Background: Cutaneous fibroma is a benign neoplasm affecting the fibroblasts and collagen matrix that develops in the dermis or subcutaneous tissue. This neoplasm is uncommon in cattle, and few reports have described the treatment and resolution of this neoplasm. Despite its benign character, a veterinarian should consider cutaneous fibroma in the differential diagnosis of skin tumors. This report aims to describe a rare case of large fibroma in the scapular region in a cow, with emphasis on the clinical-surgical and anatomopathological aspects of the condition. Case: A 3-year-old Girolando 3/4 cow was attended to at a rural property in Lagamar-MG, Brazil. According to the owner, the animal presented with a small mass in the right scapular region that grew progressively over 1 year and 6 months. Clinical examination revealed an exuberant and painless increase in volume on palpation in the proximal region of the right thoracic limb, which, in its vertical axis, extended from the proximal end of the scapula to near the olecranon tuberosity, and, in its horizontal axis, extended from the 6th intercostal space to the scapulohumeral joint, reaching the dimensions 66 cm and 62 cm, respectively. It presented with multiple nodules that were firm in consistency with extensive areas of ulceration. Neoplasia was suspected, and surgical excision was decided upon. The cow was sedated and restrained in the left lateral decubitus position. Trichotomy and antisepsis of the operative field were performed followed by an infiltrative anesthetic block around the tumor. The tumor was excised maintaining a safety margin of 1 cm. Dermorrhaphy was not possible, and healing by secondary intention was awaited. In the postoperative period, antibiotic therapy with benzathine penicillin, analgesia with meloxicamand dipyrone and daily dressing of the wound were performed. There were no postoperative complications and complete healing occurred approximately 100 days after surgery. One year after the surgical procedure, the owner reported that the cow did not present with recurrence of the neoplasm. The resected tumor weighed 11.2 kg, and, when cut, presented with solid conformation and whitish coloration. Tumor fragments were harvested, fixed in 10% formalin, and sent for histopathological examination, which revealed neoproliferation of remarkable cellular density composed of dense, well vascularized fibrocollagenous connective tissue arranged in multidirectional bundles and undulating pattern. Mild cellular pleomorphism was identified, and no mitosis figures were observed. Alcian blue staining was negative for mucopolysaccharides, differing from Masson's trichrome staining, which widely stained the fibrocollagenous tissue blue. In view of these findings, the diagnosis of cutaneous fibroma was confirmed. Discussion: Cutaneous fibromas are benign neoplasms of fibrous tissue, and they are uncommon in cattle and may be associated with bovine papillomavirus and/or trauma. Although the origin of cutaneous fibroma is not clear, the present report stands out due to the large size of the tumor mass. The complete healing of the surgical wound, the absence of recurrence one year after surgery and the return of the animal to dairy production demonstrate that the surgical treatment was adequate. The macro- and microscopic characteristics of the cutaneous fibroma in this case corroborate with other cases reported in the literature. Large cutaneous fibroma is uncommon in bovines, and may hinder surgical excision and prolong healing time, as well as the complete recovery of the animal. Moreover, the differential diagnosis with other neoplasms of fibroblastic origin is relevant, especially for those with malignant biological behavior, such as fibrosarcoma and myxosarcoma.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Fibroma/cirurgia , Fibroma/veterinária , Fibroblastos Associados a CâncerResumo
Purpose: Previous studies have questioned whether the triceps brachii muscle tendon (TBMT) has a double or single insertion on the ulna. Aiming to provide an answer, we describe the anatomy of the TBMT and review a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) series of the elbow. Methods: Forty-one elbows were dissected to assess the details of the triceps brachii insertion. Elbow plastination slices were analyzed to determine whether there was a space on the TBMT. Magnetic resonance imaging from the records of the authors were also obtained to demonstrate the appearance of the pre-tricipital space on MRI. Results: A virtual space on the medial aspect near the TBTM insertion site in the olecranon was consistently found on anatomic dissections. It was a distal pre-tricipital space. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated the appearance of the pre-tricipital space on MRI, and its extension was measured longitudinally either in elbow flexion or extension. There was no statistically significant difference between the measurements of this space in the right and left elbows or between flexion and extension (p > 0.05). The coefficient of variation was 10% for all measurements. Conclusion: Knowledge of this structure may be essential to avoid incorrect diagnosis and unnecessary therapeutic interventions.(AU)
Tendões/anatomia & histologia , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , MúsculosResumo
In order to establish a bone loss induction model in rabbits to study osteoporosis, 18 rabbits underwent ovariectomy and received methylprednisolone 1mg/kg intramuscularly on alternate days for two weeks. Immediately before ovariectomy up to 42 days after methylprednisolone administration, radiographs of the right olecranon were taken in the mediolateral position to evaluate the radiographic optical density. Before the induction of osteoporosis, rabbits presented mean values of radiographic density of 2.305mm Al and at 42 days of 1.575mm Al. The values obtained were submitted to ANOVA for repeated measures that revealed a significant drop (P< 0.001) in the density over time, proving that the induction was able to trigger bone loss of these animals. With this, it can be affirmed that the adopted protocol was enough to provoke a significant bone loss, characterizing a valid model for the study of new treatments for osteoporosis.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Coelhos , Osteoporose/diagnóstico por imagem , Regeneração Óssea , Densidade Óssea , Doenças Ósseas Metabólicas/veterinária , Análise de Variância , Modelos AnimaisResumo
In order to establish a bone loss induction model in rabbits to study osteoporosis, 18 rabbits underwent ovariectomy and received methylprednisolone 1mg/kg intramuscularly on alternate days for two weeks. Immediately before ovariectomy up to 42 days after methylprednisolone administration, radiographs of the right olecranon were taken in the mediolateral position to evaluate the radiographic optical density. Before the induction of osteoporosis, rabbits presented mean values of radiographic density of 2.305mm Al and at 42 days of 1.575mm Al. The values obtained were submitted to ANOVA for repeated measures that revealed a significant drop (P< 0.001) in the density over time, proving that the induction was able to trigger bone loss of these animals. With this, it can be affirmed that the adopted protocol was enough to provoke a significant bone loss, characterizing a valid model for the study of new treatments for osteoporosis.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Coelhos , Osteoporose/diagnóstico por imagem , Regeneração Óssea , Densidade Óssea , Doenças Ósseas Metabólicas/veterinária , Análise de Variância , Modelos AnimaisResumo
In this study, the bones forming the poultry skeleton of the Dalmatian pelican were macroscopically examined. For this purpose, three Dalmatian pelicans were used. In the Dalmatian pelicans, the shoulder girdle (Ossa cinguli membri thoracici) is formed by the scapula, os coracoideum and clavicula bones. The scapula bone was short and flat. The humerus was a long bone with a cylindrical, pneumatic structure. Os corocoideum was also in the processus coracoideus tuber. Radius formed a joint with the ulna, and presented a slight slope from proximal to distal direction. Ossa carpi bones (skeleton manus) were composed of os carpi ulnare and os carpi radiale. The phalanx proximalis digiti majoris had a triangular shape on the dorsal side and two blade-shaped phalanxes. The bones that make up the structure of the Dalmatian pelicans wing have significant similarities to other birds, but also to have many particular characteristics.(AU)
Animais , Passeriformes/anatomia & histologia , Passeriformes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Extremidade Superior , ÚmeroResumo
In this study, the bones forming the poultry skeleton of the Dalmatian pelican were macroscopically examined. For this purpose, three Dalmatian pelicans were used. In the Dalmatian pelicans, the shoulder girdle (Ossa cinguli membri thoracici) is formed by the scapula, os coracoideum and clavicula bones. The scapula bone was short and flat. The humerus was a long bone with a cylindrical, pneumatic structure. Os corocoideum was also in the processus coracoideus tuber. Radius formed a joint with the ulna, and presented a slight slope from proximal to distal direction. Ossa carpi bones (skeleton manus) were composed of os carpi ulnare and os carpi radiale. The phalanx proximalis digiti majoris had a triangular shape on the dorsal side and two blade-shaped phalanxes. The bones that make up the structure of the Dalmatian pelicans wing have significant similarities to other birds, but also to have many particular characteristics.
Animais , Extremidade Superior , Passeriformes/anatomia & histologia , Passeriformes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , ÚmeroResumo
A modified cervical paravertebral block of the brachial plexus was performed with the aid of a nerve stimulator for osteosynthesis with four intramedullary pins in a 5-month-old colt weighing 180 kg diagnosed with a closed, complete, and oblique humerus fracture. Xylazine 2% (0.5 mg kg-1 IV) was administered as the pre-anesthetic medication. Anesthesia was induced with ketamine 10% (2 mg kg-1 IV) and midazolam 0.5% (5 mg kg-1 IV) and maintained with isoflurane. The animal was on mechanical ventilation. The nerve block was induced with administration of ropivacaine 0.75% in the ventral branches of C6 (intervertebral space C5âC6) and C7 (intervertebral space C6âC7) and in the branches of C8 and T1 at their convergence at the cranial margin of the first rib. During the 130-min duration of the surgery, no analgesic rescue was required. In conclusion, this blockade can be performed safely and promotes numbness of the humeral and olecranon regions.
Realizou-se o bloqueio paravertebral cervical modicado do plexo braquial, com auxÃlio de estimulador de nervos, para execução de osteossÃntese com quatro pinos intramedulares, em potro de 5 meses, com 180 kg, diagnosticado com fratura fechada, completa e oblÃqua de úmero. O animal foi submetido a anestesia com medicação pré-anestésica, xilazina 2% (0,5 mg kg-1 IV) e indução anestésica com cetamina 10% (2 mg kg-1 IV) associada ao midazolam 0,5% (0,5 mg kg-1 IV). A manutenção anestésica foi feita com isoflurano, sendo sempre mantido em ventilação mecânica. O bloqueio foi feito com ropivacaÃna 0,75% nos ramos ventrais de C6 (espaço intervertebral C5 â C6), C7 (espaço intervertebral C6 â C7) e nos ramos de C8 e T1 em sua convergência na margem cranial da primeira costela. Durante os 130 minutos de duração da cirurgia, não foi necessário qualquer resgate analgésico. Conclui-se que esse bloqueio foi realizado de forma segura e promoveu insensibilidade da região de úmero e olecrano.
Objetivou-se descrever os acidentes anatômicos dos ossos longos do membro torácico de Tamandua tetradactyla por meio de análises macroscópicas e radiográficas. Foram utilizados 34 espécimes, que foram a óbito por atropelamento. A avaliação do úmero demonstrou as mesmas estruturas presentes nos animais domésticos, além de outras sem prévia descrição. Já no antebraço, rádio e ulna se apresentaram completamente separados, e apesar de, como o úmero, serem identificados alguns dos mesmos acidentes anatômicos descritos em outras espécies, também notamos particularidades. Todas as estruturas descritas na análise macroscópica foram identificadas à radiografia, quando realizada em pelo menos duas projeções ortogonais. As estruturas anátomo-radiográficas dos ossos longos do T. tetradactyla demonstraram grande variaçãoanatômica em comparação a outros mamíferos, o que torna a referida espécie muito singular. Assim o conhecimento de suas particularidades é fundamental para abordagens clínico-cirúrgicas mais seguras.
The objective was to describe the anatomical accidents of the long bones of the thoracic limb of Tamandua tetradactyla by means of macroscopic and radiographic analyzes. We used 34 specimens, which were death by running over. Evaluation of the humerus demonstrated the same structures present in domestic animals, besides others without previous description. In the forearm, radius and ulna were completely separated, and although, like the humerus, some of the same anatomical accidents described in other species were identified, we also noticed particularities. All the structures described in the macroscopic analysis were identified on radiography, when performed in at least two orthogonal projections. The anatomic-radiographic structures of the long bones of T. tetradactyla showed great anatomical variation compared to other mammals, which makes the species very unique. Thus knowledge of their particularities is fundamental for safer clinical-surgical approaches.
Animais , Ulna/anatomia & histologia , Radiografia/veterinária , Extremidade Superior/diagnóstico por imagem , Osteologia/métodos , Antebraço/anatomia & histologia , Vermilingua/anatomia & histologia , Úmero/anatomia & histologia , Anatomia Veterinária/métodos , Animais Selvagens/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Background: Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (CTVT) is a neoplasm transmitted by implantation of its cells into genitaland extragenital organs, while Heartworm and Visceral Leishmaniasis are zoonosis transmitted by hematophagous insectsthat are often underdiagnosed in asymptomatic animals. Coinfection by the agents of these parasitosis is well documented,however, the association of both diseases with the CTVT is still unusual. Thus, it was aimed to report a case of incidentalidentification of microfilariae of D. immitis and amastigotes forms of Leishmania sp. in cutaneous CTVT by cytology in anasymptomatic dog for the parasitosis.Case: A 6-year-old, male, mongrel, sexually intact dog from the city of Patos, Paraiba, Brazil, was presented with a cutaneouscircumscribed tumoral lesion in a region adjacent to the right olecranon, with an ulcerated surface of reddish color, havingareas of necrosis inside and larvae (myiasis), draining bloody secretion. The material was collected for cytological analysis,which proved to be Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (CTVT) with the presence of amastigote forms of Leishmania sp.and microfilariae of D. immitis among neoplastic cells. Blood count, serum urea, creatinine and albumin, ALT, AST, FA,CK, Na+, K+, Ca++, CK-MB, Troponin I (cTnI), Snap 4Dx Plus (Idexx®), Snap Leishmania (Idexx®), and Knotts test wereperformed, plus chest radiography, blood pressure measurements and electrocardiogram (ECG). The alterations found corresponded to normochromic normocytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, hypoalbuminemia, microfilariae in the Knott test, increaseof CK, CK-MB and cTnI, positivity for Erlichia sp., Anaplasma sp., Leishmania sp. and Dirofilaria immitis. Furthermorecardiomegaly on radiographs and sinus arrhythmia associated with atrioventricular block (AVB) of the first degree on theECG. Euthanasia was performed after necropsy, in which adult worms were...
Animais , Cães , Coinfecção/veterinária , Dirofilaria immitis , Leishmania , Tumores Venéreos Veterinários/diagnóstico , Cardiomegalia , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais , Técnicas Citológicas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (CTVT) is a neoplasm transmitted by implantation of its cells into genitaland extragenital organs, while Heartworm and Visceral Leishmaniasis are zoonosis transmitted by hematophagous insectsthat are often underdiagnosed in asymptomatic animals. Coinfection by the agents of these parasitosis is well documented,however, the association of both diseases with the CTVT is still unusual. Thus, it was aimed to report a case of incidentalidentification of microfilariae of D. immitis and amastigotes forms of Leishmania sp. in cutaneous CTVT by cytology in anasymptomatic dog for the parasitosis.Case: A 6-year-old, male, mongrel, sexually intact dog from the city of Patos, Paraiba, Brazil, was presented with a cutaneouscircumscribed tumoral lesion in a region adjacent to the right olecranon, with an ulcerated surface of reddish color, havingareas of necrosis inside and larvae (myiasis), draining bloody secretion. The material was collected for cytological analysis,which proved to be Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (CTVT) with the presence of amastigote forms of Leishmania sp.and microfilariae of D. immitis among neoplastic cells. Blood count, serum urea, creatinine and albumin, ALT, AST, FA,CK, Na+, K+, Ca++, CK-MB, Troponin I (cTnI), Snap 4Dx Plus (Idexx®), Snap Leishmania (Idexx®), and Knotts test wereperformed, plus chest radiography, blood pressure measurements and electrocardiogram (ECG). The alterations found corresponded to normochromic normocytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, hypoalbuminemia, microfilariae in the Knott test, increaseof CK, CK-MB and cTnI, positivity for Erlichia sp., Anaplasma sp., Leishmania sp. and Dirofilaria immitis. Furthermorecardiomegaly on radiographs and sinus arrhythmia associated with atrioventricular block (AVB) of the first degree on theECG. Euthanasia was performed after necropsy, in which adult worms were...(AU)
Animais , Cães , Leishmania , Dirofilaria immitis , Tumores Venéreos Veterinários/diagnóstico , Coinfecção/veterinária , Técnicas Citológicas/veterinária , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais , CardiomegaliaResumo
A dog was consulted with functional disability of the right thoracic limb.Radiographic image showed lateral luxation of the scapulohumeral joint.The animal was submitted to surgical treatment using tension suture withscrews and Nylon wire, with satisfactory result and functional use of thelimb 30 days postoperatively.
Animais , Cães , Escápula/lesões , Luxações Articulares/reabilitação , Luxações Articulares/veterinária , Nylons , Parafusos Ósseos/veterinária , Úmero , Técnicas de Sutura/veterináriaResumo
A dog was consulted with functional disability of the right thoracic limb.Radiographic image showed lateral luxation of the scapulohumeral joint.The animal was submitted to surgical treatment using tension suture withscrews and Nylon wire, with satisfactory result and functional use of thelimb 30 days postoperatively.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Luxações Articulares/reabilitação , Luxações Articulares/veterinária , Escápula/lesões , Úmero , Parafusos Ósseos/veterinária , Nylons , Técnicas de Sutura/veterináriaResumo
Objetivou-se relatar a utilização do neurolocalizador para bloqueio do plexo braquial bilateral em tamanduá-mirim (Tamandua tetradactyla). O animal, pesando 5kg, atendido pelo Centro de Reabilitação de Animais Silvestres, foi encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul para realização de exames complementares, sendo, posteriormente, encaminhado para cirurgia de osteossíntese de úmero e rádio/ulna esquerdo e colocação de fio de cerclagem em olécrano direito. O paciente foi pré-medicado com cetamina S (5mg/kg) + midazolam (0,15mg/kg), indução anestésica com propofol (5mg/kg) e manutenção anestésica com isoflurano, com o auxílio de máscara. Os parâmetros cardiovasculares e respiratórios foram monitorados durante todo o procedimento. Realizou-se o bloqueio do plexo braquial em ambos os membros utilizando-se estimulador de nervos periféricos. Os anestésicos locais empregados foram lidocaína 2% sem vasoconstritor (3mg/kg) + ropivacaína 0,75% sem vasoconstritor (1mg/kg). O bloqueio foi realizado primeiramente no membro torácico direito, e, após realização do procedimento cirúrgico, o mesmo bloqueio foi realizado no membro contralateral. O paciente teve recuperação tranquila ausente de vocalização e expressão álgica, e a soltura ocorreu após 120 dias.(AU)
The aim of this study was to report the use of the neurolocalizer for blocking the bilateral brachial plexus in tamanduá-mirin. The subject weighing 5kg was attended by the Center for the Rehabilitation of Wild Animals and referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul for complementary tests. Through the examinations, the need to perform humerus and left radius/ulna osteosynthesis and cerclagem placement on right olecranon was established. For surgery performance, the patient was pre-medicated with ketamine S (5mg/kg-1) associated to midazolam (0.15mg/kg-1) via intramuscular and intravenous propofol (5mg/kg-1) was used for induction. The anesthetic maintenance was performed with isoflurane, provided by an oxygen mask. Cardiovascular and respiratory parameters were monitored throughout the procedure. Brachial plexus block was performed in both limbs using peripheral nerve stimulator. The local anesthetics used were lidocaine without vasoconstrictor (3mg/kg-1) plus 0.75% ropivacaine without vasoconstrictor (1mg/kg-1). Blocking was first performed on the right thoracic limb followed by the surgical procedure. The same blockage was performed on the contralateral limb. The patient had a smooth recovery, without vocalization and pain. The release to its natural habitat occurred after 120 days.(AU)
Animais , Xenarthra/anormalidades , Xenarthra/anatomia & histologia , Bloqueio Nervoso , Nervos PeriféricosResumo
Objetivou-se relatar a utilização do neurolocalizador para bloqueio do plexo braquial bilateral em tamanduá-mirim (Tamandua tetradactyla). O animal, pesando 5kg, atendido pelo Centro de Reabilitação de Animais Silvestres, foi encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul para realização de exames complementares, sendo, posteriormente, encaminhado para cirurgia de osteossíntese de úmero e rádio/ulna esquerdo e colocação de fio de cerclagem em olécrano direito. O paciente foi pré-medicado com cetamina S (5mg/kg) + midazolam (0,15mg/kg), indução anestésica com propofol (5mg/kg) e manutenção anestésica com isoflurano, com o auxílio de máscara. Os parâmetros cardiovasculares e respiratórios foram monitorados durante todo o procedimento. Realizou-se o bloqueio do plexo braquial em ambos os membros utilizando-se estimulador de nervos periféricos. Os anestésicos locais empregados foram lidocaína 2% sem vasoconstritor (3mg/kg) + ropivacaína 0,75% sem vasoconstritor (1mg/kg). O bloqueio foi realizado primeiramente no membro torácico direito, e, após realização do procedimento cirúrgico, o mesmo bloqueio foi realizado no membro contralateral. O paciente teve recuperação tranquila ausente de vocalização e expressão álgica, e a soltura ocorreu após 120 dias.(AU)
The aim of this study was to report the use of the neurolocalizer for blocking the bilateral brachial plexus in tamanduá-mirin. The subject weighing 5kg was attended by the Center for the Rehabilitation of Wild Animals and referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul for complementary tests. Through the examinations, the need to perform humerus and left radius/ulna osteosynthesis and cerclagem placement on right olecranon was established. For surgery performance, the patient was pre-medicated with ketamine S (5mg/kg-1) associated to midazolam (0.15mg/kg-1) via intramuscular and intravenous propofol (5mg/kg-1) was used for induction. The anesthetic maintenance was performed with isoflurane, provided by an oxygen mask. Cardiovascular and respiratory parameters were monitored throughout the procedure. Brachial plexus block was performed in both limbs using peripheral nerve stimulator. The local anesthetics used were lidocaine without vasoconstrictor (3mg/kg-1) plus 0.75% ropivacaine without vasoconstrictor (1mg/kg-1). Blocking was first performed on the right thoracic limb followed by the surgical procedure. The same blockage was performed on the contralateral limb. The patient had a smooth recovery, without vocalization and pain. The release to its natural habitat occurred after 120 days.(AU)
Animais , Xenarthra/anormalidades , Xenarthra/anatomia & histologia , Nervos Periféricos , Bloqueio NervosoResumo
RESUMEN Se investigaron las diferencias sexuales en algunos de los elementos de la cintura escapular y del miembro anterior de Chaetophractus villosus (Desmarest, 1804) utilizando técnicas de morfometría geométrica. La muestra estuvo constituida por 15 escápulas (7 machos, 8 hembras) y 50 complejos húmero-ulna (24 machos, 26 hembras). No se detectaron diferencias de tamaño entre sexos para ninguno de los tres huesos. Sin embargo, se observaron diferencias de forma para el húmero y la ulna, con mayor desarrollo en las hembras de estructuras que favorecen el incremento de fuerzas internas o de las palancas internas relacionadas. En ellas, el húmero se caracterizó por una morfología general más robusta, con mayor desarrollo de la tuberosidad deltoidea, cabeza más esférica, mayores anchos intertubercular y epicondilar, y mayor desarrollo de las crestas supracondilares. Para la ulna se observó una curvatura más pronunciada a lo largo de su eje mayor, desplazamiento de la fosa lateral hacia caudal, olecranon de mayor desarrollo, e incisura troclear más profunda. Para ambos huesos, el análisis discriminante clasificó correctamente al total de los ejemplares de acuerdo al sexo. Un pequeño porcentaje de la varianza (5,2% para el húmero; 6,8% para la ulna) se debió a efectos alométricos. Las características morfológicas del húmero y la ulna de las hembras sugieren una ventaja fosorial sobre los machos, debido a una mayor fuerza estructural durante los movimientos involucrados en el cavado, al tiempo que se mantiene una gran estabilidad en las articulaciones del hombro y del codo.
ABSTRACT Sexual differences in some of the components of the pectoral girdle and forelimb of Chaetophractus villosus (Desmarest, 1804) were investigated by means of geometric morphometrics. A total of 15 scapulae (7 males, 8 females) and 50 humeri-ulnae complexes (24 males, 26 females) were examined. No size differences were detected between sexes for any of the bones, but shape differences were found for the humerus and the ulna that enhance the in-forces or the related in-levers. Females had a more robust humerus, with an enlarged deltoid tuberosity, a more spherical head, higher tubercular and epicondylar widths, and more developed supracondylar crests. The ulna of the females was characterised by a more pronounced curvature along its main axis, a caudal displacement of the lateral fossa, a longer olecranon, and a deeper trochlear notch. For both bones, the discriminant analysis classified correctly all the specimens according to their sex. A small percentage of the variance (5.2% for the humerus; 6.8% for the ulna) was explained by allometry. The morphological traits found for the humerus and ulna of the females suggest an increased structural strength that could result in powerful digging strokes while keeping shoulder and elbow stabilisation, suggesting a fossorial advantage over males.
Se investigaron las diferencias sexuales en algunos de los elementos de la cintura escapular y del miembro anterior de Chaetophractus villosus (Desmarest, 1804) utilizando técnicas de morfometría geométrica. La muestra estuvo constituida por 15 escápulas (7 machos, 8 hembras) y 50 complejos húmero-ulna (24 machos, 26 hembras). No se detectaron diferencias de tamaño entre sexos para ninguno de los tres huesos. Sin embargo, se observaron diferencias de forma para el húmero y la ulna, con mayor desarrollo en las hembras de estructuras que favorecen el incremento de fuerzas internas o de las palancas internas relacionadas. En ellas, el húmero se caracterizó por una morfología general más robusta, con mayor desarrollo de la tuberosidad deltoidea, cabeza más esférica, mayores anchos intertubercular y epicondilar, y mayor desarrollo de las crestas supracondilares. Para la ulna se observó una curvatura más pronunciada a lo largo de su eje mayor, desplazamiento de la fosa lateral hacia caudal, olecranon de mayor desarrollo, e incisura troclear más profunda. Para ambos huesos, el análisis discriminante clasificó correctamente al total de los ejemplares de acuerdo al sexo. Un pequeño porcentaje de la varianza (5,2% para el húmero; 6,8% para la ulna) se debió a efectos alométricos. Las características morfológicas del húmero y la ulna de las hembras sugieren una ventaja fosorial sobre los machos, debido a una mayor fuerza estructural durante los movimientos involucrados en el cavado, al tiempo que se mantiene una gran estabilidad en las articulaciones del hombro y del codo.(AU)
Sexual differences in some of the components of the pectoral girdle and forelimb of Chaetophractus villosus (Desmarest, 1804) were investigated by means of geometric morphometrics. A total of 15 scapulae (7 males, 8 females) and 50 humeri-ulnae complexes (24 males, 26 females) were examined. No size differences were detected between sexes for any of the bones, but shape differences were found for the humerus and the ulna that enhance the in-forces or the related in-levers. Females had a more robust humerus, with an enlarged deltoid tuberosity, a more spherical head, higher tubercular and epicondylar widths, and more developed supracondylar crests. The ulna of the females was characterised by a more pronounced curvature along its main axis, a caudal displacement of the lateral fossa, a longer olecranon, and a deeper trochlear notch. For both bones, the discriminant analysis classified correctly all the specimens according to their sex. A small percentage of the variance (5.2% for the humerus; 6.8% for the ulna) was explained by allometry. The morphological traits found for the humerus and ulna of the females suggest an increased structural strength that could result in powerful digging strokes while keeping shoulder and elbow stabilisation, suggesting a fossorial advantage over males.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Caracteres Sexuais , Escápula/anatomia & histologia , Úmero/anatomia & histologia , Ulna/anatomia & histologia , Tatus/anatomia & histologia , Xenarthra/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Se investigaron las diferencias sexuales en algunos de los elementos de la cintura escapular y del miembro anterior de Chaetophractus villosus (Desmarest, 1804) utilizando técnicas de morfometría geométrica. La muestra estuvo constituida por 15 escápulas (7 machos, 8 hembras) y 50 complejos húmero-ulna (24 machos, 26 hembras). No se detectaron diferencias de tamaño entre sexos para ninguno de los tres huesos. Sin embargo, se observaron diferencias de forma para el húmero y la ulna, con mayor desarrollo en las hembras de estructuras que favorecen el incremento de fuerzas internas o de las palancas internas relacionadas. En ellas, el húmero se caracterizó por una morfología general más robusta, con mayor desarrollo de la tuberosidad deltoidea, cabeza más esférica, mayores anchos intertubercular y epicondilar, y mayor desarrollo de las crestas supracondilares. Para la ulna se observó una curvatura más pronunciada a lo largo de su eje mayor, desplazamiento de la fosa lateral hacia caudal, olecranon de mayor desarrollo, e incisura troclear más profunda. Para ambos huesos, el análisis discriminante clasificó correctamente al total de los ejemplares de acuerdo al sexo. Un pequeño porcentaje de la varianza (5,2% para el húmero; 6,8% para la ulna) se debió a efectos alométricos. Las características morfológicas del húmero y la ulna de las hembras sugieren una ventaja fosorial sobre los machos, debido a una mayor fuerza estructural durante los movimientos involucrados en el cavado, al tiempo que se mantiene una gran estabilidad en las articulaciones del hombro y del codo.
Sexual differences in some of the components of the pectoral girdle and forelimb of Chaetophractus villosus (Desmarest, 1804) were investigated by means of geometric morphometrics. A total of 15 scapulae (7 males, 8 females) and 50 humeri-ulnae complexes (24 males, 26 females) were examined. No size differences were detected between sexes for any of the bones, but shape differences were found for the humerus and the ulna that enhance the in-forces or the related in-levers. Females had a more robust humerus, with an enlarged deltoid tuberosity, a more spherical head, higher tubercular and epicondylar widths, and more developed supracondylar crests. The ulna of the females was characterised by a more pronounced curvature along its main axis, a caudal displacement of the lateral fossa, a longer olecranon, and a deeper trochlear notch. For both bones, the discriminant analysis classified correctly all the specimens according to their sex. A small percentage of the variance (5.2% for the humerus; 6.8% for the ulna) was explained by allometry. The morphological traits found for the humerus and ulna of the females suggest an increased structural strength that could result in powerful digging strokes while keeping shoulder and elbow stabilisation, suggesting a fossorial advantage over males.
Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Caracteres Sexuais , Escápula/anatomia & histologia , Tatus/anatomia & histologia , Ulna/anatomia & histologia , Úmero/anatomia & histologia , Xenarthra/anatomia & histologiaResumo
The aim of this case report is to describe an uncommon hemorrhagic cerebrovascular accident (CVA) associated with an osteosarcoma (OSA) metastasis. Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is the acute onset of a neurological deficit from any change in blood supply resulting from a pathological process, characterizing a stroke and among all the causes, the neoplastic thrombus of osteosarcoma, specifically, is the most infrequent in clinical practice. A seven-year-old female midsize mixed-breed dog was submitted to a forelimb amputation for showing an osteoblastic OSA in proximal humerus. Three weeks later, the patient presented uninterruptible seizure and coma, resulting in death. At necropsy, it was observed afriable and reddish mass in the left frontal cortex which, microscopically was constituted by OSA metastasis in association with multiple ruptures of blood vessels and focally extensive severe bleeding, which caused a CVA. At immunohistochemistry, neoplastic cells of the humerus and the brain metastasis were positive for vimentin and osteonectin, confirming the diagnosis of osteoblastic OSA. The reports about OSA metastasis on the brain are rare in animals and humans, what could be related to the low frequency and few diagnosis ante and post-mortem. As uncommon as the description of OSA metastasis to the brain, is the CVA associated to them, demonstrating that reporting cases related to these clinical and anatomopathological lesions are important for the scientific community.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Osteossarcoma/complicações , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/veterinária , Hemorragias Intracranianas/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Úmero/patologiaResumo
The aim of this case report is to describe an uncommon hemorrhagic cerebrovascular accident (CVA) associated with an osteosarcoma (OSA) metastasis. Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is the acute onset of a neurological deficit from any change in blood supply resulting from a pathological process, characterizing a stroke and among all the causes, the neoplastic thrombus of osteosarcoma, specifically, is the most infrequent in clinical practice. A seven-year-old female midsize mixed-breed dog was submitted to a forelimb amputation for showing an osteoblastic OSA in proximal humerus. Three weeks later, the patient presented uninterruptible seizure and coma, resulting in death. At necropsy, it was observed afriable and reddish mass in the left frontal cortex which, microscopically was constituted by OSA metastasis in association with multiple ruptures of blood vessels and focally extensive severe bleeding, which caused a CVA. At immunohistochemistry, neoplastic cells of the humerus and the brain metastasis were positive for vimentin and osteonectin, confirming the diagnosis of osteoblastic OSA. The reports about OSA metastasis on the brain are rare in animals and humans, what could be related to the low frequency and few diagnosis ante and post-mortem. As uncommon as the description of OSA metastasis to the brain, is the CVA associated to them, demonstrating that reporting cases related to these clinical and anatomopathological lesions are important for the scientific community.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/veterinária , Hemorragias Intracranianas/veterinária , Osteossarcoma/complicações , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Úmero/patologiaResumo
Osteochondromas are primary bone tumors characterized by cartilage-covered bone projections involving single or multiple masses (osteochondromatosis). This study reports the clinical and pathological findings from a young domestic cat with osteochondroma in the humerus. During the clinical evaluation, the animal had pronounced right forelimb musculature atrophy and an increased distal humeral volume. Histopathological examination of the neoplasm revealed a proliferative lesion characterized mostly by endochondral ossification and peripheral foci of proliferating cartilage tissue. Further testing using immunohistochemical staining and polymerase chain reaction revealed the presence of feline leukemia virus antigens in the hematopoietic cells of the bone marrow and FeLV proviral DNA in the peripheral blood lymphocytes. Clinical and pathological findings are consistent with osteochondroma. This neoplasm occurred in an eight-month-old feline with humeral enlargement that had been present since two months old.
O osteocondroma é um tumor ósseo primário que se caracteriza por apresentar uma projeção óssea recoberta por cartilagem que pode ser formado por uma única ou por múltiplas massas (osteocondromatose). O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever os achados clínicos e patológicos de um felino jovem com osteocondroma no úmero. Na avaliação clínica, o felino apresentava atrofia acentuada da musculatura do membro torácico direito além de um aumento de volume em região distal do úmero. No exame histopatológico, observou-se uma lesão proliferativa composta em sua maior parte por ossificação endocondral com focos periféricos de tecido cartilaginoso proliferado. Testes de imuno-histoquímica e reação em cadeia da polimerase revelaram a presença de antígenos de FeLV em células da linhagem hematopoiética da medula óssea e DNA proviral em linfócitos do sangue periférico, respectivamente. Os achados clínicos e patológicos foram consistentes com um osteocondroma em um felino jovem, com oito meses de idade, com lesão em úmero desde os dois meses de idade.