The time spent by urban residents indoors has been increasing annually, thus, prioritizing the enhancement of indoor spaces into green spaces to improve the quality of life. Even with limited environmental conditions indoors, an active living wall and LED light techniques have enabled us to explore indoor green environments. In the present study, the yellow/orange-colored flowers invasive ornamental species,Lantana camara'splendens', was cultivated in 4.0 m2 of the active living wall under a non-decorative LED lamp, adjusted to optimize performance in the coverage area. This study evaluated the development of lantana in the active living wall under different light intensities (135 watts and 90 watts) in a room with light restriction. Parameters such as plant height, flowering, SPAD chlorophyll content, and vegetative cover were analyzed. The results indicated that Lantana camara 'splendens' is suitable for use in active living walls and blooms at a low light intensity when the light is uniformly applied.
O tempo gasto pelos moradores urbanos em ambientes fechados vem aumentando anualmente, assim, priorizando a valorização dos espaços internos em espaços verdes para melhorar a qualidade de vida. Mesmo com condições ambientais limitadas em ambientes internos, o uso de jardins verticais e técnicas de luz de LED nos permitiram explorar ambientes verdes internos. No presente estudo, a espécie ornamental invasora de flores de coloração amarela/alaranjada, Lantana camara 'splendens', foi cultivado em 4,0 m2 de jardim vertical sob luminária LED não decorativa, ajustada para otimizar a performance na área de cobertura. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento da Lantana camara 'splendens', em jardim vertical, sob diferentes intensidades de luz (135 watts e 90 watts), em ambiente com restrição total de luz. Foram analisados parâmetros como altura da planta, floração, teor de clorofila SPAD e cobertura vegetativa. Os resultados indicam que Lantana camara 'splendens' é adequada para uso em jardim vertical e floresce em baixa intensidade de luz quando a luz é aplicada uniformemente.
Iluminação , Lantana/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Jardins , HorticulturaResumo
Abstract Crustose coralline algae (Corallinophycideae) are red algae that produced calcium carbonate and are well recognized as foundation species in the epipelagic zone of the marine ecosystem. These algae induced settlement juvenile of coral by released chemical cues from bacterial communities on the surface of their colonies. Their extracellular calcium carbonate also can stabilize reef structure that influencing many invertebrate attaches and growth in the seabed. Crustose coralline algae (CCA) have obtained attention because of their distribution and health compromise to increasing seawater temperature, ocean acidification, and pollutant. As a cryptic species in the ecosystem, the presence of CCA recruit sometimes doesnt have attention, especially on their capability to occupy the empty space. This study aimed to document coverage and number of CCA recruit in two different recruitment tiles material. The highest CCA percentage of the cover was showed inside surface than others surface in all stations. Light intensity and low sedimentation were suggested as a key factor of success of high coverage. Overall, station higher CCA recruits have shown from Tiga Warna. Low sedimentation and protection from aerial exposure became the main reason for it. No significant difference number of CCA recruits between marble and sandstone in this study. Successful CCA recruitment in this study can give a wide picture that natural recruitment of coral and other reef biodiversity in Southern Malang might be will succeed because of the abundance of coralline algae that support their life history stage.
Resumo As algas coralinas crustosas (Corallinophycideae) são algas vermelhas que produzem carbonato de cálcio e são bem reconhecidas como espécies de base na zona epipelágica do ecossistema marinho. Essas algas induziram o assentamento juvenil de coral por meio de estímulos químicos liberados por comunidades bacterianas na superfície de suas colônias. Seu carbonato de cálcio extracelular também pode estabilizar a estrutura do recife que influencia muitos invertebrados anexados e crescimento no fundo do mar. As algas coralinas crustosas (CCA) têm obtido atenção devido à sua distribuição e comprometimento da saúde com o aumento da temperatura da água do mar, acidificação dos oceanos e poluentes. Como uma espécie enigmática no ecossistema, a presença de recrutamento CCA às vezes não recebe atenção, especialmente em sua capacidade de ocupar o espaço vazio. Este estudo teve como objetivo documentar a cobertura e o número de recrutamento de CCA em dois materiais de recrutamento diferentes. A maior porcentagem de CCA da cobertura foi mostrada na superfície interna do que nas outras superfícies em todas as estações. A intensidade da luz e a baixa sedimentação foram sugeridas como um fator-chave para o sucesso da alta cobertura. De modo geral, recrutas de CCA mais graduados mostraram-se em Tiga Warna. A baixa sedimentação e a proteção contra a exposição aérea se tornaram a principal razão para isso. Não houve diferença significativa no número de recrutas CCA entre mármore e arenito neste estudo. O recrutamento bem-sucedido de CCA neste estudo pode dar uma imagem ampla de que o recrutamento natural de corais e outros recifes da biodiversidade no sul de Malang será bem-sucedido por causa da abundância de algas coralinas que sustentam seu estágio de história de vida.
This study aimed to redescribe two species of Ozolaimus, parasites of free-living green iguanas native to Marajó Island. The gastrointestinal system of four iguana specimens was evaluated for the presence of helminths. Altogether, 12,028 nematodes were found, with a prevalence of 100%, an infection range of 780 to 7,736 nematodes, an infection intensity of 3.007, and a mean abundance of 3,007. Light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used to determine the species of nematodes found. The cecum was the site of infection that had the highest parasitic load. Morphologically, the nematodes were compatible with the genus Ozolaimus Dujardin, 1844, with the species Ozolaimus megatyphlon (Rudolphi, 1819) Dujardin, 1845, and Ozolaimus cirratus Linstow, 1906. Scanning electron microscopy showed the presence of small structures (serrated in Ozolaimus cirratus and rounded in Ozolaimus megatyphlon) located below the esophageal leaves. We also evidenced the phasmids in both species; this is the first record of these structures in nematodes of the genus Ozolaimus. In addition, this work expands the records on the geographic distribution of these parasites.(AU)
Este estudo tem como objetivo redescrever duas espécies de Ozolaimus, parasitas de iguanas verdes de vida livre nativas da Ilha de Marajó. O sistema gastrointestinal de quatro espécimes de iguana foi avaliado quanto à presença de helmintos. Ao todo, foram encontrados 12.028 nematoides, com prevalência de 100%, intervalo de infecção de 780 a 7.736 nematoides, intensidade de infecção de 3.007 e abundância média de 3.007. Microscopia de luz e microscopia eletrônica de varredura foram utilizadas para determinar as espécies de nematoides encontradas. O ceco foi o local de infecção que apresentou maior carga parasitária. Morfologicamente, os nematoides eram compatíveis com o gênero Ozolaimus Dujardin, 1844, com as espécies Ozolaimus megatyphlon (Rudolphi, 1819) Dujardin, 1845 e Ozolaimus cirratus Linstow, 1906. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostrou a presença de pequenas estruturas (serrilhadas em Ozolaimus cirratus e arredondadas em Ozolaimus megatyphlon) localizado abaixo das folhas esofágicas. Também foram evidenciados os fasmídeos em ambas as espécies; este é o primeiro registro dessas estruturas em nematoides do gênero Ozolaimus. Além disso, este trabalho amplia os registros sobre a distribuição geográfica desses parasitos.(AU)
Animais , Infecções por Oxyurida/epidemiologia , Iguanas/parasitologia , Brasil , OxyuridaResumo
Crustose coralline algae (Corallinophycideae) are red algae that produced calcium carbonate and are well recognized as foundation species in the epipelagic zone of the marine ecosystem. These algae induced settlement juvenile of coral by released chemical cues from bacterial communities on the surface of their colonies. Their extracellular calcium carbonate also can stabilize reef structure that influencing many invertebrate attaches and growth in the seabed. Crustose coralline algae (CCA) have obtained attention because of their distribution and health compromise to increasing seawater temperature, ocean acidification, and pollutant. As a cryptic species in the ecosystem, the presence of CCA recruit sometimes doesnt have attention, especially on their capability to occupy the empty space. This study aimed to document coverage and number of CCA recruit in two different recruitment tiles material. The highest CCA percentage of the cover was showed inside surface than others surface in all stations. Light intensity and low sedimentation were suggested as a key factor of success of high coverage. Overall, station higher CCA recruits have shown from Tiga Warna. Low sedimentation and protection from aerial exposure became the main reason for it. No significant difference number of CCA recruits between marble and sandstone in this study. Successful CCA recruitment in this study can give a wide picture that natural recruitment of coral and other reef biodiversity in Southern Malang might be will succeed because of the abundance of coralline algae that support their life history stage.
As algas coralinas crustosas (Corallinophycideae) são algas vermelhas que produzem carbonato de cálcio e são bem reconhecidas como espécies de base na zona epipelágica do ecossistema marinho. Essas algas induziram o assentamento juvenil de coral por meio de estímulos químicos liberados por comunidades bacterianas na superfície de suas colônias. Seu carbonato de cálcio extracelular também pode estabilizar a estrutura do recife que influencia muitos invertebrados anexados e crescimento no fundo do mar. As algas coralinas crustosas (CCA) têm obtido atenção devido à sua distribuição e comprometimento da saúde com o aumento da temperatura da água do mar, acidificação dos oceanos e poluentes. Como uma espécie enigmática no ecossistema, a presença de recrutamento CCA às vezes não recebe atenção, especialmente em sua capacidade de ocupar o espaço vazio. Este estudo teve como objetivo documentar a cobertura e o número de recrutamento de CCA em dois materiais de recrutamento diferentes. A maior porcentagem de CCA da cobertura foi mostrada na superfície interna do que nas outras superfícies em todas as estações. A intensidade da luz e a baixa sedimentação foram sugeridas como um fator-chave para o sucesso da alta cobertura. De modo geral, recrutas de CCA mais graduados mostraram-se em Tiga Warna. A baixa sedimentação e a proteção contra a exposição aérea se tornaram a principal razão para isso. Não houve diferença significativa no número de recrutas CCA entre mármore e arenito neste estudo. O recrutamento bem-sucedido de CCA neste estudo pode dar uma imagem ampla de que o recrutamento natural de corais e outros recifes da biodiversidade no sul de Malang será bem-sucedido por causa da abundância de algas coralinas que sustentam seu estágio de história de vida.
Animais , Recifes de Corais , Rodófitas/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
Assessment of fish health is one of the efforts of farmers in minimizing losses due to disease. Rapid tests on fish health can be done through blood observations. This study aimed to determine the blood glucose profile of koi carp due to ectoparasite infestation from the level of blood glucose. The results showed that reported parasites from Blitar's koi carp were Trichodina, Dactylogyrus, Gyrodactylus, Myxobolus, Thelohanellus, Ichthyophthirius, and Argulus. Trichodina showed the highest prevalence (100%) in this case while Thelohanellus was the highest intensity level (93.8±16.3). The results of blood glucose level measurement based on parasite infestation levels showed no significant difference (p>0.05) though the health problems caused by parasites in light, medium or heavy infestation. This research also indicated that the blood glucose profile could be used as a rapid method to detect fish health caused by parasites. We suggest that other variables such as nutritional status, life stage or feeding must be conducted to ensure the glucose role in parasite identification as a rapid method for the future work.(AU)
A avaliação da saúde dos peixes é um dos esforços dos produtores para minimizar as perdas por doenças. Testes rápidos de saúde de peixes podem ser feitos por meio de observações de sangue. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar o perfil glicêmico de peixes "koi", devido à infestação de ectoparasitos a partir do nível de glicemia. Os resultados mostraram que os parasitas relatados de peixes "koi" de Blitar foram Trichodina, Dactylogyrus, Gyrodactylus, Myxobolus, Thelohanellus, Ichthyophthirius e Argulus. Trichodina apresentou a maior prevalência (100%) neste caso, enquanto Thelohanellus foi o maior em nível de intensidade (93,8±16,3). Os resultados da medição do nível de glicose no sangue, com base nos níveis de infestação parasitária, não mostraram diferença significativa (p>0,05), apesar dos problemas de saúde causados ââpor parasitas em infestação leve, média ou pesada. Esta pesquisa também indicou que o perfil de glicose no sangue pode ser usado como um método rápido, para detectar a saúde dos peixes causada por parasitas. Este estudo também sugere que outras variáveis, como estado nutricional, estágio de vida ou alimentação, devem ser conduzidas para garantir o papel da glicose na identificação do parasita como um método rápido para trabalhos futuros.(AU)
Glicemia/análise , Carpas/fisiologia , Ectoparasitoses/veterinária , IndonésiaResumo
As perdas de produtividade e fertilidade animal associadas ao estresse térmico durante os meses mais quentes do ano é um dos maiores desafios do setor pecuário. Na indústria de leite as perdas econômicas causadas pelo estresse térmico foram estimadas em mais de 1,5 bilhões de dólares por ano. No que tange a reprodução, já foi demonstrado que o estresse térmico exerce múltiplos efeitos deletérios, causando disfunções endócrinas e alterando a sequência orquestrada de eventos importantes para a gametogênese e para o desenvolvimento embrionário inicial. Estudos recentes têm esclarecido o padrão temporal no qual os danos são estabelecidos e carreados dependendo da intensidade do estresse. Enquanto os efeitos imediatos do estresse térmico nos gametas já são bem caracterizados, existem evidências de que alguns danos podem ser carreados de forma tardia e possivelmente entre gerações. Além disso, dados emergentes indicam que o estresse térmico compromete a reprogramação da metilação do DNA que ocorre durante a gametogênese e a programação do desenvolvimento in utero. Dessa forma, esse artigo visa explorar os efeitos imediatos, tardios e transgeracionais do estresse térmico nos gametas.(AU)
The drop on animal productivity and fertility associated with heat stress during the hot months of the year is one of the biggest challenges for the livestock sector. For the dairy industry the economic losses caused by heat stress have been estimated over 1.5 billion dollars per year. It has already been demonstrated that heat stress exerts multiple deleterious effects on reproductive function, causing endocrine dysfunctions as well as changes in the sequence of events required for gametogenesis and early embryonic development. Recent studies have shed a light in the temporal pattern in which heat-induced damage is established and carried forward depending on the intensity of stress. While the immediate effects of heat stress on gametes are well characterized, there is evidence that some damage can be carried over for longer periods and even across generations. Furthermore, emerging data indicate that heat stress compromises DNA methylation reprogramming that occurs during gametogenesis and developmental programming in utero. Thus, this paper aims to explore the immediate, late and transgenerational effects of heat stress on gametes.(AU)
Animais , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Desenvolvimento Embrionário/fisiologia , Células GerminativasResumo
Crustose coralline algae (Corallinophycideae) are red algae that produced calcium carbonate and are well recognized as foundation species in the epipelagic zone of the marine ecosystem. These algae induced settlement juvenile of coral by released chemical cues from bacterial communities on the surface of their colonies. Their extracellular calcium carbonate also can stabilize reef structure that influencing many invertebrate attaches and growth in the seabed. Crustose coralline algae (CCA) have obtained attention because of their distribution and health compromise to increasing seawater temperature, ocean acidification, and pollutant. As a cryptic species in the ecosystem, the presence of CCA recruit sometimes doesnt have attention, especially on their capability to occupy the empty space. This study aimed to document coverage and number of CCA recruit in two different recruitment tiles material. The highest CCA percentage of the cover was showed inside surface than others surface in all stations. Light intensity and low sedimentation were suggested as a key factor of success of high coverage. Overall, station higher CCA recruits have shown from Tiga Warna. Low sedimentation and protection from aerial exposure became the main reason for it. No significant difference number of CCA recruits between marble and sandstone in this study. Successful CCA recruitment in this study can give a wide picture that natural recruitment of coral and other reef biodiversity in Southern Malang might be will succeed because of the abundance of coralline algae that support their life history stage.(AU)
As algas coralinas crustosas (Corallinophycideae) são algas vermelhas que produzem carbonato de cálcio e são bem reconhecidas como espécies de base na zona epipelágica do ecossistema marinho. Essas algas induziram o assentamento juvenil de coral por meio de estímulos químicos liberados por comunidades bacterianas na superfície de suas colônias. Seu carbonato de cálcio extracelular também pode estabilizar a estrutura do recife que influencia muitos invertebrados anexados e crescimento no fundo do mar. As algas coralinas crustosas (CCA) têm obtido atenção devido à sua distribuição e comprometimento da saúde com o aumento da temperatura da água do mar, acidificação dos oceanos e poluentes. Como uma espécie enigmática no ecossistema, a presença de recrutamento CCA às vezes não recebe atenção, especialmente em sua capacidade de ocupar o espaço vazio. Este estudo teve como objetivo documentar a cobertura e o número de recrutamento de CCA em dois materiais de recrutamento diferentes. A maior porcentagem de CCA da cobertura foi mostrada na superfície interna do que nas outras superfícies em todas as estações. A intensidade da luz e a baixa sedimentação foram sugeridas como um fator-chave para o sucesso da alta cobertura. De modo geral, recrutas de CCA mais graduados mostraram-se em Tiga Warna. A baixa sedimentação e a proteção contra a exposição aérea se tornaram a principal razão para isso. Não houve diferença significativa no número de recrutas CCA entre mármore e arenito neste estudo. O recrutamento bem-sucedido de CCA neste estudo pode dar uma imagem ampla de que o recrutamento natural de corais e outros recifes da biodiversidade no sul de Malang será bem-sucedido por causa da abundância de algas coralinas que sustentam seu estágio de história de vida.(AU)
Animais , Rodófitas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Recifes de CoraisResumo
Low light intensity reduces the production of photoassimilates by plants and consequentlythe accumulation of reserves in seeds. The objective was to evaluate the physiological quality of soybean seeds produced under shading initiated at different crop phenological stages. In a completely randomized design, the experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, at CAV/UDESC, during the 2018/2019 harvest, with nine treatments and 10 replications. The treatments consisted of nine seed lots, eight of which were obtained from plants submitted to continuous 70% shading, initiated at different phenological stages: stage V6 (Day Julian 07); R1 (JD14); R2 (JD21); R3 (JD28); R4 (JD35); R5 (JD42); start of R6 (JD49); end of R6 (JD56), and a lot of seeds produced without shading (control). Each repetition consisted of a pot containing a soybean plant. The germination potential and vigor of the seeds produced were evaluated. Soybean seed germination was higher in the lot of seeds from shaded plants from the R4 stage (JD35), with 98%, but the other lots presented percentages above 87%. The vigor in the accelerated aging test was lower for the lot obtained from shaded plants from V6, with 43%. The dry mass of seedlings showed a 7.0 to 13.3% reductionin relation to the controlwhen the shading was imposed between R3 and R6. It was concluded that the continuous 70% shading in soybeans promoted higher seed germination when imposed from the R4 stage;however, the vigor was dependenton the stage that the shading started and the test used.(AU)
A baixa intensidade luminosa reduz a produção de fotoassimilados pelas plantas e consequentemente o acúmulo de reservas nas sementes. Objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade fisiológica de sementes desoja produzidassob sombreamento iniciado emdiferentes estádios fenológicos da cultura. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, no CAV/UDESC, durante a safra 2018/2019, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com nove tratamentos e 10 repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por nove lotes de sementes, sendo oito obtidos de plantas submetidas a sombreamento contínuode 70%, iniciado em diferentes estádios fenológicos: estádio V6 (Dia Juliano 07); R1 (DJ 14); R2 (DJ 21); R3 (DJ 28); R4 (DJ35); R5 (DJ 42); início de R6 (DJ 49); finalde R6 (DJ 56), e um lote de sementes produzidas sem sombreamento (testemunha). Cada repetição foi composta por um vaso contendo uma planta de soja. Avaliou-se o potencial de germinação e vigor das sementes produzidas. Agerminação de sementes de soja foi maior no lote de sementes oriundas de plantas sombreadas a partir do estádio R4 (35 DJ), com 98%, mas, os demais lotes apresentaram percentuais acima de 87%. O vigor no teste de envelhecimento acelerado foi inferior parao loteobtido de plantas sombreadasa partir de V6, com 43%. Já a massa seca de plântulas apresentou redução de 7,0 a 13,3% em relação à testemunha, quando o sombreamento foi imposto entre R3 e R6. Concluiu-se que o sombreamento contínuo de 70% em soja promoveu maior germinação de sementes quando imposto a partir do estádio R4, porém, o vigor foi afetado de maneira dependente do estádio que o sombreamento iniciou e do teste utilizado.(AU)
Fotossíntese/fisiologia , Sementes/fisiologia , Glycine max/fisiologia , Técnica Histológica de Sombreamento/métodos , Radiação SolarResumo
ABSTRACT: There is limited information regarding both nitrogen (N) and energy partitioning of dairy cows grazing wellmanaged tropical pastures. The objective of this study was to investigate the N and energy partitioning of midlactation dairy cows on rotationally grazed elephant grass using two pregrazing targets: 95 % or maximum canopy light interception (LI95% or LIMax) during regrowth. The study used 26 Holstein × Jersey dairy cows arranged in a randomized complete block design with three 40day periods of sampling. Grazing at LI95% increased organic matter and crude protein intake by 20 % (p 0.05) which resulted in a 9 % increase in fat corrected milk yield (p 0.05) relative to LIMax. Cows grazing at LI95% had greater concentration of total volatile fatty acids, butyrate and valerate (p 0.05), and smaller acetate (p 0.05) than those grazing at LIMax. Intake of net energy for lactation (NEL) and NEL secreted in milk were greater (p 0.05), while partitioning of NEL towards maintenance tended to be greater (p = 0.07) for cows grazing at LI95% than those grazing at LIMax. Milk urea nitrogen and both urine and fecal N excretion were greater for cows grazing at LI95% (p 0.05), but N excretion intensity was lower than in cows grazing at LIMax (p 0.05). Strategic grazing management using the LI95% pregrazing target increases N losses through both urine and feces; however, it reduces N excretion intensity of dairy cows by 9 %.
There is limited information regarding both nitrogen (N) and energy partitioning of dairy cows grazing wellmanaged tropical pastures. The objective of this study was to investigate the N and energy partitioning of midlactation dairy cows on rotationally grazed elephant grass using two pregrazing targets: 95 % or maximum canopy light interception (LI95% or LIMax) during regrowth. The study used 26 Holstein × Jersey dairy cows arranged in a randomized complete block design with three 40day periods of sampling. Grazing at LI95% increased organic matter and crude protein intake by 20 % (p ≤ 0.05) which resulted in a 9 % increase in fat corrected milk yield (p ≤ 0.05) relative to LIMax. Cows grazing at LI95% had greater concentration of total volatile fatty acids, butyrate and valerate (p ≤ 0.05), and smaller acetate (p ≤ 0.05) than those grazing at LIMax. Intake of net energy for lactation (NEL) and NEL secreted in milk were greater (p ≤ 0.05), while partitioning of NEL towards maintenance tended to be greater (p = 0.07) for cows grazing at LI95% than those grazing at LIMax. Milk urea nitrogen and both urine and fecal N excretion were greater for cows grazing at LI95% (p ≤ 0.05), but N excretion intensity was lower than in cows grazing at LIMax (p ≤ 0.05). Strategic grazing management using the LI95% pregrazing target increases N losses through both urine and feces; however, it reduces N excretion intensity of dairy cows by 9 %.
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Flatulência/veterinária , Nitrogênio , PennisetumResumo
There is limited information regarding both nitrogen (N) and energy partitioning of dairy cows grazing wellmanaged tropical pastures. The objective of this study was to investigate the N and energy partitioning of midlactation dairy cows on rotationally grazed elephant grass using two pregrazing targets: 95 % or maximum canopy light interception (LI95% or LIMax) during regrowth. The study used 26 Holstein × Jersey dairy cows arranged in a randomized complete block design with three 40day periods of sampling. Grazing at LI95% increased organic matter and crude protein intake by 20 % (p ≤ 0.05) which resulted in a 9 % increase in fat corrected milk yield (p ≤ 0.05) relative to LIMax. Cows grazing at LI95% had greater concentration of total volatile fatty acids, butyrate and valerate (p ≤ 0.05), and smaller acetate (p ≤ 0.05) than those grazing at LIMax. Intake of net energy for lactation (NEL) and NEL secreted in milk were greater (p ≤ 0.05), while partitioning of NEL towards maintenance tended to be greater (p = 0.07) for cows grazing at LI95% than those grazing at LIMax. Milk urea nitrogen and both urine and fecal N excretion were greater for cows grazing at LI95% (p ≤ 0.05), but N excretion intensity was lower than in cows grazing at LIMax (p ≤ 0.05). Strategic grazing management using the LI95% pregrazing target increases N losses through both urine and feces; however, it reduces N excretion intensity of dairy cows by 9 %.
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Bovinos/metabolismo , Pastagens/métodos , Nitrogênio/análise , PennisetumResumo
Photo-incubation can influence the fear and stress responses of poultry. However, it is unclear how photostimulation initiated at different phases of development influences the welfare status of slow-growing broiler birds. 500 Sasso eggs were assigned to 4 treatments; some were incubated in the dark throughout incubation (TA), while TB, TC and TD were photo-stimulated (12L:12D) from days 1, 7, and 14 of incubation, respectively, until hatch using a 6,500k LED at 788 clux intensity. Birds were raised in 5 replicates per treatment with 16 birds per replicate using a 6,500k LED (at 28 clux) and a photoperiod of 16L:8D. Fear (emergence, tonic immobility, isolation and inversion tests) and stress response (physical asymmetry) of 10 birds per treatment were examined. At the end of the three-week brooding, all parameters measured were not significantly influenced (P > 0.05) by the onset of photo-incubation. At slaughter age (12 weeks), physical asymmetry was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in TA compared to the other treatments. The frequency of isolation vocalisation was significantly lower (P < 0.05) in TB compared to TA, and latency to rightness during tonic immobility was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in TA compared to the other treatments. Latency to emerge was significantly longer (P < 0.05) in TA compared to TC and TD. The frequency of wing flaps during inversion was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in TA and TD. Conclusively, photo-incubating eggs reduce stress and fear, and initiating photo-incubation during the first phase of incubation is more beneficial.
Animais , Estimulação Luminosa/métodos , Estresse Psicológico/fisiopatologia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Embrião de Galinha/fisiologia , Ovos/análise , Galinhas/fisiologia , Incubadoras/veterináriaResumo
We examined the abiotic factors and co-specific competition for food resources that regulate the foraging activity of Oxaea flavescens bees on Styrax camporum flowers. Foraging records were gathered during 20 min. periods at the beginning of each hour between 05:00h and 18:00h during three nonconsecutive days. Pearson correlation and linear regression tests indicated that the foraging activity of O. flavescens was associated with abiotic factors during the day. O. flavescens represented 89.9% of the observed foraging visits to S. camporum flowers. On the first day of sampling, when environmental conditions were stressful, the foraging activity of O. flavescens was significantly negatively correlated with light intensity, wind speed, and temperature, and positively correlated with relative humidity. Under those conditions, optimal foraging was little affected by the availability of floral resources. On the second and third days, however, when environmental conditions were more favorable, the principal limiting factor of O. flavescens foraging activity was nectar depletion. The maximum peak of foraging under those conditions occurred before the abiotic conditions were fully favorable, however, as the eventual depletion of floral resources resulted in unfavorable cost/benefit implications for foraging during the otherwise most adequate daylight period.(AU)
Animais , Abelhas/fisiologia , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia , Styrax/química , Fatores Abióticos , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Recursos AlimentaresResumo
Lettuce is the main leafy vegetable commercialized in Brazil and it is cultivated in many different environment conditions and regions. But, under high temperature and high light intensity lettuce plants tend to early flowering, making it difficult to obtain high-quality lettuce harvest. Thus, this study was aimed to evaluate the productive performance of lettuce cultivars in a greenhouse in the municipality of Humaitá, Amazonas state (AM). The cultivars used were Rafaela and Hanson, Veneranda, Mônica SF 31, Simpson, Solaris, Elba, Quatro Estações and Babá de Verão. The lettuce seedlings were transplanted 24 days after sowing into a greenhouse covered by 100 micra polyethylene transparent agrofilm. It was used bed with 33-m-long and 1-m-wide, using 30 cm x 30cm spacing between plants. The experimental design was randomized complete block with four replications. The parameters evaluated 32 days after transplanting were plant diameter, number of leaves, stem length and shoot dry mass. Cultivars Babá de Verão and Elba presented a better agronomic performance for cultivation in greenhouse in municipality of Humaitá, Amazonas state.
A alface é a principal folhosa comercializada no Brasil, sendo cultivada em muitas regiões e ambientais diferentes. Entretanto, sob altas temperaturas e elevada intensidade luminosa as plantas de alface tendem ao florescimento precoce, dificultando a obtenção de uma colheita de alface de alta qualidade. Assim, no presente estudo objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho produtivo de cultivares de alface em ambiente protegido no município de Humaitá, estado do Amazonas (AM). As cultivares usadas foram Rafaela e Hanson, Veneranda, Mônica SF 31, Simpson, Solaris, Elba, Quatro estações e Baba de Verão. As mudas de alface foram transplantadas 24 dias após a semeadura para casa de vegetação coberta com agrofilme de polietileno transparente de 100 micra. Foi utilizado canteiro com 33 m de comprimento e 1 m de largura, utilizando-se espaçamento de 30 cm x 30 cm entre plantas. O experimento foi conduzido utilizando-se delineamento em blocos completos casualizados com 4 repetições. Os parâmetros avaliados 32 dias após o transplantio foram o diâmetro da planta, número de folhas, comprimento do caule e massa seca da parte aérea. As cultivares Baba de Verão e Elba apresentaram melhor desempenho agronômico para o cultivo protegido no município de Humaitá, estado do Amazonas.
24444 , Lactuca/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Temperatura Alta/efeitos adversos , BrasilResumo
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the post-vaccinal reaction to two lentogenic vaccine strains of Newcatle disease virus (NDV) and a recombinant turkey herpesvirus (rHVT) vaccine expressing the fusion glycoprotein of NDV in broiler chickens through histomorphometric and histopathologic analyses of the trachea. The experiment involved 245 chicks housed in randomized blocks with three different enclosures under controlled conditions of temperature, light and ventilation. Each enclosure represented a vaccine strain and was divided into groups according to the administration route. Each block also had its own control group composed of unvaccinated birds. The vaccine strains PHY.LMV.42 (PL42) and La Sota (LS) were selected according to the Intracerebral Pathogenicity Index (ICPI) and the rHVT-NDV Serotype 3 strain (ST3) was selected for representing non-NDV infection. At two, four, seven, 14 and 21 days post vaccination, fragments from the middle third of the trachea were collected and submitted to routine histological processing. For the histomorphometric analysis, the slides were photographed, and the thickness of the tracheal mucosa was measured. Statistical analysis involved two-way ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test with a 5% significance level. For the histopathological evaluation, lesions were described as to the degree of intensity and distribution. At four and 14 days post vaccination with the LS strain administered by the ocular route, the means of thickening of the tracheal mucosa (20.85±7.31µm and 26.97±5.50µm, respectively) were significantly higher (p<0.05) than for all other strains, which was related to the severe histopathological lesions found in this group, characterized by hyperemia, hyperplasia of the mucous glands, moderate deciliation and multifocal lymphohistiocytic inflammatory infiltrate. At 21 days, broiler chickens vaccinated with the ST3 strain showed more discrete lesions and less thickening of the tracheal mucosa (23.23±7.62µm; p<0.05) in comparison with other studied strains. The lesions found in this group were only hemorrhage, deciliation and mild focal lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate. The results of the histomorphometry and histopathology of the trachea indicated that vaccination with rHVT-NDV Serotype 3 strain induced lower degree post-vaccine tracheal lesions compared to other vaccine strains analyzed in this study.
Objetivou-se avaliar a reação pós-vacinal de duas estirpes lentogênicas do vírus da doença de Newcastle (VDN) e uma vacina recombinante de herpesvirus de perus (rHVT) que expressa a glicoproteína de fusão de VDN em frangos de corte por meio da histomorfometria e histopatologia da traqueia. Foram utilizados 245 pintos alojados em blocos ao acaso, sendo três galpões distintos em condições controladas de temperatura, luz e ventilação. Cada galpão representou uma cepa vacinal, onde foram divididos por grupos de acordo com a via de administração. Todos os blocos possuíam um grupo controle composto por aves não vacinadas. As cepas vacinais PHY.LMV.42 (PL42) e La Sota (LS) utilizadas foram selecionadas de acordo com o Índice de Patogenicidade Intracerebral (IPIC) e a cepa Sorotipo 3 (ST3), da vacina rHVT-VDN foi selecionada por não representar infecção do VDN. Aos dois, quarto, sete, 14 e 21 dias pós-vacinação, fragmentos do terço médio da traqueia foram coletados e posteriormente processados conforme rotina histológica. Para análise histomorfométrica da mucosa traqueal, as lâminas foram fotografadas e realizadas as mensurações da espessura da mucosa traqueal sendo aplicado teste de anaÌlise de variaÌncia a dois criteÌrios (ANOVA) e utilizando o post-hoc de Tukey com niÌvel de significaÌncia de 5%. Para a avaliação histopatológica foram observadas a presença de lesões microscópicas e estas foram descritas quanto ao grau de intensidade e distribuição. Aos quatro e quatorze dias pós-vacinação com a cepa LS administrada por via ocular, as médias do espessamento da mucosa traqueal (20,85±7,31µm e 26,97±5,50µm, respectivamente) foram significativamente maiores (p<0,05) quando comparada a todas as demais cepas utilizadas, isto se deve às severas lesões histopatológicas encontrados neste grupo, caracterizadas por hiperemia, hiperplasia das glândulas mucosas, deciliação moderada e infiltrado inflamatório linfohistiocitário multifocal moderado. Já aos 21 dias as aves vacinadas com a cepa ST3 apresentaram lesões mais discretas e menor espessamento da mucosa da traqueia (23,23±7,62µm; p<0,05) em comparação às demais cepas estudadas. As lesões encontradas neste grupo foram apenas hemorragia, deciliação e infiltrado inflamatório linfocitário focal discreto. Os resultados da histomorfometria e da histopatologia da traqueia indicou que a vacinação com a rHVT-NDV, cepa Sorotipo 3 induziu menor grau de lesões pós-vacinais na traqueia comparada a outras cepas vacinais analisadas nesse estudo.
Animais , Traqueia/efeitos dos fármacos , Traqueia/patologia , Vírus da Doença de Newcastle/imunologia , Vacinas/efeitos adversos , Galinhas/virologia , Doença de Newcastle/imunologia , Vacinação/efeitos adversosResumo
Continuous illumination has been known to exert positive effects by stimulating growth and delaying unwanted maturation in seasonal-temperate farmed fish species like salmonids. However, in tropical fish like Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), some studies exist showing inconsistent results and even fewer data is available regarding the effects of light intensity. To clarify some of the inconsistent results in literature and evaluate the effect of different light intensity levels on growth and sexual maturation in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), we reared twenty days post-hatch Nile tilapia larvae under continuous illumination at three different light intensities and compared against a control photoperiod (12L:12D) up to 118 days post-hatch. A total of 600 fry were used using 75 fry per experimental unit in a previously tested experimental aquarium setup. Fish exposed to high and medium intensity continuous illumination treatments were significantly heavier (13-20%) and longer (6-8%) than fish exposed to the control photoperiod. Importantly, however, the degree of growth enhancement did not vary significantly according to the light intensity used. Feed intake was also higher in all continuous illumination treatments than in the control photoperiod, suggesting that growth benefits might be due to an increase in feed intake, which is not affected by the light intensities used. Gonadal development on the other hand, presented differences between sexes with a delay in spermatogenesis, while an advancement towards ovarian maturation occurred compared with the control fish. These results suggest that continuous illumination can influence both growth and gonadal development in Nile tilapia with no apparent differences between the light intensities tested in this study.
Animais , Iluminação , Fotoperíodo , Ciclídeos/fisiologia , Gônadas/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
A mudança de luminosidade claramente possui um grande impacto no ciclo reprodutivo em diferentes espécies, principalmente espécies reprodutoras sazonais. Apesar de o suíno doméstico ser capaz de se reproduzir com sucesso no decorrer do ano, os efeitos da sazonalidade têm sido estudado por diversos anos visto que, ainda hoje, existem reduções de taxas reprodutivas em leitoas e porcas, principalmente nas épocas de verão e outono. Além dos efeitos do estresse por calor que acometem granjas durante o verão, efeitos do fotoperíodo podem ser identificados em dinâmicas hormonais, e alguns resultados de desempenho dependendo das estações do ano. Há indícios que o fotoperíodo em associação com o estresse causado pelas altas temperaturas do ambiente sejam as principais causas do processo de infertilidade sazonal em suínos. Estudos mais recentes demonstram efeitos negativos na fertilidade de leitoas e primíparas quando expostas a ambientes com baixa luminosidade durante o período de cobertura. Apesar de ainda existir grande espaço para mais investigações a respeito dos efeitos de duração e intensidade do fotoperíodo artificial e para melhorias em termos de ambiência, os órgãos responsáveis pela regulamentação de animais de produção sugerem uma intensidade e tempo mínimo de exposição à iluminação artificial para os suínos em confinamento.
The changes in photoperiod clearly impact the reproductive cycle in different species, especially in seasonal breeders. Although the domestic pig can successfully reproduce throughout the year, the seasonal effects have been studied for years, and still today, reduction in reproductive rates exist in gilts and sows, mainly during summer and fall periods. Besides the high temperatures during summer causing detrimental effects due to heat stress in swine, changes in photoperiod effects can be identified by hormonal changes and performance results depending on the season. There is evidence of photoperiod associated with heat stress being the leading causes of seasonal infertility in swine. Recent studies demonstrate adverse effects on gilts and primiparous sows fertility when exposed to an environment with low lighting intensity during the breeding period. Although further investigation on the effects of intensity and duration of artificial photoperiod and improvements in terms of ambient is still needed, the guidelines and regulations for animal production suggest a minimum exposure of artificial light intensity and duration for confined swine.
Feminino , Animais , Fotoperíodo , Infertilidade/veterinária , Suínos/fisiologia , Técnicas ReprodutivasResumo
ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate the low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on the membrane induced by the Masquelet technique in rabbits. Methods: Twelve Norfolk rabbits at approximately 3 months of age were used. A 1-cm segmental defect was induced in both radii, which were filled with polymethylmethacrylate cylinder. LLLT was used postoperatively in the bone defect of one of the forelimbs every 48 hours for 15 days. Six rabbits were euthanatized on third and sixth postoperative weeks. Results: In both forelimbs, radiographs showed new bone growth from radius cut ends on the third postoperative week and more advanced stage on the sixth postoperative week. Ultrasound showed induced membrane one week after the surgery. Histologically, there were no significant differences in the semi-quantitative score of inflammation intensity, total number of blood vessels, bone metaplasia, and collagen. The average thicknesses were 2,050.17 and 1,451.96 μm for control membranes and 2,724.26 and 2,081.03 μm for irradiated membranes, respectively, on third and sixth postoperative weeks. Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) and platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) expression were present in the induced membranes of control and irradiated forelimbs, but there was no significant difference. Conclusions: Based on assessment methods, it was not possible to demonstrate the effect of LLLT on the induced membrane.
Animais , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade , Fator A de Crescimento do Endotélio Vascular , Coelhos , Osso e Ossos , ColágenoResumo
Background: Laser photobiomodulation has been used in the treatment of various injuries and diseases. This promotes modulation of the inflammatory process, edema reduction and devitalized tissue regeneration. The advantages of Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy are its easy application and the absence of side effects. Other advantages are the cost of the therapy, minimal damage to animal tissue, the broad spectrum of action, and efficiency against strains resistant to antimicrobials. The aim of this study was to report the clinical and their resolution in a female dog with a traumatic, infected wound treated with laser phototherapy as an alternative therapy method. Case: A 3-year-old bitch Border Collie, weighing 18 kg, from the municipality of Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil, waspresented for examination with a history of traumatic laceration of the left thoracic member. On the anamnesis, it was reported that the patient presented with laceration of the left thoracic member. The wound was cleaned and an antibiotic [30 mg/kg of 12/12 h] and anti-inflammatory [0.1 mg/kg every 24 h were prescribed, both for 5 days]. Twenty-four h after the surgical procedure, there was dehiscence of the sutures, with daily topical therapy based on zinc oxide for secondary intention healing. Upon physical examination, the wound was found to be contaminated with swollen and erythematous edges, an ulcerated area with devitalized tissue, serous exudate, and 8.8 cm2 of wounded area. Given the macroscopic characteristics of the lesion, phototherapy was associated with conventional therapy until complete healing of the wound, with three weekly applications at 48 h intervals. Initially, the wound was cleaned with saline solution at 0.9% and a single treatment with aPDT was scheduled due to the high degree of contamination. The dosimetry parameters of irradiation were calculated according to the wounded area with a diode laser of 0.1W of power, continuous emission, spot area of 0.028 cm2, and energy of 9 J per application point. A gauze imbibed with 1 mL of methyleneâ¯blue aqueous solution (300 µM), which was the photosensitizer was applied to the lesion, with a pre-irradiation time of 5 min, after which it was irradiated with red laser (RL) (λ = 660nm) for 90 s per point, using the sweeping technique. The edge of the lesion was irradiated with infrared laser (IRL) (λ = 808 nm), total energy of 5 J, using the technique of specific points and 1 J of energy/point. After aPDT, low-intensity laser therapy (LILT) sessions were set up with RL and IRL, with energies of 0.5 J/point and 1 J/point, respectively. The wound was cleaned daily, protected with a bandage, and clinically evaluated until complete regression. Discussion: In the present case, methylene blue was used as a photosensitizer, but it is noteworthy that, apparently, each microorganism responds differently to photosensitizers. Thus, the therapy becomes specific for each application, for example: the type of photosensitizer, its concentration, pre-irradiation time, type of light used in photosensitization, wavelength, energy, power, mode delivery of light. Thus, for the best result, the specific protocol in each application should be used Low-intensity laser therapy is an easily executed technique with effective results. The use of PDT associated with photobiomodulation therapy enabled rapid healing of the cutaneous wound, in addition to an improvement in clinical signs and pain caused by the lesion. The technique proved to be an efficient alternative in the treatment of wounds, whether used in isolation or associated with conventional therapy.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Fotoquimioterapia/veterinária , Cicatrização/efeitos da radiação , Ferimentos e Lesões/terapia , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade/veterinária , Azul de Metileno/uso terapêuticoResumo
It was evaluated the effect of operational conditions in the production of Chlorella sp. after its selection from genus Chlorella sp., Scenedesmus sp., Nannochloris sp., Tetraselmis sp. and Dunaliella salina. Microalgae were inoculated in drinking water with addition of NPK fertilizer (N 24%, P 24%, K 18%), at a concentration of 0.5 g/L, agitation of 150 rpm, temperature 25 °C, light intensity of 1680 lumens at a color temperature of 6400K, without pH control for 8 days. The cellular concentrations obtained were 3.72x107 (Chlorella sp.), 1.36x107 (Scenedesmus sp.), 3.55x107 (Tetraselmis sp.), 5.74x107 (Nannochloris sp.) and 3.45x106 (Dunaliella salina), where the microalgae Chlorella sp., shows invasive capacity in drinking water cultivations. Applying the 2n-p fractional factorial design concept for the elemental composition of the microalgae and the cellular morphology, it was obtained 44.33% of C, 7.09% of H, 8.53% of N and 0.84% of S for the Chlorella sp.(AU)
Foi avaliado o efeito das condições operacionais na produção de Chlorella sp. após a seleção do gênero Chlorella sp., Scenedesmus sp., Nannochloris sp., Tetraselmis sp. e Dunaliella salina. Microalgas foram inoculadas em água potável com adição de fertilizante NPK (N 24%, P 24% e K 18%), na concentração de 0,5 g/L, agitação de 150 rpm, temperatura de 25 °C, intensidade luminosa de 1.680 lúmens para uma temperatura de cor de 6.400 K, sem controle de pH por 8 dias. As concentrações celulares obtidas foram de 3,72 x 107 (Chlorella sp.), 1,36 x 107 (Scenedesmus sp.), 3,55 x 107 (Tetraselmis sp.), 5,74 x 107 (Nannochloris sp.) e 3,45 x 106 (Dunaliella salina), em que a microalga Chlorella sp. mostrou capacidade invasiva em cultivos de água potável. Aplicando o conceito de projeto fatorial fracionado 2n-p para a composição elementar da microalga e a morfologia celular, foram obtidos 44,33% de C, 7,09% de H, 8,53% de N e 0,84% de S para a Chlorella sp.(AU)