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Ci. Rural ; 50(7): e20190358, June 5, 2020. ilus, tab, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27999


Ornithonyssus sylviarum is a hematophagous mite present in wild, domestic, and synanthropic birds. However, this mite can affect several vertebrate hosts, including humans, leading to dermatitis, pruritus, allergic reactions, and papular skin lesions. This study evaluated the epidemiological characteristics of O. sylviarum attacks on poultry workers, including data on laying hens, infrastructure and management of hen houses, and reports of attacks by hematophagous mites. In addition, a case of mite attack on a farm worker on a laying farm in the Midwest region in Minas Gerais is presented. It was found that 60.7% farm workers reported attacks by hematophagous mites. Correspondence analysis showed an association between reports of mite attacks in humans with (1) presence of O. sylviarum in the hen house, (2) manual removal of manure by employees, and (3) history of acaricide use. The specimens collected from the location were confirmatively identified as O. sylviarum. O. sylviarum attacks ave not been reported when manure was removed in a shorter time interval and did not use acaricide in the sheds when the removal was done by manure conveyor belt. Parasitism by O. sylviarum should be considered a relevant occupational hazard affecting employees working in direct contact with commercial egg-laying hens in Minas Gerais. We emphasized the need to monitor hen infestations by this mite to improve the development of mite control strategies.(AU)

Ornithonyssus sylviarum é um ácaro hematófago de aves silvestres, domésticas e sinantrópicas. No entanto, este ácaro pode afetar vários hospedeiros vertebrados, incluindo humanos, levando a dermatites, prurido, reações alérgicas e lesões cutâneas papulosas. O presente estudo avaliou os aspectos epidemiológicos do ataque de O. sylviarum em trabalhadores de granjas avícolas e descreveu um relato de caso em uma granja de postura. Este estudo utilizou um banco de dados secundário com informações sobre as poedeiras, infraestrutura e manejo dos galinheiros e relatos de ataques por ácaros hematófagos. Foi apresentado um caso de ataque de ácaro a um trabalhador rural no Centro-Oeste em Minas Gerais. Houve uma frequência de 60,7% de trabalhadores que relataram ter sido atacados por ácaros hematófagos em fazendas. A análise de correspondência mostrou uma associação entre relatos de ataques de ácaros em humanos com (1) presença de O. sylviarum na fazenda, (2) remoção manual de esterco por funcionários da fazenda e (3) histórico de uso de acaricidas. Os espécimes coletados do local foram identificados como O. sylviarum. Não há ataques de O. sylviarum, quando a remoçãodo esterco é feita em menor intervalo de tempo, e não se utiliza acaricida nos galpões quando a remoção é feita por esteira transportadora de esterco. Conclui-se que o parasitismo por O. Sylviarum deve ser considerado como um risco ocupacional relevante, que afeta trabalhadores que trabalham diretamente com poedeiras comerciais em Minas Gerais. Ressaltamos a necessidade de monitorar as infestações de aves por esse ácaro, a fim de melhorar o desenvolvimento de estratégias de controle.(AU)

Humanos , Doenças Parasitárias/epidemiologia , Aves Domésticas/parasitologia , Ácaros/patogenicidade , Riscos Ocupacionais
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 44(supl): 01-04, 2016. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457559


Background: Contagious ecthyma is a viral disease caused by a Parapoxvirus, which affects primarily sheep and goats. The disease has a worldwide distribution and is characterized by cutaneous pustules and crusts mainly in the muzzle and lips. Although the disease has a worldwide distribution, there are few reports in the literature of contagious ecthyma outbreaks in Brazil. Moreover, this is an important disease, as well as causing huge economic losses due to high morbidity rates, is also a zoonosis occupational character. This report describes the epidemiological, clinical, and anatomopathological aspects of an outbreak of contagious echtyma in sheep in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Case: Cases were observed on January and February of 2016. Seventeen out of 45 Texel sheep were affected including five 4-6-month-old lambs, three 7-12-month-old male sheep and nine 2-year-old ewes. Before the outbreak, a Texel ram was introduced in the herd as replacement. Clinically, affected sheep had pustules, ulcers, and crusts in the lips, labial commissures, muzzle, and nasal bridge. They also presented dyspnea, submandibular and facial subcutaneous edema. One of the affected sheep was euthanized due to the poor prognosis. At necropsy, the lesions observed clinically were confirmed. Histopathology of the skin in the lips and muzzles showed marked acanthosis of the epidermis, [...]

Animais , Ectima Contagioso/epidemiologia , Ovinos/microbiologia , Surtos de Doenças/veterinária , Vírus do Orf , Zoonoses
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 44(supl): 01-04, 2016. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-483734


Background: Contagious ecthyma is a viral disease caused by a Parapoxvirus, which affects primarily sheep and goats. The disease has a worldwide distribution and is characterized by cutaneous pustules and crusts mainly in the muzzle and lips. Although the disease has a worldwide distribution, there are few reports in the literature of contagious ecthyma outbreaks in Brazil. Moreover, this is an important disease, as well as causing huge economic losses due to high morbidity rates, is also a zoonosis occupational character. This report describes the epidemiological, clinical, and anatomopathological aspects of an outbreak of contagious echtyma in sheep in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Case: Cases were observed on January and February of 2016. Seventeen out of 45 Texel sheep were affected including five 4-6-month-old lambs, three 7-12-month-old male sheep and nine 2-year-old ewes. Before the outbreak, a Texel ram was introduced in the herd as replacement. Clinically, affected sheep had pustules, ulcers, and crusts in the lips, labial commissures, muzzle, and nasal bridge. They also presented dyspnea, submandibular and facial subcutaneous edema. One of the affected sheep was euthanized due to the poor prognosis. At necropsy, the lesions observed clinically were confirmed. Histopathology of the skin in the lips and muzzles showed marked acanthosis of the epidermis, [...](AU)

Animais , Ovinos/microbiologia , Vírus do Orf , Ectima Contagioso/epidemiologia , Surtos de Doenças/veterinária , Zoonoses
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-221607


As doenças de pele em suínos podem causar importantes prejuízos econômicos, com perdas relacionadas à morte dos acometidos, custo com tratamentos, atraso no crescimento e condenações nos frigoríficos. Para reduzir estas perdas, o diagnóstico correto e rápido é de suma importância, porém são escassos na literatura trabalhos que reúnam as lesões de pele em suínos e descrevam seus aspectos macroscópicos, histológicos e imuno-histoquímicos. Nesta tese estão incluídos dois artigos científicos relacionados ao tema. No primeiro artigo realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo de 2006 a 2018, para determinar a frequência e descrever os achados histopatológicos das doenças de pele em suínos nas diferentes faixas etárias. Foram analisados 154 casos conclusivos, incluindo as doenças restritas a pele e as secundárias a doenças sistêmicas. As lesões de pele bacterianas representaram 46,1%, as virais 26,6%, as alérgicas 12,3%, as neoplásicas 1,3 e outras corresponderam a 13,6%. A erisipela suína foi a enfermidade mais diagnosticada (47/154), seguida por síndrome dermatite nefropatia suína (23/154), dermatite alérgica (19/154) e epidermite exsudativa (15/154). Observamos ainda dermatite vesicular (9/154), pitiríase rósea (9/154), septicemia bacteriana com manifestações cutâneas (9/154), varíola suína (9/154) e hemorragias múltiplas de causa não determinada (7/154). Em menor número, cisto folicular (3/154), hiperqueratose sem causa definida (2/154), papiloma (1/154) e hemangioma escrotal (1/154). A idade foi informada em 138 casos, e a maior parte das lesões de pele foram observadas na linha de inspeção, durante o abate (56/138). Para o segundo artigo realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo de 2006 a 2019, com o objetivo de descrever os aspectos anatomopatológicos e avaliar o uso da imuno-histoquímica nos casos de erisipela em suínos de abate. A erisipela suína, é uma doença de distribuição mundial, que causa prejuízos econômicos e caracteriza-se como doença zoonótica de caráter ocupacional. Estima-se que 30% a 50% dos suínos sejam portadores da bactéria e fatores estressantes podem predispor o aparecimento da doença clínica. O diagnóstico de erisipela em lesões cutâneas de suínos de abate torna-se um desafio aos patologistas, uma vez que os processos de escaldagem e depila, rotineiros em abatedouros frigoríficos, geram artefatos histológicos que muitas vezes dificultam ou impossibilitam o diagnóstico final. Foram analisados 43 casos de erisipela oriundos de suínos de abate. Macroscopicamente, eram lesões multifocais romboides, retangulares ou quadradas, de coloração rosa, vermelho ou roxo característicos. Histologicamente, na derme e subcutâneo, havia vasculite supurativa associada a degeneração e necrose da parede de vasos, hidradenite e foliculite supurativas, bem como trombose, hiperemia de capilares e necrose multifocais. A técnica imuno-histoquímica se mostrou uma eficaz ferramenta diagnóstica, com imunomarcação positiva em 93% dos casos. A marcação foi discreta em 23/40, moderada em 9/40 e acentuada em 8/40.

Skin diseases in pigs can cause important economic losses, with losses related to the death of the affected, cost of treatments, growth retardation and condemnations in the slaughterhouses. To reduce losses, the correct and quick diagnosis is of the utmost importance, however there are few studies in the literature that group skin lesions in pigs and describe their macroscopic, histological and immunohistochemical aspects. This thesis includes two scientific articles related to the topic. In the first article, a retrospective study was carried out from 2006 to 2018, to determine the frequency and describe the histopathological findings of skin diseases in pigs in different age groups. One hundred fifty-four cases were analyzed, including skin restricted diseases or skin lesions secondary to systemic diseases. Bacterial skin lesions accounted 46.1%, viral 26.6%, allergic 12.3%, neoplastic 1.3% and others 13.6%. Swine erysipelas was the most frequent diagnosis (47/154), followed by porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome (23/154), allergic dermatitis (19/154) and exudative epidermitis (15/154). Vesicular dermatitis (9/154), pityriasis rosea (9/154), septicemia with cutaneous manifestations (9/154), swinepox (9/154) and multiple hemorrhages without definite cause (7/154) were also observed. Follicular cyst (3/154), hyperkeratosis without definite cause (2/154), papilloma (1/154), and scrotal hemangioma (1/154) were less frequently described. Age was reported in 138 cases, and most skin lesions were observed at the inspection process during slaughter (56/138). For the second article, a retrospective study was carried out from 2006 to 2019, with the objective of describe the anatomopathological aspects and evaluate the use of immunohistochemistry in cases of erysipelas in slaughter pigs. Swine erysipelas is a disease of worldwide distribution, that causes economic losses and considered an occupational zoonotic disease. It is estimated that 30% to 50% of pigs are carry the bacterium and stressors can predispose the appearance of clinical disease. The diagnosis of erysipelas in cutaneous lesions of slaughter pigs becomes a challenge for pathologists, since the scalding and dehairing processes, routine in slaughterhouses, generate histological artifacts that often make the final diagnosis difficult or impossible. Forty-three cases of erysipelas from slaughter pigs were analyzed. Grosslly, were multifocal lesions characteristic rhomboid, rectangular or square pink, red or purple. Histologically, in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue, there were suppurative vasculitis associated with degeneration and necrosis of the vessel wall, suppurative hidradenitis and folliculitis, as well as thrombosis, capillary hyperemia and multifocal necrosis. The immunohistochemical technique proved to be an effective diagnostic tool, with positive immunostaining in 93% of cases. The immunostaining was mild in 23/40, moderate in 9/40 and accentuated in 8/40.

R. Inst. Adolfo Lutz ; 74(4): 453-457, 2015. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-338148


Sporotrichosis is an implantation or subcutaneous mycosis caused by the dimorphic fungus Sporothrix spp. that infects both humans and animals. Dogs are rarely affected and this microorganism is considered as of low zoonotic potential. The present study reports a case of sporotrichosis in a one year old female Yorkshire Terrier dog, with no history of previous contact with cats. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analyses performed in the sample, collected by means of the lesion biopsy, revealed a nodular dermatitis with intra-lesion Sporothrix spp. The dog was treated with itraconazole (10 mg/kg/day for 120 days). No additional skin lesions were detected, 11 months after starting the treatment. Currently, sporotrichosis has not been included as a disease requiring the mandatory report. However, it is important to instruct the professionals concerning the zoonotic potential of this disease, and on the clinical features which might be very subtle and similar to those found in the most common skin diseases.(AU)

A esporotricose é uma micose subcutânea de implantação causada pelo fungo dimórfico Sporothrix spp. que acomete seres humanos e animais, sendo rara em cães e com baixo potencial zoonótico. O presente relato refere-se a um cão da raça Yorkshire Terrier, fêmea, com um ano de idade, sem histórico de contato com felinos, que apresentou lesão cutânea em membro torácico direito, resistente ao tratamento com antibiótico. A amostra obtida da biópsia excisional da lesão foi enviada para realização de exame histopatológico (H&E, PAS e Grocott) e análise imuno-histoquímica para a investigação de dermatozoonoses. Os resultados confirmaram o diagnóstico de Sporothrix spp. O animal foi tratado com itraconazol (10 mg/kg/dia via oral durante 120 dias). Não foram observadas lesões após 11 meses do início do tratamento. Atualmente, a esporotricose não é considerada como doença de notificação compulsória. Entretanto, é importante conscientizar os profissionais veterinários quanto ao potencial zoonótico da doença, e quanto às características clínicas, que podem ser sutis e semelhantes à outras dermatopatias comuns.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Esporotricose/diagnóstico , Esporotricose/veterinária , Dermatite Ocupacional/veterinária , Sporothrix , Micoses/diagnóstico , Micoses/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Zoonoses