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Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 15(2): 114-117, jul. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1393460


The animal is in good nutritional condition. Several ticks are present on the ventrum and withers. Multifocally and widespread, affecting all areas of skin in a random distribution, there are variably sized (1-4 cm in diameter) cutaneous and/or subcutaneous nodules, sometimes with a targetoid appearance. A few nodules are ulcerated, and others havea central dense crust. On cut section, many nodules are well demarcated, with a light pink center delineated by a dark red haemorrhagic/hyperaemic line (acute infarcts). Similar nodules and ulcers are also present over the teats. Skinning reveals extensive subcutaneous thickening with yellowish gelatinous material (oedema) as well as multifocal areas of dark red discoloration (haemorrhages). Multiple superficial lymph nodes are enlarged and haemorrhagic, with the right pre-scapular lymph node most severely affected, measuring 16x7x8 cm.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Dermatopatias/diagnóstico , Úlcera Cutânea/diagnóstico , Bovinos
Acta cir. bras ; 37(1): e370108, 2022. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374064


Purpose: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains a major public health problem and cause of death. Ulinastatin (UTI), a serine protease inhibitor, has been reported to have an anti-inflammatory effect and play a role in immunoregulation and organ protection by reducing reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, oxidative stress and inflammation. However, the neuroprotective of UTI in TBI has not been confirmed. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the neuroprotection and potential molecular mechanisms of UTI in TBI-induced EBI in a C57BL/6 mouse model. Methods: The neurological score and brain water content were evaluated. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to detect neuroinflammatory cytokine levels, ROS and malondialdehyde detection to evaluate oxidative stress levels, and TUNEL staining and western blotting to examine neuronal damages and their related mechanisms. Results: Treatment with UTI markedly increased the neurological score; alleviated brain oedema; decreased the inflammatory cytokine tumour necrosis factor a, interleukin-1ß (IL-1ß), IL-6 and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) levels; inhibited oxidative stress; decreased caspase-3 and Bax protein expressions; and increased the Bcl-2 levels, indicating that UTI-mediated inhibition of neuroinflammation, oxidative stress and apoptosis ameliorated neuronal death after TBI. The neuroprotective capacity of UTI is partly dependent on the TLR4/NF-kB/p65 signalling pathway. Conclusions: Therefore, this study reveals that UTI improves neurological outcomes in mice and reduces neuronal death by protecting against neural neuroinflammation, oxidative stress and apoptosis.

Animais , Camundongos , Lesões Encefálicas/terapia , Inibidores de Serina Proteinase/administração & dosagem , Inibidores de Serina Proteinase/uso terapêutico , Apoptose , Estresse Oxidativo
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 692, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363338


Background: Calf diarrhea remains one of the main diseases affecting the cattle industry. Persistence of this significant problem is associated with the complexity of factors that may be involved (infectious, environmental). An accurate diagnosis is essential for confirming the cause and helping clinicians and cattle producers to apply appropriate strategies in a timely manner. This report describes the histological changes according to the degree of salmonellosis severity, which is a contagious infectious disease caused by Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica, a Gram-negative bacterium, in two beef calves in northern Paraná State, southern Brazil. Cases: Two 90-day-old crossbred Angus and Nellore calves from a beef farm in northern Paraná State were referred to a Veterinary Hospital. Animal 1- developed acute clinical signs (enteritis, ataxia, and muscle rigidity) and died the day after the signs began. Gross findings included heavy and non-collapsed lungs, pulmonary oedema, hepatomegaly, enteritis, and severe diffuse typhlitis. Microscopic analysis revealed severe diffuse necrotic enteritis, typhlitis, severe diffuse interstitial pneumonia, moderate centrilobular hepatic necrosis, mild multifocal nephritis, and severe spleen and lymph node necrosis. Paratyphoid nodules were evidenced on the liver, spleen, and mesenteric lymph nodes. Animal 2- presented apathy, green fibrinous diarrhea, and died three days after the onset of clinical signs. The macroscopic examination showed moderate diffuse enteritis and hepatosplenomegaly. At the microscopic examination, many paratyphoid nodules were observed on the liver, spleen, kidneys, and Peyer's patches, which were associated with intralesional and intravascular bacilli. Additional findings included severe diffuse fibrinous necrotic enteritis with intralesional bacilli, diffuse interstitial pneumonia, multifocal splenic necrosis, lymphoid depletion, and moderate multifocal to coalescent lymphocytic nephritis. Histological Gram staining was performed on selected samples, revealing intralesional Gram-negative bacilli in the liver and intestine. Thus, liver and intestine fragments were used for the microbiological examination. Microbiological culture, isolation and biochemical tests identified the genus Salmonella spp. Then, the colonies were subjected to serological tests for serovar identification, according to ISO/TR 6579-3, which determined the serovar Dublin. After identifying the disease etiological agent, the outbreak was controlled by appropriate antibiotic therapy combined with the correction of sanitary measures. Discussion: Enteritis is a frequent disease in calves, posing a diagnostic challenge in identifying the etiological agent. In the present case, the histological, microbiological, and serological results confirmed a disseminated Salmonella spp. infection. The microscopic findings, such as interstitial pneumonia, fibrinous necrotic enteritis markedly in ileum and paratyphoid nodules in various organs, are the most common aspects of the disease. However, fibrinous cholecystitis, which is considered pathognomonic for salmonellosis, was not observed in this study. Therefore, the absence of such a lesion should not exclude the disease in sick animals. A microscopic injury score was used to determine lesion severity by assigning values from 1 to 4, wherein: 1 = no apparent lesions, 2 = mild lesions, 3 = moderate lesions, and 4 = severe lesions. Both calves were scored as 4. Multiple predisposing factors for the condition were identified in this farm such as different age animals in the same paddock and no specific paddock for sick animals, given that the infectious agent remains in feces, saliva, and nasal discharge. The serovar Dublin induces several clinical signs such as septicemic, respiratory, and enteric manifestations, making a clinical diagnosis a challenge

Animais , Bovinos , Salmonelose Animal/virologia , Sepse/veterinária , Salmonella enterica/isolamento & purificação , Disbiose/veterinária , Gastroenteropatias/veterinária , Animais Recém-Nascidos
Acta cir. bras. ; 33(10): 914-923, Oct. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-738752


Purpose: To evaluate the most frequent surgical techniques of high-risk colorectal anastomoses in rats. Methods: Wistar rats were enrolled in three different models comprising inflammatory (TNBS enema), vascular (portal vein occlusion) or obstructive (a non-ischemic constricting ring) mechanisms associated with colonic anastomosis that had accomplished after these former lesions. Histological analyses (Hematoxylin and eosin and Picrosirius red) were performed. Results: All anastomoses techniques were associated with risk factors and had complications, mainly anastomotic leakage. In Study 1, the use of a pharmacological agent, trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) mimicked an inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohns disease with 50% of anastomosis leakage, the higher percentage among all models tested. In Study 2, after portal ischemia followed by reperfusion it was observed a dense neutrophil infiltrate in the midst of necrotic tissue and fibrin at the anastomotic site and 5 days after the anastomosis, no collagen was produced. In Study 3, 5 days after the mechanical obstruction some denuded areas of epithelium with marked oedema of mucosa and submucosa were seen, at the anastomotic site and anastomosis group showed some reduction of collagen density when compared with Control/Sham group. Conclusion: All the experimental surgical techniques tested in rats were associated with high-risk colorectal anastomoses and were useful to study colonic anastomotic healing and intestinal leakage.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Anastomose Cirúrgica/veterinária , Colo/cirurgia , Cirurgia Colorretal/veterinária , Ratos Wistar , Modelos Animais
Tese em Inglês | VETTESES | ID: vtt-217552


Senecavirus A (SVA), família Picornaviridae, é o agente etiológico de uma doença vesicular clinicamente indistinguível das outras doenças vesiculares dos suínos, destacando-se a febre aftosa, doença animal de maior importância epidemiológica mundial. O SVA é o agente etiológico de duas síndromes, acometendo suínos de diferentes idades: Doença Vesicular Idiopática Suína (PIVD) e Perdas Neonatais Epidêmicas Transientes (ETNL). O objetivo desse estudo foi descrever os achados macroscópicos, histopatológicos, imuno-histoquímicos (IHQ) e ultra-estruturais associados a infecção natural por SVA e determinar o possível tropismo do vírus em diferentes tecidos de leitões neonatos do Sul e Suldeste do Brasil. Foram realizadas autopsias de 54 leitões com sinais clínicos associados a ETNL. Destes, (80%; 43/54) leitões foram positivos na IHQ e confirmados na transcrição reversa seguida de reação em cadeia da polimerase (RT-PCR) para SVA. A maioria (81%; 35/43) dos leitões que morreram por ETNL tinham entre 2-6 dias de idade. As lesões macroscópicas mais frequentes durante as autopsias foram fezes líquidas (91%; 39/43), hemorragias petequiais renais (79%; 34/43), pneumonia intersticial (77%; 33/43), lesão ulcerativa na banda coronária (35%; 15/43), edema de mesocólon (32%; 14/43), vesículas no focinho (30%; 13/43) e linfadenopatia (28%; 12/43). Na histopatologia foi observado degeneração balonosa do urotélio da bexiga (100%; 43/43), pelve urinária (95%; 41/43), enterite atrófica (93%; 40/43), meningoencefalite não supurativa e plexo coroidite (7%; 3/43). A imunomarcação positiva ao SVA foi observada no endotélio e células epiteliais do plexo coroide (CP) e nos tecidos epiteliais de todos os órgãos avaliados, exceto, nos tecidos pulmonar e linfoide. A microscopia eletrônica de transmissão revelou degeneração hidrópica dos enterócitos apicais do intestino delgado, degeneração hidrópica, apoptose e necrose do endotélio dos capilares fenestrados e ependimócitos do CP associados a partículas virais intralesionais compatível com SVA. Este estudo demonstrou que o SVA é um vírus epiteliotrópico, apresentando imunomarcação positiva para o epitélio de transição da pelve renal, ureter e vesícula urinária, endotélio dos capilares do CP cerebral, no epitélio da língua e nos enterócitos apicais do intestino delgado. Esses resultados demonstram que a degeneração balonosa observada em diferentes tecidos/órgãos foram causadas pelo SVA e sugerem que os sinais neurológicos observados em alguns leitões foram decorrentes da meningoencefalite não supurativa induzida pelo SVA. Além disso, os resultados iniciais sugerem que o SVA pode atuar como um enterovírus, produzindo uma doença entérica inicial com posterior disseminação neurológica.

Senecavirus A (SVA), Picornaviridae family, is the aetiological agent of a vesicular disease that is clinically indistinguishable from the other known vesicular diseases of the pigs, highlighting the foot-and-mouth disease, an animal disease of foremost epidemiological importance worldwide. SVA is the aetiological agent of two syndromes affecting different age groups of swine: Porcine Idiopathic Vesicular Disease (PIVD) and Epidemic Transient Neonatal Losses (ETNL). The objective of this study were to describe the gross, histopathological, immunohistochemical (IHC) and ultrastructural findings associated with natural infection by SVA, and to determine the possible tropism of the virus for different tissues of newborn piglets from Brazil. Autopsies of 54 piglets with clinical signs associated with ETNL were done. Of these, 80% (43/54) piglets contained the antigens of SVA IHC and SVA RNA was identified by Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) for SVA. Most (81%; 35/43) of the piglets that died of ETNL were between 2-6 days of age. The most frequent macroscopic lesions during autopsy were liquid faeces (91%; 39/43), renal petechial haemorrhages (79%; 34/43), interstitial pneumonia (77%; 33/43), ulcerative lesions at the coronary band (35%; 15/43), oedema of the mesocolon (32%; 14/43), vesicles at the snout (30%; 13/43) and lymphadenopathy (28%; 12/43). Histopathology revealed ballooning degeneration of the urothelium of the bladder (100%; 43/43), urinary pelvis (95%, 41/43), atrophic enteritis (93%, 40/43), and nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis and plexus choroiditis (7%; 3/43). Positive immunostaining for SVA was observed at the endothelium and epithelial of the choroid plexus (CP) of the brain and in epithelial tissues of all organs evaluated, except in the lungs and lymphoid tissues. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated hydropic degeneration of superficial enterocytes of the small intestine, hydropic degeneration, apoptosis, and endothelial necrosis of fenestrated capillaries and ependymocytes of the CP associated with intralesional viral particles consistent with SVA. This study has demonstrated that SVA is an epitheliotropic virus, has positive immunoreactivity for the transitional epithelium of the renal pelvis, ureter, urinary bladder, and with endothelial identification of viral antigens in the capillaries of the cerebral CP, tongue epithelium, and the superficial enterocytes of the small intestine. These results demonstrated that the ballooning degeneration observed in different tissue/organs were caused by SVA and suggest that the neurological signs observed in some piglets were due to SVA-induced nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis. In addition, initial results suggest that SVA may act as an enterovirus, producing an initial enteric disease with subsequent neurological dissemination.

Semina Ci. agr. ; 34(2): 823-832, 2013.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-4989


As plantas do gênero Crotalaria têm sido descritas como tóxicas para várias espécies de animais domésticos. O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar, pela primeira vez no Brasil, um surto de intoxicação natural por C. incana. O surto aconteceu no município de Nova América da Colina, mesorregião norte pioneiro do estado do Paraná, causando a morte de 30 animais de um lote de 223 novilhas para engorda, entre três e cinco anos de idade, que estavam em um piquete invadido por C. incana. Os bovinos apresentaram encefalopatia hepática caracterizada por cegueira, depressão e agressividade, evoluindo para a morte em 48 horas. A atividade sérica das enzimas gamaglutamiltransferase e fosfatase alcalina estava aumentada. Congestão hepática e padrão lobular evidente, vesícula biliar aumentada e edema no mesentério próximo à vesícula biliar representaram os principais achados de necropsia. Ao exame histológico observaram-se necrose hepática hemorrágica na região centrolobular com megalocitose e áreas de degeneração esponjosa no tálamo. Os índices de morbidade e de letalidade foram 13,45% e 100%, respectivamente. As evidências epidemiológicas, clínicas e patológicas sugerem o diagnóstico de intoxicação por C. incana.(AU)

Plants of genus Crotalaria have been reported as poisonous for many species of domestic animals. The aim of this work is to report, for the first time in Brazil, an outbreak of C. incana poisoning. The outbreak took place in Nova América da Colina County, Northern region of Paraná state, Brazil, causing death of 30 Nelore heifers in a herd of 223 animals, between 3 and 5 years old. The animals were grazing on pasture fully infested with C. incana. The main clinical signs were characteristic of hepatic encephalopathy and consisted of blindness, depression, aggressiveness, recumbency and death in 48 hours. Gama-glutamyltransferase, and alkaline phosphatase activities were increased. The main necropsy findings were liver congestion and evident lobular pattern, increased gall bladder volume and mesentery oedema near gall bladder. Histological exams showed hepatic hemorrhagic centrolobular necrosis, megalocitosis and spongiform degeneration in thalamus. Morbidity and lethality rates were, respectively, 13,45% and 100%. Epidemiological, clinical and pathological findings suggest that C. incana poisoning was the cause of illness.(AU)

Animais , Intoxicação , Encefalopatias/patologia , Epidemiologia/tendências , Animais Domésticos/classificação , Crotalaria/classificação , Bovinos/classificação , Plantas Tóxicas/toxicidade
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-201842


Fasciola hepatica é um parasito presente nos ductos biliares de diversos mamíferos e causa grave morbidade e mortalidade, especialmente em rebanhos de ovinos. A fasciolose está em expansão em todas as regiões do Brasil e, em Minas Gerais, têm ocorrido relatos de infecção natural em hospedeiros definitivos, como bovinos, bubalinos, capivaras, e em hospedeiros intermediários, como a Lymnaea (= Pseudosuccinea) columella. A grande importância econômica da fasciolose está associada à perda de peso, queda na produção de leite, de carne, de lã e devido a abortos e gastos com tratamento nos rebanhos de ruminantes. Entretanto, os sinais clínicos presentes no desenvolvimento da doença nos animais não são reconhecidos com facilidade pelo técnico ou criador envolvido no sistema de produção. No Brasil, nos últimos anos, a ovinocultura ampliou-se de norte a sul do país, sendo a raça Santa Inês predominante nestes sistemas de criação. Por este motivo, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a evolução da fasciolose em ovinos da raça Santa Inês experimentalmente infectados, observando os parâmetros parasitológicos, clínicos e hematológicos. Utilizou-se 14 ovelhas da raça Santa Inês com dezoito meses de idade, peso médio de 24,5 kg e divididas aleatoriamente em dois grupos. Grupo 1 com nove animais, inoculados individualmente por via oral com 150 metacercárias de F. hepatica; Grupo 2 com cinco animais controle. Foram realizadas contagens de ovos por grama (OPG) de fezes e a avaliação da dinâmica de eliminação de ovos nas fezes a partir dos 55 dias após infecção (dpi), utilizando a técnica de quatro tamises, exames clínicos e hemograma aos 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330, 360, 390 (dpi). Nesse estudo ficou comprovado que o período pré-patente variou entre 60 e 62 dpi, além disso, ovos foram eliminados nas fezes durante todo o período estudado. No exame clínico, os ovinos infectados revelaram prostração, edema submandibular, sensibilidade hepática dolorosa, taquicardia, taquipnéia, mucosa ocular hipocrômica, perda de escore corporal e peso. No hemograma foi verificada anemia normocítica, normocrômica e regenerativa, com leucocitose por neutrofilia e eosinofilia, com posterior linfocitose. Os achados macroscópicos dos fígados dos ovinos que morreram revelaram aumento de volume, lóbulos com bordas abauladas, pontos hemorrágicos distribuídos difusamente pelo parênquima, focos de deposição de fibrina na superfície do parênquima, focos de necrose com coloração avermelhada mais escura e presença de parasitos adultos nos ductos biliares.

Fasciola hepatica is a parasite found in the bile duct of many mammal species, causing severe morbidity and death, especially in sheep. Fasciolosis is expanding throughout Brazil, and in Minas Gerais State it has been reported natural infection in definitive hosts such as cattle, buffalos and capybaras, as well as in Lymnaea (=Pseudosuccinea) columella, one of the intermediate hosts. The economic importance of fasciolosis is associated with weight loss, dropping milk, meat and wool production, abortion and treatment costs. However, the clinical signs of this disease are not easily recognized by the owner or technician involved in the animal production system. In the past few years, sheep farming has been expanding from north to south in Brazil and Santa Inês became the most reared breed. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the evolution of fasciolosis in Santa Inês sheep experimentally infected with F. hepatica through parasitological, hematological and clinical parameters. 14 female lambs of Santa Inês breed aged 8 months were randomly divided into two groups: Group 1 with 9 animals individually orally inoculated with 150 metacercariaes of F. hepatica; and Group 2 with 5 non-infected animals. At 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330, 360, 390 days after infection (dai) four-sieves-technique was used to count eggs per gram of feces (EPG) in order to evaluate the dynamics of eggs eliminations in feces, and also clinical exams and hemogram. The results showed a prepatent period ranging from 60 to 62 dai, with egg elimination during the period observed. Clinical evaluation of the infected sheep revealed prostration, submandibular oedema, liver sensitivity, tachycardia, tachypnea, pale conjunctiva, loss of body condition and weight. The hemogram demonstrated normocytic normochromic and regenerative anemia, besides leukocytosis with neutrophilia and eosinophilia, with subsequent lymphocytosis. Macroscopic findings of the livers of two biopsied sheep revealed increased volume, lobes with curved edges, bleeding points distributed diffusely throughout the parenchyma, fibrin deposition in the surface of the parenchyma, dark red-colored necrotic foci, and adult worms in the bile ducts.

Ciênc. vet. tróp ; 8(1/2/3): 29-34, 2005.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1480808


In the region of Patos, northeastern Brazil, ovine and caprine are important for the local economy. The animals are raised freely to find their own food, thus, they are susceptible to the attack ofthe Brazilian fox Dusicyon vetulus, frequently positive for rabies. The symptoms of this disease in those animals are poorly known. In order to better understand the disease in these species, two ovines and two caprines, aged 3-4 months old were inoculated in the masseter muscle with a fox rabies virus isolate and were kept confined. Seventeen days after inoculation, ovine 1 showed signs of loss ofapetite, stertorous, itching, lowered ears, difficulty in biting and swallowing, salivation, cough and failure in vocalization. Death occurred after 24 hours, when the other animals presented symptoms. On the twentieth day, ovine 2 manifested lateral decumbency, cycling movements, bit the hooves and the fence and died. Both caprines presented exacerbation of sexual instinct, priapism, and had to be separated due to agressiveness. Progressively they presented incoordination, decumbent position, opisthotonus, myoclonia and died after three and five days respectively for caprine 1 and 2. Each animal was necropsied and all presented pulmonary oedema and increased volume of cephalorrachidian fluid. Through the RT-PCR technique viral particles were detected in different organs, although virus isol

Na região de Patos-PB, semiárido nordestino, caprinos e ovinos são importante fonte de renda. Criados extensivamente, tornam-se suscetíveis ao ataque de raposas Dusicyon vetulus, frequentemente diagnosticadas com raiva. Os sintomas dessa doença nesses animais são pouco conhecidos. Para melhor compreender a raiva nessas espécies, dois ovinos e dois caprinos entre 3 -4 meses de idade, foram inoculados no masseter com vírus rábico isolado de raposa e mantidos confinados. Dezessete dias após, o ovino 1 apresentou inapetência, estertores, prurido, orelhas caídas, dificuldade em apreensão e deglutição, salivação, tosse, tentativa de vocalizar e morte após 24 horas. No dia seguinte os outros animais iniciaram os sintomas. No vigésimo dia, o ovino 2 posicionou-se em decúbito lateral com movimentos de pedalar, morder os cascos e a gaiola e morreu. as caprinos apresentaram exacerbação da libido, priapismo e agressividade. Progressivamente, houve incoordenação motora, decúbito, opist6tono e contrações musculares. A morte ocorreu após três e cinco dias para os caprinos 1 e 2, respectivamente. À necropsia, observou-se edema pulmonar e aumento do liquor nos quatro animais. Pela técnica de RT-PCR detectou-se RNA viral em vários órgãos; cérebro, coração, pulmão, rins, fígado e glândulas salivares, porem, só foi possível isolar o vírus em camundongo, a partir dos cérebros. Na prova de IFD todos

Semina Ci. agr. ; 22(2): 119-122, 2001.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-472744


In order to evaluate the pathogenicity and antimicrobial resistance pattern of BK 125 Escherichia coli strain, several tests were assessed: serotype, slide agglutination for detection of the fimbriae F18, presence of the gene Stx2e, verotoxin production, hemolytic activity, pathogenicity assessement using piglet inoculation and antimicrobial resistance to drugs. The strain BK125 showed the following profile: F18+, Stx2e+, Hly+, resistance to streptomicin, tetraciclin, sulfonamides. It produced clinical disease and death of infected piglets. Moreover, it was possible to recover the BK125 strain from diarrheic feces and from the gut contents of the piglet, with high rate of recovery of colonies expressing fimbriae F18. The present results suggest that the E. coli BK125 (O139:K82) strain could produce virulence factors and experimentally reproduce oedema disease in pigs.

Com o objetivo de identificar a patogenicidade e resistência a antimicrobianos da cepa de Escherichia coli BK125, foram utilizados os seguintes testes: sorotipagem, aglutinação em lâmina para detecção da fímbria F18, PCR para verificar a presença do gene Stx2e e teste de citoxicidade para avaliar a expressão da verotoxina, ensaio para detecção de hemolisinas, patogenicidade em leitões e antibiograma. A cepa BK125 apresentou o seguinte perfil: F18+, Stx2e+, Hly+, resistente a estreptomicina, tetraciclina, sulfonamida e foi capaz de provocar a doença clínica e morte em leitões inoculados. Também foi possível o resgate dessa cepa de fezes diarréicas e do conteúdo intestinal dos leitões revelando assim, alto índice de recuperação de colônias inoculadas. Os resultados permitem concluir que a E. coli BK125 (O139:K82) é produtora de fatores de virulência e reproduz experimentalmente a doença do edema em suínos.

Semina ciênc. agrar ; 22(2): 119-122, 2001.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1433035


In order to evaluate the pathogenicity and antimicrobial resistance pattern of BK 125 Escherichia coli strain, several tests were assessed: serotype, slide agglutination for detection of the fimbriae F18, presence of the gene Stx2e, verotoxin production, hemolytic activity, pathogenicity assessement using piglet inoculation and antimicrobial resistance to drugs. The strain BK125 showed the following profile: F18+, Stx2e+, Hly+, resistance to streptomicin, tetraciclin, sulfonamides. It produced clinical disease and death of infected piglets. Moreover, it was possible to recover the BK125 strain from diarrheic feces and from the gut contents of the piglet, with high rate of recovery of colonies expressing fimbriae F18. The present results suggest that the E. coli BK125 (O139:K82) strain could produce virulence factors and experimentally reproduce oedema disease in pigs.

Com o objetivo de identificar a patogenicidade e resistência a antimicrobianos da cepa de Escherichia coli BK125, foram utilizados os seguintes testes: sorotipagem, aglutinação em lâmina para detecção da fímbria F18, PCR para verificar a presença do gene Stx2e e teste de citoxicidade para avaliar a expressão da verotoxina, ensaio para detecção de hemolisinas, patogenicidade em leitões e antibiograma. A cepa BK125 apresentou o seguinte perfil: F18+, Stx2e+, Hly+, resistente a estreptomicina, tetraciclina, sulfonamida e foi capaz de provocar a doença clínica e morte em leitões inoculados. Também foi possível o resgate dessa cepa de fezes diarréicas e do conteúdo intestinal dos leitões revelando assim, alto índice de recuperação de colônias inoculadas. Os resultados permitem concluir que a E. coli BK125 (O139:K82) é produtora de fatores de virulência e reproduz experimentalmente a doença do edema em suínos.

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 29(1): 39-44, 1992.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-710699


The aim of this study was to verify the possible occurrence of paracoccidioidomycosis-infection in animals that belong to the Order Primates, once they are phylogenetically closest to the only naturally susceptible host of the disease, the human being. This research was essayed using paracoccidioidin delayed hypersensitivity test in 33 Cebus apella, "weeping-capuchin". Paracoccidioidin positive skin reactions were detected at a rate of 33.33%. The humoral immunological response was detected by complement fixation test in 10% of the performed sera. Histological examinations of the intradermic test biopsies showed the presence of focal or nodular dermatitis deep in the dermis, prevailing the polymorphonuclear neutrophils both at 24 and 48 hours after inoculation, with oedema, congestion, and mild vasculitis. The results obtained in this study indicated that Cebidae are susceptible to natural "paracoccidioidomycosis - infection" and are suitable to be used in epidemiological surveys.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar alguns aspectos da epidemiologia desta micose, pesquisando a ocorrência de paracoccidioidomicose-infecção em animais da Ordem Primata, uma vez que são filogeneticamente os mais próximos ao homem, único hospedeiro naturalmente susceptível a esta micose sistêmica, no atual estágio de conhecimento. Foram realizados testes de hipersensibilidade do tipo tardio com paracoccidioidina em 33 exemplares de Cebus apella (macaco prego), obtendo-se 33,33% de positividade. Foram também executadas biópsias de reações intradêrmicas para exame histológico, testes sorológicos, de fixação de complemento e precipitação em meio líquido no soro destes animais. Os resultados obtidos permitiram verificar a ocorrência de paracoccidioidomicose-infecção em primatas não humanos, sugerindo a possível participação destes animais na epidemiologia da paracoccidioidomicose.

Ci. Vet. Tróp. ; 8(1/2/3): 29-34, 2005.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-479463


In the region of Patos, northeastern Brazil, ovine and caprine are important for the local economy. The animals are raised freely to find their own food, thus, they are susceptible to the attack ofthe Brazilian fox Dusicyon vetulus, frequently positive for rabies. The symptoms of this disease in those animals are poorly known. In order to better understand the disease in these species, two ovines and two caprines, aged 3-4 months old were inoculated in the masseter muscle with a fox rabies virus isolate and were kept confined. Seventeen days after inoculation, ovine 1 showed signs of loss ofapetite, stertorous, itching, lowered ears, difficulty in biting and swallowing, salivation, cough and failure in vocalization. Death occurred after 24 hours, when the other animals presented symptoms. On the twentieth day, ovine 2 manifested lateral decumbency, cycling movements, bit the hooves and the fence and died. Both caprines presented exacerbation of sexual instinct, priapism, and had to be separated due to agressiveness. Progressively they presented incoordination, decumbent position, opisthotonus, myoclonia and died after three and five days respectively for caprine 1 and 2. Each animal was necropsied and all presented pulmonary oedema and increased volume of cephalorrachidian fluid. Through the RT-PCR technique viral particles were detected in different organs, although virus isol

Na região de Patos-PB, semiárido nordestino, caprinos e ovinos são importante fonte de renda. Criados extensivamente, tornam-se suscetíveis ao ataque de raposas Dusicyon vetulus, frequentemente diagnosticadas com raiva. Os sintomas dessa doença nesses animais são pouco conhecidos. Para melhor compreender a raiva nessas espécies, dois ovinos e dois caprinos entre 3 -4 meses de idade, foram inoculados no masseter com vírus rábico isolado de raposa e mantidos confinados. Dezessete dias após, o ovino 1 apresentou inapetência, estertores, prurido, orelhas caídas, dificuldade em apreensão e deglutição, salivação, tosse, tentativa de vocalizar e morte após 24 horas. No dia seguinte os outros animais iniciaram os sintomas. No vigésimo dia, o ovino 2 posicionou-se em decúbito lateral com movimentos de pedalar, morder os cascos e a gaiola e morreu. as caprinos apresentaram exacerbação da libido, priapismo e agressividade. Progressivamente, houve incoordenação motora, decúbito, opist6tono e contrações musculares. A morte ocorreu após três e cinco dias para os caprinos 1 e 2, respectivamente. À necropsia, observou-se edema pulmonar e aumento do liquor nos quatro animais. Pela técnica de RT-PCR detectou-se RNA viral em vários órgãos; cérebro, coração, pulmão, rins, fígado e glândulas salivares, porem, só foi possível isolar o vírus em camundongo, a partir dos cérebros. Na prova de IFD todos

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 18(1)1998.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-451018


In the coastal areas of the State of Santa Catarina occurs a disease in cattle characterized by "sudden death". The disease was reproduced in bovines by oral administration of Mascagnia sp. Single doses of 5 g/kg of the fresch leaves of Mascagnia sp caused non-lethal poisoning; single doses of 7,5 g/kg caused lethal poisoning in one of two bovines and doses of 10 g/kg death in two others. In the experiments clinical manifestations were observed when the animals were exercised. They consisted in weakness, swollen jugular vein, slight muscular tremors and sometimes sudden contractions; tachycardia, already observed before the exercise, became more intense. At the end the animals suddenly laid down or fell on their side. The course of poisoning in those two animals which were followed up till death, was 40 and 75 minutes. The highest doses given (15 and 20 g/kg) caused a protratecd course; the animals got slow and apathic, avoiding any movements. They were found dead, 7h45min and 21 hours after the first clinical signs. These two last experiments show the importance of exercise regarding the onset of symptoms and the occurrence of "sudden death". The main post-mortem findings were intense red discoloration of the mucosa of the small intestine and oedema of the gallbladder wall. The main histological alteration was hydropic vacuolar degeneration of the tubular epithelium of the kidney in three of the five bovines which died.

No Litoral de Santa Catarina vem ocorrendo uma doença de bovinos caracterizada por "morte súbita". Para esclarecer a etiologia, foram conduzidos experimentos em bovinos nos quais se reproduziu a enfermidade pela administração oral de Mascagnia sp. Doses únicas de 5 g/kg das folhas frescas de Mascagnia sp causaram intoxicação não letal. Doses únicas de 7,5 g/kg causaram intoxicação letal em um de dois bovinos e dose de 10 g/kg a morte de outros dois. Nessas dosagens de 5 a 10 g/kg as manifestações clínicas eram observadas quando os animais eram movimentados, e consistiram em cansaço, jugular ingurgitada, leves tremores musculares e às vezes contrações bruscas; taquicardia já notada antes do exercício se acentuava. Finalmente os animais se deitavam ou caíram subitamente. A evolução da intoxicação nos dois animais em que foi acompanhada até a morte, foi de 40 e 75 minutos. As mais altas doses administradas (15 e 20 g/kg) provocaram um quadro de intoxicação protraída; os animais se mostraram lerdos e apáticos, evitando quaisquer movimentos; foram encontrados mortos 7h45min e 21 horas após terem sido observados os primeiros sinais clínicos. Esses dois últimos experimentos mostram que a movimentação é um fator importante para a manifestação da "morte súbita". Os principais achados de necropsia foram coloração vermelha intensa da mucosa do intestino delgado e edema da parede da vesícula biliar. As mais importantes alterações histológicas foram degeneração hidrópico-vacuolar do epitélio tubular renal em três dos cinco bovinos que morreram.