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Vet. zootec ; 30: 1-6, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444882


Vacas de alta produção de leite estão mais sujeitas a desequilíbrios metabólicos pós-parto, influenciando na performance reprodutiva subsequente. Alterações relacionadas a funcionalidade do ovário podem desencadear desequilíbrios hormonais e desordens reprodutivas, como a formação de cistos ovarianos, os quais podem interferir no processo de ovulação e impactar substancialmente na eficiência reprodutiva. Neste estudo de caso em específico, sete vacas leiteiras foram diagnosticadas com a presença de cistos foliculares ovarianos. Foram submetidas a terapia hormonal envolvendo o uso de análogos de Hormônio Liberador de Gonadotrofinas (GnRH) e prostaglandina-F2a (PGF-2a), a qual apresentou resultados satisfatórios. A abordagem terapêutica hormonal tem sido amplamente utilizada devido à sua efetividade na resolução dos cistos ováricos e melhoria da função reprodutiva. É fundamental que o médico veterinário tenha conhecimento clínico sobre a abordagem adequada de cistos ovarianos, a fim de proporcionar saúde e bem-estar aos animais, garantindo bons índices em produção de leite e desempenho reprodutivo.

High milk production cows are more likely to postpartum metabolic imbalances, which may influence subsequent reproductive performance. Changes in ovarian functionality can trigger hormonal alterations and reproductive disorders, such as the formation of ovarian cysts, which can interfere with the ovulation process and substantially impact reproductive efficiency. In this specific case study, seven dairy cows were diagnosed with the presence of ovarian follicular cysts. They were submitted to hormonal therapy involving the use of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) and prostaglandin F2a (PGF-2a) analogs, which presented satisfactory results. Hormonal therapeutic approaches have been widely employed due to their effectiveness in resolving ovarian cysts and improving reproductive function. It is essential for the veterinarian to have clinical knowledge about the appropriate management of ovarian cysts in order to provide the health and welfare of the animals, ensuring suitable rates in milk production and reproductive performance.

Las vacas de alta producción de leche tienen mayor probabilidad de desequilibrios metabólicos posparto, lo cual puede influir en el rendimiento reproductivo posterior. Los cambios en la funcionalidad ovárica pueden desencadenar alteraciones hormonales y trastornos reproductivos, como la formación de quistes ováricos, que pueden interferir en el proceso de ovulación y afectar sustancialmente la eficiencia reproductiva. En este estudio de caso específico, se diagnosticó la presencia de quistes foliculares ováricos en siete vacas lecheras. Se sometieron a terapia hormonal que incluyó el uso de análogos de Hormona Liberadora de Gonadotropinas (GnRH) y prostaglandina F2α (PGF-2a), lo cual arrojó resultados satisfactorios. Los enfoques terapéuticos hormonales se han utilizado ampliamente debido a su efectividad en la resolución de quistes ováricos y la mejora de la función reproductiva. Es fundamental que el médico veterinario tenga conocimiento clínico sobre el manejo adecuado de los quistes ováricos para garantizar la salud y el bienestar de los animales, asegurando adecuadas tasas de producción de leche y rendimiento reproductivo.

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Cisto Folicular/terapia , Cisto Folicular/veterinária , Dinoprosta/administração & dosagem , Hormônio Liberador de Gonadotropina/administração & dosagem , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1920, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443975


Background: Measurement of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs) by radioimmunoassay or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay has been commonly used for early pregnancy diagnosis in ruminants. However, an accurately pregnancy detection depends on test antibody, breed and number of embryos. Only few studies have conducted to detect or predict animals at risk of late embrionic mortality (LEM) and to use hormonal interventions for embryo losses reducing, but this area is still open in sheep. The current study aimed to evaluate the effect of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) administration on Day 4 after artificial insemination on the pregnancy-associated glycoproteins in dairy sheep with different reproductive status in relation to pregnancy and late embrionic mortality detection. Materials, Methods & Results: Sixty-five East Friesian sheep were divided in 2 groups - I (Control group, n = 35) and II (GnRH group, n = 30) and sublected to estrus synchronization and artificial insemination (AI). Group I was not treated and Group II received 50 µg GnRH on Day 4 after AI. PAGs in blood serum were measured by Alertys Ruminant Pregnancy test on Days 4, 12, 20, 25 and 35 after AI and ultrasound pregnancy test was conducted on Days 20, 25, 35 and 60. Reproductive status (non-pregnant, pregnant and animals with LEM) was determined by ultrasound and the results between different groups were compared. The PAGs mean values according to reproductive status and Day after AI were analysed. Accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of the PAGs test for pregnancy diagnosis on Day 35 were calculated. On Day 20 after AI the pregnat sheep (83.3%) in group I tended to be higher than those (77.1%) in group II with decrease of 25.7% and 20% for the same groups on Day 25. On day 25 LEM was recorded in 33.3% and 24% in group I and II, respectively. The ultrasound exams on Day 60 confirmed the results from Day 25 after AI. A total value of non-pegnant, pregnant animals and LEM was 20%, 56.9% and 28.8%, respectively. The mean values of PAGs in animals with the same reproductive status in group I and II no differed statistically between Days 4 and 35 after AI. On Day 25 the PAGs values in LEM groups (0.126 ± 0.072 and 0.179 ± 0.029) were higher than those (0.062 ± 0.038 and 0.083 ± 0.023) in the non-pregnant groups, but no significan difference was deternined. On Day 35 after AI the mean values of PAGs (0.414 ± 0.125 and 0.421 ± 0.121) for the pregnant groups were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than those (0.078 ± 0.053 and 0.093 ± 0.034) for the non-pregnant groups. The values of PAGs in LEM groups on Day 25 (0.099 ± 0.062 and 0.113 ± 0.058) were decreased and close to the mean values in non-pregnant sheep. A significant effect of the day after AI on the PAGs values was evidenced in pregnant animals only (control r = 0.97 and GnRH r = 0.98; P < 0.05). The PAGs started to rise rapidly between Days 25 and 35 after AI. On Day 35 the accuracy (98%), the sensitivity (97.3%) and the specificity (100%) of the PAG test for pregnancy diagnosis were similar to the values (100%) for ultrasound method. Discussion: The gonadotropin treatment on Day 4 after AI tended to improve the reproductive performance in the sheep, but no significant effect of GnRH on the PAGs values in the animals with different reproductive status was found. The PAGs profiles in non-pregnant and LEM sheep were close and distinguishing between non-pregnant and LEM ewes on Day 35 was impossible. The PAGs values in pregnant sheep showed significantly (P < 0.05) increase between Days 25 and 35 after AI with higher mean values in pregnant than non-pregnant groups on Day 35 (P < 0.05). Alertys Ruminant Pregnancy test was a reliable for pregnancy detection in sheep on Day 35 after artificial insemination.

Animais , Feminino , Radioimunoensaio , Ovinos/fisiologia , Glicoproteínas/análise , Hormônio Liberador de Gonadotropina/administração & dosagem , Desenvolvimento Embrionário
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(2): e20220113, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436939


Considering the relevance of establishing biodiversity conservation tools, the study aimed to investigate the TCM199 supplemented with different follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) concentrations on survival and development of fresh and vitrified preantral follicles enclosed in red-rumped agouti ovarian tissues cultured in vitro. In the first experiment, six pairs of ovaries were fragmented and cultured for 6 days according to groups: 10 ng/mL pFSH (FSH10 group) and 50 ng/mL (FSH50 group). Non-cultured tissues were considered as a control. In the second experiment, vitrified/warmed fragments of four pairs of ovaries were cultured with the best concentration of FSH established (cryopreserved and cultured group). Non-cryopreserved (fresh control group) and cryopreserved but non-cultured (non-cultured group) tissues were used as controls. For both experiments, preantral follicles were evaluated for survival and development using morphological and viability analysis by trypan blue staining. After culturing fresh samples, FSH50 showed a higher percentage of morphologically normal follicles when compared to FSH10 (P < 0.05). This same response was observed for primordial follicles. Regardless of the concentrations of FSH used during in vitro culture, no difference was observed regarding the percentage of viable follicles and diameters (P > 0.05). Thus, the FSH50 group was used for second experiment, in which 76.2 ± 7.2% normal preantral follicles previously vitrified was found after 6-day culture, also presenting the highest values (P < 0.05) for morphology of primordial follicles (95.2 ± 4.7%). Nevertheless, in vitro culture did not affect the viability and diameter of preantral follicles of cryopreserved tissues (P > 0.05). In conclusion, TCM199 supplemented with 50 ng/mL FSH was efficient in maintaining the in vitro survival of fresh and vitrified red-rumped agouti preantral follicles. This was the first study related to the in vitro culture of ovarian preantral follicles in this species, aiming to contribute to its conservation.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Células Tecais/fisiologia , Gonadotrofos/fisiologia , Animais Selvagens/embriologia , Técnicas In Vitro , Criopreservação/veterinária , Vitrificação
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(4): 651-656, July-Aug. 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447349


Vasectomy and castration are the most preferred surgical methods to control reproduction in males. While sexual functions are terminated reversibly in vasectomy, they are removed irreversibly in castration. After these processes, changes are observed in hormones and oxidative stress parameters. In this study, we investigated the effects of vasectomy and castration operations on blood follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone, nitric oxide (NO) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in rats. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that FSH, LH, NO, and MDA levels increased (p<0.05) and testosterone levels decreased (p<0.05) in the castration group compared to the sham and vasectomy groups. Considering the data obtained from the present study, when the two operations (vasectomy and castration) are compared in rats, which are preferred for the control of reproduction, it is thought that vasectomy is a healthier method because it is reversible, does not affect hormone levels, and does not increase oxidative stress.

A vasectomia e a castração são os métodos cirúrgicos preferidos para controlar a reprodução no sexo masculino. Enquanto as funções sexuais terminam reversivelmente na vasectomia, elas são removidas irreversivelmente na castração. Após esses processos, são observadas alterações nos hormônios e nos parâmetros de estresse oxidativo. Neste estudo, foram investigados os efeitos das operações de vasectomia e castração nos níveis sanguíneos de hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH), hormônio luteinizante (LH), testosterona, óxido nítrico (NO) e malondialdeído (MDA) em ratos. Como resultado da análise, foi determinado que os níveis de FSH, LH, NO e MDA aumentaram (P<0,05) e os níveis de testosterona diminuíram (P<0,05) no grupo de castração em comparação com os grupos sham e vasectomia. Considerando os dados obtidos no presente estudo, quando comparadas as duas operações (vasectomia e castração) em ratos, preferidas para o controle da reprodução, acredita-se que a vasectomia é um método mais saudável por ser reversível, não afetar os níveis hormonais e não aumentar o estresse oxidativo.

Animais , Ratos , Vasectomia , Castração , Estresse Oxidativo , Hormônios
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 76-80, abr.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434952


The follicular growth waves are directly linked to the fluctuations in plasma gonadotrophins, which are controlled by the hypothalamic GnRH release pattern. Therefore, if the actions of the GnRH are inhibited or blocked, the final stages of the antral follicle growth are suppressed, resulting in an induced anestrus (a.k.a. waveless model). In the human medicine, GnRH agonists or antagonists are broadly used in the control of ovarian disfunctions, as well as in the preparation of women for assisted reproductive cycles. In cattle, a similar effect can be obtained by active immunization against GnRH. This was shown to be a viable strategy, for example, for the control of chronic cases of cystic ovarian disease in oocyte donors. However, on shall take into account the substantial individual variation on the immune response and, consequently, the lack of control of the duration of the anestrus induced. The waveless model is also very useful as a research model, once it controls the potential interference of the endogenous FSH and LH, improving the sensitivity of essays with exogenous hormones and consequently reducing the required number of replicas within studies.(AU)

O padrão de crescimento folicular em ondas está diretamente associado às flutuações nas concentrações plasmáticas de gonadotrofinas, controladas por sua vez pelo padrão de liberação de GnRH hipotalâmico. Desta forma, a inibição ou bloqueio da ação do GnRH suprime as etapas finais do crescimento folicular, resultando em anestro induzido (também chamado modelo waveless). Na medicina humana, agonistas ou antagonistas de GnRH são utilizados tanto no controle de disfunções ovarianas quanto na preparação de pacientes para procedimentos de reprodução assistida. Em bovinos, este efeito pode ser obtido pela imunização ativa contra GnRH, e mostrou-se estratégia viável, por exemplo, no controle de casos crônicos de doença ovariana cística em doadoras de oócitos. Contudo, é importante considerar a grande variação individual na resposta à imunização e consequente impossibilidade de controlar a duração do anestro induzido. O modelo waveless também é de grande utilidade na pesquisa, uma vez que elimina a potencial interferência do FSH e LH endógenos, aumentando a sensibilidade nos ensaios com hormônios exógenos e consequentemente reduzindo o número de réplicas necessárias nos estudos.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos/embriologia , Estruturas Embrionárias/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fase Folicular , Gonadotropinas/análise
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 101-106, abr.-jun. 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435011


A maior produtividade na pecuária está correlacionada com a eficiência reprodutiva do rebanho. As biotécnicas da reprodução, principalmente os protocolos de sincronização da ovulação, são de grande importância para otimizar a produção e acelerar o ganho genético em rebanhos de corte e de leite. No entanto, alguns fatores como a categoria animal, o manejo reprodutivo implementado na propriedade e o reprodutor utilizado podem afetar os resultados de fertilidade nos protocolos de IATF. Dessa maneira, algumas estratégias foram desenvolvidas para contornar alguns desafios inerentes a vacas de corte em anestro pós-parto e aumentar a eficiência reprodutiva dessas fêmeas. Dentre as estratégias, destacam-se a utilização de progesterona e a suplementação energética/proteica previamente ao início do protocolo de IATF.(AU)

The reproductive efficiency of the herd is correlated with higher productivity in livestock. Reproduction biotechniques as ovulation synchronization protocols are important to optimize production and accelerate genetic profit in beef and dairy herds. However, some factors such as the animal category, the reproductive management implemented on the farm and the sire used can affect the fertility results in the TAI protocols. In this way, some strategies were developed to overcome some challenges of postpartum anestrus beef cows and to increase the reproductive efficiency of these cows. The use of progesterone and energy/protein supplementation before starting the TAI protocol stand out are the strategies.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Sincronização do Estro/métodos , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise , Melhoramento Genético/métodos , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos , Fármacos para a Fertilidade/análise
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(2): e20230092, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1452378


Currently, gonadotropin products (follicle stimulating hormone, FSH, and luteinizing hormone, LH) used in animal reproduction are produced by extraction and purification from abattoir-derived pituitary glands. This method, relying on animal-derived materials, carries the potential risk of hormone contamination and pathogen transmission. Additionally, chorionic gonadotropins are extracted from the blood of pregnant mares (equine chorionic gonadotropin; eCG) or the urine of pregnant women (human chorionic gonadotropin; hCG). However, recent advancements have introduced recombinant gonadotropins for assisted animal reproduction therapies. The traditional use of FSH for superovulation has limitations, including labor requirements and variability in superovulation response, affecting the success of in vivo (SOV) and in vitro (OPU/IVEP) embryo production. FSH treatment for superstimulation before OPU can promote the growth of a homogenous follicular population and the recovery of competent oocytes suitable for IVEP procedures. At present, a single injection of a preparation of long-acting bovine recombinant FSH (rFSH) produced similar superovulation responses resulting in the production of good-quality in vivo and in vitro embryos. Furthermore, the treatment with eCG at FTAI protocol has demonstrated its efficacy in promoting follicular growth, ovulation, and P/AI, mainly in heifers and anestrous cows. Currently, treatment with recombinant glycoproteins with eCG-like activity (r-eCG) have shown promising results in increasing follicular growth, ovulation, and P/AI in cows submitted to P4/E2 -based protocols. Bovine somatotropin (bST) is a naturally occurring hormone found in cows. Recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST), produced through genetic engineering techniques, has shown potential in enhancing reproductive outcomes in ruminants. Treatment with rbST has been found to improve P/IA, increase donor embryo production, and enhance P/ET in recipients. The use of recombinant hormones allows to produce non-animal-derived products, offering several advantages in assisted reproductive technologies for ruminants. This advancement opens up new possibilities for improving reproductive efficiency and success rates in the field of animal reproduction.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Indução da Ovulação/métodos , Ruminantes/embriologia , Proteínas Recombinantes/farmacologia
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 46(4): 393-395, out.-dez. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415134


A superpopulação de felinos e caninos é um problema global que ainda não encontrou uma solução definitiva. Existem várias estratégias que procuram encontrar uma resposta para este problema. Atualmente, a castração cirúrgica é o único método de controle permanente da reprodução. No entanto, existem vários relatos sobre o uso de anticoncepcionais não cirúrgicos para cães e gatos para controle da reprodução a longo prazo. Os análogos de GnRH suprimem a reprodução por muito tempo e seu efeito é reversível, podendo ser usados nos casos em que a castração cirúrgica não pode ser realizada ou até que possa ser realizada. A deslorelina é um agonista de GnRH desenvolvido como implante subcutâneo para uso em cães, embora também tenha sido usado em gatos e espécies não domésticas. O objetivo deste relato foi resumir o conhecimento atual sobre o agonista de GnRH deslorelina como um contraceptivo não cirúrgico para cães e gatos.(AU)

La sobrepoblación felina y canina es un problema mundial que aún no ha encontrado una solución definitiva. Existen diversas estrategias, que buscan encontrar una respuesta a esta problemática. Actualmente, la castración quirúrgica es el único método de control permanente de la reproducción. Sin embargo, existen múltiples reportes sobre la utilización de contraceptivos no quirúrgicos para perros y gatos para el control a largo plazo de la reproducción. Los análogos de GnRH, suprimen la reproducción en forma prolongada y su efecto es reversible, por lo que pueden ser utilizados en casos donde la castración quirúrgica no pueda ser realizada o hasta que la misma pueda llevarse a cabo. La deslorelina, es un agonista de GnRH desarrollado en forma de implante subcutáneo para su utilización en perros, aunque ha sido utilizada también en gatos y en especies no domésticas. El objetivo de este reporte fue resumir el conocimiento actual acerca del agonista de GnRH deslorelina como contraceptivo no quirúrgico para perros y gatos.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Hormônio Liberador de Gonadotropina/administração & dosagem , Hormônio Liberador de Gonadotropina/análogos & derivados , Controle da População , Anticoncepcionais/efeitos adversos
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(4): e20220116, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1420061


The ovulation mechanism is one of the fascinating physiological processes in reproductive biology in mammals. From the reproductive point of view, the species have been classified as spontaneous or induced ovulators. Although the release of GnRH followed by the preovulatory LH surge is shared between both types of ovulation, the stimulus to initiate GnRH release varies between both categories. In spontaneous ovulators, ovulation depends on the systemic concentration of ovarian steroids, however, in induced ovulators, different stimuli such as copulation, environmental, and social cues can facilitate or induce ovulation regardless of the increases in systemic estradiol concentration. In this review, we document evidence that a male-derived protein is the main factor responsible for inducing ovulation and also modulating the ovarian function in the domestic South American camelid, the llama. The neurotrophin beta-Nerve Growth Factor (β-NGF) is the principal factor present in the semen of llamas responsible for inducing ovulation in this species. After the intrauterine deposit of semen during mating, β-NGF is absorbed through the endometrium to reach the circulatory system, where it reaches the hypothalamus and stimulates GnRH release. The potential site of action of this neurotrophin at the brain has not been elucidated, however, hypotheses are raised that the factor may cross the blood-brain barrier and stimulate upstream neuronal networks that lead to the stimulation of GnRH-secreting neurons. It is possible that β-NGF could be sensed at the median eminence without crossing the blood-brain barrier. Finally, it has been observed that this factor is not only a powerful stimulator of ovulation but also has a luteotrophic effect, resulting in the development of a corpus luteum capable of secreting more progesterone when compared to other ovulation-stimulating analogues.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Ovulação/fisiologia , Camelídeos Americanos/fisiologia , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos , Hormônio Liberador de Gonadotropina/análise
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(2): e20220027, mai. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1383622


Progesterone (P4) can participate in the development of female mammalian antral follicles through nuclear receptor (PGR). In this experiment, the differences of P4 synthesis and PGR expression in different developmental stages of sheep antral follicles (large > 5mm, medium 2-5mm, small < 2mm) were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR and Western blotting. Secondly, sheep follicular granulosa cells were cultured in vitro. The effects of different concentrations of FSH and LH on P4 synthesis and PGR expression were studied. The results showed that acute steroid regulatory protein (StAR), cholesterol side chain lyase (P450scc) and 3β Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) and PGR were expressed in antral follicles, and with the development of antral follicles in sheep, StAR, P450scc and the expression of 3β-HSD and PGR increased significantly. In vitro experiments showed that FSH and LH alone or together treatment could regulate P4 secretion and PGR expression in sheep follicular granulosa cells to varying degrees, hint P4 and PGR by FSH and LH, and LH was the main factor. Our results supplement the effects of FSH and LH on the regulation of P4 synthesis during follicular development, which provides new data for further study of steroid synthesis and function in follicular development.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Progesterona/análise , Ovinos/fisiologia , Hormônio Luteinizante/análise , Receptores de Superfície Celular/análise , Folículo Ovariano/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Receptores do FSH , Receptores do LH
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(8): e20210308, 2022. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1356137


There is still no consensus regarding the best protocol for in vivo embryo production in sheep despite increasing studies in this area. Moreover, there is variability in the response of ewes to superovulation (SOV). An approach to mitigate this inconsistency is to initiate gonadotropin administration under favorable ovarian conditions. The present study compared three treatments in a crossover design: a traditional SOV protocol (TRAD) and "Day 0" D0 SOV protocol with (D0+GnRH), or without Lecilerin (D0-GnRH). Fifteen Santa Inês ewes received 200 mg of FSH at six decreasing doses and PGF2α with the fifth dose of FSH. They were naturally mated with fertile rams and subjected to surgical embryo collection. The number of viable embryos was similar among the different treatments (TRAD = 6.0 ± 4.7; D0-GnRH = 3.8 ± 6.4; D0+GnRH = 7.5 ± 6.5). Regardless of the treatment method, ewes with follicles ≤ 4 mm, at the first FSH dose, produced more viable embryos (9.6 ± 6.0, P < 0.05) compared to ewes that had follicles > 4 mm at the beginning of the SOV (2.9 ± 3.1, viable embryos). Both the TRAD and D0+GnRH groups had fewer animals with large follicles (> 4 mm) at the first FSH dose than the D0-GnRH group (P < 0.05). In conclusion, both the TRAD and D0+GnRH treatments induced a more favorable ovarian condition (follicles ≤ 4 mm) for adequate SOV; although, all three treatments exhibited similar efficacies in Santa Inês sheep.

Ainda não há consenso sobre qual é o protocolo mais apropriado para a produção in vivo de embriões em ovinos, apesar do crescente conhecimento. Uma abordagem para mitigar a variabilidade de resposta de ovelhas à superovulação (SOV) é iniciar a aplicação de gonadotrofinas em uma condição ovariana favorável. O presente estudo comparou três tratamentos em delineamento do tipo crossover: protocolo de SOV tradicional (TRAD) e "Dia 0" D0 SOV sem (D0-GnRH) ou com GnRH (D0+GnRH). Quinze ovelhas Santa Inês foram superovuladas com 200 mg de FSH em seis doses decrescentes e receberam PGF2α na quinta dose de FSH. As ovelhas foram submetidas a monta natural com carneiros férteis e os embriões colhidos por via cirúrgica. O número de embriões viáveis não diferiu entre os tratamentos (TRAD = 6,0 ± 4,7; D0-GnRH = 3,8 ± 6,4; D0+GnRH = 7,5 ± 6,5). Independentemente do tratamento, ovelhas com folículos ≤ 4 mm na primeira dose de FSH produziram mais embriões viáveis (9,6 ± 6,0; P < 0.05) quando comparadas aos animais que apresentavam folículos > 4 mm no início da SOV (2,9 ± 3,1 embriões viáveis). Os grupos TRAD e D0+GnRH apresentaram menor número de animais com folículos grandes (> 4 mm), no momento da primeira dose de FSH, quando comparados ao grupo D0-GnRH (P < 0,05). Em conclusão, os protocolos TRAD e D0+GnRH induziram uma condição ovariana mais favorável (folículos ≤ 4 mm) para a SOV. No entanto, os três tratamentos apresentaram eficiência semelhante em ovelhas Santa Inês.

Animais , Feminino , Superovulação , Ovinos/embriologia , Hormônio Liberador de Gonadotropina
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(3): e20220067, set. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1403207


Estradiol cypionate (EC) or GnRH have been widely used for ovulation induction in timed embryo transfer (TET). EC administration increases the proportion of cows that show estrus, whereas GnRH promotes more synchronized ovulations. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the potential beneficial effects of combining EC and GnRH in TET. In experiment 1, no difference was observed on serum progesterone concentrations on Day 6 and 13 after GnRH treatment between GnRH and EC+GnRH groups. In experiment 2, pregnancy per embryo transfer (P/ET) did not differ (p = 0.69) between GnRH (62.8%) and EC+GnRH (58.7%) groups. In conclusion, combining EC and GnRH for ovulation induction does not increase progesterone secretion and pregnancy rate after TET in cattle.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Indução da Ovulação/veterinária , Hormônio Liberador de Gonadotropina/análogos & derivados , Estradiol/análogos & derivados , Transferência Embrionária/instrumentação
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 59: e190578, fev. 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1380248


This study evaluated (a) the efficacy of an association between injectable antibiotic therapy and sealant (ATBS) on milk yield (MY), somatic cell count (SCC), and prevalence of intramammary infections (IMI); and (b) the efficacy of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) on follicular cyst (FCs) resolution (cyclicity at the 45th day in milk; DIM) and cumulative pregnancy rate (CPR) in heifers submitted to a lactation induction protocol (LIP). A total of 114 crossbred (Holstein × Jersey) heifers, with 34.7 ± 4.8 months and 439 ± 56.35 kg were submitted to LIP. On the 5th day of the LIP, the heifers were assigned to (i) ATBS (n = 57) with 7 mg/kg of norfloxacin associated with sealant and (ii) Control 1 (n = 57; CONT1) with no treatments. Lactation began on the 21st day of LIP and the 15th DIM, FCs were diagnosed and 106 heifers were randomized into two treatment groups with 53 heifers each: (i) GnRH (5 mL injectable GnRH) and (ii) Control 2 (CONT2; no treatment). Of the 114 heifers initially induced, 83.33% (n = 95) responded to LIP with an average MY of 15.19 kg/milk/day during 22 weeks of lactation. In the first 14 DIM, the IMI prevalence was 18% and 28% for heifers ATBS and CONT1 treated, respectively. Additionally, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus was the most frequently isolated group of pathogens. Mammary quarters that received ATBS treatment had a lower risk of IMI and SCC than CONT1. The cyclicity at 45 DIM was 68% (ATBS) and 35% (CONT1), and 57% and 46% for animals in the GnRH and CONT2. CPR was 60% in the ATBS group and 89% in CONT1, but GnRH treatment did not affect the CPR. In conclusion, LIP was effective in stimulating MY in heifers, and the IMI prevalence decreased with ATBS treatment. Also, the use of GnRH did not affect the FC regression, cyclicity at 45 DIM, and CPR.(AU)

Este estudo avaliou a (i) eficácia da associação entre antibioticoterapia injetável e selante interno de tetos (ATBS) na produção de leite (PL), contagem de células somáticas (CCS), e prevalência de infecções intramamárias (IIM); e (ii) eficácia do hormônio liberador de gonadotrofina (GnRH) na resolução de cistos foliculares (CFs), ciclicidade ao 45º dia em lactação (DEL) e taxa de prenhez cumulativa (TPC) em novilhas submetidas a um protocolo de indução de lactação (PIL). Um total de 114 novilhas mestiças (Holandês × Jersey), com 34,7 ± 4,8 meses e 439 ± 56,35 kg foram submetidas ao PIL. No 5º dia do PIL, as novilhas receberam: (i) ATBS (n = 57) com 7 mg/kg de norfloxacina associada ao selante interno de tetos e (ii) Controle 1 (n = 57; CONT1) sem tratamento. A lactação teve início no 21º dia do PIL e no 15º DEL, foram diagnosticados CFs e 106 novilhas foram agrupadas em dois grupos de tratamento com 53 novilhas em cada: (i) GnRH (5 mL de GnRH injetável) e (ii) Controle 2 (CONT2; sem tratamento). Das 114 novilhas inicialmente induzidas, 83,33% (n = 95) responderam ao PIL com PL média de 15,19 kg/leite/d durante 22 semanas de lactação. Nos primeiros 14 DEL a prevalência de IIM foi de 18% e 28% para as novilhas tratadas com ATBS e CONT1, respectivamente. Além disso, estafilococos coagulase negativa foram o grupo de patógenos mais frequentemente isolados. Quartos mamários tratados com ATBS tiveram menor risco (0,56) de IIM e menor CCS do que CONT1. A ciclicidade a 45 DEL foi de 68% (ATBS) e 35% (CONT1), e 57% e 46% para os animais no GnRH e CONT2. A TPC foi de 60% no grupo ATBS e 89% no CONT1, porém o tratamento com GnRH não afetou a TPC. Em conclusão, o PIL foi eficaz em estimular a PL em novilhas tardias e a prevalência de IIM diminiuiu com o tratamento ATBS. Além disso, o uso de GnRH não afetou a regressão de CF, ciclicidade em 45 DEL e a TPC.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Gravidez , Lactação/fisiologia , Hormônio Liberador de Gonadotropina/farmacologia , Mastite Bovina/epidemiologia , Anti-Infecciosos/uso terapêutico , Cisto Folicular/diagnóstico , Bovinos/fisiologia , Norfloxacino/administração & dosagem , Contagem de Células/veterinária , Leite/fisiologia
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e262017, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1403818


The aim of the current study is to evaluate gene expression patterns of LH (lhr) and estrogen (er) receptors and plasma steroid levels during testicular development in Genyatremus luteus. Males were histologically classified as immature (n=7), maturing (n=7) and mature (n=7), based on the cellular structure of their testes. Plasma 11-KT concentration recorded peak at the final maturation stage. The highest plasma 17α-OHP concentrations were observed at the immature stage; they decreased at the maturation and mature stages. On the other hand, 17ß-estradiol (E2) recorded higher concentrations at the maturation stage. Er expression has significantly increased along the maturational development of animals' testes. The mRNA observed for the LH receptor has decreased from immature to maturing stage; it presented expression peak at the mature stage. There was high association between receptor gene expression and plasma steroid levels, mainly E2. The current study was the first to feature different reproductive maturation stages in male G. luteus specimens, based on cellular, endocrine and molecular aspects. In addition, it has shown that the gene expression profile for er and lhr receptors, as well as plasma 11-KT and E2 concentrations, are directly linked to testicular maturation, although they are not necessarily associated with the gonadosomatic index.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os padrões de expressão gênica dos receptores de LH (lhr) e de estrogênio (er) e dos níveis de esteróides plasmáticos durante o desenvolvimento testicular de Genyatremus luteus. Os machos foram classificados histologicamente em imaturos, em maturação e maduros, de acordo com a estrutura celular dos testículos. A concentração plasmática de 11-KT apresentou um pico na fase de maturação final (P<0.05). As maiores concentrações plasmáticas de 17α-OHP foram encontradas no estádio imaturo (P<0.05), com consequente diminuição nos estádios em maturação e maturo. O 17ß-estradiol (E2) apresentou maiores níveis de concentração no estádio em maturação (P<0.05). A expressão de er aumentou significativamente ao longo do desenvolvimento maturacional dos testículos (P<0.05). O mRNA para o receptor de LH diminuiu do estádio imaturo para o estádio em maturação (P<0.05) com consequente pico de expressão no estádio maduro. Houve alta relação entre a expressão gênica dos receptores e os níveis de esteróides plasmáticos, especialmente com E2. Em conclusão, este estudo caracterizou pela primeira vez, sob os aspectos celular, endócrino e molecular, os diferentes estádios de maturação reprodutiva em machos de G. luteus, demonstrando que o perfil da expressão gênica para os receptores er e lhr, bem como as concentrações plasmáticas de 11-KT e E2 foram diretamente relacionados à maturação testicular, apesar de não se relacionarem necessariamente com o índice gonadossomático.

Hormônios Esteroides Gonadais , Testículo/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Peixes/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(1): e20210026, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363341


In bridging the knowledge gap on stress physiology of Nigerian indigenous chickens, this study investigated the effect of exogenous corticosterone (eCORT) as stress inducing agent on the testicular function and mating behavior of Nigerian indigenous cocks. Twenty-four (24) cocks and one hundred and forty four (144) hens (mating ratio of 1 cock: 6 hens) were grouped into four and assigned to each of the four eCORT treatments (0, 2, 4 and 6 mgeCORT/KgBW) daily for 14 days. Semen samples were collected on days 0, 7 and 14 and analyzed for semen volume (SV), progressive sperm motility (PSM), membrane integrity (MI) and sperm abnormality (SA). Mating behaviors were monitored on days 3, 5 and 8. Blood samples, for hormonal (Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Testosterone (TEST) and stress analysis (heterophil/lymphocyte ratio, H/L) were collected from brachial vein on days 7 and 14. On day 15, cocks were euthanized and testes harvested for histomorphometry. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis, one­way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests all in SPSS 23. Administration of 4 mgeCORT/KgBW declined (P0.05) influence on the mating behaviors, H/L ratio, FSH and TEST. However, 2 mgeCORT/KgBW enhanced LH levels. Administration of eCORT did not affect the testicular epithelial height and seminiferous tubular diameter. In conclusion, optimal stress induced by eCORT impaired semen quality but with less impact on reproductive hormones, H/L and mating behaviors of intensively raised Nigerian indigenous cocks.(AU)

Comportamento Sexual Animal , Testículo , Corticosterona , Galinhas , Análise do Sêmen , Hormônios
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1433835


A lipidose hepática (LH) é definida pela grande quantidade de lipídios depositados nos hepatócitos. Animais acima do peso possuem maior predisposição e geralmente desenvolvem a doença quando são submetidos a situações de estresse ou ficam longos períodos sem se alimentar. É uma enfermidade que comumente afeta felinos adultos e pode levar a diminuição das funções metabólicas do fígado. Neste sentido, o estudo em questão tem como objetivo reunir informação a respeito da lipidose hepática felina incluindo etiologia, sinais clínicos, diagnóstico e tratamentos.(AU)

Hepatic lipidosis (LH) is defined by the large amount of lipids deposited in hepatocytes. Overweight animals have a greater predisposition and usually develop the disease when they are subjected to stressful situations or stay for long periods without food. It is a disease that commonly affects adult cats and can lead to a decrease in the metabolic functions of the liver. In this sense, the study in question aims to gather information about feline hepatic lipidosis including etiology, clinical signs, diagnosis and treatments.(AU)

Animais , Doenças do Gato , Gatos , Lipidoses/diagnóstico , Hepatócitos/metabolismo , Hepatopatias/veterinária
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(3): 1187-1196, maio.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369407


This study describes the effect of bactofugation (10,000 × g in a continuous flow of 10,000 L/h) of three batches of raw milk on total bacterial count (TBC) and aerobic spore count, and it also shows the effect on the microbial diversity of spore-forming bacteria by analysing their genetic variability through molecular approaches. Given that milk must be preheated to approximately 55 °C before being bactofuged, for comparison, the three batches were evaluated at different stages as refrigerated raw, preheated, and bactofuged milk. For preheated milk, it was found that bactofugation caused a significant reduction (p < 0.05) of 99.52% (from 4.5 × 106 to 2.1 × 104 CFU/mL) in the mean TBC and of 95% (from 333 to 17 CFU/mL) in the aerobic mesophilic spore count. Due to the effect of bactofugation on preheated milk, a reduction of 82% was observed in both TBC and aerobic spore count. With respect to diversity, 107 isolates from raw milk, prior to bactofugation, and 16 isolates from bactofuged milk were recovered and grouped into 40 and 8 clusters, respectively. The predominant species detected in raw and preheated milk were Bacillus toyonensis (63% - 20 clusters) and Lysinibacillus fusiformis (15% - 8 clusters). Proportionally, B. toyonensis (69% - 6 clusters) and L. fusiformis (25% - 1 cluster) were predominant in bactofuged milk. B. pumilus, L. varians, B. flexus, B. invictae, and B. megaterium, bacteria with a known milk spoilage potential, were isolated from milk prior to bactofugation, and they reduced to undetectable levels in bactofuged milk. Bactofugation of milk, therefore, reduces the TBC and aerobic spore count, with a significant effect in reducing the microbial diversity of spore-forming bacteria, proportional to their incidence in raw milk. Therefore, bactofugation can be an alternative to increase the shelf life and technological potential of milk.(AU)

Esse estudo descreve o efeito da bactofugação (10,000 × g em fluxo contínuo de 10,000 L/h) de três lotes de leite cru nas contagens bacterianas totais (CBT) e de esporos aeróbios, verificando também o efeito sobre a diversidade microbiana dos formadores de esporos por abordagem molecular de variabilidade genética. Como o leite a ser bactofugado deve ser pré-aquecido (≈55ºC), os três lotes foram avaliados enquanto cru refrigerado, pré-aquecido e bactofugado. Em associação com o pré-aquecimento, foi verificado que a bactofugação promoveu a redução significativa (p < 0.05) de 99,52% (4,5 x 106 para 2,1 x 104 UFC/mL) na contagem bacteriana total e 95% (333 para 17 UFC/mL) dos esporos aeróbios mesófilos. Considerando o efeito isolado da bactofugação sobre o leite já pré-aquecido, foi observada a redução de 82% tanto para CBT quanto para formadores de esporos. Em relação à diversidade, foram recuperados 107 isolados do leite anterior à bactofugação e 16 isolados do leite bactofugado, agrupados em 40 e 8 clusters, respectivamente. Foi observado predomínio das espécies Bacillus toyonensis (63% - 20 clusters) e Lysinibacillus fusiformis (15% - 8 clusters) no leite cru e pré-aquecido e, proporcionalmente, B. toyonensis (69% - 6 clusters) e L. fusiformis (25% - 1 cluster) no leite bactofugado. Bacillus pumilus, Lysinibacillus varians, B. flexus, B. invictae, e B. megaterium, isolados do leite antes da bactofugação e com potencial deteriorante conhecido, foram reduzidos a níveis indetectáveis no leite bactofugado. A bactofugação do leite, portanto, reduz a CBT e as contagens de esporos aeróbios, também com efeito significativo na redução da diversidade de formadores de esporos, proporcionalmente, conforme a sua incidência no leite cru, tendo potencial para ser utilizado como alternativa para aumento da vida útil e potencial tecnológico do leite.(AU)

Esporos , Bacillus/patogenicidade , Variação Genética , Centrífugas/análise
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 46(4): 377-385, out.-dez. 2022. graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415080


O controle da função luteal é realizado por um balanço de fatores luteotróficos e luteolíticos, e nenhuma luteolisina de origem uterina está envolvida na regulação do corpo lúteo cíclico canino. Todavia, ao final da gestação, um pico de PGFM reflete a síntese e secreção de PGF2α envolvida na luteólise pré-parto. Em cadelas, a prolactina e o LH, mas também a PGE2, P4 e E2, e possivelmente citocinas e fatores de crescimento agem como fatores autócrinos e parácrinos para regular a função luteal. O hipoluteoidismo é definido como uma diminuição precoce da secreção de progesterona, com concentração insuficiente para a manutenção da gestação, causando perdas gestacionais. Entretanto, o valor de corte da concentração de progesterona para o diagnóstico ainda é controverso. A suplementação exógena com progestágenos é eficaz em manter a gestação, mas nas fases iniciais da gestação pode causar efeitos teratogênicos nos fetos.(AU)

El control de la función lútea se lleva a cabo por un equilibrio de factores luteotróficos y luteolíticos, y ninguna luteolisina de origen uterino está involucrada en la regulación del cuerpo lúteo cíclico canino. Sin embargo, al final del embarazo, un pico de PGFM refleja la síntesis y secreción de PGF2α involucrada en la luteólisis anteparto. En las perras, la prolactina y la LH, pero también la relaxina, PGE2, la P4 y la E2, y posiblemente citoquinas y factores de crecimiento, actúan como factores autocrinos y paracrinos para regular la función lútea. El hipoluteismo se define como una disminución precoz de la secreción de progesterona, con una concentración insuficiente para el mantenimiento del embarazo, provocando pérdidas gestacionales. Sin embargo, el valor de corte de la concentración de progesterona para el diagnóstico sigue siendo controvertido. La suplementación exógena con progestágenos es eficaz para mantener el embarazo, pero puede causar efectos teratogénicos en los fetos.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães/fisiologia , Fase Luteal/fisiologia , Dinoprosta/análise , Hormônios do Corpo Lúteo , Luteolíticos/análise
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(3): e20220038, set. 2022. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1396870


Photoperiod is an important environmental factor affecting animal physiological function. Melatonin is an endogenous hormone that plays an important role in circadian and seasonal (or cyclical) rhythms and seasonal reproduction in mammals. To investigate the effects of melatonin on the reproductive performance of adult male mice under different photoperiods, sixty mice were randomly allotted to six groups: control (Light Dark, 12 L:12 D), control plus melatonin (MLD, 12 L:12 D), 24-hour continuous light (LL, 24 L:0 D), 24-hour continuous light plus melatonin (MLL 24 L:0 D), constant darkness (DD, 0 L:24 D), and constant darkness plus melatonin (MDD, 0 L:24 D). Normal saline (100 µL) was injected into the LD, LL, and DD groups at noon each day; the MLD, MLL, and MDD groups were injected with melatonin (1 mg/mL; 2 mg/kg·body weigh). After 24 hours of prolonged light exposure, testis morphology decreased, convoluted seminiferous tubules became sparse, the diameter of convoluted seminiferous tubules decreased, and the level of sex hormones decreased. After the administration of exogenous melatonin, testicular morphology and sex hormone levels decreased in the MLD group under normal light conditions. In the MLL group, the testicular tissue morphology returned to normal, the diameter of convoluted tubules increased, the hormone levels of LH (Luteinizing hormone) and MTL (melatonin) significantly increased (P<0.05), and th0e gene expressions of LHß and Mtnr1A (Melatonin receptors 1A) increased. There was almost no difference in the MDD group under continuous darkness. In conclusion, melatonin can damage the reproductive performance of male mice under normal light conditions, while exogenous melatonin can alleviate and protect the testicular injury of male mice under continuous light conditions.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Camundongos , Testículo/fisiologia , Fotoperíodo , Melatonina/efeitos adversos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub. 1876, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1400770


Background: Fixed Time Artificial Insemination (FTAI) has achieved a significant evolution in the last 18 years, however, despite the progress achieved by modern FTAI programs, the conception rates obtained are still low. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the interrelation between progesterone levels in the periovulatory period and reproductive parameters of Nellore cows submitted to an FTAI protocol. Materials, Methods & Results: On a random day, called day 0 (D0), 57 cows received a P4 device associated with the intramuscular (IM) application of 2.0 mg of estradiol benzoate. On D9, the P4 devices were removed and then were administered 500 µg of cloprostenol sodium IM; 0.6 mg of estradiol cypionate IM and 300 IUI of Equine Chorionic Gonadotrophin IM. Blood samples were collected for the determination of serum P4 concentrations on D9 and D11 of the protocol. The evaluations of follicular diameter (DFOL), follicular wall area (AFOL) and the vascularization area of the follicle wall (VFOL) were carried out on D11 using B-mode ultrasonography examination and colour Doppler, and then the artificial inseminations were performed. The evaluation of the corpus luteum diameter (CLD), of the total corpus luteum area (CLA), of the area of corpus luteum vascularization (CLV) and blood sampling for determination of postovulatory P4 levels (Post-P4) were performed on D24. For the analysis of the P4 concentration the chemiluminescence method was used, with a sensitivity of 0.1 ng/mL. According to the P4 concentrations on D11, cows were divided into 2 groups, LOW LEVELS OF P4 and HIGH LEVELS OF P4. The diagnosis of pregnancy was performed using transrectal ultrasonography on D45, at this point the cows were divided into 2 groups, PREGNANT and NON-PREGNANT. The correlation between DFOL and P4 dosage on D11 was moderate, negative and significant and between the AFOL and the serum P4 levels on D9, was moderate, negative and significant. As for the other correlations between follicular and luteal parameters and serum P4 levels, these were low to moderate, negative and not significant. Cows in the LOW LEVELS OF P4 group had significantly larger diameter and follicular areas than the cows in the HIGH LEVELS OF P4 group, the other follicular and luteal parameters showed no statistical difference. Of the total 57 cows that were inseminated, 30 cows became pregnant. Cows in the PREGNANT group had serum P4 levels on D9 equivalent to that obtained by the NON-PREGNANT group. However, at D11 the cows that became pregnant presented significantly lower serum P4 levels than cows that did not become pregnant. Discussion: The results of the interrelation between follicular parameters and P4 levels obtained in the present study, pointed out that the lower the levels of P4, the higher the follicular parameters, corroborating with other authors. Thus, larger preovulatory follicles provided high ovulation rates. Periovulatory serum P4 levels did not significantly affect the morphofunctional parameters of the CL. Such findings may be justified by high periovulatory P4 levels resulting from less efficient luteolysis, exert a negative effect on the results of FTAI protocols, because progesterone inhibits the release of LH pulses. It is concluded that lower periovulatory P4 levels established a favourable condition for follicular development and fertility, however, morphofunctional parameters of the corpus luteum were not affected.

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Progesterona/análise , Monitorização Uterina/veterinária , Fase Folicular/fisiologia , Folículo Ovariano/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Hemodinâmica