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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(4): 721-734, July-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447346


The objective of this work was to compare the dry matter intake, milk yield and quality, physiological and biochemical parameters in Holstein (n=10) and Jersey (n=10) cows under heat stress and insolation, in two treatments: CL - cooling by ventilation and sprinkling and HS - heat stress and insolation. Data were submitted to ANOVA. There was an interaction between treatment and breed and day effect for dry matter intake. For consumption in % of body weight, CL and Jersey cows consumed more. CL cows produced more milk and 3.5% fat-corrected milk. Feed efficiency was similar between treatments and breeds. Fat, lactose, total solids, and somatic cell score did not differ. The concentration of milk urea nitrogen was higher for CL cows. Milk from Holstein cows had greater stability to alcohol, and from HT cows had a greater freezing point of milk. HT cows had higher respiratory rates in the morning and surface temperatures in the afternoon. There were no differences in beta-hydroxybutyrate and glucose concentrations. Heat stress, with insulation, reduces intake, especially in Holstein cows, as well as milk production and increases the freezing point of milk, respiratory rate, and surface temperature.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o consumo de matéria seca, a produção e a qualidade do leite, os parâmetros fisiológicos e bioquímicos em vacas das raças Holandesa (n=10) e Jersey (n=10) sob estresse calórico e insolação, em dois tratamentos: CL - resfriamento por ventilação e aspersão; HS - estresse térmico e insolação. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância. Houve interação entre tratamento e raça e efeito de dia para consumo de matéria seca. Para consumo em % de peso vivo, vacas CL e Jersey consumiram mais. Vacas CL produziram mais leite e leite corrigido a 3,5% de gordura. A eficiência alimentar foi similar entre tratamentos e raças. Teores de gordura, lactose, sólidos totais e escore de células somáticas não diferiram. A concentração de nitrogênio ureico do leite foi maior para vacas CL. O leite das vacas Holandesas apresentou maior estabilidade ao álcool, e de vacas HT maior crioscopia. Vacas HT apresentaram maior frequência respiratória de manhã e temperatura superficial à tarde. Não houve diferenças para concentração de beta-hidroxibutirato e glicose. O estresse calórico, com insolação, reduz o consumo, especialmente em vacas Holandesas, bem como a produção de leite, com aumento da crioscopia, elevando a frequência respiratória e a temperatura superficial.

Animais , Bovinos , Insolação , Radiação Solar , Leite/química , Temperatura Alta/efeitos adversos
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e58041, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413072


This study aimed to determine the effect of using different sources of nitrogen to supply part of degradable intake protein needs in lactating goat performance and its effect on excretion of microbial purine derivatives and blood metabolites. Thirty-two lactating Saanen goats (body weight 38.85 ± 2.14 kg and 1979 ± 0.25 gday-1milk yield) were used in a one-way ANOVA completely randomized design. Goats were assigned to the following treatments for a 10-wk experimental period: 1) Control (canola meal as a nitrogen source); 2) Urea (0.5% urea); 3) Optigen (0.55% Optigen-Alltech.Inc., Lexington, KY) and 4) Polymer-Coated Urea (PCU-international patent number: A01K5/00, 0.7% PCU) based on dry mater intake. Non-protein nitrogen groups had a comparative effect (p > 0.05) between control and other treatments on milk composition, microbial protein synthesis and they affected on blood factors including urea, cholesterol, and ALT. Dry matter intake decreased (p > 0.05) in PCU, Optigen, Urea than Control goats. Synthesis of microbial protein in PCUgoats was 22.5 g day-1and it was greater (p > 0.05) than other treatments. Plasma cholesterol was increased in PCUand Optigen, whereas urea concentration was increased in Urea and Control goats. Milk production was higher in PCUthan Urea and Control. Feed conversion ratio was improved (p > 0.05) in PCU and Optigengoats versusother treatments.This study demonstrated that polymer-coated ureacan be utilized as a nitrogen source and improve goats milk performance.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cabras/fisiologia , Lactação/fisiologia , Irã (Geográfico)
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(3): e2023018, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509900


Heat stress response in dairy cattle affects milk production, quality, body temperature, and other parameters. Dairy cows will most likely experience increased heat stress with unabated global warming. Elevated temperatures and humidity reduce feed intake, harm reproductive potential, and reduce milk production. Heat stress is more common in high-yielding cows than in low-yielding ones. In addition to reducing milk production, heat stress can also reduce milk quality. During lactation, internal metabolic heat production can further reduce cattle's substances to high temperatures, resulting in altered milk composition and decreased milk yield. Several studies proposed various nutritional strategies such as dietary fats, dietary fibers, microbial diets, mineral substances, vitamins, metal ion buffers, plant extracts, and other antistress additives. This review addresses the challenging study on the effects of heat stress on nutritional and fed intake perturbations, milk and components yield, immune system activation, and reproduction parameters. It proves that specific nutritional strategies effectively mitigate the harmful effects of heat stress in dairy cattle.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Lactação/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: 74079E, 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1430187


Milk's qualitative and technological properties are greatly affected by genetic polymorphisms in the kappa-casein gene, and their polymorphisms may serve as informative markers of yield and composition. Thus, the objective of this study was to detect kappa-casein (kappa-CN) gene polymorphisms and their association with milk production traits in crossbred dairy cows. One hundred healthy crossbred (Friesian x Jenoubi) dairy animals between three and five years old were sampled for blood and milk during their first lactation. The genomic DNA was extracted from whole blood, and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP-PCR) was used to determine the genotype of the kappa-CN gene. As a consequence of the restriction digestion of this fragment with Hind III, it showed three different restriction patterns: BB (453 base pairs uncut), AB (453, 206, and 225 base pairs), and AA (206 and 225 base pairs). Based on genetic diversity, the AB genotype was the most predominant (n = 67), with a frequency of 0.67. A variant genotype of the kappa-CN gene was associated with milk production traits in crossbred dairy cows. Animals with the AA variant produced a higher milk yield and a higher percentage of fat, casein, protein, and solids not fat (SNF) (P≤0.05) (1.397kg, 0.75%, 0.31%, 0.27%, and 0.68%, respectively) than those with the BB variant. A logistic regression analysis confirmed that the kappa-CN genotypes increase milk yield and casein content. Therefore, genetic variants of the kappa-CN gene could be used as genetic markers for improving milk production traits in dairy cattle.(AU)

As propriedades qualitativas e tecnológicas do leite são muito afetadas por polimorfismos genéticos no gene kappa-caseína e esses polimorfismos podem servir como marcadores informativos de rendimento e composição. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi detectar polimorfismos do gene kappa-caseína (kappa-CN) e sua associação com características de produção de leite em vacas leiteiras mestiças. Cem animais mestiços (Freisian x Jenoubi) saudáveis, entre três e cinco anos de idade, foram amostrados durante a primeira lactação para sangue e leite. O DNA genômico foi extraído do sangue total e o polimorfismo dos fragmentos de restrição do DNA genômico (RFLP-PCR) foi usado para determinar o genótipo do gene kappa-CN. Em consequência da digestão de restrição deste fragmento com Hind III, ele apresentou três padrões de restrição diferentes: BB (453 pares de bases não cortadas), AB (453,206 e 225 pares de bases) eAA (206 e 225 pares de bases). Com base na diversidade genética, o genótipo AB foi o mais predominante (n = 67), com frequência de 0,67. Genótipo variante do gene kappa-CN foi associado com características de produção de leite em vacas leiteiras mestiças. Animais com a variante AA tiveram maior produção de leite e maior percentual de gordura, caseína, proteína e sólidos não gordurosos (SNG) (P≤0,05) (l,397kg, 0,75%, 0,31%, 0,27% e 0,68%, respectivamente) do que aqueles com variante BB. Uma análise de regressão logística confirmou que os genótipos kappa-CN aumentam a produção de leite e o teor de caseína. Portanto, variantes genéticas do gene kappa-CN podem ser usadas como marcadores genéticos para melhorar as características de produção de leite em bovinos leiteiros.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos/genética , Caseínas/análise , Variantes Farmacogenômicos
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e57546, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1396762


This experiment conducted using 20 Rahmani ewes at the last third of pregnancy in two equal groups. One group served as control, while the other group received Spirulina platensis(SP) at the rate of 0.5 gm 10 kg-1live body weight. The objective was to find out the effect of adding Spirulina platensisalgae to small ruminant rations on reproductive and productive traits and blood components of sheep. The experiments lasted for 120 days for both dams and their lambs after weaning. The findings proved that adding SP in ewes' diets had no effect on the average of live body weight change. Average milk yield was significantly (p <0.01) higher in the treatment group than the control. Lamb's birth weight and daily body gain of the treated group were significantly (p <0.01) higher than the control. Blood and serum picture profile of ewes were significantly higher when fed SP additive than the control.It could be concluded that the addition of SP to the ration of sheep positively preserved their health, productive and reproductive status as well as their lambs' growth rate. Also the additive improved the economic efficiency of treated animals by about 53.13%.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Ruminantes/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Spirulina/química , Ração Animal/análise , Ovinos/fisiologia
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20210201, 2022. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442980


The main objective of this study was to determine the effects of milking system on growth, reproduction, and milk yield and composition of East Friesiancross (Tahirova) dairy sheep that were milked in the evening during the suckling period. A total of 43 Tahirova ewes and 58 lambs were used in the present study. One of the groups was milked in the evening (evening milked; EM) before coming together with their lambs, and the other group was not (not milked in the evening; NEM). Morning milking was performed in both groups during the study. Lambs in both groups were individually weaned at the age of 60 days. There was no statistical difference between the lambs' live weight at weaning in the EM and NEM groups, determined to be 23.46 and 24.11 kg, respectively. Live weight values of lambs were similar in the groups at ages of up to 180 days. The reproductive characteristics of ewe lambs in the EM and NEM groups, having similar growth rates and a similar live weight and body condition in the first estrus stages, were also similar. The return rate and frequency of return were close in both groups of ewe lambs. Milk yield of the NEM group was significantly higher than that of the EM group before and after weaning. However, in groups with similar lactation milk yield and length, the total marketable milk yield was higher in the suckling period of the EM group. The milking system in suckling period of Tahirova ewes does not significantly affect growth, average daily gain, and reproductive characteristics. Milk yield in the NEM group before and after weaning was significantly higher than the EM group, but the total marketable milk yield was higher in the EM group.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Ovinos/fisiologia , Leite/fisiologia , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos , Estro/fisiologia
Sci. agric ; 79(3): e20200334, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1290195


Adding ionophores to ruminant diets is a strategy to manipulate ruminal fermentation and improve milk yield. This study evaluates the effects of narasin supply to lactating ewes on dry matter intake (DMI), milk yield and composition, and performance of the lambs. Thirty lactating Santa Inês and Santa Inês × Dorper ewes fed a basal diet containing 50 % coastcross hay and 50 % concentrate were randomly assigned to two treatments: control (CON; without ionophores) or NAR (addition of 13 mg narasin kg-1 DM). From the 2nd to 10th week of lactation, DMI of ewes was determined, and once a week, their milk production and composition was measured over a 3-h interval. At the 10th week of lactation, lambs were weaned and their average daily gain (ADG) and starter DMI continued to be evaluated for two more weeks. Narasin supply did not affect weight and DMI of ewes. Ewes fed NAR had greater feed efficiency for milk production and displayed tendency for higher milk yield. Narasin supply reduced milk protein levels, but it did not affect other milk component levels. Ewes fed NAR had greater production of milk urea nitrogen and showed tendency for higher production of fat and total solids. Starter DMI of lambs was not affected by treatments; however, there was a tendency for greater weaning weight for NAR lambs. At the end of experiment, no differences were observed in the performance of lambs. The supply of 13 mg narasin kg-1 to lactating ewes improved milk yield efficiency and tended to increase the weaning weight of their lambs.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/fisiologia , Coccidiostáticos/química , Leite/fisiologia , Animais Lactentes/fisiologia , Lactação , Ionóforos/análise
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20210102, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442939


This study examined the replacement of maize and soybean meal with cassava chips and alfalfa grazing, respectively. Twelve lactating Anglo-Nubian goats were kept on a Panicum maximum cv. Tobiatã pasture. The experiment was laid out in a Latin square design in which the following diets were tested: ground maize + soybean meal, cassava chips + soybean meal, ground maize + alfalfa grazing, and cassava chips + alfalfa grazing. The evaluated variables were feed intake, daily weight gain, milk yield and composition, and feeding behavior of the goats as well as production costs. Cassava chips and grazed alfalfa influenced the intakes of dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, and total digestible nutrients. However, milk yield, body weight, and body score did not change. There was no diet effect on the proportions of protein, solids-not-fat, somatic cell count, or urea nitrogen in the milk. Treatments influenced the levels of fat, lactose, and total solids in milk, with the highest fat levels achieved with diets containing alfalfa. Grazing, rumination, and idle times and time spent interacting with other goats were not influenced by diets. The evaluated feedstuffs improved feed efficiency and reduced production costs. Therefore, cassava chips and alfalfa can replace certain ingredients without impairing the production performance of goats, but rather improving the profit of the producer.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cabras/fisiologia , Pastagens , Leite/química , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Manihot/efeitos adversos , Medicago sativa/efeitos adversos
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 16(2): 161-165, maio 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1392616


The Brazilian dairy sector is important for the world agricultural production; however, it presents problems in production efficiency and milk quality, since the occurrence of mastitis in the herds can reach 47%. The present study analyzed data from a rural property with 100 lactating cows in a semi-intensive breeding system, which did not adopt adequate hygiene management for milking processes. Corrective measures were proposed, such as daily strip cup test, biweekly California Mastitis Test, formation of a new milking line, and daily pre dipping and post dipping and cleaning of teat cups. Milk samples from 10 animals with positive clinical mastitis, 10 animals with positive subclinical mastitis, and from the cooling tank were collected at one day before and 90 days after the implementation of the proposed measures and sent to a laboratory for analysis of somatic cell counting (SCC) and total bacteria counting (TBC). An increase of 17% in milk production and decreases of 64% and 40% in clinical and subclinical mastitis, respectively, were found after 90 days, with a consequent decrease in SCC and TBC. The milking duration after this period denoted an adaptation of the employees to the new procedures. The production financial yield was calculated based on the implementation costs of the adopted adequations and increases in milk production, representing a profitability increase of 10.4%. The implemented adequations were efficient for the control of mastitis and increase in milk yield and quality, resulting in a positive economic return.(AU)

O setor lácteo brasileiro possui grande relevância na produção agrícola mundial e apesar disso, ainda são encontra-dos problemas na eficiência produtiva e na qualidade do leite, onde a prevalência de mastite nos rebanhos pode chegar a 47%. Neste estudo, foram analisados dados de uma propriedade rural com 100 vacas lactantes e sistema de criação semi-intensivo, que não adotava manejo higiênico adequado na ordenha. Foram propostas medidas de correção como execução diária do teste da caneca telada e teste quinzenal do CMT, formação de nova linha de ordenha, adoção diária do pré dipping e pós dipping e higienização das teteiras. Foram coletadas amostras de leite de 10 animais positivos para mastite clínica, 10positivos para mastite subclínica e do tanque de resfriamento um dia antes e 90 dias após a implementação das novas medidas e enviadas ao laboratório para análise da CCS e CBT. Após 90 dias, houve aumento na produção de leite em 17% e redução dos índices de mastite clínica e subclínica em 64% e 40%, respectivamente, com consequente diminuição dos valores de CCS e CBT. A duração da ordenha após esse período indicou adaptação dos colaboradores aos novos procedimentos instaurados. Por fim, calculou-se o rendimento financeiro da produção baseado nos custos de implantação das correções e no aumento da produção de leite, que reverteu-se em lucratividade 10,4% maior. Conclui-se que as adequações implementadas foram eficazes no con-trole de mastite e no aumento da produtividade dos animais e da qualidade do leite, resultando em retorno econômico positivo.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Indicadores Econômicos , Mastite Bovina/diagnóstico , Bovinos , Leite/química
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20210150, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443017


We aimed to evaluate the effects of the addition of oregano (Origanum vulgare) or green tea (Camellia sinensis L.) extracts (separately and associated) on feed intake, milk production, and hematological and antioxidant profiles of dairy cows. For that purpose, 16 Holstein and 16 Holstein-Gyr cows with 526.3±10.2 kg and within the first third of lactation were distributed according to a complete block design with measurements repeated in time. Treatments were control (CON), addition of 0.056% of oregano extract (OR), addition of 0.028% of green tea extract (GT), addition of a mixture of OR and GT extract (0.056% each) in the diet (MIX). Hematological and antioxidant profiles were monitored. Data were subjected to ANOVA, with block, treatment, days, and their interactions considered as fixed effects and animal and the residue as random effects. In Holstein cows, GT increased feed intake and milk yield compared with CON; in Holstein-Gyr crossbred cows, OR showed increased intake and GT increased milk yield compared with CON. Compared with CON, GT and OR decreased eosinophils concentration; OR showed the highest neutrophils concentration and neutrophils to leukocyte ratio. Compared with CON, OR presented increased catalase (CAT) activity, while GT increased the reduced glutathione concentration. The MIX treatment reduced CAT activity compared with OR, presented the lowest concentration of oxidized dichlorofluorescein in the erythrocytes (DCFER) and plasma (DCFPLA), and increased eosinophils concentration compared with GT and OR. Extracts differently affected feed intake and milk yield depending on genetic group. Feeding green tea and oregano extracts separately or associated distinctly affects the antioxidant indicators of lactating dairy cows.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Leite/fisiologia , Aditivos Alimentares/efeitos adversos , Antioxidantes/efeitos adversos , Chá/química , Extratos Vegetais/efeitos adversos , Origanum/química
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(1): 197-210, jan.-fev. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1368625


This study examines the impact of the body mass index (BMI) at calving on the development and postpartum efficiency of cows of Zebu origin. The study involved 87 cows and their calves [pure Nellore (N) or predominant Nellore composition in a cross with Charolais (C) (3/4N1/4C and 5/8N3/8C)]. The mothers were grouped into classes according to their BMI at calving, namely, 'small', 'moderate' and 'large'. Body mass index was determined by dividing the body weight of the cows by their length and by hip height and then dividing the result by 10. Cows were weighed at calving, at weaning, at the end of the breeding period and at the diagnosis of pregnancy. Calves were weighed at birth, at early weaning (63 days) and at 210 of age. To evaluate milk yield and quality, milk was collected at 21, 42 and 63 days after calving. Milk yield was measured by the direct method, with manual milking, followed by analysis of the lactose, fat, total solids and crude protein contents. Pregnancy rate was similar between the three BMI groups; however, cows with a lower BMI were more efficient at calving in producing kilograms of calf per kilogram of cow kept. Higher BMI provide higher milk yields, without affecting its quality, as well as heavier calves at early weaning and at 210 days of age.(AU)

O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi avaliar o impacto do índice de massa corporal (IMC) ao parto no desenvolvimento e eficiência pós-parto de vacas de origem zebuína. Utilizou-se 87 vacas e seus bezerros [Nelore (N) puros ou com predominância em cruzamento com Charolês (C) (3/4N1/4C e 5/8N3/8C)], agrupadas em classes segundo o seu IMC ao parto, em 'pequenas', 'moderadas' e 'grandes'. O índice de massa corporal foi determinado através da divisão do peso corporal das vacas pelo seu comprimento e pela altura de quadril e posteriormente o resultado dividido por 10. As vacas foram pesadas no parto; ao desmame; final da monta e no diagnóstico de gestação. Os bezerros foram pesados ao nascimento, na desmama precoce (63 dias) e aos 210 dias de idade. Para a avaliação da produção e qualidade do leite das vacas foram realizadas três coletas aos 21, 42 e 63 dias após o parto. A medida da produção de leite foi realizada pelo método direto, com ordenha manual, seguida de análise do teor de lactose, gordura, extrato seco total e proteína bruta. A taxa de prenhez foi similar para os três índices de massa corporal, no entanto vacas de menor IMC foram mais eficientes ao parto na produção de quilogramas de bezerros por quilograma de vaca mantida. O IMC alto propicia maior produção de leite sem que a qualidade seja alterada e bezerros mais pesados no desmame precoce e no peso aos 210 dias.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Peso Corporal , Prenhez , Leite , Período Pós-Parto
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 23: e-72333P, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1404212


This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the first and last stocking strategies combined with a partial substitution of the protein from the supplement for urea nitrogen on nutrient intake and digestibility, milk composition, and nitrogen balance of primiparous Girolando cows. The cows were allocated to a double 4 × 4 Latin square composed of four animals and four treatments in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. Supplements were formulated to provide an intake of 0.6% body weight, with and without the inclusion of 21% urea nitrogen in their composition. The first stocking management method improved nutrient intake and digestibility. Supplementation with urea led to a 47% higher excretion of urine N (g/day) than the urea treatment. The combination of the supplement without urea and the first stocking provided higher intake and retention of nitrogen and higher retained-N levels (%digested N). The combination of a supplement containing 21% urea nitrogen and the first stocking can be used without compromising the nutritional and productive parameters of the cows.

Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos dos manejos do pastejo ponta e repasse combinados a substituição parcial da proteína do suplemento por nitrogênio ureico sobre o consumo e digestibilidade dos nutrientes, composição do leite e balanço de nitrogênio de vacas primíparas da raça Girolanda. As vacas foram alocadas em dois quadrados latinos 4 x 4 compostos de quatro animais cada e quatro tratamentos em um esquema fatorial 2 x 2. Os suplementos foram formulados para um consumo de 0,6% do peso corporal: sem utilização de nitrogênio ureico; ou com 21% de nitrogênio ureico em sua composição. O manejo do pastejo de ponta melhorou o consumo e a digestibilidade dos nutrientes. O suplemento contendo ureia excretou 47% a mais de N urina (g/dia) em comparação ao suplemento sem ureia. A combinação entre o suplemento sem ureia e o manejo de pastejo ponta apresentou maior ingestão e retenção de nitrogênio e maior N retido (%N digerido). A combinação entre o suplemento contendo 21% de nitrogênio ureico e o pastejo de ponta pode ser utilizada sem prejuízos aos parâmetros nutricionais e produtivos das vacas.

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Ureia/análise , Creatinina/análise , Brachiaria , Leite , Dieta/veterinária , Nitrogênio/análise , Pastagens
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(3): 1065-1078, maio.-jun. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369350


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different concentrate supplementation strategies to lactating F1 Holstein x Zebu cows managed on deferred signal grass pasture on milk yield, composition and body weight gain. Thirty-six F1 Holstein x Zebu cows with average days in milk of 102 ± 10 and body weight of 501 ± 19 kg were allotted to a 4 x 5 completely randomized factorial design, with four feeding strategies and five weeks of evaluation. The treatments consisted of four nutritional strategies: deferred pasture as a source of roughage + 700 grams of protein supplement (PDPI); deferred pasture as a source of roughage + 1,200 grams of protein supplement (PDPII); deferred pasture + 15 kilograms of corn silage (natural basis) + 1,200 grams of protein supplement (PDSP) and corn silage (ad libitum) + 700 grams of protein supplement (CSS). There was no interaction (P = 0.99) between supplementation strategies and test days on milk yield and chemical composition. The mean milk yield of cows managed on PDPI, PDPII and PDSP was 11.50 kg/day (P > 0.05), which was 14.30% lower than that of cows managed on CSS. Fat content (P < 0.01), protein (P < 0.01), lactose (P < 0.01), defatted dry extract (DDE) (P< 0 .01), total solids (P < 0.01) and milk casein (P < 0.01) were affected by different supplementation strategies. F1 Holstein x Zebu cows on deferred Urochloa decumbens cv. Basilisk pasture and supplemented with concentrate maintains milk production at 11.50 kg with normal composition, maintaining satisfactory body weight and condition score.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de diferentes estratégias de suplementação com concentrado para vacas F1 Holandês x Zebu em lactação manejadas em pastagem de capim-braquiária diferida sobre a produção, composição e ganho de peso corporal do leite. Trinta e seis vacas F1 Holandês x Zebu com média de dias em leite de 102 ± 10 e peso corporal de 501 ± 19 kg foram distribuídas em um planejamento fatorial 4 x 5 inteiramente casualizado, com quatro estratégias de alimentação e cinco semanas de avaliação. Os tratamentos consistiram em quatro estratégias nutricionais: pasto diferido como fonte de volumoso + 700 gramas de suplemento protéico (PDPI); pastagem diferida como fonte de volumoso + 1.200 gramas de suplemento protéico (PDPII); pastagem diferida + 15 quilos de silagem de milho (base natural) + 1.200 gramas de suplemento protéico (PDSP) e silagem de milho (ad libitum) + 700 gramas de suplemento protéico (CSS). Não houve interação (P = 0,99) entre as estratégias de suplementação e os dias de teste na produção e composição química do leite. A produção média de leite das vacas manejadas com PDPI, PDPII e PDSP foi de 11,50 kg / dia (P > 0,05), que foi 14,30% menor que a das vacas manejadas com CSS. O teor de gordura (P < 0,01), proteína (P < 0,01), lactose (P < 0,01), extrato seco desengordurado (DDE) (P < 0,01), sólidos totais (P < 0,01) e caseína do leite (P < 0,01) foram afetados por diferentes estratégias de suplementação. Vacas F1 Holandês x Zebu em Urochloa decumbens diferida cv. O pasto de Basilisk e suplementada com concentrado mantém a produção de leite em 11,50 kg com composição normal, mantendo peso corporal e escore de condição satisfatórios.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Peso Corporal , Lactação , Aumento de Peso , Caseínas , Pastagens , Poaceae
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20210122, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442863


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of pre-farrowing lipid supplementation for three days on performance parameters of sows and piglets and the survival rate of litters. Four hundred hyperprolific sows were randomly distributed in blocks according to their body condition score, weight, and parity order. Three levels of soybean oil were added on top at the time of feed supply and compared to the control treatment. The levels were: 250 mL, 500 mL, and 1,000 mL, in addition to the control that contained only the crude fat present in the feed (5.04%). Sows were weighed and evaluated for their body condition score at the beginning and end of the lactation period, and their piglets were weighed at birth, after 24 h, and at weaning to determine colostrum yield of the sow and daily weight gain of piglets during the lactation period. Survival rate of litters was also evaluated. Weight loss of gilts decreased linearly as the level of supplemented oil increased. The other parameters evaluated were not affected by treatments, suggesting that the supplemented soybean oil was used for growth rather than milk production of gilts. Additionally, it had no effect on the performance of multiparous females. Under the experimental conditions of this study, soybean oil supplementation for gilts in the first three days before farrowing decrease their weight loss but does not change their body condition score, colostrum yield, and performance and survival of their litters.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Suínos/fisiologia , Óleo de Soja/efeitos adversos , Colostro/química , Ração Animal/análise , Lipídeos/biossíntese
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 09(02): 1-10, Apr. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-763904


The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of meteorological and other factors on the quality and quantity of milk of the Spanish Churra sheep breed, based on an analysis of 359,808 milk controls from 9,904 ewes on 15 farms in 8 years. Daily milk yield (DMY), fat, protein, and lactose (%), and somatic cell count (SCC) data were obtained from monthly alternating milk controls. Mean, maximum, and minimum temperatures (T) (°C), mean relative humidity (RH) (%), wind speed (WS, m/s), mean solar radiation (SR, MJ/m2), and total rainfall (RF, mm) on the day before each milk control day were documented. Year, farm, number of lambing and stage of lactation, and all of the meteorological factors had asignificant (P < 0.0001) effect on DMY and milk quality. DMY and SCC differed among seasons (P < 0.001), and maximum DMY and minimum SCC occurred in spring, and minimum DMY and maximum SCC occurred in autumn. Fat, protein, and lactose content differed significantly (P < 0.001) among seasons, and fat and protein contents were highest in autumn. DMYwas highest in the second lambing of the ewe and steadily declined in subsequent lambings. SCC increased significantly from the first to the 10th lambing of the ewe. DMY, SCC, and fat content differed significantly (P < 0.001) among years. In conclusion, meteorological conditions had a significant effect on milk quality and production in Churra sheep conditions in a season-dependent manner such that factors such as temperature had the opposite effect on milk production in hot and cold seasons.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/metabolismo , Mudança Climática , Leite/química
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 09(02): 1-10, Apr. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33003


The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of meteorological and other factors on the quality and quantity of milk of the Spanish Churra sheep breed, based on an analysis of 359,808 milk controls from 9,904 ewes on 15 farms in 8 years. Daily milk yield (DMY), fat, protein, and lactose (%), and somatic cell count (SCC) data were obtained from monthly alternating milk controls. Mean, maximum, and minimum temperatures (T) (°C), mean relative humidity (RH) (%), wind speed (WS, m/s), mean solar radiation (SR, MJ/m2), and total rainfall (RF, mm) on the day before each milk control day were documented. Year, farm, number of lambing and stage of lactation, and all of the meteorological factors had asignificant (P < 0.0001) effect on DMY and milk quality. DMY and SCC differed among seasons (P < 0.001), and maximum DMY and minimum SCC occurred in spring, and minimum DMY and maximum SCC occurred in autumn. Fat, protein, and lactose content differed significantly (P < 0.001) among seasons, and fat and protein contents were highest in autumn. DMYwas highest in the second lambing of the ewe and steadily declined in subsequent lambings. SCC increased significantly from the first to the 10th lambing of the ewe. DMY, SCC, and fat content differed significantly (P < 0.001) among years. In conclusion, meteorological conditions had a significant effect on milk quality and production in Churra sheep conditions in a season-dependent manner such that factors such as temperature had the opposite effect on milk production in hot and cold seasons.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/metabolismo , Mudança Climática , Leite/química
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 9(2): 1-10, Apr. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484345


The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of meteorological and other factors on the quality and quantity of milk of the Spanish Churra sheep breed, based on an analysis of 359,808 milk controls from 9,904 ewes on 15 farms in 8 years. Daily milk yield (DMY), fat, protein, and lactose (%), and somatic cell count (SCC) data were obtained from monthly alternating milk controls. Mean, maximum, and minimum temperatures (T) (°C), mean relative humidity (RH) (%), wind speed (WS, m/s), mean solar radiation (SR, MJ/m2), and total rainfall (RF, mm) on the day before each milk control day were documented. Year, farm, number of lambing and stage of lactation, and all of the meteorological factors had asignificant (P < 0.0001) effect on DMY and milk quality. DMY and SCC differed among seasons (P < 0.001), and maximum DMY and minimum SCC occurred in spring, and minimum DMY and maximum SCC occurred in autumn. Fat, protein, and lactose content differed significantly (P < 0.001) among seasons, and fat and protein contents were highest in autumn. DMYwas highest in the second lambing of the ewe and steadily declined in subsequent lambings. SCC increased significantly from the first to the 10th lambing of the ewe. DMY, SCC, and fat content differed significantly (P < 0.001) among years. In conclusion, meteorological conditions had a significant effect on milk quality and production in Churra sheep conditions in a season-dependent manner such that factors such as temperature had the opposite effect on milk production in hot and cold seasons.

Feminino , Animais , Mudança Climática , Ovinos/metabolismo , Leite/química
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(6): 1371-1380, Nov.-Dec. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355690


In this study, milk yield, reproductive yield, and type traits of 533 Holstein cows in the first lactation raised in 54 farms were examined. In the three-year study, phenotypic (rP) and genetic (rG) correlations between type traits and milk yield were estimated based on the variance elements and heritability of the type traits of Holstein cows in the first lactation. Linear identification and scoring systems have been applied to classify the cows according to type traits. Heritability and correlations were estimated with ASREML models. The type traits included stature, angularity, rump width, hocks, rear udder height, central ligament, teat length, body capacity, feet and legs, udder composite and final score for genetic correlations with 305-day milk yield were estimated as -0.49, -0.14, -0.93, 0.35, 0.40, 0.11, -0.65, 0.70, 0.31, 0.54, and 0.70, for phenotypic correlations were estimated as 0.28, 0.28, 0.30, 0.21, 0.35, 0.39, -0.06, 0.46, 0.48, 0.56, and 0.58 respectively. Among the phenotypic correlations between the type traits, especially the phenotypic correlations between the final score and various type traits were found to be high and significant. The fact that these traits are in high correlation with other traits and milk yield may enable these to be used as indirect selection criteria in the selection for milk yield.(AU)

Neste estudo, foram examinadas a produção de leite, a produção reprodutiva e as características de tipo de 533 vacas Holstein na primeira lactação criadas em 54 fazendas. No estudo trienal, as correlações fenotípicas (rP) e genéticas (rG) entre características de tipo e produção de leite foram estimadas com base nos elementos de variação e hereditariedade das características de tipo das vacas Holstein na primeira lactação. Sistemas de identificação linear e de pontuação foram aplicados para classificar as vacas de acordo com os traços de tipo. A hereditariedade e correlações foram estimadas com os modelos ASREML. Os traços de tipo incluíam estatura, angularidade, largura da alcatra, jarretes, altura do úbere traseiro, ligamento central, comprimento das tetas, capacidade corporal, pés e patas, composição do úbere e pontuação final para correlações genéticas com a produção de leite de 305 dias foram estimados como -0. 49, -0,14, -0,93, 0,35, 0,40, 0,11, -0,65, 0,70, 0,31, 0,54, e 0,70, para correlações fenotípicas foram estimadas como 0,28, 0,28, 0,30, 0,21, 0,35, 0,39, -0,06, 0,46, 0,48, 0,56, e 0,58 respectivamente. Dentre as correlações fenotípicas entre os traços de tipo, especialmente as correlações fenotípicas entre a pontuação final e vários traços de tipo foram encontradas como altas e significativas. O fato destes traços estarem em alta correlação com outros traços e a produção de leite pode permitir que sejam usados como critérios de seleção indiretos na seleção para a produção de leite.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Hereditariedade/genética , Carga Genética , Leite/química , Turquia , /métodos , Correlação de Dados
Rev. bras. zootec ; 50: e20200283, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443126


This study aimed to typify smallholders' dairy systems using quali-quantitative measures of feeding practices and detect the main discriminatory elements identifying the systems. We collected data from 30 farms distributed in 10 municipalities in the eastern region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, using a survey with semi-structured questions, in addition to bimonthly observations of milking and feeding practices. Multivariate analysis based on principal factors and cluster analysis were performed. Multiple linear regressions were made between the principal factors scores and variables of milk production and composition. Three principal factors with eigenvalues ≥1.0 explained 58.9% of the total variance. The original variables with the highest factor loading values were production scale and feeding practices involving greater quantities of byproducts; use of corn silage and sugarcane; and commercial and farm-made concentrate for principal factor 1, principal factor 2, and principal factor 3, respectively. Milk yield and concentrations of lactose and solids non-fat increased linearly with principal factor 1 and principal factor 3 but decreased linearly with principal factor 2. Observations were grouped into three clusters. Farm area and quantity of corn silage and byproducts were the most important variables to set the clusters. The use of quali-quantitative feeding practices criteria to characterize dairy systems is effective to identify the opportunities for improving milk production and composition. Whereas high inclusion of sugarcane as roughage was detrimental for milk production, moderate supply of concentrate and byproducts enhanced milk yield without compromising milk composition.

Humanos , Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Leite/química , Fazendas/estatística & dados numéricos , Ração Animal/análise , Brasil , Análise Multivariada
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 9(4): 2140, out. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1438399


Bos taurus taurus and Bos taurus indicus cattle subspecies present different capabilities in coping with situations of elevated temperatures, the latter being more tolerant to heat stress. Thus, some breeding programs crossed these subspecies to produce a high producing yet heat-tolerant breed (Girolando). Nineteen Holstein (H100) and 19 Girolando cows [(½ Holstein × Gir (H50) and ¾ Holstein × Gir (H75)] with similar milk production were used in a six-day experiment to evaluate the consequences of heat stress due to shade deprivation on their physiological, blood and milk traits. Cows were exposed to a non-shaded environment between morning (06:00h; GMT -3:00) and evening milking (14:30h; GMT -3:00) with access to water ad libitum. Procedures were conducted before morning and evening milkings. Physiological parameters related to mechanisms of heat dissipation were measured, as well as the milk composition. Blood traits were evaluated. The temperature-humidity index (THI) was calculated. Statistical procedures included analysis of variance, correlation, and principal factors. THI was elevated during the trial and negatively impacted physiological, milk, and blood parameters in H100, H75, and H50. Alterations in physiology, milk stability, milk composition, and blood traits were more pronounced in H100. Holstein cows presented changes in physiological parameters in a more pronounced manner and in some milk and blood traits related to the reduced capability of this breed in dealing with elevated THI. The similarity in milk production levels excludes this parameter as a justification for differences in heat tolerance, with genetic composition being the main reason for these results.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Leite/fisiologia , Termotolerância/fisiologia , Temperatura