Two hundred and forty Japanese quail aged 125 days were randomly allocated to five treatment groups based on laying (%) and quail's weight (90.71 ± 1.8% egg/day × 100 and 178.05 ± 9.38 g, respectively), each of which included six replicates of eight quails. The diets were formulated based on corn, soybean meal, and industrial amino acids. An optimal diet achieves 100% of amino acids required by the quail requirements, except for threonine. Five treatments were made: 20% less amino acid; 10% less amino acid; optimal diet; 10% more amino acid; and 20% more amino acids than those in the optimal diet. The increase in amino acid levels in a fixed Lys: amino acid ratio led to histological alterations in the liver and uterine epithelium, reduction in blood lipid peroxidation, lower hepatic HSP70 gene expression, and the performance of laying Japanese quail. The optimal diet based on the NRC with an adjusted Thr: Lys 78 ratio (Lys 1.0%) improved the performance and efficiency of Japanese quail from 125 to 230 days of age.(AU)
Animais , RNA de Transferência de Treonina/análise , Coturnix/fisiologia , Lisina/administração & dosagem , Saúde Reprodutiva , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição AnimalResumo
The objective of this study was to estimate the nutritional requirement of digestible methionine + cystine for Japanese quail during the growth phase and its residual effect on the laying phase. One experiment was conducted, including three phases: starter, from 1 to 14 days of age; grower, from 15 to 42 days of age; and laying, from 43 to 168 days of age. The experimental design was entirely randomized with five treatments (0.52, 0.64, 0.76, 0.88, and 1.00% of digestible methionine + cystine) and five replicates. In starter phase, 48 quail/experimental unit (box) were used; in grower phase, 31 quail/experimental unit (box) were used, which were reared until 14 days old, receiving conventional feed and, in laying phase, 12 quail/experimental unit were selected from grower phase to evaluate the residual effect. To evaluate animal performance, feed intake (g/bird), body weight (g), weight gain (g), feed conversion (g/g), and viability (%) were analyzed. At 14 and 42 days of age, the relative weight (%) of liver, spleen, and cloacal pouch organs, the birds' warping (%) and body chemical composition (%) were evaluated. During laying, performance and egg quality were evaluated. In the starter and grower stages, quadratic effects were observed for all performance variables. Laying performance results confirmed the estimates obtained in the grower phase; however, there was no effect on egg quality. Considering the best feed conversion, the nutritional recommendation of digestible methionine + cystine for Japanese quail in the starter phase is 0.85% and in the grower phase, it is 0.77%, corresponding to daily intake of 50.43 and 158.5 mg of digestible methionine + cystine/day, respectively.
Animais , Coturnix , Cistina/administração & dosagem , Metionina/administração & dosagemResumo
An experiment was carried out with Japanese quails in the initial laying phase, from 43 to 168 days of age, to determine the nutritional requirement of digestible methionine + cystine for this period. 375 quails were used, being fifteen quails used per experimental unit. A total of 5 treatments (0.60, 0.75, 0.90, 1.05 and 1.20% digestible methionine + cystine) were used in a completely randomized design with 5 replicates each. The performance parameters evaluated were feed intake (g / bird), body weight (g), egg weight (g), laying rate (%), egg mass (g ), feed conversion by mass and dozen eggs (g.g-1 of eggs, of eggs), viability (%) and the body chemical composition (%). The egg quality parameters were: % of component (yolk, albumen and shell relative to egg weight), specific gravity (g mL-1 ), Haugh unit, yolk index, shell weight per surface area and thickness of the shell (mm). Quadratic effect was found on the performance parameters evaluated (P0.05). The nutritional recommendation of digestible methionine + cystine for Japanese quails at laying phase is 0.90% from the maximum point obtained for the egg mass, egg weight and laying rate, corresponding to daily intake of 241.54 mg of digestible methionine + cystine / day, respectively.
Foi desenvolvido um experimento com codornas japonesas na fase inicial de postura, de 43 a 168 dias de idade, com o objetivo de determinar a exigência nutricional de metionina + cistina digestível para este período. Foram utilizadas 375 codornas, sendo 15 aves por unidade experimental. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado (DIC) totalizando 5 tratamentos (0,60; 0,75; 0,90; 1,05 e 1,20 % de metionina + cistina digestível) com 5 repetições cada. As variáveis de desempenho avaliadas foram, consumo de ração (g/ave), peso corporal (g), peso do ovo (g), taxa de postura (%), produção de massa de ovos (g ovos.ave. dia-1), conversão alimentar por massa e dúzia de ovos (g.g-1 de ovos, de ovos), viabilidade (%) e a composição química corporal (%). As variáveis de qualidade dos ovos foram, percentagem do componente (gema, albúmen e casca em relação ao peso do ovo), gravidade específica (g mL.-1), unidade Haugh, índice de gema e peso da casca por superfície de área. Foi encontrado efeito quadrático sobre as variáveis de desempenho avaliadas (P0,05). A recomendação nutricional de metionina + cistina digestível para codornas japonesas na fase de postura é de 0,90% a partir do ponto de máxima obtido para as variáveis massa de ovos, peso de ovos e taxa de postura, correspondendo ao consumo diário de 241,54 mg de metionina + cistina digestível / dia, respectivamente.
Animais , Composição Corporal , Coturnix/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cistina/administração & dosagem , Ovos/análise , Metionina/administração & dosagem , Oviposição/fisiologiaResumo
Currently, feed formulations for quail are based on foreign data or data from other species; this undermines productivity with the use of excessive or deficient levels of some nutrients. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the nutritional requirement levels of calcium (Ca) and supplementation vitamin D in meat-type quail from 1 to 14 d of age. The experiment was a 4 × 4 factorial arrangement of treatments (levels of Ca: 0.42, 0.58, 0.74 and 0.90% and levels of vitamin D: 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 and 4,000 IU) with 3 replicate pens and 43 quails per pen. Weight gain increased quadratically with increased levels of Ca and vitamin D; this variable yielded estimated levels of 0.73% Ca and 2,883 IU vitamin D. There was no Ca x vitamin D interaction effect on bone variables. Bone Ca, bone phosphorus, bone ash, femoral bone strength, tibial bone strength and the femoral Seedor index increased quadratically with an increase in Ca levels. These variables yielded estimated values of 0.78, 0.71, 0.78, 0.77, 0.83, and 0.71% Ca, respectively. It is concluded that the requirements of Ca and vitamin D for the maximum weight gain of meat-type quails, in the period from one to 14 days of age, were 0.73% Ca (p=0.001) and 2,883 IU vitamin D (p=0.02), respectively.(AU)
Animais , Carne/análise , Cálcio , Vitamina D , Aumento de Peso , Valor Nutritivo , Coturnix/metabolismo , Coturnix/fisiologiaResumo
Currently, feed formulations for quail are based on foreign data or data from other species; this undermines productivity with the use of excessive or deficient levels of some nutrients. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the nutritional requirement levels of calcium (Ca) and supplementation vitamin D in meat-type quail from 1 to 14 d of age. The experiment was a 4 × 4 factorial arrangement of treatments (levels of Ca: 0.42, 0.58, 0.74 and 0.90% and levels of vitamin D: 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 and 4,000 IU) with 3 replicate pens and 43 quails per pen. Weight gain increased quadratically with increased levels of Ca and vitamin D; this variable yielded estimated levels of 0.73% Ca and 2,883 IU vitamin D. There was no Ca x vitamin D interaction effect on bone variables. Bone Ca, bone phosphorus, bone ash, femoral bone strength, tibial bone strength and the femoral Seedor index increased quadratically with an increase in Ca levels. These variables yielded estimated values of 0.78, 0.71, 0.78, 0.77, 0.83, and 0.71% Ca, respectively. It is concluded that the requirements of Ca and vitamin D for the maximum weight gain of meat-type quails, in the period from one to 14 days of age, were 0.73% Ca (p=0.001) and 2,883 IU vitamin D (p=0.02), respectively.
Animais , Aumento de Peso , Carne/análise , Cálcio , Valor Nutritivo , Vitamina D , Coturnix/fisiologia , Coturnix/metabolismoResumo
Amazonian reforestation programs emphasize the use of species native to the region. However, reforestation using native species requires the production of high-quality seedlings. The present study aimed to evaluate the development and quality of seedlings of paricá (Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum), a species native to the Amazon with high potential for reforestation activities. We carried out a greenhouse experiment in which seedlings were subjected to treatments with varying presence of major and micronutrients in the substrate, and evaluated the effect on functional attributes (plant height, stem diameter, specific leaf area, shoot and root dry matter) and physiological response (chlorophyll a, b and carotenoid concentrations). Our results showed that nutrient omission significantly affects paricá seedling growth. Considering the assessed biometric and physiological variables, the highest nutritional requirements of seedlings were for N, P, K, micronutrients, Mg and S, while seedling quality was maintained in the absence of Ca. Overall, this species shows efficient use of available nutrients and potential for growth in soils with low concentrations of bases. Therefore, for the production of high-quality paricá seedlings, major and micronutrients should be added and lime is essential, but the good seedling performance under Ca omission suggested that this element does not need to be added to the soil.(AU)
Os programas de reflorestamento da Amazônia enfatizam o uso de espécies nativas da região. No entanto, o reflorestamento com espécies nativas requer a produção de mudas de alta qualidade. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento e a qualidade de mudas de paricá (Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum), espécie nativa da Amazônia com alto potencial para atividades de reflorestamento. Realizamos um experimento em casa de vegetação no qual mudas foram submetidas a tratamentos com presença variável de macro e micronutrientes no substrato, e avaliamos o efeito sobre os atributos funcionais (altura da planta, diâmetro do caule, área foliar específica, matéria seca da parte aérea e raiz) e resposta fisiológica (concentração de clorofila a, b e carotenóides). Nossos resultados mostraram que a omissão de nutrientes afeta significativamente o crescimento do paricá. Considerando as variáveis biométricas e fisiológicas avaliadas, as maiores exigências nutricionais das plântulas foram para N, P, K, micronutrientes, Mg e S, enquanto a qualidade das plântulas foi mantida na ausência de Ca. De modo geral, esta espécie apresenta uso eficiente dos nutrientes disponíveis e potencial de crescimento em solos com baixas concentrações de bases. Portanto, para a produção de mudas de paricá de alta qualidade, devem ser adicionados macro e micronutrientes e o calcário é essencial, mas o bom desempenho das mudas sob omissão de Ca sugere que este elemento não precisa ser adicionado ao solo.(AU)
Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Fabaceae/fisiologia , Necessidades Nutricionais/fisiologia , Análise do Solo , Química do Solo/efeitos adversos , Identificação Biométrica/métodosResumo
This study was conducted to evaluate different nutritional plans of net energy (NE) with a constant calorie:nutrient ratio on the performance of piglets from 7 to 30 kg. Sixty barrows with an initial weight of 7.11±0.89 kg were distributed among five nutritional plans: two NE-decreasing plans (A and B, starting from NE concentrations of 2.47 and 2.52 Mcal kg−1, respectively, and ending both at 2.37 Mcal kg−1) and three NE-constant plans (C, 2.37 Mcal kg−1; D, 2.42 Mcal kg−1; and E, 2.47 Mcal kg−1). The nutritional plans were composed of two decreasing plans: A, 2.47-2.42-2.37- 2.37-2.37 Mcal of NE kg−1 of feed; B, 2.52-2.47-2.42-2.37-2.37 Mcal of NE kg−1 of feed; and three constant plans: C, 2.37 Mcal of NE kg−1 of feed; D, 2.42 Mcal of NE kg−1 of feed; E, 2.47 Mcal of NE kg−1 of feed, from 7 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 25, and 25 to 30 kg, respectively, with six replicates per treatment and two animals per experimental unit. Animal performance was evaluated through the following measurements: average daily feed intake (ADFI), NE intake, standardized ileal digestible lysine intake (SID Lys intake), average daily gain (ADG), feed:gain ratio (F:G), final weight (FW), feed cost per kg of weight gain (CWG), economic efficiency index (EEI), and fecal score. Piglets' final weight was 32.95±3.30 kg. Considering the total experimental period, there was no effect of the nutritional plan on ADG, F:G, CWG, and EEI. The final weight of piglets under plan D was higher than that recorded for those allocated to plan C, not differing from the other nutritional plans. Piglets fed under nutritional plans A and D presented higher ADFI compared with those subjected to other plans. Net energy and SID Lys intakes were significantly higher in piglets subjected to plans A, D, and E compared with those under plans B and C. Net energy nutritional plans did not influence the fecal score and the occurrence of diarrhea of the piglets. Based on our analysis, a nutritional plan containing a constant NE level of 2.42 Mcal kg−1 of feed may be recommended for piglets from 7 to 30 kg.
Animais , Masculino , Suínos , Dieta/veterinária , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Necessidades NutricionaisResumo
Based on the data of employment and food demand of urban migrant workers, this paper empirically analyzed the impact of urban pension insurance on the nutritional intake structure of migrant workers. The results showed that participating in urban pension insurance can change the nutritional intake structure of migrant workers. Additionally, fat and protein replace carbohydrate as the main nutrition sources for migrant workers. After controlling the income and labor intensity of migrant workers and other factors, urban pension insurance has a positive effect on the intake of fat and protein of migrant workers for they increase by 13.5% and 8.8% respectively. There is no significant effect on the intake of carbohydrates of migrant workers. The calorie intake of migrant workers increases by 6.8% accounting for the change of nutritional intake structure. Endogenous and robustness tests showed that the above conclusions are robust. Heterogeneity analysis showed that there is no significant difference in the effect of urban pension insurance on calorie intake of migrant workers in different income levels and age groups.
Este artigo usa os dados da pesquisa de Emprego e demanda alimentar dos trabalhadores migrantes urbanos para analisar empiricamente o impacto do seguro patrimonial urbano na estrutura de ingestão nutricional dos trabalhadores migrantes. O estudo constatou que: o seguro-pensão urbano mudou a estrutura de ingestão nutricional dos trabalhadores migrantes. Gordura e proteína substituíram os carboidratos e se tornaram a principal fonte de nutrição dos trabalhadores migrantes. Depois de controlar fatores como a renda e a intensidade do trabalho dos trabalhadores migrantes, o seguro de pensão urbana aumentou significativamente a ingestão de gordura e proteína dos trabalhadores migrantes em 13,5% e 8,8%, respectivamente, enquanto a ingestão de carboidratos dos trabalhadores migrantes não foi afetada. Significativamente afetado. A transformação da estrutura de ingestão nutricional dos trabalhadores migrantes aumentou sua ingestão calórica em 6,8%. Os testes de endogenia e robustez mostram que as conclusões acima são robustas. A análise de heterogeneidade mostra que não há diferença significativa no efeito do seguro previdenciário urbano sobre o aumento da ingestão de calorias para trabalhadores migrantes de diferentes níveis de renda e diferentes grupos etários.
Humanos , Dieta , Dieta Rica em Proteínas e Pobre em Carboidratos/economia , Gorduras na Dieta/economia , Necessidades NutricionaisResumo
Based on the data of employment and food demand of urban migrant workers, this paper empirically analyzed the impact of urban pension insurance on the nutritional intake structure of migrant workers. The results showed that participating in urban pension insurance can change the nutritional intake structure of migrant workers. Additionally, fat and protein replace carbohydrate as the main nutrition sources for migrant workers. After controlling the income and labor intensity of migrant workers and other factors, urban pension insurance has a positive effect on the intake of fat and protein of migrant workers for they increase by 13.5% and 8.8% respectively. There is no significant effect on the intake of carbohydrates of migrant workers. The calorie intake of migrant workers increases by 6.8% accounting for the change of nutritional intake structure. Endogenous and robustness tests showed that the above conclusions are robust. Heterogeneity analysis showed that there is no significant difference in the effect of urban pension insurance on calorie intake of migrant workers in different income levels and age groups.(AU)
Este artigo usa os dados da pesquisa de Emprego e demanda alimentar dos trabalhadores migrantes urbanos para analisar empiricamente o impacto do seguro patrimonial urbano na estrutura de ingestão nutricional dos trabalhadores migrantes. O estudo constatou que: o seguro-pensão urbano mudou a estrutura de ingestão nutricional dos trabalhadores migrantes. Gordura e proteína substituíram os carboidratos e se tornaram a principal fonte de nutrição dos trabalhadores migrantes. Depois de controlar fatores como a renda e a intensidade do trabalho dos trabalhadores migrantes, o seguro de pensão urbana aumentou significativamente a ingestão de gordura e proteína dos trabalhadores migrantes em 13,5% e 8,8%, respectivamente, enquanto a ingestão de carboidratos dos trabalhadores migrantes não foi afetada. Significativamente afetado. A transformação da estrutura de ingestão nutricional dos trabalhadores migrantes aumentou sua ingestão calórica em 6,8%. Os testes de endogenia e robustez mostram que as conclusões acima são robustas. A análise de heterogeneidade mostra que não há diferença significativa no efeito do seguro previdenciário urbano sobre o aumento da ingestão de calorias para trabalhadores migrantes de diferentes níveis de renda e diferentes grupos etários.(AU)
Humanos , Necessidades Nutricionais , Dieta , Dieta Rica em Proteínas e Pobre em Carboidratos/economia , Gorduras na Dieta/economiaResumo
O leite possui muitas riquezas nutricionais, sendo considerado um dos alimentos mais completos para os seres humanos, principalmente nos primeiros anos de vida. Por apresentar um elevado valor nutritivo torna-se excelente matriz favorável à proliferação de microrganismos, inclusive patogênicos. O objetivo geral deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade microbiológica e físico-química do leite cru comercializado na cidade de Ibirapuã-BA. Foram analisadas 12 amostras de leite cru, pertencentes a três pontos distintos (fazenda, residência e ambulante) sendo todas as amostras devidamente acondicionadas em caixas isotérmicas com gelo e transportadas ao Laboratório de Microbiologia do Campus X da Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB). Utilizou-se a técnica de Número Mais Provável (NMP) para a enumeração de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, além, de testes bioquímicos para a identificação de Escherichia coli e Staphylococcus coagulase positivo e, por fim, características físico-químicas do leite cru: pH, densidade, acidez Dornic, teste do alizarol e presença de amido. Nas análises microbiológicas, as 12 (100%) amostras de leite cru apresentaram contaminação acima do padrão e nas análises físico-químicas das 12 (100%) amostras, apenas uma (8,33%) amostra se encontrou em desacordo com as normativas, no requisito densidade. O leite cru comercializado, de forma clandestina, no município de Ibirapuã-BA apresenta elevados índices de contaminação por microrganismos patogênicos, tais como coliformes termotolerantes e estafilococos, comprometendo a inocuidade e, portanto, representando risco à saúde do consumidor.(AU)
The milk has many nutritional riches, considered one of the most complete food for humans, especially in the first years of life. Due to its high nutritional value, it is an excellent matrix favorable to the proliferation of microorganisms, including pathogens. The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbiological and physical-chemical quality of raw milk sold in the city of Ibirapuã-BA. Twelve samples of raw milk were analyzed, belonging to three different points (farm, residence and hawker) and all samples were properly packed in isothermal boxes with ice and transported to the Microbiology Laboratory of Campus X of the State University of Bahia (UNEB). The Most Probable Number (MPN) technique was used for the enumeration of total and thermotolerant coliforms, in addition to biochemical tests for the identification of Escherichia coli and positive coagulase Staphylococcus and, finally, physical-chemical characteristics of raw milk: pH, density, Dornic acidity, alizarol test and presence of starch. In microbiological analyzes, the 12 (100%) samples of raw milk showed contamination above the standard and in the physical-chemical analyzes of the 12 (100%) samples, only one (8.33%) sample was found to be in disagreement with the regulations, in the density requirement. Raw milk marketed, clandestinely, in the city of Ibirapuã-BA has high levels of contamination by pathogenic microorganisms, such as thermotolerant coliforms and staphylococci, compromising innocuousness and, therefore, representing a risk to consumer health.(AU)
Técnicas Microbiológicas/instrumentação , Leite/química , Fenômenos Químicos , Microbiologia de Alimentos/instrumentação , Indicadores de Contaminação , Valor NutritivoResumo
Para alcançar o desempenho reprodutivo ótimo nos equinos precisamos que o animal tenha saúde, conforto e viva em uma condição pouco estressante. O manejo nutricional é fundamental para alcançar esta condição. A dieta dos animais é composta por água, sal mineral e volumoso. Quando a combinação destes nutrientes não atinge o requerimento da categoria do animal complementamos esta diferença com ração concentrada. Baseamos nossas recomendações no NRC (National Research Council). As categorias mais fáceis de alimentar são as éguas vazias e garanhões fora do período de monta e as categorias mais difíceis de nutrir são as éguas a partir do 5º mês de gestação, garanhões durante a temporada de monta e as categorias mais exigentes é o das éguas paridas. Os requerimentos nutricionais para os garanhões são muito dependentes do comportamento destes animais e variam muito de um animal para outro e precisam ser individualizados, já a dieta das receptoras é influenciada pelo custo dos componentes da dieta, sendo esta a categoria onde mais se utiliza as dietas alternativas e estas muitas vezes oferecem riscos à saúde das éguas. A variação na qualidade e preço do volumoso durante o ano nos obriga a analisar periodicamente a composição bromatológica das diferentes fontes de volumosos disponíveis, sendo que o uso do NIR (Near Infrared) uma ferramenta útil e confiável para esta função.
Horses healthy, comfortable and low-stress condition live are essential to get optimal reproduction index. Nutritional management is the key to achieve this condition. The animals' diet consists of water, mineral salt and roughage. When the combination of those nutrients does not reach the requirement of the animal we should supplement this difference with grains. We base our recommendations on the NRC (National Research Council). Barren mares and stallions out of season are the easiest to feed. Pregnant mares (> 5 months) and Active stallions have high nutrient demand and the most demanding categories are lactating mares. Nutritional requirements for stallions are highly dependent of stallion behavior. The recipientes diet must be cost effective. Alternatives feeds are not well known and more research must be done. The quality and price oscilation of roughage during the year demands periodically analyzes and NIR ("Near Infrared") is a useful and reliable tool for it.
Masculino , Animais , Cavalos/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Silagem/análise , Zea maysResumo
The present study proposes to examine the effect of dietary levels of metabolizable energy, under a fixed nutrient:calorie ratio, on the production performance; body fat and protein deposition; and carcass characteristics of free-range broilers from 1 to 84 days of age. Nine hundred unsexed chicks were allocated to six treatments in a completely randomized design with six replicates of 25 birds each. Treatments consisted of diets with varying levels of metabolizable energy (2700, 2800, 2900, 3000, 3100 and 3200 Kcal ME/kg of diet) and a fixed proportion of nutrients relative to the energy level according to the nutritional requirements for each rearing phase. Body weight, weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion, production viability, metabolizable energy intake, protein intake, lysine intake, body fat deposition, body protein deposition and carcass characteristics were evaluated. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and, later, to regression analysis. Increasing levels of metabolizable energy, coupled with a fixed nutrient:calorie ratio, reduced feed intake, increased body weight and weight gain, improved feed conversion and did not affect carcass characteristics. In conclusion, adjusting the nutrient supply according to the dietary energy level improves production performance by improving feed conversion, ensuring adequate nutrient intake and preserving fat and protein deposition in the carcass when the metabolizable energy level is raised up to 3200 Kcal/kg in all rearing stages.(AU)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os níveis de energia metabolizável, sob uma relação nutriente:caloria fixa, no desempenho produtivo; deposição de gordura e proteína corporal e características de carcaça de frangos de corte tipo caipiras. Foram utilizados novecentos pintainhos não sexados, distribuidos em seis tratamentos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com seis repetições de 25 aves cada. Os tratamentos consistiram em dietas com diferentes níveis de energia metabolizável (2700, 2800, 2900, 3000, 3100 e 3200 Kcal EM / kg de dieta) e uma proporção fixa de nutrientes em relação ao nível de energia de acordo com as necessidades nutricionais de cada fase de criação. Foram avaliados o peso corporal, ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar, viabilidade criatória, consumo de energia metabolizável, consumo de proteína, consumo de lisina, deposição de gordura corporal, deposição de proteína corporal e características de carcaça. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e posteriormente à análise de regressão. O aumento dos níveis de energia metabolizável juntamente com a manutenção da relação nutriente:caloria reduziu o consumo de ração, aumentou o peso corporal e o ganho de peso, melhorou a conversão alimentar e não afetou as características da carcaça. Em conclusão, o ajuste da oferta de nutrientes de acordo com o nível de energia da dieta melhora o desempenho da produção, melhorando a conversão alimentar, garantindo a ingestão adequada de nutrientes e preservando a deposição de gordura e proteína na carcaça quando o nível de energia metabolizável é elevado até 3200 Kcal/kg em todas as fases de criação.(AU)
Animais , Peso Corporal , Aumento de Peso , Galinhas/metabolismo , Tecido Adiposo , Ingestão de AlimentosResumo
The objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of glutamine and glutamate (Gln/Glu) on the growth performance and immune response of nursery pigs fed different digestible lysine content. Two hundred and sixteen piglets, weaned at 21 days old, were assigned to a randomized block design according to their initial body weight (BW), in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with two levels of lysine (control-lys and low-lys) and two levels of Gln/Glu (0 and 12 g kg-1), with nine replicates. At 26d, piglets consuming the low-lys diet not supplemented with Gln/Glu presented a higher (P < 0.01) incidence of diarrhea than the other treatments. From 21 to 32 d of age, the piglets fed the control-lys diets performed better than those fed low-lys diets (P < 0.01). From 21 to 42 d of age, there was a correlation (P < 0.01) between lysine level and Gln/Glu supplementation for average daily feed intake (ADFI) and feed conversion (FC). Gln/Glu supplementation improved (P < 0.05) the ADFI of pigs fed the low-lys diets, resulting in a higher (P < 0.01) average daily weight gain (ADG) and BW; however, worse (P < 0.05) FC. Piglets consuming control-lys diets had higher (P < 0.05) serum urea nitrogen concentration (SUN) and IgG than low-lys piglets. In addition, Gln/Glu supplementation correlated with higher (P < 0.01) SUN. Dietary supplementation of glutamine and glutamate improved the growth performance of weaned piglets from 21 to 42 days of age, regardless of the diets' lysine levels. In addition, reducing lysine levels 10% below the requirement negatively affects the growth performance and the immune response of nursery piglets.(AU)
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da glutamina e do glutamato (Gln/Glu) no desempenho e na resposta imune de leitões alimentados com diferentes níveis de lisina digestível. Duzentos e dezesseis suínos, desmamados aos 21 dias de idade, foram distribuídos em um delineamento de blocos ao acaso de acordo com seu peso corporal (PC) inicial, em um arranjo fatorial 2 × 2 com dois níveis de lisina (baixalis e controle-lis) e dois níveis de Gln/Glu (0 e 12 g kg-1), com nove repetições. Aos 26 dias, os leitões que consumiram o baixa-lis não suplementado com Gln/Glu apresentaram maior (P < 0,01) incidência de diarreia quando comparados aos demais tratamentos. Dentre 21 a 32 dias de idade, os leitões alimentados com dietas controle-lis tiveram melhor desempenho do que aqueles alimentados com dietas baixa-lis (P < 0,01). Dos 21 aos 42 dias de idade, houve correlação (P < 0,01) entre o nível de lis e a suplementação com Gln/ Glu para consumo de ração médio diário (CRM) e conversão alimentar (CA). A suplementação com Gln/ Glu melhorou o CRM dos animais alimentados com dietas de baixo teor de lis, resultando em maior ganho de peso médio diário (GMD) e PC; no entanto, a CA piorou. Os leitões que consumiram dietas controle-lis apresentaram maior concentração sérica de nitrogênio ureico (SUN) (P < 0,05) e IgG (P < 0,05) do que os que consumiram dietas baixa-lis. Além disso, os suplementados com Gln/Glu apresentaram maior (P < 0,01) SUN do que os não suplementados. A suplementação dietética de glutamina e glutamato melhorou o desempenho de crescimento de leitões desmamados de 21 a 42 dias de idade, independentemente dos níveis de lis da dieta. Além disso, a redução dos níveis de lis 10% abaixo do requisito afeta negativamente o desempenho do crescimento e a resposta imunológica dos leitões em creche.(AU)
Animais , Suínos , Aumento de Peso , Ácido Glutâmico , Suplementos Nutricionais , Ingestão de Alimentos , Glutamina , LisinaResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of energy supplementation on associative effects between forage and concentrate supplements and on the performance of beef cattle on a tropical pasture during the rainy season. Twenty-eight Nellore bulls averaging 19 months of age and 325.2 ± 4.1 kg were allotted to a completely randomized design and distributed into four paddocks of two hectares each with a tropical pasture for 84 d. The treatments consisted of bulls on Urochloa brizantha cv. Xaraés pasture without concentrate supplementation or bulls on Urochloa brizantha cv. Xaraés pasture receiving concentrate supplementation at 15 (S15), 30 (S30) or 45% (S45) of the total digestible nutrients (TDN) requirement. All bulls had ad libitum access to mineral supplementation. The amount and chemical composition of the supplement were adjusted every 28 d. Forage and supplement intakes were evaluated in all animals using fecal markers. Crude protein: digestible organic matter ratio decreased with supplementation; consequently, the imbalance between dietary protein and energy increased. Forage intake decreased with increasing supplementation. The substitution rates of pasture for supplementary feed were 0.14, 0.33, and 0.46 for bulls from S15, S30, and S45 treatments, respectively. However, the apparent DM digestibility increased linearly with supplementation level. Supplementation improved the assimilation of ammonia-N in the rumen. Energy supplementation for Nellore bulls on tropical pastures during the rainy season provides excess energy relative to protein, resulting in a substitution effect of supplement intake on forage intake. Moreover, energy supplementation does not improve body weight gain. Protein sources should be added to supplements for balancing protein and energy levels, thereby reducing a likely substitution effect.(AU)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da suplementação energética nos efeitos associativos entre a forragem e suplemento concentrado e no desempenho de bovinos de corte em pasto tropical durante o período chuvoso. Vinte e oito touros da raça Nelore com idade média de 19 meses e 325,2 ± 4,1 kg foram alocados em delineamento inteiramente casualizado e distribuídos em quatro piquetes de dois hectares cada, com pasto tropical por 84 dias. Os tratamentos consistiram de touros em pastagem com Urochloa brizantha cv. Xaraés sem suplementação concentrada e touros em pastagem de Urochloa brizantha cv. Xaraés recebendo suplementação concentrada com 15 (S15), 30 (S30) ou 45% (S45) da necessidade de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT). Todos os touros tiveram acesso ad libitum à suplementação mineral. A quantidade e a composição química do suplemento foram ajustadas a cada 28 dias. A ingestão de forragem e suplemento foi avaliada em todos os animais por meio de marcadores fecais. A relação proteína bruta: matéria orgânica digestível diminuiu com a suplementação, consequentemente, o desequilíbrio entre proteína e energia da dieta aumentou. O consumo de forragem diminuiu, com efeito substitutivo do consumo de pasto pelo suplemento de 0,14, 0,33 e 0,46 para touros dos tratamentos S15, S30 e S45, respectivamente. No entanto, a digestibilidade aparente da MS aumentou linearmente com o nível de suplementação. A suplementação melhorou a assimilação do nitrogênio amoniacal no rúmen. A suplementação energética para touros Nelore em pastagens com pasto tropical durante a estação chuvosa fornece excesso de energia em relação à proteína, resultando em um efeito de substituição do consumo de forragem por suplemento. Além disso, a suplementação energética não melhora o ganho de peso corporal. Fontes de proteína devem ser adicionadas aos suplementos para equilibrar os níveis de proteína e energia, diminuindo um provável efeito de substituição.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Rúmen , Pastagens , Suplementos Nutricionais , Ingestão de Alimentos , PoaceaeResumo
This study aimed evaluate energetic mobilization in tambaqui submitted to fasting, after a one-day refeeding. 120 tambaqui juveniles were distributed in 12 310L polyethylene boxes. Three treatments were evaluated: Control (14 days of feeding); Fasting for 14 days; and Refeeding (13 days fasting and one day of feedback). After the experimental period, the fish were anesthetized with eugenol for blood collection and serum and plasma were used to measure glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol and serum protein. Subsequently, fish were euthanized to remove liver and mesenteric fat and were used to determine hepatic glycogen and lipid and mesenteric fat index. The results were submitted to ANOVA and the means compared by Tukey test when statistical significance was observed (P <0.05). Glucose, triglycerides and serum protein decreased after fasting, differing statistically with the control. Refeeding resulted in the recovery of three blood indicators. Liver analysis shows glycogen was consumed intensely during fasting and partially recovered after refeeding, when compared to control group. The results obtained in this study suggest that the 14-day fast was not harmful to the fish and the tambaqui are able to quickly adjust their metabolism according to their nutritional status.(AU)
Este estudo objetivou avaliar a mobilização energética em tambaqui submetido ao jejum, após a realimentação de um dia. 120 juvenis de tambaqui foram distribuídos em 12 caixas de polietileno de 310L. Foram avaliados três tratamentos: grupo controle (14 dias de alimentação); Jejum de 14 dias; e realimentado (13 dias em jejum e um dia de realimentação). Após o período experimental, os peixes foram anestesiados com eugenol para coleta de sangue e o soro e o plasma foram utilizados para dosagem de glicose, triglicerídeos, colesterol e proteína sérica. Posteriormente, os peixes foram eutanasiados para remoção de fígado e gordura mesentérica e foram usados na determinação de glicogênio e lipídio hepático e índice de gordura mesentérica. Os resultados foram submetidos à ANOVA e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey quando observada significância estatística (P <0,05). Glicose, triglicérides e proteína sérica reduziram após o jejum, diferindo estatisticamente com o controle. Já a realimentação resultou na recuperação dos três indicadores sanguíneos. A análise no fígado mostra que o glicogênio foi consumido intensamente durante o jejum e recuperou parcialmente após a realimentação, quando comparados ao grupo controle. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo sugerem que o jejum de 14 dias não foi prejudicial aos peixes e os tambaqui são capazes de ajustar rapidamente seu metabolismo de acordo com seu estado nutricional.(AU)
Animais , Caraciformes/metabolismo , Jejum/metabolismo , Privação de Alimentos , Necessidade Energética , Desnutrição EnergéticaResumo
This study aimed evaluate energetic mobilization in tambaqui submitted to fasting, after a one-day refeeding. 120 tambaqui juveniles were distributed in 12 310L polyethylene boxes. Three treatments were evaluated: Control (14 days of feeding); Fasting for 14 days; and Refeeding (13 days fasting and one day of feedback). After the experimental period, the fish were anesthetized with eugenol for blood collection and serum and plasma were used to measure glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol and serum protein. Subsequently, fish were euthanized to remove liver and mesenteric fat and were used to determine hepatic glycogen and lipid and mesenteric fat index. The results were submitted to ANOVA and the means compared by Tukey test when statistical significance was observed (P <0.05). Glucose, triglycerides and serum protein decreased after fasting, differing statistically with the control. Refeeding resulted in the recovery of three blood indicators. Liver analysis shows glycogen was consumed intensely during fasting and partially recovered after refeeding, when compared to control group. The results obtained in this study suggest that the 14-day fast was not harmful to the fish and the tambaqui are able to quickly adjust their metabolism according to their nutritional status.
Este estudo objetivou avaliar a mobilização energética em tambaqui submetido ao jejum, após a realimentação de um dia. 120 juvenis de tambaqui foram distribuídos em 12 caixas de polietileno de 310L. Foram avaliados três tratamentos: grupo controle (14 dias de alimentação); Jejum de 14 dias; e realimentado (13 dias em jejum e um dia de realimentação). Após o período experimental, os peixes foram anestesiados com eugenol para coleta de sangue e o soro e o plasma foram utilizados para dosagem de glicose, triglicerídeos, colesterol e proteína sérica. Posteriormente, os peixes foram eutanasiados para remoção de fígado e gordura mesentérica e foram usados na determinação de glicogênio e lipídio hepático e índice de gordura mesentérica. Os resultados foram submetidos à ANOVA e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey quando observada significância estatística (P <0,05). Glicose, triglicérides e proteína sérica reduziram após o jejum, diferindo estatisticamente com o controle. Já a realimentação resultou na recuperação dos três indicadores sanguíneos. A análise no fígado mostra que o glicogênio foi consumido intensamente durante o jejum e recuperou parcialmente após a realimentação, quando comparados ao grupo controle. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo sugerem que o jejum de 14 dias não foi prejudicial aos peixes e os tambaqui são capazes de ajustar rapidamente seu metabolismo de acordo com seu estado nutricional.
Animais , Caraciformes/metabolismo , Desnutrição Energética , Jejum/metabolismo , Necessidade Energética , Privação de AlimentosResumo
The present study aimed to determine the ideal sodium levels for muscovy ducks in housing. Two hundred and forty muscovy ducks of creole lineage were used, distributed in boxes with water and food ad libitum. The experimental design was completely randomized, where treatments were constituted by six nutritional plans (initial, growth and termination) with different sodium levels, and four replicates of 10 muscovy ducks each. The birds had weekly performance evaluations, and after 90 days, eight birds (four males and four females) in each treatment were slaughtered for evaluation of carcass traits. Data collected were subjected to Tukey test at 5% of significance. Differences were observed (p 0.05) in performance (feed intake and feed conversion), where average levels of sodium presented better results. In carcass yields, average levels presented a positive influence (p 0.05) on muscovy duck growth. Male muscovy ducks presented better feed efficiency than females in the same period. The present study indicates that nutritional plan 3 (initial = 0.25%; growth = 0.30% and termination = 0.35%) showed better nutritional requirements of sodium for muscovy ducks in housing, obtaining better performance and carcass development.(AU)
Animais , Patos/metabolismo , Patos/fisiologia , Necessidades Nutricionais , SódioResumo
The present study aimed to determine the ideal sodium levels for muscovy ducks in housing. Two hundred and forty muscovy ducks of creole lineage were used, distributed in boxes with water and food ad libitum. The experimental design was completely randomized, where treatments were constituted by six nutritional plans (initial, growth and termination) with different sodium levels, and four replicates of 10 muscovy ducks each. The birds had weekly performance evaluations, and after 90 days, eight birds (four males and four females) in each treatment were slaughtered for evaluation of carcass traits. Data collected were subjected to Tukey test at 5% of significance. Differences were observed (p 0.05) in performance (feed intake and feed conversion), where average levels of sodium presented better results. In carcass yields, average levels presented a positive influence (p 0.05) on muscovy duck growth. Male muscovy ducks presented better feed efficiency than females in the same period. The present study indicates that nutritional plan 3 (initial = 0.25%; growth = 0.30% and termination = 0.35%) showed better nutritional requirements of sodium for muscovy ducks in housing, obtaining better performance and carcass development.
Animais , Necessidades Nutricionais , Patos/fisiologia , Patos/metabolismo , SódioResumo
The aim of this study was determine the energy and protein requirements for maintenance and gain of Nellore steers. Thirty six Nellore steers with an average weight and age of 359±13 kg and 20 months at the beginning of the trial were individually fed for 56. The steers were fed the same diet (76.43% TDN and 13.62% CP) in three levels of dry matter (DM) intake, ad libitum, 75 g DM/kg BW0.75 and 60 g DM/kg BW0.75. The initial and final body composition was estimated with the marker deuterium oxide that allowed repeated water estimate in the same animal. Deuterium in blood samples was analyzed by mass spectrometry. The effects of intake levels, comparison of intercept and slope among feeding level, and equations were evaluated by the analysis of variance, adopting P<0.05 as a significant level. The net energy for maintenance was 75 kcal/kg EBW 0.75 or 70 kcal/kg BW 0.75. The net energy for gain for steers with 350 to 450 kg weight was 5.1 to 6.1Mcal. The efficiency of energy utilization for maintenance, km, was 0.7492 and for weight gain, kg, was 0.3404. The metabolizable protein requirement for maintenance was 4.32 * BW0.75and the net protein for gain was estimated with the equation NPg= (254.68*EBWG) (29.38*RE). The technique of deuterium oxide marker used to estimate energy and protein requirement for maintenance and weight gain at Nellore steers confirm the hypothesis presented in NRC, that NEmis lower than the requirement for taurine cattle. On the other hand, the reverse was true for the NP requirement for maintenance and for weight gain. We consider that indirect method using D2O for estimate body composition in zebu cattle was suitable to determine nutrient requirements.
Animais , Bovinos , Aumento de Peso , Composição Corporal , Crescimento e Desenvolvimento , Necessidades Nutricionais , Óxido de Deutério/análise , BiomarcadoresResumo
The aim of this study was determine the energy and protein requirements for maintenance and gain of Nellore steers. Thirty six Nellore steers with an average weight and age of 359±13 kg and 20 months at the beginning of the trial were individually fed for 56. The steers were fed the same diet (76.43% TDN and 13.62% CP) in three levels of dry matter (DM) intake, ad libitum, 75 g DM/kg BW0.75 and 60 g DM/kg BW0.75. The initial and final body composition was estimated with the marker deuterium oxide that allowed repeated water estimate in the same animal. Deuterium in blood samples was analyzed by mass spectrometry. The effects of intake levels, comparison of intercept and slope among feeding level, and equations were evaluated by the analysis of variance, adopting P<0.05 as a significant level. The net energy for maintenance was 75 kcal/kg EBW 0.75 or 70 kcal/kg BW 0.75. The net energy for gain for steers with 350 to 450 kg weight was 5.1 to 6.1Mcal. The efficiency of energy utilization for maintenance, km, was 0.7492 and for weight gain, kg, was 0.3404. The metabolizable protein requirement for maintenance was 4.32 * BW0.75and the net protein for gain was estimated with the equation NPg= (254.68*EBWG) (29.38*RE). The technique of deuterium oxide marker used to estimate energy and protein requirement for maintenance and weight gain at Nellore steers confirm the hypothesis presented in NRC, that NEmis lower than the requirement for taurine cattle. On the other hand, the reverse was true for the NP requirement for maintenance and for weight gain. We consider that indirect method using D2O for estimate body composition in zebu cattle was suitable to determine nutrient requirements.(AU)