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Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(3): eRBCA-2022-1758, 2023. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1451859


This study aims to identify relative proportions of beneficial and pathogenic bacteria in the gut of broilers and risk factors that may be contributing to the development of colibacillosis disease in broiler farms of District Kasur, Punjab, Pakistan. For this, 10 healthy and 10 colibacillosis affected broiler farms were surveyed for ileum and blood sample collection along with data regarding farm management, antibiotic use and hygiene practices. Lactobacillus and Escherichia coli number was estimated using Miles and Misra method and colibacillosis was confirmed by Congo red dye assay. Lactobacillus and E. coli were identified biochemically. For risk factors analysis chi-square analysis was performed to find any significant association between the health status of the farm and risk factors. Results showed during disease and healthy conditions Lactobacillus and Escherichia coli counts differ significantly (p<0.05). E. coli counts (106-108 to 107-109) increased (p<0.05) about three folds and Lactobacillus counts decrease (106-108 to 105-107) about four folds in disease conditions. Risk factor analysis showed colibacillosis disease was significantly associated (p<0.05) with non-vaccinated flocks, natural ventilation systems, rodent presence and the lack of outfit disinfection or change by workers when moving between different houses. It is concluded that E. coli and Lactobacillus work antagonistically to each other. However, further research is necessary to determine the exact mechanisms by which E. coli and Lactobacillus influence the development of colibacillosis. While Lactobacillus as probiotic may help with prevention, good hygiene and management practices are still crucial in preventing the spread of disease.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/microbiologia , Escherichia coli/patogenicidade , Infecções por Escherichia coli/diagnóstico , Lactobacillus/patogenicidade , Paquistão , Fatores de Risco
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 45: e62205, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1419135


Limosilactobacillus fermentum is a promising probiotic with several documented health benefits. LAB1 is an antagonistic L. fermentum strain isolated from borhani, a traditional South Asian beverage prepared from dairy and plant ingredients. Here, I present the genome sequence of the L. fermentum LAB1 strain, its annotation, and phylogenetic features. The 2.01 Mb genome with a G+C content of 51.9% was assembled into 221 contigs and predicted to have 1,913 protein-coding genes, 98 pseudo genes, 7 rRNAs, 60 tRNAs, and 1 CRISPR array. As much as 91.1% of the coding sequences could be assigned to known functional genes. Determination of average nucleotide identity (ANI) of the genome sequence revealed 99.37% identity to that of the type strain ATCC 14931. Its 16S rRNA gene sequence extracted from the genome sequence showed close phylogenetic association with several L. fermentum strains. The genome sequence is expected to provide useful insights with regard to the phenotypic, metabolic and beneficial aspects of this lactic acid bacterium.(AU)

Produtos Fermentados do Leite/análise , Limosilactobacillus fermentum/genética , Filogenia , Análise de Sequência de DNA/métodos
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469059


Abstract The study was aimed to assess impact of high fat diet (HFD) and synthetic human gut microbiota (GM) combined with HFD and chow diet (CD) in inducing type-2 diabetes (T2D) using mice model. To our knowledge, this is the first study using selected human GM transplantation via culture based method coupled dietary modulation in mice for in vivo establishment of inflammation leading to T2D and gut dysbiosis. Twenty bacteria (T2D1-T2D20) from stool samples of confirmed T2D subjects were found to be morphologically different and subjected to purification on different media both aerobically and anerobically, which revealed seven bacteria more common among 20 isolates on the basis of biochemical characterization. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequencing, these seven isolates were identified as Bacteroides stercoris (MT152636), Lactobacillus acidophilus (MT152637), Lactobacillus salivarius (MT152638), Ruminococcus bromii (MT152639), Klebsiella aerogenes (MT152640), Bacteroides fragilis (MT152909), Clostridium botulinum (MT152910). The seven isolates were subsequently used as synthetic gut microbiome (GM) for their role in inducing T2D in mice. Inbred strains of albino mice were divided into four groups and were fed with CD, HFD, GM+HFD and GM+CD. Mice receiving HFD and GM+modified diet (CD/HFD) showed highly significant (P 0.05) increase in weight and blood glucose concentration as well as elevated level of inflammatory cytokines (TNF-, IL-6, and MCP-1) compared to mice receiving CD only. The 16S rRNA gene sequencing of 11 fecal bacteria obtained from three randomly selected animals from each group revealed gut dysbiosis in animals receiving GM. Bacterial strains including Bacteroides gallinarum (MT152630), Ruminococcus bromii (MT152631), Lactobacillus acidophilus (MT152632), Parabacteroides gordonii (MT152633), Prevotella copri (MT152634) and Lactobacillus gasseri (MT152635) were isolated from mice treated with GM+modified diet (HFD/CD) compared to strains Akkermansia muciniphila (MT152625), Bacteriodes sp. (MT152626), Bacteroides faecis (MT152627), Bacteroides vulgatus (MT152628), Lactobacillus plantarum (MT152629) which were isolated from mice receiving CD/HFD. In conclusion, these findings suggest that constitution of GM and diet plays significant role in inflammation leading to onset or/and possibly progression of T2D. .

Resumo O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto da dieta rica em gordura (HFD) e da microbiota intestinal humana sintética (GM) combinada com HFD e dieta alimentar (CD) na indução de diabetes tipo 2 (T2D) usando modelo de camundongos. Para nosso conhecimento, este é o primeiro estudo usando transplante de GM humano selecionado através do método baseado em cultura acoplada à modulação dietética em camundongos para o estabelecimento in vivo de inflamação que leva a T2D e disbiose intestinal. Vinte bactérias (T2D1-T2D20) de amostras de fezes de indivíduos T2D confirmados verificaram ser morfologicamente diferentes e foram submetidas à purificação em meios diferentes aerobicamente e anaerobicamente, o que revelou sete bactérias mais comuns entre 20 isolados com base na caracterização bioquímica. Com base no sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA, esses sete isolados foram identificados como Bacteroides stercoris (MT152636), Lactobacillus acidophilus (MT152637), Lactobacillus salivarius (MT152638), Ruminococcus bromii (MT152639), Klebsiella aerogenides (MT152640), Bacteroides fragilis (MT152909), Clostridium botulinum (MT152910). Esses sete isolados foram, posteriormente, usados como microbioma intestinal sintético (GM) por seu papel na indução de T2D em camundongos. Linhagens consanguíneas de camundongos albinos foram divididas em quatro grupos e foram alimentadas com CD, HFD, GM + HFD e GM + CD. Camundongos que receberam a dieta modificada com HFD e GM + (CD / HFD) mostraram um aumento altamente significativo (P 0,05) no peso e na concentração de glicose no sangue, bem como um nível elevado de citocinas inflamatórias (TNF-, IL-6 e MCP-1) em comparação com os ratos que receberam apenas CD. O sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA de 11 bactérias fecais obtidas de três animais selecionados aleatoriamente de cada grupo revelou disbiose intestinal em animais que receberam GM. Cepas bacterianas, incluindo Bacteroides gallinarum (MT152630), Ruminococcus bromii (MT152631), Lactobacillus acidophilus (MT152632), Parabacteroides gordonii (MT152633), Prevotella copri (MT152634) e Lactobacillus Gasseri (MT152635D), foram tratadas com dieta modificada / CD) em comparação com as linhagens Akkermansia muciniphila (MT152625), Bacteriodes sp. (MT152626), Bacteroides faecis (MT152627), Bacteroides vulgatus (MT152628), Lactobacillus plantarum (MT152629), que foram isoladas de camundongos recebendo CD / HFD. Em conclusão, esses resultados sugerem que a constituição de GM e dieta desempenham papel significativo na inflamação levando ao início ou/e possivelmente à progressão de T2D.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(3): e20210723, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1412120


Coconut is a fruit grown in more than 80 countries owing to its outstanding nutritional and biological value and it is an important crop for the food industry" por "Coconut is a fruit grown in more than 80 countries and owing to its outstanding nutritional and biological value and it is an important crop for the food industry. Thus, developing new coconut-based products is attractive to explore the benefits provided by microorganisms and improve the nutritional and bioactive composition of coconut products, such as by preparing fermented beverages. This study developed and characterize a drink based on dry coconut with the prebiotic fructooligosaccharide fermented by the probiotic Lactobacillus casei. The drink was formulated, filtered, fermented, matured, and stored under refrigeration (4 °C) for 28 days; it was evaluated for its physical, chemical, antioxidant, and microbiological characteristics. Compared to the standard non-fermented sample during storage, the fermented drink showed significant variations (P < 0.05) in instrumental color, acidity, and pH, while changes in soluble solids and stability index were observed after 7 days of storage. Regarding the chemical composition, all parameters varied significantly after fermentation. The total phenolic compound content and antioxidant capacity increased significantly after fermentation. Significant reductions were observed (P < 0.05) in the viability of Lactobacillus casei after exposure to gastrointestinal tract conditions, with the following counts (in log CFU mL-1) after 0 and 28 days of storage: - initial: 9.23 ± 0.04 and 9.05 ± 0.12; after the gastric phase: 6.21 ± 0.09 and 5.90 ± 0.01; and after the intestinal phase: 4.59 ± 0.33 and 4.75 ± 0.23, respectively.

O coco é uma fruta cultivada em mais de 80 países e devido ao seu excelente valor nutricional e biológico é uma importante cultura para a indústria alimentícia. Assim, desenvolver novos produtos à base de coco é atrativo para explorar os benefícios proporcionados por microrganismos e melhorar a composição nutricional e bioativa de produtos de coco, como na preparação de bebidas fermentadas. Este estudo desenvolveu e caracterizou uma bebida à base de coco seco com o prebiótico frutooligossacarídeo, fermentada pelo probiótico Lactobacillus casei. A bebida foi formulada, filtrada, fermentada, maturada e armazenada sob refrigeração (4 °C) por 28 dias; além de avaliada em relação às suas características físicas, químicas, antioxidantes e microbiológicas. Quando comparada à amostra padrão não-fermentada ao longo do armazenamento, a bebida fermentada apresentou variações significativas (P < 0.05) para cor instrumental, acidez e pH, enquanto as alterações para sólidos solúveis e índice de estabilidade foram observadas a partir do 7° dia de armazenamento. Em relação à composição química, todos os parâmetros variaram significativamente após o processo fermentativo. O teor de compostos fenólicos totais e capacidade antioxidante aumentaram significativamente após a fermentação. Reduções significativas foram observadas (P < 0,05) na viabilidade do Lactobacillus casei após a exposição às condições do trato gastrointestinal, com as seguintes contagens (em UFC mL-1) após 0 e 28 dias de armazenamento: - inicial: 9,23 ± 0.04 e 9,05 ± 0,12; após a fase gástrica: 6,21 ± 0,09 e 5,90 ± 0,01; e após a fase intestinal: 4,59 ± 0,33 e 4,75 ± 0,23, respectivamente.

Cocos , Probióticos , Prebióticos , Bebidas Fermentadas , Lacticaseibacillus casei
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(3): e20210723, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1404245


ABSTRACT: Coconut is a fruit grown in more than 80 countries owing to its outstanding nutritional and biological value and it is an important crop for the food industry" por "Coconut is a fruit grown in more than 80 countries and owing to its outstanding nutritional and biological value and it is an important crop for the food industry. Thus, developing new coconut-based products is attractive to explore the benefits provided by microorganisms and improve the nutritional and bioactive composition of coconut products, such as by preparing fermented beverages. This study developed and characterize a drink based on dry coconut with the prebiotic fructooligosaccharide fermented by the probiotic Lactobacillus casei. The drink was formulated, filtered, fermented, matured, and stored under refrigeration (4 °C) for 28 days; it was evaluated for its physical, chemical, antioxidant, and microbiological characteristics. Compared to the standard non-fermented sample during storage, the fermented drink showed significant variations (P < 0.05) in instrumental color, acidity, and pH, while changes in soluble solids and stability index were observed after 7 days of storage. Regarding the chemical composition, all parameters varied significantly after fermentation. The total phenolic compound content and antioxidant capacity increased significantly after fermentation. Significant reductions were observed (P < 0.05) in the viability of Lactobacillus casei after exposure to gastrointestinal tract conditions, with the following counts (in log CFU mL-1) after 0 and 28 days of storage: - initial: 9.23 ± 0.04 and 9.05 ± 0.12; after the gastric phase: 6.21 ± 0.09 and 5.90 ± 0.01; and after the intestinal phase: 4.59 ± 0.33 and 4.75 ± 0.23, respectively.

RESUMO: O coco é uma fruta cultivada em mais de 80 países e devido ao seu excelente valor nutricional e biológico é uma importante cultura para a indústria alimentícia. Assim, desenvolver novos produtos à base de coco é atrativo para explorar os benefícios proporcionados por microrganismos e melhorar a composição nutricional e bioativa de produtos de coco, como na preparação de bebidas fermentadas. Este estudo desenvolveu e caracterizou uma bebida à base de coco seco com o prebiótico frutooligossacarídeo, fermentada pelo probiótico Lactobacillus casei. A bebida foi formulada, filtrada, fermentada, maturada e armazenada sob refrigeração (4 °C) por 28 dias; além de avaliada em relação às suas características físicas, químicas, antioxidantes e microbiológicas. Quando comparada à amostra padrão não-fermentada ao longo do armazenamento, a bebida fermentada apresentou variações significativas (P < 0.05) para cor instrumental, acidez e pH, enquanto as alterações para sólidos solúveis e índice de estabilidade foram observadas a partir do 7° dia de armazenamento. Em relação à composição química, todos os parâmetros variaram significativamente após o processo fermentativo. O teor de compostos fenólicos totais e capacidade antioxidante aumentaram significativamente após a fermentação. Reduções significativas foram observadas (P < 0,05) na viabilidade do Lactobacillus casei após a exposição às condições do trato gastrointestinal, com as seguintes contagens (em UFC mL-1) após 0 e 28 dias de armazenamento: - inicial: 9,23 ± 0.04 e 9,05 ± 0,12; após a fase gástrica: 6,21 ± 0,09 e 5,90 ± 0,01; e após a fase intestinal: 4,59 ± 0,33 e 4,75 ± 0,23, respectivamente.

Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469228


Abstract The experimental research was carried out on the juvenile carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). The impact from supplemental feeds consisting of variable concentrations of chelate compounds, biogenic trace elements and probiotic lactobacillus-based product Bacillus subtilis VKPM B-2335 was evaluated. Optical and qualitative parameters of the lactobacillus base were studied in order to identify the major group of substances potentially able to influence the end result. The purpose of this research was to identify changes in the structure of the zymogen granules and their dimensions at which supplemental feeds produce a stimulating effect on the synthesis of zymogens in exogenous cells of the secretory part of pancreas. At the outcome of the study, for the first time, it was possible to prove that the integrated action of chelates and lactobacillus-based probiotics complemented each other. Metal chelate compounds contributed to enlargement of the zymogen granules, if compared to the control values. The bacterial products accelerated production of the zymogen granules in acinar cells diffusely located in carp hepatopancreas.

Resumo A pesquisa experimental foi realizada em carpas juvenis (Cyprinus carpio L.). O impacto de suplementos alimentares consistindo em concentrações variáveis de compostos quelatos, oligoelementos biogênicos e produto probiótico baseado em lactobacilos Bacillus subtilis VKPM B-2335 foi avaliado. Parâmetros ópticos e qualitativos da base de lactobacilos foram estudados a fim de identificar o maior grupo de substâncias potencialmente capazes de influenciar o resultado final. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi identificar mudanças na estrutura dos grânulos de zimogênio e suas dimensões nas quais alimentos suplementares produzem um efeito estimulante na síntese de zimogênios em células exógenas da parte secretora do pâncreas. No resultado do estudo, pela primeira vez, foi possível comprovar que a ação integrada dos quelatos e dos probióticos à base de lactobacilos se complementava. Compostos quelatos metálicos contribuíram para o aumento dos grânulos de zimogênio, se comparados aos valores de controle. Os produtos bacterianos aceleraram a produção dos grânulos de zimogênio nas células acinares localizadas difusamente no hepatopâncreas da carpa.

Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 60: e204539, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1451775


This study aimed to evaluate methods for studying the in vitro antimicrobial activity of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) against Brucella abortus and to evaluate the antagonistic effect of LAB on the viability of this pathogen. A total of 18 LAB strains (Lactobacillus plantarum, n = 11; Pediococcus acidilactici, n = 1; Lactobacillus rhamnosus, n = 4; and Lactobacillus brevis,n = 2), isolated from Minas artisanal cheeses produced in three regions (Canastra, Campos das Vertentes, and Araxá) of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, were tested for their antimicrobial activity against B. abortus using three methods: spot-on-lawn, agar well diffusion assay, and antagonistic activity of the culture supernatants. None of the tested LAB strains could inhibit B. abortus in the spot-on-lawn and agar-well diffusion assays. The supernatants produced by LAB had an acidic pH, with intensity depending on bacterial growth and strain, and could inhibit the growth of B. abortus. In contrast, pH-neutralized (pH 7.0) LAB supernatants did not suppress the growth of B. abortus. The results showed that the best technique to study the in vitro antagonism of LAB against B. abortus was the antagonistic activity of culture supernatants. The growth of B. abortus may have been inhibited by acid production.(AU)

Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar métodos de estudo in vitro da atividade antimicrobiana de bactérias lácticas contra Brucella abortus e avaliar o efeito antagônico das mesmas sobre a viabilidade deste patógeno. Um total de 18 amostras de bactérias lácteas (Lactobacillus plantarum, n = 11; Pediococcus acidilactici, n = 1; Lactobacillus rhamnosus, n = 4; e Lactobacillus brevis, n = 2), isoladas de exemplares de Queijo Minas Artesanal produzidos em três regiões (Canastra, Campos das Vertentes e Araxá) do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil, foram testados quanto à sua atividade antimicrobiana contra B. abortus usando três métodos: spot-on-lawn, ensaio de difusão em poço e atividade antagonista de sobrenadante de cultura. Nenhuma das cepas testadas foi capaz de inibir B. abortus nos ensaios spot-on-lawm e de difusão em poço. Os sobrenadantes produzidos pelas bactérias lácteas apresentaram pH ácido, com intensidade dependente do crescimento bacteriano e da amostra, podendo inibir o crescimento de B. abortus. Em contraste, os sobrenadantes com pH neutralizado (pH 7,0) não inibiram o crescimento de B. abortus. Os resultados mostraram que a melhor técnica para estudar o antagonismo in vitro de bactérias lácteas contra B. abortus foi a atividade antagonista de sobrenadante de cultura. O crescimento de B. abortus pode ter sido inibido pela produção de ácido.(AU)

Lactobacillaceae/isolamento & purificação , Queijo/microbiologia , Microbiota , Brasil , Brucella abortus , Abastecimento de Alimentos
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e242818, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285628


Abstract The study was aimed to assess impact of high fat diet (HFD) and synthetic human gut microbiota (GM) combined with HFD and chow diet (CD) in inducing type-2 diabetes (T2D) using mice model. To our knowledge, this is the first study using selected human GM transplantation via culture based method coupled dietary modulation in mice for in vivo establishment of inflammation leading to T2D and gut dysbiosis. Twenty bacteria (T2D1-T2D20) from stool samples of confirmed T2D subjects were found to be morphologically different and subjected to purification on different media both aerobically and anerobically, which revealed seven bacteria more common among 20 isolates on the basis of biochemical characterization. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequencing, these seven isolates were identified as Bacteroides stercoris (MT152636), Lactobacillus acidophilus (MT152637), Lactobacillus salivarius (MT152638), Ruminococcus bromii (MT152639), Klebsiella aerogenes (MT152640), Bacteroides fragilis (MT152909), Clostridium botulinum (MT152910). The seven isolates were subsequently used as synthetic gut microbiome (GM) for their role in inducing T2D in mice. Inbred strains of albino mice were divided into four groups and were fed with CD, HFD, GM+HFD and GM+CD. Mice receiving HFD and GM+modified diet (CD/HFD) showed highly significant (P<0.05) increase in weight and blood glucose concentration as well as elevated level of inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6, and MCP-1) compared to mice receiving CD only. The 16S rRNA gene sequencing of 11 fecal bacteria obtained from three randomly selected animals from each group revealed gut dysbiosis in animals receiving GM. Bacterial strains including Bacteroides gallinarum (MT152630), Ruminococcus bromii (MT152631), Lactobacillus acidophilus (MT152632), Parabacteroides gordonii (MT152633), Prevotella copri (MT152634) and Lactobacillus gasseri (MT152635) were isolated from mice treated with GM+modified diet (HFD/CD) compared to strains Akkermansia muciniphila (MT152625), Bacteriodes sp. (MT152626), Bacteroides faecis (MT152627), Bacteroides vulgatus (MT152628), Lactobacillus plantarum (MT152629) which were isolated from mice receiving CD/HFD. In conclusion, these findings suggest that constitution of GM and diet plays significant role in inflammation leading to onset or/and possibly progression of T2D. .

Resumo O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto da dieta rica em gordura (HFD) e da microbiota intestinal humana sintética (GM) combinada com HFD e dieta alimentar (CD) na indução de diabetes tipo 2 (T2D) usando modelo de camundongos. Para nosso conhecimento, este é o primeiro estudo usando transplante de GM humano selecionado através do método baseado em cultura acoplada à modulação dietética em camundongos para o estabelecimento in vivo de inflamação que leva a T2D e disbiose intestinal. Vinte bactérias (T2D1-T2D20) de amostras de fezes de indivíduos T2D confirmados verificaram ser morfologicamente diferentes e foram submetidas à purificação em meios diferentes aerobicamente e anaerobicamente, o que revelou sete bactérias mais comuns entre 20 isolados com base na caracterização bioquímica. Com base no sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA, esses sete isolados foram identificados como Bacteroides stercoris (MT152636), Lactobacillus acidophilus (MT152637), Lactobacillus salivarius (MT152638), Ruminococcus bromii (MT152639), Klebsiella aerogenides (MT152640), Bacteroides fragilis (MT152909), Clostridium botulinum (MT152910). Esses sete isolados foram, posteriormente, usados ​​como microbioma intestinal sintético (GM) por seu papel na indução de T2D em camundongos. Linhagens consanguíneas de camundongos albinos foram divididas em quatro grupos e foram alimentadas com CD, HFD, GM + HFD e GM + CD. Camundongos que receberam a dieta modificada com HFD e GM + (CD / HFD) mostraram um aumento altamente significativo (P < 0,05) no peso e na concentração de glicose no sangue, bem como um nível elevado de citocinas inflamatórias (TNF-α, IL-6 e MCP-1) em comparação com os ratos que receberam apenas CD. O sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA de 11 bactérias fecais obtidas de três animais selecionados aleatoriamente de cada grupo revelou disbiose intestinal em animais que receberam GM. Cepas bacterianas, incluindo Bacteroides gallinarum (MT152630), Ruminococcus bromii (MT152631), Lactobacillus acidophilus (MT152632), Parabacteroides gordonii (MT152633), Prevotella copri (MT152634) e Lactobacillus Gasseri (MT152635D), foram tratadas com dieta modificada / CD) em comparação com as linhagens Akkermansia muciniphila (MT152625), Bacteriodes sp. (MT152626), Bacteroides faecis (MT152627), Bacteroides vulgatus (MT152628), Lactobacillus plantarum (MT152629), que foram isoladas de camundongos recebendo CD / HFD. Em conclusão, esses resultados sugerem que a constituição de GM e dieta desempenham papel significativo na inflamação levando ao início ou/e possivelmente à progressão de T2D.

Humanos , Animais , Coelhos , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Microbioma Gastrointestinal , Bacteroides , RNA Ribossômico 16S/genética , Prevotella , Bacteroidetes , Ruminococcus , Dieta Hiperlipídica/efeitos adversos , Disbiose , Inflamação , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BL
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-11, 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469009


The experimental research was carried out on the juvenile carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). The impact from supplemental feeds consisting of variable concentrations of chelate compounds, biogenic trace elements and probiotic lactobacillus-based product Bacillus subtilis VKPM B-2335 was evaluated. Optical and qualitative parameters of the lactobacillus base were studied in order to identify the major group of substances potentially able to influence the end result. The purpose of this research was to identify changes in the structure of the zymogen granules and their dimensions at which supplemental feeds produce a stimulating effect on the synthesis of zymogens in exogenous cells of the secretory part of pancreas. At the outcome of the study, for the first time, it was possible to prove that the integrated action of chelates and lactobacillus-based probiotics complemented each other. Metal chelate compounds contributed to enlargement of the zymogen granules, if compared to the control values. The bacterial products accelerated production of the zymogen granules in acinar cells diffusely located in carp hepatopancreas.

A pesquisa experimental foi realizada em carpas juvenis (Cyprinus carpio L.). O impacto de suplementos alimentares consistindo em concentrações variáveis de compostos quelatos, oligoelementos biogênicos e produto probiótico baseado em lactobacilos Bacillus subtilis VKPM B-2335 foi avaliado. Parâmetros ópticos e qualitativos da base de lactobacilos foram estudados a fim de identificar o maior grupo de substâncias potencialmente capazes de influenciar o resultado final. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi identificar mudanças na estrutura dos grânulos de zimogênio e suas dimensões nas quais alimentos suplementares produzem um efeito estimulante na síntese de zimogênios em células exógenas da parte secretora do pâncreas. No resultado do estudo, pela primeira vez, foi possível comprovar que a ação integrada dos quelatos e dos probióticos à base de lactobacilos se complementava. Compostos quelatos metálicos contribuíram para o aumento dos grânulos de zimogênio, se comparados aos valores de controle. Os produtos bacterianos aceleraram a produção dos grânulos de zimogênio nas células acinares localizadas difusamente no hepatopâncreas da carpa.

Animais , Carpas/metabolismo , Precursores Enzimáticos , Probióticos/efeitos adversos , Pâncreas , Vesículas Secretórias
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: e-73623E, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1417947


The presence of spoilage microorganisms in forage interferes with the fermentation process of silage, due to competition with lactic acid bacteria for substrate, generating losses and influencing the nutritional value of the ensiled material. Thus, the objective is to evaluate the effect of "Alecrim Pimenta" essential oil (Lippia sidoides) and nanoformulated thymol on microbiological, fermentative and aerobic stability profile of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor cv. BRS Ponta Negra) silage intercropped with Paiaguás grass (Urochloa brizantha cv. BRS Paiaguás). A 4 x 3 factorial design was adopted, with four additives applied to the silages (control treatment; nanoformulated "Alecrim Pimenta" essential oil (OEN); 62% nanoformulated thymol; and 100% pure nanoformulated thymol), associated with three silo period times (15, 30 and 45 days), with five replications per treatment, totaling 60 mini silos. The Clostridium population was higher in the control treatment and in the OEN. The Lactobacillus population decreased with the increase in silo opening time. Higher aerobic stabilities were recorded in silages with 100% nanoformulated thymol with opening at 15 days; and silages with 62% nanoformulated Thymol (opening period at 30 and 45 days). Silages with 100% thymol provided higher losses of dry matter, gases and effluents, while the use of OEN provided lower losses of dry matter and gases. Silos opened at 45 days showed higher losses of dry matter, gases and effluents. Sorghum and Paiaguás grass silages that received nanoformulated thymol were more efficient in controlling Clostridium and Lactobacillus populations, and this additive improved the aerobic stability of the silage.

A presença de microrganismos deterioradores na forragem interfere no processo fermentativo da silagem, devido a competição com as bactérias ácido láticas por substrato, gerando perdas e influenciando o valor nutritivo do material ensilado. Assim, objetiva-se avaliar o efeito do óleo essencial de Alecrim pimenta (Lippia sidoides) e do timol nanoformulado sobre perfil microbiológico, fermentativo e estabilidade aeróbia de silagem do consórcio de Sorgo (Sorghum bicolor var. Ponta Negra) com capim Paiaguás (Urochloa brizantha cv. Paiaguás). Foi adotado esquema fatorial 4 x 3, quatro aditivos aplicados nas silagens (tratamento controle; óleo essencial de Alecrim pimenta nanoformulado (OEN); timol nanoformulado 62%; e timol nanoformulado 100% de pureza), associados a três tempos de abertura do silo (15, 30 e 45 dias), com cinco repetições por tratamento, totalizando 60 mini silos. A população de Clostridium foi maior no tratamento controle e no OEN. A população de Lactobacillus reduziu com o aumento no tempo de abertura do silo. Maiores estabilidades aeróbica foram registradas em silagens com timol nanoformulado 100% com abertura aos 15 dias; e silagens com Timol nanoformulado 62% (tempos de abertura aos 30 e 45 dias). Silagens com timol 100% proporcionaram maiores perdas de matéria seca, gases e efluentes, enquanto que o uso de OEN proporcionou menores perdas de matéria seca e gases. Silos com abertura aos 45 dias apresentaram maiores perdas de matéria seca, gases e efluentes. Silagens de Sorgo e capim Paiaguás que recebram timol nanoformulado foram mais eficientes em controlar as populações de Clostridium e Lactobacillus, bem como este aditivo melhorou a estabilidade aeróbica da silagem.

Silagem/análise , Silagem/microbiologia , Timol/química , Lippia/química , Agricultura Sustentável
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-11, 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765586


The experimental research was carried out on the juvenile carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). The impact from supplemental feeds consisting of variable concentrations of chelate compounds, biogenic trace elements and probiotic lactobacillus-based product Bacillus subtilis VKPM B-2335 was evaluated. Optical and qualitative parameters of the lactobacillus base were studied in order to identify the major group of substances potentially able to influence the end result. The purpose of this research was to identify changes in the structure of the zymogen granules and their dimensions at which supplemental feeds produce a stimulating effect on the synthesis of zymogens in exogenous cells of the secretory part of pancreas. At the outcome of the study, for the first time, it was possible to prove that the integrated action of chelates and lactobacillus-based probiotics complemented each other. Metal chelate compounds contributed to enlargement of the zymogen granules, if compared to the control values. The bacterial products accelerated production of the zymogen granules in acinar cells diffusely located in carp hepatopancreas.(AU)

A pesquisa experimental foi realizada em carpas juvenis (Cyprinus carpio L.). O impacto de suplementos alimentares consistindo em concentrações variáveis de compostos quelatos, oligoelementos biogênicos e produto probiótico baseado em lactobacilos Bacillus subtilis VKPM B-2335 foi avaliado. Parâmetros ópticos e qualitativos da base de lactobacilos foram estudados a fim de identificar o maior grupo de substâncias potencialmente capazes de influenciar o resultado final. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi identificar mudanças na estrutura dos grânulos de zimogênio e suas dimensões nas quais alimentos suplementares produzem um efeito estimulante na síntese de zimogênios em células exógenas da parte secretora do pâncreas. No resultado do estudo, pela primeira vez, foi possível comprovar que a ação integrada dos quelatos e dos probióticos à base de lactobacilos se complementava. Compostos quelatos metálicos contribuíram para o aumento dos grânulos de zimogênio, se comparados aos valores de controle. Os produtos bacterianos aceleraram a produção dos grânulos de zimogênio nas células acinares localizadas difusamente no hepatopâncreas da carpa.(AU)

Animais , Carpas/metabolismo , Pâncreas , Vesículas Secretórias , Precursores Enzimáticos , Probióticos/efeitos adversos
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-14, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468843


The study was aimed to assess impact of high fat diet (HFD) and synthetic human gut microbiota (GM) combined with HFD and chow diet (CD) in inducing type-2 diabetes (T2D) using mice model. To our knowledge, this is the first study using selected human GM transplantation via culture based method coupled dietary modulation in mice for in vivo establishment of inflammation leading to T2D and gut dysbiosis. Twenty bacteria (T2D1-T2D20) from stool samples of confirmed T2D subjects were found to be morphologically different and subjected to purification on different media both aerobically and anerobically, which revealed seven bacteria more common among 20 isolates on the basis of biochemical characterization. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequencing, these seven isolates were identified as Bacteroides stercoris (MT152636), Lactobacillus acidophilus (MT152637), Lactobacillus salivarius (MT152638), Ruminococcus bromii (MT152639), Klebsiella aerogenes (MT152640), Bacteroides fragilis (MT152909), Clostridium botulinum (MT152910). The seven isolates were subsequently used as synthetic gut microbiome (GM) for their role in inducing T2D in mice. Inbred strains of albino mice were divided into four groups and were fed with CD, HFD, GM+HFD and GM+CD. Mice receiving HFD and GM+modified diet (CD/HFD) showed highly significant (P<0.05) increase in weight and blood glucose concentration as well as elevated level of inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6, and MCP-1) compared to mice receiving CD only. The 16S rRNA gene sequencing of 11 fecal bacteria obtained from three randomly selected animals from each group revealed gut dysbiosis in animals receiving GM. Bacterial strains including Bacteroides gallinarum (MT152630), Ruminococcus bromii (MT152631), Lactobacillus acidophilus (MT152632), Parabacteroides gordonii (MT152633), Prevotella copri (MT152634) and Lactobacillus gasseri (MT152635) were isolated from mice [...].

O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto da dieta rica em gordura (HFD) e da microbiota intestinal humana sintética (GM) combinada com HFD e dieta alimentar (CD) na indução de diabetes tipo 2 (T2D) usando modelo de camundongos. Para nosso conhecimento, este é o primeiro estudo usando transplante de GM humano selecionado através do método baseado em cultura acoplada à modulação dietética em camundongos para o estabelecimento in vivo de inflamação que leva a T2D e disbiose intestinal. Vinte bactérias (T2D1-T2D20) de amostras de fezes de indivíduos T2D confirmados verificaram ser morfologicamente diferentes e foram submetidas à purificação em meios diferentes aerobicamente e anaerobicamente, o que revelou sete bactérias mais comuns entre 20 isolados com base na caracterização bioquímica. Com base no sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA, esses sete isolados foram identificados como Bacteroides stercoris (MT152636), Lactobacillus acidophilus (MT152637), Lactobacillus salivarius (MT152638), Ruminococcus bromii (MT152639), Klebsiella aerogenides (MT152640), Bacteroides fragilis (MT152909), Clostridium botulinum (MT152910). Esses sete isolados foram, posteriormente, usados como microbioma intestinal sintético (GM) por seu papel na indução de T2D em camundongos. Linhagens consanguíneas de camundongos albinos foram divididas em quatro grupos e foram alimentadas com CD, HFD, GM + HFD e GM + CD. Camundongos que receberam a dieta modificada com HFD e GM + (CD / HFD) mostraram um aumento altamente significativo (P < 0,05) no peso e na concentração de glicose no sangue, bem como um nível elevado de citocinas inflamatórias (TNF-α, IL-6 e MCP-1) em comparação com os ratos que receberam apenas CD. O sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA de 11 bactérias fecais obtidas de três animais selecionados aleatoriamente de cada grupo revelou disbiose intestinal em animais que receberam GM. Cepas bacterianas, incluindo Bacteroides gallinarum (MT152630), Ruminococcus [...].

Humanos , Adulto , Camundongos , /etiologia , /prevenção & controle , /veterinária , Disbiose/veterinária , Gorduras na Dieta/efeitos adversos , Microbioma Gastrointestinal
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-14, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765420


The study was aimed to assess impact of high fat diet (HFD) and synthetic human gut microbiota (GM) combined with HFD and chow diet (CD) in inducing type-2 diabetes (T2D) using mice model. To our knowledge, this is the first study using selected human GM transplantation via culture based method coupled dietary modulation in mice for in vivo establishment of inflammation leading to T2D and gut dysbiosis. Twenty bacteria (T2D1-T2D20) from stool samples of confirmed T2D subjects were found to be morphologically different and subjected to purification on different media both aerobically and anerobically, which revealed seven bacteria more common among 20 isolates on the basis of biochemical characterization. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequencing, these seven isolates were identified as Bacteroides stercoris (MT152636), Lactobacillus acidophilus (MT152637), Lactobacillus salivarius (MT152638), Ruminococcus bromii (MT152639), Klebsiella aerogenes (MT152640), Bacteroides fragilis (MT152909), Clostridium botulinum (MT152910). The seven isolates were subsequently used as synthetic gut microbiome (GM) for their role in inducing T2D in mice. Inbred strains of albino mice were divided into four groups and were fed with CD, HFD, GM+HFD and GM+CD. Mice receiving HFD and GM+modified diet (CD/HFD) showed highly significant (P<0.05) increase in weight and blood glucose concentration as well as elevated level of inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6, and MCP-1) compared to mice receiving CD only. The 16S rRNA gene sequencing of 11 fecal bacteria obtained from three randomly selected animals from each group revealed gut dysbiosis in animals receiving GM. Bacterial strains including Bacteroides gallinarum (MT152630), Ruminococcus bromii (MT152631), Lactobacillus acidophilus (MT152632), Parabacteroides gordonii (MT152633), Prevotella copri (MT152634) and Lactobacillus gasseri (MT152635) were isolated from mice [...].(AU)

O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto da dieta rica em gordura (HFD) e da microbiota intestinal humana sintética (GM) combinada com HFD e dieta alimentar (CD) na indução de diabetes tipo 2 (T2D) usando modelo de camundongos. Para nosso conhecimento, este é o primeiro estudo usando transplante de GM humano selecionado através do método baseado em cultura acoplada à modulação dietética em camundongos para o estabelecimento in vivo de inflamação que leva a T2D e disbiose intestinal. Vinte bactérias (T2D1-T2D20) de amostras de fezes de indivíduos T2D confirmados verificaram ser morfologicamente diferentes e foram submetidas à purificação em meios diferentes aerobicamente e anaerobicamente, o que revelou sete bactérias mais comuns entre 20 isolados com base na caracterização bioquímica. Com base no sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA, esses sete isolados foram identificados como Bacteroides stercoris (MT152636), Lactobacillus acidophilus (MT152637), Lactobacillus salivarius (MT152638), Ruminococcus bromii (MT152639), Klebsiella aerogenides (MT152640), Bacteroides fragilis (MT152909), Clostridium botulinum (MT152910). Esses sete isolados foram, posteriormente, usados como microbioma intestinal sintético (GM) por seu papel na indução de T2D em camundongos. Linhagens consanguíneas de camundongos albinos foram divididas em quatro grupos e foram alimentadas com CD, HFD, GM + HFD e GM + CD. Camundongos que receberam a dieta modificada com HFD e GM + (CD / HFD) mostraram um aumento altamente significativo (P < 0,05) no peso e na concentração de glicose no sangue, bem como um nível elevado de citocinas inflamatórias (TNF-α, IL-6 e MCP-1) em comparação com os ratos que receberam apenas CD. O sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA de 11 bactérias fecais obtidas de três animais selecionados aleatoriamente de cada grupo revelou disbiose intestinal em animais que receberam GM. Cepas bacterianas, incluindo Bacteroides gallinarum (MT152630), Ruminococcus [...].(AU)

Humanos , Adulto , Camundongos , Gorduras na Dieta/efeitos adversos , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/etiologia , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/prevenção & controle , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/veterinária , Microbioma Gastrointestinal , Disbiose/veterinária
Rev. bras. zootec ; 52: e20210199, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436809


This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of lactic acid bacteria preparations on microbial diversity and community structure of calves. On days 1 and 7 of the trial period, feces were collected into sterile tubes and labeled (Day 1: control group D1DZ, experimental group D1SY, and Day 7: control group D7DZ, experimental group D7SY). Twenty Angus calves (150±10 kg) were selected and randomly divided into two groups of 10 calves each. The control group fed a basal diet. In addition to feeding the basal diet, the experimental group was given 15 mL lactobacillus preparation orally at 09:00 and 16:00 h every day. Calves were allowed free feeding and drinking water. All other feeding environments and management conditions remained consistent with the experiment lasting for seven days. At the end of the experiment, the fecal microflora of the calves was analyzed using 16S rRNA sequencing techniques. The 16S rRNA analysis data were processed using the Excel 2007 software and analyzed by the IBM SPSS statistical software (Statistical Analysis System, version 22). The Alpha diversity index analysis showed that the Chao and the Ace indices were significantly different after feeding supplemented with lactic acid bacteria. The PCA analysis showed that the fecal flora structure differed significantly after supplementation with the lactic acid bacteria preparation. Further analysis showed that the lactic acid bacteria increased Firmicutes, Patescibacteria, Rikenellaceae_RC9_gut_group, Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1, and prevotellaceae_UCG-003 in the feces. Therefore, we speculate that lactic acid bacteria preparations play an important role in animal production and are beneficial to the diversity of the fecal microflora of the calves.

Animais , Bovinos , Suplementos Nutricionais , Dieta/veterinária , Fezes/microbiologia
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(1): eRBCA-2021-1608, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418392


An experiment was carried out to study the effect of different eubiotics on productive characteristics, intestinal integrity, as well as the content of enterobacteria in the cecum of broiler chickens. A completely randomized design with five treatments and 8 replicates of 25 birds each was used. In total 1000 mixed broiler chickens from Ross308 strain, one day old were obtained from a commercial hatchery. The birds were housed on concrete floors in a conventional house. A sorghum+soybean meal control diet was used, to which the additives under study were added. The treatments were distributed as follows: T1 = Control diet without antibiotic or eubiotic; T2 = T1 + bacteriophages; T3 = T1 + antibiotic; T4 = T1 + probiotic; T5 = T1 + symbiotic. The results obtained at 49 days of age for weight gain and feed conversion rate improved (p<0.05) with the addition of the antibiotic and eubiotics. A lower (p<0.05) intestinal density was observed with the probiotic. The height, width, and area of villi in duodenum was higher (p<0.05) when antibiotic and eubiotics were included. In the histological score, in duodenum, the antibiotic and eubiotics resulted with a higher score (p<0.05), associated to a physiological and controlled inflammation response that allowed improving productivity. Finally, the relative expression of enterobacteria, such as Lactobacillus salivarius, allowed associating positive changes in the microbiome and better productive parameters when including the symbiotic, with comparable results to the antibiotic when including the eubiotics.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/microbiologia , Infecções por Enterobacteriaceae/diagnóstico , Enterobacteriaceae , Aditivos Alimentares/análise , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-8, 2022. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468417


Many pathogenic strains have acquired multidrug-resistant patterns in recent a year, which poses a major public health concern. The growing need for effective antimicrobial agents as novel therapies against multidrug-resistant pathogens has drawn scientist attention toward nanotechnology. Silver nanoparticles are considered capable of killing multidrug-resistant isolates due to their oligo-dynamic effect on microorganisms. In this research study NPs were synthesized using the gram-positive bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus and its activity against selected pathogenic strains. Lactobacillus bulgaricus pure cultures were isolated from raw milk and grown in "De Man, Rogasa, and Sharp" broth for synthesis of nanoparticles. Lactobacillus bulgaricus culture was centrifuged and Cell free supernatant of it was employed with aqueous silvery ions and evaluated their antibacterial activities against bacterial strains i.e. Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Salmonella typhi using agar well diffusion assay. Antibiotic profiling against selected pathogenic strains were also conducted using disc diffusion method. The synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles were monitored primarily by the conversion of the pale-yellow color of the mixture into a dark-brown color and via ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy and Scanning electron microscopy respectively. The result showed that that AgNPs with size (30.65-100 nm) obtained from Lactobacillus bulgaricus were found to exhibit antibacterial activities against selected bacterial strains. Taken together, these findings suggest that Lactobacillus bulgaricus has great potential for the production of AgNPs with antibacterial activities and highly effective in comparison to tested antibiotics.

Muitas cepas patogênicas adquiriram padrões multirresistentes nos últimos anos, o que representa um grande problema de saúde pública. A crescente necessidade de agentes antimicrobianos eficazes como novas terapias contra patógenos multirresistentes atraiu a atenção dos cientistas para a nanotecnologia. As nanopartículas de prata são consideradas capazes de matar isolados multirresistentes por causa de seu efeito oligodinâmico em microrganismos. Neste estudo de pesquisa, as NPs foram sintetizadas usando a bactéria Gram-positiva Lactobacillus bulgaricus e sua atividade contra cepas patogênicas selecionadas. Culturas puras de Lactobacillus bulgaricus foram isoladas do leite cru e cultivadas em caldo "De Man, Rogasa e Sharp" para síntese de nanopartículas. A cultura de Lactobacillus bulgaricus foi centrifugada, e o sobrenadante livre de células foi empregado com íons prateados aquosos, avaliando-se suas atividades antibacterianas contra cepas bacterianas, isto é, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis e Salmonella typhi usando ensaio de difusão em poço de ágar. O perfil de antibióticos contra cepas patogênicas selecionadas também foi conduzido usando o método de difusão em disco. A síntese e a caracterização das nanopartículas de prata foram monitoradas principalmente pela conversão da cor amarelo-pálida da mistura em uma cor marrom-escura e por espectroscopia de absorção visível e ultravioleta e por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, respectivamente. O resultado mostrou que AgNPs com tamanho de 30,65-100 nm, obtidas de Lactobacillus bulgaricus, exibiram atividades antibacterianas contra cepas bacterianas selecionadas. Tomados em conjunto, esses achados sugerem que o Lactobacillus bulgaricus tem um grande potencial para a produção de AgNPs com atividades antibacterianas e altamente eficazes em comparação aos antibióticos testados.

Lactobacillus delbrueckii , Nanoestruturas , Prata/farmacologia
Braz. J. Biol. ; 82: 1-8, 2022. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32989


Many pathogenic strains have acquired multidrug-resistant patterns in recent a year, which poses a major public health concern. The growing need for effective antimicrobial agents as novel therapies against multidrug-resistant pathogens has drawn scientist attention toward nanotechnology. Silver nanoparticles are considered capable of killing multidrug-resistant isolates due to their oligo-dynamic effect on microorganisms. In this research study NPs were synthesized using the gram-positive bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus and its activity against selected pathogenic strains. Lactobacillus bulgaricus pure cultures were isolated from raw milk and grown in "De Man, Rogasa, and Sharp" broth for synthesis of nanoparticles. Lactobacillus bulgaricus culture was centrifuged and Cell free supernatant of it was employed with aqueous silvery ions and evaluated their antibacterial activities against bacterial strains i.e. Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Salmonella typhi using agar well diffusion assay. Antibiotic profiling against selected pathogenic strains were also conducted using disc diffusion method. The synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles were monitored primarily by the conversion of the pale-yellow color of the mixture into a dark-brown color and via ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy and Scanning electron microscopy respectively. The result showed that that AgNPs with size (30.65-100 nm) obtained from Lactobacillus bulgaricus were found to exhibit antibacterial activities against selected bacterial strains. Taken together, these findings suggest that Lactobacillus bulgaricus has great potential for the production of AgNPs with antibacterial activities and highly effective in comparison to tested antibiotics.(AU)

Muitas cepas patogênicas adquiriram padrões multirresistentes nos últimos anos, o que representa um grande problema de saúde pública. A crescente necessidade de agentes antimicrobianos eficazes como novas terapias contra patógenos multirresistentes atraiu a atenção dos cientistas para a nanotecnologia. As nanopartículas de prata são consideradas capazes de matar isolados multirresistentes por causa de seu efeito oligodinâmico em microrganismos. Neste estudo de pesquisa, as NPs foram sintetizadas usando a bactéria Gram-positiva Lactobacillus bulgaricus e sua atividade contra cepas patogênicas selecionadas. Culturas puras de Lactobacillus bulgaricus foram isoladas do leite cru e cultivadas em caldo "De Man, Rogasa e Sharp" para síntese de nanopartículas. A cultura de Lactobacillus bulgaricus foi centrifugada, e o sobrenadante livre de células foi empregado com íons prateados aquosos, avaliando-se suas atividades antibacterianas contra cepas bacterianas, isto é, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis e Salmonella typhi usando ensaio de difusão em poço de ágar. O perfil de antibióticos contra cepas patogênicas selecionadas também foi conduzido usando o método de difusão em disco. A síntese e a caracterização das nanopartículas de prata foram monitoradas principalmente pela conversão da cor amarelo-pálida da mistura em uma cor marrom-escura e por espectroscopia de absorção visível e ultravioleta e por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, respectivamente. O resultado mostrou que AgNPs com tamanho de 30,65-100 nm, obtidas de Lactobacillus bulgaricus, exibiram atividades antibacterianas contra cepas bacterianas selecionadas. Tomados em conjunto, esses achados sugerem que o Lactobacillus bulgaricus tem um grande potencial para a produção de AgNPs com atividades antibacterianas e altamente eficazes em comparação aos antibióticos testados.(AU)

Lactobacillus delbrueckii , Nanoestruturas , Prata/farmacologia
Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468604


Abstract Many pathogenic strains have acquired multidrug-resistant patterns in recent a year, which poses a major public health concern. The growing need for effective antimicrobial agents as novel therapies against multidrug-resistant pathogens has drawn scientist attention toward nanotechnology. Silver nanoparticles are considered capable of killing multidrug-resistant isolates due to their oligo-dynamic effect on microorganisms. In this research study NPs were synthesized using the gram-positive bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus and its activity against selected pathogenic strains. Lactobacillus bulgaricus pure cultures were isolated from raw milk and grown in De Man, Rogasa, and Sharp broth for synthesis of nanoparticles. Lactobacillus bulgaricus culture was centrifuged and Cell- free supernatant of it was employed with aqueous silvery ions and evaluated their antibacterial activities against bacterial strains i.e. Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Salmonella typhi using agar well diffusion assay. Antibiotic profiling against selected pathogenic strains were also conducted using disc diffusion method. The synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles were monitored primarily by the conversion of the pale-yellow color of the mixture into a dark-brown color and via ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy and Scanning electron microscopy respectively. The result showed that that AgNPs with size (30.65-100 nm) obtained from Lactobacillus bulgaricus were found to exhibit antibacterial activities against selected bacterial strains. Taken together, these findings suggest that Lactobacillus bulgaricus has great potential for the production of AgNPs with antibacterial activities and highly effective in comparison to tested antibiotics.

Resumo Muitas cepas patogênicas adquiriram padrões multirresistentes nos últimos anos, o que representa um grande problema de saúde pública. A crescente necessidade de agentes antimicrobianos eficazes como novas terapias contra patógenos multirresistentes atraiu a atenção dos cientistas para a nanotecnologia. As nanopartículas de prata são consideradas capazes de matar isolados multirresistentes por causa de seu efeito oligodinâmico em microrganismos. Neste estudo de pesquisa, as NPs foram sintetizadas usando a bactéria Gram-positiva Lactobacillus bulgaricus e sua atividade contra cepas patogênicas selecionadas. Culturas puras de Lactobacillus bulgaricus foram isoladas do leite cru e cultivadas em caldo De Man, Rogasa e Sharp para síntese de nanopartículas. A cultura de Lactobacillus bulgaricus foi centrifugada, e o sobrenadante livre de células foi empregado com íons prateados aquosos, avaliando-se suas atividades antibacterianas contra cepas bacterianas, isto é, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis e Salmonella typhi usando ensaio de difusão em poço de ágar. O perfil de antibióticos contra cepas patogênicas selecionadas também foi conduzido usando o método de difusão em disco. A síntese e a caracterização das nanopartículas de prata foram monitoradas principalmente pela conversão da cor amarelo-pálida da mistura em uma cor marrom-escura e por espectroscopia de absorção visível e ultravioleta e por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, respectivamente. O resultado mostrou que AgNPs com tamanho de 30,65-100 nm, obtidas de Lactobacillus bulgaricus, exibiram atividades antibacterianas contra cepas bacterianas selecionadas. Tomados em conjunto, esses achados sugerem que o Lactobacillus bulgaricus tem um grande potencial para a produção de AgNPs com atividades antibacterianas e altamente eficazes em comparação aos antibióticos testados.

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(suppl.1): Pub.750-4 jan. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458558


Background: The peafowl is an ornamental bird that has the habit of eating directly from the earthy soil, which makes thisbird more susceptible to endoparasites. One important endoparasite is Eucoleus contortus, which leads to inflammatoryprocesses that alter the local microbiota, potentializing disease. By the other way, a member of the bird’s microbiota thereis the genus Lactobacillus, but when occurs some imbalance, these bacteria can overgrowth and even cause some infection.This report describes the pathological and microbiological findings of chronic necrotizing pneumonia and aerossacolitiscaused by Lactobacillus agilis in a peafowl, associated with parasitism by E. contortus.Case: A peafowl (Pavo cristatus), adult, male, who lived on a farm with contact with other species of animal, was submittedto post-mortem examination due to sudden death. This animal lived in an extensive system on the property and was the onlyone of its species. During the gross evaluation, the air sacs were filled with solid yellowish crumbly material. The samematerial was observed forming well-defined nodules that occupied > 50% of the lung parenchyma. Histological analysisshowed multiple parabronchi dilated and filled with caseous necrosis, characterized by abundant cellular debris and fibrindeposition. These areas were surrounded by the proliferation of fibrous connective tissue and inflammatory infiltrate ofmacrophages, giant cells, lymphocytes, and plasma cells. The air sacs parenchyma showed fibrin deposition and mixedinflammatory infiltrate. Multiple gram-positive bacilli were observed within the caseous foci in Gram-stained slides. Inthe crop and esophageal mucosa, cross-sections of filiform nematodes morphologically compatible with E. contortus wereassociated with chronic inflammatory infiltrate and epidermal hyperkeratosis. A lung section was submitted to GramBrown-Hopps and Ziehl-Neelsen...

Animais , Galliformes/parasitologia , Lactobacillus/isolamento & purificação , Pneumonia Necrosante/veterinária , Sacos Aéreos/patologia , Infecções Respiratórias/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 50(suppl.1): Pub. 750, Feb. 10, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765209


Background: The peafowl is an ornamental bird that has the habit of eating directly from the earthy soil, which makes thisbird more susceptible to endoparasites. One important endoparasite is Eucoleus contortus, which leads to inflammatoryprocesses that alter the local microbiota, potentializing disease. By the other way, a member of the birds microbiota thereis the genus Lactobacillus, but when occurs some imbalance, these bacteria can overgrowth and even cause some infection.This report describes the pathological and microbiological findings of chronic necrotizing pneumonia and aerossacolitiscaused by Lactobacillus agilis in a peafowl, associated with parasitism by E. contortus.Case: A peafowl (Pavo cristatus), adult, male, who lived on a farm with contact with other species of animal, was submittedto post-mortem examination due to sudden death. This animal lived in an extensive system on the property and was the onlyone of its species. During the gross evaluation, the air sacs were filled with solid yellowish crumbly material. The samematerial was observed forming well-defined nodules that occupied > 50% of the lung parenchyma. Histological analysisshowed multiple parabronchi dilated and filled with caseous necrosis, characterized by abundant cellular debris and fibrindeposition. These areas were surrounded by the proliferation of fibrous connective tissue and inflammatory infiltrate ofmacrophages, giant cells, lymphocytes, and plasma cells. The air sacs parenchyma showed fibrin deposition and mixedinflammatory infiltrate. Multiple gram-positive bacilli were observed within the caseous foci in Gram-stained slides. Inthe crop and esophageal mucosa, cross-sections of filiform nematodes morphologically compatible with E. contortus wereassociated with chronic inflammatory infiltrate and epidermal hyperkeratosis. A lung section was submitted to GramBrown-Hopps and Ziehl-Neelsen...(AU)

Animais , Lactobacillus/isolamento & purificação , Galliformes/parasitologia , Sacos Aéreos/patologia , Pneumonia Necrosante/veterinária , Infecções Respiratórias/veterinária