Giant otters are territorial semi-aquatic mammals. It is common to find several individuals exhibiting wounds and scars due to intraspecific conflicts. Myiasis is a parasitic infestation on living tissues of vertebrates caused by dipterous larvae, that usually develops in freshly open wounds and can seriously threaten the host's health. Ectoparasites seem to be rare among giant otters and myiasis had not been recorded in this species until now. Here, is presented one record of myiasis in a free-ranging giant otter found dead in the Pantanal, Brazil. An ulcerative lesion was found in the frontoparietal region, from which 22 larvae were recovered and identified as Cochliomyia hominivorax. The low occurrence of ectoparasites in giant otters might reflect their semi-aquatic habits and their grooming behavior, which makes it difficult for parasites to remain on the skin. The injured otter probably got the larvae after an intraspecific fight. Agonistic encounters between groups of giant otters have been reported before and these fights can result in serious wounds or even death. It was hypothesized that the myiasis caused by C. hominivorax deteriorated the health of the infested giant otter, which prevented recovery and accelerated its death.(AU)
As ariranhas são mamíferos semiaquáticos habitantes do território brasileiro. É comum encontrar vários indivíduos apresentando feridas e cicatrizes devido a conflitos intraespecíficos. A miíase é uma infestação parasitária em tecidos vivos de vertebrados, causada por larvas de dípteros que, geralmente, se desenvolvem em feridas recém-abertas, podendo ameaçar seriamente a saúde do hospedeiro. Ectoparasitos parecem ser raros em ariranhas e, até o presente, não há relatos de miíase nesta espécie. Aqui, é apresentado um registro de miíase em uma ariranha de vida livre, encontrada morta no Pantanal, Brasil. Foi encontrada uma lesão ulcerativa na região frontoparietal, na qual foram recuperadas 22 larvas identificadas como Cochliomyia hominivorax. A baixa ocorrência de ectoparasitos em ariranhas pode refletir seus hábitos semiaquáticos e seu comportamento de limpeza, o que dificulta a permanência dos parasitos na pele. A ariranha ferida, provavelmente, se infestou com as larvas após uma briga intraespecífica. Encontros agonísticos entre grupos de ariranhas já foram relatados antes, e essas lutas podem resultar em ferimentos graves ou até mesmo em morte. Foi hipotetizado que a miíase causada por C. hominivorax deteriorou a saúde da ariranha infestada, o que impediu a recuperação e acelerou sua morte.(AU)
Lontras/parasitologia , Infecção por Mosca da Bicheira/epidemiologia , Miíase/epidemiologia , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/diagnóstico , Brasil , CalliphoridaeResumo
Necrophagous flies are of great importance for human and animal health. In places where their development occurs, parasitoids can be used as a tool to control these dipterans. In Brazil, the fauna of these parasitoids has been investigated in some regions. However, in Rio Grande do Sul, it is known the occurrence of only one species. Thus, this study aimed to create the first list of parasitoids in flies of medical and veterinary importance in Southern Brazil. Collections took place in the municipality of Pelotas (31º 42' S; 52º 18' W). Three replicates consisting of a 500 g bovine liver chunk placed in a tray were exposed to open air for 20 days. Then pupae were individualized and observed until their emergence. We identified 4,882 adult flies of Calliphoridae, Fanniidae, Muscidae, and Sarcophagidae. 4,040 parasitoids emerged, belonging to eight species, of which Nasonia vitripennis, Spalangia cameroni, Spalangia chontalensis, and Tachinephagus zealandicus are new records in Rio Grande do Sul state. Also, three undescribed species of the genus Aphaereta were collected. In spite of being the first attempt to inventory the fauna of hymenopteran parasitoids, this study may help in the development of management programs of these dipterans in the region.
Moscas necrófagas possuem grande importância para a sanidade humana e animal. Onde estas se desenvolvem ocorrem parasitoides que podem ser utilizados como ferramentas para o controle desses dípteros. No Brasil, a fauna desses parasitoides vem sendo investigada em algumas regiões e no Rio Grande do Sul é conhecida a ocorrência de apenas uma espécie. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi criar a primeira lista de espécies de parasitoides de moscas de importância médica e veterinária ocorrentes no extremo sul do Brasil. As coletas foram realizadas no município de Pelotas (31º 42' S; 52º 18' O). Foram montadas três réplicas de bandejas contendo, cada uma, 500 g de fígado bovino, expostas ao ar livre durante 20 dias. Na sequência, as pupas foram individualizadas e observadas até a emergência. Foram identificados 4.882 adultos pertencentes às famílias Calliphoridae, Fanniidae, Muscidae e Sarcophagidae. Emergiram 4.040 parasitoides, pertencentes a oito espécies, das quais Nasonia vitripennis, Spalangia cameroni, Spalangia chontalensis e Tachinephagus zealandicus são novas ocorrências para o Rio Grande do Sul. Foram coletadas três espécies ainda não descritas do gênero Aphaereta. Apesar de ainda ser um primeiro esforço de inventariar a fauna de himenópteros parasitoides, este estudo pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento de programas de manejos desses dípteros na região.
Animais , Dípteros/classificação , Entomologia/classificação , Himenópteros , Miíase/classificação , Controle de InsetosResumo
Necrophagous flies are of great importance for human and animal health. In places where their development occurs, parasitoids can be used as a tool to control these dipterans. In Brazil, the fauna of these parasitoids has been investigated in some regions. However, in Rio Grande do Sul, it is known the occurrence of only one species. Thus, this study aimed to create the first list of parasitoids in flies of medical and veterinary importance in Southern Brazil. Collections took place in the municipality of Pelotas (31º 42' S; 52º 18' W). Three replicates consisting of a 500 g bovine liver chunk placed in a tray were exposed to open air for 20 days. Then pupae were individualized and observed until their emergence. We identified 4,882 adult flies of Calliphoridae, Fanniidae, Muscidae, and Sarcophagidae. 4,040 parasitoids emerged, belonging to eight species, of which Nasonia vitripennis, Spalangia cameroni, Spalangia chontalensis, and Tachinephagus zealandicus are new records in Rio Grande do Sul state. Also, three undescribed species of the genus Aphaereta were collected. In spite of being the first attempt to inventory the fauna of hymenopteran parasitoids, this study may help in the development of management programs of these dipterans in the region.(AU)
Moscas necrófagas possuem grande importância para a sanidade humana e animal. Onde estas se desenvolvem ocorrem parasitoides que podem ser utilizados como ferramentas para o controle desses dípteros. No Brasil, a fauna desses parasitoides vem sendo investigada em algumas regiões e no Rio Grande do Sul é conhecida a ocorrência de apenas uma espécie. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi criar a primeira lista de espécies de parasitoides de moscas de importância médica e veterinária ocorrentes no extremo sul do Brasil. As coletas foram realizadas no município de Pelotas (31º 42' S; 52º 18' O). Foram montadas três réplicas de bandejas contendo, cada uma, 500 g de fígado bovino, expostas ao ar livre durante 20 dias. Na sequência, as pupas foram individualizadas e observadas até a emergência. Foram identificados 4.882 adultos pertencentes às famílias Calliphoridae, Fanniidae, Muscidae e Sarcophagidae. Emergiram 4.040 parasitoides, pertencentes a oito espécies, das quais Nasonia vitripennis, Spalangia cameroni, Spalangia chontalensis e Tachinephagus zealandicus são novas ocorrências para o Rio Grande do Sul. Foram coletadas três espécies ainda não descritas do gênero Aphaereta. Apesar de ainda ser um primeiro esforço de inventariar a fauna de himenópteros parasitoides, este estudo pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento de programas de manejos desses dípteros na região.(AU)
Animais , Dípteros/classificação , Miíase/classificação , Himenópteros , Entomologia/classificação , Controle de InsetosResumo
As fístulas oronosais adquiridas são defeitos que permitem a comunicação anormal entre as cavidades oral e nasal. Inúmeras causas podem ser atribuídas à etiologia de tal defeito. O presente trabalho visa relatar o caso de um cão com fístula oronasal adquirida que foi submetido à reconstrução cirúrgica do palato com o uso de malha de polipropileno e prótese acrílica. Após estabilização do quadro clínico e remoção manual das larvas, o paciente foi encaminhado para o desbridamento cirúrgico das lesões orais e correção do defeito no palato. A palatoplastia foi realizada com o uso da malha e resina de polimetilmetacrilato autopolimerizável. A malha foi suturada sobre o defeito palatino com pontos simples separados e fio náilon 3-0 nas extremidades da ferida. Em seguida, a resina foi preparada e, ao atingir consistência adequada, foi aplicada e modelada sobre o a malha de polipropileno com o auxílio de um descolador de Molt, sendo também suturada nas bordas da fístula com pontos simples separados e fio náilon 3-0. No mesmo tempo cirúrgico foi inserida uma sonda esofágica para alimentação enteral. Devido complicações cirúrgicas no pós operatório, o paciente foi submetido a mais duas intervenções cirúrgicas para desfecho satisfatório do tratamento. Conclui-se que associação entre a tela de polipropileno e a prótese acrílica foi uma alternativa exequível para a palatoplastia em cão.
Acquired oronosal fistulae are abnormal communication between the oral and nasal cavities. A oronasal fistula can be the result of different causes, like oral myiasis. The objetctive of these paper is to report the case of a dog with acquired oronasal fistula that underwent surgical reconstruction of the palate using polypropylene mesh and acrylic prosthesis. After stabilization of the patient Ìs clinical condition and mecanic removal of the larvae, the dog was referred for surgical debridement of the oral lesions and correction of the defect in the palate. Palatoplasty was performed using a mesh and polymethylmethacrylate resin. The mesh was sutured over the palatal defect with separate simple suture and 3-0 naylon thread at the ends of the wound. Then, the resin was prepared and, upon reaching adequate consistency, it was applied and shaped over the polypropylene mesh with Molt peeler. It was also sutured on the edges of the fistula with separate simple suture and 3-0 nylon suture. At the same surgical time, an esophageal tube was inserted for enteral feeding. Due to complications, the dog underwent two more surgical interventions for a satisfactory treatment outcome. It is concluded that the association between the polypropylene mesh and the acrylic prosthesis was a practical alternative for palatoplasty in dogs after oral myiasis.
Animais , Cães , Obturadores Palatinos/veterinária , Palato/cirurgia , Polipropilenos , Próteses e Implantes/veterinária , Fístula Bucal/veterinária , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/veterinária , Cães/cirurgia , Miíase/veterináriaResumo
Background: Congenital anomalies are structural, functional, or metabolic defects caused by a combination of environmental, genetic, or even iatrogenic factors. Genetic defects, which can be inherited, are more common in purebred dogs. Teratogenic factors such as radiation, toxins, chemical agents, infectious diseases, mechanical influences, drugs given to the mother, and nutrition can affect the litter during gestational development. The incomplete division of a fertilized egg results in monozygotic, conjoined or Siamese twins, which are animals with complete or incomplete duplications. This paper reports on an adult bitch with monocephalus dipygus dibrachius and the surgical procedures. Case: A 2-year-old female Shih Tzu weighing 5 kg was admitted to a veterinary clinic, presenting with swelling and myiasis near the anus and several development disorders, characterized by 2 pelvises, 2 anuses, 2 vulvas, 2 forelimbs and 6 hindlimbs. Her physiological parameters were otherwise normal. Only the dog's myiasis was treated at this time due to the owner's financial straits. After 5 months, the owner brought the bitch back to the veterinary clinic because the animal presented with fecaloma in 1 of the anuses. Radiography revealed numerous alterations: seven lumbar vertebrae with marked vertebral axis deviation, reduced disc space, as well as ankylosis and fused ventral spondylosis at L6 and L7. Two pelvises fused medially by the wings of the ileum, with slight deviation and thinning of pelvic bones. Four hip joints and medial joints with pelvic avulsion and bone remnants of the pelvic limbs. Acetabular tearing slightly flattened femoral head and thickened femoral neck. Caudal vertebrae and vertebral axis located in left pelvis. Left lateral patella inserted in the trochlear groove and lateral dislocation of right patella. Right patellofemoral joint with smooth surface, preserved intra-articular density and cranial displacement of the tibia relative to the femoral condyles (cranial cruciate ligament rupture). An ultrasound analysis revealed 2 bladders. Two months later surgery was performed due to recurrent complications. During laparotomy 2 uteruses, 2 bladders and bifurcation of the intestine were observed. Ovariosalpingohysterectomy was performed in both uterus and enterectomy of the problematic intestinal portion. After 2 days of the surgery, blood transfusion was performed. After 2 days of the transfusion, there was extravasation of yellow fluid from the surgical cut and abdominal palpation was indicative of bladder rupture, so the patient was sent to emergency surgery. Unilateral nephrectomy and ureterectomy, and ruptured bladder cystectomy were performed. The dog remained hospitalized for 24 days after surgery, before it was released. Discussion: The classification of conjoined twins is based on the location of the junction and the number of limbs. Monocephalus dipygus dibrachius was diagnosed based on the fact that the dog had 1 skull, 2 thoracic limbs and 4 pelvic limbs, as well as the corresponding genitourinary and gastrointestinal tract alterations. Imaging scans are extremely important for a proper diagnosis to ensure appropriate surgery planning. The bitch was the result of inbreeding between a male dog and its offspring, which probably contributed to this malformation. There are very few reports of surviving adult conjoined animals, and even fewer descriptions of successful surgical treatments. To the best of knowledge of the authors, there are no previous reports of a surviving adult dog suffering from this malformation.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Gêmeos Unidos/cirurgia , Gêmeos Unidos/patologia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterináriaResumo
The occurrence of gastrointestinal myiasis caused by Gasterophilus spp. larvae (Diptera: Oestridae) in adult horses has been widely characterized, however data on natural infestation in young foals have been lacking. This observation may be related to the absence of conclusive diagnosis in these individuals, most likely due to logistical or financial constraints. Gastric ulceration is a problem and a significant cause of morbidity in foals, particularly during the weaning stage; therefore, gasterophilosis should be included in the differential diagnosis. The primary purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of gasterophilosis in 4- to 6-month-old weanling foals. Seventy-one healthy weanling foals were enrolled in the study. Physical assessment blood sampling and was completed in all foals before the commencement of the experiment. Gastroscopy examinations were performed under sedation (Detomidine 0.01 - 0.02 mg/kg) with a flexible endoscope inserted through nasogastric via. The lumen of the stomach was examined in order to search for botflies' larvae. Following gastroscopy, foals were classified into 2 groups based on the presence of Gasterophilus spp. larvae in their stomachs: 1) Infected and 2) Not Infected. Infected foals received a single dose of commercial trichlorfon and albendazole equine oral gel and were stalled for 24 h. The passed feces were thoroughly examined, searching for elimination of larvae. A total of 64% of the foals (n = 45/71) harbored Gasterophilus spp. larvae in the stomach. Mild hyperemia in the gastric mucosa was observed in the attachment sites of the parasites. Physical assessment and hematological parameters' data were analyzed with Shapiro-Wilk normality test. Comparison between groups for clinical signs, hematological parameters and Gasterophilus spp. infection rates were evaluated using the Kruskal-Wallis test or Student's t-test. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05. There were no statistically significant variations in physical and hematological parameters between foals that were affected and those that were not infected. The larvae found in the feces were subjected to morphological examination, which confirmed the diagnosis of Gasterophilus intestinalis. No systemic clinical indications compatible with Gasterophilus spp. infestation were seen, as described in previous studies of horses infected with the parasite. No botfly eggs were observed in the hair of evaluated foals. During gastroscopy, mild hyperemic lesions in the gastric mucosa were observed in the larvae fixation sites. Although no changes in clinical or hematological parameters were noted, the confirmation of parasite presence is a cause for concern due to horses' tolerance for low infestation levels and poor diagnosis. Additionally, the presence of this myiasis in foals may be a significant stressor during the weaning period and should be included in the differential diagnosis of recurring abdominal pain. Furthermore, infected foals might be a reservoir for the parasite and, contribute to the elimination and spread of the larvae in the environment. Thus, inclusion of young horses in deworming protocols targeted to botfly larvae is needed. This is the first report of Gasterophilus intestinalis myiasis in foals in Brazil. Further research is necessary to fully understand the epidemiology and prevalence of this condition in young horses in Brazil, based on the findings of this study.(AU)
Animais , Úlcera Gástrica/veterinária , Fezes/parasitologia , Doenças dos Cavalos/parasitologia , Doenças dos Cavalos/sangue , Miíase/veterinária , Miíase/epidemiologia , Contagem de Ovos de Parasitas/veterinária , Prevalência , CavalosResumo
Among the diseases which can afflict the nasal cavities of small ruminants, oestrosis stands out. In Brazil, more specifically in its South-East region, the reports are limited only to the State of São Paulo and to the municipality of Araxá, Minas Gerais. Therefore, it has been sought to assess the parasitic prevalence of Oestrus ovis in sheep farmed in the municipality of Ituiutaba, Minas Gerais-Brazil, while correlating the larval size and stage, and its anatomical localization. Eighty-eight hemiheads of healthy Santa Inês/Dorper crossbreds Ovis aries have been used at random. The larvae in view were then collected and fixated to be quantified and analyzed in regard of size and stage of development. It is concluded that the oestrosis is an existing problem in the municipality of Ituiutaba, this being the first complete study on the prevalence of this parasite in the State of Minas Gerais. By anatomical distribution, only the differences of total larval averages between the frontal sinus and the ventral nasal meatus, the common nasal meatus and the nasopharynx have been significant. In size, the significant difference has been there only upon comparison between the size and the larval stage, information that is crucial for a better understanding of the cyclic progression, of the clinical symptomatology, and animal prophylaxis.
Dentre as doenças que podem atingir as cavidades nasais dos pequenos ruminantes, destaca-se a oestrose. No Brasil, mais especificamente na região Sudeste, os relatos estão limitados ao estado de São Paulo e ao município de Araxá, Minas Gerais. Assim, procurou-se avaliar a prevalência parasitária do Oestrus ovis em ovinos criados no município de Ituiutaba, Minas Gerais-Brasil, correlacionando ao mesmo tempo o tamanho e estágio larval com a sua localização anatômica. Oitenta e oito hemicabeças de Ovis aries mestiços Santa Inês com Dorper saudáveis foram utilizadas aleatoriamente. As larvas visualizadas foram então coletadas e fixadas para serem quantificadas e analisadas em relação ao seu tamanho e estágio de desenvolvimento. Conclui-se que a oestrose é um problema existente no município de Ituiutaba, sendo este o primeiro estudo completo sobre a prevalência deste parasito no estado de Minas Gerais. Por distribuição anatômica, apenas as diferenças das médias larvais totais entre o seio frontal e o meato nasal ventral, meato nasal comum e a nasofaringe foram significativas - o que confirma a preferência das larvas por essa região. Em tamanho, a diferença significativa só ocorreu mediante a comparação entre o tamanho e estágio das larvas, informação crucial para uma melhor compreensão da progressão cíclica, sintomatologia clínica e profilaxia dos animais.
Animais , Doenças dos Ovinos/parasitologia , Dípteros/parasitologia , Miíase/etiologia , Miíase/veterinária , Miíase/epidemiologia , Doenças dos Seios Paranasais/parasitologia , Doenças dos Seios Paranasais/veterinária , Brasil/epidemiologia , Cavidade Nasal/parasitologiaResumo
Background: The giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) returned to the category of vulnerable by the 2014 IUCN /SSC, due to the population reduction, less than 30%. The main reasons are: environmental degradation and fragmentation,being run over, burning, attacks by hunting dogs, illegal trade and diseases. It is very common to find these fractured patientsand the treatment is mostly surgical. Amputation is indicated when there are extensive lacerations and when reconstructivesurgery is not possible. The objective is to report a viable treatment option in fractured wild patients, contributing to thepreservation of the species.Case: It was received at the Veterinary Hospital Dr. Halim Atique - UNIRP an young female giant anteater (M. tridactyla)weighing 5.75 kg, brought by the Environmental Forestry Police of the municipality of São José do Rio Preto - SP, foundin the region of Olímpia at a gas station. The animal was traumatized by an agricultural harvester, with partial traumaticamputation in the left pelvic limb and tail. In the preoperative period, the patient was admitted to hospital under assistedcare, analgesia and all the necessary support for stabilization. High amputation was performed, with hip disarticulationand treatment of the tail wound, which was initially opted for healing in the first intention, where sutures were used toapproach the edges of the wound, but presented dehiscence and was treated as a second intention. There were almost 2months of care with specific food, cleaning of the enclosures, medications and dressings. After 57 days of hospitalization,the patient was transferred to the Municipal Zoo of São José do Rio Preto - SP, where it...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Xenarthra/lesões , Xenarthra/cirurgia , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária , Infecção por Mosca da Bicheira/veterinária , Trombocitose/veterinária , Eosinofilia/veterinária , Leucopenia/veterináriaResumo
Background: The giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) returned to the category of vulnerable by the 2014 IUCN /SSC, due to the population reduction, less than 30%. The main reasons are: environmental degradation and fragmentation,being run over, burning, attacks by hunting dogs, illegal trade and diseases. It is very common to find these fractured patientsand the treatment is mostly surgical. Amputation is indicated when there are extensive lacerations and when reconstructivesurgery is not possible. The objective is to report a viable treatment option in fractured wild patients, contributing to thepreservation of the species.Case: It was received at the Veterinary Hospital Dr. Halim Atique - UNIRP an young female giant anteater (M. tridactyla)weighing 5.75 kg, brought by the Environmental Forestry Police of the municipality of São José do Rio Preto - SP, foundin the region of Olímpia at a gas station. The animal was traumatized by an agricultural harvester, with partial traumaticamputation in the left pelvic limb and tail. In the preoperative period, the patient was admitted to hospital under assistedcare, analgesia and all the necessary support for stabilization. High amputation was performed, with hip disarticulationand treatment of the tail wound, which was initially opted for healing in the first intention, where sutures were used toapproach the edges of the wound, but presented dehiscence and was treated as a second intention. There were almost 2months of care with specific food, cleaning of the enclosures, medications and dressings. After 57 days of hospitalization,the patient was transferred to the Municipal Zoo of São José do Rio Preto - SP, where it...
Feminino , Animais , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária , Xenarthra/cirurgia , Xenarthra/lesões , Eosinofilia/veterinária , Infecção por Mosca da Bicheira/veterinária , Leucopenia/veterinária , Trombocitose/veterináriaResumo
Dermatobia hominis is a parasite widely distributed in neotropical regions. The parasitic phase of the cycle is characterized by the formation of a subcutaneous nodule in the host, which can promote infestation by other dipterans and skin infections. The aim of this report is to register parasitism by D. hominis in free-ranging Panthera onca captured in the Brazilian wetland and to determine significant biological and meteorological factors that are likely to influence the presence of larval parasitism in captured wild jaguars. Between 2011 to 2020, 34 jaguars were captured and examined manually by searching for lesions characteristic of myiasis. By manual compression in the subcutaneous nodules, larvae morphologically identified as D. hominis (first and third instars) were collected from 13 jaguars. A multinomial logistic regression showed that adult jaguars had 16.49-fold higher odds of being parasitized than subadults. Thus, jaguars captured in the season of JulySeptember have 34.01- and 11.42-fold higher odds of being parasitized compared to the seasons of OctoberDecember and AprilJune, respectively, which is associated with high total monthly precipitation in the previous season. The present study is the first to describe parasitism by D. hominis larvae in jaguars.(AU)
Dermatobia hominis é um parasito amplamente distribuído nas regiões neotropicais. A fase parasitária do ciclo é caracterizada pela formação de um nódulo subcutâneo no hospedeiro, que pode promover infestação por outros dípteros e infecções cutâneas. O objetivo deste relato é registrar o parasitismo por D. hominis em Panthera onca de vida livre, capturado no pantanal brasileiro e determinar fatores biológicos e meteorológicos significativos que podem influenciar a presença de parasitismo larval em onças-pintadas selvagens capturadas. Entre 2011 e 2020, 34 onças-pintadas foram capturadas e examinadas manualmente em busca de lesões características de miíase. Por compressão manual nos nódulos subcutâneos, larvas classificadas morfologicamente como D. hominis (primeiro e terceiro instares) foram coletadas de 13 onças-pintadas. Uma regressão logística multinomial mostrou que onças-pintadas adultas tinham chances 16,49 vezes maiores de serem parasitadas do que subadultos. Assim, onças-pintadas capturadas na temporada de julho a setembro têm probabilidade 34,01 e 11,42 vezes maior de serem parasitadas em comparação com as temporadas de outubro a dezembro e de abril a junho, respectivamente, o que está associado à alta precipitação total mensal na temporada anterior. O presente estudo é o primeiro a descrever parasitismo por larvas de D. hominis em onças-pintadas.(AU)
Animais , Dípteros , Panthera/parasitologia , Ectoparasitoses , Animais SelvagensResumo
Os ectoparasitos são de grande importância na clínica de pequenos animais pela sua ação direta e por transmitir agentes patogênicos para seus hospedeiros e aos humanos, destacandose entre eles as moscas e os carrapatos. Este artigo de revisão objetiva apresentar um compêndio de informações científicas sobre moscas e carrapatos de cães, desde o seu desenvolvimento, profilaxia, métodos de controle convencionais e alternativos por meio de pesquisa utilizando bancos de dados de periódicos da área de veterinária. Os ectoparasitos de cães apresentam diversas particularidades nos seus ciclos de desenvolvimentos, os quais devem ser levados em conta para formulação de estratégias de profilaxia e controle, a fim de evitar resistência e intoxicações. O seu controle é realizado tradicionalmente com produtos de base química, porém, a inovação na pesquisa vem desenvolvendo e estimulando a produção de antiparasitários com base em extratos vegetais. Devido à alta casuística e ao número de relatos de resistência aos tratamentos, mostra-se necessário o entendimento do ciclo dos ectoparasitos e a continuidade da realização de estudos acerca de diferentes métodos de profilaxia e controle.
Ectoparasites are of great importance in small animal for their direct action and for transmitting pathogens to their hosts and humans, especially flies and ticks. This review article aims to present a compendium of scientific information on dog flies and ticks, from their development, prophylaxis, conventional and alternative control methods through research using veterinary journal databases. Dog ectoparasites have several particularities in their developmental cycles, which should be considered when formulating prophylaxis and control strategies to avoid resistance and intoxication. Its control is traditionally performed with chemical products, however, innovation in research has been developing and stimulating the production of antiparasitic agents based on plant. Due to the high number of cases and reports of resistance to treatments, it is necessary to understand the ectoparasite cycle and to continue studies on different prophylaxis and control methods.
Animais , Cães , Doenças Transmitidas por Carrapatos/veterinária , Doenças do Cão , Ectoparasitoses/prevenção & controle , Ectoparasitoses/veterinária , Miíase/veterináriaResumo
Os ectoparasitos são de grande importância na clínica de pequenos animais pela sua ação direta e por transmitir agentes patogênicos para seus hospedeiros e aos humanos, destacandose entre eles as moscas e os carrapatos. Este artigo de revisão objetiva apresentar um compêndio de informações científicas sobre moscas e carrapatos de cães, desde o seu desenvolvimento, profilaxia, métodos de controle convencionais e alternativos por meio de pesquisa utilizando bancos de dados de periódicos da área de veterinária. Os ectoparasitos de cães apresentam diversas particularidades nos seus ciclos de desenvolvimentos, os quais devem ser levados em conta para formulação de estratégias de profilaxia e controle, a fim de evitar resistência e intoxicações. O seu controle é realizado tradicionalmente com produtos de base química, porém, a inovação na pesquisa vem desenvolvendo e estimulando a produção de antiparasitários com base em extratos vegetais. Devido à alta casuística e ao número de relatos de resistência aos tratamentos, mostra-se necessário o entendimento do ciclo dos ectoparasitos e a continuidade da realização de estudos acerca de diferentes métodos de profilaxia e controle.(AU)
Ectoparasites are of great importance in small animal for their direct action and for transmitting pathogens to their hosts and humans, especially flies and ticks. This review article aims to present a compendium of scientific information on dog flies and ticks, from their development, prophylaxis, conventional and alternative control methods through research using veterinary journal databases. Dog ectoparasites have several particularities in their developmental cycles, which should be considered when formulating prophylaxis and control strategies to avoid resistance and intoxication. Its control is traditionally performed with chemical products, however, innovation in research has been developing and stimulating the production of antiparasitic agents based on plant. Due to the high number of cases and reports of resistance to treatments, it is necessary to understand the ectoparasite cycle and to continue studies on different prophylaxis and control methods.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Miíase/veterinária , Doenças do Cão , Doenças Transmitidas por Carrapatos/veterinária , Ectoparasitoses/veterinária , Ectoparasitoses/prevenção & controleResumo
Devido à importância médica, veterinária, ambiental e forense do califorídeo Chrysomya putoria (Diptera), foi avaliado o desempenho apresentado por estágios imaturos criados em carne de cavalo. Os espécimes foram colocados em câmaras aclimatizadas reguladas a 30 ºC, 60 ± 10% UR e 14 horas de fotofase. Os estágios larval e pupal concluíram seu desenvolvimento em 4,16 e 4,12 dias, respectivamente. As larvas pós-alimentação e pupas com 24h de idade pesaram, em média, 58,06 e 40,10mg, respectivamente. As taxas de emergência registradas foram de 65% nas condições experimentais propostas. Como os compostos orgânicos voláteis são diferentes na decomposição de um animal para outro, este trabalho e outros realizados com a mesma dieta são os mais apropriados para estimativa de intervalo post mortem envolvendo cavalos.(AU)
Due to medical, veterinary, environmental and forensic importance of the calliphorid Chrysomya putoria (Diptera), the performance presented by immature stages, reared on horse meat, was evaluated. The specimens were placed in acclimatized chambers regulated at 30 ºC, 60 ± 10% RU and 14 hours of photo phase. The larval and pupal stages completed their development in 4, 16 and 4, 12 days, respectively. Post-feeding larvae and aged 24h pupae weight on average 58, 06 and 40, 10 mg, respectively. The emergence rates recorded were 65% under the experimental conditions proposed. As volatile organic compounds are different in the decomposition of one animal to another, this work and others carried out with the same diet are the most appropriate for estimating post-mortem interval involving horses.(AU)
Animais , Restos Mortais/parasitologia , Calliphoridae/embriologia , Larva , Carne/análise , Autopsia/veterinária , Cavalos , Miíase/veterináriaResumo
Background: Wounds and lacerations are constant in the clinical routine of horses. The treatment of wounds by the secondintention is the most common in the equine clinic; it consists in addition to surgical debridement, the use of allopathic orphytotherapeutic healing. In this context, several phytotherapics used in folk medicine have been used with promisingresults in the equine species, especially marigold (Calendula officinalis L.), recognized by the German scientific committee as antiseptic and healing. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the nonionic cream of Calendulaofficinalis at 2% in an extensive lacerating wound in an equine.Case: A 6-month-old female Quarter Horse, weighing 160 kg, a lacerating wound in the pectoral region of unknowntraumatic origin, was treated in the large animal sector of the Veterinary Hospital of Universidade Paranaense (UNIPAR).Clinical examination revealed an exudative wound in the pectoral region, complicated by the presence of environmentalorganic matter and myiasis, involving transverse pectoral and descending pectoral muscles, with a large tissue separationand exposure of part of the first sternum. After an initial evaluation, a trichotomy was performed around the wound, removalof myiasis and sanitization of the wound with water and PVP-I, which was filled with sterile dressings and covered with adressing using a tubular mesh. Antibiotic therapy was instituted, along with anti-inflammatory medication and antitetanicserum (5,000 IU). Due to the need for surgical debridement, after previous fasting and general anesthesia followed bysite antisepsis, surgical debridement was performed, followed by reduction of dead space with application of standardWolf sutures, for re-approximation of the wound edges was applied suture in Wolf pattern captonated with segmentsof equipment. In the post-surgical period, topical treatment with nitrofurazone ointment and crystal...
Animais , Calendula/química , Cavalos , Cicatrização , Cremes Vegetais , Extratos Vegetais/uso terapêutico , Lacerações/terapia , Lacerações/veterinária , Medicamento FitoterápicoResumo
Background: Buffalos are very rustic animals that are adapted to adverse conditions, but the lack of adequate managementcan increase the susceptibility of these animals to several diseases. Rib fracture in this species is usually related to mineraldeficiency and complications resulting from unappropriated management. Rib fractures in ruminants are rarely diagnosedand usually present conservative treatment; however, cases with presence of contaminated wounds require extra attention.The objective of this work was to report an atypical case of open fracture of the last rib in a buffalo with ruminal cannula,describing the case from diagnosis to surgical treatment.Case: An adult female water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) that was well fed and receiving minerals, with implantation ofa ruminal cannula, presented a lesion around the ruminal cannula, with increasing volume, exudation, and myiasis. Thegeneral parameters and behavior of the animal were apparently normal. The animal presented normal appetite and respiration and good physical condition and nutritional state, with pain reaction to the touch in the region of the lesion andtheir adjacencies; it presented no claudication and reluctance to remain in left lateral decubitus, and no discomfort. Theclinical inspection of the cutaneous lesion showed an oblique-type fracture in the body of the last left rib, with exposedbone in the lumbar region and extremity exposed to the ruminal cannula, already presenting necrosis. The region wascleaned, removing larvae (myiasis) for better exposition of the fracture; in the following day...
Feminino , Animais , Búfalos/cirurgia , Búfalos/lesões , Fraturas das Costelas/cirurgia , Fraturas das Costelas/veterinária , Rúmen/cirurgia , Cânula/veterinária , Osteotomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Wounds and lacerations are constant in the clinical routine of horses. The treatment of wounds by the secondintention is the most common in the equine clinic; it consists in addition to surgical debridement, the use of allopathic orphytotherapeutic healing. In this context, several phytotherapics used in folk medicine have been used with promisingresults in the equine species, especially marigold (Calendula officinalis L.), recognized by the German scientific committee as antiseptic and healing. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the nonionic cream of Calendulaofficinalis at 2% in an extensive lacerating wound in an equine.Case: A 6-month-old female Quarter Horse, weighing 160 kg, a lacerating wound in the pectoral region of unknowntraumatic origin, was treated in the large animal sector of the Veterinary Hospital of Universidade Paranaense (UNIPAR).Clinical examination revealed an exudative wound in the pectoral region, complicated by the presence of environmentalorganic matter and myiasis, involving transverse pectoral and descending pectoral muscles, with a large tissue separationand exposure of part of the first sternum. After an initial evaluation, a trichotomy was performed around the wound, removalof myiasis and sanitization of the wound with water and PVP-I, which was filled with sterile dressings and covered with adressing using a tubular mesh. Antibiotic therapy was instituted, along with anti-inflammatory medication and antitetanicserum (5,000 IU). Due to the need for surgical debridement, after previous fasting and general anesthesia followed bysite antisepsis, surgical debridement was performed, followed by reduction of dead space with application of standardWolf sutures, for re-approximation of the wound edges was applied suture in Wolf pattern captonated with segmentsof equipment. In the post-surgical period, topical treatment with nitrofurazone ointment and crystal...(AU)
Animais , Calendula/química , Extratos Vegetais/uso terapêutico , Cremes Vegetais , Lacerações/terapia , Lacerações/veterinária , Cavalos , Cicatrização , Medicamento FitoterápicoResumo
Background: Buffalos are very rustic animals that are adapted to adverse conditions, but the lack of adequate managementcan increase the susceptibility of these animals to several diseases. Rib fracture in this species is usually related to mineraldeficiency and complications resulting from unappropriated management. Rib fractures in ruminants are rarely diagnosedand usually present conservative treatment; however, cases with presence of contaminated wounds require extra attention.The objective of this work was to report an atypical case of open fracture of the last rib in a buffalo with ruminal cannula,describing the case from diagnosis to surgical treatment.Case: An adult female water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) that was well fed and receiving minerals, with implantation ofa ruminal cannula, presented a lesion around the ruminal cannula, with increasing volume, exudation, and myiasis. Thegeneral parameters and behavior of the animal were apparently normal. The animal presented normal appetite and respiration and good physical condition and nutritional state, with pain reaction to the touch in the region of the lesion andtheir adjacencies; it presented no claudication and reluctance to remain in left lateral decubitus, and no discomfort. Theclinical inspection of the cutaneous lesion showed an oblique-type fracture in the body of the last left rib, with exposedbone in the lumbar region and extremity exposed to the ruminal cannula, already presenting necrosis. The region wascleaned, removing larvae (myiasis) for better exposition of the fracture; in the following day...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Búfalos/lesões , Búfalos/cirurgia , Fraturas das Costelas/cirurgia , Fraturas das Costelas/veterinária , Rúmen/cirurgia , Cânula/veterinária , Osteotomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Reconstructive surgery is an important area of veterinary surgery because it allows the reconstruction of large cutaneous defects in areas where a primary approach is not possible. Axial patterns flaps are composed by one direct cutaneous artery and vein, leading to a better blood supply with a good survival outcome. The angularis oris axial pattern buccal flap was introduced for correction of facial defects, but its versatility is not really explored in the existing literature. This article reports the use and complications of the angularis oris axial pattern buccal flap in six dogs, to treat defects in mandibular, temporal or labial regions. Cases: Five mixed breed dogs and one Labrador, with age between 4 and 9-year-old were submitted for surgery and the angularis oris axial pattern buccal flap was used to close the different defects. Causes of defect included a lesion caused by myiasis in three of the dogs, and tumoral removal in the other three, where two were mast cell tumors and one a keratinizing basal cell carcinoma. The regions affected included rostral mandible with oral mucosa, intermandibular region, temporal region and upper lip. Before flap confection the tissue was cleaned, resected and prepared properly, according to each cause of lesion. The flap was made with two parallel incisions, which center was usually the labial commissure, with the dorsal limits at the ventral aspect of the zygomatic arch, and the ventral incision on the ventral aspect of the mandibular ramus. Caudal extension was based on the length needed for surgical closure, but stained between the vertical auditory canal or up to atlas wing. Suture size and pattern depend the region and patient size. Patients were observed closely for any complication in the surgical site. From the six dogs presented here, five got some complications in the surgical site, including: lymphedema (2), suture dehiscence (4) and hematoma (1); however...
Animais , Cães , Retalhos de Tecido Biológico/transplante , Retalhos de Tecido Biológico/veterinária , Transplante de Face/veterinária , Transplante de Pele/veterinária , Traumatismos Faciais/cirurgia , Traumatismos Faciais/veterináriaResumo
Background: Reconstructive surgery is an important area of veterinary surgery because it allows the reconstruction of large cutaneous defects in areas where a primary approach is not possible. Axial patterns flaps are composed by one direct cutaneous artery and vein, leading to a better blood supply with a good survival outcome. The angularis oris axial pattern buccal flap was introduced for correction of facial defects, but its versatility is not really explored in the existing literature. This article reports the use and complications of the angularis oris axial pattern buccal flap in six dogs, to treat defects in mandibular, temporal or labial regions. Cases: Five mixed breed dogs and one Labrador, with age between 4 and 9-year-old were submitted for surgery and the angularis oris axial pattern buccal flap was used to close the different defects. Causes of defect included a lesion caused by myiasis in three of the dogs, and tumoral removal in the other three, where two were mast cell tumors and one a keratinizing basal cell carcinoma. The regions affected included rostral mandible with oral mucosa, intermandibular region, temporal region and upper lip. Before flap confection the tissue was cleaned, resected and prepared properly, according to each cause of lesion. The flap was made with two parallel incisions, which center was usually the labial commissure, with the dorsal limits at the ventral aspect of the zygomatic arch, and the ventral incision on the ventral aspect of the mandibular ramus. Caudal extension was based on the length needed for surgical closure, but stained between the vertical auditory canal or up to atlas wing. Suture size and pattern depend the region and patient size. Patients were observed closely for any complication in the surgical site. From the six dogs presented here, five got some complications in the surgical site, including: lymphedema (2), suture dehiscence (4) and hematoma (1); however...(AU)
Animais , Cães , Retalhos de Tecido Biológico/transplante , Retalhos de Tecido Biológico/veterinária , Transplante de Face/veterinária , Transplante de Pele/veterinária , Traumatismos Faciais/cirurgia , Traumatismos Faciais/veterináriaResumo
Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel, 1858), the New World screwworm, causes primary myiasis in wild and domestic animals in tropical and subtropical regions of Brazil. Although this species is considered to occur throughout the country, organized information about its recorded distribution has not been available until now. This article aimed to provide a comprehensive review of the historical and current data published on both immature (myiasis) and adult stages of C. hominivorax in Brazil. A total of 174 articles were found; of these, 141 articles reported myiasis cases in cattle (146 records), humans (68 records), and other mammalian hosts (40 records), and captures of adult flies were reported in 33 articles. C. hominivorax is widespread in Brazil, having been recorded in 208 municipalities in all major biomes of the country.(AU)
Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel, 1858), a mosca-da-bicheira, causa miíase primária em animais silvestres e domésticos em regiões tropicais e subtropicais do Brasil. Embora esta espécie seja considerada de ocorrência em todo o país, informações organizadas sobre sua distribuição com base em registros não estavam disponíveis até o momento. Este artigo teve como objetivo fornecer uma revisão abrangente dos dados históricos e atuais publicados sobre o registro de estágios imaturos (miíase) e adultos de C. hominivorax, no Brasil. De 174 artigos encontrados, 141 relataram casos de miíase em bovinos (146 relatos), humanos (68 relatos) e outros mamíferos hospedeiros (40 relatos) e capturas de adultos de C. hominivorax foram registradas em 33 artigos. C. hominivorax encontra-se amplamente distribuída no Brasil, tendo sido registrada em 208 municípios brasileiros em todos os principais biomas do país.(AU)