The present study aimed at assessing the effects of hepatoprotective agents in diets that contain sources of energy on milk production, milk composition, and nutrient partition in lactating cows. Sixteen Holstein x Gir crossbred mid-lactation cows with an average body weight of 553 ± 85 kg were used in this study. These animals were allocated in a 4x4 Latin square design. A 2x2 factorial arrangement was employed in this feeding experiment. In each treatment, cows received diets with or without a hepatoprotective agent and variable in ground corn grain or citrus pulp as energy sources. Evaluated parameters included nutrient intake and digestibility, milk production, milk composition, energy balance, and nitrogen balance. Performance and nutrient balance variables were assessed and no interaction was observed between the hepatoprotective compounds and the dietary sources of energy. Dry matter intake, milk production and net energy for lactation were higher in corn as an energy source whereas milk fat content was higher in citrus pulp diets. There was a reduction in protein and casein contents in the milk of cows that was supplemented with an hepatoprotective agent. In this study, the hepatoprotective agent improved nitrogen balance in dairy cows. The use of the hepatoprotective compounds in the diet of these lactating cows in confinement reduced the milk protein fraction and favored a higher nitrogen balance in these animals. Retention of nitrogen compounds in the metabolism of lactating cows under confinement is influenced by hepatoprotective agents.(AU)
Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar os efeitos de fontes de energia associadas a um hepatoprotetor sobre a produção, composição do leite e a partição dos nutrientes em vacas lactantes confinadas. Foram utilizadas 16 vacas mestiças Holandês x Gir no terço médio da lactação, com peso corporal médio de 553 ± 85 kg, distribuídas em delineamento experimental quadrado latino 4x4 quádruplo em arranjo fatorial 2x2. Os tratamentos consistiram de dieta com ou sem a inclusão do hepatoprotetor, e variação de milho moído ou polpa cítrica como fontes de energia. Não houve interação (P>0.05) entre as fontes de energia e o hepatoprotetor para as variáveis de desempenho e balanço de nutrientes. O consumo de matéria seca, a produção de leite, o leite corrigido para 4% de gordura foram maiores (P<0.05) nas dietas com milho moído como fonte de energia. O teor de gordura do leite foi maior (P<0.05) nas dietas com a polpa cítrica. Houve redução (P<0.05) no teor de proteína bruta e caseína no leite das vacas que receberam o hepatoprotetor na dieta. O hepatoprotetor favoreceu maior (P<0.05) retenção e balanço de nitrogênio nas vacas. Portanto, o milho moído pode ser utilizado na dieta como fonte de energia para impulsionar a produção de leite. Enquanto, a fonte de energia proveniente da polpa cítrica afeta a composição do leite, através do incremento no teor de gordura. O uso de hepatoprotetores na dieta favoreceu maior retenção de nitrogênio em vacas lactantes confinadas.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Leite/química , Medicamentos Hepatoprotetores , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição AnimalResumo
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the qPCR for detection and enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae using different milk samplings in comparison to the conventional microbiology. Four dairy herds with a history of subclinical mastitis caused by S. aureus and S. agalactiae were selected. Sampling approach included milk samples from bulk tank (BT), cow level (composite samples, CO), and mammary quarter level (MQ) from 785 lactating cows. Three consecutive monthly milk samplings were carried out, totaling 3347 MQ milk samples, 912 CO, and 12 from BT. All collected milk samples were subjected to conventional microbiology and qPCR for detection and enumeration of S. aureus and S. agalactiae. The qPCR showed 71.5% of diagnostic sensitivity for S. aureus isolated from MQ milk samples, 71.8% for CO, and 50% for BT milk samples compared with conventional microbiology methodology. Taken together, the diagnostic sensitivity for S. agalactiae isolated from MQ milk samples was 90.2, 87.7 for CO, and 90.9% for BT milk samples. In general, the qPCR methodology enabled the detection of S. aureus and S. agalactiae, regardless of the type of milk sampling. The direct use of milk samples to estimate the counting of S. aureus by qPCR demonstrated lower sensitivity than the counting of S. agalactiae, which can be explained by the pathogen infection dynamics and differences in milk sample type.
Animais , Bovinos , Staphylococcus aureus , Streptococcus agalactiae , Doenças dos Bovinos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Leite/microbiologia , Mastite BovinaResumo
National dairy production is characterized by significant heterogeneity in production techniques and herd and farmer profiles. Our objective was to characterize 18 dairy farms under family farming in Senador Guiomard, Acre State, from January to December 2019. Data were gathered through 255-question semi-structured forms applied to farmers in monthly visits. The data were then stored in Excel® spreadsheets and subjected to descriptive statistics. A joint analysis showed the following characteristics: farmers with low schooling level (89%); farmers of advanced age (61%); non-adoption of good dairy practices (100%); inadequate milk transport (72%); adequate brucellosis vaccination (100%); non-specialized herds (40%); pasture production system (100%); low productivity per area (873 L/ha/year) and per cow (4.0 liters/cow/day); low number of lactating cows (53%); and gross milk income (29,466.65 R$/year) representing 69% of the total gross income. The region studied has positive factors such as market guarantees, proximity to large market centers, reasonable land prices, suitable climate, ease of credit, rural education, and technical assistance. Overall, the farms are managed under a traditional production system, with low use of technology and unsatisfactory zootechnical indexes. However, the region has favorable conditions for dairy farming development.(AU)
A produção nacional leiteira é caracterizada por grande heterogeneidade, tanto nas técnicas de produção, quanto no rebanho e perfil dos produtores. Objetivou-se caracterizar 18 propriedades rurais produtoras de leite em regime de agricultura familiar, no município de Senador Guiomard, Acre, durante o período de janeiro a dezembro de 2019. Para obtenção dos dados, foi aplicado um formulário semiestruturado contando 255 questões e atualizações mensais dos indicadores durante visitas técnicas às propriedades. Os dados foram tabulados em planilhas no software Excel® e submetidos à estatística descritiva. A análise conjunta resultou em baixa escolaridade dos produtores (89%); idade avançada (61%) dos produtores; não realização de boas práticas de ordenha (100%); transporte inadequado do leite (72%); realização de vacina para brucelose satisfatória (100%); rebanho não especializado (40%); sistema de produção a pasto (100%); baixa produtividade por área (873 L/ha/ano) e por vaca (4,0 litros/vaca/dia); baixo índice de vacas em lactação (53%); e renda bruta do leite (29.466,65 R$/ano) representando 69% da renda bruta da atividade. A região estudada apresenta fatores positivos como garantia de mercado, proximidade dos grandes centros, preço da terra, clima, facilidade de créditos, educação rural e assistência técnica. Concluiu-se que as propriedades possuem sistema de produção tradicional com baixo emprego de tecnologia e indicadores zootécnicos insatisfatórios. No entanto, constatou-se que a região apresenta condições favoráveis para o desenvolvimento da produção.(AU)
Bovinos/fisiologia , Fazendas/economia , Brasil , Zona RuralResumo
The present study aimed to verify the occurrence of displacement of the abomasum (DA) in dairy herds from a high-yielding dairy region of Southern Brazil. Data on breed, age, lactation number, days after calving, breeding system, number of animals, and number of lactating cows in the herd were obtained from 135 cases of DA. A total of 39 herds, and 6,454 cows, including 2,987 lactating cows from the municipality of Palmeira, Paraná State, were included in this study. The overall prevalence of DA was 2.09%, and occurrence of DA during lactation was 4.42%. Left displacement was more prevalent, with 94.07% of the cases. The mean number of lactations and age of the cows were 2.5±1.16 lactations and 50.9±18.5 months, respectively. DA occurred predominantly in the semi-intensive breeding system (68.1% of cases), during the first 4 weeks postpartum (84.4% of cases), in Black and White Holstein-Friesian cows (94.07% of cases), and during the winter (31.1% of cases). Cows with DA in high-yielding dairy farms in Southern Brazil were similar to cows from herds of high-milk-yielding regions of North America and Europe. Multiparous Black and White Holstein-Friesian cows showed the highest prevalence of DA during the transition period, mostly on the left side.
O presente estudo objetivou verificar a ocorrência do deslocamento de abomaso (DA) em rebanhos leiteiros de uma bacia leiteira de alta produção, na região sul do Brasil. Dados sobre raça, idade, números de lactação, número de dias após o parto, sistema de criação, número total de animais e de vacas em lactação foram obtidos de 135 casos de DA. Trinta e nove rebanhos, 6.454 vacas, sendo 2.987 vacas em lactação da cidade de Palmeira, Estado do Paraná, foram incluídos neste estudo. A frequência de DA foi de 2,09%, sendo que em vacas lactantes esta frequência foi de 4,42%. O deslocamento à esquerda foi o mais prevalente, com 94,07% dos casos. O número médio de lactações e a idade das vacas acometidas por DA foram 2,5±1,16 lactações e 50,9±18,5 meses, respectivamente. O DA ocorreu predominantemente em animais criados no sistema semi-intensivo (68,1% dos casos), durante as primeiras quatro semanas pós-parto (84,4% dos casos), em vacas Holandesa branco e preta (94,07% dos casos) e durante o inverno (31,1% dos casos). As vacas com DA em rebanhos leiteiros de alta produção do Sul do Brasil apresentaram similaridades com vacas de rebanhos de alta produção localizados em outros países da América do Norte e Europa. Vacas multíparas, Holandesa Preto e Branca e durante o período de transição tiveram a maior ocorrência de DA, sendo a maioria para o lado esquerdo.
Animais , Bovinos , Abomaso/anormalidades , Doenças dos Bovinos , FazendasResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the seasonal effect of months of the year upon the physiological and productive responses of crossbred dairy cows raised in an Amazonian climate. Twenty lactating cows were evaluated, fed on Brachiaria decumbens pasture, with free access to water and mineral supplementation. Data from climate variables air temperature (AT), relative humidity (RH), rainfall (RA) and temperature and humidity index (THI) were recorded dur ing the months of January to April 2019. The physiological data collected were: respiratory rate (RR, mov/min), heart rate (HR, beats/min), rectal temperature (RT, ºC), udder surface temperature (UST, ºC), body surface temperature (BST, ºC), dorsum surface temperature (DST, ºC), front surface temperature (FST, ºC) and rear shin temperature (RST). Milk production (MP) was also measured. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) of RST and RR with values ranging from 34.8 to 35.5°C and 32.0 to 36.2 mov/min, respectively. There were no significant difference (P>0.05) for BST, and the values for MP and THI were 3.8; 3.8; 4.6; 4.1 kg and 77.7; 79.7; 80.6; 80.1, respectively. It was concluded that there was a seasonal effect of the months of the year evaluated on the respiratory rate of animals, however, it did not change the MP and the THI. The Amazon environment is conducive to causing thermal stress in lactating cows raised on pasture, requiring the use of shading to facilitate the ability of these animals to dissipate heat.(AU)
O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar os efeitos sazonais dos meses do ano sobre as respostas fisiológicas e produtivas de vacas leiteiras mestiças criadas em clima amazônico. Foram avaliadas 20 vacas lactantes, alimentadas com pasto de Brachiaria decumbens, com acesso livre a água e suplementação mineral. Foram registrados dados das variáveis climáticas temperatura do ar (TA), umidade relativa do ar (UR), precipitação pluviométrica (PP) e índice de temperatura e Umidade (ITU) durante os meses de janeiro a abril de 2019. Os dados fisiológicos coletados foram: frequência respiratória (FR, mov/min), frequência cardíaca (FC, bat./min), temperatura retal (TR, ºC), temperatura superficial do úbere (TSU, ºC), temperatura superfície corporal (TSC, ºC), temperatura superficial do dorso (TSD, ºC), temperatura superficial da fronte (TSF, ºC) e temperatura superficial da canela (TSCA, °C). Também foi mensurada a produção de leite (PL, kg). Houve diferença significativa (P<0,05) da TSCA e FR com valores variando de 34,8 a 35,5°C e 32,0 a 36,2 mov/min, respectivamente. Não houve diferença significativa (P>0,05) para TSC e os valores observados para PL e ITU foram 3,8; 3,8; 4,6; 4,1 kg e 77,7; 79,7; 80,6; 80,1, respectivamente. Houve efeito sazonal dos meses avaliados sobre a taxa respiratória dos animais, no entanto, isso não alterou a PL nem o ITU. O ambiente amazônico é propício a causar estresse térmico em vacas lactantes mantidas a pasto, sendo necessário o uso de sombreamento para facilitar a capacidade de dissipação de calor corporal desses animais.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Modalidades Fisiológicas , Estações do Ano , Pastagens , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , BrachiariaResumo
Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular zoonotic protozoan parasite usually infects human and animal worldwide. This study aimed to analyze the sero-prevalence of T. gondii in blood of lactating animals and human living in close proximity and also to detect Toxoplasma DNA in unpasteurized milk of the studied animals. A total of 233 blood and milk samples were collected from lactating animals, and 735 blood samples were taken from humans in District Upper Dir, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The blood samples were analyzed through ELISA while the milk samples were analyzed by PCR for the presence of T. gondii DNA. A standard questionnaire was introduced to collect the data from the participants. In animals, the reported sero-prevalence was 32.18% for IgM, 17.16% for IgG, and 6.4% for both IgM and IgG. The reported positivity for T. gondii DNA in milk was 14.44%, 34.8%, 20%, and 26% in sheep, goats, cows, and buffaloes, respectively. In the human blood samples, 9.8% were found positive for IgM and 11.2% for IgG while none of the samples was found positive for both IgM and IgG. Overall sero-prevalence reported in females was significantly higher than the male (p< 0.0001) were the significant risk factors associated with T. gondii infections in animals. In conclusion, T. gondii infection is prevalent in lactating animals and humans using their raw milk in the study area. It is suggested that raw milk should be considered as a vehicle for the transmission of T. gondii to humans. Proper pasteurization of milk is very useful in limiting the transmission of infection. Awareness and control programs should be implemented to prevent the infection.
Toxoplasma gondii é um protozoário parasita intracelular zoonótico que geralmente infecta humanos e animais em todo o mundo. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a soroprevalência de T. gondii no sangue de animais lactantes e humanos que vivem em proximidade, além de detectar o DNA de Toxoplasma no leite não pasteurizado dos indivíduos estudados. Um total de 233 amostras de sangue e leite foram coletadas de animais lactantes e 735 amostras de sangue foram coletadas de humanos no Distrito Upper Dir Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, no Paquistão. As amostras de sangue foram analisadas pelo método ELISA enquanto as amostras de leite foram analisadas por PCR para a presença de DNA de T. gondii. Um questionário padrão foi introduzido para coletar os dados dos participantes. Em animais, a soroprevalência relatada foi de 32,18% para IgM, 17,16% para IgG e 6,4% para IgM e IgG. A positividade relatada para DNA de T. gondii encontrada no leite foi de 14,44%, 34,8%, 20% e 26% em ovelhas, cabras, vacas e búfalas, respectivamente. Nas amostras de sangue humano, 9,8% foram consideradas positivas para IgM e 11,2% para IgG, enquanto nenhuma das amostras foi considerada positiva para IgM e IgG. A soroprevalência geral relatada em mulheres foi significativamente maior do que em homens (p < 0,05). Neste estudo, contato com gatos (p < 0,0001), hábitos alimentares (p < 0,0001), fonte de água para beber (p < 0,0001) e más condições de higiene (p < 0,0001) foram os fatores de risco significativos associados a infecções por T. gondii em animais. Em conclusão, a infecção por T. gondii é prevalecente em animais lactantes e humanos que utilizam leite cru, isto é, não-pasteurizado, na área de estudo. Sugere-se que o leite não-pasteurizado seja considerado um veículo de transmissão do T. gondii para humanos. A pasteurização adequada do leite é muito útil para limitar a transmissão de infecções. Programas de conscientização e controle devem ser implementados para prevenir a infecção.
Humanos , Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Toxoplasma/isolamento & purificação , Toxoplasmose Animal/epidemiologia , Leite/microbiologia , Alimentos Crus/microbiologia , Paquistão/epidemiologia , Búfalos/microbiologia , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , Cabras/microbiologia , Ovinos/microbiologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterináriaResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the type of calving (normal or assisted) on the occurrence of puerperal uterine disorders and on the number of artificial inseminations (AI) per conception and pregnancy rate at 150 days postpartum (PPD). Cows were observed during parturition and the type of calving was classified as normal or assisted. Normal calving required no human interference, while assisted calving required a calf removal aid via vaginal access. There were 825 births, 7 stillbirths (0.85%) and 17 twins (2.06%). We analyzed 801 single births, from which 766 (95.63%) were normal and 35 (4.36%) assisted. Were evaluated the uterine disorders occurrence such as retained placenta combined with metritis (PR/ME) and clinical endometritis (CE). The overall occurrences were 10.24% (82/801) of RP/ME, 12.86% for CE and 5.12% for RP/ME and CE. Most of normal calving cows had healthy puerperium (73.89%), whereas a majority of assisted calving cows had uterine disorders (74.29%). The number of AI per conception was similar for cows that had either normal or assisted calving (2.39±0.08 and 3.00±0.43, P = 0.16). There was no evidence of negative influence of calving type on the 150 PPD pregnancy rate of lactating crossbreed dairy cows (P = 0.44). Healthy cows had higher 150 PPD pregnancy rate than cows affected by puerperium uterine disorders (51.65 vs. 42.92%). Normal calving crossbred dairy cows had a healthier puerperium, compared to cows with assisted calving which were more susceptible to puerperium uterine disorders. And cows with a health puerperium have a higher pregnancy rate at 150 days postpartum.
Objetivou-se avaliar em vacas leiteiras mestiças que pariram um bezerro vivo, o efeito do tipo de parto (normal ou assistido) na ocorrência de desordens uterinas puerperais e no número de inseminações artificiais (IA) por concepção e taxa de prenhez 150 dias pós-parto (DPP). As vacas foram monitoradas durante o parto e o tipo de parto foi classificado como normal ou assistido. O parto normal não precisou de interferência humana, enquanto o parto assistido precisou de auxílio para retirada do bezerro por via vaginal. Foram registrados 825 partos, sendo 7 natimortos (0,85%) e 17 gemelares (2,06%). Foram analisados 801 partos simples, dos quais 766 (95,63%) foram normais e 35 (4,36%) foram assistidos. Foram avaliadas a ocorrência de desordens uterinas como a retenção de placenta associada com metrite (RP/ME) e endometrite clínica (EC). A ocorrência das doenças foi de 10,24% (82/801) para RP/ME, 12,86% para EC e 5.12% para RP/ME com CE. A maioria das vacas com parto normal tiveram puerpério saudável (73,89%), enquanto a maioria das vacas com parto assistido apresentaram desordens uterinas (74,29%). O número de IA por concepção foi semelhante nas vacas que tiveram parto normal ou assistido (2,39±0,08 e 3,00±0,43, P = 0,16). Não houve evidência de influência negativa do tipo de parto na taxa de prenhez 150 DPP de vacas leiteiras mestiças em lactação (P = 0,44). Vacas saudáveis apresentaram maior taxa de prenhez 150 DPP do que vacas afetadas por desordens uterinas no puerpério (51,65 vs. 42,92%). Vacas leiteiras mestiças com parto normal tiveram um puerpério saudável, comparadas às que tiveram parto assistido, por sua vez foram mais susceptíveis as desordens uterinas no puerpério. E vacas com puerpério saudável resultaram em maiores taxas de prenhez aos 150 dias pós parto.
Animais , Bovinos , Transtornos Puerperais/veterinária , Reprodução , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , PartoResumo
A cetose, conhecida também como acetonemia, é um distúrbio metabólico que afeta principalmente vacas leiteiras de alta produção. A elevação anormal de corpos cetônicos nos tecidos e fluidos corporais do animal ocorre devido a um déficit de energia. A quantidade de alimento/nutrientes ingeridos não é suficiente para suprir a demanda corporal do mesmo, assim como a eficiência reprodutiva que está diretamente ligada à saúde, condição corporal e sua capacidade de produção. Animais de alta produção possuem um desafio muito grande de aumentar a produção a cada lactação, com isso, estão susceptíveis a mudanças metabólicas, entre elas a cetose, clínica ou subclínica. Tal enfermidade ocorre devido a uma má adaptação metabólica do animal a sua nova condição de lactante. A elevada incidência de doenças uterinas no pós-parto de vacas leiteiras é responsável por inúmeros prejuízos para a atividade, principalmente pela redução da eficiência reprodutiva das vacas acometidas por infecções. Contudo, visto que a cetose subclínica prevalece nos rebanhos leiteiros de alta produção, o objetivo desta revisão de literatura é apresentar a patogenia e os efeitos que esse distúrbio metabólico têm sobre a reprodução das vacas de aptidão leiteira no após o parto, utilizando de indicadores como taxa de prenhez, taxa de concepção, retorno a ciclicidade, intervalo entre partos e intervalo entre parto e estro.(AU)
Ketosis, also known as acetonemia, is a metabolic disorder that primarily affects high-yielding dairy cows. The abnormal elevation of ketone bodies in the animal's tissues and body fluids occurs due to an energy deficit. The amount of food/nutrients ingested are not enough to supply the body's demand, as well as the reproductive efficiency that is directly linked to health, body condition and its production capacity. High production animals have a very big challenge to increase production with each lactation, therefore, they are susceptible to metabolic changes, including clinical or subclinical ketosis. Such a disease occurs due to a poor metabolic adaptation of the animal to its new lactating condition. The high incidence of uterine diseases in the postpartum period of dairy cows is responsible for numerous losses to the activity, mainly for the reduction of the reproductive efficiency of cows affected by infections. However, since subclinical ketosis prevails in high production dairy herds, the objective of this literature review is to present the pathogenesis and the effects that this metabolic disorder has on the reproduction of dairy cows in the postpartum period, using indicators such as pregnancy rate, conception rate, return to cyclicity, calving interval and calving-estrus interval.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Cetoses/análise , PrenhezResumo
The experiment was carried out to evaluate the quality of anhydrous milk fat (AMF) of cows and buffaloes supplemented with flaxseed oil (FO), soybean oil (SO), or their mixture (FSO). Lactating crossbred cows and buffaloes were fed with control diet or with one of three supplements: 2% FO, 2% SO, and 2% FSO according to a double 4 x4 Latin Square Design. The diets with FO, SO, or FSO reduced saturated FA, mainly C4:0, C14:0 and C16:0, while increased the unsaturated FA C18:1 and C18:2 in milk from cows andbuffaloes. Cholesterol content decreased in cow's AMF while increased in buffalo's AMF when a diet supplemented with FO, SO, or FSO. The diet with SO or FSO increased the content of vitamin E in AMF obtained from cows (25.06 and 17.89 mg 100 g-1) and buffaloes (28.48 and 30.32 mg 100 g-1) compared with the control diet (11.02 and 15.68 mg 100 g-1), respectively, which correlated positively with scavenging activity for DPPH⢠(r2= 0.66) and ABTSâ¢(r2= 0.67) radicals. Solid fat content (SFC) was high for cow's AMF, with 58.12-60.37% at 5°C compared to that of buffalo's AMF, with 52.37-56.98%, but was low for cow's AMF at >15°C. Finally, supplementing a diet with vegetable oils, particularly SO, improves the quality of AMF; increases USFA/SFA ratio, vitamin E content, and antioxidant activities.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise , Leite/química , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Glycine max/fisiologia , Óleo de Semente do Linho , Búfalos/fisiologia , Bovinos/fisiologiaResumo
A realização de diagnósticos das atividades agropecuárias torna-se essencial, principalmente naqueles municípios que dependem do setor para enriquecer o PIB e gerar emprego e renda, uma vez que, essas informações coletadas, direcionam políticas públicas eficientes. Objetivou-se investigar como encontram-se organizados e distribuídos os sistemas de produção de leite bovino do município de Quixeramobim/CE. Realizou-se para isso, uma pesquisa por meio da aplicação de um questionário aos pecuaristas durante a campanha de vacinação contra febre aftosa, tendo sido quantificadas algumas variáveis, tais como: produção de leite (L/dia), total de vacas (cabeças), vacas em lactação (cabeças), área dapropriedade (ha), localização geográfica no município e, alguns índices zootécnicos derivados da relação das matrizes com o volume de leite produzido. Observou-se que Quixeramobim produz aproximadamente 151.602 L/dia de leite, com um total de vacas ordenhadas de 15.694 (cabeças), tendo os distritos de Damião Carneiro e Encantado o maior (29.538 L/dia) e menor (5.629 L/dia) volumes produzidos, respectivamente. Notou-se ainda que os distritos de Nenelândia e Encantado, foram os que apresentaram os maiores (17%) e menores (3%) números de produtores em relação ao total, respectivamente do município, sendo que, grande parte destes, de acordo comacondição de uso da terra, são proprietários (43%), e pequena parte (4%) considerados como moradores. Quixeramobim tema bovinocultura leiteira como uma das principais atividades, tendo sido essa caracterizada pela alta variabilidade em todo o seu território, o que é um indicativo no momento da geração e aplicação de políticas públicas específicas, levando-se em consideração as especificidades de cada local.(AU)
Therealization of diagnoses of agricultural activities becomes essential, especially in those municipalities that dependon the sector to enrichthe GDP and generate employment and income, since this collected information directs efficient public policies. The objective was to investigate how the bovine milk production systems in the municipality of Quixeramobim/CE are organized and distributed. Asurvey was carried out by applying a questionnaire to ranchers during the foot-and-mouth disease vaccination campaign, having quantified some variables, such as: milk production (L/day), total cows (head), lactating cows (head), property area (ha), geographic location in the municipality and some zootechnical indices derived from the relationship of the matrices withthe volume of milk produced. It was observed that Quixeramobim produces approximately 151,602 L/day of milk, with a total of 15,694 milked cows (head, with the districts of Damião Carneiro and Encantado being the highest (29,538 L/day) and lowest (5,629 L/day) volumes produced, respectively. It was also noted that the districts of Nenelândia and Encantado were the ones that presented the highest (17%) and lowest (3%) numbers of producers in relation to the total, respectively, of the municipality, and mostof them, according to the condition of land use, are owners (43%), and a small part (4%) are considered residents. Quixeramobim has dairy cattle as one of its main activities, which has been characterized by high variability throughout its territory, which is indicative at the time of generation and application of specific public policies, taking into account the specificities of each location.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Leite/fisiologia , Brasil , Indústria de Laticínios/legislação & jurisprudênciaResumo
This study was conducted to determine the nutrient status, changes in the hematological and selected blood metabolites profile of mid-lactating dairy cows during wet and dry seasons under Indonesia's tropical environment. Forty mid-lactating FH cows were selected from the Livestock Farm Complex (Dairy Community) in Yogyakarta, with an average body weight of 421.77±28.60 kg and 1st to 3rd lactation. They were housed in a semi-open housing system with concrete flooring covered with rubber mats and provided with feeders and drinkers. They were fed twice daily, and drinking water was given ad libitum. Measurements were made on the intakes of feed (and nutrients). The variables measured were nutrient intakes, blood hematology, and metabolites profile and measured over two seasons, namely wet and dry seasons. The results of the measurements made were compared using independent t-test analysis. The result indicated that intake of CP, RLYM, RNEUT, NEUT, RBC, HGB, MCV, MCHC, MPV, albumin, urea nitrogen, and total protein was differed significantly (P < 0.05) between wet and dry seasons, respectively. It was concluded that the nutrient status of mid-lactating dairy cows in the wet season was higher than during the dry season, especially the intake of CP. In the wet season, it has a positive effect on the basic hematological parameters.
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Animais Lactentes/sangue , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Bovinos , Estação Chuvosa , Estação Seca , LactaçãoResumo
This study was conducted to determine the nutrient status, changes in the hematological and selected blood metabolites profile of mid-lactating dairy cows during wet and dry seasons under Indonesia's tropical environment. Forty mid-lactating FH cows were selected from the Livestock Farm Complex (Dairy Community) in Yogyakarta, with an average body weight of 421.77±28.60 kg and 1st to 3rd lactation. They were housed in a semi-open housing system with concrete flooring covered with rubber mats and provided with feeders and drinkers. They were fed twice daily, and drinking water was given ad libitum. Measurements were made on the intakes of feed (and nutrients). The variables measured were nutrient intakes, blood hematology, and metabolites profile and measured over two seasons, namely wet and dry seasons. The results of the measurements made were compared using independent t-test analysis. The result indicated that intake of CP, RLYM, RNEUT, NEUT, RBC, HGB, MCV, MCHC, MPV, albumin, urea nitrogen, and total protein was differed significantly (P < 0.05) between wet and dry seasons, respectively. It was concluded that the nutrient status of mid-lactating dairy cows in the wet season was higher than during the dry season, especially the intake of CP. In the wet season, it has a positive effect on the basic hematological parameters.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Lactação/fisiologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal/fisiologia , Estação Chuvosa , Hematologia/métodos , IndonésiaResumo
This study aimed to evaluate copper sulfate solutions at 5% and 10% concentrations in footbaths from three dairy farms (A, B and C) with free stall and compost barn production systems, located in the municipality of Arapoti, Parana, Brazil. Farms A, B and C were composed of 537, 88 and 208 lactating cows, respectively, all conditioned to the use of a footbath. Every seven days, before and after the passage of each batch of cows through the footbath, samples of the solution were collected for the evaluation of pH, temperature, and the volume of the solution measured. Farms A and C had higher pH alkalinization due to the greater number of batch passages, from the third batch onwards, and also a reduction in the volume of the solution. It is concluded that the volume varied both with the number of animals that passed through the footbath and with the deposition of organic matter in the solution. The concentration of 10% copper sulfate solution was not able to inhibit pH changes. Furthermore, there was no standardization in the dimensions of the footbaths on the farms.
Objetivou-se avaliar as soluções de sulfato de cobre nas concentrações de 5% e 10%, em pedilúvios de três propriedades leiteiras (A, B e C), com sistemas de produção "free stall" e "compost barn", localizadas no município de Arapoti, Paraná, Brasil. As propriedades A, B e C eram compostas por 537, 88 e 208 vacas em lactação, respectivamente, todas condicionadas ao uso do pedilúvio. A cada sete dias, antes e após a passagem de cada lote de vacas pelo pedilúvio, foram colhidas amostras da solução para a avaliação do pH, da temperatura e do volume. As propriedades A e C tiveram alcalinização maior do pH devido ao maior número de passagem de lotes, a partir do terceiro lote, com redução também do volume da solução. Conclui-se que o volume variou tanto com o número de animais que passaram pelo pedilúvio quanto com a deposição de matéria orgânica na solução. A concentração da solução de sulfato de cobre a 10% não foi capaz de inibir as alterações de pH. Além disso, não houve padronização das dimensões dos pedilúvios nas fazendas.
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/lesões , Sulfato de CobreResumo
The Brazilian dairy sector is important for the world agricultural production; however, it presents problems in production efficiency and milk quality, since the occurrence of mastitis in the herds can reach 47%. The present study analyzed data from a rural property with 100 lactating cows in a semi-intensive breeding system, which did not adopt adequate hygiene management for milking processes. Corrective measures were proposed, such as daily strip cup test, biweekly California Mastitis Test, formation of a new milking line, and daily pre dipping and post dipping and cleaning of teat cups. Milk samples from 10 animals with positive clinical mastitis, 10 animals with positive subclinical mastitis, and from the cooling tank were collected at one day before and 90 days after the implementation of the proposed measures and sent to a laboratory for analysis of somatic cell counting (SCC) and total bacteria counting (TBC). An increase of 17% in milk production and decreases of 64% and 40% in clinical and subclinical mastitis, respectively, were found after 90 days, with a consequent decrease in SCC and TBC. The milking duration after this period denoted an adaptation of the employees to the new procedures. The production financial yield was calculated based on the implementation costs of the adopted adequations and increases in milk production, representing a profitability increase of 10.4%. The implemented adequations were efficient for the control of mastitis and increase in milk yield and quality, resulting in a positive economic return.(AU)
O setor lácteo brasileiro possui grande relevância na produção agrícola mundial e apesar disso, ainda são encontra-dos problemas na eficiência produtiva e na qualidade do leite, onde a prevalência de mastite nos rebanhos pode chegar a 47%. Neste estudo, foram analisados dados de uma propriedade rural com 100 vacas lactantes e sistema de criação semi-intensivo, que não adotava manejo higiênico adequado na ordenha. Foram propostas medidas de correção como execução diária do teste da caneca telada e teste quinzenal do CMT, formação de nova linha de ordenha, adoção diária do pré dipping e pós dipping e higienização das teteiras. Foram coletadas amostras de leite de 10 animais positivos para mastite clínica, 10positivos para mastite subclínica e do tanque de resfriamento um dia antes e 90 dias após a implementação das novas medidas e enviadas ao laboratório para análise da CCS e CBT. Após 90 dias, houve aumento na produção de leite em 17% e redução dos índices de mastite clínica e subclínica em 64% e 40%, respectivamente, com consequente diminuição dos valores de CCS e CBT. A duração da ordenha após esse período indicou adaptação dos colaboradores aos novos procedimentos instaurados. Por fim, calculou-se o rendimento financeiro da produção baseado nos custos de implantação das correções e no aumento da produção de leite, que reverteu-se em lucratividade 10,4% maior. Conclui-se que as adequações implementadas foram eficazes no con-trole de mastite e no aumento da produtividade dos animais e da qualidade do leite, resultando em retorno econômico positivo.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Indicadores Econômicos , Mastite Bovina/diagnóstico , Bovinos , Leite/químicaResumo
Adding ionophores to ruminant diets is a strategy to manipulate ruminal fermentation and improve milk yield. This study evaluates the effects of narasin supply to lactating ewes on dry matter intake (DMI), milk yield and composition, and performance of the lambs. Thirty lactating Santa Inês and Santa Inês × Dorper ewes fed a basal diet containing 50 % coastcross hay and 50 % concentrate were randomly assigned to two treatments: control (CON; without ionophores) or NAR (addition of 13 mg narasin kg-1 DM). From the 2nd to 10th week of lactation, DMI of ewes was determined, and once a week, their milk production and composition was measured over a 3-h interval. At the 10th week of lactation, lambs were weaned and their average daily gain (ADG) and starter DMI continued to be evaluated for two more weeks. Narasin supply did not affect weight and DMI of ewes. Ewes fed NAR had greater feed efficiency for milk production and displayed tendency for higher milk yield. Narasin supply reduced milk protein levels, but it did not affect other milk component levels. Ewes fed NAR had greater production of milk urea nitrogen and showed tendency for higher production of fat and total solids. Starter DMI of lambs was not affected by treatments; however, there was a tendency for greater weaning weight for NAR lambs. At the end of experiment, no differences were observed in the performance of lambs. The supply of 13 mg narasin kg-1 to lactating ewes improved milk yield efficiency and tended to increase the weaning weight of their lambs.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/fisiologia , Coccidiostáticos/química , Leite/fisiologia , Animais Lactentes/fisiologia , Lactação , Ionóforos/análiseResumo
This study evaluated the effect of crude protein (CP) reduction in four diets (156, 139, 132, and 127 g Kg-1 DM) maintaining constant metabolizable protein (188 g/day) on the follicular fluid and cumulus-oocyte complexes of mid-lactating Girolando cows. Twenty-two Girolando cows with average of 21.55 ±3.19 L daily milk yield, 105.30 ±22.62 days in lactation and 3.22 ±0.03 body condition score were selected. To reduce CP in diets and maintain constant metabolizable protein, urea and soybean meal were gradually replaced by lignosulfonate-treated soybean meal (SoyPass®, Cargill), resulting in an increase in rumen-undegradable protein and a reduction in rumen degradable protein. A linear and quadratic reduction was observed in the plasma and follicular fluid urea nitrogen concentration following CP reduction, with the most intense reduction occurring in the 127 g Kg-1 DM group (p<0.001). As CP reduced, there was a tendency for a linear increase in the follicular growth rate (P=0.0696), on the number and proportion of viable oocytes (P<0.09), and also a linear increase for the number (P=0.0397) and proportion (P<0.09) of grade I viable oocytes. Plus, there was a linear effect for the number of cumulus oophorus cells. Cows fed with the lowest amount of CP had cumulus-oocyte complexes with higher numbers of cumulus oophorus cells (P=0.0238). Also, the reduction of diet crude protein was followed by a decrease in the probability of oocytes' DNA degradation. In conclusion, the reduction of CP in the diet of mid-lactating Girolando cows, reduces urea nitrogen concentration in both blood plasma and follicular fluid, and, as a consequence, increases the viability of oocytes and the number of cumulus oophorus cells while reducing oocytes' DNA degradation of follicular included cumulus-oocyte complex. The reduction on dietary CP may improve in vivo oocytes' embryo development impacting fertility of lactating dairy cows.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Oócitos/fisiologia , Lactação/fisiologia , Líquido Folicular/fisiologiaResumo
Breeding strategies aim to reduce lameness in dairies by using predictor traits to increase the selection of dairy cows. This study enhanced the present knowledge about association between the claw conformations (CC), hindlimb conformation (HiLC), gait, and body condition score (BCS) in dairy cows. A total of 166 lactating Holstein cows were enrolled in the study and scored for BCS, CC, HiLC, and gait. The abnormal HiLC group was statistically significant (P<0.001) to have more abnormal CC. Hock in (Hin) cows showed significance (P<0.001) with CC abnormalities. Cows with abnormal gait have less abnormal claw and limb conformation than normal cows (P=0.032). Lactation number (P=0.036) and abnormal HiLC (P<0.001) were significantly increased risk for CC. The present results might be useful for claw and hindlimb conformations, and breeding strategies of the herd.
Estratégias de melhoramento visam reduzir a claudicação em gado leiteiro usando características preditoras para aumentar a seleção de vacas com alta produtividade. Os objetivos deste estudo foram aumentar o conhecimento atual sobre a associação entre as conformações do casco (CC), conformação dos membros posteriores (HiLC), marcha e escore de condição corporal (BCS) em vacas leiteiras. Um total de 166 vacas Holandesas em lactação foram incluídas no estudo e pontuadas para BCS, CC, HiLC e marcha. O grupo HiLC anormal foi considerado estatisticamente significativo (P <0,001) para ter mais CC anormal. Vacas Hock in (Hin) mostraram significância (P <0,001) com anormalidades CC. Vacas com marcha anormal têm menos conformação anormal de cascos e membros do que vacas normais (P = 0,032). Número de lactação (P = 0,036) e HiLC anormal (P <0,001) aumentaram significativamente o risco de CC. Os presentes resultados podem ser úteis para conformações de cascos e membros posteriores e estratégias de reprodução do rebanho.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Bovinos/anatomia & histologia , Análise da Marcha/veterinária , Membro Posterior/anatomia & histologia , Casco e Garras/anatomia & histologiaResumo
The aim of this study was to verify the efficiency and ovulation time after the administration of different inducers for synchronization of ovulation in beef cows. One hundred and eight non-lactating cows were distributed into the control group (CG; untreated; n=28), estradiol benzoate (EB) group (EBG; n=28); 17 beta-estradiol (17ßE) group (17ßEG; n=28), and deslorelin (DES) group (DESG; n=24). On day minus 11 (D-11) of the protocol, the CG underwent application of cloprostenol and ultrasound examination (US); on D0, progesterone (P4) was inserted plus EB; on D7, cloprostenol was applied; on D9, P4 was removed and cloprostenol plus 400 IU of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) was injected. The EBG was subjected to treatment identical to that of the CG, except on D10, when the cows received EB. The 17ßE was subjected to the same protocol used in the CG except for the administration of 17ßE on D10. And, the DESG was subjected to the same treatment as the CG, except on D10, when the group received DES acetate. Twelve hours after the administration of EB, 17ßE and DES, ovarian US were performed every 6 hours. The preovulatory follicle (POF) diameters measured before ovulation were 19.5; 14.7; 18.7 and 19.8 mm respectively for CG, EBG, 17ßEG and DESG; and the time intervals between inducer application and ovulation were 20.2; 18.9; 21.0 and 22.5 hours respectively. In conclusion, all ovulation inducers were efficient in promoting ovulation; the inducers caused ovulation between 18.9 and 22.5 hours; EB promoted ovulation in a shorter time (P<0.05); 17ßE and DES showed greater variation in application/ovulation time between groups.
O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a eficiência e a ovulação após a administração de diferentes indutores para a sincronização da ovulação em vacas de corte. Cento e oito vacas não-lactantes foram distribuídas em grupo controle (GC; não tratadas; n=28); grupo benzoato de estradiol (BE) (GBE; n=28); grupo 17 beta-estradiol (17ßE) (G17ßE; n=28) e grupo deslorelina (DES) (GDES; n=24). No dia menos 11 (D-11) do protocolo, o GC recebeu cloprostenol e exame ultrassonográfico (US); ao D0, dispositivo de progesterona (P4) foi inserido mais BE; ao D7, cloprostenol foi aplicado; ao D9, a P4 foi removida e cloprostenol mais 400 UI de gonadotrofina coriônica equina (eCG) foi injetada. O GBE foi submetido a tratamento idêntico ao do GC, exceto ao D10, quando as vacas receberam BE. o G17ßE foi submetido ao mesmo protocolo usado no CG exceto pela administração de 17ßE ao D10. E, o GDES foi submetido ao mesmo tratamento que o CG, exceto ao D10, quando o grupo recebeu o acetato de DES. Doze horas após a administração de BE, 17ßE e DES, US ovarianos foram realizados a cada 6 horas. O diâmetro do folículo pré-ovulatório (FPO) medido antes da ovulação foi de 19,5; 14,7; 18,7 e 19,8 mm respectivamente para GC, GBE, G17ßE e GDES; e o intervalo de tempo entre a aplicação do indutor e ovulação foi 20,2; 18,9; 21;0 e 22,5 horas respectivamente. Em conclusão, todos os indutores da ovulação foram eficientes em promover a ovulação; os indutores acarretaram ovulação entre 18,9 e 22,5 horas; o BE promoveu a ovulação em menor espaço de tempo (P<0,05); 17ßE e DES demonstraram maior variação em aplicação/tempo de ovulação entre os grupos.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Indução da Ovulação/veterinária , Bovinos , Estradiol , Sincronização do Estro , Remoção de Dispositivo/veterináriaResumo
Background: The intensive reproductive management in the dairy farms requires inclusion of a large group of replacement heifers in the breeding program for a shorter period. In this aspect, a creation of effective estrus synchronization protocols with timed artificial insemination (TAI) by sexed semen and optimization of the current ones have a crucial role for obtaining high pregnancy rate. These protocols are beneficial, because they led to reduced interval to first AI, lack of need for estrus detection, and allow obtaining a large group of female calves for on time. Because of limited fertilizing potential of sexed spermatozoa this type of semen is applied mainly for heifers, as fertility is higher compared to lactating cows. The main objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of ovarian status on the reproductive performance in dairy heifers subjected to estrus synchronization and timed artificial insemination with sexed semen. Materials, Methods & Results: Forty-eight Holstein healthy heifers separated in 2 groups were subjected to PGF2α-GnRH pre-treatment and Ovsynch or PRID-5-day estrus synchronization protocol and timed artificial insemination (TAI) with sex-sorted semen, staring 6 days after end of the hormonal pre-treatment. The ovarian status (presence of follicles with or not a corpus luteum) of the heifers at the begin of the treatment, on day of TAI and pregnancy rate in different groups were determined and compared. Additionally, the ovarian status at the begin of the treatment, ovarian status and size of preovulatory follicle (PF) on day of TAI and total values for both groups according to reproductive performance (pregnant or non-pregnant) were also analyzed. On day of TAI the animals with PF and a lack of corpus luteum (CL) in both groups were more that those with PF and CL (39.3% and 30% vs. 60.7 % and 70%), with significant (P < 0.05) difference in PRID-5-day group. The pregnancy rate tended to be higher in PRID-5 day than Ovsynch treatment (65% vs. 35.7%). A higher percentage (100% and 67.9%) of the pregnant animals in both treatments had not CL on day of TAI, and the size of the PF (1.58 ± 0.12 cm and 1.64 ± 0.13 cm) was increased (P < 0.05). Similar effects of the ovarian status on reproductive performance were obtained after a comparison of the total values between pregnant and non-pregnant animals. The percentage of heifers with observed PF without CL on day of TAI was significantly greater (P < 0.05) in pregnant compared to non-pregnant group (91.3% vs. 40%). The opposite dependence was determined for the parameter presence of follicles and corpus luteum (8.7% vs. 60%; P < 0.05). Furthermore, the size of the PF measured immediately before TAI was increased in animals became pregnant (1.60 ± 0.12 cm vs. 1.34 ± 0.17 cm; P < 0.05). Discussion: The analysis of the obtained results showed that the ovarian status on day of TAI affects the reproductive performance in dairy heifers subjected to estrus synchronization and timed artificial insemination with sexed semen. Hormonal pre-treatment with onset of PRID-5-day protocol 6 days later and TAI with sex-sorted semen ensure acceptable pregnancy rate. The greater preovulatory follicle and a lack of corpus luteum before insemination provide significantly (P < 0.05) more pregnant animals, compared to the cases when CL is presented. Ultrasound determination of the ovarian function before insemination can be used in selection of heifers for TAI with sex-sorted semen.
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Sêmen , Corpo Lúteo , Sincronização do Estro/métodos , Folículo Ovariano , Inseminação Artificial/veterináriaResumo
The aim of this case study was to evaluate the clinical and productive data of Nellore cows during pregnancy and lactation, supplemented or not with P. Ninety-five pregnant heifers were divided into two groups (G40 and G0). Until the date of calving animals from G40 received a mineral mixture composed of 224g of Na and 40g of P/kg, and G0 received only NaCl. After calving heifers were divided into four treatments: from G40, 28 first-calf cows continued to receive the mineral mixture containing 224g of Na and 40g of P/kg (group 40/40) and 12 started to receive only NaCl (group 40/0); from G0, 26 continued to receive only NaCl (group 0/0) and 15 started to receive a mixture containing 224g of Na and 40g of P/kg (group 0/40). In the second experimental phase, 205 multiparous cows were divided into two groups: G1 (40/40) consisting of 40 cows, receiving a mineral mixture containing 244g of Na and 40g/P per kg, during pregnancy and lactation, and group 2 (0/0) formed by 165 cows, which were supplemented only with NaCl. In both experiments, whether in pregnant or lactating breeders, there was not any sign of P deficiency or differences in calves LW at 120 and 210 days.
Este estudo avaliou os aspectos clínicos e produtivos de matrizes Nelore, suplementadas ou não com P. Noventa, e cinco nulíparas prenhes foram distribuídas em dois grupos (G40 e G0). Os animais do G40 receberam uma mistura mineral com 224g de Na e 40g de P/kg, até a data do parto, e o G0 recebeu apenas NaCl. Após o parto, as primíparas foram divididas em quatro grupos: do G40, 28 continuaram a receber mistura contendo 224g de Na e 40g de P/kg (grupo 40/40), e 12 passaram a receber apenas NaCl (grupo 40/0); do G0 26 continuaram recebendo apenas NaCl (grupo 0/0), e 15 passaram a ser suplementadas com a mistura contendo 224g de Na e 40g de P/kg (grupo 0/40). Na segunda fase experimental, 205 vacas foram divididas em dois grupos: G1 (40/40), composto por 40 vacas, suplementadas com a mistura mineral contendo 244g de Na e 40g de P/kg, durante a gestação e a lactação, e o G2 (0/0) foi formado por 165 vacas, as quais foram suplementadas apenas com NaCl, durante a gestação e a lactação. Em ambos os experimentos, seja nas matrizes em gestação ou naquelas em lactação, não houve qualquer sinal da deficiência de P, e isso se refletiu na ausência de diferenças nos pesos dos bezerros aos 120 e 210 dias.