Background: Serological evaluation performed by double agar gel immunodiffusion test (DID) is used for diagnosis, evaluation of severity, management of paracoccidioidomycosis patients, and development of new clinical studies. For these reasons, the Botucatu Medical School of UNESP maintains a serum bank at the Experimental Research Unit with patient clinical data. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of the freeze-thaw cycle and different blood matrices on the titration of circulating antibodies. Methods: The study included 207 patients with confirmed (etiology-demonstrated) or probable (serology-demonstrated) paracoccidioidomycosis, and DID was performed with culture filtrate from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis B339 as antigen. First experiment: the antibody levels were determined in serum samples from 160 patients with the chronic form and 20 with the acute/subacute form, stored at 80o C for more than six months. Second experiment: titers of 81 samples of serum and plasma with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) or heparin, from 27 patients, were compared according to matrix and effect of storage at 20o C for up to six months. Differences of titers higher than one dilution were considered discordant. Results: First experiment: test and retest presented concordant results in serum stored for up to three years, and discordant titers in low incidence in storage for four to six years but high incidence when stored for more than six years, including conversion from reagent test to non-reagent retest. Second experiment: serum, plasma-EDTA and plasma-heparin samples showed concordant titers, presenting direct correlation, with no interference of storage for up to six months. Conclusions: Storage at 80o C for up to six years has no or little influence on the serum titers determined by DID, permitting its safe use in studies depending on this parameter. The concordant titrations in different blood matrices demonstrated that the plasma can be used for immunodiffusion test in paracoccidioidomycosis, with stability for at least six months after storage at 20o C.(AU)
Imunodifusão , Ácido Edético/análise , Plasma , Testes Sorológicos/métodosResumo
The lungs have great importance in patients with paracoccidioidomycosis since they are the portal of entry for the infecting fungi, the site of quiescent foci, and one of the most frequently affected organs. Although they have been the subject of many studies with different approaches, the severity classification of the pulmonary involvement, using imaging procedures, has not been carried out yet. This study aimed to classify the active and the residual pulmonary damage using radiographic and tomographic evaluations, according to the area involved and types of lesions.
Humanos , Paracoccidioidomicose/diagnóstico por imagem , Índice de Gravidade de Doença , Pulmão/microbiologia , Pneumopatias/microbiologia , Radiografia Torácica , TomografiaResumo
The standardization and validation of a multiplex assay requires the combination of important parameters such as sensitivity and specificity, acceptable levels of performance, robustness, and reproducibility. We standardized a multiparametric Dot-blot aimed at the serological screening of paracoccidioidomycosis, histoplasmosis, and aspergillosis. A total of 148 serum were evaluated: 10 from healthy subjects, 36 from patients with paracoccidioidomycosis, 62 from patients with histoplasmosis, and 40 from patients with aspergillosis. It was found that the multiparametric Dot-blot showed a high percentage of cross-reactivity. However, when evaluated individually, in the serological screening of histoplasmosis, a good performance was observed when compared to the double immunodiffusion assay, considered the gold standard test, with 100% co-positivity and 83.3% co-negativity. The performance of serological screening for aspergillosis was not satisfactory when compared to double immunodiffusion, showing 71.4% co-positivity and 100% co-negativity. The evaluation of the stability of nitrocellulose membranes showed that membranes sensitized with H. capsulatum antigen remained stable for 90 days and those sensitized with A. fumigatus antigen for 30 days. We conclude that the use of crude antigens was not suitable for the standardization of the multiparametric Dot-blot assay, due to the high cross-reactivity, and that further tests should be performed with purified proteins (AU).
A padronização e validação de um ensaio multiplex requer a combinação de parâmetros importantes, como sensibilidade e especificidade, níveis aceitáveis de desempenho, robustez e reprodutibilidade. Este trabalho padronizou um Dot-blot multiparamétrico visando a triagem sorológica da paracoccidioidomicose, histoplasmose e aspergilose. Foram avaliadas 148 amostras de soro: 10 de indivíduos saudáveis, 36 de pacientes com paracoccidioidomicose, 62 de pacientes com histoplasmose e 40 de pacientes com aspergilose. Verificou-se que o Dot-blot multiparamétrico apresentou elevado percentual de reatividade cruzada. Entretanto, quando avaliado individualmente, na triagem sorológica da histoplasmose observou-se bom desempenho quando comparado ao ensaio de imunodifusão dupla, considerado o teste padrão ouro, com 100% de co-positividade e 83,3% de co-negatividade. O desempenho da triagem sorológica da aspergilose não foi satisfatório quando comparado a imunodifusão dupla, apresentando 71,4% de co-positividade e 100% de co-negatividade. A avaliação da estabilidade das membranas de nitrocelulose mostrou que membranas sensibilizadas com antígeno de H. capsulatum permaneceram estáveis por 90 dias e as sensibilizadas com antígeno de A. fumigatus, por 30 dias. Concluímos que o uso de antígenos brutos não foi adequado para a padronização do ensaio de Dot-blot multiparamétrico, devido ao alto índice de reatividade cruzada, e que novos testes devem ser realizados com proteínas purificadas (AU).
Paracoccidioidomicose , Aspergilose , Padrões de Referência , Testes Imunológicos , Saúde Pública , Metodologia como Assunto , Histoplasmose , Micoses/diagnósticoResumo
Endemic systemic mycoses remain a health challenge, since these opportunistic diseases are increasingly infecting immunosuppressed patients. The simultaneous use of antifungal compounds and other drugs to treat infectious or non-infectious diseases has led to several interactions and undesirable effects. Thus, new antifungal compounds should be investigated. The present study aimed to evaluate the activity of liriodenine extracted from Annona macroprophyllata on agents of systemic mycoses, with emphasis on the genus Paracoccidioides. Methods: The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicide concentration (MFC) were determined by the microdilution method. The cellular alterations caused by liriodenine on a standard P. brasiliensis (Pb18) strain were evaluated by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Results: Liriodenine was effective only in 3 of the 8 strains of the genus Paracoccidioides and in the Histoplasma capsulatum strain, in a very low concentration (MIC of 1.95 µg.mL-1); on yeasts of Candida spp. (MIC of 125 to 250 µg.mL-1), including C. krusei (250 µg.mL-1), which has intrinsic resistance to fluconazole; and in Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii (MIC of 62.5 µg.mL-1). However, liriodenine was not effective against Aspergillus fumigatus at the studied concentrations. Liriodenine exhibited fungicidal activity against all standard strains and clinical isolates that showed to be susceptible by in vitro tests. Electron microscopy revealed cytoplasmic alterations and damage to the cell wall of P. brasiliensis (Pb18). Conclusion: Our results indicate that liriodenine is a promising fungicidal compound that should undergo further investigation with some chemical modifications.(AU)
Paracoccidioides , Microscopia Eletrônica , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Cryptococcus neoformans , Cryptococcus gattii , Micoses , Antifúngicos/isolamento & purificaçãoResumo
The present study was carried out aiming to evaluate the impact of laryngeal sequelae on the quality of life of treated paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) patients. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Otorhinolaryngology Outpatient Clinic of the University Hospital, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Thirty-two PCM patients considered clinically and immunologically cured were included: 16 with laryngeal involvement during the active phase of the disease (laryngeal PCM group) and 16 without laryngeal involvement (control group). They were submitted to structured interview, otorhinolaryngology examination, videolaryngoscopy, videoendoscopic swallowing study, completed two questionnaires for voice self-assessment - Voice-related Quality of Life (V-RQOL) and Voice Handicap Index (VHI) - and were asked to score their voices on a scale from zero to 10 (self-assessment of vocal quality). Results: Dysphonia was present in 50% of the cases. Patients with laryngeal PCM presented worse voice-related quality of life scores on the V-RQOL and poorer vocal quality self-assessment than the control group. No significant differences in the VHI were found between the groups. None of the participants developed dysphagic sequelae, although some minor changes were observed on videoendoscopic examination. Conclusion: There were no dysphagia complaints and only a few mild changes were found on the fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing, suggesting that this evaluation should be performed only in specific cases. Patients with laryngeal involvement presented worse V-RQOL and self-assessment voice quality. This study contributes to the current knowledge of the functional assessment of the larynx affected by PCM and the impact of dysphonia on quality of life.(AU)
Otolaringologia , Paracoccidioidomicose , Qualidade da Voz , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Laringe , Transtornos de DeglutiçãoResumo
The present study was carried out aiming to evaluate the impact of laryngeal sequelae on the quality of life of treated paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) patients. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Otorhinolaryngology Outpatient Clinic of the University Hospital, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Thirty-two PCM patients considered clinically and immunologically cured were included: 16 with laryngeal involvement during the active phase of the disease (laryngeal PCM group) and 16 without laryngeal involvement (control group). They were submitted to structured interview, otorhinolaryngology examination, videolaryngoscopy, videoendoscopic swallowing study, completed two questionnaires for voice self-assessment - Voice-related Quality of Life (V-RQOL) and Voice Handicap Index (VHI) - and were asked to score their voices on a scale from zero to 10 (self-assessment of vocal quality). Results: Dysphonia was present in 50% of the cases. Patients with laryngeal PCM presented worse voice-related quality of life scores on the V-RQOL and poorer vocal quality self-assessment than the control group. No significant differences in the VHI were found between the groups. None of the participants developed dysphagic sequelae, although some minor changes were observed on videoendoscopic examination. Conclusion: There were no dysphagia complaints and only a few mild changes were found on the fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing, suggesting that this evaluation should be performed only in specific cases. Patients with laryngeal involvement presented worse V-RQOL and self-assessment voice quality. This study contributes to the current knowledge of the functional assessment of the larynx affected by PCM and the impact of dysphonia on quality of life.(AU)
Humanos , Laringe/anormalidades , Distúrbios da Voz , Paracoccidioidomicose , Mucosa Laríngea/microbiologia , Qualidade de VidaResumo
Endemic systemic mycoses remain a health challenge, since these opportunistic diseases are increasingly infecting immunosuppressed patients. The simultaneous use of antifungal compounds and other drugs to treat infectious or non-infectious diseases has led to several interactions and undesirable effects. Thus, new antifungal compounds should be investigated. The present study aimed to evaluate the activity of liriodenine extracted from Annona macroprophyllata on agents of systemic mycoses, with emphasis on the genus Paracoccidioides. Methods: The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicide concentration (MFC) were determined by the microdilution method. The cellular alterations caused by liriodenine on a standard P. brasiliensis (Pb18) strain were evaluated by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Results: Liriodenine was effective only in 3 of the 8 strains of the genus Paracoccidioides and in the Histoplasma capsulatum strain, in a very low concentration (MIC of 1.95 µg.mL-1); on yeasts of Candida spp. (MIC of 125 to 250 µg.mL-1), including C. krusei (250 µg.mL-1), which has intrinsic resistance to fluconazole; and in Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii (MIC of 62.5 µg.mL-1). However, liriodenine was not effective against Aspergillus fumigatus at the studied concentrations. Liriodenine exhibited fungicidal activity against all standard strains and clinical isolates that showed to be susceptible by in vitro tests. Electron microscopy revealed cytoplasmic alterations and damage to the cell wall of P. brasiliensis (Pb18). Conclusion: Our results indicate that liriodenine is a promising fungicidal compound that should undergo further investigation with some chemical modifications.(AU)
Antifúngicos/análise , Compostos Fitoquímicos/análise , Compostos Fitoquímicos/química , Micoses/diagnóstico , Micoses/microbiologia , Anti-Infecciosos , ParacoccidioidesResumo
Oitenta porcento dos casos de paracoccidioidomicose (PMC) ocorrem no Brasil. As regiões brasileiras com maior número de casos são: sul, sudeste e centro-oeste, sendo emergente no norte e nordeste. A imunodifusão dupla em gel de agarose assume grande importância no diagnóstico, por permitir o monitoramento da doença e por oferecer subsídios para levantamentos soroepidemiológicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de avaliar e caracterizar os pacientes atendidos no Laboratório de Imunodiagnóstico das Micoses do Instituto Adolfo Lutz de São Paulo, em 2016. Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo realizado utilizando-se dados secundários e avaliando-se as seguintes informações: idade, sexo, procedência do pedido médico, resultado e histórico sorológico dos pacientes. Dos 1.408 pacientes, 12,8% apresentaram reatividade sorológica para Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Destes, 42,5% não possuiam histórico sorológico, sendo considerados como casos novos da doença. A classificação dos pacientes reagentes por gênero demonstrou que 83,4% eram do sexo masculino, com razão de masculinidade de 5:1. A faixa etária variou de um (1) a 92 anos, e aproximadamente 40% dos pacientes eram da faixa etária de 41 a 60 anos. Este estudo demonstra e reforça a importância da implementação dos estudos soroepidemiológicos como ferramenta auxiliar para nortear as ações de vigilância e políticas em saúde na PCM.
Eighty percent of paracoccidioidomycosis (PMC) cases occur in Brazil. The highest numbers occur in south, southeast and center-west region, being emergent in the north and northeast areas. The double immunodiffusion in agarose gel is valuable for its diagnosis, as it allows the monitoring of the disease and offers subsidies for the seroepidemiological surveys. This study evaluated and characterized the patients attended in 2016 at the Mycoses Immunodiagnosis Laboratory of Adolfo Lutz Institute of São Paulo. This retrospective study, based on the secondary data, evaluated the information: age, sex, medical request origin, result and serological history of the patients. Of 1,408 patients, 12.8% presented positive serological reactivity for Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Of them, 42.5% had no serological history and they were considered as new cases. The classification of reactive patients by gender showed that 83.4% were males, being the masculinity ratio of 5:1. The age range was one (1) to 92 years old, and ±40% of the patients were of age ranging from 41-60 years old. This study reinforces the importance of the implementation of the seroepidemiological studies as to guide the surveillance actions and the public health politics in PCM.
Humanos , Paracoccidioides/isolamento & purificação , Paracoccidioidomicose/diagnóstico , Paracoccidioidomicose/sangue , Sorotipagem , Brasil , Imunodifusão , Testes ImunológicosResumo
Oitenta porcento dos casos de paracoccidioidomicose (PMC) ocorrem no Brasil. As regiões brasileiras com maior número de casos são: sul, sudeste e centro-oeste, sendo emergente no norte e nordeste. A imunodifusão dupla em gel de agarose assume grande importância no diagnóstico, por permitir o monitoramento da doença e por oferecer subsídios para levantamentos soroepidemiológicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de avaliar e caracterizar os pacientes atendidos no Laboratório de Imunodiagnóstico das Micoses do Instituto Adolfo Lutz de São Paulo, em 2016. Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo realizado utilizando-se dados secundários e avaliando-se as seguintes informações: idade, sexo, procedência do pedido médico, resultado e histórico sorológico dos pacientes. Dos 1.408 pacientes, 12,8% apresentaram reatividade sorológica para Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Destes, 42,5% não possuiam histórico sorológico, sendo considerados como casos novos da doença. A classificação dos pacientes reagentes por gênero demonstrou que 83,4% eram do sexo masculino, com razão de masculinidade de 5:1. A faixa etária variou de um (1) a 92 anos, e aproximadamente 40% dos pacientes eram da faixa etária de 41 a 60 anos. Este estudo demonstra e reforça a importância da implementação dos estudos soroepidemiológicos como ferramenta auxiliar para nortear as ações de vigilância e políticas em saúde na PCM. (AU)
Eighty percent of paracoccidioidomycosis (PMC) cases occur in Brazil. The highest numbers occur in south, southeast and center-west region, being emergent in the north and northeast areas. The double immunodiffusion in agarose gel is valuable for its diagnosis, as it allows the monitoring of the disease and offers subsidies for the seroepidemiological surveys. This study evaluated and characterized the patients attended in 2016 at the Mycoses Immunodiagnosis Laboratory of Adolfo Lutz Institute of São Paulo. This retrospective study, based on the secondary data, evaluated the information: age, sex, medical request origin, result and serological history of the patients. Of 1,408 patients, 12.8% presented positive serological reactivity for Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Of them, 42.5% had no serological history and they were considered as new cases. The classification of reactive patients by gender showed that 83.4% were males, being the masculinity ratio of 5:1. The age range was one (1) to 92 years old, and ±40% of the patients were of age ranging from 41-60 years old. This study reinforces the importance of the implementation of the seroepidemiological studies as to guide the surveillance actions and the public health politics in PCM.(AU)
Humanos , Paracoccidioidomicose/sangue , Paracoccidioidomicose/diagnóstico , Paracoccidioides/isolamento & purificação , Sorotipagem , Testes Imunológicos , Imunodifusão , BrasilResumo
Background Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a neglected systemic mycosis caused by a dimorphic fungus of the Paracoccidioides genus. The standard diagnosis is based on isolation of the fungi in culture, and by microscopic visualization of characteristic multiple budding yeast cells in biological samples. However, in some situations, access to the site of injury prevents the collection of biological material. A variety of immuno-serological techniques has proven useful for allowing inferring diagnosis with a certain degree of certainty, thus optimizing time. The aim of this study was to standardize and validate the Dot-ELISA (DE) assay, comparing it with the serological standard, double immunodiffusion (DI). Methods In order to standardize the DE assay, 143 serum samples were used. Out of those, 23 were from apparently healthy patients, 77 were from patients with confirmed PCM and 43 were from patients with other lung infections (tuberculosis, aspergillosis and histoplasmosis). To validate the DE technique, 300 serum samples from patients with PCM clinical suspicion (probable and possible cases) were employed, and these results were compared with those of DI. Results The DE assay showed sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 95.4%, positive predictive value of 96%, negative predictive value of 98.2%, accuracy of 93%, and great precision (k = 0.93). In addition, the nitrocellulose membranes have proved to be viable for using at least 90 days after P. brasiliensis B-339 antigen sensitization. Conclusion Dot-ELISA method was found to be an extremely promising tool as serologic screening technique, because of its high sensitivity. Furthermore, Dot-ELISA shows the prospect of being transferred to laboratories of mycoserology including those with fewer resources or even to be used directly in the field. It has an excellent shelf life - membranes coated with antigen can be used for testing without changes in the pattern of reactivity among laboratories - and presents reliable values of sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, accuracy and a high correlation with the serological standard methodology. Based on the present findings, it possible to state that this technique constitutes a remarkable option to be used in routine diagnosis for public health centers.(AU)
Paracoccidioides , Paracoccidioidomicose , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Padrões de ReferênciaResumo
Background Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a neglected systemic mycosis caused by a dimorphic fungus of the Paracoccidioides genus. The standard diagnosis is based on isolation of the fungi in culture, and by microscopic visualization of characteristic multiple budding yeast cells in biological samples. However, in some situations, access to the site of injury prevents the collection of biological material. A variety of immuno-serological techniques has proven useful for allowing inferring diagnosis with a certain degree of certainty, thus optimizing time. The aim of this study was to standardize and validate the Dot-ELISA (DE) assay, comparing it with the serological standard, double immunodiffusion (DI). Methods In order to standardize the DE assay, 143 serum samples were used. Out of those, 23 were from apparently healthy patients, 77 were from patients with confirmed PCM and 43 were from patients with other lung infections (tuberculosis, aspergillosis and histoplasmosis). To validate the DE technique, 300 serum samples from patients with PCM clinical suspicion (probable and possible cases) were employed, and these results were compared with those of DI. Results The DE assay showed sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 95.4%, positive predictive value of 96%, negative predictive value of 98.2%, accuracy of 93%, and great precision (k = 0.93). In addition, the nitrocellulose membranes have proved to be viable for using at least 90 days after P. brasiliensis B-339 antigen sensitization. Conclusion Dot-ELISA method was found to be an extremely promising tool as serologic screening technique, because of its high sensitivity. Furthermore, Dot-ELISA shows the prospect of being transferred to laboratories of mycoserology including those with fewer resources or even to be used directly in the field. It has an excellent shelf life - membranes coated with antigen can be used for testing without changes in the pattern of reactivity among laboratories - and presents reliable values of sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, accuracy and a high correlation with the serological standard methodology. Based on the present findings, it possible to state that this technique constitutes a remarkable option to be used in routine diagnosis for public health centers.(AU)
Paracoccidioides , Paracoccidioidomicose , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Padrões de ReferênciaResumo
The immunoblotting reaction for performing the paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) immunodiagnosis is an in-house methodology; and being a laborious task involving two previous steps, SDS-PAGE and Western blot, we evaluated the shelf life of nitrocellulose membranes containing the immobilized P. brasiliensis antigens, stored at -20 o C for 7, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90 days. Twenty-eight serum samples were analyzed on two nitrocellulose membranes groups: (a) membranes previously blocked with PBS-5 % non-fat dry milk and (b) the priory non-blocked membranes. No difference was detected in the reactivity pattern in serum samples evaluated in the both membrane groups, especially for those stored for 7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days. It might be emphasized that a good stability of P. brasiliensis antigens, immobilized on the nitrocellulose membranes, enable them to be stored up to 60 days at -20 o C. This finding contributes to the rapid diagnosis of PCM, and for sending them to other laboratories without adequate infrastructure for carrying out the steps that precede the immunodetection as the antigen production, SDS-PAGE and Western blot techniques. This scheme contributes substantially to improve the quality of PCM serodiagnosis, as it provides reproducible results in the units of the Laboratory Network.(AU)
Considerando-se que o immunoblotting para o imunodiagnóstico da paracoccidioidomicose (PCM) é uma metodologia in house e laboriosa envolvendo duas etapas iniciais, SDS-PAGE e Western blot, neste estudo foi avaliado o tempo de prateleira das membranas de nitrocelulose sensibilizadas com antígeno de P. brasiliensis, armazenadas a -20 o C durante 7, 15, 30, 45, 60 e 90 dias. Vinte e oito amostras de soro foram analisadas em dois grupos de membranas de nitrocelulose (membranas previamente bloqueadas com PBS-leite 5 % e as não-bloqueadas). Não houve diferença no padrão de reatividade quando os soros foram avaliados frente a ambos os grupos, especialmente para membranas armazenadas por 7, 15, 30, 45 e 60 dias. A boa estabilidade do antígeno utilizado para sensibilizar as membranas fez com que estas pudessem ser armazenadas a -20 C até 60 dias. Estas características contribuem para efetuar o diagnóstico rápido da PCM, bem como as perspectivas dessas membranas sensibilizadas serem encaminhadas para os laboratórios, que não possuam infraestrutura necessária para executar as etapas que antecedem a realização de immunoblotting, como a produção de antígeno, as técnicas de SDS PAGE e Western blot. Este procedimento contribui substancialmente para melhorar o diagnóstico sorológico da PCM, pois poderá fornecer resultados reprodutíveis nas unidades componentes da Rede de Laboratórios.(AU)
Paracoccidioidomicose/diagnóstico , Prazo de Validade de Produtos , Colódio , Antígenos , Paracoccidioides , Immunoblotting , Testes SorológicosResumo
Abstract Background Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a neglected systemic mycosis caused by a dimorphic fungus of the Paracoccidioides genus. The standard diagnosis is based on isolation of the fungi in culture, and by microscopic visualization of characteristic multiple budding yeast cells in biological samples. However, in some situations, access to the site of injury prevents the collection of biological material. A variety of immuno-serological techniques has proven useful for allowing inferring diagnosis with a certain degree of certainty, thus optimizing time. The aim of this study was to standardize and validate the Dot-ELISA (DE) assay, comparing it with the serological standard, double immunodiffusion (DI). Methods In order to standardize the DE assay, 143 serum samples were used. Out of those, 23 were from apparently healthy patients, 77 were from patients with confirmed PCM and 43 were from patients with other lung infections (tuberculosis, aspergillosis and histoplasmosis). To validate the DE technique, 300 serum samples from patients with PCM clinical suspicion (probable and possible cases) were employed, and these results were compared with those of DI. Results The DE assay showed sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 95.4%, positive predictive value of 96%, negative predictive value of 98.2%, accuracy of 93%, and great precision (k = 0.93). In addition, the nitrocellulose membranes have proved to be viable for using at least 90 days after P. brasiliensis B-339 antigen sensitization. Conclusion Dot-ELISA method was found to be an extremely promising tool as serologic screening technique, because of its high sensitivity. Furthermore, Dot-ELISA shows the prospect of being transferred to laboratories of mycoserology including those with fewer resources or even to be used directly in the field. It has an excellent shelf life membranes coated with antigen can be used for testing without changes in the pattern of reactivity among laboratories and presents reliable values of sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, accuracy and a high correlation with the serological standard methodology. Based on the present findings, it possible to state that this technique constitutes a remarkable option to be used in routine diagnosis for public health centers.
Background: Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a neglected systemic mycosis caused by a dimorphic fungus of the Paracoccidioides genus. The standard diagnosis is based on isolation of the fungi in culture, and by microscopic visualization of characteristic multiple budding yeast cells in biological samples. However, in some situations, access to the site of injury prevents the collection of biological material. A variety of immuno-serological techniques has proven useful for allowing inferring diagnosis with a certain degree of certainty, thus optimizing time. The aim of this study was to standardize and validate the Dot-ELISA (DE) assay, comparing it with the serological standard, double immunodiffusion (DI). Methods: In order to standardize the DE assay, 143 serum samples were used. Out of those, 23 were from apparently healthy patients, 77 were from patients with confirmed PCM and 43 were from patients with other lung infections (tuberculosis, aspergillosis and histoplasmosis). To validate the DE technique, 300 serum samples from patients with PCM clinical suspicion (probable and possible cases) were employed, and these results were compared with those of DI. Results: The DE assay showed sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 95.4%, positive predictive value of 96%, negative predictive value of 98.2%, accuracy of 93%, and great precision (k = 0.93). In addition, the nitrocellulose membranes have proved to be viable for using at least 90 days after P. brasiliensis B-339 antigen sensitization. Conclusion: Dot-ELISA method was found to be an extremely promising tool as serologic screening technique, because of its high sensitivity. Furthermore, Dot-ELISA shows the prospect of being transferred to laboratories of mycoserology including those with fewer resources or even to be used directly in the field. It has an excellent shelf life membranes coated with antigen can be used for testing without changes in the pattern of reactivity among laboratories and presents reliable values of sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, accuracy and a high correlation with the serological standard methodology. Based on the present findings, it possible to state that this technique constitutes a remarkable option to be used in routine diagnosis for public health centers.(AU)
Animais , Serpentes , Fosfolipases A2 , Inibidores de Fosfolipase A2 , Anticorpos MonoclonaisResumo
Background: Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a neglected systemic mycosis caused by a dimorphic fungus of the Paracoccidioides genus. The standard diagnosis is based on isolation of the fungi in culture, and by microscopic visualization of characteristic multiple budding yeast cells in biological samples. However, in some situations, access to the site of injury prevents the collection of biological material. A variety of immuno-serological techniques has proven useful for allowing inferring diagnosis with a certain degree of certainty, thus optimizing time. The aim of this study was to standardize and validate the Dot-ELISA (DE) assay, comparing it with the serological standard, double immunodiffusion (DI). Methods: In order to standardize the DE assay, 143 serum samples were used. Out of those, 23 were from apparently healthy patients, 77 were from patients with confirmed PCM and 43 were from patients with other lung infections (tuberculosis, aspergillosis and histoplasmosis). To validate the DE technique, 300 serum samples from patients with PCM clinical suspicion (probable and possible cases) were employed, and these results were compared with those of DI. Results: The DE assay showed sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 95.4%, positive predictive value of 96%, negative predictive value of 98.2%, accuracy of 93%, and great precision (k = 0.93). In addition, the nitrocellulose membranes have proved to be viable for using at least 90 days after P. brasiliensis B-339 antigen sensitization. Conclusion: Dot-ELISA method was found to be an extremely promising tool as serologic screening technique, because of its high sensitivity. Furthermore, Dot-ELISA shows the prospect of being transferred to laboratories of mycoserology including those with fewer resources or even to be used directly in the field. It has an excellent shelf life membranes coated with antigen can be used for testing without changes in the pattern of reactivity among laboratories and presents reliable values of sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, accuracy and a high correlation with the serological standard methodology. Based on the present findings, it possible to state that this technique constitutes a remarkable option to be used in routine diagnosis for public health centers.(AU)
Animais , Serpentes , Fosfolipases A2 , Inibidores de Fosfolipase A2 , Anticorpos MonoclonaisResumo
A paracoccidioidomicose é uma enfermidade causada pelo fungo termodimórfico Paracoccidioides brasilienses. Caracteriza-se por uma inflamação granulomatosa que acomete principalmente o pulmão e o tratamento consiste no uso prolongado de antifúngicos por via oral ou intravenosa, que causam muitos efeitos colaterais. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o número e área dos granulomas nos pulmões de camundongos Swiss experimentalmente infectados com Paracoccidioides brasiliensis e tratados com nanopartículas de itraconazol por via inalatória, como um dos quesitos de avaliação da eficácia deste tratamento. Foram utilizados 28 camundongos, Swiss, entre 8 a 12 semanas de idade. Os animais foram aclimatados às condições do laboratório durante duas semanas antes do início do experimento. Para o procedimento de infecção, os animais foram anestesiados por via intraperitoneal com Cetamina 120 mg/kg e Xilazina 8 mg/kg e, em seguida infectados com 50 L do inóculo contendo 5 x 106 células/mL de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Em seguida, foram distribuídos em quatro grupos: Grupo 1 não infectados e não tratados, Grupo 2- infectados e não tratados, Grupo 3 infectados e tratados por via oral e Grupo 4 infectados e tratados por via inalatória. Para avaliar os efeitos da terapia proposta, realizou-se análise histopatológica do tecido pulmonar, para determinar a quantidade e área dos granulomas. O número de granulomas no tecido pulmonar dos animais infectados e tratados com itraconazol por via inalatória mostrou uma redução significativa (P < 0,05) em relação aos demais grupos. Em relação a área desses granulomas, não houve diferença estatística significativa entre os grupos. A administração por via inalatória de nanopartículas de itraconazol é uma proposta terapêutica promissora para o tratamento da paracoccidioidomicose.
Paracoccidioidomycosis is a disease caused by the thermodimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasilienses. It is characterized by a granulomatous inflammation that mainly affects the lung and the treatment consists of the prolonged use of oral or intravenous antifungal agents, which cause many side effects. This study aimed to evaluate the number and area of granulomas in the lungs of Swiss mice experimentally infected with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and treated with inhaled itraconazole nanoparticles, as one of the items to evaluate the effectiveness of this treatment. Twenty-eight Swiss mice between 8 and 12 weeks of age were used. The animals were acclimated to laboratory conditions for two weeks before the start of the experiment. For the infection procedure, the animals were anesthetized intraperitoneally with Ketamine 120 mg/kg and Xylazine 8 mg/kg and then infected with 50 L of the inoculum containing 5 x 106 cells/mL of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. They were then divided into four groups: Group 1 uninfected and untreated, Group 2- infected and untreated, Group 3 infected and treated orally, and Group 4 infected and treated by inhalation. To assess the effects of the proposed therapy, a histopathological analysis of the lung tissue was performed to determine the quantity and area of granulomas. The number of granulomas in the lung tissue of animals infected and treated with itraconazole by inhalation showed a significant reduction (P < 0.05) in relation to the other groups. Regarding the area of these granulomas, there was no statistically significant difference between the groups. The inhaled administration of itraconazole nanoparticles is a promising therapeutic proposal for the treatment of paracoccidioidomycosis.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is the etiological agent of the major systemic mycosis in Brazil, called paracoccidioidomycosis. Although the Rio Grande do Sul is considered an endemic area of the disease, there are few studies on the ecology of P. brasiliensis in the state. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the infection of P. brasiliensis in horses from the mesoregion of Southwest Riograndense, using these animals as sentinels. Serological techniques, such as double immunodiffusion in agar gel (AGID) and indirect ELISA, were performed to detect the anti-gp43 P. brasiliensis antibody in horses from five different farms in the region of Bagé, RS, Brazil. Serology was performed in 200 Pure Blood English horses up to two years of age that were born and raised exclusively at the farms. Of these horses, 12% had anti-gp43 antibodies according to the ELISA results, with rates ranging from 0 to 30% according to the farm of origin (p < 0.001). Based on the immunodiffusion results, all equine serum samples were negative. These results indicate the presence of the fungus P. brasiliensis in the middle region of the southwestern state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.(AU)
Animais , Anticorpos Antifúngicos/sangue , Doenças dos Cavalos/epidemiologia , Paracoccidioides/imunologia , Paracoccidioidomicose/veterinária , Brasil/epidemiologia , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Doenças dos Cavalos/microbiologia , Cavalos , Paracoccidioidomicose/epidemiologia , Paracoccidioidomicose/microbiologia , Estudos SoroepidemiológicosResumo
Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic mycosis caused by the fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and is endemic to Brazil. The aim of this study was to perform a retrospective analysis of the PCM cases in the countryside south of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The files from four histopathology laboratories located in the city of Pelotas were obtained, and all of the epidemiological and clinical data from the PCM diagnosed cases were collected for analysis. A total of 123 PCM cases diagnosed between 1966 and 2009 were selected. Of these patients, 104 (84.5%) were male, and 17 were female. The patients ranged from 02 to 92 years of age. Fifty-two cases (41.9%) were obtained from the oral pathology laboratory, and the remaining 71 cases (58.1%) were obtained from the three general pathology laboratories. Of all of the patients studied, 65.2% lived in rural zones and worked in agriculture or other related fields. Data on the evolution of this disease was available for 43 cases, and the time frame ranged from 20 to 2920 days (mean = 572.3 days). An accurate diagnosis performed in less than 30 days only occurred in 21% of the cases. PCM is endemic to the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul. Therefore, it is recommended that PCM be included as a differential diagnosis, mainly for individuals between 30 and 60 years of age, living in rural zones and who have respiratory signs and associated-oropharyngeal lesions.(AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Paracoccidioides/isolamento & purificação , Paracoccidioidomicose/epidemiologia , Distribuição por Idade , Brasil/epidemiologia , Doenças Endêmicas , Histocitoquímica , Paracoccidioidomicose/patologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , População Rural , Distribuição por SexoResumo
This case reports an immunocompetent 29-year-old woman with suspected pneumonia, suggestive of fungal infection. Immunoblotting analysis reactivity against Histoplasma capsulatum and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis were observed. Nested-PCR in blood employing species-specific primers was positive for H. capsulatum and Cryptococcus neoformans. The evaluation of paucisymptomatic patients with positive results for H. capsulatum and C. neoformans could be relevant for the prevention as well as the possible evaluation of the reactivated quiescent foci. In conclusion, the associated methodology may have contributed to the monitoring endogenous reactivation of these diseases.(AU)
Animais , Diagnóstico , Alergia e Imunologia , Histoplasma , Infecções , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/instrumentaçãoResumo
This case reports an immunocompetent 29-year-old woman with suspected pneumonia, suggestive of fungal infection. Immunoblotting analysis reactivity against Histoplasma capsulatum and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis were observed. Nested-PCR in blood employing species-specific primers was positive for H. capsulatum and Cryptococcus neoformans. The evaluation of paucisymptomatic patients with positive results for H. capsulatum and C. neoformans could be relevant for the prevention as well as the possible evaluation of the reactivated quiescent foci. In conclusion, the associated methodology may have contributed to the monitoring endogenous reactivation of these diseases.