O hipoadrenocorticismo canino é uma endocrinopatia caracterizada, na sua forma mais comum, pela deficiência de glicocorticoides e mineralocorticoides. Pacientes não tratados podem desenvolver a forma aguda da doença (crise addisoniana), apresentação grave com risco de óbito, caso não sejam realizadas as intervenções adequadas. Entre as alterações apresentadas estão: distúrbios eletrolíticos (como hiponatremia, hipercalemia, hiperfosfatemia e hipercalcemia), desequilíbrio hídrico (desidratação e choque hipovolêmico) e acidobásico. Fluidoterapia intravenosa adequada é a base do manejo inicial da crise addisoniana, que irá reestabelecer o volume intravascular e hidratação, reduzindo a concentração sérica de fósforo e potássio, a acidose lática, a azotemia pré-renal e a acidose metabólica. A reposição de glicocorticoides também contribui para a normalização dessas alterações. Entre as possíveis complicações do tratamento está a mielinólise pontina, decorrente de aumento rápido na concentração sérica de sódio. Diante disso, o conhecimento dos distúrbios associados à essa endocrinopatia auxilia na suspeição e manejo adequado da doença.(AU)
Canine hypoadrenocorticism is an endocrinopathy characterized, in its most common form, by glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid deficiency, often resulting from immune-mediated destruction of the adrenal glands. Untreated patients may develop the acute form of the disease (Addisonian crisis), a severe presentation with a risk of death if appropriate interventions are not performed. Among the changes presented are: electrolyte disorders (such as hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia and hypercalcemia), water imbalance (dehydration and hypovolemic shock) and acid-base disorder. Adequate intravenous fluid therapy is the basis for the initial management of Addisonian crisis, which will restore intravascular volume and hydration, reducing serum phosphorus and potassium concentrations, lactic acidosis, pre-renal azotemia and metabolic acidosis. Glucocorticoid replacement also contributes to the normalization of these changes. Among the possible complications of the treatment is pontine myelinolysis, resulting from a rapid increase in serum sodium concentration. In view of this, knowledge of the disorders associated with this endocrinopathy helps in the suspicion and adequate management of the disease.(AU)
Animais , Desequilíbrio Hidroeletrolítico , Cães/fisiologia , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/diagnóstico , DesidrataçãoResumo
Renal hyperparathyroidism stands out among the complications of kidney disease in dogs due to phosphorus retention with a predisposition to hypocalcemia, parathyroid hormone stimulation with mobilization of calcium from the bones, characterizing fibrous osteodystrophy, unusual in the elderly. The objective was to report it in 12-year-old Labrador with polyuria, polydipsia, and emesis for five months due to maxillary and mandibular volume increase, followed by loosely fixed teeth, and facial deformity. Blood tests showed anemia, thrombocytosis, azotemia, hypoalbuminemia and hyperphosphatemia and urinalysis showed low density, glycosuria, proteinuria, and moderate caudate and transitional epithelial cells. Oral x-rays showed loss of dental bone support and decreased bone radiopacity. Chest radiographs showed decreased density in the ribs and costochondral junction; on the other hand, organs of the cardiorespiratory system showed no changes. The electrocardiogram and echocardiogram did not show impairment. Abdominal ultrasound revealed kidneys with asymmetry, increased echogenicity of the cortical and poorly preserved cortico-medullary definition. Oral histopathology showed intense fibroplasia associated with bone reabsorption. Support therapy was instituted, but the patient died ten days after consultation. Thus, although uncommon in the elderly, fibrous osteodystrophy should be investigated in dogs with advanced-stage chronic kidney disease and, even with conservative therapies, the prognosis is unfavorable.
O hiperparatireoidismo renal destaca-se entre as complicações da doença renal em cães, pela retenção de fósforo com predisposição à hipocalcemia, estimulação de paratormônio com mobilização do cálcio dos ossos, caracterizando a osteodistrofia fibrosa, incomum em idosos. O objetivo foi relatá-la em Labrador de 12 anos com poliúria, polidipsia e vômitos há cinco meses, além de aumento de volume maxilar e mandibular seguido de dentes frouxamente fixados e deformidade facial. Os exames sanguíneos denotaram anemia, trombocitose, azotemia, hipoalbuminemia, hiperfosfatemia, urinálise, baixa densidade, glicosúria, proteinúria e moderadas células caudadas e epiteliais de transição. Pelos raios X orais, houve perda da sustentação óssea dentária e diminuição da radiopacidade óssea. As radiografias de tórax demonstraram diminuição da densidade óssea na região dos arcos costais e junção costocondral; em contrapartida, órgãos do sistema cardiorrespiratório se mostraram sem alterações aparentes. O eletrocardiograma e o ecocardiograma não incidiram comprometimento. O ultrassom abdominal revelou rins com assimetria, aumento da ecogenicidade cortical e definição corticomedular pouco preservada, e a histopatologia oral apontou intensa fibroplasia associada à reabsorção óssea. Foi instituída terapia suporte, mas o paciente veio a óbito 10 dias após a consulta. Assim, mesmo que incomum em idosos, a osteodistrofia fibrosa deve ser investigada em cães com doença renal crônica em estágio avançado, mesmo com as terapias conservadoras, o prognóstico é desfavorável.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Distúrbio Mineral e Ósseo na Doença Renal Crônica/veterinária , Hiperfosfatemia/veterinária , Hipocalcemia/veterinária , Mandíbula/patologia , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/complicaçõesResumo
Background: The use of prescription diets for cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the main managementapproach of this disease in cats, and is considered a renoprotective strategy that may promote increased survival and/orimprove quality of life, according to the stage of CKD. Besides that, nutritional assessment is important to monitor themaintenance of quality of life of the patients and their response to disease, especially those with chronic conditions. Theaim of this study was to follow the clinical and nutritional status of cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD) IRIS stagesII, III and IV fed with a renal prescription diet, followed for 12 months.Materials, Methods & Results: Patients were fed exclusively with a dry renal prescription diet and medications for themanagement of CKD were prescribed when needed. Exclusion criteria were cats that already received a renal prescriptiondiet or medications for the treatment of CKD. Cats were evaluated every 2 months, considering body weight (BW), bodycondition score (BCS), muscle mass score (MMS), clinical and laboratory parameters. In all assessments, a complete bloodcount and biochemistry were performed by conventional methods with the patient fasted for 12 h. In addition, urinalysis,urine protein:creatinine ratio (UPC) and urine culture were performed from a urine sample collected by cystocentesis.The quantitative variables were tested for their stability on consecutive assessments using the non-parametric Friedmantest, and did not present significant variation during follow-up, except for systolic blood pressure (SBP). Eight cats witha diagnosis of CKD were included in the study and 6 of them remained in the same CKD stage during follow-up. On catdied due to an unrelated CKD cause. Regarding nutritional assessment, 5 of 7 cats maintained BW during the 12 months...
Animais , Gatos , Gatos , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/veterinária , Ração Animal , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Creatinina/sangue , Hiperfosfatemia/veterinária , Índice de Massa CorporalResumo
Background: The use of prescription diets for cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the main managementapproach of this disease in cats, and is considered a renoprotective strategy that may promote increased survival and/orimprove quality of life, according to the stage of CKD. Besides that, nutritional assessment is important to monitor themaintenance of quality of life of the patients and their response to disease, especially those with chronic conditions. Theaim of this study was to follow the clinical and nutritional status of cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD) IRIS stagesII, III and IV fed with a renal prescription diet, followed for 12 months.Materials, Methods & Results: Patients were fed exclusively with a dry renal prescription diet and medications for themanagement of CKD were prescribed when needed. Exclusion criteria were cats that already received a renal prescriptiondiet or medications for the treatment of CKD. Cats were evaluated every 2 months, considering body weight (BW), bodycondition score (BCS), muscle mass score (MMS), clinical and laboratory parameters. In all assessments, a complete bloodcount and biochemistry were performed by conventional methods with the patient fasted for 12 h. In addition, urinalysis,urine protein:creatinine ratio (UPC) and urine culture were performed from a urine sample collected by cystocentesis.The quantitative variables were tested for their stability on consecutive assessments using the non-parametric Friedmantest, and did not present significant variation during follow-up, except for systolic blood pressure (SBP). Eight cats witha diagnosis of CKD were included in the study and 6 of them remained in the same CKD stage during follow-up. On catdied due to an unrelated CKD cause. Regarding nutritional assessment, 5 of 7 cats maintained BW during the 12 months...(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Gatos , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/veterinária , Ração Animal , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Índice de Massa Corporal , Hiperfosfatemia/veterinária , Creatinina/sangueResumo
A hipoplasia renal ocorre quando há o desenvolvimento incompleto do rim, resultando em um menor número de néfrons, lóbulos e cálices ao nascimento do animal. A gravidade dessa anomalia depende do nível de acometimento. Quando unilateral, ocorre a hipertrofia compensatória do rim saudável e, em casos bilaterais, é frequente a ocorrência de insuficiência renal e infecções. Foi retratada como uma afecção hereditária em algumas raças puras ou mestiças de suínos, potros, caprinos, bovinos e cães, contudo, é incomum em felinos. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar o caso de uma felina, sem raça definida, de dois meses de idade, com queixa de apatia, anorexia e êmes por três dias. No exame físico, foi observada desidratação estimada em 10%, tempo de preenchimento capilar de três segundos, hipotermia, hipoglicemia e letargia. Frente a essas alterações, foram solicitados exames complementares para melhor elucidação do quadro. Os exames bioquímicos revelaram azotemia e hiperfosfatemia grave, bem como hipercalcemia e hipercalemia leve. Já a urinálise, indicou redução da densidade urinária associada à presença de cilindros hialinos e céreos. A ultrassonografia abdominal evidenciou perda de diferenciação córtico-medular e diminuição de ambos os rins, alterações essas compatíveis com nefropatia. Instituiu-se tratamento paliativo visando minimizar complicações secundárias da injúria renal aguda, contudo, a paciente veio a óbito. Na necropsia, os rins apresentavam tamanho reduzido bilateralmente e o exame histopatológico revelou a presença de moderados glomérulos primitivos multifocais associados à distensão do espaço glomerular. A avaliação clínica e as lesões histopatológicas foram consistentes com o diagnóstico de hipoplasia renal congênita.
Renal hypoplasia occurs when there is incomplete development of the kidney, resulting in fewer nephrons, lobes and calyces at birth. The severity of this anomaly depends on the level of involvement. When unilateral, compensatory hypertrophy of the healthy kidney occurs and, in bilateral cases, renal failure and infections are frequent. It has been portrayed as an inherited condition in some pure or mixed breeds of pigs, foals, goats, cattle and dogs, however, it is uncommon in felines. This paper aims to report the case of a feline, mixed breed, two months old, with complaints of apathy, anorexia and emesis for three days. Physical examination showed an estimated dehydration of 10%, capillary refilling time of three seconds, hypothermia, hypoglycemia and lethargy. In view of these changes, complementary exams were requested to better clarify the condition. Biochemical examinations revealed severe azotemia and hyperphosphatemia, as well as hypercalcemia and mild hyperkalemia. Urinalysis, on the other hand, indicated a reduction in urinary density associated with the presence of hyaline and brain cylinders. Abdominal ultrasound showed a loss of corticomedullary differentiation and a decrease in both kidneys, changes compatible with nephropathy. Palliative treatment was instituted in order to minimize secondary complications of acute kidney injury, however, the patient died. At necropsy, the kidneys were bilaterally reduced in size and histopathological examination revealed the presence of moderate multifocal primitive glomeruli associated with distention of the glomerular space. Clinical evaluation and histopathological lesions were consistent with the diagnosis of congenital renal hypoplasia.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Anormalidades Urogenitais/veterinária , Injúria Renal Aguda/veterinária , Rim/anormalidades , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
The kidneys perform an essential role in the regulation of serum phosphorus concentration. In visceral leishmaniasis (VL), the decline of the glomerular filtration rate leads to hyperphosphatemia, whose primary consequence is the development of secondary renal hyperparathyroidism. This study aimed to determine the concentration of serum phosphorus, ionized calcium (Cai), urinary fractional excretion of phosphorus (uFEP), and parathormone (PTH) in azotemic and non-azotemic dogs with VL and evaluate the uFEP as a marker of secondary renal hyperparathyroidism. The study comprised 31 dogs, divided into 24 sick animals and 07 healthy animals used as a control group (GC). The sick animals were classified into groups as azotemic (GA) and non-azotemic (GNA). The serum levels of phosphorus, creatinine, Cai, and the plasma levels of PTH were measured and compared between groups. The uFEP was calculated using values of serum and urinary levels of phosphorus and creatinine. The Kruskal-Wallis test with a 0.05 significance level was used, followed by the Mann-Whitney test as a post hoc test, with a 0.016 significance level. The levels of serum phosphorus were higher in the GA group, whereas for the PTH, the GNA and GA groups demonstrated high values compared to the GC. The uFEP was significantly higher in the GA when compared to the GNA, although there was no statistical difference betw
Os rins desempenham um papel essencial na regulação da concentração sérica de fósforo. Na leishmaniose visceral (LV), o declínio da taxa de filtração glomerular leva à hiperfosfatemia, cuja consequência primária é o desenvolvimento de hiperparatireoidismo renal secundário. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a concentração de fósforo sérico, cálcio ionizado (Cai), excreção urinária fracionada de fósforo (uFEP) e paratormônio (PTH) em cães azotêmicos e não azotêmicos com LV e avaliar o uFEP como marcador dohiperparatireoidismo secundária renal. O estudo envolveu 31 cães, classificadosem 24 animais doentes e 07 animais saudáveis utilizados como grupo controle (GC). Os animais doentes foram classificados em azotêmicos (GA) e não azotêmicos (GNA). Os níveis séricos de fósforo, creatinina, Caie os níveis plasmáticos de PTH foram medidos e comparados entre os grupos. A uFEP foi calculada usando-se os valores dos níveis sérico e urinário de fósforo e creatinina. Foi utilizado o teste de Kruskal-Wallis com nível de significância de 0,05, seguido do teste de Mann-Whitney como post hocteste, com nível de significância de 0,016. Os níveis de fósforo sérico foram maiores no grupo GA, enquanto para o PTH os grupos GNA e GA demonstraram valores elevados em relação ao GC. O uFEP foi significativamente maior no GA quando comparado ao GNA, emboranão ocorradiferença estatística entre o GC e o GNA. O uFEP mostrou ser um marcador tardio de doença renal crônica e hiperparatireoidismo secundário em cães com leishmaniose visceral.
Animais , Cães , Cálcio , Cães/fisiologia , Cães/microbiologia , Fósforo , Leishmaniose , Sistema UrinárioResumo
The kidneys perform an essential role in the regulation of serum phosphorus concentration. In visceral leishmaniasis (VL), the decline of the glomerular filtration rate leads to hyperphosphatemia, whose primary consequence is the development of secondary renal hyperparathyroidism. This study aimed to determine the concentration of serum phosphorus, ionized calcium (Cai), urinary fractional excretion of phosphorus (uFEP), and parathormone (PTH) in azotemic and non-azotemic dogs with VL and evaluate the uFEP as a marker of secondary renal hyperparathyroidism. The study comprised 31 dogs, divided into 24 sick animals and 07 healthy animals used as a control group (GC). The sick animals were classified into groups as azotemic (GA) and non-azotemic (GNA). The serum levels of phosphorus, creatinine, Cai, and the plasma levels of PTH were measured and compared between groups. The uFEP was calculated using values of serum and urinary levels of phosphorus and creatinine. The Kruskal-Wallis test with a 0.05 significance level was used, followed by the Mann-Whitney test as a post hoc test, with a 0.016 significance level. The levels of serum phosphorus were higher in the GA group, whereas for the PTH, the GNA and GA groups demonstrated high values compared to the GC. The uFEP was significantly higher in the GA when compared to the GNA, although there was no statistical difference betw
Os rins desempenham um papel essencial na regulação da concentração sérica de fósforo. Na leishmaniose visceral (LV), o declínio da taxa de filtração glomerular leva à hiperfosfatemia, cuja consequência primária é o desenvolvimento de hiperparatireoidismo renal secundário. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a concentração de fósforo sérico, cálcio ionizado (Cai), excreção urinária fracionada de fósforo (uFEP) e paratormônio (PTH) em cães azotêmicos e não azotêmicos com LV e avaliar o uFEP como marcador dohiperparatireoidismo secundária renal. O estudo envolveu 31 cães, classificadosem 24 animais doentes e 07 animais saudáveis utilizados como grupo controle (GC). Os animais doentes foram classificados em azotêmicos (GA) e não azotêmicos (GNA). Os níveis séricos de fósforo, creatinina, Caie os níveis plasmáticos de PTH foram medidos e comparados entre os grupos. A uFEP foi calculada usando-se os valores dos níveis sérico e urinário de fósforo e creatinina. Foi utilizado o teste de Kruskal-Wallis com nível de significância de 0,05, seguido do teste de Mann-Whitney como post hocteste, com nível de significância de 0,016. Os níveis de fósforo sérico foram maiores no grupo GA, enquanto para o PTH os grupos GNA e GA demonstraram valores elevados em relação ao GC. O uFEP foi significativamente maior no GA quando comparado ao GNA, emboranão ocorradiferença estatística entre o GC e o GNA. O uFEP mostrou ser um marcador tardio de doença renal crônica e hiperparatireoidismo secundário em cães com leishmaniose visceral.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cães/microbiologia , Cães/fisiologia , Leishmaniose , Cálcio , Fósforo , Sistema UrinárioResumo
O hipoparatireoidismo, quer seja primário ou secundário, é uma doença rara em cães, causada pela diminuição da secreção de paratormônio pelas paratireoides, que leva a sinais clínicos resultantes da hipocalcemia. O omeprazol vem sendo cada vez mais utilizado na medicina veterinária visando à diminuição na produção de líquor, mas existem poucos estudos sobre os efeitos colaterais relacionados ao uso crônico dessa medicação. Relata-se o caso de um cão macho da raça Yorkshire Terrier, com quatro anos de idade, com sinais clínicos de dor, sendo verificada calcificação em pelve e divertículo renal. Segundo o proprietário, o cão fazia uso de omeprazol há mais de dois anos devido ao histórico de hidrocefalia. Os exames laboratoriais evidenciaram anemia microcítica hipocrômica, hipocalemia, hiperfosfatemia, hipocalcemia, hipomagnesemia e hipercalciúria. A dosagem do paratormônio sérico confirmou o hipoparatireoidismo. Após a suspensão do omeprazol, as alterações encontradas nos exames se normalizaram, confirmando que a causa do hipoparatireoidismo era o uso crônico da medicação.(AU)
Primary or secondary hypoparathyroidism is a rare disease in dogs caused by the decreased secretion of parathormone from the parathyroid glands, leading to clinical signs of hypocalcemia. Omeprazole has been increasingly used in veterinary medicine in order to reduce the production of cerebrospinal fluid, but there are few reports of side effects related to its chronic use. We report a case of a four-year-old male Yorkshire terrier with clinical signs of pain, calcification in the pelvis and renal diverticulum. According to the owner, the dog had been receiving omeprazole for over 2 years because of the history of hydrocephalus. Hematological exams revealed hypochromic microcytic anemia, hypokalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia besides hypercalciuria. The determination of serum parathyroid hormone concentrations confirmed hypoparathyroidism. After interrupting omeprazole, the altered features on the exams returned to normal values, confirming that the cause of hypoparathyroidism was the chronic use of the drug.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Omeprazol/efeitos adversos , Hipoparatireoidismo/induzido quimicamente , Hipoparatireoidismo/veterinária , Hipocalcemia/veterinária , Hipopotassemia/veterináriaResumo
O hipoparatireoidismo, quer seja primário ou secundário, é uma doença rara em cães, causada pela diminuição da secreção de paratormônio pelas paratireoides, que leva a sinais clínicos resultantes da hipocalcemia. O omeprazol vem sendo cada vez mais utilizado na medicina veterinária visando à diminuição na produção de líquor, mas existem poucos estudos sobre os efeitos colaterais relacionados ao uso crônico dessa medicação. Relata-se o caso de um cão macho da raça Yorkshire Terrier, com quatro anos de idade, com sinais clínicos de dor, sendo verificada calcificação em pelve e divertículo renal. Segundo o proprietário, o cão fazia uso de omeprazol há mais de dois anos devido ao histórico de hidrocefalia. Os exames laboratoriais evidenciaram anemia microcítica hipocrômica, hipocalemia, hiperfosfatemia, hipocalcemia, hipomagnesemia e hipercalciúria. A dosagem do paratormônio sérico confirmou o hipoparatireoidismo. Após a suspensão do omeprazol, as alterações encontradas nos exames se normalizaram, confirmando que a causa do hipoparatireoidismo era o uso crônico da medicação.(AU)
Primary or secondary hypoparathyroidism is a rare disease in dogs caused by the decreased secretion of parathormone from the parathyroid glands, leading to clinical signs of hypocalcemia. Omeprazole has been increasingly used in veterinary medicine in order to reduce the production of cerebrospinal fluid, but there are few reports of side effects related to its chronic use. We report a case of a four-year-old male Yorkshire terrier with clinical signs of pain, calcification in the pelvis and renal diverticulum. According to the owner, the dog had been receiving omeprazole for over 2 years because of the history of hydrocephalus. Hematological exams revealed hypochromic microcytic anemia, hypokalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia besides hypercalciuria. The determination of serum parathyroid hormone concentrations confirmed hypoparathyroidism. After interrupting omeprazole, the altered features on the exams returned to normal values, confirming that the cause of hypoparathyroidism was the chronic use of the drug.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Omeprazol/efeitos adversos , Hipoparatireoidismo/induzido quimicamente , Hipoparatireoidismo/veterinária , Hipocalcemia/veterinária , Hipopotassemia/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT: Pathological mineralization is the abnormal deposition of minerals in body tissues, previously injured or not. In these lesions, in addition to calcium, other minerals can be found at lower concentrations. Classically, mineralization is divided into two types: dystrophic and metastatic. However, currently, there is no consensus among researchers on the type of mineralization that occurs in uremic dogs. The objective of this study was to elucidate the type of pathological mineralization that occurs in dogs with uremic syndrome through the correlation of biochemical examinations with gross and histopathological changes, given the existence of controversial information on this theme in the specialized literature. The Shapiro-Wilk, DAgostino and Pearson tests were used to evaluate data normality distribution, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to compare the data between more than two groups. Additionally, the Dunnetts multiple comparison test was used in the comparison between the Control Group (CG) and the Experimental Groups (G1, G2, and G3). Serum levels of urea, creatinine, total and ionized calcium, phosphorus, calcium-phosphorus product (CPP), parathyroid hormone (PTH), and albumin of 40 azotemic dogs with chronic kidney disease (CKD) were evaluated. Dogs were categorized by degree of azotemia (mild, moderate, and severe). Ionized hypocalcemia was observed in 97.5% (39/40) of the dogs, and no animals presented ionized hypercalcemia. Hyperphosphatemia was frequent (62.5%), especially in dogs with severe azotemia. PTH concentration increased with progression of azotemia, and high PTH levels were verified in 100% of the dogs with severe azotemia. CPP >60mg2/dl2 was observed in 75% (30/40) of the dogs. Of the 29 dogs that died during the study period, 16 were necropsied. Soft tissue mineralization was observed in 93.7% (15/16) of these dogs at gross and histopathological evaluation (HE and Von Kossa), regardless of the degree of azotemia, in nine organs/tissues: kidneys (75%), lungs (50%), stomach (31.2%), heart (25%), larynx (25%), intercostal muscles (25%), aorta (6.2%), intestines (6.2%), and tongue (6.2%). In one animal, the serosa of all segments of the small intestine showed whitish, rough, irregular, multifocal plaques of varying sizes, confirmed by histopathology as dystrophic mineralization of the longitudinal outer muscular layer, which presented necrosis of coagulation and of the intestinal serosa. This intestinal lesion has not been described in dogs with uremic syndrome to date. In conclusion, the laboratory and histopathologic data previously described, especially regarding tissue and vascular mineralization, which occur in association with previous degenerative/necrotic lesions in the absence of hypercalcemia in dogs with CKD, assist with clarifying inconsistencies found in the existing literature. Therefore, conceptually, mineralization that occurs in uremic dogs should be considered dystrophic.
RESUMO: Mineralização patológica é a deposição anormal de minerais em tecidos previamente lesados ou não. Nessas lesões, além do cálcio, outros minerais podem ser encontrados em concentrações inferiores. Classicamente, as mineralizações são divididas em dois tipos: distrófica e metastática. Contudo, atualmente, ainda não há consenso entre os pesquisadores sobre o tipo de mineralização que ocorre em cães urêmicos. Objetivou-se com esse estudo elucidar o tipo de mineralização patológica que ocorre em cães com síndrome urêmica através da correlação de exames bioquímicos com alterações macroscópicas e histopatológicas, visto a existência de informações controversas na literatura especializada. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos ao teste de Shapiro-Wilk e teste de DAgostino e Pearson para avaliação da normalidade da distribuição e para comparação de dados em mais de dois grupos foi utilizado o teste ANOVA. Adicionalmente, o teste de comparações múltiplas de Dunnett permitiu a comparação entre o grupo controle (GC) com os demais grupos (G1, G2 e G3). Foram avaliados os níveis séricos de ureia, creatinina, cálcio total e ionizado, fósforo, produto cálcio-fósforo (PCF), PTH e albumina de 40 cães azotêmicos com doença renal crônica (DRC). Os cães foram classificados quanto ao grau de azotemia (leve, moderada e severa). Verificou-se hipocalcemia ionizada em 97,5% (39/40) dos cães e, em nenhum animal houve hipercalcemia ionizada. Hiperfosfatemia foi frequente (62,5%), principalmente em cães com azotemia severa. A concentração do PTH aumentou conforme a progressão da azotemia, encontrando-se elevada em 100% dos cães com azotemia severa. Em 75% (30/40) dos cães o PCF foi superior a 60mg2/dl2. Durante o estudo, 29 cães morreram, sendo 16 desses necropsiados. Em 93,7% (15/16) desses cães observou-se mineralização de tecidos moles, durante a avaliação macroscópica e histopatológica (HE e Von Kossa), independentemente do grau de azotemia, em nove órgãos/tecidos: rins (75%), pulmões (50%), estômago (31,2%), coração (25%), laringe (25%), músculos intercostais (25%), aorta (6,2%), intestino (6,2%) e língua (6,2%). Adicionalmente, em um animal verificou-se na serosa de todos os segmentos do intestino delgado placas multifocais brancacentas, rugosas, irregulares de tamanhos variados, cuja histopatologia confirmou tratar-se de mineralização distrófica da camada longitudinal muscular externa que apresentava necrose de coagulação e da serosa intestinal. Essa lesão intestinal nunca havia sido descrita em cães com síndrome urêmica. Em suma, os dados laboratoriais e histopatológicos aqui descritos, sobretudo, no que se refere à mineralização tecidual e vascular, que ocorrem relacionadas a lesões degenerativo-necróticas prévias, na ausência de hipercalcemia, em cães com DRC, ajudam a esclarecer as incongruências existentes na literatura. Por conseguinte, conceitualmente, as mineralizações que ocorrem em cães urêmicos devem ser consideradas distróficas.
Background: Cases of renal fibrous osteodystrophy are usually associated with nutritional causes, which of renal causesare considered uncommon in dogs. This disorder is characterized by the intense proliferation of fibrous connective tissue inbones, impairing bone stiffness. The aim of this study was to report a case of fibrous osteodystrophy secondary to chronickidney disease in a canine with a rubber jaw facial deformity.Case: A 4-year-old male unneutered mongrel dog weighing 5.2 kg had a history of apathy, progressive weight loss andvomiting for one month, and polyuria and polydipsia for more than three months. In addition, the owner complained aboutthe deformed appearance in the muzzle region of the animal, which was evidenced flexibility of the same, with a displacement of the mandible and maxilla on physical examination, similar to the rubber jaw. Blood tests revealed macrocyticanemia, elevated total plasma proteins, and lymphopenia-associated neutrophilia, as well as hyperphosphatemia (24 mg/dL), uremia (283.6 mg/dL) and increased creatinine (8.6 mg/dL), ALT (143.2 UI/L) and alkaline phosphatase (3222.2UI/L), while calcium (8.8 mg/dL) and albumin (1.9 g/dL) were decreased. A serological test for visceral leishmaniasis wasalso performed, which was negative. Abdominal ultrasound imaging revealed kidneys with alterations in tissue architecture, increased thickness and complete loss of cortico-medullary relationship, while the parathyroid gland was enlargedand spindle-shaped. Cranial radiography showed marked radiopacity of the bilateral maxillary bones, with destructionof the nasal, turbinate and frontal bones, as well as loosening of the teeth and destruction of the mandibular bone matrix,characterizing an aspect of rubber jaw. Based on the history, history and evidence of azotemia, hyperphosphatemia andloss of facial bone density, the diagnosis of fibrous osteodystrophy secondary to chronic kidney...
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Anormalidades Maxilomandibulares/veterinária , Distúrbio Mineral e Ósseo na Doença Renal Crônica/veterinária , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/veterinária , Distúrbios do Metabolismo do Cálcio/veterinária , Distúrbios do Metabolismo do Fósforo/veterinária , Hiperparatireoidismo/veterináriaResumo
Background: Cases of renal fibrous osteodystrophy are usually associated with nutritional causes, which of renal causesare considered uncommon in dogs. This disorder is characterized by the intense proliferation of fibrous connective tissue inbones, impairing bone stiffness. The aim of this study was to report a case of fibrous osteodystrophy secondary to chronickidney disease in a canine with a rubber jaw facial deformity.Case: A 4-year-old male unneutered mongrel dog weighing 5.2 kg had a history of apathy, progressive weight loss andvomiting for one month, and polyuria and polydipsia for more than three months. In addition, the owner complained aboutthe deformed appearance in the muzzle region of the animal, which was evidenced flexibility of the same, with a displacement of the mandible and maxilla on physical examination, similar to the rubber jaw. Blood tests revealed macrocyticanemia, elevated total plasma proteins, and lymphopenia-associated neutrophilia, as well as hyperphosphatemia (24 mg/dL), uremia (283.6 mg/dL) and increased creatinine (8.6 mg/dL), ALT (143.2 UI/L) and alkaline phosphatase (3222.2UI/L), while calcium (8.8 mg/dL) and albumin (1.9 g/dL) were decreased. A serological test for visceral leishmaniasis wasalso performed, which was negative. Abdominal ultrasound imaging revealed kidneys with alterations in tissue architecture, increased thickness and complete loss of cortico-medullary relationship, while the parathyroid gland was enlargedand spindle-shaped. Cranial radiography showed marked radiopacity of the bilateral maxillary bones, with destructionof the nasal, turbinate and frontal bones, as well as loosening of the teeth and destruction of the mandibular bone matrix,characterizing an aspect of rubber jaw. Based on the history, history and evidence of azotemia, hyperphosphatemia andloss of facial bone density, the diagnosis of fibrous osteodystrophy secondary to chronic kidney...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Anormalidades Maxilomandibulares/veterinária , Distúrbio Mineral e Ósseo na Doença Renal Crônica/veterinária , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/veterinária , Hiperparatireoidismo/veterinária , Distúrbios do Metabolismo do Fósforo/veterinária , Distúrbios do Metabolismo do Cálcio/veterináriaResumo
Pathological mineralization is the abnormal deposition of minerals in body tissues, previously injured or not. In these lesions, in addition to calcium, other minerals can be found at lower concentrations. Classically, mineralization is divided into two types: dystrophic and metastatic. However, currently, there is no consensus among researchers on the type of mineralization that occurs in uremic dogs. The objective of this study was to elucidate the type of pathological mineralization that occurs in dogs with uremic syndrome through the correlation of biochemical examinations with gross and histopathological changes, given the existence of controversial information on this theme in the specialized literature. The Shapiro-Wilk, D'Agostino and Pearson tests were used to evaluate data normality distribution, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to compare the data between more than two groups. Additionally, the Dunnett's multiple comparison test was used in the comparison between the Control Group (CG) and the Experimental Groups (G1, G2, and G3). Serum levels of urea, creatinine, total and ionized calcium, phosphorus, calcium-phosphorus product (CPP), parathyroid hormone (PTH), and albumin of 40 azotemic dogs with chronic kidney disease (CKD) were evaluated. Dogs were categorized by degree of azotemia (mild, moderate, and severe). Ionized hypocalcemia was observed in 97.5% (39/40) of the dogs, and no animals presented ionized hypercalcemia. Hyperphosphatemia was frequent (62.5%), especially in dogs with severe azotemia. PTH concentration increased with progression of azotemia, and high PTH levels were verified in 100% of the dogs with severe azotemia. CPP >60mg2/dl2 was observed in 75% (30/40) of the dogs. Of the 29 dogs that died during the study period, 16 were necropsied. Soft tissue mineralization was observed in 93.7% (15/16) of these dogs at gross and histopathological evaluation (HE and Von Kossa), regardless of the degree of azotemia, in nine organs/tissues: kidneys (75%), lungs (50%), stomach (31.2%), heart (25%), larynx (25%), intercostal muscles (25%), aorta (6.2%), intestines (6.2%), and tongue (6.2%). In one animal, the serosa of all segments of the small intestine showed whitish, rough, irregular, multifocal plaques of varying sizes, confirmed by histopathology as dystrophic mineralization of the longitudinal outer muscular layer, which presented necrosis of coagulation and of the intestinal serosa. This intestinal lesion has not been described in dogs with uremic syndrome to date. In conclusion, the laboratory and histopathologic data previously described, especially regarding tissue and vascular mineralization, which occur in association with previous degenerative/necrotic lesions in the absence of hypercalcemia in dogs with CKD, assist with clarifying inconsistencies found in the existing literature. Therefore, conceptually, mineralization that occurs in uremic dogs should be considered dystrophic.(AU)
Mineralização patológica é a deposição anormal de minerais em tecidos previamente lesados ou não. Nessas lesões, além do cálcio, outros minerais podem ser encontrados em concentrações inferiores. Classicamente, as mineralizações são divididas em dois tipos: distrófica e metastática. Contudo, atualmente, ainda não há consenso entre os pesquisadores sobre o tipo de mineralização que ocorre em cães urêmicos. Objetivou-se com esse estudo elucidar o tipo de mineralização patológica que ocorre em cães com síndrome urêmica através da correlação de exames bioquímicos com alterações macroscópicas e histopatológicas, visto a existência de informações controversas na literatura especializada. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos ao teste de Shapiro-Wilk e teste de D'Agostino e Pearson para avaliação da normalidade da distribuição e para comparação de dados em mais de dois grupos foi utilizado o teste ANOVA. Adicionalmente, o teste de comparações múltiplas de Dunnett permitiu a comparação entre o grupo controle (GC) com os demais grupos (G1, G2 e G3). Foram avaliados os níveis séricos de ureia, creatinina, cálcio total e ionizado, fósforo, produto cálcio-fósforo (PCF), PTH e albumina de 40 cães azotêmicos com doença renal crônica (DRC). Os cães foram classificados quanto ao grau de azotemia (leve, moderada e severa). Verificou-se hipocalcemia ionizada em 97,5% (39/40) dos cães e, em nenhum animal houve hipercalcemia ionizada. Hiperfosfatemia foi frequente (62,5%), principalmente em cães com azotemia severa. A concentração do PTH aumentou conforme a progressão da azotemia, encontrando-se elevada em 100% dos cães com azotemia severa. Em 75% (30/40) dos cães o PCF foi superior a 60mg2/dl2. Durante o estudo, 29 cães morreram, sendo 16 desses necropsiados. Em 93,7% (15/16) desses cães observou-se mineralização de tecidos moles, durante a avaliação macroscópica e histopatológica (HE e Von Kossa), independentemente do grau de azotemia, em nove órgãos/tecidos: rins (75%), pulmões (50%), estômago (31,2%), coração (25%), laringe (25%), músculos intercostais (25%), aorta (6,2%), intestino (6,2%) e língua (6,2%). Adicionalmente, em um animal verificou-se na serosa de todos os segmentos do intestino delgado placas multifocais brancacentas, rugosas, irregulares de tamanhos variados, cuja histopatologia confirmou tratar-se de mineralização distrófica da camada longitudinal muscular externa que apresentava necrose de coagulação e da serosa intestinal. Essa lesão intestinal nunca havia sido descrita em cães com síndrome urêmica. Em suma, os dados laboratoriais e histopatológicos aqui descritos, sobretudo, no que se refere à mineralização tecidual e vascular, que ocorrem relacionadas a lesões degenerativo-necróticas prévias, na ausência de hipercalcemia, em cães com DRC, ajudam a esclarecer as incongruências existentes na literatura. Por conseguinte, conceitualmente, as mineralizações que ocorrem em cães urêmicos devem ser consideradas distróficas.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Uremia/veterinária , Calcinose/veterinária , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/veterinária , Azotemia/veterináriaResumo
Pathological mineralization is the abnormal deposition of minerals in body tissues, previously injured or not. In these lesions, in addition to calcium, other minerals can be found at lower concentrations. Classically, mineralization is divided into two types: dystrophic and metastatic. However, currently, there is no consensus among researchers on the type of mineralization that occurs in uremic dogs. The objective of this study was to elucidate the type of pathological mineralization that occurs in dogs with uremic syndrome through the correlation of biochemical examinations with gross and histopathological changes, given the existence of controversial information on this theme in the specialized literature. The Shapiro-Wilk, D'Agostino and Pearson tests were used to evaluate data normality distribution, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to compare the data between more than two groups. Additionally, the Dunnett's multiple comparison test was used in the comparison between the Control Group (CG) and the Experimental Groups (G1, G2, and G3). Serum levels of urea, creatinine, total and ionized calcium, phosphorus, calcium-phosphorus product (CPP), parathyroid hormone (PTH), and albumin of 40 azotemic dogs with chronic kidney disease (CKD) were evaluated. Dogs were categorized by degree of azotemia (mild, moderate, and severe). Ionized hypocalcemia was observed in 97.5% (39/40) of the dogs, and no animals presented ionized hypercalcemia. Hyperphosphatemia was frequent (62.5%), especially in dogs with severe azotemia. PTH concentration increased with progression of azotemia, and high PTH levels were verified in 100% of the dogs with severe azotemia. CPP >60mg2/dl2 was observed in 75% (30/40) of the dogs. Of the 29 dogs that died during the study period, 16 were necropsied. Soft tissue mineralization was observed in 93.7% (15/16) of these dogs at gross and histopathological evaluation (HE and Von Kossa), regardless of the degree of azotemia, in nine organs/tissues: kidneys (75%), lungs (50%), stomach (31.2%), heart (25%), larynx (25%), intercostal muscles (25%), aorta (6.2%), intestines (6.2%), and tongue (6.2%). In one animal, the serosa of all segments of the small intestine showed whitish, rough, irregular, multifocal plaques of varying sizes, confirmed by histopathology as dystrophic mineralization of the longitudinal outer muscular layer, which presented necrosis of coagulation and of the intestinal serosa. This intestinal lesion has not been described in dogs with uremic syndrome to date. In conclusion, the laboratory and histopathologic data previously described, especially regarding tissue and vascular mineralization, which occur in association with previous degenerative/necrotic lesions in the absence of hypercalcemia in dogs with CKD, assist with clarifying inconsistencies found in the existing literature. Therefore, conceptually, mineralization that occurs in uremic dogs should be considered dystrophic.(AU)
Mineralização patológica é a deposição anormal de minerais em tecidos previamente lesados ou não. Nessas lesões, além do cálcio, outros minerais podem ser encontrados em concentrações inferiores. Classicamente, as mineralizações são divididas em dois tipos: distrófica e metastática. Contudo, atualmente, ainda não há consenso entre os pesquisadores sobre o tipo de mineralização que ocorre em cães urêmicos. Objetivou-se com esse estudo elucidar o tipo de mineralização patológica que ocorre em cães com síndrome urêmica através da correlação de exames bioquímicos com alterações macroscópicas e histopatológicas, visto a existência de informações controversas na literatura especializada. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos ao teste de Shapiro-Wilk e teste de D'Agostino e Pearson para avaliação da normalidade da distribuição e para comparação de dados em mais de dois grupos foi utilizado o teste ANOVA. Adicionalmente, o teste de comparações múltiplas de Dunnett permitiu a comparação entre o grupo controle (GC) com os demais grupos (G1, G2 e G3). Foram avaliados os níveis séricos de ureia, creatinina, cálcio total e ionizado, fósforo, produto cálcio-fósforo (PCF), PTH e albumina de 40 cães azotêmicos com doença renal crônica (DRC). Os cães foram classificados quanto ao grau de azotemia (leve, moderada e severa). Verificou-se hipocalcemia ionizada em 97,5% (39/40) dos cães e, em nenhum animal houve hipercalcemia ionizada. Hiperfosfatemia foi frequente (62,5%), principalmente em cães com azotemia severa. A concentração do PTH aumentou conforme a progressão da azotemia, encontrando-se elevada em 100% dos cães com azotemia severa. Em 75% (30/40) dos cães o PCF foi superior a 60mg2/dl2. Durante o estudo, 29 cães morreram, sendo 16 desses necropsiados. Em 93,7% (15/16) desses cães observou-se mineralização de tecidos moles, durante a avaliação macroscópica e histopatológica (HE e Von Kossa), independentemente do grau de azotemia, em nove órgãos/tecidos: rins (75%), pulmões (50%), estômago (31,2%), coração (25%), laringe (25%), músculos intercostais (25%), aorta (6,2%), intestino (6,2%) e língua (6,2%). Adicionalmente, em um animal verificou-se na serosa de todos os segmentos do intestino delgado placas multifocais brancacentas, rugosas, irregulares de tamanhos variados, cuja histopatologia confirmou tratar-se de mineralização distrófica da camada longitudinal muscular externa que apresentava necrose de coagulação e da serosa intestinal. Essa lesão intestinal nunca havia sido descrita em cães com síndrome urêmica. Em suma, os dados laboratoriais e histopatológicos aqui descritos, sobretudo, no que se refere à mineralização tecidual e vascular, que ocorrem relacionadas a lesões degenerativo-necróticas prévias, na ausência de hipercalcemia, em cães com DRC, ajudam a esclarecer as incongruências existentes na literatura. Por conseguinte, conceitualmente, as mineralizações que ocorrem em cães urêmicos devem ser consideradas distróficas.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Uremia/veterinária , Calcinose/veterinária , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/veterinária , Azotemia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Cases of plant intoxication in small animals are observed frequently in the domestic environment, mainlybecause most dogs and cats live in households and occasionally have access to streets and rural areas. Among such toxicagents, ornamental plants of the genus Lilium and Hemerocallis, which are potentially nephrotoxic to the feline species,are highlighted. Affected cats start presenting clinical signs 1-6 h after plant ingestion. Renal failure takes place in 12-72h, and death may occur in an interval ranging from three to seven days. The objective of this article is to describe theepidemiological, clinical and pathological findings of lily (Lilium sp.) poisoning in two cats.Case: The aspects of lily poisoning in two cats are described (cat #1 and cat #2). Cat #1 was a 3-year-old, mixed breedfemale cat, which presented a clinical history of anorexia, apathy, drooling, vomiting and polydipsia. Serum biochemicalanalysis revealed creatinine elevation (21.2 mg/dL), as well as hyperphosphatemia (19 mg/dL). Seventy-two h after theonset of clinical signs, renal failure progressed to anuria, followed by death. The second animal of this report (cat #2) wasa 2-year-old, mixed-breed male cat. The animal was found dead by the owner without displaying any previous clinicalsigns. Cats #1 and #2 ingested leaves of lily, which were present in their households as ornamental plants. At necropsy, thekidneys of both cats presented mild enlargement. Moderate perirenal edema was also noted. Cat #1 showed morphologicextrarenal uremic lesions, characterized by ulcers in the oral mucosa and in the margin of the tongue ventral surface. Microscopic lesions observed in both cases were similar and compatible with acute toxic nephropathy. Histologically, severeepithelial cell degeneration and necrosis of proximal and distal convoluted tubules were noted. Other renal microscopicfindings included hyaline...
Animais , Gatos , Intoxicação por Plantas/diagnóstico , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Lilium/intoxicação , Nefropatias/veterinária , Plantas Tóxicas , Uremia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Cases of plant intoxication in small animals are observed frequently in the domestic environment, mainlybecause most dogs and cats live in households and occasionally have access to streets and rural areas. Among such toxicagents, ornamental plants of the genus Lilium and Hemerocallis, which are potentially nephrotoxic to the feline species,are highlighted. Affected cats start presenting clinical signs 1-6 h after plant ingestion. Renal failure takes place in 12-72h, and death may occur in an interval ranging from three to seven days. The objective of this article is to describe theepidemiological, clinical and pathological findings of lily (Lilium sp.) poisoning in two cats.Case: The aspects of lily poisoning in two cats are described (cat #1 and cat #2). Cat #1 was a 3-year-old, mixed breedfemale cat, which presented a clinical history of anorexia, apathy, drooling, vomiting and polydipsia. Serum biochemicalanalysis revealed creatinine elevation (21.2 mg/dL), as well as hyperphosphatemia (19 mg/dL). Seventy-two h after theonset of clinical signs, renal failure progressed to anuria, followed by death. The second animal of this report (cat #2) wasa 2-year-old, mixed-breed male cat. The animal was found dead by the owner without displaying any previous clinicalsigns. Cats #1 and #2 ingested leaves of lily, which were present in their households as ornamental plants. At necropsy, thekidneys of both cats presented mild enlargement. Moderate perirenal edema was also noted. Cat #1 showed morphologicextrarenal uremic lesions, characterized by ulcers in the oral mucosa and in the margin of the tongue ventral surface. Microscopic lesions observed in both cases were similar and compatible with acute toxic nephropathy. Histologically, severeepithelial cell degeneration and necrosis of proximal and distal convoluted tubules were noted. Other renal microscopicfindings included hyaline... (AU)
Animais , Gatos , Lilium/intoxicação , Intoxicação por Plantas/diagnóstico , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Plantas Tóxicas , Nefropatias/veterinária , Uremia/veterináriaResumo
The transition period is often a great challenge for dairy cows and mineral imbalances are frequent. With the aim to better understand the mineral profile of F1 Holstein x Gyr dairy cows and their performances under the different conditions of summer and winter, we collected blood samples to measure calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Samplings were performed during summer and winter, on 15 and 13 pluriparous F1 Holstein x Gyr dairy cows, respectively. Blood sampling started 4 weeks prior to the expected calving date until 30 days postpartum. The mean concentrations of all three minerals had a different pattern during the transition period in each season, representing the interaction time x season. Calcium concentration was lower in winter and more animals suffered from subclinical hypocalcemia (100%) then in summer (38.46%). Magnesium concentration was also lower in winter and 46.67% of animals had hypomagnesemia, contributing for the higher hypocalcemia frequency observed in the same season. A high proportion of animals had hyperphosphatemia what can represent an environmental problem and more attention should be given to it. The high frequency of animals with subclinical hypocalcemia is alarming once that can lead to greater consequences.(AU)
O período de transição é uma fase de grandes desafios para vacas leiteiras, e desequilíbrios minerais são frequentes. O objetivo ao desenvolver este trabalho foi de entender melhor o perfil mineral de vacas leiteiras F1 Holandês x Gir e suas performances sob as diferentes condições de verão e inverno. Para isso, foram mensurados cálcio, magnésio e fósforo sanguíneo. As coletas de sangue foram realizadas durante os períodos de verão e inverno, e utilizaram-se, respectivamente, 15 e 13 vacas leiteiras pluríparas, todas F1 Holandês x Gir. As coletas de sangue começaram quatro semanas antes da data prevista do parto até 30 dias pós-parto. As concentrações médias e o padrão de variação dos três minerais foram distintos em cada estação do ano, representando a interação tempo de coleta x estação do ano. A concentração de cálcio foi menor no inverno, período em que todos os animais apresentaram hipocalcemia subclínica, enquanto no verão 38,46% apresentaram essa condição. A concentração de magnésio foi maior no verão e nenhum animal teve hipomagnesemia, enquanto no inverno 46,67% dos animais apresentaram hipomagnesemia subclínica, contribuindo para a maior frequência de hipocalcemia observada no inverno. Uma alta proporção de animais teve hiperfosfatemia, o que pode representar um problema ambiental. A alta frequência de animais com hipocalcemia subclínica é alarmante principalmente devido às consequências geradas por essa condição.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Hiperfosfatemia/veterinária , Hipocalcemia/veterinária , Magnésio/análise , Deficiência de Minerais , Paresia Puerperal/diagnósticoResumo
The transition period is often a great challenge for dairy cows and mineral imbalances are frequent. With the aim to better understand the mineral profile of F1 Holstein x Gyr dairy cows and their performances under the different conditions of summer and winter, we collected blood samples to measure calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Samplings were performed during summer and winter, on 15 and 13 pluriparous F1 Holstein x Gyr dairy cows, respectively. Blood sampling started 4 weeks prior to the expected calving date until 30 days postpartum. The mean concentrations of all three minerals had a different pattern during the transition period in each season, representing the interaction time x season. Calcium concentration was lower in winter and more animals suffered from subclinical hypocalcemia (100%) then in summer (38.46%). Magnesium concentration was also lower in winter and 46.67% of animals had hypomagnesemia, contributing for the higher hypocalcemia frequency observed in the same season. A high proportion of animals had hyperphosphatemia what can represent an environmental problem and more attention should be given to it. The high frequency of animals with subclinical hypocalcemia is alarming once that can lead to greater consequences.(AU)
O período de transição é uma fase de grandes desafios para vacas leiteiras, e desequilíbrios minerais são frequentes. O objetivo ao desenvolver este trabalho foi de entender melhor o perfil mineral de vacas leiteiras F1 Holandês x Gir e suas performances sob as diferentes condições de verão e inverno. Para isso, foram mensurados cálcio, magnésio e fósforo sanguíneo. As coletas de sangue foram realizadas durante os períodos de verão e inverno, e utilizaram-se, respectivamente, 15 e 13 vacas leiteiras pluríparas, todas F1 Holandês x Gir. As coletas de sangue começaram quatro semanas antes da data prevista do parto até 30 dias pós-parto. As concentrações médias e o padrão de variação dos três minerais foram distintos em cada estação do ano, representando a interação tempo de coleta x estação do ano. A concentração de cálcio foi menor no inverno, período em que todos os animais apresentaram hipocalcemia subclínica, enquanto no verão 38,46% apresentaram essa condição. A concentração de magnésio foi maior no verão e nenhum animal teve hipomagnesemia, enquanto no inverno 46,67% dos animais apresentaram hipomagnesemia subclínica, contribuindo para a maior frequência de hipocalcemia observada no inverno. Uma alta proporção de animais teve hiperfosfatemia, o que pode representar um problema ambiental. A alta frequência de animais com hipocalcemia subclínica é alarmante principalmente devido às consequências geradas por essa condição.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Hipocalcemia/veterinária , Deficiência de Minerais , Magnésio/análise , Hiperfosfatemia/veterinária , Paresia Puerperal/diagnósticoResumo
The aim of this study was to conduct a study on the occurrence and characterization of the main epidemiological, clinical and laboratory test findings, as well as the chemical composition of uroliths found in cases of urolithiasis in small ruminants treated at hospital routine. The study was conducted at the Clinic for Cattle, Garanhuns Campus of the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, analyzing 98 cases of urolithiasis who were diagnosed in the period 2001-2011. The cases of urolithiasis represented 5.1% of clinical cases of small ruminants. All newborns were male and intact, with less than three years old at 90.56% and 66.60% of sheep from goats. The main clinical findings are: apathy and altered posture, showing signs of pain as arching, vocalization and gnashing of teeth, dehydration, difficulty urinating, besides presenting the swollen and sensitive to palpation preputial region. The blood count revealed leukocytosis with neutrophilia. In serum biochemistry was observed an increase in the levels of urea and creatinine, GGT, CK and glucose. With respect to mineral profile observed a hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia and hypermagnesemia. Featured deserved the result of the composition of uroliths, where there was a predominance of oxalate. The mortality rate of the animals was 56.4%. We conclude that the clinical and laboratory examinations are critical to assess the patients condition and prognosis. (AU)
Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, realizar um estudo sobre a ocorrência e a caracterização dos principais achados epidemiológicos, clínicos e de exames complementares, bem como a composição química dos urólitos encontrados nos casos de urolitíase em pequenos ruminantes atendidos na rotina hospitalar. O estudo foi realizado na Clínica de Bovinos, Campus de Garanhuns da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, analisando 98 casos de urolitíase obstrutiva que foram diagnosticados no período de 2001 a 2011. A casuística de urolitíase obstrutiva representou 5,1% dos casos clínicos de pequenos ruminantes. Todos os animais acometidos eram machos e inteiros, com idade inferior a três anos em 90,56% dos ovinos e 66,60% dos caprinos. Dentre os principais achados clínicos se destacam: apatia e postura alterada, apresentando sinais de dor como arqueamento, vocalização e ranger de dentes, desidratação, dificuldade para urinar, além de apresentar a região prepucial edemaciada e sensível à palpação. O hemograma revelou uma leucocitose por neutrofilia. Na bioquímica sérica foi constatada uma elevação dos níveis de ureia e creatinina, GGT, CK e glicose. Com relação ao perfil mineral observou-se uma hipocalcemia, hiperfosfatemia e hipermagnesemia. Mereceu destaque o resultado da composição dos urólitos, onde houve um predomínio do oxalato. O índice de mortalidade dos animais acometidos foi de 56,4%. Conclui-se que os exames clínicos e laboratoriais, são fundamentais para avaliar a condição clínica do paciente e seu prognóstico.(AU)
Animais , Urolitíase/epidemiologia , Urolitíase/veterinária , Ruminantes , Minerais/sangue , Leucocitose/veterinária , Oxalatos , Hipocalcemia/veterinária , Hiperfosfatemia/veterinária , Magnésio/sangue , Obstrução Uretral/veterináriaResumo
Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a very common pathology in cats, especially in the geriatric age. A proper renal diet is considered the current standard of care to enhance patients long-term survival and quality of life. However, when diet alone is not sufficient, it is necessary to supplement it with specific substances: these are phosphate binders and alkalinizing agents. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a feed supplement containing calcium carbonate, calcium lactate gluconate, chitosan and sodium bicarbonate in controlling hyperphosphatemia and metabolic acidosis in cats with severe CKD (IRIS, International Renal Interest Society, stage 3 and 4). Materials, Methods & Results: 10 cats (median BW 4.00 (3.20; 5.70) Kg, BCS 3/5 (2.25; 3.75), 11 (8.25;12.00) years) fed with a balanced renal diet were included in the study. To be enrolled in the study cats had to be affected by CKD in stages 3 or 4 and show hyperphosphatemia. Treatment consisted in oral administration of the product (Renal, Candioli Pharma) at 0.2 g/kg/day mixed with the food for 60 days. The animals were evaluated at the beginning of the study and at 15, 30, 60 days (T0, T15, T30, T60) for: clinical condition, BW, BCS, blood pressure and for routinely hematochemical, biochemical and urinary parameters. Owners were asked to assess appetite of the cat, palatability of the [...](AU)