This study described changes in the serum biochemistry, morphology of genital organs, long bone, and eggshell during the daily egg formation cycle in Japanese quails. Sixty quails (18-wk) were distributed in 6 groups according to hours post-oviposition (POV): 0 hr POV (16h00), 2 hrs POV (egg in magnum), and 4, 8, 14, and 20 hrs POV (egg in uterus). The magnum had higher relative weight before the next ovulation (20 and 0 hr POV), and its tubular glands showed functional variation through periods: abundant eosinophilic, PAS+, and negative Alcian blue secretion at 0 and 2 hrs, empty glands aspect at 4 hrs, and filled again at 20 hrs POV. Serum albumin and total Ca had the highest value in the 2 hrs group, and the lowest in 8 and 14 hrs groups. Egg-cycle period affected the Ca% of the medullar bone of the femur and tibiotarsus, with the lowest mean at 14 hrs POV (06h00), and the highest mean after oviposition (0 hr POV), showing the recovery of Ca stores in long bones for the next egg cycle. Analysis of the eggshell using scanning electron microscopy evidenced that palisade layer formation starts during the night (814 hrs POV), and most parts are secreted during the day period. In conclusion, eggshell secretion in light periods, high magnum activity and medullary bone Ca deposition during midday and afternoon, as well as the ovulation/oviposition in the afternoon, are the main characteristics of the distinct physiological aspects of the egg cycle in quails.(AU)
Animais , Bioquímica/métodos , Ovos/análise , Coturnix/fisiologia , Tubas Uterinas/químicaResumo
Logistic and economical limitations are often the causes of dog owners not accurately monitoring the estrous cycle and the optimal insemination time. The aim of this study was to evaluate in vivo early embryonic development in bitches, after the analysis of sequential vaginal cytologies associated to single progesterone measurement and single laparoscopic insemination with high quality semen (fresh and with high spermatozoa concentration) or low-quality semen (frozen/thawed and with low spermatozoa concentration) at 48 h post- ovulation time predicted on a single progesterone measurement. Ten bitches were inseminated with 250 x 106 fresh spermatozoa (80% motility), and ten with 80 x 106 frozen/thawed spermatozoa (60% motility) in the cranial part of each uterine horn. Seven days later, ovariohysterectomy was performed and the oviducts and uterine horns and body were flushed to recover embryos and unfertilized oocytes. In 80% of the bitches inseminated with fresh and 50% of bitches inseminated with frozen/thawed semen, embryos at 2 to 8 cells stage were recovered mostly from the, oviducts. This study indicates that pregnancies can be obtained with a single laparoscopic intrauterine insemination after single serum progesterone measurement, although with a low number of embryos. This result should be taken into account in case economic or logistic restrictions that affect the possibility of owners to plan an accurate monitoring of the optimal breeding time using fresh and frozen semen.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Progesterona/administração & dosagem , Laparoscopia/métodos , Cães/embriologia , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , InseminaçãoResumo
The oviduct is an important reproductive structure that connects the ovary to the uterus and takes place to important events such as oocyte final maturation, fertilization and early embryonic development. Thus, gametes and embryo can be directly influenced by the oviductal microenvironment composed by epithelial cells such secretory and ciliated cells and oviductal fluid. The oviduct composition is anatomically dynamic and is under ovarian hormones control. The oviductal fluid provides protection, nourishment and transport to gametes and embryo and allows interaction to oviductal epithelial cells. All these functions together allows the oviduct to provides the ideal environment to the early reproductive events. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are biological nanoparticles that mediates cell communication and are present at oviductal fluid and plays an important role in gametes/embryo - oviductal cells communication. This review will present the ability of the oviducts based on its dynamic and systemic changes during reproductive events, as well as the contribution of EVs in this process.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Oviductos , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Fertilização , Vesículas Extracelulares , Células Germinativas , Produtos BiológicosResumo
At mating or artificial insemination, sperm begin their movement towards the site of fertilization. However, most sperm are lost due to retrograde flow and very few ultimately reach the upper oviduct where fertilization occurs. The complex structure of the oviduct functions to store sperm, to increase their lifespan, and to release and move sperm towards the oocytes in the ampulla. To accomplish this feat, the oviduct has complex folds that provide direction to sperm, waves of fluid that carry sperm and also provide sperm direction, adhesive glycans that retain sperm in the isthmus, and a signaling sperm to promote sperm release from the isthmus for fertilization. A better understanding of how the oviduct accomplishes these goals will likely lead to improved sperm storage and release and enhanced fertility.
Masculino , Animais , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Transporte Espermático/genética , Tubas Uterinas , FertilidadeResumo
Although Trachemys scripta elegans is an exotic species popular as a pet in Brazil, studies on reproductive biology and capacity are non-existent in the Brazilian Cerrado. This study analyzed ovarian and oviduct characteristics and the egg production capacity of T. scripta elegans grown in this biome. The findings will associate with the size of the specimens and the sexual maturity, aiming at comparisons with native and exotic populations, as well as interspecific and contributing to the understanding of its impact on the invaded ecosystems and the establishment of eradication programs. Thus, 39 females had evaluated the body biometry and the morphology and morphometry of the ovaries and oviducts. G2 (N=20): with Class I (>5-10mm) follicles, with Class I and Class II (>10-fold) follicles, 25mm) and G3 (N=9) with Class I, Class II and Class III (>25mm) follicles. Analysis of variance, Scott-Knott's test, and Pearson's correlation analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the groups in body biometry; in the mean gonadosomatic index and gonadal morphometry, only the width of the oviducts in the right antimer and the mass and width in the left antimer were higher in G3, the only one that presented eggs. There was positive and harmonic development between body mass, carapace, and plastron, and gonadal growth occurred concomitantly with body growth, indicating a higher reproductive potential and a positive relationship between the size of the litter and the female litter. The gonadosomatic index proved to be an excellent reproductive indicator, and the ovarian evaluation was a better indicator of sexual maturity than the maximum carapace length.(AU)
Embora Trachemys scripta elegans seja uma espécie exótica popular como animal de estimação no Brasil, estudos sobre biologia e capacidade reprodutivas são inexistentes no Cerrado brasileiro. Este estudo analisou características ovarianas e do oviduto e a capacidade de produção de ovos em T. scripta elegans criadas neste bioma, correlacionando estes achados ao tamanho dos espécimes e a maturidade sexual, visando comparações com populações nativas e exóticas, bem como interespecíficas e contribuir para a compreensão de seu impacto nos ecossistemas invadidos e com o estabelecimento de programas de erradicação. Assim, 39 fêmeas tiveram avaliadas a biometria corporal e a morfologia e morfometria dos ovários e ovidutos. De acordo com o tamanho dos folículos ovarianos as fêmeas foram separadas em G1 (N= 10): com folículos Classe I (>5-10 mm), G2 (N= 20): com folículos Classe I e Classe II (>10-25 mm) e G3 (N= 9) com folículos Classe I, Classe II e Classe III (>25 mm). À análise de variância, teste de Scott-Knott e à análise de correlação de Pearson verificou-se que não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos na biometria corporal; no índice gonadossomático médio e na morfometria gonadal, apenas a largura dos ovidutos no antímero direito e a massa e a largura no antímero esquerdo foram maiores no G3, o único que apresentou ovos. Houve desenvolvimento positivo e harmônico entre massa corporal, carapaça e plastrão e o crescimento gonadal ocorreu concomitante ao crescimento corporal, indicando maior potencial reprodutivo e relação positiva entre o tamanho da ninhada de ovos e o da fêmea. O índice gonadossomático mostrou-se um bom indicador reprodutivo e a avaliação ovariana um melhor indicador da maturidade sexual que o comprimento máximo da carapaça. (AU)
Animais , Ovário/anatomia & histologia , Oviductos/anatomia & histologia , Tartarugas/anatomia & histologia , Tubas Uterinas/anatomia & histologia , Maturidade Sexual , Corpo Lúteo/anatomia & histologia , Pradaria , Folículo Ovariano/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Although Trachemys scripta elegans is an exotic species popular as a pet in Brazil, studies on reproductive biology and capacity are non-existent in the Brazilian Cerrado. This study analyzed ovarian and oviduct characteristics and the egg production capacity of T. scripta elegans grown in this biome. The findings will associate with the size of the specimens and the sexual maturity, aiming at comparisons with native and exotic populations, as well as interspecific and contributing to the understanding of its impact on the invaded ecosystems and the establishment of eradication programs. Thus, 39 females had evaluated the body biometry and the morphology and morphometry of the ovaries and oviducts. G2 (N=20): with Class I (>5-10mm) follicles, with Class I and Class II (>10-fold) follicles, 25mm) and G3 (N=9) with Class I, Class II and Class III (>25mm) follicles. Analysis of variance, Scott-Knott's test, and Pearson's correlation analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the groups in body biometry; in the mean gonadosomatic index and gonadal morphometry, only the width of the oviducts in the right antimer and the mass and width in the left antimer were higher in G3, the only one that presented eggs. There was positive and harmonic development between body mass, carapace, and plastron, and gonadal growth occurred concomitantly with body growth, indicating a higher reproductive potential and a positive relationship between the size of the litter and the female litter. The gonadosomatic index proved to be an excellent reproductive indicator, and the ovarian evaluation was a better indicator of sexual maturity than the maximum carapace length. Ovaries were irregular structures, without delimitation between the cortical and medullary regions and filled with vitelogenic follicles of different diameters, atresic follicles, and corpora lutea, which reflected the ovarian complexity of the species and the presence of follicular hierarchy. In the scarce stroma, two germinative beds were observed per ovary and the presence of gaps very close to the follicles and associated with the blood vessels. Analysis of gonadal tissue revealed three types of oocytes according to cytoplasmic characteristics: homogeneous, vesicular or vesicular in the cortex with apparent granules. Oviducts were functional and separated, joining only in the final portion to form the cloaca and subdivided into infundibulum, tuba, isthmus, uterus, and vagina. The structure of the uterine tube was composed of serosa, muscular and mucous, which was full of glands. The presence of eggs in the oviducts indicated that the specimens can reproduce in the Brazilian Cerrado. This study provides necessary and relevant information on the reproductive biology and capacity of T. scripta elegans in the Brazilian Cerrado and can contribute to the understanding of its impact on the invaded ecosystems and the establishment of eradication programs. The extraction of females with capacity can reduce the annual reproductive yield of the species and decrease its effect on local biodiversity.(AU)
Embora Trachemys scripta elegans seja uma espécie exótica popular como animal de estimação no Brasil, estudos sobre biologia e capacidade reprodutivas são inexistentes no Cerrado brasileiro. Este estudo analisou características ovarianas e do oviduto e a capacidade de produção de ovos em T. scripta elegans criadas neste bioma, correlacionando estes achados ao tamanho dos espécimes e a maturidade sexual, visando comparações com populações nativas e exóticas, bem como interespecíficas e contribuir para a compreensão de seu impacto nos ecossistemas invadidos e com o estabelecimento de programas de erradicação. Assim, 39 fêmeas tiveram avaliadas a biometria corporal e a morfologia e morfometria dos ovários e ovidutos. De acordo com o tamanho dos folículos ovarianos as fêmeas foram separadas em G1 (N= 10): com folículos Classe I (>5-10 mm), G2 (N= 20): com folículos Classe I e Classe II (>10-25 mm) e G3 (N= 9) com folículos Classe I, Classe II e Classe III (>25 mm). À análise de variância, teste de Scott-Knott e à análise de correlação de Pearson verificou-se que não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos na biometria corporal; no índice gonadossomático médio e na morfometria gonadal, apenas a largura dos ovidutos no antímero direito e a massa e a largura no antímero esquerdo foram maiores no G3, o único que apresentou ovos. Houve desenvolvimento positivo e harmônico entre massa corporal, carapaça e plastrão e o crescimento gonadal ocorreu concomitante ao crescimento corporal, indicando maior potencial reprodutivo e relação positiva entre o tamanho da ninhada de ovos e o da fêmea. O índice gonadossomático mostrou-se um bom indicador reprodutivo e a avaliação ovariana um melhor indicador da maturidade sexual que o comprimento máximo da carapaça. Ovários foram estruturas irregulares, sem delimitação entre a região cortical e medular e repletos de folículos vitelogênicos de diferentes diâmetros, folículos atrésicos e corpos lúteos, que refletiram a complexidade ovariana da espécie e a presença de hierarquia folicular. No estroma escasso foram observados dois leitos germinativos por ovário e a presença de lacunas muito próximas aos folículos e associadas aos vasos sanguíneos. A análise do tecido gonadal revelou três tipos de oócitos de acordo com as características do citoplasma: homogêneo, vesicular ou vesicular no córtex com grânulos aparentes. Ovidutos eram funcionais e separados, unindo-se apenas na porção final para formar a cloaca e subdividiam-se em infundíbulo, tuba uterina, istmo, útero e vagina. A estrutura da tuba uterina era constituída de serosa, muscular e mucosa, a qual era repleta de glândulas. A presença de ovos nos ovidutos indicou que os espécimes podem se reproduzir no cerrado brasileiro. Este estudo fornece informações básicas e relevantes da biologia e capacidade reprodutivas de T. scripta elegans no Cerrado brasileiro e pode contribuir com a compreensão de seu impacto nos ecossistemas invadidos e com o estabelecimento de programas de erradicação, uma vez que a extração de fêmeas com capacidade reprodutiva pode contribuir com a diminuição do rendimento reprodutivo anual da espécie e diminuir seu efeito sobre a biodiversidade local.(AU)
Animais , Ovário/anatomia & histologia , Oviductos/anatomia & histologia , Tartarugas/anatomia & histologia , Tubas Uterinas/anatomia & histologia , Maturidade Sexual , Corpo Lúteo/anatomia & histologia , Pradaria , Folículo Ovariano/anatomia & histologiaResumo
O conhecimento da anatomia de qualquer animal silvestre é de fundamental importância para sua preservação e proteção. Neste contexto, o presente estudo objetivou descrever a morfologia do sistema reprodutor feminino de Alouatta belzebul. Foram utilizados seis espécimes de A. belzebul, fêmeas, adultas, e livres de lesões. Observou-se macroscopicamente que os ovários têm características morfológicas em formato ovoides, com superfície lisa, e, na análise histológica na região de córtex, evidenciou-se folículos ovarianos em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento. As tubas uterinas anatomicamente são finas e curvilíneas, apresentando uma camada mucosa, uma muscular e outra serosa. O útero possui formato simples, com fundo globoso, com um miométrio altamente vascularizado, sendo organizado em feixes de fibras musculares lisas. A estrutura anatômica da vagina apresentou-se como um tubo muscular longo de paredes finas, onde, na região vestibular, o óstio externo da uretra é marcado por uma papila uretral bilobada e, na região de vulva, em sua porção caudal, contatou-se um clitóris bem desenvolvido. No que concerne à análise histológica da vagina, verificou-se, em região de mucosa vaginal, um extrato basal composto por epitélio estratificado pavimentoso não queratinizado atrófico. As descrições morfológicas fornecem, de forma inédita, informações importantes relativas à anatomia macroscópica e microscópica do sistema reprodutor feminino dessa espécie.(AU)
Knowledge of the anatomy of any wild animal is of fundamental importance for its preservation and protection. In this context the present study aimed to describe the morphology of the female reproductive system of A. belzebul. We used 6 specimens of A. belzebul, female, adult and free of lesions. It was macroscopically observed that the ovaries are ovoid with smooth surface and the histological analysis in cortical region showed ovarian follicles in different stages of development. The fallopian tubes are anatomically thin and curvilinear, with one mucous layer, one muscular and one serous layer. The uterus was presented in a simple format with a globular fundus, with a highly vascularized myometrium, being organized in bundles of smooth muscle fibers. The anatomical structure of the vagina presented itself as a long thin-walled muscular tube where in the vestibular region the external orifice of the urethra is marked by a bilobed urethral papilla and in the caudal portion in its caudal portion a well-developed clitoris. Regarding the histological analysis of the vagina, a basal extract composed of atrophic non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium was found in the vaginal mucosa region. The morphological descriptions provide important information regarding the macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the female reproductive system of this species in an unprecedented way.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovário/anatomia & histologia , Útero/anatomia & histologia , Vagina/anatomia & histologia , Alouatta/anatomia & histologia , Tubas Uterinas/anatomia & histologia , Genitália Feminina/anatomia & histologiaResumo
The introduction of new strains of mice in specific pathogen-free (SPF) animal facilities should be performed carefully to avoid breaking sanitary barriers. To meet this need, animals should be rederived to reduce infection risk and thus avoid research interference caused by loss of animal health status and welfare. The objective of this study was to implement mice embryo transfer in the laboratory mouse facility of the Department of Immunology at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences/University of São Paulo, Brazil. Embryo transfers were performed to rederive genetically modified mouse strains with undefined sanitary status, received from different research and educational institutions. Fertilized eggs at two-cell stage were obtained by natural means and transferred into the oviducts of SPF pseudo-pregnant female mice. All surgical procedures were performed under aseptic conditions. A total of 625 embryos were transferred into the recipients. 148 pups were born, of which 140 were reared. Viruses, bacteria and intestinal protozoa were eliminated using this technique. The improvement in the microbiological status of mice allowed their expansion in our SPF facility. With these results, we can stimulate the use of embryo transfer technique between rodent facilities in Brazil and thus encourage the distribution of better models to our scientific community.(AU)
A introdução de novas linhagens de camundongos em biotérios livres de patógenos específicos (SPF) deve ser realizada com critérios para evitar a quebra das barreiras sanitárias. Dessa forma, os animais devem ser rederivados para reduzir os riscos de infecção e evitar as interferências provocadas pela perda do status sanitário e do bem-estar dos animais. O objetivo deste estudo foi implementar a transferência de embriões murinos no Biotério do Departamento de Imunologia do Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil. As transferências embrionárias foram realizadas para rederivar linhagens de camundongos geneticamente modificadas com status sanitário não conhecido, recebidas de diferentes instituições de pesquisa e de ensino. Os embriões em duas células foram obtidos pelos métodos naturais e transferidos para os ovidutos de fêmeas de camundongos SPF pseudoprenhas. Todos os procedimentos cirúrgicos foram realizados sob condições assépticas. Um total de 625 embriões foram transferidos para as receptoras. Foram obtidos 148 filhotes nascidos vivos, destes 140 foram desmamados. Por meio desta técnica, foram eliminados vírus, bactérias e protozoários intestinais. A melhora no status microbiológico dos camundongos permitiu a expansão destes em nossa colônia SPF. Com esses resultados, podemos promover o uso da técnica de transferência de embriões entre os biotérios brasileiros e assim incentivar a distribuição de modelos mais adequados para a nossa comunidade científica.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Técnicos em Manejo de Animais , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/veterinária , Transferência Embrionária/veterinária , Camundongos/genéticaResumo
The introduction of new strains of mice in specific pathogen-free (SPF) animal facilities should be performed carefully to avoid breaking sanitary barriers. To meet this need, animals should be rederived to reduce infection risk and thus avoid research interference caused by loss of animal health status and welfare. The objective of this study was to implement mice embryo transfer in the laboratory mouse facility of the Department of Immunology at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences/University of São Paulo, Brazil. Embryo transfers were performed to rederive genetically modified mouse strains with undefined sanitary status, received from different research and educational institutions. Fertilized eggs at two-cell stage were obtained by natural means and transferred into the oviducts of SPF pseudo-pregnant female mice. All surgical procedures were performed under aseptic conditions. A total of 625 embryos were transferred into the recipients. 148 pups were born, of which 140 were reared. Viruses, bacteria and intestinal protozoa were eliminated using this technique. The improvement in the microbiological status of mice allowed their expansion in our SPF facility. With these results, we can stimulate the use of embryo transfer technique between rodent facilities in Brazil and thus encourage the distribution of better models to our scientific community.(AU)
A introdução de novas linhagens de camundongos em biotérios livres de patógenos específicos (SPF) deve ser realizada com critérios para evitar a quebra das barreiras sanitárias. Dessa forma, os animais devem ser rederivados para reduzir os riscos de infecção e evitar as interferências provocadas pela perda do status sanitário e do bem-estar dos animais. O objetivo deste estudo foi implementar a transferência de embriões murinos no Biotério do Departamento de Imunologia do Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil. As transferências embrionárias foram realizadas para rederivar linhagens de camundongos geneticamente modificadas com status sanitário não conhecido, recebidas de diferentes instituições de pesquisa e de ensino. Os embriões em duas células foram obtidos pelos métodos naturais e transferidos para os ovidutos de fêmeas de camundongos SPF pseudoprenhas. Todos os procedimentos cirúrgicos foram realizados sob condições assépticas. Um total de 625 embriões foram transferidos para as receptoras. Foram obtidos 148 filhotes nascidos vivos, destes 140 foram desmamados. Por meio desta técnica, foram eliminados vírus, bactérias e protozoários intestinais. A melhora no status microbiológico dos camundongos permitiu a expansão destes em nossa colônia SPF. Com esses resultados, podemos promover o uso da técnica de transferência de embriões entre os biotérios brasileiros e assim incentivar a distribuição de modelos mais adequados para a nossa comunidade científica.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Técnicos em Manejo de Animais , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/veterinária , Transferência Embrionária/veterinária , Camundongos/genéticaResumo
Background: Ectopic pregnancy mainly refers to tubal pregnancy and abdominal pregnancy. Tubal pregnancy presents as an implanted embryo that develops in the fallopian tubes, and is relatively common in humans. In animals, tubal pregnancy occurs primarily in primates, for example monkeys. The probability of a tubal pregnancy in non-primate animals is extremely low. Abdominal pregnancy is a type of ectopic pregnancy that occurs outside of the uterus, fallopian tube, ovary, and ligament (broad ligament, ovarian ligament, suspensory ligament).This paper describes two cases of ectopic pregnancy in cats.Cases: Cat 1. The presenting sign was a significant increase in abdominal circumference. The age and immune and sterilization status of the cat were unknown. On palpation, a 4 cm, rough, oval-shaped, hard mass was found in the posterior abdomen. Radiographic examination showed three high-density images in the posterior abdomen. The fetus was significantly calcified and some feces was evident in the colon. The condition was preliminarily diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy. Cat 2. The owner of a 2-year-old British shorthair cat visited us because of a hard lump in the cats abdomen. The cat had a normal diet and was drinking normally. Routine immunization and insect repulsion had been implemented. The cat had naturally delivered five healthy kittens two months previous. Radiographs showed an oval-shaped mass with a clear edge in the middle abdominal cavity. Other examinations were normal. The case was preliminarily diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy, and the pregnancy was surgically terminated. The ectopic pregnancies were surgically terminated. During surgery, the structures of the uterus and ovary of cat 1 were found to be intact and the organs were in a normal physiological position. Cat 1 was diagnosed with primary abdominal pregnancy. In cat 2, the uterus left side was small and the fallopian tube on the same side was both enlarged and longer than normal.[...]
Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Gatos , Gravidez Abdominal/veterinária , Gravidez Ectópica/veterinária , Gravidez Tubária/veterinária , Saco Gestacional , Tubas UterinasResumo
Background: Ectopic pregnancy mainly refers to tubal pregnancy and abdominal pregnancy. Tubal pregnancy presents as an implanted embryo that develops in the fallopian tubes, and is relatively common in humans. In animals, tubal pregnancy occurs primarily in primates, for example monkeys. The probability of a tubal pregnancy in non-primate animals is extremely low. Abdominal pregnancy is a type of ectopic pregnancy that occurs outside of the uterus, fallopian tube, ovary, and ligament (broad ligament, ovarian ligament, suspensory ligament).This paper describes two cases of ectopic pregnancy in cats.Cases: Cat 1. The presenting sign was a significant increase in abdominal circumference. The age and immune and sterilization status of the cat were unknown. On palpation, a 4 cm, rough, oval-shaped, hard mass was found in the posterior abdomen. Radiographic examination showed three high-density images in the posterior abdomen. The fetus was significantly calcified and some feces was evident in the colon. The condition was preliminarily diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy. Cat 2. The owner of a 2-year-old British shorthair cat visited us because of a hard lump in the cats abdomen. The cat had a normal diet and was drinking normally. Routine immunization and insect repulsion had been implemented. The cat had naturally delivered five healthy kittens two months previous. Radiographs showed an oval-shaped mass with a clear edge in the middle abdominal cavity. Other examinations were normal. The case was preliminarily diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy, and the pregnancy was surgically terminated. The ectopic pregnancies were surgically terminated. During surgery, the structures of the uterus and ovary of cat 1 were found to be intact and the organs were in a normal physiological position. Cat 1 was diagnosed with primary abdominal pregnancy. In cat 2, the uterus left side was small and the fallopian tube on the same side was both enlarged and longer than normal.[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Gatos , Gravidez Ectópica/veterinária , Gravidez Abdominal/veterinária , Gravidez Tubária/veterinária , Tubas Uterinas , Saco GestacionalResumo
The oviduct is a tubular organ comprising three distinct anatomical regions (the infundibulum, the ampulla and the isthmus) connecting the ovary and the uterus. Oviductal function is regulated by ovarian hormones, gametes, and embryo-derived factors, for optimally facilitating key reproductive events. A crosstalk is established between the oviduct and the gametes and embryo and this dialogue shapes the microenvironment in which gamete transport, fertilization, and early embryonic development occur. This review aims to address each participant in this conversation in a holistic manner by delineating several advances in the field within the greater context of understanding how oviduct-gamete and oviduct-embryo dialogue shape reproductive success and furthermore how this knowledge can be applied in vitro.
Animais , Bovinos/embriologia , Células Germinativas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Embrião de Mamíferos , Tubas Uterinas/embriologiaResumo
The oviduct is a tubular organ comprising three distinct anatomical regions (the infundibulum, the ampulla and the isthmus) connecting the ovary and the uterus. Oviductal function is regulated by ovarian hormones, gametes, and embryo-derived factors, for optimally facilitating key reproductive events. A crosstalk is established between the oviduct and the gametes and embryo and this dialogue shapes the microenvironment in which gamete transport, fertilization, and early embryonic development occur. This review aims to address each participant in this conversation in a holistic manner by delineating several advances in the field within the greater context of understanding how oviduct-gamete and oviduct-embryo dialogue shape reproductive success and furthermore how this knowledge can be applied in vitro.(AU)
Animais , Tubas Uterinas/embriologia , Células Germinativas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Embrião de Mamíferos , Bovinos/embriologiaResumo
ABSTRACT: Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Testudines: Chelidae) is a freshwater turtle with occurrence in Amazon, Tocantins, Paraguai, Paraná and Uruguai rivers basins. Although according to International Union for Conservation of Nature, it has low risk of extinction, there is an uptade necessity of ecological and biological data. Considering that the management and conservation plans are related to a wide knowledge of reproductive biology, a first macroscopic description about the young and adults females of M. vanderhaegei is important. These points were correlated to the specimens size and period of the year. The samples of M. vanderhaegei were collected in Chapada dos Guimarães county, Mato Grosso, Brazil, an area of large natural occurrence of the specimens. Genital organs of seventeen females were fixed in 10% formalin and then dissected to demonstrate the particularities related to external and internal anatomy. The young and adult M. vanderhaegei genitals organs are composed of ovaries and oviducts pairs that dorsolaterally discharge into the cloaca, forming with the ureter, the urogenital papilla. The ovaries are elongated organs with larger cranial and elongated caudal portions. The oviducts, which are in adults very differentiated in its shape and size compared to the young, are long and located laterally to the ovaries. In both age groups, the genital organs are supported by celomatic membrane folds that emerge from the ceiling of the cavity, constituting the mesovary and mesoviduct. In adult females, according to the shape and pattern of the oviduct mucosa, the cranial segment corresponds to the regions of the infundibulum and magnum; the middle segment, the isthmus and the caudal segment identify the uterus and vagina regions. The clitoris is sited on the floor of the urodeum. The carapace linear length and body mass between immature and adult females vary to 134-155.6mm e 134.43-365g respectively. The main part of young females was captured in rainy period and the adults, with and without eggs, at dry period. The macroscopic characteristics of the M. vanderhaegei genital organs are also observed in others Testudines, with the exception of urogenital papilla and by the clitoris presence.
RESUMO: O Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Testudines: Chelidae) é um quelônio de água doce cuja ocorrência é descrita nas bacias dos rios Amazonas, Tocantins, Paraguai, Paraná e Uruguai. Consta na lista vermelha de espécies ameaçadas da International Union for Conservation of Nature, como espécie de baixo risco, mas que poderá se tornar ameaçada, sendo necessário a atualização de seus dados ecológicos e biológicos. Considerando que planos de manejo e conservação de espécies dependem também de vasto conhecimento sobre a biologia reprodutiva, apresentamos a primeira descrição macroscópica dos órgãos genitais de fêmeas jovens e adultas de M. vanderhaegei correlacionando esses achados ao tamanho do espécime e ao período do ano. Exemplares de M. vanderhaegei foram coletados no município de Chapada dos Guimarães, área de ampla ocorrência natural da espécie. A descrição dos órgãos genitais foi realizada a partir de 17 fêmeas fixadas em formol a 10% e dissecadas para evidenciação de particularidades relacionadas à anatomia externa e interna. Os órgãos genitais M. vanderhaegei jovens e adultas são constituídos por pares de ovários e ovidutos que desembocam dorsolateralmente na cloaca, formando junto com o ureter a papila urogenital. Os ovários são órgãos alongados, com a extremidade cranial mais larga e caudal afunilada, já os ovidutos são longos e localizados lateralmente aos ovários, sendo em adultas, muito diferenciado na sua forma e tamanho em relação ao das jovens. Em ambas faixas etárias, os órgãos genitais são sustentados por pregas de membrana celomática que emergem do teto da cavidade, constituindo os mesovário e mesoviduto. De acordo com a forma e o padrão de mucosa do oviduto em fêmeas adultas, o segmento cranial corresponde as regiões do infundíbulo e magnum, o segmento médio, ao istmo e no caudal identificam-se as regiões útero e vagina. No assoalho do urodeum aloja-se o clitóris. O comprimento retilíneo de carapaça e massa corpórea entre fêmeas imaturas e adultas variam, respectivamente, entre 134-155,6mm e 134,43-365g. A maioria das fêmeas jovens foram capturadas no período chuvoso e as adultas sem e com ovos no período seco. As características macroscópicas dos órgãos genitais observadas em M. vanderhaegei são compartilhadas com outros Testudines, exceto pela papila urogenital e presença do clitóris.
Muitas biotecnologias estão sendo desenvolvidas visando a conservação do material genético de garanhões de alto valor zootécnico. Dentre estas pode-se destacar a colheita de espermatozoides do epidídimo de animais que sofreram algum trauma ou enfermidade que impossibilitem a colheita do sêmen, óbito ou eutanásia. Porém essas células espermáticas não entram em contato com o plasma seminal, importante por conter proteínas que participam de processos relacionados à proteção e ligação dos espermatozoides aos reservatórios espermáticos na tuba uterina. Neste sentido, sugere-se que ocorram alterações bioquímicas nas células espermáticas do epidídimo. Objetivou-se com esta revisão, estudar as principais diferenças morfofuncionais entre os espermatozoides provenientes do epidídimo e do ejaculado de equinos.(AU)
Several biotechnologies are being developed aiming genetic material conservation of stallions with high zootechnical value, as we can highlight the harvest epididymiss sperm of animals who suffered trauma or illness that makes impossible the semen collection, death or euthanasia. However these sperm cells do not get in touch with seminal plasma, important whereas it has proteins that participate in processes related to the protection and binding of sperm to the sperm reservoir in the oviduct. In this sense, it suggests that there are significant biochemical changes in epididymal sperm. This review aimed to study the main morphological and functional differences between the sperm from the epididymis and ejaculated in horses.(AU)
Muchas biotecnologías desarrolladas actualmente son direccionadas a la conservación del material genético de garañones de alto valor zootécnico. Dentro de estas se destacan la colecta de espermatozoides de epidídimo de animales que sufrieron algún trauma o enfermedad que imposibilita la colecta de semen, y de animales que murieron o fueron eutanasiados. Las células espermáticas del epidídimo no entran en contacto con el plasma seminal, importante porque contiene proteínas que participan en procesos relacionados con la protección y ligación de los espermatozoides al reservorio espermático en el oviducto uterino. En este sentido, se sugiere que existen importantes alteraciones bioquímicas en las células espermáticas del epidídimo, por tanto el motivo de esta revisión es estudiar las principales diferencias morfo funcionales entre los espermatozoides provenientes del epidídimo y los provenientes del eyaculado en caballos.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos/fisiologia , Espermatozoides/fisiologia , Tubas Uterinas , Adesão Celular , Epididimo , SêmenResumo
Muitas biotecnologias estão sendo desenvolvidas visando a conservação do material genético de garanhões de alto valor zootécnico. Dentre estas pode-se destacar a colheita de espermatozoides do epidídimo de animais que sofreram algum trauma ou enfermidade que impossibilitem a colheita do sêmen, óbito ou eutanásia. Porém essas células espermáticas não entram em contato com o plasma seminal, importante por conter proteínas que participam de processos relacionados à proteção e ligação dos espermatozoides aos reservatórios espermáticos na tuba uterina. Neste sentido, sugere-se que ocorram alterações bioquímicas nas células espermáticas do epidídimo. Objetivou-se com esta revisão, estudar as principais diferenças morfofuncionais entre os espermatozoides provenientes do epidídimo e do ejaculado de equinos.
Several biotechnologies are being developed aiming genetic material conservation of stallions with high zootechnical value, as we can highlight the harvest epididymiss sperm of animals who suffered trauma or illness that makes impossible the semen collection, death or euthanasia. However these sperm cells do not get in touch with seminal plasma, important whereas it has proteins that participate in processes related to the protection and binding of sperm to the sperm reservoir in the oviduct. In this sense, it suggests that there are significant biochemical changes in epididymal sperm. This review aimed to study the main morphological and functional differences between the sperm from the epididymis and ejaculated in horses.
Muchas biotecnologías desarrolladas actualmente son direccionadas a la conservación del material genético de garañones de alto valor zootécnico. Dentro de estas se destacan la colecta de espermatozoides de epidídimo de animales que sufrieron algún trauma o enfermedad que imposibilita la colecta de semen, y de animales que murieron o fueron eutanasiados. Las células espermáticas del epidídimo no entran en contacto con el plasma seminal, importante porque contiene proteínas que participan en procesos relacionados con la protección y ligación de los espermatozoides al reservorio espermático en el oviducto uterino. En este sentido, se sugiere que existen importantes alteraciones bioquímicas en las células espermáticas del epidídimo, por tanto el motivo de esta revisión es estudiar las principales diferencias morfo funcionales entre los espermatozoides provenientes del epidídimo y los provenientes del eyaculado en caballos.
Animais , Adesão Celular , Cavalos/fisiologia , Epididimo , Espermatozoides/fisiologia , Tubas Uterinas , SêmenResumo
O Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Testudines: Chelidae) é um quelônio de água doce cuja ocorrência é descrita nas bacias dos rios Amazonas, Tocantins, Paraguai, Paraná e Uruguai. Consta na lista vermelha de espécies ameaçadas da International Union for Conservation of Nature, como espécie de baixo risco, mas que poderá se tornar ameaçada, sendo necessário a atualização de seus dados ecológicos e biológicos. Considerando que planos de manejo e conservação de espécies dependem também de vasto conhecimento sobre a biologia reprodutiva, apresentamos a primeira descrição macroscópica dos órgãos genitais de fêmeas jovens e adultas de M. vanderhaegei correlacionando esses achados ao tamanho do espécime e ao período do ano. Exemplares de M. vanderhaegei foram coletados no município de Chapada dos Guimarães, área de ampla ocorrência natural da espécie. A descrição dos órgãos genitais foi realizada a partir de 17 fêmeas fixadas em formol a 10% e dissecadas para evidenciação de particularidades relacionadas à anatomia externa e interna. Os órgãos genitais M. vanderhaegei jovens e adultas são constituídos por pares de ovários e ovidutos que desembocam dorsolateralmente na cloaca, formando junto com o ureter a papila urogenital. Os ovários são órgãos alongados, com a extremidade cranial mais larga e caudal afunilada, já os ovidutos são longos e localizados lateralmente aos ovários, sendo em adultas, muito diferenciado na sua forma e tamanho em relação ao das jovens. Em ambas faixas etárias, os órgãos genitais são sustentados por pregas de membrana celomática que emergem do teto da cavidade, constituindo os mesovário e mesoviduto. De acordo com a forma e o padrão de mucosa do oviduto em fêmeas adultas, o segmento cranial corresponde as regiões do infundíbulo e magnum, o segmento médio, ao istmo e no caudal identificam-se as regiões útero e vagina. No assoalho do urodeum aloja-se o clitóris. O comprimento retilíneo de carapaça e massa corpórea entre fêmeas imaturas e adultas variam, respectivamente, entre 134-155,6mm e 134,43-365g. A maioria das fêmeas jovens foram capturadas no período chuvoso e as adultas sem e com ovos no período seco. As características macroscópicas dos órgãos genitais observadas em M. vanderhaegei são compartilhadas com outros Testudines, exceto pela papila urogenital e presença do clitóris.(AU)
Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Testudines: Chelidae) is a freshwater turtle with occurrence in Amazon, Tocantins, Paraguai, Paraná and Uruguai rivers basins. Although according to International Union for Conservation of Nature, it has low risk of extinction, there is an uptade necessity of ecological and biological data. Considering that the management and conservation plans are related to a wide knowledge of reproductive biology, a first macroscopic description about the young and adults females of M. vanderhaegei is important. These points were correlated to the specimens size and period of the year. The samples of M. vanderhaegei were collected in Chapada dos Guimarães county, Mato Grosso, Brazil, an area of large natural occurrence of the specimens. Genital organs of seventeen females were fixed in 10% formalin and then dissected to demonstrate the particularities related to external and internal anatomy. The young and adult M. vanderhaegei genitals organs are composed of ovaries and oviducts pairs that dorsolaterally discharge into the cloaca, forming with the ureter, the urogenital papilla. The ovaries are elongated organs with larger cranial and elongated caudal portions. The oviducts, which are in adults very differentiated in its shape and size compared to the young, are long and located laterally to the ovaries. In both age groups, the genital organs are supported by celomatic membrane folds that emerge from the ceiling of the cavity, constituting the mesovary and mesoviduct. In adult females, according to the shape and pattern of the oviduct mucosa, the cranial segment corresponds to the regions of the infundibulum and magnum; the middle segment, the isthmus and the caudal segment identify the uterus and vagina regions. The clitoris is sited on the floor of the urodeum. The carapace linear length and body mass between immature and adult females vary to 134-155.6mm e 134.43-365g respectively. The main part of young females was captured in rainy period and the adults, with and without eggs, at dry period. The macroscopic characteristics of the M. vanderhaegei genital organs are also observed in others Testudines, with the exception of urogenital papilla and by the clitoris presence.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Tartarugas/anatomia & histologia , Genitália Feminina/anatomia & histologiaResumo
O Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Testudines: Chelidae) é um quelônio de água doce cuja ocorrência é descrita nas bacias dos rios Amazonas, Tocantins, Paraguai, Paraná e Uruguai. Consta na lista vermelha de espécies ameaçadas da International Union for Conservation of Nature, como espécie de baixo risco, mas que poderá se tornar ameaçada, sendo necessário a atualização de seus dados ecológicos e biológicos. Considerando que planos de manejo e conservação de espécies dependem também de vasto conhecimento sobre a biologia reprodutiva, apresentamos a primeira descrição macroscópica dos órgãos genitais de fêmeas jovens e adultas de M. vanderhaegei correlacionando esses achados ao tamanho do espécime e ao período do ano. Exemplares de M. vanderhaegei foram coletados no município de Chapada dos Guimarães, área de ampla ocorrência natural da espécie. A descrição dos órgãos genitais foi realizada a partir de 17 fêmeas fixadas em formol a 10% e dissecadas para evidenciação de particularidades relacionadas à anatomia externa e interna. Os órgãos genitais M. vanderhaegei jovens e adultas são constituídos por pares de ovários e ovidutos que desembocam dorsolateralmente na cloaca, formando junto com o ureter a papila urogenital. Os ovários são órgãos alongados, com a extremidade cranial mais larga e caudal afunilada, já os ovidutos são longos e localizados lateralmente aos ovários, sendo em adultas, muito diferenciado na sua forma e tamanho em relação ao das jovens. Em ambas faixas etárias, os órgãos genitais são sustentados por pregas de membrana celomática que emergem do teto da cavidade, constituindo os mesovário e mesoviduto. De acordo com a forma e o padrão de mucosa do oviduto em fêmeas adultas, o segmento cranial corresponde as regiões do infundíbulo e magnum, o segmento médio, ao istmo e no caudal identificam-se as regiões útero e vagina. No assoalho do urodeum aloja-se o clitóris. O comprimento retilíneo de carapaça e massa corpórea entre fêmeas imaturas e adultas variam, respectivamente, entre 134-155,6mm e 134,43-365g. A maioria das fêmeas jovens foram capturadas no período chuvoso e as adultas sem e com ovos no período seco. As características macroscópicas dos órgãos genitais observadas em M. vanderhaegei são compartilhadas com outros Testudines, exceto pela papila urogenital e presença do clitóris.(AU)
Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Testudines: Chelidae) is a freshwater turtle with occurrence in Amazon, Tocantins, Paraguai, Paraná and Uruguai rivers basins. Although according to International Union for Conservation of Nature, it has low risk of extinction, there is an uptade necessity of ecological and biological data. Considering that the management and conservation plans are related to a wide knowledge of reproductive biology, a first macroscopic description about the young and adults females of M. vanderhaegei is important. These points were correlated to the specimens size and period of the year. The samples of M. vanderhaegei were collected in Chapada dos Guimarães county, Mato Grosso, Brazil, an area of large natural occurrence of the specimens. Genital organs of seventeen females were fixed in 10% formalin and then dissected to demonstrate the particularities related to external and internal anatomy. The young and adult M. vanderhaegei genitals organs are composed of ovaries and oviducts pairs that dorsolaterally discharge into the cloaca, forming with the ureter, the urogenital papilla. The ovaries are elongated organs with larger cranial and elongated caudal portions. The oviducts, which are in adults very differentiated in its shape and size compared to the young, are long and located laterally to the ovaries. In both age groups, the genital organs are supported by celomatic membrane folds that emerge from the ceiling of the cavity, constituting the mesovary and mesoviduct. In adult females, according to the shape and pattern of the oviduct mucosa, the cranial segment corresponds to the regions of the infundibulum and magnum; the middle segment, the isthmus and the caudal segment identify the uterus and vagina regions. The clitoris is sited on the floor of the urodeum. The carapace linear length and body mass between immature and adult females vary to 134-155.6mm e 134.43-365g respectively. The main part of young females was captured in rainy period and the adults, with and without eggs, at dry period. The macroscopic characteristics of the M. vanderhaegei genital organs are also observed in others Testudines, with the exception of urogenital papilla and by the clitoris presence.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Tartarugas/anatomia & histologia , Genitália Feminina/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Background: The uterine horn agenesis or aplasia is a rare anomaly consisting of absence or incomplete development of the paramesonephric ducts that origin the uterine horns. This change occurs during fetal formation and may occur concomitantly to agenesis of the ovary and/or ipsilateral kidney. The extra-uterine pregnancy consists of fetal growth outside the uterine cavity and can occur as a tubal or abdominal pregnancy. We report here the case of a 7-years-old mix breed dog, attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Mato Grosso, with accidental diagnosis of agenesis of uterine horn and ovaries and ectopic fetal mummification. Case: A 7-years-old mix breed dog, not spayed, was attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (HOVET-UFMT), complaining of mucous bloody vaginal discharge. The patient had regular estrus and was multiparous. There was no mating history in the last estrus neither trauma over the past months. In previous pregnancies the patient presented eutocic labors. On physical examination the dog showed apathy although it was alert, pale mucous membranes, presence of perivulvar blackish secretion and discreet abdominal enlargement. As preoperative exams, a complete blood count, liver and renal function (serum creatinine and alanine aminotransferase) were performed. It has also performed the abdominal ultrasound [...]
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Morte Fetal , Tubas Uterinas , Útero/anormalidades , Laparotomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: The uterine horn agenesis or aplasia is a rare anomaly consisting of absence or incomplete development of the paramesonephric ducts that origin the uterine horns. This change occurs during fetal formation and may occur concomitantly to agenesis of the ovary and/or ipsilateral kidney. The extra-uterine pregnancy consists of fetal growth outside the uterine cavity and can occur as a tubal or abdominal pregnancy. We report here the case of a 7-years-old mix breed dog, attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Mato Grosso, with accidental diagnosis of agenesis of uterine horn and ovaries and ectopic fetal mummification. Case: A 7-years-old mix breed dog, not spayed, was attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (HOVET-UFMT), complaining of mucous bloody vaginal discharge. The patient had regular estrus and was multiparous. There was no mating history in the last estrus neither trauma over the past months. In previous pregnancies the patient presented eutocic labors. On physical examination the dog showed apathy although it was alert, pale mucous membranes, presence of perivulvar blackish secretion and discreet abdominal enlargement. As preoperative exams, a complete blood count, liver and renal function (serum creatinine and alanine aminotransferase) were performed. It has also performed the abdominal ultrasound [...](AU)