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Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-690221


In this paper, we transfer Nicomache interstricta Ehlers, 1908 to Lumbriclymene Sars, 1872 based on a redescription of the type-specimen. We provide new illustrations for the species and new diagnostic features for the genus. Lumbriclymene interstricta (Ehlers, 1908) comb. nov. has 19 chaetigerous segments and four pre-anal achaetous segments; a prostomium rounded anteriorly, forming a slightly arched dorsal keel; semi-circular nuchal grooves; one acicular spine on chaetigers 1-4; and a small pygidium, with the anal pore bearing many small papillae. In addition, we compare the species with other subfamilies and genera of Maldanidae. We also provide a taxonomic key for all species presently included in Lumbriclymene. Finally, we provide a world catalogue for Lumbriclymene, containing synonyms and main references.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1503922


In this paper, we transfer Nicomache interstricta Ehlers, 1908 to Lumbriclymene Sars, 1872 based on a redescription of the type-specimen. We provide new illustrations for the species and new diagnostic features for the genus. Lumbriclymene interstricta (Ehlers, 1908) comb. nov. has 19 chaetigerous segments and four pre-anal achaetous segments; a prostomium rounded anteriorly, forming a slightly arched dorsal keel; semi-circular nuchal grooves; one acicular spine on chaetigers 1-4; and a small pygidium, with the anal pore bearing many small papillae. In addition, we compare the species with other subfamilies and genera of Maldanidae. We also provide a taxonomic key for all species presently included in Lumbriclymene. Finally, we provide a world catalogue for Lumbriclymene, containing synonyms and main references.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-441213


In this paper, we transfer Nicomache interstricta Ehlers, 1908 to Lumbriclymene Sars, 1872 based on a redescription of the type-specimen. We provide new illustrations for the species and new diagnostic features for the genus. Lumbriclymene interstricta (Ehlers, 1908) comb. nov. has 19 chaetigerous segments and four pre-anal achaetous segments; a prostomium rounded anteriorly, forming a slightly arched dorsal keel; semi-circular nuchal grooves; one acicular spine on chaetigers 1-4; and a small pygidium, with the anal pore bearing many small papillae. In addition, we compare the species with other subfamilies and genera of Maldanidae. We also provide a taxonomic key for all species presently included in Lumbriclymene. Finally, we provide a world catalogue for Lumbriclymene, containing synonyms and main references.