uma alternativa satisfatória para registros comportamentais para T. cunauaru e, possivelmente, para outras espécies com hábitos similares.(AU)
Animais , Anuros/classificação , Ecologia , Comportamento ReprodutivoResumo
Anuran males and females adopt different reproductive and behavioral strategies in different contexts. We investigated the reproductive ecology and territorial behavior of the treefrog Boana goiana (B. Lutz, 1968) from the Brazilian Cerrado. We hypothesized that competitor density/proximity would increase the behavioral responses of B. goiana males, and that mating would be assortative. We also tested if the number of eggs correlates with female size and if there is a trade-off between clutch size and egg size. We conducted two territoriality experiments to test the effects of male size, competitor proximity and competitor density. Larger males called more in the presence of a second male. In the second experiment, the largest males emitted more calls and the distance to the nearest male increased as resident males called more. In both experiments, the number of calls was influenced by either male size or spacing between males. Some males behaved as satellites, probably to avoid fights. Our analyses indicate that females choose males with similar sizes to their own, corroborating our hypothesis of size-assortative mating. We found no relationships between female size and clutch size/volume, and between egg size and number of eggs per clutch. We also report multiple spawning for this species. The low incidence of physical combats and the spacing pattern indicate that this species relies almost solely on calls to resolve contests, which could be explained by low motivation, or simply because males avoid combats to decrease injury risks. Thus, acoustic or even multimodal communication seems crucial for social interactions of B. goiana.(AU)
Animais , Anuros/fisiologia , Ecologia , Comportamento Sexual AnimalResumo
Scinax comprises more than 120 species which are split in two clades, the S. ruber and the S. catharinae clades. A few species within the S. catharinae clade occur in gallery forests of the Brazilian Cerrado. We here extend the distribution of S. centralis southwards based on new populations sampled in the banks of the Rio Paranaíba, in the borders of Minas Gerais (MG) and Goiás (GO) states, southeastern Brazil. We also provide further data on the species vocalization. Variation was seen among our population and topotypes regarding SVL and call dominant frequency, both likely representing a clinal variation. Our new population of S. centralis represents the first record of the species for the state of Minas Gerais.(AU)
Animais , Anuros/anatomia & histologia , Anuros/classificação , Distribuição AnimalResumo
Anuran males and females adopt different reproductive and behavioral strategies in different contexts. We investigated the reproductive ecology and territorial behavior of the treefrog Boana goiana (B. Lutz, 1968) from the Brazilian Cerrado. We hypothesized that competitor density/proximity would increase the behavioral responses of B. goiana males, and that mating would be assortative. We also tested if the number of eggs correlates with female size and if there is a trade-off between clutch size and egg size. We conducted two territoriality experiments to test the effects of male size, competitor proximity and competitor density. Larger males called more in the presence of a second male. In the second experiment, the largest males emitted more calls and the distance to the nearest male increased as resident males called more. In both experiments, the number of calls was influenced by either male size or spacing between males. Some males behaved as satellites, probably to avoid fights. Our analyses indicate that females choose males with similar sizes to their own, corroborating our hypothesis of size-assortative mating. We found no relationships between female size and clutch size/volume, and between egg size and number of eggs per clutch. We also report multiple spawning for this species. The low incidence of physical combats and the spacing pattern indicate that this species relies almost solely on calls to resolve contests, which could be explained by low motivation, or simply because males avoid combats to decrease injury risks. Thus, acoustic or even multimodal communication seems crucial for social interactions of B. goiana.(AU)
Animais , Arvicolinae/parasitologia , Nociceptividade/fisiologia , Analgesia/efeitos adversos , Estações do Ano , Cadeia AlimentarResumo
Abstract The uncertain identity of Hyla x-signata Spix, 1824 has been a pervasive problem in the taxonomy of the genus Scinax. A species supposedly distributed from northeastern Brazil northwards to Colombia and Venezuela, described in a few lines without much information and with an accompanying figure, and its type specimen lost during World War II, combined to produce a curious situation. Twenty-one of the 39 species of the S. ruber Clade described in the last 50 years were considered to require a diagnosis from S. x-signatus by their authors. In most cases these had no other alternative than to gather information about this species from indirect sources, frequently pointing out the problems associated with its uncertain identity. In this paper, we review the taxonomic history of Hyla x-signata, designate a neotype, provide a redescription including advertisement call and sequence data, and diagnose it from all other species of the S. ruber Clade.
Argenteohyla siemersi (red-spotted Argentina frog) is a casque-headed tree frog species belonging to the Hylidae family. This species has a complex combination of anti-predator defense mechanisms that include a highly lethal skin secretion. However, biochemical composition and biological effects of this secretion have not yet been studied. Methods: The A. siemersi skin secretion samples were analyzed by mass spectrometry and chromatographic analysis (MALDI-TOF/MS, RP-HPLC and GC-MS). Proteins were also studied by SDS-PAGE. Among the biological activities evaluated, several enzymatic activities (hemolytic, phospholipase A2, clotting, proteolytic and amidolytic) were assessed. Furthermore, the cytotoxic activity (cytolysis and fluorescence staining) was evaluated on myoblasts of the C2C12 cell line. Results: The MALDI-TOF/MS analysis identified polypeptides and proteins in the aqueous solution of A. siemersi skin secretion. SDS-PAGE revealed the presence of proteins with molecular masses from 15 to 55 kDa. Steroids, but no alkaloids or peptides (less than 5 KDa), were detected using mass spectrometry. Skin secretion revealed the presence of lipids in methanolic extract, as analyzed by CG-MS. This secretion showed hemolytic and phospholipase A2 activities, but was devoid of amidolytic, proteolytic or clotting activities. Moreover, dose-dependent cytotoxicity in cultured C2C12 myoblasts of the skin secretion was demonstrated. Morphological analysis, quantification of lactate dehydrogenase release and fluorescence staining indicated that the cell death triggered by this secretion involved necrosis. Conclusions: Results presented herein evidence the biochemical composition and biological effects of A. siemersi skin secretion and contribute to the knowledge on the defense mechanisms of casque-headed frogs.(AU)
Animais , Anuros , Peptídeos , Espectrometria de Massas , Produtos Biológicos , Eletroforese em Gel de Poliacrilamida , Fosfolipases A2 , Reações Bioquímicas/classificação , CitotoxinasResumo
A perereca Scinax crospedospilus foi descrita com base em síntipos coletados no vale do rio Paraíba do Sul e posteriormente foi registrada em várias localidades na Mata Atlântica dos estados do Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Minas Gerais. Apresenta-se um amplo mapeamento da espécie, baseado em revisão bibliográfica, análise de coleções científicas e amostragens em campo, incluindo novos registros na Mata Atlântica de Minas Gerais. Scinax crospedospilus foi coletado em algumas localidades de Mariana, na borda oriental do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, mostrando-se raro na região. Com a análise de coleções, foram localizados exemplares procedentes de 13 municípios localizados em diversas unidades de relevo. Em campo se observou que S. crospedospilus possui certa tolerância a perturbações do hábitat, realiza reprodução em pequenas represas na borda de floresta alterada e os machos vocalizam à noite sobre árvores e arbustos na margem dágua e, em período vespertino, no dossel de árvores baixas, inclusive dentro de bromélias. Os dados levantados permitiram concluir que S. crospedospilus é endêmico da Mata Atlântica e possui uma ampla distribuição pelo bioma no Sudeste do Brasil.
The tree frog Scinax crospedospilus was described based on syntypes collected from the Paraíba do Sul River valley and later was recorded in various localities in the Atlantic Forest of the Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Minas Gerais states. We present a wide mapping of the species, based on bibliographic review, analysis of scientific collections and field samplings, including new records in the Atlantic Forest of Minas Gerais. Scinax crospedospilus was collected in some localities of Mariana, on the eastern edge of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, showing itself to be rare in the region. With the analysis of collections, we found specimens of S. crospedospilus from 13 municipalities located in several relief units. In the field, we observed that S. crospedospilus has a certain tolerance to habitat disturbances, breeds in small dams on the edge of altered forest, and the males vocalize over trees and shrubs on the water's edge at night, and in the canopy of low trees, including inside bromeliads, in the afternoon. The data collected allowed us to conclude that S. crospedospilus is endemic to the Atlantic Forest and has a wide distribution in the biome in Southeastern Brazil.
Animais , Anuros , Distribuição Animal , EcossistemaResumo
A perereca Scinax crospedospilus foi descrita com base em síntipos coletados no vale do rio Paraíba do Sul e posteriormente foi registrada em várias localidades na Mata Atlântica dos estados do Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Minas Gerais. Apresenta-se um amplo mapeamento da espécie, baseado em revisão bibliográfica, análise de coleções científicas e amostragens em campo, incluindo novos registros na Mata Atlântica de Minas Gerais. Scinax crospedospilus foi coletado em algumas localidades de Mariana, na borda oriental do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, mostrando-se raro na região. Com a análise de coleções, foram localizados exemplares procedentes de 13 municípios localizados em diversas unidades de relevo. Em campo se observou que S. crospedospilus possui certa tolerância a perturbações do hábitat, realiza reprodução em pequenas represas na borda de floresta alterada e os machos vocalizam à noite sobre árvores e arbustos na margem dágua e, em período vespertino, no dossel de árvores baixas, inclusive dentro de bromélias. Os dados levantados permitiram concluir que S. crospedospilus é endêmico da Mata Atlântica e possui uma ampla distribuição pelo bioma no Sudeste do Brasil.(AU)
The tree frog Scinax crospedospilus was described based on syntypes collected from the Paraíba do Sul River valley and later was recorded in various localities in the Atlantic Forest of the Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Minas Gerais states. We present a wide mapping of the species, based on bibliographic review, analysis of scientific collections and field samplings, including new records in the Atlantic Forest of Minas Gerais. Scinax crospedospilus was collected in some localities of Mariana, on the eastern edge of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, showing itself to be rare in the region. With the analysis of collections, we found specimens of S. crospedospilus from 13 municipalities located in several relief units. In the field, we observed that S. crospedospilus has a certain tolerance to habitat disturbances, breeds in small dams on the edge of altered forest, and the males vocalize over trees and shrubs on the water's edge at night, and in the canopy of low trees, including inside bromeliads, in the afternoon. The data collected allowed us to conclude that S. crospedospilus is endemic to the Atlantic Forest and has a wide distribution in the biome in Southeastern Brazil.(AU)
Animais , Anuros , Distribuição Animal , Filogeografia , EcossistemaResumo
Background:Argenteohyla siemersi (red-spotted Argentina frog) is a casque-headed tree frog species belonging to the Hylidae family. This species has a complex combination of anti-predator defense mechanisms that include a highly lethal skin secretion. However, biochemical composition and biological effects of this secretion have not yet been studied.Methods:The A. siemersi skin secretion samples were analyzed by mass spectrometry and chromatographic analysis (MALDI-TOF/MS, RP-HPLC and GC-MS). Proteins were also studied by SDS-PAGE. Among the biological activities evaluated, several enzymatic activities (hemolytic, phospholipase A2, clotting, proteolytic and amidolytic) were assessed. Furthermore, the cytotoxic activity (cytolysis and fluorescence staining) was evaluated on myoblasts of the C2C12 cell line.Results:The MALDI-TOF/MS analysis identified polypeptides and proteins in the aqueous solution of A. siemersi skin secretion. SDS-PAGE revealed the presence of proteins with molecular masses from 15 to 55 kDa. Steroids, but no alkaloids or peptides (less than 5 KDa), were detected using mass spectrometry. Skin secretion revealed the presence of lipids in methanolic extract, as analyzed by CG-MS. This secretion showed hemolytic and phospholipase A2 activities, but was devoid of amidolytic, proteolytic or clotting activities. Moreover, dose-dependent cytotoxicity in cultured C2C12 myoblasts of the skin secretion was demonstrated. Morphological analysis, quantification of lactate dehydrogenase release and fluorescence staining indicated that the cell death triggered by this secretion involved necrosis.Conclusions:Results presented herein evidence the biochemical composition and biological effects of A. siemersi skin secretion and contribute to the knowledge on the defense mechanisms of casque-headed frogs.(AU)
Animais , Anuros , Peçonhas/análise , Venenos de Anfíbios/análise , Venenos de Anfíbios/química , Venenos de Anfíbios/toxicidadeResumo
Bioacoustics is an effective way of recording detailed data during population surveys and monitoring. In the present study, we used an automated digital recorder (ADR) to describe the temporal variation in the calling activity of Scinax fuscomarginatus (Lutz, 1925) in central Brazil. We also evaluated the role of climatic variables (air temperature and precipitation) on calling activity by using a Generalized Additive Model (GAM). We conducted the recordings at five ponds in the Cerrado savanna of Rio Verde Municipality, in Goiás state between November 2013 and October 2014. The analysis of the 43.2 hours of acoustic recording showed that S. fuscomarginatus has a prolonged breeding pattern. The ADR provides a fine-scale description of the nocturnal calling pattern, as well as the oscillations between the rainy and dry seasons. The results of the analytical model also indicate that calling patterns were related to minimum (but not maximum) air temperatures and precipitation, which may be related to their reproductive and thermoregulatory requirements. Based on these findings, we conclude that the ADR method has potentially valuable applications for the collection of data on the natural history of anuran species, as well as supplying important insights for conservation initiatives.
Animais , Acústica , Anuros/fisiologia , Reprodução , Vocalização Animal/fisiologia , BrasilResumo
Bioacoustics is an effective way of recording detailed data during population surveys and monitoring. In the present study, we used an automated digital recorder (ADR) to describe the temporal variation in the calling activity of Scinax fuscomarginatus (Lutz, 1925) in central Brazil. We also evaluated the role of climatic variables (air temperature and precipitation) on calling activity by using a Generalized Additive Model (GAM). We conducted the recordings at five ponds in the Cerrado savanna of Rio Verde Municipality, in Goiás state between November 2013 and October 2014. The analysis of the 43.2 hours of acoustic recording showed that S. fuscomarginatus has a prolonged breeding pattern. The ADR provides a fine-scale description of the nocturnal calling pattern, as well as the oscillations between the rainy and dry seasons. The results of the analytical model also indicate that calling patterns were related to minimum (but not maximum) air temperatures and precipitation, which may be related to their reproductive and thermoregulatory requirements. Based on these findings, we conclude that the ADR method has potentially valuable applications for the collection of data on the natural history of anuran species, as well as supplying important insights for conservation initiatives.(AU)
Animais , Anuros/fisiologia , Vocalização Animal/fisiologia , Acústica , Reprodução , BrasilResumo
The uncertain identity of Hyla x-signata Spix, 1824 has been a pervasive problem in the taxonomy of the genus Scinax. A species supposedly distributed from northeastern Brazil northwards to Colombia and Venezuela, described in a few lines without much information and with an accompanying figure, and its type specimen lost during World War II, combined to produce a curious situation. Twenty-one of the 39 species of the S. ruber Clade described in the last 50 years were considered to require a diagnosis from S. x-signatus by their authors. In most cases these had no other alternative than to gather information about this species from indirect sources, frequently pointing out the problems associated with its uncertain identity. In this paper, we review the taxonomic history of Hyla x-signata, designate a neotype, provide a redescription including advertisement call and sequence data, and diagnose it from all other species of the S. ruber Clade.
Animais , Anuros/anatomia & histologia , Anuros/classificação , Anuros/genética , Classificação/métodosResumo
The uncertain identity of Hyla x-signata Spix, 1824 has been a pervasive problem in the taxonomy of the genus Scinax. A species supposedly distributed from northeastern Brazil northwards to Colombia and Venezuela, described in a few lines without much information and with an accompanying figure, and its type specimen lost during World War II, combined to produce a curious situation. Twenty-one of the 39 species of the S. ruber Clade described in the last 50 years were considered to require a diagnosis from S. x-signatus by their authors. In most cases these had no other alternative than to gather information about this species from indirect sources, frequently pointing out the problems associated with its uncertain identity. In this paper, we review the taxonomic history of Hyla x-signata, designate a neotype, provide a redescription including advertisement call and sequence data, and diagnose it from all other species of the S. ruber Clade.(AU)