Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma is a primary malignant tumor of the liver tissue and its occurrence in birds is considered rare. The tumor can occur as a single mass leading to hepatomegaly, or as multiple nodules in the liver. In animals of the genus Amazona, only 1 case of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma has been reported in the United States, therefore, little is known about its epidemiology and clinicopathological aspects in these species. In this context, the aim of this work was to describe a case of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma in an Amazona aestiva. Case: A blue-fronted amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva) was referred to necropsy after being found dead in its enclosure. On examination, it presented cachectic body score. Examination of the coelomic cavity, revealed a serous translucent fluid and adhesions between the liver and peritoneum.A red mass restricted to the right hepatic lobe and raised to the capsular surface, interspersed with whitish and dark red multifocal areas was observed. When cut, this mass was soft, protruding, multilobulated, whitish and with a friable reddish center. Additionally, on the dorsal surface of the left lung lobe, there was a rounded, well defined, whitish, and soft nodule. Microscopically, partial replacement of the hepatic parenchyma was observed by neoplastic proliferation of cuboidal epithelial cells, organized in mantle and supported by a scarce fibrovascular stroma. Cells have large, eosinophilic, well-delimited cytoplasm, with a central, oval nucleus, loose chromatin, and evident nucleolus. Moderate pleomorphism was characterized by anisocytosis, anisokaryosis, and aberrant nuclei. In the lung, a focally extensive mass with a pattern similar to that seen in the liver was observed. In the kidney, multifocal neoplastic emboli were noted. Liver immunohistochemistry was performed. Positive and negative controls were used to validate the reaction; however, there was no immunolabelling for the evaluated antibodies. Discussion: The histopathological characteristics observed in this study favored the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with metastasis to kidney and lung. Primary liver tumors are rare in wild birds. In ducks, experimental studies have pointed aflatoxins and the duck hepatitis B virus as oncogenic agents, however, in birds of the genus Amazona, there are no studies that evaluate predisposing factors to the development of liver carcinoma. Macroscopically, hepatocellular carcinoma may present in massive, nodular or diffuse forms. In birds, the right lobe is the largest, which may suggest that this lobe is more prone to the development of HCC, as seen in the present case. The solid form, similar to that observed in this report, seems to be more commonly observed, as seen in the wild bird reports consulted. Metastases most often spread hematogenous, and in the present report there was metastasis to kidneys and lungs, which is a common feature for this neoplasm. In the present case, there was no labeling by any of the antibodies, perhaps because of their aggressiveness, associated with autolytic factors that prevent the labeling of antibodies, in addition to the specificity in the antibodyantigen relationship. This tumor must be differentiated from other liver tumors such as cholangiocarcinoma, and also the well-differentiated hepatocellular adenoma, in addition to non-neoplastic conditions. HCC should be considered as a differential diagnosis for Amazona aestiva found dead in the enclosure without previous clinical signs. This neoplasm is rare in Amazon parrots and reports should be encouraged in order to contribute to the understanding of the epidemiological and clinicopathological aspects of the tumor.
Animais , Carcinoma Hepatocelular , Amazona , Neoplasias Hepáticas/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Osteosarcoma is the most observed primary bone tumor in dogs, and may affect the appendicular and axial skeletons. In addition, it may be present in extraskeletal form, accounting for only 1% of cases. As shown by few reports in the literature, the involvement of the intestinal region by is rare. The objective of this study was to report the case of a 13-year-old Yorkshire dog, submitted to an exploratory laparotomy for suspected partial intestinal obstruction, diagnosed with extraskeletal osteosarcoma. Case: A 13-year-old dog, Yorkshire Terrier, male, presented clinical signs of gastrointestinal abnormalities. An ultrasound examination was performed and was found a mass in small intestine region with wall and lumen invasion. Then, was realized exploratory laparotomy and detected intestinal obstruction due to a mass with approximately 5.0 x 6.0 x 4.4 cm localized in duodenum. Surgical removal was performed and the sample sent to the veterinary diagnostic laboratory for histopathological examination. The sample had an irregular surface and firm consistency. In addition, when cut, the mass enveloped the intestinal layers and sometimes obstructed the lumen. Then, the sample were processed routinely for histopathology. After that, in microscopy evaluation was detected cell proliferation, affecting all layers of intestine. In detail, cells were elongated with pleomorphism marked and atypical mitosis. In addition, there was production of cartilage and bone matrix. So, due the absence of others sites, the neoplasm was considered primary of intestine. After that, to evaluate the expression of KI-67 and COX-2 was performed, and the cell proliferation index was 54.0% and the COX-2 expression was moderate in less than 10% of neoplastic cells. After the surgery, the patient was hospitalized for a week and continue the treatment in home. Afterwards, the tutor received the diagnosis, but even though he was instructed on the severity of the case, he chose not to undergo chemotherapy. After three months, the patient presented abdominal fluid and nodules in your liver, suggesting metastasis, but without diagnosis confirmation. The patient died five months after the diagnosis of extraskeletal osteosarcoma. However, no necropsy was realized, impossibility the diagnosis confirm. Discussion: The frequency of extraskeletal osteosarcoma in dogs remains unknown, with the mammary glands being the most affected site. In the present study, osteosarcoma affects the duodenal region and no reports of this neoplasm in the duodenum of dogs have been found in the literature. The clinical sign of dyschezia was important for the tutor to refer the animal to the veterinarian and perform the ultrasound in an attempt to elucidate the case, as the tumor mass is not always palpable. Histopathological examination and immunohistochemistry were necessary for the differential diagnosis and to establish the prognosis, although after the surgery the tutor chose not to perform chemotherapy. Extraskeletal osteosarcoma are usually highly metastatic, mainly affecting the lymph nodes and liver. In this case, the patient presented a liver nodule three months after the tumor removal surgery, but unfortunately, there was no diagnostic confirmation. Such neoplastic type is rarer and more aggressive than appendicular and axial osteosarcoma, with an average survival of 1 to 3 months. In this case, as a necropsy was not obtained, we cannot attribute the survival time to the disease. The survival rates of osteosarcomas in dogs are few months, but in the present case, although the patient died five months after surgery, the failure to perform a necropsy compromises the attribution of survival time to extraskeletal osteosarcoma.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterinária , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Duodeno/patologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Several neoplasms can affect the perianal region, being the hepatic adenoma and the anal sac adenocarcinoma (ASAC), which is considered the most frequent. The ASAC is a malignant neoplasm originating from the secretory epithelium of the perianal apocrine glands and is rarely seen in veterinary medicine. The ASAC occurs mainly in adult to elderly canines with high metastasis rates. Patients may be asymptomatic or manifest discomfort and behavioral changes. In the presence of metastasis, the most frequent clinical signs are inappetence, coughing, dyspnea, and colorectal obstruction. Given this scenario, this paper aims to describe the clinical presentation, diagnostic examination, and necropsy findings of a Cocker Spaniel with ASAC and metastasis in the vertebral body, spinal cord, and cauda equina. Case: A 8-year-old neutered male Cocker Spaniel (12 kg of body mass) with a clinical history of non-ambulatory paraparesis was evaluated. The patient also presented tenesmus, difficulty to defecate, and the presence of nodules in the anal sac area. On the neurological examination, asymmetrical changes compatible with injury between L4-S3 were found. A complete blood count, serum biochemistry, and imaging exams such as plain radiography, abdominal ultrasonography (US), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were requested. Blood count revealed anemia and neutrophilic leukocytosis and hypercalcemia. The liver showed increased echogenicity and thickened pancreas in the abdominal US scan. A slightly heterogeneous, vascularized mass with irregular borders was identified in the topographic region of the sublumbar lymph nodes; MRI images demonstrated an expansile formation in the ventral region of the lumbosacral spine, corresponding to the sublumbar lymph nodes and interruption of the cerebrospinal fluid at L5, suggestive of compression of the spinal cord and cauda equina. A presumptive diagnosis of perianal neoplasm with metastasis was made based on the complementary exams. The dog was referred to necropsy, which revealed a 4 cm tumor in the perianal region that invaded the pelvic canal. Multifocal nodules were present on the lung surface, liver, and kidneys, suggesting metastasis. On the cross-section of the spine, one could note the presence of the tumor in the vertebral bodies, spinal cord, and cauda equina from L5 to S3. Even with histopathological evaluation of the tumor, only the immunohistochemical analysis allowed us to confirm the anal sac adenocarcinoma. Discussion: Adenomas and carcinomas are perianal gland neoplasms common in adult and elderly male dogs; the Cocker Spaniel breed is among the most affected. The clinical signs presented by the patient, such as tenesmus and difficulty in adopting the posture of defecation, are common, although neurological changes are rare. As for metastasis, carcinomas of the perianal region present high chances of metastasis to organs including the liver, kidneys, and lungs, both lymphatically and hematogenously, but few studies have related these factors to neurological alterations due to metastasis. We concluded that metastases from carcinomas to the spine must be considered a possible differential diagnosis in cases of patients presenting clinical signs that are compatible with spinal cord compression and a history of previous neoplasm.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Períneo/patologia , Neoplasias da Medula Espinal/veterinária , Adenocarcinoma/veterinária , Sacos Anais/patologia , Metástase NeoplásicaResumo
Background: In the literature, there are a few descriptions of epididymis neoplasia in domestic animals, especially considering primary tumors. In the few reports found in literature, the lesions were a consequence of the invasion of testicular or paratesticular neoplasia, as a papillar carcinoma in a dog's and a bull's epididymis, and mesenchymal tumors - fibrome/ fibrosarcoma, leiomyoma/leiosarcome. On the other hand, mast cell tumors are the second most prevalent neoplasia in dogs in Brazil, affecting especially the skin. The aim of this report is to describe for the first time a low malignancy mast cell tumor in a mixed-breed dog's epididymis, without metastasis or recurrence in a 2-year follow-up period. Case: A 10-year-old male mixed-breed dog was presented for pre-surgical evaluation for elective orchiectomy. In the physical examination, an increase in the volume of approximately 2 cm with an irregular appearance was identified on palpation in the cranial pole of the left testis. In the trans surgical period, an increase in testicular volume (4 cm long x 2 cm wide) was observed, with a firm consistency in the region of the vas deferens with macroscopic changes in the region. The testis was sectioned, and the fragments were sent for histopathological evaluation in 10% buffered formaldehyde. There was a fairly cellular circumscribed neoplastic infiltrate, distributed in a sheet and separated by fibrovascular stroma, and rounded neoplastic cells with a moderate amount of basophilic cytoplasmic granulation, and discrete anisocytosis and anisokaryosis. The nuclei were rounded with vesicular chromatin with 1 or 2 distinct nucleoli. No mitosis figures were observed in 10 high power fields (400x). Few eosinophils were distributed throughout the neoplastic cell population. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated immunostaining for KIT protein with perimembranous staining in 95% of neoplastic mast cells, giving a KIT 1 pattern. There was no positive nuclear staining for Ki67 in any cell of the histological sections examined. A grade II mast cell tumor (low grade of malignancy) was diagnosed. After diagnosis, the animal underwent radiographic evaluation of the chest and abdominal ultrasound, and a new physical inspection in search of nodules, plaques, skin lesions, or subcutaneous masses. There were no metastases in the thorax and abdominal cavity, nor physical alterations, and it can be inferred that the epididymis was the primary site of the mast cell tumor. After 2 years of orchiectomy, there were no recurrences, and no chemotherapy treatment was performed. Discussion: Extracutaneous mast cell tumors are uncommon in animals, but have been reported in oral and nasal mucosa, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, intestine, visceral lymph nodes, spleen, liver, spinal cord, intestine, ureter, conjunctiva, lung and more recently in tear gland of the third eyelid. However, in the authors' assessment, this is the first description of mast cell tumor in the epididymis in dogs. The diagnosis was established by histopathological examination, which revealed a grade II epididymal mast cell tumor and immunohistochemical evaluation (KIT and Ki-67) as being of low aggressiveness. The diagnosis of a primary tumor was confirmed since the staging was established after the histopathological diagnosis, involving chest radiography, abdominal ultrasound, cutaneous evaluation in search of nodules, plaques, cutaneous and subcutaneous lesions, and did not reveal other abnormalities or metastases not identified in the preoperative evaluation. In addition, immunostaining with KIT and Ki-67 reaffirmed the low degree of malignancy and the potential for metastases, which can be observed by the asymptomatic follow-up of the patient 2 years after the surgical excision.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Mastocitoma/veterinária , Epididimo/patologia , Neoplasias dos Genitais Masculinos/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Mast cell tumors (MCTs) are neoplasms originating from mast cells, which can be well or poorly differentiated. They are considered the most commonly diagnosed malignant cutaneous neoplasm in dogs; however, intranasal forms are still little reported. Thus, this study seeks to report a case of unilateral intranasal MCT exhibiting submandibular lymph node metastasis. Case: A 11-year-old-and-4-month-old dog of undefined breed (UB), weighing 41 kg, was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the University of Passo Fundo (UPF), in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Presenting a clinical history of bilateral purulent nasal secretion, accompanied by sneezing in the two months prior to admission, in addition to vomiting and diarrhea. Auxiliary tests were requested, including skull X-ray, cytology of the nasal cavity with a swab, and collection of material from the submandibular lymph node directly through cytology with a needle. Cytological findings from the right nasal cavity were consistent with mast cell tumors (MCTs). Cytological analysis of the left nasal cavity was compatible with dysplasia/cellular reactivity. A heterogeneous population of cells was detected on cytology of the right submandibular lymph node. These findings were consistent with MCT lymph node metastasis. Skull radiography showed an increase in both opacity and soft tissue extension, surpassing the palate, from the canine tooth through the caudal region of the maxillary sinuses to the last molar, without bone destruction. The dog was then admitted for an abdominal ultrasound, which showed no changes in the spleen or liver. The leukocyte count showed mild lymphopenia and the presence of reactive lymphocytes. Through the buffy coat, the presence of rare round cells, compatible with circulating mast cells, was detected. Due to the biological behavior of the neoplasm and its anatomical location, the established therapy was based on the use of vinblastine and prednisolone. The patient did not show any clinical improvements. In a joint decision with the patient's guardian, the dog was euthanized. Discussion: Intranasal MCTs commonly present progressive and intermittent unilateral epitaxis, mucopurulent nasal discharge, dyspnea, and ocular discharge. Several anatomical sites were associated with more aggressive neoplastic phenotypes; those with an unfavorable prognosis were mainly those present in the oral and intranasal mucosa. Cytopathological examination is considered a highly sensitive method for the diagnosis of MCTs. Metastases are present in more than 90% of mucosal MCTs, usually affecting regional lymph nodes and associated with a poor prognosis. Radiography is considered a useful test in determining the size and location of tumors in the nasal cavity. Chemotherapy plays an important role in the treatment, especially in cases like the one described in this report, in which surgical excision is not possible due to the anatomical location of the neoplasm. Intranasal MCTs are uncommon in dogs. In this case, he presented aggressive, metastatic behavior and a poor response to antineoplastic therapy. Furthermore, due to the location of these tumors, they may be clinically similar to a number of other upper respiratory tract diseases, posing a diagnostic challenge. Therefore, it is essential that the search for differential diagnoses be carried out through auxiliary tests, such as cytology and imaging.
Animais , Cães , Neoplasias Nasais/veterinária , Mastocitoma/tratamento farmacológico , Metástase Linfática/diagnósticoResumo
The study aim was to evaluate the cytotoxic activity, using the MTT test [3-(4,5-Dimethilthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenil tetrazolium bromide], from the crude extract of Picrasma crenata (Pau Tenente) and its isolated compounds, quassin and parain, in culture of rat liver tumor cells (HTC). The test was carried out exposing the cells for 24, 48 and 72 hours to concentrations of 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 1000 µg of crude extract of Pau Tenente/mL of culture medium and 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 µg of quassin or parain compounds/mL of culture medium. The absorbances averages results obtained showed that the crude extract did not present cytotoxicity for the HTC cells in all the concentrations and evaluated times. For quassin, the concentrations of 80 and 100 µg/mL were cytotoxic, after 72 hours of treatment. For parain, the concentrations of 1, 5, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 µg/mL, in 72 hours, were cytotoxic, revealing a new activity for this compound. Thus, the results demonstrate a first indication of the cytotoxic activity of compounds quassin and parain, adding an important social and economic value to them, and may have application in future research and in pharmaceutical industry.
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a atividade citotóxica, por meio do teste MTT [brometo de 3-(4,5-dimetiltiazol-2-il)-2,5-difenil tetrazólio], do extrato bruto de Picrasma crenata (Pau Tenente) e seus compostos isolados, quassina e paraína, em cultura de células tumorais de fígado de rato (HTC). O teste foi realizado expondo as células por 24, 48 e 72 horas às concentrações de 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 e 1000 µg de extrato bruto de Pau Tenente/mL de meio de cultura e 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100 µg de compostos de quassina ou paraína/mL de meio de cultura. Os resultados das médias de absorbâncias obtidos mostraram que o extrato bruto não apresentou citotoxicidade para as células HTC em todas as concentrações e tempos avaliados. Para quassina, as concentrações de 80 e 100 µg/mL foram citotóxicas, após 72 horas de tratamento. Para a paraína, as concentrações de 1, 5, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100 µg/mL, em 72 horas, foram citotóxicas, revelando uma nova atividade para este composto. Assim, os resultados demonstram uma primeira indicação da atividade citotóxica dos compostos quassina e paraína, agregando-lhes importante valor social e econômico, podendo ter aplicação em pesquisas futuras e na indústria farmacêutica.
Animais , Ratos , Extratos Vegetais , Picrasma/toxicidade , Quassinas , NeoplasiasResumo
Background: Lymphoma neoplasms originate from the lymphocytes. Anatomically, these tumors can be classified into multicentric, digestive, mediastinal, and cutaneous forms. The etiology of cutaneous lymphoma remains unclear; however, it has been associated with chronic skin inflammation. The definitive diagnosis is based on histological analysis and immunohistochemistry, although fine-needle aspiration cytology has shown good results. The aim of this paper is to describe the clinicopathological aspects of a case of cutaneous epitheliotropic T cell lymphoma, classified as mycosis fungoides, in a Lhasa Apso dog. Case: A 8-year-old bitch Lhasa Apso with multiple non-pruritic skin nodules and history of 10-day evolution was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Centro Universitário do Espírito Santo (UNESC), Colatina, ES, Brazil. The nodules were erythematous, exophytic, firm, circumscribed, and measured 0.2-4 cm in diameter in locations throughout the animal's body. An incisional biopsy was performed with an 8-mm punch and sent for histopathological examination. An infiltrative, poorly demarcated, non-encapsulated, densely cellular neoplasm, which was replacing the dermal collagen and displacing the adnexa, was observed in the dermis. The tumor was composed of a population of round cells, with generally distinct cell borders and a small-to-moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. The nuclei were irregularly rounded and occasionally edentulous, with vesicular chromatin, a visible nucleus, and 11 mitotic figures in an area of 2.37 mm2 . The immunohistochemical test, which was positive for the CD3 marker, confirmed the diagnosis of T cell lymphoma. On an ultrasound to identify metastasis, the liver showed heterogeneous parenchyma, heterogeneous expansive formation, areas of cavitary appearance, and cytology compatible with lymphoma. Antineoplastic chemotherapy was administered using the CHOP regimen (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone). However, the animal died after 45 days. Discussion: A diagnosis of the mycosis fungoides type of cutaneous epitheliotropic T cell lymphoma was established based on clinical, laboratory, anatomopathological, and immunohistochemical findings. Pruritus is a common clinical condition in animals with mycosis fungoides, particularly in those with the erythrodermic form of the disease. Epitheliotropic lymphomas have no sexual or racial predilections and usually affect dogs over 9 years of age. The Cocker Spaniel, English Bulldog, Boxer, Golden Retriever, Scottish Terrier, Briard, English Springer Spaniel, Beagle, German Shepherd, and English Cocker Spaniel breeds are frequently affected by these lymphomas. These neoplasms can have a primary skin origin, or they can be secondary and associated with lymphoma found elsewhere in the body. Chemotherapy is the treatment of choice, especially in cases with multifocal distribution. Protocol preference varies with disease stage, patient clinical and laboratory conditions, and the degree of toxicity. Commonly used chemotherapy regimens include L-CHOP (vincristine, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, L-asparaginase, and prednisolone), CHOP, COP (cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone), LAP (lomustine, L-asparaginase, and prednisolone), LOPP (lomustine, vincristine, procarbazine, prednisolone), chlorambucil, and prednisolone. The prognosis of canine epitheliotropic cutaneous lymphoma is unfavorable, with a survival time ranging from a few months to 2 years. The animal in this study survived for 105 days. In addition, epitheliotropic cutaneous T cell lymphoma is aggressive, which may result in a shorter survival time in animals affected by this type of tumor.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Linfoma Cutâneo de Células T/veterinária , Micose Fungoide/veterinária , Epitélio/patologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
We studied a 14-year-old male dog necropsied. Gross findings were hemorrhagic nodules in the spleen, liver, heart and abdominal and thoracic lymph nodes. Histologically, we homogeneously observed tumor cells often with prominent, bulging and mitotic nuclei that were pleomorphic and hyperchromatic, forming small blood vessels. Tumors in all organs were diagnosed as capillary hemangiosarcomas. No tumor cells were detected in the lungs. We presume that the primary tumor was present in the spleen, from where it metastasized multiple organs via lymphatic vessels.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Hemangiossarcoma/patologia , Baço , Metástase NeoplásicaResumo
Animals in human care often exceed the life expectancy of animals in the wild when they have veterinarian follow-ups, no competition for space or food, and continuous care. Advanced age favors the development of mutations that often trigger cancer, which sometimes causes death. There are reports in the literature on neoplasms in lions in the liver, which are one of the main organs affected. A 20-year-old lion specimen was received for necropsy at the Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil. Multiple cystic dilations were observed in the liver. Histologically, they were internally covered by a simple cuboidal epithelium, similar to that observed in the bile ducts, without cellular atypia. The adjacent liver parenchyma presented with mild disorganization of the hepatocyte cords. Biliary cystadenomas are benign growths formed by a thin opaque capsule filled with a slightly yellowish translucent fluid compressing the adjacent liver parenchyma, as highlighted in this case. The epithelium of the cysts was positive for anti-cytokeratin (CK) (EIA/A3E) and anti-CK7, confirming histogenesis in the bile ducts. This study reports a case of biliary cystadenoma in a Panthera leo specimen.(AU)
Animais , Expectativa de Vida , Cistadenoma/fisiopatologia , Leões/lesões , Fígado , Neoplasias/diagnóstico , Relatório de PesquisaResumo
Hyperadrenocorticism is a relatively common endocrinopathy in middle-aged and older dogs, which has become increasingly frequent in the clinical routine. The diagnosis is made by information obtained by history, physical exam findings and results of screening and specific endocrine tests. In addition to laboratory tests, imaging diagnosis, such as ultrasound, can aid on evaluation of possible changes in these cases; also, they may reveal the possible involvement of other organs and systems. The aim of this study was to present the main ultrasonographic changes observed in 18 dogs with hyperadrenocorticism, diagnosed from 2013 to 2020 by the low-dose dexamethasone suppression test, among which hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, gallbladder sludge, renal changes, cystitis and changes in adrenal size, such as bilateral and/or unilateral adrenomegaly, can be cited. Ultrasound examination, therefore, is an examination that can help the clinician in confirming the diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism, in addition to allowing differentiation between pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism (PDH) and adrenal tumors, and the evaluation of possible secondary changes to the disease.(AU)
iperadrenocorticismo é uma endocrinopatia relativamente comum em cães de meia idade e idosos, que tem se tornado cada vez mais frequente na rotina clínica O diagnóstico é confirmado por informações obtidas pelo histórico, achados de exame físico e resultados de exames de triagem e endócrinos específicos. Além dos exames laboratoriais, os exames de ima-gem, como a ultrassonografia, podem auxiliar na avaliação de possíveis alterações nesses casos; ademais, eles também podem revelar o possível envolvimento de outros órgãos e sistemas. O objetivo deste estudo foi apresentar as principais alterações ultrassonográficas observadas em 18 cães com hiperadrenocorticismo, diagnosticados de 2013 a 2020 pelo teste de supressão por dexametasona em baixa dose, dentre as quais podem ser citadas hepatomegalia, esplenomegalia, lama biliar, alterações renais, cistite e alterações no tamanho e formato das adrenais, como adrenomegalia bilateral e/u unilateral. A avaliação ultras-sonográfica, portanto, é um exame que pode ajudar o clínico a confirmar o diagnóstico de hiperadrenocorticismo, além de ajudar a diferenciar entre hiperadrenocorticismo hipófise-dependente (HHD) e tumores adrenais, e na avaliação de possíveis alterações secundárias à doença.(AU)
Animais , Hiperfunção Adrenocortical/diagnóstico por imagem , Cães , Glucocorticoides/análise , Ultrassom/métodos , Hepatomegalia/veterináriaResumo
The search for compounds with anticancer effects is of paramount importance today due to the high incidence of the disease. The Euphorbiaceae family is known for having compounds with therapeutic properties, one of its genera being Croton. It has several species, which contain compounds already known for their biological activities, presenting anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anticancer properties. Thus, the cytotoxicity/antiproliferative activity of semi-purified fractions and compounds isolated from Croton echioides in liver tumor cells of Rattus norvegicus (HTC) was evaluated by the MTT test. The semi-purified fractions showed cytotoxicity at concentrations above 200 µg/mL, at 24, 48 and 72 hours, reaching cell viability of 24.78% [400 µg/mL] at 24 hours, 12.79% [500 µg/mL] at 48 hours and 10.57% [300 µg/mL] at 72 hours. For the isolated compounds, lupeol had a cytotoxic effect in all concentrations (1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 µg/mL) and tested times (24, 48 and 72 hours), reaching minimum viability of 4.37% [100 µg/mL], within 72 hours. The clerodan diterpenes CEH-1 and CEH-4 also showed antiproliferative activity, with minimum viability of 36.19% [100 µg/mL] over 72 hours and 21.33% [100 µg/mL] over 48 hours, respectively. However, the clerodan diterpenes CEH-2 and CEH-3 did not shows a cytotoxic effect for HTC cells. Thus, there is a cytotoxic/antiproliferative potential of C. echioides against tumor cells, with targeted to mitochondrial enzymes, associated with cell proliferation, indicating that this species deserves prominence in the search for new molecules for the treatment of cancer.
A busca por compostos com efeitos anticâncer é de suma importância nos dias atuais devido à alta incidência desta doença. A família Euphorbiaceae é conhecida por possuir compostos com propriedades terapêuticas, sendo um de seus gêneros o Croton. Este possui diversas espécies, que contêm compostos já conhecidos por suas atividades biológicas, apresentando propriedades anti-inflamatórias, antimicrobianas e anticancerígenas. Assim, a citotoxicidade/atividade antiproliferativa de frações semipurificadas e compostos isolados de Croton echioides em células tumorais hepáticas de Rattus norvegicus (HTC) foi avaliada pelo teste MTT. As frações semipurificadas apresentaram citotoxicidade em concentrações acima de 200 µg/mL, em 24, 48 e 72 horas, atingindo viabilidade celular de 24,78% [400 µg/mL] em 24 horas, 12,79% [500 µg/mL] em 48 horas e 10,57% [300 µg/mL] às 72 horas. Para os compostos isolados, o lupeol teve efeito citotóxico em todas as concentrações (1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100 µg/mL) e tempos testados (24, 48 e 72 horas), atingindo a viabilidade mínima de 4,37% [100 µg/mL], em 72 horas. Os diterpenos clerodan CEH-1 e CEH-4 também apresentaram atividade antiproliferativa, com viabilidade mínima de 36,19% [100 µg/mL] em 72 horas e 21,33% [100 µg/mL] em 48 horas, respectivamente. No entanto, os diterpenos clerodanos CEH-2 e CEH-3 não apresentaram efeito citotóxico para células HTC. Assim, existe um potencial citotóxico/antiproliferativo de C. echioides contra células tumorais, com enzimas direcionadas a enzimas mitocondriais, associadas à proliferação celular, indicando que esta espécie merece destaque na busca de novas moléculas para o tratamento do câncer.
Croton , Antibióticos Antineoplásicos , NeoplasiasResumo
O mastocitoma é uma das neoplasias cutâneas mais comuns que acometem cães. O diagnóstico da doença é baseado em aspectos clínicos e laboratoriais, sendo a citologia e a histopatologia os métodos de eleição. Diante disso, o objetivo deste estudo é relatar a importância da ampla abordagem diagnóstica de mastocitoma cutâneo metastático em uma fêmea canina castrada, atendida no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Estadual do Ceará, com uma neoformação em membro compatível com mastocitoma. O estadiamento da paciente foi feito através de exames laboratoriais de hemograma completo, e citologia aspirativa de linfonodo regional e medula óssea, que evidenciaram a presença de focos de metástase; bem como do exame de ultrassom abdominal, que evidenciou alterações no parênquima hepático e linfoadenomegalia ilíaco medial direita. Diante das suspeitas, optou-se pela eutanásia da paciente, cujo corpo foi enviado para os exames de necropsia e histopatologia, os quais confirmaram o diagnóstico de mastocitoma cutâneo de alto grau, com metástase em fígado, pulmão, medula e linfonodos. Desta forma pode-se concluir que o mastocitoma cutâneo metastático é uma neoplasia de diagnóstico multifatorial, em que a realização de exames hematológicos associados às análises citológicas, histopatológicas e de imagem são indispensáveis para estabelecer o diagnóstico definitivo para que seja determinada uma melhor conduta terapêutica e prognóstico de pacientes caninos.
Mast cell tumors are one of the most common skin neoplasms that affect dogs. The diagnosis is based on clinical and laboratory aspects, with cytology and histopathology being the preferred methods. Therefore, this study aims to report the importance of the broad diagnostic approach of metastatic cutaneous mastocytoma in a castrated a female dog attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the State University of Ceará, with a neoformation in a member compatible with mast cell tumor. The patient's staging was performed through laboratory tests of complete blood count, aspiration cytology of regional lymph nodes and bone marrow, which showed the presence of focus of metastasis, as well as the abdominal ultrasound examination, which showed changes in the liver parenchymas and right medial iliac lymphadenopathy. Given the suspicions, the patient was euthanized and the body was sent for necropsy and histopathological examination, which confirmed the diagnosis of high-grade cutaneous mast cell tumor, with metastasis in the liver, lung, bone marrow, and lymph nodes. Thus, it can be is concluded that mast cell tumor is a neoplasm of multifactorial diagnosis, where hematological tests associated with cytology, histopathological, and imaging analyses are essential to establish the definitive diagnosis to determine a better therapeutic behavior and prognosis of canine patients.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Mastocitoma Cutâneo/diagnóstico , Mastocitoma Cutâneo/veterinária , Mastócitos/citologia , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica/diagnósticoResumo
This case reports an eight-years-old horse that presented a unilateral tumor in the left ocular orbital region diagnosed on the basis of clinical signs, gross anatomopathological and histopathological investigations. The affected area was exenteration and submitted to histopathological evaluation and was diagnosed as a non-teratoid medulloepithelioma. This is a rare ocular neoplasm that usually affects young individuals and was composed by neuroepithelium arranged in tubules and Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes without presence of heteroplastic components. The animals died and was submitted to post-mortem evaluation, revealing presence of medulloepithelioma metastases at the internal region of the head, lymph nodes, lungs, and liver. This neoplasm usually presents a benign frame; however, the case herein described shows that it can be highly malignant and aggressive since it can cause extensive lesions and spread metastases to visceral organs.
Animais , Cavalos , Tumores Neuroectodérmicos Primitivos/diagnóstico , Tumores Neuroectodérmicos Primitivos/veterinária , Neoplasias Oculares/classificação , Neoplasias Oculares/diagnósticoResumo
This case reports an eight-years-old horse that presented a unilateral tumor in the left ocular orbital region diagnosed on the basis of clinical signs, gross anatomopathological and histopathological investigations. The affected area was exenteration and submitted to histopathological evaluation and was diagnosed as a non-teratoid medulloepithelioma. This is a rare ocular neoplasm that usually affects young individuals and was composed by neuroepithelium arranged in tubules and Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes without presence of heteroplastic components. The animals died and was submitted to post-mortem evaluation, revealing presence of medulloepithelioma metastases at the internal region of the head, lymph nodes, lungs, and liver. This neoplasm usually presents a benign frame; however, the case herein described shows that it can be highly malignant and aggressive since it can cause extensive lesions and spread metastases to visceral organs.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos , Tumores Neuroectodérmicos Primitivos/diagnóstico , Tumores Neuroectodérmicos Primitivos/veterinária , Neoplasias Oculares/classificação , Neoplasias Oculares/diagnósticoResumo
Background: Nonspecific clinical manifestations such as apathy, anorexia and diarrhea are common in the clinical routine, and therefore may mask the severity of its triggering factor. When patients presenting this symptomatology are referred to the care center, it is essential that a thorough investigation is performed to clarify the primary causes of these manifestations, and for this, complementary imaging exams may be necessary. The objective of this study is to describe the clinical and imaging aspects of a canine with cardiac hemangiosarcoma and to correlate with the pathophysiology of the alterations observed, in order to optimize the clinical care of patients with nonspecific clinical signs and affected by this alteration. Case: A 10-year-old Pitbull dog was treated with a history of vomiting, loss of appetite and diarrhea. Upon clinical examination, the animal presented dehydration level and distended abdomen. On ultrasound examination, hepatomegaly was observed, associated with signs of double layer in the gallbladder wall and the presence of moderate peritoneal effusion. On chest radiography, the cardiac silhouette showed an important increase in size with loss of shape and contours. Dorsal displacement of the trachea, greater contact of the heart with the sternum and displacement of the caudal vena cava were observed. In addition, an amorphous and poorly defined structure with radiopacity of soft tissues was observed in the region of the atrium and right ventricle, causing the obliteration of pulmonary fields. On echocardiographic examination, a significant amount of free anechogenic fluid was observed in the pericardial sac, confirming the suspicion of pericardial effusion, with consequent collapse of the wall of the right heart chambers during systole. Furthermore, an amorphous, poorly defined and heterogeneous structure was observed in the right atrium wall. Due to the location of the neoformation, the patient's general clinical condition, euthanasia was chosen. During the necropsy, the ocular, oral and preputial mucosae were moderately pale. In the abdomen, the presence of hydroperitoneum and hepatomegaly was observed. In the thoracic cavity, hemothorax, enlarged heart were identified and, in the right atrium, a reddish mass was identified. In addition, the lungs were whitish and hypercrepitating at the edges of the cranial lobes; the rest of the organ was moderately hyperemic, hypocrepitating. In histopathological examination of the liver, the centrilobular region showed chronic passive congestion associated with necrosis and multifocal degeneration of hepatocytes. Neoplastic proliferation of mesenchymal cells, moderately cellular, non-encapsulated, of infiltrative growth was observed in the heart. Neoplastic cells formed bundles, with a tendency to organize themselves into small blood vessels filled with red blood cells. The cytoplasm was moderate, elongated, indistinct, eosinophilic and homogeneous. The nucleus was large, unique, elongated, with finely dotted chromatin and sometimes with one or two nucleoli evident. Anisocytosis, anisocariosis and cell pleomorphism were moderate. Interwoven with neoplastic cells, a moderate presence of multifocal lymphohistioplasmocytic inflammatory infiltrate was observed. The definitive diagnosis of cardiac changes was hemangiosarcoma. Discussion: Hemangiosarcoma is a vascular endothelial cell neoplasm with high metastatic power and unfavorable prognosis. When located in the heart, it is commonly found in the auricle and right atrium and the cardiovascular changes caused by this neoplasm as well as the severity of these changes vary according to size and location. Clinical manifestations can be quite nonspecific and are usually associated with hemodynamic impairment, causing signs of right or left congestive heart failure.
Animais , Cães , Tamponamento Cardíaco/veterinária , Neoplasias Cardíacas/veterinária , Hemangiossarcoma/fisiopatologia , Hemangiossarcoma/veterinária , Insuficiência Cardíaca/etiologiaResumo
A expressão de caderinas tem sido correlacionada ao desenvolvimento e agressividade de neoplasias epiteliais, entretanto, em tumores mamários caninos, seu prognóstico de importância é incerto. Devido a esse fato, a expressão das moléculas de adesão intracelular E e P-caderina e a correlação com a sobrevida global foram analisadas em 25 tumores de glândula mamária canina. A redução da expressão da caderina-E foi correlacionada com o tipo histológico, alto grau histológico e taxa de sobrevida global. A coloração de P-caderina foi maior em tumores malignos, sem relação com outras características clínico-patológicas de agressividade. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem uma relação entre menor expressão de E e P-caderina e pior prognóstico em tumores mamários caninos, incluindo menor sobrevida global.
Animais , Cães , Caderinas , Cães/anatomia & histologia , Cães/imunologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/diagnósticoResumo
A expressão de caderinas tem sido correlacionada ao desenvolvimento e agressividade de neoplasias epiteliais, entretanto, em tumores mamários caninos, seu prognóstico de importância é incerto. Devido a esse fato, a expressão das moléculas de adesão intracelular E e P-caderina e a correlação com a sobrevida global foram analisadas em 25 tumores de glândula mamária canina. A redução da expressão da caderina-E foi correlacionada com o tipo histológico, alto grau histológico e taxa de sobrevida global. A coloração de P-caderina foi maior em tumores malignos, sem relação com outras características clínico-patológicas de agressividade. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem uma relação entre menor expressão de E e P-caderina e pior prognóstico em tumores mamários caninos, incluindo menor sobrevida global.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cães/anatomia & histologia , Cães/imunologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Caderinas , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/diagnósticoResumo
Primary hepatic neoplasms are mostly detected in cattle as incidental findings in slaughterhouses or diagnosed at the necropsy, wherein it may be related to the cause of death. A proper characterization of primary hepatic neoplasms is essential to provide an accurate diagnosis, especially at the slaughter lines, in order to reduce erroneous condemnations. This work aimed to characterize the gross, histological, and immunohistochemical features of primary liver neoplasms detected in slaughtered cattle in Southern Brazil. Nineteen primary hepatic neoplasms were identified. Grossly, these lesions were classified according to their distribution, as focal, multifocal, or diffuse. Histologically, the shape and arrangement of the cells, as well as possible malignant features were evaluated. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was also performed for biliary epithelium (anti-CK7) and hepatocytes (anti-Hep Par-1) markers. Hepatocellular carcinoma (84.2%) was the most frequently detected hepatic neoplasm, followed by cholangiocarcinoma (15.8%), and these were only identified in adult cows. Hepatocellular carcinomas occurred as solitary masses or multifocal nodules, which on the cut surface were often green. Cholangiocarcinomas occurred as multifocal nodules, occasionally showing an umbilicated appearance. Histologically, hepatocellular carcinomas had mostly trabecular and solid patterns, while cholangiocarcinomas presented mostly a solid arrangement. Upon IHC, all hepatocellular carcinomas were immunolabeled for anti-Hep Par-1, ranging from mild (25%), moderate (31.2%) to marked (43.7%), while immunolabeling for anti-CK7 was detected only in one case of cholangiocarcinoma.(AU)
Os neoplasmas hepáticos primários são detectados em bovinos principalmente como achados incidentais em matadouros ou diagnosticados na necropsia, quando podem estar relacionados à causa da morte. A caracterização adequada dos tumores hepáticos primários é essencial para obter diagnósticos precisos, especialmente nas linhas de abate, com o propósito de reduzir condenações errôneas. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de determinar as características macroscópicas, histológicas e imuno-histoquímicas dos neoplasmas primários do fígado de bovinos abatidos em um matadouro-frigorífico no Sul do Brasil. Dezenove neoplasias hepáticas primárias foram identificadas. Macroscopicamente, os tumores hepáticos foram classificados de acordo com sua distribuição, como focais, multifocais ou difusos. Histologicamente, a forma e o arranjo das células e possíveis características malignas foram avaliados. Também foi realizada imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) para marcadores de epitélio biliar (anti-CK7) e hepatócitos (anti-Hep Par-1). O carcinoma hepatocelular (84,2%) foi o neoplasma hepático mais frequentemente detectado, seguido pelo colangiocarcinoma (15,8%). Esses tumores foram identificados apenas em vacas adultas. Os carcinomas hepatocelulares eram vistos como massas solitárias ou nódulos multifocais que na superfície de corte geralmente eram esverdeados. Os colangiocarcinomas foram observados como nódulos multifocais, ocasionalmente com aspecto umbilicado. Histologicamente, os padrões mais observados nos carcinomas hepatocelulares foram trabeculares e sólidos, enquanto nos colangiocarcinomas o arranjo sólido foi o mais frequente. Na IHQ, todos os carcinomas hepatocelulares foram marcados por anti-Hep Par-1, com marcação que variou de leve (25%), moderada (31,2%) a acentuada (43,7%); imunomarcação para anti-CK7 foi detectada em apenas um caso de colangiocarcinoma.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos , Colangiocarcinoma/veterinária , Carcinoma Hepatocelular/veterinária , Neoplasias Hepáticas/patologia , Neoplasias Hepáticas/veterinária , Neoplasias Hepáticas/epidemiologia , MatadourosResumo
Primary hepatic neoplasms are mostly detected in cattle as incidental findings in slaughterhouses or diagnosed at the necropsy, wherein it may be related to the cause of death. A proper characterization of primary hepatic neoplasms is essential to provide an accurate diagnosis, especially at the slaughter lines, in order to reduce erroneous condemnations. This work aimed to characterize the gross, histological, and immunohistochemical features of primary liver neoplasms detected in slaughtered cattle in Southern Brazil. Nineteen primary hepatic neoplasms were identified. Grossly, these lesions were classified according to their distribution, as focal, multifocal, or diffuse. Histologically, the shape and arrangement of the cells, as well as possible malignant features were evaluated. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was also performed for biliary epithelium (anti-CK7) and hepatocytes (anti-Hep Par-1) markers. Hepatocellular carcinoma (84.2%) was the most frequently detected hepatic neoplasm, followed by cholangiocarcinoma (15.8%), and these were only identified in adult cows. Hepatocellular carcinomas occurred as solitary masses or multifocal nodules, which on the cut surface were often green. Cholangiocarcinomas occurred as multifocal nodules, occasionally showing an umbilicated appearance. Histologically, hepatocellular carcinomas had mostly trabecular and solid patterns, while cholangiocarcinomas presented mostly a solid arrangement. Upon IHC, all hepatocellular carcinomas were immunolabeled for anti-Hep Par-1, ranging from mild (25%), moderate (31.2%) to marked (43.7%), while immunolabeling for anti-CK7 was detected only in one case of cholangiocarcinoma.(AU)
Os neoplasmas hepáticos primários são detectados em bovinos principalmente como achados incidentais em matadouros ou diagnosticados na necropsia, quando podem estar relacionados à causa da morte. A caracterização adequada dos tumores hepáticos primários é essencial para obter diagnósticos precisos, especialmente nas linhas de abate, com o propósito de reduzir condenações errôneas. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de determinar as características macroscópicas, histológicas e imuno-histoquímicas dos neoplasmas primários do fígado de bovinos abatidos em um matadouro-frigorífico no Sul do Brasil. Dezenove neoplasias hepáticas primárias foram identificadas. Macroscopicamente, os tumores hepáticos foram classificados de acordo com sua distribuição, como focais, multifocais ou difusos. Histologicamente, a forma e o arranjo das células e possíveis características malignas foram avaliados. Também foi realizada imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) para marcadores de epitélio biliar (anti-CK7) e hepatócitos (anti-Hep Par-1). O carcinoma hepatocelular (84,2%) foi o neoplasma hepático mais frequentemente detectado, seguido pelo colangiocarcinoma (15,8%). Esses tumores foram identificados apenas em vacas adultas. Os carcinomas hepatocelulares eram vistos como massas solitárias ou nódulos multifocais que na superfície de corte geralmente eram esverdeados. Os colangiocarcinomas foram observados como nódulos multifocais, ocasionalmente com aspecto umbilicado. Histologicamente, os padrões mais observados nos carcinomas hepatocelulares foram trabeculares e sólidos, enquanto nos colangiocarcinomas o arranjo sólido foi o mais frequente. Na IHQ, todos os carcinomas hepatocelulares foram marcados por anti-Hep Par-1, com marcação que variou de leve (25%), moderada (31,2%) a acentuada (43,7%); imunomarcação para anti-CK7 foi detectada em apenas um caso de colangiocarcinoma.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos , Colangiocarcinoma/veterinária , Carcinoma Hepatocelular/veterinária , Neoplasias Hepáticas/patologia , Neoplasias Hepáticas/veterinária , Neoplasias Hepáticas/epidemiologia , MatadourosResumo
Purpose: The benefits of laparoscopic approaches to treat colorectal cancer (CRC) and colorectal liver metastases (CRLM) separately are well established. However, there is no consensus about the optimal timing to approach the primary tumor and CRLM, whether simultaneously or staged. The objective of this review with practical reports is to discuss technical aspects required for patient selection to perform simultaneous laparoscopic approaches for CRC and CRLM. Methods: Literature review of oncological factors associated with patient selection for surgical treatment of CRLM and the use of laparoscopy in those cases, and report of technical aspects for simultaneous CRC and CRLM approaches. Results: Simultaneous laparoscopic resection has been successful in many series of selected patients, although it seems to be safer to perform minor and major liver resection with non-extended colorectal resections, and to avoid two high-risk procedures at the same time. Conclusions: Simultaneous CRC and CRLM resections seem to be safe when patients are carefully selected, also considering the risk of recurrence concerning oncologic outcomes. The pre-planning of simultaneous resection is mandatory to plan trocar positioning, procedure sequencing, and patient position.(AU)