ABSTRACT: The present study identified virulence genes and pathological changes caused by Escherichia coli in chicken carcasses condemned for airsacculitis and assessed if the histopathological examination and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were effective for studies like this. Trachea, liver, and lung were collected from 30 chickens with suspected airsacculitis that has been condemned in the inspection line. The samples were analyzed by PCR to simultaneously identify two virulence genes (iss and tsh genes) and for histopathological testing. PCR efficiently genotypically characterize the E. coli isolates, where the virulence genes iss and tsh were found in three birds simultaneously. The histopathological examination detected a predominance of heterophils and mononuclear cells in the trachea (100%), lung (90%), and liver (13.3%). The liver was the organ where practically no alteration was diagnosed. The results of multiplex PCR for the tsh and iss virulence genes indicate the great potential of the approach in the characterization of E. coli isolates. Unspecific identification did not occur, thus making it necessary to use technologies for the identification and prevention of this agent in aviaries and poultry abattoirs.
RESUMO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar genes de virulência e alterações patológicas provocadas por Escherichia coli em carcaças de frango condenadas por aerossaculite e se o exame histopatológico e uma Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR) são eficazes para os estudos dessa natureza. Para isso, foram coletados traqueia, fígado e pulmão de 30 frangos condenados na linha de inspeção, com suspeita de aerossaculite. As amostras foram submetidas a PCR para a identificação de dois genes de virulência de modo simultâneo (genes iss e tsh) e ao teste histopatológico. A PCR foi eficiente para caracterizar genotipicamente os isolados de E. coli, em que se constatou em três aves os genes de virulência iss e tsh simultaneamente. No exame histopatológico detectou-se a predominância de heterófilos e mononucleares na traqueia 100%, no pulmão 90% e no fígado 13,3%. O fígado foi o órgão onde praticamente não foi diagnosticada nenhuma alteração. Diante dos resultados obtidos, foi possível observar que a PCR multiplex para os genes de virulência tsh e iss apresenta um grande potencial na caracterização de isolados de E. coli, já que não gerou identificação inespecífica, com isso faz-se necessária a utilização de tecnologias para identificação e prevenção desse agente nos aviários e matadouros avícolas.
O consumo de leite de espécies como bubalino e caprino tem se popularizado por representarem uma alternativa para indivíduos que possuem restrições alimentares relacionadas ao leite bovino e em virtude das propriedades nutricionais desses alimentos. No entanto, fatores como a baixa produção e a sazonalidade predispõem a adulterações destes alimentos, principalmente pela adição de leite bovino, visando maior rendimento e lucratividade. Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi padronizar um método de PCR multiplex para autenticação de leites bubalino e caprino. Para isso, amostras de leite exclusivamente de cada espécie foram utilizados para a padronização da técnica. Em seguida, foi realizada a fraude pela adição de leite bovino ao caprino e ao bubalino, em proporções de 0,1% até 100%. A técnica foi eficaz, precisa, rápida e prática para a detecção do DNA de bovino, bubalino e caprino, separadamente e em conjunto. Na fraude experimental, o limite de detecção da técnica ocorreu a partir do menor percentual testado (0,1%) tanto no leite caprino quanto no bubalino. Dessa forma, a PCR multiplex testada mostrou ser uma importante ferramenta para a autenticação de leite, pendendo ser utilizada para fins de fiscalização por órgãos competentes.
Milk consumption of species such as buffalo and goat has become popular due to the nutritional properties of these foods and because they represent an alternative for individuals who have dietary restrictions related to bovine milk. However, factors such as low production and seasonality predispose to adulteration, mainly by the addition of bovine milk, aiming at higher yield and profitability. Thus, the aim of the present study was to standard a multiplex PCR method for buffalo and goat milks authentication. For this, the milks exclusively of each species were used to standardize the technique. Subsequently, fraud was performed by the addition of bovine milk to goat and buffalo in proportions from 0.1% to 100%. The technique was effective and accurate for detecting bovine, buffalo and goat DNA separately and together quickly and practically. In experimental fraud, the detection limit of the technique occurred from the lowest percentage tested (0.1%) in both goat and buffalo milk. Thus, the multiplex PCR tested proved to be an important tool for milk authentication, pending to be used for supervision by competent agencies.
Búfalos , Cabras , Contaminação de Alimentos/análise , Leite , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Multiplex/métodos , Análise de Alimentos/métodosResumo
The objective of this research was to identify Mycobacterium bovis in lesions suggestive of tuberculosis in bovine carcasses in the State of Ceará, by means of bacteriological and molecular diagnostic tests. Between August 2017 and January 2019, the State inspection service (SIE) inspected 59,512 cattle, of which 7.4% (44 / 59,512) presented suggestive lesions. Of these animals, 68 samples were sent, of which 4.5% (31/68) located in the lung, 2.9% (20/68) in lymph nodes, 2.0% (14/68) in the liver, and 0.4% in the carcass (3/68). When performing bacteriological isolation, 15.9% (7/44) of bovines showed colony growth in the samples. The smears of the isolates were submitted to Zielh-Neelsen staining and all confirmed acid-fast bacilli. The polymerase chain reaction identified all isolates 100% (7/7) as M. bovis. The association of diagnostic techniques allowed to identify the presence of the agent in the State and the molecular analysis proved to be a beneficial technique in the monitoring of bovine tuberculosis and can be used as an auxiliary method in the bovine tuberculosis control and eradication program in the State of Ceará.
O objetivo do trabalho foi pesquisar Mycobacterium bovis em lesões sugestivas de tuberculose nas carcaças de bovinos no estado do Ceará, por meio dos testes de diagnóstico bacteriológico e molecular. Entre agosto de 2017 e janeiro de 2019, o Serviço de Inspeção Estadual (SIE) inspecionou 59.512 bovinos; destes, 7,4% (44/59.512) apesentaram lesões sugestivas. Desses animais foram enviadas 68 amostras, das quais 4,5% (31/68) estavam localizadas no pulmão, 2,9% (20/68) nos linfonodos, 2,0% (14/68) no fígado e 0,4% (3/68) na carcaça. Ao realizar o isolamento bacteriológico, 15,9% (7/44) dos bovinos evidenciaram crescimento de colônias nas amostras. Os esfregaços dos isolados foram submetidos à coloração de Zielh-Neelsen e todos eles confirmaram bacilo álcool-ácido resistente. A reação em cadeia da polimerase identificou todos os isolados, 100% (7/7), como M. bovis. A associação das técnicas de diagnóstico permitiu identificar a presença do agente no estado, e a análise molecular demonstrou ser uma técnica benéfica no monitoramento da tuberculose bovina, podendo ser utilizada como um método auxiliar no programa de controle e erradicação da tuberculose bovina no estado do Ceará.
Animais , Bovinos , Tuberculose Bovina/diagnóstico , Tuberculose Bovina/epidemiologia , Mycobacterium bovis/isolamento & purificação , Doenças dos Bovinos/microbiologia , Matadouros , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Multiplex/veterináriaResumo
Background: The West Nile virus (WNV) antibodies were reported in Brazil in the serum samples taken from horses andbirds in the Midwest region and Paraíba state in 2008 and 2013, respectively. In 2014, the first human case was confirmedin a rural worker in the state of Piauí and, in 2018, the virus was isolated from the central nervous system of a horse withnervous symptoms in the state of Espírito Santo. The virus is a member of the Flaviviridae family of the genus Flavivirus(neurotropic), infecting several mammalian species, with humans and horses being the most susceptible. Approximately35% of horses develop clinical signs, thus they are considered the best sentinels for this disease. The aim of this case reportis to describe the first confirmed cases of West Nile Fever (WNF) in two horses in the state of São Paulo.Cases: Two horses with neurological symptoms were treated at the Veterinary Hospital of Cruzeiro do Sul University (SãoPaulo, SP), in 2019. Both horses came from neighboring regions that have a large Atlantic Forest preservation area and arealso routes for migratory birds, known to be competent hosts for transmitting the West Nile Fever virus, such as the swallow,the falcon and the hawk. The first one had symptoms, such as weakness and sporadic seizures; however, after recovering,it was hospitalized a few days later due to kidney failure and laminitis. The second one showed incoordination, pelviclimb weakness, and was walking in circles, evolving to seizures. Both animals were euthanized, and their central nervoussystem samples and total blood samples were tested for rabies, herpes virus, and WNV; the first 2 tests showed negativeresults. Ribonucleic acids (RNA) were extracted from erythrocytes using the polymerase...
Animais , Cavalos/virologia , Febre do Nilo Ocidental/epidemiologia , Febre do Nilo Ocidental/veterinária , Vírus do Nilo Ocidental/isolamento & purificação , Encefalite/veterinária , Flavivirus/isolamento & purificação , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Multiplex/veterináriaResumo
Background: The West Nile virus (WNV) antibodies were reported in Brazil in the serum samples taken from horses andbirds in the Midwest region and Paraíba state in 2008 and 2013, respectively. In 2014, the first human case was confirmedin a rural worker in the state of Piauí and, in 2018, the virus was isolated from the central nervous system of a horse withnervous symptoms in the state of Espírito Santo. The virus is a member of the Flaviviridae family of the genus Flavivirus(neurotropic), infecting several mammalian species, with humans and horses being the most susceptible. Approximately35% of horses develop clinical signs, thus they are considered the best sentinels for this disease. The aim of this case reportis to describe the first confirmed cases of West Nile Fever (WNF) in two horses in the state of São Paulo.Cases: Two horses with neurological symptoms were treated at the Veterinary Hospital of Cruzeiro do Sul University (SãoPaulo, SP), in 2019. Both horses came from neighboring regions that have a large Atlantic Forest preservation area and arealso routes for migratory birds, known to be competent hosts for transmitting the West Nile Fever virus, such as the swallow,the falcon and the hawk. The first one had symptoms, such as weakness and sporadic seizures; however, after recovering,it was hospitalized a few days later due to kidney failure and laminitis. The second one showed incoordination, pelviclimb weakness, and was walking in circles, evolving to seizures. Both animals were euthanized, and their central nervoussystem samples and total blood samples were tested for rabies, herpes virus, and WNV; the first 2 tests showed negativeresults. Ribonucleic acids (RNA) were extracted from erythrocytes using the polymerase...(AU)
Animais , Vírus do Nilo Ocidental/isolamento & purificação , Febre do Nilo Ocidental/epidemiologia , Febre do Nilo Ocidental/veterinária , Cavalos/virologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Multiplex/veterinária , Encefalite/veterinária , Flavivirus/isolamento & purificaçãoResumo
Tuberculosis is an infectious, chronic, and worldwide disease. It has been known since the beginning of humanity and still negatively influences public health and livestock, especially, in Brazil, in the northeast. Etiologic agents are the mycobacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, which is the most important in mammals' involvement. The state of Bahia has 68.7% of its territory located in the semiarid region and holds the largest goat herd in the country. Goat breeding is a social and economic activity that adds value to this region. Up to the present, data on goat tuberculosis is unknown in this state. Thus, this study seeks data on tuberculosis prevalence in goats in a semiarid region of Bahia by using the comparative tuberculin test and multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A total of 600 adult animals of both sexes were evaluated. A prevalence of 0.33% (2/600) and 33.33% (1/3) properties were found for positive animals. Each assessed property had a questionnaire to analyze the epidemiological data management and relevant aspects for the disease occurrence. To confirm the positive tuberculin test results, PCR was used to detect and identify the pathogenic mycobacteria involved in the infection. It is concluded that most of the properties performing goat breeding in the region show low technification levels and promote farming between different species. Low prevalence of the disease alerts preventive measures to avoid major proportion situations that could influence the goat breeding in the state.
Animais , Tuberculina , Tuberculose/diagnóstico , Cabras/microbiologia , Teste Tuberculínico/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterináriaResumo
This study aimed to investigate Mycoplasma species in the lungs of 500 geese with pneumonia from the Kars region (Turkey) via cultural and molecular methods. The samples were cultured on Freys Broth and Agar media. To identify Mycoplasma species a Growth Inhibition Test was used. The identification was continued with species-specific PCR and sequence analysis which provide amplification of the genes dnaX, pcrA, rpoB, and the sequence of the 16S rRNA gene, respectively. In addition, Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae from pneumonic lung samples were directly analyzed via Multiplex Real-time PCR. As a result, 51 Mycoplasma strains were isolated and 32 were identified as Mycoplasma anatis, 9 as Mycoplasma anseris, 5 as Mycoplasma cloacale and 3 as Mycoplasma anserisalpingitis. Two Mycoplasma isolates that could not be identified were grouped in the same branch as a result of 16S RNA sequencing and their nearest neighbour was found to be Mycoplasma sp. 2045 (GenBankNo.MK615061.1). M. gallisepticum DNA was detected in 3 pneumonic lung samples and M. gallisepticum/M. synoviae DNAs were found simultaneously in 1 sample. While some Mycoplasma species identified in this study consolidated their place as pneumonic agents, some increased their potential to become a pneumonic agent when compared with cases caused by well-recognized Mycoplasma strains. Two isolates were identified as -Mycoplasma spp. as their 16S rRNA gene sequence identity levels scored below the threshold of 98.7% for species demarcation and still need to be defined whether they are possible representatives of a novel Mycoplasma species.(AU)
Animais , Gansos/microbiologia , Mycoplasma/isolamento & purificação , Modelos Moleculares , Regiões Promotoras Genéticas , Pneumonia , Reação em Cadeia da PolimeraseResumo
This study aimed to investigate Mycoplasma species in the lungs of 500 geese with pneumonia from the Kars region (Turkey) via cultural and molecular methods. The samples were cultured on Freys Broth and Agar media. To identify Mycoplasma species a Growth Inhibition Test was used. The identification was continued with species-specific PCR and sequence analysis which provide amplification of the genes dnaX, pcrA, rpoB, and the sequence of the 16S rRNA gene, respectively. In addition, Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae from pneumonic lung samples were directly analyzed via Multiplex Real-time PCR. As a result, 51 Mycoplasma strains were isolated and 32 were identified as Mycoplasma anatis, 9 as Mycoplasma anseris, 5 as Mycoplasma cloacale and 3 as Mycoplasma anserisalpingitis. Two Mycoplasma isolates that could not be identified were grouped in the same branch as a result of 16S RNA sequencing and their nearest neighbour was found to be Mycoplasma sp. 2045 (GenBankNo.MK615061.1). M. gallisepticum DNA was detected in 3 pneumonic lung samples and M. gallisepticum/M. synoviae DNAs were found simultaneously in 1 sample. While some Mycoplasma species identified in this study consolidated their place as pneumonic agents, some increased their potential to become a pneumonic agent when compared with cases caused by well-recognized Mycoplasma strains. Two isolates were identified as -Mycoplasma spp. as their 16S rRNA gene sequence identity levels scored below the threshold of 98.7% for species demarcation and still need to be defined whether they are possible representatives of a novel Mycoplasma species.
Animais , Gansos/microbiologia , Modelos Moleculares , Mycoplasma/isolamento & purificação , Regiões Promotoras Genéticas , Pneumonia , Reação em Cadeia da PolimeraseResumo
Background: Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (A. pleuropneumoniae) is one of the most important bacterial respiratory pathogens. It is the only etiological agent of porcine pleuropneumonia (PPP) or it appears as a secondary bacterial infection in the swine respiratory disease complex (PRDC). In Serbia, apart from the identification of serotype 2, no tests have been performed to establish the presence of other A. pleuropneumoniae serotypes in the pig population. The aim of this study was to perform genotyping of A. pleuropneumoniae isolates originating from pig farms in Serbia by apx genes and using multiplex polymerase chain reaction (mPCR). Materials, Methods & Results: Isolates of A. pleuropneumoniae examined in this study were obtained from lungs with macroscopically visible alterations characteristic of a A. pleuropneumoniae. A total of 46 isolates were examined. They were extracted from the lung tissue samples of pig carcasses from 9 farms across different parts of Serbia. Genotyping of isolates was performed in the previously described manner. Briefly, 5 pairs of oligonucleotide primers were used for amplification of 4 different apx genes which encode synthesis of exotoxins (ApxI , ApxII , ApxIII i ApxIV) characteristic for all A. pleuropneumoniae serotypes and biovars. Amplification of appropriate genome parts was performed with a reaction chain polymerase (PCR) in multiplex (m) format using appropriate diagnostic kits to extract DNA from bacteria and perform mPCR reaction. The results of genotyping of 46 isolates of A. pleuropneumoniae indicate the existence of a large number of different serotypes of A. pleuropneumoniae on the studied farms or that different serotypes of this microorganism circulate in the pig population in Serbia. In addition to the detection of dominant serotype 2, which was established on 7 farms, of which in 4 farms it was the only detected serotype, in the examined pig population the presence of serotypes 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9 was also found. Furthermore, the presence of 2 different serotypes of A. Pleuropneumoniae was also detected on 3 farms; on the first farm serotypes 2 and 3, on the second farm serotypes 2 and 6, and on the third farm serotypes 2 and 7. Discussion: Although the research was done with a relatively small number of isolates of A. pleuropneumoniae, comparing the obtained results with the results on the presence and prevalence of appropriate serotypes from other countries, we concluded that there is significant diversity of this pathogen in the pig population in farms of Serbia. Detection of different serotypes of A. pleuropneumoniae in the pig population and the presence of several different serotypes on 1 farm was established for the very first time in Serbia. All isolates from our study can be characterized as highly virulent, considering that the clinical symptoms, pathological findings and the results of bacteriological examination indicated A. pleuropneumoniae to be the cause of animal death. Like in the neighbouring countries, the strongly pathogenic serotype 9 and the less pathogenic serotype 2 are the most frequently identified causative agents of porcine pleuropneumonia in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia. The necessity to establish the presence of all A. pleuropneumoniae serotypes in the pig population, and in particular to determine the presence of different serotypes on individual farms, is crucial for several reasons: making a definitive e diagnosis; development of prophylactic strategies for medicines; implementation of immunoprophylactic vaccination.
Animais , Suínos/microbiologia , Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae/isolamento & purificação , Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae/genética , Pulmão/microbiologia , Pleuropneumonia/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Sérvia , SorogrupoResumo
Acinetobacter spp. is emerging as an important human and veterinary pathogen, mostly due to intrinsic and acquired resistance to antimicrobials. Despite its public health relevance, little is known about the prevalence, role of different Acinetobacter species and antimicrobial resistance profile of animal-origin isolates. Traditional phenotypic tests may fail to discriminate Acinetobacter species, therefore molecular analyses are often required as a complementary approach. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the occurrence of strains of the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii (Acb) complex isolated from animal infections including urinary tract infections, otitis, piodermitis and pododermatitis, and its resistance profile against different antimicrobial classes, including carbapenems. All Gram-negative coccobacilli isolates were characterized by MALDI-TOF and multiplex PCR, and the disk diffusion test was used to investigate multi-drug resistance (MDR) and carbapenem resistance genes by PCR as preconized by the standard guidelines. MALDI-TOF technique identified 21 strains belonging to the Acb complex (10 A. pittii, 8 A. baumannii, 3 A. nosocomialis, 1 A. ursingii, and 1 A. venetianus). Multiplex PCR confirmed the results of MALDI-TOF for 20 strains. Eight strains (34.78%) were classified as MDR, being 50% (4/8) A. baumannii, 37.5% (3/8) A. pittii, and 12.5% (1/8) A. nosocomialis. None of the isolates presented phenotypic carbapenemase production. Considering the carbapenem resistance genes, 26.09% (6/23) of the isolates presented one or more carbapenemase genes. From these, 50% (3/6) presented only bla VIM, 33.33% (2/6) presented only blaIMP, and 16.67% (1/6) presented blaIMP e blaVIM, simultaneously. These genes were detected among A. pittii isolates mostly (66.67%, 4/6). This study provides further insights into the occurrence and resistance profile of Acinetobacter of animal origin.
Acinetobacter spp. está emergindo como um importante patógeno humano e veterinário, principalmente devido à resistência intrínseca e adquirida aos antimicrobianos. Apesar de sua relevância para a saúde pública, pouco se sabe sobre a prevalência, o papel das diferentes espécies de Acinetobacter e o perfil de resistência antimicrobiana de isolados de origem animal. Testes fenotípicos tradicionais podem falhar em discriminar espécies de Acinetobacter, portanto, análises moleculares são frequentemente necessárias como uma abordagem complementar. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar a ocorrência de cepas do complexo Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii (Acb) isolados de infecções de animais, incluindo infecções do trato urinário, otite, piodermite e pododermatite, e seu perfil de resistência a diferentes classes de antimicrobianos, incluindo os carbapenêmicos. Todas as cepas cocobacilos Gram-negativas foram caracterizados por MALDI-TOF e PCR multiplex, e o teste de difusão em disco foi usado para investigar genes de resistência a múltiplas drogas (MDR) e resistência a carbapenêmicos por PCR conforme preconizado pelas diretrizes padrão. A técnica MALDI-TOF identificou 21 cepas pertencentes ao complexo Acb (10 A. pittii, 8 A. baumannii, 3 A. nosocomialis, 1 A. ursingii e 1 A. venetianus). Multiplex PCR confirmou os resultados de MALDI-TOF para 20 cepas. Oito cepas (34.78%) foram classificadas como MDR, sendo 50% (4/8) A. baumannii, 37.5% (3/8) A. pittii e 12.5% (1/8) A. nosocomialis. Nenhum dos isolados apresentou produção fenotípica de carbapenemases. Considerando os genes de resistência a carbapenemas, 26.09% (6/23) dos isolados apresentaram um ou mais genes de carbapenemases. Destes, 50% (3/6) apresentaram apenas bla VIM, 33.33% (2/6) apresentaram apenas bla IMP e 16.67% (1/6) apresentaram bla IMP e bla VIM, simultaneamente. Esses genes foram detectados principalmente entre os isolados de A. pittii (66.67%, 4/6). Este estudo fornece mais informações sobre a ocorrência e perfil de resistência de Acinetobacter de origem animal.
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Acinetobacter/isolamento & purificação , Acinetobacter/efeitos dos fármacos , beta-Lactamases , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana , Gatos , Acinetobacter calcoaceticus , Acinetobacter baumannii , Cães , CavalosResumo
Streptococcus suis is a Gram-positive pathogen that inhabits the upper respiratory tract and can cause severe systemic inflammatory disease in pigs, mainly during the nursery phase. Streptococcus suis is a reemergent pathogen, and outbreaks of its inducing disease represent significant economic losses for the pig industry worldwide. In this study, we described the clinical, pathological, and molecular aspects of an outbreak of S. suis infection with atypically high mortality. The outbreak occurred in nursery farms integrated into a cooperative in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Of the 30 nurseries, 10 were severely affected by the pathogen and had high economic losses. Clinical signs usually started approximately 10 days after weaning and were mainly characterized by acute nervous and locomotor disorders. The mortality of the affected batches usually ranged between 8% and 10%, but in some cases, it reached 18%. Nine piglets were submitted to post mortem examination. Macroscopically, the synovial joints were enlarged and contained fibrinous exudates. In the central nervous system, there was hyperemia of the leptomeningeal vessels associated with deposition of fibrin and purulent exudate in the leptomeninges. In three piglets, there was thickening of the choroid plexus associated with dilation of the lateral ventricles. Microscopic lesions were characterized mainly by fibrinosuppurative inflammation, which involved the synovial membranes, leptomeninges of the brain, and spinal cord. Furthermore, it also affects the choroid plexus, ependyma, nerve roots, and central canal of the spinal cord. S. suis was isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid, meningeal swabs, and/or synovial fluid of 8/9 piglets, and typified as serotype 9 by multiplex PCR.
Streptococcus suis é um patógeno Gram positivo que habita o trato respiratório superior e pode causar doença inflamatória sistêmica grave em suínos, principalmente durante a fase de creche. Streptococcus suis é um patógeno reemergente e surtos representam perdas econômicas significativas a suinocultura mundial. Neste estudo descrevemos os aspectos clínicos, patológicos e moleculares de um surto de infecção por S. suis com mortalidade atipicamente alta. O surto ocorreu em creches integradas a uma cooperativa do estado do Paraná, Brasil. Das 30 creches, 10 foram severamente afetadas pelo patógeno e apresentavam elevadas perdas econômicas. Os sinais clínicos iniciavam em torno de 10 dias após o desmame e eram caracterizados principalmente por sinais clínicos nervosos e locomotores agudos. A mortalidade dos lotes afetados variava entre 8% e 10%, mas em alguns casos ultrapassava 18%. Nove leitões foram submetidos ao exame post mortem. Macroscopicamente, as articulações sinoviais estavam aumentadas e continham exsudato fibrinoso. No sistema nervoso central havia hiperemia dos vasos leptomeníngeos associada a deposição de fibrina e exsudato purulento nas leptomeninges. Em três leitões havia espessamento do plexo coroide associado a dilatação dos ventrículos laterais. As lesões microscópicas eram caracterizadas principalmente por inflamação fibrinossupurativa que envolvia as membranas sinoviais, as leptomeninges do cérebro e medula espinhal. Além disso, também afetava o plexo coroide, epêndima, raízes nervosas e canal central da medula espinhal. S. suis foi isolado do líquido cefalorraquidiano, suabe de meninge e/ou líquido sinovial de 8/9 leitões e tipificado como sorotipo 9 por PCR multiplex.
Animais , Infecções Estreptocócicas/patologia , Infecções Estreptocócicas/veterinária , Infecções Estreptocócicas/epidemiologia , Streptococcus suis , Sus scrofa/microbiologia , BrasilResumo
ABSTRACT The diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis (TB) by molecular techniques has been broadly studied. These methods allow accelerating the diagnosis, in addition to presenting high specificity and sensitivity in the identification of the pathogen, critical characteristic for public health, especially when it comes to the direct diagnosis of the biologic samples, which has been little explored. This paper has evaluated a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (mPCR) as a tool to diagnose TB, which was performed directly on the granulomatous material of suspicious lesions collected in a cold chamber under state inspection in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Of the 74 samples evaluated, 14.86% were positive, with 10.81% positive for mPCR and culture, 4.05% negative for cultivation and positive for mPCR. The correlation between the cultivation and the mPCR presented agreeance higher than 61.54% of the cases. The results have indicated that the protocol proved itself effective, fast and very promising in the surveillance in slaughterhouses for the diagnosis of tuberculosis directly from the granuloma.
The objective of the present study was to Standardize a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) protocol for the authentication of bovine and buffalo milk, and to detect the presence of Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes. For this, the target DNA was extracted, mixed, and subjected to a PCR assay. Milk samples were defrauded and experimentally contaminated with microorganisms to assess the detection of target DNA at different times of cultivation, bacterial titers, and concentration of genetic material. In addition, the protocol was tested with DNA extracted directly from food, without a pre-enrichment step. The proposed quadruplex PCR showed good accuracy in identifying target DNA sequences. It was possible to simultaneously identify all DNA sequences at the time of inoculation (0h), when the samples were contaminated with 2 CFU/250mL and with 6h of culture when the initial inoculum was 1 CFU/250mL. It was also possible to directly detect DNA sequences from the food when it was inoculated with 3 CFU/mL bacteria. Thus, the proposed methodology showed satisfactory performance, optimization of the analysis time, and a potential for the detection of microorganisms at low titers, which can be used for the detection of fraud and contamination.
O objetivo do presente estudo foi padronizar um protocolo de reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) para a autenticação de leite bovino e bubalino e a detecção da presença de Salmonella spp. e Listeria monocytogenes. Para isso, o DNA-alvo foi extraído, misturado e submetido ao ensaio de PCR. Amostras de leite foram fraudadas e contaminadas experimentalmente com os micro-organismos, para se avaliar a detecção do DNA-alvo em diferentes tempos de cultivo, os títulos bacterianos e a concentração de material genético. Além disso, o protocolo foi testado com DNA extraído diretamente do alimento, sem a etapa de pré-enriquecimento. A PCR quadriplex proposta mostrou boa precisão na identificação de sequências de DNA-alvo. Foi possível identificar simultaneamente todas as sequências de DNA no momento da inoculação (0h), quando as amostras estavam contaminadas com 2 UFC/250mL, e com seis horas de cultura, quando o inóculo inicial foi de 1 UFC/250mL. Também foi possível detectar diretamente as sequências de DNA do alimento quando este foi inoculado com 3 UFC/mL de bactérias. Dessa forma, a metodologia proposta apresentou desempenho satisfatório, otimização do tempo de análise e potencial para detecção de micro-organismos em baixos títulos, podendo ser utilizada para detecção de fraude e contaminação.
Animais , Bovinos , Salmonella/isolamento & purificação , Búfalos , Leite/microbiologia , Fraude/prevenção & controle , Listeria monocytogenes/isolamento & purificação , Inocuidade dos Alimentos/métodos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Multiplex/veterináriaResumo
As raças taurinas de origem ibérica Limonero e Carora (Bos primigenius taurus) possuem o fenótipo de pelo curto, liso e com baixa densidade folicular, o que confere a esses animais maior tolerância térmica e melhor produtividade em regiões quentes. Diferentes mutações associadas a esse fenótipo foram descritas no gene do receptor de prolactina PRLR, localizado no cromossomo bovino BTA20. Uma mutação recentemente encontrada é a substituição do nucleotídeo C por T, SNP 39136666 (p. R497*), no exon 11, que gera um códon de parada e, consequentemente, uma menor isoforma desse receptor. Neste trabalho, desenvolveu-se um protocolo rápido e de baixo custo para detecção desse SNP, utilizando-se a técnica de tetra-primer ARMS-PCR. Assim, foi possível detectar essa mutação nas raças brasileiras de origem ibérica localmente adaptadas: Caracu, Crioulo Lageano, Mocho Nacional e Pantaneiro. O alelo T foi mais frequente na raça Caracu (80%), enquanto o alelo C foi mais frequente na raça Crioulo Lageano (84%). Essa simples metodologia pode ser usada para genotipar esse SNP e ajudar na aplicação dessas informações moleculares em programas de melhoramento focados na tolerância térmica em bovinos taurinos e seus mestiços.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Receptores da Prolactina/genética , Primers do DNA/análise , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único/genética , Técnicas de Genotipagem/métodos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Multiplex/veterináriaResumo
The diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis (TB) by molecular techniques has been broadly studied. These methods allow accelerating the diagnosis, in addition to presenting high specificity and sensitivity in the identification of the pathogen, critical characteristic for public health, especially when it comes to the direct diagnosis of the biologic samples, which has been little explored. This paper has evaluated a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (mPCR) as a tool to diagnose TB, which was performed directly on the granulomatous material of suspicious lesions collected in a cold chamber under state inspection in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Of the 74 samples evaluated, 14.86% were positive, with 10.81% positive for mPCR and culture, 4.05% negative for cultivation and positive for mPCR. The correlation between the cultivation and the mPCR presented agreeance higher than 61.54% of the cases. The results have indicated that the protocol proved itself effective, fast and very promising in the surveillance in slaughterhouses for the diagnosis of tuberculosis directly from the granuloma.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Tuberculose Bovina/diagnóstico , Diagnóstico , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Multiplex , Mycobacterium , Matadouros , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Molecular , Granuloma , NoxasResumo
Contamination of the veterinary hospital environment with multiresistant pathogens endangers not only hospitalized animals, but also the workplace safety of veterinarians and nurses, animal guardians and, when in case of a teaching hospital, veterinary students. The objective of this study was to map the main points of bacterial contamination of a veterinary teaching hospital in Brazil to identify multiresistant microorganisms and their antimicrobial resistance genes. Samples were collected from 39 different locations of a veterinary school hospital which comprised a pool according to each hospital environment. In certain environments, more than one pool has been collected. All samples were collected in quadruplicates for the selective isolation of the main multiresistant microorganisms: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus (MRS), vancomycin resistant Enterococcus (VRE), cephalosporinases and/or extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Gram-negative bacteria (ESBL) and Carbapenemase-producing (CP). After isolation and identification of isolates, multiplex-PCR reactions were performed to detect the main genes for each microorganism and antimicrobial susceptibility tests with the main antibiotics used for each bacterial group according to CLSI. Of the 39 veterinary teaching hospital sites collected, all (100%) had at least one of the microorganisms surveyed, and 17.95% (n=7) of the sites were able to isolate the four pathogens. From the 94 pools collected, it was possible to isolate MRS in 81.91% (n=77), VRE in 12.77% (n=12), cephalosporinases and/or ESBL in 62.77% (n=59) and CP in 24.47%. (n=23). Regarding MRS, the mecA gene was detected in all isolates. All isolated VREs were identified as Enterococcus faecalis and presented the vanA gene. Regarding cephalosporinases and/or ESBL, 89.83% (n=53) of the isolates presented the blaTEM gene, 57.63% (n=34) the blaOXA-1 gene, 37.29% (n=22) blaCTX-M gene from some group (1, 2, 9 ou 8/25) and 20.34% (n=12) the blaSHV gene. It was possible to identify the main microorganisms responsible for causing nosocomial infections in humans (VRE, MRS, ESBL and CP) in the veterinary hospital environment, suggesting a source of infection for professionals and students of veterinary medicine, placing a high risk for public health.(AU)
A contaminação do ambiente hospitalar veterinário com patógenos multirresistentes coloca em perigo não apenas os animais hospitalizados, mas também a segurança no local de trabalho de veterinários e enfermeiros, responsáveis por animais e, quando se tratar de um hospital de ensino, estudantes de veterinária. O objetivo deste estudo foi mapear os principais pontos de contaminação bacteriana de um hospital veterinário de ensino no Brasil, identificando microorganismos multirresistentes e seus genes de resistência antimicrobiana. As amostras foram coletadas em 39 locais diferentes de um hospital de escola veterinária, que compreendia um pool de acordo com o ambiente de cada hospital. Em certos ambientes, mais de um pool foi coletado. Todas as amostras foram coletadas em quadruplicados para o isolamento seletivo dos principais microorganismos multirresistentes: Staphylococcus resistente à meticilina (MRS), Enterococcus resistente à vancomicina (VRE), bactérias Gram-negativas produtoras de cefalosporinases e/ou beta-lactamase de espectro estendido (ESBL) e produtoras de carbapenemase (PC). Após o isolamento e identificação dos isolados, foram realizadas reações de PCR multiplex para detectar os principais genes de cada microorganismo e testes de susceptibilidade a antimicrobianos com os principais antibióticos utilizados para cada grupo bacteriano de acordo com o CLSI. Dos 39 locais do VCH coletados, todos (100%) possuíam pelo menos um dos microrganismos pesquisados e 17,95% (n=7) dos locais foram capazes de isolar os quatro patógenos. Dos 94 pools coletados, foi possível isolar MRS em 81,91% (n=77), VRE em 12,77% (n=12), ESBL em 62,77% (n=59) e carbapenemases em 24,47% (n=23). Em relação ao MRS, o gene mecA foi detectado em todos os isolados. Todos os VREs isolados foram identificados como Enterococcus faecalis e apresentaram o gene vanA. Em relação às cefalosporinases e/ou ESBL, 89,83% (n=53) dos isolados apresentaram o gene blaTEM, 57,63% (n=34) o gene blaOXA-1, 37,29% (n=22) o gene blaCTX-M de algum grupo e 20,34% (n=12) o gene blaSHV. Foi possível identificar os principais microrganismos responsáveis por causar infecções nosocomiais em humanos (VRE, MRS, ESBL e CP) no ambiente hospitalar veterinário, sugerindo uma fonte de infecção para profissionais e estudantes de medicina veterinária, colocando alto risco para a saúde pública.(AU)
Staphylococcus , Infecção Hospitalar , Resistência a Meticilina , Enterococcus faecalis , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Multiplex , Anti-Infecciosos , Antibacterianos , beta-Lactamases , Hospitais VeterináriosResumo
Contamination of the veterinary hospital environment with multiresistant pathogens endangers not only hospitalized animals, but also the workplace safety of veterinarians and nurses, animal guardians and, when in case of a teaching hospital, veterinary students. The objective of this study was to map the main points of bacterial contamination of a veterinary teaching hospital in Brazil to identify multiresistant microorganisms and their antimicrobial resistance genes. Samples were collected from 39 different locations of a veterinary school hospital which comprised a pool according to each hospital environment. In certain environments, more than one pool has been collected. All samples were collected in quadruplicates for the selective isolation of the main multiresistant microorganisms: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus (MRS), vancomycin resistant Enterococcus (VRE), cephalosporinases and/or extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Gram-negative bacteria (ESBL) and Carbapenemase-producing (CP). After isolation and identification of isolates, multiplex-PCR reactions were performed to detect the main genes for each microorganism and antimicrobial susceptibility tests with the main antibiotics used for each bacterial group according to CLSI. Of the 39 veterinary teaching hospital sites collected, all (100%) had at least one of the microorganisms surveyed, and 17.95% (n=7) of the sites were able to isolate the four pathogens. From the 94 pools collected, it was possible to isolate MRS in 81.91% (n=77), VRE in 12.77% (n=12), cephalosporinases and/or ESBL in 62.77% (n=59) and CP in 24.47%. (n=23). Regarding MRS, the mecA gene was detected in all isolates. All isolated VREs were identified as Enterococcus faecalis and presented the vanA gene. Regarding cephalosporinases and/or ESBL, 89.83% (n=53) of the isolates presented the blaTEM gene, 57.63% (n=34) the blaOXA-1 gene, 37.29% (n=22) blaCTX-M gene from some group (1, 2, 9 ou 8/25) and 20.34% (n=12) the blaSHV gene. It was possible to identify the main microorganisms responsible for causing nosocomial infections in humans (VRE, MRS, ESBL and CP) in the veterinary hospital environment, suggesting a source of infection for professionals and students of veterinary medicine, placing a high risk for public health.(AU)
A contaminação do ambiente hospitalar veterinário com patógenos multirresistentes coloca em perigo não apenas os animais hospitalizados, mas também a segurança no local de trabalho de veterinários e enfermeiros, responsáveis por animais e, quando se tratar de um hospital de ensino, estudantes de veterinária. O objetivo deste estudo foi mapear os principais pontos de contaminação bacteriana de um hospital veterinário de ensino no Brasil, identificando microorganismos multirresistentes e seus genes de resistência antimicrobiana. As amostras foram coletadas em 39 locais diferentes de um hospital de escola veterinária, que compreendia um pool de acordo com o ambiente de cada hospital. Em certos ambientes, mais de um pool foi coletado. Todas as amostras foram coletadas em quadruplicados para o isolamento seletivo dos principais microorganismos multirresistentes: Staphylococcus resistente à meticilina (MRS), Enterococcus resistente à vancomicina (VRE), bactérias Gram-negativas produtoras de cefalosporinases e/ou beta-lactamase de espectro estendido (ESBL) e produtoras de carbapenemase (PC). Após o isolamento e identificação dos isolados, foram realizadas reações de PCR multiplex para detectar os principais genes de cada microorganismo e testes de susceptibilidade a antimicrobianos com os principais antibióticos utilizados para cada grupo bacteriano de acordo com o CLSI. Dos 39 locais do VCH coletados, todos (100%) possuíam pelo menos um dos microrganismos pesquisados e 17,95% (n=7) dos locais foram capazes de isolar os quatro patógenos. Dos 94 pools coletados, foi possível isolar MRS em 81,91% (n=77), VRE em 12,77% (n=12), ESBL em 62,77% (n=59) e carbapenemases em 24,47% (n=23). Em relação ao MRS, o gene mecA foi detectado em todos os isolados. Todos os VREs isolados foram identificados como Enterococcus faecalis e apresentaram o gene vanA. Em relação às cefalosporinases e/ou ESBL, 89,83% (n=53) dos isolados apresentaram o gene blaTEM, 57,63% (n=34) o gene blaOXA-1, 37,29% (n=22) o gene blaCTX-M de algum grupo e 20,34% (n=12) o gene blaSHV. Foi possível identificar os principais microrganismos responsáveis por causar infecções nosocomiais em humanos (VRE, MRS, ESBL e CP) no ambiente hospitalar veterinário, sugerindo uma fonte de infecção para profissionais e estudantes de medicina veterinária, colocando alto risco para a saúde pública.(AU)
Staphylococcus , Infecção Hospitalar , Resistência a Meticilina , Enterococcus faecalis , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Multiplex , Anti-Infecciosos , Antibacterianos , beta-Lactamases , Hospitais VeterináriosResumo
Abstract Toxoplasmosis occurs worldwide causing economic losses to the animal production and problems to the public health. The study aimed to detect Toxoplasma gondii and Sarcocystis 141 meat products from commercial meat cuts of pork, beef, and kibbeh sold in commercial markets from Botucatu, SP, Brazil. Samples were bioassayed in mice to isolate the parasite, and the parasite DNA detected by PCR targeting the 529 base pairs repeat element region (PCR-529-bp). All samples resulted negative on bioassay, whereas PCR positive for 9 (6,38%), distributed as 5/48 beef, 3/49 pork, and 1/44 kibbeh. PCR-positive were investigated for the the parasite genotype using multiplex-, nested-, and RFLP-PCR for 11 markers (SAG1, 5'-3'SAG2, alt.SAG2, SAG3, B-TUB, GRA6, L358, c22-8, c29-6, PK1, Apico). Complete genotype was determined on just one PCR-positive sample that matched MAS, TgCkBr89 and TgCkBr147 isolates already identified. In addition, nested- and RFLP-PCR targeting 18S rRNA was run for all PCR-positive samples and, the products, sequenced and aligned to the GenBank at NCBI website. Four samples showed 100% homology with T. gondii (GenBank #L37415.1), three with Sarcocystis hominis (GenBank #AF006471.1), two Sarcocystis cruzi (GenBank #AF176934.1), and one Sarcocystis hirsuta (GenBank #AF006469.1), indicating the circulation of T. gondii and Sarcocystis spp.
Resumo A toxoplasmose está mundialmente distribuída e causa perdas na produção animal e problemas de saúde pública. Objetivou-se detectar Toxoplasma gondii e Sarcocystis spp. em 141 produtos cárneos de origem suína (49), bovina (48) e de quibe cru (44), comercializados em mercados de Botucatu, SP, Brazil. Realizou-se bioensaio das amostras em camundongos para isolamento do parasita, e detecção do DNA pela reação em cadeia pela polimerase, tendo como alvo a região do elemento repetitivo de 529 pares de bases (PCR-529-bp). Todas as amostras foram negativas ao bioensaio e 9 (6,38%) positivas à PCR, sendo 5/48 bovinas, 3/49 suínas e 1/44 quibe. Determinou-se a genotipagem das amostras positivas pela multiplex-, nested- e RFLP-PCR com 11 marcadores (SAG1, 5'-3'SAG2, alt.SAG2, SAG3, B-TUB, GRA6, L358, c22-8, c29-6, PK1, Apico). Obteve-se genótipo completo em uma amostra, semelhante a outros já identificados (MAS, TgCkBr89 e TgCkBr147). Nested- e RFLP-PCR do gene 18S rRNA das amostras positivas à PCR foram realizadas, e os produtos da nested-PCR, sequenciados e alinhados com dados do GenBank no NCBI. Quatro apresentaram 100% de homologia com T. gondii (L37415.1), duas Sarcocystis hominis (AF006471.1), duas Sarcocystis cruzi (AF176934.1), uma Sarcocystis hirsuta (AF006469.1), indicando a circulação de T. gondii e Sarcocystis spp.
Animais , Ratos , Doenças dos Roedores , Toxoplasma/genética , Toxoplasmose Animal , Sarcocystis/genética , Brasil , DNA de Protozoário/genética , Genótipo , CarneResumo
ABSTRACT: Contamination of the veterinary hospital environment with multiresistant pathogens endangers not only hospitalized animals, but also the workplace safety of veterinarians and nurses, animal guardians and, when in case of a teaching hospital, veterinary students. The objective of this study was to map the main points of bacterial contamination of a veterinary teaching hospital in Brazil to identify multiresistant microorganisms and their antimicrobial resistance genes. Samples were collected from 39 different locations of a veterinary school hospital which comprised a pool according to each hospital environment. In certain environments, more than one pool has been collected. All samples were collected in quadruplicates for the selective isolation of the main multiresistant microorganisms: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus (MRS), vancomycin resistant Enterococcus (VRE), cephalosporinases and/or extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Gram-negative bacteria (ESBL) and Carbapenemase-producing (CP). After isolation and identification of isolates, multiplex-PCR reactions were performed to detect the main genes for each microorganism and antimicrobial susceptibility tests with the main antibiotics used for each bacterial group according to CLSI. Of the 39 veterinary teaching hospital sites collected, all (100%) had at least one of the microorganisms surveyed, and 17.95% (n=7) of the sites were able to isolate the four pathogens. From the 94 pools collected, it was possible to isolate MRS in 81.91% (n=77), VRE in 12.77% (n=12), cephalosporinases and/or ESBL in 62.77% (n=59) and CP in 24.47%. (n=23). Regarding MRS, the mecA gene was detected in all isolates. All isolated VREs were identified as Enterococcus faecalis and presented the vanA gene. Regarding cephalosporinases and/or ESBL, 89.83% (n=53) of the isolates presented the blaTEM gene, 57.63% (n=34) the blaOXA-1 gene, 37.29% (n=22) blaCTX-M gene from some group (1, 2, 9 ou 8/25) and 20.34% (n=12) the blaSHV gene. It was possible to identify the main microorganisms responsible for causing nosocomial infections in humans (VRE, MRS, ESBL and CP) in the veterinary hospital environment, suggesting a source of infection for professionals and students of veterinary medicine, placing a high risk for public health.
RESUMO: A contaminação do ambiente hospitalar veterinário com patógenos multirresistentes coloca em perigo não apenas os animais hospitalizados, mas também a segurança no local de trabalho de veterinários e enfermeiros, responsáveis por animais e, quando se tratar de um hospital de ensino, estudantes de veterinária. O objetivo deste estudo foi mapear os principais pontos de contaminação bacteriana de um hospital veterinário de ensino no Brasil, identificando microorganismos multirresistentes e seus genes de resistência antimicrobiana. As amostras foram coletadas em 39 locais diferentes de um hospital de escola veterinária, que compreendia um pool de acordo com o ambiente de cada hospital. Em certos ambientes, mais de um pool foi coletado. Todas as amostras foram coletadas em quadruplicados para o isolamento seletivo dos principais microorganismos multirresistentes: Staphylococcus resistente à meticilina (MRS), Enterococcus resistente à vancomicina (VRE), bactérias Gram-negativas produtoras de cefalosporinases e/ou beta-lactamase de espectro estendido (ESBL) e produtoras de carbapenemase (PC). Após o isolamento e identificação dos isolados, foram realizadas reações de PCR multiplex para detectar os principais genes de cada microorganismo e testes de susceptibilidade a antimicrobianos com os principais antibióticos utilizados para cada grupo bacteriano de acordo com o CLSI. Dos 39 locais do VCH coletados, todos (100%) possuíam pelo menos um dos microrganismos pesquisados e 17,95% (n=7) dos locais foram capazes de isolar os quatro patógenos. Dos 94 pools coletados, foi possível isolar MRS em 81,91% (n=77), VRE em 12,77% (n=12), ESBL em 62,77% (n=59) e carbapenemases em 24,47% (n=23). Em relação ao MRS, o gene mecA foi detectado em todos os isolados. Todos os VREs isolados foram identificados como Enterococcus faecalis e apresentaram o gene vanA. Em relação às cefalosporinases e/ou ESBL, 89,83% (n=53) dos isolados apresentaram o gene blaTEM, 57,63% (n=34) o gene blaOXA-1, 37,29% (n=22) o gene blaCTX-M de algum grupo e 20,34% (n=12) o gene blaSHV. Foi possível identificar os principais microrganismos responsáveis por causar infecções nosocomiais em humanos (VRE, MRS, ESBL e CP) no ambiente hospitalar veterinário, sugerindo uma fonte de infecção para profissionais e estudantes de medicina veterinária, colocando alto risco para a saúde pública.
ABSTRACT: The early use of antimicrobial therapy has been introduced in many farms to prevent diarrhea and respiratory disease in young calves; however, there is controversy about whether this practice has a beneficial effect on the health of these animals. This study evaluated the influence of the early use of antimicrobials on the health and performance of neonatal Holstein calves. Twenty-six Holstein calves were screened and divided into two groups, according to the administration (ATB+), or not (ATB-) of tulathromycin (2.5mg/kg, subcutaneously) within the first 12 hours of life. Calves were evaluated by general clinical examination, fecal score, respiratory score, and external palpation of the umbilical region, besides fecal output of dry matter. Anemia was determined by using an automatic system and, also, using a commercial kit for iron dosage. Diarrhea was diagnosed by a centrifuge-flotation technique using a sugar solution (Cryptosporidium) and multiplex semi-nested RT-PCR (rotavirus/coronavirus). The performance of the calves was estimated by Daily Weight Gain (DWG). The young dairy calves were evaluated within 12 hours of birth (12h) and at 3-5th (D3-5), 7-9th (D7-9), 13-15th (D13-15), 20-23rd (D20-23), and 27-30th (D27-30) days of life. No difference was noted between the ATB+ and ATB- groups concerning heart rate, respiratory frequency, and rectal temperature. Erythrogram showed a higher frequency of anemia in ATB- group (P=0.016) at the D3-5 check-up; lower values of serum iron were also observed simultaneously (P=0.051). Thirteen cases of respiratory disease were detected during this study; however, no significant difference was observed between the groups in this regard. The frequency of diarrhea (fecal score 2-3) was high in both groups, peaking at D13-D15. No differences were noted between the groups regarding the frequency of diarrhea when considering the dry fecal matter. The predominant etiological agent for diarrhea was Cryptosporidium spp.. The DWG was similar between groups, with maximum weight reduction on D13-15. The administration of tulathromycin in prophylactic dose (2.5mg/kg) at birth decreased the frequency of anemia but did not influence weight gain or the prevalence of diarrhea.
RESUMO: O uso precoce de antimicrobianos tem sido adotado em muitas fazendas para profilaxia das diarreias e doença respiratória em bezerras, no entanto existem controvérsias sobre os beneficios desta prática na saúde desses animais. Esta pesquisa avaliou a influência do uso precoce de antimicrobiano na sanidade e desempenho de bezerras holandesas recém-nascidas. Para tanto foram selecionadas 26 bezerras Holandesas distribuídas de acordo com a aplicação (ATB+) ou não (ATB-) de tulatromicina (2,5mg/Kg) por via subcutânea até 12h de vida. As bezerras foram examinadas por meio de exame clínico geral, escore fecal, escore respiratório e palpação externa da região umbilical, além da matéria seca fecal. A presença de anemias foi determinada pelo eritrograma utilizando sistema automático e além da dosagem de ferro utilizando kit comercial. O diagnóstico etiológico das diarreias foi investigado por meio da técnica de flutuação em solução saturada de sacarose (Cryptosporidium) e multiplex semi-nested RT-PCR (rotavírus/coronavírus). O desempenho das bezerras foi estimado pelo ganho de peso. As bezerras foram avaliadas até doze horas após o nascimento (12h); 3-5º (D3-5); 7-9º (D7-9); 13-15º (D13-15); 20-23º (D20-23); e 27-30º dias de vida (D27-30). Não foram encontradas diferenças entre os grupos ATB+ e ATB- em relação à frequência cardíaca, frequência respiratória e temperatura retal. O eritrograma revelou maior frequência de anemias no grupo ATB- (P=0,016) no D3-5. Neste momento também foram observados menores valores de ferro sérico (P=0,051). Foram detectados treze casos de doença respiratória durante o estudo, no entanto não foi possível detectar diferença entre os grupos. A frequência de diarreias (escore fecal 2 e 3) foi alta em ambos os grupos, observando-se pico no D13-15 (ATB+=92,3%; ATB-=92,3%). Não observamos diferenças entre os grupos em relação a frequência de diarreia considerando-se a matéria seca fecal. O agente etiológico predominante nas diarreias foi o Cryptosporidium. O ganho de peso diário foi igual entre grupos, com intensa redução no GPD no D13-15. A administração de tulatromicina na dose profilática (2,5mg/Kg) ao nascimento diminuiu a frequência de anemias e não influenciou no ganho de peso e prevalência de diarreias.