Tomato fruit blotch virus (ToFBV) is a blunervirus that causes blotches on mature tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.) fruits in Italy and Australia in 2020, and was newly detected in Brazil. A cytological study on pericarp tissues from the blotched areas of infected fruits collected in Brasília, Brazil, revealed characteristic cell alterations. Small and slender bacilliform particles (ca. 25 nm wide × 100 nm long) were found accumulating in the perinuclear space and the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum of the epidermis, peri- and mesocarp cells. No viroplasm-like inclusion was observed either in the nuclei or in the cytoplasm. Such cell alterations are reminiscent of those described in cultured mosquito cells infected by negeviruses, an unofficial group of insect viruses. Negeviruses and some other arthropod-borne viruses shared a common ancestor in the RdRp gene with kitavirids, including blunerviruses. Although additional detailed studies are required, we show evidence that ToFBV particles are enveloped and bacilliform, and that such similarity in cytopathology seems to support the evolutionary relationship between plant kitavirids and insect negeviruses.(AU)
24444 , Solanum lycopersicum/fisiologia , Solanum lycopersicum/parasitologiaResumo
Dog bite is one of the major public health problems involving people worldwide. Although, several studies have investigated this phenomenon in different countries, little information about the incidence of dog bite episodes in Italy is available. We analysed data about dog biting events between 2010 and 2019 provided by the CRIUV, the Regional Reference Centre for Veterinary Urban Hygiene in the largest city of Southern Italy, namely. Naples. We observed severe and profound inconsistencies in the data collection that reveal structural and significant weaknesses of the current data collection system. Given the multifactorial nature of dog bite, we highlight the need to improve the gathering of all the information related to the factors affecting the occurrence of biting episodes for an accurate assessment of the biting phenomenon.
A mordida de cães é um dos maiores problemas de saúde pública que envolve pessoas em todo o mundo. Embora vários estudos tenham investigado esse fenômeno em diferentes países, poucas informações sobre a incidência de episódios de mordidas por cães na Itália estão disponíveis. Analisamos dados sobre eventos de mordidas de cães entre 2010 e 2019 fornecidos pelo CRIUV, Centro de Referência Regional para Higiene Veterinária Urbana na maior cidade do sul da Itália, Nápoles. Observamos inconsistências graves e profundas na coleta de dados que revelam fragilidades estruturais e significativas do sistema de coleta de dados atual. Dada a natureza multifatorial da mordida canina, destaca-se a necessidade de melhorar a coleta de todas as informações relacionadas aos fatores que afetam a ocorrência de episódios de mordida para uma avaliação precisa deste fenômeno.
Humanos , Animais , Cães , Mordeduras e Picadas/veterinária , Vínculo Humano-Animal , Agressão , Risco , Estudos Retrospectivos , ItáliaResumo
This research was carried out aiming at evaluating the effects of nitrate and ammonium ions on nutrient accumulation, biochemical components and yield of Italian zucchini (cv. Caserta) grown in a hydroponic system under salt stress conditions. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse utilizing an experimental design in randomized blocks, arranged in a 2 x 5 factorial scheme, with 4 replications. The treatments consisted of two forms of nitrogen (nitrate - NO3 - and ammonium - NH4 + ) and 5 electrical conductivity levels of irrigation water (ECw) (0.5, 2.0, 3.5, 5.0 and 6.5 dS m-1). The analysis of the results indicated that supply of N exclusively in NH4 + form promotes greater damage to the leaf membrane and reduction in accumulation of macronutrients and higher Na+ /K+ , Na+ /Ca++ and Na+ /Mg++ ratios in the shoots of zucchini plants. Electrical conductivity of irrigation water above 2.0 dS m-1 reduces the accumulation of nutrients in shoot and yield of Italian zucchini plant. The toxicity of NH4 + under Italian zucchini plants overlap the toxicity of the salinity, since its fertilization exclusively with this form of nitrogen inhibits its production, being the NO3 - form the most suitable for the cultivation of the species.
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos dos íons nitrato e amônio sobre o acúmulo de nutrientes e produção da abobrinha italiana (cv. Caserta) cultivada em sistema hidropônico sob estrese salino. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação utilizando o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, arranjados em esquema fatorial 2 x 5, com 4 repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de duas formas de nitrogênio (nitrato - NO3 - e amônio - NH4 + ) e cinco níveis de condutividade elétrica da água de irrigação (CEa ) (0,5; 2,0; 3,5; 5,0 e 6,5 dS m-1). As análises dos resultados indicaram que suprimento de N exclusivamente em forma de NH4 + promove maiores danos na membrana foliar e redução no acúmulo de macronutrientes e maiores relações Na+ /K+ , Na+ /Ca++ e Na+ /Mg++ na parte aérea das plantas de abobrinha. A irrigação com água a cima de 2,0 dS m-1 reduz o acúmulo de nutrientes na parte aérea das plantas e a produção de abobrinha. A toxicidade do NH4 + sob abobrinha italiana sobrepõe-se à toxicidade da salinidade, pois a fertilização exclusiva com esta forma de nitrogênio inibe sua produção, sendo a forma NO3 - a mais adequada para o cultivo da espécie.
Compostos de Amônio , Nitrogênio , Raízes de Plantas/química , Estresse Salino , Homeostase , Itália , NitratosResumo
Background: Intravaginal devices containing progestins are widely used for oestrus synchronization in sheep. Progestins give economic benefits to farmers but may have some limitations and the efficacy strictly depends on farm management. There are different devices, with different molecules (progesterone, medroxyprogesterone acetate, fluorogestone acetate), different dosages and long (12-14 days) and short-term (5-7 days) protocols. Experimental studies often include a limited number of animals and are held at different latitudes and with different system of management. To our knowledge, there are few reports in the literature on field application of the recently licensed 20 mg fluorogestone acetate (FGA) sponges in large ewe flocks, excluding the registration trials. Materials, Methods & Results: This study was designed to evaluate oestrous synchronization in 2 different breeds. A total of 1100 Lacaune (L) and 618 Sarda (S) were assigned to 8 groups, comparing multiparous (M) and nulliparous (N) and those synchronized in November (n) and May (m). The groups were: LMm (n. 556), LNm (n. 180), SMm (n. 70), SNm (n. 32), LMn (n. 242), LNn (n. 222), SMn (n. 440) e SNn (n. 76). The intravaginal sponge was inserted for 14 days. At sponge withdrawal, eCG (400 IU, IM) was injected, and rams were joined into flocks 30 h later with a male/female ratio of 1:8. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed for pregnancy diagnosis after 30 days. Fertility parameters such as oestrus (OR), pregnancy (PR), lambing rates (LR) and prolificacy were calculated. Fisher exact test was used to compare parameters of each group with the corresponding and significance was set at P < 0.01. The use of intravaginal sponges in this study was easily performed in all animals. In nulliparous groups, digital insertion of the sponge, instead of the applicator, was preferred to avoid discomfort. Sponge loss was observed in 2% of treated ewes. At the removal of the sponge, mild vaginal contamination was observed in 90% of the ewes. Ultrasound finding of embryo resorption, pseudopregnancy and pyometra were found in rates under 2%. The loss of pregnancy ranged from 0 to 3.6% without significant differences among groups. The SMn group showed the best performances (0.91 OR, 0.88 PR, 0.85 LR), significantly higher than the other groups. Prolificacy was maximum in the LMn (1.68) and minimum in the SNm group (1.06), without significant differences among groups. Discussion: The 14-day regimen based on 20 mg FGA-releasing intravaginal devices is an easy and satisfactory synchronization regimen to improve the productivity and the fertility of sheep farm, and this can be managed and optimized in different breeding conditions. In this study, Sarda breed shows a good adaption to the environment with adult ewes giving the best results in reproductive season. However young Sarda ewes were less productive especially in non-breading season. Lacaune showed good reproductive potential, young and adult ewes responded to progestins in reproductive and non-reproductive season. It was confirmed that the reproductive performance is affected by season, age, and breed. This study encourages the breeding of indigenous breeds by implementing the management with modern technologies. The imported highly productive breeds, if well managed, can give a production less influenced by seasonal variables and age.
Animais , Feminino , Administração Intravaginal , Ovinos/fisiologia , Acetato de Fluorogestona/administração & dosagem , Acetato de Fluorogestona/análise , Progestinas/administração & dosagem , Sincronização do Estro/métodosResumo
A produção de leite e derivados lácteos de ovelhas no Brasil é recente e está em crescimento, mas o consumo ainda é considerado baixo. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um levantamento da comercialização dos queijos de ovelha em estabelecimentos comerciais da região de Curitiba/PR. Os dados foram coletados em 14 supermercados de diferentes bairros da cidade e também no Mercado Municipal, onde 11 lojas foram visitadas. A pesquisa iniciou-se no setor de laticínios dos estabelecimentos, buscando diretamente a presença do queijo ovino, em seguida, foram catalogados todos os queijos de ovelha encontrados. Também foram coletados dados de três tipos de queijo mussarela nacional e três tipos de queijo parmesão importado (ambos de vaca), para que fosse realizada a comparação com a média de preços do queijo de ovelha. Dentre os 25 estabelecimentos visitados, 68% comercializavam queijo de ovelha. Destes queijos, 43,24% eram nacionais, com uma média de preço por kg de R$ 185,58 e, para os importados, a média de preço por kg foi de R$ 269,71, sendo Espanha, França, Itália e Portugal os principais países de origem. Na comparação do preço dos queijos de ovelha com os de vaca, pode-se verificar que os queijos de ovelha têm um valor 4,7 vezes mais alto para o consumidor, para os queijos nacionais, e 2,2 vezes, para os importados. Há um potencial de crescimento para o mercado consumidor de queijos de ovelha em Curitiba, mas é necessário que haja maior concorrência com a oferta de produtos nacionais com valores mais competitivos.
The production of sheep's milk and dairy products in Brazil is recent and growing, but consumption is still considered low. Therefore, the objective from this work was to conduct a survey on the commercialization of sheep's cheese in commercial establishments in the Curitiba-PR region. The data was collected in 14 supermarkets in different neighborhoods of the city and also in the Municipal Market, where 11 stores were visited. The survey started in the dairy sector of the establishments, directly aiming at the presence of sheep cheese; then, all sheep cheeses found were catalogued. Data were also collected from three types of national mozzarella cheese and three types of imported parmesan cheese (both cow), in order to make the comparison with the average price of sheep's cheese. Among the 25 establishments visited, 68% marketed sheep's cheese. Of these cheeses, 43.24% were domestic, with an average price per kg of R$ 185.58 and, for those imported, the average price per kg was R$ 269.71, being Spain, France, Italy and Portugal the main countries of origin. When comparing the price of sheep's cheese with cow's cheese, it can be seen that sheep's cheese has a value 4.7 times higher for the consumer, for domestic cheese and 2.2 times higher for imported cheese. There is a potential for growth in the consumer market of sheep's cheese in Curitiba, but there needs to be more competition with the supply of domestic products with more competitive values.
Queijo/economia , Boas Práticas de Distribuição , Comercialização de Produtos , Brasil , OvinosResumo
Studies that have investigated soil carbon dynamics under Mediterranean conditions are scarce and fragmented and contrasting results have often been reported. This study aimed to fill some gaps in our knowledge by: (i) determining annual dynamics of total (RS) and heterotrophic (RH) soil respiration; (ii) estimating annual cumulative RS and RH; and (iii) investigating the relationships between RS and RH and soil temperature and water content. The study was carried out in central Italy, for a plain and a hilly site, with the focus on two main cropping systems: an alfalfa-based forage system and a wheat-based rotation system. RS and RH showed different dynamics, with spatial and temporal variability across these sites. Estimated annual cumulative RS fluxes were 8.97 and 7.43 t C ha1 yr1 for the plain and hilly alfalfa-based sites, respectively, and 4.67 and 5.22 t C ha1 yr1 for the plain and hilly wheat-based sites, respectively. The RH components of RS were 4.26 and 3.52 t C ha1 yr1 for the plain and hilly alfalfa-based sites, respectively, and 3.89 and 2.45 t C ha1 yr1 for the plain and hilly wheat-based sites, respectively. A model with a combination of soil temperature and soil water content explained 43 % to 49 % and 33 % to 67 % of the annual variation of RS and RH, respectively. These findings help to extend our knowledge of Mediterranean cropping systems, although further studies are needed to clarify the effects of management practices on the modelling of soil respiration efflux.
Agricultura Sustentável , Análise do Solo , Medicago sativa , TriticumResumo
Studies that have investigated soil carbon dynamics under Mediterranean conditions are scarce and fragmented and contrasting results have often been reported. This study aimed to fill some gaps in our knowledge by: (i) determining annual dynamics of total (RS) and heterotrophic (RH) soil respiration; (ii) estimating annual cumulative RS and RH; and (iii) investigating the relationships between RS and RH and soil temperature and water content. The study was carried out in central Italy, for a plain and a hilly site, with the focus on two main cropping systems: an alfalfa-based forage system and a wheat-based rotation system. RS and RH showed different dynamics, with spatial and temporal variability across these sites. Estimated annual cumulative RS fluxes were 8.97 and 7.43 t C ha1 yr1 for the plain and hilly alfalfa-based sites, respectively, and 4.67 and 5.22 t C ha1 yr1 for the plain and hilly wheat-based sites, respectively. The RH components of RS were 4.26 and 3.52 t C ha1 yr1 for the plain and hilly alfalfa-based sites, respectively, and 3.89 and 2.45 t C ha1 yr1 for the plain and hilly wheat-based sites, respectively. A model with a combination of soil temperature and soil water content explained 43 % to 49 % and 33 % to 67 % of the annual variation of RS and RH, respectively. These findings help to extend our knowledge of Mediterranean cropping systems, although further studies are needed to clarify the effects of management practices on the modelling of soil respiration efflux.(AU)
Análise do Solo , Medicago sativa , Triticum , Agricultura SustentávelResumo
ABSTRACT: Bacteria of the genus Brachyspira can cause enteric diseases in poultry causing a decrease in productivity. The occurrence of this disease in chickens has already been verified in countries such as Australia, Italy, and the United States, but in Brazil, until now, epidemiological studies about Brachyspira sp. frequency were only carried out on pig farms. The objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of bacteria of the genus Brachyspira sp. through isolation and confirmation of the species Brachyspira pilosicoli, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and Brachyspira intermedia using the qPCR technique. Samples from 110 hens aged from 35 to 82 weeks were collected, 40 were from commercial egg farms and 70 were from laying hens matrices. For the first evaluation, bacterial isolation was performed from the feces. Positive samples were submitted to qPCR to identify the three species proposed. Cecum fragments of the birds were collected and fixed in formaldehyde for histological evaluation and counting of goblet cells. Of the 110 samples, 48 characteristic isolates of Brachyspira (43.6%) were obtained and of these in qPCR 13 identified as B. hyodysenteriae (11.8%) and 5 all from the same farm as Brachyspira intermedia (4.5%), 2 samples were positive for both agents (1.8%) and 28 were not characterized by qPCR (25.5%). None histopathological lesions were observed in the chicken cecum and no significant statistical difference was noticed in the count of goblet cells of the positive hens. It can be evidenced by the occurrence of Brachyspira sp. in laying farms and hens in Brazil, with special relevance to Brachyspira intermedia that can be potentially pathogenic for these animals.
RESUMO: Bactérias do gênero Brachyspira podem ocasionar enfermidades entéricas em aves acarretando a queda de produtividade. A ocorrência desta enfermidade em galinhas já foi verificada em países como a Austrália, Itália e Estados Unidos, porém no Brasil, até o momento, trabalhos epidemiológicos sobre a frequencia de Brachyspira sp. só foram realizados em granjas de suínos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a presença de bactérias do gênero Brachyspira sp. através do isolamento e confirmação das espécies Brachyspira pilosicoli, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae e Brachyspira intermedia utilizando a técnica de qPCR. Foram coletadas amostras de 110 aves com idade entre 35 e 82 semanas, sendo 40 de granjas de postura comercial e 70 de granjas de matrizes de corte. Para avaliação primeiramente procedeu-se o isolamento bacteriano a partir das fezes. As amostras positivas foram submetidas a qPCR para identificação das três espécies propostas. Fragmentos de ceco das aves foram coletados e fixados em formol para avaliação histológica e contagem de células caliciformes. Das 110 amostras foram obtidos 48 isolamentos característicos de Brachyspira (43,6%) e destes na qPCR 13 identificadas como B. hyodysenteriae (11,8%) e 5 sendo todas da mesma granja (4,5%) como B. intermedia, 2 amostras foram positivas para ambos os agentes (1,8%) e 28 não foram caracterizadas através da qPCR (25,5%). Não foram observadas alterações histopatológicas no ceco e diferença estatística significativa na contagem de células caliciformes das aves positivas. Conclui-se que a Brachyspira sp. é frequente em granjas de poedeiras e matrizes de corte no Brasil, com especial relevância para a B. intermedia que possui potência patogênico para estas aves.
Animals reared in restricted environments are highly susceptible to gastrointestinal infection by helminths and protozoa and therefore zoos are characterized as being parasite-rich environments. Successful implementation of control programs of these parasites in zoo environment depends upon precise and rapid diagnosing of gastrointestinal infections. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the role of the Mini-FLOTAC technique in combination with Fill-FLOTAC for rapidly diagnosing parasitic infections in zoo mammals. Fecal samples were collected from 70 animals in four different zoos located in central and southern Italy. All the samples were analyzed using Mini-FLOTAC in combination with Fill-FLOTAC. Out of the 70 pooled samples examined, 80% (24/30) were positive for at least one parasite. Among the gastrointestinal nematodes, Strongyles were the most frequent (40%), followed by Trichuris spp. (23.3%), Parascaris spp. (13.3%) and Capillaria spp. (3.3%). Among the protozoa, Blastocystis spp., Giardia spp. and Eimeria spp. were detected in 6.6%, 3.3% and 3.3%, respectively. These results show that Mini-FLOTAC in combination with Fill-FLOTAC can be used, not only for rapidly diagnosing parasitic infections in zoo mammals, but also for monitoring control programs in which large numbers of fecal samples need to be examined rapidly and reliably.(AU)
Animais criados em ambiente restritos são altamente suscetíveis a infecção gastrointestinal por helmintos e protozoários, constituindo os zoológicos em ambientes com alta contaminação por parasitos. O sucesso da implementação de programas de controle contra estes parasitos em zoológicos depende do rápido diagnóstico das infecções por parasitas gastrointestinais. O objetivo deste estudo foi demonstrar o papel da técnica do Mini-FLOTAC em combinação com o Fill-FLOTAC no diagnóstico rápido das infecções parasitárias em mamíferos em zoológicos. Amostras de fezes foram coletadas de 70 animais de quatro diferentes zoológicos no centro e sudoeste da Itália. Todas as amostras foram analisadas pela técnica do Mini-FLOTAC em combinação com o Fill-FLOTAC. Do total de 70 pools de fezes examinadas, 80% (24/30) foram positivas para pelo menos um parasito. Entre os nematoides gastrointestinais a maior frequência foi observada para estrongilídeos (40%), seguida por Trichuris spp. (23,3%), Parascaris spp. (13,3%) e Capillaria spp. (3,3%). Entre os protozoários Blastocystis spp., Giardia spp. e Eimeria spp. foram detectados em 6,6%, 3,3% e 3,3%, respectivamente. Estes resultados demonstram que a técnica do Mini-FLOTAC em combinação com o Fill-FLOTAC pode ser utilizada não somente para o diagnóstico rápido das infecções parasitárias em mamíferos em zoológicos, mas também no monitoramento de programas de controle onde grande número de amostras fecais devem ser examinadas de forma rápida e confiável.(AU)
Animais , Animais de Zoológico/parasitologia , Doenças Parasitárias/diagnósticoResumo
In recent years feline leishmanial infections (FLI) have been studied more than ever before in various parts of the world. However, evidence-based knowledge on FLI has remained unavailable. The main objectives of this study were to investigate the status of felines infected by Leishmania spp. worldwide. Data were extracted from 10 available databases over the period of 1982 to 2017. Overall, 78 articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were used for data extraction in this systematic review. The overall FLI prevalence by both serological and molecular methods was estimated at 10% (95% CI: 8%-14%). In Italy, both the seroprevalence (24 %) and PCR prevalence (21 %) were found to be higher than in other countries. The most common diagnostic test used was the indirect fluorescent antibody test (38.5%). Studies on mixed-breed felines were more common than those on other breeds, while the most common parasite species was L. infantum (63%). Our findings suggest that cats act as primary and/or secondary reservoir hosts in the transmission of the Leishmania spp. to humans and also to dogs, by sandflies, at least in endemic foci. Moreover, available data confirm the enzootic stability situation of FLI in several countries including some in Europe.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Infecções , Leishmania , Testes Diagnósticos de RotinaResumo
The msp4 gene of A. marginale is unicodon, stable and mostly homogeneous, being considered as a useful marker for phylogeographic characterization of this bacterium. The objective of this work was to analyze the phylogeography of A. marginale based on the msp4 gene in beef cattle from the Brazilian Pantanal, compared to those found in other regions worldwide. The blood samples investigated were collected from 400 animals (200 cows and 200 calves) reared in five extensive breeding farms in this region. The results indicated that of the evaluated samples, 56.75% (227/400) were positive for A. marginale based on the msp1 gene by quantitatitve PCR (qPCR), while 8.37% (19/227) were positive for the msp4 gene in the conventional PCR. In the Network distance analysis, 14 sequences from the Brazilian Pantanal were grouped into a single group with those from Thailand, India, Spain, Colombia, Parana (Brazil), Mexico, Portugal, Argentina, China, Venezuela, Australia, Italy and Minas Gerais (Brazil). Among 68 sequences from Brazil and the world, 15 genotypes were present while genotype number one (/1) was the most distributed worldwide. Both Splitstree and network analyses showed that the A. marginale msp4 sequences detected in beef cattle from the Brazilian Pantanal showed low polymorphism, with the formation of one genogroup phylogenetically related to those found in ruminants from South and Central America, Europe, and Asia.(AU)
O gene msp4 de A. marginale é unicodon, estável e pouco heterogêneo, sendo considerado como um marcador útil para caracterização filogeográfica desta bactéria. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a filogeografia de A. marginale com base no gene msp4 em bovinos de corte do Pantanal Brasileiro, comparativamente a outra regiões do mundo. Alíquotas de sangue foram colhidas de 400 bovinos (200 vacas e 200 bezerros) em cinco propriedades de cria e recria extensiva. Como resultado, 56,75% (227/400) mostraram-se positivas para A. marginale pela qPCR para o gene msp1 e destas, 8,37% (19/227) amostras foram positivas na PCR convencional para o gene msp4. Na análise de distância Network, 14 sequências do Pantanal brasileiro foram agrupadas em um único grupo com as da Thailândia, Índia, Espanha, Colômbia, Paraná (Brasil), México, Portugal, Argentina, China, Venezuela, Austrália, Italia e Minas Gerais (Brasil). Dentre 68 sequências do Brasil e do mundo, constatou-se a presença de 15 genótipos, sendo o genótipo número um (/1) o mais distribuído. As sequências msp4 de A. marginale detectadas em bovinos de corte no Pantanal brasileiro apresentaram baixo polimorfismo com formação de dois genogrupos filogeneticamente relacionados àqueles encontrados em ruminantes de países das América do Sul e Central, Europa e Ásia.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Filogeografia/classificação , Filogeografia/tendências , Anaplasma marginale/genéticaResumo
Bacteria of the genus Brachyspira can cause enteric diseases in poultry causing a decrease in productivity. The occurrence of this disease in chickens has already been verified in countries such as Australia, Italy, and the United States, but in Brazil, until now, epidemiological studies about Brachyspira sp. frequency were only carried out on pig farms. The objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of bacteria of the genus Brachyspira sp. through isolation and confirmation of the species Brachyspira pilosicoli, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and Brachyspira intermedia using the qPCR technique. Samples from 110 hens aged from 35 to 82 weeks were collected, 40 were from commercial egg farms and 70 were from laying hens matrices. For the first evaluation, bacterial isolation was performed from the feces. Positive samples were submitted to qPCR to identify the three species proposed. Cecum fragments of the birds were collected and fixed in formaldehyde for histological evaluation and counting of goblet cells. Of the 110 samples, 48 characteristic isolates of Brachyspira (43.6%) were obtained and of these in qPCR 13 identified as B. hyodysenteriae (11.8%) and 5 all from the same farm as Brachyspira intermedia (4.5%), 2 samples were positive for both agents (1.8%) and 28 were not characterized by qPCR (25.5%). None histopathological lesions were observed in the chicken cecum and no significant statistical difference was noticed in the count of goblet cells of the positive hens. It can be evidenced by the occurrence of Brachyspira sp. in laying farms and hens in Brazil, with special relevance to Brachyspira intermedia that can be potentially pathogenic for these animals.(AU)
Bactérias do gênero Brachyspira podem ocasionar enfermidades entéricas em aves acarretando a queda de produtividade. A ocorrência desta enfermidade em galinhas já foi verificada em países como a Austrália, Itália e Estados Unidos, porém no Brasil, até o momento, trabalhos epidemiológicos sobre a frequencia de Brachyspira sp. só foram realizados em granjas de suínos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a presença de bactérias do gênero Brachyspira sp. através do isolamento e confirmação das espécies Brachyspira pilosicoli, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae e Brachyspira intermedia utilizando a técnica de qPCR. Foram coletadas amostras de 110 aves com idade entre 35 e 82 semanas, sendo 40 de granjas de postura comercial e 70 de granjas de matrizes de corte. Para avaliação primeiramente procedeu-se o isolamento bacteriano a partir das fezes. As amostras positivas foram submetidas a qPCR para identificação das três espécies propostas. Fragmentos de ceco das aves foram coletados e fixados em formol para avaliação histológica e contagem de células caliciformes. Das 110 amostras foram obtidos 48 isolamentos característicos de Brachyspira (43,6%) e destes na qPCR 13 identificadas como B. hyodysenteriae (11,8%) e 5 sendo todas da mesma granja (4,5%) como B. intermedia, 2 amostras foram positivas para ambos os agentes (1,8%) e 28 não foram caracterizadas através da qPCR (25,5%). Não foram observadas alterações histopatológicas no ceco e diferença estatística significativa na contagem de células caliciformes das aves positivas. Conclui-se que a Brachyspira sp. é frequente em granjas de poedeiras e matrizes de corte no Brasil, com especial relevância para a B. intermedia que possui potência patogênico para estas aves.(AU)
Animais , Spirochaetales/isolamento & purificação , Galinhas/microbiologia , Brachyspira hyodysenteriae/isolamento & purificação , Brachyspira/isolamento & purificação , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/veterináriaResumo
In recent years feline leishmanial infections (FLI) have been studied more than ever before in various parts of the world. However, evidence-based knowledge on FLI has remained unavailable. The main objectives of this study were to investigate the status of felines infected by Leishmania spp. worldwide. Data were extracted from 10 available databases over the period of 1982 to 2017. Overall, 78 articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were used for data extraction in this systematic review. The overall FLI prevalence by both serological and molecular methods was estimated at 10% (95% CI: 8%-14%). In Italy, both the seroprevalence (24 %) and PCR prevalence (21 %) were found to be higher than in other countries. The most common diagnostic test used was the indirect fluorescent antibody test (38.5%). Studies on mixed-breed felines were more common than those on other breeds, while the most common parasite species was L. infantum (63%). Our findings suggest that cats act as primary and/or secondary reservoir hosts in the transmission of the Leishmania spp. to humans and also to dogs, by sandflies, at least in endemic foci. Moreover, available data confirm the enzootic stability situation of FLI in several countries including some in Europe.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Reservatórios de Doenças/veterinária , Reservatórios de Doenças/virologia , Leishmaniose Visceral/veterinária , Estudos Transversais , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Técnica Indireta de Fluorescência para Anticorpo/veterináriaResumo
Bacteria of the genus Brachyspira can cause enteric diseases in poultry causing a decrease in productivity. The occurrence of this disease in chickens has already been verified in countries such as Australia, Italy, and the United States, but in Brazil, until now, epidemiological studies about Brachyspira sp. frequency were only carried out on pig farms. The objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of bacteria of the genus Brachyspira sp. through isolation and confirmation of the species Brachyspira pilosicoli, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and Brachyspira intermedia using the qPCR technique. Samples from 110 hens aged from 35 to 82 weeks were collected, 40 were from commercial egg farms and 70 were from laying hens matrices. For the first evaluation, bacterial isolation was performed from the feces. Positive samples were submitted to qPCR to identify the three species proposed. Cecum fragments of the birds were collected and fixed in formaldehyde for histological evaluation and counting of goblet cells. Of the 110 samples, 48 characteristic isolates of Brachyspira (43.6%) were obtained and of these in qPCR 13 identified as B. hyodysenteriae (11.8%) and 5 all from the same farm as Brachyspira intermedia (4.5%), 2 samples were positive for both agents (1.8%) and 28 were not characterized by qPCR (25.5%). None histopathological lesions were observed in the chicken cecum and no significant statistical difference was noticed in the count of goblet cells of the positive hens. It can be evidenced by the occurrence of Brachyspira sp. in laying farms and hens in Brazil, with special relevance to Brachyspira intermedia that can be potentially pathogenic for these animals.(AU)
Bactérias do gênero Brachyspira podem ocasionar enfermidades entéricas em aves acarretando a queda de produtividade. A ocorrência desta enfermidade em galinhas já foi verificada em países como a Austrália, Itália e Estados Unidos, porém no Brasil, até o momento, trabalhos epidemiológicos sobre a frequencia de Brachyspira sp. só foram realizados em granjas de suínos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a presença de bactérias do gênero Brachyspira sp. através do isolamento e confirmação das espécies Brachyspira pilosicoli, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae e Brachyspira intermedia utilizando a técnica de qPCR. Foram coletadas amostras de 110 aves com idade entre 35 e 82 semanas, sendo 40 de granjas de postura comercial e 70 de granjas de matrizes de corte. Para avaliação primeiramente procedeu-se o isolamento bacteriano a partir das fezes. As amostras positivas foram submetidas a qPCR para identificação das três espécies propostas. Fragmentos de ceco das aves foram coletados e fixados em formol para avaliação histológica e contagem de células caliciformes. Das 110 amostras foram obtidos 48 isolamentos característicos de Brachyspira (43,6%) e destes na qPCR 13 identificadas como B. hyodysenteriae (11,8%) e 5 sendo todas da mesma granja (4,5%) como B. intermedia, 2 amostras foram positivas para ambos os agentes (1,8%) e 28 não foram caracterizadas através da qPCR (25,5%). Não foram observadas alterações histopatológicas no ceco e diferença estatística significativa na contagem de células caliciformes das aves positivas. Conclui-se que a Brachyspira sp. é frequente em granjas de poedeiras e matrizes de corte no Brasil, com especial relevância para a B. intermedia que possui potência patogênico para estas aves.(AU)
Animais , Spirochaetales/isolamento & purificação , Galinhas/microbiologia , Brachyspira hyodysenteriae/isolamento & purificação , Brachyspira/isolamento & purificação , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/veterináriaResumo
Livestock products in tropical areas play a crucial role, which extends beyond their traditional supply of meat and milk. Unprecedented economic growth in developing countries, accompanied by the increases in income and purchasing power and by changes in food preferences, together with the growth of human population, has increased demands on the livestock sector. Livestock products, such as milk and meat, have undergone great modification in response to these recent developments. In Italy, buffalo population has grown from 12 thousand heads in 1947 to 397 thousand in 2017. On the national territory there are 2212 farms concentrated for 74% in the Campania Region, which allow Italy to position itself in the 7th place for the production of fresh buffalo milk in the world, generating an economic induced linked to the Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP of 721 million euros for consumption. The Italian Mediterranean buffalo has undergone selection for efficiency of production in intensive dairy systems that aim to achieve milk production throughout the year. Continuous production of buffalo milk is required to meet the market demand for mozzarella cheese and other dairy food products derived from buffalo milk. In the Mediterranean region, female buffaloes show annual fluctuations in reproduction with distinct breeding and nonbreeding seasons. The decline in fertility during the transition from the breeding to nonbreeding seasons is associated with a greater incidence of anestrus, a decline in the function of the CL, and an increase in embryonic mortality Season affects oocyte developmental competence in buffalo, as indicated by higher cleavage and embryo yields recorded in autumn compared to spring, with intermediate results observed in summer and winter. The seasonal characteristic of this species, causes an increase in the phenomenon of embryonic mortality during the periods characterized by increasing daylight length. . In the farms that carry out TAI, absolute or associated with natural mated technique, different plans are used, based on the specific market needs of each farm, on the structures, the management and the reproductive season, preferring protocols such as ovsynch during the period of decreasing daylight length and protocols supported by progesterone during periods of anoestrous. The results obtained in the development and application of the most innovative techniques in the buffalo breeding sector, in synergy with the efficiency of the veterinary information systems, make of Italy a nation at the forefront in the international scene in the breeding techniques and health problems of the buffalo, to which many countries look as a model.(AU)
Animais , Búfalos/fisiologia , Comportamento ReprodutivoResumo
Livestock products in tropical areas play a crucial role, which extends beyond their traditional supply of meat and milk. Unprecedented economic growth in developing countries, accompanied by the increases in income and purchasing power and by changes in food preferences, together with the growth of human population, has increased demands on the livestock sector. Livestock products, such as milk and meat, have undergone great modification in response to these recent developments. In Italy, buffalo population has grown from 12 thousand heads in 1947 to 397 thousand in 2017. On the national territory there are 2212 farms concentrated for 74% in the Campania Region, which allow Italy to position itself in the 7th place for the production of fresh buffalo milk in the world, generating an economic induced linked to the Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP of 721 million euros for consumption. The Italian Mediterranean buffalo has undergone selection for efficiency of production in intensive dairy systems that aim to achieve milk production throughout the year. Continuous production of buffalo milk is required to meet the market demand for mozzarella cheese and other dairy food products derived from buffalo milk. In the Mediterranean region, female buffaloes show annual fluctuations in reproduction with distinct breeding and nonbreeding seasons. The decline in fertility during the transition from the breeding to nonbreeding seasons is associated with a greater incidence of anestrus, a decline in the function of the CL, and an increase in embryonic mortality Season affects oocyte developmental competence in buffalo, as indicated by higher cleavage and embryo yields recorded in autumn compared to spring, with intermediate results observed in summer and winter. The seasonal characteristic of this species, causes an increase in the phenomenon of embryonic mortality during the periods characterized by increasing daylight length. . In the farms that carry out TAI, absolute or associated with natural mated technique, different plans are used, based on the specific market needs of each farm, on the structures, the management and the reproductive season, preferring protocols such as ovsynch during the period of decreasing daylight length and protocols supported by progesterone during periods of anoestrous. The results obtained in the development and application of the most innovative techniques in the buffalo breeding sector, in synergy with the efficiency of the veterinary information systems, make of Italy a nation at the forefront in the international scene in the breeding techniques and health problems of the buffalo, to which many countries look as a model.
Animais , Búfalos/fisiologia , Comportamento ReprodutivoResumo
Freshwater oligochaetes have been studied over the years in a wide range of habitats around the world. To analyse the data published about freshwater oligochaetes in the 31 year period between 1985 and 2015, we searched for documents in the ISI Web of Science, Scopus and SciELO databases. A total of 979 works were evaluated from 184 periodicals. The United States is the country with the most publications about aquatic oligochaetes, followed by France, Germany and Italy. Works related to the ecology and ecotoxicology of these organisms are most abundant. Studies carried out in the laboratory are most frequent, consisting of investigations involving bioassays, morphology, genetics and molecular biology. The results also show that spring, cave water bodies and swamps have been studied less than any other aquatic habitat and that countries of the Southern Hemisphere are under-represented in the studies of aquatic oligochaetes. Hence, there is a need for increased efforts to fill in gaps in the knowledge about these oligochaetes.
Animais , Atividades Científicas e Tecnológicas , Bases de Dados Bibliográficas , Bibliometria , OligoquetosResumo
Freshwater oligochaetes have been studied over the years in a wide range of habitats around the world. To analyse the data published about freshwater oligochaetes in the 31 year period between 1985 and 2015, we searched for documents in the ISI Web of Science, Scopus and SciELO databases. A total of 979 works were evaluated from 184 periodicals. The United States is the country with the most publications about aquatic oligochaetes, followed by France, Germany and Italy. Works related to the ecology and ecotoxicology of these organisms are most abundant. Studies carried out in the laboratory are most frequent, consisting of investigations involving bioassays, morphology, genetics and molecular biology. The results also show that spring, cave water bodies and swamps have been studied less than any other aquatic habitat and that countries of the Southern Hemisphere are under-represented in the studies of aquatic oligochaetes. Hence, there is a need for increased efforts to fill in gaps in the knowledge about these oligochaetes.(AU)
Animais , Oligoquetos , Bases de Dados Bibliográficas , Atividades Científicas e Tecnológicas , BibliometriaResumo
Background: Poisoning cases are a challenge for the veterinary practitioner, since many agents can be involved. The incomplete patient history associated with advanced poisoning stage often leads to death. Since lacking information is common, it is essential to be aware of principal poisoning agents and their associated symptomatology. The aim of this study is to describe the major agents involved in small animal poisoning, the causative agent, poisoning route, time to search veterinary care, clinical signs and ancillary tests of canine and feline patients treated at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital from January 2010 to June 2016.Materials, Methods & Results: Forty-four medical records with poisoning history were found and reviewed, but only 30 medical records had complete data to be evaluated. There were 24 dogs and 6 cats, 17 female and 13 male. Six females were spayed. Poisoning agent identification was possible in 29 cases and was food, molluscicide, cleaning product, ornamental plants, medication, rodenticide and antiparasitic drugs. Fourteen poisonings were caused by the owner and 16 were accidental. There was a higher poisoning incidence in dogs than cats. Most of the patients were young and unneutered/unspayed.Discussion: In this study there was a higher poisoning prevalence in dogs than cats, as occurred in other studies published in Europe, Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Austria and other Brazilian regions. Most of the patients were young, which is in agreement with previous studies in which young animals were more affected. Domestic antiparasitic drugs were the most common poisoning agents (33%), as reported in studies from France and Spain. In southern Brazil, the most common poisoning agent was medication, whereas in southeast Brazil, organophosphates were the most prevalent poisoning agent. Considering this, the geographic localisation seems to influence the poisoning agent.[...]
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Intoxicação/diagnóstico , Intoxicação/etiologia , Intoxicação/veterinária , Medicina de Emergência , Estudos RetrospectivosResumo
Background: Poisoning cases are a challenge for the veterinary practitioner, since many agents can be involved. The incomplete patient history associated with advanced poisoning stage often leads to death. Since lacking information is common, it is essential to be aware of principal poisoning agents and their associated symptomatology. The aim of this study is to describe the major agents involved in small animal poisoning, the causative agent, poisoning route, time to search veterinary care, clinical signs and ancillary tests of canine and feline patients treated at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital from January 2010 to June 2016.Materials, Methods & Results: Forty-four medical records with poisoning history were found and reviewed, but only 30 medical records had complete data to be evaluated. There were 24 dogs and 6 cats, 17 female and 13 male. Six females were spayed. Poisoning agent identification was possible in 29 cases and was food, molluscicide, cleaning product, ornamental plants, medication, rodenticide and antiparasitic drugs. Fourteen poisonings were caused by the owner and 16 were accidental. There was a higher poisoning incidence in dogs than cats. Most of the patients were young and unneutered/unspayed.Discussion: In this study there was a higher poisoning prevalence in dogs than cats, as occurred in other studies published in Europe, Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Austria and other Brazilian regions. Most of the patients were young, which is in agreement with previous studies in which young animals were more affected. Domestic antiparasitic drugs were the most common poisoning agents (33%), as reported in studies from France and Spain. In southern Brazil, the most common poisoning agent was medication, whereas in southeast Brazil, organophosphates were the most prevalent poisoning agent. Considering this, the geographic localisation seems to influence the poisoning agent.[...](AU)