Abstract Trypanosomiasis is a protozoan infection affecting both human and animals in almost all parts of the world. It can affect a very large range of domestic and wild hosts including camelids, equines, cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, pigs, dogs and other carnivores, deer, gazelles and elephants. This review paper was designed to address the effect of this economically important disease in countries on the Red Sea, especially in Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, and Saudi Arabia during the period 2010 to 2020. The prevalence of trypanosomiasis is different between these countries due to different types of diagnostic methods (Giemsa-stained blood smears, Hematocrit centrifugation, Serological test, and molecular analysis PCR) used and differential distribution of vector (Tse tse) flies. In current review, retrospective studies of published literature on distribution and prevalence of Trypanosoma evansi infection in the Red Sea Countries was conducted [Google Scholar and PubMed were used to retrieve the published literature from 2000-2020. A total of 77 published articles met the eligibility criteria and were reviewed. A total of 16 reports have been reported on the prevalence and distribution of Trypnosoma evansi infection in the Red Sea Countries have been from 2010-2020]. According to the published literature, we can say that trypanosomiasis in camels are more prevalent in Sudan than in other countries, followed by 17% and 51.78% in both clinical and non-clinical cases. Hence, the reliable diagnostic tests should be used for rapid treatment or control of the disease as if not treated appropriately in early-stage, can lead to death of the camels.
Resumo A tripanossomíase é uma infecção por protozoário que afeta humanos e animais em quase todas as partes do mundo. Pode afetar grande variedade de hospedeiros domésticos e selvagens, incluindo camelídeos, equinos, gado, búfalos, ovelhas, cabras, porcos, cães e outros carnívoros, veados, gazelas e elefantes. Este artigo de revisão foi elaborado para abordar o efeito dessa doença economicamente importante em países do mar Vermelho, especialmente Egito, Sudão, Somália e Arábia Saudita, durante o período de 2010 a 2020. A prevalência de tripanossomíase é diferente entre esses países devido a tipos distintos de métodos diagnósticos (esfregaços de sangue corados com Giemsa, centrifugação de hematócrito, teste sorológico e PCR de análise molecular) usados e distribuição diferencial de moscas vetoras (tsé-tsé). Na revisão atual, foram realizados estudos retrospectivos da literatura publicada sobre distribuição e prevalência da infecção por Trypanosoma evansi nos países do mar Vermelho [Google Scholar e PubMed foram usados para recuperar a literatura publicada de 2000 a 2020. Um total de 77 artigos publicados preencheu os critérios de elegibilidade e foi revisado. E há também 16 relatos sobre a prevalência e distribuição da infecção por Trypnosoma evansi nos países do mar Vermelho, de 2010 a 2020]. De acordo com a literatura publicada, podemos afirmar que a tripanossomíase em camelos é mais prevalente no Sudão do que em outros países, seguida por 17% e 51,78% em casos clínicos e não clínicos. Assim, os testes diagnósticos confiáveis devem ser utilizados para o tratamento rápido ou controle da doença, pois, se eles não forem tratados de forma adequada na fase inicial, isso pode levar à morte dos camelos.
Animais , Cães , Tripanossomíase/diagnóstico , Tripanossomíase/veterinária , Tripanossomíase/epidemiologia , Cervos , Bovinos , Ovinos , Prevalência , Estudos Retrospectivos , Oceano Índico , CavalosResumo
The trade in live animals between India and Brazil dates from the late nineteenth century when European travellers traded animals of Indian origin for display in zoos. Considering the origin of coffee and sugar cane, as well as the expertise related to mineral evaluation, we need to consider that India was involved in important economic cycles of Brazil, even indirectly. This virtuous flow of trade has been maintained and intensified throughout modern history, especially after these two nations gained political independence from their colonisers, thereby becoming independent in mercantile affairs. This paper addresses the main points related to the use of animals of Indian origin in Brazil. We revisit some of the historical aspects of the process of colonisation of Brazil, as well as the importation of animals from India. The restrictions imposed on this process due to the occurrence of diseases in cattle and buffalo in India will be examined. At the end of the text, emphasis will be given to the risks of introducing exotic diseases into Brazil.
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/genética , Búfalos/genética , Composição Corporal/genética , Medicina Veterinária , ComércioResumo
The trade in live animals between India and Brazil dates from the late nineteenth century when European travellers traded animals of Indian origin for display in zoos. Considering the origin of coffee and sugar cane, as well as the expertise related to mineral evaluation, we need to consider that India was involved in important economic cycles of Brazil, even indirectly. This virtuous flow of trade has been maintained and intensified throughout modern history, especially after these two nations gained political independence from their colonisers, thereby becoming independent in mercantile affairs. This paper addresses the main points related to the use of animals of Indian origin in Brazil. We revisit some of the historical aspects of the process of colonisation of Brazil, as well as the importation of animals from India. The restrictions imposed on this process due to the occurrence of diseases in cattle and buffalo in India will be examined. At the end of the text, emphasis will be given to the risks of introducing exotic diseases into Brazil.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Búfalos/genética , Bovinos/genética , Medicina Veterinária , Composição Corporal/genética , ComércioResumo
O Brasil possui um rebanho de 217 milhões de cabeças e o Piauí um total de 1.795.609 de bovinos e bubalinos, sendo a região sul como a de maior concentração de bovídeos. A febre aftosa é uma doença viral importante com grande impacto econômico, podendo interromper negociações comerciais regionais e internacionais de animais, produtos e subprodutos. Reali-zaram-se dois trabalhos sobre o assunto e no primeiro objetivou-se analisar a ocorrência de doenças vesiculares notificadas no Brasil e no estado do Piauí no período de 2006 a 2020, com a finalidade de melhorar o planejamento e monitoramento, auxiliando no fortalecimento de medidas preventivas e tomada de decisões. No Brasil os estados da Bahia, Mato Grosso do Sul, Ceará, Goiás, Mato Grosso e Paraná apresentam os maiores números de notificações de doenças vesiculares clássicas. O estado da Bahia detém 39,50% das notificações de enfermi-dades vesiculares, ocorrendo mais na Região Nordeste, onde sete estados tiveram diagnóstico positivo para estomatite vesicular com o vírus indiana. Em segunda colocação, a infecção pelo Senecavírus apresentando notificações com ocorrência nas Regiões Sul e Sudeste, surgindo no Brasil em 2018. No Piauí a síndrome vesicular apresentou 14,85% das notificações no estado. De 2006 a 2020 a Agência de Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Piauí ADAPI recebeu 45 notificações de suspeitas de doenças vesiculares, sendo que vinte e uma foram confirmadas como doenças confundíveis com febre aftosa e seis foram confirmadas como doenças vesiculares clássicas, estomatite vesicular (EV) com o vírus-Indiana. Das Unidades de Sani-dade Animal e Vegetal (USAVs) 51,22% apresentaram notificações. Dos 224 municípios do Piauí, 34 notificaram. Das notificações apresentadas 75,56% envolvem a espécie bovina e 57,78% das notificações são realizadas pelo proprietário dos animais. O tempo de ação para realizar a notificação tem média de 13,79 dias, o tempo de reação apresenta média de 11,87 horas e o intervalo entre a primeira visita e a coleta do material média de 2,67 dias. A análise das notificações de doenças vesiculares sinaliza as deficiências do SVO no estado do Piauí e alerta sobre as necessidades de fortalecimento da infraestrutura para atendimento das ativida-des de vigilância. Na segunda pesquisa objetivou-se conhecer o perfil do produtor rural pi-auiense quanto às percepções sobre as práticas relacionadas ao programa estadual de erradica-ção e prevenção da febre aftosa. No Piauí existem 74.000 produtores rurais que criam boví-deos, realizou-se uma entrevista estruturada com 95% de confiança e margem de erro de 5%. Entrevistaram-se 433 produtores rurais nas 41 USAVs, representando 43,75% dos municí-pios. Dos entrevistados 92,15% são do gênero masculino e 55,43% estão na faixa etária acima de 51 anos. A média geral das respostas revela que 82,17% sabiam sobre os aspectos legais e o maior número de respostas incorretas ocorreu no grupo de perguntas relacionadas à suspensão da vacinação, havendo necessidade de trabalhar este público sobre as ações e consequências da mudança de status sanitário para zona livre sem vacinação.
Brazil has a herd of 217 million heads and Piauí has a total of 1,795,609 cattle and buffaloes, the southern region being the region with the highest concentration of cattle. Foot-and-mouth disease is an important viral disease with great economic impact, and can disrupt regional and international trade negotiations on animals, products and by-products. Two studies on the subject were carried out and the first one aimed to analyze the occurrence of vesicular disease reported in Brazil and in the state of Piauí in the period from 2006 to 2020, with the aim of improving planning and monitoring, helping to strengthen myPrevention and decision making. In Brazil, the states of Bahia, Mato Grosso do Sul, Ceará, Goiás, Mato Grosso and Paraná have the highest number of notifications of classical vesicular disease. The state of Bahia holds 39.50% of reports of vesicular diseases, occurring more in the Northeast, where seven states had positi-vo diagnosis for vesicular stomatitis with the Indian virus. Second, Sene-cavírus infection presented reports with occurrence in the South and Southeast, appearing in Brazil in 2018. In Piauí, vesicular syndrome presented 14.85% of the notifications in the state. From 2006 to 2020, the Agricultural Defense Agency of the State of Piauí - ADAPI received 45 reports of suspected vesicular diseases, of which twenty-one were confirmed as diseases that can be confused with foot-and-mouth disease and six were confirmed as vesicu-classical homes, vesicular stomatitis (VS) with the Indian virus. Animal and Plant Health Units (USAVs) 51.22% had notifications. Of the 224 municipalities in Piauí, 34 notified. Of the notified 75.56% involve the bovine species and 57.78% of the notifications are made by the owner of the animals. The time of action to carry out the notification has an average of 13.79 days, the reaction time has an average of 11.87 hours and the interval between the first visit and the collection of the mean material of 2.67 days. The analysis of reports of vesicular dis-eases indicates-It analyzes the deficiencies of the SVO in the state of Piauí and warns about the needs of strengthening the infrastructure to meet surveillance activities. In the second re-search, the objective was to know the profile of the rural farmer in Piauí regarding the percep-tions about the practices related to the state program of eradication and prevention of foot-and-mouth disease. In Piauí exis-has 74,000 rural producers who create bovídeos, a structured interview was held with 95% confidence and a 5% margin of error. We interviewed 433 rural producers in 41 USAVs, representing 43.75% of the municipalities. Of the interviewees 92.15% are male and 55.43% are in the age group above 51 years. The overall average of the answers reveals that 82.17% knew about the legal aspects and the highest number of incorrect answers occurred in the group of questions related to the suspension of vaccination, with the need for work-look at this public on the actions and consequences of the change of health status to free zone without vaccination.
A nine years old, Graded Murrah she buffalo was presented to local Veterinary dispensary with clinical signs of raised elevations of growths on the pinna of right ear near its base and lateral aspects showing ulceration, necrosis, scales, crusts and scabs. Histopathologically, the tissue sections from the growth revealed groups, islands or cords of neoplastic squamous epithelium with epithelial pearls at some places. By immunohistochemistry, proliferating epithelial cells were positive for cytokeratin and expressed PCNA. Based on gross, histologic and immunohistochemical findings, the growth was diagnosed as cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma of ear
Animais , Antígeno Nuclear de Célula em Proliferação/análise , Neoplasias de Células Escamosas/cirurgia , Neoplasias de Células Escamosas/diagnóstico , Neoplasias de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Orelha Externa/cirurgia , Orelha Externa/lesões , Queratinas/análise , BúfalosResumo
A nine years old, Graded Murrah she buffalo was presented to local Veterinary dispensary with clinical signs of raised elevations of growths on the pinna of right ear near its base and lateral aspects showing ulceration, necrosis, scales, crusts and scabs. Histopathologically, the tissue sections from the growth revealed groups, islands or cords of neoplastic squamous epithelium with epithelial pearls at some places. By immunohistochemistry, proliferating epithelial cells were positive for cytokeratin and expressed PCNA. Based on gross, histologic and immunohistochemical findings, the growth was diagnosed as cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma of ear (AU)
Animais , Neoplasias de Células Escamosas/diagnóstico , Neoplasias de Células Escamosas/cirurgia , Neoplasias de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Orelha Externa/lesões , Orelha Externa/cirurgia , Queratinas/análise , Antígeno Nuclear de Célula em Proliferação/análise , BúfalosResumo
The increasing world buffalo population, of which over 97% is concentrated in Asia, reflect the prominent role it plays in rural economy of the region through providing milk, meat and the draft work-force. In recent decades, buffalo farming has attracted increased attention in Mediterranean and Latin American countries as well as in the US and traditionally non-buffalo rearing European countries too. The increasing interest in buffalo rearing is primarily due to more desirable composition of buffalo milk in comparison to cow milk w.r.t. high milk fat content but low in cholesterol; higher total solids, SNF, proteins, calcium, phosphorus and calories per unit. Similarly, buffalo meat is also relished more due to its lean and low cholesterol properties. India is increasingly exporting buffalo meat with no scare of transmitting the dreaded mad-cow disease. Indian buffaloes account for more than half of the world buffalo population. With their population of over 98 millions, buffaloes contribute over 56% to Indias milk pool, much higher than the contribution of almost double the population of cattle. (AU)
Animais , Búfalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Controle da População , ÍndiaResumo
The increasing world buffalo population, of which over 97% is concentrated in Asia, reflect the prominent role it plays in rural economy of the region through providing milk, meat and the draft work-force. In recent decades, buffalo farming has attracted increased attention in Mediterranean and Latin American countries as well as in the US and traditionally non-buffalo rearing European countries too. The increasing interest in buffalo rearing is primarily due to more desirable composition of buffalo milk in comparison to cow milk w.r.t. high milk fat content but low in cholesterol; higher total solids, SNF, proteins, calcium, phosphorus and calories per unit. Similarly, buffalo meat is also relished more due to its lean and low cholesterol properties. India is increasingly exporting buffalo meat with no scare of transmitting the dreaded mad-cow disease. Indian buffaloes account for more than half of the world buffalo population. With their population of over 98 millions, buffaloes contribute over 56% to Indias milk pool, much higher than the contribution of almost double the population of cattle.
Animais , Búfalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Controle da População , ÍndiaResumo
In the present report the biochemical polymorphism of hemoglobins in 96 Indian buffaloes from different breed groups of Murrah, Jafarabadi and Mediterranean races reared in the experimental farm Lageado - UNESP - Botucatu, State of São Paulo was studied. Hemoglobins variants were identified through agarstarch gel electrophoresis, in discontinuous buffer system, pH 8.6. Animals showing one fast band (A,) were considered AA (4.4%); buffaloes with two bands (A, and A2) were considered AB (31.87%) when A2 was weak and BB (31.87%), when A2 was strong. A third band was detected, named N. Phenotypes with three bands with the respective frequencies: ABN (3.3% and BBN (30.77%). Densitometric analyses and the lack of AAN phenotype drove us to conclude that, in some way, the mutant (3 chains synthesis that originated N band was related probably to a" allele. Probably, the high frequency of N band was due to the intensive use of few breeders.
No presente trabalho foi estudado o polimorfismo bioquímico das hemoglobinas de 96 búfalos indianos de diferentes cruzamentos envolvendo as raças Murrah, Jafarabadi e Mediterrâneo, criados na Fazenda Experimental Lageado - UNESP - Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo. As variantes de hemoglobinas foram identificadas através de eletroforese em gel de Agar-Amido em sistema de tampão descontínuo, pH 8,6. Animais portando uma banda rápida (A,) foram considerados AA (4,4%); búfalos com duas bandas (A, e A2) foram considerados AB (31,87%) quando A2 era mais fraca e BB (31,87%) quando A2 era mais forte. Uma terceira banda foi encontrada, chamada N. Fenótipos com três bandas foram encontrados com as respectivas freqüências: ABN (3,3%) e BBN (30,77%). Análises densitométricas e a falta de animais AAN levaram à conclusão que, de alguma forma, a síntese da cadeia p mutante que origina a banda N esteja relacionada provavelmente ao alelo a". Provavelmente, a alta freqüência de animais com banda N seja devida ao uso intenso de poucos reprodutores.
Antibody against virus-infection-associated (VIA) antigen and neutralizing serum antibody to foot-and-mouth disease virus were studied in 32 non vaccinated Indian buffalo calves. Antibody levels against VIA antigen were detected by double immunodifusion in 76.5% of the animals at 3 + ½, 30% at 4 + ½ and 6.2% at 5 + ½ months of age. Antibody against VIA antigen was no longer detectable at 7 + ½, 8 + ½ and 9 + ½ months of age. Neutralizing serum antibody levels were studied in 12 of 32 animals. At 3 = ½ months of age neutralizing serum antibody for O1, A24, and C3 virus were found respectively in 83.3%m 83.3% ans 65.6% of samples. At 5 + ½ months of age neutralizing serum antibody was present against the three types only in 20% of the animals and was not detected at 7 + ½ months of age. Twenty one days after the outbreak in cattle when the buffalo calves were 12 + ½ months old antibody against VIA antigen was again detected in 20 of 32 (62.5%) of the animals. Neutralizing serum antibody was found in up to 63.3% of the animals against type A and 16.6% against type O1 and C3.
Anticorpos anti-antigeno VIA e anticorpos soroneutralizantes foram estudados em 32 bezerros búfalos indianos não vacinados, a partir de 3 + ½ meses de idade até 1 ano. Esses anticorpos foram detectados até os 5 = ½ meses de idade dos animais, até sofrerem infecção natural do vírus da febre aftosa, o que ocorreu aos 12 + ½ meses de idade. O significados destes achados em relação a susceptibilidade dos bubalinos a essa doença é discutido.
Antibody against virus-infection-associated (VIA) antigen and neutralizing serum antibody to foot-and-mouth disease virus were studied in 32 non vaccinated Indian buffalo calves. Antibody levels against VIA antigen were detected by double immunodifusion in 76.5% of the animals at 3 + ½, 30% at 4 + ½ and 6.2% at 5 + ½ months of age. Antibody against VIA antigen was no longer detectable at 7 + ½, 8 + ½ and 9 + ½ months of age. Neutralizing serum antibody levels were studied in 12 of 32 animals. At 3 = ½ months of age neutralizing serum antibody for O1, A24, and C3 virus were found respectively in 83.3%m 83.3% ans 65.6% of samples. At 5 + ½ months of age neutralizing serum antibody was present against the three types only in 20% of the animals and was not detected at 7 + ½ months of age. Twenty one days after the outbreak in cattle when the buffalo calves were 12 + ½ months old antibody against VIA antigen was again detected in 20 of 32 (62.5%) of the animals. Neutralizing serum antibody was found in up to 63.3% of the animals against type A and 16.6% against type O1 and C3.
Anticorpos anti-antigeno VIA e anticorpos soroneutralizantes foram estudados em 32 bezerros búfalos indianos não vacinados, a partir de 3 + ½ meses de idade até 1 ano. Esses anticorpos foram detectados até os 5 = ½ meses de idade dos animais, até sofrerem infecção natural do vírus da febre aftosa, o que ocorreu aos 12 + ½ meses de idade. O significados destes achados em relação a susceptibilidade dos bubalinos a essa doença é discutido.