Sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis (SEP) is a rare condition which consists of reactive fibrous tissue proliferation with mixed inflammatory infiltration within the abdominal cavity. The present report describes an additional case of SEP affecting a mixed-breed immature female dog presented with persistent vomiting, progressive weight loss, and ascites. Abdominal radiographic and ultrasonographic findings suggested abdominal neoformation resulting in gastric displacement, in addition ascitic fluid was evaluated and cytology showed large numbers of inflammatory effusion. An exploratory laparotomy was performed and were detected multiple thick peritoneal adhesions which restricted mobility of abdominal viscera. Biopsy specimens of these lesions were submitted for histopathological examination. Microscopically, the external serous surfaces of the abdominal organs were covered with dense fibrous connective tissue characterized by intense mature collagen deposition and moderate angiogenesis. The animal was euthanized due to poor prognosis and sent for necropsy. The clinical, imaging, gross and microscopic findings were compatible with SEP.(AU)
Animais , Peritonite/diagnóstico por imagem , Doenças do Cão , Cães , Obstrução Intestinal/diagnóstico por imagem , Laparotomia/métodosResumo
O paciente da espécie canina, sem raça definida, com 5 anos, deu entrada a clínica veterinária particular apresentando quadro de dor aguda e intensa em cavidade abdominal associada a prostração. Foram realizados exames de sangue, ultrassonografia e radiografia de abdômen, cuja suspeita foi torção parcial do estômago, com esplenomegalia, além de gastrite e enterite. O paciente foi submetido imediatamente ao procedimento cirúrgico para alívio, reposicionamento do órgão e gastropexia. O animal foi medicado previamente com metadona, tramadol e dipirona duas horas antes do ato cirúrgico, portanto não foram utilizadas medicações pré-anestésicas e optou-se pelo propofol e cetamina para a indução anestésica, além da infusão contínua com cetamina e fentanil para se obter a analgesia multimodal. Os parâmetros de dor foram avaliados por meio das frequências cardíaca e respiratória, traçado eletrocardiográfico, pressão arterial sistólica e média, aferição da temperatura retal e coloração de mucosas, a cada 5 minutos. Os mesmos indicaram boa estabilidade hemodinâmica, segurança e analgesia, sem necessidade de alterar as doses estabelecidas durante o procedimento. Pode ser observada também redução do requerimento de isoflurano para manutenção do plano cirúrgico. O paciente acordou sem sinais de dor no pós-operatório imediato evitando estresse sistêmico, o que conferiu o bom resultado do protocolo analgésico instituído.
The patient (Caramel) canine, mixed breed, approximately 5 years old, weighing 26kg was seen at the Ame Vet veterinary clinic, with severe abdominal pain, apathy, anorexia, prostration. Blood tests, abdominal ultrasound and abdominal x-ray were performed according to the tests a suspicion of partial torsion of the stomach and splenomegaly with right displacement, in addition to gastritis and enteritis. It was decided by the clinic and surgeon to perform laparotomy and prophylactic gastropexy. The animal was previously medicated by the clinic that treated the animal for analgesia with methadone, tramadol and dipyrone two hours before the beginning of the surgical procedure, therefore, pre-anesthetic medications, anesthetic induction with propofol, and ketamine were not used, aiming to perform analgesia. Multimodal with continuous infusion of ketamine and fentanyl, that is, more than one different mechanism of action, acting synergistically and reducing dose-dependent adverse effects and monitoring hemostasis and patient parameters, presenting its efficacy and safety in intraoperative pain control. The parameters addressed were heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), electrocardiographic tracing, Spo2, systolic blood pressure (SBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), temperature and mucosal color, evaluated every 5 minutes. The parameters evaluated indicated good hemodynamic stability, safety and analgesia, with no need to change the doses established during the procedure. A reduction in the requirement of isoflurane to maintain the surgical plan can also be observed. The patient woke up without signs of pain in the immediate postoperative period, thus avoiding systemic stress. which conferred the good result of the analgesic protocol instituted.
Animais , Cães , Bombas de Infusão/veterinária , Fentanila/administração & dosagem , Sedação Profunda/métodos , Ketamina/administração & dosagem , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos do Sistema Digestório/veterinária , Anestésicos Inalatórios/administração & dosagem , Laparotomia/veterináriaResumo
Myofibrosarcoma in horses is a rare malignant tumor composed predominantly by myofibroblasts. A 15-year-old horse was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Parana for evaluation of colic signs. Initial physical examination showed icteric mucous membrane and laboratory analysis found anemia, increased serum activity of ALT, GGT, ALP, and bilirubin. In the exploratory laparotomy a highly vascularized abdominal mass in the left hypochondrium region of approximately 50cm x 45cm x 30cm, adhered to the surrounding structures was observed. Due to the size and adhesions to the omentum, the mass was considered surgically unresectable, and euthanasia was performed followed by necropsy. The immunohistochemical and morphological results indicate the diagnosis of myofibrosarcoma since the neoplastic cells immunoexpressed Vimentin, HHF35 and S100. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first equine case of omental myofibrosarcoma described in the literature.
O miofibrossarcoma em cavalos é um raro tumor maligno, composto predominantemente por miofibroblastos. Um equino, de 15 anos de idade, foi encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal do Paraná, para avaliação de sinais de cólica. O exame clínico inicial apresentou mucosas ictéricas e, nos exames laboratoriais, revelou anemia e aumento sérico de ALT, GGT, ALP e bilirrubina. Na laparotomia exploratória, observou-se massa abdominal vascularizada de aproximadamente 50cm x 45cm x 30cm na região do hipocôndrio esquerdo e aderida às estruturas circunvizinhas. Devido ao tamanho e às aderências ao omento, a massa foi considerada irressecável cirurgicamente, portanto foi realizada a eutanásia e a necropsia. Os resultados imuno-histoquímicos e morfológicos indicam o diagnóstico de miofibrossarcoma, visto que as células neoplásicas imunoexpressaram Vimentin, HHF35 e S100. Portanto, esse é o primeiro caso em equinos de miofibrossarcoma omental descrito na literatura.
Animais , Omento , Miofibroblastos , Cavalos , Laparotomia , NeoplasiasResumo
Caroli syndrome is characterized by a combination of intrahepatic biliary ductal ectasia and congenital ductal fibrosis due to the failure of involution of ductal plates and large intrahepatic ducts. This study aims to report Caroli syndrome in a dog, with emphasis on clinical characteristics, complementary examinations, and diagnostic approach. A 1-year-old mixed-breed intact male dog was presented with a 7-day history of acute vomiting and anorexia. Clinical evaluation revealed severe jaundice, abdominal pain, dehydration, lethargy, and abdominal distension. Ultrasonography revealed hepatic cysts filled with fluid. Exploratory laparotomy was performed to clarify the imaging findings; however, the dog died shortly after surgery. Postmortem examination revealed that the liver was reduced in size and had multiple interconnected and distended saccular dilations. The bile ducts were markedly dilated and replaced a large part of the liver parenchyma. Multiple small cysts were also observed in the kidneys. Microscopically, the hepatic lesions were characterized by extensive bridging fibrosis associated with proliferating and ectatic bile ducts contiguous with the biliary tree. Marked fibrosis and small cysts were observed in the kidneys. Therefore, a final diagnosis of Caroli syndrome was made. While uncommon, this syndrome should be considered as a differential diagnosis for young dogs with biliary cysts and hepatic fibrosis.
A síndrome de Caroli é caracterizada pela combinação de ectasia biliar intra-hepática e fibrose ductal congênita, que se devem a falha na involução das placas ductais dos grandes ductos intra-hepáticos. Esse trabalho tem a intenção de reportar um caso de síndrome de Caroli em um canino, com ênfase em suas características clínicas, exames complementares, e abordagem diagnóstica. Um canídeo de um ano de idade, sem raça definida, apresentou um histórico clínico de sete dias de vômito agudo e anorexia. A avaliação clínica revelou severa icterícia, dor abdominal, desidratação, letargia e distensão abdominal. A ultrassonografia foi sugestiva de cistos hepáticos preenchidos por fluido. Uma laparotomia exploratória foi realizada para esclarecer os achados de imagem, porém, o cão morreu logo após a cirurgia. O cão foi submetido a exame de necropsia, onde se observou fígado diminuído em tamanho e com múltiplas dilatações saculares distendidas e interconectadas entre si. Os ductos biliares estavam acentuadamente dilatados e substituíam grande parte do parênquima hepático. Nos rins, múltiplos pequenos cistos eram observados. Microscopicamente as lesões hepáticas eram caracterizadas por extensa fibrose em ponte, associada a ductos biliares ectáticos e proliferados, que eram contíguos a árvore biliar. Nos rins, marcada fibrose e pequenas formações císticas foram observadas. Baseado na associação dos achados clínicos e patológicos, o diagnóstico de síndrome de Caroli foi feito. Mesmo que incomum, essa síndrome deve ser considerada como um diagnóstico diferencial para cães jovens com ductos biliares císticos e fibrose hepática.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Doença de Caroli/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico por imagem , Rim/anormalidades , Fígado/anormalidades , CãesResumo
Teratomas rarely occur in domestic species, especially in cattle. These tumors originate in fetal life and are characterized by rapid growth, which justifies their frequent detection in young animals. This study reported a case of ovarian teratoma in a heifer. On physical examination, the main signs identified were apathy, abdominal distention and tension, empty rumen, and mushy diarrhea. During rectal palpation, a mass was identified in the pelvic region, which was suggestive of cysts on ultrasound examination. The animal underwent laparotomy, followed by euthanasia due to a poor prognosis. At necropsy, a 54 x 43 x 52 cm (length x width x thickness) tumor was observed in the right ovary with multiple cystic areas, in addition to masses associated with multiple adhesions of the intestinal loops and peritonitis. On histopathology, muscle, cartilage, bone, nervous and epithelial tissue, glands, hair with follicles, were identified in the affected ovary. There was mixed inflammation and foci of necrosis observed with a complete absence of ovarian architecture in both the ovaries. Infiltrations were identified in the lymph nodes and mesenteric vessels. Glandular ducts were seen from the serosa to the intestinal mucosa. A locally infiltrative and expansile ovarian teratoma was diagnosed accordingly. It is considered that this kind of tumor can induce abdominal distension and absence of estrus in previously healthy, non-pregnant heifers.
Os teratomas são tumores raros nas espécies domésticas, sobretudo em bovinos. Esses tumores são caracterizados por crescimento rápido e origem durante a vida fetal, o que justifica seu diagnóstico frequente em animais jovens. O presente trabalho relata um caso de teratoma ovariano em uma novilha. No exame físico, os principais sinais identificados foram apatia, distensão e tensão abdominal, rúmen vazio e diarreia pastosa. Durante a palpação retal, uma massa foi identificada na região pélvica. Ao exame ultrassonográfico, a massa era sugestiva de cistos. O animal foi submetido a laparotomia, seguido de eutanásia devido ao mau prognóstico. Na necropsia foi observado um tumor de 54 x 43 x 52 cm (comprimento x largura x espessura) no ovário direito com múltiplas áreas císticas, além de massas associadas à múltiplas aderências das alças intestinais e peritonite. Na histopatologia foram identificados no ovário acometido a presença de tecidos muscular, cartilaginoso, ósseo, nervoso e epitelial, com glândulas, pelos e folículos. Havia inflamação mista e focos de necrose com ausência completa de arquitetura ovariana em ambos os ovários. Infiltrações foram identificadas em linfonodos e vasos mesentéricos. Ductos glandulares foram vistos desde a serosa até mucosa intestinal. Diagnosticou-se um teratoma ovariano localmente infiltrativo e expansivo. Considera-se que este tumor pode induzir distensão abdominal e ausência de estro em novilhas previamente sadias e não gestantes.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Neoplasias Ovarianas/veterinária , Ovário/patologia , Teratoma/veterinária , Entorses e Distensões/veterinária , Estro/fisiologiaResumo
A ovariosalpingohisterectomia (OSH), que consiste na retirada cirúrgica de ovários, tubas uterinas e útero, é um dos procedimentos cirúrgicos mais realizados em cadelas na rotina veterinária. É utilizado para evitar prenhez indesejada e no tratamento e profilaxia de enfermidades reprodutivas. Classicamente, na técnica de ligadura do pedículo ovariano e coto uterino na OSH em cadelas e gatas, são empregadas três pinças para expor a área de ligadura, por isso, a técnica é conhecida como técnica das três pinças. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi propor uma técnica diferente para executar tais ligaduras, reduzindo o tempo do procedimento por meio da diminuição do número de pinças usadas para a exposição dos locais a serem feitas as ligaduras. Desta forma, o experimento foi conduzido com 20 cadelas hígidas submetidas à OSH. Os animais foram divididos em dois grupos: animais submetidos ao procedimento de ligadura pela técnica das três pinças e animais submetidos a ligadura pela técnica proposta neste estudo. A abertura da cavidade abdominal, para expor as estruturas a serem ligadas, foi a mesma para as duas técnicas (laparotomia mediana ventral). Foi mensurado, por meio de cronômetro digital, o tempo despendido na realização de todas as cirurgias. Não ocorreram óbitos e não houve dificuldades na execução das duas técnicas. Além disso, no transoperatório, não houve intercorrências dignas de nota. Os resultados demonstraram que o tempo de execução foi estatisticamente menor para a técnica proposta, indicando a aplicação preferencial deste procedimento para realização de OSH em cadelas.
The ovariohysterectomy (OH), which consists of the surgical removal of ovaries, uterine tubes, and uterus, is one of the most common surgical procedures performed on bitches in the veterinary routine. It is used to prevent unwanted pregnancy and in the treatment and prophylaxis of reproductive diseases. Classically, in the technique of ligation of the ovarian pedicle and uterine stump in OH in bitches and cats, three clamps are used to expose the ligature area, that is why the technique is known as the three clamps technique. Thus, this study aimed to propose a different technique to perform such ligatures, reducing the procedure time by reducing the number of clamps used to expose the sites to be ligated. Therefore, the experiment was carried out with twenty healthy bitches submitted to OH. The animals were divided into two groups: animals submitted to the ligation procedure using the three clamps technique and animals submitted to ligation using the technique proposed in this study. The opening of the abdominal cavity, to expose the structures to be ligated, was the same for both techniques (ventral median laparotomy). The time spent performing all surgeries was measured using a digital timer. There were no deaths and there were no difficulties in performing both techniques. Besides, in the transoperative period, there were no noteworthy complications. The results demonstrated that the execution time was statistically shorter for the proposed technique, indicating the preferential application of this procedure for performing OH in bitches.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Instrumentos Cirúrgicos/veterinária , Ovariectomia/métodos , Constrição , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos em Ginecologia/veterináriaResumo
A urolitíase é uma condição rara, mas considerada de emergência na rotina de equinos. Este trabalho relata um caso de correção de urolitíase vesical em equino pela técnica cirúrgica de laparocistotomia parainguinal a campo. Para isso, foi realizado atendimento de um equino macho, sem raça definida, com histórico de disúria e hematúria exacerbada após exercício. Após realização de exame clínico, a suspeita diagnóstica de urolitíase vesical foi confirmada por meio de ultrassonografia transretal, sendo indicado o tratamento cirúrgico. Diante da impossibilidade de realização do procedimento em centro cirúrgico, optou-se por operá-lo em condições a campo. Para o acesso à cavidade abdominal, optou-se pela laparotomia parainguinal. A bexiga foi localizada e esvaziada por punção. Procedeu-se cistotomia para remoção do urólito, seguida da lavagem da bexiga com solução fisiológica para remoção de possíveis detritos. A cistorrafia foi realizada em dois planos de sutura do tipo Schmieden-Cushing, com fio absorvível sintético, seguida pela laparorrafia. O pós-operatório consistiu em curativos diários da ferida cirúrgica, duchas e administração de antimicrobiano e anti-inflamatório. Conclui-se que o exame ultrassonográfico foi fundamental para o correto diagnóstico e que a escolha da técnica cirúrgica de laparocistotomia parainguinal realizada a campo oferece resultados satisfatórios para o tratamento de equino com urolitíase vesical.
Urolithiasis is a rare condition, but it is considered an emergency in the equine routine. The present work reports a correction case of vesical urolithiasis in equines by the surgical technique of parainguinal laparocystotomy in the field. A male horse, of mixed breed, with a history of dysuria and exacerbated hematuria after exercise was treated. After performing the clinical examination, the diagnostic suspicion of bladder urolithiasis was confirmed through transrectal ultrasonography and the surgical treatment was indicated. Given the impossibility of performing the procedure in the operating room, it was decided to operate the animal in field conditions. For access to the abdominal cavity, parainguinal laparotomy was chosen. The bladder was located and emptied by puncture. A cystotomy was performed to remove the urolith, followed by washing the bladder with saline solution to remove possible debris. The cistorrhaphy was performed in two planes of Schmieden-Cushing suture, with synthetic absorbable suture, followed by laparorrhaphy. The postoperative period consisted of daily dressings of the surgical wound, showers, and administration of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. It is concluded that the ultrasound examination was essential for the correct diagnosis and that the choice of the surgical technique of parainguinal laparocystotomy performed in the field offers satisfactory results for the treatment of horses with bladder urolithiasis.
Animais , Masculino , Cálculos da Bexiga Urinária/diagnóstico por imagem , Urolitíase/cirurgia , Cavalos/cirurgia , Laparoscopia/veterináriaResumo
The inverted ovariosalpingohysterectomy (OSH) technique involves initial uterine removal, followed by ovarian disinsertion. The objective of this study was to compare the inverted technique with the traditional technique, characterized by initial removal of the ovaries followed by uterine resection, for evaluating the performance of the inverted OSH technique in cats. For this, 24 healthy, female cats, aged between 7 months and 5 years, with a body condition score of up to 6 points (9-point scale), divided into two equal groups: the traditional technique (TT) and the inverted technique (IT). Procedures were performed by the same veterinarians (surgeon and their assistant) as well as semi-quantitative analysis of the techniques (questionnaire related to the ease of uterine and ovarian manipulation as well as of intestinal and urinary vesicle manipulation) and descriptive qualitative analysis (technical report with the opinion of surgeons and an external evaluator). In addition, the total surgical time and positive pain response were evaluated, indicated by the changes in vital parameters observed by the anesthesiologist during surgery. Inverted technique it promoted greater ovarian exposure, allowing uterine cranial flexion to perform the ligatures, thus facilitating their manipulation, hemostasis, and section of the pedicle. Free the uterus from its ligaments to the abdominal cavity allowed greater mobilization of the conjoint. Both techniques required short operation time (average time of 16± 1.321 in the IT group and 15± 0.525 in the TT group). The presence of algetic stimulus was similar in the techniques, three animals in each group suffered analgesic rescue.
A técnica de ovariossalpingohisterectomia (OSH) invertida envolve a remoção inicial uterina seguida da desinser-ção ovariana bilateral. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a técnica invertida com a tradicional, caracterizada pela remoção inicial dos ovários seguida da ressecção uterina, a fim de avaliar aspectos de execução da OSH Invertida em gatas. Para isso, 24 felinas hígidas, com idade entre 7 meses e 5 anos, com escore de condição corporal até 6 pontos (escala 9 pontos), foram divididas em dois grupos iguais (TT- técnica tradicional e TI- técnica invertida). As cirurgias e anestesias foram efetuadas pelos mesmos médicos veterinários, as técnicas foram avaliadas pelo cirurgião e auxiliar por análises semiquantitativa (questionário com escores relativos à facilidade de manipulação uterina e ovariana, nível de manipulação do intestino e vesícula urinária) e qualitativa descritiva (relatório das técnicas com opinião dos cirurgiões e avaliador externo). Ainda, avaliou-se o tempo cirúr-gico total e a indicação de resposta álgica positiva conforme mudanças nos parâmetros vitais no transoperatório. A OSH inver-tida nos felinos não revelou diferença estatística na análise semiquantitativa quando comparada à técnica tradicional. Porém, promoveu maior exposição ovariana permitindo a flexão cranial uterina, facilitando sua manipulação, hemostasia e secção do pedículo. Ainda, a liberação do útero dos ligamentos à cavidade abdominal permitiu maior mobilização do conjunto. Ambas as técnicas revelaram-se de rápida execução sendo a média de tempo no TI de 16±1,321, e no TT de 15±0,525. A presença de estímulo álgico foi semelhante nas técnicas havendo resgates analgésicos em três animais de cada grupo.
Feminino , Animais , Gatos , Gatos/anatomia & histologia , Laparotomia/métodos , Laparotomia/veterinária , Técnicas de Ablação/veterináriaResumo
The inverted ovariosalpingohysterectomy (OSH) technique involves initial uterine removal, followed by ovarian disinsertion. The objective of this study was to compare the inverted technique with the traditional technique, characterized by initial removal of the ovaries followed by uterine resection, for evaluating the performance of the inverted OSH technique in cats. For this, 24 healthy, female cats, aged between 7 months and 5 years, with a body condition score of up to 6 points (9-point scale), divided into two equal groups: the traditional technique (TT) and the inverted technique (IT). Procedures were performed by the same veterinarians (surgeon and their assistant) as well as semi-quantitative analysis of the techniques (questionnaire related to the ease of uterine and ovarian manipulation as well as of intestinal and urinary vesicle manipulation) and descriptive qualitative analysis (technical report with the opinion of surgeons and an external evaluator). In addition, the total surgical time and positive pain response were evaluated, indicated by the changes in vital parameters observed by the anesthesiologist during surgery. Inverted technique it promoted greater ovarian exposure, allowing uterine cranial flexion to perform the ligatures, thus facilitating their manipulation, hemostasis, and section of the pedicle. Free the uterus from its ligaments to the abdominal cavity allowed greater mobilization of the conjoint. Both techniques required short operation time (average time of 16± 1.321 in the IT group and 15± 0.525 in the TT group). The presence of algetic stimulus was similar in the techniques, three animals in each group suffered analgesic rescue.(AU)
A técnica de ovariossalpingohisterectomia (OSH) invertida envolve a remoção inicial uterina seguida da desinser-ção ovariana bilateral. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a técnica invertida com a tradicional, caracterizada pela remoção inicial dos ovários seguida da ressecção uterina, a fim de avaliar aspectos de execução da OSH Invertida em gatas. Para isso, 24 felinas hígidas, com idade entre 7 meses e 5 anos, com escore de condição corporal até 6 pontos (escala 9 pontos), foram divididas em dois grupos iguais (TT- técnica tradicional e TI- técnica invertida). As cirurgias e anestesias foram efetuadas pelos mesmos médicos veterinários, as técnicas foram avaliadas pelo cirurgião e auxiliar por análises semiquantitativa (questionário com escores relativos à facilidade de manipulação uterina e ovariana, nível de manipulação do intestino e vesícula urinária) e qualitativa descritiva (relatório das técnicas com opinião dos cirurgiões e avaliador externo). Ainda, avaliou-se o tempo cirúr-gico total e a indicação de resposta álgica positiva conforme mudanças nos parâmetros vitais no transoperatório. A OSH inver-tida nos felinos não revelou diferença estatística na análise semiquantitativa quando comparada à técnica tradicional. Porém, promoveu maior exposição ovariana permitindo a flexão cranial uterina, facilitando sua manipulação, hemostasia e secção do pedículo. Ainda, a liberação do útero dos ligamentos à cavidade abdominal permitiu maior mobilização do conjunto. Ambas as técnicas revelaram-se de rápida execução sendo a média de tempo no TI de 16±1,321, e no TT de 15±0,525. A presença de estímulo álgico foi semelhante nas técnicas havendo resgates analgésicos em três animais de cada grupo.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Gatos/anatomia & histologia , Laparotomia/métodos , Laparotomia/veterinária , Técnicas de Ablação/veterináriaResumo
Background: Cryptococcosis is an opportunistic, systemic mycotic disease caused by yeasts of genus Cryptococcus.Cryptococcus neoformans might cause serious public health problems, as they can be transmitted to humans, domesticand wild animals. In cats and dogs, the main site of infection is the upper lower respiratory tract, however, the infectioncan extend and affect other sites in the organism, however, the peritoneal manifestation of the disease is rare. Thus, thepresent work aims to report a case of cryptococcosis in a canine, mixed breed, female, adult, from the Metropolitan Regionof Belém, PA, Brazil.Case: A mixed breed dog, female, adult was admitted in a veterinary hospital at Belém, presenting abdominal discomfortand, after the clinical examination, emergency exploratory laparotomy was indicated, and it were observed disseminatedlesions in the abdominal cavity, with multiple nodules attached to the peritoneum and intestinal serosa and bladder, uterus,among other organs. Fragments from the surgical biopsy were fixed, and processed routinely according to the techniquesfor histological tissue processing. Histological examination revealed a predominance of granulomatous lesions in peritoneum and mesentery organs. It was observed a discrete inflammatory reaction of macrophages, epithelioid cells andgiant cells, many in phagocytosis of spherical or ovoid organisms, with a thick capsule and a clear perinuclear halo. Inthe PAS staining, the Cryptococcus conidia presented eosinophilic characteristics and some of them had the capsule welldemarcated, which was shown to be radiated. Also it was possible to see the budding yeast and in the Grocott stain, theCryptococcus stained in black.Discussion: Cryptococcosis with peritoneal involvement in animals is rarely reported in the literature. Cryptococcus is afungus that presents tropism by the...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Criptococose/veterinária , Cães/microbiologia , Peritônio/lesões , Laparotomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Cryptococcosis is an opportunistic, systemic mycotic disease caused by yeasts of genus Cryptococcus.Cryptococcus neoformans might cause serious public health problems, as they can be transmitted to humans, domesticand wild animals. In cats and dogs, the main site of infection is the upper lower respiratory tract, however, the infectioncan extend and affect other sites in the organism, however, the peritoneal manifestation of the disease is rare. Thus, thepresent work aims to report a case of cryptococcosis in a canine, mixed breed, female, adult, from the Metropolitan Regionof Belém, PA, Brazil.Case: A mixed breed dog, female, adult was admitted in a veterinary hospital at Belém, presenting abdominal discomfortand, after the clinical examination, emergency exploratory laparotomy was indicated, and it were observed disseminatedlesions in the abdominal cavity, with multiple nodules attached to the peritoneum and intestinal serosa and bladder, uterus,among other organs. Fragments from the surgical biopsy were fixed, and processed routinely according to the techniquesfor histological tissue processing. Histological examination revealed a predominance of granulomatous lesions in peritoneum and mesentery organs. It was observed a discrete inflammatory reaction of macrophages, epithelioid cells andgiant cells, many in phagocytosis of spherical or ovoid organisms, with a thick capsule and a clear perinuclear halo. Inthe PAS staining, the Cryptococcus conidia presented eosinophilic characteristics and some of them had the capsule welldemarcated, which was shown to be radiated. Also it was possible to see the budding yeast and in the Grocott stain, theCryptococcus stained in black.Discussion: Cryptococcosis with peritoneal involvement in animals is rarely reported in the literature. Cryptococcus is afungus that presents tropism by the...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Criptococose/veterinária , Cães/microbiologia , Peritônio/lesões , Laparotomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Splenic stromal neoplasms are a heterogeneous group of tumors that shares the morphology of spindle cells, and are considered a primary mesenchymal neoplasm of the spleen. Among these neoplasms, some are as yet unclassified. Although stromal neoplasms represent 25 a 50% of dog splenic neoplasms in dogs, subtypes rarely occur alone. As these neoplasms are difficult to diagnose in the routine veterinary medical examination, the objective of this article was to report a case of splenic stromal sarcoma in a dog treated at a private veterinary hospital in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Case: An 8-year-old male labrador dog was treated at a veterinary hospital for an initial clinical suspicion of gastroenteritis. Clinical examinations showed anemic ocular mucosa and a distended abdomen. Considering the animal's condition, blood count, serum biochemistry, and abdominal ultrasonography (US) were requested. The laboratory tests revealed anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukocytosis with neutrophilia, and changes in the indices of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP), among other findings. Abdominal ultrasound showed hepatomegaly, diffuse splenomegaly, a neoformation in the spleen suggestive of splenic neoplasia, and mild cystic prostatic hyperplasia. The dog underwent exploratory laparotomy with splenectomy. During the procedure, a nodule was found attached to the spleen. It was removed, fixed in a 10% neutral buffered formalin solution, and sent for histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations (vimentin, S100, desmin, MyoD1, HHF35, CD31, and alpha smooth muscle actin). The histopathological diagnosis was poorly differentiated spindle cell splenic sarcoma, compatible with splenic stromal sarcoma. Immunohistochemistry showed neoplastic cells immunoreactive for vimentin and S100, and it was not reactive for other markers. Based on the immunohistochemical and morphological profile, the diagnosis of splenic stromal sarcoma was confirmed. Discussion: Dogs affected by splenic neoplasms are generally aged between three and 17 years, and clinically present with anorexia, emesis, lethargy, weight loss, and abdomen distension, which were observed in the present case. However, a purelyclinical diagnosis is disputable, since other diseases can present the same signs. Thus, complementary exams are essential for a correct diagnosis. Laboratory changes in blood count and serum biochemistry are considered nonspecific for splenic neoplasms, with neutrophilic leukocytosis and anemia being consistent with paraneoplastic syndromes frequently diagnosed in small animals. Microscopically, splenic stromal sarcomas are characterized by focal splenic nodules composed of cohesive polygonal to spindle-shaped cell layers. The cells usually exhibit anisokaryosis and often have large oval to round vesicular nuclei and, occasionally, multinucleated cells. They have large areas of necrosis, diffuse or nodular lymphoid aggregates, and foci of extramedullary hematopoiesis, consistent with the histopathological examination reported in the present case. The immunohistochemical analysis included evaluation of seven markers to elucidate the histogenesis of the neoplasm, with the anti-vimentin and anti-S100 markers demonstrating positive cytoplasmic immunoreactivity, revealing the mesenchymal origin of the neoplasm. Thus, the definitive diagnosis was splenic stromal sarcoma, a rare and aggressive neoplasm.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Sarcoma/veterinária , Esplenopatias/veterinária , Neoplasias Esplênicas/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Laparotomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Gastrointestinal dysfunction in reptiles is a common condition seen in animal medicine, and is often causedby inappropriate husbandry. The purpose of this report is to describe the case of a surgical procedure for enterectomy ofthe small intestines, performed as treatment for an intussusception with cloacal protrusion that occurred in a red-earedslider (Trachemys scripta elegans) kept as a pet.Case: A 20-year-old red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) was taken into medical care after the owners observationof a cloacal protrusion that had started 72 h previously. During physical examination the protrusion was noted as an intestinalsegment of approximately 5 cm, which was not reducible. Complementary examinations, including radiography and hematological profiling, were performed and revealed no significant findings; therefore, it was decided that an exploratory celiotomywould be conducted. The patient was referred to the surgical unit for the procedure and underwent surgical anesthesia. Afterappropriate antisepsis of the surgical area, a plastron osteotomy was performed using a previously sterilized oscillatory saw ata 45º angulation. The celomatic membrane was subsequently incised to enable both cavity and intestinal inspection allowingobservation of the intussusception in the small intestine of the animal with the intussuscept segment protruding through thecloaca. The intussusception was undone, and an enterectomy was performed to remove the unviable intestine, using intestinalresection and subsequent anastomosis with simple interrupted sutures using 4-0 nylon, followed by intestinal reposition in thecavity. The celomatic membrane was closed using continuous suture with 4-0 nylon. The plastron fragment was then repositioned with the aid of eight...
Feminino , Animais , Cloaca/cirurgia , Intestino Delgado/cirurgia , Intussuscepção/veterinária , Tartarugas/cirurgia , Anastomose Cirúrgica/veterinária , Laparotomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Gastrointestinal dysfunction in reptiles is a common condition seen in animal medicine, and is often causedby inappropriate husbandry. The purpose of this report is to describe the case of a surgical procedure for enterectomy ofthe small intestines, performed as treatment for an intussusception with cloacal protrusion that occurred in a red-earedslider (Trachemys scripta elegans) kept as a pet.Case: A 20-year-old red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) was taken into medical care after the owners observationof a cloacal protrusion that had started 72 h previously. During physical examination the protrusion was noted as an intestinalsegment of approximately 5 cm, which was not reducible. Complementary examinations, including radiography and hematological profiling, were performed and revealed no significant findings; therefore, it was decided that an exploratory celiotomywould be conducted. The patient was referred to the surgical unit for the procedure and underwent surgical anesthesia. Afterappropriate antisepsis of the surgical area, a plastron osteotomy was performed using a previously sterilized oscillatory saw ata 45º angulation. The celomatic membrane was subsequently incised to enable both cavity and intestinal inspection allowingobservation of the intussusception in the small intestine of the animal with the intussuscept segment protruding through thecloaca. The intussusception was undone, and an enterectomy was performed to remove the unviable intestine, using intestinalresection and subsequent anastomosis with simple interrupted sutures using 4-0 nylon, followed by intestinal reposition in thecavity. The celomatic membrane was closed using continuous suture with 4-0 nylon. The plastron fragment was then repositioned with the aid of eight...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Tartarugas/cirurgia , Intussuscepção/veterinária , Cloaca/cirurgia , Intestino Delgado/cirurgia , Laparotomia/veterinária , Anastomose Cirúrgica/veterináriaResumo
This is the case of a specimen of Didelphis albiventris with signs of respiratory difficulty after a dog attack. Thoracic radiographic examination revealed pneumothorax, pulmonary contusion, and rib fracture, but no alteration compatible with diaphragmatic hernia was observed. Pneumothorax was reduced and the other alterations were treated. However, clinical manifestations persisted, and thus a contrast-gastrointestinal radiographic study was performed, showing abdominal organs in the thoracic cavity and loss of diaphragmatic line. The surgical approach was instituted, with access to the diaphragm through median laparotomy. Through the diaphragmatic rupture, present in the left antimere, there were herniated liver and gastric portions, intestinal segments, and omentum. After inspection and repositioning of the abdominal organs, the diaphragm raffia was performed with single sutures interrupted with 3-0 Nylon thread. The patients complete recovery occurred 14 days after the surgical procedure, with remission of clinical manifestations and normality of thoracic images in radiographic studies.
Esse é o caso de um espécime de Didelphis albiventris com sinais de dificuldade respiratória após ataque por cão. O exame radiográfico torácico revelou pneumotórax, contusão pulmonar e fratura de costelas, porém nenhuma alteração com-patível com hérnia diafragmática foi observada. O pneumotórax foi reduzido e as demais alterações tratadas. Contudo; houve a persistência das manifestações clínicas, e dessa forma um estudo radiográfico gastrointestinal contrastado foi realizado, sendo evidenciados órgãos abdominais na cavidade torácica e perda da linha diafragmática. A abordagem cirúrgica foi instituída, com acesso ao diafragma por meio de laparotomia mediana. Através da ruptura diafragmática, presente no antímero esquerdo, estavam herniadas porções hepáticas e gástricas, segmentos intestinais e omento. Após inspeção e reposicionamento dos órgãos abdominais, a rafia do diafragma foi realizada com suturas simples interrompidas com fio Nylon 3-0. A recuperação completa do paciente ocorreu 14 dias após o procedimento cirúrgico, com remissão das manifestações clínicas e normalidade das ima-gens torácicas nos estudos radiográficos.
Animais , Didelphis/anatomia & histologia , Hérnia Diafragmática Traumática/cirurgia , Hérnia Diafragmática Traumática/diagnóstico , Hérnia Diafragmática Traumática/veterinária , Radiografia , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico , Herniorrafia , LaparotomiaResumo
This is the case of a specimen of Didelphis albiventris with signs of respiratory difficulty after a dog attack. Thoracic radiographic examination revealed pneumothorax, pulmonary contusion, and rib fracture, but no alteration compatible with diaphragmatic hernia was observed. Pneumothorax was reduced and the other alterations were treated. However, clinical manifestations persisted, and thus a contrast-gastrointestinal radiographic study was performed, showing abdominal organs in the thoracic cavity and loss of diaphragmatic line. The surgical approach was instituted, with access to the diaphragm through median laparotomy. Through the diaphragmatic rupture, present in the left antimere, there were herniated liver and gastric portions, intestinal segments, and omentum. After inspection and repositioning of the abdominal organs, the diaphragm raffia was performed with single sutures interrupted with 3-0 Nylon thread. The patients complete recovery occurred 14 days after the surgical procedure, with remission of clinical manifestations and normality of thoracic images in radiographic studies.(AU)
Esse é o caso de um espécime de Didelphis albiventris com sinais de dificuldade respiratória após ataque por cão. O exame radiográfico torácico revelou pneumotórax, contusão pulmonar e fratura de costelas, porém nenhuma alteração com-patível com hérnia diafragmática foi observada. O pneumotórax foi reduzido e as demais alterações tratadas. Contudo; houve a persistência das manifestações clínicas, e dessa forma um estudo radiográfico gastrointestinal contrastado foi realizado, sendo evidenciados órgãos abdominais na cavidade torácica e perda da linha diafragmática. A abordagem cirúrgica foi instituída, com acesso ao diafragma por meio de laparotomia mediana. Através da ruptura diafragmática, presente no antímero esquerdo, estavam herniadas porções hepáticas e gástricas, segmentos intestinais e omento. Após inspeção e reposicionamento dos órgãos abdominais, a rafia do diafragma foi realizada com suturas simples interrompidas com fio Nylon 3-0. A recuperação completa do paciente ocorreu 14 dias após o procedimento cirúrgico, com remissão das manifestações clínicas e normalidade das ima-gens torácicas nos estudos radiográficos.(AU)
Animais , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico , Radiografia , Didelphis/anatomia & histologia , Hérnia Diafragmática Traumática/diagnóstico , Hérnia Diafragmática Traumática/cirurgia , Hérnia Diafragmática Traumática/veterinária , Herniorrafia , LaparotomiaResumo
A inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF) é uma biotécnica com inúmeras vantagens para a produção de bovinos. Para a realização da IATF, as fêmeas bovinas devem receber um protocolo farmacológico que induz a ovulação de forma sincronizada. Esse protocolo inicia com a inserção de um dispositivo impregnado com progesterona que deve permanecer no fundo vaginal da fêmea por tempo determinado. O presente relato tem por objetivo descrever a remoção de um implante impregnado com progesterona que foi encontrado na cavidade abdominal de uma novilha. Durante um atendimento reprodutivo de rotina em uma propriedade rural, uma novilha da raça Jersey, recém-adquirida, com histórico de ter sido submetida à IATF, foi avaliada para diagnóstico de gestação. No exame a novilha não estava gestante e apresentava um cisto folicular ovariano. A novilha foi submetida novamente à IATF em que foi inserido e removido um implante, com isso o cisto regrediu e ao inseminar a novilha não foi possível passar a cérvix com o aplicador. Vinte dias após a inseminação a novilha manifestou estro e ao ser avaliada para nova inseminação, foi identificado um implante solto na cavidade abdominal da novilha. Foi realizada uma laparotomia pelo flanco esquerdo e o implante foi removido. Após a recuperação da cirurgia a novilha foi inseminada e novamente e ficou gestante. Os protocolos de IATF devem ser realizados por profissionais capacitados para evitar problemas como a presente situação em que um implante foi encontrado na cavidade abdominal de uma novilha.(AU)
The fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) is a biotechnique with numerous advantages for cattle production. In order to perform the FTAI, the cows must receive a pharmacological protocol to induce ovulation in a synchronized way. This protocol begins with the insertion of a device impregnated with progesterone that must remain in the vaginal fundus of the cow for a specific period of time. This report aims at describing the removal of a progesterone impregnated implant that was found in the abdominal cavity of a heifer. During a routine reproductive service in a rural property, a recently acquired Jersey heifer, with history of having been submitted to FTAI, was evaluated for pregnancy diagnosis. At the exam, it was observed that the heifer was not pregnant and presented an ovarian follicular cyst. The heifer was then submitted to FTAI again, where an implant was inserted and removed. This made the cyst to recede, and upon subsequent insemination, the applicator was not able to pass the cervix. Twenty days after insemination, the heifer was in estrus and when it was evaluated for insemination, a loose implant was identified in the abdominal cavity of the heifer. A laparotomy was performed through the left flank and the implant was removed. After recovery from the surgery, the heifer was inseminated again and became pregnant. The FTAI protocols should only be carried out by trained professionals to avoid problems such as the one presented herein, where an implant was found in the abdominal cavity of a heifer.(AU)
La inseminación artificial a tiempo fijo (FTAI) es una biotécnica con numerosas ventajas para la producción de ganado. Para realizar FTAI, las hembras bovinas deben recibir un protocolo farmacológico que induzca la ovulación de forma sincronizada. Este protocolo comienza con la inserción de un dispositivo impregnado con progesterona que debe permanecer en el fondo vaginal de la hembra durante un tiempo específico. Este informe tiene como objetivo describir la extracción de un implante impregnado de progesterona que se encontró en la cavidad abdominal de una novilla. Durante la atención reproductiva de rutina en una propiedad rural, se evaluó el diagnóstico de preñez de una novilla de Jersey recién adquirida con antecedentes de someterse a FTAI. En el examen, la novilla no estaba embarazada y tenía un quiste folicular ovárico. La novilla fue nuevamente sometida a FTAI, en la cual se insertó y removió un implante, con esto el quiste retrocedió y al inseminar a la novilla no fue posible pasar el cérvix con el aplicador. Veinte días después de la inseminación, la vaquilla manifestó estro y cuando se evaluó para una nueva inseminación, se identificó un implante suelto en la cavidad abdominal de la vaquilla. Se realizó una laparotomía a través del flanco izquierdo y se extrajo el implante. Después de recuperarse de la cirugía, la novilla fue inseminada y nuevamente quedó embarazada. Los protocolos FTAI deben ser realizados por profesionales capacitados para evitar problemas como la situación actual donde se encontró un implante en la cavidad abdominal de una novilla.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Ovulação , Progesterona , Prenhez , Inseminação Artificial , Colo do Útero , Corpos Estranhos , EstroResumo
O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso de mesotelioma peritoneal epitelioide papilar em um bovino. Foi atendida uma vaca Gir, com dez anos de idade, apresentando taquicardia, taquipneia, 8% de desidratação, hipomotilidade ruminal, edema de barbela e aumento da circunferência abdominal bilateral ventral. Os achados de palpação consistiram na presença de múltiplos nódulos abdominais firmes, de tamanhos variados, localizados na parede abdominal e presença de grande quantidade de líquido intra-abdominal, confirmados pela ultrassonografia transretal. O líquido peritoneal coletado foi classificado como transudato modificado. Foi realizada laparotomia exploratória pelo flanco, identificando-se aproximadamente 150 litros de líquido peritoneal e múltiplos nódulos de coloração esbranquiçada, firmes, irregulares e difusos no peritônio e na superfície serosa de diferentes órgãos. O exame histopatológico dos fragmentos coletados por biopsia confirmou o diagnóstico de mesotelioma peritoneal classificado como sendo do tipo epitelioide papilar. A maioria dos casos de mesotelioma ocorre de forma incidiosa e sua manifestação clínica ocorre em quadros mais avançados, quando o prognóstico se torna desfavorável ao animal. A partir das condições encontradas no presente relato, foi indicada eutanásia do animal em razão do comprometimento do bem-estar.
The aim of this paper was to report a case of papillary epithelial mesothelioma of the peritoneal surface in a cattle. A ten-yearold Gir cow was examined on a rural property, presenting tachycardia, tachypnea, 8% dehydration, ruminal hypomotility submandibular edema and bilateral ventral abdominal enlargement. Rectal palpation showed multiple firm abdominal nodules, of varying sizes, located in the abdominal wall and the presence of large amounts of intra-abdominal fluid, confirmed by transrectal ultrasonography. The peritoneal fluid collected was classified as modified transudate. Exploratory laparotomy was performed along the flank, identifying approximately 150 liters of peritoneal fluid and multiple whitish-colored nodules, firm, irregular and diffuse on the peritoneum and on the serous surface of different organs. Histopathological examination of the biopsy pieces confirmed the diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma classified as papillary epithelioid type. Most cases of mesothelioma occur insidious, and its clinical manifestation occurs in more advanced cases, when the prognosis becomes unfavorable for the animal. Based on the conditions found in this report, euthanasia of the animal was indicated due to compromised well-being.
Animais , Bovinos , Ascite , Bovinos , Mesotelioma/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Mesoteliais/diagnósticoResumo
O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso de mesotelioma peritoneal epitelioide papilar em um bovino. Foi atendida uma vaca Gir, com dez anos de idade, apresentando taquicardia, taquipneia, 8% de desidratação, hipomotilidade ruminal, edema de barbela e aumento da circunferência abdominal bilateral ventral. Os achados de palpação consistiram na presença de múltiplos nódulos abdominais firmes, de tamanhos variados, localizados na parede abdominal e presença de grande quantidade de líquido intra-abdominal, confirmados pela ultrassonografia transretal. O líquido peritoneal coletado foi classificado como transudato modificado. Foi realizada laparotomia exploratória pelo flanco, identificando-se aproximadamente 150 litros de líquido peritoneal e múltiplos nódulos de coloração esbranquiçada, firmes, irregulares e difusos no peritônio e na superfície serosa de diferentes órgãos. O exame histopatológico dos fragmentos coletados por biopsia confirmou o diagnóstico de mesotelioma peritoneal classificado como sendo do tipo epitelioide papilar. A maioria dos casos de mesotelioma ocorre de forma incidiosa e sua manifestação clínica ocorre em quadros mais avançados, quando o prognóstico se torna desfavorável ao animal. A partir das condições encontradas no presente relato, foi indicada eutanásia do animal em razão do comprometimento do bem-estar.(AU)
The aim of this paper was to report a case of papillary epithelial mesothelioma of the peritoneal surface in a cattle. A ten-yearold Gir cow was examined on a rural property, presenting tachycardia, tachypnea, 8% dehydration, ruminal hypomotility submandibular edema and bilateral ventral abdominal enlargement. Rectal palpation showed multiple firm abdominal nodules, of varying sizes, located in the abdominal wall and the presence of large amounts of intra-abdominal fluid, confirmed by transrectal ultrasonography. The peritoneal fluid collected was classified as modified transudate. Exploratory laparotomy was performed along the flank, identifying approximately 150 liters of peritoneal fluid and multiple whitish-colored nodules, firm, irregular and diffuse on the peritoneum and on the serous surface of different organs. Histopathological examination of the biopsy pieces confirmed the diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma classified as papillary epithelioid type. Most cases of mesothelioma occur insidious, and its clinical manifestation occurs in more advanced cases, when the prognosis becomes unfavorable for the animal. Based on the conditions found in this report, euthanasia of the animal was indicated due to compromised well-being.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos , Mesotelioma/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Mesoteliais/diagnóstico , AsciteResumo
This work aims to describe the clinical, laboratory, and anatomopathological findings of two bovines, one affected by cecocolic intussusception, and the other by dilation with cecal torsion. The clinical examination demonstrated metallic resonance from the right flank, ruminal and intestinal hypomotility, and abdominal distension, in addition to alterations in feces characteristics. Was observed in the two animals leukocytosis by neutrophilia with regenerative shift to the left, and hyperfibrinogenemia. The analysis of ruminal fluid revealed impairment of the microbiota and an increase in chloride levels. The laparoscopic examination performed on one of the animals showed dilation of the colon, the cecum with hyperemia and serous edema, with a dividing halo between affected and unaffected portions, in addition to reddish peritoneal fluid. In the laparotomy, an enlarged cecum was found, with gaseous and liquid contents, swollen and turgid colon, and peritonitis. In addition to the findings observed during surgery, the anatomopathological examination demonstrated, in bovine 01, intestinal intussusception in the region of the cecocolic valve, and, in bovine 02, twisting of the loop at the ileocecocolic junction. Despite the low occurrence of digestive system disorders in cattle, cecal torsion and intussusception represent serious intestinal clinical conditions. These reports take the attention to the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to provide a correct diagnosis of intestinal diseases.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os achados clínicos, laboratoriais e anatomopatológicos de dois bovinos, um acometido por intussuscepção cecocólica e o outro por dilatação com torção de ceco. O diagnóstico de ambos os casos foi base-ado nos achados clínicos, laboratoriais, videolaparoscópicos, cirúrgicos e anatomopatológicos. No exame clínico evidenciou-se ressonância metálica no flanco direito, hipomotilidade ruminal e intestinal, distensão abdominal, além de alteração nas carac-terísticas das fezes. Observou-se nos dois animais leucocitose por neutrofilia com desvio para esquerda regenerativo e hiperfi-brinogenia. A análise do fluido ruminal revelou comprometimento da microbiota e elevação nos teores de cloretos. O exame videolaparoscópico, realizado no bovino dois (02), evidenciou dilatação do cólon, ceco com hiperemia e edema de serosa com halo divisório entre porção acometida e não acometida, além de líquido peritoneal de coloração avermelhada. Na laparotomia constatou-se ceco dilatado por conteúdo gasoso e líquido, cólon edemaciado e túrgido e, peritonite. No exame anatomopato-lógico, constatou-se, no bovino um (01), intussuscepção intestinal na região de válvula ceco-cólica e, no bovino (02) torção de alça na junção ileocecocólica. Apesar da baixa ocorrência, a torção de ceco e a intussuscepção acarretam condição intestinal grave e devem ser inseridas na lista de diagnósticos diferenciais das enfermidades digestivas de bovinos. Estes relatos chamam a atenção para a importância da abordagem multidisciplinar no diagnóstico das enfermidades intestinais.