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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 882, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437109


Background: Distichiasis is a disease that is rare in cats, but very common in dogs. The term distichiasis may be controversial when used in the feline species, given that they do not possess true cilia, but rudimentary hair along the superior palpebra. The patients may be asymptomatic, though some show signs of ocular discomfort and ulcerative keratitis. The diagnosis is reached through an ophthalmological exam, and the treatment consists of the removal of the cilium with or without its hair follicle. With this work, we aim to report a series of cases of distichiasis in cats, as it is an uncommon anomaly, and has the potential to cause ocular discomfort in cats. Cases: Two mobile services of veterinary ophthalmology, one in the federal district of Brasília (DF) and the other in the municipality of Valinhos (SP), attended to 9 cats over a period of 5 years (2018 to 2022). The cats (n = 9) attended are of an undefined breed with ages varying from 10 months to 9 years, with an average of 3.9-year-old. The number of distichiasis presented by the animals was classified according to their quantity, being categorized as a mild grade when there was a single cilium, moderate grade when there were 2 to 4 cilia, and severe grade when there were more than 5 cilia. The highest incidence of distichiasis in this study was in males (78%) while females accounted for (22%) of the cases. The clinical changes reported by the owners consisted of signs of ocular discomfort (photophobia, blepharospasm, and periocular itching), ocular discharge and ocular redness. In the ophthalmological evaluations, blepharospasm (22%), serous to mucosal secretion (56%), chemosis (22%), mild (44%) to moderate (11%) conjunctival hyperemia, and ulcerative keratitis (22%) were observed. Distichiasis was more frequent affecting both eyes (56%), while in only (44%) of cases it affected the left eye only. The highest occurrence of cilia was identified in the upper palpebra (78%). Distichiasis was found more often in the temporal palpebral portion (78%), and in 2 patients the identification was more challenging since these cilia lack pigmentation. Single cilium affected (44%) of patients, while 5 cats had multiple distichiasis (56%). A total of 29% of the cats had a mild grade, whereas 14% had a moderated grade, and 57% had a severe grade. The treatments performed consisted of manual epilation (ME) and electroepilation (EE). ME was carried out in 56% of the cats, with relapses occurring in 80% of the patients, while 44% of the cats submitted to EE had a relapse in 20% of the cases. Discussion: Distichiasis is an inherited disorder very frequent in dogs, but considered uncommon in cats. Its causative factor is still unknown, as is its mode of inheritance. In distichiasis therapy, epilation, electroepilation, electrolysis, diode laser, cryotherapy and surgical palpebral resection techniques are referred to as procedures. Among the treatments used in this study, we observed a lower incidence of relapse with the electroepilation technique, which proved to be a viable and successful therapeutic modality. This series of cases shows that perhaps this disorder is much more frequent than what has been reported in the literature, being sometimes underdiagnosed and consequently underreported. Therefore, distichiasis in cats should be considered as a differential diagnosis in patients with clinical signs of ocular discomfort and ulcerative keratitis.

Animais , Gatos , Pestanas/anormalidades , Pálpebras/anormalidades , Remoção de Cabelo/veterinária , Glândulas Tarsais/anormalidades
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 696, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363490


Background: Low-intensity laser is effective in cellular metabolism, analgesia, and tissue repair. The bioelectric, bioenergetic, and biochemical effects of laser therapy stimulate local circulation, collagen formation, and epithelization. The objective of this study was to report the use of gallium-aluminum arsenide (GaAlAs) laser (830 nm) in healing two woundscaused by necrosis in a dog. Case: An 8-year-old bitch, a rescued victim of animal abuse, had tibiotarsal dislocation in the left posterior limb. Orthopedic surgery was performed with the placement of an external fixation device with six pins in the distal third of the left posterior limb. A radiographic examination performed 42 days after the surgery revealed the loss of the tibiotarsal ratio, decreased radiopacity of the carpal bones, edema, inflammation, muscle atrophy, and the rotation of the anatomical axis of the metatarsals and phalanges. It was then decided to perform a second orthopedic surgery, in which a bone graft and arthrodesis with an 8-screw titanium plate were performed. Four of the plate screws were placed proximally to the tibia and four distally to the tarsus in addition to a screw and a pin transfixed through the distal metaphyseal region of the tibia and calcaneus. Traction was felt during suturing in the dermis and epidermis of the limb, suggesting the possibility of dehiscence of the stitches. After 3 h of surgery, the limb was cold and edematous. After 5 days, the tissue of the medial region of the tarsus developed necrosis, exposing a wound 6 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, and 2 mm deep (wound 1). Another necrotic lesion was observed in the dorsal region of the tarsos - 6.5 cm long, 2 cm wide, 3 mm deep, and exposing 5 cm of the titanium plate (wound 2). Therapy with GaAlAs laser was then performed over the entire length of the wounds. In each therapeutic session, the laser was first used in punctual mode at 10 J/cm², 830 nm, 20 s at each point of the length of the lesion and then in scan mode at 10 J/cm², 830 nm, 1000 Hz, and 40 s continuously. Laser therapy sessions were conducted at 2-4 day intervals, with a 12-day interval between the eighth and ninth sessions. During the entire treatment, cleansing and debridement of the wounds were performed every 48 h with saline and chlorhexidine digluconate, using a compression bandage, as described earlier. Wound 1 healed completely after two laser therapy sessions. In wound 2, tissue repair stagnated after the ninth and last laser session, leaving 4 cm of the titanium plate still exposed. The limb could not support the body weight of the patient, and radiographic examination revealed that the anatomical axis of the metatarsals and the phalanges was rotated and bone conformation was poor. Given the anatomical conditions associated with the patient's clinical picture, it was decided to amputate the limb between the femur and tibia. Discussion: Therapeutic lasers act on mitochondrial respiration, increasing respiratory metabolism and stimulating DNA synthesis and tissue proliferation. In the present case, there was a decrease in inflammatory cells, edema, and the size of the wounds. The pathological conditions of the affected site, influence of trauma, and degree of tissue damage affected the results of the laser therapy. Despite the size difference between wounds 1 and 2, the exposed titanium plate was a determining factor for the partial healing of wound 2.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Cicatrização/efeitos da radiação , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade/veterinária , Necrose/veterinária , Reabilitação/métodos , Terapia a Laser/veterinária , Lasers Semicondutores/uso terapêutico
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub.640-Jan 4, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458500


Background: Otitis is a severe inflammation of the skin of the auditory canal which can impact animals of all ages. Insheep, this disease can occur in isolated cases or in the entire flock. Laser photobiomodulation can be used in combination with medication or as single therapy and the effects are analgesia, modulation of the inflammatory process, edemareduction, tissue restoration and stimulation of local microcirculation. Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy stands out asa promising alternative to antimicrobial drugs for the treatment of localized infections. This study aimed to report the useof laser phototherapies on a sheep with bacterial otitis.Case: A case of bacterial otitis in a 4-year-old sheep, Dorper, was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the State Universityof Santa Cruz. In the anamnesis, the owner reported that the patient presented crusts in the auricular pavilions, and hadbeen medicated with oxytetracycline 20%, administered intramuscularly, for two days and the crusts cleaned with iodine10%, but the animal did not present clinical improvement. On physical examination, the animal presented constant headswaying, edema of the ears, otalgia, enlarged parotid lymph nodes and ear wounds. No ear discharge was observed, andthe initial diagnosis was aural hematoma. The treatment prescribed was laser photobiomodulation for three consecutivedays. The lesions were irradiated with a diode laser with a power of 0.1 W, irradiance of 3.5 W/cm2, continuous emission,spot area of 0.028 cm2, wavelength of 808 nm, energy of 4J/point, and fluency/point of 142.8J/cm2, with seven pointson the external surface and four points on the internal surface of both ears. Two points were also targeted on the parotidlymph nodes with infrared laser (λ = 808 nm), with energy of 2J/point. On the fourth day of hospitalization, there was areduction in lesions, decreased edema and absence of pain and on the sixth day...

Feminino , Animais , Fototerapia/veterinária , Otite/veterinária , Ovinos/microbiologia , Oxitetraciclina/uso terapêutico , Terapia a Laser/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub. 640, May 15, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32385


Background: Otitis is a severe inflammation of the skin of the auditory canal which can impact animals of all ages. Insheep, this disease can occur in isolated cases or in the entire flock. Laser photobiomodulation can be used in combination with medication or as single therapy and the effects are analgesia, modulation of the inflammatory process, edemareduction, tissue restoration and stimulation of local microcirculation. Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy stands out asa promising alternative to antimicrobial drugs for the treatment of localized infections. This study aimed to report the useof laser phototherapies on a sheep with bacterial otitis.Case: A case of bacterial otitis in a 4-year-old sheep, Dorper, was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the State Universityof Santa Cruz. In the anamnesis, the owner reported that the patient presented crusts in the auricular pavilions, and hadbeen medicated with oxytetracycline 20%, administered intramuscularly, for two days and the crusts cleaned with iodine10%, but the animal did not present clinical improvement. On physical examination, the animal presented constant headswaying, edema of the ears, otalgia, enlarged parotid lymph nodes and ear wounds. No ear discharge was observed, andthe initial diagnosis was aural hematoma. The treatment prescribed was laser photobiomodulation for three consecutivedays. The lesions were irradiated with a diode laser with a power of 0.1 W, irradiance of 3.5 W/cm2, continuous emission,spot area of 0.028 cm2, wavelength of 808 nm, energy of 4J/point, and fluency/point of 142.8J/cm2, with seven pointson the external surface and four points on the internal surface of both ears. Two points were also targeted on the parotidlymph nodes with infrared laser (λ = 808 nm), with energy of 2J/point. On the fourth day of hospitalization, there was areduction in lesions, decreased edema and absence of pain and on the sixth day...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Otite/veterinária , Ovinos/microbiologia , Fototerapia/veterinária , Terapia a Laser/veterinária , Oxitetraciclina/uso terapêutico
Vet. Zoot. ; 24(3): 538-553, set. 2017. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-17793


O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da laserterapia na lesão do tendão calcanear comum de ratos Wistar. Foram utilizados 12 ratos machos adultos, distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos (L=laser e C=controle). Todos foram submetidos à tendinopatia unilateral (escolha aleatória) mediante compressão transversal do tendão (10 segundos) com pinça Halstead mosquito, assim como escarificações (com bisturi). Após 24 horas da indução da lesão os animais do grupo L receberam laser (904 nm/3 J/cm²/9s) por 20 dias. Os do grupo C foram manipulados como se fossem receber a radiação. Após 3, 7, 14 e 21 dias da realização da lesão, três ratos de cada grupo foram submetidos à eutanásia, e os tendões obtidos para análise histomorfométrica. As amostras foram processadas como de rotina e os fragmentos corados com hematoxilina-eosina, tricrômico de Masson e Picrosirius Red. Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA, a 5% de probabilidade e análise de regressão. Não houve diferença entre grupos nem entre tempos para as características hemorragia, angiogênese, espessamento do epitendão. Independente do tratamento ocorreu diminuição (p=0,0129) da formação de aderência fibrinosa (do 3o ao 21o dias). Por outro lado, a avaliação morfométrica revelou maiores (p=0,0120) quantidades de fibroblastos no grupo que recebeu laserterapia, não havendo efeito de tempo. Avaliação semiquantitativa, revelou maiores (p=0,0000) quantidades de fibroblastos no grupo tratado, porém nessa análise, a quantidade dessas células aumentou com o tempo (p=0,0001) em ambos os grupos. Diferentemente, ANOVA revelou redução do infiltrado inflamatório do 3o ao 21o dia em ambos os grupos (histologia: p=0,0003; morfometria: p=0,0000).(AU)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of laser therapy in tendinopathy of Achilles tendon of Wistar rats. Thus, 12 adult male rats which were divided into two groups (L=laser and C=control) were used. All animals were submitted to unilateral tendinopathy (random selection) by transverse compression of the tendon (10 seconds) with Halsted forceps, as well as 10 scarifications (using a scalpel). After 24 hours of induction of lesion all animals of Group L received laser (904 nm/3 J/cm²/ 9 s) for 20 days, while Group C were handled as if they would receive radiation. After 3, 7, 14 and 21 days lesion induction, three rats from each group were euthanized, and the tendons obtained for histomorphometric analysis. The samples were processed as routine and the sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin, Masson's trichrome and Picrosirius Red. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, at 5% probability and regression analysis. No differences between groups neither between time for hemorrhage characteristics, angiogenesis, thickening of epitendon. Independently of the treatment there was a decrease (p=0.0129) of fibrinous adhesion (3rd to 21st day). On the other hand, morphometric analysis revealed higher (p=0.0120) amounts of fibroblasts cells in the group receiving laser therapy, with no effect of time. Semiquantitative assessment also showed higher (p=0.0000) amounts of fibroblasts cells in the treated group, but in this analysis, the number of fibroblasts increased with time (p=0.0001) in both group. In contrast, ANOVA revealed a reduction of the inflammatory cells from 3rd to 21st day in both groups (histology: p=0.0003; morphometry: p=0.0000).(AU)

La finalidad de ese estudio fue evaluar los efectos del láser en la lesión del tendón calcáneo común de ratas Wistar. Fueron utilizadas 12 ratas machos adultos, distribuidos al azar en dos grupos (L=láser y C=control). Todos fueron sometidos a tendinopatía unilateral (selección aleatoria) por la compresión transversal del tendón (10 segundos) con una pinza Halstead-Mosquito, y escarificación (con bisturí). Después de 24 horas de la inducción de la lesión los animales del grupo L recibieron láser (904 nm/3J/ cm²/9s) durante 20 días. Los tendones del grupo C fueran manejados como si recibera la radiación. Después de 3, 7, 14 y 21 días de realización de la lesión, tres ratas de cada grupo fueron sacrificadas, y los tendones obtenidos para análisis histomorfométrico. Las muestras fueron procesadas como de rutina y los fragmentos se tiñeron con hematoxilina-eosina, tricrómico de Masson y Picrosirius Red. Los datos fueron analizados por ANOVA, con una probabilidad de 5%, además de análisis de regresión. No hubo diferencias entre los grupos o tiempos para las variables hemorragia, angiogénesis, engrosamiento del epitendón. Independientemente del tratamiento se redujo (p=0,0129) la formación de adherencia fibrinosa (del 3o al 21o días). Por otra parte, la evaluación morfométrica mostró cantidades más altas (p=0,0120) de los fibroblastos en el grupo que recibió el tratamiento con láser, sin efecto del tiempo. Evaluación semicuantitativa reveló mayor (p=0,0000) cantidad de fibroblastos en el grupo tratado, pero en esa análisis la cantidad de esas células aumentó con el tiempo (p=0,0001) en ambos grupos. En contraste, ANOVA reveló reducción del infiltrado inflamatorio entre el 3o y el 21o días, en ambos grupos (histología: p=0,0003; morfometría: p=0,0000). Aunque no hubo diferencias entre grupos en la cantidad de fibras de colágeno (I y III), la morfometría reveló que las ratas del grupo L presentaram mayores cantidades (p=0,0096) de fibras de colágeno.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Ratos Wistar , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade/veterinária , Tendinopatia/terapia , Tendão do Calcâneo/lesões
Vet. zootec ; 24(3): 538-553, set. 2017. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1503439


O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da laserterapia na lesão do tendão calcanear comum de ratos Wistar. Foram utilizados 12 ratos machos adultos, distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos (L=laser e C=controle). Todos foram submetidos à tendinopatia unilateral (escolha aleatória) mediante compressão transversal do tendão (10 segundos) com pinça Halstead mosquito, assim como escarificações (com bisturi). Após 24 horas da indução da lesão os animais do grupo L receberam laser (904 nm/3 J/cm²/9s) por 20 dias. Os do grupo C foram manipulados como se fossem receber a radiação. Após 3, 7, 14 e 21 dias da realização da lesão, três ratos de cada grupo foram submetidos à eutanásia, e os tendões obtidos para análise histomorfométrica. As amostras foram processadas como de rotina e os fragmentos corados com hematoxilina-eosina, tricrômico de Masson e Picrosirius Red. Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA, a 5% de probabilidade e análise de regressão. Não houve diferença entre grupos nem entre tempos para as características hemorragia, angiogênese, espessamento do epitendão. Independente do tratamento ocorreu diminuição (p=0,0129) da formação de aderência fibrinosa (do 3o ao 21o dias). Por outro lado, a avaliação morfométrica revelou maiores (p=0,0120) quantidades de fibroblastos no grupo que recebeu laserterapia, não havendo efeito de tempo. Avaliação semiquantitativa, revelou maiores (p=0,0000) quantidades de fibroblastos no grupo tratado, porém nessa análise, a quantidade dessas células aumentou com o tempo (p=0,0001) em ambos os grupos. Diferentemente, ANOVA revelou redução do infiltrado inflamatório do 3o ao 21o dia em ambos os grupos (histologia: p=0,0003; morfometria: p=0,0000).

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of laser therapy in tendinopathy of Achilles tendon of Wistar rats. Thus, 12 adult male rats which were divided into two groups (L=laser and C=control) were used. All animals were submitted to unilateral tendinopathy (random selection) by transverse compression of the tendon (10 seconds) with Halsted forceps, as well as 10 scarifications (using a scalpel). After 24 hours of induction of lesion all animals of Group L received laser (904 nm/3 J/cm²/ 9 s) for 20 days, while Group C were handled as if they would receive radiation. After 3, 7, 14 and 21 days lesion induction, three rats from each group were euthanized, and the tendons obtained for histomorphometric analysis. The samples were processed as routine and the sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin, Masson's trichrome and Picrosirius Red. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, at 5% probability and regression analysis. No differences between groups neither between time for hemorrhage characteristics, angiogenesis, thickening of epitendon. Independently of the treatment there was a decrease (p=0.0129) of fibrinous adhesion (3rd to 21st day). On the other hand, morphometric analysis revealed higher (p=0.0120) amounts of fibroblasts cells in the group receiving laser therapy, with no effect of time. Semiquantitative assessment also showed higher (p=0.0000) amounts of fibroblasts cells in the treated group, but in this analysis, the number of fibroblasts increased with time (p=0.0001) in both group. In contrast, ANOVA revealed a reduction of the inflammatory cells from 3rd to 21st day in both groups (histology: p=0.0003; morphometry: p=0.0000).

La finalidad de ese estudio fue evaluar los efectos del láser en la lesión del tendón calcáneo común de ratas Wistar. Fueron utilizadas 12 ratas machos adultos, distribuidos al azar en dos grupos (L=láser y C=control). Todos fueron sometidos a tendinopatía unilateral (selección aleatoria) por la compresión transversal del tendón (10 segundos) con una pinza Halstead-Mosquito, y escarificación (con bisturí). Después de 24 horas de la inducción de la lesión los animales del grupo L recibieron láser (904 nm/3J/ cm²/9s) durante 20 días. Los tendones del grupo C fueran manejados como si recibera la radiación. Después de 3, 7, 14 y 21 días de realización de la lesión, tres ratas de cada grupo fueron sacrificadas, y los tendones obtenidos para análisis histomorfométrico. Las muestras fueron procesadas como de rutina y los fragmentos se tiñeron con hematoxilina-eosina, tricrómico de Masson y Picrosirius Red. Los datos fueron analizados por ANOVA, con una probabilidad de 5%, además de análisis de regresión. No hubo diferencias entre los grupos o tiempos para las variables hemorragia, angiogénesis, engrosamiento del epitendón. Independientemente del tratamiento se redujo (p=0,0129) la formación de adherencia fibrinosa (del 3o al 21o días). Por otra parte, la evaluación morfométrica mostró cantidades más altas (p=0,0120) de los fibroblastos en el grupo que recibió el tratamiento con láser, sin efecto del tiempo. Evaluación semicuantitativa reveló mayor (p=0,0000) cantidad de fibroblastos en el grupo tratado, pero en esa análisis la cantidad de esas células aumentó con el tiempo (p=0,0001) en ambos grupos. En contraste, ANOVA reveló reducción del infiltrado inflamatorio entre el 3o y el 21o días, en ambos grupos (histología: p=0,0003; morfometría: p=0,0000). Aunque no hubo diferencias entre grupos en la cantidad de fibras de colágeno (I y III), la morfometría reveló que las ratas del grupo L presentaram mayores cantidades (p=0,0096) de fibras de colágeno.

Animais , Ratos , Ratos Wistar , Tendinopatia/terapia , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade/veterinária , Tendão do Calcâneo/lesões
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 11(4): 226-230, Dec. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453107


The use of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has shown promising results for the inflammatory modulation of tissue repair. This study aimed to evaluate the anti-inflammatory potential of gallium arsenide (GaAs) LLLT in skin wound healing via (1) measurement of the temperature on the surface of the skin wound; (2) white blood cell count; and (3) histopathological examination. Skin lesions were induced on the dorsum of 20 Wistar rats, after which the animals were divided into two groups: a treatment group, subjected to GaAs LLLT, and a control group. Thermography was performed daily in all of the study animals until the end of the experiment. On the fourth day after lesion induction, whole blood was collected (white blood cell count), animals were euthanized, and skin lesions were biopsied (histopathological examination). There were no differences in the number of leukocytes and in the histopathological evaluations between the groups; however, the thermography analysis indicated an increase in temperature in the treated group. The anti-inflammatory activity of GaAs LLLT was not confirmed. The increase in temperature on the surface of the skin lesions after LLLT requires further elucidation because this result could not be justified by the direct action of LLLT.

Animais , Ratos , Cicatrização , Lasers Semicondutores/uso terapêutico , Pele/lesões , Termografia/veterinária
Acta Vet. bras. ; 11(4): 226-230, Dec. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-15889


The use of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has shown promising results for the inflammatory modulation of tissue repair. This study aimed to evaluate the anti-inflammatory potential of gallium arsenide (GaAs) LLLT in skin wound healing via (1) measurement of the temperature on the surface of the skin wound; (2) white blood cell count; and (3) histopathological examination. Skin lesions were induced on the dorsum of 20 Wistar rats, after which the animals were divided into two groups: a treatment group, subjected to GaAs LLLT, and a control group. Thermography was performed daily in all of the study animals until the end of the experiment. On the fourth day after lesion induction, whole blood was collected (white blood cell count), animals were euthanized, and skin lesions were biopsied (histopathological examination). There were no differences in the number of leukocytes and in the histopathological evaluations between the groups; however, the thermography analysis indicated an increase in temperature in the treated group. The anti-inflammatory activity of GaAs LLLT was not confirmed. The increase in temperature on the surface of the skin lesions after LLLT requires further elucidation because this result could not be justified by the direct action of LLLT.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Lasers Semicondutores/uso terapêutico , Pele/lesões , Termografia/veterinária , Cicatrização
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 35(supl.1): 39-50, dez. 2015. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-789009


Low-level laser therapy is recommended for the treatment of tendinopathies despite the contradictory results related to the ideal dose of energy, wavelength and time of application. This study aimed to assess the effects of laser therapy and eccentric exercise on tendinopathy of the Achilles tendon of Wistar rats. Forty-eight adult male rats were randomly distributed into four groups (L= laser; E= eccentric exercise; LE = laser and eccentric exercise; and R= rest). Laser therapy (904nm/3J/cm2) and/or eccentric exercise (downhill walking; 15o incline treadmill; 12m/min; 50min/day) was started 24h after induction of unilateral tendinopathy and remained for 20 days. At 3, 7, 14 and 21 days after lesion induction, three rats from each group were euthanized and the tendons were collected for histological and morphometric analyses. There was no difference among groups or among times for the characteristics hemorrhage (p=0.4154), fibrinous adhesion formation (p=0.0712), and organization of collagen fibers (p=0.2583) and of the connective tissue (p=0.1046). For these groups, regardless of the time, eccentric exercise led to epitenon thickening (p=0.0204), which was lower in the group treated with laser therapy. Histological analysis revealed differences (p=0.0032) in the number of inflammatory cells over time. They were more numerous in the group that only exercised. This result was confirmed by morphometric analysis, which showed a significant interaction (groups x time) for this characteristic. Eccentric exercise increased (p=0.0014) the inflammatory infiltrate over time (3 and 21 days). However, association with laser therapy reduced inflammatory reaction. On the other hand, the combination of the treatments increased angiogenesis in morphometric (p=0.0000) and histological (p=0.0006) analyses compared with the other groups, while the isolated application of low-level laser reduced this characteristic over time. Animals maintained at rest presented the lowest amount (p=0.0000) of fibroblasts, according to the morphometric analysis. However, histological evaluation showed a significant group x time interaction (p=0.0024). Greater amounts of fibroblasts were observed in groups E, L and LE on the 7th, 14th and 21st days, respectively. The animals that received laser therapy and were exercised showed a greater (p=0.0000) amount of collagen fibers over time. Laser therapy at a dose of 3J and at a wavelength of 904nm, starting 24h after surgical induction of tendinopathy in Wistar rats, is suitable for angiogenesis and prevention of tendon thickening, which can be associated with the intensity of inflammatory process. When associated with eccentric exercise, the therapy has the advantage of increasing the amount of collagen fibers, reducing fibrinous adhesions and inflammatory infiltrate, despite prolonging angiogenesis. Therefore, eccentric exercise performed concomitantly with laser therapy improves the histological properties of the injured tendon.(AU)

O laser de baixa potência é recomendado para o tratamento das tendinopatias apesar dos resultados contraditórios no que se refere a dose de energia ideal, comprimento de onda e tempo de aplicação. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da laserterapia e do exercício excêntrico na tendinopatia do tendão calcanear comum de ratos Wistar. Foram utilizados 48 ratos machos adultos. Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos (L=laser; E=exercício excêntrico; LE=laser e exercício excêntrico, e R=repouso). Após 24h da indução de tendinopatia unilateral, foi iniciada laserterapia (904nm/3J/cm2) e/ou exercício excêntrico (caminhada em declive; esteira com 15o de inclinação; 12m/min; 50min/dia) que permaneceu por 20 dias. Aos 3, 7, 14 e 21 dias após indução da lesão, três ratos de cada grupo foram submetidos à eutanásia, e os tendões foram obtidos para análises histológica e morfométrica. Não houve diferença entre grupos nem entre tempos nas características hemorragia (p=0,4154), formação de aderência fibrinosa (p=0,0712) e organização das fibras colágenas (p=0,2583) e do tecido conjuntivo (p=0,1046). Considerando os grupos, independentemente do tempo, foi observado que o exercício excêntrico ocasionou espessamento do epitendão (p=0,0204), que foi menor no grupo submetido à laserterapia. A análise histológica revelou diferença (p=0,0032) na quantidade de células inflamatórias ao longo do tempo, sendo observado em maior quantidade no grupo apenas exercitado. Esse resultado foi confirmado pela análise morfométrica, que demonstrou haver interação significativa (grupos x tempo) nessa característica, na qual o exercício excêntrico aumentou (p=0,0014) o infiltrado inflamatório ao longo do tempo (3 e 21 dias), porém, quando associado à laserterapia, ocorreu redução da reação inflamatória. Por outro lado, a associação dos tratamentos ocasionou maior angiogênese observada nas análises morfométrica (p=0,0000) e histológica (p=0,0006), quando comparada com os demais grupos, enquanto a aplicação isolada do laser de baixa potência reduziu essa característica ao longo do tempo. Os animais mantidos em repouso foram os que apresentaram menor (p=0,0000) quantidade de fibroblastos, na análise morfométrica, porém na avaliação histológica foi observada interação significativa entre grupo e tempo (p=0,0024). Maior quantidade de fibroblastos foi observada nos grupos E, L e LE, no 7o, 14o e 21o dias, respectivamente. Os animais que receberam laserterapia e foram exercitados apresentaram maior (p=0,0000) quantidade de fibras colágenas ao longo do tempo. A laserterapia na dose de 3J e comprimento de onda de 904nm, iniciada 24h após indução cirúrgica de tendinopatia em ratos Wistar é adequada para angiogênese e para evitar o espessamento do tendão, que pode estar relacionado com a intensidade do processo inflamatório. Quando associada ao exercício excêntrico, a terapia apresenta a vantagem de aumentar a quantidade de fibras colágenas, reduzir a aderência fibrinosa e infiltrado inflamatório, apesar de prolongar a angiogênese. Portanto, o exercício excêntrico realizado concomitantemente com a laserterapia melhora as propriedades histológicas do tendão lesionado.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Tendão do Calcâneo/patologia , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade/veterinária , Tendinopatia/terapia , Atividade Motora , Ratos Wistar
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487589


Abstract: Low-level laser therapy is recommended for the treatment of tendinopathies despite the contradictory results related to the ideal dose of energy, wavelength and time of application. This study aimed to assess the effects of laser therapy and eccentric exercise on tendinopathy of the Achilles tendon of Wistar rats. Forty-eight adult male rats were randomly distributed into four groups (L= laser; E= eccentric exercise; LE = laser and eccentric exercise; and R= rest). Laser therapy (904nm/3J/cm2) and/or eccentric exercise (downhill walking; 15o incline treadmill; 12m/min; 50min/day) was started 24h after induction of unilateral tendinopathy and remained for 20 days. At 3, 7, 14 and 21 days after lesion induction, three rats from each group were euthanized and the tendons were collected for histological and morphometric analyses. There was no difference among groups or among times for the characteristics hemorrhage (p=0.4154), fibrinous adhesion formation (p=0.0712), and organization of collagen fibers (p=0.2583) and of the connective tissue (p=0.1046). For these groups, regardless of the time, eccentric exercise led to epitenon thickening (p=0.0204), which was lower in the group treated with laser therapy. Histological analysis revealed differences (p=0.0032) in the number of inflammatory cells over time. They were more numerous in the group that only exercised. This result was confirmed by morphometric analysis, which showed a significant interaction (groups x time) for this characteristic. Eccentric exercise increased (p=0.0014) the inflammatory infiltrate over time (3 and 21 days). However, association with laser therapy reduced inflammatory reaction. On the other hand, the combination of the treatments increased angiogenesis in morphometric (p=0.0000) and histological (p=0.0006) analyses compared with the other groups, while the isolated application of low-level laser reduced this characteristic over time. Animals maintained at rest presented the lowest amount (p=0.0000) of fibroblasts, according to the morphometric analysis. However, histological evaluation showed a significant group x time interaction (p=0.0024). Greater amounts of fibroblasts were observed in groups E, L and LE on the 7th, 14th and 21st days, respectively. The animals that received laser therapy and were exercised showed a greater (p=0.0000) amount of collagen fibers over time. Laser therapy at a dose of 3J and at a wavelength of 904nm, starting 24h after surgical induction of tendinopathy in Wistar rats, is suitable for angiogenesis and prevention of tendon thickening, which can be associated with the intensity of inflammatory process. When associated with eccentric exercise, the therapy has the advantage of increasing the amount of collagen fibers, reducing fibrinous adhesions and inflammatory infiltrate, despite prolonging angiogenesis. Therefore, eccentric exercise performed concomitantly with laser therapy improves the histological properties of the injured tendon.

Resumo: O laser de baixa potência é recomendado para o tratamento das tendinopatias apesar dos resultados contraditórios no que se refere a dose de energia ideal, comprimento de onda e tempo de aplicação. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da laserterapia e do exercício excêntrico na tendinopatia do tendão calcanear comum de ratos Wistar. Foram utilizados 48 ratos machos adultos. Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos (L=laser; E=exercício excêntrico; LE=laser e exercício excêntrico, e R=repouso). Após 24h da indução de tendinopatia unilateral, foi iniciada laserterapia (904nm/3J/cm2) e/ou exercício excêntrico (caminhada em declive; esteira com 15o de inclinação; 12m/min; 50min/dia) que permaneceu por 20 dias. Aos 3, 7, 14 e 21 dias após indução da lesão, três ratos de cada grupo foram submetidos à eutanásia, e os tendões foram obtidos para análises histológica e morfométrica. Não houve diferença entre grupos nem entre tempos nas características hemorragia (p=0,4154), formação de aderência fibrinosa (p=0,0712) e organização das fibras colágenas (p=0,2583) e do tecido conjuntivo (p=0,1046). Considerando os grupos, independentemente do tempo, foi observado que o exercício excêntrico ocasionou espessamento do epitendão (p=0,0204), que foi menor no grupo submetido à laserterapia. A análise histológica revelou diferença (p=0,0032) na quantidade de células inflamatórias ao longo do tempo, sendo observado em maior quantidade no grupo apenas exercitado. Esse resultado foi confirmado pela análise morfométrica, que demonstrou haver interação significativa (grupos x tempo) nessa característica, na qual o exercício excêntrico aumentou (p=0,0014) o infiltrado inflamatório ao longo do tempo (3 e 21 dias), porém, quando associado à laserterapia, ocorreu redução da reação inflamatória. Por outro lado, a associação dos tratamentos ocasionou maior angiogênese observada nas análises morfométrica (p=0,0000) e histológica (p=0,0006), quando comparada com os demais grupos, enquanto a aplicação isolada do laser de baixa potência reduziu essa característica ao longo do tempo. Os animais mantidos em repouso foram os que apresentaram menor (p=0,0000) quantidade de fibroblastos, na análise morfométrica, porém na avaliação histológica foi observada interação significativa entre grupo e tempo (p=0,0024). Maior quantidade de fibroblastos foi observada nos grupos E, L e LE, no 7o, 14o e 21o dias, respectivamente. Os animais que receberam laserterapia e foram exercitados apresentaram maior (p=0,0000) quantidade de fibras colágenas ao longo do tempo. A laserterapia na dose de 3J e comprimento de onda de 904nm, iniciada 24h após indução cirúrgica de tendinopatia em ratos Wistar é adequada para angiogênese e para evitar o espessamento do tendão, que pode estar relacionado com a intensidade do processo inflamatório. Quando associada ao exercício excêntrico, a terapia apresenta a vantagem de aumentar a quantidade de fibras colágenas, reduzir a aderência fibrinosa e infiltrado inflamatório, apesar de prolongar a angiogênese. Portanto, o exercício excêntrico realizado concomitantemente com a laserterapia melhora as propriedades histológicas do tendão lesionado.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-451107


Abstract: Low-level laser therapy is recommended for the treatment of tendinopathies despite the contradictory results related to the ideal dose of energy, wavelength and time of application. This study aimed to assess the effects of laser therapy and eccentric exercise on tendinopathy of the Achilles tendon of Wistar rats. Forty-eight adult male rats were randomly distributed into four groups (L= laser; E= eccentric exercise; LE = laser and eccentric exercise; and R= rest). Laser therapy (904nm/3J/cm2) and/or eccentric exercise (downhill walking; 15o incline treadmill; 12m/min; 50min/day) was started 24h after induction of unilateral tendinopathy and remained for 20 days. At 3, 7, 14 and 21 days after lesion induction, three rats from each group were euthanized and the tendons were collected for histological and morphometric analyses. There was no difference among groups or among times for the characteristics hemorrhage (p=0.4154), fibrinous adhesion formation (p=0.0712), and organization of collagen fibers (p=0.2583) and of the connective tissue (p=0.1046). For these groups, regardless of the time, eccentric exercise led to epitenon thickening (p=0.0204), which was lower in the group treated with laser therapy. Histological analysis revealed differences (p=0.0032) in the number of inflammatory cells over time. They were more numerous in the group that only exercised. This result was confirmed by morphometric analysis, which showed a significant interaction (groups x time) for this characteristic. Eccentric exercise increased (p=0.0014) the inflammatory infiltrate over time (3 and 21 days). However, association with laser therapy reduced inflammatory reaction. On the other hand, the combination of the treatments increased angiogenesis in morphometric (p=0.0000) and histological (p=0.0006) analyses compared with the other groups, while the isolated application of low-level laser reduced this characteristic over time. Animals maintained at rest presented the lowest amount (p=0.0000) of fibroblasts, according to the morphometric analysis. However, histological evaluation showed a significant group x time interaction (p=0.0024). Greater amounts of fibroblasts were observed in groups E, L and LE on the 7th, 14th and 21st days, respectively. The animals that received laser therapy and were exercised showed a greater (p=0.0000) amount of collagen fibers over time. Laser therapy at a dose of 3J and at a wavelength of 904nm, starting 24h after surgical induction of tendinopathy in Wistar rats, is suitable for angiogenesis and prevention of tendon thickening, which can be associated with the intensity of inflammatory process. When associated with eccentric exercise, the therapy has the advantage of increasing the amount of collagen fibers, reducing fibrinous adhesions and inflammatory infiltrate, despite prolonging angiogenesis. Therefore, eccentric exercise performed concomitantly with laser therapy improves the histological properties of the injured tendon.

Resumo: O laser de baixa potência é recomendado para o tratamento das tendinopatias apesar dos resultados contraditórios no que se refere a dose de energia ideal, comprimento de onda e tempo de aplicação. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da laserterapia e do exercício excêntrico na tendinopatia do tendão calcanear comum de ratos Wistar. Foram utilizados 48 ratos machos adultos. Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos (L=laser; E=exercício excêntrico; LE=laser e exercício excêntrico, e R=repouso). Após 24h da indução de tendinopatia unilateral, foi iniciada laserterapia (904nm/3J/cm2) e/ou exercício excêntrico (caminhada em declive; esteira com 15o de inclinação; 12m/min; 50min/dia) que permaneceu por 20 dias. Aos 3, 7, 14 e 21 dias após indução da lesão, três ratos de cada grupo foram submetidos à eutanásia, e os tendões foram obtidos para análises histológica e morfométrica. Não houve diferença entre grupos nem entre tempos nas características hemorragia (p=0,4154), formação de aderência fibrinosa (p=0,0712) e organização das fibras colágenas (p=0,2583) e do tecido conjuntivo (p=0,1046). Considerando os grupos, independentemente do tempo, foi observado que o exercício excêntrico ocasionou espessamento do epitendão (p=0,0204), que foi menor no grupo submetido à laserterapia. A análise histológica revelou diferença (p=0,0032) na quantidade de células inflamatórias ao longo do tempo, sendo observado em maior quantidade no grupo apenas exercitado. Esse resultado foi confirmado pela análise morfométrica, que demonstrou haver interação significativa (grupos x tempo) nessa característica, na qual o exercício excêntrico aumentou (p=0,0014) o infiltrado inflamatório ao longo do tempo (3 e 21 dias), porém, quando associado à laserterapia, ocorreu redução da reação inflamatória. Por outro lado, a associação dos tratamentos ocasionou maior angiogênese observada nas análises morfométrica (p=0,0000) e histológica (p=0,0006), quando comparada com os demais grupos, enquanto a aplicação isolada do laser de baixa potência reduziu essa característica ao longo do tempo. Os animais mantidos em repouso foram os que apresentaram menor (p=0,0000) quantidade de fibroblastos, na análise morfométrica, porém na avaliação histológica foi observada interação significativa entre grupo e tempo (p=0,0024). Maior quantidade de fibroblastos foi observada nos grupos E, L e LE, no 7o, 14o e 21o dias, respectivamente. Os animais que receberam laserterapia e foram exercitados apresentaram maior (p=0,0000) quantidade de fibras colágenas ao longo do tempo. A laserterapia na dose de 3J e comprimento de onda de 904nm, iniciada 24h após indução cirúrgica de tendinopatia em ratos Wistar é adequada para angiogênese e para evitar o espessamento do tendão, que pode estar relacionado com a intensidade do processo inflamatório. Quando associada ao exercício excêntrico, a terapia apresenta a vantagem de aumentar a quantidade de fibras colágenas, reduzir a aderência fibrinosa e infiltrado inflamatório, apesar de prolongar a angiogênese. Portanto, o exercício excêntrico realizado concomitantemente com a laserterapia melhora as propriedades histológicas do tendão lesionado.

Acta cir. bras. ; 30(9): 611-616, Sep. 2015. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-334072


To investigate if low level laser therapy (LLLT) can decrease spinal cord injuries after temporary induced spinal cord ischemia-reperfusion in rats because of its anti-inflammatory effects. Forty eight rats were randomized into two study groups of 24 rats each. In group I, ischemic-reperfusion (I-R) injury was induced without any treatment. Group II, was irradiated four times about 20 minutes for the following three days. The lesion site directly was irradiated transcutaneously to the spinal direction with 810 nm diode laser with output power of 150 mW. Functional recovery, immunohistochemical and histopathological changes were assessed. The average functional recovery scores of group II were significantly higher than that the score of group I (2.86 ± 0.68, vs 1.38 ± 0.09; p<0.05). Histopathologic evaluations in group II were showed a mild changes in compare with group I, that suggested this group survived from I-R consequences. Moreover, as seen from TUNEL results, LLLT also protected neurons from I-R-induced apoptosis in rats. Low level laser therapy was be able to minimize the damage to the rat spinal cord of reperfusion-induced injury.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade/métodos , Traumatismo por Reperfusão/radioterapia , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/radioterapia , Isquemia do Cordão Espinal/radioterapia , Medula Espinal/irrigação sanguínea , Imuno-Histoquímica , Marcação In Situ das Extremidades Cortadas , Lasers Semicondutores/uso terapêutico , Distribuição Aleatória , Ratos Wistar , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/reabilitação , Isquemia do Cordão Espinal/reabilitação , Fatores de Tempo , Resultado do Tratamento
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-216943


Atualmente o retalho tubular de padrão subdérmico destinado à reconstrução da extremidade de membros é realizado de forma indireta, implicando em um processo de reconstrução composto por múltiplas fases de cirurgia. Além dos riscos inerentes a sucessivos procedimentos anestésicos, este processo pode levar ao aumento da morbidade do paciente e elevar o custo do tratamento, sendo que consequentemente, observa-se a subutilização da técnica na rotina em Medicina Veterinária. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar a ação do laser de baixa intensidade na preservação da vitalidade tecidual de retalhos de padrão subdérmico aplicados de forma direta para a reconstrução de defeitos na extremidade do membro torácico em coelhos. Quarenta coelhos foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos com 20 animais cada, assim especificados: Grupo A submetidos à técnica de retalho tubular de padrão subdérmico tratados com laser a cada 48 horas (GT) e Grupo B submetidos ao mesmo procedimento cirúrgico, porém não receberam o tratamento com laser (GC). Os dois grupos foram subdivididos em quatro grupos com cinco animais cada, sendo nesses subgrupos realizado avaliações macroscópicas e eutanásia em diferentes dias no pós-operatório (4, 8, 16, e 22 dias de pós-operatório). Após a obtenção do retalho tubular, o material foi clivado na região de interface distal entre o retalho e leito receptor para avaliação microscópica. A análise dos dados evidenciou que tanto os animais do grupo GL quanto os animais do grupo GC apresentaram a maior parte do retalho tubular viável, mas a presença de necrose foi visualizada de forma frequente nos animais do GC aos 4 (p=0,0384) e 8 (p=0,0384) dias de pós-operatório. Houve também associação significativa (p<0,0001) entre neovascularização discreta e ausência de necrose nos animais do GL aos 4 dias. Aos 22 dias de pós-operatório a ausência de neovascularização estava associada (p<0,0001) a necrose discreta nos animais do GC. Dessa forma, é possível afirmar que o retalho tubular de padrão subdérmico direto pode ser empregado em coelhos, mesmo com um ângulo de rotação maior que 90 graus. Entretanto, há a necessidade de busca por estudos que comprovem a viabilidade da técnica empregada em outras espécies. O laser de baixa intensidade na dose e frequência empregadas neste estudo se mostrou eficaz em promover neovascularização e evitar complicações relacionadas a hipóxia e inflamação tecidual.

The tubular flap of the subdermal pattern applied for limb reconstruction is performed indirectly, implying in multiple steps reconstruction process. Beyond the risks inherent to several anesthetic procedures, the whole process can lead to an increase in patients morbidity and in total cost of treatment. Consequently, it could lead to the underutilization of the technique in the Veterinary Medicine routine. The aim of the present study was evaluate the action of low intensity laser in the preservation of the tissue vitality of subdermal patches applied directly to the reconstruction of defects at the extremity of the thoracic limb of rabbits. Forty rabbits were randomly divided into two groups with 20 animals each. Group A - submitted to the technique of tubular flap of subdermal pattern treated with laser every 48 hours (LG) and Group B - submitted to the same surgical procedure, but didnt undergo to the laser treatment (CG). The two groups were further subdivided into four groups with five animals each, and in each subgroups, the patients were submmited to macroscopic evaluations and euthanasia procedure were performed on different postoperative days (4, 8, 16, and 22 postoperative days). After obtaining the tubular flap, the material was cleaved at the distal interface region between the flap and recipient bed for microscopic evaluation. Data analysis showed that both TG and CG presented viability on the tubular flap, but the presence of necrosis was frequently seen in CG animals at 4 (p = 0.0384) and 8 (p = 0.0384) postoperative days. There was also a significant association (p <0.0001) between mild neovascularization and absence of necrosis in TG animals at 4 postoperative days. At 22 postoperative days the absence of neovascularization was associated (p <0.0001) with the mild necrosis in CG. In conclusion, it is possible to state that the tubular flap of direct subdermal pattern can be used in rabbits. However, it is necessary more studies to prove the viability of this technique in other species. The low intensity dose and frequency laser used in this study was shown to be effective in promoting neovascularization and avoid complications related to hypoxia and tissue inflammation.

Acta cir. bras. ; 26(1): 12-18, Jan.-Feb. 2011. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-7816


Purpose: Analyze the influence of low-intensity laser therapy in the sciatic nerve regeneration of rats submitted to controlled crush through histological analysis. Methods: Were used 20 Wistar rats, to analyze the influence of low-intensity laser therapy in the sciatic nerve regeneration, where the injury of the type axonotmesis was induced by a haemostatic clamp Crile (2nd level of the rack). The animals were randomly distributed in 2 groups. Control group (CG n = 10) and Laser group (LG n = 10). These were subdivided in 2 subgroups each, according to the euthanasia period: (CG14 _ n = 5 and CG21 _ n = 5) and (LG14 _ n = 5 and LG21 _ n = 5). At the end of treatment, the samples were removed and prepared for histological analysis, where were analyzed and quantified the following findings: Schwann cells, myelinic axons with large diameter and neurons. Results: In the groups submitted to low-intensity laser therapy, were observed an increase in the number of all analyzed aspects with significance level. Conclusion: The irradiation with low intensity laser (904nm) influenced positively the regeneration of the sciatic nerve in Wistar rats after being injured by crush (axonotmesis), becoming the nerve recovery more rapid and efficient.(AU)

Objetivo: Verificar a influencia da terapia com laser de baixa potencia na regeneracao histologica do nervo ciatico de ratos submetidos a neuropraxia controlada. Metodos: Foi utilizada a amostra de 20 ratos da linhagem Wistar, para verificar a influencia da terapia com laser de baixa intensidade na regeneracao nervosa periferica, onde a lesao do tipo axoniotmese foi induzida por meio de preensao com pinca hemostatica de Crile. Os animais foram distribuidos randomicamente dois grupos. Grupo controle (CG n = 10), e Grupo laser (LG n = 10). Cada um destes grupos foi subdividido em dois subgrupos dependendo do periodo da eutanasia: (CG14 - n = 5 e CG21 - n = 5) e (LG14 - n = 5 e LG21 - n = 5). Ao final do tratamento, amostras do nervo foram retiradas e analisadas histologicamente, nas quais foi adotado na pesquisa a analise do numero de neuronios, de celulas de Schwann (CS) e de axonios mielinicos de grande diametro. Resultados: Nos grupos submetidos a terapia com laser de baixa potencia foi observado aumento do numero de todos os aspectos analisados com diferenca estatisticamente significante. Conclusao: A irradiacao com o laser de baixa intensidade (904nm) influenciou positivamente na regeneracao do nervo ciatico de ratos da linhagem Wistar pos neuropraxia controlada (axonotmese), tornando a recuperacao nervosa mais rapida e eficiente.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade , Terapia a Laser , Regeneração Nervosa , Ratos Wistar
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-202451


De acordo com o manejo tradicionalmente empregado na pecuária leiteira, a descorna de bezerros é um procedimento rotineiro e de destaque na atividade. Tal procedimento é normalmente realizado por meio da cauterização térmica e apresenta-se, portanto, como um dos principais fatores da ocorrência de queimaduras em bezerros. O tratamento das lesões baseia-se na aplicação tópica de substâncias cicatrizantes, antimicrobianas e repelentes, sendo que, na Medicina Veterinária, o elemento mais utilizado e presente em produtos tópicos comerciais com finalidade de melhorar o tempo de cicatrização é o óxido de zinco. Como alternativa ao uso de antibióticos e melhora da cicatrização de feridas, a fototerapia de baixa intensidade bem como a terapia fotodinâmica se apresentam como opções terapêuticas no tratamento para reparação tecidual e contra infecções locais em feridas por queimaduras. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os resultados do emprego da fototerapia no tratamento de lesões de queimaduras induzidas por meio da descorna cauterizante em bezerros, caracterizando a evolução macroscópica e histológica da cicatrização das lesões e a recuperação clínica do animal quando comparada com o tratamento tradicional preconizado com pomada à base de óxido de zinco. Desta forma, foram utilizados 30 bezerros, divididos em cinco grupos avaliados: G1 - grupo controle; G2- grupo laser vermelho (LV), =660nm/20s de irradiação (70J/cm2); G3 - laser infravermelho (IV), =810nm/20s de irradiação (70J/cm2); G3 - LED vermelho (LED), =660nm/40s de irradiação (10,8J/cm2) e G4 grupo terapia fotodinâmica (PDT), azul de metileno a 0,01% associado ao LED vermelho, =660nm/40s de irradiação (10,8J/cm2). Os resultados demonstraram que não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos quanto ao tempo de regressão das lesões bem como quanto à deposição de colágeno tipo III. Pode-se concluir que as fototerapias, nos parâmetros de irradiação propostos, mostraram-se tão eficazes quanto à aplicação de unguento com óxido de zinco na cicatrização de queimaduras em bezerros.

According to the traditionally management used in dairy cattle, disbudding calves is a highly important routine procedure. Disbudding is usually performed by heat cauterization and presents itself as the main factor that leads to burns injuries in calves. The treatment of the lesions is based on the topical application of antimicrobial and repellents healing products, and in Veterinary Medicine, the most frequent used and present in commercial products, in order to improve the healing time, is zinc oxide. As an alternative to antibiotics and to improve wound healing, low level phototherapy and photodynamic therapy are presented as therapeutic options for tissue repair and against local infections in burn wounds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of phototherapy in the treatment of burn injuries induced by disbudding in calves, by macroscopic and histological features of the lesions, and the clinical recovery of the animals, and to compare with the traditional treatment with zinc oxide ointment. Thus, 30 calves were divided into five study groups: G1 control; G2 - red laser (RL), = 660 nm / 20 seconds of irradiation (70J / cm2), G3 - infrared laser (IR), = 810nm / 20 seconds of irradiation (70J / cm2); G4 - red LED (LED), = 660 nm / 40 seconds of irradiation (10,8J / cm2) and G5 - photodynamic therapy (PDT), methylene blue 0.01% associated with the red LED = 660 nm / 40 seconds of irradiation ( 10,8J / cm2). The results showed no statistical differences among the groups according to wound healing time, and to the type III collagen deposition. It was possible to conclude that phototherapies, in the proposed irradiation parameters, were efficient as zinc oxide ointment in the burn wound healing in calves.

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 38(3): 237-243, 2010.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1456805


Background: Animals with extensive cutaneous lesions remain hospitalized for long periods. In addition to increasing treatment costs, this also causes stress in these animals. Low-power laser is widely used to support tissue repair processes. Its use in the treatment of cutaneous wounds has been studied, as it reduces the wound healing period and the consequences caused by the lesion. The study aimed to evaluat the wound healing process of experimental cutaneous wounds in rabbits with the use of laser therapy. Materials, Methods & Results: Ten healthy New Zealand rabbits were used in the study, which were divided in two groups (n=5). Skin biopsies were carried out on day 16 in Group 1 and on day 8 in Group 2. The animals were under general anesthesia for the experimental cutaneous lesion to be carried out. Two 1 cm2 wounds were made on the back of each animal. The lesions were measured by a pachymeter in the immediate postoperative period, then covered with sterile gauze and maintained with rubber bandages. The animals were treated only with Tramadon 3 twice a day, during 3 days. Only the lesions on the right side of the animals were irradiated regularly, on each side of the wound, at a distance of 0.5 cm from the margin. The equipment used was a 660 nm wavelength AlGaInP laser diode (Laserpulse, Ibramed), pulsed at a frequency of 20 Hz, at a dose of 3 J and stimulation time of 12 s. The left-side lesions represented the control and the treatment administered to them consisted only of a cleanse using a NaCl solution at 0.9% once a day. The measurement of the lesion area was made every two days with a pachymeter, and the macroscopic characteristics were noted on a control card. For the histological evaluation of the wound healing process, biopsy specimens were taken from the right and left lesions on the sixteenth day in G1 and on the eighth day in G2, by means of a 6mm punch.(...)

Animais , Coelhos , Cicatrização , Pele/lesões , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade , Coelhos
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 38(3): 237-243, 2010.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-5091


Background: Animals with extensive cutaneous lesions remain hospitalized for long periods. In addition to increasing treatment costs, this also causes stress in these animals. Low-power laser is widely used to support tissue repair processes. Its use in the treatment of cutaneous wounds has been studied, as it reduces the wound healing period and the consequences caused by the lesion. The study aimed to evaluat the wound healing process of experimental cutaneous wounds in rabbits with the use of laser therapy. Materials, Methods & Results: Ten healthy New Zealand rabbits were used in the study, which were divided in two groups (n=5). Skin biopsies were carried out on day 16 in Group 1 and on day 8 in Group 2. The animals were under general anesthesia for the experimental cutaneous lesion to be carried out. Two 1 cm2 wounds were made on the back of each animal. The lesions were measured by a pachymeter in the immediate postoperative period, then covered with sterile gauze and maintained with rubber bandages. The animals were treated only with Tramadon 3 twice a day, during 3 days. Only the lesions on the right side of the animals were irradiated regularly, on each side of the wound, at a distance of 0.5 cm from the margin. The equipment used was a 660 nm wavelength AlGaInP laser diode (Laserpulse, Ibramed), pulsed at a frequency of 20 Hz, at a dose of 3 J and stimulation time of 12 s. The left-side lesions represented the control and the treatment administered to them consisted only of a cleanse using a NaCl solution at 0.9% once a day. The measurement of the lesion area was made every two days with a pachymeter, and the macroscopic characteristics were noted on a control card. For the histological evaluation of the wound healing process, biopsy specimens were taken from the right and left lesions on the sixteenth day in G1 and on the eighth day in G2, by means of a 6mm punch.(...)(AU)

Animais , Coelhos , Pele/lesões , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade , Cicatrização , Coelhos
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-202363


Estudaram-se, nesta pesquisa, os efeitos de um dispositivo intravítreo de liberação prolongada de dexametasona, no controle da inflamação em cães submetidos à facoemulsificação. Para tanto, 40 olhos de 20 cães com catarata senil bilateral foram separados em dois grupos (Grupo controle-GC, Grupo tratado-GT). Todos foram preparados para as intervenções, atendendo-se aos protocolos convencionais. Imediatamente antes do início das intervenções, aos pacientes do GT colocou-se, na câmara vítrea, via pars plana, dispositivo biodegradável. No pós-operatório, a terapia instituída variou entre os grupos. No GC, os pacientes receberam esteroides locais, sistêmicos, cicloplegia e antibioticoterapia. No grupo GT, a corticoterapia local e a sistêmica não foram instituídas, exceto quando necessário. Os olhos foram avaliados por biomicroscopia com lâmpada em fenda, ultrassonografia, tonometria de aplanação, flaremetria a laser, microscopia especular de não contato antes do procedimento e em diferentes tempos após a implantação. A opacidade de cápsula posterior (OCP) foi também avaliada. Diferenças foram consideradas significativas quando p0,05. A ultrassonografia mostrou uma ligeira diminuição no dispositivo aos 30 dias de pós-operatório e apenas resquícios aos 60. A pressão intraocular (PIO) foi maior no GT imediatamente ao procedimento cirúrgico, mas reduziu para valores menores nos momentos posteriores. A ocorrência de sinais de uveíte foi maior no GT. Houve, neste grupo, a necessidade de se complementar a terapia anti-inflamatória com esteroide local em 35% dos casos, a partir da primeira semana e em 50% após a segunda semana de pós-operatório. Relativamente aos parâmetros endoteliais, área e densidade celulares não diferiram entre os grupos. No GT, via de regra, encontrou-se mais hexagonalidade nos momentos avaliados. Quanto à ocorrência de OCPs, ela se deu em maior frequência no GT, mas os grupos não diferiram quanto a evolução. Os dispositivos empregados ofereceram benefícios aquém dos desejados, obrigando a investigações mais aprofundadas.

To evaluate the effects of an intravitreal dexamethasone release device for controlling inflammation in dogs submitted to phacoemulsification.Twenty dogs with bilateral senile cataracts were divided into two groups: control, CG; and treated, TG. All dogs were prepared for surgery according to conventional protocols. Immediately before the onset of surgery, a biodegradable poly (lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) copolymer device was placed in the vitreous chamber pars plana of TG patients. Postoperative therapy varied between the groups. CG patients were submitted to local and systemic steroids, cycloplegia and antibiotic therapy, while TG patients were not submitted to local and systemic corticosteroid therapy, except when necessary. Patients were evaluated by slit lamp biomicroscopy, ultrasound, applanation tonometry and laser flaremetry, before the procedure and at different postoperative times. The posterior capsule opacification (PCO) was also avaluated. Differences were considered significant when p0.05. Ultrasonography showed a slight decrease in the device on postoperative day (POD) 30, and remnants on POD 60. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was higher in TG compared with CG just prior to surgery, but demonstrated lower values subsequently. Uveitis signs occurred more frequently in TG. Supplementary local anti-inflammatory steroid therapy was required in 35% of TG cases after POD 7 and in 50% after POD 14. The TG presented greater flare than CG patients in the immediate postoperative period, but showed no subsequent differences. Regarding to endothelial parameters, area and cell density did not differ between groups. In TG, was found more hexagonality in the assessed times. The incidence of PCO occurred a higher frequency in most of the evaluated times in TG, but the groups did not differ as the evolution. The employees devices offered benefits below those desired and obliges the further investigation.

Acta cir. bras. ; 24(6): 442-448, Nov.-Dec. 2009. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-5303


PURPOSE: To evaluate an experimental animal model to study the abdominal tissue activity considering its interaction with a polypropylene mesh, through the use of one of the optical phenomena of light Laser, the biospeckle. METHODS: Fifty Wistar male rats were divided into four groups: Group 1: ten animals not submitted to surgery; Group 2: ten animals submitted to surgery without polypropylene mesh; Group 3: 20 animals submitted to surgery followed by the mesh placement; Group 4: (sham) with ten animals. None of the animals presented post surgical complications being submitted to the optical tests at the 20th postoperative day. RESULTS: The analysis from the biospeckle tests, comparing the medians and standard deviations with T Student test, indicated that no significative difference was observed on the abdominal wall tissue activity in the four groups considered, with and without polypropylene mesh prosthesis implantation. CONCLUSION: The animal model is viable and the biospeckle open ways for a great number of experiments to be developed in evaluating tissue activity.(AU)

OBJETIVO: Avaliar o modelo experimental animal para o estudo da atividade tecidual da parede abdominal em sua interação com a prótese de polipropileno, através da utilização de um dos fenômenos ópticos da luz Laser, o biospeckle. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 50 ratos Wistar machos, divididos em quatro grupos: Grupo 1 com 10 animais não operados e controles; Grupo 2 com 10 animais submetidos a cirurgia sem a colocação de prótese; Grupo 3 com 20 animais submetidos a cirurgia com colocação de prótese de polipropileno pré-peritonial; Grupo 4 (Sham) com 10 animais. Nenhum animal apresentou complicações pós-operatórias, sendo que no 20º PO foram submetidos ao ensaio óptico. RESULTADOS: A comparação das médias e o desvio padrão das medidas da atividade tecidual da parede abdominal, com e sem implantação da prótese de polipropileno obtidas dos grupos de animais, pelo teste T de Student, não evidenciou diferença estatística significativa (p>0.05). CONCLUSÃO: A análise dos dados obtidos permitiu concluir que o modelo animal é viável e que o biospeckle abre caminhos para toda uma linha de experimentos a ser desenvolvida em avaliar atividade tecidual.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Lasers , Hérnia Abdominal/cirurgia , Polipropilenos/uso terapêutico , Ratos Wistar
Acta cir. bras. ; 23(supl.1): 59-65, 2008. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-3861


PURPOSE: Urodynamic studies in small animals can be performed through urethral sounding or cystostomy. OBJECTIVE: To compare the two methods of urodynamic evaluation in female rats. METHODS: Ten female rats weighing on average 250g, under anesthesia with urethane (1,25 mg/kg) were submitted in three repeats to an urethal catheter of 0,64 mm in external diameter for cystometric measurements of vesicle pressure(VP1) and contraction time (CT1). The catheter was extracted at a constant velocity of 0.05 cm/minute until complete exteriorization and determinations of maximal urethral pressure (UP1) and functional urethral length (FUL1). This was followed by a cystostomy with catheter PE50 and a new determination of the vesical pressure (VP2). After bladder denervation, a new cystometric record indirectly infered the maximum urethral closure pressure (UP2). The peak urethal pressure (UP3) and the functional urethral length (FUL2) were determined in another urethral sounding. The pressure registration system consisted of a continuous infusion pump regulated to a flow of 0.1 ml/minute connected both to the cystostomy catheter (PE-50) or the urethal catheter (0.64mm) and the polygraph Narco-Biosystem. Statistical analysis employed the Wilcoxon non-parametric test RESULTS: Mean VP1= 48,2 mmHg (11,8 SD); Mean VP2 = 38,2 mmHg (9,0 SD) "p" (VP1 X VP2) = 0,0039. Mean CT1=30,2 s (21,5 SD); Mean CT2=20,0 s(7 SD) p (CT1 X CT2) = 1,28. Mean UP1 = 47,2 mmHg (6,5 SD); Mean UP2 = 21,3 mmHg (6,6 SD), mean UP3 = 40,7 mmHg(13,3 SD) p (UP1 X UP2) = 0,002; "p" (UP1 X UP3) = 0,084; p (UP2 X UP3) = 0,002. Mean FUL1=14,2 mm (1,9 SD); Mean FUL2= 14,1mm (1,9 SD); p (FUL1 X FUL2) = 0,64. CONCLUSIONS: The methods employed to evaluate vesical and urethral pressures are different. The presence of the urethral catheter may be an obstructive factor. Surgical denervation up to the bladder neck level does not compromise urethral function.(AU)

INTRODUÇÃO: O estudo urodinâmico em ratas pode ser realizado através de sondagem vesical por via uretral ou por cistostomia. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar estes dois métodos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizadas 10 ratas da raça Wistar, peso médio de 250 gramas, anestesiadas com uretana (1,25 mg/kg). Inicialmente foi realizado estudo por sonda uretral (0,64 mm de diâmetro externo) para determinação da pressão vesical (PV1) e tempo de contração (TC1), após isto a sonda foi tracionada a velocidade constante (0,05 cm/m) até sua exteriorização pelo meato uretral, avaliando-se a pressão uretral máxima (PU1) e o comprimento funcional uretral (CFU1). Fez-se, então, a cistostomia (sonda PE50) para determinação da pressão vesical (PV2). A seguir, realizou-se desnervação cirúrgica da bexiga e realizou-se novo registro cistométrico para se inferir a pressão uretral indireta (PU2). Logo após, foi passada sonda uretral para determinação da pressão uretral máxima (PU3) e do comprimento funcional uretral (CFU2). O sistema de registro das pressões foi constituído de uma bomba de infusão contínua regulada para 0,1 ml/minuto conectada em Y com o cateter de cistostomia (PE-50) ou cateter uretral (0,64mm) a um polígrafo Narco-Bioystem. A análise estatística foi realizada através do método não paramétrico de Wilcoxon. RESULTADOS: Média PV1= 48,2 mmHg (11,8 SD); Média PV2 = 38,2 mmHg (9,0 SD). "p" (PV1 X PV2) = 0,0039. Média TC1=30,2 s (21,5 SD); Média TC2=20,0 (7 SD) p (TC1 X TC2) = 1,28. Média PU1 = 47,2 (6,5 SD); Média PU2 = 21,3 mmHg (6,6 SD), média PU3 = 40,7(13,3 SD) p (PU1 X PU2) = 0,002; "p" (PU1 X PU3) = 0,084; p (PU2 X PU3) = 0,002. Média CFU1=14,2 (1,9 SD); Média CFU2= 14,1 (1,9 SD); p (CFU1 X CFU2) = 0,64. CONCLUSÃO: Os métodos de avaliação urodinâmica são diferentes. A presença do cateter na uretra pode ser um fator obstrutivo. A desnervação cirúrgica, até o nível do colo vesical, não compromete a função uretral.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Ratos , Cistostomia/normas , Uretra/fisiopatologia , Bexiga Urinária/fisiopatologia , Cateterismo Urinário/normas , Micção/fisiologia , Urodinâmica/fisiologia , Denervação , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Contração Muscular/fisiologia , Pressão , Ratos Wistar , Uretra/cirurgia , Bexiga Urinária/inervação , Bexiga Urinária/cirurgia , Cateterismo Urinário/métodos