Clostridial myonecrosis is a highly fatal infectious disease of the muscle that is caused by pathogenic clostridia. When it occurs in equine muscle, the infection can cause a variety of clinical signs. The present report described a case of acute myonecrosis caused by Clostridium septicum in a horse, which had a favorable clinical evolution. A 6-year-old mare was admitted to a veterinary hospital due to increased volume and lameness in the left pelvic limb after an intramuscular injection of an anti-inflammatory drug. The diagnosis of myonecrosis caused by C. septicum was based on clinical and laboratory findings. The animal showed significant improvement after 5 months of treatment and was discharged from the hospital. There is very limited information regarding myonecrosis caused by C. septicum in horses in Brazil; our study showed that early diagnosis and prompt appropriate treatment can ensure significant improvement and recovery of affected animals.
Mionecroses clostridiais são doenças altamente fatais, causadas por uma ou mais espécies de Clostridium sp. patogênicos. Entretanto, no músculo equino, a infecção pode produzir uma variedade de lesões e sinais clínicos. O presente relato descreve um caso de mionecrose aguda em um cavalo causada por Clostridium septicum, que apresentou uma evolução clínica favorável. Uma égua de seis anos foi internada em um hospital veterinário devido a um aumento de volume e claudicação no membro pélvico esquerdo, observado após injeção intramuscular de anti-inflamatório. O diagnóstico de mionecrose por C. septicum foi baseado nos achados clínicos e laboratoriais. Houve uma melhora significativa do animal após cinco meses de tratamento, permitindo que o mesmo fosse liberado do hospital veterinário. Considerando que as informações sobre C. septicum causadores de mionecroses em cavalos no Brasil são muito limitadas, este relato demonstra que o diagnóstico precoce e a implementação adequada do tratamento podem garantir uma melhora significativa e a recuperação dos animais afetados.
Animais , Feminino , Clostridium septicum/isolamento & purificação , Cavalos/microbiologia , Injeções Intramusculares/veterinária , Doenças Musculares/veterinária , Necrose/veterináriaResumo
Clostridial infections, particularly clostridial myonecrosis, can be fulminant and fatal; they often arise without an obvious history of trauma. The majority of equine clostridial myonecrosis cases are associated with intramuscular injection. This paper presents the first report of clostridial myositis by C. perfringens in a donkey after an injection of flunixin meglumine on the neck, describing the clinical, necroscopic, and histopathological events. Bacterial isolation and biochemical tests confirmed the definitive diagnosis of C. perfringens.
Clostridioses, particularmente a mionecrose clostridial, podem ser fulminantes e fatais; elas geralmente surgem sem um histórico óbvio de trauma. A maioria dos casos de mionecrose clostridial equina está associada à injeção intramuscular. Este artigo apresenta o primeiro relato de miosite clostridial por C. perfringens em jumento após injeção de flunixina meglumina no pescoço, descrevendo os achados clínicos, necroscópicos e histopatológicos. Isolamento bacteriano e testes bioquímicos confirmaram o diagnóstico definitivo de C. perfringens.
Animais , Infecções por Clostridium/veterinária , Clostridium perfringens/isolamento & purificação , Equidae/microbiologia , Meglumina/efeitos adversos , Miosite/veterinária , Injeções Intramusculares/veterináriaResumo
Background: Snakebite envenoming is a condition that affects humans and domestic animals worldwide. Identification of the snake species involved in the envenomation is infrequent. Bothrops envenomation presents typical clinicopathological features. This report describes epidemiological, clinical, and pathological data of 2 cases of Bothrops envenomation in dogs, including the first case of Bothrops moojeni snake striking a domestic animal in Brazil. Cases: Case 1. A dog was witnessed to have a Bothrops moojeni snakebite on a farm. In the first 24 h, acute lameness, pain, diffuse swelling, focal bleeding at the left forelimb, and increased whole-blood clotting time were observed in the envenomed dog. Polyvalent antivenom was administered in addition to fluid therapy, analgesics, corticosteroids, and antibiotics. On the 5th day, the animal presented spontaneous bleeding at the wound site, thrombocytopenia, and increased whole-blood clotting time. An additional dose of polyvalent antivenom was administered, and local treatment at the snakebite site was initiated. After 13 days, the dog showed no clinical or laboratory changes and recovered entirely. Case 2. A mongrel dog was taken for a necropsy to determine the cause of death. Grossly, major findings included swelling in the nasal plane that extended to the neck and dissecting hemorrhage in the subcutaneous tissue and adjacent musculature. Hemorrhages were observed in the heart, parietal pleura, left forelimb, lumbar region, and perirenal tissue. Marked necrosis and disruption of small blood vessels and lymphatics within the deep dermis and subcutaneous tissue were the main microscopic findings close to the snakebite site. Additionally, degeneration and necrosis of muscle fibers and dissecting hemorrhage were observed in the head and neck tissues surrounding the snakebite site. Kidneys showed marked interstitial hemorrhage and acute tubular nephrosis. Discussion: Bothrops envenoming is characterized by local (hemorrhage, dermonecrosis, and myonecrosis) and systemic (coagulative disorders, systemic hemorrhage, and acute kidney injury) changes due to the effect of the main venom components such as phospholipase A2 and metalloproteinases. These changes are hallmarks for the bothropic envenomation, supporting the diagnosis in cases 1 and 2. In case 1, the dog developed a Bothrops moojeni snakebite envenomation, but the immediate treatment with antivenom allowed a favorable outcome. In case 2, gross and microscopic findings supported the presumptive diagnosis of fatal bothropic envenomation. A marked local reaction such as swelling, pain, bleeding, bruising, and tissue necrosis was observed in case 1. In case 2, the most significant local changes were swelling and edema at the head and neck, hemorrhage in the subcutaneous tissue, and adjacent musculature. Systemic effects were observed clinically as spontaneous bleeding, thrombocytopenia, increased whole-blood clotting time (Case 1), systemic hemorrhages, and acute tubular nephrosis (Case 2). A proper treatment probably prevented the development of acute renal failure in Case 1. Herein, we show the first case of accidental snakebite envenomation by B. moojeni in a dog in Brazil. Information is scarce on the identification of venomous snake species striking domestic animals. Fast detection of well-determined clinical and pathological findings of Bothrops envenomation is essential for a correct diagnosis, therapeutics, and a good prognosis, even in cases with an unknown history.
Animais , Cães , Mordeduras de Serpentes/fisiopatologia , Mordeduras de Serpentes/veterinária , Inibidores dos Fatores de Coagulação Sanguínea/análise , Venenos de Crotalídeos/toxicidade , BothropsResumo
Blackleg, an acute myonecrosis caused by Clostridium chauvoei, is usually underdiagnosed since the rapid transport of adequate samples for laboratory testing is difficult. This study tested a direct polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique using common filter paper impregnated with cattle tissue samples obtained from animals suspected with blackleg. Twenty-five samples, belonging to eleven animals from Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, were analyzed. The direct PCR technique identified eight positive animals corroborating with results from microbiological culture. Skeletal muscle was the most common tissue type used in this study and when the animal was positive the pathogen was always detected in this tissue. Storage time of the impregnated filter paper at room temperature did not prove to be a limiting factor for the quality of the results indicating that this procedure can be carried out in the field and samples be sent in regular mail. Our results suggested that direct PCR of common filter paper impregnated with cattle tissue is a practical and economical alternative for the diagnosis of blackleg.
Carbúnculo sintomático, uma mionecrose aguda causada por Clostridium chauvoei, costuma ser subdiagnosticada, pois o transporte rápido de amostras adequadas para exames laboratoriais é complicado. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) direta, utilizando papel filtro comum impregnado com amostras de tecido bovino obtidas de animais suspeitos de carbúnculo sintomático. Foram analisadas 25 amostras, pertencentes a onze animais do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A técnica de PCR direta identificou oito animais positivos, corroborando com os resultados da cultura microbiológica. O músculo esquelético foi o tecido mais utilizado neste estudo e quando o animal foi positivo, o patógeno sempre foi detectado neste tecido. O tempo de armazenamento do papel filtro impregnado, à temperatura ambiente, não se mostrou um fator limitante para a qualidade dos resultados, indicando que esse procedimento pode ser realizado no local e as amostras enviadas por correio normal. Nossos resultados sugerem que a PCR direta usando papel filtro comum impregnado com tecido bovino é uma alternativa prática e econômica para o diagnóstico de carbúnculo sintomático.
Animais , Bovinos , Carbúnculo/diagnóstico , Carbúnculo/veterinária , Clostridium , Filtração/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterináriaResumo
Blackleg, an acute myonecrosis caused by Clostridium chauvoei, is usually underdiagnosed since the rapid transport of adequate samples for laboratory testing is difficult. This study tested a direct polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique using common filter paper impregnated with cattle tissue samples obtained from animals suspected with blackleg. Twenty-five samples, belonging to eleven animals from Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, were analyzed. The direct PCR technique identified eight positive animals corroborating with results from microbiological culture. Skeletal muscle was the most common tissue type used in this study and when the animal was positive the pathogen was always detected in this tissue. Storage time of the impregnated filter paper at room temperature did not prove to be a limiting factor for the quality of the results indicating that this procedure can be carried out in the field and samples be sent in regular mail. Our results suggested that direct PCR of common filter paper impregnated with cattle tissue is a practical and economical alternative for the diagnosis of blackleg.(AU)
Carbúnculo sintomático, uma mionecrose aguda causada por Clostridium chauvoei, costuma ser subdiagnosticada, pois o transporte rápido de amostras adequadas para exames laboratoriais é complicado. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) direta, utilizando papel filtro comum impregnado com amostras de tecido bovino obtidas de animais suspeitos de carbúnculo sintomático. Foram analisadas 25 amostras, pertencentes a onze animais do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A técnica de PCR direta identificou oito animais positivos, corroborando com os resultados da cultura microbiológica. O músculo esquelético foi o tecido mais utilizado neste estudo e quando o animal foi positivo, o patógeno sempre foi detectado neste tecido. O tempo de armazenamento do papel filtro impregnado, à temperatura ambiente, não se mostrou um fator limitante para a qualidade dos resultados, indicando que esse procedimento pode ser realizado no local e as amostras enviadas por correio normal. Nossos resultados sugerem que a PCR direta usando papel filtro comum impregnado com tecido bovino é uma alternativa prática e econômica para o diagnóstico de carbúnculo sintomático.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Carbúnculo/diagnóstico , Carbúnculo/veterinária , Clostridium , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Filtração/veterináriaResumo
Clostridium perfringens is considered one of the main causative agents of superacute enterocolitis, usually fatal in the equine species, due to the action of the ß toxin, and is responsible for causing severe myonecrosis, by the action of the α toxin. The great importance of this agent in the equine economy is due to high mortality and lack of vaccines, which are the main form of prevention, which guarantee the immunization of this animal species. The aim of this study was to evaluate three different concentrations (100, 200 and 400µg) of C. perfringens α and ß recombinant toxoids in equine immunization and to compare with a group vaccinated with a commercial toxoid. The commercial vaccine was not able to stimulate an immune response and the recombinant vaccine was able to induce satisfactory humoral immune response in vaccinated horses, proving to be an alternative prophylactic for C. perfringens infection.(AU)
Clostridium perfringens é considerado um dos principais agentes causadores de enterocolites superagudas, geralmente fatais na espécie equina, devido à ação da toxina ß, além de ser responsável por causar quadros graves de mionecrose, pela ação da toxina α. A grande importância desses agentes na equinocultura, deve-se a elevada mortalidade e a inexistência de vacinas, principal forma de prevenção, que garantam a imunização dessa espécie animal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar três diferentes concentrações (100, 200 e 400µg) dos toxóides recombinantes α e ß de C. perfringens na imunização de equinos, bem como comparar com um grupo vacinado com um toxóide comercial. A vacina comercial não se mostrou capaz de estimular uma resposta imune e a vacina recombinante foi capaz de induzir resposta imune humoral satisfatória em equinos vacinados, provando ser uma alternativa profilática para infecção por C. Perfringens.(AU)
Animais , Toxoides , Enterocolite Pseudomembranosa/veterinária , Vacinas Sintéticas/uso terapêutico , Clostridium perfringens/imunologia , Gangrena Gasosa/veterinária , Cavalos , Imunização/veterináriaResumo
Clostridium perfringens is considered one of the main causative agents of superacute enterocolitis, usually fatal in the equine species, due to the action of the ß toxin, and is responsible for causing severe myonecrosis, by the action of the α toxin. The great importance of this agent in the equine economy is due to high mortality and lack of vaccines, which are the main form of prevention, which guarantee the immunization of this animal species. The aim of this study was to evaluate three different concentrations (100, 200 and 400µg) of C. perfringens α and ß recombinant toxoids in equine immunization and to compare with a group vaccinated with a commercial toxoid. The commercial vaccine was not able to stimulate an immune response and the recombinant vaccine was able to induce satisfactory humoral immune response in vaccinated horses, proving to be an alternative prophylactic for C. perfringens infection.(AU)
Clostridium perfringens é considerado um dos principais agentes causadores de enterocolites superagudas, geralmente fatais na espécie equina, devido à ação da toxina ß, além de ser responsável por causar quadros graves de mionecrose, pela ação da toxina α. A grande importância desses agentes na equinocultura, deve-se a elevada mortalidade e a inexistência de vacinas, principal forma de prevenção, que garantam a imunização dessa espécie animal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar três diferentes concentrações (100, 200 e 400µg) dos toxóides recombinantes α e ß de C. perfringens na imunização de equinos, bem como comparar com um grupo vacinado com um toxóide comercial. A vacina comercial não se mostrou capaz de estimular uma resposta imune e a vacina recombinante foi capaz de induzir resposta imune humoral satisfatória em equinos vacinados, provando ser uma alternativa profilática para infecção por C. Perfringens.(AU)
Animais , Toxoides , Enterocolite Pseudomembranosa/veterinária , Vacinas Sintéticas/uso terapêutico , Clostridium perfringens/imunologia , Gangrena Gasosa/veterinária , Cavalos , Imunização/veterináriaResumo
Background: Malignant edema is one of the terms used to designate severe necrotizing syndromes in soft tissues by Clostridium spp. which are potentially fatal in farm animals. These species are responsible for myonecrosis, belonging to the group of histotoxic clostridia, and may also culminate in toxemia with the worsening of the lesions. These clostridia and their spores require a gateway such as wounds on mucous membranes or skin, which may occur due to shear, tail cut, injuries during delivery, castration or injections by contaminated needles. This report aims to describe the clinicalpathological findings of a case of malignant edema caused by Clostridium perfringens type A in an equine. Case: A female equine, undefined breed, used as traction animal, had a history of abdominal pain. According to the requisitioning veterinary, the tutor reused needles for medication. On palpation, a compact mass was noticed in the pelvic f lexure, as well as edema on the region of head and neck with crackling areas. After surgical intervention for compactation correction, the animal did not show anesthetic recovery and was submited to euthanasia. Tissue samples were collected, f ixed in 10% buffered formalin solution, routinely processed for histopathology and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Gram stain. Samples of serous-sanguineous edema fluid and fragments of the abdominal muscles and neck were collected. The samples were kept under refrigeration and sent for microbiological culture. Necropsy showed the subcutaneous region of the pectoral was markedly gelatinous and yellowish (edema) and subcutaneous emphysema characterized by accumulation of serous-sanguineous fluid and gas bubbles. In microscopy, we verified fibrous-haemorrhagic...
Feminino , Animais , Cavalos/microbiologia , Clostridium perfringens/isolamento & purificação , Edema/veterinária , Infecções por Clostridium/diagnóstico , Infecções por Clostridium/veterinária , Enfisema Pulmonar/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterináriaResumo
Background: Malignant edema is one of the terms used to designate severe necrotizing syndromes in soft tissues by Clostridium spp. which are potentially fatal in farm animals. These species are responsible for myonecrosis, belonging to the group of histotoxic clostridia, and may also culminate in toxemia with the worsening of the lesions. These clostridia and their spores require a gateway such as wounds on mucous membranes or skin, which may occur due to shear, tail cut, injuries during delivery, castration or injections by contaminated needles. This report aims to describe the clinicalpathological findings of a case of malignant edema caused by Clostridium perfringens type A in an equine. Case: A female equine, undefined breed, used as traction animal, had a history of abdominal pain. According to the requisitioning veterinary, the tutor reused needles for medication. On palpation, a compact mass was noticed in the pelvic f lexure, as well as edema on the region of head and neck with crackling areas. After surgical intervention for compactation correction, the animal did not show anesthetic recovery and was submited to euthanasia. Tissue samples were collected, f ixed in 10% buffered formalin solution, routinely processed for histopathology and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Gram stain. Samples of serous-sanguineous edema fluid and fragments of the abdominal muscles and neck were collected. The samples were kept under refrigeration and sent for microbiological culture. Necropsy showed the subcutaneous region of the pectoral was markedly gelatinous and yellowish (edema) and subcutaneous emphysema characterized by accumulation of serous-sanguineous fluid and gas bubbles. In microscopy, we verified fibrous-haemorrhagic...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Clostridium perfringens/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Clostridium/diagnóstico , Infecções por Clostridium/veterinária , Cavalos/microbiologia , Edema/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Enfisema Pulmonar/veterináriaResumo
Rhabdomyolysis is a myopathy characterized by severe acute myonecrosis with lysis of muscle cells and extravasation of its content into the bloodstream, causing a secondary renal failure and myoglobinuria. Case-reports have been documented in a wide range of wild or domestic animal species, but to our knowledge, no reports in water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) have been done. Three animals had signs of paralysis, muscle tremors and myoglobinuria while others died spontaneously. Samples of blood from affected animals showed increased levels of creatin kinase (CK), potassium (K), aspartate transaminase (AST), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). In addition, Selenium (Se) levels of those animals were low. Necropsy findings consisted of severe gelatinous and yellowish edema and pallor of the skeletal muscles of the hind limbs, lumbar, cervical and scapular region. Microscopically, acute and severe segmental monophasic coagulative necrosis of skeletal muscles and acute pigmentary tubular nephrosis was observed. We suspect that selenium deficiency was a predisposing factor of rhabdomyolysis in this particular case.
Animais , Búfalos , Deficiência de Minerais , Rabdomiólise/patologia , Rabdomiólise/veterinária , Selênio/análise , Doenças Musculares/veterináriaResumo
Rhabdomyolysis is a myopathy characterized by severe acute myonecrosis with lysis of muscle cells and extravasation of its content into the bloodstream, causing a secondary renal failure and myoglobinuria. Case-reports have been documented in a wide range of wild or domestic animal species, but to our knowledge, no reports in water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) have been done. Three animals had signs of paralysis, muscle tremors and myoglobinuria while others died spontaneously. Samples of blood from affected animals showed increased levels of creatin kinase (CK), potassium (K), aspartate transaminase (AST), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). In addition, Selenium (Se) levels of those animals were low. Necropsy findings consisted of severe gelatinous and yellowish edema and pallor of the skeletal muscles of the hind limbs, lumbar, cervical and scapular region. Microscopically, acute and severe segmental monophasic coagulative necrosis of skeletal muscles and acute pigmentary tubular nephrosis was observed. We suspect that selenium deficiency was a predisposing factor of rhabdomyolysis in this particular case.(AU)
Animais , Rabdomiólise/patologia , Rabdomiólise/veterinária , Búfalos , Selênio/análise , Deficiência de Minerais , Doenças Musculares/veterináriaResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in the treatment of myonecrosis induced by Bothrops alternatus venom in rats. Seventy-five male adult Wistar rats were divided into three experimental groups. G1 and G2 were injected in the gastrocnemius muscle with 120g of B. alternatus venom, while G3 received 200L of PBS only. Three days after the venom injection, 12 rats from G1 were treated with 5.0 x 106 MSC in PBS, whereas G2 and G3 rats received PBS. Every three days, blood and muscle samples of five animals from each group were taken for serum biochemical and pathological analyses. Histological examinations showed more intense muscle lesions following MSC treatment, characterized by disorganization and loss of muscle fibers, with focal necrosis and inflammatory infiltration by mononuclear cells. In conclusion, the use of MSC for the treatment of local damage caused by inoculation of B. alternatus venom impaired muscle regeneration and interfered in the healing process.(AU)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a utilização das células tronco mesenquimais (MSC) no tratamento da mionecrose induzida pelo veneno de Bothrops alternatus em ratos. 75 ratos Wistar adultos foram distribuídos em três grupos experimentais. G1 e G2 receberam 120g de veneno de B. alternatus, enquanto o G3 recebeu apenas 200L de PBS. Três dias após a administração do veneno, os ratos do grupo G1 foram tratados com 5.0 x 106 MSC, enquanto G2 e G3 receberam exclusivamente PBS. A cada três dias, amostras de sangue e tecido muscular foram coletadas de cinco animais de cada grupo para avaliação bioquímica sérica e patológica, respectivamente. A análise histológica revelou lesão muscular mais intensa após a aplicação das MSC, caracterizada pela desorganização e perdas das fibras musculares, com necrose focal e infiltrado inflamatório mononuclear. É possível concluir que a utilização das MSC para o tratamento da lesão local causada pela inoculação do veneno B. alternatus deteriorou a regeneração muscular e interferiu com o processo de cicatrização.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Células-Tronco Adultas , Venenos de Serpentes , Mordeduras de Serpentes/terapia , Músculos/lesões , Ratos Wistar/lesões , Bothrops , NecroseResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in the treatment of myonecrosis induced by Bothrops alternatus venom in rats. Seventy-five male adult Wistar rats were divided into three experimental groups. G1 and G2 were injected in the gastrocnemius muscle with 120g of B. alternatus venom, while G3 received 200L of PBS only. Three days after the venom injection, 12 rats from G1 were treated with 5.0 x 106 MSC in PBS, whereas G2 and G3 rats received PBS. Every three days, blood and muscle samples of five animals from each group were taken for serum biochemical and pathological analyses. Histological examinations showed more intense muscle lesions following MSC treatment, characterized by disorganization and loss of muscle fibers, with focal necrosis and inflammatory infiltration by mononuclear cells. In conclusion, the use of MSC for the treatment of local damage caused by inoculation of B. alternatus venom impaired muscle regeneration and interfered in the healing process.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a utilização das células tronco mesenquimais (MSC) no tratamento da mionecrose induzida pelo veneno de Bothrops alternatus em ratos. 75 ratos Wistar adultos foram distribuídos em três grupos experimentais. G1 e G2 receberam 120g de veneno de B. alternatus, enquanto o G3 recebeu apenas 200L de PBS. Três dias após a administração do veneno, os ratos do grupo G1 foram tratados com 5.0 x 106 MSC, enquanto G2 e G3 receberam exclusivamente PBS. A cada três dias, amostras de sangue e tecido muscular foram coletadas de cinco animais de cada grupo para avaliação bioquímica sérica e patológica, respectivamente. A análise histológica revelou lesão muscular mais intensa após a aplicação das MSC, caracterizada pela desorganização e perdas das fibras musculares, com necrose focal e infiltrado inflamatório mononuclear. É possível concluir que a utilização das MSC para o tratamento da lesão local causada pela inoculação do veneno B. alternatus deteriorou a regeneração muscular e interferiu com o processo de cicatrização.
Animais , Ratos , Células-Tronco Adultas , Mordeduras de Serpentes/terapia , Músculos/lesões , Ratos Wistar/lesões , Venenos de Serpentes , Bothrops , NecroseResumo
Lachesis muta rhombeata (Lmr) is the largest venomous snake in Latin America and its venom contains mainly enzymatic components, such as serine and metalloproteases, L-amino acid oxidase and phospholipases A2. Metalloproteases comprise a large group of zinc-dependent proteases that cleave basement membrane components such as fibronectin, laminin and collagen type IV. These enzymes are responsible for local and systemic changes, including haemorrhage, myonecrosis and inflammation. This study aimed the isolation and enzymatic characterization of the first metalloprotease (Lmr-MP) from Lmr venom (LmrV). Methods and results: Lmr-MP was purified through two chromatographic steps and submitted to enzymatic characterization. It showed proteolytic activity on azocasein with maximum activity at pH 7.0-9.0. It was inhibited by EDTA (a metal chelator that removes zinc, which is essential for enzymatic activity) and no effect was observed with PMSF, iodoacetic acid or pepstatin (inhibitors of serine, cysteine and aspartyl proteases, respectively). Ca2+, Mg2+ and Ba2+ ions increased its activity, while Al3+, Cu2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+ inhibited it. Additionally, ZnCl2 showed a dose dependent inhibition of the enzyme. Lmr-MP activity was also evaluated upon chromogenic substrates for plasma kallikrein (S-2302), plasmin and streptokinase-activated plasminogen (S-2251) and Factor Xa (S-2222) showing the highest activity on S-2302. The activity in different solutions (5 mM or 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate, pH 7.8; 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid + 50% acetonitrile; phosphate buffer saline, pH 7.4; 50 mM sodium acetate, pH 4.0 or ammonium acetate pH 4.5) was also evaluated and the results showed that its activity was abolished at acidic pHs. Its molecular mass (22,858 Da) was determined by MALDI-TOF and about 90% of its primary structure was verified by high-resolution mass spectrometry using HCD and ETD fragmentations and database search against the sequence of closely related species. It is a novel enzyme which shared high identity with other snake venom metalloproteases (svMPs) belonging to the P-I group. Conclusion: The purification procedure achieved a novel pure highly active metalloprotease from LmrV. This new molecule can help to understand the metalloproteases mechanisms of action, the Lachesis envenoming, as well as to open new perspectives for its use as therapeutic tools.(AU)
Animais , Peptídeo Hidrolases , Venenos de Serpentes , Lachesis muta , Metaloproteases , Ácido Aspártico ProteasesResumo
Purpose:To investigate the effect of alprostadil on myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) in rats.Methods:Rats were subjected to myocardial ischemia for 30 min followed by 24h reperfusion. Alprostadil (4 or 8 μg/kg) was intravenously administered at the time of reperfusion and myocardial infarct size, levels of troponin T, and the activity of creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in the serum were measured. Antioxidative parameters, nitric oxide (NO) content and phosphorylated endothelial nitric oxide synthase 3 (p-eNOS) expression in the left ventricles were also measured. Histopathological examinations of the left ventricles were also performed.Results:Alprostadil treatment significantly reduced myocardial infarct size, serum troponin T levels, and CK-MB and LDH activity (P<0.05). Furthermore, treatment with alprostadil significantly decreased malondialdehyde (MDA) content (P<0.05) and markedly reduced myonecrosis, edema and infiltration of inflammatory cells. Superoxide dismutase and catalase activities (P<0.05), NO level (P<0.01) and p-eNOS (P<0.05) were significantly increased in rats treated with alprostadil compared with control rats.Conclusion:These results indicate that alprostadil protects against myocardial I/R injury and that these protective effects are achieved, at least in part, via the promotion of antioxidant activity and activation of eNOS.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Isquemia Miocárdica/veterinária , Reperfusão Miocárdica/veterinária , Alprostadil/uso terapêutico , AntioxidantesResumo
Background: Lachesis muta rhombeata (Lmr) is the largest venomous snake in Latin America and its venom contains mainly enzymatic components, such as serine and metalloproteases, L-amino acid oxidase and phospholipases A2. Metalloproteases comprise a large group of zinc-dependent proteases that cleave basement membrane components such as fibronectin, laminin and collagen type IV. These enzymes are responsible for local and systemic changes, including haemorrhage, myonecrosis and inflammation. This study aimed the isolation and enzymatic characterization of the first metalloprotease (Lmr-MP) from Lmr venom (LmrV). Methods and results: Lmr-MP was purified through two chromatographic steps and submitted to enzymatic characterization. It showed proteolytic activity on azocasein with maximum activity at pH 7.0-9.0. It was inhibited by EDTA (a metal chelator that removes zinc, which is essential for enzymatic activity) and no effect was observed with PMSF, iodoacetic acid or pepstatin (inhibitors of serine, cysteine and aspartyl proteases, respectively). Ca2+, Mg2+ and Ba2+ ions increased its activity, while Al3+, Cu2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+ inhibited it. Additionally, ZnCl2 showed a dose dependent inhibition of the enzyme. Lmr-MP activity was also evaluated upon chromogenic substrates for plasma kallikrein (S-2302), plasmin and streptokinase-activated plasminogen (S-2251) and Factor Xa (S-2222) showing the highest activity on S-2302. The activity in different solutions (5 mM or 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate, pH 7.8; 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid + 50% acetonitrile; phosphate buffer saline, pH 7.4; 50 mM sodium acetate, pH 4.0 or ammonium acetate pH 4.5) was also evaluated and the results showed that its activity was abolished at acidic pHs. Its molecular mass (22,858 Da) was determined by MALDI-TOF and about 90% of its primary structure was verified by high-resolution mass spectrometry... (AU)
Animais , Viperidae , Venenos de Víboras/análise , Venenos de Víboras/química , Enzimas , Metaloproteases/químicaResumo
White muscle disease (WMD), nutritional myodegeneration or enzootic muscular dystrophy, is a nutritional condition associated with selenium and/or vitamin E deficiency in ruminants. These elements are constituents of the major body antioxidant systems. Depletion of selenium results in oxidative damage to cardiac and skeletal muscle cells, resulting in myodegeneration and myonecrosis, typical lesions of WMD. Selenium deficiency is common in South America, but WMD is underreported. This research describes clinical, biochemical and pathological findings in two episodes of WMD associated with selenium deficiency in beef and dairy calves in Argentina and Uruguay with concurrent copper deficiency in one of them, which resulted in spontaneous calf mortality. Further studies are necessary to estimate the true incidence and economic impact of clinical and subclinical mineral deficiencies in livestock production systems in the southern cone of South America.
Doença do músculo branco (DMB), miodegeneração nutricional ou distrofia muscular enzoótica é uma condição nutricional associada à deficiência de selênio e/ou vitamina E em ruminantes. Esses elementos são constituintes dos principais sistemas antioxidantes do corpo. O esgotamento de selênio resulta em dano oxidativo às células musculares cardíacas e esqueléticas, resultando em miodegeneração e mionecrose, lesões típicas da DMB. A deficiência de selênio é comum na América do Sul, mas a DMB está subnotificada. Este trabalho descreve os achados clínicos, bioquímicos e patológicos em dois surtos de DMB associados à deficiência de selênio em bezerros para carne e leite na Argentina e Uruguai com concomitante deficiência de cobre em um surto, que resultaram em mortalidade espontânea de bezerros. São necessários mais estudos para estimar a verdadeira incidência e impacto econômico das deficiências minerais clínicas e subclínicas nos sistemas de produção pecuária no sul da América do Sul.
Animais , Bovinos , Deficiência de Minerais , Deficiência de Vitamina E , Deficiência de Vitamina E/veterinária , Doença do Músculo Branco/etiologia , Selênio/deficiência , Argentina , Doenças Musculares/etiologia , Doenças Musculares/veterinária , Insuficiência Cardíaca/veterinária , UruguaiResumo
Blackleg is an endogenous acute infection that principally affects cattle, whose etiologic agent is the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium chauvoei. In recent years, the major virulence factors of C. chauvoei have been discovered and described. However, the pathogenesis of blackleg in cattle, and in particular, the movement of the pathogen from the point of entry to the affected tissues is not yet fully elucidated. Disease control is based on appropriate management and vaccination. This review summarizes the latest research findings that contribute toward the understanding of the disease in cattle, provide a foundation to preventive strategies, and identify future research needs.
O carbúnculo sintomático é uma infecção endógena, aguda, que acomete principalmente bovinos, cujo agente etiológico é a bactéria anaeróbica Clostridium chauvoei. Recentemente, os principais fatores de virulência do C. chauvoei foram descobertos e descritos. Contudo, a patogênese do carbúnculo sintomático em bovinos, especialmente a circulação do patógeno desde o ponto de entrada até os tecidos acometidos ainda não está completamente elucidada. O controle desta enfermidade é baseado em medidas adequadas de manejo e vacinação. Esta revisão reúne as mais recentes descobertas que contribuíram para o entendimento da doença em bovinos, fornece embasamento para medidas preventivas e aponta futuras necessidades de pesquisa.
Animais , Bovinos , Clostridium chauvoei/patogenicidade , Infecções por Clostridium/prevenção & controle , Infecções por Clostridium/veterinária , Morte Súbita/veterináriaResumo
Blackleg is an endogenous acute infection that principally affects cattle, whose etiologic agent is the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium chauvoei. In recent years, the major virulence factors of C. chauvoei have been discovered and described. However, the pathogenesis of blackleg in cattle, and in particular, the movement of the pathogen from the point of entry to the affected tissues is not yet fully elucidated. Disease control is based on appropriate management and vaccination. This review summarizes the latest research findings that contribute toward the understanding of the disease in cattle, provide a foundation to preventive strategies, and identify future research needs.(AU)
O carbúnculo sintomático é uma infecção endógena, aguda, que acomete principalmente bovinos, cujo agente etiológico é a bactéria anaeróbica Clostridium chauvoei. Recentemente, os principais fatores de virulência do C. chauvoei foram descobertos e descritos. Contudo, a patogênese do carbúnculo sintomático em bovinos, especialmente a circulação do patógeno desde o ponto de entrada até os tecidos acometidos ainda não está completamente elucidada. O controle desta enfermidade é baseado em medidas adequadas de manejo e vacinação. Esta revisão reúne as mais recentes descobertas que contribuíram para o entendimento da doença em bovinos, fornece embasamento para medidas preventivas e aponta futuras necessidades de pesquisa.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Clostridium chauvoei/patogenicidade , Infecções por Clostridium/prevenção & controle , Infecções por Clostridium/veterinária , Morte Súbita/veterináriaResumo
White muscle disease (WMD), nutritional myodegeneration or enzootic muscular dystrophy, is a nutritional condition associated with selenium and/or vitamin E deficiency in ruminants. These elements are constituents of the major body antioxidant systems. Depletion of selenium results in oxidative damage to cardiac and skeletal muscle cells, resulting in myodegeneration and myonecrosis, typical lesions of WMD. Selenium deficiency is common in South America, but WMD is underreported. This research describes clinical, biochemical and pathological findings in two episodes of WMD associated with selenium deficiency in beef and dairy calves in Argentina and Uruguay with concurrent copper deficiency in one of them, which resulted in spontaneous calf mortality. Further studies are necessary to estimate the true incidence and economic impact of clinical and subclinical mineral deficiencies in livestock production systems in the southern cone of South America.(AU)
Doença do músculo branco (DMB), miodegeneração nutricional ou distrofia muscular enzoótica é uma condição nutricional associada à deficiência de selênio e/ou vitamina E em ruminantes. Esses elementos são constituintes dos principais sistemas antioxidantes do corpo. O esgotamento de selênio resulta em dano oxidativo às células musculares cardíacas e esqueléticas, resultando em miodegeneração e mionecrose, lesões típicas da DMB. A deficiência de selênio é comum na América do Sul, mas a DMB está subnotificada. Este trabalho descreve os achados clínicos, bioquímicos e patológicos em dois surtos de DMB associados à deficiência de selênio em bezerros para carne e leite na Argentina e Uruguai com concomitante deficiência de cobre em um surto, que resultaram em mortalidade espontânea de bezerros. São necessários mais estudos para estimar a verdadeira incidência e impacto econômico das deficiências minerais clínicas e subclínicas nos sistemas de produção pecuária no sul da América do Sul.(AU)