Hypothyroidism is rarely observed in cats. This article reports the case of a thirteen-year-old feline with a one-year history of bilateral cervical swelling that had majorly grown in size two weeks prior to the animal's admission. The cat presented with dysphonia, lethargy, weight gain, and constipation. On physical examination, hypothermia was observed, with a rectal temperature of 36.5 ºC. Fine-needle aspiration cytology suggested thyroid neoplasia. The serum levels of total T4 and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), along with the exclusion of non-thyroid diseases, confirmed the diagnosis of hypothyroidism. This is the first report of feline hypothyroidism in Brazil secondary to thyroid neoplasia, classified as a follicular-compact carcinoma and confirmed by histopathology.
Hipotireoidismo é uma doença rara na espécie felina. Esse trabalho relata um felino de treze anos de idade com histórico de inchaço cervical bilateral há um ano, que havia crescido principalmente duas semanas antes da admissão do animal. O felino apresentava disfonia, letargia, ganho de peso e constipação. No exame físico, hipotermia foi observado com temperatura retal de 36,5 ºC. Citologia aspirativa de agulha fina sugeriu neoplasia de tireoide. A dosagem sérica de T4 total e TSH junto com a exclusão de doenças não tireoidianas confirmaram o diagnóstico de hipotireoidismo. Esse é o primeiro relato de hipotireoidismo felino no Brasil devido a uma neoplasia de tireoide, classificado como carcinoma folicular-compacto, confirmado na histopatologia.
Animais , Gatos , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/veterinária , Doenças do Gato , Hipotireoidismo/veterináriaResumo
Dentre as mais importantes causas de morbidade neonatal na prematuridade, destacam-se os distúrbios respiratórios, complicações infecciosas, instabilidade crítica da termorregulação, inabilidade para homeostase energética e falhas na transferência de imunidade passiva. Dentre os problemas de origem pulmonar intimamente relacionados à prematuridade, destaca-se a imaturidade pulmonar por deficiência de surfactante, evoluindo para diminuição da capacidade pulmonar, hipoxemia, hipercapnia e acidose. Os neonatos caninos prematuros apresentam baixa vitalidade, hipotermia, bradipnéia, irregularidade do padrão respiratório, reduzido tônus e responsividade neuro-muscular. As áreas do parênquima pulmonar para efetuar trocas gasosas são limitadas em filhotes prematuros, culminando em alterações do equilíbrio ácidobase. Além disto, os recém-nascidos prematuros apresentam instabilidade energética e falha de transferência de imunidade passiva. Como medida preventiva à morbidade do neonato prematuro, indicase a corticoterapia pré-natal 48 horas antes do parto em cadelas gestantes, induzindo a maturidade funcional do pulmão fetal, além de melhorar a vitalidade e evolução clínica neonatal. Ademais, a corticoterapia antenatal estimula a transferência placentária de imunoglobulinas e absorção de imunoglobulinas colostrais, bem como aumenta a capacidade glicogênica. Nos casos emergenciais, preconiza-se medidas intensivas aos recém-nascidos prematuros, as quais incluem: reanimação respiratória, controle da hipotermia, reposição glicêmica na hipoglicemia e controle imunológico da falha de transferência imune passiva.(AU)
Among the most important causes of neonatal morbidity in prematurity, respiratory disorders, infectious complications, critical instability of thermoregulation, inability for energy homeostasis and failures in the transfer of passive immunity stand out. Among the problems of pulmonary origin closely related to prematurity, pulmonary immaturity due to surfactant deficiency stands out, evolving to decreased lung capacity, hypoxemia, hypercapnia and acidosis. Premature canine neonates have low vitality, hypothermia, bradypnea, irregular breathing pattern, reduced tone and neuromuscular responsiveness. The areas of the lung parenchyma to carry out gas exchange are limited in premature pups, culminating in changes in acid-base balance. In addition, premature newborns have energetic instability and failure to transfer passive immunity. As a preventive measure against premature neonate morbidity, prenatal corticosteroid therapy is indicated 48 hours before delivery in pregnant bitches, inducing functional maturity of the fetal lung, in addition to improving neonatal vitality and clinical evolution. Furthermore, antenatal corticosteroid therapy stimulates the placental transfer of immunoglobulins and the absorption of colostral immunoglobulins, as well as increasing the glycogenic capacity. In emergency cases, intensive measures are recommended for premature newborns, which include: respiratory resuscitation, hypothermia control, glycemic replacement in hypoglycemia and immunological control of passive immune transfer failure.(AU)
Animais , Cães/embriologia , Animais Recém-Nascidos/fisiologia , Tensoativos/análise , Betametasona/análiseResumo
ABSTRACT: Baccharis vulneraria Backer is a sub-shrub frequently found in southern Brazil, which leads to gastrointestinal tract intoxication. The objective of this study is to describe epidemiological, clinical and anatomopathological aspects of two cases of B. vulneraria poisoning in cattle. Two bovines from two different municipalities in the Itajaí Valley, Santa Catarina, Brazil were necropsied and performed the histopathological evaluation and botanical classification of the plant found in the pasture. Bovine 1 had dehydration, ruminal atony, diarrhea, congested mucous membranes and hypothermia for 20 hours, and died during clinical care. At necropsy, there was moderate multifocal detachment and reddening of the forestomachs mucosa. Bovine 2 presented anorexia, dry feces, ruminal atony, vocalization and muscle tremors for ten days, unresponsive to treatments, evolving to death. At necropsy were seen loosening of the mucosa with marked diffuse reddening and transmural edema. The microscopic exam revealed degeneration, necrosis, vesiculation, and detachment of the forestomachs mucosa, associated with moderate multifocal neutrophilic infiltrate (Bovine 1); marked diffuse transmural necrosis, edema, hemorrhage, and marked fibrinous exudation (Bovine 2). A large amount of B. vulneraria was found in the pastures, with signs of consumption. In this report, a case of subacute evolution of B. vulneraria poisoning was observed, since the poisoning by this plant is usually acute. More knowledge about poisoning by this plant is necessary for the prevention and control, avoiding new mortality cases.
RESUMO: Baccharis vulneraria Backer é um subarbusto frequentemente encontrado no sul do Brasil, que leva a um quadro de intoxicação nocivo ao trato gastrointestinal. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos de dois casos de intoxicação por B. vulneraria em bovinos. Foram necropsiados dois bovinos de dois municípios do Vale do Itajaí, Santa Catarina, Brasil, com avaliação histopatológica dos órgãos e classificação botânica dos exemplares da planta localizada nos piquetes. No exame clínico do Bovino 1 foram constatados desidratação, atonia ruminal, diarreia, mucosas congestas e hipotermia durante 20 horas, com morte durante atendimento clínico. Na necropsia, havia desprendimento e avermelhamento multifocais moderados na mucosa dos proventrículos. Já o Bovino 2 teve manifestações clínicas de anorexia, fezes secas, atonia ruminal, vocalização e tremores musculares por 10 dias, não responsivas a tratamento, evoluindo para óbito. Na necropsia, havia desprendimento da mucosa dos proventrículos, com avermelhamento e edema transmural difusos acentuados. No exame histológico havia degeneração e necrose da mucosa proventricular, vacuolização e desprendimento do epitélio, infiltrado neutrofílico multifocal moderado (Bovino 1), e necrose transmural difusa acentuada, edema, hemorragia e exsudação fibrinosa acentuados (Bovino 2). Grande quantidade de B. vulneraria foi encontrada nas pastagens dos bovinos, com sinais de consumo. É relatado um caso de evolução subaguda de intoxicação por B. vulneraria, visto que a intoxicação por essa planta geralmente tem curso agudo. Conhecimentos acerca desta planta são necessários para prevenção e controle da intoxicação, evitando novos casos de mortalidade.
Background: Mammary tumors, for which mastectomy is the main treatment, are the most common neoplasms in bitches. Mastectomy is painful and, in order to reduce the pain stimulus in the transoperative period, tumescent local anesthesia is associated with general inhalation anesthesia. However, despite the numerous benefits of tumescence, intraoperative hypothermia is the most common complication. In Medicine, especially in plastic and dermatological surgery, it is common to use a heated tumescence solution to prevent intraoperative hypothermia; however, in Veterinary medicine, no previous study has examined the advantages and disadvantages of using heated tumescence solution. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the transanesthetic cardiorespiratory effects of heated tumescence solution in bitches submitted to radical unilateral mastectomy. Materials, Methods & Results: Eight animals were treated with 0.1% lidocaine solution, warmed to 37-42°C, using a Kleins cannula for administration. Chlorpromazine (0.3 mg/kg) and meperidine (3 mg/kg) were used as pre-anesthetic medication intramuscularly, and induction was performed with intravenous propofol and maintenance with isoflurane. The data collection times were as follows: 15 min after starting isoflurane administration (M1), 5 min after tumescence (M2), after beginning of surgical incision (M3), during breast pullout (M4), after clamping of the superficial caudal epigastric vein, and artery (M5), after the beginning of the approximation of the subcutaneous tissue (M6), after the beginning of the intradermal suture (M7), and at the end of the surgical procedure (Mfinal). The heart...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Cuidados Pós-Operatórios/veterinária , Lidocaína/administração & dosagem , Mastectomia Simples/reabilitação , Mastectomia Simples/veterinária , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/cirurgia , Anestesia Local/veterinária , Anestésicos InalatóriosResumo
Background: Mammary tumors, for which mastectomy is the main treatment, are the most common neoplasms in bitches. Mastectomy is painful and, in order to reduce the pain stimulus in the transoperative period, tumescent local anesthesia is associated with general inhalation anesthesia. However, despite the numerous benefits of tumescence, intraoperative hypothermia is the most common complication. In Medicine, especially in plastic and dermatological surgery, it is common to use a heated tumescence solution to prevent intraoperative hypothermia; however, in Veterinary medicine, no previous study has examined the advantages and disadvantages of using heated tumescence solution. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the transanesthetic cardiorespiratory effects of heated tumescence solution in bitches submitted to radical unilateral mastectomy. Materials, Methods & Results: Eight animals were treated with 0.1% lidocaine solution, warmed to 37-42°C, using a Kleins cannula for administration. Chlorpromazine (0.3 mg/kg) and meperidine (3 mg/kg) were used as pre-anesthetic medication intramuscularly, and induction was performed with intravenous propofol and maintenance with isoflurane. The data collection times were as follows: 15 min after starting isoflurane administration (M1), 5 min after tumescence (M2), after beginning of surgical incision (M3), during breast pullout (M4), after clamping of the superficial caudal epigastric vein, and artery (M5), after the beginning of the approximation of the subcutaneous tissue (M6), after the beginning of the intradermal suture (M7), and at the end of the surgical procedure (Mfinal). The heart...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Mastectomia Simples/reabilitação , Mastectomia Simples/veterinária , Cuidados Pós-Operatórios/veterinária , Lidocaína/administração & dosagem , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/cirurgia , Anestesia Local/veterinária , Anestésicos InalatóriosResumo
Baccharis vulneraria Backer is a sub-shrub frequently found in southern Brazil, which leads to gastrointestinal tract intoxication. The objective of this study is to describe epidemiological, clinical and anatomopathological aspects of two cases of B. vulneraria poisoning in cattle. Two bovines from two different municipalities in the Itajaí Valley, Santa Catarina, Brazil were necropsied and performed the histopathological evaluation and botanical classification of the plant found in the pasture. Bovine 1 had dehydration, ruminal atony, diarrhea, congested mucous membranes and hypothermia for 20 hours, and died during clinical care. At necropsy, there was moderate multifocal detachment and reddening of the forestomachs mucosa. Bovine 2 presented anorexia, dry feces, ruminal atony, vocalization and muscle tremors for ten days, unresponsive to treatments, evolving to death. At necropsy were seen loosening of the mucosa with marked diffuse reddening and transmural edema. The microscopic exam revealed degeneration, necrosis, vesiculation, and detachment of the forestomachs' mucosa, associated with moderate multifocal neutrophilic infiltrate (Bovine 1); marked diffuse transmural necrosis, edema, hemorrhage, and marked fibrinous exudation (Bovine 2). A large amount of B. vulneraria was found in the pastures, with signs of consumption. In this report, a case of subacute evolution of B. vulneraria poisoning was observed, since the poisoning by this plant is usually acute. More knowledge about poisoning by this plant is necessary for the prevention and control, avoiding new mortality cases.
Baccharis vulneraria Backer é um subarbusto frequentemente encontrado no sul do Brasil, que leva a um quadro de intoxicação nocivo ao trato gastrointestinal. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos de dois casos de intoxicação por B. vulneraria em bovinos. Foram necropsiados dois bovinos de dois municípios do Vale do Itajaí, Santa Catarina, Brasil, com avaliação histopatológica dos órgãos e classificação botânica dos exemplares da planta localizada nos piquetes. No exame clínico do Bovino 1 foram constatados desidratação, atonia ruminal, diarreia, mucosas congestas e hipotermia durante 20 horas, com morte durante atendimento clínico. Na necropsia, havia desprendimento e avermelhamento multifocais moderados na mucosa dos proventrículos. Já o Bovino 2 teve manifestações clínicas de anorexia, fezes secas, atonia ruminal, vocalização e tremores musculares por 10 dias, não responsivas a tratamento, evoluindo para óbito. Na necropsia, havia desprendimento da mucosa dos proventrículos, com avermelhamento e edema transmural difusos acentuados. No exame histológico havia degeneração e necrose da mucosa proventricular, vacuolização e desprendimento do epitélio, infiltrado neutrofílico multifocal moderado (Bovino 1), e necrose transmural difusa acentuada, edema, hemorragia e exsudação fibrinosa acentuados (Bovino 2). Grande quantidade de B. vulneraria foi encontrada nas pastagens dos bovinos, com sinais de consumo. É relatado um caso de evolução subaguda de intoxicação por B. vulneraria, visto que a intoxicação por essa planta geralmente tem curso agudo. Conhecimentos acerca desta planta são necessários para prevenção e controle da intoxicação, evitando novos casos de mortalidade.
Animais , Bovinos , Baccharis/intoxicação , Doenças dos Bovinos/patologia , Intoxicação por Plantas/patologia , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Trato Gastrointestinal/patologia , Evolução Fatal , Plantas TóxicasResumo
Baccharis vulneraria Backer is a sub-shrub frequently found in southern Brazil, which leads to gastrointestinal tract intoxication. The objective of this study is to describe epidemiological, clinical and anatomopathological aspects of two cases of B. vulneraria poisoning in cattle. Two bovines from two different municipalities in the Itajaí Valley, Santa Catarina, Brazil were necropsied and performed the histopathological evaluation and botanical classification of the plant found in the pasture. Bovine 1 had dehydration, ruminal atony, diarrhea, congested mucous membranes and hypothermia for 20 hours, and died during clinical care. At necropsy, there was moderate multifocal detachment and reddening of the forestomachs mucosa. Bovine 2 presented anorexia, dry feces, ruminal atony, vocalization and muscle tremors for ten days, unresponsive to treatments, evolving to death. At necropsy were seen loosening of the mucosa with marked diffuse reddening and transmural edema. The microscopic exam revealed degeneration, necrosis, vesiculation, and detachment of the forestomachs' mucosa, associated with moderate multifocal neutrophilic infiltrate (Bovine 1); marked diffuse transmural necrosis, edema, hemorrhage, and marked fibrinous exudation (Bovine 2). A large amount of B. vulneraria was found in the pastures, with signs of consumption. In this report, a case of subacute evolution of B. vulneraria poisoning was observed, since the poisoning by this plant is usually acute. More knowledge about poisoning by this plant is necessary for the prevention and control, avoiding new mortality cases.(AU)
Baccharis vulneraria Backer é um subarbusto frequentemente encontrado no sul do Brasil, que leva a um quadro de intoxicação nocivo ao trato gastrointestinal. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos de dois casos de intoxicação por B. vulneraria em bovinos. Foram necropsiados dois bovinos de dois municípios do Vale do Itajaí, Santa Catarina, Brasil, com avaliação histopatológica dos órgãos e classificação botânica dos exemplares da planta localizada nos piquetes. No exame clínico do Bovino 1 foram constatados desidratação, atonia ruminal, diarreia, mucosas congestas e hipotermia durante 20 horas, com morte durante atendimento clínico. Na necropsia, havia desprendimento e avermelhamento multifocais moderados na mucosa dos proventrículos. Já o Bovino 2 teve manifestações clínicas de anorexia, fezes secas, atonia ruminal, vocalização e tremores musculares por 10 dias, não responsivas a tratamento, evoluindo para óbito. Na necropsia, havia desprendimento da mucosa dos proventrículos, com avermelhamento e edema transmural difusos acentuados. No exame histológico havia degeneração e necrose da mucosa proventricular, vacuolização e desprendimento do epitélio, infiltrado neutrofílico multifocal moderado (Bovino 1), e necrose transmural difusa acentuada, edema, hemorragia e exsudação fibrinosa acentuados (Bovino 2). Grande quantidade de B. vulneraria foi encontrada nas pastagens dos bovinos, com sinais de consumo. É relatado um caso de evolução subaguda de intoxicação por B. vulneraria, visto que a intoxicação por essa planta geralmente tem curso agudo. Conhecimentos acerca desta planta são necessários para prevenção e controle da intoxicação, evitando novos casos de mortalidade.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Intoxicação por Plantas/patologia , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos/patologia , Baccharis/intoxicação , Trato Gastrointestinal/patologia , Plantas Tóxicas , Evolução FatalResumo
Background: Erythroid leukemia is a myeloproliferative hematopoietic disorder considered acute when there is a predominance of blasts in the bone marrow. It is frequently reported in cats infected with feline leukemia virus, but it is unclear whether this virus is involved in the oncogenesis. The clinical signs in cats are anorexia, apathy, weight loss, with evolution from 2 weeks to 2 months, pale mucous membranes, hemorrhages, ascites, salivation, and dyspnea due to pleural effusion. This affection responds little to chemotherapy with an unfavorable prognosis. The aim of this study is to report a case of a feline leukemia virus infected cat with the onset of severe hemolytic anemia. Case: A 8-year-old male mixed breed cat was attended with a history of anorexia, oligodipsia, apathy, progressive weight loss, and yellowish color of urine for 7 days. Laboratorial exams showed anemia (with metarubricytes, acanthocytes and ghost cells), leukocytosis and FeLV reagent test. The cat underwent treatment with methylprednisolone acetate and supportive care. One day later, the animal returned with icteric mucous membranes, and emesis. A blood count was performed that found worsening anemia, increased leukocytosis, and lymphocytosis. Abdominal ultrasound showed cholangiohepatitis and lymphadenomegaly in mesenteric lymph nodes. Treatment was started with ondansetron, metronidazole, and amoxicilin with potassium clavulanate. The cat returned after 3 days and laboratorial exams revealed worsening of blood parameters, so blood transfusion was performed. After 2 days, the patient started with dyspnea and hypothermia, that evolved to cardiorespiratory arrest. The body was sent to necropsy and histopathology, where blast cells and rubricytes were found in blood vessels of various organs. The bone marrow was markedly cellular with complete disappearance of adipose tissue. Most of the cells were blasts with abundant and eosinophilic cytoplasm, central nucleus with finely dotted chromatin and a large nucleolus. There were rubricytes, which made possible to confirm acute erythroid leukemia as a morphological diagnosis. Discussion: The clinical signs observed in acute erythroid leukemia are lethargy, inappetence, fever, splenomegaly, mild lymphadenomegaly, associated with leukocytosis, severe anemia, and thrombocytopenia. The reported animal presented signs similar to those described in the literature except that there was no change in platelet counts. The diagnosis of leukemia was reached after histopathology, and it is made when is observed more than 30% of myeloblasts and monoblasts together or when the blast cells count including rubriblasts is greater than 30%. Although chemotherapy, the prognosis is usually poor. It is essential to perform the myelogram for the diagnosis of myeloid leukemias in vivo. In this report, we only achieve final diagnosis after the cat's death, due to the aggressive behavior of the disease. Clinicians must be aware of the likely development of acute erythroid leukemia whenever a feline leukemia virus infected cat presents hemolytic anemia to get an early diagnosis, since this is an extremely aggressive disease, to propose prompt chemotherapy and give the patient a longer survival period.
Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Leucemia/veterinária , Vírus da Leucemia Felina/isolamento & purificação , Neoplasias Hematológicas/veterinária , Sistema Hematopoético/patologia , Anemia Hemolítica/veterinária , Mielografia/veterináriaResumo
Mortality in piglets during the perinatal period, especially the first days after birth, is frequently caused by non infectious conditions, such as hypoglucemia or low birth weight, which can be associated with hypothermia experienced at birth. The thermal stability of newborn piglets is a fundamental aspect of neonatal care, so maintaining a constant, ideal temperature will substantially reduce newborn mortality. Species-specific characteristics, such as a limited capacity for thermoregulation, low energy reserves, a lack of brown adipose tissue (BAT) (-, and environmental conditions that are adverse for the piglet around the time of birth, including the absence of a microclimate, all of them contribute to difficulties in reaching thermal homeostasis in the first hours post-birth. Shivering thermogenesis and behavioral modifications to regulate body temperature through innate mechanisms allow animals to reduce their energy expenditures. Some body postures are effective in reducing contact with the floor and also nestling are useful to avoid heat loss, and also decreases heat dissipation. Achieving optimal development of thermoregulation is a challenge that newborns must confront to successfully adapt to extrauterine life. The objectives of this review, are to discuss the adverse factors that can lead to a death event due to hypothermia by analyzing the thermoregulation mechanisms at the central and cutaneous levels, also to analyze the harmful impacts that surviving neonate piglets confront in an unfavorable thermal environment, and to describe the pathophysiological mechanisms of death caused by hypothermia.(AU)
Animais , Recém-Nascido , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Animais Recém-Nascidos , Mortalidade Perinatal , Hipotermia/mortalidade , Hipotermia/veterináriaResumo
Mortality in piglets during the perinatal period, especially the first days after birth, is frequently caused by non infectious conditions, such as hypoglucemia or low birth weight, which can be associated with hypothermia experienced at birth. The thermal stability of newborn piglets is a fundamental aspect of neonatal care, so maintaining a constant, ideal temperature will substantially reduce newborn mortality. Species-specific characteristics, such as a limited capacity for thermoregulation, low energy reserves, a lack of brown adipose tissue (BAT) (-, and environmental conditions that are adverse for the piglet around the time of birth, including the absence of a microclimate, all of them contribute to difficulties in reaching thermal homeostasis in the first hours post-birth. Shivering thermogenesis and behavioral modifications to regulate body temperature through innate mechanisms allow animals to reduce their energy expenditures. Some body postures are effective in reducing contact with the floor and also nestling are useful to avoid heat loss, and also decreases heat dissipation. Achieving optimal development of thermoregulation is a challenge that newborns must confront to successfully adapt to extrauterine life. The objectives of this review, are to discuss the adverse factors that can lead to a death event due to hypothermia by analyzing the thermoregulation mechanisms at the central and cutaneous levels, also to analyze the harmful impacts that surviving neonate piglets confront in an unfavorable thermal environment, and to describe the pathophysiological mechanisms of death caused by hypothermia.
Animais , Recém-Nascido , Animais Recém-Nascidos , Hipotermia/mortalidade , Hipotermia/veterinária , Mortalidade Perinatal , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
Reducing the mortality rate is of a great economic importance for pig farming. Therefore, it is necessary to define the conditions in the farrowing unit based on the performance of the piglets, and specific hematological and biochemical parameters. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to examine the importance of using skin moisture absorbent and its influence in preventing hypothermia, which causes great economic losses in pig production. The experiment was set up on a commercial farm in Serbia and included 92 pigs divided into the experimental and control group. Body temperature values, body weight and blood parameters were monitored. The obtained values indicate that there is a significantly positive correlation of body temperature change and body weight values, and body temperature showed a significantly higher increase in the experimental group compared to the control group. The results obtained from hematological and biochemical parameters provide a clearer picture of the metabolic processes in piglets in the farrowing unit and can be used to further improve pig production and as a complement to genetic enhancement.(AU)
A redução da taxa de mortalidade é de grande importância econômica para a suinocultura. Portanto, é necessário definir as condições na unidade de parto com base no desempenho dos leitões, para serem parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos específicos. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é examinar a importância do uso de absorvente de umidade na pele e sua influência na prevenção da hipotermia, que causa grandes perdas econômicas na produção de suínos. A experiência foi montada em uma fazenda comercial na Sérvia, e incluiu 92 porcos divididos no grupo experimental e de controle. Os valores de temperatura corporal, pesos corporais e parâmetros sanguíneos foram monitorados. Os valores obtidos indicam que existe uma correlação significativamente positiva entre os valores da temperatura corporal e dos pesos corporais, e a temperatura corporal mostrou um aumento significativamente maior no grupo experimental em comparação com o grupo de controle. Os resultados obtidos a partir de parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos fornecem uma imagem mais clara dos processos metabólicos em leitões na unidade de parto e podem ser usados para melhorar ainda mais a produção de suínos e como um complemento ao melhoramento genético.(AU)
Animais , Sus scrofa/sangue , Higroscópicos/uso terapêutico , Umidade/prevenção & controle , Hipotermia/diagnóstico , Hipotermia/prevenção & controle , SérviaResumo
Background: Burns are caused by a direct or indirect action of heat on an organism, compromising the functional integrityof the skin. Hypothermia is a common intercurrence in animals during the transoperative period; thermal mattresses areused to maintain the animals body temperature, but inappropriate use can cause the patients skin to burn. In humans, burnsare quite common; however, in veterinary medicine, they are infrequent. The aim of this study was to describe a case ofaccidental burn in a canine caused by a thermal mattress, emphasizing wound treatment and analgesia used.Case: A 12-year-old male canine without defined breed weighing 15 kg underwent an emergency exploratory laparotomydue to rupture of a spleen mass and presented with intercurrence hypothermia during the anesthesia procedure, which wascontrolled using a thermal mattress. Ten days after the surgical procedure, he developed a skin lesion with erythema, suffusion, and necrosis, evolving skin displacement along the entire back with a lot of pain which was possibly caused by theuse of a thermal mattress in the transoperative procedure. The intuited analgesic treatment involved the use of numerousand different drugs, including Methadone (0.3 mg/kg, QID, SC), Dipyrone (25 mg/kg, TID, IV), and Ketamine (0.5 mg/kg,TID, SC) (during hospitalization), as well as Tramadol (4 mg/kg, TID, PO) and Dipyrone (25 mg/kg, TID, PO) after medicalrelease as support therapy. For the wound treatment, calcium alginate was initially used daily and subsequently changedfor daily application of dermisana oil. The patient followed up weekly for approximately two months for wound monitoring as well as adjustments to the drug therapy. The would almost completely healed, but the patient showed a significantworsening in the general clinical condition correlated with the neoplasm that he had, and the owner and clinical staff ofthe veterinary hospital opted for euthanasia...
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Analgésicos , Cães/lesões , Dipirona/uso terapêutico , Ketamina/uso terapêutico , Metadona/uso terapêutico , Queimaduras/veterinária , Tramadol/uso terapêutico , Cães/cirurgia , Hipotermia/prevenção & controle , Hipotermia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Burns are caused by a direct or indirect action of heat on an organism, compromising the functional integrityof the skin. Hypothermia is a common intercurrence in animals during the transoperative period; thermal mattresses areused to maintain the animals body temperature, but inappropriate use can cause the patients skin to burn. In humans, burnsare quite common; however, in veterinary medicine, they are infrequent. The aim of this study was to describe a case ofaccidental burn in a canine caused by a thermal mattress, emphasizing wound treatment and analgesia used.Case: A 12-year-old male canine without defined breed weighing 15 kg underwent an emergency exploratory laparotomydue to rupture of a spleen mass and presented with intercurrence hypothermia during the anesthesia procedure, which wascontrolled using a thermal mattress. Ten days after the surgical procedure, he developed a skin lesion with erythema, suffusion, and necrosis, evolving skin displacement along the entire back with a lot of pain which was possibly caused by theuse of a thermal mattress in the transoperative procedure. The intuited analgesic treatment involved the use of numerousand different drugs, including Methadone (0.3 mg/kg, QID, SC), Dipyrone (25 mg/kg, TID, IV), and Ketamine (0.5 mg/kg,TID, SC) (during hospitalization), as well as Tramadol (4 mg/kg, TID, PO) and Dipyrone (25 mg/kg, TID, PO) after medicalrelease as support therapy. For the wound treatment, calcium alginate was initially used daily and subsequently changedfor daily application of dermisana oil. The patient followed up weekly for approximately two months for wound monitoring as well as adjustments to the drug therapy. The would almost completely healed, but the patient showed a significantworsening in the general clinical condition correlated with the neoplasm that he had, and the owner and clinical staff ofthe veterinary hospital opted for euthanasia...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Cães/lesões , Queimaduras/veterinária , Analgésicos , Metadona/uso terapêutico , Dipirona/uso terapêutico , Ketamina/uso terapêutico , Tramadol/uso terapêutico , Hipotermia/prevenção & controle , Hipotermia/veterinária , Cães/cirurgiaResumo
Purpose: To probe the mechanism of mild hypothermia combined with rutin in the treatment of spinal cord injury (SCI). Methods: Thirty rats were randomized into the following groups: control, sham, model, mild hypothermia (MH), and mild hypothermia plus rutin (MH+Rutin). We used modified Allens method to injure the spinal cord (T10) in rats, and then treated it with MH or/ and rutin immediately. BBB scores were performed on all rats. We used HE staining for observing the injured spinal cord tissue; ELISA for assaying TNF-alfa, IL-1beta, IL-8, Myeloperoxidase (MPO), and Malondialdehyde (MDA) contents; Dihydroethidium (DHE) for measuring the reactive oxygen species (ROS) content; flow cytometry for detecting apoptosis; and both RT-qPCR and Western blot for determining the expression levels of TGF-beta/Smad pathway related proteins (TGF-beta, Smad2, and Smad3). Results: In comparison with model group, the BBB score of MH increased to a certain extent and MH+Rutin group increased more than MH group (p < 0.05). After treatment with MH and MH+Rutin, the inflammatory infiltration diminished. MH and MH+Rutin tellingly dwindled TNF-alfa, MDA and ROS contents (p < 0.01), and minified spinal cord cell apoptosis. MH and MH+Rutin could patently diminished TGF-beta1, Smad2, and Smad3 expression (p < 0.01). Conclusion: MH+Rutin can suppress the activation of TGF-beta/Smad pathway, hence repressing the cellular inflammatory response after SCI.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Hipotermia/veterinária , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/veterinária , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/terapia , Rutina/uso terapêutico , Anti-InflamatóriosResumo
Adaptation to extrauterine life brings about various changes, which initially are reflected in physiological alterations in the newborn puppy. Also, the newborn puppy's thermoregulating capacity is deficient, and many of the physiological processes for survival depend on this capacity. Severe modifications in body temperature can lead to hypothermia in a few hours. Hence, the first 24 to 72 h of life correspond to the highest risk time, in which the newborn can course with moderate to severe hypothermia because the shivering reflexes and vasoconstriction mechanisms are not yet developed in the newborn of this species. Temperature stabilization is reached up to the 18th day of age. However, the colostrum's adequate consumption could provide a high energy supply, contributing to a fast recovery of temperature and, consequently, to a high survival rate. This review aims to analyze the factors that affect thermoregulation of the newborn puppy, the physiological and behavioral responses, as well as to discuss the influence of the colostrum as an energy source and production of heat to face hypothermia, aside from discussing recent scientific findings of infrared thermography (IRT) used to assess the thermal response of the newborn puppy to cope with hypothermia.(AU)
Animais , Recém-Nascido , Cães , Homeostase/fisiologia , Cães/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Comportamento/fisiologia , ColostroResumo
Adaptation to extrauterine life brings about various changes, which initially are reflected in physiological alterations in the newborn puppy. Also, the newborn puppy's thermoregulating capacity is deficient, and many of the physiological processes for survival depend on this capacity. Severe modifications in body temperature can lead to hypothermia in a few hours. Hence, the first 24 to 72 h of life correspond to the highest risk time, in which the newborn can course with moderate to severe hypothermia because the shivering reflexes and vasoconstriction mechanisms are not yet developed in the newborn of this species. Temperature stabilization is reached up to the 18th day of age. However, the colostrum's adequate consumption could provide a high energy supply, contributing to a fast recovery of temperature and, consequently, to a high survival rate. This review aims to analyze the factors that affect thermoregulation of the newborn puppy, the physiological and behavioral responses, as well as to discuss the influence of the colostrum as an energy source and production of heat to face hypothermia, aside from discussing recent scientific findings of infrared thermography (IRT) used to assess the thermal response of the newborn puppy to cope with hypothermia.
Animais , Recém-Nascido , Cães , Colostro , Comportamento/fisiologia , Cães/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Homeostase/fisiologiaResumo
A hipoplasia renal ocorre quando há o desenvolvimento incompleto do rim, resultando em um menor número de néfrons, lóbulos e cálices ao nascimento do animal. A gravidade dessa anomalia depende do nível de acometimento. Quando unilateral, ocorre a hipertrofia compensatória do rim saudável e, em casos bilaterais, é frequente a ocorrência de insuficiência renal e infecções. Foi retratada como uma afecção hereditária em algumas raças puras ou mestiças de suínos, potros, caprinos, bovinos e cães, contudo, é incomum em felinos. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar o caso de uma felina, sem raça definida, de dois meses de idade, com queixa de apatia, anorexia e êmes por três dias. No exame físico, foi observada desidratação estimada em 10%, tempo de preenchimento capilar de três segundos, hipotermia, hipoglicemia e letargia. Frente a essas alterações, foram solicitados exames complementares para melhor elucidação do quadro. Os exames bioquímicos revelaram azotemia e hiperfosfatemia grave, bem como hipercalcemia e hipercalemia leve. Já a urinálise, indicou redução da densidade urinária associada à presença de cilindros hialinos e céreos. A ultrassonografia abdominal evidenciou perda de diferenciação córtico-medular e diminuição de ambos os rins, alterações essas compatíveis com nefropatia. Instituiu-se tratamento paliativo visando minimizar complicações secundárias da injúria renal aguda, contudo, a paciente veio a óbito. Na necropsia, os rins apresentavam tamanho reduzido bilateralmente e o exame histopatológico revelou a presença de moderados glomérulos primitivos multifocais associados à distensão do espaço glomerular. A avaliação clínica e as lesões histopatológicas foram consistentes com o diagnóstico de hipoplasia renal congênita.
Renal hypoplasia occurs when there is incomplete development of the kidney, resulting in fewer nephrons, lobes and calyces at birth. The severity of this anomaly depends on the level of involvement. When unilateral, compensatory hypertrophy of the healthy kidney occurs and, in bilateral cases, renal failure and infections are frequent. It has been portrayed as an inherited condition in some pure or mixed breeds of pigs, foals, goats, cattle and dogs, however, it is uncommon in felines. This paper aims to report the case of a feline, mixed breed, two months old, with complaints of apathy, anorexia and emesis for three days. Physical examination showed an estimated dehydration of 10%, capillary refilling time of three seconds, hypothermia, hypoglycemia and lethargy. In view of these changes, complementary exams were requested to better clarify the condition. Biochemical examinations revealed severe azotemia and hyperphosphatemia, as well as hypercalcemia and mild hyperkalemia. Urinalysis, on the other hand, indicated a reduction in urinary density associated with the presence of hyaline and brain cylinders. Abdominal ultrasound showed a loss of corticomedullary differentiation and a decrease in both kidneys, changes compatible with nephropathy. Palliative treatment was instituted in order to minimize secondary complications of acute kidney injury, however, the patient died. At necropsy, the kidneys were bilaterally reduced in size and histopathological examination revealed the presence of moderate multifocal primitive glomeruli associated with distention of the glomerular space. Clinical evaluation and histopathological lesions were consistent with the diagnosis of congenital renal hypoplasia.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Anormalidades Urogenitais/veterinária , Injúria Renal Aguda/veterinária , Rim/anormalidades , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
Purpose To investigate the effects of induction of selective liver hypothermia in a rodent model. Methods Seven male Wistar rats were subjected to 90 minutes of partial 70% liver ischemia and topic liver 26°C hypothermia (H group). Other seven male Wistar rats were subjected to 90 minutes of partial 70% normothermic liver ischemia (N group). Five additional rats underwent a midline incision and section of liver ligaments under normothermic conditions and without any liver ischemia (sham group). All animals were sacrificed 24-h after reperfusion, and livers were sampled for analyses. Pathology sections were scored for sinusoidal congestion, ballooning, hepatocelllular necrosis and the presence of neutrophilic infiltrates. Results At the end of the experiment, liver tissue expressions of TNF-, IL-1, iNOS and TNF-/IL-10 ratio were significantly reduced in the H group compared to N group, whereas IL-10 and eNOS were significantly increased in H group. Histopathological injury scores revealed a significant decrease in ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injuries in H group. Conclusion Selective liver hypothermia prevented I/R injury by inhibiting the release of inflammatory cytokines, preserves microcirculation, prevents hepatocellular necrosis and leukocyte infiltration, allowing maintenance of the liver architecture.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Hipotermia Induzida/efeitos adversos , Hipotermia Induzida/veterinária , Isquemia/prevenção & controle , Isquemia/veterinária , Reperfusão/veterinária , Ratos WistarResumo
Background: Perinatal mortality in sheep is determined by death between 60 days of gestation and 28 days postpartum. The starvation / hypothermia complex was characterized by lambs that walked, but did not feed. Polioencephalomalacia (PEM) is a descriptive term that indicates the morphological diagnosis for necrosis with softening of the gray matter in the brain. There are no data available in the literature relating PEM to the starvation / hypoglycemia / hypothermia complex in small ruminants. Thus, the objective of this work is to report a case of polyioencephalomalacia related to the starvation / hypoglycemia / hypothermia and septicemia complex in a newborn sheep. Case: A 5-day-old sheep female mixed race (Dorper x Santa Inês), 3.0 kg, from a rural property in the Federal District, was sent to the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the University of Brasília, for a necropsy. Organ fragments were collected and fixed in a 10 % buffered formalin solution, routinely processed for histology and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE). Additionally, swabs from the meninges, eyeballs and navels were collected for bacteriology. The animal came from twin pregnancies and was weak since birth. With three days of life, it presented apathy, weakness, difficulty in breastfeeding, difficulty in walking, and decubitus in a self-auscultation position. After 2 days of evolution the lamb died. Macroscopically, eyeball opacity, omphalophlebitis and congested brain were observed. Microscopically in the frontal cortex, the leptomeninge was markedly thickened by a large number of neutrophils and, to a lesser extent, macrophages, lymphocytes and plasmocytes, associated with aggregates of free eosinophilic rods or in the cytoplasm of macrophages. In the underlying gray substance, the neurópilo was observed containing...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Animais Recém-Nascidos , Ovinos/anormalidades , Mortalidade Perinatal , Encefalomalacia/veterinária , Necrose/veterinária , Morte Encefálica/veterinária , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/veterináriaResumo
Background: Perinatal mortality in sheep is determined by death between 60 days of gestation and 28 days postpartum. The starvation / hypothermia complex was characterized by lambs that walked, but did not feed. Polioencephalomalacia (PEM) is a descriptive term that indicates the morphological diagnosis for necrosis with softening of the gray matter in the brain. There are no data available in the literature relating PEM to the starvation / hypoglycemia / hypothermia complex in small ruminants. Thus, the objective of this work is to report a case of polyioencephalomalacia related to the starvation / hypoglycemia / hypothermia and septicemia complex in a newborn sheep. Case: A 5-day-old sheep female mixed race (Dorper x Santa Inês), 3.0 kg, from a rural property in the Federal District, was sent to the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the University of Brasília, for a necropsy. Organ fragments were collected and fixed in a 10 % buffered formalin solution, routinely processed for histology and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE). Additionally, swabs from the meninges, eyeballs and navels were collected for bacteriology. The animal came from twin pregnancies and was weak since birth. With three days of life, it presented apathy, weakness, difficulty in breastfeeding, difficulty in walking, and decubitus in a self-auscultation position. After 2 days of evolution the lamb died. Macroscopically, eyeball opacity, omphalophlebitis and congested brain were observed. Microscopically in the frontal cortex, the leptomeninge was markedly thickened by a large number of neutrophils and, to a lesser extent, macrophages, lymphocytes and plasmocytes, associated with aggregates of free eosinophilic rods or in the cytoplasm of macrophages. In the underlying gray substance, the neurópilo was observed containing...